Rise of Islamophobia
Rise of Islamophobia
Rise of Islamophobia
The Muslim world, today, is caught in a vicious cycle of internal and external challenges.
As for as internal problems are concerned, it is more than evident that social, political,
sectarian cleavages abound with the plight of the crumbling economy further adding
insult to injury. Externally, the most daunting challenge the Muslim world confronting is
the pervasive “ISLAMOPHOBIA”. Anti-Muslim rhetoric and bigotry is rising at lightning
speed and has emboldened the right-wing populists and white supremacist across the
globe. This rising Xenophobia has its roots deeply embedded in the 9/11 attacks that
the US and the West termed it an act of Islamic Terrorism. In the aftermath of these
attacks, the alt-right bluntly classified the religion of Islam as a potent threat to the
Western world and that fear caused the right-wing extremists to hate Muslims across
the globe. The term ISLAMOPHOBIA was developed to fear Islam and Muslims as a
social group. Thereafter, Muslims were generally taunted, ridiculed, and perceived as
terrorists in America and other regions of the Western World. Since then, anti-Islamic
sentiments have been intensifying with each passing day. Over the past years, hostility
towards Muslim immigrants has been increased dramatically, resulting in the
persecution and even killings of Muslims in their worship places. which is the wake-up
call for Muslim ummah now. The Western Media has left no stone unturned to
disseminate anti-Muslim rhetoric, hatred against Muslims, and to hold them responsible
for any terrorist attack happening anywhere in the World. (225 words almost)
Islamophobia refers to extreme dislike, hatred fear, and prejudice against religion and
Muslims as a geopolitical force, and a source of terrorism. It encompasses violence
against Muslims in the form of physical assaults, verbal abuse, and vandalization of
property such as mosques, Islamic schools, or Muslim cemeteries. The UK0 based
nonprofit Muslim organization “MEND” (Muslim Engagement and development) define
Islamophobia in two parts: the overt part: Islamophobia is the prejudice aversion,
hostility or hatred towards Muslims, and the hidden part that adversely affects all
Muslims both as individual and as a collective group: that is the discrimination that
excludes or confines Muslims’ equal exercise of fundamental freedoms in the political,
economical, social and cultural or any other realm of civic life. In 2017 “ Runnymede”,
the commission issued a new and short definition of Islamophobia; “ Islamophobia is the
anti-Muslim racism”.
9/11 terrorist attacks in the USA had completely changed the core of fear in the West
and Western intelligence has found the new enemy that will help them to legalize their
activities against Eastern countries. The 9/11 attacks paved the way for the United
States to start a new era of war named “War on Terror”. it was actually a war against
terrorism but after some time it proved to be a war against Muslim World (Islam).
Islamophobia spread throughout the West after these attacks. Before 9/1, the USA in
connivance with the Western European countries pitted Muslims against communism
between 1979 and 1989 by exploiting the most sensitive Islamic ideology of Jihad to
make them realize that USSR’s attack on Afghanistan was a move against Islam.
However, after the USSR retreat, the USA and its allies deserted the Jihadists and the
same Jihadists who fought for the USA became terrorists (Taliban) in the eyes of the
USA as their vested interests of exploiting Afghanistan were completed. The “War on
Terror”, has also engulfed the Middle East countries (Muslim countries) such as Iran,
Iraq, Yemen, and Syria. It is only because of the US so-called move of “War Against
Terror”, that the waves of Islamophobia have swept country after country, sounding
alarming bells in the Muslim population and Muslim diaspora.
Besides “ War on Terror”, it is alarming to see how the Western media outlets show
prejudice against Islam and Muslims and spread Islamophobia. According to Elizbeth
Poole in the Encyclopedia of Race and Ethnic Studies, the media have been criticized
for perpetuating Islamophobia. She cites a case study examining a sample of articles in
the British press from between 1994 and 2004 only, which concluded that Muslim
viewpoints were underrepresented and that issues involving Muslims usually depicted
them in a negative light. Such portrayals, according to Poole, include the depiction of
Islam and Muslims as a threat to Western security and values. The Media also
suggested expressions such as “ Islamic Terrorism, Islamic bombs and violent Islam”,
which have resulted in a negative perception of Islam, according to her. Along with this,
80% of ABC News, CBS, and 60% of Fox coverage is negative about Islam. When
there is a report of an attack carried out by a Muslim, they would call it Islamic terrorism.
On the other hand, when a non-Muslim carries out a similar attack, they would label him
a mentally distressed lone-wolf. This is the extreme level of bias that is deeply
entrenched in the Western Media.
Furthermore, there was no enemy left for the West after the collapse of the USSR. The
biggest enemy, communism, was subdued and the Islamic civilization was perceived to
be the next big obstacle to Western civilization, as started by Samuel P. Huntington in
his famous “Clash of Civilization”, theory, which explained the clash between East and
West culture. It is also not hard to state that there is parallelism between the fear of
Communism and Islamophobia in the West. Both fears were born from the ashes of war
and attacks used as political tools. The 9/11 tragedy indicated to the West that the
enemy they were looking for was Islam and its followers, the Muslims. The discourse of
Islamic terrorism was constructed and the new enemy was identified along with new
strategies to be activated accordingly. Since then, Muslims all over the world have been
seen through the lens of terrorism. Thus, the clash between two ideologies/civilization
has started.
It has been suggested that Islamophobia is closely related to identity politics and gives
the perceived benefit of constructing their identity in opposition to a negative
essentialized image of Muslims. This occurs in the form of self-righteousness,
assignment of blame, and key identity makers. In some societies, Islamophobia has
materialized due to the portrayal of Islam and Muslims as the national “others”, where
exclusion and discrimination occur on the basis of their religion. The anti-Muslim
rhetoric often spikes during elections as most of the politicians have exploited fear of
Muslims to win votes. The RSS (Rashtriya Swamsevak Sangh), Hindu nationalist, in
India promotes the rise and rule of “Hindutva”, ignoring Muslims and treating them
inhumanly under Modi’s BJP government is one such example. The election campaigns
of trump also depend upon identity politics with the slogan of “America First”, which
encompasses the racial superiority of the West as compared to the East. The world
leaders do play the game of “identity politics”, to debilitate and desiccate the identity and
image of Islam (Islam).
Along with identity politics, the ignorance of American/West about Islam and Muslims
caused a looming rise in Islamophobia. Most of the American do not personally know a
Muslim and a little about Islam. According to a survey, conducted by ING (Islamic work
Group) an organization, only 38% of Americans said they know a Muslim, and the other
62% of Americans have said they seldom or never conversed or interacted with a
Muslim. Moreover, 57% of them accepted that they know little about Islam and the other
26% of people said they know nothing about Islam, and these numbers have not
changed in 25 years. These figures show that the West is ignorant of Islam and
Muslims, what they see and hear, they believe. In this way, their ignorance is hurting
Islam and Muslims as a whole.
Biased literature and websites are other tools used by the West to tarnish the true
image of Islam. After 9/11, a plethora of books bashing Islam and Muslims have been
published. One such example is the works of Ayan Hirsi Ali, who received several
awards and recognition for her works. Hirsi Ali, a former Muslim who abandoned her
faith and became an atheist, has been a vocal critic of Islam. She is a Somali-born
Dutch activist, feminist, author, and scholar. In 2004, she collaborated on a short movie
entitled “ Submission”, a film depicting fundamentalist Islamic law and critical of
Islamic canon itself. In 2015, she wrote the book “ Heretic”, in which she argued that
Islam was beyond reform and she called for reformation of Islam by defeating the
Islamists and supporting reformist Muslims. Other noted authors of the books
denouncing Islam and Muslims include Robert Spencer, Bill Warner, etc. To add insult
to injury, individuals and groups in the Islamophobia networks have created numerous
websites demonizing Islam and Muslims, these websites include “Islamist Watch”, by
Daniel Pipes, “Jihad Watch”, by Robert Spencer, and “Act for America”, by Brigitte
Coupled with biased literature and websites, Hollywood and Bollywood industries have
left no stone unturned to demonize the image of Islam. The representation of Islam and
Arabs in Hollywood has consistently been stereotyped such as villains, terrorists,
subservient women, etc. Prof. Jack Shaheen, in his book, “Reel Bad Arabs”, examines
a thousand films and TV shows featuring Arabs and finds, they have been shown in
denigrating ways. Despite heightened awareness, a wave of new movies reinforce
stereotypes such as: “Beirut”, in which an American diplomat seeks to rescue a
colleague captured by fictional Militia of Islamic Liberation; the film meets with a
vigorous protest for the dehumanizing portrayal of Arabs. “Jack Ryan, Homeland and
Seven Days in Entebbe”, are the most bigoted shows on television. Equally important,
the Bollywood industry has also presented bigotry and prejudice against Islam in their
movies; one such example is the recent Web series “Bard of Blood”, in which Muslims
image is depicted as a terrorist. These television shows by both the industries have
raised another wave of Islamophobia in the West and World.
The anti-Muslim hate crimes and incidents are mushrooming around the world now. In
the first half of 2019, more than 500 anti-Muslim incidents took place. Anti-Muslim
biased incidents increased by 19% in 2018 and 2019, and144 mosques have been
attacked in 2018 and 2019. along with this, hate crimes against Muslims rose by 24%.
there is no doubt that the horrendous incident of 9/11 had far-reaching ramifications for
Muslims around the world. Over the past couple of years, deadly Islamophobia incidents
continue to surge in Europe and North America. In 2017, Jeremy Joseph, Christian
became furious when he saw a young Muslim woman donning hijab on a commuter
train in the US. He kept abusing her and used a knife to kill her but two passengers who
intervened. In the UK, more than half of religiously motivated attacks in 2017 and 18
were directed at Muslims. The most recent incident of making cartoon’s of Holy prophet
s.a.w happened a few days back in November 2020 in France which caused sheer
protests all over the world and led to boycott of French products Last but not least, live
streaming murderous rampage by an Australian white supremacist, Breton Tarrant, in
Christ Church mosques, snows a new-fashioned Islamophobia killing more than fifty
Equally important, the extremist views and anti-Muslim sentiments are exacerbating in
the wake of Islamophobia. According to a survey in 2019 by YouGov Poll, found that
only 15% of Americans have favorable views about Islam and 37% of Americans have
unfavorable views. Another report conducted in 2017, in which “Pew Poll”, rated
American Muslims most negatively of all religious groups with an average rating of 48
and Jews had the highest rating of all at 68. the same “Pew Poll’, a summary of the
report found that 41% of Americans believe Islam encourages violence more than other
faiths, and 50% of Americans believe that Islam is not part of mainstream American
society. These anti-Muslim sentiments are causing a threat to the life, property and
existence of the Muslim diaspora.
The menace of the 9/11 incident, gave a way to the Western World to start anti-Mosque
and anti-Sharia campaigns against Islam. This horrible incident has caused a deep
impact on the quality of Muslim life. The opponents of the new mosque delayed the
construction with fours of litigation. Another place Park51 was proposed Islamic Center
near the site of 9/11 attacks, prompted nationwide outcry after opponents falsely labeled
it a “Victory Mosque”. the new mosque in the US met by similar campaigns. The anti-
Sharia campaigns were also started that were based on false that Muslims are trying to
promote Sharia law in the US. In August 2017, 201 bills were introduced in 43 states
banning Sharia, of which 14 were enacted. Moreover, Islamophobia has a huge impact
on the life of a Muslim in the West. According to Pew 2018, 50% of people believe that
being Muslim in the US has got more difficult in recent years and 75% believe there is a
lot of discrimination against Muslims in the US. So, the growing Islamophobia has a lot
more to do in order to improve the image of Muslims in the Western World.
Burgeoning hostility towards Muslim immigrants has another daunting effect on the true
identity of Muslims. The anti-immigrant sentiments have been gaining traction and
fueling political sea change across the globe. US President D.Trump and the radical far-
right in Europe have delineated Muslim immigrants as the “Mot despised group of
invaders in the West”. It is rightly said that “ Politicians can set the tone of tolerance and
unity, and they can also set the tone of division and violence”. D.Trump has repeatedly
used anti-immigrant discourse during his tenure that Muslims should be banned from
entering the US and his toxic campaign rhetoric towards Muslims was a contributing
factor to the rise of the Islamophobia phenomenon. The view that all Muslims are
dangerous and terrorists, can stoke further racial and faith-based schisms.
To cope with all these threats to Islam: the first and foremost duty lies on the shoulders
of Islamic scholars (Ulemas) to address Islam and relating problems in a modern way
by conducting the Ijtihad. Ijtihad is one of the sources of Islamic sharia and law through
which jurists present the solution of the prevailing issue according to the need of the
present era not excluding the spirit of the Quran and Sunnah. The Muslim scholars who
are well known and well respected in the Western societies should come forward and
start engaging the people in very constructive interfaith dialogues, discussion on serious
social, moral, and political issues which have disturbed the Western mind for a long
time. The Muslim scholars from the outside world should also be invited by the local
institutions to explain the teachings of Islam and answer the critical questions of the
Western people who have confusions and delusions about the status of women and the
situation of human rights in Islam. One such step taken by Pakistani Muslim clerics is
very appreciable. In 2018, more than 1800, Pakistani Muslim clerics had issued an
Islamic directive, or “FATWA”, forbidding suicide bombing, in a book unveiled by the
Pakistani government. Seeking to curb “ terrorism”, that has resulted in tens of
thousands of causalities since the early 2000s, the clerics declared bombing to be
forbidden or “HARAM”. Such steps should be taken on an international level through the
OIC forum and other Islamic organizations to cope with Islamophobia.
Besides this, Muslim Ummah other than ulemas should organize programs for the
preservation and promotion of Muslim identity all over the world. Though a vast majority
of the Muslims living in Europe were not practicing believers, the global war on terror
which maligned the Muslim faith and identified terrorism with Islam caused Muslims,
especially those belonging to the 2nd and 3rd generation of immigrants to become
possessive and offensive against their religion. They have started thinking seriously
about their religion and getting its proper education to practice it in their lives. With this,
to remove the stain of terrorism from their face, they have started programs of social
welfare and mutual cooperation as well as the preservation of their identity. In order to
protect their religion, such steps should be further aggravated which is a good sign of
organizing themselves as a community like never before. The Muslim Ummah should
start establishing institutions for public welfare, education, community get together and
prayers and also conduct conferences and seminars for presenting Muslims good
image on an individual and collective basis.
Curbing extremists forces is another way to eliminate the menace of Islamophobia. In
recent years, terrorist groups, on an international level, such as ISIL, Al-Qaeda and
Boko Haram and at the national level PTM, BLA, and Jamat ul Dawa, have shaped the
Muslim image of violent extremism and agitated the new debate about how to address
this threat. Their message of intolerance- religious, cultural, social- has had drastic
consequences for many regions of the world. Holding territory and using social media
for real-time communication of their atrocities and crimes, they seek to challenge our
shared values of peace, justice, and human dignity. For this purpose, the General
Assembly of the UN presented a “Plan of Action to Prevent Violent Extremism in 2016”.
This is one to curb the extremist forces on a collective basis through a reputed platform.
On an individual basis- the steps by a single state like Pakistan- is needed to be taken.
The operation “Rad ul fasad”, and “Zarb e Azab”, are evidence of Pakistan’s
contributions to curb the extremist forces in order to create peace and stability. The
sectarian violence should also be addressed in order to prove that Islam is a peaceful
religion which departs and emphasizes on human rights.
Madrasahs provide free religious education, boarding, and lodging and are
essentially schools for the poor. Over one and a half million children attend madrasahs.
These seminaries run on public philanthropy and produce indoctrinated clergymen of
various Muslim sects. Some sections of the more orthodox Muslim sects have been
radicalized by the state-sponsored exposure to Jihad, first in Afghanistan than in
Kashmir. However, the madrasah problem goes beyond militancy. Students at more
than 10,000 seminaries are being trained in theory, for service in the religious sector.
But their constrained worldwide, lack of modern civic education and poverty make them
a destabilizing factor in Pakistani society. For all these reasons, they are also
susceptible to romantic notions of sectarian and international Jihad, which promises
instant salvation. One after another government pledged to change the status of
madrsahs and integrate them into the formal education sector. But could be only
possible when government convinces clergies to enact madrasah law that would
regulate the schools. It would provide for changes in the curriculum, registration process
and monitoring of finances and funding but even the name of the draft- the Deeni
Madrsah (voluntary Registration and Regulation) ordinance 2002. If it is enacted
properly the extremist facts which breed in Madrsahs would change the false image of
Islam to a great extent.
Having knowledge of science and technology is another factor to reboot the tarnishing
Muslim Ummah. This is only possible by allocating adequate resources to this field of
study. India made a promise of increasing the spending on technology up to 1.2% of
GDP. Their progress in science and technology shaped their good image in the world.
Pakistan, being a developing country should work on it. The other Muslim countries
should follow suit as the advancement in science and technology would result and
induce respect in the international community. It would create employment opportunities
for all the masses including the deprived section of our society, who easily fall prey to
extremists forces due to poverty. This will also improve socioeconomic problems which
are directly proportional to the rise of extremism which leads to Islamophobia.
In a nutshell, to put an end to the rising Islamophobia, political leaders and those in
governments or places of authority around the world must stop their anti-Muslim
rhetoric. They must stop dehumanizing Muslims and demonizing Islam owing to the
problem that terrorism is a global conundrum that needs to be tackled through collective
efforts. Conclusively, the media should play a pivotal role to quite prejudiced reporting
because it is the entity that controls the minds of the people and, therefore, should
broadcast a positive posture to get rid of Islamophobia.