CMR-Brooke-S Maltophilia Global Opportunistic Pathogen-2012
CMR-Brooke-S Maltophilia Global Opportunistic Pathogen-2012
CMR-Brooke-S Maltophilia Global Opportunistic Pathogen-2012
INTRODUCTION those with cystic fibrosis (CF) or those with chronic lung diseases.
P. aeruginosa has been reported to survive for months on dry
C linical microbiologists have long recognized the importance
of identifying infectious microbial pathogens as the cause of
disease in humans. The emergence of new multiple-drug-resistant
surfaces (180), and it is able to persist and grow in contaminated
antimicrobial hand soap containing triclosan, making it a signifi-
(MDR) organisms (MDROs) found in nonclinical environments, cant issue of concern for hospital staff (192).
the increasing reports of community-acquired infections, and the Stenotrophomonas maltophilia is an environmental global
spread of these pathogens in the clinical setting have all under- emerging Gram-negative MDRO that is most commonly associ-
scored the need to monitor these organisms. The increase in re- ated with respiratory infections in humans. It can cause various
ported cases of MDRO-associated infections has resulted in efforts serious infections in humans. This current review focuses on the
to examine possible sources of these pathogens, assess the current strategies used or being developed to treat infections associated
antimicrobial strategies used for the treatment of infections, and with S. maltophilia; the cellular and molecular mechanisms im-
elucidate the molecular mechanisms used by these pathogens dur- portant for its survival, persistence, and pathogenesis; and its mul-
ing infection and disease.
Gram-negative bacterial pathogens have received much atten-
tion, as they are often MDROs due to multidrug resistance pumps,
plasmids harboring antibiotic resistance genes, and various gene Address correspondence to Joanna S. Brooke, [email protected].
transfer mechanisms involved in the acquisition of antimicrobial Copyright © 2012, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved.
resistance. Pseudomonas aeruginosa is an example of such an doi:10.1128/CMR.00019-11
MDRO that causes respiratory infections in patients, particularly
ulation, and cases of community-acquired S. maltophilia have also patients harboring S. maltophilia in their respiratory tract in-
been reported. S. maltophilia infections can occur in both children creased (P ⫽ 0.02) over the study period from 1 to 4% and was
and adults. The transmission of S. maltophilia to susceptible indi- higher (P ⫽ 0.029) in patients aged 16 to 25 years (7%) than in
viduals may occur through direct contact with the source. The patients ⬎25 years old (4%) (232). In the 2004 SENTRY Antimi-
hands of health care personnel have been reported to transmit crobial Surveillance Program, among pediatric patient isolates, S.
nosocomial S. maltophilia infection in an intensive care unit maltophilia was among the top 15 pathogens isolated from North
(ICU) (307). S. maltophilia has been cocultured with P. aeruginosa America and Latin America but not from Europe (110). Surveil-
in respiratory samples obtained from CF patients. Cough- lance of Antimicrobial Use and Antimicrobial Resistance in Ger-
generated aerosols from CF patients have the potential to provide man Intensive Care Units (SARI) monitored S. maltophilia as one
TABLE 3 Growth characteristics of S. maltophiliaa color differences between S. maltophilia and P. aeruginosa reflect
Growth characteristic Reaction their different metabolic abilities). The production of acid from
Straight or curved rods, 0.5 by 1.5 m
maltose but not from glucose by S. maltophilia has been used to
Oxidase ⫹/⫺ distinguish it from P. aeruginosa, as P. aeruginosa produces acid
Catalase ⫹ from glucose and does not use maltose or lactose to a great extent.
Methionine is required for growth ⫹ Colonies of S. maltophilia appear yellow and blue on BTB-
Optimum growth temp of 35°C containing medium containing maltose and glucose, respectively,
No growth at 4°C or 41°C in contrast to P. aeruginosa colonies, which appear blue on BTB
Survival at refrigeration temp ⫹ medium containing maltose and yellowish green on medium con-
Motility ⫹
for quality control and assurance measures to screen untreated the filters were in place. Patient infections during the use of filters
water, treated water, and dialysate for the presence of S. malto- were due to coagulase-negative Staphylococcus species and E. coli.
philia. Monitoring of these samples should lead to the more effec- That study provided evidence that POU water filtration may ef-
tive disinfection of dialysis machine units. fectively reduce the infection risk for BMT recipients (52). Ultra-
Central venous catheter (CVC)-related X. maltophilia infec- microcells (UMC) of S. maltophilia are able to pass through a
tions have been reported (97). The organism can contaminate the 0.2-m filter (316). More research is needed to determine the
infusate and adhere to the catheter, forming biofilms on the cath- clinical significance of this finding and establish if UMC of S.
eter surface. In a study of 149 episodes of septicemia in 131 pa- maltophilia are present in hospital tap water. The use of a 0.1-m
tients from 1972 to 1986, X. maltophilia was the bacterium most filter was suggested to provide better performance for the reten-
Risk Factors and Determining Risk of Infection teria and provide an opportunity for the acquisition of drug resis-
To prevent the transmission of S. maltophilia to susceptible indi- tance by other bacterial pathogens (49).
viduals, it is important to identify risk factors for infection by this The drug resistance mechanisms are acquired by the horizontal
bacterium. Infection risk assessment must consider criteria that transfer of antibiotic resistance through plasmids, transposons,
include infectious dose, host immune status, pathogen status, and integrons, integron-like elements, insertion element common re-
the ability of the pathogen to cause infection. gion (ISCR) elements, and biofilms (17, 18, 27, 146, 198, 328). The
molecular mechanisms of antibiotic resistance in S. maltophilia
Risk factors for S. maltophilia infection include underlying ma-
are described in more detail below (see “Antibiotic Resistance”).
lignancy (44), the presence of indwelling devices (e.g., catheters
The Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute provides
[44, 228]), chronic respiratory disease, immunocompromised
from the adult ICU of a tertiary care center in Saudi Arabia dem- noted for antibiotic cycling and noncycling periods in the surgical
onstrated major increases in resistance to gentamicin, while intensive care unit, medical intensive care unit, and other surgical/
⬎90% of the isolates were susceptible to TMP-SMX (8). Recently, medical wards and incidence rates of S. maltophilia isolates, but
TMP-SMX was used in combination with ciprofloxacin to treat S. the study did reveal a significant increase (P ⫽ 0.01728) in the
maltophilia meningitis in a preterm baby (284), but the emergence rates of S. maltophilia infections in hospitals between 1993 (rate of
of resistance to TMP-SMX is forcing physicians to consider alter- 0.45 infections/1,000 patient days) and 2002 (rate of 0.57 infec-
natives (7, 245, 328, 333, 357). Results from the SENTRY Antimi- tions/1,000 patient days) (257). As one would expect, antibiotic
crobial Surveillance Program in 2004 showed a level of resistance cycling was not linked to increased colonization rates of S. malto-
to TMP-SMX of 3.8% for S. maltophilia (110), and results from philia.
the SENTRY Antimicrobial Surveillance Program in 1997 to 1999
showed a level of resistance of up to 10% across Europe (119).
New Treatment Strategies
Ticarcillin-clavulanate has been proposed as an alternate ther-
apy to TMP-SMX, but resistance to ticarcillin-clavulanate has An overview of new treatment strategies for S. maltophilia infec-
been reported. Antibiotic susceptibility testing of 66 S. maltophilia tions is presented in Table 4. A recent review addressed the use of
clinical isolates (from clinical specimens [respiratory tract, blood, new antimicrobial agents in cancer patients to treat infections of
urogenital tract, cutaneous-mucus specimens, and intravascular MDR bacteria, including S. maltophilia (285). There is ongoing
devices] in two university hospitals in Rouen, France, and Tunis, debate about the use of monotherapy versus combination therapy
Tunisia) collected between 1994 and 1997 revealed that the per- to treat infections of S. maltophilia. New treatment strategies have
centage of isolates resistant to ticarcillin-clavulanate steadily in- included the use of select antibiotics in synergy. Using the check-
creased from 19% (1995) to 32% (1996) to 42% (1997) (26). The erboard method, some synergism has been observed between tige-
increase in antibiotic resistance did not appear to correspond to cycline and TMP-SMX, and between tigecycline and amikacin,
antimicrobial use, as the amount of ticarcillin-clavulanate used against S. maltophilia (100, 349). In vitro pharmacodynamic
decreased from 21.7 kg (1995) to 17.1 kg (1996) to 11.5 kg (1997). model results revealed that TMP-SMX in combination with either
ERIC-PCR demonstrated a high level of heterogeneity among the ciprofloxacin, ceftazidime, or tobramycin demonstrated higher
S. maltophilia isolates, suggesting that the emergence of resistance bactericidal efficacy (P ⬍ 0.0001) against S. maltophilia clinical
to ticarcillin-clavulanate was not due to the spread of an epidemic isolates than TMP-SMX alone (379). Synergy testing by Etest re-
strain but may have been a result of the increased usage of parenteral vealed that TMP-SMX plus ceftazidime and TMP-SMX plus
amoxicillin, amoxicillin-clavulanate, ticarcillin, and piperacillin- ticarcillin-clavulanate demonstrated the highest level of synergis-
tazobactam, at rates of 20%, 58%, 116%, and 48%, respectively, tic activity against S. maltophilia isolates (133). The checkerboard
across 1995 to 1997 (26). The levels of resistance to ticarcillin- method detected synergy for TMP-SMX plus ceftazidime in only
clavulanate for S. maltophilia isolates have been reported to be 17.0% 56% of these isolates and did not detect synergy for TMP-SMX
by the SENTRY Antimicrobial Surveillance Program in 2004 (110) plus ticarcillin-clavulanate in the isolates (133). Synergy or partial
and 40.9% and 60.9% in Brazil (244) and Latin American countries synergy was detected by the checkerboard method for combina-
(108), respectively. tions of ceftazidime plus ciprofloxacin and for TMP-SMX plus
Antimicrobial cycling using broad-spectrum agents, including ticarcillin-clavulanate against S. maltophilia isolates (199). The
carbapenems, has been studied to detect a possible link to in- effective treatment of those patients with S. maltophilia bactere-
creased colonization or infection by S. maltophilia. A retrospective mia and allergy or intolerance to TMP-SMX may be achieved by
study (1992 to 2002) by a U.S. university hospital demonstrated use of ciprofloxacin in combination with ticarcillin-clavulanate or
no significant differences between cycling and noncycling periods ceftazidime (107). A combination of doxycycline and aerosolized
with broad-spectrum agents including piperacillin-tazobactam, colistin was successfully used to treat persistent S. maltophilia
cefepime, and ciprofloxacin (257). No significant differences were ventilator-associated pneumonia (S. maltophilia counts of 500,000
CFU/ml recovered from a bronchoalveolar lavage culture) when tericidal concentration demonstrated a rapid killing of one clinical
high-dose TMP-SMX therapy was ineffective (371). S. maltophilia isolate. The practical value of the Esc(1-18) peptide
A recent case report described an S. maltophilia isolate with for use in humans has yet to be determined, as although it has
extensive drug resistance (according to the terminology proposed demonstrated reduced cytolytic activity against human red blood
by Falagas and Karageorgopoulos [104]) (306). The isolate colo- cells and retains its bactericidal effects in the presence of human
nized and formed biofilms on a bladder device in a patient with serum, it needs to be tested further (e.g., in animal models of
myelofibrosis (306). The isolate demonstrated resistance to TMP- sepsis) to provide further data to support its use in the treatment
SMX, tetracycline, tigecycline, -lactams, fluoroquinolones, ami- of human infections (215).
noglycosides, colistin, and erythromycin but was unusual in its The activity of Esc(1-8) in combination with conventional an-
liter), some susceptibility to HX (MIC ⫽ 32 to 256 mg/liter), and (Cmax)/MIC and area under the curve (AUC)/MIC values ob-
resistance to CxI (MIC ⫽ 256 mg/liter) (132). tained through aerosolized delivery, in contrast to those values
A surfactant-stabilized oil-in-water nanoemulsion (NB-401) obtained for intravenous or oral delivery (121). Observations of
has shown antimicrobial activity against planktonic and biofilm- CF subjects receiving nebulized formulations of MP-376 (levo-
associated cells of S. maltophilia (206). This nanoemulsion con- floxacin inhalation solution; Aeroquin) at a dose of 180 mg fol-
sists of emulsified cetylpyridinium chloride, poloxamer 407, and lowed by 7 days of daily treatment doses of 240 mg demonstrated
ethanol in water with superrefined soybean oil. The interaction of high sputum and low serum levofloxacin concentrations. Patients
the nanoemulsion with the cell was suggested to result in the fu- tolerated the MP-376 formulations well, with no serious adverse
sion of the outer membrane with the nanoemulsion, leading to events reported and no patients excluded during the study due to
maltophilia clinical isolates with EGCG resulted in a range of MICs sibility of eutrophication, dissolved oxygen depletion, and a de-
(128 mg/liter to ⬎512 mg/liter) (125). Future work is needed to creased value of the water supply. S. maltophilia BK is able to
determine whether EGCG inhibits the adherence of S. maltophilia reduce Fe(III) to Fe(II) using xenobiotics as sole sources of carbon
to epithelial cells and if exposure to EGCG reduces or alters the under anaerobic conditions. The production of Fe(II) resulted in
biofilms of S. maltophilia. the removal of dissolved phosphate and the increased precipita-
tion of phosphate by S. maltophilia. S. maltophilia BK exhibited a
SURVIVABILITY AND PERSISTENCE rate of phosphate removal of 33 mg/g volatile suspended solids/
day (158).
Surfaces and Solutions Tap water can harbor opportunistic pathogens at levels that are
for caregivers of CF patients to ensure that nebulizer equipment size the importance of maintaining good hygiene practices when
washed with tap water be thoroughly dried before its next use (80). handling antiseptics and preservative solutions.
S. maltophilia has also been recovered from the surface of home- The qacE⌬1 gene, encoding tolerance to antiseptics containing
use nebulizers of CF patients (157). Patients who regularly dried quaternary ammonium compounds, has been detected in associ-
their nebulizers after use demonstrated no or minimal contami- ation with ISCR1 elements as a part of complex class 1 integrons.
nation of their nebulizers (157). The qacE⌬1gene has been detected in S. maltophilia clinical iso-
Recent observations in my laboratory indicate that S. malto- lates from China by PCR amplification (354).
philia is highly susceptible to drying. Cell suspensions (10 l) of S.
maltophilia on stainless steel surfaces following 1 h of air drying Resistance to Metals
showed a ⬎3-log reduction in cell viability (my unpublished ob-
TABLE 5 Comparison of metal resistances demonstrated by clumps being formed at 6 h, and bacterial adherence reached a
S. maltophilia O2 and Sm777 maximum level at 18 h (84). High-resolution SEM of bacterial cell
Metal resistance tolerated by monolayers adhered to plastic suggest that flagella and other thin
S. maltophilia (mM)a fibrillar structures are involved in bacterial cell adherence to plas-
Metal O2 Sm777
tic (Fig. 2) (84).
S. maltophilia biofilms have been studied using in vitro tissue
Hg(II) 0.25 0.05
culture assays. TEM, high-resolution SEM, and immunogold la-
Cd(II) 0.33 0.50
Cu(II) 5.00 5.00
beling have identified the S. maltophilia fimbriae 1 (SMF-1) pro-
Au(III) 0.25 Not available tein as being important for adherence to cultured HEp-2 mono-
phate in hospital water plumbing systems should be monitored, as reasons for this observation, that the increase in chloride could
phosphate has been reported to alter the microbial communities stress the bacteria and result in altered biofilms and that chloride
in the human water supply (172). ions may block exopolysaccharide groups important for cuprosol-
Clinical S. maltophilia isolates have been observed to form more vency activity. No significant correlations were found between the
biofilms at 32°C than at 37°C and 18°C (90). The level of biofilm biofilms of S. maltophilia and water pH or TOC (66). The results
production was higher under aerobic conditions and in a 6% CO2 of that study demonstrated that in comparison to pH and the TOC
atmosphere than the level of biofilm production under anaerobic concentration, the cuprosolvency activity of S. maltophilia is more
conditions. The S. maltophilia isolates produced comparable bio- sensitive to the level of chloride present in its aqueous environ-
films at pH 8.5 and 7.5 but larger amounts of biofilm than those ment. It is of interest that S. maltophilia has been reported to
produced at pH 5.5. survive and persist in chlorinated water distribution systems.
Biofilms in copper plumbing systems may increase the con- Taken together, these observations suggest that S. maltophilia
centration of soluble copper (cuprosolvency) in drinking water should not be considered a major culprit responsible for the cor-
(66). A concentration of 2 mg/liter of copper in water has been rosion of copper plumbing systems.
associated with gastrointestinal distress (266). The effect of the A recent study examined the use of copper-silver ionization in a
chemical composition of water (e.g., total organic carbon model plumbing system to control biofilms and planktonic cells of
[TOC] and pH) on cuprosolvency by bacteria commonly iso- the waterborne pathogens P. aeruginosa, A. baumannii, and S.
lated from biofilms in copper plumbing, including S. malto- maltophilia (312). A 72-h exposure to copper-silver ion concen-
philia, revealed an inverse correlation of cuprosolvency with in- trations of 0.2 mg/liter-0.02 mg/liter to 0.8 mg/liter-0.08 mg/liter
creasing chloride concentrations for pure-culture S. maltophilia resulted in the inactivation of biofilm-associated and planktonic
biofilms formed on copper coupons. That study suggested two S. maltophilia cells (3-log reduction and ⬎6-log reduction for
biofilm-associated and planktonic cells, respectively) in 48 h. uid from suction hoses that were poorly connected to the DCU
Higher concentrations of copper-silver ions (0.4 mg/liter-0.04 baseplates, leading to the corrosion of the baseplates. The liquid
mg/liter and 0.8 mg/liter-0.08 mg/liter) caused a reduction be- seepage problem was solved by replacing the suction hose connec-
yond the 72-h exposure to the copper-silver ionization system. S. tors with interlocking connector collars and bushings that re-
maltophilia showed a greater sensitivity to copper-silver ioniza- sulted in tightly fitting suction hoses that could not be loosened
tion than P. aeruginosa and A. baumannii. These data suggest that during use. Additional corrective measures included the replace-
the use of copper-silver ionization for the disinfection of water ment of the connectors with new fittings that replaced the steel
plumbing systems may be effective against S. maltophilia. More baseplates with new aluminum baseplates. These new fittings were
studies are needed to determine if strain-to-strain differences in observed and sampled over the next 36 months, and no bacterial
susceptibility exist for S. maltophilia isolates. Silver ions have been contamination was observed. That study suggested that most
hypothesized to disrupt biofilms by binding to biological mole- DCU suction systems contain bacterial biofilms due to an inade-
cules and disrupting binding sites that are important for electro- quate disinfectant contact time. The presence of high cell densities
static and hydrophobic interactions on these molecules (58). of Pseudomonas spp. and related bacteria in the suction systems
In a study of 41 dental chair units (DCUs) in a hospital, S. despite regular disinfection is of concern. Some studies have re-
maltophilia was isolated from biofilms in 14.6% of the DCU suc- ported the entry of liquid from the low-volume suction line into
tion host orifice baseplates and was recovered from the internal the patient’s mouth during use, leaving open the possibility of the
lumens of the attachment ends of the high-volume suction hose transfer of biofilm-containing microorganisms into the mouth
and connectors in 21.6% of 37 DCUs (250). The bacterial contam- from the suction line (25, 216, 361). The closing of the lips around
ination and corrosion of the baseplates and suction hoses were the saliva ejector tip can cause a backflow of liquids into the
discovered within 6 months of the opening of a new hospital. The mouths of patients. The recovery of viable bacteria from suction
bacterial contamination appeared to be due to the seepage of liq- lines (361), stresses the importance of the disinfection of the suc-
tion lines between patients to reduce the possibility of the trans- line tubing than in those with flushing with each biocide sepa-
mission of potentially pathogenic organisms. rately. The combination of sodium hypochlorite and phenol re-
The American Dental Association (ADA) has set a water quality duced biofilm bacterial counts on plate count agar, for the air and
standard of ⱕ200 CFU/ml for dental chair units. Regular weekly water tubing (from control counts of 6,384 ⫾ 98 CFU/cm2 to
disinfection of dental chair units using Planosil and Planosil Forte, 156 ⫾ 12 CFU/cm2), for the main water pipe tubing (from control
two waterline disinfectants (Planosil contains 1.5% hydrogen per- counts of 7,838 ⫾ 61 CFU/cm2 to 248 ⫾ 79 CFU/cm2), and for
oxide, 0.003% silver, and 0.0015% phosphoric acid; Planosil Forte patient tubing (from control counts of 5,103 ⫾ 78 CFU/cm2 to
contains 2.5% hydrogen peroxide, 0.012% silver, and 0.0025% 736 ⫾ 44 CFU/cm2). This combination of biocides effected an
phosphoric acid), demonstrated the ability to nearly eliminate wa- almost complete removal of biofilm, as demonstrated by epifluo-
ter unit biofilms (249). Biofilm regrowth was present at 7 days rescence microscopy of the tubing samples.
posttreatment. The regular use of these disinfectants maintained Peracetic acid (PAA) has a wide range of applications, including
bacterial counts in the water unit lines at levels below the ADA disinfection of ultrapure water systems, disinfection of industrial
water quality standard (249). These data indicate that the efficient systems, reprocessing of hemodialyzers for reuse, disinfection of
removal and inhibition of bacterial biofilm regrowth can be dialysis machines, and high-level disinfection of endoscopes
achieved by using disinfectants containing multiple active antimi- (179). In a fetal bovine serum-coated polystyrene microtiter plate
crobial agents. test system, a 10-min exposure to a 1% concentration of the PAA-
Eight biocides (1% sodium dodecyl sulfate, 35% hydrogen per- based disinfecting agent Neodisher Septo PAC (W. Weigert,
oxide, 5.25% sodium hypochlorite, 1% phenol, 4% Tween 20, 1% Hamburg, Germany) inhibited the growth of monoculture S.
EDTA, 0.2% chlorhexidine gluconate, and 1% povidone-iodine) maltophilia and dual-culture S. maltophilia and Candida parapsi-
were studied for their effects on biofilm bacteria present in dental losis biofilms. At the minimum bactericidal concentration, Neod-
unit water lines (197). The flushing of the tubing for 48 h with a isher Septo PAC inhibited the growth of the monoculture and
combination of 5.25% sodium hypochlorite and 1% phenol re- dual-culture biofilms, but in the absence of drying, biofilm re-
sulted in lower biofilm bacterial counts present in the unit water growth was observed at 48 h postdisinfection. The drying (2 h at
50°C) of the microtiter plates resulted in no biofilm regrowth mass (with the exception of levofloxacin) (89). Moxifloxacin was
(179). These observations emphasize the importance of a thor- the most effective fluoroquinolone at preventing the adherence of
ough drying of endoscopes after disinfection and before their S. maltophilia. All of the tested fluoroquinolones, with the excep-
next use. tion of norfloxacin, reduced preformed biofilm biomass. Moxi-
The adherence and subsequent biofilm development of S. floxacin was most effective at reducing preformed biofilm bio-
maltophilia on surfaces are affected by both the physicochemical mass. Treatment with moxifloxacin at 500 g/ml eradicated
properties of the bacterial cell (e.g., the presence of outer mem- biofilm biomass in 50% of the S. maltophilia isolates and reduced
brane proteins and lipopolysaccharide) and the surfaces to which biomass up to 95% for 60% of the isolates. SEM studies have
the cell attaches (e.g., prosthetic devices covered with host extra- revealed no significant changes in the cellular morphologies of S.
cellular matrix polymers or relatively hydrophilic glass and Tef- maltophilia cells after exposure to subinhibitory concentrations
lon, in contrast to hydrophobic polyvinyl chloride). A study of the (sub-MICs) of moxifloxacin that inhibit biofilm formation on
adherence of two relatively hydrophilic S. maltophilia isolates ob- polystyrene (89). An analysis of cell viability in preformed bio-
tained from a model laboratory drinking water system revealed films treated with antibiotics revealed that rufloxacin was the most
that the S. maltophilia isolates showed no or weak adherence to effective antibiotic, significantly reducing (P ⬍ 0.01) bacterial cell
polyvinyl chloride (PVC), weak or moderate adherence to poly- counts to 0.6%, 5.4%, and 17.1% for concentrations of rufloxacin
ethylene (PE), and no adherence to ASI 316 stainless steel (318). It at 500, 100, and 50 g/ml, respectively. The treatment of pre-
is very difficult to construct human implant materials that deter formed 18-h S. maltophilia SM33 biofilms on polystyrene with
bacterial adhesion, as the implant devices become covered with rufloxacin (500 g/ml) results in ultrastructural changes in the
host substances, including proteins and carbohydrates, that can bacterial cells (Fig. 4) (89). The treatment of preformed biofilms
facilitate the attachment of bacteria. of S. maltophilia with ceftazidime was ineffective at removing bio-
Recently, the interaction of antimicrobial drugs with biofilms of films. A high concentration (500 g/ml) of TMP-SMX was
S. maltophilia has been more closely examined. MDR and non- needed to significantly reduce (P ⬍ 0.01) preformed biofilm bio-
MDR S. maltophilia clinical isolates have been compared for their mass.
abilities to form biofilms (198), and the effects of antibiotics at Moxifloxacin at sub-MICs was tested against S. maltophilia
MICs and at concentrations below the MICs on S. maltophilia cell strains SM132 and Sm144, recovered from CF patients not treated
adherence to surfaces and biofilm formation have been studied previously with this antibiotic (267). At sub-MICs, moxifloxacin
(89, 90, 267). In a study of 70 S. maltophilia clinical isolates (40 reduced the adherence of the S. maltophilia strains to polystyrene
MDR and 30 non-MDR isolates), the MDR isolates demonstrated and inhibited biofilm formation. At a concentration of 0.06⫻
a higher level of biofilm formation (average optical density at 540 MIC, the cell surface hydrophobicity of S. maltophilia strain
nm [OD540] of 0.52) than the non-MDR isolates (average OD540 SM144 changed from hydrophobic (observed at 0.03⫻ MIC) to
of 0.15), and biofilm was correlated (P ⱕ 0.01) with resistance to hydrophilic, in contrast to strain SM132, which remained hydro-
ceftazidime, cefepime, ticarcillin-clavulanic acid, piperacillin- philic at 0.03⫻ MIC and 0.06⫻ MIC of moxifloxacin. The hydro-
tazobactam, aztreonam, and gentamicin. Biofilm formation did phobicity of the cell surface is likely an important factor to con-
not correlate with resistance to ciprofloxacin, levofloxacin, TMP- sider in the adherence and biofilm formation of S. maltophilia, but
SMX, or meropenem (198). as this appears to be a strain-dependent phenomenon, individual
Some antibiotics at suboptimal MICs (e.g., moxifloxacin) have strains would need to be evaluated to determine the efficacy of
demonstrated efficacy for reducing the adherence and biofilm for- moxifloxacin activity against biofilm formation by this opportu-
mation of S. maltophilia (89, 267). A study of 20 biofilm- nistic pathogen. SEM micrographs did not reveal any ultrastruc-
producing S. maltophilia clinical isolates revealed that at one-half tural changes of S. maltophilia SM132 cells treated with these sub-
the MIC, all tested fluoroquinolones (ciprofloxacin, grepafloxa- MICs of moxifloxacin. That study suggested that clinically
cin, levofloxacin, moxifloxacin, norfloxacin, ofloxacin, and ru- attainable concentrations (e.g., 0.015 g/ml corresponds to 0.03⫻
floxacin) effectively (P ⬍ 0.01) reduced the biofilm mass of S. MIC for both SM132 and SM144) of moxifloxacin will effectively
maltophilia, and at one-quarter the MIC, they reduced the biofilm inhibit S. maltophilia adherence and biofilm formation (267).
TABLE 6 Molecular mechanisms of antimicrobial resistance in among L1 and L2 -lactamase genes. The L1 and L2 -lactamase
S. maltophilia genes showed levels of sequence changes as high as 20% and 25%,
Mechanism References respectively, with the corresponding amino acid sequence diver-
-Lactamases chromosomally and plasmid 9, 17, 18, 227, gences for L1 and L2 -lactamases being as high as 21% and 32%,
encoded and on mobile elements, e.g., 295, 296, respectively. For these clinical isolates, changes in amino acid res-
Tn1-like transposon 352, 353 idues important for the binding of the L1 -lactamase to its sub-
Multidrug efflux pumps, e.g., SmeDEF, 6, 10, 11, 54, strate were reported to alter its activity (17). S. maltophilia clinical
SmeABC, and SmrA, associated with 129, 196, isolates have demonstrated considerable heterogeneity for
resistance to quinolones, tetracycline, 198, 269, -lactamase induction upon exposure to three antibiotics (imi-
chloramphenicol, erythromycin, 383 penem [50 g/ml], cefoxitin [50 g/ml], or ampicillin [1 mg/ml])
maltophilia isolates (147). IEF analysis of the isolates revealed two ABC and smeSR operons. The -lactam resistance of an SmeABC-
major patterns, with most isolates exhibiting pattern I (with one overexpressing strain is due to increased -lactamase activity and
band of pI ⬍7.0 [L1] and one band of pI ⬎7.0 [L2]) and some not efflux. A deletion of smeC in S. maltophilia alters the hydrolysis
exhibiting pattern II (multiple bands representing two acidic of nitrocefin. There was a difference in the hydrolysis rates of
-lactamases [pI ⬍7.0] and several -lactamases [pI ⬎7.0]). The nitrocefin by parental MDR S. maltophilia strain K1668 (⌬L1 ⌬L2
different -lactamase charge variants are products of the same L2 MDR) of 14 nmol g⫺1 min⫺1, compared with a hydrolysis rate of
gene, suggesting that S. maltophilia has the ability to maintain the 0.016 nmol g⫺1 min⫺1 by S. maltophilia strain K1785 (⌬smeC ⌬L1
production of -lactamase activity even in environments with a ⌬L2 MDR). The rate of hydrolysis of nitrocefin by wild-type S.
changing pH (147). maltophilia strain ULA-511 (L1⫹ L2⫹) of 47 nmol g⫺1 min⫺1 was
reduced to 0.023 nmol g⫺1 min⫺1 in S. maltophilia strain K1784
ing in three distinct rRNA groups of S. maltophilia (17). Sequence S. maltophilia (146). Of 102 S. maltophilia isolates recovered from
data showed that the intergenic sequence of smeT-smeD from 10 hospitals in China, 16 carried dfrA genes, and each dfrA-positive
clinical S. maltophilia isolates representing the three 16S rRNA isolate carried a class 1 integron. The class 1 integrons contained
groups is more conserved in isolates of the same rRNA group than gene cassettes, including dfrA17-aadA5, dfrA12-aadA2, aacA4-
in isolates of different rRNA groups (129). These data suggest that catB8-aadA1, aadB-aadA4, aacA4, aadA5, aadA1, aadB–aac(6=)-
the grouping of S. maltophilia clinical isolates based on genotypic II– blaCARB-8, arr-3–aacA4, and cmlA1. That study revealed that
properties is feasible. the sul2 and dfrA genes were present on a 7.3-kb plasmid. To-
In a recent study of 40 MDR and 30 non-MDR S. maltophilia gether, the sul2, dfrA, and sul1 genes contribute to resistance to
clinical isolates, high-level expression of SmeD and SmeA was TMP-SMX (146).
blood did not demonstrate any of these virulence factors or he- dTDP-glucose 4,6-dehydratase, glucose-1-phosphate thymidy-
molytic and cytotoxic activities (111). lyltransferase, dTDP-dehydrorhamnose 3,5-epimerase, and
The rhizosphere is an adverse environment, and the ability of S. dTDP-4-dehydrorhamnose reductase, respectively. The xanA and
maltophilia to express proteolytic activity provides an advantage xanB genes encode phosphomannomutase and phosphomannose
for the survival, growth, and spread of this organism. A rhizo- isomerase/GDP-mannose pyrophophorylase, respectively. Bio-
sphere S. maltophilia isolate harbored serine protease activity film production was assessed for rmlA, rmlC, and xanB trans-
against the free-living nematode Panagrellus redivivus and a plant- poson insertion mutants after growth in polystyrene microtiter
parasitic nematode, Bursaphelenchus xylophilus (152). It is plausi- plate wells containing Trypticase broth at 30°C at 50 rpm for 2
ble, therefore, to suggest that nosocomial isolates of S. maltophilia days. The rmlA, rmlC, and xanB S. maltophilia mutants displayed
a significant decrease (P ⬍ 0.05) in biofilm production on poly-
by LPS, thereby enabling the cells to more easily adhere to the binding to the cell membranes of these strains revealed that sig-
selected plastic or glass surface (41, 348). nificantly larger amounts (P ⬍ 0.01) of gentamicin were bound at
Deficits of LPS reduced S. maltophilia virulence in a rat lung 37°C than at 30°C (275). That study suggested that when S. malto-
model of infection (225). S. maltophilia spgM chromosomal philia strains are grown at 37°C, increased numbers of aminogly-
knockout mutant strain K2049 was unable to colonize rat lungs, in coside binding sites may be available as a result of the greater
contrast to its parental strain, K1014, which was recovered from number of negatively charged phosphate groups. These experi-
rat lungs at 7 days postinfection. The complementation of the mental results may therefore explain why it is common to see
mutant with the introduction of the spgM gene on plasmid resistance of S. maltophilia clinical isolates to aminoglycosides at
pGAM03 restored the ability to colonize rat lungs, providing evi- 30°C and susceptibility at 37°C. These observations can have clin-
dence that full-length LPS is important for colonization. Rat lung ical significance when taking into consideration antimicrobial
tissues inoculated with spgM mutant strain K2049 showed no his- treatment at various sites of S. maltophilia infection in the host.
topathological changes, in contrast to wild-type strain K1014 or
the complemented mutant. spgM mutant strain K2049 was sus- Adherence to and Invasion of Host Cells
ceptible to complement-mediated cell killing, unlike parental S. maltophilia can adhere to and form biofilms on human bron-
strain K1014 or the complemented mutant (225). These observa- chial epithelial cells and is able to invade them (73, 90, 268).
tions emphasize the importance of LPS as a virulence factor in- Transmission electron microscopy indicates that both cystic fi-
volved in S. maltophilia infection. brosis (CF) and non-cystic fibrosis (NCF) S. maltophilia isolates
Alterations in LPS may change the bacterial cell’s susceptibility adhere to and are able to invade transformed human bronchial
to particular antimicrobial compounds, e.g., cationic peptides and epithelial 16 HBE14o⫺ cells (Fig. 5) (73). No significant differ-
aminoglycosides. S. maltophilia spgM chromosomal knockout ence between the adherences of CF and NCF isolates to host bron-
mutant strains K2048 and K2049 exhibited sensitivity to poly- chial cells was observed.
myxin B, polymyxin E, nalidixic acid, gentamicin, and vancomy- Flagella have been reported to mediate the adherence of S.
cin, in contrast to their parent strains (225). In a recent study of 40 maltophilia isolates to mouse tracheal mucus. Flagella are highly im-
MDR and 30 non-MDR S. maltophilia clinical isolates, the expres- munogenic structures and are conserved among clinical isolates of S.
sion of spgM was weakly correlated (P ⬍ 0.05) with multidrug maltophilia (84, 360). S. maltophilia cells preexposed to antiflagellin
resistance, with high levels of SpgM expression being associated decreased the adhesion of the bacteria to mucus, and the decrease
with only three lactams (ceftazidime, ticarcillin-clavulanic acid, corresponded to the concentration of antiflagellin. The pretreatment
and piperacillin-tazobactam) (198). of the mouse tracheal mucus with pure flagellin resulted in a decrease
Temperature has been reported to alter the chemical composi- in bacterial adhesion. Deflagellated bacteria also demonstrated a re-
tion of LPS, resulting in changes in susceptibility to aminoglyco- duced adherence to mouse tracheal mucus (381).
sides (275). The growth of 33 clinical S. maltophilia isolates and In contrast to their parental wild-type isolates, two flagellum-
five reference strains (NCTC 10257, NCTC 10258, NCTC 10259, deficient S. maltophilia fliI CF mutants demonstrated decreased
NCTC 10498, and NCTC 10499) at 37°C and 30°C revealed that adherence to CF-derived bronchial epithelial IB3-1 cells and were
23 out of the 38 strains demonstrated a ⬎4-fold difference in defective in swimming motility (268). The fliI mutants caused
MICs of gentamicin and other aminoglycosides, showing in- IB3-1 monolayer cell disruption after 6 h, suggesting that the mu-
creased sensitivity at 37°C. Chemical composition analysis of the tants have increased virulence; further research is needed to ex-
LPS of these 23 strains showed that LPS had a significant increase plain this altered virulence. Swimming and twitching motilities of
(P ⬍ 0.001) in the phosphate content at 37°C compared to that of S. maltophilia CF isolates did not correlate with adherence or bio-
LPS when strains were grown at 30°C; there was no significant film formation on bronchial cells (88, 268). In another study, S.
difference in the 3-deoxy-D-manno-octusolonic acid (KDO) con- maltophilia CF isolates and two nonrespiratory S. maltophilia ref-
tents at the two temperatures. Data from fluorescence-activated erence strains (environmental strain LMG959 and blood-isolated
cell sorter (FACS) analysis of fluorescently labeled gentamicin strain K279a) were examined for swimming and twitching motil-
ity and biofilm formation; no correlation was observed for biofilm hemolysis, in contrast to wild-type S. maltophilia (149). Together,
formation and motility (88). these observations suggest that rpfF and crp are important for the
In my laboratory, S. maltophilia fliF transposon insertion mu- virulence of S. maltophilia.
tant strain JB5-39 is flagellum defective and motility defective, as Providing rpfF in trans in wild-type S. maltophilia and in S.
determined by negative-staining TEM and motility agar assays maltophilia ⌬rpfB and ⌬rpfBF mutants resulted in swimming and
(37). Under the culture conditions used, there was no major dif- radial translocation of these strains (150). The ability of the wild
ference in the adherences and amounts of biofilm formed on PVC type and a flagellum-defective S. maltophilia xanB mutant to dem-
surfaces by the fliF mutant and its parental wild-type isolate (37). onstrate radial translocation in the presence of an ⌬rpfB/prpfF
Taken together, studies of flagella and the adherence of S. malto- (plasmid prpfF contains the 975-bp rpfF native promoter and cod-
philia (73.40%) (P ⬍ 0.0001) (359). Chronic S. maltophilia FEV1 reported in that study agrees with the results obtained by
infection was identified as an independent risk factor for pulmo- Goss et al. (127). In a cohort study, CF patients aged ⱖ6 years in
nary exacerbation requiring hospitalization and antibiotic ther- the CF Foundation National Patient Registry from 1994 to 1999
apy. Using a model adjusted for patient age, pancreatic insuffi- demonstrated a negative correlation of S. maltophilia with FEV1
ciency, P. aeruginosa, body mass index, and percent predicted (P ⱕ 0.0001); however, S. maltophilia did not appear to have an
baseline FEV1, patients with chronic S. maltophilia infection had a effect on lung function decline (127).
significantly higher risk of pulmonary exacerbation (P ⫽ 0.0002) The sputum of CF patients contains glycoproteins and high-
than patients without S. maltophilia infection. The rate of decline molecular-weight DNA at high concentrations, resulting in a
in the percent predicted FEV1 for patients with chronic S. malto- highly viscous physical barrier that surrounds and protects bacte-
philia was ⫺1.02% predicted per year, that for patients with inter- rial inhabitants from the antimicrobial activities of pharmaceuti-
mittent S. maltophilia was ⫺0.94% predicted per year, and that for cal treatments (206). The ability of these macromolecules to bind
patients never infected with S. maltophilia was ⫺1.06% predicted to antimicrobial drugs and interfere with the drugs’ ability to enter
per year. The lack of an association of chronic S. maltophilia in- bacterial cells and the relatively low pH of CF sputum can all
fection with an increased rate of decline in the percent predicted reduce the activity of antimicrobial drugs (206). As mentioned
above, under nutrient limitation conditions, S. maltophilia forms tribute to disease development by providing a favorable growth
UMC (316). It is interesting to speculate whether in artificial environment for P. aeruginosa in the CF lung.
sputum medium, S. maltophilia UMC form and assemble into Panresistant bacteria are a concern for lung transplant CF pa-
biofilms. tients. A recent study reported that CF patients harboring panre-
Molecular biology strategies have been developed to improve sistant bacteria (defined as resistant bacteria demonstrating inter-
the ability to detect S. maltophilia in CF patient sputum samples. mediate resistance to an antibiotic from each class of antibiotics)
PFGE, ERIC-PCR, gyrB restriction fragment length polymor- other than B. cepacia have slightly decreased survival following
phism (RFLP) analysis, and ribotyping have been used to analyze lung transplantation. Compared with CF patients harboring sus-
S. maltophilia isolates recovered from sputum samples (45, 57, 63, ceptible bacteria, the survival rates of CF patients with panresis-
than in control mice are in agreement with observations of lung 10 ml twice a day) or rhDNase (2.5 mg/day), improved forced
secretions from CF patients versus healthy individuals (36). On expiratory volume was observed for hypertonic saline (mean ⫽
day 1, the following chemokines were expressed at higher levels in 7.7%; standard deviation [SD] ⫽ 14%) and for rhDNase (mean ⫽
infected than in control mice: keratinocyte-derived cytokine 9.3%; SD ⫽ 11.7%), with no significant difference observed be-
(GRO␣/KC), monocyte chemotactic protein 1 (MCP-1/JE), mac- tween the hypertonic saline and rhDNase treatments (23). In this
rophage chemoattractant protein 5 (MCP-5), macrophage in- small study, patients reported a higher acceptance of the rhDNase
flammatory protein 1␣ (MIP-1␣), MIP-2, and thymus- and than the hypertonic saline, possibly due to the shorter time re-
activation-regulated chemokine (TARC). After day 3, no chemo- quired for its inhalation (23).
kines were observed at higher levels in infected mice than in con- Several studies have investigated the use of combination antibi-
maltophilia is able to adhere to and invade respiratory host cells S. maltophilia strains has been accomplished. One strain is a clin-
(Fig. 5) (73). ical isolate (S. maltophilia K279A) from a cystic fibrosis patient
There are some major limitations of using electron microscopy who was undergoing chemotherapy in 1998 (67), and the other
to examine the interaction of S. maltophilia clinical isolates with strain is an environmental isolate (S. maltophilia R551-3) from the
host cells. The specimens are killed during specimen preparation, poplar Populus trichocarpa (EMBL/GenBank/DDBJ database ac-
and the bacterial cell contact with host cells may potentially be cession no. NC_011071). The genome sequence of clinical isolate
altered or distorted. The dehydration of the specimen during SEM K279a harbors genes that are not found in the genome of environ-
preparation causes a distortion of biofilm matrices. In contrast to mental isolate R551-3. The genome sequence of S. maltophilia
electron microscopy, confocal microscopy offers the opportunity K279A contains 4,851,126 bp and a G⫹C content of 66.7% (67). S.
to have a role in interactions with the environment have included SMF-1 fimbriae only in the clinically derived strains, providing
metal resistance genes, type I and IV secretion systems, LPS genes, support for the hypothesis that these structures are important for
and filamentous hemagglutinin genes (281). The two S. malto- the colonization of CF patients (83). All strains exhibited only
philia isolates do not share common genomic islands but do con- swimming motility, and no swarming motility was detected. All
tain genes with the same function. No correlation between the tested strains demonstrated the expected PCR product corre-
presence of specific genomic island gene products and the patho- sponding to the StmPr2 gene, encoding an extracellular protease
genic life-style of S. maltophilia K279a has been discovered. (67). Of the 52 tested strains, 38 exhibited a 1,621-bp PCR prod-
Strain-specific ORFs also contribute to the genomic heterogeneity uct, and 11 exhibited an 868-bp PCR product, corresponding to
between the two isolates, constituting ⬃17.5% and 10.1% of the the StmPr1 gene, encoding an alkaline serine protease (368). The
the XbaI enzyme with PFGE analysis to distinguish between S. study of a regional CF center, no correlation was observed be-
maltophilia isolates (222, 227). tween clinical isolates of S. maltophilia and isolates recovered
ERIC-PCR and PFGE have been used to compare clinical S. from hospital tap water (222). PFGE with XbaI pattern analyses
maltophilia isolates from CF patients with isolates from environ- of the 110 clinical and 24 water isolates resulted in 59 and 14
mental samples (hospital ward, outpatient clinic, and patient different phenotypes, respectively. Of the 22 rooms of the CF
homes) (81). During September 1993 to December 1995, 41 out of center, 6 rooms were positive for S. maltophilia. Each room was
163 patients demonstrated colonization by S. maltophilia, an in- colonized by S. maltophilia isolates of a unique PFGE pheno-
cidence of 25%. Sampling of environmental sites resulted in the type, and most rooms were persistently colonized with S.
recovery of 82 S. maltophilia isolates from 67 positive sites. ERIC- maltophilia. It was suggested that the high frequency of S.
and 66 from 53 non-CF patients with different infections) with four isolates displayed antagonistic activities against the fol-
those of 60 isolates recovered from nonclinical environments (rhi- lowing fungi: Aspergillus candidus, Aspergillus flavus, Beauveria
zospheres of different plants, seawater, and sewage). The tested bassiana, Epicoccum nigrum, and Fusarium oxysporum. Three
hypothesis was that upon entry into the host, the S. maltophilia out of four isolates displayed antagonistic activities against C.
isolate adapts to the host environment and that in chronic infec- albicans. Two out of four isolates exhibited antagonistic activ-
tions, strong pressures exerted by the host local environment and ities against the Gram-positive bacteria Enterococcus faecium,
immune defense systems will increase the recovery of a variety of S. aureus, and B. subtilis. These observations demonstrate the
mutants derived from a single isolate, providing evidence for a potential of S. maltophilia environmental isolates as sources of
high mutation frequency. In that study, higher mutation frequen- antimicrobial metabolites.
otic and heavy metal resistance from Gram-positive bacteria (12). ria in river water samples supplemented with a CAR-dimethyl
S. maltophilia can transfer antibiotic resistance to other bacteria sulfoxide (DMSO) solution. Natural pressures such as the pres-
(21). S. maltophilia has been isolated from the rhizosphere of ence of CAR appear to have resulted in a higher number of
plants; the rhizosphere was suggested to be a source of antibiotic transconjugants in growth medium supplemented with CAR than
resistance (30). In the rhizosphere, horizontal gene transfer has the number of transconjugants identified in growth medium
been reported for S. maltophilia (29). without CAR. That study suggested that the bacteria harboring the
The acquisition of DNA from other bacterial species has serious plasmid have an advantage for growth on CAR.
implications for gene transfer within microbial communities in Lightning has also been implicated in DNA transfer between
environments such as wastewater and biofilms in plumbing, bacterial cells (51). Two Pseudomonas sp. strains, N3 and Ee2.2,
creased risk of infection. Increases in cell concentrations of S. possibility of organism transfer from tap water to patients. The
maltophilia in aqueous environments may lead to increases in avoidance of the use of hospital tap water for bathing and cleaning
the uptake of foreign DNA and the further acquisition of genes of wounds is a necessary measure of care for particularly vulnera-
important for drug resistance and pathogenicity. This specula- ble populations such as neonatal patients. The discarding of resid-
tion must also consider the likelihood that the growth of other ual antibiotic solutions, residual and possibly contaminated hand
microorganisms is keeping S. maltophilia in check by their soap solutions, and patient body fluids into the hospital plumbing
competition for space and nutrients. system should be avoided. An increased vigilance for the observa-
S. maltophilia colonization or infection of plants and animals in tion and replacement of worn parts of susceptible surfaces, such as
close proximity/contact with humans may pose a risk of infection old deteriorating plumbing systems, can help reduce the risk of
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