Role of Media in Disaster Management

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Journal of Advance Research in Social science and Humanties (ISSN: 2208-2387)

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Asst. Prof. Neelam Kapoor1*
* 7-Laxmi Nivas Near Chaman Hotel Nayapura Kota, Rajasthan

*Corresponding Author: -

Abstract: -
The media forges a direct link between the public and emergency organizations and plays a very important role in
disseminating vital information to the public before, during and after disasters. The media assists in the management of
disasters by educating the public about disasters; warning of hazards; gathering and transmitting information about
affected areas; alerting government officials, relief organizations and the public to specific needs; and facilitating
discussions about disaster preparedness and response for continuous improvement. To help the media fulfill these roles,
direct working relationships between the media and disaster management organizations should be established and
maintained. Experience shows that regular interactions with the media before a disaster strikes, aids the effective flow of
information and lays the groundwork for effective working relationships in the aftermath of a disaster. 1 The Press Day
on November 16,
2000 was observed with the theme of “Role of Media in Disaster Management – Preparing People to Cope with
Disasters.” A National Seminar was organised at Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi, which was inaugurated by the President
of India. In his inaugural address, the Hon’ble President emphasized the need for disseminating preparedness aspects of
disaster management among all sections of society and making special provisions for the more vulnerable sections of the
community viz. women and children.

Keywords: Disaster, Satellite Radio, Mass Media & ICT.

Vol. 1 No. 1 (2015) 9

Journal of Advance Research in Social science and Humanties (ISSN: 2208-2387)

MASS MEDIA: Communication channels used for mass dissemination of information to the public.
ELECTRONIC MEDIA: Channels that broadcast information to mass audiences by electronic means, through radio and
television for example.
PRINT MEDIA: Channels that disseminate information to the public in print format, such as newspapers, journals and
SATELLITE RADIO: A more sophisticated kind of radio that utilizes satellite technology to broadcast audio information
from orbiting satellites directly to the receiver.
Two main types of mass media exist, namely, the electronic and print media.


THE RADIO The radio is the most popular and widespread information tool used in disaster management due to its
affordability and widespread reach. Radios are more readily available in homes, cars, schools and at the workplace and
can quickly and easily transmit information to the public through disaster preparedness documentaries, commercials
designed to build awareness, discussion groups and interviews, radio dramas and call in programmes. The radio takes
information directly to people from all walks of life, quickly and easily, even the very poor in the most remote rural
village. Satellite radios can play a key role during the disaster warning and disaster recovery phases. Its key advantage is
the ability to work even outside of areas not covered by normal radio channels. Satellite radio can also be of help when
the transmission towers of the normal radio channels are damaged in disaster.

THE TELEVISION The Television is a powerful tool in broadcasting disaster warnings, ands a powerful tool in
broadcasting disaster warnings, and is widely used in many countries, with growing popularity. The visual impact of the
television provides tremendous opportunity for disseminating messages with great impact on the viewing public because
of the realistic combination of picture and sound


THE NEWSPAPER The Newspaper is one of the oldest means of communication that can still be relied on. It can be
used for both early warnings as well as for recovery messages. The good thing is that the newspaper is widely circulated
and can be made to reach the most remote areas by using helicopters to aid the distribution process.

OTHER PRINTED MATERIAL Magazines and journals target a specific audience, for example contractors/builders,
academics or farmers. It is therefore an effective way to reach targeted populations with specific disaster-related


The media plays an integral and vital role in the management of disasters. Usage of satellite imagery facilitates speedy
transmission of information around the globe, and this has put tremendous power in the hands of news Introduction to
Disaster Management reporters to influence global public opinion. Since disasters are a significant source of news and
capture the attention of populations worldwide, the media provides tremendous visibility for disaster-related issues and,
if used properly, can aid the process of disaster management in the following ways

INCREASED LOBBYING The media can increase lobbying for political commitment, to make national leaders more
responsive to the unique needs of vulnerable communities and special populations (such as the elderly and disabled) by
increasing visibility of related issues through consistent reporting. By applying pressure on public officials, the media can
help effect positive change when for unique areas that would otherwise have been ignored.

AID PRIORITIZATION OF DISASTER RISK ISSUES The media can influence the government to prioritize disaster
risk issues, thereby ensuring that “self serving” political interests are not emphasized at the expense of the wider
population. For example, the media may expose excessive and inefficient expenditure to relocate persons from vulnerable
areas just before a general election with a view to secure votes, while little or no attention is given to replenishing the
stock of relief supplies in the national warehouse for distribution in the event of a disaster. This kind of exposure facilitates
more prudent and balanced prioritization of disaster risk issues.


The media is a mere tool in the hands of the disaster management professional and can, therefore, yield positive or negative
results depending on how it is used.


1. The media is usually the first to define the event as an official disaster. They inform the public about it and therefore
heighten awareness. This resulting awareness influences public opinion about how the disaster is being managed and
often determines the level of attention Introduction to Disaster Management that relief agencies pay to the particular

Vol. 1 No. 1 (2015) 10

Journal of Advance Research in Social science and Humanties (ISSN: 2208-2387)

2. The media provides instantaneous information and are considered to be trusted sources especially at the local level,
where the news media have a “vested interest” in the home town. The network’s continuous and factual coverage of
incidents and post-disaster events can aid decision making and response immediately after a disaster, thereby saving
lives and property.
3. The media is an invaluable asset in times of a disaster by disseminating information about public safety, giving details
useful details on areas such as impassable roadways and downed utility lines. Other important public health concerns
are usually addressed by issuing water safety advisories and providing information about sites where medical help is
available for the public.
4. In the absence of telephones and other mechanisms for communicating with the world outside an affected area, the
news media provides: the affected population with much needed information and the outside world with a glimpse of
what that affected community is dealing with.


By developing an awareness of both the positive and negative aspects of disaster coverage, you can be better prepared to
view both the print and electronic media in a more realistic manner.
1. The media may exaggerate some elements of the disaster and create unnecessary panic.
2. The media’s inaccurate portrayal of human behavior during and after disasters may create a very dramatic and exciting,
but only partially truthful story. For instance, it is not uncommon to see footage of people looting after a disaster on
all news networks, but most viewers may not realize that all the networks were covering the same store being looted.
As a result, people may feel that widespread and uncontrollable looting is taking place in the affected area(s) which
may not be true at all.
3. Influential politicians may manipulate the media for personal or political gains. For example, Hurricane Dean
significantly affected the island of Jamaica a few weeks before the 2007 general elections. The electronic media
consistently showed members of a particular political party issuing relief items to the poor, which sent a subliminal
message that the political party in question was more responsive to the needs of the people than the other. Incidentally,
the political party (that was portrayed in a positive light by the media) won the elections and now forms the new
government of Jamaica.
4. News reporters may provide biased coverage for purposes of sensationalism by capturing horrific devastation on a
street, choosing to ignore that on the opposite side of the street all the houses are intact with minor damage. This kind
of “irresponsible journalism” may lead to the deployment of unnecessary and inappropriate resources to moderately
affected areas thereby depriving the more severely Introduction to Disaster Management affected areas of well needed
5. Media representatives often converge on a high-profile event creating tremendous “congestion” in the affected area.
This influx of individuals with needs into an already burdened area can be overwhelming, which may hinder or
compromise search and rescue operations, jeopardize rescuer safety and hamper the provision of care needed by the
critically ill and injured. We see from the above discussion that the media can play a very positive and important role
in times of disaster, but can likewise hinder the response and recovery process. With this in mind, it is important to
recognize that convergence of the media generally occurs after national disasters and, as such, a plan to effectively
manage the media should be part of every disaster plan and standard operating procedures.

[1].Ministry Of Home Affairs, Government Of India (2009)“National Policy on Disaster Management” New Delhi, p.20.
[2].Department of Agriculture and Cooperation Ministry of Agriculture Government of India (2001) “High Powered
Committee on Disaster Management” New Delhi, p-205.
[3].Virtual University for the Small States of the Commonwealth (VUSSC) Commonwealth of Learning (COL) (2011)
“Introduction to Disaster Management” Canada, pp-119-120.
[4].National Disaster Management Authority (2009) “2nd INDIAN DISASTER MANAGEMENT CONGRESS”, New
Delhi, pp-185-187.
[5].Virtual University for the Small States of the Commonwealth (VUSSC) Commonwealth of Learning (COL)
2011“Introduction to Disaster Management” Canada, pp-122.

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