Module07 Stud 20 Maintenance Procedures
Module07 Stud 20 Maintenance Procedures
Module07 Stud 20 Maintenance Procedures
Maintenance Procedures
Aircraft Maintenance
Refer to Figure 1.
Note: In the following, we only discuss about the maintenance program and its
To reduce scheduled maintenance activities and simplify the development of
maintenance programs, an analysis logic called MSG--1 was developed in the early
Whilst airlines could extend hardtime by submitting selected high life samples of
components for strip and examination by the relevant airworthiness authority, the
system was extremely conservative, and it could take many years for escalations to
arrive at a realistic life for any particular component. Meanwhile, the provisioning of
spare parts was based upon early experience rather than that which reflected a
mature maintenance requirement, so that inventory costs became prohibitive.
Worse still, it was eventually demonstrated that there was no correlation between the
reliability of certain aircraft components and systems, and the frequency of prevent-
ative maintenance. Indeed, in some cases, the accomplishment of such maintenance
on aircraft systems during a major check was more likely to lead to in--service defects
immediately afterwards. Also, the planning burden for airlines was significant with
some components having to be removed at certain checks, and others at different
frequencies. If these components failed between checks, further wastage was
involved in the replacement of part--life components at the next scheduled mainten-
ance interval.
Emergence of MSG
In the early 1960s, the FAA formed an industry body to establish whether there were
alternative methods of ensuring aircraft reliability. Airlines were seeking a more
consistent set of rules through which maintenance programmes could be determined.
This led to the maintenance steering group (MSG) for civil operators. The military
was equally interested in the subject and they, too, requested manufacturers to come
up with more rational criteria to develop maintenance programs.
Many airline operators applied pressure to the aircraft manufacturers through the
ATA for changes of the old ’hardtime’ policies. Indeed, all MSG concepts originated
from industry inputs to the ATA and the final MSG documents, accepted by the FAA
and other airworthiness authorities, are ATA documents. MSG--3, for example, the
latest and most current version of the decision logic, involved the active participation
of the FAA, the UK’s CAA, the Association of European Airlines, US and European
aircraft and engine manufacturers, US and non--US airlines and the US Navy.
In 1968, the first path leader to MSG logic was the B747--100. The maintenance
philosophy developed at that time was called MSG--1. Apart from any economic or
safety drivers, the fact that the B747 was such a large and complex aircraft was
considered to be reason enough to apply some engineering discipline to mainten-
ance program developments.
MSG--1 was therefore developed with the B747--100 specially in mind, but the merits
of the systematic approach applied to the aircraft were considered to justify a generic
solution which could be applied to other new aircraft types. This resulted in the
publication of MSG--2 in 1970 which was applied to the L--1011 and the DC--10. The
philosophies behind MSG--1 and MSG--2 are therefore very similar.
Maintenance Practices
Preliminary Module 7 Maintenance Procedures
Notes 7.20 7.20.1 - HO - 3
What made these philosophies radically different were the ’on--condition’ and
’condition monitoring’ concepts which were introduced. They permitted a drastic
reduction in the number of scheduled component overhauls: where as many as 400
components had required scheduled overhaul prior to MSG1/MSG2/EMSG--2, this
number could now be reduced to something in the order of 10. All other components
could remain ’on condition’, if suitable inspections could be accomplished on the
aircraft to determine the continued serviceability of the component until the next
scheduled inspection.
Condition monitoring, on the other hand, required the setting up of a system to track
a large family of components within an airline which tracks pilot reports as well as the
mean time between failure (MTBF) and the mean time between removal (MTBR) of
individual components. When MTBF and MTBR exceeded specified ’alert’ levels,
engineering action was initiated to investigate and rectify the associated technical
But, MSG--1, MSG2 and EMSG--2, still involved a ’looking--up’ approach to aircraft
maintenance whereby the integrity of components was considered first, before those
of complete systems. Furthermore, there was room for interpretation of the conven-
tions when using these MSG philosophies, and many in the industry believed that a
tightening of the rules was required. This, together with the escalating costs of fuel
and the advent of deregulation in the US in 1978, placed new emphasis on commer-
cial competition and, in turn, placed new emphasis on the efficiency of aircraft
So, another major rethink of maintenance philosophies was initiated which built on
the framework of MSG--2, which had been validated by ten years of reliable aircraft
operation. This resulted in the issuance of MSG--3 in 1980.
When the MSG--3 task force was formed to review MSG--2 experience, it became
obvious that subtle changes to aircraft technology and the rules appertaining to the
design of aircraft had also impacted upon maintenance methodologies.
For example, new types of aircraft were using more electronics in control and display
systems, and new fatigue design rules requiring damage tolerance certification for
structures had been introduced.
Where a failure was not obvious to flight crews, other maintenance activities would
have to be defined (servicing/lubrication, operational/functional check, general visual
inspection, detailed inspection, special detailed inspection, restoration or replace-
Maintenance Practices
Preliminary Module 7 Maintenance Procedures
Notes 7.20 7.20.1 - HO - 4
However, in certain areas, what may be economic for one airline may not be for
another. So these areas need to be considered on an airline--by--airline basis.
For example, an airline which flies mainly segments of less than one hour would not
consider the failure of an inflight entertainment system to be of significant economic
importance. But a longhaul airline flying transpacific routes would arrive at a very
different answer, if it wished to retain customer loyalty.
After 1980, for new aircraft such as the A320, A330, A340, B747--400, B757, B767,
MD--11 and MD--90, MSG--3 logic was applied and significantly more efficient
maintenance programs were introduced by the airlines.
However, the success of the new maintenance programs prompted the airlines to ask
aircraft manufacturers to retrospectively apply MSG--3 logic to aircraft which had
originally been subject to MSG--2, MSG--1 or the old overhaul concepts. This was not
a simple matter.
The first manufacturer to react on these airline requests was McDonnell Douglas with
the MD-- 80. The program was started in 1994, and it took approx. 15 to 16 months
for one aircraft type. Reanalysis of the DC--8, DC--9 and DC--10 were completed
The result for the MD--80 was that over a 90--month time frame the savings in labour
hours were approx. 12,000 hours per aircraft:
V MSG-- 242,598 hours required for maintenance
V MSG-- 330,242 hours required.
This means, that the labour hours savings per year per aircraft were 12,000 : 7.5 =
1,600 hours.
When asked whether the process or re--analysis takes longer on certain aircraft than
on others, a company representative said, ’No, it really doesn’t make much differ-
ence. I have been involved in corporate aircraft all the way up to B747s and they all
take about the same time’.
All in all, the potential efficiency gains to the airlines can be very significant, and
savings of between 10 % and 30 % of the total scheduled airframe maintenance
man--hours are achievable, with the least efficient operators having the most to gain.
Pro--rata savings are anticipated in aircraft downtime, and even unscheduled
maintenance man--hours should decrease.
Maintenance Practices
Preliminary Module 7 Maintenance Procedures
Notes 7.20 7.20.1 - HO - 5
An operator must ensure that the aircraft is maintained in accordance with the
operator’s aircraft maintenance program. The program contains details, including
frequency, of all maintenance required to be carried out.
The program will be required to implement a reliability program when the authority
determines that such a reliability program is necessary. An operator’s aircraft
maintenance program and any subsequent amendments must always be approved
by the authority.
The initial maintenance program is given by the maintenance review board (MRB)
document. In addition, based on the above approved MRP document, manufacturers
produce a maintenance planning document. This constitutes a fully workable
maintenance program, which will be revised periodically according to service
The initial minimum maintenance/inspection requirements which are used for the
basis for the operator’s initial maintenance program are developed through the
maintenance review board (MRB) procedures. The guidelines are incorporated into a
policy and procedure handbook (PPH). Each PPH is adapted to each individual
aircraft program and reflects the latest in--service experience and airworthiness
authority requirements.
Refer to Figure 2.
The maintenance program proposal (MPP) is reviewed by the MRB and the resulting
requirements are published in the MRB report (MRBR).
MSG-- 3 Document
The primary purpose of the MSG--3 document is to develop a proposal to assist the
regulatory authority in establishing initial scheduled maintenance tasks and intervals
for new types of aircraft and/or powerplant. The intention is to maintain the inherent
safety and reliability levels of the aircraft. These tasks and intervals become the basis
for the first issue of each airline’s maintenance requirements to govern its initial
maintenance policy. Initial adjustments may be necessary to address operational
and/or environmental conditions unique to the operator. As operating experience is
accumulated, additional adjustments may be made by the operator to maintain
efficient scheduled maintenance.
Scheduled maintenance will be developed by use of a guided logic approach and will
result in a task--oriented program. The logic’s flow of analyses is failure--effect
oriented: it does not start with an evaluation of a proposed task (as MSG--2 and
EMSG--2 did), but with the most important factor determining the task, namely the
consequences of a functional failure.
! Items that, after analysis, have no scheduled task specified, may be monitored by
an operator’s reliability program.
Divisions of MSG--3
The working portions of MSG--3 Revision 2002 are contained in four sections:
1. systems/powerplant, including components and APU’s
2. aircraft structures
3. zonal inspections
4. lightning/high intensity radiated fields (HIRF).
The method for determining the scheduled maintenance tasks and intervals for
systems/powerplant, including components and APU, uses a progressive logic
diagram. This logic is the basis of an evaluation technique applied to each mainten-
ance significant item (system, sub-- system, module, component, accessory, unit,
part, etc.) using the technical data available. Principally, the evaluations are based on
the items’ functional failures and failure causes.
Maintenance Practices
Preliminary Module 7 Maintenance Procedures
Notes 7.20 7.20.1 - HO - 7
Refer to Figure 3.
Maintenance significant items (MSI) are items identified by the manufacturer the
failure of which
V could affect safety (on ground or in flight)
V is undetectable during operations
V could have significant operational impact
V could have significant economic impact.
Before the actual MSG--3 logic can be applied to an item, the aircraft’s significant
systems and components must be identified. This process of identifying MSI is a
conservative process (using engineering judgment) based on the anticipated
consequences of failure. The top--down approach is a process of identifying the
significant items on the aircraft at the highest manageable level.
Aircraft structure consists of all load carrying members including wings, fuselage,
empennage, engine mountings, landing gear, flight control surfaces and related
points of attachment. The actuating portions of items such as landing gear, flight
controls, doors, etc. will be treated as systems components. Attachments of the
actuators to the airframe will be treated as structure.
A structural significant item (SSI) is any detail, element or assembly, which contrib-
utes significantly to carrying flight, ground, pressure or control loads, and whose
failure could affect the structural integrity necessary for the safety of the aircraft.
The scheduled structural maintenance tasks and intervals are based on an asses-
sment of structural design information, fatigue and damage tolerance evaluations,
service experience with similar structure and pertinent test results.
The resulting maintenance requirements for all structure are submitted to the ISC for
approval and inclusion in the MRB report proposal.
Maintenance Practices
Preliminary Module 7 Maintenance Procedures
Notes 7.20 7.20.1 - HO - 8
Reliability Program
Refer to Figure 4.
The aim of a reliability program is to monitor the effectiveness of an established
maintenance program and to ensure an acceptable level of airworthiness and
operation capability of the aircraft’s structure, components and its systems.
During performance of a maintenance task, it is imperative to collect and record all
data found (maintenance complains), in relation to the corresponding task reference.
The collected reliability data are analysed on a continuous basis and if justified
immediate adjustments to the maintenance program are implemented or design
changes initiated with SBs and EOs.
Check Intervals
Refer to Figure 5.
Check intervals are laid down ’as expected’ at entry into service. They will be revised
according to service experience.
Stores Procedures
Basic Rules
The basic rules of material storage can be stated as follows:
V All parts and materials used in the construction, servicing, maintenance, repair
and modification of civil aircraft must originate from an approved source.
V When parts are released, they should be accompanied by one of the following:
Refer to Figure 6.
-- an airworthiness release certificate (JAA Form One, FAA 8130--3)
Refer to Figure 7.
-- a stockist’s certificate (’certificate of conformance’) depending on the cir-
In all cases the verifying document must bear the signature of an appropriately
authorised person.
Maintenance Practices
Preliminary Module 7 Maintenance Procedures
Notes 7.20 7.20.1 - HO - 9
V All organizations concerned with the manufacture, maintenance, repair and over-
hauls of civil aircraft must maintain a bounded store. This store will contain only
such parts intended for aeronautical use, which have been found to conform to all
V Besides a bonded store, organizations must maintain a quarantine store. On re-
ceipt, all parts must be placed in this store until it can be confirmed that they
meet all the standards required for transfer to the bonded store. The confirmation
process will involve a check of the verifying document(s) and a physical inspec-
tion of the item to ensure its serviceability.
V When parts are issued from the bonded store, the relevant incoming authorised
release certificate or the airworthiness approval tag serial number must be
quoted on all relevant documentation. This includes, particular, the entry made in
the aircraft or engine log book, when the parts are eventually fitted to an aircraft.
V The supplier shall ensure that no part number ambiguity exists. Parts shall not be
labelled with multiple part numbers, if such labelling may cause confusion as to
the part’s manufacture (or applicable) specification. A supplier’s alteration to, or
replacement of, the data plate or manufacture’s part number is unacceptable.
V Flammable, toxic or volatile materials shall be stored in a safe manner according
to the manufacture’s recommendations or as specified by local fire regulations.
V Material subject to damage from electrostatic discharge shall be packaged,
handled and protected with necessary precaution and in accordance with require-
ments for handling electrostatic sensitive devices.
The supplier of surplus parts shall have a system to segregate and identify service-
able units from unserviceable ones in a manner that will preclude issuing an
unserviceable part.
Stores Documentation
Incoming Documentation
Certificate of Conformance
Once a part has been received and checked to ensure that it conforms to all
requirements, it is placed in the bonded store. Subsequently, that part may be sold to
another organization which is not part of the recipient company’s group.
Maintenance Practices
Preliminary Module 7 Maintenance Procedures
Notes 7.20 7.20.1 - HO - 10
Stockist’s Certificate
Note: It must be emphasised at this point that it is the responsibility of the user to
ensure that all aeronautical parts used on aircraft are genuine, in a serviceable
condition and conform to the correct modification and inspection standards,
regardless of their source.
Whenever aeronautical parts are obtained from an unapproved source, the user
must obtain evidence as to the origin of such parts. One acceptable form of evidence
is the stockist’s certificate. This is a release certificate which certifies that the parts
were obtained initially from an approved source. It must bear the serial number and
date of the incoming verifying document(s) received by the distributor. The stockist’s
certificate must bear the signature of a person authorised by the distributor company.
Where a degree of confidence exists between the user and the distributor the
stockist’s certificate is all that is required in the way of documentary evidence. Where
no such confidence exists, the user should also obtain a certified photocopy of the
incoming approved certificate and any other technical documents which were
received by the distributor when the parts were originally obtained.
The form and wording of JAA Form One may not be altered. It has to bear the
issuing organization’s name and address and the number of the certificate. Once it
has been issued, no alterations or additions are permitted. If an organization
transfers parts to another organization, any additional information must be stated on
the back of the accompanying JAA Form One or on a separate document.
Every JAA Form One must be signed by an authorised person. The form must
always be raised in duplicate, at least. The top copy (or: certified true copy) is to be
sent out with the parts. The raising organization will keep a copy in their file.
When a JAA Form One is received in an organization, it must be filed, together with
any other relevant documents, and retained for a minimum period of 5 years. The
certificate should not be destroyed as long as the items are held in stock. On
completion of the 5--year period, if the items have been issued from stores and used
on aircraft, the filing information may be destroyed, except in cases of major
assemblies or components where documentation should not be destroyed without
prior consultation with the NAA.
When an item is released from the bonded store and fitted to an aircraft, a certificate
of release to service must be raised in respect of the work done.
There are various means and ways how the user can be satisfied that the parts are
acceptable for use on aircraft when they are obtained from a foreign source. One
such way of acceptable documentary evidence is the FAA tag. This is a label which
can be attached to the parts. It is identified as FAA Form 8130--3 airworthiness
approval tag and will be signed by a representative of the Federal Aviation Adminis-
From time to time, it is necessary to carry out inspections and tests on items held in
the bonded store to ensure that they remain serviceable. Occasionally, these tests
may be carried out on items which have a finite shelf life, such as flexible pipelines.
It should be understood that re--certification of such parts, during a long period when
they are held in the bonded store, does not mean that the shelf life reverts to zero
after re--certification. All such periods of shelf life are cumulative and the part must be
scrapped when its finite life is reached, irrespective of how serviceable that part may
Bogus Parts
This term is used to describe parts which seem to be approved and/or genuine items
from acceptable sources, but they are actually not. The flight safety foundation of
America has defined bogus parts as follows:
V parts which are not airworthy
V parts the source and identity of which have long been lost
V parts of unknown material, fabricated by processes at variance with industry
and government specifications.
Any positive evidence of bogus parts must immediately be reported to the national
aviation authorities.
Maintenance Practices
Preliminary Module 7 Maintenance Procedures
Notes 7.20 7.20.1 - HO - 12
Parts Classification
Class 1
Class 2
A major component of a class--1 product, e.g. a wing or control surface, the failure of
which would jeopardise the safety of a class--1 product or any part, material or
appliance, approved and manufactured under the technical standard order (TSO)
Class 3
Any aircraft part or component which is not a class--1 or a class--2 product. This
includes standard parts, e.g. those designated AN, MS, NAS, etc.
For more than 20 years after the Wright brothers’ first flight, aviation was virtually an
unregulated industry. Anyone who wanted could design, build and fly an aircraft
without obtaining approval from the government. Predictably, the safety record of the
early air transport was not very good and the government responded by passing the
air commerce act of 1926. The 1926 act required registration of aircraft and
mechanics. In 1938, the air commerce act was repeated and replaced by the civil
aeronautics board which established and enforced all regulations pertaining to civil
Airworthiness Certificate
The final step in aircraft certification is the issue of an airworthiness certificate, which
essentially bears the EASA/JAA/FAA stamp of approval for each aircraft coming off
the assembly line. It gives proof of the fact that the aircraft has been properly built,
according to an approved design, and that it is safe for commercial service.
The EASA/JAA/FAA require that all commercial transport aircraft be designed with
built--in redundancies, so they can fly even when a structural element fails. For
example, there is more than one way to lower the landing gear, more than one way
to communicate with the ground and more than one way to control the aircraft.
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Preliminary Module 7 Maintenance Procedures
Notes 7.20 7.20.1 - HO - 13
Operating Certificates
Airworthiness Directives
Service Bulletins
Normally, the decision to follow service bulletins (SBs) or modifications falls in the
operator’s responsibility. However, the operator may delegate that decision provided
that the conditions of delegation are clearly established (e.g. the modification does
not affect the interchangeability and the reliability [which should be demonstrated];
the modification does not affect the maintenance or operational procedures, etc.).
ETOPS Maintenance
In 1953, the USA developed regulations that prohibited two--engine aircraft from
routes more than 60 min (single--engine flying time) from an adequate airport. These
regulations were later formalised in FAR 121.161. The ETOPS program allows
operators to deviate from this rule under certain conditions. By incorporating specific
hardware improvements and establishing specific maintenance and operational
procedures, operators can fly distances up to 180 min from the alternate airport.
The ETOPS maintenance approach that can be applied to all commercial aircraft
V engine health monitoring
V pre-- departure service check
V basic and multiple-- system maintenance practices
V event-- oriented reliability program.
ETOPS maintenance procedures were created to ensure the safety and reliability of
flights operating at extended distances from alternate airports and to prevent or
reduce the probability of a diversion or turnback with one engine off.
Two items in the ETOPS maintenance program that best illustrate this real--time
approach are oil consumption monitoring and engine condition monitoring.
A typical maintenance program requires checking of engine oil before each flight (or
only once every day), with check of the APU oil even less frequently (such as every
100 hours). The quantity of oil added and the flight hours for each leg are to be noted
in the maintenance logbook.
Refer to Figure 8.
The oil consumption rate, i.e. the amount of oil used per hour of operation on the
previous flight leg, should be calculated for both engines and the APU during ETOPS
before dispatch onto the next leg. The resulting value provides a better indication of
oil usage or loss than the quantity of oil added. If the rate is acceptable, the flight can
be released, if not, the cause of the increased usage must be addressed before
dispatching the aircraft onto an ETOPS flight. This increase can frequently be caused
by an oil leak, which is easy to detect and repair.
The consumption rate data is also logged in order to track long--term variations in
consumption rates. This allows the operator to determine if problems are developing.
So they can be identified and solutions implemented before serious engine or APU
degradation occurs.
For many years, engine condition monitoring (ECM) computer programs have been
available for all engines. The engine manufacturer supplies ECM software to help
operators to record and analyse parameters like N1, N2, exhaust gas temperature,
fuel and oil pressures, and vibration. In some cases, oil consumption data and ECM
data can be correlated to define certain problems.
ETOPS operators are required to use ECM programs to monitor adverse trends in
engine performance and execute maintenance to avoid serious failures. These
failures could cause in--flight shutdowns and may require diversions or turnbacks. But
most operators use an ECM program regardless of whether they fly ETOPS routes or
Regulations require certain ETOPS systems to be checked before each flight. This is
because certain systems relating to ETOPS were redesigned for greater reliability,
and dispatch requirements were altered for ETOPS (e.g. standby generators,
minimum equipment list requirements).
Resolution of Discrepancies
This program requires items that are repaired or replaced to be checked for proper
installation and operation before the work is signed off in the maintenance log. This
ensures that the item is actually fixed and that no new problems were introduced
during maintenance. This maintenance practice is applicable to all aircraft.
Maintenance Practices
Preliminary Module 7 Maintenance Procedures
Notes 7.20 7.20.1 - HO - 16
Maintenance practices for the multiple similar systems requirement were designed to
eliminate the possibility of introducing problems into both systems of a dual installa-
tion (e.g. engines and fuel systems) that could ultimately result in failure of both
systems. The basic philosophy is that two similar systems should not be maintained
or repaired during the same maintenance visit. Some operators may find this difficult
to implement because all maintenance must be done at their home base.
However, methods exist for avoiding the problems that may be introduced by working
on two similar systems simultaneously.
For example, different personnel can perform the required work on the similar
systems, or they can ask each other to review the work done on each system. If the
systems are checked after performing maintenance according to the resolution of
discrepancies program, any problems introduced during maintenance should be
identified and corrected before releasing the aircraft to service.
Although three--and four--engine aircraft are not specifically designed or improved for
ETOPS, the ETOPS maintenance approach can be applied to those aircraft and offer
operators significant improvements in reliability, performance, and dispatch rates.
The approach can be applied at minimal cost, which can later be offset by reduced
maintenance costs and other costs associated with diversions or turnbacks.
In the late 1950s, vertical separation for aircraft flying in the upper airspace was
1,000 feet.
However, it was realised that as altitude increased the accuracy of pressure sensing
barometric altimeters decreased. Therefore, in 1960, the decision was taken to
increase separation at and above flight level (FL) 290 from 1,000 feet to 2,000 feet.
As a global standard, the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) adopted FL
290 as the changeover level in 1966.
Despite this increase in vertical separation minimum (VSM), some years later it was
recognised that, as technology advanced, more accurate height measuring equip-
ment would become available in the future which would allow a reduction in the given
Maintenance Practices
Preliminary Module 7 Maintenance Procedures
Notes 7.20 7.20.1 - HO - 17
In the late 1970s, faced with rising fuel costs and growing demands for a more
efficient use of the available airspace, ICAO initiated a comprehensive program of
studies to examine the feasibility of reducing the 2,000--feet VSM at FL 290 and
above to a 1,000--feet VSM. The underlying approach of the programs was to
V determine the height--keeping accuracy of the altimeter and autoflight sys-
tems of the then current aircraft generation
V establish the causes of observed height keeping errors
V determine the required safety levels for the implementation and use of an
RVSM of 1,000 feet at/above FL 290
V define a minimum aircraft systems performance specification (MASPS) for
aircraft altimeter and associated height--keeping equipment
V determine whether or not the global implementation and use of RVSM was
-- technically feasible, subject to the overriding need to satisfy the agreed
safety standards
-- cost--beneficial.
The main provision for any reduction in vertical separation was that the aircraft in the
area(s) had to be equipped with height keeping equipment complying with minimum
aircraft systems performance specification (MASPS).
MASPS would ensure height--keeping accuracy to a standard compatible with the
agreed safety requirements for RVSM. This would include at least 2 independent
altimeters on board an aircraft that would always have to be within a certain
tolerance of each other.
The integrity of the design features necessary to ensure that altimetric systems
continue to meet RVSM approval criteria should be verified by scheduled tests and
inspections in conjunction with an approved maintenance program. The operator
should review its maintenance procedures and address all aspects of continued
airworthiness that may be relevant.
Adequate maintenance facilities should be available to enable compliance with the
RVSM maintenance procedures.
Maintenance Programs
Maintenance Practices
As with aircraft and airlines, also the persons who work on, fly or manage aircraft
must be personally licensed by EASA/JAA/FAA and must have minimum levels of
training and experience. These certification requirements apply to aircraft mechanics,
pilots, flight engineers, aircraft dispatchers and air traffic controllers. The schools
where these aviation professionals get their training, as well as the teachers in those
schools, also require a license.
Maintenance Technicians
The certifying staff responsible for issuing the certificate of release to service must be
qualified in accordance with the appropriate requirements of EASA Part--66.
! The aircraft maintenance licence alone does not permit the holder to issue
certificates of release to service for aircraft used for commercial air transport. To
issue a certificate of release to service for such aircraft, the aircraft maintenance
licence holder must in addition hold an EASA Part--145 certification authorisation
issued by an EASA Part--145 approved maintenance organization.
Certifying staff qualified in accordance with EASA Part--66 and holding a valid aircraft
maintenance licence with an appropriate type ratings (if applicable), will be eligible to
hold an EASA Part--145 certification authorisation in one or more of the following
V A category A certifying staff authorisation permits the holder to issue certifi-
cates of release to service following minor scheduled line maintenance and
simple defect rectification, as specified in EASA Part--145, within the limits of
tasks specifically endorsed on the authorisation. The certification privileges
are restricted to work that the authorisation holder has personally performed.
V A category B1 certifying staff authorisation permits the holder to issue certifi-
cates of release to service following line maintenance, including aircraft struc-
ture, powerplants and mechanical and electrical systems. Replacement of
avionic line--replaceable units, requiring simple tests to prove their service-
ability, is also included in these privileges.
V A category B2 certifying staff authorisation permits the holder to issue certifi-
cates of release to service following line maintenance on avionic and electri-
cal systems.
V A category C certifying staff authorisation permits the holder to issue certifi-
cates of release to service following base maintenance. The authorisation is
valid for the aircraft in its entirety, including all systems.
Maintenance Practices
Preliminary Module 7 Maintenance Procedures
Notes 7.20 7.20.1 - HO - 20
Certification of Maintenance
Release to Service
Refer to Figure 9.
A certificate of release to service is necessary before flight at the completion of any
maintenance task scheduled by the approved aircraft maintenance program on the
aircraft, whether such maintenance took place as base or line maintenance.
Prior to the issue of the certificate of release to service, the approved person with
final release responsibility shall establish from the bill of work that no job cards
remain open which could jeopardise the continuing airworthiness of the aircraft.
The issue of a certificate of fitness for flight shall only be made by an approved
person with final release responsibility.
The certificate of release to service should certify that the work was carried out in
accordance with EASA Part--145 (unless otherwise specified). In respect to that work
the aircraft/aircraft--component is considered ready for release to service.
The certificate of release to service should relate to the task specified in the aircraft
maintenance program which itself may cross--refer to a manufacturer’s/operator’s
instruction in a maintenance manual, service bulletin etc.
The date such maintenance was carried out should include when the maintenance
took place relative to any life or overhaul limitation in terms of date/flying hours/
cycles/landings etc., as appropriate.
When extensive maintenance has been carried out, it is acceptable for the certificate
of release to service to summarise the maintenance so long as there is a unique
cross--reference to the work--pack containing full details of maintenance carried out.
Dimensional information should be retained in the work--pack record.
The person who carried out the maintenance task specified in the approved
maintenance instructions should only sign that the task has been accomplished when
satisfied by self inspection that the task has been properly carried out in accordance
with the approved maintenance instructions.
The person issuing the certificate of release to service should use his normal
signature except in the case where a computer release to service system is used. In
the latter case a magnetic or optical personal card may be used in conjunction with a
personal identity number (PIN) known only to the individual. A certification stamp is
optional and used by some companies.
Refer to Figure 9 again.
Figure 9 shows a release to service entry in the log book after line maintenance.
Refer to Figure 10.
Figure 10 shows a certificate of release to service after base maintenance.
Certification of Components
The workshop component certifying staff should issue release to service for the
aircraft component when satisfied that the complete maintenance process has been
carried out in accordance with the approved procedures including additional
inspections, when required.
Maintenance Practices
Preliminary Module 7 Maintenance Procedures
Notes 7.20 7.20.1 - HO - 21
Maintenance Management
Quality System
Quality Assurance
The concept of quality assurance is not new to the aviation industry.
The increasing complexity of both aircraft and the companies engaged in aviation has
been accompanied by corresponding changes in the number of the requirements
and the demands put upon the authorities.
The authority continues to be responsible for drawing up the regulations, which form
the base on which a safe operation is build and also for overall surveillance.
The operator remains responsible for the safety of the operation and for compliance
with the requirements.
The change, is that the maintenance organization is called upon to set in place
structured internal quality assurance procedures acceptable to the authority.
It is the assurance of regulatory compliance, which are then primary goal of the
quality program and a primary function of the operator’s quality system.
The authority’s role will, with time, shift to the verification of operators’ compliance
with their quality system and with the requirements. The development of internal audit
and evaluation programs relies heavily upon AOC (Aircraft Operator Certificate)
holders to continuously monitor and audit their operations to ensure that they are
safe and conform to the requirements and the operator’s standards.
It should always be born in mind that the concept of a quality system in any
organization embraces all aspects of that organization to which the quality system
This includes the organizational structure, responsibilities, procedures and resources
for implementing quality management. The essential elements of a quality system
are covered below.
Quality assurance includes all those systematic measures needed to ensure that a
company is well--planned, organized, operated maintained, developed and supported
in accordance with authority regulations and the operator’s own additional standards.
Maintenance Practices
Preliminary Module 7 Maintenance Procedures
Notes 7.20 7.20.1 - HO - 23
Independent Monitoring
Quality Inspection
Quality Audit
Internal quality audits are held on a planned basis and are performed annually.
Nevertheless an audit may become necessary when circumstances change or
company employees can not be expected to comply with arrangements which have
become outdated. New aircraft, for example, or new routes may be introduced or the
company may grow. If standards are to be maintained, it is necessary to include
quality audit as an accepted part of the functioning and the organization of all
A quality audit is used to confirm that policies, structures, facilities, resources and
procedures remain relevant to the company’s operation and effective in maintaining
standards. The primary purpose of a quality audit is to identify, in an objective
fashion, potentially unsatisfactory practices or procedures before they cause an
accident or an incident.
Therefore, an audit can be seen as building on the inspection process. Auditors, who
have relevant operational and/or maintenance qualifications, should use the records
of inspections to guide them towards problem areas or to problems which are caused
by a weakness in the system itself. An audit can vary greatly in scope and range of
its enquiry. These things should be defined so that the composition of the team and
the time needed for the audit are appropriately set.
Any non--compliances will be recorded and rectified in accordance with the cause.
Life limited parts (LLP) are components, which have to be removed and discarded
after a certain time or a certain number of cycles or flight hours.
To enable the control of life limited parts by the operator, the EASA Part--145
approved/accepted organization has to provide the operator with all the necessary
information about the LLP removal/installation requirements so that the operator may
update its records.
Both the operator and the EASA Part--145 approved/accepted organization may also
agree in the control of LLP carried out by the EASA Part--145 organization. This will
have to be specified in the contract. This will have to be specified in the contract.
Hours and cycles control is the responsibility of the operator, but there may be cases
where the EASA Part--145 approved/accepted organization performs that control,
especially when it carries out planning functions. In the latter case, the EASA
Part--145 approved/accepted organization must be in receipt of the current flight
hours and cycles on a regular basis so that it may update the records.
Maintenance Practices
Preliminary Module 7 Maintenance Procedures
Notes 7.20 7.20.1 - HO - 25
Module 7
tion from ground
A 500 flight hours Walkaround, some system
checks and servicing
C 18 months System checks; checks of
general conditions; security
of installations and structure
D 6, 10, 15 years Fatigue and corrosion critical
(typically) items; system and structure
Maintenance Procedures
C 1713
checks and overhaul
Maintenance Practices
7.20.1 - HO - 29
Figure 5 Typical Check Intervals
Maintenance Practices
Preliminary Module 7 Maintenance Procedures
Notes 7.20 7.20.1 - HO - 30