Rehabilitation of Electrical Powered Tricycle
Rehabilitation of Electrical Powered Tricycle
Rehabilitation of Electrical Powered Tricycle
dwellers (urban poor) and many rural people. The increasing growth in the
number of tricycles has come to solve the mobility needs of many urban
residents in the light of poor and inadequate public transport system, poor road
conditions particularly those leading into the peri- urban areas where many
people reside as a result of urban sprawl. It also comes along with a host of
comprises body layout, front and rear longitudinal members, main floor unit,
engine position, wheel bases, luggage space, the rear seat panel, boot floor, rear
bumper, electrical and lighting system, chassis, ignition system, handle bar, fuel
tank, brake and gear selector, engine access booth, two side mirrors, back and
front tires, exhaust pipe and adjustable seat. Some of this which are not detail
explain in this course of the work rather the paper work focuses on the Engine
one wheel is positioned on the front or the other two wheels positioned on the
rear or vice versa. While tricycles are often associated with the small three-
wheeled vehicles used by pre-school age children, they are also used by adults
for a variety of purposes. In the United States and Canada, adult-sized tricycles
are used extensively by older persons for recreation, shopping, and exercise. In
Asia and Africa, tricycles are used mainly for commercial transportation either
through Pedals. Although some models have hand cranks. Motorized tricycle
2009). The design of the tricycle been improved year by year towards getting
the convenience vehicle that meet the customer or user expectation in term of
This project is to improve and develop the significance of solar energy in
powered by an electric motor. The method employs an electric motor that are
easily connected and separated for ease of transport. This project is to improve
of an electrical powered tricycle have been built for the purpose of electrical
tricycle only.
is also a single source of many air pollutants. It causes more than half of the
carbon monoxide, more than a third of the nitrogen oxides, and almost a quarter
So, by using electric vehicles, we reduce this pollution to a large extent and thus
tricycle. Also, their design concept, operational principles with various features
for performance excellence from the perspective of high power output, fuel
communication pipe and conveyor belt etc has reduces the need for people to
revealed that Tri-cycle as a mode of transport was more effective than motor
in the west, but they were initially very expensive in Asia and few in number.
Japan then developed its own bicycle industry and they rapidly become widely
used. Also in 1920’s bicycles have become important in most Asian cities
motorcycle ownership could be seen in few of the rich Asian cities, and by late
Tricycle has been adopted by most industrialized countries of the world, tricycle
lanes have been installed and developed for parking whereby about 10,000km
of cycle paths, separate bridges for tricycle and bike have been constructed at
most of their high way junctions. They also gave priority to motorist traffic at
large intersection, for example the Hong Kong government has constructed a
tricycle and pedestrian only tunnel under a river, designed to handle two to three
cycles per road lane. While Dutch chooses to move about on cycles each day for
shop trips and it is believed that the Japanese has the highest number of these
forms of vehicles in the world. The urban edge, Vol.14, No. 22, March 1990.
The new modern tricycle was first constructed in Bangalore city (India) in 1992
although by late 1990 Tri-cycle has started emerging in both Indian and
Pakistan. About 15km of tricycle routes have been built in Bangalore city India,
this is an attempt to separate tricycle with pedestrians this project gulp about
country’s master plan proposal for the year. Moreover, since Indian
daily commuting of its citizens, they develop a strategy for controlling tricycles
According to the (Urban Edge, Vol.14; No. 2, March 1990) bicycle, motorcycle
and other forms of cycling constitute about (50-90%) of urban china vehicle, in
fact they are regarded as the “bike capital” of the world, with 160 million
different types of cycles which also include a tricycle, presently bicycle and
other cycles are very popular in either rural or urban centre. In fact this idea can
be used for other form of cycles such as the tricycles. For example India own
Philippines motor cycle was converted to a tricycle in order for such mode of
The diffusion of tricycle brands in the Nigerian market can be attributed to the
create avenue for self employment, for the unemployed and the jobless(Sun,
2009). However, some states in Nigeria have decided not to adopt the tricycle
(e.g. Edike, 2009) while some states have whole heartedly adopted its use (Imo,
Keke is a native word for tricycle while NAPEP is an acronym for National
while some use the taxis. The increase in urban population, particularly those
residing in smaller settlements away from city centers is the primary reason why
availability and safety (Sun, 2009). In most cities in Nigeria, it is such that the
city centre is congested with business premises while the fringes are occupied
by low and medium income earners. Faced with this, commuters are forced to
estimate of two trips per person. With the above, it is clear that there is an
flexibility and the need to cope with socio-economic trends. Most tricycle
brands in Nigeria are motorcycles with side cars, which have the legal capacity
affordability, and convenience. Being much less expensive in fares than other
two stroke and four stroke powered tricycles with engine located either at the
The two-stroke internal combustion engine differs from the more common four-
combustion, exhaust) in only two strokes of the piston rather than four. This is
accomplished by using the beginning of the compression stroke and the end of
the combustion stroke to perform the intake and exhaust functions. This allows
a power stroke for every revolution of the crank, instead of every second
provide high specific power, so they are valued for use in portable, lightweight
physically challenged persons in getting about. At critical speeds and higher, the
vehicle's CG is behind the Neutral Steering Point (NSP), causing the rear wheel
slip angle to be larger than the front wheel, resulting in a negative static margin
turning the CG in the opposite direction of motion. For safety reasons, the
tricycle maintains stability at a low speed below its critical speed, according to
by a DC motor fitted in front or rear axle housing & operated by solar energy.
The solar panels mounted on the carriage will charge the battery & which in
turn drive the hub motor. When the bicycle is idle, the solar panel will charge
the battery. This arrangement will replace the petrol engine, the gearbox & the
fuel tank in case of a two-wheeler or a chain sprocket, chain & gear shifting
and performance evaluation of the tricycle. The selection of electric motor, solar
performance study, it is obtained that the storage system can run the tricycle
about 25 km and it gets back up about 24% power from a solar system which is
running of the tricycle. The maximum speed of the tricycle has been found at 26
The main purpose of this project work involves the rehabilitation of an electric
powered tricycle.
We needed to decide how much power would be required for our electric motor
…… Eqn.3.2
Mass of tricycle along with the batteries, motor and drive circuit was
found to be 20kg.
Fig 3.1: Distance travelled by the front wheel in 1 sec
This section gives us the details and ratings about the electrical components and
Electrical components:
The Table 3.1 indicates the electrical components used in our Electric
of The motor.
Mechanical components:
The Table 3.2 shows the mechanical components used in the tricycle.
Width- 4 cm
2 Plywood sheet
Thickness = 2.5 cm
Length = 12 cm
5 Mechanical brakes
For our tricycle, we are using a PMDC (brushed D.C. motor), 350W, 24V and
run from a direct current power source. Brushed motors were the first
the field to the power supply, the speed and torque characteristics of a brushed
Fig 3.2: PMDC Brush Motor
We decided to use Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) to control the speed of the
motor. The advantage of pulse width modulation over the use of adding gears
to the system is the fact that with gears, torque is gained, but distance efficiency
To control the speed of a D.C. motor we need a variable voltage D.C. power
source. However if you take a 24V motor and switch on the power to it, the
motor will start to speed up. Motors do not respond immediately so it will take a
small time to reach full speed. If we switch the power off sometime before the
motor reaches full speed, then the motor will start to slow down. If we switch
the power on and off quickly, the motor will run at some speed between zero
and full speed. This is exactly what a PWM controller does: it switches the
If the motor is connected with one end to the battery positive and the other end
theMOSFET is on for a short period and off for a long period as shown in Fig
3.3(a), the motor will only rotate slowly. In Fig 3.3(b), the switch is on 50% and
off 50%. In Fig 3.3(c), the motor is on for most of the time and only off a short
while, so the speed is near maximum. In a practical low voltage controller the
switch opens and closes at 20 kHz (20 thousand times per second). This is far
too fast for the motor to even realize it is being switched on and off: it thinks it
is being fed from a pure DC voltage. It is also a frequency above the audible
range so any noise emitted by the motor will be inaudible. It is also slow enough
Fig 3.3(c): Motor on for a long period.
A) Specifications:
7 Weight 100g
Table 3.3: Specifications of PWM motor controller
B) Features:
• Half Bridge
• Adjustable gain
• Regenerative braking
• CR type ramp
• Circuit can be used to drive loads such as lamps, which will work
C) Components used:
The Table 3.4 shows the components required for the motor drive circuit.
SL Technical
Fig 3.4: Motor Drive Control Circuit.
The Fig 3.4 shows the motor drive circuit with 20A short circuit protection.
reduces the voltage from 24V to 12V. This voltage is now applied to the input
integrated circuit intended for fixed frequency switching regulators and other
power control applications. The 10KΩ potentiometer is used to vary the width
of the PWM in order to control the speed of the motor. The output of the high
driver circuit which consists of 2 MOSFETs which is used to drive the motor.
Fig.3.5: Sealed lead acid batteries.
The advantages of using sealed lead acid batteries over the conventional lead
breakthroughs, the same battery may be used in either cyclic or
standby applications.
• Compact: These batteries use state of the art design, high grade
excellent output per cell. The high energy density results in superior
peak currents.
• Wide Operating Temperature Range: These batteries may be
(4°F to +122°F).
The accelerator used is nothing but a potentiometer which is used to vary the
speed of the motor. In a nutshell, the PWM controller takes input when we twist
the accelerator and that tells it how many watts of electricity to send to the
motor. So the PWM controller has to also convert the direct current (DC) from
the battery to the alternating current (AC) for the motor. So basically the
twisting position determines how much electricity to shove into the motor.
More electricity, more torque and speed. Twist the accelerator, PWM controller
sends power from the battery to the motor, motor turns the wheels.
device or "chip" that can communicate with a smart charger about battery
• "Smart" batteries.
The output current of a smart charger depends upon the battery's state. An
intelligent charger may monitor the battery's voltage, temperature or time under
The voltage across the battery increases slowly during the charging process,
until the battery is fully charged. After that, the voltage decreases, this indicates
to an intelligent charger that the battery is fully charged. Such chargers are often
The problem is, the magnitude of "delta-V" can become very small or even
can cause even an intelligent battery charger to not sense that the batteries are
batteries will result in some cases. However, many so called intelligent chargers
maximum capacity in less than an hour, then switches to trickle charging, which
takes several hours to top off the battery to its full capacity.
The components used in the battery charger circuit are as shown in the
Table. 3.5
2 Rectifying Converting AC to DC
circuit- full
wave bridge
regulator Output
2200𝜇𝐹 harmonics
5 Resistors 220Ω,
current switching
9 fuse Current=2A
This is a battery charger circuit for two 12V/ 12AH batteries. When two
batteries are connected in series, the voltage will add up and the current capacity
The circuit given here is a sealed lead acid battery charger built around the
the value of resistor R2 and here it is set to be 700mA. Resistor R3 and POT R4
determines the charging voltage. Transformer T1 steps down the mains voltage
and bridge D1 does the job of rectification. C1 is the filter capacitor. Diode D1
prevents the reverse flow of current from the battery when charger is switched
off the tricycle for security purposes. It is often required to switch electrical
appliances from a distance without being a direct line of sight between the
Transmitter & RF Receiver) can be used to control an output load from a remote
place. RF transmitter, as the name suggests, uses radio frequency to send the
The RF receiver can receive these signals only if it is configured for the
A) RF transmitter:
Fig 3.8: RF transmitter
module and an encoder IC, was designed to remotely switch simple appliances
which works at a frequency of 27 MHz and has a range of about 400m. The
transmitter module has four pins. Apart from ―Data‖ and the ―VCC‖ pin, there
is a common ground (GND) for data and supply. Last is the RF output (ANT)
pin. The Table 3.6 shows the pin assignment of the 27 MHz transmitter module.
Pin Function
2 Data in
Transmitter module
HT12Eis capable of encoding information which consists of N address bits and
12N data bits. Each address/ data input can be set to one of the two logic states.
The programmed addresses/data are transmitted together with the header bits
TJ1 and TJ2 are used to set the address and data bits.
The current consumption with a supply voltage of near 5.4V is about 10 mA.
Since the current consumption is very little, the power can also be provided by
RF Receiver
This circuit complements the RF transmitter built around the small 27 MHz
transmitter module. The receiver picks up the transmitted signals using the 27
MHz receiver module. This integrated RF receiver module has been tuned to a
modulation signal and demodulates it to digital signal for the next decoder
entire Phase-Locked Loop (PLL) for precise local oscillator (LO) generation. It
Fig 3.11: RF Receiver Circuit Diagram
The different parts which make up our electric tricycle are as follows:
wheels are typically designed to fit into the frame and fork and fork end, and
hold these bicycle tires. The dimensions of the wheel is as shown in Fig 3.12
Fig 3.12: 18 Inch Front Wheel.
veneer that are glued together with adjacent layers having their wood grain
All plywood bind resin and wood fiber sheets (cellulose cells are long, strong
and thin) to form a composite material. This alternation of the grain is called
wood to split when nailed at the edges; it reduces expansion and shrinkage,
providing improved dimensional stability; and it makes the strength of the panel
consistent across all directions. There are usually an odd number of plies, so
with grains running against one another and with an odd number of composite
parts, it is very hard to bend it perpendicular to the grain direction of the surface
Smaller thinner plywood and lower quality plywood may only have their plies
(layers) arranged at right angles to each other, though some better quality
plywood products will by design have five plies in steps of 45 degrees (0, 45,
The Fig 3.13 shows the plywood sheet being used for the angular frame and Fig
3.14 shows the dimensions of plywood sheet which has been painted black.
Fig 3.14: Dimensions of plywood angular frame.
The back wheel being used is basically a solid rubber wheel where,
We are using a 6 inch back wheel because using a wheel greater than 6 inch
provides difficulty in turning. The Fig 3.15 shows the dimensions of the 6 inch
back wheel.
Fig 3.15: 6 inch Back Wheel
driven shaft when the driven shaft rotates faster than the driveshaft.
pressing against each other with the toothed sides together. Rotating in one
direction, the saw teeth of the drive disc lock with the teeth of the driven disc,
making it rotate at the same speed. If the drive disc slows down or stops
rotating, the teeth of the driven disc slip over the drive disc teeth and continue
difference of the driven gear relative to that of the (slower) driving gear as
Fig 3.16: Freewheel
A brake reduces the speed of the tricycle or prevents it from moving. Most
bicycle brake systems consist of three main components: a mechanism for the
rider to apply the brakes, such as brake levers, a mechanism for transmitting
that signal, such as Bowden cables, hydraulic hoses or rods, and the brake
order to convert, via friction, kinetic energy of the bike and rider into thermal
Fig 3.17: Caliper brakes
The simple electrical connections are as shown in the Fig 3.18 All the
connections are taken from the PWM speed controller circuit. Connect the
motor terminal to the motor. Reversing this connection will reverse the direction
of motor. Connect the brake terminal to the tricycle handle where the brakes are
placed. The two terminals of the power lock must be shorted in order to start the
motor. The battery terminals must be connected to the battery terminals of the
motor drive circuit. Care must be taken that the positive terminal of the battery
is connected to the positive terminal of the motor drive circuit and vice versa or
else this would permanently damage the drive circuit. The throttle terminal of
the drive circuit is connected to the throttle (electrical accelerator). When the
battery needs to be charged, the charging port terminal of the drive circuit will
As the project proceeded, the project went through various changes and
the group faced as the project developed. The key points that will be outlined in
this section are the evolution of the project design, the obstacles faced and the
We encountered a few difficulties while constructing our prototype. In
designing the mechanical part, welding was one of those processes that we had
to keep in mind since those in the area where our design will be implemented.
Welding became a problem because of the amount of heat that was dissipated
through the parts. This became a problem when our weld was close to threads of
our sprocket and slightly changed the exact opening. Again we encountered this
problem when welding the motor sprocket to the female end of the motor axle.
Some minor design changes that we made were more in the procedure then in
Design 1:
Initially, we started off our mechanical design by constructing the front part of
the tricycle as shown in the Fig 4.1. Welding was again the main process used
for this. The entire mechanical structure was designed using iron.
Fig4.1: Front part of tricycle.
The front wheel was then attached to the end together with the 24 teeth
freewheel with the help of nuts and bolts as shown in Fig 4.2.
Secondly, we went on to design our tricycle handle which goes on to the top of
the tricycle handle. We installed the electrical accelerator as well as the brakes
on this and the connections were taken out to be connected to the drive circuit
Fig 4.3: Connection of electrical accelerator and
Then a motor base platform was constructed by welding on the front part of
the tricycle where the motor could be placed as shown in Fig 4.4.
The stem pipe was then welded on to the front part of the tricycle as shown in
the Fig 5.5. to which an angular frame made of plywood was attached and the
two 5 inch back wheels were then connected to this plywood sheet with the help
Design 2:
A) Installation of motor, drive circuit and batteries and remote control:
The motor was mounted on to the motor base platform which was then
connected to the front wheel through a chain drive system to transmit the motor
Finally, the motor, electrical accelerator, brakes and the batteries were
connected to the appropriate terminals as shown in the Fig 4.8. and the Fig 4.9.
Fig 4.8: Front view of final design
Fig 4.9: Back view of final design
After analysis of all designs, we successfully completed all the designs which is
was successfully completed.
Electric vehicles do, however, offer other strong benefits that are ignored by
the marketplace.
• Speed: Electric tricycles generally have a higher top speed than a
no effort to ride. Just twist the accelerator and steer the cycle where
you want to go. Another huge advantage is the ability to skip the
bring about.The use of electric hence does not create any pollution
global warming, smog forming and toxic pollution from cars and
any time when not being operated and can be reassembled very
• System efficiency: The overall system efficiency taking into
components that will last longer than a typical gasoline car, they
have fewer moving parts and because they do not operate at a high
temperature of an IC engine.
very high.
• The initial cost of the tricycle is high.
The electric tricycle has been successfully designed and developed. This type
of electric tricycle can be very helpful in reducing pollution. Our current oil
Reliance on oil leaves us vulnerable to fluctuations in oil prices and gas price
shock and creates significant challenges for our foreign policy. Oil and other
petroleum products are also the great source of global warming pollution – just
Transportation is almost exclusively dependent on oil and petroleum demand. It
is also a single source of many air pollutants. It causes more than half of the
carbon monoxide, more than a third of the nitrogen oxides, and almost a quarter
So, by using electric vehicles, we reduce this pollution to a large extent and thus
A lot of problems were encountered before the completion of the project. Some
of which includes;
1. Power failure
Communication and Embedded Systems (ICICES), DOI: