Piled Embankments With Geosynthetic Reinforcement: Numerical Analysis of Scale Model Tests
Piled Embankments With Geosynthetic Reinforcement: Numerical Analysis of Scale Model Tests
Piled Embankments With Geosynthetic Reinforcement: Numerical Analysis of Scale Model Tests
Numerical Analysis of Scale Model Tests
Author: T.J.M. den Boogert (1323407)
Address: Loosduinsekade 2B
2571 BM Den Haag
Tel: 06-48833384
Email: [email protected]
Address: Stieltjesweg 2
2600 MH Delft
Tel: 088-3357200
Document: MSc Thesis
Status: Final TU Delft Civil Engineering and Geoscience
Address: Stevinweg 1
Date: 21 February 2011 2628 CN Delft
Place: Delft Tel: 015-2785440
21 February 2011
Examination Committee
Prof. ir. A.F. van Tol
Section Geo-Engineering, Civil Engineering and Geoscience, TU Delft
Tel: 015 2782092
Email: [email protected]
During the past year I have been working on my graduation project. This graduation project
is part of the Master Civil Engineering at Technical University Delft. Within Civil Engineering
I have chosen Geo-Engineering as my specialization. Geo-Engineering covers all aspects
of the utilisation of earth. This includes design of underground constructions, foundations
and soil improvement techniques.
First of all, I would like to thank my examination committee: prof. ir. A.F. van Tol, ing. H.J.
Everts, ir. S.J.M. van Eekelen and ing. P.G. van Duijnen, for their ideas, discussions,
remarks, mental support and reviews of the chapters.
I also would like to thank Deltares for providing a workspace and facilities to perform this
graduation project. The colleagues at Deltares, especially ir. J.A.M. Teunissen, thank you
for your input.
Also an acknowledgement goes to Plaxis BV for providing the Plaxis 3D Tunnel software.
Last but not least, I would like to thank Richard, my family, my family in-law and friends for
their interest and support.
Enjoy reading,
Highways and railways are constructed on embankments. Constructed on soft soil these
embankments cause large settlement. To avoid large residual settlement, soil improvement
techniques are needed. Piled embankment with geosynthetic reinforcement is such a soil
improvement technique. Piles and geosynthetic reinforcement (GR) are applied underneath
the embankment. This technique is highly settlement reductive or even settlement free.
Besides this, the construction time is short and the technique can be applied nearby
sensitive structures.
The load on the embankment is transferred to the piles by arching. Due to the phenomenon
arching, a large part of the load is transferred directly to the piles (load part A). The load
underneath the arch (load part B) is transported via the geosynthetics to the pile. The last
part (load part C) is transported to the soft subsoil between the piles.
In the last few years, the CUR committee 159B has been working on the new Dutch Design
Guideline for the design of piled embankments. To validate the guideline several field tests
have been performed. From the field measurements is concluded that the design method is
very conservative. Improving the design guideline will reduce the construction costs. To
understand the physical behaviour of the piled embankment and to validate the theory,
experimental scale tests have been performed. In these tests, the type of geosynthetics,
number of geosynthetic layers and fill material were varied. During these tests the load
distribution, deformation and strains were measured.
The results of the scale tests are analysed and published (Van Eekelen et al., 2011a;
2011b, 2011c). Some of the conclusions of these experiments are: (1) A smooth
relationship was found between the net load (top load – subsoil support C) and several
measured parameters: load parts A and B, and GR settlement. (2) Consolidation of the
subsoil resulted in both an increase of load part B and also an unexpected increase of load
part A. Thus consolidation resulted in an improvement of the arching. (3) The measured
response to consolidation depends on the friction angle of the fill. (4) Strains in the GR
occur mainly in the tensile strips that lie on top of and between adjacent piles. (5) The line
load on a GR strip between piles has the shape of an inverse triangle, although the load
may be even more concentrated around the pile caps than indicated by the inverse triangle.
This follows from the shape of the deformed GR, measured between two piles. To improve
the understanding of the phenomenon arching and where possible, to confirm the observed
load distributions and displacements, numerical analysis of the scale tests have been
performed and reported in this report.
The performed scale test set-up consist of: four piles, a soaked and watertight foam
cushion between the piles, a sand layer of 1.5 to 2 cm on top of the foam cushion and piles,
one stiff steel frame, to which the GR is attached, an embankment fill of 42 cm granular
material and a top load applied by a water cushion. A tap on the foam cushion allows
drainage of the foam cushion during the test. The scale test is controlled by applying a top
load and drainage of the foam cushion.
To determine the strength and stiffness parameters of the granular material, triaxial tests
have been performed. The triaxial test were carried out on three 300 mm x 600 mm
samples (diameter x height) with a confining pressure applied by vacuum pressure. The
radial and axial displacements were measured at 1/3 and 2/3 of the sample height. The
stiffness and strength parameters are determined from the results according BS1377
(1990). The friction angle of the granular material is 49 degrees, the cohesion is zero and
the dilatancy angle 11 degrees.
The numerical analysis of the scale test is performed with Plaxis 3D Tunnel version 2.4.
The geometry of the Plaxis model is one quarter of the geometry of the scale test. This
reduces the amount of elements and therefore the calculation time. In the scale test circular
piles are applied. Circular geometry cannot be modelled in Plaxis, therefore the circular pile
is mathematically converted to a square pile. The sand and granular material are modelled
with Mohr Coulomb (MC) model and Hardening Soil (HS) model. The scale test is driven by
applying top load and by drainage of the foam cushion. To model the drainage of the foam
cushion, the measured water pressure is assigned to the subsoil clusters in Plaxis by a
water pressure head.
During the execution of the scale tests, there is a loss of load due to friction. The friction is
between 10% to 20% of the soil weight and top load and therefore an important part of the
scale test. Normally an interface is applied in Plaxis to model this friction, however in Plaxis
3D Tunnel it is not possible to apply an interface at the back side of the model (slice parallel
to the front plane). A possibility to simulate the friction is by applying an extra soil segment
with lower strength properties. This option gives good results with the MC model, except in
the phase where there is no subsoil support. Also the calculation time increases
significantly when the extra soil body is applied in combination with the HS model.
Therefore it is not realistic to apply an extra soil segment as friction. To decrease the load
in the system, the amount of load loss is subtracted from the top load.
The smooth relationship between the net load and load part A and B and GR displacement
from the scale test are also found in the Plaxis calculations. The drainage of the foam
cushion in Plaxis results in an increase of load part A and B, thus results in improvement of
arching. The calculated tensile forces in the GR are concentrated in ‘tensile strips’ that lie
on top and between adjacent piles. The largest displacement of the GR is found at the
middle of four piles. The results of the Plaxis calculations are compared to the scale test
results. During the first part of the test, the load distribution (load part A and B) shows
similar results as the measured load distribution. During the second part of the test the load
part A is overestimated and load part B is underestimated. The displacement of the
geosynthetic reinforcement calculated with Plaxis is underestimated compared to the scale
test results. In general the results of the HS model are better than the MC model.
By varying a number of parameters in the model, possible causes for the underestimated
displacement are investigated. This research concludes that the stiffness of the foam
cushion and the water pressure in the foam cushion does not have influence on the GR
displacement. The vertical effective stresses are concentrated on and directly next to the
pile and are relatively small between the piles. The internal friction angle does have a large
influence on the geosynthetic reinforcement displacement, because when the internal
friction angle is decreased, the arch decreases and the settlements increase. However, the
measured geosynthetic reinforcement displacement from the scale test is still not found in
the numerical results calculated in Plaxis.
Table of Contents
EXAMINATION COMMITTEE ....................................................................................................... I
PREFACE .................................................................................................................................... III
SUMMARY .................................................................................................................................... V
TABLE OF CONTENTS.............................................................................................................. VII
LIST OF FIGURES....................................................................................................................... XI
LIST OF TABLES ...................................................................................................................... XV
LIST OF SYMBOLS ................................................................................................................. XVII
1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 BACKGROUND INFORMATION ........................................................................................... 1
1.2 PROBLEM DEFINITION AND OBJECTIVES ............................................................................ 3
1.3 READER’S GUIDE ............................................................................................................ 3
2.1 SUBSOIL ......................................................................................................................... 5
2.2 PILES…………………………………………………………………………………………...5
2.3 GEOSYNTHETIC REINFORCEMENT .................................................................................... 7
2.4 EMBANKMENT ................................................................................................................. 8
2.5 LOAD……………………………………………………………………………………………8
2.6 LOAD DISTRIBUTION ........................................................................................................ 9
2.6.1 Arching in the embankment................................................................................... 9
2.6.2 Spreading forces in the slope .............................................................................. 10
GEOSYNTHETIC REINFORCEMENT ................................................................................. 11
3.1 GERMAN METHOD EBGEO ........................................................................................... 11
3.1.1 Vertical load distribution ...................................................................................... 11
3.1.2 Tension load in the geosynthetic reinforcement.................................................. 13
3.2 DUTCH METHOD CUR 226 ............................................................................................ 13
3.2.1 Geometry and boundary conditions .................................................................... 14
3.2.2 Vertical load distribution ...................................................................................... 15
3.2.3 Tensile load in geosynthetic reinforcement ......................................................... 15
GEOSYNTHETIC REINFORCEMENT ................................................................................. 19
4.1 DEFINITIONS ................................................................................................................. 19
4.2 EXPERIENCE NUMERICAL DESIGN ................................................................................... 21
4.2.1 Experience numerical design with Plaxis ............................................................ 21
4.2.2 Experience numerical design with other programs ............................................. 23
4.3.1 Geometry ............................................................................................................. 24
4.3.2 Geosynthetics ...................................................................................................... 25
4.3.3 Constitutive models ............................................................................................. 25
4.3.4 Parameters .......................................................................................................... 27
4.4 CONCLUSION ................................................................................................................ 27
List of Figures
Figure 1.1: Bumpy road ........................................................................................................ 1
Figure 1.2: Cross section piled embankment ........................................................................ 2
Figure 1.3: Load distribution in a reinforced piled embankment ............................................ 2
Figure 2.1: Augeo piles ......................................................................................................... 6
Figure 2.2: Timber piles ........................................................................................................ 6
Figure 2.3: Settlement free system ....................................................................................... 6
Figure 2.4: Settlement reducing system ................................................................................ 6
Figure 2.5: Prefab pile caps .................................................................................................. 7
Figure 2.6: Geosynthetic reinforcement and piles underneath the embankment .................. 7
Figure 2.7: Geogrids ............................................................................................................. 8
Figure 2.8: Non-woven and woven geotextiles ..................................................................... 8
Figure 2.9: Interaction between grid and granular material ................................................... 8
Figure 2.10: Arching (Van Eekelen, 2010) ............................................................................ 9
Figure 2.11: Spreading forces in the slope ......................................................................... 10
Figure 3.1: Analytical approach of Zaeske (Zaeske, 2001) ................................................. 11
Figure 3.2: Analytical approach of Zaeske (Zaeske, 2001) ................................................. 12
Figure 3.3: Load distribution (left) and schematization of loading (right) on geosynthetic
reinforcement strip as assumed by EBGEO and CUR (Van Eekelen, 2010) ...................... 13
Figure 3.4: Schematization of the cable equation ............................................................... 13
Figure 3.5: Cross section and top view of piled embankment geometry (CUR 226, 2010) . 14
Figure 3.6: Maximum strain in the geosynthetic reinforcement (CUR 226, 2010) ............... 16
Figure 3.7: Vertical force on the GR between the piles (CUR 226, 2010) ........................... 17
Figure 4.1: Axisymmetrical geometry .................................................................................. 19
Figure 4.2: Plane strain geometry ....................................................................................... 20
Figure 4.3: 3 Dimensional geometry ................................................................................... 20
Figure 4.4: Load transfer mechanisms of piled embankments ............................................ 21
Figure 4.5: Calculated and measured load on pile (Satibi, 2009) ....................................... 24
Figure 4.6: Calculated and measured tensile force in the geosynthetic reinforcement ....... 25
Figure 4.7: Load-settlement curves from analyses with different soil models compared with
measurements of the scale tests performed by Zaeske (2001) (Satibi, 2009) .................... 26
Figure 4.8: Calculated and measured data of the load on a pile (left) and data of the tensile
forces in the geosynthetic reinforcement (right) (Satibi, 2009) ............................................ 26
Figure 4.9: Influence of the friction angle ’ on subsoil surface settlements at the pile centre
(Satibi, 2009)....................................................................................................................... 26
Figure 4.10: Influence of the dilatancy angle on subsoil surface settlements at the pile
centre (Satibi, 2009)............................................................................................................ 26
Figure 4.11: Influence of the oedometer loading stiffness on subsoil surface settlements at
the pile centre (Satibi, 2009) ............................................................................................... 27
Figure 5.1: Section used from a piled embankment ............................................................ 29
Figure 5.2: Side view test set-up ......................................................................................... 30
Figure 5.3: Top view test set-up .......................................................................................... 30
Figure 5.4: Piles in test set-up ............................................................................................ 31
Figure 5.5: First cushion (left) and second cushion (right) .................................................. 31
Figure 5.6: Design steel frame ............................................................................................ 32
Figure 5.7: Set-up geosynthetic reinforcement ................................................................... 32
Figure 5.8: Itterbeck sand ................................................................................................... 33
Figure 5.9: Granular material .............................................................................................. 33
Figure 5.10: Compaction with steel weight ......................................................................... 33
Figure 5.11: Water cushion ................................................................................................. 34
Figure 8.10: Total displacement A-A of GR for Mohr Coulomb model ................................ 76
Figure 8.11: Total displacement A-A of GR for Hardening Soil model ................................ 76
Figure 8.12: Load part A+B ................................................................................................. 77
Figure 8.13: Load part C ..................................................................................................... 77
Figure 8.14: Load part A ..................................................................................................... 77
Figure 8.15: Load part B ..................................................................................................... 77
Figure 8.16: Load part A in percentage ............................................................................... 78
Figure 8.17: Load part B in percentage ............................................................................... 78
Figure 8.18: Displacement z1 (Centre 4 piles) .................................................................... 79
Figure 8.19: Displacement z2 (Centre 2 piles) .................................................................... 80
Figure 8.20: Displacement z3 (Close to pile) ...................................................................... 80
Figure 8.21: Load part A+B, stiffness foam cushion ........................................................... 81
Figure 8.22: Load part C, stiffness foam cushion ................................................................ 81
Figure 8.23: Load part A, stiffness foam cushion ................................................................ 81
Figure 8.24: Load part B, stiffness foam cushion ................................................................ 81
Figure 8.25: Displacement z1 (centre 4 piles), stiffness foam cushion ............................... 82
Figure 8.26: Displacement z2 (centre 2 piles), stiffness foam cushion ............................... 82
Figure 8.27: Displacement z3 (close to pile), stiffness foam cushion .................................. 82
Figure 8.28: Water pressure in foam cushion in the second drainage phase with a load of
100kPa, location is z2 of MC model (left) and of HS model (right). ..................................... 84
Figure 8.29: Load part A+B, water pressure ....................................................................... 85
Figure 8.30: Load part C, water pressure ........................................................................... 85
Figure 8.31: Load part A, water pressure ............................................................................ 85
Figure 8.32: Load part B, water pressure ............................................................................ 85
Figure 8.33: Displacement z1 (centre 4 piles), water pressure ........................................... 86
Figure 8.34: Displacement z2 (centre 2 piles), water pressure ........................................... 86
Figure 8.35: Displacement z3 (close to pile), water pressure ............................................. 86
Figure 8.36: Geometry of Plaxis model with only load B ..................................................... 87
Figure 8.37: Load part B, GR .............................................................................................. 88
Figure 8.38: Displacement z1 (centre 4 piles), GR ............................................................. 89
Figure 8.39: Displacement z2 (centre 2 piles), GR ............................................................. 89
Figure 8.40: Displacement z3 (close to pile), GR ................................................................ 89
Figure 8.41: Load part A+B, stiffness GR ........................................................................... 90
Figure 8.42: Load part C, stiffness GR................................................................................ 90
Figure 8.43: Load part A, stiffness GR ................................................................................ 90
Figure 8.44: Load part B, stiffness GR ................................................................................ 90
Figure 8.45: Displacement z1 (centre 4 piles), stiffness GR ............................................... 91
Figure 8.46: Displacement z2 (centre 2 piles), stiffness GR ............................................... 91
Figure 8.47: Displacement z3 (close to pile), stiffness GR .................................................. 91
Figure 8.48: Location of cross section C-C and locations A-J in cross section and top view
of the model ........................................................................................................................ 92
Figure 8.49: Effective vertical stress distribution for locations A to D 1) ............................... 93
Figure 8.50: Effective vertical stress distribution for locations E to H 1) ............................... 93
Figure 8.51: Effective vertical stress distribution for locations I to J 1) ................................. 93
Figure 8.52: Effective vertical tensile stresses in the stress points of the elements ............ 94
Figure 8.53: Vertical effective stresses in cross section E-E ............................................... 94
Figure 8.54: Results of triaxial tests on samples (CUR-166, 2005)..................................... 96
Figure 8.55: Load part A+B, decrease phi .......................................................................... 97
Figure 8.56: Load part C, decrease phi ............................................................................... 97
Figure 8.57: Load part A, decrease phi ............................................................................... 97
Figure 8.58: Load part B, decrease phi ............................................................................... 97
Figure 8.59: Displacement z1 (centre 4 piles), decrease phi .............................................. 98
Figure 8.60: Displacement z2 (centre 2 piles), decrease phi .............................................. 98
Figure 8.61: Displacement z3 (close to pile), decrease phi ................................................. 98
Figure 8.62: Comparison of measured load distribution for tests T2 (sand) and T3
(granular) (Van Eekelen, et al., 2011a) ............................................................................... 99
List of Tables
Table 2.1: Distributed load for a 600 kN truck ....................................................................... 9
Table 3.1: Boundary conditions piled embankment ............................................................ 14
Table 4.1: Summary of experience with Plaxis ................................................................... 28
Table 5.1: Geometry piles ................................................................................................... 30
Table 5.2: Geosynthetic reinforcement ............................................................................... 33
Table 5.3: Geometry embankment...................................................................................... 33
Table 5.4: Scaling effect ..................................................................................................... 34
Table 5.5: Dimensions scale test and reality ....................................................................... 35
Table 5.6: Summary of measurements and equipment ...................................................... 39
Table 5.7: Average stiffness dependent on strain, for short-term behaviour of GR ............ 41
Table 5.8: Test procedure with selected equilibrium points ................................................ 43
Table 5.9: Specification equilibrium points. ......................................................................... 45
Table 5.10: Load distribution at equilibrium points for scale test K2 ................................... 48
Table 5.11: Deformations and strains at equilibrium points for K2 ...................................... 50
Table 6.1: Characteristics and results of the samples in the triaxial tests ........................... 58
Table 6.2: General characteristics of the triaxial tests......................................................... 60
Table 6.3: Summary of strength and stiffness properties of the granular material .............. 60
Table 7.1: Pile properties .................................................................................................... 63
Table 7.2: Subsoil properties .............................................................................................. 63
Table 7.3: Geosynthetic reinforcement properties .............................................................. 65
Table 7.4: Sand and granular material properties for the Mohr Coulomb model ................. 66
Table 7.5: Sand and granular material properties for the Hardening Soil model ................. 66
Table 7.6: Steel box wall and frame properties ................................................................... 67
Table 7.7: Plaxis calculation phases ................................................................................... 69
List of Symbols
Symbol Dimension Description
Chapter 1
To introduce the subject of this master thesis the background information, problem
definition and objectives are described. The chapter is completed with the composition of
this report.
asfalt = asphalt
fundering = foundation
geogrid = geogrid
palen = piles
puingranulaat = crushed granular
rubble material (hereafter called
‘granular material’)
samendrukbare lagen = soft subsoil
sloot = ditch
zand = sand
The static and dynamic loads on a reinforced piled embankment are distributed to the
ground divided in three parts based on arching. The first part of the load (load part A) is
transferred directly to the piles by arching. Part of the load underneath the arch, is
transported via the GR to the piles (load part B). The rest of the load underneath the arch is
transported to the soft subsoil between the piles (load part C). See Figure 1.3 for a picture
with the load distribution.
In the last few years, the CUR committee 159B has been working on the new Dutch Design
Guideline for the design of piled embankments. This design guideline is based on the
German EBGEO with adjustments to Dutch circumstances. To validate the guideline
several field tests have been performed. From the field measurements is concluded that
the design methods are very conservative. Improving the design guideline will reduce the
construction costs. To understand the physical behaviour of the piled embankment and to
validate the theory, experimental scale tests have been performed. Deltares is analysing
the results of the scale test and the results will be published in 2011.
Some of the most notable conclusions of Van Eekelen et al. (2011a) were that:
A smooth relationship was found between the net load (top load – subsoil support
C) and several measured parameters: load parts A and B, and GR settlement;
Consolidation of the subsoil resulted in both an increase of load part B and also an
increase of load part A. Thus consolidation resulted in an improvement of the
The measured response to consolidation depends on the friction angle of the fill;
Strains in the GR occur mainly in the tensile strips that lie on top of and between
adjacent piles;
The line load on a GR strip between piles has the shape of an inverse triangle,
although the load may be even more concentrated around the pile caps than this
indicates. This follows from the shape of the deformed GR, measured at two points
between two piles (See also Van Eekelen, et al., 2011b; 2011c)
The purpose of this research is to perform numerical analysis of the scale model tests to
better understand and where possible, to confirm the observed load distributions and
Chapter 2
2.1 Subsoil
A piled embankment normally is applied in soft subsoil. Due to the reinforcement and the
piles of the piled embankment, the soft subsoil is almost not loaded by the embankment
and dynamic load. Therefore, the settlements are small.
Due to small settlements, there are small strains in the subsoil. The subsoil will react, but
this reaction will be small. Therefore a linear relationship between the subsoil reaction F
and the settlement w can be used. The subsoil can be modelled as a spring with a spring
constant. This constant is the modulus of subgrade reaction ks.
Fs ks ( As w ) (2.1)
ks (2.2)
Fs kN Subsoil reaction
ks kN/m Modulus of subgrade reaction
As m2 Area of the soil body
w m Average settlement over the area
Es kN/m2 Linear or non-linear modulus of elasticity for subsoil
t m Thickness of the subsoil
2.2 Piles
Several pile types are applied for piled embankments. CUR 226 (2010) indicates several
pile types. The most commonly used type of piles is the soil displacement type (Figure 2.1
and Figure 2.2):
Driven piles of prefab concrete or timber;
In-situ poured piles with reinforcement (in the Netherlands, AuGeo and HSP have
been applied several times in a piled embankment).
There are two methods to design a piled embankment: a settlement free construction or a
settlement reducing construction (CUR 226, 2010).
If a settlement free system is applied, the settlements are almost none (< 3 cm), because
the piles are designed to carry the total load. The effect of a setting free system is that the
soft soil between the piles can settle whereby a gap arises between the soft soil and the
geosynthetics. For the design of the geosynthetics, load part C (subsoil) can be assumed
zero, dependent on the local circumstances. The piles underneath are end-bearing piles.
The vertical bearing capacity of the end-bearing piles is determined using the common
Dutch design guidelines, as described in NEN 6743 (1991).
A settlement reducing system is a system whereby both the piles and the subsoil carry the
load. Some settlement of the piled embankment is accepted. The pile head will settle as
much as the subsoil between the piles. The piles underneath are end bearing piles or
friction piles. This second design approach results in less construction costs. For the
bearing capacity of the friction piles in a settlement reducing system, CUR 226 presents a
so-called ‘Interaction Model’.
Figure 2.3: Settlement free system Figure 2.4: Settlement reducing system
The centre-to-centre distance of the piles in Dutch piled embankments lies between 0.8
and 3.0 meter. This means that for a long trace of a piled embankment a large amount of
piles is needed. To decrease the construction time and thereby to increase the profit, the
installation speed of the piles is important.
The forces on the piles are relative small, therefore thin piles can often be installed. Thin
piles have a disadvantage; they are sensitive for horizontal loads. Therefore, piles can be
sensitive for settlements on the sides of the embankment and for future constructions
nearby. Usually, piles are designed to resist horizontal loads from future elevations of the
embankment sides or even for future constructions. During construction of driven soil
displacement piles the vibrations and sound nuisance are often of minor importance,
because the soil resistance is minimal due to the soft soil and the slenderness of the piles.
Different types of geosynthetic reinforcement that are available are geogrids, woven or non-
woven geotextiles, see Figure 2.7 and Figure 2.8. The type of material and the fabrication
process influences the properties of these geosynthetics.
There are two phenomena that have to be considered. One of them is slack. Before the
geosynthetic reinforcement can transfer tensile forces, an initial deformation is needed.
This initial deformation can be applied by installing the geosynthetic reinforcement in the
deformed position. The geosynthetics can be less stiff when applied in the deformed
position, because the tensile forces are smaller. To install the initial deformation is not
easy; on the other hand, to install the geosynthetic reinforcement completely horizontally is
impossible. In the construction phase, the initial deformation at the top of the embankment
can be corrected by levelling the embankment.
When geosynthetics are applied creep has to be taken into account. Due to creep of the
GR, the tensile strain increases in time with a constant load. The geosynthetic
reinforcement influences mainly the lifetime of a piled embankment.
2.4 Embankment
The embankment fill has to have a high degree of internal friction. In the Netherlands, the
embankment fill usually consists of a granular material. In a material with a relative high
degree of internal friction, arching will develop better. The development of arching can also
be improved by increasing the height of embankment. Next to the height and degree of
internal friction, the drained behaviour of the fill material is important. This is important to
prevent water over pressure in the embankment.
2.5 Load
The load on the geosynthetic reinforcement and piles is divided in static load and dynamic
load. Static load is the weight of the embankment and the weight of the railway or road
construction. Dynamic loading occurs due to the now and then passing (heavy) vehicles
and trains.
The Dutch Guideline CUR 226 (2010) gives rules how to translate the dynamic load into a
uniformly distributed load. The axle loads of a standard truck are spread according
Boussinesq over the total height of the embankment. The asphalt top layer has extra
spreading capacity, therefore this may be taken into account with a virtual extra height. The
influence of all three axles of the standard truck are summed. Table 2.1 presents a
summary of the larger table that is part of the Dutch Guideline. The stress (max;ave) is the
average stress on the maximal loaded pile grid (sx*sy), with sx,y (m) the centre-to-centre
distance between the piles. (Van Eekelen et al., 2010b)
Height embankment Maximal average stress (max;ave) [kN/m2] for pile grid (sx*sy)
H [m] 1.5 x 1.5 m2 2.0 x 2.0 m² 2.5 x 2.5 m²
1.0 61.3 51.3 44.8
2.0 33.7 30.0 27.8
3.0 21.1 19.8 19.0
Table 2.1: Distributed load for a 600 kN truck
The influence of dynamic load has been researched by Heitz (2006). He stated that the
arching is reduced when the dynamic load is too large. CUR 226 adopted his arch
reduction model.
When a very weak geosynthetic is used, the embankment fill will settle between the piles,
causing shear forces and arching development. The shear forces reduce the forces on the
geosynthetic reinforcement, but the force on the pile caps increases. On the other hand
when a very stiff geosynthetic is applied the tensile force in the geosynthetic reinforcement
will be very high and the displacement very small. Therefore arching cannot develop fully.
The load above the arch is load part A and transported directly to the piles. The size of the
load is determent by the steepness of the arch, which is depending on the angle of internal
friction of the embankment material.
In CUR 226 (2010) different mechanisms are described that causes an arch increase or
decrease. For example dynamic load or subsoil subsidence. Below the different
mechanisms are explained.
The dynamic load can compact the embankment fill. This will increase the internal friction
angle causing a firmer arch. A condition for compaction is that the embankment fill is
supported by the subsoil and the subsoil is dynamical stiff. By compaction the load
distribution will develop better, whereby load part A increases and load part B+C will
The stiffness of the arch can be increased by subsoil subsidence. Subsoil subsidence can
be caused by changes in groundwater level, load from for example a working platform
(below the geosynthetic reinforcement) or by (minor) cyclic loading. Heitz (2006) performed
tests with cyclic loading on peat in a large oedometer test. The test resulted in plastic
deformation of peat. By subsoil subsidence, load part C decreases, whereby load A+B
When the subsoil subside creep or relaxation can occur in the geosynthetic reinforcement.
Creep or relaxation of the geosynthetic reinforcement will decrease load B and increase
load parts A and C.
Granular material used for the embankment fill often contains cement. This cement causes
connections between the grains, whereby the cohesion increases. An increase of cohesion,
results in a better arch development and an increase of load part A. Because A increases,
load parts B and C decreases. There is a risk of brittle failure of the arch.
The connections between the grains can be broken down or the grains can be rearranged
by a large single or cyclic load. This mechanism is arch failure, causing load part A to
decrease and load part B+C to increase. After arch failure, the arch can increase again by
the previous described mechanisms.
Chapter 3
Each element should be in vertical equilibrium. The components in the analysis are:
Pressure acting on top of arch, Fv ,t 'z d 'z dA0
Bearing reaction below arch, Fv ,b 'z dAu
Self-weight of element, Fv ,g dV
Shear friction on the four sides of the element, Fv ,s 4 dAs sin m
The components of the element vertical equilibrium is given in a differential equation:
Fv Fv ,t Fv ,b Fv ,g Fv ,s 0
Fv 'z dAu 'z d 'z dAo 4 ' dAs sin m dV 0
dAu m2 Area of the lower side of the element
dA0 m Area of the upper side of the element
dAs m Area of a side of the element
dV m Volume of the element
d m
m rad Average angle of part arch of element, m
' kN/m
Soil stress perpendicular to sides of the element
'z kN/m2 Effective vertical soil stress
kN/m 3
Volumetric weight of the fill material
The solution of this differential equation gives the residual stress between the piles and is
given in equation (3.4) in paragraph 3.2.2.
w r
Figure 3.3: Load distribution (left) and schematization of loading (right) on geosynthetic
reinforcement strip as assumed by EBGEO and CUR (Van Eekelen, 2010)
y(x) H + dH (
T+dT V+dV
The strip without subsoil support could be modelled as a cable equation, see Figure 3.4.
With subsoil support, however, the differential equation is more complicated and given in
equation (3.2).
d 2w q( x ) ks w ( x )
dx HT HT
w m Vertical deformation of the cable
x m Horizontal distance
HT kN/m Constant horizontal component of the tensile force in the cable
q( x ) kN/m The loading on the cable
ks kN/m Modulus of subgrade reaction
The tensile force in the reinforcement is depending on the strain and the stiffness of the
reinforcement. To calculate the strain, Zaeske constructed a graph. This graph is based on
the solution of the cable equation. How the graph is used is explained in paragraph 3.2.3.
Figure 3.5: Cross section and top view of piled embankment geometry (CUR 226, 2010)
H m Embankment height
sx m Centre to centre distance of the piles in longitudinal direction
sy m Centre to centre distance of the piles in cross direction
Ai m 2
Zone of influence per pile, calculated with Ai sx sy
s m Centre-to-centre distance of the piles in diagonal direction
Ap 2
m Pile cap area
a m Diameter of a circular pile cap
aeq m Equivalent diameter of a rectangular pile cap, calculated with aeq 4 Ap /
z m Distance between the pile cap and geosynthetic reinforcement
In the embankment of the scale test arching will develop. For piled embankments there are
a number of boundary conditions as described below in Table 3.1.
v ;t H g q (3.3)
The vertical stress on the geosynthetic reinforcement can be calculated with the solution of
the differential equation (3.1) described by Zaeske based on arching. The solution is
presented in equation (3.4).
hg2 2
1 H 1 hg2 2
hg 1 1 hg 2
2 (3.4)
v ;g
H 4
1 s a
s 2 2 a s a2
2 (3.6)
2 s2
K krit tan 2 45 (3.7)
a K krit 1
2 s
v ;t kN/m
Total vertical load on the level of geosynthetic reinforcement
p kN/m
Vertical load (permanent +variable) on the embankment, calculated by p g q
q kN/m Variable load (traffic load) on the embankment
g kN/m Permanent load on the embankment
v ;g kN/m
Vertical stress on the level of geosynthetic reinforcement between the pile caps
kN/m3 Volumetric weight of the embankment fill
Kkrit - Critical ratio of the principal stresses
hg m Height of the embankment for full arching, H
The vertical stress on the pile caps based on arching is calculated with:
; p H p v ;g
v ;g (3.9)
;p kN/m2 Total vertical load on the level of geosynthetic reinforcement
Ai m Zone of influence per pile
Ap m2 Pile cap area
Tv EAg (3.10)
Tensile force in the geosynthetic reinforcement caused by the vertical load due
Tv kN/m
to arching
- Average strain in the geosynthetic reinforcement
J EAg kN/m Stiffness of geosynthetic reinforcement
k s L2w
F beq
Figure 3.6: Maximum strain in the geosynthetic reinforcement (CUR 226, 2010)
To use the design graph there are two dimensionless parameters that have to be
calculated. These parameters are:
Located on the x-axis (3.11)
k s L2w
Located in the curve (3.12)
F kN Vertical force on the reinforcement strip between two piles
beq m Equivalent width of the pile cap
EAg kN/m Stiffness geosynthetic reinforcement
ks kN/m Modulus of subgrade reaction, see paragraph 2.1
Lw m Clear width between the pile caps
The vertical load F on the reinforcement due to arching is determined by using equation
(3.13). In the equations, the zone of influence is used. The principle of the zone of influence
is shown in Figure 3.7.
1 a2 s
Fx ALx v ;g s x sy arctan y
2 2 180 v ;g
s x
1 2 s
Fy ALy v ;g s x s y
arctan x
2 2 s 180 v ;g
Fx ; y kN Vertical force on a geosynthetic strip between two piles
ALx ;Ly m Zone of influence, defined in Figure 3.7
v ;g kN/m
Vertical load on a geosynthetic strip between two piles
sx m Centre to centre distance of the piles in longitudinal direction
sy m Centre to centre distance of the piles in cross direction
Figure 3.7: Vertical force on the GR between the piles (CUR 226, 2010)
beq a (3.14)
beq m Equivalent width of the circular pile cap (or the width of the square pile cap)
a m Diamater of the circular pile cap
Lwx s x beq
Lwy sy beq
Chapter 4
There are several programs that can perform a numerical analysis, for example FLAC and
Plaxis. To compare the result of the performance of a piled embankment, some definitions
are described in paragraph 4.1. The experience with numerical analysis in the literature is
discussed in paragraph 4.2. For this thesis the experience with Plaxis is applicable,
therefore the results of the experiences with Plaxis found in the literature is described in
more detail in paragraph 4.3.
4.1 Definitions
In order to evaluate the performance of a piled embankment construction, some definitions
have been used.
Axisymmetrical geometry
In an axisymmetrical geometry one pile is modelled with the subsoil and embankment fill.
The existing geometry is schematized to a cylinder with the centre of the pile as central
axis. The axisymmetrical model is illustrated in Figure 4.1.
3 Dimensional geometry
With a 3D geometry the actual situations can be modelled as shown in Figure 4.3.
The efficacy E of the pile support is defined as the proportion of embankment weight
carried by the pile caps. Efficacy increases as the effect of arching increases. Efficacy is
defined as (Hewlett et al., 1988):
E (4.1)
s H
E - Efficacy
P kN Total force carried by the pile caps
kN/m 3
Volumetric weight of the embankment
H m Height of embankment
s m Pile centreline spacing
- Stress reduction ratio
kN/m 3
Volumetric weight of the embankment
H m Height of embankment
q0 kN/m2 Uniform surcharge on the embankment
pb kN/m Average vertical pressure above geosynthetic
n (4.3)
n - Stress concentration ratio
c kN/m 2
Vertical stress on the pile caps
s kN/m 2
Vertical stress on the soil
A project where Plaxis was used to model the interaction between soils and various
structural components is City West Link Road Section 3, New South Wales, Australia.
Timber piles were used in a transition construction between the bridge and the
embankment. Next to that, settlement plates were installed to monitor the performance of
the timber-piled embankments. The with plane strain Plaxis calculated and measured
forces in the structures and deformation of the subsoil were compared and correspond well
(Hsi, 2001).
In the CUR 2002-7 two projects are analyzed in Plaxis 2D, Bus lane ‘Monickendam’ and
Second Severn Crossing. The projects are modelled with axisymmetrical and plane strain
geometries. Because these geometries does not resemble the reality, the results of the
calculation or the parameters of the calculation are adjusted. To adjust the results of the
calculation is not advised, because a large amount of engineering judgement is needed. It
is advised to apply factors on the input parameters. The validation of both the projects is
Gangakhedkar (2004) used both 2D axial symmetric and 2D plane strain finite element
analysis to study effects of certain factors like pile modulus, stiffness of the geosynthetic
reinforcement, height of the embankment and the effect of the soil layer directly below the
geosynthetic. The soft soil model in Plaxis is used to represent the weak foundation soil.
The embankment fill was modelled with the Mohr Coulomb model. A fully bonded interface
between soil-pile and soil-geosynthetics was assumed, because the influence of the
interfaces was estimated to be small due to the small deformations. The geosynthetics
endures creep which results in an increase in the strains. To a certain extent, this will cause
a reduction in the tensile strength. Updated mesh is used to consider the influence of
change in the geometry of the model caused by large deformation of the soft soils.
Gangakhedkar carried out numerical analysis with Plaxis and analytical analysis for five
case histories. The maximum settlements at the pile cap decrease when the tensile
stiffness of the geosynthetics is increase or the height of the embankment is decreased.
The increase in the pile modulus causes an increase in the difference of the stiffness
between the pile and soil. This causes more differential settlements and eventually
increases the tensile strength in the geosynthetics. These effects influence the stress
concentration ratio. The stress concentration ratio increases by increasing the modulus of
the pile or the tensile stiffness of the geosynthetic layer.
Slaats (2008) modelled the scale test performed by Zaeske (2001) in Plaxis 2D and Plaxis
3D Foundation. The soil is modelled with the Hardening Soil model. The results of Plaxis
2D and Plaxis 3D are almost equal for the vertical force on the pile caps. The results of
Plaxis are compared to the result of the scale test performed by Zaeske. The vertical force
on the pile caps calculated with Plaxis is overestimated, and thus the load on the
reinforcement is underestimated. The settlements on top of the embankment were
underestimated with Plaxis. Next to that, a piled embankment is modelled in Plaxis 2D to
perform a parameter study. The parameter study was not performed in Plaxis 3D
Foundation, because it had difficulties to generate a mesh of a soil profile including a slope.
Satibi (2009) investigated the influence of geometrical idealizations, the influence of the
stiffness of geosynthetic reinforcements, the influence of capping ratio (area pile cap / area
influence zone) and the influence of constitutive models on numerical analysis of soil
arching in a piled embankment. For the analysis Plaxis is used. The piled embankment
tests performed by Zaeske (2001) are used as a reference case study. The Hardening Soil
model is applied for modelling the material constitutive behaviour of the embankment fill
and the peat underneath. The results described in the report by Satibi (2009) can be found
in paragraph 4.3.
In the Dutch design guideline, CUR 226 (2010), there is a description of how pile moments
and deformations could be calculated with a finite element program. Case studies of low
and high embankments have been analysed. The case study for low embankments is a
piled embankment in Houten and the case study for high embankments are the large scale
tests done by Farag (2008). The large scale tests were performed to investigate the lateral
spreading forces in the embankment. For the piled embankment in Houten the
embankment fill and subsoil were modelled with the Hardening Soil model. The piles are
modelled as beams. The embankment fill of the large scale test is also modelled with de
Hardening Soil model. The soft subsoil is modelled linear elastic, because the subsoil is a
foam cushion. The piles are modelled as volume elements with non porous linear elastic
The first experience with numerical analysis has been reported by Jones et al. (1990). They
analysed the influence of several parameters on the actual tensile forces in the
geosynthetic reinforcement with FELSTA (Finite Element Structural Analysis). In the
analysis they used the hyperbolic stress-strain relationships described by Duncan & Chang
(1970). They show that support of the soft soil can decrease the tensile force in the
geosynthetic considerably.
Liu et al. (2007) performed numerical analysis of a case history with ABAQUS. ABAQUS is
finite element software. The case history is a geogrid-Reinforced and Pile Supported
Highway Embankment in a northern suburb of Shanghai, China. The pressures acting on
the piles and the soil surfaces between piles, pore-water pressures, settlements and lateral
displacements are measured in the field. The field measurements are compared with the
results from three-dimensional fully coupled finite element back analyses. The embankment
fill was modelled using a linear elastic-perfectly plastic model with Mohr-Coulomb failure
criterion. The pile was modelled as isotropic linear elastic material and the subsoil with
Modified Cam Clay. The measured pressures on the pile and the computed values differ
7%. In the journal is concluded that field loading tests on the foundation clay show that
bearing capacity of the soft soil supported with piles can be improved by at least a factor of
3. The rates of consolidation are slightly over predicted by the 3D analysis, however the
computed values agree reasonably well with the field measurements.
Another program that is used to perform numerical analysis is FLAC (Fast Lagrangian
Analysis of Continua). FLAC is based on finite difference method (Itasca). Because no
matrices are formed, large 3D calculations can be made without excessive memory
Russell & Pierpoint (1997) analysed two case histories numerically to compare several
design models. The two case studies were: the A13 piled embankment and the Second
Severn Crossing trial embankment. The numerical analysis was performed with the three-
dimensional finite difference program FLAC3D. In 3D numerical analysis, the arching
mechanism was assumed to be a dome, resting on four pile caps. The embankment fill was
modelled with the linear elastic Mohr-Coulomb model. The reinforcement consisted of one-
dimensional linear cable elements. Two methods of constructing the embankment were
analysed: construction of the embankment in one step or construction stepwise. It is shown
that higher maximum settlements, stress on the pile cap and geosynthetic tensions were
found when the embankment is constructed in one step. The construction of the
embankment in one layer resembles reality most. The results of the numerical analysis also
show that large deformations occurred at the base of the embankments although the
differential settlements at the surface were negligible. Russell & Pierpoint noted that the
reinforcement tensile forces were concentrated in the reinforcement elements spanning
directly between the pile caps. The highest tensions were found at the edge of the pile
Kempton et al. (1998) compare the load transfer and settlements behaviour between 2D
plane strain and 3D analyses of a quarter cell embankment. The numerical analyses is
performed using FLAC. The results show that although the tendency is the same, the
magnitudes are considerably different. The stress reduction ratio with respect to H/s are
much lower in 3D analyses compared to 2D. Higher maximum and differential settlements
are observed in 3D analyses.
A numerical study has been performed with FLAC to investigate the influence of the height
of the fill, the tensile stiffness of geosynthetic and the elastic modulus of pile material (Han
et al., 2002). The carried out axial symmetric calculations on one pile and its ‘effective’
equivalent circle. For the soil and the fill, the nonlinear hyperbolic elastic model described
by Duncan and Chang (1970) is applied. The piles and geosynthetic are both considered
linear elastic materials. The interfaces between piles and soil and geosynthetics and soil
are considered less important, because of the small deformations. They are, also for
simplicity reasons, assumed fully bonded. The study indicated that the stress reduction
ratio decreases with an increase in the height of embankment fill, an increase in the elastic
modulus of the pile material, and a decrease in the tensile stiffness of geosynthetic. The
results also suggest that the stress concentration ratio and maximum tension in
geosynthetic increase with increasing the height of embankment fill, increasing the stiffness
of geosynthetic, and increasing the elastic modulus of the pile material. It is also shown that
the maximum tensile force occur near the edge of a pile.
4.3.1 Geometry
Numerical analysis of soil arching in piled embankments can be done with different
geometries(Satibi, 2009): axisymmetrical geometry, plane strain geometry and 3D
geometry. The geometries are explained in paragraph 4.1. Axisymmetrical analysis will
produce an ‘umbrella’ shaped arch resting on a single central pile cap (Kempton, et al.,
1998a). Plane strain analysis will produce half-tube type arching. The analysis of a 3D
geometry is the best representation of reality. However, it requires much more effort and
computer power.
transforms into a thin wall. Soil arching stability can be recognised by plasticity conditions
and shear strain at the soil stress points in the embankment.
As described in CUR 226 (2010) the piles can be modelled as springs, beams or volume
elements. The preference is to model the piles as beam elements, because the moments
and shear forces can be observed directly from the FE program. The results of a 2D model
are per meter and have to be translated to a pile depth, because in a 2D model the pile is
modelled as a wall. To translate the results there are a number of factors that have to be
taken into account: subsidence behaviour of the pile (wall), the behaviour of the soil
between the piles, the stiffness of the pile and the calculated deformations. These factors
are described in paragraph 5.2.2 of the CUR 226 (2010).
4.3.2 Geosynthetics
Satibi (Satibi, 2009) also investigated the influence of applying geosynthetic reinforcement.
The use of geosynthetic reinforcements reduces the embankment settlements and
increases the load on the pile. Also the soil arching stability is improved, whereby the
occurrence of punching failure is reduced. When an additional layer of geosynthetics is
applied, it should be placed in the lower
half of the arching height. In the lower half
of the arch there is a larger differential
settlement, which results in larger tensile
forces in the geosynthetics. In the finite
element calculations it is necessary to
update the geometry of the mesh during
incremental loading. When the mesh is
updated the tensile strains in the
geosynthetic elements are captured and
the geosynthetic is no longer horizontal.
The calculated tensile forces correspond Figure 4.6: Calculated and measured tensile
with the measured tensile forces in the force in the geosynthetic reinforcement
reference case as shown in Figure 4.6. (Satibi, 2009)
The CUR 226 (2010) recommends to validate the finite element calculations of the tension
force in the geosynthetic reinforcement with the analytically calculated tension force. Farag
(2008) found a factor of 3 - 3.5 between the by Farag measured and numerically calculated
maximum strain in a 3D FE program. CUR 226 showed that this factor can be reduced to
0.85 - 0.9 by modelling an air gap under the geosynthetic reinforcement and between the
pile caps. Modelling this air gap has no significant effect on the pile moments. The vertical
deformations are twice as large when an air gap is applied.
Figure 4.7: Load-settlement curves from analyses with different soil models compared
with measurements of the scale tests performed by Zaeske (2001) (Satibi, 2009)
Calculated and measured loads on the pile are similar, as shown on the left side of Figure
4.8. This does not apply to the tensile force in the geosynthetic reinforcement. As shown on
the right side of Figure 4.8, the result of the constitutive models are not similar to the
measured data. Satibi recommends to use an advanced soil constitutive model such as the
HS model, because it allows a more realistic choice of soil parameters, gives a better
approximation of embankment settlement compared to reality and a clear identification of
soil arching stability.
Figure 4.8: Calculated and measured data of the load on a pile (left) and data of the
tensile forces in the geosynthetic reinforcement (right) (Satibi, 2009)
Figure 4.9: Influence of the friction angle ’ Figure 4.10: Influence of the dilatancy angle
on subsoil surface settlements at the pile on subsoil surface settlements at the pile
centre (Satibi, 2009) centre (Satibi, 2009)
4.3.4 Parameters
Using the HS model involves several soil parameters. To understand the influence of these
parameters, a sensitivity analysis is performed by Satibi (2009). Figure 4.9 shows that the
internal friction angle has a significant influence on the settlements of the subsoil surface. A
higher internal friction angle will lead to less settlements in the embankment. The influence
of the dilatancy angle is less significant, as shown in Figure 4.10.
4.4 Conclusion
For this report the experience with Plaxis is most applicable. The experiences with Plaxis
are summarized in Table 4.1 and discussed in this paragraph.
Numerical analysis can be performed with plane strain geometry, axial symmetric geometry
or 3D geometry. Arching is a 3D phenomenon and therefore it is obvious to use the 3D
geometry. However, a piled embankment can also be modelled in an axial symmetrical
geometry. This gives the same results as a 3D geometry. According to Satibi (2009) a
plane strain geometry cannot be used to model soil arching, because soil arching instability
occurs by punching failure. Slaats (2008) found that the results of 2D plane strain and 3D
geometry do correspond. Experience done by Kempton et al. (1998) showed that the
results of 2D plane strain and 3D geometry have the tendency to be the same, however the
stress reduction ratio is much lower in 3D analysis compared to 2D analysis.
In numerical analysis of piled embankments, different soil models have been applied. There
is a difference in the load transfer mechanism as different soil models use different
assumptions for stiffness and yielding behaviour of the soil. For example, the Mohr-
Coulomb model contains one stiffness for the entire soil. This produces different stress
fields due to arching compared to advanced soil models. The advanced soil models
consider stress level dependency. Satibi (2009) concluded that applying the Hardening Soil
model for the embankment fill gives the most realistic average surface settlements and
arching effect. The model that gives the most realistic results for the soft subsoil is not
discussed in the literature. Mostly the Hardening Soil model is used, but this model does
not consider creep effect. Creep can have significant effect on the pile moments, therefore
the Soft Soil Creep model should be applied.
The influence of soil parameters on the settlements is consistent with the influence on the
load transfer. Higher soil strength parameters and soil stiffness leads to lower values for the
maximum and differential settlement at the embankment surface.
Compared to analytical
Embankment fill model
or measured results
Subsoil model
Pile model
Hsi (2001) Plaxis 2D-PS - - - - Measured -
CUR 2002-7 Plaxis 2D-AS HS SS LE - Analytical Updated
(2002) 2D-PS mesh
Gangakhedkar Plaxis 2D-AS MC SS - Soil-pile Analytical Updated
(2004) 2D-PS Soil-GR data mesh
Slaats (2008) Plaxis 2D-PS HS HS LE Soil-pile Scale test Updated
3D-FD Soil-GR Zaeske mesh
Satibi (2009) Plaxis 2D-AS HS HS LE Soil-pile Scale test Updated
2D-PS MC Zaeske mesh
CUR 226 Plaxis 3D-Tun HS
LE LE Soil-pile Scale test Updated
(2010) Farag mesh
CUR 226 Plaxis 3D-Tun HS HS - Soil-pile Project Updated
(2010) Houten mesh
Table 4.1: Summary of experience with Plaxis
Program Models Interface
2D-AS: 2D axial symmetric LE: Linear elastic Soil-pile: interface between soil and pile
2D-PS: 2D Plane strain MC: Mohr Coulomb Soil-GR: interface between soil and geosynthetics
3D-FD: 3D Foundation HS: Hardening Soil model
3D-Tun: 3D Tunnel SS: Soft Soil model
HSS: Hardening Soil Small model
Chapter 5
Scale test
To understand the behaviour of arching in piled embankments a scale test has been
developed by Deltares. This test is based on the tests performed by Zaeske (2001) and
Heitz (2006).
Twelve tests were performed with different settings. These differences lie in the type of
geosynthetics, the amount of layers of geosynthetics and the type of embankment fill. This
chapter describes the global geometry, set up and measuring instruments of the scale test.
The metal box consists of three parts which can be separated: bottom box, top box and
cover. Four piles are situated in the bottom box. Between the piles, a foam cushion is
placed on a steel plate. Geosynthetic reinforcement is attached to a steel frame and
situated on top of the foam cushion. Depending on the type of test, one layer or two layers
of geosynthetic reinforcement are applied. Two layers of geosynthetic reinforcement are
separated by a layer of granular material. On top of the geosynthetic reinforcement, an
embankment is constructed of granular material or sand. The geosynthetic reinforcement
and the embankment are situated in the top box. On top of the embankment, the water
cushion and a steel plate are applied. The rest of the space is filled up with distance
keepers and the box is closed off by a cover. A number of steel screw threads and bolts are
applied to enclose the box.
Frame for geosynthetic
Pile 3 Pile 1
Top load water cushion
Embankment fill
Pile 2 Pile 4
Foam cushion Tap
Figure 5.2: Side view test set-up Figure 5.3: Top view test set-up
5.2.1 Piles
In the Netherlands the centre-to-centre distance of the piles in a piled embankment is
between 0.9 and 2.5 meter. The piles have a diameter of 15 to 32 cm with a larger pile cap
on top. The centre-to-centre distance of the piles in the scale test is scaled to 0.55 m. This
brings the scale to approximately 1:3. The diameter of the piles is scaled to 10 cm. The
geometry of the piles is summarized in Table 5.1. With the diameter of the piles and the
centre-to-centre distance the inside size of the steel box becomes 1.1 meter.
The four piles are placed in the bottom box of the test set-up and go through the bottom
plate. The piles are constructed of solid hard PVC with a height of 18.6 cm. Two piles are
lower to compensate the thickness of the pressure cells on top of the piles. Figure 5.4
shows the piles.
5.2.2 Subsoil
Normally a piled embankment is applied in soft soils. Using these soils in a test set-up has
a number of disadvantages. A load on soft soil can cause plastic deformation. When
plasticity has occurred, the soil properties are changed and the soft soil cannot be used
again. Furthermore, soft soil has a long consolidation time, which has effect on the
execution time of the scale test. Therefore, the subsoil is schematized with a watertight
foam cushion that does not have these disadvantages. An advantage is that the foam
cushion can be reused for each following experiment and the consolidation time of the
foam cushion is shorter. In addition, the consolidation process can be controlled. This
means that the consolidation process can be started and stopped on demand. For
example, a load can be applied on the embankment without causing consolidation directly.
Another advantage of the foam cushion is that the subsoil support can be reduced to zero.
A disadvantage of a foam cushion is that it has different characteristics compared to real
The foam cushion lies in the bottom part of the metal box and is attached with a tap to a
burette to control the consolidation process. The consolidation process starts when the tap
is opened and the water in the cushion can flow to the burette. The last step of the scale
test is to reduce the subsoil support to zero by applying vacuum on the burette. To protect
the top of the foam cushion against sharp material a geosynthetic filter is applied. The
friction between the cushion, the piles and the box walls is reduced by applying Vaseline or
an oily substance in combination with plastic sheets.
The first foam cushion, made by Deltares, was painted with latex to make it watertight. The
latex was fixed directly on the foam. During the painting, the cushion was resting on two
supports causing a hardly visible deflection. This resulted in an inclined pile gap, which
needed to be compensated by adapting the pile. Due to leakage the foam cushion was
replaced by a waterbed company manufactured foam cushion. Compared to the first
cushion the second cushion is wrapped in a plastic sheet and not fixed to the foam. The
pile that was adapted to an inclined position is corrected to a straight position. Figure 5.5
shows pictures of the foam cushions.
The foam and the wrap of the cushion have a certain stiffness which is determined by a
water-test. Water is applied to simulate a uniform load. The advantage of water is that there
are no shear forces, so arching will not occur.
During several load steps, water is pressed out of the foam cushion. For each load step an
equilibrium is reached when the water stopped draining from the foam cushion. The
amount of drained water is equal to the average volume change. The change in load steps
and volume determines the stiffness of the foam cushion. In Appendix A the calculation of
the stiffness is elaborated. The average value of the stiffness of the first foam cushion is 48
kN/m3. The water test was not performed on the second foam cushion. The foam of the first
and second cushion are the same. Therefore the average stiffness of the second foam
cushion is estimated to be in the same range as the average stiffness of the first foam
For the tests, the geosynthetic reinforcement is attached to a steel frame. In the tests, one
layer or two layers of geosynthetic reinforcement are applied. The steel frame and the
stiffness of the geosynthetic reinforcement are described below.
The geosynthetic reinforcement is sensitive for the sharp edges of the piles. Therefore a
sand layer of 2 cm is applied on the foam cushion and piles to protect the geosynthetic
reinforcement, see Figure 5.7. When two layers of geosynthetic reinforcement are applied,
a layer of 5 or 10 cm of embankment fill divides the geosynthetic reinforcement layers.
Figure 5.9: Granular material Figure 5.10: Compaction with steel weight
During the scale tests Itterbeck sand with a fraction of 125-250 µm is used. The fraction of
the granular material is based on research from centrifuge model tests. Centrifuge model
tests have proven that the grains have to be 20-40 times smaller then the pile diameter to
cause a deformation pattern comparable to reality. The fraction of the granular mater is 0 -
16,5 mm. The sieve curves are presented in Appendix B.
5.2.5 Load
Load induced by traffic is dynamic. Studies done by Heitz (2006) show that the load
distributions for dynamic loading and static loading are different. Dynamic loading can
cause improvement of arching, as well as degradation of the arches. This is mainly
depending on the degree of reinforcement. However, to simplify the scale test the traffic
load is modelled as a static load. The static load is applied in the scale test by a water
cushion that results in an equally distributed top load.
5.3 Measurements
In order to get insight in the arching mechanism different parameters are measured during
the scale test. In this paragraph the different measurements are described.
For tests with one layer of geosynthetics the pressure cells are placed on the pile and on
the geosynthetics. In Figure 5.13 a picture is presented of the test set-up for one layer of
geosynthetics with the pressure cells. The pressure cell on top of the GR measures load
part A. The pressure cell on top of the pile (below the GR) measures load parts A and B.
Load part B is calculated by subtracting load part A of parts A and B.
gives C
C1 C2
Figure 5.13: Test set-up pressure cells for one layer of geosynthetic reinforcement
For the tests with two layers of geosynthetics the location of the pressure cells were
variable. In Figure 5.14 a possible set-up is given. In general the pressure cells are placed
on the pile, on the first layer of GR, under the second layer of GR and on top of the second
Load part B transferred through the top GR: Btl ( A B)tl Atl
Load part B transferred through the bottom GR: Bbl ( A B)bl Abl
Load part B transferred through both GR’s: Btotal Bbl Btl
Load part B transferred through whole layer: Bwl ( A B)bl Atl
Abl+Bbl C
gives C
C1 C2
Figure 5.14: Test set-up pressure cells for two layers of geosynthetic reinforcement
Load part C
Load part C is measured twice. The measurement are equal for one layer or two layers of
geosynthetic reinforcement and should correspond.
The first way of measuring load C is by four force transducers below the cushion. In Figure
5.13 and Figure 5.14 the force transducers are indicated with C1 and C2. The total load C is
calculated by adding up the four force transducers.
The second way of measuring load C is based on the pressure in the cushion below. The
pressure is measured with a water pressure meter outside the water cushion. In the figures
above the pressure meter is indicated with P. The load C is calculated by multiplying the
pressure with the area of the water cushion. The measured pressure should be corrected
with the stiffness of the foam cushion and the location of the water pressure meter.
Load C resting on the soft soil: C As Pmeasured zaverage k foam water (5.1)
C kN Measured load supported by subsoil
Pmeasured kPa Measured pressure within foam cushion
k foam kN/m Stiffness foam cushion as determined in Appendix A
water kN/m 3
Volume weight of water (9.8 kN/m3)
Average reduction height foam cushion, due to the drainage of the cushion
zaverage m
(determined from the measured amount of litres drained from the cushion)
As m2 Area
5.3.3 Strains
Strains can be measured with strain gauges. However strain gauges have a number of
disadvantages. To attach the strain gauges to the GR glue is used, see Figure 5.15.
Unfortunately on most geosynthetic reinforcements this is not possible. For example the
glue doesn’t stick on the material, the geosynthetic is woven and the surface is unsuitable
or the geometry of the geosynthetic is to narrow. When it is possible to glue the strain
gauges on the GR it is difficult to interpret the results. For instance, the influence of the glue
on the measurements can be rather large. Besides the difficulty of attaching the strain
gauges, the strain gauges are also sensitive for sharp edges and fail before the strains
become interesting. When it was possible to attach the strain gauges to the geosynthetics,
the strain gauges were installed.
5.3.4 Deformation
The vertical deformation of the geosynthetic reinforcement is measured with a liquid
levelling system. This system consists of a water pressure cell in a tube filled with water
leading to a box with a constant water level. When vertical settlements occur the water
pressure will change. This is measured and translated to a deformation. The system is
presented in Figure 5.17. The water pressure cell is attached to the geosynthetics with tie-
wraps, see Figure 5.18. The location of the measured settlement is one cm from the tip of
the cell.
Figure 5.17: Liquid leveling system Figure 5.18: Water pressure cells
The deformation on top of the embankment is measured with a x-y scanner. This is done
before the scale test and after. So the total displacement on top of the embankment can be
calculated. The x-y scanner is showed in Figure 5.20.
The actual test is started. First the foam cushion is drained with about six litres. This is a
consolidation step as a result of the weight of the embankment. The top load is applied in
four steps of 25 kPa until a top load of 100 kPa is reached. The consolidation takes place
by draining water from the water cushion in steps of six litres until the pressure in the foam
cushion has been reduced to a low value close to zero. The load steps and consolidation
steps alternate each other.
In some tests, vacuum pressure is applied to the foam cushion below the GR. This is done
after the second drainage step with a top load of 100 kPa. By applying vacuum, the subsoil
support becomes zero. After this the measurements are stopped and the pressure on the
top water cushion is removed. The metal box can be dismantled. In Appendix C the test
procedure is described in detail and illustrated with pictures.
After every drainage or top load step, equilibrium has to be reached by allowing the system
to stabilise. An equilibrium point means that no changes in displacement or load distribution
occur any more. It represents a certain unique combination of top load, average settlement
of the foam cushion and load distribution. Normally the equilibration point is reached in two
The results of the scale test are presented as a function of time or net load Wn. Net load is
defined by equation (5.2). The net load increases in every phase (top load or drainage). In
(Van Eekelen, et al., 2011a) is concluded that the net load on the fill and the GR
determines its behaviour. Because the measurements show a smooth relationship between
the net load and several measured parameters: load parts A and B, and GR displacement.
Therefore the results are presented as function of the net load.
Wn Ws C R (5.2)
R 0.25 Afil H Ws ( A B C ) (5.3)
Wn kN/pile Net load
Ws kN/pile Top load on the embankment
H m Height of embankment
Ws kN/pile Top load on the embankment
140 140
120 120
100 100
Force (kN/m)
Force (kN/m)
80 80
60 60
40 40
20 20
0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
strain strain
Figure 5.21: Tensile test results on GR of K2 (5 test samples) in cross direction (left) and
longitudinal direction (right)
Two layers
Cross direction perpendicular on
each other
strain stiffness strain stiffness strain stiffness
% kN/m % kN/m % kN/m
0-2 136 0-2 2133 0-2 2269
0-3 113 0-3 2142 0-3 2255
0-4 134 0-5 2382 0-4/5 2516
0-15,8 192 0-5,2 2410
Table 5.7: Average stiffness dependent on strain, for short-term behaviour of GR
The GR stiffness is dependent on the strain and the duration of loading, as well as other
factors. The Jsht given in Table 5.7, and is determined with short term tests (sht), in
accordance with CEN ISO 10319. These ISO tests are much faster than the piled
embankment model tests. This means that the GR in the model tests is loaded longer and
will behave differently (less stiff) from the behaviour suggested by this Jsht. The values of
Table 5.7 for Jsht are determined from tests on samples of the roles from which the samples
for the piled experiments tests are also taken. The stiffness behaviour corresponds with the
stiffness given by the line "constant loading rate" (= short term) curve in the isochronous
stress-strain curves of the applied geosynthetics (Figure 5.22). From Figure 5.22 follows
that the ratio (A1) of the stiffness between this constant loading rate curve and the 1-day
curve is: 1.45 for 2% strain, and 1.40 for 3% strain. The 1-day-GR stiffness at 2% strain is
calculated in equation (5.4). The 1-day-GR stiffness is significant lower than the short term
stiffness. The influence of the GR stiffness in the Plaxis simulations is analysed in
paragraph 8.3.2.
J1%;sht 2269
J2%;1day 1565 (5.4)
A1 1.45
2 1
3 6 4
3 2 1
Figure 5.23: Locations of the steel strain cables (yellow) and the settlement transducers
(blue) of test K2
average settlements cushion below (mm
60 top load 30
20 average settlement cushion below 20
0 15
-20 10
sub soil
-40 5
-60 0
-80 -5
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
time (hours)
Figure 5.24: Test procedure (top load, average settlement due to drainage and subsoil
support) with selected equilibrium points (dotted lines)
force per pile (kN)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
time (hours)
Figure 5.25: Measured load parts A (on piles 1 and 2, on top of reinforcement), A+B
(below reinforcement) and C (determined from force transducers C1 to C4, corrected for
weight changes of the water foam cushion) with selected equilibrium points (dotted
22 A1 A2
A1+B1 A2+B2
force per pile (kN)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
time (hours)
The figure shows that the soil weight plus the top load is increasingly higher than the
measured load A+B+C. The difference is probably friction between embankment and box,
and friction between the cushion and box and piles. The friction is between the 10% and
20% of the total load.
pressure top cushion
+ soil weight
total load (kN)
100 A+B+C
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
time (hours)
Each top load increase gives a sudden increase in the subsoil support, and thus an
increase of water pressure in the foam cushion. Each drainage of the foam cushion results
in a reduction of the water pressure in the foam cushion, followed by a phase of slight
pressure increase during rest (closed tap).
The figure shows that the measurements agree very well. Small differences develop during
both the top load increase and drainage phases. However, the agreement remains
relatively good.
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
time (hours)
Figure 5.28: Comparison corrected pressure foam cushion and total force on force
transducers (C1+C2+C3+C4)
During the top load phase, the top load is increased. This results in an increase of load
parts A and B in kN per pile. However, load part A decreases when considered as a
percentage of the total load. Figure 5.29 even shows that it has a tendency to return to the
same value of approximately 50% each time the top load is increased. The percentage of
load part B also decreases as a result of a top load increase as seen in Figure 5.29. But
this decrease is limited.
During each drainage step, load parts A and B increase. Thus the arch shows an
unexpected improvement as a result of subsoil drainage. This improvement is higher for
lower top loads.
Each drainage step results in an lower part A percentage (A%) than at the end of the
previous drainage step. As the top load increases, the A% therefore decreases for drainage
conditions. It is possible that these two extremes will eventually become nearly identical for
higher top loads. Load part B in percentage (B%) increases during the scale test.
The scale test K2 starts with one drainage step and the top load remains zero. Arching is
found immediately, as shown by the relatively high initial A% value of 54% seen in Figure
18 90 16 80
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
16 80 14 70
14 70
12 60
Load part A [kN/pile]
2 A [%] 10 2 B [%] 10
A [kN/pile] B [kN/pile]
0 0 0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25
Net load [kN/pile] Net load [kN/pile]
pile 3 pile 1
50 z2 z1
settlement (mm) .
pile 2 pile 4
20 z1
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
time (hours)
Figure 5.30: Vertical displacements geosynthetic reinforcement in time for scale test K2
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
Displacement z1, z2 and z3 [mm]
10 z2
0 5 10 15 20 25
Net load [kN/pile]
5.5.8 Strains
Figure 5.32 shows the strains measured with gear cables (paragraph 5.3.3) in test K2. The
figure shows that the strains localized in the tensile strips between the pile caps, and that
the maximum strains were measured on top of the piles.
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
12 eps2
10 eps4
Strain [%]
8 eps6
5 4 4
3 2 0 5 10 15 20 25
Net Load [kN/pile]
Figure 5.32: Left: strain (gear) cables in K2, the arched areas are parts of the GR that
act as tensile strips. Right: measured strains in K2.
Chapter 6
The next step is to install the measurement equipment. The measurement equipment is
attached to two rings. Plastic blocks are glued to the membrane at 1/3 and 2/3 of the
sample height. The rings are installed, centred and positioned on the plastic blocks by
studs and adjustable springs. On each ring three LVDT’s (Linear Variable Differential
Transformers) are placed to measure the radial displacements. The LVDT’s are pushed by
vacuum pressure against small glass plates that are glued to the sample. Between the
rings there are three axial LVDT’s installed. The rings and LVDT’s are shown in Figure 6.2.
The sample is now ready to be rolled into the triaxial rig and positioned exactly under the
hydraulic actuator by which the sample will be loaded.
Radial displacement
Axial displacement
Adjustable studs
and springs for
centering of rings
Figure 6.2: Measuring rings with horizontal and vertical displacement sensors
Shaft of hydraulic
Crosshead of frame
Load cell
300x600 mm
Frame column
The large scale triaxial apparatus consists of a loading frame, a hydraulic actuator, a load
cell and a controller for application and measurement of displacement controlled static axial
loading. Figure 6.3 shows the components. The load on the sample is provided by the
hydraulic actuator. The reaction of the force applied by the actuator is absorbed by the
loading frame. The load cell and the internal displacement transducer measure the applied
load and vertical displacement. A MTS controller controls and responds on the signals of
the load cell and displacement transducer.
The measurements of the load cell, actuator, two vacuum pressure meters, six radial and
three axial displacement sensors are registered. The multi-programmer provides the
memory and the required conversion of digital to analogue data or vice versa. Figure 6.4
shows the computer, multi-programmer and MTS controller.
The load cell and hydraulic actuator is placed almost on top of the sample. Via the MTS
controller an engine is started and the hydraulic actuator is applying a force to cause a
settlement. The computer registers the measurements.
6.2 Calculations
The stress dependency of the failure behaviour of a granular material is established by
performing a triaxial test with at least two confining stress levels. The stress dependency of
the failure behaviour is described by the Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion.
f kPa Shear stress at failure
c kPa Cohesion
n,f kPa Normal stress at failure
° Internal friction angle
In the top and bottom part of the sample shear stresses develop (Van Niekerk, 2002). The
shear stresses are induced by friction between the sample and the rigid top or bottom
plates. In contradiction to the top and bottom part, in the central part there are no shear
stresses but a uniform stress distribution. Therefore the parameters are calculated for the
central part of the sample. The equations used to calculate the parameters are based on
the British Standard BS 1377 : Part 8 (1990). The triaxial test performed is not the normal
triaxial test with cell pressure as described in the British Standard, but with vacuum
pressure. This results in differences in equations. All the equations that are applied for the
calculation of the parameters are described in Appendix E. This chapter gives only a brief
summary of the equations that are different from the equations used for a normal triaxial
The volumetric strain should be calculated with the change in volume. Only the volume
change is not measured directly in the large triaxial test. The volumetric strain is therefore
calculated with the axial and radial strain in equation (6.2). The axial and radial strains are
determined for the middle part of the sample
v 1 2 3 (6.2)
v - Volumetric strain
1 - Axial strain
3 - Radial strain
In the normal triaxial test, the calculation of the area of the cross section is based on the
assumption that the sample deforms as a right cylinder. In this triaxial test the area can be
calculated more accurately with equation (6.3). The equation is based on the radius and
measured radial displacement. This is done continuously, for each measured point.
As r 2 (6.3)
r rint r (6.4)
As mm Area of cross section
Aint mm Initial area of cross section
r mm Radius of the sample
r mm Change in radius of the sample from the start of compression
rint mm Initial radius of the sample
The location of the LVDT’s on the rings are presented in Figure 6.5. The figure shows
which radial displacement sensors are situated above each other. The numbers of the
displacement sensors correspond with the numbers of the data. The vertical centre-to-
centre distance between the rings is 200 mm.
10 Axial 10 Axial
7 Radial 5 Radial 11 Radial 12 Radial
The vacuum pressure of the test with 16 kPa vacuum pressure was not constant. The
vacuum pressure started at 20 kPa and decreased during the test to 11.2 kPa. The
decrease of vacuum pressure is caused by leakage of the sample membrane. The
confining pressure of 16 kPa is based on the average vacuum pressure during failure. In
the calculations the measured vacuum pressure was used. The vacuum pressure of the
other two tests was constant. This can be seen in the stress distribution graphs of Appendix
During the third test, with a vacuum pressure of 90 kPa, there were some problems with the
engine of the hydraulic actuator. As a result of overheating, the engine had a power shut
down, whereby the force on the sample decreased to zero. When the engine was restarted,
the force increased again. Due to this problem the results of the triaxial test at 90 kPa
vacuum pressure show unloading and reloading.
The sample that was used for the test with 16kPa of vacuum pressure is built up from the
material used in the sample used for a vacuum pressure of 55kPa. If new material was
used the water content would have been lower. The water content has influence on the
strength parameters of the sample. To prevent this, the material was reused. A negative
result is that the material has a different grain distribution, because some grains have been
crushed in the triaxial test executed before.
In Figure 6.7 the stress strain curve is plotted. The unloading and reloading effect, due to
the machine problems, of sample 90kPa can be observed. The deviatoric stress of sample
16kPa decreases after reaching failure. This is caused by the decrease of vacuum
Figure 6.8 shows the volume change of the samples. The volume change of samples
55kPa and 90kPa are in the same range. For sample 16kPa the initial volume decrease is
followed by volume increase very quickly in comparison to the other two samples. The fast
transition between volume decrease and increase can be caused by the low confining
The stress path curve is presented in Figure 6.9. The stress paths of sample 55kPa and
90kPa are connected at equal strains. The stress path points are connected with a linear
line at the same strain. Because the cohesion is zero, the linear line starts in the origin.
From the inclination of these lines the angle of internal friction can be calculated for the
corresponding axial strain.
The angle of internal friction and cohesion can also be determined from the Mohr circles.
This can be seen in Figure 6.10. The principal stress and confining stress at failure are
drawn for the three tests. The angle of the tangent to the circles is the angle of internal
friction. For failure this is 47 degrees. The cohesion is zero.
The grading of the applied granular material is between 0 – 16.5 mm as determined in the
sieve test as shown in Appendix B. The grading of the samples is not tested. When the
samples in the plastic membrane were examined the conclusion was that the samples were
not constructed uniformly. Locally there were some groupings of fine grains or coarse
grains. This was consistent for all three samples. The largest difference between the
densities of the samples is 13 kg/m3. This is 0.8% of 1682 kg/m3. The moisture content of
the samples lay between 6% and 7%.
Characteristics and results of the three triaxial tests are presented in Table 6.1. More
detailed graphs of the strains, stresses, stiffness parameters and strength parameters can
be found in Appendix.
s 1 3
t 1 3
Figure 6.9: Stress path curve
6.5 Conclusions
Triaxial tests were carried out on three 300 mm x 600 mm samples (diameter * height). The
volume weights of the samples were respectively 1682; 1681 and 1669 kg/m3 which lies in
the same range as the volume weights of the model tests (average 1677 kg/m3). The
triaxial tests were executed with vacuum pressures of respectively 16 kPa, 55 kPa and 90
There are a number of factors that influence the parameters of the samples. These are:
grading, degree of compaction and moisture content. In order to properly compare the
three triaxial tests, these factors need to be in the same range for each performed triaxial
The differences in density and moisture content are not large and will not influence the
results of the triaxial tests considerably. However, differences in grading will have influence.
The offsets caused by the displacement of the sensors will effect the outcome of the
The general characteristics of the triaxial tests are presented in Table 6.2. The results of
the triaxial tests, calculated following BS1377, 1990, are summarized in Table 6.3.
Characteristics Values
Type of soil - Granular material
Type of sample - Disturbed sample
Displacement controlled mm/min 2
Table 6.2: General characteristics of the triaxial tests
Chapter 7
Figure 7.1: Top view scale test set-up Figure 7.2: 3D geometry Plaxis
In the scale test set-up circular piles are applied. Plaxis 3D Tunnel cannot model circular
piles and therefore square piles are applied in Plaxis. The area of the circular pile should be
the same as the area of the square pile. With the following equation the width of the square
pile is determined at 0.088 meter.
Acircular Asquare a 2 aeq
aeq 0.12 0.088m
Acircular m2 Area of circular pile
Asquare m Area of square pile
a m Diameter of circular pile
a eq m With of square pile
The height of the subsoil and the pile are 0.2 meter. On top of the subsoil and pile a 0.02
meter layer of sand is modelled. The geosynthetics and frame are situated on top of the
sand layer. The rest of the model is filled up with 0.42 meter granular material. In the scale
test, the geosynthetic reinforcement (GR) is attached to a stiff, steel frame. Because the
frame causes disturbance in the scale model, the frame is modelled. It is modelled as a
rectangular frame. The height of the frame is 0.025 meter. This is the same as the height of
the frame in the scale test. The frame width is 0.05 meter. The width is smaller than the
width in reality, because in reality the frame is not solid. The frame can move vertically.
During the execution of the scale tests there is a loss of load due to friction between the
steel wall and granular material. The friction is between 10% and 20% of the weight and
applied load during the scale test. The calculation of the amount of friction is described in
paragraph 5.4. The friction is an important part of the model. Normally an interface is
applied to model the friction, which should be applied at the left and back side of the model.
However in Plaxis 3D Tunnel an interface cannot be applied at the back side. Paragraph
7.4.1 describes an alternative approach to apply friction in the model.
7.2.1 Piles
In the scale test the PVC piles support the GR and granular material. The piles does not
deform and therefore the piles are modelled in the model as a stiff column. PVC is a non-
porous material, whereby the permeability is zero. The piles are constructed in such a way
that there is no lateral deformation due to a vertical load in the scale test. Therefore the
Poisson’s ratio is zero. The unsaturated volumetric weight and Young’s modulus are
determined with ‘Tabellen voor bouw- en waterbouwkunde’ (2000).
Properties Piles
General properties
Model - Linear elastic
Material type - Non-porous
unsat Unsaturated volumetric weight kN/m3 13.64
sat Saturated volumetric weight kN/m3 NA
k x , ky , kz Permeability m/day NA
Stiffness properties
E ref Young’s modulus kN/m2 2.9E6
Poisson’s ratio - 0.0
Table 7.1: Pile properties
7.2.2 Subsoil
The subsoil in the scale tests is modelled with a watertight, soaked foam cushion in which
the water pressure is controlled.
The behaviour and stiffness of the foam cushion is analysed by performing a water test.
The water test is described in Appendix A. The foam cushion behaves linear elastic and
therefore the constitutive relation for the subsoil is based on Hook’s law. The Young’s
modulus is determined by multiplying the stiffness of the foam cushion with the height of
the cushion.
Properties Subsoil
General properties
Model - Linear elastic
Type - Undrained
unsat Unsaturated volumetric weight kN/m3 10.15
sat Saturated volumetric weight kN/m3 10.15
k x , ky , kz Permeability m/day NA
Stiffness properties
E 'ref Young’s modulus kN/m2 10
' Poisson’s ratio - 0.2
Table 7.2: Subsoil properties
The scale test is controlled by draining the foam cushion and therefore decreasing the
water pressure in the foam cushion. To simulate the drainage of the scale test, the water
pressure is prescribed in the model by applying a phreatic level to the clusters of the
subsoil. The cluster phreatic level represents a pressure head. Therefore the measured
water pressure cannot be used as input value in Plaxis. The water pressure has to be
converted into a pressure head. This is done by dividing the measured water pressure with
the unit weight of water. Next to that the reaction of the weight of the frame and sand layer
on the water pressure is excluded from the measured water pressure. This is done by
resetting the water pressure to zero after applying the sand layer and frame in the scale
model set-up. Therefore the measured water pressure, is the pressure against the GR
during the scale test. In the Plaxis model the weight of the frame and sand layer have to be
included in the water pressure, by adding up the weight to the measured water pressure.
How the measured water pressure is converted is shown in Figure 7.4 and described in
equation. To calculate the input value of the pressure head, the unit weight of the frame
and sand layer are added to the measured water pressure. Next to that the hydrostatic
pressure is added. This value is divided by the unit weight of water. The conversion of the
measured water pressure is described in equation (7.2).
During the construction of the embankment, a water overpressure develops in the foam
cushion. The water pressure is higher than the weight of the granular material. In the scale
test this overpressure has no effect, because the water is enclosed in a rubber sheet. In
Plaxis this water pressure will push the granular water upwards. To avoid this, the water
pressure in the phases were the embankment is constructed, is lowered to a water
pressure that is not higher than the embankment weight.
pscale test sand hsand
pscale test sand hsand water hfoam
Figure 7.4: Water pressure development in foam cushion
pscale test sand hsand water hfoam
Afoam (7.2)
zPlaxis m Input value for Plaxis: pressure head
pscale test kN/m Measured water pressure within the foam cushion
Fframe kN Force due to the weight of frame
Afoam m Area of the foam cushion
kN/m 3
Volumetric weight
hsand m Height sand layer
hfoam m Height foam cushion
Properties 1 layer GR
Type Elastic
EA Axial stiffness at 2% per layer GR kN/m 2269
Table 7.3: Geosynthetic reinforcement properties
Sand and granular material have a high permeability and are therefore modelled as drained
materials. The volumetric weight of the granular material is determined in the scale test.
This value is used in the model. In the scale test there is nearly no water in the
embankment fill, therefore the saturated volumetric weight and the permeability are not
necessary for calculations in Plaxis. Sand and granular material are cohesionless. To avoid
numerical complications with Plaxis the input value of cohesion is one kPa.
Before the 3D mesh can be generated, the cross-section planes (z-planes) have to be
defined in z-direction. The previously generated 2D mesh is repeated at each z-plane. The
3D mesh is created by connecting the corners of the 2D triangular elements to the
corresponding points of the elements in the next z-plane. This results in a 3D mesh of
wedge elements. Figure 7.6 shows how the 3D model is created.
The three dimensional wedge elements consist of triangular and quadrilateral elements.
The triangular elements in the vertical plane have six nodes and the quadrilateral elements
in the horizontal plane have eight nodes. Two three dimensional 15-node wedge elements
are shown in Figure 7.7. The 15 node wedge element consist of six stress points.
Figure 7.7: 15-node wedge element with: nodes (left) and stress points (right)
The Plaxis simulations of the scale tests are performed with a coarse, medium and fine
mesh. A finer mesh has more elements. This causes more time-consuming calculations
and a larger amount of data. An advantage of a finer mesh is that the results are more
accurate. Especially stress peaks in the area of the pile top will be reduced. The amount of
data resulting from calculations with a fine mesh appeared to be unmanageable. Therefore
most of the calculations were carried out with a 3D mesh determined from an 2D mesh, for
which the generation was set to coarse with local refinements at the top of the pile.
7.4 Friction
During the execution of the scale tests there is a loss of load due to friction. This friction
develops between the granular fill and structures in the test set-up. For example the friction
develops between the granular material and the box wall. In the next paragraphs the friction
between different parts are described.
0 Initial phase
Normally the water pressure and initial stresses are generated during the initial
phase. The initial stresses are calculated for the model defined in the input
program. The soil body clusters in the z-plane cannot be adapted. Therefore
the initial stresses are calculated for a model were the pile begins in the front
plane and ends in the rear plane. This is not a representation of reality.
Therefore the water pressure and the ∑Mweight are set to zero. When
∑Mweight is set to zero, the soil weight is not activated.
1 Applying subsoil
In this phase the subsoil and pile are activated. When applied, the steel wall is
also activated.
2 Applying soil weight
The soil weight is activated in this phase by setting ∑Mweight to one.
3 Applying sand and frame
The sand layer and frame with GR are activated. In the same step, the water
pressure is applied in the subsoil clusters. Because the water pressure in the
subsoil is prescribed, the subsoil has to behave as drained material. This is
achieved by ignoring the undrained behaviour.
4-7 Applying granular material
The granular material is activated in four phases, because the granular material
is also installed and compacted in layers during the scale test set-up. The water
pressure in the subsoil clusters is increased in each phase with the load of the
granular material applied in that phase.
8 Applying first drainage step of subsoil
The water pressure in the subsoil is decreased to the measured water
pressure. The same load is applied as in the scale test. The displacements are
reset to zero at the beginning of this phase, as performed in the test. This
phase is calculated with an updated mesh.
9 Applying load 25 kPa
The load of 25 kPa is applied during this phase and the water pressure is
increased to the water pressure found during the scale tests.
10 - 11 Applying drainage of subsoil
The subsoil is drained in two steps as performed during the scale test.
12 - 20 Applying load and drainage of subsoil
The phases 9 until 11 are repeated for a load of 50 kPa, 75 kPa and 100 kPa.
21 Applying vacuum
The subsoil and water pressure are deactivated in this phase. Because of this
the subsoil support becomes zero.
Table 7.7: Plaxis calculation phases
During the scale tests, loads A and A+B are measured with a load cell. In Plaxis the loads
cannot be measured directly. The average stress is determined of the stress points in the
area of the load cell. Then the loads are calculated by multiplying the average vertical
stress with the area of the load cell. The area of load parts A and A+B are hatched in
Figure 7.8. Load part B is calculated by subtracting load A from load A+B, as seen in
equation (7.3).
Load part A
Load part A+B
Figure 7.8: Area for calculation of the load part A and part A+B
B (A B) A (7.3)
A kN/pile Load part transferred to the pile by arching
B kN/pile Load part transferred to the pile by the GR
A+B kN/pile Total load on the pile
Load C is the pressure against the foam cushion. This pressure is not generated directly by
Plaxis. It can be calculated by subtracting the weight of the frame and sand from the water
pressure as described in equation (7.4).
pGR pPlaxis water hfoam sand hsand (7.4)
pPlaxis kN/m Water pressure within the foam cushion in Plaxis
pGR kN/m Pressure against the geosynthetic reinforcement in Plaxis
Fframe kN Force due to the weight of frame
Afoam m Area of the foam cushion
kN/m 3
Volumetric weight
h m Height layer
The settlements of the GR are given directly in the output data of Plaxis. The location of the
settlements depends on the location of the measurement equipment during the scale test.
7.7 Conclusion
The scale test is modelled in Plaxis 3D Tunnel. To reduce the calculation time, only one
quarter of the scale test is modelled. This is possible, because the scale test is symmetric.
The pile in the scale test is circular, this cannot be modelled in Plaxis. Therefore the area of
the circular pile is converted to a square. The model is build up of one pile, subsoil, sand
layer on the subsoil, GR with steel frame and granular material. The load distribution in the
scale test is driven by the water pressure in the foam cushion. The measured water
pressure is converted to a pressure head. This pressure head is assigned to the subsoil
clusters in the Plaxis model. The material parameters of sand and granular material are
determined for MC model and HS model. To model the equilibrium points of the scale test,
the phases of the Plaxis model are based on the equilibrium points. The water pressure in
the foam cushion and the top load on the embankment are dependent on the measured
values of the scale test and are used as input value in the Plaxis phases. The load
distribution cannot be determined directly from the Plaxis results, therefore the load
distribution is calculated by multiplying the area of the pile with the average stress on the
pile. During the execution of the scale tests there is a loss of load due to friction. The
friction is between 10% to 20% of the soil weight and top load, therefore an important part
of the model. In Plaxis 3D Tunnel it is not possible to apply an interface at the back side of
the model (parallel to the front plane). Another option is to apply an extra soil segment with
lower strength parameters. This option give good results with MC model, but when applied
with HS model the calculation time increases significant. Therefore it is not realistic to apply
an extra soil segment as friction. To decrease the load in the system, the amount of load
loss is subtracted from the top load.
Chapter 8
Figure 8.2 to Figure 8.5 give calculated results shown in cross section model (B-B). The
calculated principle stresses in the vacuum phase for both models are shown in Figure 8.2
and Figure 8.3. From the figures soil arching can be observed. The principal stresses of the
HS model are larger and are more concentrated on the pile.
Figure 8.2: Effective principal stresses for Figure 8.3: Effective principal stresses for
Mohr Coulomb model Hardening Soil model
The calculated vertical displacements are shown in Figure 8.4 and Figure 8.5. The
displacement pattern is similar for the models. For the vacuum phase, the Mohr Coulomb
model gives more displacement then the Hardening Soil model.
The tensile forces in the GR for the MC and HS model are shown in Figure 8.6 and Figure
8.7. The values of the tensile forces for both models are similar. The tensile forces are
concentrated in the ‘tensile strips’. This corresponds with the measured strains (Van
Eekelen, et al., 2011a), as shown in paragraph 5.5.8. The tensile strips lie on top of and
between adjacent piles. The maximum tensile forces can be found at the edge of the piles.
The exact location of the peak values cannot be determined, because the mesh is to
coarse and there are too much irregularities in the tensile forces.
y y
x x
y y
x x
The total displacement of the GR for the MC and HS model is given in Figure 8.8 and
Figure 8.9. For cross section B-B, the total displacement is shown in Figure 8.10 and
Figure 8.11. From the figures can be concluded that in the vacuum phase the MC model
gives more GR displacement than the HS model. The maximum displacement is
concentrated at the edge of the model.
Figure 8.10: Total displacement A-A of GR Figure 8.11: Total displacement A-A of GR
for Mohr Coulomb model for Hardening Soil model
The load transferred to the pile (load part A+B) in the Plaxis calculations are in agreement
with the measured results as shown in Figure 8.12. This is logical, because this A+B is a
function of the total load in the system (A+B+C) and the subsoil support C, which is both
prescribed in the calculation.
Load part C is prescribed in the calculations. The load in Plaxis should be the same as the
measured load in the scale test. From Figure 8.13 is concluded that load part C are indeed
the same in the calculations as in the measured scale test.
The load that is transferred to the piles through arching is load A. The development of load
part A through the load and drainage phases is shown in Figure 8.14. During the first part
of the tests, until the net load is ca. 11 kN/pile, the agreement between the measured and
calculated load parts is quite well. Then the calculated load part A diverges from the
measured results and is overestimated compared to the measured results of load part A.
This is applicable for the MC model and HS model, although the results of the HS model
are a bit better. The overestimation of load part A can indicate that the calculated
development of arching in the granular material is too high and therefore the properties of
the granular material are too high.
Load part B from the calculations is compared to the scale test results in Figure 8.15. This
figure shows that the load transferred through the GR (load part B) is underestimated by
MC model. The HS model approaches the measured load part B a little bit better, except
for the vacuum phase. In this phase load part B is overestimated.
The smooth relationship between the net load and load parts A and B found with the
measured results is in agreement with the calculated results (Figure 8.14 and Figure 8.15).
These figures also show that both A and B increase as a result of both subsoil drainage
(consolidation) and top load increase.
Drainage Drainage
Top load Top load
21 February 2011
Drainage Drainage
Top load Top load
Drainage Drainage
Drainage Drainage
Vacuum Vacuum
Load part B [kN/pile]
Load part C [kN/pile]
Plaxis HS
Plaxis MC
Scale test K2
Drainage Drainage
Top load Top load
Drainage Drainage
Top load Top load
Drainage Drainage
Drainage Drainage
Vacuum Vacuum
Chapter 8 Validation and analysis of numerical model
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
80 60
Load part A [% of total load]
40 30
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25
Net load [kN/pile] Net Load [kN/pile]
Figure 8.16: Load part A in percentage Figure 8.17: Load part B in percentage
Load parts A (A%) and B (B%) are presented in percentage of the total load (A+B+C) in
Figure 8.16 and Figure 8.17. The figure shows two types of loading: top load and drainage
of subsoil.
During the top load phase, the top load is increased. Load part A% decreases during the
top load step as shown in Figure 8.16. Load part A% measured in the scale test has a
tendency to return to the same value of approximately 50% each time the top load is
increased. This is not found in the Plaxis results of load part A%. The percentage of load
part B also decreases as a result of a top load increase as seen in Figure 8.17. But this
decrease is limited. This is in agreement with the measured load B%.
The measured part A% of the scale test results has an lower value after each drainage step
than at the end of the previous drainage step. This also is not confirmed by the calculated
load part A% in Figure 8.16.
The scale test K2 starts with one drainage step with a zero top load. Arching is found
immediately, as shown by the relatively high initial measured A% value of 54%. This high
value is also found in Plaxis, however the high values are 44% for MC model and 47% for
HS model.
8.2.2 Displacements
The displacements of the Plaxis models at z1, z2 and z3 are compared to the measured
displacements. The location of the displacements are shown in Figure 8.1. The
displacement results are presented in Figure 8.18, Figure 8.19 and Figure 8.20. The
composition of the figures is described in paragraph 0.
Comparison of the Plaxis displacements to the scale tests displacements, shows clearly
that the Plaxis displacements are underestimated significantly. Farag (2008) also found
much lower settlements in his Plaxis calculations. In the CUR 226 (2010) this is solved by
modelling a gap underneath the GR in the Plaxis calculations. The underestimation of the
displacements can be caused by different parts of the model. This will be analysed in
section 8.3.
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
Displacement z1 [mm]
Scale test K2
Plaxis MC
Plaxis HS
0 5 10 15 20 25
Net Load [kN/pile]
Scale test K2
Plaxis MC
Plaxis HS
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
60 60
50 50
Displacement z2 [mm]
Displacement z3 [mm]
40 40
30 30
20 20
10 10
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25
Net Load [kN/pile] Net Load [kN/pile]
8.3.1 Subsoil
In the scale test, a foam cushion models the behaviour of the subsoil. The calculated
settlements of the GR are influenced by two parts of the foam cushion: the stiffness of the
(foam in the) foam cushion and the water pressure in the foam cushion.
Scale test K2
Plaxis HS with foam cushion E=10
Plaxis HS with foam cushion E=1
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
Load parts A+B [kN/pile]
15 3
10 2
5 1
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25
Net Load [kN/pile] Net Load [kN/pile]
Figure 8.21: Load part A+B, stiffness foam Figure 8.22: Load part C, stiffness foam
cushion cushion
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
16 Vacuum
18 14
16 12
Load part A [kN/pile]
10 8
8 6
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25
Net load [kN/pile] Net Load [kN/pile]
Figure 8.23: Load part A, stiffness foam Figure 8.24: Load part B, stiffness foam
cushion cushion
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
Displacement z1 [mm]
Scale test K2
Plaxis HS with foam cushion E=10
Plaxis HS with foam cushion E=1
0 5 10 15 20 25
Net Load [kN/pile]
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
60 60
50 50
Displacement z2 [mm]
Displacement z3 [mm]
40 40
30 30
20 20
10 10
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25
Net Load [kN/pile] Net Load [kN/pile]
The water pressure development in the foam cushion of the MC model and HS model are
shown in Figure 8.28. It should be noted that Plaxis calculates the water pressures in the
stress points of the elements. These stress points do not lie at the same locations as the
element nodes. However, in the plot, the water pressure is extrapolated to the element
nodes. Therefore it seems that there is no water pressure at the top of the foam cushion
(underneath the sand layer). Then the water pressure seems to increase rapidly until the
prescribed value is reached. This is the value in the stress point, that determines the water
pressure at the top of the foam cushion in the calculations. From there the water pressure
increases hydrostatically. The MC model shows a peak in top of the foam cushion and the
HS model does not show this peak value.
Figure 8.29 to Figure 8.35 compare the basis HS calculation with the variations a, b and c.
A general conclusion from these figures is that by excluding the water pressure from the
models, the results of the drainage phases are the same as the result of the top load
When the foam cushion is excluded from the model (a), the total load on the pile and the
water pressure in the foam cushion do not change in comparison to the basic HS model.
This is seen in Figure 8.29 and Figure 8.30. The development of load part A during the
phases is shown in Figure 8.31 and for load part B in Figure 8.32. Load part A and B
deviated after applying a top load of 75kPa, they both decrease. This has effect on the
calculated displacements, the displacement are a bit larger. The displacements of variation
are still underestimated when compared to the scale test results.
Comparing the results of the model (b) and model (c) shows no differences. This means
that the influence of the stiffness of the foam cushion is not visible in the results. The water
pressure controls the stress development in the embankment fill. In Figure 8.29 is shown
that when the water pressure is excluded from the model, the load on the pile (load parts
A+B) increases and is constant for each top load. This is as expected, as C is changed to
zero (Figure 8.30). The calculated A+B of the variations with no water pressure approaches
load part A+B of the HS model for the situations with a small water pressure (end of
drainage phases).The development of load part A during the phases is shown in Figure
8.31 and for load part B in Figure 8.32. Load A does not change much, on the other hand
load B increases significantly. This is because load C is zero and the total weight of the
granular material and the top load are transported to the pile.
Removing the water pressure (models b and c) change the calculated settlements
considerably. During the first phases the calculated displacements are even larger than the
displacements measured in the scale test as seen in Figure 8.33, Figure 8.34 and Figure
8.35. However, during the top load of 50 kPa (around 10 kN/pile) the calculated
displacement becomes smaller than measured in the scale test. The calculated
development of the settlements during the test differ considerably from the measured
From the variations a, b and c can be concluded that the influence of the foam cushion on
the load distribution and displacements is very small. When only the water pressure is
modelled (model a), the calculated displacements agree a bit better with the measurements
than the those calculated with the basic HS model. By excluding the water pressure from
the model, the displacements are still under estimated compared to the measured
0,44 m
0,2 m
Figure 8.28: Water pressure in foam cushion in the second drainage phase with a load of
100kPa, location is z2 of MC model (left) and of HS model (right).
It should be noted that the water pressure is calculated in the stress points, while the
results are given in the element nodes. This explains why the water pressure on top of
the foam cushion seems to be reduced to zero. This not the case in the calculations.
Scale test K2
Basic model HS
a. No foam cushion
b. No water pressuer
c. No foam cushion, no water pressure
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
Load parts A+B [kN/pile]
10 2
5 1
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25
Net Load [kN/pile] Net Load [kN/pile]
Figure 8.29: Load part A+B, water pressure Figure 8.30: Load part C, water pressure
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
18 14
16 12
Load part B [kN/pile]
Load part A [kN/pile]
10 8
8 6
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25
Net load [kN/pile] Net Load [kN/pile]
Figure 8.31: Load part A, water pressure Figure 8.32: Load part B, water pressure
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
Displacement z1 [mm]
Scale test K2
Basic model HS
a. No foam cushion
b. No water pressuer
20 c. No foam cushion, no water pressure
0 5 10 15 20 25
Net Load [kN/pile]
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
60 60
50 50
Displacement z2 [mm]
Displacement z3 [mm]
40 40
30 30
20 20
10 10
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25
Net Load [kN/pile] Net Load [kN/pile]
From Figure 8.37 is concluded that the load on the GR in the Plaxis model corresponds
with load B measured in the scale test. The displacements of z1, z2 and z3 are shown in
Figure 8.38, Figure 8.39 and Figure 8.40. The differences between calculated and
measured displacements are smaller. The calculated displacements z1 and z2 are larger
than the measured displacements. However, the (last phase) calculated z3 is smaller than
the measured z3. This is caused by the simplified equally distributed load. In the final part
of the test, the calculated and measured average of z1, z2 and z3 agree quite well.
Therefore, this model shows that the GR in the model simulates the GR in the model quite
well, and that the stiffness of the GR in the Plaxis calculation does not give too small GR
settlements. Thus, the model for the GR is not one of the causes of the too small calculated
GR settlements, and the applied stiffness gives good results.
However, it is still useful to consider the influence of the GR stiffness in the calculations.
The influence of the GR stiffness is analysed by calculating a model with a GR stiffness of
1565 kN/m. The results are presented in Figure 8.41 to Figure 8.47. From the figures is
concluded that the influence of the stiffness on the results is very small.
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
Load part B [kN/pile]
Scale test K2
6 Plaxis equal distributed load B
0 5 10 15 20 25
Net Load [kN/pile]
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
Displacement z1 [mm]
30 Scale test K2
Plaxis equal distributed load B
0 5 10 15 20 25
Net Load [kN/pile]
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
60 60
50 50
Displacement z2 [mm]
Displacement z3 [mm]
40 40
30 30
20 20
10 10
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25
Net Load [kN/pile] Net Load [kN/pile]
Scale test K2
Plaxis HS EA=2269
Plaxis HS EA=1565
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
Load parts A+B [kN/pile]
10 2
5 1
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25
Net Load [kN/pile] Net Load [kN/pile]
Figure 8.41: Load part A+B, stiffness GR Figure 8.42: Load part C, stiffness GR
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
18 14
16 12
Load part A [kN/pile]
10 8
8 6
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25
Net load [kN/pile] Net Load [kN/pile]
Figure 8.43: Load part A, stiffness GR Figure 8.44: Load part B, stiffness GR
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
Displacement z1 [mm]
Scale test K2
Plaxis HS EA=2269
Plaxis HS EA=1565
0 5 10 15 20 25
Net Load [kN/pile]
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
60 60
50 50
Displacement z2 [mm]
Displacement z3 [mm]
40 40
30 30
20 20
10 10
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25
Net Load [kN/pile] Net Load [kN/pile]
At location A (Figure 8.49), the maximum is found (more or less) around ground level. This
indicates that the fill is relatively thin, just enough for the arch to develop fully (full arching)
or even less than that (partial arching). This is in accordance with the design of the test
series: purpose was to analyse tests with a minimum height of the fill, so that the arch could
possibly not develop fully.
The largest vertical stresses are found at the positions on top of the piles (locations D, E
and F). At these positions, the vertical stress increase with depth, also in accordance with
Zaeske’s model in Figure 3.1. The maximum vertical stress is found in the centre of the pile
(location E). The difference between locations C and G with the locations on the piles show
that the vertical stress concentrates strongly in the area on and just around the piles. This
concentration is stronger than suggested by Zaeske.
The large difference between locations C and D, and also between locations F and G
shows that it would have been better to use a finer mesh just around the pile. This is not
done because of the limited possibilities of the available computers.
Figure 8.48: Location of cross section C-C and locations A-J in cross section and top
view of the model
0,44 m 0,44 m
0,02 m 0,02 m
0,2 m 0,2 m
Location I Location J
Figure 8.51: Effective vertical stress distribution for locations I to J 1)
1) Figures are not on the same scale and at ground level the vertical stress is 100kPa
Tensile stresses
In location C (Figure 8.49) and location G (Figure 8.50), located near the pile there seem to
occur tensile stresses in the granular material. There should not be tensile stresses in the
granular material. To examine the correctness of Figure 8.49 to Figure 8.51, the tension
points in the elements are plotted in Figure 8.52. From this figure can be concluded that the
tensile forces occur in the steel frame and pile, but not in the granular material. The tensile
forces in Figure 8.49 to Figure 8.51 probably are caused by extrapolation of the stresses in
the integration points to the elements nodes.
y-axis [m]
0 -0.5
-0.5 -0.4
-0.4 -0.3
-0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0
z x
x-axis [m]
z-axis [m]
Figure 8.52: Effective vertical tensile stresses in the stress points of the elements
The distribution of the effective vertical stresses on the GR determines the displacement of
the GR. Therefore the location of the high vertical effective stresses is analysed. Figure
8.53 confirms the observation in Figure 8.49 to Figure 8.51 that the vertical effective
stresses are concentrated strongly directly on top of and next to the pile. The vertical
effective stresses on the GR are relatively small compared to the stresses directly next to
the pile. This is not in accordance with EBGEO (2010) and CUR226 (2010), that assumes
that the maximum vertical stress on the GR is found in the centre of a tensile strip, just
between two adjacent piles (Figure 3.3). The transition zone around the pile tip could be
analysed more accurately with a finer mesh.
In the granular material there is no cohesion. Therefore, changing the cohesion is not
considered. By reducing the internal friction angle, arching will develop less and the
settlements will become larger. The internal friction angle was determined from the results
of three tests:
1. triaxial tests;
2. a tilting square box;
3. the spontaneous slope of the model fill.
The triaxial test (1) is described in Chapter 6. The square box (2) was turned until the
material starts falling out of the box. Tilting a square box will give a relatively small internal
friction angle, because the density is low compared to the model- and triaxial tests. When
the top box of the scale test set-up was removed after completion of the scale test, the
granular material fell down until a natural slope developed (3). The angle of this slope is
measured. The values of the internal friction angle for all these three tests lie between 42
and 49 degrees. Therefore changing the internal friction angle would be unrealistic.
However, these measurements all gave the peak values for the internal friction angle.
Figure 8.54 shows that, for ungoing deformation, the strength of the granular material
reduces after reaching the peak strength. This is also observed in the triaxial test with the
greatest confining stress, see Figure 6.7,the shear strength reduces with about 10%. This
occurs in the shear planes that occur within the fill during the test. It is possible that the
influence of this softening has an important role in the test results. Therefore, the
calculations are repeated with a smaller internal friction angle of 41 degrees. The results
are presented in Figure 8.55 to Figure 8.61.
The results show that a smaller internal friction angle in the calculations indeed gives larger
deformations, Figure 8.59, Figure 8.60 and Figure 8.61. On the other hand load part A is a
bit smaller than the measured load A (Figure 8.57) and load part B (Figure 8.58) is a bit
larger. The load transported through the arch seems to collapse in the second drainage
phase with a top load of 75kPa. Thus part of the too small calculated displacement is
caused by the application of the peak internal friction angle.
Scale test K2
Plaxis HS phi=47
Plaxis HS phi=41
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
Load parts A+B [kN/pile]
10 2
5 1
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25
Net Load [kN/pile] Net Load [kN/pile]
Figure 8.55: Load part A+B, decrease phi Figure 8.56: Load part C, decrease phi
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
18 14
16 12
Load part B [kN/pile]
Load part A [kN/pile]
10 8
8 6
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25
Net load [kN/pile] Net Load [kN/pile]
Figure 8.57: Load part A, decrease phi Figure 8.58: Load part B, decrease phi
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
Displacement z1 [mm]
Scale test K2
Plaxis HS phi=47
Plaxis HS phi=41
0 5 10 15 20 25
Net Load [kN/pile]
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
60 60
50 50
Displacement z2 [mm]
Displacement z3 [mm]
40 40
30 30
20 20
10 10
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25
Net Load [kN/pile] Net Load [kN/pile]
It is concluded that a smaller friction angle results in less arching (A) increase during
drainage of the subsoil. This is in agreement with the results found by Van Eekelen et al.
(2011a). They compare two tests (tests T2 and T3) that are the same, except that the fill of
T2 is sand (phi =39 degrees), and the fill of T3 is the same as the fill of test K2. The tests
were nearly the same as K2, except that small difference in the sequence of subsoil
support and top load increase appeared. The results are plotted in Figure 8.62. The
differences between the measured tendency of the granular and sand test show much
agreement with the differences found in the calculated tendencies in Figure 8.57 and
Figure 8.58. This is especially true for the behaviour during the consolidation phases. It is
therefore concluded that obviously, the influence of the friction angle on the tendencies in
the arching behaviour is modelled quite well with the hardening soil model in Plaxis.
16 100% 12 100%
top load step
14 90% 90%
80% 80%
70% 70%
load part A (%)
Figure 8.62: Comparison of measured load distribution for tests T2 (sand) and T3
(granular) (Van Eekelen, et al., 2011a)
8.4 Conclusions
The Plaxis results are analysed and compared to the measured results of the scale test.
First the general conclusions are given, followed by the conclusions of the load distributions
and GR displacement. An important conclusion in this chapter is the deviated GR
displacement. The cause is investigated and the conclusions are described in the last
The load distribution and displacements calculated by the Hardening Soil model
give a better approximation of the scale test results than the Mohr Coulomb model.
The Plaxis calculations give a smooth relationship between net load and load parts
A and B, and the GR settlements. This is in accordance with the measurements.
Load distribution
During the phases of the test, arching is clearly observed in the granular material;
During the first part of the test the load distribution of MC model and HS model
agree quite well with the measured load distribution;
During the second part of the test the load transferred through arching is
overestimated and the load transferred through the GR is underestimated by Plaxis;
The water pressure is in agreement with the water pressure measured in the scale
Plaxis finds an increasing arching during drainage of the subsoil (consolidation).
This is not in agreement with EBGEO (2010) and CUR 226 (2010), but in
agreement with the measurements.
The vertical stress concentrates strongly on top of and just around the piles. This
confirms the conclusions of Van Eekelen et al. (2011a; 2011b, 2011c), that the
vertical load distribution on the tensile strips is different from the assumptions of
Zaeske (2001) as adopted in EBGEO (2010) and CUR226 (2010).
The development of the vertical stress in depth shows that the arch has less height
close to the piles than in the centre between two piles.
Geosynthetic Reinforcement
The displacements of the GR calculated with Plaxis are underestimated compared
to the scale test results. The possible causes of this underestimation are described
The tensile forces are concentrated in ‘tensile strips’ between the piles of the GR,
the exact location of the greatest tensile forces cannot be determined with this
coarse mesh;
The largest displacement of the GR is found at the middle of four piles;
Plaxis finds for a smaller friction angle less arching increase during consolidation.
This is in accordance with the measurements.
Deviated displacement
The Plaxis calculations approach the measured load distribution, but show far too low GR
displacement in comparison to the measurements. This is caused by a combination of
causes. This has been investigated and it is concluded that:
The stiffness of the foam cushion does not have influence on the GR
By excluding the water pressure and foam cushion the calculated settlements
increase, but the measured settlements are not found.
By excluding the foam cushion from the model the displacements improve a bit.
The behaviour of the GR is not the cause of the too low GR displacements. When
only load B is applied on the GR the displacements of the GR are overestimated by
Plaxis in comparison with the measured scale test results.
The vertical effective stresses are concentrated on and directly next to the pile. The
effective vertical stress on the GR between the piles is relatively small.
Part of the too small calculated displacement is caused by the application of the
peak internal friction angle of the granular material.
Chapter 9
9.1 Conclusions
Numerical analysis have been performed to better understand, and where possible, to
confirm the measured load distribution and deformations in the scale model tests.
The scale test is modelled with Plaxis 3D Tunnel. The geometry of the Plaxis model is one
quarter of the geometry of the scale test to reduce calculation time of the numerical
analysis. The geometry of the circular pile is converted to a square pile because circular
piles cannot be modelled in Plaxis 3D Tunnel. The model is build up of one pile, subsoil,
sand layer on the subsoil, geosynthetic reinforcement (GR) with steel frame and granular
material. For the sand and the granular material, the material parameters are determined
for the MC model and the HS model. The initial models are calculated with the MC model,
because the necessary calculation time with this model is shorter. Updated mesh is applied
in the model for the tensile forces in the GR. The scale test is driven by water pressure and
top load increase. To model the water pressure in Plaxis, a pressure head is assigned to
the subsoil clusters.
During the execution of the scale tests there is a loss of load due to friction. The measured
friction is between 10% to 20% of the soil weight and top load, therefore an important part
of the model. In Plaxis 3D Tunnel it is not possible to apply an interface at the back side of
the model (parallel to the front plane). Another option to simulate friction with an extra soil
segment with lower strength parameters is investigated. This option give good results with
the MC model. But the calculation time increases significantly when the extra soil segment
is applied in a model with the HS model. Therefore, it is not realistic to apply an extra soil
segment as friction. In the final model, the amount of load loss (friction) is subtracted from
the top load.
Scale test K2 is calculated with both the MC model and the HS model. From both models is
concluded that arching occurs in the granular material. Both models show that the tensile
forces in the GR are concentrated in ‘tensile strips’ between the piles. The exact location of
the greatest tensile forces cannot be determined with this coarse mesh The largest
displacement of the GR is found at the middle of four piles.
The model is driven by the water pressure in the foam cushion, therefore the water
pressure is an input value. The results show that the water pressure in the Plaxis
calculations corresponds with the measured water pressure in the scale test. In accordance
with the measurements, Plaxis calculations give a smooth relationship between net load
and load parts A and B, and the GR settlements. During the first part of the test, the load
distribution of MC model and HS model agree quite well with the measured load
distribution. During the second part of the test the load transferred through arching is
overestimated and the load transferred through the GR is underestimated. However the HS
model gives better results than MC model. In general Plaxis finds an increasing arch during
drainage of the subsoil (consolidation), this is in agreement with the measurements, but not
in agreement with EBGEO (2010) and CUR 226 (2010). The vertical stress concentrates
strongly on top of and just around the piles. This confirms the conclusions of Van Eekelen
et al. (2011a; 2011b, 2011c) that indicates that the vertical load distribution on the tensile
strips is different from the assumptions of Zaeske (2001) as adopted in EBGEO (2010) and
CUR226 (2010). The development of the vertical stress in depth shows that the arch has
less height close to the piles than in the centre between two piles. The displacement
calculated with Plaxis are underestimated compared to the scale test results. The causes of
this underestimation lie in several factors, as described below.
The Plaxis calculations show far too low GR displacement in comparison to the
measurements. There are several possible causes. To investigate these causes different
models have been calculated. From these models is concluded that the stiffness of the
foam cushion and the water pressure in the foam cushion does not have influence on the
GR displacement. The influence of the GR stiffness on the GR displacement is small. The
vertical effective stresses are concentrated on and directly next to the pile. The effective
vertical stress on the GR between the piles is relatively small. Part of the too small
calculated displacement is caused by the application of the peak internal friction angle of
the granular material. With a smaller internal friction angle less arching increase is found
during drainage of the subsoil. This is in accordance with the measurements.
9.2 Recommendations
The recommendations for the numerical analysis of the scale model tests are described
The triaxial test has been performed with vacuum pressure. During these tests the exact
change of volumetric strain is not measured. The volumetric strain is approximated with the
horizontal and vertical strain. Triaxial tests performed with cell pressure measures the
volume change during the test. Therefore it is recommended to perform triaxial tests with
cell pressure.
The literature stated that the oedometer loading stiffness of the HS model as an influence
on the development of arching in the embankment. Therefore it is recommended to perform
a large oedometer test on the granular material.
To increase the accuracy of the Plaxis results, the mesh should be refined.
The loss of load (due to friction) during the scale test is an important part of the scale test. It
produces disturbance in the load distribution of the granular material. The friction should be
included in the Plaxis model by an interface, therefore it is advised to perform numerical
analysis of the scale model tests with the full 3D version of Plaxis.
The cause of the differences in calculated and measured displacement of the GR has to be
investigated in more detail.
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Table of Contents
A CALCULATION STIFFNESS BEHAVIOUR OF FOAM CUSHION ................................... 115
B PROPERTIES OF SAND AND GRANULAR MATERIAL ................................................. 119
B.1 SAND ...................................................................................................................... 119
B.2 GRANULAR MATERIAL ............................................................................................... 127
C TEST PROCEDURE........................................................................................................... 129
D JOURNAL SCALE TEST K2 ............................................................................................. 137
E TRIAXIAL TEST ................................................................................................................. 141
E.1 CALCULATIONS ........................................................................................................ 141
E.2 RESULTS ................................................................................................................. 144
F RELATIVE DENSITY ......................................................................................................... 155
F.1 LOOSE BULK DENSITY .............................................................................................. 155
F.2 COMPACTED BULK DENSITY ...................................................................................... 155
F.3 RELATIVE DENSITY ................................................................................................... 157
G MATERIAL MODELS ......................................................................................................... 159
G.1 MOHR COULOMB MODEL .......................................................................................... 159
G.2 HARDENING SOIL MODEL .......................................................................................... 160
G.3 PLAXIS RESULTS OF TRIAXIAL TEST ........................................................................... 162
H.1 GEOMETRY & PARAMETERS OF SOIL-STRUCTURE INTERFACE ..................................... 165
H.2 RESULTS PLAXIS OF SOIL-STRUCTURE INTERFACE BEHAVIOUR ................................... 167
H.3 VALIDATION SOIL-STRUCTURE INTERFACE MODEL ...................................................... 174
H.4 CONCLUSION OF SOIL-STRUCTURE INTERFACE BEHAVIOUR ........................................ 177
I RESULTS OF PLAXIS HARDENING SOIL MODEL ........................................................ 179
I.1 DEFORMED MESH .................................................................................................... 179
I.2 VERTICAL DISPLACEMENT ......................................................................................... 181
I.3 EFFECTIVE VERTICAL STRESSES ............................................................................... 188
I.4 TENSILE FORCES IN GEOSYNTHETIC REINFORCEMENT ................................................ 195
I.5 DEFORMATION OF GEOSYNTHETIC REINFORCEMENT .................................................. 202
List of Figures
Figure A.1: Water load on foam cushion ........................................................................... 115
Figure A.2: Equilibrium points ........................................................................................... 116
Figure A.3: Equilibrium points ........................................................................................... 117
Figure E.1: Axial displacement - Time curve for Sample 16kPa ....................................... 145
Figure E.2: Radial top displacement - Time curve for Sample 16kPa ............................... 145
Figure E.3: Radial bottom displacement - Time curve for Sample 16kPa ......................... 145
Figure E.4: Axial displacement - Time curve for Sample 55kPa ....................................... 146
Figure E.5: Radial top displacement - Time curve for Sample 55kPa ............................... 146
Figure E.6: Radial bottom displacement - Time curve for Sample 55kPa ......................... 146
Figure E.7: Axial displacement - Time curve for Sample 90kPa ....................................... 147
Figure E.8: Radial top displacement - Time curve for Sample 90kPa ............................... 147
Figure E.9: Radial bottom displacement - Time curve for Sample 90kPa ......................... 147
Figure E.10: Stress – Time curve for Sample 16kPa ........................................................ 148
Figure E.11: Stress – Time curve for Sample 55kPa ........................................................ 149
Figure E.12: Stress – Time curve for Sample 90kPa ........................................................ 149
Figure E.13: Deviatoric stress – Axial strain curve for Sample 16kPa .............................. 150
Figure E.14: Volumetric strain – Axial strain curve for Sample 16 kPa ............................. 150
Figure E.15: Deviatoric stress – Axial strain curve for Sample 55kPa .............................. 151
Figure E.16: Volumetric strain – Axial strain curve for Sample 55 kPa ............................. 151
Figure E.17: Deviatoric stress – Axial strain curve for Sample 90kPa .............................. 152
Figure E.18: Volumetric strain – Axial strain curve for Sample 90 kPa ............................. 152
Figure E.19: Young’s modulus – Axial strain curve ........................................................... 153
Figure E.20: Poisson ratio – Axial strain curve ................................................................. 153
Figure E.21: Cohesion and internal friction angle – Axial strain curve .............................. 154
Figure E.22: Dilatancy angle – Axial strain curve .............................................................. 154
Figure F.1: Graph dry density against moisture content ................................................... 157
Figure G.1: Deviatoric stress strain curve ......................................................................... 163
Figure G.2: Volume change curve .................................................................................... 163
Figure H.1: 2D intersection Plaxis and dimensions ........................................................... 165
Figure H.2: Reference model: cross section (left) and 3D Plaxis geometry (right) ............ 166
Figure H.3: Interface model: cross section (left) and 3D Plaxis geometry (right) .............. 167
Figure H.4: Soil segment model: cross section (left) and 3D Plaxis geometry (right)........ 167
Figure H.5: Vertical effective stresses in the granular fill of the second drainage phase,
calculation results of the Interface model .......................................................................... 168
Figure H.6: Vertical effective stresses in the granular fill of the second drainage phase,
calculation results of the Soil segment model ................................................................... 168
Figure H.7: Vertical effective stresses in the granular fill of the vacuum phase, calculation
results of the Interface model ............................................................................................ 168
Figure H.8: Vertical effective stresses in the granular fill of the vacuum phase, calculation
results of the Soil segment model ..................................................................................... 168
Figure H.9: Tensile force N1 within the GR in x direction in the Interface model .............. 169
Figure H.10: Tensile force N1 within the GR in x direction in the Soil segment model...... 169
Figure H.11: Load distribution ........................................................................................... 169
Figure H.12: Load part A+B .............................................................................................. 170
Figure H.13: Load part A+B .............................................................................................. 170
Figure H.14: Load part A ................................................................................................... 170
Figure H.15: Load part B ................................................................................................... 170
Figure H.16: Location of displacement measurements of scale test K2............................ 171
Figure H.17: Displacement z1 (Centre 4 piles) ................................................................. 172
List of Tables
Table A.1: Equilibrium points in load and volume change during the water test ............... 115
Table A.2: Determination stiffness in load and volume change ........................................ 117
Table B.1: Properties Itterbeck sand 125-250 m ............................................................. 119
Table B.2: Internal friction angle (o) Itterbeck sand 125-250 m .................................... 119
Table B.3: Sieve Results granular material ....................................................................... 127
Table F.1: Loose bulk density ........................................................................................... 155
Table F.2: Compacted dry density .................................................................................... 156
Table F.3: Relative density ............................................................................................... 157
Table G.1: Mohr Coulomb model properties ..................................................................... 160
Table G.2: Hardening Soil model properties ..................................................................... 161
Table G.3: Density and relative density of the triaxial tests and scale test ........................ 162
Table H.1: Material properties for the extra soil segment in the Soil segment model........ 166
Appendix A
First a layer of water is placed on the foam cushion. Than the taps of the foam cushion
were opened. Due to the weight of the water, the water in the foam cushion is able to drain
from the cushion freely. When the water stopped flowing out of the cushion, the volume
change of the cushion stopped and equilibrium is reached for a certain load step. This is
done for different load steps. The equilibrium points are presented in Table A.1: .
To determine the stiffness the differences in loads and volume have to be considered, the
following equation is used to calculate the stiffness:
dp dF
k A (A.1)
z dV dV
k kN/m Stiffness (sub grade soil reaction)
dp kN/m2 Change in pressure
z m Height
A m2 Area
dF kN Change in total vertical force on the cushion
dV m Volume change due to corresponding load step
Another way of calculating the average stiffness is by calculating the stiffnesses for the
differences between the equilibrium points. The differences between the equilibrium points
and the calculated stiffnesses are given in Table A.2.
The values of Table A.2 are comparable, except for the first value. The high first value can
be explained by the influence of the initial situation of the cushion. A small overpressure in
the foam cushion at the beginning of the test will drain water out of the cushion. Or when
there is an under pressure at the beginning of the test the drained water will be less. From
the table can be concluded that there was an under pressure at the beginning of the test.
The first value is therefore neglected.
Figure A.3 shows the calculated stiffnesses and the average stiffness. The average
stiffness, without the first value, is determined at 48 kN/m3.
Appendix B
B.1 Sand
Itterbeck sand has a fraction of 125-250 μm. Deltares uses Itterbeck sand often in
laboratory tests.
n - Porosity
Vp m Pore volume
Vs m Total volume
A number of laboratory tests have been performed by Deltares to determine the properties
of the Itterbeck sand. The general properties are described below. The sieve curve is given
on the next page.
n=0.453 n=0.408 n=0.368
2 28.2 35.27 39.78
5 31.24 35.96 40.80
10 32.48 34.59 35.37
At tu 32.52 36.03 40.93
Table B.2: Internal friction angle (o) Itterbeck sand 125-250 m
Particlesize (mm)
Sieve size
Itterbeck sand
Summation of Between
weight Lower lower limit
Size sieve Upper limit*
percentage of limit* and upper
particles < d limit?
mm % % %
63 okay
31.5 100 okay
22.4 100
16 96 75 100 okay
11.2 79
8 62 50 90 okay
5.6 48
4 39 30 75 okay
2 30 20 60 okay
1 25 13 45 okay
0.500 20 8 35 okay
0.250 13
0.125 7
0.063 4.1 0 9 okay
Table B.3: Sieve Results granular material
Particlesize (mm)
Sieve size
Granular material
Appendix C
Test procedure
The steps of the test procedure are described in detail below.
17. Set the settlement transducers and strain gauges to zero and start recording data;
23. Consolidation as a result of the weight of the embankment by draining the foam
cushion with 6 l;
25. Around two hours after applying top load the foam cushion is drained with 6 litres;
26. After two hours the loading and consolidation steps are repeated until a top load of
100 kPa;
Appendix D
Huesker 2
date time action observations, remarks
2009-11-12 Thursday
attach reinforcement Attach two layers of Fortrac 110-25 on one frame, with the
to frame strength directions perpendicular on each other.
start filling foam
2009-11-16 cushion
2009-11-17 10:00 foam cushion filled
11:13 install strain cables
11:13 start journal
install sand layer and
weight box below in
kg 714,6
zero values strain 1 = 35.79, 2 = 35.62, 3 = 33.45, 4 = 35.85, 5 = 34.90, 6 = 35.29
13:48 cables mm
13:59 zero strain cables
zero height
13:59 transducers (settlement transducers)
14:03 start registration Huesker_110_25
Total pressure cells (TPC's, above piles), force transducers and
14:06 zero transducers pressure foam cushion
weight box including
14:42 top box 863,2
measure points on
14:44 top of geosynthetic 70.1 cm
70.1 cm
70.1 cm
Appendix E
Triaxial test
To determine the strength and stiffness parameters of the granular material triaxial tests
have been performed. First the equations used for the calculations are described. Followed
by the results plotted in graphs.
E.1 Calculations
To determine the parameters of the triaxial tests the following equations have been used.
The equations are based on the British Standard 1377 : Part 8 (1990).
Axial strain
1 (E.1)
l int
1 - Axial strain
h mm Change in length between the rings
l int mm Initial length between the rings
Volumetric strain
v 1 2 3 (E.2)
3 (E.3)
v - Volumetric strain
1 - Axial strain, formula (A.1)
3 - Radial strain
r mm Change in radius of the sample from the start of compression
rint mm Initial radius of the sample
r rint r (E.5)
As mm2 Area of cross section
Aint mm Initial area of cross section
r mm Radius of the sample
r mm Change in radius of the sample from the start of compression
rint mm Initial radius of the sample
q kPa Deviatoric stress
P kN Axial force
As mm2 Area of cross section, formula (E.4)
Principal stress
1 1 3 3 (E.7)
1 kPa Principal stress
1 3 kPa Deviatoric stress
3 kPa Confining pressure
Young’s modulus
The Young’s modulus can be calculated for each step of the triaxiaal test. In the report two
values are calculated, E 0 and E 50 . In a graph the Young’s modulus is presented for each
1 3
E (E.8)
E kPa Young’s modulus
E0 kPa Young’s modulus at axial strain by 0% of deviatoric stress at failure
E 50 kPa Young’s modulus at axial strain by 50% of deviatoric stress at failure
1 3 kPa Deviatoric stress at failure
1 kPa Axial strain
Moisture content
m mdr
w 100% (E.9)
w % Moisture content
m kPa Weight of sample
mdr kPa Dry weight of sample
s kPa Stress path parameter
t kPa Stress path parameter
1 3 kPa Deviatoric stress
1 kPa Principal stress
3 kPa Confining pressure
° Angle of internal friction
c kPa Cohesion
° Help variable determent from the stress path parameter plot
t0 kPa Help variable determent from the stress path parameter plot.
The help variables are determent from the stress path parameter plot. A line can be drawn
through the stress paths at equal axial strain. The parameter t0 is determined where this
line intersects the t axis. The inclination of this line to the horizontal is θ.
Poisson ratio
The Poisson ratio can be calculated when there is a volume decrease. Two values that are
calculated are 0 and 50 . In a graph the poisson ratio is presented for each step.
1 2 (E.14)
1 % Change in axial strain
v % Change in volumetric strain
0 Poisson ratio
0 Poisson ratio at axial strain by 0% of deviatoric stress at failure
50 Poisson ratio at axial strain by 50% of deviatoric stress at failure
Dilatancy angle
The dilatancy angle can be calculated when there is a volume increase. The results are
shown in a graph below.
v 2 sin
1 1 sin
1 % Change in axial strain
v % Change in volumetric strain
° Dilatancy angle
E.2 Results
Different graphs with the results can be found in this paragraph.
Displacement in time
The displacement of the LVDT’s is analysed before the parameters are calculated. The
graphs of the displacement LVDT’s are shown in this paragraph.
From the graphs for triaxial test 16kPa can be concluded that one side of the sample had a
smaller axial and radial settlement than the rest of the sample. The difference is very small,
therefore the average of the settlement is used to calculate the strains.
Three LVDT’s of the triaxial test with 55kPa vacuum pressure have a divergence. These
sensors are axial 8, radial top 6 and radial bottom 12. The sensors are not located near or
above each other. The divergence is about 4 mm, which results in an offset from the trend.
Because of this offset these lines are not used to calculate the parameters.
Triaxial test 90kPa also shows offsets in the results, caused by axial 9 and radial top 5. The
curve of radial top 5 makes a jump when the engine of the hydraulic actuator was restarted.
The data of these two displacement sensors were also not taken into account for the
calculation of the parameters.
Figure E.2: Radial top displacement - Time curve for Sample 16kPa
Figure E.3: Radial bottom displacement - Time curve for Sample 16kPa
Figure E.5: Radial top displacement - Time curve for Sample 55kPa
Figure E.6: Radial bottom displacement - Time curve for Sample 55kPa
Figure E.8: Radial top displacement - Time curve for Sample 90kPa
Figure E.9: Radial bottom displacement - Time curve for Sample 90kPa
The results of sample 16kPa are shown in Figure E.10. From this graph can be seen that
the vacuum pressure σ3 is not constant in time. This is caused by little holes in the
membrane causing a decrease in vacuum pressure. The vacuum pressure is decreasing,
when the sample is failing.
The results of sample 55kPa are shown in Figure E.11. From this graph can be concluded
that the vacuum pressure staid constant during the loading.
The vacuum pressure of sample 90kPa remained constant during loading. There were
some problems with the engine of the hydraulic actuator during the test. As a result of
overheating, the engine had a power shut down, whereby the force on the sample
decreased to zero. When the engine was restarted, the force increased again. Due to this
problem Figure E.12 shows unloading and reloading.
Figure E.13: Deviatoric stress – Axial strain curve for Sample 16kPa
Figure E.14: Volumetric strain – Axial strain curve for Sample 16 kPa
Figure E.15: Deviatoric stress – Axial strain curve for Sample 55kPa
Figure E.16: Volumetric strain – Axial strain curve for Sample 55 kPa
Figure E.17: Deviatoric stress – Axial strain curve for Sample 90kPa
Figure E.18: Volumetric strain – Axial strain curve for Sample 90 kPa
Stiffness parameters
Young’s modulus and poisson ratio are the stiffness parameters. These parameters are
calculated with equations (E.8) and (E.14) and plotted against axial strain. The plots of the
young’s modulus and Poisson ratio are presented below.
Strength parameters
Internal friction angle and dilatancy angle are the strength parameters. These parameters
are calculated with the equations (E.13) and (E.15) and plotted against axial strain. These
plots are presented below.
Figure E.21: Cohesion and internal friction angle – Axial strain curve
Appendix F
Relative density
The loose and compacted bulk density of the granular material is determined to calculate
the relative density.
d ;loose kg/m
Loose bulk density
m1 kg Mass of the empty container
m2 kg Mass of the container and test specimen
V m Capacity of the container
compacted kg/m
Compacted bulk density
m1 kg Mass of the empty container
m2 kg Mass of the container and test specimen
V m Capacity of the container
d ;compacted kg/m
Compacted dry density
compacted kg/m
Compacted bulk density
w % Water content of the mixture
+ dry sample
Mass basket
Mass basket
Mass empty
basket [g]
Test nr.
V [m3] 0.00236
m1 [kg] 4.769
Table F.2: Compacted dry density
The results of the dry density and moisture content are plotted in Figure F.1. The maximum
dry density is determined from this figure. The maximum dry density is 1930 kg/m3.
Dry Density [kg/m3]
0 5 10 15 20
Moisture content [% ]
Dr % Relative density
nmax - Maximum porosity
nmin - Minimum porosity
n - Porosity
d ;max kg/m
Compacted bulk density
d ;min kg/m
Loose bulk density
d kg/m 3
The results of the relative density of the triaxial tests and the scale tests are presented in
Table F.3. The relative density of the triaxial tests lies between 59.7% and 64.4%. The
values are in the same range and dense compacted.
Test ρd Dd
[kg/m3] [%]
Triaxial test 1 1681 61.6
Triaxial test 2 1669 59.7
Triaxial test 3 1682 61.7
Scale test 1 1695 63.7 ρd;min [kg/m3] 1282
Scale test 2 1699 64.4 ρd;max [kg/m3] 1930
Table F.3: Relative density
Appendix G
Material models
This appendix describes from what sources and/or from which relationships the soil
properties for the granular fill are determined.
Properties Source
General properties
Material type
Material types are: drained, undrained or non- - -
The volumetric
unsat Unsaturated volumetric weight kN/m3 weight used in
triaxial test
sat Saturated volumetric weight kN/m3 -
k x , ky , kz Permeability m/day -
Strength properties
Cohesion of granular soils and sand is zero. To
c' kN/m2 c 1
avoid numerical instability problems, the cohesion
is set to a small value.
' Internal friction angle Triaxial test result
Dilatancy angle Triaxial test result
' The dilatancy angle can be determined with triaxial or 30 0
test results or with the following relationship.
Stiffness properties
Young’s modulus
E' For loading of soils it is realistic to use the secant kN/m2 Triaxial test result
modulus E50
' Poisson’s ratio - Triaxial test result
Advanced properties
E 'increment
Increase of stiffness with depth kN/m2/m Eincrement 0
The Hardening Soil model properties are presented in Table G.2. The default settings and
sources or relationships of these properties are also presented in this table.
Properties Relationship
General properties
Material type:
Material types are: drained, undrained, non- - -
unsat Unsaturated volumetric weight kN/m3 -
sat Saturated volumetric weight kN/m 3
k x , ky , kz Permeability m/day -
Strength properties
c 'ref Cohesion
Cohesion of granular soils or sand are zero. To cref 1
avoid numerical instability problems, the cohesion
is set to a small value.
' Internal friction angle Triaxial test result
Triaxial test result
' Dilatancy angle or 30 0
Stiffness properties
Secant stiffness for primary loading in standard
E '50 kN/m2
Triaxial test result
triaxial test
Tangent stiffness for primary loading in oedometer E50ref
E 'oed kN/m2
ref ref
Stress dependent stiffness according to a power
m - m 0.5
law for sand.
The stress dependent stiffness can be calculated
ln E50 ( 2)
when triaxial tests have been performed for -
different confining pressure
3 3( 2 )
Advanced properties
E 'urref Unloading / reloading stiffness kN/m2 Eurref 3E50ref
'ur Poisson’s ratio for elastic unloading/reloading - ur 0.2
p ref
Reference stress for stiffness kN/m2 p ref 100
K 0nc K0-value for normal consolidation - K 0nc 1 sin
c 'increment Increase cohesion with depth kN/ m2/m cincrement 0
y ref Reference level for cincrement m y ref 0
Rf Failure ratio - Rf 0 . 9
tension Tensile strength kN/m 2
tension 0
Table G.2: Hardening Soil model properties
Deviatoric stress [kPa]
0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 0.04 0.045 0.05
Axial strain [-]
Figure G.1: Deviatoric stress strain curve
Volumetric strain [-]
Appendix H
The geometry of the model without friction is based on the scale test and described in
Chapter 7. The 2D geometry is shown in Figure H.1 and the 3D geometry in Figure H.2.
An interface can only be applied perpendicular to the planes, therefore the interface only is
applied on the left side. The resistance between soil and structure depends on the surface
material of the structure and the type of soil. In the tests, the friction is measured to lie
between 10% and 20%. Therefore, the interface strength parameter Rinter is chosen to be
0.2. The interface strength parameter will have effect on the cohesion, the internal friction
angle and the dilatancy angle. The reduction of these parameters is described in equations
(H.1), (H.2) and (H.3). The 3D geometry of the model with friction on the left side by an
interface is shown in Figure H.3.
Rinter - Interface strength parameter = 0.2 for the calculations with interface elements
ci kN/m2 Cohesion of the interface
csoil kN/m Cohesion of the soil
i ° Internal friction angle of the interface
soil ° Internal friction angle of the soil
i Dilatancy angle of the interface
inter Dilatancy angle of the soil
The friction also can be modelled as an extra segment of soil with lower strength
parameters. With this model the extra segment of soil also can be modelled at the backside
of the model. To get corresponding results the parameters of the extra soil segment need
to be the same as the parameters calculated with the interface. Therefore, the relations in
equations (H.1), (H.2) and (H.3) are used to calculate the lower strength parameters of the
extra soil segment based on a friction of Rinter=0.2. The parameters are shown in Table H.1.
The 3D geometry of the model with an extra segment of soil on the left side can be seen in
Figure H.4.
Strength properties granular
cref Cohesion kN/m2 1 1
Internal friction angle 7.27 12.11
Dilatancy angle 0 0
Table H.1: Material properties for the extra soil segment in the Soil segment model
Figure H.2: Reference model: cross section (left) and 3D Plaxis geometry (right)
Figure H.3: Interface model: cross section (left) and 3D Plaxis geometry (right)
Figure H.4: Soil segment model: cross section (left) and 3D Plaxis geometry (right)
Comparison of the two figures of the second drainage phase (Figure H.5 and Figure H.6)
show that the Soil segment model gives more disturbance on the left side than the Interface
model and more peak stresses just above the frame.
In the vacuum phase the displacement of the extra soil body next to the frame has to be
prescribed. This has effect on the vertical stress distribution in the granular material. An
arch will arise between the frame and the pile as seen in Figure H.7. Therefore the extra
soil body is not applicable in the vacuum phase.
Figure H.5: Vertical effective stresses in the Figure H.6: Vertical effective stresses in the
granular fill of the second drainage phase, granular fill of the second drainage phase,
calculation results of the Interface model calculation results of the Soil segment
Figure H.7: Vertical effective stresses in the Figure H.8: Vertical effective stresses in the
granular fill of the vacuum phase, granular fill of the vacuum phase,
calculation results of the Interface model calculation results of the Soil segment
The figures are generally the same. Only the axial forces next to the pile of the model with
an extra soil body are a bit higher than the axial forces of the model with an interface. This
is probably caused by the higher stresses as found in Figure A.7.
x x
Figure H.9: Tensile force N1 within the GR in Figure H.10: Tensile force N1 within the GR
x direction in the Interface model in x direction in the Soil segment model
Load distribution
In Plaxis the load distribution cannot be measured directly. The average vertical stress on
the load cell is determined of the stress points in the area of the load cell. The area where
the average vertical stress is determined is shown in Figure H.11. The loads are calculated
by multiplying the average vertical stress with the area of the load cell.
Load part A
Load parts A+B
The load distribution for the Plaxis models and the results of the scale test are plotted in
graphs on the next page. As expected, the A and B determined with the Plaxis models with
friction are 10% lower than the results of the Plaxis model without friction. In general, the
load distribution is the same for each Plaxis model. Only during the vacuum phase, the
loads A and B are different. During the vacuum phase load part A decreases significant for
all Plaxis models, although not with the same amount. For the Plaxis model without and
with an interface, load part A+B decreases and for the Plaxis model with an extra soil
segment load part A+B increases.
Load parts A and A+B are overestimated with the Plaxis models compared to the scale
test. This causes an underestimation of load B with the Plaxis models.
Scale test K2
Plaxis without friction
Plaxis with interface R=0.2
Plaxis with friction on one side
40 7
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
35 6
Load parts A+B [kN/pile]
5 1
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25
Net Load [kN/pile] Net Load [kN/pile]
Figure H.12: Load part A+B Figure H.13: Load part A+B
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
Load part B [kN/pile]
Load part A [kN/pile]
15 12
10 8
5 4
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25
Net load [kN/pile] Net Load [kN/pile]
The settlements of the geosynthetic reinforcement can be determined from the output data
of Plaxis. The calculated settlements of the GR are considered for the locations of the
measurement equipment during the scale test, as indicated in Figure A.11.
0.225 m
Displacement z3
0.10 m
Displacement z2
pile 3 pile 1
0.45 m
Displacement z1
0.10 m
pile 2 pile 4
0.225 m
0.10 m 0.10 m
Figure H.16: Location of displacement measurements of scale test K2
The friction between 10% and 20% in the Interface model and Soil segment model has no
effect on the settlements z1, z2 and z3 of the GR as shown in Figure H.17, Figure H.18 and
Figure H.19, except for the vacuum phase. During this phase the settlements differ for each
Plaxis model. The largest deformation is found in the model with an extra soil segment for
the friction.
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
Displacement z1 [mm]
Scale test K2
30 Plaxis without friction
Plaxis with interface R=0.2
Plaxis with friction on one side
0 5 10 15 20 25
Net Load [kN/pile]
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
60 60
50 50
Displacement z2 [mm]
Displacement z3 [mm]
40 40
30 30
20 20
10 10
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25
Net Load [kN/pile] Net Load [kN/pile]
The amount of friction is calculated by subtracting the top load and the weight of the soil
from the load parts A+B+C. The amount of friction during the test is shown in Figure H.20.
As expected, the calculated amount of friction increases when an interface or extra soil
segment is applied in the model. The amount of friction during the phases are the same for
each Plaxis model, except for the vacuum phase. For the model with an interface the
friction increases and for the model with an extra soil segment the friction decreases.
The amount of friction of the Plaxis models is too low compared to the friction during the
scale test. This will change when an extra soil segment is applied at the backside of the
Plaxis model. The extra soil segment will bring the amount of friction of the Plaxis models
closer to the friction of the scale test.
During the vacuum phase the results of the calculated friction increases in the Interface
model and decreases in the Soil segment model. When the deformation becomes large,
the soil will yield in the extra soil segment of the Soil segment model. The relation for
yielding soil is described in equation (H.4).
sin cos
n 1 sin sin
kN/m2 Shear stress
n kN/m
Normal stress
° Internal friction angle
° Dilatancy angle
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
Friction [kN/pile]
Scale test K2
Plaxis without friction
Plaxis with interface R=0.2
Plaxis with friction on one side
0 5 10 15 20 25
Net Load [kN/pile]
In Figure H.21 is shown that the load on the pile (load part A+B) of the model with an extra
soil body on both sides is reduced to the load measured in the scale test. From this can be
concluded that the model with an extra soil body, models the interface behaviour between
the soil and the wall.
In the calculation of the extra soil body an internal friction angle of 12.11 degrees is used.
The CUR 166 (2005) describes the wall friction angle. The wall friction angle for coarse
sand is 13 ' 47 3 15.66 . This value is comparable to the value calculated with an
interface strength parameter.
Scale test K2
Plaxis without friction
Plaxis with friction on one side
Plaxis with friction on both sides
40 7
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
35 6
Load parts A+B [kN/pile]
5 1
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25
Net Load [kN/pile] Net Load [kN/pile]
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
Load part A [kN/pile]
15 12
10 8
5 4
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25
Net load [kN/pile] Net Load [kN/pile]
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
Displacement z1 [mm]
Scale test K2
30 Plaxis without friction
Plaxis with friction on one side
Plaxis with friction on both sides
0 5 10 15 20 25
Net Load [kN/pile]
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
60 60
50 50
Displacement z2 [mm]
Displacement z3 [mm]
40 40
30 30
20 20
10 10
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25
Net Load [kN/pile] Net Load [kN/pile]
Top load
Top load
Top load
Top load
Friction [kN/pile]
Scale test K2
Plaxis without friction
Plaxis with friction on one side
Plaxis with friction on both sides
0 5 10 15 20 25
Net Load [kN/pile]
Appendix I
Figure I.1: Deformed mesh A-A with HS Figure I.2: Deformed mesh A-A with HS
model of phase Drainage 1 model of phase Drainage 25.2
Figure I.3: Deformed mesh A-A with HS Figure I.4: Deformed mesh A-A with HS
model of phase Drainage 50.2 model of phase Drainage 75.2
Figure I.5: Deformed mesh A-A with HS Figure I.6: Deformed mesh A-A with HS
model of phase Drainage 100.2 model of phase Vacuum
Figure I.8: Vertical displacement A-A with HS model of phase Load 25kPa
Figure I.9: Vertical displacement A-A with HS model of phase Drainage 25.1
Figure I.10: Vertical displacement A-A with HS model of phase Drainage 25.2
Figure I.11: Vertical displacement A-A with HS model of phase Load 50kPa
Figure I.12: Vertical displacement A-A with HS model of phase Drainage 50.1
Figure I.13: Vertical displacement A-A with HS model of phase Drainage 50.2
Figure I.14: Vertical displacement A-A with HS model of phase Load 75kPa
Figure I.15: Vertical displacement A-A with HS model of phase Drainage 75.1
Figure I.16: Vertical displacement A-A with HS model of phase Drainage 75.2
Figure I.17: Vertical displacement A-A with HS model of phase Load 100kPa
Figure I.18: Vertical displacement A-A with HS model of phase Drainage 100.1
Figure I.19: Vertical displacement A-A with HS model of phase Drainage 100.2
Figure I.21: Effective vertical stress A-A with HS model of phase Drainage 1
Figure I.22: Effective vertical stress A-A with HS model of phase Load 25kPa
Figure I.23: Effective vertical stress A-A with HS model of phase Drainage 25.1
Figure I.24: Effective vertical stress A-A with HS model of phase Drainage 25.2
Figure I.25: Effective vertical stress A-A with HS model of phase Load 50kPa
Figure I.26: Effective vertical stress A-A with HS model of phase Drainage 50.1
Figure I.27: Effective vertical stress A-A with HS model of phase Drainage 50.2
Figure I.28: Effective vertical stress A-A with HS model of phase Load 75kPa
Figure I.29: Effective vertical stress A-A with HS model of phase Drainage 75.1
Figure I.30: Effective vertical stress A-A with HS model of phase Drainage 75.2
Figure I.31: Effective vertical stress A-A with HS model of phase Load 100kPa
Figure I.32: Effective vertical stress A-A with HS model of phase Drainage 100.1
Figure I.33: Effective vertical stress A-A with HS model of phase Drainage 100.2
Figure I.34: Effective vertical stress A-A with HS model of phase Vacuum