UTS Telaah Kurikulum
UTS Telaah Kurikulum
UTS Telaah Kurikulum
NIM : 2111031028
Number : 4
Class : 2 IKI
The four of them are related to each other. The following is the relationship
between these components.
A. Learning objectives are the expected final results in the learning process,
so to achieve these goals, an approach that is appropriate to the level of
students is needed. In addition to approaches, to achieve learning
objectives, learning media are also needed that can help teachers deliver
learning materials better.
B. Content components are materials or practical activities that need to be
given to students as a learning experience. The material and practice also
relates to strategies and learning methods. Without strategies and methods,
the teacher will find it difficult to convey the material so that it is difficult
for students to accept it. Until in the end it will be difficult to achieve the
learning objectives.
C. The strategy and method components are approaches and materials given
to students. Without learning objectives, teachers will find it difficult to
determine what approaches and materials will be given to students. In
providing material, of course, must adhere to the expected learning
2. The learning process of the school is very dependent on the components of the
curriculum. It is seen as written material consisting of guidelines for activities and
processes that need to be implemented in schools. In other words, every activity
or program listed in the curriculum is the implementation of the curriculum in the
school environment. Without the curriculum as a plan, learning will not be
effective, and vice versa without learning as the implementation of a plan, the
curriculum will have no meaning.
3. Here are some reasons why the curriculum should be dynamic and always
being developed.
a. Curriculum conservative
a. Socio-economic;
b. Geography;
c. Socio-cultural environment;
d. Customs; etc
There are at least 2 conditions as conditions that allow this grassroots approach to
take place, namely:
The steps for improving the curriculum using a grassroots approach are as follows.
1. Be aware of the problem. It was started by the teacher's anxiety about the
applicable curriculum, such as finding a mismatch in the use of learning
strategies or evaluation activities as expected.
2. Conducting reflection. After finding the problem, the next step is to find
the cause of the problem. Reflection is done by reviewing various
literatures that have to do with the problem.
4. Determine hypotheses that may be close and can be carried out according
to field conditions. In this step, the possibilities that can be done are
selected and plan solutions to overcome the existing problems.
1. Pada dasarnya kurikulum terdiri atas beberapa komponen yaitu, tujuan, isi,
strategi dan metode, serta evaluasi.
3. Berikut adalah beberapa alasan mengapa kurikulum harus bersifat dinamis dan
selalu dikembangkan.
a. Konsevatif kurikulum
Setiap waktu zaman terus mengalami perkembangan. Teknologi,
budaya, tuntutan sosial, dan kondisi lapangan pekerjaan juga cepat
mengalami perubahan. Ketika kurikulum berjalan tidak beriringan dengan
perubahan tersebut, tentu saja kurikulum akan mengalami permasalahan,
contohnya adalah akan terjadi penumpukan pengangguran pada saat
kelulusan sekolah. Oleh karena itu, kurikulum perlu diubah sesuai dengan
perubahan zaman yang ada. Kurikuluk pendidikan harus bersifat dinamis,
yaiti menyesuaikan dengan keadaab agar proses pembelajaran dapat
berjalan maksimal.
a. Sosial ekonomi;
b. Geografi;
c. Lingkungan sosial budaya;
4. Menentukan hipotesis yang mungkin dekat dan dapat dilakukan sesuai dengan
kondisi lapangan. Pada langkah ini, dipilih kemungkinan yang dapat dilakukan
dan merencanakan solusi untuk mengatasi masalah yang ada.