FH: 29 cm
EFW 2635 g by Johnson’s rule;
2500-2700 g by palpation
FHT: 140s
IE: cervix closed
GYNE 3 Nulligravid BPR 130-150/70-90 DASH diet with SAPIVF: CBC with PC
BARTOLOME, GRACEL AUB – L, M BP 130/70 IVF: PNSS 1L x KVO while Date Hgb Hct WBC S L M E Plt
AMATORIO Anemia severe secondary HR 97 on BT 06/1 0.20
39 to acute blood loss RR 20 (+) O2 support via nasal 6.6 L 8.4 60 31 8 1 506 H
7 L
NYC Hypertension st II, unknown T 36.7 cannula at 2-3LPM
control (+) cardiac monitor
06/17/2024 Overweight I: 480 (+) IFC
Date Sugar Protein WBC RBC Epithelial Bacteria Leukocyte
3932717 O: 350
06/17 Neg Neg 2.7 4.4 28.5 10.6 neg
Dr. Palomares/Tungcul, Previous total
Ballesteros (TL), de Paz/Pesigan, thyroidectomy (2017, Wt: 57kg Chemistry
Posadas/Vito, Jasarino Chong Hua Hospital Cebu) Ht: 155cm Date BUN Crea AST ALT Na K Cl Hba1c
BMI: 23.72kg/m2 06/17 2.93 55.86 20.18 14.59 139.74 3.90 108.74 4.90
(Overweight) Coagulation studies
Date PT %activity INR aPTT
Anemia severe secondary to Ongoing BT of 1u pRBC 06/17 11.7 103.3 1.04 28.7 L
acute blood loss Diphenhydramine 50mg Ferritin (6/17/24 OSMAK): 10.10 L Anemia severe secondary to acute blood loss
(+) pallor TIM 30 mins prior to BT – Reticulocyte count (06/17): 3.5 H Ongoing BT of 1u pRBC (TE: 0530H)
(+) dizziness given 12L ECG(06/17): Sinus tachycardia, t wave inversion on lead VI, nonspecific twave changes in lead III For BT of 3u PRBC properly typed and cross
(+) generalized weakness Paracetamol 300mg TIV Pregnancy test (06/17): Negative matched to run 4hrs with interval of 2 hours
pale palpebral conjunctivae 30mins prior to BT Imaging (1130H)
Calcium gluconate 10% Chest Xrayi c/o Dr. Torres no acute opacities, probable cardiomegaly For repeat CBC 6hours post BT of 2 units pRBC
10cc SIVP post BT of 3u TVS UTZ (June 17, 2024, MEGASON) .99 and 3.27 x 2.95 x 4.04, respectively.
PRBC Several cystic foci are seen in the cervix, largest meas 0.68cm
R ovary: 2.35 x 1.2 x 1.66cm vol 2.44
L ovary: 1.69 x 1.77 x 1.66cm vol 2.59cc
No adnexal masses seen
Posterior cul de sac intact
Hypertension st II, unknown Losartan 50mg/tab 1 Uterine myomas (FIGO 5) Hypertension st II, unknown control
control tablet per orem once a Thick hyperechoic endometrium BP monitoring and control
(-) dizziness day (AM) Unremarkable ovaries
(-) headache Amlodipine 5mg/tab 1 Nabothian cysts
(-) blurring of vision tablet per orem once a
day (PM)
Ferrous Sulfate
Gyne wise 325mg/tab, 1 tab twice a Gyne wise
(+) vaginal bleeding day – HOLD for now while For anemia correction; possible endometrial
(-) severe hypogastric pain on BT biopsy once anemia corrected
Paracetamol + Tramadol Pad counting qshift
LMP: June 4-present 325mg/37.5mg/tab, 1 tab
PMP: May 10-15 per orem every 8hrs as
PMP: April 19-24 needed for pain
PMP: March 18-22 Tranexamic Acid 1g SIVP
every 8 hours for 24
Abdomen soft flabby, non- hours, then as needed for
tender, no palpable masses, profuse vaginal bleeding
no muscle guarding
SE: cervix pale, posterior, no
lesions, scanty bleeding per os
IE: cervix closed, firm 3x3cm,
posterior, no cervical motion
tenderness, uterus slightly
enlarged to 10 weeks size, no
adnexal mass nor tenderness
RVE: no skin tags, no anal
fissures, (+) good sphincteric
tone, no mass, free
parametria, no blood per
examining finger
OB Ward
OB 2 G4P4 (4004) Pregnancy Uterine BP 110/70 DM diet CBC NICU for poor
SIMBULAN, ABIGAEL ORANO Delivered Term Cephalic HR 93 Date Hgb Hct WBC S L M E Plt APGAR score
27 Live Baby Girl RR 20 06/15 9.3 0.27 13.9 72 22 5 1 298 -> EINC
YC AS 3,5,7 BW 2.93kg BL 48cm MI T 37.0 06/13 11.8 0.34 9.7 66 27 6 1 313
37 weeks, AGA O+/NR A 0-0-1
06/13/2024 Gestational Diabetes Mellitus, Urinalysis P 2-2-2
3810767 insulin requiring G 0-1-1
Date Sugar Protein WBC RBC Epithelial Bacteria
Dr. Calo/ Tungcul, Bacterial vaginosis, ongoing A 1-1-1
06/13 Neg Neg 0.2 0.3 10.2 5.0
Ballesteros(TL)/ Gavino/ De tresatment R 0-1-2
75-g OGTT (4/28/24, MakatiLife)@ 28 weeks
Guia, Gallano/ Alzaga, Tiongson Previous LTCS x 2 (I for Gestational Diabetes Regular Insulin sliding scale –
FBS 90.24
prolonged deceleration phase Mellitus, insulin requiring HOLD Gestational Diabetes Mellitus, IUD
1st hr 215.28 H
0530H/0844H (-) polyphagia 110-150 2 units insulin requiring
with failure in decent, Category 2nd hr 139.93 H
EBL 1100cc (-) polydipsia 151-200 4 units CBG TIDACHS – discontinued
II tracing, 2014 OSMAK; II for HbA1c (06/13): 5.18%
(-) polyuria 201-250 6 units For 75 g OGTT 4-12 weeks
repeat, 2019 OSMAK) Ferritin (06/13): 103.2
See table 251-300 8 units postpartum
> 300 10 units
By Emergency LTCS III for repeat Vaginal discharge KOH (06/13): Negative
Endo notes (06/16)
with adhesiolysis and IUD CBG monitoring
Noted for discharge planning, no
insertion under CLEA (6/15/24) Date 0100H 0500H 0900H 1300H 1700H 1800H 2100H objection endo wise if for
06/17 107 DISCONTINUED discharge
06/16 98 107 102 105 For 75g OGTT 6 weeks post
06/15 95 106 102 117 partum
G4P4 (4004) 06/14 193 129 168 101 101 - -
s/p E LTCS III Day 3
Bacterial Vaginosis Metronidazole 500mg 1 tab 06/13 83 108 Bacterial Vaginosis
Gestational Diabetes Mellitus,
(-) foul smelling discharge every 12 hours for 7 days (D3) For completion of antibiotics
(-) pruritus
Bacterial vaginosis, ongoing
OB wise
Still for discharge (philhealth)
Previous LTCS x 2 (I for
OB wise Cefuroxime 500mg/tab 1
prolonged deceleration phase
(-) severe hypogastric pain tablet every 12 hours to
(-) profuse vaginal bleeding complete for 7 days
with failure in decent, Category
(+) flatus Mefenamic acid 500mg/tab 1
II tracing, 2014 OSMAK; II for
(+) BM tablet every 8 hours as
repeat, 2019 OSMAK)
needed ord pain
Ferrous sulfate 325mg/tab 1
tablet 2x/day
Tranexamic acid 1g TIV every
8 hours x 24hours- given
OB 3 G2P2(2002) Pregnancy Uterine BP 100/70 DAT CBC with PC NICU for
BACOD, ABBEGUEL DE PABLO Delivered term cephalic HR 89 IVF: D5LR 1L + 10u oxytocin x Date Hgb Hct WBC S L M E Plt maternal
24 Live baby girl RR 20 30gtts/min illness
YC AS 9,9 BW 3.17 kg BL 53 cm MI T 36.3 06/17 11.1 0.33 22.1 H 93 H 3 4 315 (GDM, UTI)
39 weeks AGA 06/16 11.9 0.36 13.8 78 15 6 1 352 IUD
3932653 Gestational Diabetes Mellitus, B+/NR
DR. Ordono/ Tungcul/ newly diagnosed Urinalysis
Gavino(TL)/ Gauiran Gallano/ Urinary tract infection Date Sugar Protein WBC RBC Epithelial Bacteria Gestational Diabetes Mellitus,
Alzaga Tiongson Gestational Diabetes None for now 06/ 16 NEG NEG 1.8 5.3 57.3 H 1218.7 H newly diagnosed
By Normal spontaneous Mellitus, newly diagnosed 06/16 NEG NEG 1.8 4.6 48.3 8282.6 H CBG TID ACHS
delivery; right mediolateral (-) polyphagia For 75g OGTT 4-12 weeks post
FBS (05/02, Satellite Lab) @ 33 weeks – 98.58
episiotomy and repair under (-) polydipsia partum
HbA1c (06/16/24) 5.15%
local anesthesia (06/17/2024) (-) polyuria
Ferritin (06/16/24): 20.23
See CBG table Urinary Tract Infection
ESR (06/17): 35 H Completion of antibiotics
CRP (06/17): >10.00 H
Urinary Tract Infection Cefuroxime 500mg tab 1 tab
CBG monitoring
(-) dysuria every 12 hours x 7 days
(-) hematuria 0500 1100H 1300H 1700H 2100H OB Wise
Date 0800H
(-) fever H Continue present medications,
06/17 99 78 79 88 144 monitoring, and management
06/16 91 For possible discharge today
OB Wise Mefenamic acid 500mg/tab 1
No profuse vaginal bleeding tablet every 8 hours as
No severe hypogastric pain needed for pain
Ferrous sulfate 325mg/tab 1
tablet 2x/day
OB 4 G1P1(1001) Pregnancy Uterine BPR 130-140/80-90 LSLF diet CBC with PC EINC
CADAYONA, APRIL REGINE Delivered term cephalic BP 130/90 IVF: D5LR 1L + 10u oxytocin x Date Hgb Hct WBC S L M E Plt DMPA
PATLONAG Live baby girl HR 89 30gtts/min
06/16 15.5 0.44 7.8 67 23 7 3 284
24 AS 9,9 BW 2.84 kg BL 50 cm MI RR 20
YC 38 weeks AGA T 36.6 B+/NR
Gestational Hypertension Coagulation Test
311983 Date PT % Act INR APTT
06/16/24 By Normal spontaneous delivery Gestational hypertension Nifedipine 30mg/tab once a 06/16 11.9 101.6 1.06 30.8
Dr. Palomares/Tungcul/ ;Right mediolateral episiotomy (-) headache day Urinalysis Gestational hypertension
Gavino(TL)/Gallano and repair under SAB anesthesia (-) dizziness Date Sugar Protein WBC RBC Epithelial Bacteria For BP monitoring and control
Gauiran/Alzaga Tiongson (06/17/2024) (-) chest pain 06/17 Neg Trace 1.8 0.3 23.8 2.5
(-) DOB/ SOB 06/16 Neg Neg 0.8 29.6 61.6 H 149.3 H
(-) vomiting Chemistry
06/16 1.42 L 43.94 L 234.52 17.96 12.30
Ferritin (06/16/24): 102.0
24 hour urine protein (6/6/24, Micromedic Laboratory): 133.8
OB Wise Cefuroxime 500mg/tab 1
No profuse vaginal bleeding tablet every 12 hours to
No severe hypogastric pain complete for 7 days OB Wise
Paracetamol + Tramadol 325 Continue present medications,
mg/37.5 mg/tab 1 tablet monitoring, and management
06/17 2030H every 8 hours as needed for Referred to IM-Neuro (Dr.
(+) numbness of upper pain Pagarigan), awaiting notes
extremities Ferrous Sulfate 325mg/tab 1 [ ] Na, K, Cl – for extraction
(-) weakness tablet twice a day to
complete for 90 days
Patient is Oriented to 3
spheres, follows commands
II, III: (+) 3mm EBRTL
III, IV, VI: (+) EOMs, primary
gaze midline
V: V1-V3 intact; (+) visual
VII: facial asymmetry, right
VIII: (+) gross hearing
IX, X: Can swallow
XI: Good shoulder shrug
XII: tongue midline
RUE 5/5 LUE 5/5
RLE 5/5 LLE 5/5
80% 80%
100% 100%
OB 5 G1P1(1001) Pregnancy Uterine BP 120/70 Soft Diet then DAT once with CBC with PC EINC
ACUÑA Term cephalic, live baby boy RR 20 D5LR 1L x 30gtts/min 0.26
25 AS 9,9 BW 3.4kg BL 52 cm MI 39 T 36.9 06/16 8.6 L 14.0 82 11 6 1 194
NYC weeks AGA
06/16 10.7 0.32 9.4 62 23 9 6 249
Anemia Moderate secondary to
acute blood loss Anemia Moderate secondary Iron Sucrose drip: Iron B+/NR Anemia Moderate secondary to
3932202 Urinalysis
to acute blood loss Sucrose 2amps + PNSS 100 cc acute blood loss
06/16/2024 Date Sugar Protein WBC RBC Epithelial Bacteria
By Emergency LTCS I for arrest (-) pallor x FD - given Continue monitoring and
Dr. Odevilas/Tungcul, Go/ Reyes 06/16 Neg 3+ 2.7 20.5 26.7 60.0
in cervical dilatation under CLEA (-) DOB/ SOB Ferrous sulfate 325mg/tab 1 management
(TL), Roque (p) /Posadas,
(06/16/24) Pink palpebral conjunctivae tablet 2x/day Ferritin 06/16 263 H
OB wise
0747H/ 0848H
G1P1(1001) OB wise For possible discharge today
EBL: 700cc
s/p LTCS I for arrest in cervical No profuse vaginal bleeding
dilatation Day 2 No severe hypogastric pain Cefuroxime 500mg/tab 1
Anemia Moderate secondary to (+) Flatus tablet every 12 hours to
acute blood loss (-) BM – bisacodyl given complete for 7 days
Mefenamic acid 500mg/tab 1
tablet every 8 hours as
needed for pain
Findings suggestive of bilateral tubo-ovarian complexes. Cannot entirely rule out ectopic pregnancy.
Enlarged anteverted uterus with non-thickened endometrium
Unremarkable sonogram of the cervix
Enlarged uterus 8.61 x 7.32 x 9.32 cm
Thickened endo (3.76 cm) with minimal color flow (Color score 2)
NO GS at the time of exam
RO 2.97 x 2.02 x 2.55 cm with follicles less than 10mm
Right adnexa superior and lateral to the RO is an elongated cystic mass with complete and incomplete septations
6.99 x 5.20 x 7.23 containing sonolucent fluid, consider hydrosalpinx
TVS UTZ c/o OB sono (05/27,
LO 2.99 x 1.61 x 2.24 with follicles less than 10mm
Enlarged uterus
Thickened endometrium
Consider retained products of conception
Normal sized ovaries
Right adnexal mass consider hydrosalpinx
OB 13 G3P2 (1011) Pregnancy Uterine BP 90/60 Soft diet to full diet CBC/PC n/a
MAHINAY, KIMBERLLY 21 1/7 weeks AOG by PR 80 IVF: D5LR 1L x KVO Date Hgb Hct WBC S L M E Plt
FELIZARIO ultrasound breech in threatened RR 20 Isoxsuprine drip – to consume 06/14 10.8 0.31 9.8 72 17 8 3 318
26 preterm labor T 36.6 then d/c 06/07 12.0 0.35 11.9 76 13 9 2 362
YC Acute appendicitis O+/HbsAg NR/RPR NR
I: 3390 Urinalysis
3771333 s/p Appendectomy, s/p Failed O: 2400
Date Sugar Protein WBC RBC Epithelial Bacteria
06/14/24 Non operative treatment for
06/15 NEG TRACE 1.4 2.7 17.7 2.9
Dr. Odevilas/ Tungcul, acute appendicitis (06/16/2024) Ht: 149.8 cm
06/07 NEG NEG 1.2 2.0 20.6 24.8
Ballesteros, De Paz/ Gavino(TL)/ Day 2 Wt: 40kg
Gauiran, Pesigan/ Jasarino, Vit BMI: 18.02 kg/m2 Coagulation studies
O Date PT % Activity INR APTT
06/14 11.7 103.3 1.04 33.5
2159H/ 2250H Chemistry
Minimal Date Crea Na K
06/15 41.30 135.19 3.55
Acute appendicitis SHIFT Cefoxitin 2g IV loading Ferritin (06/07, OsMak): 14.40 Acute appendicitis
(-) fever dose then 1g IV every 8 hours HbA1c (06/07/24): 5.01% Continue antibiotic treatment
(-) recurrence of vomiting to Cefuroxime 500 mg/tab 1 Vaginal discharge KOH (06/07/24) NEGATIVE Pelvic MRI was deferred
tenderness Paracetamol 500 mg/tab 1 Imaging Surgery (06/17/24)
(-) vomiting tab every 4 hours Pelvic + Focused RLQ UTZ SLIUP varying lie, 15 weeks and 4 days; EFW 132 grams. FHT 146 beats/minute; Placenta maturity is grade 0 located at the May have soft diet to full diet
(06/14/24, OSMAK) initial anterior upper portion of the uterus; SDP 3.07 cm Dec IVF to KVO
c/o Dr. San Pedro RLQ Findings: Shift IV meds to oral
Scanning of the right lower quadrant shows fecal filled bowel segments. 1. Cefuroxime 500 mg/tab 1 tab
The visualized appendix is non-compressible measuring 0.5 cm in its maximum diameter. Few appendicoliths are identified with BID
sizes ranging from 0.3 cm to 0.4 cm. Periappendiceal fluid is evident. 2. Paracetamol 500 mg/tab 1 tab
OB Wise Multivitamins 500mg/tab, 1 No solid, cystic, or complex lesion identified. every 4 hours
No hypogastric pain tab once a day Impression: Acute appendicitis with appendicoliths COD done
No vaginal bleeding Ferrous sulfate 325mg/tab, 1 Pelvic + focused UTZ SLIUP, variable presentation, 106g, 150bpm, Anterior grade 0 placenta, SVP 4.1cm Encourage early ambulation
(+) Flatus tab twice a day (06/07/24, OSMAK) The uterus is anteverted and measures 11.6 x 9.3 x 10.6 cm. The cervix is closed and normal in size measuring 3.9 x 4.4 x 4.8 For possible discharge tom GS
(+) BM Calcium carbonate cm. wise
500mg/tab,1 tab twice a day The right ovary is normal in size measuring 2.3 x 1.7 x 1.7 cm (volume of 3.4 ml).
G3P2 (1011) The left ovary is likewise normal in size measuring 3.8 x 1.8 x 2.8 cm (volume of 10.2 ml)
LMP: February 20,2024 OB Wise
AOG: No posterior-cul-de-sac fluid noted to the extent visualized. For COD today
16w6d AOG by LMP RLQ Findings: Monitor FHT q4h
21w2d AOG by UTZ Fecal filled bowel segments are seen in the right lower quadrant and bilateral adnexal regions precluding adequate evaluation. Monitor VS q4 I&O qshift
(UTZ: 03/11, 7w) Appendix is not visualized. WOF: severe hypogastric pain,
No complex masses or abnormal fluid collections to the extent visualized. profuse vaginal bleeding,
Slightly globular, nontender Intraoperative Findings: regularly uterine contractions,
FHT: 140s Appendix 5cm x 0.7cm, in suppurative state w/ engorged vessels, oriented posterior to ileocecal junction. Distal half thicker than proximal half. No perforations febrile episode, vomiting, severe
IE: cervix closed noted abdominal pain
EBL: Minimal
OB 17 G2P2 (2002) Pregnancy Uterine BPR 140/70-90 DASH diet CBC with PC DMPA
DAYAPDAPAN, JENNELYN Delivered term, cephalic, live BP 140/80 IVF: PNSS 1L x 90 cc/hr Date Hgb Hct WBC S L M E Plt NICU for LBW
NILLAS baby girl MAP 146/76 IVF: MgSO4 drip –
06/17 12.5 0.36 18 85 10 5 91 L
36 AS 9,9 BW 1.79 kg BL 43 cm MI HR 83 (completed 06/17)
YC 38 weeks SGA RR 20 (+) IFC 06/17 13.1 0.38 17.5 81 12 7 70 L
Pre-eclampsia with severe T 36.8 06/16 14.3 0.42 29.4 89 6 5 185
06/16/2024 features 06/16 13.0 0.38 18.5 71 21 7 1 237
3932513 Complete HELLP syndrome
Dr. Canaveral/Tungcul, Go/ Gestational Diabetes Mellitus, None for now
Reyes (TL), Roque (p) /Posadas, diet controlled Gestational Diabetes Gestational Diabetes Mellitus,
Date Sugar Protein WBC RBC Epithelial Bacteria
Tugado/Kadappurath Elderly Gravid Mellitus, diet controlled diet controlled
No polydipsia 06/16 NEG 2+ 2.0 36.3 8.4 4.6 CBG TIDACHS
By Normal Spontaneous No polyuria Chemistry For 75g OGTT after 4-12 weeks
Delivery; Right Mediolateral No polyphagia AST ALT BUA Na K CL Total Direct Indirect post-partum
Date BUN Crea LDH Amylase
Episiotomy with repair under Bilirubin Bilirubin Bilirubin
local anesthesia (06/16/2024) 2041.12 194.58 159.89
06/18 53.98 84.86
H Complete HELLP syndrome
Complete HELLP syndrome Dexamethasone 10mg TIV 2147.48 275.73 175.32 135.73 19.28 8.04 H 11.24 For daily CBC and AST ALT LDH,
06/17 58.89
G2P2 (2002); S/P NSD with (-) gum bleeding every 12 hours (D1) H H H creatinine
RMLE Day 2 (-) headache 2534.86 536.55 213.13 128.10 3.93 99.19 For Dexamethasone 10mg ITV
06/17 57.74
Gestational Diabetes Mellitus, (-) chest pain H H H L every 12 hours until platelet is
diet controlled (-) DOB/ SOB 294.23 168.85 358.77 >100,000
06/16 2.53 52.28 927.28
Pre-eclampsia with severe H H
features 06/16/24 2200H gum IM Hema (06/17)
Elderly Gravid bleeding Stat CBC Coagulation studies Dx: CBC monitoring as ordered
Tranexamic Acid 1gm Date PT % Activity INR APTT every 12 hours to include PBS on
06/17 12.1 100 1.08 30.3 next extraction
Clotting Time; 3 Tx:
Bleeding Time: 2 STANDBY Tranexamic acid 1 500
Tronponin I (06/16/24)– 0.23 mg TIV q8 for bleeding (gum
Pre-eclampsia with severe Nifedipine 30mg tab OD ECG (06/16/24)– - Normal Sinus Rhythm bleeding, epistaxis, melena, etc)
features Hydralazine 5mg TIV now Ferritin (06/15) 191.40 H Relay to duty MROD once with
(-) dizziness then 10mg 75g OGTT (March 16 2024) at 26 weeks repeat CBC and other workups
(-) headache TIV q30min PRN for BP OGTT 77.14
(-) blurring of vision >=160/100 1hr OGTT 182.99 H IM Gastro (06/17)
(-) epigastric pain (Max of 25mg/24 hrs) 2hr OGTT 150 DX: AST,ALT monitoring as
For MgSo4 drip completion CBG monitoring ordered to include lipid profile –
06/16/24 1300H (+) MgSO4 4g LD Date 0500H 1100H 1700H 2100H done
Epigastric pain with acid 06/17 160 155 134 113 Tx:
reflux ECG (NSR), Troponin I START essential phospholipid 2
170 127 120 111
(0.23) 06/16 caps 3x/day if ok with main
Omeprazole 40mg TIV service
given relieved WOF: epigastric pain, RUQ pain
OB wise
Continue present medications
and management
For assessment every 4 hours c/o
OB 23 G3P2 (2002) Pregnancy Uterine BPR 100-110/60-70 LSLF diet with SAP CBC/PC n/a
CABUENAS, JENELYN ABEÑON 29 3/7 weeks AOG by LMP BP 110/70 Heplock Date Hgb Hct WBC S L M E Plt
32 transverse not in labor HR 80 06/11 11.9 0.34 12.7 82 13 5 - 245
YC Intrauterine growth restriction RR 20 *1u pRBC secured c/o Maam
Deep Vein Thrombosis T 36.8 05/30 13.0 0.38 74 18 7 1 - 276 Sarah
286599 Chronic Hypertension 05/11 12.0 0.35 9.5 74 15 9 2 278
04/24/24 Chronic Active Hepatitis B I: 1300 05/08 11.1 0.32 11.1 67 25 7 1 269 Chronic Hypertension
Dr. Palomares, Castro/Tungcul, infection, high infectivity O: 1050
05/04 11.7 0.33 9.7 64 24 9 1 281 For BP monitoring and control
Ballesteros, De Paz (TL) / Hepatitis A infection
Gauiran, Posadas, Myoma Uteri Chronic Hypertension Methyldopa 250mg 1 tab BID 04/29 12.2 0.36 9.3 75 16 6 3 280
Deep Vein Thrombosis
Gallano*/Alzaga, Kadappurath t/c Anxiety disorder (-) BOV ISDN 5mg/tab, 1 tab SL as 04/20 11.2 0.34 9.0 67 24 7 2 277
Well’s score 5
Vaginal Candidiasis, resolved (-) headache needed for chest pain B+/R
VTE score 1
(-) dizziness Urinalysis
IM Cardio 06/17/2024
(-) chest pain Date Sugar Protein WBC RBC Epithelial Bacteria Continue Enoxaparin 8000units
05/11 Neg Neg 0-2 0-2 Mod Rare SQ BID
(-) vomiting
05/03 neg neg 0.9 0.4 13.7 27.7 Compression stockings 12hrs on
and 12 hours off
Deep Vein Thrombosis Enoxaparin 8000 units SC 2x a 04/29 Neg Neg 2.1 0.9 26.5 40.9
Well’s score 5 day 04/24 Neg Neg 3.1 0.5 51.2 233.1 H Surgery (06/12/24)
VTE score 1 Chemistry: Continue present management
(+) swelling of the leg and
Date BUN BUA Crea Na K T Ca Mg AST ALT Trop I FBS HBA1c Provide adequate analgesia
thigh, left
Still for IVC filter insertion at
(-) direct tenderness 06/11 2.43 43.76 133.62 L 3.90 12.20 15.45
institution of choice (PGH)
(-) warm to touch, left leg 46.22 134.97 L 4.05 0.80
05/30 2.27 No active management TCVS-
(-) red/discoloration on the
05/15 2.62 46.02 134.63L 3.9 0.73 wise, respectfully signing out
affected leg
Refer back as needed
(-) shortness of breathing 05/08 2.61 45.74
(-) pain on deep breathing
05/05 75.06 4.94 IM Vascular (06/14/2024)
(-) pain/tenderness on the
Continue Enoxaparin 8000 units
affected leg when 04/29 2.76 50.52 131.9 L 3.93 2.34 0.68
SC 2x a day
04/20 2.25 325.07 46.27 10.58 12.59 0.37 Continue application of
(-) sensory loss
Coagulation studies compression stockings (12 hours
(+) good lower extremity
on, 12 hours off)
pulses (posterior popliteal, Date PT % Activity INR APTT
Refer accordingly
posterior tibial, dorsalis pedis 06/10 12.0 100.8 1.07 27.3
05/08 12.0 100.8 1.07 26.3 Anesthesiology notes (06/09)
04/20 11.7 103.3 1.04 24.9 L Referred last night at 6pm via
D-dimer (03/01/24): >3000 (H) phone call by Dr. Pesigan
Hepatitis profile (04/05/24) No clinical referral sheet as of
now, still awaiting
Noted history and labs
Anti-HAV REACTIVE Please secure 1u pRBC properly
Anti-HAV IgM NONREACTIVE typed and crossmatched and 1u
Anti-HCV NONREACTIVE pRBC as standby for possible OR
Please secure second IV line on
Anti-HBc IgM NONREACTIVE contralateral arm then heplock if
Anti-HBs NONREACTIVE Please discontinue enoxaparin 24
hours prior to OR
**Referred back to Dr Dalmacion
Chronic Active Hepatitis B No meds for now 12L ECG (clinical referral given) –
infection, high infectivity 04/26 Normal sinus rhythm previously attached to chart
Hepatitis A infection
04/23 Normal sinus rhythm
(-) icteric sclerae/jaundice
Vaginal GS/KOH 05/03/2024: Positive; Chronic Active Hepatitis B
(-) abdominal pain
known Hep B since 2011
Imaging For HBV DNA viral load c/o
BPS + Doppler SLIUP, transverse, 26 weeks and 6 days; 969g , 132bpm outside institution -refused,
velocimetry Adequate amniotic fluid volume, 6.33cm waiver secured
(06/14/24) Fundal, grade II placenta
The estimated fetal weight is less than 2nd percentile (Hadlock) and less than the 10th by Colorado, findings suggestive of fetal growth GASTRO 04/25/2024
restriction. Known to service from previous
CPR: 1.956 admission
The doppler velocimetry showed normal indices of UMA and MCA with CPR >1 (1.956), suggestive of adequate fetomaternal perfusion. Still for HBV DNA
BPS: 8/8 No medications for now
Contact precaution
Pelvic UTZ c/o SLIUP, 25w2d, Breech, 127bpm,SDP: 5.69, 777g, Fundal Grade II placenta
OB Sono Impression: No active gastro management,
respectfully signing out of this
(06/03/24) *Estimated fetal weight is below the 10th percentile of the established gestational age, suggest serial growth monitoring.
t/c Anxiety disorder case
*Fetal face cannot be fully assessed due to unfavorable fetal position
(-) difficulty of sleeping Refer back once with HBV DNA
(-) palpitation None for now Venous duplex Vein diameter (cm): Left result
(-) DOB Scan Greater saphenous vein (above knee): 0.22 Thank you
(-) chest pain (05/31/24 Greater saphenous vein (below knee): 0.19
05/11 0830H DOB (no OSMAK) Greater saphenous vein (ankle): 0.15 t/c Anxiety disorder
triggering factors) Lesser saphenous vein: 0.26 MHU (06/12)
Saphenofemoral junction: 1.31 Patient comfortable, no pain at
Vaginal Candidiasis, resolved The left common femoral vein, superficial femoral vein, deep femoral vein and popliteal veins are now partially compressible. The left the moment
(-) white frothy discharge saphenofemoral junction and greater saphenous vein are now compressible with intraluminal medium level echoes. The left posterior tibial Continue management
(-) perceived uterine and peroneal veins are now compressible.
contractions Metronidazole + Miconazole No significant varicosities seen.
(-) foul smelling discharge 750/200mcg/tab, 1 tab once The lesser saphenous vein again has thickened walls with calcifications. Vaginal Candidiasis, resolved
a day before bedtime The previously noted cobblestoning along the subcutaneous region of the popliteal region extending to the ankle is no longer evident. No active management
OB wise (completed 05/13) Impression
Good fetal movement - Interval regression of findings suggestive of venous thrombosis, as detailed above. OB wise
(-) perceived uterine - Unchanged thickened wall with calcifications, left lesser saphenous vein. Definitive plan:
contractions - Resolution of subcutaneous edema, popliteal down to the ankle region For readmission to PGH at 36
(-) watery/bloody vaginal Multivitamins + amino acid CAS (05/13 SLIUP, 22w4d, breech, AHL grade I, 150bpm, SDP 2.89cm, 547g weeks for possible IVC filter
discharge tab 1 tab 2x daily OSMAK) The estimated fetal weight is below the 10th percentile of the established gestational age, suggest serial growth monitoring. insertion (for reassessment if still
Ferrous sulfate 325mg/tab 1 Limited congenital anomaly scan showed no gross congenital anomaly seen at the time of scan (Face not fully assessed due to unfavorable warranted)
G3P2 (2002) tab twice a day fetal position); Suggest re-evaluation of the fetal face. For vacuum delivery, but for
LMP: November 25, 2023 Calcium 500mg/tab 1 tab 2x a Chest xray No significant chest findings delivery anytime if with
AOG: day (05/11) fetomaternal indication such as
29 3/7 weeks by LMP Dexamethasone 6mg TIM recurrent severe hypertension,
Pelvic UTZ SLIUP, Breech presentation, 20 2/7 weeks AOG by BPD, 137bpm, 340g, AFI: 4.54cm, SDP: 4.54cm, Posterior High Lying gr 0
28 5/7 weeks (02/14; 10w6d) every TIM for 4 doses- progressive renal insufficiency,
completed(06/10) persistent thrombocytopenia,
FH 26cm Nifedipine 10mg/tab, TID for Pelvic UTZ SLIUP cephalic 17w1d 174 g 147 bpm SDP 3.8 cm AHL gr 1 pulmonary edema, eclampsia,
FHT: 140 bpm 48 hours – completed (04/01) suspected abruptio placenta,
IE: cervix closed, uterus Isoxuprine 10mg/tab, 1 tab Chest xray no active parenchymal opacities in both lungs. severe fetal growth restriction,
enlarged to AOG every 8 hours x7 days- (04/04) Pulmonary vascular markings are within normal limits. BPS 4/10 or less on at least 2
completed The heart is not enlarged. occasional 6 hours apart,
Both hemidiaphragms and costophrenic angles are intact. recurrent variable or late
Bony thorax is unremarkable. decelerations
Impression: No significant chest findings For NST BID
Venous duplex The left common femoral and proximal superficial femoral, visualized deep femoral, as well as the popliteal, posterior tibial and peroneal Monitor vsq4, FHTq6 and record
Scan veins are non-compressible now with intraluminal hyperechoic component and with absent color flow upon Doppler interrogation. The left Apply compression stockings at
(03/23/24) saphenofemoral junction and proximal greater saphenous vein are now also non-compressible and with intraluminal hyperechoic foci and all times
with absent color Doppler flow. PROD informed (Dr. Calacday)
The rest of the greater saphenous vein is non-dilated and compressible. No significant varicosities seen. AROD informed (Dr. Concepcion)
The lesser saphenous vein again has thickened walls with calcifications. WOF: severe hypogastric pain,
There is further decrease in the degree of cobblestoning of the subcutaneous region of the popliteal region down to the ankle. profuse vaginal bleeding, chest
Impression: pain, DOB/SOB, decreased fetal
- Interval evolution of findings suggestive of venous thrombosis, as detailed above. movement
- Thickened wall with calcifications, left lesser saphenous vein. Please measure calf
- Regression of subcutaneous edema, popliteal down to the ankle region circumference, thigh
circumference daily and record
Pelvic UTZ SLIUP, cephalic, 15w2d, AHL, G0, SDP 3.32cm, 118g, ; A hypoechoic focus is seen in the posterior wall of the uterus measuring 5.05 x 7.12 x
(03/16/2024) 6.03 cm, consider myoma uteri
Perinatology notes (06/15/24)
Venous duplex The left common femoral and entire superficial femoral and visualized deep femoral veins, as well as the popliteal, posterior tibial and Case referred back to
Scan peroneal veins are non-compressible with absent color flow upon Doppler interrogation. The proximal segment of the left saphenous vein is Perinatology service (dr. Castro)
(03/09/24) partially to non-compressible with thickened walls. Wall calcifications are seen in the lesser saphenous veins. LSLF diet
There is also no noted vascular flow in the visualized left external iliac vein. Heplock
The greater saphenous vein is non-dilated and compressible. No significant varicosities seen. No significant venous blood flow reflux seen Meds:
on maneuvers. 1. Continue Enoxaparin 80000 u
There are unenlarged left inguinal lymph nodes with intact fatty hila. SC BID
There is cobble stoning of the subcutaneous region of the proximal left thigh down to the distal leg. 2.Continue present medications
- Consider venous-occlusive disease or thrombosis, left common femoral, entire superficial femoral, visualized deep femoral, popliteal, Daily body and perineal hygiene
posterior tibial, peroneal and proximal lesser saphenous veins. Monitor VS every 4 hours I and O
- Consider venous-occlusive disease or thrombosis, left external iliac vein. every shift
- Wall calcifications, left lesser saphenous vein. Continue compression stockings
- Subcutaneous edema, proximal left thigh down to the distal leg 12 hours on and 12 hours off
- Unenlarged left inguinal lymph nodes NST BID
WOF: decrease fetal movement,
TVS UTZ Uterus is anteverted and enlarged measuring 9.63 x 8.79 x 1.67 cm. Myometrial echopattern is homogeneous. A hypoechoic focus
watery or bloody vaginal
(2/14/24, emanating posterior shadowing is noted in the posterior wall measuring 7.19 x 4.60 x 4.79 cm (FIGO 5: subserosal; ≥ 50% intramural)
OSMAK) There is a gestational sac measuring 5.25 x 6.58 x 2.52 with mean sac diameter measuring 4.78 compatible with 10 weeks and 2 days age of discharge, perceived
contractions, headache, nausea
gestation. Within is a single embryo with a crown-rump length of 4.01 cm compatible with 10 weeks and 6 days age of gestation. Good
and vomiting
cardiac activity noted at 171 beats/min.
There is no subchorionic hemorrhage.
Pending labs:
Cervix is long and closed measuring 4.37 x 4.55 x 3.65 cm with no demonstrable lesions.
[ ] For 2D echo at Makatilife on
The right ovary is normal in size measuring 4.38 x 1.73 x 3.15 cm (volume of 12.54 mL). A cystic focus is seen without surrounding
July 9,2024
vasculature measuring 1.27 x 1.14 x 1.51 cm.
[ ] Pelvic ultrasound (06/28)
The left ovary is obscured by bowel gas.
[ ] Ideally for 75g OGTT at 24-28
No definite lesion in both adnexa.
weeks - GA not amenable since
No definite evidence of fluid seen in the posterior cul-de-sac.
IMPRESSION: the patient is admitted
[x] HBV DNA-refused
Single live intrauterine pregnancy compatible with 10 weeks and 6 days age of gestation by crown-rump length.
[ ] To retrieve duplex scan result
EDD: September 5, 2024
done at PGH
Unremarkable sonogram of the cervix.
Normal-sized right ovary with physiologic cyst. Non-visualized left ovary
*Still processing aid from other
No evident posterior cul-de-sac fluid.
government institution for
guarantee letter
DSWD P5000
Date Interpretation BFHT Variability Acceleration Deceleration Contraction PCSO-rejected
06/18 AM Reactive 135-140 Moderate (+) (-) No contraction Office of VP- awaiting
06/17 PM Reactive 135-140 Moderate (+) (-) No contraction Bong Go- not available,
06/17 AM Reactive 135-140 Moderate (+) (-) No contraction
06/16 PM Reactive 140-145 Moderate (+) (-) No contraction
06/16 AM Reactive 130-135 Moderate (+) (-) No contractions
06/15 PM Reactive 135-140 Moderate (+) (-) No contractions
06/15 AM Reactive 135-140 Moderate (+) (-) No contractions
06/14 PM Reactive 140-145 Moderate (+) (-) No contractions
06/14 AM Reactive 135-140 Moderate (+) (-) No contractions
06/13 PM Reactive 140-145 Moderate (+) (-) No contractions
06/13 AM Reactive 140-145 Moderate (+) (-) No contractions
06/12 PM Reactive 140-145 Moderate (+) (-) No contractions
06/12 AM Reactive 140-145 Moderate (+) (-) No contractions
06/11 PM Reactive 140-145 Moderate (+) (-) No contractions
06/11 AM Reactive 145-150 Moderate (+) (-) No contractions
06/10 PM Reactive 140-145 Moderate (+) (-) No contractions
06/10 AM Reactive 145-150 Moderate (+) (-) No contractions
06/09 PM Reactive 135-140 Moderate (+) (-) No contractions
06/09 AM Reactive 140-145 Moderate (+) (-) No contractions
06/09 PM Reactive 145-150 Moderate (+) (-) No contractions
HR 5 G1P1 (1001) Pregnancy Uterine BPR 100-110/60-70 DASH diet CBC with PC NICU for
DEMAIN, RIZZA MAE CAHIMAT Delivered term cephalic BP 110/60 IVF: heplock, limit fluid intake Date Hgb Hct WBC S L M E Plt maternal
20 Live baby boy HRR 89-105 to 750 ml 06/1 illness
NYC AS 9,9 BW 2.34 kg BL 44 cm MI HR 89 Limit oral fluid intake to <750 10.7 0.32 20.9 H 88 H 6 5 1 246 (Gravidocardiac
38 weeks AGA RR 32 (30-36) m/day secondary to
316822 Gravidocardiac secondary to T 36.9 (+) cardiac monitor 10.7 0.32 12.7 79 14 6 1 249 Rheumatic
06/12/2024 Rheumatic Heart Disease Mitral O2 sat 95% at room air (+) IFC Heart Disease
Dr. Calo/Tungcul, Go/Roque Regurgitation, severe NYHA II 11.9 0.36 12.5 83 11 5 1 270 Mitral
(patho), Reyes(TL)/Posadas, WHO II I 590 Regurgitation,
Tugado/ Kadappurath Hospital acquired pneumonia O 2100 11.3 0.35 13.2 76 17 5 2 241 severe NYHA II
Hypokalemia secondary to poor WHO II)
1825H/1916H oral intake, corrected O+/NR FP: IUD
EBL 700 cc Urinalysis
By Emergency LTCS I with IUD Date Sugar Protein WBC RBC Epithelial Bacteria Leukocyte
insertion under GETA for 06/15 Neg Trace 0.5 6.9 10.8 7.1 Neg
maternal illness (impending 06/12 Neg Neg 0.9 0.8 18.9 2.7 Neg
respiratory failure secondary to Gravidocardiac secondary to Chemistry
Carvedilol 25mg/tab 1 tab 2x
pulmonary congestion Rheumatic Heart Disease Date RBS BUN BUA Crea AST ALT Alk phos Trop I Na K Cl Albumin
a day
secondary to heart failure) Mitral Regurgitation, severe 06/17 3.52
Furosemide 40 mg TIV once a
(6/12/24) NYHA II WHO II 06/16 6.82 43.87 L 133.10 L 3.40 L 35.18
(-) shortness of breath 06/12 4.25 2.87 371.38 H 40.11 L 18.94 10.18 223.50 H 0.65 H 135.80 L 3.89 104.85
Benzathine penicillin G 1.2M
(-) chest pain Coagulation studies
units IM every 21 days –
G1P1 (1001) s/p LTCS I with IUD (-) palpitations Date PT %activity INR aPTT Gravidocardiac secondary to
given next dose: July 4
insertion under GETA for (-) cough 06/12 12.1 100 1.08 27.6 L Rheumatic Heart Disease Mitral
maternal illness (impending Symmetrical chest expansion Ferritin (6/12/24 OSMAK): 66.40 Regurgitation, severe NYHA II
respiratory failure secondary to 12L ECG(06/12): Sinus tachycardia, t wave inversion on lead VI, nonspecific twave changes in lead III WHO II
pulmonary congestion Last episode of desaturation: Sputum CS (06/15/2024): SMEAR SHOWS FEW GRAM NEGATIVE BACILLI WITH FEW LEUKOCYTES AND OCCASIONAL EPITHELIAL CELLS. IM Cardio Notes (06/17)
secondary to heart failure) 6/15 2330H 75% 5LPM via COVID RAT (6/15): Negative Defer previous suggestion of 2D
Day 6 FM, high back rest 99% Thyoid function test (06/13, OsMak) echo
Gravidocardiac secondary to Referred to IM Cardio Since pt already had one done
TSH 2.00
Rheumatic Heart Disease Mitral last 06/03/24
FT3 2.42
Regurgitation, severe NYHA II Resume Furosemide 40 g TIV OD
Bactidol gargle 15mL for at FT4 0.90 L
WHO II Hospital acquired pneumonia next dose 06/18
least 45sec Imaging
t/c Community acquired (-) recurrence of febrile Continue Ceftazidime and
Ceftazidime 2g TIV every 12 Consider atelectasis versus consolidation pneumonia, right lower lung.
pneumonia – MR episode Carvedilol
hours (D2+1) Cardiomegaly with regression of pulmonary congestion and/or edema. Concomitant pneumonia cannot be
(+) decreased breath sound, CXR Official (06/15/24) Facilitate giving Ceftazidime
Paracetamol 300 mg IV every ruled out.
right lower lung O2 prn for dyspnea, desaturation
4 hours as needed for T > Unchanged subsegmental atelectasis, left lower lung
(+) occasional coughing < 94%
37.8 Follow-up was done on the same day (9:23 PM) now showing interval regression in the hazy opacities in both
(-) crackles on right middle lungs and less accentuation of the pulmonary vascular markings. Other findings are unchanged
lung Post-op Chest xray (06/13 OSMAK) Impression: Hospital acquired pneumonia
(-) tachypnea Cardiomegaly Referred back to IM Pulmo (Dr.
Regression of pulmonary congestion. Concomitant pneumonia cannot be totally ruled out. Pagarigan) – ABG results
Last febrile episode Present study shows interval increase in the hazy opacities in both lungs.
06/18 2200H 38.0 -> Pulmonary vascular markings are now more accentuated. IM Pulmo (06/16/24)
Paracetamol 300 mg TIV -> The heart is magnified but appears enlarged. Give Furosemide 40 mg TIV now
Chest xray (06/13 OSMAK)
37.5 Both hemidiaphragms and costophrenic angles are intact. Maintain O2 support >94 and
Bony thorax is unremarkable. titrate accordingly
Impression: Continue Ceftazidime
Cardiomegaly with progression of pulmonary congestion. Concomitant pneumonia cannot be totally ruled out.
2D Echo EF: 65% Teicholz 65% Simpsons
(6/3/24) Rheumatic heart disease
Moderate mitral stenosis with severe mitral regurgitation IM Endo (6/15/24)
Thickened aortic valve Noted TFT
Pulmonic regurgitation Palpitations not endocrine in
Hypokalemia secondary to Eccentric left ventricular hypertrophy with good motion, normal contractility and preserved global systolic origin given TFT
poor oral intake, corrected KCl tab 750mg tab 2 tabs function Palpitations likely cardiac
(-) body weakness every 4 hours x 2 cycles – Dilated left atrium Signing out
(-) leg pain completed Low likelihood of pulmonary HTN
[ ] TSR Sputum GS/CS ( submitted
at OSMAK 6/15)
Gyne 1 Nulligravid BP 120/80 Clear liquids with SAP CBC with PC
ESCIETE, MARIAFE GARA Ovarian new growth, right PR 82 IVF: Sterofundin 1L x 100cc/hr *Endorsed patient by Dr. Binay
Date Hgb Hct WBC S L M E Plt
52 probably benign RR 20 (+) IFC *with reserved blood products c/o Dr.
NYC Ovarian Torsion, right T 37.2 06/17 12.1 0.36 27 H 92 H 4 4 211 Binay – 2 crossmatched c/o Maam Me-
Myoma Uteri ann available
06/11 s/p
06/04/24 Blood transfusion of 1u I: 2985 12.0 0.36 10.4 84 12 3 1 192 *secured waiver that specimen is for
3931955 pRBC for anemia mild O: 2352 send out and is well explained to
Dr. Palomares/Tungcul, probably secondary to IJ output: 95 06/09 10.7 L 0.31 L 5.4 57 33 8 2 214 patient and relative
Go*/Reyes (TL)/Gallano, suboptimal intake, corrected
Gauiran/Kadappurath Hypokalemia secondary to 06/08 11.4 0.34 5.9 55 36 7 2 228
GI losses HT: 157cm
06/07 11.7 0.34 6.1 58 32 8 2 212
1308H/ 1528H Partial Gut Obstruction WT: 45kg
EBL 300 cc secondary to Intraabdominal BMI: 18.3 (underweight) 06/05 11.3 0.33 6.7 59 33 7 1 199
Abscess secondary to Grade
2 Rectal Injury 06/16/24 1900H Referred 06/04 12.6 0.37 9.7 70 23 7 0 258
for dec UO < 30cc/hr
s/p BT of 1u pRBC O+/NR
s/p Total Abdominal Anemia mild probably secondary to
Diphenhydramine 1am TIM Urinalysis
Hysterectomy, Bilateral Anemia mild probably suboptimal intake, corrected
prior to BT- given Date Sugar Protein WBC RBC Epithelial Bacteria
salpingoophorectomy under secondary to suboptimal s/p BT of 1u pRBC
06/05 NEG NEG 0.6 0.4 41.6 1.5
CLEA (06/10/2024) intake, corrected
Day 8 (-) pallor 06/04 NEG Trace 8.0 H 0.8 55.5 H 61.7 H
(-) dizziness Chemistry Hypokalemia secondary to GI losses
s/p Ultrasound-guided IJ (-) generalized body HbA1 Cl Mg Phos BUN ALB
Date BUA AST ALT Na K Crea
catheter insertion, Right weakness c Dr Violago updated
(06/17/2024) Pink palpebral conjunctiva 06/17 134.93 L 3.27 L 0.51 L 82.54 3.31 Please fast drip 300cc PLR
40mEq KCl in current IVF to run 06/16 137.32 4.17 0.67 84.42 5.17
s/p Emergency Exploratory Continue monitoring VS and UO Q1H
for 1 cycle only
Laparotomy, Drainage of Hypokalemia secondary to 06/15 22.69 17.25 91.14H 26.81L May use IJ Catheter for TPN, IVF, RT an
KCl drip 20meqs + 80cc PNSS to
Intraabdominal Abscess, GI losses 06/15 132.04 L 3.39 L 101.04 0.72 0.50 IV meds
run for 4 hours x 3 cycles –
Adhesiolysis, Primary Repair (-) weakness given 101.32 Please handle aseptically at all times
of Rectal Injury, Loop (-) tremors H Refer
Ileostomy, JP drain (-) numbness 06/13 134.58 L 3.10 L 101.31
Placement (06/17/2024) Motor 5/5 on all extremities 06/09 138.88 IM Nephro (06/15)
None for now 06/09 If anticipating prolonged NPO, suggest
ORS 1 sachet volume per 06/08 139.27 referral to NST
volume loss Vol per vol 06/05 247.46 5.07 23.08 19.34 IVF: D5LR 1L x 80cc/hour
replacement for vomiting/LBM Diagnostics: Repeat BUN, Crea, Na, K,
06/04 133.30 L 3.86 93.84 H 4.09
– HOLD Mg tomorrow (6/16)
Coagulation studies
Meds: Incorporate 40mEq KCl in curren
Date PT % Activity INR APTT
IVF to run for 1 cycle only
Partial Gut Obstruction 06/15 11.8 102.4 1.05 38.0
secondary to 06/05 11.2 107.7 0.99 37.5 IM NST 06/15
Intraabdominal Abscess Pregnancy Test (06/04/24): NEGATIVE Inquired pharmacy current available
secondary to Grade 2 COVID 19 RAT (06/04/24): NEGATIVE TPN is MG-TNA Pen (Vizcaya) 1400kcal
Rectal Injury 12L ECG (06/04/24): sinus bradycardia in 1920ml
(-) recurrence of vomiting Cefuroxime 500mg/tab, 1 tab Tumor Markers (06/05/2024): Since patient has been on NPO for 4
every 12 hours for 7 days Ca-125: 15.43 days intend to start patient on TCR
Last vomiting: 6/15 8AM Metronidazole 500mg TIV Ca-19-9: 9.92 1000kcal/ day (SF 20x50kg)
yellowish vomitus 1 cup, every 8 hours (D3+2) Papsmear (06/06): MILD TO MODERATE INFLAMMATION CONSISTENT WIH ACUTE CERVICOVAGINITIS Suggesting referral to Surgery service
Cefoxitin 1g TIV every 8 hours Vaginal Discharge KOH 06/04/24) NEGATIVE for TPN access creation
6/15 5am yellowish watery Ferrous sulfate 325mg/tab,1 Fecalysis (06/13): Dark mucoid, WBC 10-12, RBC 5-7, NO INTESTINAL PARASITE SEEN 1000kcal/day (SF 20x50 kg using MGtN
stool tab twice a day Intraabdominal abscess GS (06/17): MODERATE GRAM NEGATIVE BACILLI, FEW GRAM POSITIVE COCCI IN SINGLY, PAIRS AND CHAIN MODERATE LEUKOCYTES AND MODERATE Peri 1400kcal in 1920ml to run at
Celecoxib 200 mg/tab 1 tab as EPITHELIAL CELLS WITH PRESENCE OF FUNGAL ELEMENTS. 57ml/hr for 24 hours with the ff
Gyne Wise needed for pain Imaging incorporations:
(-) Severe hypogastric pain Metoclopramide 10mg TIV Abdominal x-ray initial (06/16) Unchanged caliber of bowel 1 amp Vit K, 1 amp MV, 1 vial trace
(-) Profuse vaginal bleeding every 8 hours round the clock Pneumoperitoneum elements, 40meqs of KCL
(+) Flatus Paracetamol 1 TIV q8h RTC Dx:
(+) BM Omeprazole 40mg TIV OD, 30 Chest x-ray initial (06/16) Consider pleural effusion, right [ ] ALB
mins before breakfast [ ] BUN. Crea, Na, K, Phos, Mg, Tca, Cl,
lipid profile, AST, ALT on 06/17, mornin
Abdominal x-ray (06/15) Previous study done June 14, 2024 was reviewed.
Contrast-enhanced CT of the abdomen done the day prior was also noted. Partial Gut Obstruction secondary to
Intraabdominal Abscess secondary to
Free air is still present in the bilateral subdiaphragmatic and anterolateral peritoneal recesses. Grade 2 Rectal Injury
Dilated small bowel segments with air-fluid levels are seen in the center of the abdomen. The rest of the previously noted gas distended Surgery Notes (06/17)
small bowel segments are less delineable in the present study, likely due to identified fluid distension in CT done the day prior. S/P Emergency Exploratory Laparotom
Retained contrast is still appreciated in the urinary bladder, left proximal ureter and bilateral pelvocalyceal systems, exhibiting severe Drainage of Intraabdominal abscess,
dilatation in the right. Adhesiolysis, Primary Repair of rectal
Visualized osseous structures are intact. injury, Loop Ileostomy, JP drain
Impression: placement
Persistent moderate pneumoperitoneum May remove NGT and start on clear
Retained contrast in the urinary system with severe right pelvocaliectasia, as detailed. Suggest correlation with CT. liquids c SAP
Segmental ileus. Cannot rule out beginning small bowel obstruction. Suggest close interval follow up. IVF: Sterofundin ILx100cc/hr
WAB CT Scan with IVC (06/14) Findings: For repeat CBC c PC NA K BUN Crea
initial There are gas and fluid dilated small intestinal segments with the widest transverse diameter of 4.6 cm. There is transition from dilated For abscess GSICS
to collapsed bowel in the region of the right lower abdomen apparently involving the distal ileum. The large bowels are also non- Continue antibiotics
dilated. Provide adequate analgesia
Impression: Monitor ileostomy output q shift and
- Finding of mural discontinuity along the vaginal cuff suture line. Cannot exclude vaginal cuff dehiscence. record
- Dilated small bowel loops with apparent transition point in the distal ileum. Monitor JP drain output q shift and
- Rule-out beginning mechanical distal small bowel obstruction. Suggest follow-up. record
- Moderate pneumoperitoneum, minimal ascites, scattered peritoneal stranding, infraumbilical soft tissue emphysema and Maintain IFC, monitor UO Q1 refer to
abdominopelvic subcutaneous fat stranding, likely part of post SROD if UO<23cc/hr
- Total Abdominal Hysterectomy and Bilateral Salpingoophorectomy changes Monitor VS Q1
- Small-sized right kidney with severe pelvocalyceal dilatation and probable incomplete ureteral duplication Encourage early ambulation & deep
- Incidental chest findings as detailed. breathing exercises
Abdominal x-ray (06/14) Gas-filled small bowel segments are noted. Daily wound & Ileostomy care
Non-differential air-fluid levels are seen. Dr Lutanco updated
Rectal gas is evident.
Free air is seen underneath the right hemidiaphragm. TCVS Notes (06/17)
No abnormal intra-abdominal calcifications visualized. S/P Ultrasound guided IJ catheter
Soft tissues appear unremarkable. insertion. right
Visualized osseous structures are intact. may use IJ catheter as IV access for
Impression: TPN,IVF, BT and for IV meds
Ileus suggest close interval follow up Handle catheter aseptically at all times
Pneumoperitoneum For Post op CXR for Localization
Xray – CHEST/ABDOMEN Chest: Respectfully Signing out TCVS-wise
(6/04/24) There are no active parenchymal opacities in both lungs.
Pulmonary vascular markings are within normal limits. Gastro/NST (06/15/2024)
The heart is not enlarged. Patient seen and examined
Both hemidiaphragms and costophrenic angles are intact. Noted current duration of NPO and
Bony thorax is unremarkable. lastest WAB CT scan
Impression: For referral to respective service
No significant chest findings consultants
Follow-up study (6-4-2024 0655H) shows no significant change since the prior study. Notes to follow
-------------------- Possible initiation of TPN once referred
Abdomen: to NST consultant
The bowel gas pattern is within normal limits. ----
No differential air fluid levels noted. Noted plans for Exlap
Rectal gas is seen. Considering post-op adhesions as cause
There are no abnormal intra-abdominal calcifications. of PGO
The soft tissues do not appear unusual.
The visualized bones are intact.
Impression: Gyne Wise
No localizing signs in the abdomen Wear abdominal binder at all times
SCAN The liver is normal in size and attenuation with no definite mass noted. Intrahepatic ducts are not dilated. Advised daily wound cleaning
CLINICAL DATA: Gallbladder shows no evidence of hyperdense structures intraluminally. The wall is not thickened.
(+) RLQ PAIN, VOMITING) The pancreas, spleen and adrenals are unremarkable.
(06/03/24) The right kidney is small in size measuring 6.6 x 3.0 cm while the left kidney is normal in size measuring 9.3 x 5.13 cm. No MRA notes (06/15)
hydronephrosis, lithiasis or mass seen. Visualized ureters are not dilated. Clinical Predictor: Intermediate Risk
The small and large bowel loops are in a non-obstructive pattern. No evidence of bowel wall thickening noted. Fecal materials are seen (Renal Insufficiency)
within the colon. The appendix is distinct and measures 0.5 cm. No evident periappendiceal strandings noted. Functional PredictorL Intermediate Risk
No enlarged retroperitoneal nodes seen. Surgical Risk: Intermediate Risk
The urinary bladder is distensible with no stones nor mass. The wall is not thickened. (Exploratory Laparotomy, intra-op)
The uterus measures 6.2 x 5.4 x 5.1 cm, is anteverted and Is unremarkable. Both adnexae show no abnormal findings. Intermediate Risk ( TPN Access creation
There is no evidence of ascites. Overall Medical RiskL Patient has
Minimal spur formation is seen along the anterolateral endplates of the lumbar spine. intermediate risk to develop CP
Visualized lower lungs are unremarkable. complications while on OR
No other findings of note.
Intraoperative findings:
On laparotomy:
No noted ascites.
The uterus approximately measures 5 x 5 x 3.5 cm. Multiple myoma noted at the uterus as follows:
M1: anterior fundal measuring 2.5 x 1 x 0.8cm
M2: fundal subserous measuring 6 x 4.5 x 4cm
M3: left posterior intramural measuring 3 x 3 x 2cm
The right ovary is cystically enlarged measuring 11 x 9.5 x 5.3 cm, twisted once around its pedicle while the left ovary is normal in size measuring 2 x 1 x 1 cm.
Both fallopian tubes are normal, the right fallopian tube measures 6 x 1 x 0.5 cm
while the left fallopian tube measures 8 x 2 x 1.5 cm
On cut section of right ovary, the cyst is noted to be unilocular and drained serous fluid.
Stool charting
06/15 8 episodes of loose stools
Gyne 2 G2P2 (2002) BPR 90-100/60-70 Diet: 1350 (SF 30) with PF 1.5 CBC with PC
HILARIO, AILEEN MENDOZA Pelvoabdominal mass BP 90/60 Using regular diet divided into Date Hgb Hct WBC S L M E Plt
44 probably uterine in origin, HR 89 3 meals and 2 snacks with the ff 06/08 s/p
NYC probably malignant RR 20 (1.5) CHON 68 g 270 kcal 9.9 L 0.30 L 12.3 76 10 12 2 465
BT of 4u
Hypovolemic shock T 36.8 CHO 160 650
06/08 8.4 L 0.26 L 13.5 H 82 7 10 1 460
05/29/2024 (resolved) secondary from CHO 160 650
3931666 severe anemia probably I: 1300 Fats 50 430 05/30
S/p BT of 11.1 0.34 22.7 H 86 7 6 1 393
Dr Calo/ Tungcul/Gavino(TL)/ secondary to chronic blood O: 800 Boost optimum 2 scoops
3u pRBC
De Guia Gauiran/ loss beneprotein 2 times a day as
Kadappurath Tiongson Blood transfusion of 4 units Ht: 157cm snacks – HOLD (06/05) 05/30
pRBC for anemia very severe Wt: 45kg Heplock s/p BT of 9.1 L 0.30 L 20.7 H 84 9 6 1 400
prob secondary to 1) Chronic BMI: 18.3 (underweight) 2u pRBC
blood loss 2) Chronic disease 05/29 5.2L 0.19L 18.9H 80 12 7 1 544H Hypovolemic shock (resolved)
(malignancy) 3) Nutritional s/p BT of 4units pRBC O+/NR secondary from severe anemia
Transaminitis from Ischemic Carvedilol 6.25mg/tab,1 tab 2x Urinalysis probably secondary to
Hepatopathy Hypovolemic shock a day Date Sugar Protein WBC RBC Epithelial Bacteria 1) Chronic blood loss
Non-alcoholic fatty liver (resolved) secondary from Diphehydramine 50mg IV 30 2) Chronic disease (malignancy)
Infectious Diarrhea, resolved severe anemia probably minutes prior to BT-given 06/01 Neg Trace 1-2 51-75 H Few Few 3) Nutritional
Complicated UTI, corrected secondary to Paracetamol 300mg IV 30 s/p BT of 4units pRBC
05/29 Neg Neg 15-20 H 0-2 Few Few
Hypoalbuminemia 1) Chronic blood loss minutes prior to BT-given
Multiple electrolyte 2) Chronic disease Calcium gluconate 10% 10cc Chemistry:
imbalance (Hypovolemic, (malignancy) SIVP post BT of 3u PRBC – given Na K AST ALT Cl iCa Mg Phos Trop I Albumi Total Bil Ibil Dbil IM Hema 06/04
Date BUN Crea
Hypoosmolar, Hyponatremia 3) Nutritional, STANDBY Norepinephrine n Elevated platelet count can be
and hypokalemia) secondary (-) hypotension 16mg + D5W 500mL to run at 06/1 13.65 7.64 6.01 attributed to possible malignancy
to poor oral intake, (-) loss of consciousness 18cc/hr(0.2mcg/kg/min) to 4 Monitor CBC for now, no hema referra
corrected (-) DOB/SOB regulate at increments of +/- 06/1 69.98 H 29.45 H warranted
Underweight (-) tachycardia 3cc/hr every 15 minutes to 2
(-) slight pallor maintain BP =90/60mmHg 06/1 33.57 L
(-) generalized body (max: 54 ugtts/min) 0
weakness 06/0 134.86 L 3.84
(-) dizziness 9 Transaminitis from Ischemic
pink palpebral conjunctiva 06/0 133.19 L 3.48 68.56 H 29.81 Hepatopathy; Non-alcoholic fatty live
Last hypotension: 05/29: 8 L
70/40 Norepinephrine 06/0 134.78 L 4.00 97.42 0.83 1.08 25.72 L GASTRO NOTES (06/13)
110/70 7 Please facilitate administration of
06/0 133.52 L 4.56 1.15 0.82 0.86 Ciprofloxacin
Transaminitis from Essential Phospholipid caps, 2 2.00 22.51 Continue Ciprofloxacin 500 mg/tab
Ischemic Hepatopathy; caps 3x/day 06/0 132.41 L 24.84 L every 12 hours to complete 7 days
Non-alcoholic fatty liver Aminoleban sachet, 1 sachet 3x 5 Continue Essential Phospholipids,
(-)change in sensorium a day Aminoleban
06/0 129.47 L 3.56 105.61 H 28.78 0.78 1.39
(-) jaundice Carvedilol 6.25mg/tab,1 tab 2x 2.16 28.36 L Increase Carvedilol to 12.5 mg/tab 2x a
(+) intermittent abdominal a day day
06/0 129.51 L 4.9 94.91 0.81 1.79 26.34 L
pain 2.08 L 28.24 L
3 L H
(-) chest pain Surgery 06/15/2024
06/0 134.74 4.90 0.75 0.96
(-) DOB/SOB No objections for discharge
(-) vomiting Ciprofloxacin 500mg tab 1 tab Still suggesting image guided UTZ of
every 12 hours to complete 7 06/0 3.40 130.04 H 34.92 H pelvoabdominal mass
Infectious diarrhea, days – completed 06/14 1 L Refer back as OPD basis once with
resolved Racecadotril 100mg/tab 1 tab 05/3 136.44 3.14 0.75 0.63 L biopsy result
2.12 L 28.85 L
(+) loose stools every 8 hours until 2 formed 1 L Respectfully signing out of this case
(-) tenderness on stools 05/3 138.21 3.73 0.77 17.16 L
hypogastric area Probiotics sachet 1 sachet once 0
(-) weakness a day 05/2 130.25L 3.19L 16.66 L Infectious diarrhea, resolved
Oresol volume per volume 9 Stool charting
06/17 2100H replacement 05/2 125.02 L 2.68 120.91 H 36.72 H 94.57 1.01 0.83 0.96 0.31
1.84 34.43
2 episodes of watery stools HNBB 10mg TIV every 8 hours 9 L L IM notes (06/13)
Coagulation studies Noted plans for discharge, no objection
Hypoalbuminemia Human Albumin 20% vial/ vial Date PT % Activity INR APTT for possible discharge
(-) edema every 12 hours for 3 days 05/08 13.3 91.0 1.19 33.8 THM:
(-) fatigue (completed 06/10 0800H) 05/30 15.2 H 75.6 1.37 H 39.4 1. Ciprofloxacin 500 mg/tab, 1 tablet
(-) DOB 05/30 17.0 66.2 1.55 39.0 twice a day to complete 7 days
(-) loss of appetite 05/29 18.2 61.6 H 1.67 37.1 2. Essential phospholipids 2 caps 3x a
Tumor markers day
Multiple electrolyte Glutaphos tab 1 tab 3x/day Date CA 125 CA 19-9 CEA 3. Carvedilol 12.5 mg/tab, 1 tablet twic
imbalance (Hypovolemic, KCl 750mg/tab 2 tabs PO every a day
06/15 1.82
Hypoosmolar, 4 hours x 2doses only – given Advised for strict medication
05/30 32.22 13.41
Hyponatremia and compliance
Hepatitis Profile (06/14/24)
hypokalemia) secondary to HbsAg NR
poor oral intake, corrected Anti-HAV R Hypoalbuminemia
(-) chest pain Anti-HAV IgM NR Gastro Notes (06/07/24)
(-) DOB/SOB Anti-HCV NR For Human Albumin 20% vial/ vial ever
(-) dyspnea Anti-HBc IgG R 12 hours for 3 days
(-) anorexia Anti-HBc IgM NR
(-) diarrhea Multiple electrolyte imbalance
HbeAg NR
(Hypovolemic, Hypoosmolar,
Cranial nerves Hyponatremia and hypokalemia)
AntiHBe NR
II, III: (+) 3mm EBRTL secondary to poor oral intake,
III, IV, VI: (+) EOMs, primary Reticulocyte count (05/29 OSMAK): 5.2H corrected
gaze midline PBS (05/30/24)
V: V1-V3 intact Platelet: SLIGHTLY INCREASED IM-Nephro notes (06/10)
VIII: (+) gross hearing WBC: NO ABNORMAL CELLS SEEN Noted repeat labs
IX, X: Can swallow CRP (05/29 OSMAK): >10.00 H Since within normal results of Na, K,
XI: Good shoulder shrug Ferritin (05/29 OSMAK): 43.97 respectfully signing out, refer back if
XII: tongue midline 12L ECG (05/29 OSMAK): NSR warranted
Fecal occult blood (05/29 OSMAK): Negative
Motor BEDSIDE PT (5/29/24): NEGATIVE NST Notes (06/02)
RUE 5/5 LUE 5/5 Fecalysis Revise diet to 1350 (SF 30) with PF 1.5
RLE 5/5 LLE 5/5 Date WBC RBC Other Using regular diet divided into 3 meals
NO INTESTINAL watery and 2 snacks with the ff
06/09 40-50 5-10
Sensory PARASITE SEEN (1.5) CHON 68 g 270 kcal
RUE 100% LUE 100% NO INTESTINAL CHO 160 650
06/04 >100 10-15 watery
RLE 100% LLE 100% Ceftriaxone 2g TIV once a day PARASITE SEEN CHO 160 650
(completed) Imaging Fats 50 430
Complicated UTI, resolved FINDINGS: Continue ORS with beneprotein
(-) dysuria A non-calcified interfissural nodule is noted along the left oblique fissure measuring 0.2 cm. Start 24 hour food recall c/o dietary
(-) fever Reticulonodular densities are again seen in the lateral basal segment of the right lower lobe, better seen in the post-
(-) chills contrast images. Linear densities are appreciated in the anterior segment of the right upper lobe, middle lobe segments
(-) increased urine and lateral basal segment of the right lower lobe. Complicated UTI, resolved
frequency No meds for now Mediastinal structures are in place. The heart is not enlarged. The aorta and great vessels are For antibiotic completion
normal in course and caliber. Minimal segmental wall calcifications are seen along the aorta and some its coronary
Gyne wise branches. IM-IDS notes (06/04)
No profuse vaginal bleeding Trachea and mainstem bronchi are patent with no endobronchial lesion. Negative for pleural or Continue Ceftriaxone 2g TIV OD until
No severe hypogastric pain pericardial effusion. Day 7, IDS respectfully signing out
No enlarged hilar or mediastinal lymph nodes
G2P2 (2002) Osteophytes are seen along the margins of the visualized spine. Sclerotic focus is seen in the Tg Gyne wise
LMP: Last week of March vertebral body, may represent bone island. Still for discharge – For Birthday
2024 CECT of chest OSMAK initial (6/14/24) initial No abnormal enhancement noted after contrast infusion. correction on PhilHealth (Tentative dat
PMP: Unrecalled There is diffuse decrease in parenchymal attenuation of the liver in relation to the spleen. The main portal vein remains of discharge 06/18/2024 since holiday
PMP: Unrecalled dilated measuring 1.6 cm in its maximal diameter. The visualized spleen appears enlarged. Other abdominal structures on Monday)
appear unremarkable. For surgical planning as OPD basis
soft flabby abdomen, Impression: For bone scan as OPD basis
palpable hypogastric mass No CT evidence of enhancing pulmonary mass or nodule Daily body and perineal hygiene
from below the umbilicus to Non-calcified interfissural nodule. Suggest followup Monitor vs q4
hypogastric area, 13x9cm Reticulonodular densities, right lower lobe, may represent an infectious or inflammatory process. Strict I and O
size, nonmovable with Subsegmental atelectasis versus fibrosis, right lung WOF: severe abdominal pain, nausea
direct tenderness on Mild atherosclerotic vessel disease and vomiting, DOB/SOB, chest pain,
palpation Degenerative osseous changes weakness
Hepatic steatosis
SE: Cervix flushed to the Unchanged dilatation of the main portal vein. Please correlate with pertinent parameters Gyne Onco (06/13)
vault, no mass, no erosions, Splenomegaly Rounds with Dr. Alfabeto
no bleeding per os CECT of the Abdomen CLINICAL DATA: 5-month history of gradually enlarging pelvoabdominal mass with unintentional weight loss For hepatitis profile, total Bili, Indirect
OSMAK COMPARISON: None Bili, Direct bili – done
IE: cervix flushed to the 06/07/24 TECHNIQUE: Multiple axial images of the abdomen and pelvis were obtained with oral, rectal and intravenous contrast. For bone scan and chest CT scan with
vault, closed, uterus cannot FINDINGS: IVC
be palpated due to A 11.1 x 14.3 x 13.7 cm (ApxWxCC) lobulated, heterogeneously enhancing mass with areas of necrosis and internal air For home once imaging done and
enlarged mass pockets arising from the pelvic region extending into the peritoneal cavity. It is compresses on the urinary bladder, infectious diarrhea resolved
intimately related to its superoposterior wall with no distinct fat planes. It severely compresses on the rectosigmoid and For OR scheduling: EL, EHBSO tumor
descending colon but maintains fair planes of differentiation. It is also seen mildly compressing some of the small bowels debunking
(jejunum) and left common iliac vein, also maintaining good planes of differentiation. The uterus and ovaries are not Once with OR plans, for referral to
clearly delineated. Minimal fluid collection is seen in the pelvic space. urology for possible cystectomy and GS
for possible Hartmanns procedure
The liver is enlarged with a span of 16.3 cm. Diffuse decrease of parenchymal attenuation with smooth borders is noted.
Intrahepatic ducts are not dilated. The main portal vein is patent but dilated with a maximum diameter of 1.6 cm. No IM Pulmo (05/29)
abnormal enhancement after contrast infusion. Referred to Dr. Arguila
Cleared for regular ward
The spleen is enlarged measuring 4.6 x 11.9 x 10.1 cm with an index of 553. The splenic veins are dilated. No distinct mass Respectfully signing out
or abnormal parenchymal enhancement observed.
The normal-sized gallbladder exhibits no abnormal intraluminal densities. Wall is not thickened. Common duct is not SURGERY Notes (06/14)
dilated. Dr. Gomez updated
The pancreas is normal in size and configuration. Pancreatic duct is not dilated. No objections for discharge
The adrenal glands are normal without undue enhancement. Still suggesting image-guided biopsy of
Both kidneys are normal in size and exhibit symmetrical parenchymal enhancement. A few non-enhancing hypodense abdominal mass
foci are seen in the left kidney with the largest measuring 1.7 x 1.5 x 1.6 cm located in its interpolar region. A non- Refer back as OPD basis once with
enhancing hyperdense focus is likewise seen in the superior pole of the left kidney measuring 1.2 x 1.2 x 1.1 cm. No biopsy results
evidence of opaque lithiasis or hydronephrosis.
The appendix is not dilated. The included esophagus, stomach and intestinal segments are grossly normal. Urology (06/13)
Prominent and enlarged lymph nodes are seen in the left paraaortic, mesenteric, and right iliac chains, with the largest No immediate surgical intervention uro
detected in the right iliac chain measuring 1.8 cm along its short-axis diameter. wise
Minimal osteophytes are seen along the margins of the visualized spine. Sclerotic foci are seen in the T9 and L5 vertebral Will await gyne-onco plans
bodies. The lumbar lordosis is straightened. If for OR for placement of bilateral
Diffuse subcutaneous stranding densities are noted. stent*
Reticulonodular densities are seen in both visualized lower lobes.
Impression: Pending Labs
- Large and enhancing pelvoabdominal mass with areas of necrosis, extension and mass effects, as detailed. Neoplasm is [x] Urine CS – not amenable
the primary consideration. Tissue correlation is advised With refusal form
- Hepatosplenomegaly with signs of portal hypertension. Please correlate with pertinent parameters [x] Blood CS x 2 sites – not amenable
- Peritoneal and pelvic lymphadenopathies With refusal form
- Minimal pelvic ascites [x] repeat ABG not amenable
- Left renal cysts (Bosniak I and II) With refusal form
- Diffuse subcutaneous edema
- Degenerative osseous changes *Patient and relative amenable for
- Sclerotic foci, T9 and L5 vertebral bodies, may represent bone islands, however, metastatic process is not entirely ruled surgical procedure
out if with proven malignancy. Follow-up is suggested
- Straightened lumbar lordosis likely due to muscle strain Advance directives (05/29/24):
- Reticulonodular densities, both lower lobes. Consider an inflammatory/infectious process. Please correlate clinically Yes to all
UTERUS: 20.72x12.18x10.98cm
TVS shows an enlarged uterus, heterogenous, with irregular solid components, with moderate color on color flow
ENDOMETRIUM not delineated
CERVIX: 3.38x2.78cm
TVS UTZ c/o OB sono (05/31/24 OSMAK)
RO: not seen
LO: not seen
Pelovoabdominal mass probably uterine in origin, t/c a non-benign pathology
Endometrium and bilateral ovaries not visualized
Both kidneys are normal in size with smooth and regular contour. The cortico-medullary pattern in both sides is intact.
The right kidney measures 10.2 x 5.1 x 3.7 cm with cortical thickness of 1.0 cm. The left kidney measures 10.3 x 5.3 x 4.2
cm with cortical thickness of 0.9 cm. There is no evidence of hydronephrosis, lithiasis or mass noted in both kidneys. The
KUB UTZ urinary bladder is adequately distended. Its wall appears to be thickened measuring 0.7 cm. An indwelling foley catheter
OSMAK balloon is seen within.There is incidental note of increased hepatic parenchymal echogenicity with minimal fluid in the
(5/30/24) perihepatic space.
Minimal perihepatic ascites. Incidental note of hepatic steatosis. Unremarkable ultrasound of both kidneys. Nonspecific
urinary bladder wall thickening. Correlate clinically.
Focused scanning of the hypogastric/pelvic region shows an ill-defined, heterogeneous mass with internal calcifications
and with moderate vascularity upon Doppler interrogation, measuring approximately 11.4 x 12.6 x 10 cm. It has apparent
extension into the superoposterior portion of the urinary bladder. The right ovary is normal in size measuring 2.8 x 2 x 2.6
Focused ultrasound of hypogastric /pelvic
cm (volume of 7.6 cc). No focal lesions seen. The left ovary is not visualized.
region (05/29/24 OSMAK)
Pelvoabdominal mass with possible urinary bladder extension. Pelvic MRI is recommended for further evaluation.
Normal sonogram of the right ovary. Non-visualized left ovary
Chest / Abdomen xray (05/29/24 OSMAK) Chest:
An ovoid opacity is noted in the left upper lung. Pulmonary vascular markings are within normal limits. The heart is not
enlarged. Both hemidiaphragms and costophrenic angles are intact. Bony thorax is unremarkable.
Consider pulmonary granuloma, left upper lung
The bowel gas pattern is within normal limits. Considerable amount of fecal material is noted in the colon.
There are no abnormal intra-abdominal calcifications. The soft tissues do not appear unusual.
The visualized bones are intact.
Fecal retention
Stool charting
06/13 discontinued
06/12 1 soft stool
06/11 2 loose stools
06/10 2 loose stools
06/09 3 watery stools
06/05 4 loose stools
Gyne 5 G1P1 (1001) BPR 110-130/70-80 NPO CBC with PC
LANOSGA, CRISTINA Multiple Myoma uteri BP 130/80 IVF: D5LR 1L x 30 gtts/min Date Hgb Hct WBC S L M E Plt *2 u pRBC crossmatched c/o Maam
BUGARIN Menopause for 12 years HR 78 Micah
06/16 12.7 0.38 8.1 69 21 7 198
67 RR 20 *amenable for send out of specimen at
YC Chronic Venous Insufficiency T 36.6 B+/NR ACE Pateros
HASCVD, CAD, HfpEF (51%), Coagulation Test
219407 NYHA II I: 1000 (16 hr) Date PT % Activity INR APTT
06/16/24 0: 900 (16 hr) 06/16 11.5 105.0 1.02 36.0
Dr. Calo/ Tungcul/ Go(TL)/ Hypertension St II, Urinalysis
Gavino/ Gauiran/ Gallano/ controlled Wt: 75.3kg Date Sugar Protein WBC RBC Epithelial Bacteria
Tiongson, Alzaga Ht: 161 cm 06/16 NEG NEG 1.0 0.8 12.8 9835.8 H
Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, BMI: 29 (Overweight) Chemistry
Controlled Date BUN Crea BUA Na K Cl AST ALT
06/16 5.38 79.21 311.75 141.21 4.22 106.87 17.03 7.69
Cholecystolithiasis Hba1c (06/16/24) 5.78%
Sulodexide 250mg/cap 1 cap ECG (6/16/24): NSR Chronic Venous Insufficiency
Chronic Venous
Urinary Tract Infection OD HASCVD, CAD, HfpEF (51%), NYHA II
Insufficiency Imaging:
Diosmin + Hesperidine Continue other medications as advised
HASCVD, CAD, HfpEF (51%), Transvaginal ultrasound Clinical data: Right lower quadrant mass
500mg/cap 2 caps OD by MRA prior to admission
NYHA II May 3, 2024 LMP: Menopause
(-) body weakness
OSMAK IM Notes (06/17)
(-) chest pain Findings Continue Sulodexide 250mg/cap 1 cap
(-) chest heaviness Uterus is anteverted and enlarged measuring 16.0 x 8.2 x 8.0 cm OD
Myometrial echopattern is heterogeneous. Diosmin + Hesperidine 500mg/cap 2
There are multiple varisized ovoid foci with the following characteristics, measurements and location: caps OD
1. Anterofundal wall measuring 4.2 x 4.3 x 5.0 cm.
2. Posterofundal wall measuring 5.4 x 4.7 x 5.0 cm. Intralesional calcifications are seen. Vascular Notes (06/16/24)
Losartan 100mg/tab OD 3. Anterior lower uterine wall measuring 2.8 x 3.4 x 3.2 cm, with intralesional calcifications Continue Sulodxide 250mg tab OD
Hypertension St II, 4. Anterior lower uterine wall measuring 5.1 x 5.4 x 5.1 cm.
Trimetazidine 35mg Twice Daily Diosmin + Hisperidine 500mg tab 2 cap
controlled 5. Posterior lower uterine wall measuring 5.5 x 5.8 x 5.7 cm.
Atorvastatin 40 mg/tab 1 tab OD
(-) headache Endometrial lining cannot be clearly delineated.
(-) dizziness Both ovaries are not visualized. Hypertension St II, controlled
(-) chest pain No definite evidence of fluid seen in the posterior cul-de-sac. For BP monitoring and control
(-) vomiting Enlarged anteverted uterus with multiple myoma as described. IM Notes (06/17)
Non- visualized ovaries. Continue Atorvastatin 40 mg/tab 1 tab
No fluid in the posterior cul-de-sac. OD
Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, Chest Xray initial No acute opacities
Metformin 500mg OD – HOLD (6/16/24):
(-) polyphagia
on day of admission
(-) polydipsia
Insulin sliding scale as follows:
(-) polyuria
180-120- 4 units
See CBG table
220- 260- 6u Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, Controlled
260-300- 8u Hold Metformin upon admission as per
>300 10 units MRA
Atorvastatin 40 mg tab 1 tab For CBG monitoring every 6 hours once
once a day on NPO
IM Notes (06/17/24)
Continue Insulin sliding scale
(-) fever
Ursodeoxycholic Acid
(-) jaundice
300mg/capsule, 1 cap TID Cholecystolithiasis
(-) abdominal pain
Continue present medications
Urinary Tract Infection
(-) dysuria
(-) hematuria Ceftriaxone 2gm TIV OD () ANST
(-) fever x 3 days Urinary Tract Infection
For completion of antibiotics
Gyne wise For repeat UA on Day 3 of antibiotic
No profuse vaginal bleeding (June 19)
No severe hypogastric pain
Cefoxitin 2g TIV LD ( )- ANST 30 IM Notes (06/17)
G1P1(1001) mins prior to OR- HOLD Continue Ceftriaxone 2g TIV OD
Menopause for 12 years Metronidazole 1g IV 30 mins For urine CS
prior to OR
GYNE PE(4/25/24) Bisacodyl 2 suppositories per
Flabby soft nontender rectum at 0500H, June 18
abdomen Fleet enema on June 18 at Gyne wise
(+) palpable firm 10x10cm, 0900H For total abdominal hysterectomy with
non-moveable, nontender Omeprazole 40mg TIV OD while bilateral salpingooophorectomy on Jun
mass occupying right lower on NPO 18, Tuesday, (1300H)
quadrant, Informed AROD (Dr.Dalmacion)
SE: cervix pinkish, no Monitor VS q4 and record
lesions, no mass, no I & O qshift and record
bleeding per os
IE: cervix closed, no CMT, MRA Notes (06/16/24)
uterus enlarged to 20 Referred back to Dr. Diaz- Garcia
weeks size, no AMT MRA clearance for TAHBSO
Clinical – intermediate
Functional – intermediate
Surgical – intermediate
Overall – intermediate risk for cardio
pulmonary complications
The right ovary is slightly enlarged measuring 4.2 x 4.7 x 2.4 cm (volume of 24.7 mL). There is a unilocular
cyst within measuring 3.6 x 3.4 x 2.0 cm (volume 13.2 mL) with no vascularity upon Doppler interrogation.
The left ovary is not visualized.
The cervix is normal in size measuring 1.6 x 1.7 x 1.8 cm. No focal lesions identified.Minimal fluid
collection is seen in the posterior cul-de-sac fluid.
Multiloculated pelvoabdominal cystic mass with intramural solid components and floating low-level
echoes. Suggest pelvic MRI for better evaluation.
Normal-sized uterus with non-thickened endometrium
Enlarged right ovary with unilocular cyst (IOTA Simple Rules B1, B5)
Minimal posterior cul-de-sac fluid
Unremarkable sonogram of the cervix
PELVIC UTZ (c/o OB Multiple transabdominal convex B-mode scans of the Pelvis along perpendicular planes
SONO, ST. CLAIRE, show a complex, predominantly cystic, multi-loculate mass that measures 20.5(L) x 13.8(AP) x
5/18/24) 23.1(W) cm and which occupies the right midsection of the abdomen down to the right adnexal
area. The Cyst Capsule measures 8.6 – 12.8 mm thick at its infero-medial aspect in the vicinity where
there is a tendency for the locules to be crowded in groups. The septa in the superior
portion of the mass measure 3.87 mm – 4.23 mm thick (Iota B feature) and appear generally smooth (lota
B-feature). Close scrutiny of the right lower portion of the mass shows “wart-like”
inward protrusions of the capsule that measure 5.57 cm thick (lota M-feature). Color flow scans
of these vascular internal capsular protuberances reveal vascularity of adjacent external hylar vessels. The
protuberances themselves do not show any color flow (Color Score= 1).
The Uterus is anteverted and displaced inferomedially by the previously described right
abdominopelvic mass. The Cervix measures 2.08(L x 2.01(AP) x 2.26(W) cm and appears
homogeneous. The Uterine Corpus measures 4.82(L) x 3.81(AP) x 4.51(W) cm and also appears
homogenous and moderately echogenic. The Endometrial Stripe appears isoechoic to
myometrium and measures 6.10 mm thick. Its midline echo and subendometrial echolucent zone
appear intact.
The Left Ovary measures 3.55(L) x 1.64(AP) x 2.69(W) cm and has moderately
echogenic stroma and a follicle-laiden surface echotexture.
A minimal amount of echolucent free fluid is evident in the posterior cul-de-sac.
WAB CT Reproductive organs: 151 x 231 x 302 mm (AP, with and cranio-caudal dimensions) Multi-septated
(5/17/24) abdomino-pelvic cystic mass of varying densities. Faint calcifications noted along some of the septa.
MMC Liver: Unremarkable
Gallbladder and biliary tree: No lithiasis. No intra- or extra-hepatic biliary ductal dilatation.
Pancreas: Unremarkable
Spleen: Unremarkable
Adrenals: Normal.
Kidneys and ureters: Unremarkable
Urinary bladder: Well distended.
Bowel: Normal in caliber.
Lymph nodes: No enlarged lymph nodes,
Peritoneum/Retroperitoneum: Minimal pelvie ascites.
Abdominal wall: Normal
Bones: Normal.
1. Multi-septated, abdomino-pelvic cystic mass of varying densities. Consider a left ovarian complex
2. Minimal pelvic ascites.
SARI 3 BED 3 Nulligravid BPR 140-160/70-90 NPO CBC with PC
LIPARDO, MARY GRACE AUB-A,M,O BP 140/70 IVF: Nicardipine drip: Date Hgb Hct WBC S L M E Plt
CASTA Blood Transfusion of 3 units pRBC HR: 70 Nicardipine drip 90mL + 10mg in
38 for Anemia severe secondary to 1) RR: 20 Soluset to run at 5ugtts/min to 06/15 7.6 0.22 13.1 85 7 4 4 258 *IFC refused
NYC malignancy 2) chronic blood loss T: 36.9 regulate at increments 06/12 8.4 L 0.24 L 9.8 83 7 6 4 245 s/p HD – 06/17/24
ESRD sec to HTN NSS vs DKD Type O2: 98% of +/- 2-3ugtts/min every 15 06/10
3890682 2 Diabetes Mellitus, controlled minutes to achieve target BP s/p BT
06/08/2024 Hypertension Stage II, controlled I: 700 <160/100 – HOLD 06/17 7.4 L 0.21 L 10.8 88 6 5 1 268
of 2u
Dr. Odevilas/ Tungcul, Proliferative diabetic retinopathy, O: 4000 (+) cardiac monitor pRBC
Ballesteros, De Paz (TL)/ De both eyes Vitreous hemorrhage, (+) O2 support at 4LPM via nasal
Guia, Pesigan/ Jasarino, left eye Ht 5’2’’ cannula 06/08 4.9 L 0.14 L 8.5 84 10 5 1 343
Vito t/c Hospital Acquired Pneumonia Wt 84kg (+) IFC A+/NR
s/p Panretinal photocoagulation, BMI 33.8 Urinalysis
right eye Date Sugar Protein WBC RBC Epithelial Bacteria
s/p Removal of Permanent Anemia severe secondary to s/p BT of 3 unit pRBC Anemia severe secondary to 1) malignancy 2) chronic blood loss
catheter, Right; Ultrasound- 1) malignancy 2) chronic Diphenhydramine 50mg IV 30 Chemistry: s/p BT of 3 u pRBC
guided IJ catheter insertion, Left blood loss minutes prior to BT – given Date BUN Crea Na K Cl iCa Mg Phos AST ALT Give Furosemide 40mg IV after each aliquot with BP precaution
(06/17/2024) (+) slight pallor Paracetamol 300mg IV 30 06/15 36.01 2042.53H 132.91 4.69 3.17 For repeat CBC 6 hours post BT of 3rd unit pRBC (0800H)
(+) slightly pale palpebral minutes prior to BT – given 06/12 4.25 1.30 1.08 H 2.86 H IM notes (06/16/24)
conjunctiva Calcium gluconate 10% 10cc 06/10 6.45 H Suggest anemia correction
(-) easy fatiguability SIVP post BT of 3u PRBC 06/10 6.78 H For transfusion of 1 unit pRBC divided into 2 aliquot to run for 6
(-) dizziness Furosemide 40mg IV after each hours each aliquot with 2 hours interval
06/08 37.79 H 2,184.72 H 129.33 L 7.17 H 97.04 L 9.17 8.25
aliquot with BP precaution Refer
05/18 10.52 H 739.08 H
ESRD sec to HTN NSS vs DKD FeSO4 325mg/tab 1 tablet once
05/09 22.23 H 1292.64 H
(-) anuria daily ESRD sec to HTN NSS vs DKD Type 2 DM, controlled
(-) nausea Ferrous + Folate tab 1 tablet Reticulocyte count (06/08/24): 2.3% (H) Still for ultrasound guided IJ catheter insertion, MARF forwarded
(-) easy bruising once daily 12L ECG (06/08/24): NSR, tall T-waves V2-V4 (06/15)
(-) headache EPO 4,000 3x a week post HD COVID rapid antigen test (06/09/2024): Negative
(-) fatigue Sevelamer 800mg/tab, 1 tab q8 Hba1c (6/9/24): 4.11% IM notes (06/15)
(-) drowsiness Sodium bicarbonate 650mg/tab Hepatitis profile (6/8/24) Low salt, low fat, DM, renal diet
1 tab 3x/day HbsAg 0.41 – NONREACTIVE Heplock
06/12 Anti-HCV 0.09 – NONREACTIVE Tx:
1640H 200/80 -> Amlodipine Anti-HBc IgG 1.69 – NONREACTIVE ⁃ Sevelamer 500mg/tab 1 tab OD
10 mg/tab -> 200/80 -> ⁃ EPO 4000 IU SC 3x/week
Anti-HBs 83.06 – REACTIVE
Clonidine -> 200/80 -> ⁃ FeSO4 325mg/tab 1 tab BID
Metoprolol 50 mg/tab -> Coagulation studies
⁃ Ferrous + Folic acid 1 tab OD
180/100 -> Nicardipine drip -> Date PT % Activity INR APTT
Continue medications for now
110/70 06/13 12.2 99.2 1.09 41.7
Awaiting MARF approval for HD access
Facilitate anemia correction
CXR (06/17, Osmak) Impression: MRA: Intermediate risk (Dr. Diaz)
Bilateral perihilar and lower lung haziness is noted. Endo: No absolute indication
Pulmonary vascular markings appear accentuated. VSq4h I&Oqshift
Heart is magnified but appears enlarged.
Both sulci appear indistinct.
Hemidiaphragms are intact. Surgery notes (06/16)
The visualized bony thorax is unremarkable. NPO
A left-sided IJ catheter is now seen with its tip at the level of the superior vena. The right-sided IJ catheter is no IVF c/o main service
longer visualized. For IJ insertion left
Noted clearance
Impression: MARF approved
Cardiomegaly with pulmonary congestion. Concurrent bibasal pneumonia is not excluded.
Consider minimal bilateral pleural effusion TCVS (06/15)
CXR (6/9/24, OSMAK) Low lung volume with bronchovascular crowding. Cannot totally exclude pulmonary congestion or beginning Diet and IVF c/o main service
pneumonia. Still for removal of permcath, right; IJ catheter insertion, left –
Probable cardiomegaly awaiting MARF approval
KUB UTZ (05/13/24 Findings: Continue present management
OSMAK) Both kidneys are normal in size with smooth and regular contour.
The cortico-medullary pattern in both sides is intact. Type 2 DM, controlled
Type 2 DM, controlled Insulin glulisine sliding scale The right kidney measures 9 x 3.2 x 3.9 cm with cortical thickness of 1 cm. For CBG monitoring and control
(-) polyphagia 180-220 2u The left kidney measures 9.1 x 3.7 x 3.7 cm with cortical thickness of 1 cm. For CBG TIDACHS
(-) polydipsia 221-260 4u There is no evidence of hydronephrosis, lithiasis or mass noted in both kidneys.
(-) polyuria 261-300 6u
>300 8u The urinary bladder is nondistended. IM Endo notes (06/10)
IMPRESSION: Thank you for this referral
Unremarkable ultrasound of both kidneys Diagnostics: FBS
Nondistended urinary bladder Therapeutics
TVS UTZ (05/10/24, Findings: Insulin glulisine sliding scale
OsMak) Uterus is anteverted and enlarged measuring 9.1 x 7.6 x 7.5 cm (volume of 272 mL). 180-220 2u
Myometrial echopattern is homogeneous. 221-260 4u
No focal mass is seen. 261-300 6u
Endometrial lining is thickened and heterogeneous measuring 2.1 cm. >300 8u
The right ovary is normal in size measuring 3.0 x 1.9 x 2.6 cm (volume of 7.8 mL).
Hypertension St. II, The left ovary is likewise normal in size measuring 2.6 x 2.1 x 2.0 cm (volume of 6.0 mL). HTN St. II, controlled
controlled Amlodipine 10mg/tab 1 tab OD No adnexal mass is noted. For BP monitoring and control
(-) BOV Metoprolol 50mg/tab 1 tab BID The cervix is open and normal in size measuring 3.1 x 2.9 x 3.0 cm. Fluid is seen within the endocervical canal.
(-) headache Clonidine 150mg tab 1 tab every Minimal fluid is seen in the posterior cul-de-sac. Ophtha notes (06/16)
(-) dizziness 6 hours with BP precaution; Impression: Ideally for OFE of both eyes, however patient opted to have it done
(-) chest pain Atorvastatin 40mg/tab 1 tab OD Enlarged anteverted uterus with thickened and heterogeneous endometrium. Tissue correlation is suggested. at OPD
(-) DOB/SOB ISMN 30mg 1 tab OD Open cervix with endocervical fluid Retina service updated.
(-) vomiting Irbesartan 300mg tab 1 tab OD Minimal posterior cul-de-sac fluid For consult with retina service on June 20 (Thurs) 8 AM
Last BP elevation at 06/12 Unremarkable ultrasound of the ovaries Appointment slip given (in case patient is discharge)
2000H 160/90 Chest Xray (05/09, Cardiomegaly Refer back it with new concern.
TVS UTZ (10/12 The anteverted uterus is enlarged and bulky measuring 7.5 x 6.4 x 7.1 cm. Myometrial echopattern is coarsened IM Notes (06/17/24)
Megason) and heterogeneous. Endometrial stripe is thickened measuring 2.1 cm. Cervix is normal with intact canal Tx:
measuring 3.2 x 1.9 x 2.1 cm. 1. Irbesartan 300mg tab 1 tab OD
The right ovary measures 3.2 x 2.2 x 4.1 cm (Vol. 14.8 cc). The left ovary measures 2.8 x 2.1 x 2.8 cm (Vol. 8.6 cc). 2. Amlodipine 10 mg/tab 1tab OD
Multiple subcentimeter peripherally distributed cystic foci are seen in both ovaries. 3. Continue other meds
Multiple electrolyte The posterior cul-de-sac is intact.
imbalance (Hyponatremia, GICS as follows q2 hours x 6 IMPRESSION:
hypochloremia) secondary to cycles (completed 06/10 0200H) Enlarged and bulky, anteverted uterus with coarsened and heterogeneous
ESRD GICS for 6 cycles (2 cycles given myometrium and thickened endometrium. Primary consideration is diffuse uterine adenomyosis; rule out Multiple electrolyte imbalance (Hyponatremia, hypochloremia)
(-) chest pain before IV line was out) endometrial hyperplasia. Tissue correlation is recommended for further evaluation. secondary to ESRD
(-) palpitations Glucose D50-50 1 vial TIV + Normal sized ovaries with polycystic features bilaterally. Please correlate with clinical and laboratory findings.
(-) tremors Insulin HR 10 units TIV CBG monitoring IM Notes (06/17)
Calcium gluconate 10%, 10 ml as Patient seen and examined
Date 0500H 1400H 1720H 2100H
slow IV push-given For HD today with the ff settings
-Salbutamol MDI, 2 puffs now 06/1 103 200 175 UF 4L Qb 250 nonheparinized
Calcium polysterene sulfonate 7 BUR 4h Qd 500 IJ catheter
15g/sachet, dissolve 1 sachet in 06/1 137 122 126 For transfusion of 1 unit pRBC on HD as fastdrip
1/2 glass water now then every
8 hrs t/c Hospital Acquired Pneumonia
Metoclopramide 10mg TIV q8 as 06/1 135 153 160 180 IM Pulmo (06/18)
needed for nausea and vomiting 5 Noted CXR findings, last HD 06/12
06/1 120 186 169 205 Will attribute CXR findings to congestion rather than HAP
4 For HD today as ordered
t/c Hospital Acquired
pneumonia 6/13 165 159 161 173
(-) DOB/SOB No meds for now 6/12 138 154 171 179 Proliferative diabetic retinopathy, both eyes Vitreous
(-) cough 6/11 114 179 175 163 hemorrhage, left eye s/p Panretinal photocoagulation, right eye
(-) desaturation
(-) fever 6/10 104 120 151 153 Ophtha Notes (06/11)
6/9 124 136 104 150 Thank you for this referral
Proliferative diabetic Patient seen and examined
retinopathy, both eyes Plan to do dilated fundus examination using tropicamile +
Vitreous hemorrhage, left No meds for now phenylephrine eye drops 1 drop to both eyes every 15 mins for 3
eye s/p Panretinal doses
photocoagulation, right eye Asking for written clearance form main service to do DFE using the
(-) sudden vision loss said eye drops , which may increase blood pressure
(-) eye redness Refer back once cleared for dilated fundus examination
(-) floaters Refer
Abdomen flabby, no
tenderness on light/deep
palpation on all quadrants, no
muscle guarding
Normal looking external
genitalia, parous introitus
SE: cervix pinkish measures
3x3 cm, no lesions, no polyp,
(+) scanty bleeding per os
IE: vagina admits 2 fingers
with ease,
cervix closed, no cervical
motion tenderness, no
adnexal mass/tenderness,
uterus enlarged to 16 weeks
RVE: intact sphincteric tone,
smooth rectovaginal septum,
rectal vault not collapsed, no
nodulations, with smooth and
pliable bilateral parametria
Anemia secondary to 1) Chronic illness 2) AUB sec to Endometrioid carcinoma, endometrium, St. IB; Tumor Recurrence
Sacral Decubitus Ulcer, Stage III
Hypertension Stage II, controlled
s/p CVD Infarct, Left MCA Territory, NIHSS 17, modified Rankin Score 4 (moderately severe disability, rule out Brain Metastasis)
T/c Rectovaginal Fistulas/p Wound debridement sacral ulcer (4/14/2024)
s/p Transverse Loop Colostomy (5/10/24)