DTU Electro Mech Design Analysis FINAL

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electro mechanical design analysis

well booster
1 total dynamic head analysis
pump Design discharge (l/s) 3.0 28.0
design discharge (m3/s) 0.003 0.028
recommended pump position below OGL 85 0
Blind casing interval @ pump position 82.68-88.61
expected dynamic water level 84 0
well recommended safe yield (L/s) 3 3
well production casing 8" PVC
riser pipe type GI
rising main pipe type GI GI
riser pipe diameter 0.065 0.15
rising main pipe diameter (m) 0.065 0.202
velocity for the riser pipe 0.90 1.59
velocity for the rising main pipe 0.90 0.87
riser pipe length (m) 91 2
rising main pipe length (m) 4000 5320
coefficient of friction for the riser pipe(C) 120 120
coefficient of friction for the rising main pipe(C) 120 150
maximum day demand (l/sec) 8.43 28
pumping hour, hr 18 20
major riser pipe head loss, Hl (m) 1.80 0.04
major rising main head loss, Hl (m) 79.02 17.33
minor head loss, .1*(Hl + Hl (m)) 8.08 1.74
total head loss (m) 88.90 19.10
pump station OGL elevation (m) 1469.00 2127.00
destination reservoir elevation 1522.21 2222.00
elevation difference (m) 53.21 95.00
reservoir height + water hammer(free head) 8.00 4.50
total dynamic head (m) 234.11 118.60
TDH (m) 235 194
2 pump and diesel generator analysis
pump mechanical efficiency - ηm, % 65 65
electrical motor efficiency - ηe, % 80 80
motor power, kw 13.29 102.41
2.1 standard motor power Pm, in kw not greater than 15 15
maximum expected outside motor and pump diameter not greater than 142mm
total number of duty and standby pumps 1 duty 1duty & 1 standby
power required to run the motor 1.5*Pm, kw 22.5 22.5
altitude effect, palt 10% for each 1000masl, kw 3.305 4.786
total generator power, kw 25.805 27.286
total generator power including other loads, kva 36.127 38.200
2.2 standard continuous duty generator power, kva 40 40
motor working current, I=Pm/(1.73*V*0.8) 32 32
motor reduced voltage starting current, Ims,(A) 63 63
minimum required transformer kva 25 25
2.3 appropriate transformer power size, kva 25 25
2.4 manual transfer switch in ampere 63 63
2.5 power cable from control panel board to motor, mtr& size in sqmm 110mtr, 3x16 50mtr, 4x10
electro mechanical design analysis
well 1st phase remark
1 total dynamic head analysis
pump Design discharge (l/s) 8.4
design discharge (m3/s) 0.008
recommended pump position 44
expected dynamic water level 30
well recommended safe yield (L/s) 31
well production casing 6" steel type
riser pipe type GI
rising main pipe type HDPE
riser pipe diameter 0.08
rising main pipe diameter (m) 0.1308 OD160, PN16
velocity for the riser pipe 1.67 safe
velocity for the rising main pipe 0.62 safe
riser pipe length (m) 44
rising main pipe length (m) 2030.68
coefficient of friction for the riser pipe(C) 120
coefficient of friction for the rising main pipe(C) 150
maximum day demand (l/sec) 6.29
pumping hour, hr 18
major riser pipe head loss, Hl (m) 2.12
major rising main head loss, Hl (m) 5.90
minor head loss, .1*(Hl + Hl (m)) 0.80
total head loss (m) 8.83
pump station elevation (m) 2593.68
destination reservoir elevation 2702.72
elevation difference (m) 109.04
reservoir height + water hammer(free head) 8.00
total dynamic head (m) 155.87
TDH (m) 156
2 pump and diesel generator analysis
pump mechanical efficiency - ηm, % 70
electrical motor efficiency - ηe, % 80
motor power, kw 22.90
2.1 standard motor power Pm, kw 22
motor diameter 6", 142mm safe
total number of duty and standby pumps 1 duty
power required to run the motor 1.5*Pm, kw 33
altitude effect, palt 10% for each 1000masl, kw 8.559
total generator power, kw 41.559
total generator power including other loads, kva 58.183
2.2 standard continuous duty generator power, kva 60
motor working current, I=Pm/(1.73*V*0.8) 46
motor reduced voltage starting current, Ims,(A) 116
minimum required transformer kva 46
2.3 appropriate transformer power size, kva 50
2.4 manual transfer switch in ampere 80
power cable from control panel board to motor,
2.5 mtr& size in sqmm 70mtr, 3x16
electro mechanical design analysis
borhole EM design
Onspote BH to From BH to
CC booster-1
1 total dynamic head analysis
pump Design discharge (l/s) 28.0 28.0
design discharge (m3/s) 0.028 0.028
recommended pump position below OGL 187 187
Blind casing interval @ pump position 82.68-88.61
expected dynamic water level 102 102
well recommended safe yield (L/s) 28.0 28.0
well production casing 10" Steel
riser pipe type GS GS
rising main pipe type PN16,OD250mm DCI DN200
riser pipe diameter 0.1
rising main pipe diameter (m) 0.2022 0.2
velocity for the riser pipe 3567.20
velocity for the rising main pipe 0.87 0.89
riser pipe length (m) 193 0
rising main pipe length (m) 4464.51 6572.3
coefficient of friction for the riser pipe(C) 120
coefficient of friction for the rising main pipe(C) 130 130
maximum day demand (l/sec) 40 20
pumping hour, hr 20 18
major riser pipe head loss, Hl (m) 29.22 0.00
major rising main head loss, Hl (m) 18.86 29.28
minor head loss, .1*(Hl + Hl (m)) 4.81 2.93
total head loss (m) 52.88 32.20
pump station OGL elevation (m) 1818.71 1976.00
destination reservoir elevation 1976.00 2195.20
elevation difference (m) 157.29 219.20
reservoir height + water hammer(free head) 3.00 6.00
total dynamic head (m) 315.17 359.40
total dynamic head above well ogl 213.17 257.40
TDH (m) 256 243
2 pump and diesel generator analysis
pump mechanical efficiency - ηm, % 72 65
electrical motor efficiency - ηe, % 80 80
motor power, kw(pump input power) 97.60 102.62
motor power, kw 122.00 128.28
2.1 standard motor power Pm, in kw not greater than 92 75
maximum expected outside motor and pump diameter not 192mm
total number of duty and standby pumps 1 duty1duty & 1 standby
power required to run the motor 1.5*Pm, kw 138 112.5
altitude effect, palt 10% for each 1000masl, kw 25.098 22.230
total generator power, kw 163.098 134.730
total generator power including other loads, kva 228.337 188.622
2.2 standard continuous duty generator power, kva 250 200
motor working current, I=Pm/(1.73*V*0.8) 194 158
motor reduced voltage starting current, Ims,(A) 389 317
minimum required transformer kva 155 127
2.3 appropriate transformer power size, kva 25 25
2.4 manual transfer switch in ampere 63 63
power cable from control panel board to motor, mtr&
2.5 size in sqmm 110mtr, 3x16 50mtr, 4x10
3 suction and delivery side pipe analysis booster
Booster pump discharge at duty point ,l/s 28
booster pump discharge at duty point ,m3/hr 0.028
no of duty pumps 1
no of standby pumps 1
total no of pumps 2
single pump discharge, l/s 28
allowable suction side velocity m/s 1.5
allowable delivery side velocity m/s 2.8
suction side common pipe dia, mm 154.21
suction side independent pipe dia, mm 154.21
delivery side independent pipe dia, mm 112.87
delivery side common pipe dia, mm 112.87
actual suction common pipe dia, mm 80
actual suction independent pipe dia, mm 65
actual delivery independent pipe dia, mm 50
actual delivery common pipe dia, mm 65
actual suction common pipe velocity, m/s 5.57
actual suction independent pipe velocity, m/s 8.44
actual delivery independent pipe velocity, m/s 14.27
actual delivery common pipe velocity, m/s 8.44
From BH to From BH to
booster-1 booster-1

28.0 28.0
0.028 0.028
187 187

102 102
28.0 28.0



0.1636 0.0736

1.33 6.59
0 0
2688.91 5135.58

150 150 BH TO booster1

16 3
18 18 booster1 to booster 2

24.45 2289.56 booster 2 to SR

2.45 228.96
26.90 2518.51 252
2195.20 2195.20 288.00
2262.36 2301.65
67.16 106.45
8.00 8.00
204.06 2734.96 156.2
102.06 2632.96
86 155

65 65 297.17
80 80
36.32 65.46
45.40 81.83
22 7.5

1duty & 1 standby 1duty & 1 standby

33 11.25
7.244 2.470
40.244 13.720
56.342 19.207 75.549
60 20
46 16
93 32
37 13
25 25
63 63

50mtr, 4x10 50mtr, 4x10


length elevation
electro mechanical design analysis
1 total dynamic head analysis
pump Design discharge (l/s) 28.0
design discharge (m3/s) 0.028
recommended pump position below OGL 113
Blind casing interval @ pump position 82.68-88.61
expected dynamic water level
well recommended safe yield (L/s) 28
well production casing 12
riser pipe type GI
rising main pipe type gi
riser pipe diameter 0.15
rising main pipe diameter (m) 0
velocity for the riser pipe
velocity for the rising main pipe #DIV/0!
riser pipe length (m) 113
rising main pipe length (m) 600
coefficient of friction for the riser pipe(C) 120
coefficient of friction for the rising main pipe(C) 120
maximum day demand (l/sec)
pumping hour, hr 18
major riser pipe head loss, Hl (m) 2.37
major rising main head loss, Hl (m) #DIV/0!
minor head loss, .1*(Hl + Hl (m)) #DIV/0!
total head loss (m) #DIV/0!
pump station OGL elevation (m) 1854.40
destination reservoir elevation 1866.50
elevation difference (m) 5.00
reservoir height + water hammer(free head)
total dynamic head (m) #DIV/0!
total dynamic head above well ogl #DIV/0!
TDH (m) 115
2 pump and diesel generator analysis
pump and diesel generator analysis
pump mechanical efficiency - ηm, % 70
electrical motor efficiency - ηe, % 80
2.1 motor shaft rated power (P2), kw 45.10
standard motor shaft power (P2), in kw not greater than 110
motor electrical input power (P1) 56.37
maximum expected outside motor and pump diameter
total number of duty and standby pumps 1 duty
power required to run the motor 1.5*Pm, kw 112.7
altitude effect, palt 10% for each 1000masl, kw 21.04
2.2 total generator power, kw 133.79
total generator power including other loads, kva 173.93
standard continuous duty generator power, kva 370
motor working current, I=Pm/(1.73*V*0.8) 232
2.3 motor reduced voltage starting current, Ims,(A) 523
2.4 minimum required transformer kva 209
2.5 appropriate transformer power size, kva 100
3 main switch gear and manual transfer switch in ampere 348.60
standard switch gear and manual transfer switch board
in rated current
power cable length from control panel to motor 210
power cable size in sqmm from control panel board to motor 167.84
standard power cable size with current carrying
capacity of rated motor current 70mm2



electro mechanical design analysis
borhole EM design
1 total dynamic head analysis
pump Design discharge (l/s) 26.4
design discharge (m3/s) 0.026
recommended pump position below OGL 180
Blind casing interval @ pump position 82.68-88.61
expected dynamic water level 47.65
well recommended safe yield (L/s) 27
well production casing 8" Steel
riser pipe type GS
rising main pipe type DCI DN200
riser pipe diameter 0.1
rising main pipe diameter (m) 0.2
velocity for the riser pipe 3.36
velocity for the rising main pipe 0.84
riser pipe length (m) 186
rising main pipe length (m) 4464.51
coefficient of friction for the riser pipe(C) 120
coefficient of friction for the rising main pipe(C) 130
maximum day demand (l/sec) 40
pumping hour, hr 20
major riser pipe head loss, Hl (m) 25.26
major rising main head loss, Hl (m) 17.84
minor head loss, .1*(Hl + Hl (m)) 4.31
total head loss (m) 47.40
pump station OGL elevation (m) 1818.71
destination reservoir elevation 1976.00
elevation difference (m) 157.29
reservoir height + water hammer(free head) 3.00
total dynamic head (m) 255.34
total dynamic head above well ogl 207.69
TDH (m) 256
2 pump and diesel generator analysis
pump mechanical efficiency - ηm, % 72
electrical motor efficiency - ηe, % 80
motor power, kw(pump input power) 92.03
motor power, kw 115.03
2.1 standard motor power Pm, in kw not greater than 92
maximum expected outside motor and pump diamet 192mm
total number of duty and standby pumps 1 duty
power required to run the motor 1.5*Pm, kw 138
altitude effect, palt 10% for each 1000masl, kw 25.098
total generator power, kw 163.098
total generator power including other loads, kva 228.337
2.2 standard continuous duty generator power, kva 250
motor working current, I=Pm/(1.73*V*0.8) 194
motor reduced voltage starting current, Ims,(A) 389
minimum required transformer kva 155
2.3 appropriate transformer power size, kva 25
2.4 manual transfer switch in ampere 63
power cable from control panel board to motor,
2.5 mtr& size in sqmm 110mtr, 3x16
3 suction and delivery side pipe analysis
Booster pump discharge at duty point ,l/s

booster pump discharge at duty point ,m3/hr

no of duty pumps
no of standby pumps
total no of pumps
single pump discharge, l/s
allowable suction side velocity m/s
allowable delivery side velocity m/s
suction side common pipe dia, mm
suction side independent pipe dia, mm
delivery side independent pipe dia, mm
delivery side common pipe dia, mm
actual suction common pipe dia, mm
actual suction independent pipe dia, mm
actual delivery independent pipe dia, mm
actual delivery common pipe dia, mm
actual suction common pipe velocity, m/s
actual suction independent pipe velocity, m/s
actual delivery independent pipe velocity, m/s
actual delivery common pipe velocity, m/s
design analysis

booster-1 booster-2

20.0 16.0
0.020 0.016
0 0

0 0
20 16


0.2 0.1636

0.64 0.76
0 0
6572.3 2688.91

130 150
20 16
18 18
15.71 8.68
1.57 0.87
17.28 9.55
1976.00 2195.20
2195.20 2262.36
219.20 67.16
6.00 8.00
242.48 84.71
242.48 84.71
243 86

65 65
80 80
73.30 20.75
91.63 25.94
75 22

1duty & 1 standby 1duty & 1 standby

112.5 33
22.230 7.244
134.730 40.244
188.622 56.342
200 60
158 46
317 93
127 37
25 25
63 63

50mtr, 4x10 50mtr, 4x10


booster-2 to radar







65 291.69

1duty & 1 standby


50mtr, 4x10
DTU Water supply project electro mechanical design analysis

Debre tabore university EM design

Onspote BH to From BH to From BH to booster-1

CC booster-1

1 Total dynamic head analysis

pump Design discharge (l/s) 28.00 28.00 28.00
design discharge (m3/s) 0.0280 0.0280 0.0280
recommended pump position below OGL 187 187 187
Blind casing interval @ pump position
expected dynamic water level 102 102 102
well recommended safe yield (L/s) 28.00 28.00 28.00
riser pipe type GS GS GS


rising main pipe type PN20,OD180 and HDPE
mm PN20,OD180mm

riser pipe diameter(m) 0.1 0.1 0.1

rising main pipe diameter (m) 0.1616 0.1376 0.1376
velocity for the riser pipe 3.57 3.57 3.57
velocity for the rising main pipe 1.37 1.88 1.88
riser pipe length (m) 190 0 0
rising main pipe length (m) 2520 7917 10437
coefficient of friction for the riser pipe(C) 120 120 120
coefficient of friction for the rising main
150 150 150
maximum day demand (l/sec) 28.00 28.00 28.00
pumping hour, hr 24 24 24
major riser pipe head loss, Hl (m) 28.77 0.00 0.00
major rising main head loss, Hl (m) 24.33 167.24 220.47
minor head loss, .1*(Hl + Hl (m)) 5.31 16.72 22.05
Total head loss (m) 58.41 183.96 242.37
pump station OGL elevation (m) 2298.20 2298.20 2298.20
destination reservoir elevation 2127.00 2127.00 2127.00
elevation difference (m) -171.20 -171.20 -171.20
CC/reservoir height 6.00 6.00 6.00
total dynamic head (m) 179.17 120.76 179.17
total dynamic head above well ogl 77.17 18.76 77.17
TDH (m) 180.00 169 180
2 pump and diesel generator analysis
pump mechanical efficiency - ηm, % 70 70
electrical motor efficiency - ηe, % 85 80
motor power, kw(pump input power) 70.59 70.59
motor power, kw 83.04 88.24
standard motor power Pm, in kw not 75
2.1 75
greater than
maximum expected outside motor and pump
diameter not greater than
total number of duty and standby pumps 1duty 1duty

power required to run the motor 1.5*Pm, kw 124.56747404844 132.352941176471

altitude effect, palt 10% for each 1000masl,

28.628 30.417
total generator power, kw 153.196 162.770
total generator power including other loads,
214.474 195.324
standard continuous duty generator power, 200
2.2 200

motor working current, I=Pm/(1.73*V*0.8) 158 158

motor reduced voltage starting current, Ims,

317 317
minimum required transformer kva 127 127
2.3 appropriate transformer power size, kva 200 200

2.4 manual transfer switch in ampere 250 250

2.5 Three phase circuit breaker with rating 175 200

power cable from control panel board to 220mtr,

2.6 220mtr, 3x150mm5
motor, mtr& size in sqmm 3x120mm2

From BS1 to Segnobebya

Service reservoir

28.00 19.2
0.0280 38.4
0 161.6 161.6

HDPE PN16,OD250mm

0.202 37.7
1.59 18.85 37.7 7917
0.87 122.3
5320 10299

150 2400m

24 28.77
17.33 #REF!
19.10 -171.20
2127.00 28.77
2222.00 4349 9.7
95.00 77.17 18.76
4.50 #REF! 71.17
118.60 #REF!
118.60 2128


1duty + 1standby





130 190.143

116 250

232 198.0656

93 237.6787
100 190.143

250 237.6787

200 123.372
DTU Water supply project electro mechanical design analysis

Debre tabore university EM design

Onspote BH to From BH to From BH to booster-1

CC booster-1

1 Total dynamic head analysis

pump Design discharge (l/s) 28.00 28.00 28.00
design discharge (m3/s) 0.0280 0.0280 0.0280
recommended pump position below OGL 187 187 187
Blind casing interval @ pump position
expected dynamic water level 102 102 102
well recommended safe yield (L/s) 28.00 28.00 28.00
riser pipe type GS GS GS


rising main pipe type PN20,OD180 and HDPE
mm PN20,OD180mm

riser pipe diameter(m) 0.125 0.125 0.125

rising main pipe diameter (m) 0.1616 0.1376 0.1376
velocity for the riser pipe 2.28 2.28 2.28
velocity for the rising main pipe 1.37 1.88 1.88
riser pipe length (m) 190 0 0
rising main pipe length (m) 3016 7344 10360
coefficient of friction for the riser pipe(C) 120 120 120
coefficient of friction for the rising main
150 150 150
maximum day demand (l/sec) 28.00 28.00 28.00
pumping hour, hr 24 24 24
major riser pipe head loss, Hl (m) 9.70 0.00 0.00
major rising main head loss, Hl (m) 29.12 155.13 218.84
minor head loss, .1*(Hl + Hl (m)) 3.88 15.51 21.88
Total head loss (m) 42.70 170.65 213.35
pump station OGL elevation (m) 2298.20 2298.20 2298.20
destination reservoir elevation 2127.00 2127.00 2127.00
elevation difference (m) -171.20 -171.20 -171.20
CC/reservoir height 6.00 6.00 6.00
total dynamic head (m) 150.15 107.45 150.15
total dynamic head above well ogl 48.15 5.45 48.15
TDH (m) 150.00 169 180
2 pump and diesel generator analysis
pump mechanical efficiency - ηm, % 70 70
electrical motor efficiency - ηe, % 85 80
motor power, kw(pump input power) 58.82 70.59
motor power, kw 69.20 88.24
standard motor power Pm, in kw not 75
2.1 75
greater than
maximum expected outside motor and pump
diameter not greater than
total number of duty and standby pumps 1duty 1duty

power required to run the motor 1.5*Pm, kw 103.8062283737 132.352941176471

altitude effect, palt 10% for each 1000masl,

23.857 30.417
total generator power, kw 127.663 162.770
total generator power including other loads,
178.728 195.324
standard continuous duty generator power, 200
2.2 200

motor working current, I=Pm/(1.73*V*0.8) 158 158

motor reduced voltage starting current, Ims,

317 317
minimum required transformer kva 127 127
2.3 appropriate transformer power size, kva 200 200

2.4 manual transfer switch in ampere 250 250

2.5 Three phase circuit breaker with rating 175 200

power cable from control panel board to 220mtr,

2.6 220mtr, 3x150mm5
motor, mtr& size in sqmm 3x120mm2

From BS1 to Segnobebya

Service reservoir

28.00 19.2
0.0280 38.4
0 161.6 161.6

HDPE PN16,OD250mm

0.202 37.7
1.59 18.85 37.7 7917
0.87 122.3
5320 10299

150 2400m

24 28.77
17.33 #REF!
19.10 -171.20
2127.00 28.77
2222.00 4349 9.7
95.00 48.15 5.45
4.50 #REF! 42.15
118.60 #REF!
118.60 2128


1duty + 1standby





130 190.143

116 250

232 198.0656

93 237.6787
100 190.143

250 237.6787

200 123.372
DTU Water supply project electro mechanical design analysis

Debre tabore university EM design

Onspote BH to From BH to From BH to booster-1(by

CC booster-1 both HDPE OD.)

1 Total dynamic head analysis

pump Design discharge (l/s) 28.00 28.00 28.00
design discharge (m3/s) 0.0280 0.0280 0.0280
recommended pump position below OGL 187 187 187
Blind casing interval @ pump position
expected dynamic water level 102 102 102
well recommended safe yield (L/s) 28.00 28.00 28.00
riser pipe type GS GS GS


rising main pipe type PN20,OD180 and HDPE
mm PN20,OD180mm

riser pipe diameter(m) 0.125 0.125 0.125

rising main pipe diameter (m) 0.1616 0.1376 0.1376
velocity for the riser pipe 2.28 2.28 2.28
velocity for the rising main pipe 1.37 1.88 1.88
riser pipe length (m) 190 0.3 0
rising main pipe length (m) 2520 7625 10145
coefficient of friction for the riser pipe(C) 120 120 120
coefficient of friction for the rising main
150 150 150
maximum day demand (l/sec) 28.00 28.00 28.00
pumping hour, hr 24 24 24
major riser pipe head loss, Hl (m) 9.70 0.02 45.00
major rising main head loss, Hl (m) 24.33 161.07 214.30
minor head loss, .1*(Hl + Hl (m)) 3.40 16.11 25.93
Total head loss (m) 37.44 177.19 214.63
pump station OGL elevation (m) 2298.20 2298.20 2298.20
destination reservoir elevation 2127.00 2127.00 2127.00
elevation difference (m) -171.20
CC/reservoir height 5.00
total dynamic head (m) 150.43
total dynamic head above well ogl 48.43
TDH (m) 150.00
2 pump and diesel generator analysis
pump mechanical efficiency - ηm, % 70
electrical motor efficiency - ηe, % 85
motor power, kw(pump input power) 58.82
motor power, kw 69.20
standard motor power Pm, in kw not
2.1 75
greater than
maximum expected outside motor and pump
diameter not greater than
total number of duty and standby pumps 1duty

power required to run the motor 1.5*Pm, kw 103.8062283737

altitude effect, palt 10% for each 1000masl,

total generator power, kw 127.663
total generator power including other loads,
standard continuous duty generator power,
2.2 200

motor working current, I=Pm/(1.73*V*0.8) 158

motor reduced voltage starting current, Ims,

minimum required transformer kva 127
2.3 appropriate transformer power size, kva 200

2.4 manual transfer switch in ampere 250

2.5 Three phase circuit breaker with rating 175

power cable from control panel board to 220mtr,

motor, mtr& size in sqmm 4x120mm2

From BS1 to Segnobebya

Service reservoir

28.00 19.2
0.0280 38.4
0 161.6 161.6

HDPE PN16,OD250mm

0.202 37.7
2.28 18.85 37.7 7917
0.87 122.3 41
5320 7917 10299

150 2400m

24 28.77
17.33 #REF! 185.40
1.74 18.53975
19.17 -171.20 203.94
2127.00 28.77
2222.00 4349 10.69 9.7
95.00 48.43 10.99
4.50 #REF! 43.43
118.67 #REF! 221.7 158.5
118.67 2128 102
119 -165.2

1duty + 1standby





130 0

116 250

232 0

93 237.6787
100 190.143

250 237.6787

200 123.372

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