Engineering Review of Wind Induced Torsional Moment and Response
Engineering Review of Wind Induced Torsional Moment and Response
Engineering Review of Wind Induced Torsional Moment and Response
Abstract: For building service and strength design under wind load, torsional moment and response (or torsional-wind load) is a main
component. Several factors contribute to torsional-wind load, including asymmetric distribution of wind pressure on the building façade
(aerodynamic source), dynamic torsional vibration, and the contribution of resonant components of along-wind and across-wind loads in
presence of mass-stiffness eccentricity. In addition, adjacent building influence can be considerable. For low (1 or 2 stories) to midrise (less
than 10 stories) buildings, the main component in torsional-wind load typically is aerodynamic source. For tall buildings, contribution due to
This work is made available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.
all sources is significant. In this article, theoretical background and procedures to calculate torsional-wind load, with a focus on the concept of
equivalent eccentricity and equivalent static wind load, are discussed. Then, procedures and perspectives in several international standards,
including ASCE 7-22, Architectural Institute of Japan-recommendations for loads on buildings (AIJ-RLB-2015), Australian and New
Zealand Standard (AS/NZS 1170.2-2011), Korean Design Standard (KDS 41-2019), and ISO 4354-2009, are introduced to clarify differing
points of view and how components of torsional-wind load are included. Finally, the main parameters of each standard are compared with
wind tunnel test results. The results confirm consistency between the wind tunnel test results and those based on the standards with con-
sideration of their covered ranges. DOI: 10.1061/JSENDH.STENG-12546. This work is made available under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution 4.0 International license,
Author keywords: Torsional-wind load; Aerodynamic; Eccentricity; Interference; Architectural Institute of Japan-recommendations for
loads on buildings (AIJ-RLB); ASCE; Australian and New Zealand standard (AS/NZS); Korean design standard (KDS); ISO.
Fig. 3. Location of RP for an arbitrary plan shape: (a) at the center (the coincidence of Cg , Cm , and Cs ); (b) at Cm ; (c) at Cg ; and (d) at Cs .
To illustrate possible eccentricities, four cases shown schemati- accidental eccentricity exists due to the nonuniform arrangement
cally in Fig. 3 for an arbitrary plan shape are considered. Here, total of mechanical, electrical and architectural components, construction
torsional-wind load (M TT ) acts at the center of stiffness and includes error, etc. For this reason, consideration of accidental eccentricity in
M T (the summation of aerodynamic and dynamic torsional-wind seismic design is recommended by codes and standards (e.g., 5%
moments) and the product of components FD and FL and their cor- based on ASCE 7-22) where the load is essentially inertial force.
responding eccentricity. For the forces, the first subscripts D and L With regard to wind design, the resonant component (which is
refer to along- and across-wind loads, respectively, and second sub- inertial force) in the case of short and medium-rise buildings is rel-
scripts R and S refer to resonant and the summation of mean and atively small, and noninclusion of accidental eccentricity is reason-
background (FDS ¼ F̄D þ FDB and FLS ¼ F̄L þ FLB ), respec- able. For tall buildings, the resonant component is generally large,
tively. Eccentricities between centers of mass and stiffness are de- especially for across-wind load, and even a small eccentricity can
noted by eDR and eLR , and eccentricities between centers of stiffness amplify the torsional-wind load. Hence, consideration of accidental
and geometry are denoted by eDS and eLS . eccentricity, as a minimum value for mass-stiffness eccentricity if
A summary of the terms that should be considered in each case inherent mass-stiffness is zero, for tall buildings can result in a safer
for calculation of M TT is reported in Table 1. It is worth mentioning design (Alinejad and Kang 2020b).
that floor behavior can be considered as a rigid diaphragm, which is
common in analytical models of tall buildings. Hence, although the
resonant component of M T is also formed at the mass center, it is Evaluation of Torsional-Wind Load by
not necessary to decompose it into resonant component (M TR ) and Wind Tunnel Tests
aerodynamic component (MTS ).
Mass-stiffness eccentricity may be inherent and accidental. In Current wind tunnel tests can be divided into two categories: aero-
practice, even when a building is designed to have zero inherent elastic and aerodynamic. Aeroelastic wind tunnel tests are based on
eccentricity (zero eccentricity between centers of mass and stiffness), scaling of flow characteristics, geometry, and structural system; it is
considered the most accurate available technique for the calculation
of wind load, since all components including mean, background,
Table 1. Contribution of components of FD and FL in MTT due to and resonant are measured directly, and possible aeroelastic effects
eccentricity can be observed within the test. However, this test is expensive and
Extra terms preparation of the model is difficult and complex.
Location Aerodynamic wind tunnel tests are typically used in practice if
of RP Along-wind load Across-wind load the flow is not considerably affected by the building deformation
Centera — — and aeroelastic effects are not significant. Aerodynamic wind tun-
Cm eDR FD eLR FL nel tests are based on scaling of flow characteristics and geometry,
Cg eDS FDS , eDR FDR eLS FLS , eLR FLR but structural properties are not included, and a rigid model is used.
Cs eDR FDR eLR FLR In the test, only aerodynamic components (mean and background)
Cg ¼ Cm ¼ Cs . of the loads are measured, using high-frequency force balance or
an added term for torsional-wind load. To view the correlation be- between lateral and torsional mode shapes, and thus mass-
tween along- and torsional-wind loads, the load ratio is calculated as stiffness eccentricity is zero. Several models were proposed to
FDS ðMTSmax Þ=FDSmax , where FDS ðMTSmax Þ is the value of FDS at consider coupled mode shapes and the contribution of mass-
the moment where M TS ¼ M TSmax . This method is implemented in stiffness eccentricity to torsional-wind load. Cui and Caracoglia
ASCE 7-22. Although the general procedure to obtain equivalent (2018) proposed a universal formula based on a novel generalized
eccentricity is the same, sometimes slightly different assumptions aerodynamic formulation for calculating the coupled dynamic re-
are used (e.g., using FD instead of FDS for calculation of equivalent sponse of a tall building with consideration of aerodynamic damp-
eccentricity). ing and stiffness.
For tall buildings, the condition is more complicated and both
translational vibration in across-wind direction and torsional vibra-
tion are significant. In this condition, the procedure based on equiv- Exploring Torsional-Wind Load in Standards
alent eccentricity is not suitable. Equivalent static torsional-wind
load, comprising mean, background, and resonant components, can In general, standards that include torsional-wind load can be di-
be a more realistic representation of wind-induced torsional effects. vided in two categories, where the first group is based on equiv-
Because of the complexity associated with distribution of forces alent eccentricity (ASCE 7-22 and AS/NZS) and the second
and torsional moment along with height, base forces and moments, group is based on computational procedure for calculation of
in general, are measured and distributed based on fundamental mode equivalent static torsional-wind load (AIJ 2015; ISO 2009;
shapes. Some models do not explicitly include turbulence intensity KDS 2019). These procedures are explained in detail in the fol-
of ABL (Tamura et al. 1996; Li et al. 2014), while others include it lowing subsections.
(Liang et al. 2004; Katsumura et al. 2014).
Despite differences in the derivation of the equivalent static Procedure in ASCE 7-22 and AS/NZS
torsional-wind load, the load should be representative of aerody-
namic load (mean and background loads) and dynamic response. The provisions for wind design in ASCE 7-22 are provided mainly
The equivalent static load for the dynamic response (resonant load) for short and medium-rise buildings with heights less than 122 m
is typically obtained based on either peak deformation or accelera- (150 m in practice) and cases that are not subject to vortex shedding
tion (Ryu et al. 2020). In current practice, with assumptions of neg- and associated across-wind load. ASCE 7-22 does not provide an
ligible mean value and linear mode shape, equivalent static torsional- analytical equation for across-wind load by the vortex shedding. In
wind load based on measured torsional moment in wind tunnel tests addition, it is assumed that torsional vibration is not considerable.
is defined based on Eq. (1) (Tamura et al. 1996; Ha 2017; ISO 2009; Hence, torsional-wind load, M T , in ASCE 7-22 is defined based on
AIJ 2015; KDS 2019) contribution of aerodynamic torsional-wind load and resonant com-
ponent of along-wind load (if mass-stiffness eccentricity is not zero).
MT ðzj Þ ¼ 3gT qH ðϕT0 CT0 ÞBAj μðzj Þ 1 þ ϕT RT ð1Þ Therefore, it can be viewed that provisions in ASCE 7-22 are for
short and medium-rise buildings, with wind tunnel tests required
where zj = elevation of jth story; gT = peak factor; qH = velocity for tall buildings. Based on this code, the torsional-wind load for
pressure at building height, H; B = width of building normal to rigid and flexible buildings is defined by M T ¼ eQ BFD and M T ¼
wind direction; Aj ¼ Bhj is the projected area normal to wind eBFD , respectively, where B is the width of building normal to wind
direction; hj = height of jth story; CT0 ¼ σMTB =ðqH HB2 Þ is the direction, eQ is eccentricity for rigid buildings, and e is eccentricity
normalized σMTB , standard deviation of measured base torsional for flexible buildings. Based on results of aerodynamic wind tunnel
tests, the measured eQ for the rigid building is about 0.15.
moment in wind tunnel; RT ¼ ðσMTR =σMTB Þ2 is the normalized
Note that eQ is the equivalent eccentricity introduced in the sec-
σMTR , standard deviation of resonant response; and μðzÞ ¼ ðz=HÞβ
is the mode shape. Also, ϕT is the mode correction factor for non- tion “Evaluation of Torsional-wind Load by Wind Tunnel Tests.”
linear mode shape and is usually defined as the ratio of the stan- Eccentricity for the flexible building is calculated by using the fol-
dard deviation or PSD of generalized load based on different mode lowing equation:
shapes (Tallin and Ellingwood 1985a; Holmes 1987; Kijewski and qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
Kareem 1998; Zhou and Kareem 2000; Zhou et al. 2002); and ϕT0 eQ þ 1.7I z̄ ðgQ QeQ Þ2 þ ðgR ReR Þ2
e¼ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ð2Þ
is the mode correction factor for generalized base torsion and is
1 þ 1.7I z̄ ðgQ QÞ2 þ ðgR RÞ2
applied to CT0 . This is used because measured base torsional
where Q and R = background and resonant factors, respectively; I z̄ = maximum load effect scenario when the wind load acts in a diagonal
turbulence intensity at equivalent height (60% of building height); direction. Based on wind tunnel tests of a rigid building, the peak
gQ and gR = peak factors for background and resonant forces, re- torsional-wind load is equivalent to the case where 15% eccentricity
spectively; and eR = eccentricity between mass and stiffness center. exists for a portion of peak along-wind load. It occurs at about 75%
It is worth noting that accidental eccentricity can be simply in- of the peak along-wind load. Thus, a reduction factor of 0.75 is in-
cluded in ASCE 7-22 by directly adding its value to eR . Based on cluded for Case 2 and Case 4.
the results of Alinejad and Kang (2020a), variation of e as a func- Based on AS/NZS, torsional-wind load should be included
tion of building time period, damping ratio, eR , and wind speed is based on 20% eccentricity with respect to the center of geometry
shown schematically in Fig. 4. of the building on the along-wind load for rectangular buildings
When R is zero (i.e., for rigid buildings), Eq. (2) is reduced sim- taller than 70 m. It is also required where the plan aspect ratio is
ply to eQ . However, for flexible buildings (with nonzero R) with larger than 1.5, due to the influence of across- and torsional-wind
eR ¼ 0, the value of e is smaller than eQ . The reason is that M T loads. In contrast to ASCE 7-22, the eccentricity in AS/NZS is ap-
plied to all components of along-wind load (mean, background, and
is calculated based on FD (including its mean, background, and res-
resonant components). In addition, the eccentricity should be used
onant components). However, mean and background are multiplied
for medium-rise to tall buildings, and thus includes torsional vibra-
by eQ B and resonant component by eR B. Hence, when the resonant
tion (resonant component). Based on the evaluation by Alinjead et al.
component is not zero but eR is zero, e is smaller to adjust the re-
(2020), the ratio of torsional-wind load (including resonant compo-
quired correction for exclusion of the resonant component. Thus, the
nent) and along-wind load for buildings with height of 80 to 200 m
value of e is smaller for a larger R component (due to higher wind
and different wind speeds varies between 0.11 to 0.24. Therefore, a
speed, longer period of the structure, and smaller damping ratio).
value of 0.2 for eccentricity can be considered a logical value for the
For cases with non-zero eR but less than eQ , the value of e is also
estimation of torsional-wind load.
less than eQ . By subtracting eQ from the numerator, the multiplier of
R would be eR =eQ , with the multiplier in the denominator being 1.
Hence, the value of e is always less than eQ , unless eR is larger than Procedure in AIJ, ISO, and KDS
eQ . When eR is larger than eQ for a larger R component, the value of In addition to wind load provisions for short and medium-rise
e is larger. For better understanding of the above observation, the buildings, AIJ, ISO, and KDS provide procedures to calculate
procedure to derive Eq. (2) is provided in Appendix II.
To consider the maximum impact of the wind load on the struc-
ture, four load cases are defined by ASCE 7-22, as shown in Table 2.
Table 4. Definition of background and resonant component in AIJ, ISO,
and KDS
> −1.1ðD=BÞ þ 0.97
< þ 0.17 V T ≤ 4.5
ðD=BÞ2 þ 0.85ðD=BÞ þ 3.3
Amplification factor for torsional vibration spectrum KT ¼
> 0.077ðD=BÞ − 0.16 0.35
: þ þ 0.095 6 ≤ V T ≤ 10
ðD=BÞ2 − 0.96ðD=BÞ þ 0.42 ðD=BÞ
> ðD=BÞ þ 3.6 0.14
< þ þ 0.14 V T ≤ 4.5
ðD=BÞ2 − 5.1ðD=BÞ þ 9.1 D=B
Exponential factor for the normalized wind speed for torsional vibration KT ¼
> 0.44ðD=BÞ2 − 0.0064
: þ 0.2 6 ≤ V T ≤ 10
ðD=BÞ4 − 0.26ðD=BÞ2 þ 0.1
Normalized wind speed for the torsional vibration V T ¼ f BD
Note: B and D = widths of building normal and parallel to wind direction, respectively; LDB = greater value of D and B; V H = wind speed at building height;
and f 1T = fundamental natural frequency in torsional mode of vibration.
In contrast to KDS, the mode shape correction factor for nonlin- Table 10. Correlation coefficient for across- and torsional-wind loads,
ρLT , of AIJ
ear mode shape is included in AIJ and ISO (K and ϕT , respectively); pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
K and ϕT are defined by 0.27β þ 0.73 and I T1 =I T ð1 − 0.4 ln βÞ, ρLT 2 þ 2ρLT − 1
respectively, where β is the exponent of power-law for the first tor- D=B n1 B=V H ζ ¼ 1.0 ζ ¼ 1.1 ζ ≥ 1.4 ζ ¼ 1.0 ζ ¼ 1.1 ζ ≥ 1.4
sional vibration mode, I T is the generalized mass of building for
≤0.5 ≤0.1 0.9 0.7 0.5 0.95 0.84 0.73
torsional vibration, and I T1 is the value of I T for linear mode shape
0.2 0.3 0.6 0.5 0.61 0.79 0.73
(i.e., β ¼ 1). Values of K and ϕT are very close to each other for β in 0.3 0.4 0.6 0.6 0.67 0.79 0.79
the range of 0.1 to 2. 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.79 0.79 0.79
Resonant response factor for torsional vibration, RT , is defined ≥1 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.84 0.84 0.84
by πFT =ð4ξ 1T Þ, where ξ 1T is the damping ratio of the first mode of
torsional vibration and FT is the coefficient of spectrum in torsional 1 ≤0.1 0.8 0.5 0.2 0.90 0.73 0.55
0.2 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.79 0.73 0.73
≥0.3 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.73 0.73 0.73
Procedures to calculate FT in ISO and KDS are the same
(Table 5), while in AIJ the procedure differs (Table 6). ≥2 ≤0.05 0.6 0.4 0.3 0.79 0.67 0.61
CT0 is equal to σMTB =ðqH HB2 Þ, where σMTB is the standard 0.1 0.6 0.2 0.2 0.79 0.55 0.55
deviation of base torsional moment fluctuation, and its definitions ≥0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.55 0.55 0.55
based on listed standards are provided in Table 7. Note = For intermediate values of D=B, ζ, and n1 B=V H , linear interpolation
Derivation of procedures in these standards is more-or-less similar can be used. B and D = widths of building normal and parallel to wind
to the method described in the section “Evaluation of Torsional-Wind direction, respectively; V H = wind speed at building height; n1 = smaller
Load by Wind Tunnel Tests.” In these standards, torsional-wind load of natural frequency of first translational mode in across-wind direction
is calculated based on linear mode shape with a correction factor for (f 1L ) and first torsional mode (f 1T ); and ζ ¼ f 1L ≥ f 1T ζ ¼ f 1L =f1T ,
generalized base torsion, ϕT0 , equal to 0.6. In ISO, the standard f1L < f 1T ζ ¼ f 1T =f1L .
deviation is multiplied by the factor and directly included in
CT0 , while in AIJ and KDS it is included in the multiplier of
the load (3 × 0.6 ¼ 1.8). The values of CT0 in ISO (after applying Overall, AIJ considers larger load combination factors for buildings
ϕT0 ¼ 0.6) and KDS are similar to that in the former version of with smaller plan aspect ratios (D=B).
AIJ (AIJ 2004), whereas for AIJ, a fitted function developed by In the derivation of the load combinations in these standards, it is
Katsumura et al. (2014) is introduced for CT0 . assumed that the response can be expressed by the normal distribu-
Load case combinations for along-, across-, and torsional-wind tion, which can be attributed to the significant contribution of res-
loads based on AIJ, ISO, and KDS are listed in Table 8. onance response for tall buildings with small natural frequencies.
The values of factors for combining across- and torsional-wind Responses in two directions, M x and M y , are expressed through
loads (κ and ρLT ) shown in Table 8 are listed in Tables 9 and 10. a 2D normal distribution, where M x and My can be base overturning
Table 8. Combination of along-, across-, and torsional-wind loads in AIJ, ISO, and KDS
1 1 0.4 0.4
0.6 pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
2 0.4 þ 1 2 þ 2ρLT − 1 κ
0.6 pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
3 0.4 þ 2 þ 2ρLT − 1 κ 1
Note: FD , FL , and MT = along-, across-, and torsional-wind loads, respectively; GD = gust-effect factor (mean dynamic response factor for FD in ISO); and
κ and ρLT = wind load combination factors and correlation coefficient for across- and torsional-wind load.
2ξðf=fn Þ
ϕ ¼ tan−1 ð8Þ
1 − ðf=f n Þ2
nificantly coupled (i.e., nonzero eccentricity). erable on the values of CMT , especially for mean and standard
Based on ISO, if the building has some eccentricity, a more de- deviation. In addition, the mean value is relatively small in com-
tailed examination should be made for the wind-load combinations; parison with standard deviation and maximum value, and is almost
whereas, in AIJ, buildings with an eccentricity (eccentric distance/ zero in the 0° angle of attack.
radius of rotation) of 0.15 or less (i.e., eR ≤ 0.15) are subject to the Fig. 8 shows the value of CT0 [¼ σTB =ðqH HB2 Þ] for the build-
estimation equation. However, the wind load on a building for which ings to compare with the listed standards. It can be seen that the
eccentricity cannot be ignored needs to be calculated based on the value of CT0 for all buildings is maximum at the angle of attack of
results of wind tunnel tests or computational fluid dynamics (CFD). 0°, and its value decreases by increasing angle of attack. The effect
of exposure type is also negligible.
The observations, including negligible value of the mean com-
Comparison with Results of Wind Tunnel Tests ponent and the largest value of CT0 at an angle of attack of 0°, and
recalling the fact that maximum along- and across-wind loads usu-
Tokyo Polytechnic University (TPU) provides an open-access aero- ally occur at the angle of attack of 0° for square-shape plan, confirm
dynamic database for high-rise buildings (Tamura 2012), which the consistency of the standards with the wind tunnel test results.
includes results of pressure integration tests on 1/400 scaled rigid According to Fig. 8, the value of CT0 at 0° angle of attack is be-
rectangular prism models with different heights, side ratios (D=B), tween 0.03 and 0.05 for buildings with different aspect ratios,
exposure types, and angles of attack. Sampling frequency and du- whereby increasing the aspect ratio, the difference between the val-
ration of all tests are 1,000 Hz and 32.768 s, respectively. For the ues of CT0 becomes smaller. Note that buildings with an aspect ratio
purpose of this study, wind pressure data were extracted for build- of 2∶1∶1 are not in the covered range of the listed standards (Table 3).
ings with aspect ratio (height∶breadth∶depth) of 2∶1∶1, 3∶1∶1, 4∶1∶1, Based on test results, the values of CT0 at 0° angle of attack for build-
and 5∶1∶1 (which correspond to buildings with width of 40 m and ings with aspect ratios of 3∶1∶1, 4∶1∶1, and 5∶1∶1 are 0.037, 0.045,
height of 80, 120, 160, and 200 m in real scale); the sample included and 0.048, respectively.
urban and suburban areas with wind speed profile power (exposure The listed standards provide CT0 as a function of plan aspect ratio
factor), α, of 1/4 and 1/6, respectively, and 0° to 45° angle of attack. (D=B) and independent of building aspect ratio. The value CT0 for
Information regarding dimensions of specimens and wind speeds in the building with D=B ¼ 1, based on AIJ, is equal to 0.06 and,
the wind tunnel test is summarized in Table 11. based on KDS and ISO, is equal to 0.05 (Table 7). Note that the
Below, wind tunnel results are compared with ASCE 7-22, AIJ, value of ISO is multiplied by 0.6 (the mode shape correction) to be
and ISO (which is similar to KDS). comparable with KDS and AIJ. The value from ISO almost fits with
Fig. 6. (a) Equivalent eccentricity; and (b) load ratio based on TPU.
was calculated and compared with the values of AIJ and ISO (refer
Fig. 10. Normalized PSD of torsional response based on wind tunnel to Tables 4–6), as shown in Fig. 11. It can be seen that the results
test, AIJ, and ISO (5∶1∶1, fT1 B=V H ¼ 0.5, and α ¼ 1=6). from AIJ, ISO, and wind tunnel tests are comparable in most ranges.
Values of RT based on ISO for normalized frequency of 0.3 and
larger match well with wind tunnel test results, and for normalized
frequency less than 0.2 are more conservative than TPU. However,
the results based on AIJ fit more closely with the trend based on
wind tunnel test results, especially for normalized frequencies of 0.3
and less.
The equivalent static load is a function of both CT0 and RT .
Therefore, the equivalent static torsional-wind load at building
height, M T (H), was calculated based on AIJ, ISO, and wind tunnel
tests, as shown in Fig. 12. M T (H) based on wind tunnel test results
was calculated based on Eqs. (1) and (4), and ϕT0 ¼ 0.6 was used
to be compatible with AIJ and ISO. Based on the results, for nor-
malized frequencies of about 0.3 and larger, the load calculated
from the wind tunnel test is comparable with AIJ and ISO. In ad-
dition, the values of AIJ and ISO are very close for normalized
frequencies of less than about 0.2. The main reason for differences
of AIJ and ISO for the range of 0.2 to 0.3 the different modeling for
the step-shape part of the PSD. Overall, the value of both AIJ and
ISO is larger than that based on the wind tunnel test for normalized
Fig. 11. Comparison of RT based on wind tunnel test, AIJ, and ISO
frequencies of less than 0.3 (AIJ is between 20% and 70%, with an
(5∶1∶1 and α ¼ 1=6).
average of 50% larger, and ISO is between 2% and 80%, with an
average of 34% larger). In addition to general conservatism in es-
timation of the load in comparison with wind tunnel test results, one
reason can be that, based on AIJ, the provision is applicable to the
structure with mass-stiffness eccentricity smaller than 0.15.
To evaluate the load case factors, a series of linear time-history
analyses have been performed using a single degree of freedom
(SDOF) system. For simplification, evaluation was done only for
a building with an aspect ratio of 5∶1∶1. Also, 0° angle of attack was
chosen to be consistent with the listed standards. Properties of the
SDOF system were defined using generalized mass and mass mo-
ment of inertia, stiffness, and damping with assumption of linear
mode shape. Damping ratio, ξ, of 1% and 2% were examined as
representative values for wind design.
Time-histories were made by dividing the full length of ex-
tracted data into five parts (with duration of 600 s in scaled-up
time-histories), and ensemble averages were reported. To examine
the results for different normalized frequencies (fB=V H ), two ap-
proaches can be taken: (1) fix f and change V H , or (2) fix V H and
change f. With the change of V H , time scale and length of time-
histories vary. Because the correlation between the applied loads
Fig. 12. Comparison of equivalent static torsional moment at building
themselves is also important, particularly in higher values of nor-
height, MT (H), based on wind tunnel test, AIJ, and ISO (5∶1∶1 and
malized frequency where resonant components are small, it is cru-
α ¼ 1=6).
cial to avoid overlapping between the parts. For this reason, V H was
Fig. 13. Correlation coefficient between responses: (a) (f D ∶f T ¼ 1∶1); (b) (f D ∶fT ¼ 1∶1.1); (c) (fL ∶fT ¼ 1∶1); and (d) (f L ∶f T ¼ 1∶1.1).
fixed to preserve the inherent correlation between the applied loads along- and torsional-wind responses, ρDT , is very small in all ranges
themselves. Recalling the values of length scale and duration of of normalized frequencies and for both cases of (fD ∶fT ¼ 1∶1) and
measurement, a value of 45 m=s was chosen for V H , at which the (f D ∶f T ¼ 1∶1.1). Therefore, it is logical to assume that along- and
total time of five time series is almost equal to the total length of torsional-wind responses are uncorrelated.
available data. For the case of (f L ∶fT ¼ 1∶1), the correlation coefficient be-
In addition to the values of natural frequencies, the studies by tween across- and torsional-wind responses, ρLT , is very large at
Somekawa et al. (2014) and Jeong and Kang (2021) showed that a small normalized frequency around 0.1, and decreases by increas-
the ratio of frequencies is also important to calculate load case fac- ing the normalized frequency. For the case of (f L ∶f T ¼ 1∶1.1),
tors. They examined different cases of ratio of frequencies (in the there is no large correlation at small normalized frequencies. At
range of 1 to 1.5), and found that if the frequencies are not equal higher normalized frequency of about 0.3 or larger, ρLT increases
(even for ratio of frequencies equal to 1.1), the load case factors can for both cases of (fL ∶f T ¼ 1∶1) and (f L ∶f T ¼ 1∶1.1). Because the
be significantly smaller than the case with equal frequencies. In resonant component of responses is smaller at higher normalized
contrast to ISO, the combination factors for directional load in AIJ frequency, large values of ρLT are due to the correlation between
are provided based on the frequency ratio (refer to Tables 9 and 10). across- and torsional-wind loads itself rather than the responses.
SDOF systems were investigated with respect to natural frequen- According to the results, the values provided by ISO are close to
cies, including natural frequency ratios of (fD ∶f L ∶fT ¼ 1∶1∶1) and the average value of correlation coefficients in the examined range
(fD ∶f L ∶fT ¼ 1∶1∶1.1) as representative of cases with equal and non- of normalized frequency, and the values provided by AIJ are based
equal frequencies. on an envelope to the analysis results with some degree of con-
Normalized frequencies were set in the range of 0.1 to 0.5 with servatism. For the case of (fL ∶f T ¼ 1∶1) at smaller values of nor-
an increment of 0.01, and for each value a set of five analyses for malized frequency, the correlation coefficients provided by AIJ fit
along-, across-, and torsional-wind directions were performed for better with the analysis results than those provided by ISO. For the
two natural frequency ratios and two damping ratios. Because the case of (f L ∶f T ¼ 1∶1.1), large values of ρLT at small normalized
values of V H (45 m=s) and B (40 m) were constant, natural fre- frequency are not observed. These observations imply that, with
quency was defined by manipulating corresponding normalized a little difference between the natural frequencies, the correlation
frequency and associated stiffness and damping coefficient of the coefficient is very small for small normalized frequency.
SDOF system. In the next step, the value of a component when the other
Absolute values of correlation coefficient between the fluc- component is the maximum was extracted from the results of
tuation components of responses for along- and torsional-wind di- time-history analysis, and scaled by the maximum value of that
rections and across- and torsional-wind directions are shown in time-history (i.e., mYX =mYmax ). Ensemble average of these ratios
Fig. 13. It can be seen that the correlation coefficient between was calculated for each set of five time-histories, and is denoted
Fig. 14. Comparison of values of AXY and κ based on analysis and ISO: (a) (fD ∶f T ¼ 1∶1); (b) (fD ∶f T ¼ 1∶1.1); (c) (fL ∶f T ¼ 1∶1); and
(d) (fL ∶fT ¼ 1∶1.1).
by AYX (ratio to the maximum). Here, Y and X are D for along- Summary and Conclusion
wind, L for across-wind, and T for torsional-wind (for instance,
ADT is equal to mDT =mDmax ). It is worth mentioning that for every The purpose of the present study was to discuss perspectives behind
two components, two cases including AXY and AYX can be calcu- the source of torsional-wind load and the current code-based pro-
lated, and the maximum of two is shown in Fig. 14. Additionally, cedures. Characteristics of torsional moment due to asymmetric
values of κ based on correlation coefficients shown in Fig. 13, wind pressure distribution on building surfaces (aerodynamic source)
uncorrelated cases for along-wind and torsional-wind (ρDT ¼ 0, and possible torsional vibration in response to the load were ex-
similar to the assumption of ISO and AIJ), and the provided values plained, which are primary components of torsional-wind load. The
of ISO and AIJ for across-wind and torsional-wind are calculated role of mass-stiffness eccentricity in calculation of torsional load was
and shown in Fig. 14. clarified, and it was explained that the contribution of mass-stiffness
It can be seen that values of κ for the exact value of ρDT and for eccentricity can be significant and should be carefully considered in
ρDT ¼ 0 are very close, especially for (f D ∶fT ¼ 1∶1.1). The values the calculation of the load. Accordingly, it was noted that for even
of ADT and κ are well matched in all the ranges of normalized buildings with no inherent eccentricity between centers of mass and
frequencies. Thus, the value of 0.4 for κ in AIJ and ISO, with the stiffness, a minimum eccentricity (accidental eccentricity) may need
assumption that along-wind and torsional-wind responses are un- to be considered for more reliable design. The concept is similar
correlated, seems logical. to that commonly used in seismic design to address uncertainties in
As shown in Fig. 14, the value of κ based on wind tunnel tests is both dead and live loads, and quantitative research on this aspect is
matched with that based on AIJ and ISO, except for the small nor- being conducted.
malized frequency around 0.1 where the underestimation by ISO is Although procedures in wind standards for calculating torsional-
quite large. However, for the case with (fL ∶f T ¼ 1∶1.1), the accu- wind load from a theoretical point of view should be the same, clear
racy is higher and the values are closer. It is worth mentioning that differences can be seen in the formulation among various codes. To
natural frequency of tall buildings in translational and torsional clarify these differences and perspectives, procedures in ASCE 7-22,
modes are usually different in practice, and thus the application AS/NZS 1170.2-2011, AIJ-RLB-2015, ISO 4354-2009, and KDS
of the case with (f L ∶fT ¼ 1∶1) is limited. 41-2019 were explained in detail. In the next step, the main
Appendix I. Procedure for Equivalent Static Appendix II. Derivation of Eccentricity for Flexible
Torsional-Wind Load (AIJ, ISO, and KDS) Building (ASCE)
The general procedure to obtain equivalent static torsional-wind Eq. (2) is obtained by modifying gust-effect factor in ASCE 7-22.
load based on peak rotation is as follows. The equivalent static Along-wind load in ASCE 7-22 is defined by
torsional-wind load is defined as the product of peak factor for
FD ¼ q3s Cd AG ð15Þ
torsion, gT , and standard deviation of the equivalent static load,
σMT ðzÞ, at the height z, that is, M T ðzÞ ¼ gT σMT ðzÞ. It can be de-
This work is made available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.
M T ðzÞ ¼ IðzÞð2πf 1T Þ2 gT σθ μðzÞ ð10Þ A multiplier of 0.925 is included to match the value of G with
its values in former versions of the code (Kwon and Kareem 2013;
ASCE 1995). The numerator and denominator of Eq. (16) are gust-
Given the dynamic properties of the building, σθ are determined displacement factor, GX , and gust-pressure factor, Gq , respectively.
from postprocessing of the results from wind tunnel tests. The basic In general, gust load factor (GLF) is defined by GX, which is the
parameters from the test are standard deviation of background tor- ratio of peak displacement to mean displacement. Recalling the nu-
sional moment at the base, σMTB , and its power spectral density merator of Eq. (16), the terms 1.7I z̄ gQ Q and 1.7I z̄ gR R are called
(PSD), SMTB ðfÞ, where f is frequency. The generalized externally background and resonant components of GX , which are shown by
applied torsional-wind load, M TB ðtÞ, is defined by GXB and GXR , respectively. GX can be written as
Z qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
M TB ðtÞ ¼ M TB ðz; tÞμðzÞdz ð11Þ GX ¼ 1 þ G2XB þ G2XR ð17Þ
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