RBT Study Guide
RBT Study Guide
RBT Study Guide
1) Which of the following would be best at tracking frequency?
a) A stopwatch
b) Your hand
c) Counting in your head
d) A clicker counter
2) You are recording how long it takes your client to get dressed in the morning. What type of
data are you taking?
a) Frequency
b) IRT
c) Duration
d) Latency
3) Billy's mom gave him a list of items to buy at the grocery store while Billy's mom was at work.
When she returned home, she checked to make sure Billy had bought all of the items on the
list. What type of data collection is this?
a) Permanent Product
b) Frequency
c) IRT
d) Rate
a) To criticize the assessment
b) To assist with the assessment
c) To conduct the assessment
d) To standy by and do nothing
6) Which of the following behaviors is defined in the most observable and measurable terms?
a) Susie snapper her pencil in half after she incorrectly answered the math problem
b) Susie was angry so she snapped her pencil in half
c) Susie snapped her pencil in half because she has autism
d) Susie's anxiety caused her to snap her pencil in half
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7) You want to decrease the time it takes your client to eat their meal. You are told to record the
length of time in between bites. What kind of data are you collecting?
a) Duration
b) Total task
c) IRT
d) Latency
9) Before you can start collecting data, what is the first thing that should be done?
a) Collect your required materials
b) Define the target behavior
c) Report to your supervisor
d) Select a data collection method
14) You are trying to teach your client to wash your hands. Your BCBA instructs you to use
backwards chaining to teach this. What step might you teach first?
a) Turning the water on
b) Putting soap on their hands
c) Drying their hands off with a towel
d) Entering the bathroom
15) A student stands up and walks around the room at inappropriate times. You decide you are
going to deliver reinforcement on a FI-3 reinforcement schedule for the student sitting in their
chair. If the student gets up and walks around no reinforcement is delivered. What type of
procedure is this?
a) DRI
b) DRO
c) DRA
d) DRL btexamreview.com
16) Your client screams for extended periods of time throughout the day. Your BCBA instructs you
to deliver reinforcement any time the client is not screaming. What type of procedure is this?
a) DRI
b) DRO
c) DRA
d) DRH
17) Linda elopes from the table when presented with a lengthy task. You start functional
communication training with Linda in hopes you can teach her to ask for a break. Now,
whenever Linda asks for a break when presented with a lengthy task, you provide
reinforcement. What type of reinforcement procedure is this?
a) DRI
b) DRO
c) DRD
d) DRA
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18) In this type of teaching there is an antecedent, a behavior, a consequence, and a brief pause
before the next antecedent.
a) NET
b) FCT
c) Prompting
d) DTT
20) Billy has soccer practice today. When it's time to leave, Billy's dad tells Billy to grab his soccer
bag. Billy complies and grabs his stuff. His dad says "Nice job. Let's load up the car." In this
scenario, what is the antecedent to Billy grabbing his stuff?
a) Billy has soccer practice today
b) There is no clear antecedent
c) Billy's dad telling Billy to grab his soccer bag
d) "Nice job. Let's load up the car."
21) The process of breaking down a skill into smaller, more manageable components by doing
the task yourself, or watching someone else do the task, is called?
a) Task analysis btexamreview.com
b) Task chaining
c) Forward Chaining
d) DTT
22) You have been working with your client for two years. Your client's mom tells you they are
going out with friends tomorrow and offers to pay you to babysit. If you accepted, what would
you be violating?
a) Dual relationships
b) Respondinga appropriately to feedback
c) Legal compliance
d) Effective communication
23) Your session takes place during lunch time each day. The client's parents have started to buy
you lunch and requested you eat lunch with them each day. What is the best course of
a) Eat lunch with the family
b) Politely decline and inform your supervisor
c) Get rid of the client
d) Change the session time
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24) During proper discrimination training, reinforcement is available for one response, but not for
another. Which of the following is an example of discrimination training?
a) Shoe tying
b) You praise your client when they put on their pants independently
c) You tell your client to touch "blue." You deliver reinforcement when your cilent touches
blue, but not when he touches green.
d) Your client has started calling all animals "dogs"
26) When explaining something to parents what should you try and do?
a) Use technical language and jargon
b) Never explain anything to parents
c) Record every conversation you have with parents
d) Use terminology that the parent is able to understand
27) Bobby is working with a client in-home. The client's mom wants the client to be able to
prepare their own breakfast. Bobby teaches the client to make scrambled eggs using a task
chain procedure. Bobby helps the client by getting out the plate and utensils. The client turns
on the stove, heats the pan, puts butter in the pan, cracks the eggs in the pan, scrambles the
eggs, puts them on a plate, and turns off the stove. One day, Bobby does not put out the
plate. What is he implementing?
a) Forward chaining
b) Behavior Chain Interruption Strategy (BCIS)
c) Task analysis
d) Fading
31) The behavior results in the addition of something that increases the behavior in the future.
What does this describe?
a) Negative Reinforcement
b) Positive Reinforcement
c) Positive Punishment
d) Negative Punishment
32) Every time Alex yells out in class he is sent to the principal's office. This goes on for two
weeks, and Alex's yelling increases. What is happening in this scenario?
a) Alex's behavior is being reinforced
b) Alex's behavior is being punished
c) It cannot be determined
d) Alex's behavior is being put on extinction
33) During the night, Joanne gets out of bed to ask mom to get her a snack. In the past, mom has
complied and given Joanne a granola bar. For the past week, when Joanne asks for a snack,
mom has not given her one. What is Joanne's mom implementing?
a) Extinction
b) Negative reinforcement
c) Response blocking
d) Punishment
37) What is the primary difference between Discrete Trial Training and Incidental Teaching
a) Incidental teaching doesn't use reinforcement
b) Incidental teaching occurs in the natural environment
c) There is no difference
d) DTT is better than incidental teaching
39) Which of the following reinforcement schedules is based on an average number of correct
a) FR2
b) FI3
c) VR3
d) DRO
43) You are recording the time it takes from the presentation of the demand (SD) to the first
instance of behavior. What are you measuring?
a) Duration
b) Frequency
c) Latency
d) IRT
46) Select the best definition for differential reinforcement from the choices below:
a) A stimulus, that when presented following a bx, causes an overall INCREASE in that bx
over time
b) Providing greater reinforcement for better approximations of a target behavior, and
placing other behaviors on extinction or on a less desirable reinforcement schedule
c) A stimulus that signals the availability of a reinforcer
d) A stimulus that, when presented following a behavior, causes an overall DECREASE in
that behavior over time
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47) Freezing temperatures and electric shocks are examples of what type of punisher?
a) Conditioned
b) Positive
c) Unconditioned
d) Negative
48) If you believe your client is being abused, which of the following should you do?
a) Contact relevant authorities
b) Follow organization policies
c) Consult with your supervisor
d) All of the above
52) Every time you say "put on your shoes" your daughter says "put on your shoes". What type of
verbal operant is this?
a) Mand
b) Echoic
c) Tact
d) Intraverbal
53) Susie's family is driving down the road when they pass by a farm. Susie looks out the window
and says "cow." How would you describe Susie saying cow?
a) Manding
b) Tacting
c) Protesting
d) Scripting
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54) Johnny's teacher says "OK, class who can tell me what 2+2 is". Johnny responds with "4!"
What verbal operant does this describe?
a) Mand
b) Intraverbal
c) Tact
d) Autoclitic
55) What are you measuring when you take permanent product data?
a) Intensity
b) Production
c) Length of time
d) You aren't measuring anything
56) At the end of session, Ralph's grandma asks how session went and for updates on progress.
Which of the following is an inappropriate way to describe the day?
a) "Ralph only eloped two times today! He was compliant and we were able to hit all his
b) "I don't think it went well. I don't think my BCBA's plan is working."
c) "Session went smoothly today. My BCBA said she implemented a task chain for
showering indepedently in the morning. How is that going?"
d) "He is making progress. Today we worked on communication and self-help"
57) During session your client's mom asks you to train them on DTT. What is the best response?
a) Inform the parent that you'll let your BCBA know of their desire to be trained as you aren't
allowed to train by yourself
b) Train the parent yourself
c) Explain to the parent that parents aren't allowed to be trained
d) Panic
58) Your 21 year old client smokes cigarettes. Your BCBA decides that smoking is bad for your
client and implements a program to decrease smoking without consulting the client first. Is this
a) No, the client is not breaking any laws and has the right to be consulted with before
decisions are made
b) Yes, smoking is unhealthy. The BCBA is protecting their client.
c) Yes, BCBAs are allowed to make any changes they want without consulting the client
d) No, it is unclear if smoking is unhealthy
59) Rebecca's BCBA designs a complex behavior plan that involves multiple steps and
procedures. During the first session that the behavior plan is implemented, Rebecca
reinforces the wrong behavior. What should she do?
a) Pretend it didn't happen
b) She just needs to put it in her notes without telling anyone
c) Report herself to the parents
d) Tell her supervisor/BCBA immediately and request more training
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60) Which of the following examples would be acceptable in a session note?
a) "The client was angry with me today which is why behaviors occured"
b) "Nothing significant happened today"
c) "The client became anxious when I told him to grab his cup from the kitchen"
d) "The client manded 8 times today indendently. The client also tacted "spoon" and "fork"
63) You are teaching a child to write their name. You start by having them trace bold, large letters.
You then remove the bold and have them trace the letters. You then make the letters normal
size and have them trace. You then remove the beginning two letters of their name and have
them trace. You then remove all letters and have them write their name independently. What
are you doing?
a) Prompt fading btexamreview.com
b) Task chaining
c) DTT
d) Verbal prompting
67) What question should you ask yourself when presented with an ethical dilemma?
a) What's the right thing to do?
b) What's worth doing?
c) What does it mean to be a good RBT?
d) All of these
68) You are bitten by a mosquito. The bite starts to itch, so you scratch it. Scratching the itch is
a) Negative reinforcement
b) Positive reinforcement
c) Negative punishment
d) Positive punishment
70) Every day you put your key in the ignition, turn it, and your car starts. Today, your car doesn't
start. You begin to aggressively turn the key, push the gas pedal, and pound the steering
wheel. What might be happening?
a) An extinction burst
b) Punishment
c) Avoidance behavior
d) Tacting
71) What is the best reinforcement schedule for teaching a new skill?
a) VR2
b) FR1
c) FR6
d) FI2
72) What reinforcement schedule is the most productive and resistant to extinction?
a) FR
b) FI
c) VI
d) VR
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73) What is not an example of discrimination?
a) Identifying different colors in a crayon box
b) Calling all women you see "mom"
c) Ordering coke instead of sprite
d) Using a $5 bill instead of a $1 bill
74) Reinforcement can be continuous or intermittent. Behavior on what type of schedule is the
hardest to extinguish?
a) Intermittent
b) FR1
c) Continuous
d) Parent designed
76) A student walks up to the teacher and says "may I go to the bathroom?" What type of
behavior is this?
a) A mand
b) Polite btexamreview.com
c) An intraverbal
d) Antecedent
77) You just received a new client and are unsure how to run some of the programming. When
should you consult with your BCBA?
a) Wait until your BCBA comes out and supervises you
b) Before you get to your next session
c) Don't worry about it, you will figure it out
d) Change the program to something you understand better
78) At your most recent session the client's mom started to ask you about this new diet where you
only eat sunflower seeds. The mom said she read about it on the internet and saw a video
claiming the diet could help cure autism. The mom asks for your opinion. What is the best
course of action?
a) Tell her you don't have an opinion on the diet, and refer her to your supervisor.
b) Tell her how ridiculous she sounds
c) Explain to her that you aren't familiar with that diet, but you know of other diets that could
d) Leave the case
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79) What is the best way to respond to feedback from your BCBA?
a) Engage in an arguement with your BCBA
b) Talk about your BCBA behind their back
c) Professionally. Use it to improve yourself, even if you don't agree with it.
d) Ignore it. What do they know?
84) Your client elopes 5 times per hour. What does this describe?
a) Frequency
b) IRT
c) Rate
d) Duration
85) You want to measure the time in between placing orders on amazon. What are you
a) Latency
b) IRT
c) Duration
d) Rate
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86) A client's mom reports to you that Abby tried 5 new foods since last session. What type of
measurement is this?
a) IRT
b) Duration
c) Frequency
d) Rate
87) If your client goes an entire week without calling his brother names, he earns a trip to game
works. What reinforcement procedure is this?
a) DRA
b) DRO
c) SR-
d) DRI
88) Your client is going on a golf trip to August National and invites you to tag along. Are you
allowed to go?
a) Yes, how could you pass that opportunity up?
b) Yes, as long as you clear it with your supervisor.
c) No, this violates dual relationships and is unethical
d) No, you aren't allowed to miss work
89) You and a client practice interview questions every session to prepare for his job interview.
During the job interview he is able to answer every question and gets the job. What has your
client demonstrated? btexamreview.com
a) Maintenance
b) Generilization
c) Shaping
d) Reinforcement
90) I want you to provide reinforcement every 5th response. What kind of schedule is this?
a) VR5
b) FR5
c) FR6
d) VI1
91) When Tammy throws a tantrum, mom takes away her Barbie Dolls, and the tantrums
decrease. What is happening?
a) Positive Reinforcement
b) Negative Reinforcement
c) Positive Punishment
d) Negative Punishment
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92) It took me 2 hours to get home from work today due to traffic. I also stopped and picked up
food on the way home, and went to the bank. What type of measurement did I use to measure
my car ride?
a) Duration
b) Frequency
c) IRT
d) Rate
93) At dinner, you make your Bumble date choose their favorite food: seafood or steak. What type
of preference assessment did you conduct?
a) Forced choice
b) Multiple stimulus with replacement
c) Multiple sitmulus without replacement
d) Natural assessment
94) Your session lasts 3 hours, but your BCBA asks you take data on one specific behavior for
only two 20 minute intervals per day. What type of measurement is this?
a) Continuous
b) Discontinuous
c) Duration
d) Frequency
95) It's nap time and I have 10 students in my class. Every 8 minutes I look up from my desk to
see who isn't sleeping. What btexamreview.com
type of measurement?
a) Momentary time sampling
b) Whole interval
c) Partial interval
d) Frequency
96) Your daughter gets home from art class and you ask her if she learned anything. She shows
you a beautiful painting of a house. What type of measurement are you using?
a) Duration
b) IRT
c) Permanent Product
d) Latency
97) During session, your client falls and bumps their head. A knot forms and the client needs to
see a doctor. What do you do?
a) Resign from your position
b) Inform your BCBA and follow company protocols
c) Try to hide the knot from the parents
d) Nothing. It wasn't your fault.
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98) I'm teaching my client to count to 10. I start by teaching them to count to 3, and reinforcing.
Then I reinforce only when they count to 7. Finally, I reinforce only when they get all the way
to 10. What am I doing?
a) Chaining
b) Shaping
c) Measurement
d) NET
100) While your supervisor is out of town, she asks you to conduct a functional analysis on your
client. What should you do?
a) Do the functional analysis. You are well trained.
b) Report your BCBA to the board.
c) Quit your job.
d) Decline to do the functional analysis. You are not suited to do an FA alone as an RBT.