Civil Law Review 1 - Maglajos
Civil Law Review 1 - Maglajos
Civil Law Review 1 - Maglajos
1) GEN. RULE: Acts executed against provisions of PERSONS AND HUMAN RELATIONS
mandatory or prohibitory laws shall be void.
1) when the law itself authorizes its validity. ART. 19 – Every person must, in the exercise of his rights
Ex. sweepstakes (form of gambling) and in the performance of his duties, act w/ justice, give
2) where a marriage was solemnized by a person everyone his due and observe honesty and good faith.
who has no legal authority, but the party or parties - can be used as basis when a person’s right has been
believing in good faith, that such person has the violated but you can’t specifically pinpoint what
authority to do so, then the marriage is VALID but particular offense is committed.
the person who solemnized the same shall be PRINC. of ABUSE of RIGHT – a person’s abuse of his
criminally liable. right is an actionable offense.
3) where the law itself authorizes its validity, but ELEMENTS:
punishes the violator. 1) legal right or duty
Ex: A widow who remarries before the lapse of 300 2) such right or duty is exercised in bad faith
days from the death of her husband is liable to 3) there is an intention of prejudicing or injuring
criminal prosecution but the marriage itself is valid. another person
4) where the law merely makes the act voidable. ART. 20 – Every person who, contrary to law, willfully or
Ex: A marriage celebrated through violence or negligently cause damage to another shall indemnify
intimidation or physical incapacity or fraud is valid the latter of the same.
until it is annulled by a competent court.
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- more of a general sanction for acts that are not given
specific sanction
ART. 21 – Any person who willfully causes loss or injury
to another in manner that is contrary to morals, good
customs or public policy shall compensate the latter for
the damage.
- CONTRA BONUS MORES – act not in violation of a
particular law, however, such act violates morals, good
customs or public policy.
1) legal act
2) act contrary to moral, good customs or public policy
3) intent to injure another person
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