Chapter One NR&EC Materials
Chapter One NR&EC Materials
Chapter One NR&EC Materials
1.1.Basic Concepts
What is economics? is the social science that analyses the production, distribution, and
consumption of goods and services. It also deals with how scarce resources are allocated
What are Natural resources? They are naturally occurring substances that are considered
valuable in their relatively unmodified or natural form. Natural resources are capital assets
and are not provided by human activity. A commodity is generally considered a natural
resource when the primary activities associated with it are extraction and purification, as
opposed to creation. Thus, mining, petroleum extraction, fishing, hunting, and forestry are
What are Environmental resources? Environmental resources are any materials and service
from the environment that is valuable to society. This can refer to anything that people find
useful in their surroundings. Land, air, and water are environmental resources. Heat from the
sun, transportation and recreation in lakes, rivers, and oceans, a beautiful view, or the
value of vegetation in relation to soil and water resources; the functions of the vegetation as a
regulator of climate and of the composition of the atmosphere; water and soil conditions as
regulators of nutrient cycles, as influencing human health and as a long-term buffer against
Natural Resources and Environmental Economics
Natural Resources
(Environmental Resources)
Storable Resources
Examples of flow resource are solar radiation, and the power of the wind of
tides and of flowing water. Today‟s use has no implications for tomorrow‟s
availability (using more solar radiation today does not itself have any
May be divisible
Natural Resources and Environmental Economics
In the case of stock resources, the level of use today does have implications for
Renewable resources have the capacity to regenerate over time. If growth and use are
from natural disasters and events. Renewable resources are biotic, plant and animal
populations, and have the capacity to grow in size over time, through biological
Non-renewable resources are abiotic, stocks of minerals, and do not have that capacity
resources. This is because there is no positive constant rate of use and eventually the
resource stock must be exhausted. Relatively fixed stocks/fund within human use time
NB: Renewable resources become non- exhaustible if harvested for too long at a rate
1. Non-recyclable: (Examples: fossil-fuel energy resources (oil, natural gas, coal, peat,
Natural Resources and Environmental Economics
account not only of use at a point in time but also of the pattern of use over time.
Environmental resource stocks have rates of return associated with their deferred use. The
rates of return on environmental assets must be taken into account in trying to identify
is the study of how to best govern scarce natural resources, especially, those such
as air ground water, marine fishery that are common rather than private
resource markets
The sort of questions and problems to be studied in the area of natural resources economics
Natural Resources and Environmental Economics
What is environmental economics? Is the study of the impact of the goods and services
and ecological integrity? The sorts of questions and to be studied under environmental
economics are:
Economics of pollution, causes, targets and instruments for their control, and
environmental valuation.
conventional economics. In this model the environment seems have no place. And it
has been severely criticized by environmentalists for not sufficiently accounting the
NB: Natural Resource and Environmental Economics is the application of the principles
of economics to the study of how environmental and natural resources are developed and
Natural Resources Economics is concerned with the production and use of natural resources
both renewable and exhaustible. While, Environmental economics is concerned with the
impact of the economy on the environment, the significance of the environment to the
economy and the appropriate ways of regulating economic activities so that balance is
The emergence of natural resources and environmental economics as a distinct sub discipline
has been a relatively recent event. However, natural resources use and environmental issues
have been an area of concern for economists since the simultaneous birth of modern
economics and industrial society in the eighteen century.
Classical economists constitute the early economists from the classical economics school of
thought. Another dominant school of thought is the neoclassical economics. A discussion
concerning issues of environment by these schools of thoughts will be presented. The view of
the prominent economists from this school of thought will also be discussed.
A. Classical Economics (Adam Smith, Thomas Malthus, Davis Ricardo and John S.
The term classical refers to number of economists writing up in the eighteenth and nineteenth
centuries, a period during which the industrial revolution was taking place ( at least in much
of Europe and North America) and agricultural productivity was growing rapidly. Natural
resources and environmental issues were the major concerns of classical economists.
Particularly, the dependence of economic activities on natural environment was a central
concern of the classical economics.
Adam Smith (1723-1790)
Adam Smith was the first writer to systemize the argument for the importance of market in
allocating resources. His major work “An Enquiry in to the Nature and Causes of Wealth of
Nation (1776) consists of the famous statements of the role of the invisible hands. The belief
in the efficacy of the market mechanism still constitutes a fundamental organizing principle
Natural Resources and Environmental Economics
Natural Resources and Environmental Economics
source of amenity values (such as intrinsic beauty of countryside) that will become of
increasing relative importance as material conditions improve
B. Neoclassical Economics: The Marginal Theory and Value
A serious of major work published in the 1870s known as the “Neoclassical economics”
resulted in a change in the manner in which value was explained. Classical economics view
value as arising from the labour force embodied (directly or indirectly) in output; labor was
considered to be the source of value. Neoclassical economists explained value as being
determined in exchange reflecting preferences and costs of production. Moreover, the
technique of marginal analysis was adopted allowing earlier notions of diminishing returns in
terms of diminishing marginal productivity.
Natural Resources and Environmental Economics
producers obtain from using the cheaper fuel. When this happens there is inefficiency that
results from resource allocation choices though where there are no technical inefficiencies.
Society as a whole would obtain positive net benefits if the less polluting fuel were used.
Such inefficiencies will be pervasive in the use of natural and environmental resources in
pure market economies. A substantial part of environmental economics is concerned with
how economies might avoid inefficiencies in the allocation and use of natural and
environmental resources.
(2) Some overall objective that this society has that enables us to measure the extent to which
some resource use decision is desirable from that society‟s point of view.
A choice of a given resource use is socially optimal if it maximizes that objective given any
relevant constraints. The Definition of Efficiency in welfare economics owes much to the
economist-Vilifiredo Pareto. Therefore, an efficient local State is often known as Pareto
Efficiency and optimality are related because a resource allocation cannot be optimal unless it
is efficient. That is, efficiency is a necessary condition for optimality. If society squanders
opportunities, then it cannot be maximizing its objective. However, efficiency is not a
sufficient condition for optimality; in other words, even if a resource allocation is efficient, it
may not be socially optimal. This arises because there will almost always be a multiplicity of
Natural Resources and Environmental Economics
different efficient resource allocations, but only one of those will be „best‟ from a social point
of view.
He elaborated the partial equilibrium supply and demand analysis of price determination.
Moreover, an important early work in the analysis of the externalities and market failure is
found in Marshall‟s Principles of Economics (1890).
Early neoclassical economic analysis ignored the productive services that natural resources
offer. What is noticeable in the early neoclassical growth models is the absence of land or
natural resources from the production function used in such models. In other words, the
dependence of economic activity on the natural environment was a central concern of
classical economics but not for neoclassical economics. The introduction of natural resources
in to the neoclassical model of economic growth took place in the 1970s, when neoclassical
economists first systematically investigate efficient and optimal depletion of resources. The
models of efficient and optimal exploitation of natural resources and the theory of accounting
for the environment as it relates to the question of sustainability (involves taking care of
posterity) are based on the writing of those authors. This body of work and the developments
that have followed from it led to the development of natural resources economics.
Environmental economics is concerned with the impact of the economy on the environment,
the significance of the environment to the economy and the appropriate ways of regulating
economic activities so that balance is achieved among the environment, economics and other
social goals. Natural Resources Economics is concerned with the production and use of
natural resources both renewable and exhaustible. The modern sub-disciplines of natural
resource economics and environmental economics have largely distinct roots in the core of
modern mainstream economics. The former emerged mainly out of the neoclassical growth
economics, the latter out of the welfare economics and the study of market failure. Both can
be said to effectively date from the early 1970s, though of courses earlier contributions can be
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Natural Resources and Environmental Economics
identified. The two sub-disciplines are combined to make Natural Resources and
Environmental Economics.
A central idea in modern economics is that, given the necessary conditions, markets will
bring about efficiency in allocation. Well-defined and enforceable private property rights are
one of the necessary conditions. Because property rights do not exist, or are not clearly
defined, for many environmental resources, markets fail to allocate those resources
efficiently. In such circumstances, price signals fail to reflect true social costs and benefits,
and a prima facie case exists for government policy intervention to seek efficiency gains.
Some environmental problems cross the boundaries of nation states and are properly treated
as global problems. In such cases there is no global government with the authority to act on
the problem in the same way as the government of a nation state might be expected to deal
with a problem within its borders.
As just observed, many environmental resources – or the services yielded by those resources
– do not have well-defined property rights. Clean air is one example of such a resource. Such
resources are used, but without being traded through markets, and so will not have market
prices. A special case of this general situation is external effects, or externalities. An
externality exists where a consumption or production activity has unintended effects on
others for which no compensation is paid. Here, the external effect is an untraded – and
unpriced – product arising because the victim has no property rights that can be exploited to
obtain compensation for the external effect. Sulphur emissions from a coal-burning power
station might be an example of this kind of effect. However, the absence of a price for a
resource or an external effect does not mean that it has no value. Clearly, if well-being is
affected, there is a value that is either positive or negative depending on whether well-being
is increased or decreased. In order to make allocatively efficient decisions, these values need
to be estimated in some way. Returning to the power station example, government might
wish to impose a tax on sulphur emissions so that the polluters pay for their environmental
damage and, hence, reduce the amount of it to the level that goes with allocative efficiency.
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Natural Resources and Environmental Economics
But this cannot be done unless the proper value can be put on the otherwise unpriced
emissions. There are various ways of doing this – collectively called valuation techniques.
Natural resource stocks can be classified in various ways. A useful first cut is to distinguish
between „stock‟ and „flow‟ resources. Whereas stock resources, plant and animal populations
and mineral deposits, have the characteristic that today‟s use has implications for tomorrow‟s
availability, this is not the case with flow resources. Examples of flow resource are solar
radiation, and the power of the wind, of tides and of flowing water. Using more solar
radiation today does not itself have any implications for the availability of solar radiation
tomorrow. In the case of stock resources, the level of use today does have implications for
availability tomorrow.
Within the stock resources category there is an important distinction between „renewable‟ and
„nonrenewable‟ resources. Renewable resources are biotic, plant and animal populations, and
have the capacity to grow in size over time, through biological reproduction. Non-renewable
resources are abiotic, stocks of minerals, and do not have that capacity to grow over time.
What are here called non-renewable resources are sometimes referred to as „exhaustible‟, or
„depletable‟, resources. This is because there is no positive constant rate of use that can be
sustained indefinitely – eventually the resource stock must be exhausted. Renewable
resources are exhaustible if harvested for too long at a rate exceeding their regeneration
capacities. From an economic perspective, stock resources are assets yielding flows of
environmental services over time. In considering the efficiency and optimality of their use,
we must take account not only of use at a point in time but also of the pattern of use over
time. Efficiency and optimality have, that is, an intertemporal, or dynamic, dimension, as
well as an intratemporal, or static, dimension. In thinking about the intertemporal dimension
of the use of environmental resources, attention must be given to the productiveness of the
capital that is accumulated as a result of saving and investment. If, by means of saving and
investment, consumption is deferred to a later period, the increment to future consumption
that follows from such investment will generally exceed the initial consumption quantity
deferred. The size of the pay-off to deferred consumption is reflected in the rate of return to
investment. Environmental resource stocks similarly have rates of return associated with their
deferred use. The relations between rates of return to capital as normally understood in
economics and the rates of return on environmental assets must be taken into account in
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Natural Resources and Environmental Economics
trying to identify efficient and optimal paths of environmental resource use over time. Many
pollution problems also have an intertemporal dimension, and it turns out that the analysis
developed for thinking about the intertemporal problems of resource use can be used to
analyse those problems.
Substitutability and irreversibility are important, and related, issues in thinking about policy
in relation to the natural environment. If the depletion of a resource stock is irreversible, and
there is no close substitute for the services that it provides, then clearly the rate at which the
resource is depleted has major implications for sustainability. To the extent that depletion is
not irreversible and close substitutes exist, there is less cause for concern about the rate at
which the resource is used. There are two main dimensions to substitutability issues. First,
there is the question of the extent to which one natural resource can be replaced by another.
Can, for example, solar power substitute for the fossil fuels on a large scale? This is, an
especially important question given that the combustion of fossil fuels not only involves the
depletion of non-renewable resources, but also is a source of some major environmental
pollution problems, such as the so-called greenhouse effect which entails the prospect of
global climate change. Second, there is the question of the degree to which an environmental
resource can be replaced by other inputs, especially the human-made capital resulting from
saving and investment. This question is of particular significance when we address questions
concerning long-run economy–environment interactions, and the problem of sustainability.
Human-made capital is sometimes referred to as reproducible capital, identifying an
important difference between stocks of it and stocks of non- renewable resources. The latter
are not reproducible, and their exploitation is irreversible in a way that the use of human-
made capital is not. With renewable resource stocks, depletion is reversible to the extent that
harvesting is at rates that allow regeneration. Some pollution problems may involve
irreversible effects, and the extinction of a species of plant or animal is certainly irreversible.
Some assemblages of environmental resources are of interest for the amenity services,
recreation and aesthetic enjoyment that they provide, as well as for their potential use as
inputs to production. A wilderness area, for example, could be conserved as a national park or
developed for mining. Some would also argue that there are no close substitutes for the
services of wilderness. A decision to develop such an area would be effectively irreversible,
whereas a decision to conserve would be reversible.
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Natural Resources and Environmental Economics
The Economics of the Environment has a number of special features that are not typical of
The decision to consume a good today typically does not affect the ability to consume it
tomorrow. However, the decision to use natural resources today does affect what will be
available tomorrow.
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