Allied - SX 190 Info Oct02
Allied - SX 190 Info Oct02
Allied - SX 190 Info Oct02
Resource Collection
Compliments of Mark Rehorst
CQ Reviews...
The Allied Radio Shack
Series 190 Receivers
ALLIED Radio Shack has recently introduced and h.f.o. outputs; line/tape-recorder output; sepa-
two dandy low-cost solid-state receivers that em- rate headphone and speaker jacks; operation from
body some of the finest Japanese craftsmanship a 117 v.a.c. or 12 v.d.c. power source with built-in
we’ve run across. There are two models. facilities.
The AX-190 is primarily an amateur-band re-
ceiver providing full coverage of the 3.5-28 MHz
amateur bands, the 15.0-15.5 MHz s.w. band for
WWV, the 27 MHz Citizen’s Band, with the addi- Technical Data
tion of an auxiliary spare position for use in any
one 500 kHz segment between 3.5 and 10MHz. The receivers have a complement of 4 FET’s,
The SX-190 is primarily an s.w.l. short-wave 22 bipolar transistors, 13 diodes plus 2 zener di-
broadcast band receiver covering the s.w. bands of odes and 2 thermistors. Referring to the block dia-
5.7, 7.0, 9.5, 11.5, 15 and 17.5 MHz plus the Citi- gram at fig. 1, double conversion is employed with
zen’s Band and the 3.5 and 14 MHz amateur a variable 1st i.f. of 2420-2920 kHz and a fixed
bands (7 MHz band is included in the s.w. BC 2nd i.f. of 455 kHz.
range). In addition, there are two auxiliary spare Referring ito fig. 2, the r.f.-input amplifier is
positions one for use between 3.5-10 MHz, the rather unique. It consists of two FET’s in a cas-
other for between 10-30 MHz. code configuration using three individual r.f. cir-
Except for the different bands, both models are cuits for preselector-tuning. Two of these circuits
otherwise identical, with the following features: are at the input of the r.f. stage where they are
a.m., s.s.b. (u.s.b. or 1.s.b.), c.w. reception; 4 kHz coupled to each other through a resistive attenu-
selectivity, Q-Multiplier for peaking or rejection- ator consisting simply of a potentiometer. The
notch; r.f. preselection tuning; linear frequency- third tuned circuit is at the output of the r.f. stage.
tuning rate with calibration in 1 kHz increments Use of the three circuits, instead of the customary
over a 500 kHz segment for each band; 100/25 total of two, ensures better r.f. preselection for
kHz crystal-controlled calibrator; S-meter; a.g.c.; higher image and i.f.-signal rejection as well as
am. noise limiter; r.f. and a.f. gain controls; v.f.o. that of other unwanted input signals.
Extremely sharp preselector tuning is had with
*Technical Director, CQ. image rejection on the AX-190 measured as 90,
78, 74, 60, 50 db and i.f. signal rejection as 50, 70,
90, 105, 100 db on the 3.5, 7,14, 21 and 28 MHz
bands respectively. Similar results were also ob-
tained on the nearest related s.w. bands with the
I.f.-signal rejection (of the 1st i.f.) is further
enhanced by a bandpass filter at the antenna input.
The preselector has two ranges, one is 3.5-10
MHz, the other is 10-30 MHz. The preselector dial
The Allied Radio Shack AX-190 amateur-band receiver. calibration is exceptionally accurate accordingly.
Except for the different bands, the Model SX-190 s.w. Another novel arrangement at the r.f.
broadcast-band version is identical.
42 • CQ • May, 1972
stage is the r.f. gain and the a.g.c. setup. The a.g.c. distortion or harshness on the attack with s.s.b.
is obtained from voltage doubling diodes at the signals. The release time, however, is a bit fast for
last i.f. stage. The rectified r.f. is then applied to a s.s.b. use and there are some pumping effects
transistor d.c. amplifier at the collector of which is when background noise is present. The a.g.c.
obtained the a.g.c. potential from the arm of con- characteristics otherwise are such as to hold the
trol R2 which is ganged with the arm of R1. The a.f. output level within 12 db with r.f. input
a.g.c. potential is applied to the base of transistor changes of 100 db (1-100,000 uv).
Q3 the collector emitter junction of which is in se- The 1st mixer is an FET with the r.f. signal ap-
ries with the source resistor of the first FET (Q1). plied to the gate, the heterodyning-oscillator signal
Changes in the a.g.c. potential applied to Q5 to the source. The oscillator is crystal-controlled
then cause its collector/emitter resistance to vary using a bipolar transistor. The crystal frequencies
accordingly and since this resistance is in the are equal to 2.920 MHz plus the frequency of the
source circuit of the FET, the gain of the latter low end of the desired r.f. signa1 range. For crys-
similarly follows the a.g.c. changes. tals below 17.920 MHz the oscillator is tuned to
For reducing the r.f. gain, R2 is rotated toward the fundamental frequency; for higher-frequency
the ground end. The fixed bias (from Q5 collector) crystals it is tuned to the 3rd overtone. An emitter-
applied to Q3 then changes, reducing the bias on follower buffer amplifier, after the
the FET and thus its gain. At the same time, R1
rotates toward its ground end, reducing the cou-
pling between the first two tuned circuits.
A.g.c., also applied to the 2nd mixer and the 1st
455 kHz i.f. stage, is handled in the conventional
The S-meter responds instantaneously, since it is
located at the emitter of the a.g.c. d.c. amplifier
where the time constants of the a.g.c., which are
located at the output of the amplifier, have no ef-
fect on the operation of the meter. The a.g.c. at-
tack is exceptionally fast without any evidence of Bottom View of the AX-190. Lower part of the
box for the v.f.o is at the center
May, 1972 • CQ • 43
crystal oscillator, feeds an h.f.o.-output jack on the changed. The 455 kHz i.f. section has a passband
rear of the set. of 4 kHz at 6 db down and since the b.f.o. crystals
A 2920-2420 kHz amplifier precedes the second are only 3 kHz apart in frequency, the reinserted
mixer. It has a fixed bandpass circuit along with a carrier then falls within the i.f. passband near the
tunable bandpass-coupled circuit ganged with the side of the selectivity curve required for u.s.b. or
v.f.o .-tuning control. The 2nd mixer is a bipolar 1.s.b. selection as the case may be. This spot is
transistor with both the r.f. and v.f.o. signals fed to hardly down the selectivity curve, with the result
the base. that the unwanted-sideband suppression at 1 kHz
The v.f.o. functions from 3375 to 2875 mHz is only 12 db.
and employs an FBI with a tuned-gate circuit. The Q-multiplier peaking position is somewhat
Output is taken from the drain. As with the h.f.o., broader than usually experienced, but it can be
an emitter-follower buffer feeds a v.f.o.-output used to improve the sideband suppression to 16 db
jack. without deteriorating the intelligibility of an s.s.b.
There are two 455 kHz i.f. stages each with an signal as otherwise would result in too sharp a
individual mechanical filter at its base input. Two peaking characteristic. The Q-multiplier rejection
other transistors at the i.f. input make up the Q- position provides a 20 db notch, but the rejection
multiplier. curve is quite broad and thus lowers much of the
A diode envelope detector for a.m. feeds a se- desired passband by 10-14 db.
ries-gate noise limiter. The s.s.b./c.w. product de- The calibrator employs a 100 kHz crystal oscil-
tector is a four-diode ring type feeding an addi- lator that drives an amplifier, which is coupled, to
tional amplifier ahead of the normal a.f. amplify- the antenna input to provide marker signals at 100
ing chain which ends up with an n.p.n. and p.n.p. kHz intervals. For 25 kHz signals, a multivibrator
transistor in a Darlington configuration with indi- is switched in between the oscillator and the am-
vidual output jacks for speaker or headphone use. plifier.
The “undistorted” a.f. output with this set-up The a.c.-operated power supply employs sili-
measured 0.5 watts at 300 Hz and 0.75 watts at con diodes in a full-wave rectifier followed by a
kHz. transistorized voltage-regulating setup. For opera-
The b.f.o. is crystal-controlled with either a tion from a 12 v.d.c. source, the input of the regu-
453.5 or a 456.5 kHz crystal switched in for u.s.b. lator is switched from the rectifier output to a d.c.-
or l.s.b. operation as the need requires. The 3 kHz input connector. Overload protection is provided
change is not compensated at the v.f.o., so the re- by a 1A fuse at the regulator input.
ceiver must be retuned 3 kHz when sidebands are
44 • CQ • May, 1972
The v.f.o. and variable-i.f. band-
pass tuning circuits are in the box
at the center. In the center fore-
ground is a board with the a.f. sec-
tion and power-supply compo-
nents. At the right of the v.f.o. is
the calibrator board. The r.f. circuit
board is at the right with the h.f.o.
crystals at the upper-right corner.
The three-gang preselector-tuning
capacitor is at the left of the board.
The i.f., b.f.o. and detector sections
are on the board at the left. Brack-
ets at each end of the panel and at
each side of the v.f.o. box provide
firm bracing to the chassis.
The 190 receivers are built using several indi- Operation and Performance
vidual printed-circuit boards for various sections
of the set. Resistors and capacitors are identified The receivers are nice looking jobs with a solid
on the boards by value, while other components feel to them. There is no flimsiness about them as
are designated by schematic number, facilitating often experienced with some of the low-cost Japa-
circuit tracing should servicing become necessary. nese-built gear. The tuning is quite nice; however,
This also may be aided by following the circuit the finger hole in the tuning-control knob might
runs which are indicated in black on the com- have been made deeper to prevent one’s finger
ponent side of the boards. from slipping out of it during fast tuning.
The boards are installed on a heavy-metal A mode switch selects a.m., a.m. with a.n.l.,
chassis with a satinized aluminum-finish panel and l.s.b. or u.s.b. (s.s.b./c.w.). Since when side-bands
knobs. Pushbuttons are engaged for power on-off are switched the receiver must be retuned 3 kHz,
and the calibrator operation. Quite a few brackets there are three individual hairlines at the dial fidu-
between the panel and the chassis provide bracing cial for keeping track of the receiver calibration in
that gives exceptional sturdiness to the whole each mode of operation. The reference line for
setup. a.m. is at the center, to the left and right of which
A large black escutcheon is behind the tuning are those for u.s.b. and l.s.b. respectively.
control dial and runs across the top of the panel Besides some of the statistics and the perform-
where it has a full-length elongated window be- ance comments already mentioned in the text, oth-
hind which are the S-meter, a calibrated dial for ers are as follows:
the preselector and the maintaining dial for the The sensitivity of the receivers measured an
receiver frequency. The latter is a circular one average of 0.25 uv for 10 db S+N/N on s.s.b. and
calibrated in 10 kHz steps. The tuning control has c.w. and of 0.5 uv on a.m. Band-to-band gain, re-
a dial calibrated in I kHz steps spaced 3/16” apart ferred to 14 MHz, was ±4, +13, ±5, + 1 on the 3.5,
over a 50 kHz range for one revolution. This dial 7, 21 and 28 MHz bands. An average of 100 uv
can be slipped on its shaft for indexing to the cali- was required for an S9 meter reading on all bands.
brator signals. A finger hole is provided on the signal-handling capabilities (cross modulation, r.f.
face of the tuning knob to make rapid excursions inter-modulation, overload, etc.) were somewhat
over the range easily possible. better than jobs using bipolar transistors, but not
The phone jack is on the panel, the speaker up to the more sophisticated ones using FET’s.
jack is at the rear. Terminals for remote standby Care must be taken to set the preselector at the
control also are at the rear along with phono jacks proper point; otherwise, signals at other spots may
for line/tape and oscillator outputs. The receiver is be tuned in which are different-than-normal de-
housed in a dark gray wrap-around type case con- sired-mixing products of the receiver that may oc-
sisting of top and bottom half-shells. cur in conjunction with the v.f.o. or its harmonics.
May, 1972 • CQ • 45
Fortunately, because of the extremely high se- Setting up one of the auxiliary ranges requires
lectivity provided by the three preselector circuits, installation of an appropriate crystal and a trimmer
these products are not encountered with proper capacitor for which provisions are already made
adjustment to the desired frequency indicated by on one of the circuit boards. No changes or addi-
the accurate calibrations of the preselector dial. tions are needed at the preselector tuned circuits.
S.s.b. signals are easy to tune in and sound As noted earlier, with the AX-190 the one auxil-
good in spite of the lower-than-usual unwanted- iary position is available for use in a 500 kHz
sideband rejection capabilities of the receiver. To segment only in the 3.5-10 MHz range, but for
the critical trained ear, however, a slight degree of those not interested in the CB range, the crystal for
distortion may be noted partly due to the above, a this position may be changed to one for use in an-
slightly fast a.g.c. release and a less-than-optimum other segment between 10-30 MHz. On the other
b.f.o. to signal ratio at the product detector. The hand, users of the SX-190 who may desire to add
latter can be corrected, however, by adjusting the coverage of the 21 MHz amateur band and one
b.f.o. output (at T12) for minimum a.f. distortion segment of the 28 MHz one, while still retaining
of a 100-200 Hz beat note observed on an oscillo- the other amateur bands and the s.w. broadcast
scope at the a.f. output of the receiver. The a.m. ones, can do so by changing the CB range over to
quality is exceptionally good, resulting in excel- 21 MHz and using the 10-30 MHz auxiliary posi-
lent intelligibility, a particular boon for those in- tion for the 28 MHz segment.
terested in s.w. broadcasts. All in all, the AX-190 and SX-190 receivers
The results of several frequency stability runs are excellent jobs selling for $249.95. We suggest
indicated an average one-half hour warmup drift you see for yourself by looking them over at one
of 500 Hz with a drift of 250 Hz or so per hour of the hundreds of Allied Radio Shack stores for
thereafter. No change was noted with ±10% line- whom the receivers are custom-manufactured.
voltage variations. Vibration tests produced no - W2AEF
adverse effects on the frequency stability.
May, 1972 • CQ • 45
Edward C. Shaw
Acknowledgments: Mr. Paul Stanley, Allied Radio Shack, Fort Worth, Texas; Mr. Gene
Welch, International Crystal Mfg. Co, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma; Mr. Al R. Niblack,
North American SW Assn, Vincennes, Indiana. This publication is free of charge.
A Consumer’s Report
by Edward C. Shaw
The SX—190 receiver is a solid—state, crystal controlled short wave receiver with a
dual—conversion circuit. This means that images are not likely to appear as in
other single—conversion receivers. The circuitry provides reception of 11 short
wave bands from 3.0 to 30.0 MHz.
The advertised coverage of 3.5 to 30 MHz is misleading and not quite correct, in
that a crystal may be purchased which will allow the receiver to be used for
reception of the 90-meter short wave band. The initial advertisements were probably
written by promoters who didn’t realize there was anything of major interest below
3.5 MHz for amateur or foreign broadcasting. There are a number of low—powered SWBC
stations in the vicinity of 3.2 to 3.4 MHz, notably Latin's and some Africans, as
well as CHU on 3,300 kHz.
The receiver comes equipped with provisions for the 75, 49, 40/41, 31, 25, 19, 20,
16, and 11-meter (CB) bands. Extra accommodations may be purchased for any other
500 kHz segment between 3-10 MHz, and for any 500 kHz segment between 10—30 MHz,
for a total of 11 bands. One might best choose to fill the lower option with a
crystal for the 60-meter band, and to fill the upper option with a crystal for the
11-meter band. The process is quite easy and not as complicated as the manual
intimates. If, however, the reader is not inclined to electronic work with a
soldering gun, a 60-meter crystal may be put in the 75-meter crystal place without
change in capacitance. But, since there is little of interest to the majority of
SWLs on 90 meters (except to the most hard—core DXer), it is recommended the lower
option be filled with the 60-meter crystal, installing it with the needed
capacitor. In the upper option, a 13-meter crystal may be added without additional
capacitance, but may perform a wee bit better if a 40pf capacitor is installed
across the terminals of TC—11. The only time the author actually had to use a
capacitor was for the 90-meter crystal and that was located in a position
underneath the chassis, which luckily was easiest, and cost accessible place it
could have been.
For convenience of the reader to locate the concerned crystal sockets and trimmer
capacitors, a pictorial diagram is provided here of the interior of the SX—l90:
X-1 is the blank option space, which will require extra capacitance in parallel
with TC-4 trimmer (across the terminals). If the reader chooses to put a 60-meter
crystal in this spot, the needed extra capacitance will be 510pf. If a 90-meter
crystal is chosen, a 680pf capacitor will be needed. Actual tolerances are not
critical and capacitors may be a little larger or smaller, about 10% either way.
The reader can readily be guided by how the capacitors for other crystals are
installed when it comes time to install his own, but be sure the terminals you
locate on the underside of the chassis belong to the socket or trimmer concerned as
seen from the top.
X—2 is the space, which already contains a 75-meter (3.5 MHz) crystal when bought.
This crystal may be removed and a 60-meter crystal put in its place without
changing capacitors. The capacitance for the one is near enough also for the other.
This is the easiest and simplest method to attain 60-meter coverage — far more
important and productive than 75-meter coverage, in the opinion of the author. 60-
meter coverage is the most widely used band in the world. On it can be found nearly
any country you desire. Although somewhat inconvenient to remove the metal cabinet
top each time, you can always exchange one crystal for the other at any time you
want to go back to 75 meter coverage for some reason, In this case, you may need to
touch up trimmer TC—5 with a small screw driver just a tad to bring your dial into
exact alignment. The trimmers are used for subtle alignment of 2—3 kHz either way
to perfectly align your dial.
X—11 is the upper blank option. The 13-meter crystal may be put in this socket
without capacitance, or it may require a small 40pf capacitor across the terminals
of TC—ll.
* * * * * * *
In particular, the author is pleased with the performance of the 60-meter crystal.
All extra crystals were ordered by mail from International Crystal Mfg. Co. in
Oklahoma City at a very reasonable price — at a 25% savings under Allied’s price.
To labor on this point a bit, Allied nominally takes one or two months to provide
crystals. Also, a half dozen known instances concerning Allied crystals revealed
the wrong frequency when the crystals arrived. International took only 10 days —
and the quality of the crystals were first rate. It is recommended that owners of
the SX—190 purchase the 60-meter and 13-meters crystals. The crystals needed are
described on a sample order blank made for your convenience on the next page. Be
sure to line out those crystals not desired on the order blank.
The first weeks the author had his receiver were a nightmare. The receiver was
plagued by failures, strange noises, and low sensitivity. After the third trip back
to the dealer’s technician, it was finally determined that the problems were cold
solder joint breaks. After touching the tip of soldering gun to a few points here
and there, the receiver really came to life. Several other cases brought to Allied
Radio’s attention prompted Mr. Paul Stanley, of Allied’s Technical staff in Fort
Worth, Texas, to investigate the receiver thoroughly. Cold solder joints were the
problem he found - specifically in the VFD oscillator section. During manufacture,
parts were evidentially not being pushed down far enough through the circuit board
to make proper soldered connections beneath: which resulted in some broken contacts
in the shipping process. The technician hired by the author to align his receiver
thoroughly tested the receivers specifications and found that, after alignment, the
lower range (3.0 to 10.0 MHz) generally required less than 1/2 microvolt for 10 db
down on Single Side Band modes, and less than 1 microvolt on AM mode. The readings
f or the upper range (10—30 MHz) was insignificantly better. These excellent
readings are just about the limit that any person could reasonably expect from most
receivers on the market today under $500.00. A good technician can also sharply
tune your Q- multiplier until it literally rings sharp as a bell and does an
outstanding job of shaving off QRM (quieting) on either side to let you copy that
difficult signal sometimes found deep in the mud.
The SX—190 comes equipped with some features found only on the most expensive
receivers: or only available as an external additive. The built—in Q—multiplier and
selectivity control is a marvel. Even without use of that control, stations are
usually easily separated every 5 kHz, except the most stubborn cases involving very
powerful or deliberately "splashy" signals such as from Havana and others. Using
the Q-multiplier, I have separated very weak stations only 1 kHz apart. Admittedly,
this comes with some practice. You cannot get away from the annoying squeal of
heterodyning, however, when stations are that close together, but this author is
well pleased with the selective quality of the SX-190. It compares favorably with
the more expensive Drake and Collins line — both of which the author has tuned.
Hallicrafters or Hammarlund equipment cannot approach such accuracy with the same
STABILITY: After a few minutes warm up, the SX-190 could not be caused to drift,
even after violent shaking, and accidental dropping from about 18 inches off the
surface of a desk (not advised deliberately). The desired frequency remains stable
after switching the mode switch and the band selector and then returning. Superb!
POWER SUPPLY: Performs on standard house current as well as any 12 volt DC source,
such as automobile cigarette lighter plug, or battery pack made of standard "D"
size flashlight cells, available from Radio Shack. It is recommended that owners of
SX—l90 do NOT buy the relatively expensive battery pack, which is a poor value in
the author’s opinion. All you need are two 6 volt dry cells at $2-$3 each at any
hardware store. Not only are they cheaper, but also they will far, far outlast your
flashlight battery pack. CAUTION: Be absolutely certain that your battery polarity
(+ and — ) is correct before hook—up to your receiver, Even though the circuit is
protected by diodes in case of erroneous hook—up, the system might fail at sometime
and an erroneous hook—up may possibly destroy any number of your solid—state
devices, a very costly mistake. It would be well to take note that 6 volt dry cells
described above often are sold with the negative (-) terminal in the center instead
of the positive (+) terminal. Beware! Observe the markings carefully on your
REJECTION: This is the first quality of the SX—190 I would have improved, although
I was not dissatisfied with the rejection qualities of the SX—190. The dual—
conversion circuit and filter systems do a first-rate job of rejecting images.
However, I have found that the receiver IF gain (inward ring on the volume control)
must be backed off about 1/2 when DXing on the 31 and 49 meter bands, or extraneous
noises will be generated due to overload of the preselector....... particularly so
at the extreme high end of these bands.
OBSERVATIONS: The SX—190 is undoubtedly one of the prettiest machines ever devised.
There are several minor annoyances or improvements, which the author has noted, and
perhaps SX—190 owners might use their own ingenuity to make needed changes.
The opaque plastic window should have been made from clear plastic in order to
facilitate easier reading of the dials in daylight. In this regard, I would also
have installed an external light switch to turn off electric dial bulbs to conserve
battery power. The dial markings themselves should have been made with white paint
on the outer surface of the dial for visibility through a clear plastic window —
instead of the present opaque technique requiring light bulbs shining from behind.
The main tuning knob markings do not coincide precisely with the markings in the
lighted window. For instance, at the center of the tuning range (250 kHz), the
extreme either end may be off 3-4 kHz. This is a minor point and quite easily
corrected by the built—in calibrators and shifting of the dial—clutch assembly.
(Some persons actually have not read their instruction manuals closely enough and
are not aware that the knob handle and markings disc are slip—clutch connected)
Still, if the window calibration really bugs you, it may be more closely corrected
by taking the top off the receiver, front toward you. Looking straight down from
the top you will see in the center of the receiver a screwed down metal plate with
holes in it. This is the VFO section. I will NOT attempt to guide you in the proper
steps to do this - there is too great a risk that something will go wrong and I
might be blamed. I will only advise you that a plastic slug tuning tool to fit T—7
and a plastic screwdriver to fit TC—14 will adjust those two devices. One of them
contracts and expands the tuning range width, and the other adjusts the entire
range up or down. Between judicious and balanced adjustments of the two, a
satisfactory match with the dial markings can be achieved - though it will not be
perfect. CAUTION: See a qualified technician to do this for you. Amateur attempts
to do this invariably results in costly realignment jobs.
The SX—190 is too inconveniently dismantled for replacing crystals. There needs to
be a lift up door on the top of the receiver rather than having to fool around with
a bunch of little screws, which are easily lost. This would permit easy
substitution of crystals - particularly so when simply interchanging the 60 and 75
meter crystals.
The SX—190 needs to have its circuitry reworked to permit crystal addition or
substitution without need for change in capacitance.... this is a major stumbling
block for the serious DXer who desires to add various crystals for out—of—band DX.
Unless the reader buys PL—259 plugs for attaching his antenna lead in, this may be
somewhat of a perplexing chore. The author uses three different coaxial cable lead—
ins coming from backyard antennas. These lead—ins are RG59/U cable. I have bared
the center wire of these by removing the outer covering and wire mesh from around
the center plastic covered wire. Then I carefully bare about 1/4" of the center
wire, bend it back against itself, and it pushes very neatly and snuggly into the
antenna socket hole.
SOME SIDE SHOT TRICKS: Your preselector may be deliberately mis—tuned to provide
some out—of—band frequencies. This is very nice for those of you who do a bit of
dabbling in utilities. It is achieved thus: Tune the preselector up 5,840 kHz (2 x
2,920, the upper IF at zero) above the frequency band you are switched to. For
instance, your present 3.5 MHz (75 meter band) position may be mis—tuned by tuning
the preselector up to around 9 MHz (actually, it is 3,500 plus 5,540 kHz=9,340
kHz). Your zero "0" on the main knob should now be about 9,340 kHz. Get the highest
reading from your S—meter. The dial then descends 500 kHz in frequency to 8,840 kHz
at 500 on your dial. Note that KOL Israel is then found at approximately 330 on
your dial, which is really 9,009 kHz. Other crystals will produce similar out—of—
band ranges — except some low range crystals (9.5 and 7), which are, too near the
top of the low range to add 5,840 kHz and still stay within limits of your
preselectors low range (3.0 to 10 MHz). A chart of potential ranges is provided:
Another method to mis—tune calls is to put various low range crystals into one of
the high range sockets - preferably the useless 14 MHz socket. This produces
additional out—of—band ranges, but this time in increasing frequency order from 0
to 500. Also, you must mis—tune on the high half of your preselector. A chart
The theory for coverage by this second method is 3 x crystal frequency, minus the
1st IF frequency to which your dial is tuned (2,920 at zero). Indicates crystals
bought from International. Also, most of you have already discovered that your dial
covers a few extra kHz below zero and above 500.
The author will be happy to have comments about his analysis, or your opinions of
the SX—l90. Write Edward SHAW, 621 Burleigh Avenue, Norfolk, Virginia 23505, USA.
Paul J. Dujmich WA3TLD
1104 Prescott St.
McKeesport PA 15131
Improve the
AX-190 Receiver
From 1970 to late 1971, set of ears. So sensitive, in and will cost from $.75 to PCB pads with a solder
the Allied Radio Shack fact, that you’ll hear the $1.00 each. The 40673 sucker. Now using Fig. 1
Co. had a very nice little 15 kHz horizontal oscilla- MOSFETs used are lead- as a guide drill two holes
receiver on the market. tor of every TV set in your for-lead compatible with with a printed circuit drill,
The AX-190, as it was neighborhood. Now may- the original transistors, one hole at Q2 and one at
called, was a very respect- be you don’t care to hear except that they have an Q3.
able ham band receiver; it every TV set near you, but extra lead. This fourth or After drilling, make
was priced fairly reasona- think how nice OSCAR 6 extra lead is the control or sure that you haven’t
bly, too. Possibly you and 7 will come in if the bias gate. Two tiny holes pierced any circuit board
have one of these gems gooney boxes are peaking will have to be drilled in foil. The transistor leads
floating around the shack. S-9! the circuit board to accept that will be going through
Maybe you have the SX- The conversions to the the extra lead of each tran- these holes will be hand-
190, the SWL cousin, de- receiver itself are basically sistor. There is a good rea- wired on the bottom the
signed for the shortwave simple. They amount to son changing transistors. board. Now slip a 40673
broadcast bands. Both of changing but a few parts The original JFETs in the into each position making
these receivers are pretty here and there on the rf receiver have a listed sure all four leads of each
much the same except for printed circuit board. The transconductance rating of device go through the
their hfo crystals. Per- real improvement comes 2,000 micro-ohms. The board. The tab on Q3
formance-wise, the AX- with the addition of a two 40673 has rating of should be pointing down
190 series receiver is a cut stage outboard rf preamp. 12,000, all else being and the tab on Q2 pointing
above the average SWL or And best of all, the pre- equal. Without getting too to the lower right-hand
Novice receiver. It has a amp can be installed right technical, this difference corner. Solder three leads
crystal high frequency os- in the receiver itself. This of transconductance sim- of each device that have
cillator, a very stable lin- is the best way to go since ply means that our 40673s circuit foil under them.
ear vfo, and two mechani- the external amplifier uses have 6 times the possible Don’t cut off the fourth leg
cal filters, which give it tuned circuits, which al- gain of original transistor. of each transistor. We
excellent adjacent channel ready exist in the receiver. (Wouldn't you say that’s a want as long as we can get
rejection. Add to this a Grab your manual and fol- good reason to use them?) it.
visual dial accuracy of 1 low along with me. Since Our 40673 also has a Fig. 2 shows the com-
kHz, along with a 100 kHz we'll be making our much higher input imped- ponents that are to be
and 25 kHz crystal cali- changes on the rf circuit ance, which make inter- added to each transistor.
brator, and you have a re- board only, use the large stage coupling less of The point that is referred
ceiver that comes very circuit diagram provided problem. Now that you to on diagram is a tie point
close to the better ham in the manual, If you don’t know why, let’s discuss for the 9-volt supply bus
band receivers that are have a diagram, don’t de- how. to the receiver rf amplifier.
currently available. spair. All of the mods can With both top and bot- As you can see, a resistor
The weak spot of the be had with only the in- tom covers removed, stand goes from the post to each
AX.190 series receiver is formation in this article. receiver on its side with bias gate. From there, a
the rf amplifier. The re- The AX-190 has a cas- the component side of the 50k Ohm to ground paral-
ceiver is an excellent per- code rf amplifier consist- circuit boards to your left. leled by a .001mF bypass
former on the low bands ing of Q2 and Q3, two The board will be the one capacitor. Do not omit this
below 10 MHz. The weak JFETs (junction field ef- near the bottom. It can be capacitor, as it keeps rf off
spot begins to show up fect transistors). Were go- identified easily by the 12 the bias voltage. When
from 20 to 30 MHz. It is ing to replace them with hfo crystals tucked toward soldering, be especially
here that the lack of gain MOSFETs (metal oxide the front panel. Refer to neat, as solder splashes are
in the front end shows it- semiconductor field effect Fig. 1 locate Q2 and Q3 hard to find and can cause
self as a lack of back- transistors). These re- on the board. Carefully endless troubles.
ground noise. This, then, placement transistors are remove them by touching Now, referring to Fig.
is the point of my article. not as expensive as their a small soldering iron to 1 again, locate R2, a 100k-
We’re going to make that name implies. They can be their foil pads. Once they Ohm resistor, and replace
AX.190 (or SX-190) of purchased in single lots are removed, clean all it with a 1 rnegohm. This
yours into a very sensitive from ads in 73 Magazine their mounting holes and change puts the MOSFET
gate at a higher potential 3 will disclose 2 more the input of the preamp, worry about signals that
above ground. Also locate 40673s. These devices, and T2 the output. We can are too strong, because the
R6, a 33k Ohm resistor, like the ones in the re- use this arrangement be- alc will do its thing and
and replace it with the 33k ceiver, are hooked up in cause T1 is the antenna maintain an audio output
Ohm you removed in the cascode. This means that trim in the receiver and is that will stay within 6 dB
preceding step. This last the first device uses its only a passive stage; it has from noise to full quieting.
change improves the sen- gate as the input, the nor- no active devices. T2 is One final comment is
sitivity of the agc gate mal situation, while the shared by the preamp out- necessary. You may find
transistor. This in turn lets second device runs with put and the receiver rf that at certain frequencies,
the rf amp run at almost its gate at rf ground. In amplifier input. All we the preamp will oscillate.
full gain on noise or weak this case, the source be- have done is take an Oscillation can be con-
signals. The end result comes the input with rf empty resonant circuit and firmed if you can tune the
will be a compression ef- output taken at the drain. give it some gain, about receiver by moving the
fect similar to the com- Because the second MOS- 25 dB worth. preselector. If this is the
pressors used on SSB FET is run the equivalent To put the final touches case, simply detune either
transceivers. The credit for of common base (ground- on things, you’ll want to T1 or L4 very slightly. If
this last modification be- ed grid), the amplifier peak up all the coils on the you have trouble between
longs to Bruce Mackey.1 does not require neutrali- rf circuit board. Set the 3.5 MHz and 10 MHz, de-
In his article, which ap- zation. bandswitch to 3.5 MHz tune T1. Between 10 MHz
peared in a past issue of Construction of the and get about a 3 S-unit and 30 MHz, detune L4
CQ Magazine; Mr. preamp will be more or reading from the calibra- slightly until the oscilla-
Mackey describes modifi- less up to you. I used a tor. Peak up T1, T2, and tion stops and the prese-
cations to the AX-190 agc piece of glass perf board T3 for maximum meter lector peaks up normally.
circuit. about 1 in. x 2 in. If you reading. Back off on the rf That’s about it. You now
With the MOSFETs in- build the preamp to these gain if the S-meter goes have a much-improved
stalled a noticeable in- dimensions, it will be above S-7. Now switch to AX-190. The extra gain is
crease in sensitivity will small enough to fit right in 28.5 MHz with the same really unnecessary most of
be realized. This will be the AX-190 antenna com- procedure and peak up L4, the time. But, if you chase
especially true on 23 partment. Just solder a L5, and L6. It might be DX or OSCAR, it will
MHz, where background piece of strip copper to the necessary to repeat both really come in handy. I
noise becomes an index of preamp at a right angle to procedures at least one hope that these modifica-
rf gain. You may wish to the plane of the board. The time since the coil banks tions will make your AX-
stop here. copper strip can then be interact with each other. 190 into a really fine set of
You have added about soldered to the receiver tin To make a quick test of ears.
9 dB of gain with the shield. Tbis method pro- the preamp, set the
modifications to the rf vides a dc ground, but bandswitch to 28.5 MHz References
stage. But if you are as more important, a good rf (or the highest band on the
much a purist as I am, ground. The dotted line of SX-190). With the rf gain 1 Improved Age for the Allied
Radio Shack 190 Receivers,
you’ll want to build up the Fig. 2 will give you an control backed off one- Mackey, Bruce L. CQ Magazine.
circuit in Fig. 3. With this idea of where the preamp third from maximum, July. 1973, Vol. 29. No. 7. page
little two-stage preamp, board should go. there should still be a few 55.
you’ll add an extra 20-25 As mentioned earlier, S-units of noise on the 2 Allied AX.190 Instruction
dB of gain ahead of what- the preamp has no tuned meter. With gain turned Manual. page 20, "Schematic
Diagram of rf Amp." Copyright
ever gain you already circuits of its own. Its in- up full, the meter will be ‘71 by Allied Radio Shack.
have. With this circuit, put and output are tuned near pinned from back- 3 RCA Top of the Line Re-
your rf gain control will by 2 ganged circuits which ground noise. For best lis- placement Guide. Copyright
do something instead of are actually a part of the tening, set the rf gain until 1968 by Radio Corporation of
just sitting there at full receiver preselector. T1 of you get a noise level of
clockwise. A look at Fig. the preselector becomes about 2 or 3 S-units. Don’t
For those who may have purchased the The audio selectivity of the Allied 190
Allied Radio Shack 190 receivers after receivers can be improved by removing C97
reading the excellent evaluation of these (350pf) on the audio board, and the
units by Bill Scherer, W2AEF, in the May replacement of C98 (.00lmf) with .0lmf. This
1972 issue of CQ, here are some simple will result in considerably flatter frequency
modifications, which will resolve most of response which begins to roll off at 3 kHz
the difficulties encountered, particularly instead of the rising characteristic with
regarding reception of single sideband which the receiver is supplied. Since C98 is
signals. the a.c. feedback capacitor for the audio
The S meter movement is excessively fast output stage, the hum and distortion of the
for an accurate determination of signal amplifier will also be reduced by the
strength on sideband signals and this can be increase in its value.
remedied by placing a 500 mf 6 volt To provide a better signal to b.f.o. ratio at
electrolytic across the meter movement. A the product detector, replace C72 (20 pf) with
convenient location for this capacitor is on a 4.7 pf. The b.f.o. output transformer
the underside of the i.f. board with the should also be retuned as follows: There are
positive lead tied to tie point #18 and the two slugs in the b.f.o. output transformer
negative lead soldered to the ground cluster (T12). Remove the top slug by backing it out
located just about one inch from tie point of the top of the coil. There is a slug at the
#18 toward the inside of the board. bottom of the transformer which has been
The fast release of the a.g.c. on sideband screwed all the way clown, (it is not used for
can he cured simply by removing R66 (1K) tuning in the factory procedure), and this
and replacing the resistor with a wire slug should now be brought up toward the
jumper. The release time will now be one top of the transformer. Tune in the crystal
second. The attack time will be lengthened calibrator in the u.s.b. mode. As the slug is
slightly, but is still adequately fast for s.s.b. brought up toward the top of the transform-
March, 1973 • CQ • 37
Allied Receivers [from page 37]
er, the b.f.o. will stop oscillating. As the slug restored to its original value and the
is brought further up, the b.f.o. will again frequency response on sideband signals will
begin oscillating. Turn the slug up 1 ½ turns be considerably improved.
from this point. Tuning will be very broad at It is most important that once the decision
this point and is not critical. The b.f.o. will has been reached, to make these
now be at maximum output. modifications that all modifications be
To correct for the loss of audio due to the made, as satisfactory results will not be
replacement of C77 with a lower value, and obtained if any of the steps arc eliminated.
to correct for poor frequency response in
this stage, replace Q17 emitter resistor R76
(1K) with 100 ohms. The audio level will be 94 • CQ • March, 1973
Our first article in the March 1973 issue important, the sensitivity of the receiver.
dealt largely with improving the Allied The final modification is designed to
Radio Shack 190 series receivers with provide more control in the r.f. stage where
regard to s.s.b. performance. This one will control is most valuable. Remove R5 10K
deal with improving the overall a.g.c. a.g.c. feed resistor and replace with a 1 amp
characteristics for all modes of reception. silicon diode. Remove R6 33K a.g.c. voltage
The modifications outlined here in divider and replace with 100K ¼ watt. This
conjunction with those listed in the initial combination will result in a more rapid
article will produce an a.g.c. curve which decrease of a.g.c. voltage as applied to the
will hold the audio output to within 6 db for r.f. a.g.c. amplifier with an increasing signal,
signal variations of 150 db. and consequently greater a.g.c. compression
In the a.g.c. circuit itself the following in the first r.f. stage. The logarithmic
modifications should be made. Replace TH2, transfer characteristics of the diode will
a 10K thermistor with 100K ¼ watt resistor. produce a gain control curve of the front end
Replace C66 (1 mf) with .01 mf 50 v.d.c. of the receiver, which will produce a very
This will increase the sensitivity of the a.g.c. constant output from the r.f. stage for widely
amplifier. To retain S meter calibration varying signal strengths. It is important that
change R68 430 ohm to 150 ohm ¼ watt the polarity of the diode be observed, and it
resistor. It is suggested the R55 100 K shunt should be installed so that the cathode is
on the output of the first mechanical filter be connected to the base of Q2, the a.g.c.
removed. While this resistor tends to amplifier transistor for the r.f. stage.
suppress to some extent the slight tuning
peaks which occur on each side of resonance
of the filter, it also tends to generally reduce July, 1973 • CQ • 55
the selectivity of the filter and more
John Kolb
The SX-190 is a good receiver in most respects, but it does suffer from a
lack of ranges. The purpose of this article is to tell you how to increase
the number of ranges below 10 MHz. For each range below 10 MHz you add, you
loose a range above 10 MHz. This change is not reversible; once made, it
cannot be undone, so you should be certain before you start exactly what you
want. The AX-190 is the Ham Band version of the SX—190. The circuitry is
similar, but it has even fewer bands below 10 MHz.
First, let’s see exactly what the bandswitch is doing. Two of the five switch
wafers select the proper crystal for the band selected. The other three
wafers, SW1-a, SW1-b, & SW1-c, select one of two possible preselector ranges,
3.5 MHz to 10 MHz, or 10 MHz to 30 MHz. I have
followed the practice of calling the low range
3.5-10 MHz to agree with the instruction manual,
but Ed Shaw, in the NASWA publication "ALLIED SX-
190 RECEIVER A Consumer’s Report" reports the
preselector section actually tunes down to 3.0
MHz, and a 3.0-3.5 MHz range can be added. Refer
to Figure 1 for a partial schematic of the SX-
190. The preselector tuning capacitor, VC1, tunes
the transformer, T1, from 3.5 to 10 MHz, as the
preselector tuning control is turned. This is if the bandswitch is on one of
the low frequency bands, and switch SW-1 is open. If the bandswitch is on a
high frequency band, SW1 is closed, and coil L4 is in parallel with T1. When
T1 is shunted by L4, it’s inductance is much lower, and it tunes from 10-30
It now becomes obvious what must be done to increase the number of low band
positions. Part of the metal disc must be cut away, so that the two contacts
are joined in fewer of the 11 possible switch positions. This is why the
change is permanent. Once the disc has been altered, it can’t be corrected.
The same applies to the actual work; only enough material for the desired
change must be removed. The best way I know of is to use a
small hobby grinder, such as Roto-tool, with a small,
conical grinding wheel. You will cut away part of the
disc, as shown in figure 4, depending on how many low
bands you want to add. There are three switch wafers to be
modified, the three closest to the rear of the receiver.
The two front wafers are SW1-d and SW1—e, used for band
selection. First decide how many low bands you want to
add. If one band, set the bandswitch to 11.5 MHz band: if two, set the
bandswitch to 14 MHz. This will give a wafer position similar to figure 3.
All the wide area under the contacts is the area to be cutaway. 1lark the
disc with a felt tipped pen just above the short contact. This will be the
place to stop cutting. Now turn the bandswitch back to the 3.5 MHz band to
turn the disc so it’s easy to get to the work area. Carefully grind away the
required material, remembering at all times that material cannot be added
once removed. The disc is flat to pass through the two pieces of the
contacts, and must remain so. If it is bent, warped, or has a burred edge, it
may deform the contacts, causing a bandswitch failure. Remove all metal
filings with a vacuum cleaner, and then spray the discs with a contact
cleaner. Remove the crystals for the high bands deleted, and move any
crystals required. For example, if it’s the 14 MHz band you don’t want, then
the 11.5 MHz crystal must be moved over one space, and the 11.5 MHz band will
now be found where the 14 MHz band used to be. Add the desired low band
crystals, and adjust all moved or changed crystal positions per the
instructions in the manual. Make new labels for the front panel so that the
bandswitch is labeled correctly.
By far, one of the most popular receivers ever used in the SWL hobby is the Allied SX-190.
Despite some of the problems in earlier receivers and the subsequent discontinuation of the
model, the SX—l90 still remains one of the best values on the market, although only used re-
ceivers can now be found.
This article is intended to aid those owners of SX-l90 receivers with problems they have en-
countered. Typical of the problems brought to my attention are poor main tuning dial calibra-
tion, malfunction of the Q-multiplier controls, and cross-modulation (ghost) signals cropping
up in the high ends of the 31m and 49m bands. Here is some advice on these three areas of
(3) Control settings: RF gain full clockwise; AF gain adjusted to comfortable volume; Band
selector on 15 MHz; Function switch on "AM"; Q—multiplier off.
(4) Tune main dial to receive WWV signal on 15 MHz. Normally it will be at zero on your main
(5) If it is not on zero, adjust the TC-l4 (upper right hole) in the VFO until WWV signal
centers on "O".
(6) Remove antenna, no longer needed. Push 100 kHz crystal calibrator button. If S—meter is
too far to right, back off RF gain slightly until needle indicates S-6.
(7) Tune main control dial to 400 and search for calibrator signal. If not exactly on 400,
adjust the T-7 (left hole) in VFO box until calibrator signal centers on 400.
(8) Tune main control dial back to zero — calibration possibly will be off- center again.
Readjust TC-14 until calibrator signal centers on zero.
(9) Repeat step (7), then step (8), then step (7). etc. until the calibrator signal remains
centered correctly at the zero and 400 marker spots. NOTE: Remember that the T-7 adjust-
ment is ONLY for the 400 marker spot, and the TC-14 adjustment is ONLY for the zero
marker spot. If you confuse the two, erroneous adjustment will result and you will have
to start all over again.
Q-MULTIPLIER ALIGNMENT: We are now concerned with two small variable resistors on the right
side of your receiver’s interior circuit board. These are identical components located imme-
diately behind the S—meter. They appear as two side-by—side semicircles, in the illustration,
as VR—15 and VR—16.
(1) Control settings, RF gain full clockwise; AF gain full counter-clockwise; Function
switch on "AM"; Calibrator - 100kHz on.
(3) Adjust VR—15 (nearest center of the receiver) until minimum reading is obtained on the
(5) Adjust VR-16 until highest S-meter reading is obtained. Readjust R7 gain knob until nee-
dle drops to S—3 or S-4.
(6) Leave switch in "Select". Adjust tuning knob left and right to observe whether there is
any squeal. If no squeal, Q-multiplier is adjusted. If squeal is noted, readjust VR—16
to slightly less S-meter reading until squeal disappears when tuning knob is twisted
left and right.
(1) No work need be performed inside the rece1ver, so cover may be replaced.
(2) Control settings: Band selector for 5.7 MHz; RF gain full counter clockwise; AF gain
full clockwise (the is exactly backwards from the recommendation of the Owner’s man-
ual)..... we want the RF all the way down and the AF all the way up.
(3) Examine the upper range of the 5.7 MHz (49m band) crystal to observe for ghost cross—
modulation signals. Sparing use of the RF gain control used as a volume control will
greatly reduce overloading of the preselector and provide better quality reception with
less cross-modulation.
(4) This method should be also used on the 31m (9.5 MHz) band. In fact, the method is suc-
cessfully used on all bands, but in the SX—l90 it seems to be necessary only on the 49m
and 3lm bands. The author uses the reverse RF/AF control method at all times.
I hope that the treatment I have described in the foregoing pages will be of use to the SX—
190 owners. All questions about the SX—193 are welcome. _I will try to answer all inquires
about this receiver and will research a satisfactory reply for you. Simply provide me your
question with a self—addressed and stamped envelope. Send to Ed Shaw in care of the SWC ad-
dress, front page.
For Technician Owners
By Ed C. Shaw
I am the first to admit that Radio Shack’s first try was their best... they
should have stuck to it. SX—190 and the amateur band sister AX—190 appeared
on Radio shack’s shelves rather suddenly as I recall about the summer of ‘71,
and at a price of $249.95, including a full complement of crystals covering
most of the popular SWBC spectrum or all of the amateur bands. My first pur-
chase was a dog, and the knowledgeable technician they employed devoted a lot
of time to study the new schematics and to poke around inside my receiver. As
it happened, I ended up with a replacement receiver that had none of the bugs
plaguing the first one. It was everything I wanted in a receiver at the time.
It still is a mighty contender as an advanced DX tool.
SX—190 was the first SWL Dxing receiver, which was a serious attempt to pro-
vide a meaningful tool with first—class features. It was sold with crystals
providing coverage of the 75, 49, 41, 31, 25, 20, 19, 16, and 11-meter bands.
Options were left blank for the owner to install his own choices for two ad-
ditional bands. Most NASWA owners opted for the 60 meter and 13 meter bands.
Others found innovative ways to install external crystal sockets which then
afforded convenient methods of switching crystals for yet further coverage.
In reality, the SX-190 could cover frequencies down to 3.0 MHz, the 90-meter
band, although they only claimed down to 3.5 MHz.
A large, weighted main tuning knob was graduated in 1 KHz notches, with even
finer 200 cycle divisions around the edge. SX-190 boated a crystal calibrator
with two different signals, a Q—multiplier and notch—filter, upper and lower
sideband — also crystal controlled, and several useful output jacks on the
rear panel skirt. The VFO was also rock steady, and frequency did not drift
one cycle off, unlike much of the modern stuff which wows and whines whenever
you put a hand near the cabinet.
Yes, SX—l90 worked well... for most. Some few had problems like my first one.
Many others also did and continue to have a minor overload problem, but only
on the 31-meter band. The reasons had mainly to do with the RF coils, which
will be explained later. But, to have made it better would have sacrificed
the lower frequency range, or the design would have had to be re—engineered
for three overlapping ranges instead of two. In any case, the 31-meter band
overload problem was usually offset through use of a higher—impedance or
shorter antenna wire fed through a tuner.
Their receivers should be selling used for about $150.00 if the receiver is
in mint condition. If you can find one for $100.00, jump on it, since you
will have acquired an exceptionally fine DX tool, which will delight you and
provide endless enjoyment. In my opinion, the SX-190 is vastly superior to
any receiver on the present 1982 market for $500.00 or less. EVEN CONSIDERING
that SX-190 is not digital and only provides segmented coverage by crystals.
XIV. Transposing Crystal Positions From Lower To Upper Range and Reverse
(Relieves 31-meter overload, provides additional low-range option)
XXII. ______________________________________________________________________
XXIII ______________________________________________________________________
XXIV. ______________________________________________________________________
XXV. ______________________________________________________________________
The owner invariably will want to fill up blank options with the most popular
bands available. There seems to be no better choices than the 60-meter and
13-meter bands. Other choices, however, include the 90-meter or 11-meter
bands or perhaps the amateur 20-meter or 15-meter bands. Specialized coverage
can also be ordered as well in any 500 KHz segment. Utility Dxers may enjoy
adding a crystal to cover 8300-8800 KHz. Farsighted DXers may want to have
the projected new 21-meter band crystal for providing 13.5 to 14.0 MHz for
future SWEC.
a. Decide what 500 KHz segment is desired (i.e. 4500 to 5000 KHz)
b. Add 2920 KHz to the low-end frequency (4500 KHz). In this case
we end up with 7420 KHz, the crystal frequency needed
Source: Jan Crystals, Inc., 2400 Crystal Drive, Box. 06017, Fort Myers,
Florida 33906. To be safe, write first for their informative catalog. Usu-
ally, their first pages cover fundamental crystals of the type and size we
Standard Capacitor Values. In case you did not realize it, and for your
convenience, I have listed here some standard capacitor values which may be
used, and which should be a little less expensive than "in-between" values.
Choose from this list the value, which most nearly fits your crystal require-
ments. Be prepared to substitute one higher or lower in value if the first
try doesn't work. Values shown are in standard picofarads (pF) 100, 120, 180,
220, 330, 390, 470, 560, 680, 820, 910, and 1000 pF. Such capacitors should
cost no more than pocket change.
Installation. With the case top off and receiver front toward you, find the
crystal sockets at front left. Note that the first and last sockets are un-
filled. The first socket is for one optional crystal between 3.0 and 10.0
MHz. The last socket is one option for 10.0 to 30.0 MHz.
Merely plug your new crystals into the appropriate socket and turn the re-
ceiver over with the case bottom removed to expose the underside guts.
The area we are interested in should now be on the right, front toward you.
Observe that the band selector switch has several wafer attached; the two
closest to the front are the ones we are interested in. By close examination,
you will observe that each crystal position has a capacitor connected from
the tabs of the wafer to a nearby ground lug. Note that the blank LOW option
has no such capacitor. You must install the capacitor you have chosen, fol-
lowing the example of the others already installed. It will help perhaps to
note the center wiper tab of each wafer and how it makes contact from crystal
to crystal. The upper blank option needs no capacitor if you choose a crystal
above 21 MHz. Higher frequencies require very little capacitance to make the
crystal oscillate.
Most of the low range and high range positions have a trimmer capacitor with
which to make minor adjustment so that your new crystal will oscillate "right
on" frequency. For instance, if your new crystal is for 4.5 to 5.0, you may
tune up WWV on 5.0 MHz. That is 500 on the dial now. If it is not exactly
right on frequency, you may "trim" the appropriate capacitor to get as close
as you can. See diagram below.
The crystal calibrator employs a fixed crystal of 100 KHz in a simp1e oscil-
lator to provide the 100 KHz markers, which is injected into the RF stage for
us to hear. By pushing the 25 KHz marker button, a flip-flop circuit is acti-
vated to divide the 100 KHz by 4... or 25 KHz. We can change the time con-
stant resistors to divide the 100 KHz into anything we want.
On page (6) find the calibrator drawings and locate the two resistors, R35
and R86. They are 150K values. These may be and replaced by a pair of the
following resistors, which will produce different signals.
75 K Ohm 50 KHz
On page (6) locate resistor R66, a 1K value. You may snip and lift one end of
this resistor off the board (leave the other end intact) if you desire to in-
crease the AGC response time to approximately 5 times. Since normal response
time in AM is approximately 100 milliseconds, the time should increase to ap-
proximately 500 milliseconds. This method affects both AM and SSB modes.
To provide a longer response time in AM mode only, you may replace the ca-
pacitor C65, a 47uF value with something larger in value. Twice the value
(100uF) produces twice the response time, etc. However, in doing this you
will have to replace the SSB response capacitor C64 because this modification
will also further delay the response time for SSB unless you reduce C64 to
The best option, which suited the author perfectly, was merely to install a
jumper wire on switch no. 3, wafer (a) between tabs 2 and 4. This puts the AM
response time at approximately 500 milliseconds, same as for SSB.
In addition, I might have decided to install a small toggle switch out thru
the front surface of the receiver whereby I could switch the jump wire in or
out to provide FAST or SLOW AGC response time. A single—pole, double-throw
type is needed for this.
Many DXers don’t even know about inverted gain control technique. This merely
allows the operator to turn up the AF gain full and use the RF gain to con-
trol volume. Many receivers will do this which have provision for manual gain
control. SX-190 has automatic gain control (AGC) with no provision to disable
it, so we must install out own.
On the IF board (page 6) locate AGC detector D6. Note that the cathode end
shares a land with one leg of a smallish green thermistor. To defeat AGC we
lift one side of the diode to prevent any voltage from the detector area from
reaching the AGC. Install an external toggle switch to enable you to switch
in or out the diode we have just lifted.
Note: In the lifted (no AGC) position, the meter is also defeated and you
will have no deflection on it.
How to use this technique. Defeat the AGC. Turn RF all the way down.
Turn AF gain all the way up. Increase RF gain just enough to hear signals.
Tune in a weak it carefully. Ensure the Q-multiplier is en-
gaged in the Select mode. You should note that the Q-multiplier is very mark-
edly increased in selectivity, with side interference greatly reduced due to
AGC being defeated. Our modification raises and narrows the Mu factor of the
A very simple modification. Observe the inside of your receiver and see how
all the bulbs are gathered together by their leads... one leg to ground and
the other leg to a 12V source pin on the IF board. Underneath the IF board
you will find one gray and white striped wire affixed to the same pin which
provides the power. Unwind the wire from around the pin and install a small
toggle switch between the wire and the pin. The toggle might be installed
thru the front panel, or thru the rear panel. See the section on installing
auxiliary switch holes in the front panel.
Another simple modification. Obtain a 2x3 inch oval speaker. They are avail-
able as common cassette recorder replacements. Something larger could be used
if you want to put it in the top surface of your receiver. I preferred the
smaller speaker installed out thru the side of the top case.
Remove the receiver top case. Working from the inside surface of the case,
situated the oval speaker so that it will be affixed on the left side of the
receiver toward the rear. Carefully draw around the speaker shape with a pen-
cil, carefully annotating where screws should hold the speaker. Put the
speaker aside and carefully continue to draw a near-perfect oval (same size
as speaker cone). You will have to trust to your artistic ability to draw a
good oval, centering it correctly among the screw holes, etc.
Next, draw several horizontal lines with a ruler lengthwise thru the oval,
and also vertical lines - all seated about 1/4 inch. The hatch pattern you
have drawn will provide points where you now drill 1/8" holes all within the
oval area to permit sound to pass thru the cover. Don’t forget to also drill
holes for the screw holes for mounting the speaker.
Underneath the chassis, examine the speaker jack (J7) on the rear panel.
You will find three contacts. One goes to ground (chassis), one goes to the
headphone jack, and the other has no wire attached. It is here and also to
the ground pin that you should attach a pair of wires which will go to your
new speaker.
You may want to further devise someway to plug and unplug the internal
speaker wires for ease at removing the top cover. Otherwise, the top will al-
ways be tethered to the receiver by the speaker wire.
Using the correct connections described here, the new internal speaker will
disconnect whenever headphones are plugged in or whenever an external speaker
is plugged in.
While not exactly a modification, the owner will soon become aware that the
inexpensive (and metric) Philips head screws holding his receiver cabinet to-
gether become easily stripped, scratched on their anodized surfaces and gen-
erally become unsightly and damaged.
Buy or borrow a tapping tool to enlarge all screws to #6-32 size, and then
purchase either hex-head screws to match or other fancy head screws of your
choice. In any case, ensure the new screws are first quality steel products,
which will not strip. The author used a product called "binder head" screws.
They are large, but flat headed screws presenting an attractive appearance
while still serving their purpose.
This is a moderately tedious job; therefore inspect all aspects of the job
before you tackle it. Follow the leads through from beginning to end so that
you are familiar with where they go and what they do.
First, you must acquire a 455 KHz crystal (See bottom of page 3). Next, lo-
cate switch SW-3 in the drawings on page (5). Note that the switch has three
wafers, each with two hemisphere sections. Two and one-half wafers (five sec-
tions) are used. On section D, remove yellow wire (which came from noise lim-
iter diode) and leave it hanging free in case you want to replace it someday.
On section B, install one leg of 455 KHz crystal to pin 5, other leg to near-
est ground. Use short pieces of wire to assist if crystal is the type having
no long wire leads. On sections A, C, and D, add jump wire from pin 2 to pin
5. You have removed the ANL and subbed in its place a 455 KHz BFO that zero-
beats right on a signal carrier, unlike SSB crystals, which zero beat 1.5 KHz
to either side of the carrier. This technique lets you zero in on a catch
precisely, or calibrator signal.
Examine the I.F. board drawing on page (6) and locate R55, a 100K bypass re-
sistor. Snip and lift one end of the resistor. Doing this widens slightly the
selectivity skirt of the I.F., but provides about 3 dB extra gain. This is a
modification which I normally would not recommend unless you need all the
signal voltage you can get for DXing consistently weak catches having not
much interference close by.
On the I.F. board drawing of page (6) locate R67, a 680 Ohm resistor which is
parallel to the meter and R68 series resistor. While the receiver is off, re-
move B67 and replace it with a stand-up type adjustable resistor, which can
be adjusted between about 200 to 1000 Ohms. Such a variable resistor costs
about 75 cents or less. There is no easy way I can suggest how to adjust the
meter for best accuracy short of employing professional equipment. As a rule
of thumb, you may push in the 100 KHz marker button and center your dial on
an appropriate 100 and then adjust the resistor so that the meter needle cen-
ters right onto the 40 dB over S-9 mark. (Ensure your prese1ector is peaked
and the Q-multiplier is OFF.
If, for some reason, you desire to increase the sensitivity of your meter,
adjust the variable resistor up to maximum 1000 Ohms, thereby directing most
of the signal thru the meter. If more sensitivity yet is required (and I
can’t imagine why), merely remove R67 and jump a wire across R68. This leaves
the meter alone in the emitter circuit of Q-15. It sure will jump now at the
slightest weak catch. In fact, it will bang with a slight "ping" sound as the
needle smacks the right-side restraint post inside the meter - at stronger
catches. Not a good idea.
In the main schematic and on the I.F. board drawing Page (6), locate detector
diode D-5, a glass germanium diode of the lN34 type. Nearby is also 1ocated
T—ll. This is a tricky modification involving intricate workmanship and at-
First, locate the two lands, which are the ends of the smaller secondary
winding of T-11. One end will be to ground; the other will be to the detector
diodes cathode end. You must cut a channel across these two lands, isolating
the two ends of the secondary. Next, find the 100pF capacitor C67 and lift
the leg, which is connected to the detector cathode end. All of this work is
very close together I admit.
Prepare a bridge of detector diodes using four 1N34A diodes. Affix the two AC
input ends to the two secondary lands we isolated in T-11. Next, jump a short
wire from the lifted leg of C67 to the upper T-11 secondary (formerly going
to D5) D5 should have been removed by now. The (+) positive output of the
bridge should be affixed also to the lifted leg of C67. The (-) negative of
the bridge should be affixed to the anode land where old D5 was removed. R64
also touches there, to aid in locating.
Essentially, all you have done is to isolate the T-11 secondary ground leg,
applying both T-11 secondary legs to the new bridge. The outputs of the
bridge fit where D5 was removed. You now achieve full-wave detection result-
ing in a cleaner and stronger I.F. signal.
In the same vicinity of the diodes, locate also touch-points #4 and #5. On
the underside of the chassis, install a .00l/50V Mylar capacitor between
touch-point pin #4 and #5. This may be too much reduction in RF for other
normal bands; therefore the capacitor may be installed with a toggle switch
to disconnect it when other bands are used.
In the author’s case, I moved the 31-meter crystal option up into the high
range to avoid overload problems. The reason is because the RF coils for 3.5
to 10.0 MHz cannot adequately cover that range with the variable capacitor
used in the preselector - physics just won’t allow it. If the RF coils are
tuned to receive, say down to 3.5, then the highest possible frequency that
can be peaked is 10.5 MHz. This is coverage at the opposite extreme ends, and
it is not very efficient.
Examine the chassis bottom view on page (5) and locate switch l. There are
two wafers closest to the front of the receiver. On each wafer, unsolder the
purple wire and leave them alone for the moment. Next, unsolder the two blue
(11.5 MHz) wires and shift them up to the old purple tabs. Next, unsoldered
the two green (9.5 MHz) wires and shift them up to the old blue tabs. Now re-
soldered the two purple wires (l2 MHz) to the vacated remaining tabs. You
have now moved the 11.5 crystal up into the 14 MHz spot, and moved the 9.5
MHz crystal up into the 11.5 spot, and the 14.0 MHz crystal down into the old
9.5 spot. This leaves some work to do.
Since we do not need the 14.0 MHz for SWBC DX work, I elected to remove it
and replaced it with a 90-meterband 3.0 to 3.5 MHz crystal. Of course
I had to also alter the capacitor as well. See notes of modification I.
Since we have moved the 9.5 MHz crystal to the upper range, we find that tun-
ing the preselector does not quite tune down below 11 enough to get into the
31-meterband. Remember, we are tuning in the upper range now for the 31-
meterband. Therefore we must retune the RE coils L4, L5, and L6 (see page 6,
RF board) with a plastic tunetool. With selector on 31-meterband and the dial
on a 100 mark, engage the crystal calibrator for highest meter deflection.
Back off the RF gain to 1/2. Slowly, unscrew the ferrite cores upward with
the tunetool until meter registers highest. (Don’t forget to tune preselector
to a position down below the 11 so as to allow the 31-meterband to be in-
cluded. You will find that the slugs come almost even to the top of the coil
cans. Then tune up to the range of about 27MHz (also switch to 27MHz crystal)
Note that preselector peaks well on up above where normal peak should be.
Then adjust the three-capacitor screws on the pre-selector ganged variable
capacitor to get highest peak.
The VFO itself tunes from 2920 at zero down to 2420 at the 500 mark.
The second harmonic is 5340 KHz. By adding this latter figure to the fre-
quency position chosen we can tune BACKWARDS into some out of band ranges.
For instance, note that 3.5 MHz and 5.84 MHz equals 9.340 MHz. Therefore we
can tune in an unusual range of 9.340 MHz to 9.840 MHz, it will backwards,
with the lower end being at 500 and the higher end being at zero.
The 4.5 MHz position yields extra coverage of 4500 + 5840 = 1034O up to
10840. Remember though, it’s backwards. If you elect to purchase a 3.0
MHz crystal, it will yield 8.840 up to 9.340. The same theory works on the
upper range positions as well. You also have to mistune your preselector to
cover just about the range of the out-of-band portion you want. Try it. With
practice, you should be able to easily tune in Israel on 9.009 or Vietnam on
10080. Mistuning the 11.5 MHz crystal position, I have also found AIR India
on 17385 MHz.
Examine the page (5) chart and locate the VFO section. Carefully identify po-
sitions of T7 and TCl4. You will need a tuning hex tool, and either a plastic
or fiberglass screwdriver. Disconnect the antenna and adjust RF gain so that
a 100 KHz crystal calibrator marker is about halfway. Start with the zero
dial position and adjust TC14 so that the dial needle centers precisely on
zero. Tune up to 400. Adjust T7 so that the meter reads highest when dial
needle is precisely on 400. Retune down to 100. Re—adjust TC14 to get meter
reading. Re-adjust dial up to 400 and peak T7 again. Do this back and forth
until dial is exact at each end. Do NOT confuse which hole to tune for 100
and which to tune for 400. If you get it wrong you are in trouble. TC14 is
for the low end and T7 is for the high end.
As an aid, you might consider purchasing the proper tools before you get
started. Don’t use metal tools as they de-tune the coils and cause erroneous
Don’t mess around with L1, L2, or L3. These are trap coils to filter out the
frequency range between 2420 and 2920 (VFO range).
Examine the page (6) I.F. board drawing and locate MF-1 and MF-2 and T-9 and
T-10. Remove antenna. Dial up a 100 mark, turn on calibrator, and adjust RF
gain to halfway meter deflection. Turn on Q-multiplier to center the fre-
quency in as best you can. Using a plastic or fiberglass tool, carefully ad-
just each of the four mentioned components one after the other. Meter reading
should already be as high as it could be, out that’s what we are after. Tune
each of MF-l, T-9, MF-2, and T-10 in succession, several times until highest
meter reading is obtained.
As for above, tune in a calibrator marker, using Q-multiplier, get the high-
est reading on meter. Examine page (6) I.F. board drawing and find VR15 and
VR16 near the front portion of the board. They are small adjustable resis-
tors. With Q-multiplier in peak, adjust VR16 until meter is highest reading
and tune knob (just to the left of selector) until it just begins to whistle
when you tune left and right. In Notch mode, adjust VR15 until meter regis-
ters lowest reading.
Remove all knobs from face of receiver. Unscrew the four screws holding the
faceplate. Note that the shaft nuts of the phone jack, band selector, and
mode selector also hold the faceplate secure. Carefully remove all these and
let the faceplate come away. Replace the shaft nuts on the phone jack, band
and mode selectors. Using a cone-shaped reamer drill, enlarge those holes so
that when the faceplate is replaced, the shaft nuts will be exposed in the
newly enlarged holes and will not impede the faceplate from seating flat, as
it should.
While the faceplate is off, you may desire to drill two auxiliary 1/4" holes
just to the left of the mode selector for installation of small toggles
switches for auxiliary uses and other modifications. Hold the faceplate in
position just long enough to drill through it and the underside steel face.
Set faceplate aside and the install your toggle switches. Enlarge the new
holes in the faceplate with the cone reamer if necessary to fit over the tog-
gle switch shaft nuts. Such switches can be used for the dial light option,
for instance.
Finding a place to install the tone control may be the hardest thing about
this project. To increase the bass response, install a non-polarized capaci-
tor of about 1 to 5 uF value between the base of Q-23 and touch-point #3.
Examine the audio schematic on page (15). To increase treble response, in-
stall a capacitor (ceramics will do) of about .01 to .05 uF value in series
with one lead of your audio output - or in one leg of your headphone wires.
Another rudimentary tone control which might be tried is to put a 10K audio
pot and a .05 uF capacitor in series, then wire it in between the Q-23 base
and ground (touch-point #8). This would work for an amplifier with somewhat
higher impedance input than the SX-190 amp has, so it might not be too effec-
This is a receiver, which I got to know intimately. I have been inside and
out of it for several years, making repairs, alterations, and experimental
changes for entertainment. As one top NASWA DXer expressed it, "It (the SX-
190) is an experimenter’s delight!"
SX-190 (and its AX—190 amateur band twin) was manufactured for Radio Shack in
Japan. It very nearly is the same receiver circuit as the Hallicrafters SX-
117 of ten years ago. The SX-l90 probably was the most advanced receiver for
the price. Today, it still compares favorably with the most popular serious
DX machines. Some experienced DXers feel -that the SX-190’s 60 meter prowess
is unsurpassed. It was the first receiver to include most of what every DXer
needed. And, whatever was missing could be easily added.
It was a crystal controlled, VFO receiver with preselectior not just advance
RF amplification. It had crystal controlled Upper and Lower Side Band abil-
ity. It had a TUNEABLE IF pass band with either a Q—peak or T-notch. Frequen-
cies could be read with visual accuracies of about 100 cycles - that’s
CYCLES, I said! They are available only on the used market now. In Australia,
I’ve heard of prices like $480 U.S. being paid for them. Originally, in the
U.S. they sold for $250, and then were sold on clearance sale for $170. I
have two and will not part with them.
Additionally, though the receiver manufacturer said "down to 3.5 MHz", the
SX-190 actually covered down to 3.0 MHz easily. Many purchased the crystal to
provide 3.0 to 3.5 MHz (90 meters) which is filled with the richness of
Latin's, Africa, and far South Pacific islands.
The sharp selectivity of the IF enables the DXer to hear powerful signals
even as close as every 5 KHz. Only the most advanced and expensive rigs can
do that today. One could even dial in more frequencies than they had crystals
for, too. The preselector could be deliberately mistuned to provide addi-
tional bands of frequencies. For instance, the 75-meter crystal normally pro-
vided 3.5 to 4.0 MHz coverage. But, deliberate mistuning could also make it
provide 9.34 down to 8.84 MHz. It was some minor inconvenience to read and
figure frequencies backwards, but then I was able to pick up many stations in
that band....Israel on 9.009 KHz for instance.
There are some tricks to allow extra coverage. Each of the crystals in the
SX-l90 can be deliberately mistuned in a higher range. For instance, the 3.5
MHz crystal provided with the SX-l90 nay be mistuned on the preselector for a
range of frequencies between about 9,340 KHz and 8840 KHz. Try it! Notice
that the preselector peaks at two places...once at about 3.5 for normal use,
and again above 9.0 MHz! With your tuning knob on zero, peak the preselector
to highest level on the S—meter. Then slowly turn your tuning knob clockwise.
(Punch in your 25 KHz calibrator). You will get a calibrator signal about ten
KHz away from the zero point. This is really 9,350 KHz. Notice again that the
scale of frequencies on this mistuning trick run backwards, descending in
frequency to the 500 KHz spot on your tuning dial. 9.009 KHz Israel can be
found in this manner at about 331 on the tuning dial. Below are some ready—
figured scales for your convenience. Actual frequencies obtained are shown.
*These crystals do not come with the SX-l90, but some people have acquired
them from sources on their own for additional coverage.
To realign the main dial, you will first need some tuning, tools from the lo-
cal electronics store. Radio Shack has an adequate set for about $2.
Open your receiver cabinet and examine from the top, front toward you.
We are interested in the center VFO section. It has the appearance of a metal
box with a screwed-down metal plate on top and having holes in it.
Examine the illustration above. Note that the extreme left hole is designated
T—7 and the extreme upper right hole is designated TC-11. The left hole is
centered over a ferrite slug tuned coil, which is adjusted with the hex
tipped plastic tool from your new tool set. Try each until you find one that
fits. NOTE: Before we go further, it may be useful to get a pocket penlight
flashlight for aid in seeing into the VFO cover holes in order to place your
instrument tool correctly. The upper right hole is centered over a trimmer
condenser, which is tuned with a plastic screwdriver.
5. If it is not on zero, adjust the TC-14 (upper right hole) until WWV
is centered precisely.
7. Tune main control to 400 and search for calibrator signal. If not
precisely on 400, adjust the T-1 (left hole) until signal appears
precisely on 400.
9. Repeat step (7), then repeat step (8), etc. until the calibrator
signal remains centered precisely at the zero and 400 marker spots.
CAUTION: Remember that the T—7 adjustment is ONLY for the 400 marker spot,
and the TC—l4 adjustment in ONLY for the zero marker spot. If you confuse the
two, erroneous adjustment will result and you will have to start all over
Now we are concerned with two small variable resistors on the right side of
the receiver's circuit board. These are identical components located immedi-
ately behind the S—meter. They appear as side-by-side semi-circles illus-
trated as VR—15 and VR—l6.
Paul Kowolskl, 1557 N. Farwell Ave., Apt. 105, Milwaukee, WI 53202, writes to
us regarding tuning the SX-190 receiver. As Most SX-190 owners probably know,
the preselector can be mistimed to receive certain out of band frequencies.
Ed Shaw, I believe, had an article on this some years ago. As he said these
trick frequencies tune backwards...
I've found a way to receive further coverage involving preselector tuning and
this is very useful. Coverage on the 11.5 MHz range can be either fundamental
11.5, 17 MHz will be the next "backwards reading" one, and then 26 MHz! And
the 26 MHz range reads normally left to right. The 100 KHz crystal marker
points will however be approximately 20 KHz behind the calibrated main spread
To receive the 26 MHz band, first set the band selector to 11.5, then tune
the preselector to between 27 and 25 and peak the background noise. Next put
on the crystal calibrator and tune approximately in the vicinity of 180-200
on the main dial and listen for the crystal signal. When located, peak the
preselector and adjust the dial skirt to 0. You will now be tuned to 26000
KHz. Daytimes tune up 20 kHz and you will find HCJB's 100 watter. As I said
before, the main tune dial will be a bit behind actual markings, but the
whole band is quite accurately tuned if you calibrate via crystal and use the
dial skirt scale. Remember that, unlike the second 'trick' setting that reads
backwards, this third one reads normally left to right. So if you want 11-
meter coverage, don’t waste, money on a crystal. The SX-190 will get most of
it down to nearly 25800. Tests with the crystal marker shows it to read
fairly linear much the same as normal band reception.
The last workshop articles for the SX-190 receiver were well liked and we
thought that a few additional items would be appreciated, too. I am sure many
of you feel unqualified to monkey around inside your receiver, but once the
following alteration is somehow accomplished, there will be no more need to
change capacitors whenever you decide to install another or change to differ-
ent crystals for additional coverage on your SX-.190.
The only part you will need is a variable capacitor capable of tuning up to
approximately 900 pf. If this seems difficult to locate, there is a way
around it - and, I'll tell you how later. But for now let's assume you do
have the variable capacitor in hand.
Step 1: Remove the top and bottom of your receiver, and turn it bottom side
up with the front you.
Step 2: Carefully unscrew and remove the HF OUT plug from the rear panel of
receiver - do not snip any wires. Wrap the loose plug in a small piece
of folded Saran-wrap and secure with a rubber band. This plug may lie
loose within the interior of the receiver with the plastic bag pro-
tecting it from any short-circuiting.
Step 3: Remove the front panel-retaining ring from the headphone jack, then
remove the jack from that hole and reposition it in the vacated hole
on the rear of the receiver. You will need a larger diameter washer to
hold it in place before replacing the retaining ring screw.
Step 4: In the front panel hole you may install your variable capacitor. Some
variable capacitors have a threaded shank to push through the hole
like the phone plug did; others may have to be cemented into place.
Step 5: Solder the varicaps ground connection to the common ground shared by
all the crystal capacitors. Solder the fixed plate connection to the
crystal selector wafer switch inner contact ring.
Step 6: If you succeeded in finding a true 900 pf variable capacitor, all in-
dividual crystal capacitors may be removed. If you were not able to
find a 900 pf, you will need to install individual capacitors on the
lowest few crystal positions in values sufficient to total 900 pf when
added to the value of your variable capacitor. In practice, I found
that a 365 pf varicap may be used, leaving a 600 pf fixed capacitor on
the lowest blank option, and 300 pf capacitor on the 3.5 crystal
(' & 6+$:
*5((1 5,'*( &2857 /(;,1*721 .<
ALLIED SX—190 REVISITED: A Nostalgic Review of Radio Shack’s "First Try"
I am the first to admit that Radio Shack’s first try was their best... they
should have stuck to it. SX-190 and the amateur band sister AX-190 appeared
on Radio Shack’s shelves rather suddenly as I recall about the summer of '71
and for $299.95, including the crystals. My first purchase was a dog, and the
knowledgeable technician they employed devoted a lot of time to study of the
new schematics and poking around inside. As it happened, I ended up with a
replacement RX that had none of the bugs plaguing the one I turned in. It was
everything I wanted in a receiver at the time. It still has lots!
The SX-l90 was the first SWL DXing receiver, which was a serious attempt to
provide a meaningful tool with first-class features. As it comes stock, crys-
tals are provided for the 75, 49, 41, 31, 25, 20, 19, l6, & 11 meter bands.
Options were left blank for the owner to install his own desires. Most NASWA
owners opted for a 60 meter and 13 meter crystal. Others found innovative
ways to install external crystal sockets which then afforded convenient meth-
ods of switching crystals for yet further coverage. In reality, the SX-190
could also cover down to 3.0 MHz, the 90-meter band.
A large, weighted main tuning knob was graduated in 1 KHz notches, with even
finer 200 cycle divisions around the edge. SX-190 boasted a Q-multiplier and
a notch filter, both of which worked admirably. Upper and lower sideband was
readable with rock-stable crystal-controlled selectivity. The VFO was also
rock steady, and frequency did not drift one cycle off, unlike modern stuff,
which wows and whines whenever you put a hand near the cabinet.
Yes, SX-190 worked well... for most. Some few had problems like my first one.
Many others also did and continue to have a minor overload problem, but only
on the 31-meter band. The reason has basically to do with the RF coils used
in the SX—190. 31-meters was just about at the upper limit of that coil's
resonance. To have made it better would have sacrificed the lower frequency
range, or the SX-l90 would have been redesigned to have three overlapping
ranges instead of only two...thus increasing the design costs. Some of us
have since done a lot of redesign and mod-work. In any case, the 31 mb over-
load problem was simply offset thru use of a higher-impedance or shorter an-
tenna wire fed thru a tuner.
Other features included two calibrator signals of 100 KHz and 25 KHz. I
promptly altered the circuit to give 5 KHz signals instead of 25 KHz. To use
the SX-190 on battery power during field trips, I installed an external tog-
gle switch to turn-off the dial lights (which use 4 times the power as the
receiver does). Using the technical manual, it is easy to realign and peak
one's own SX-19O.
Those receivers should be selling used for just about same as new price, it
the receiver is in mint condition. If you can find one under $200 jump on it.
In my opinion, the SX-190 is vastly superior to any receiver, on the present
market for $300.00 or less EVEN CONSIDERING that SX-190 is not digital and
only provides segment coverage by crystals.
2. Disassembly Instructions
Fig. 1
3. Block Diagram
(2) Connect the Sweep Generator output to the hot side of the VC5, which is located in
VFO Box.
(3) Connect the oscilloscope to the Pin 10 which is IF output and it is located on the IF
(5) Tune MF1(RED),T9 (YEL), MF2 (RED), Tl0 (YEL) and Tll (BLK) for peak and
symmetry on the scope.
(3) Tune MF1, T9, MF2, T10 and T11 for peak on the S-meter, at this time adjust the RF
Gain control to read S 6 or S 7 on the S-meter.
(4) Confirm that the S-meter reading is same or not when remove the main dial from "0"
to -3 KHz and +3 KHz.
(5) If it is not, repeat step (3) until no interaction is observed and all transformers are
turned for maximum gain.
2) 2.920-2.420 MHz 1st variable IF Amplifier
(2) Rotate the main tuning knob to "0" on the main dial.
(3) Connect the VTVM and 8 ohms dummy load to SPK jack.
(4) Connect the signal generator* to the antenna jack and adjust the frequency of the
generator to the receiving frequency.
*The generator output must keep as low as possible during alignment.
(5) Adjust TC12, TC13 In the VFO box and L8, L10 in the buffer amplifier to maximum
(6) Rotate the main tuning knob to "500" on the main dial.
(7) Adjust the frequency of the signal generator to the receiving frequency.
(8) Adjust the T5, T6 in the VFO box and L9 in the buffer amplifier to maximum output.
(9) Rotate the main tuning knob to "250" on the main dial.
(10) Adjust the frequency of the signal generator to the receiving frequency.
(12) Repeat step (2) thru (10) until no interaction is observed and all transformers and
trimmers are turned for maximum gain.
3) VFO Alignment
NOTE: Before the VFO alignment the set should be warmed up over 30 minutes.
(1) Connect the frequency counter to J4 (VFO OUT) located on rear side.
(2) Tune the main dial to "100" to the centerline marked nothing.
(3) Adjust TC14 in VFO Box, to 3.275 MHz on the frequency counter.
(4) Tune the main dial to 450 to the center tine.
(5) Adjust the T7, in the VFO Box, to the exactly 2.925 MHz on the frequency counter.
(6) Repeat steps 2) thru 5) as necessary to obtain a frequency of 2.375 MHZ when the dial
indicates "100" and a frequency of 2.925 MHz when the dial indicates "450".
(3) Tune the main dial to receive WWV signal that is exactly 15.000 MHz. Normally it
will be heard at dial "0" on the main dial.
(4) If it is not there, adjust the TC14 in the VFO Box to be receiving the WWV signal on
the dial "0".
(5) Before using the calibrator signal, make sure that the 100 KHz calibration signal is
correct or not. If it is correct zero beat sound is heard, if not adjust the TC17 on the
CAL PCB to be hear zero beat sound.
(6) Remove the antenna; push the 100 KHz CAL knob and if the S-meter indicates over S
9 adjust the RF Gain control to be read S 6 or S 7.
(7) Rotate the main timing knob and to receive the 4th calibration signal, it will be
appeared near the "400" on the main dial.
(8) Adjust the T7 to receive "400" KHz calibration signal on the "400" on the main dial.
(9) Repeat steps (4) thru (8) as necessary to obtain a correct frequency on the main dial.
(1) Connect the RF VTVM and frequency counter to the HFO OUT J2 located on rear
side of the panel.
(2) Set the band SW to 29. 5 MHz position for AX-190 or 27.0 MHz position for SX-190.
(3) Tune T4, located on the RF PCB, for peak as indicated on the VTVM and also correct
frequency. 32.420 MHz for AX-190 or 29.920 MHz for SX-190.
(4) Rotate the band SW to 29.0, 28.5, 28.0, 27, 21 and 15 MHz Band for AX-190 or 27.0,
17.5 and 15 MHz Band for SX-190 make sure that those frequency error are within 1
(5) Rotate the band SW to 14 MHz and adjust TC7 to 17.920 MHz, rotate the band SW to
7 MHz and adjust TC6 to 9.920 MHz, rotate the band SW to 3.5 MHz and adjust TC5
to 6.420 MHz for AX-190.
Or, rotate the band SW to 14 MHz and adjust TC10 to 16.920 MHz, rotate the band
SW to 11.5 MHz and adjust TC9 to 14.420 MHz, rotate the band SW to 9.5 MHz and
adjust TC8 to 12.420 MHz, rotate the band SW to 7.0 MHz and adjust TC7 to 9.920
MHz, rotate the band SW to 5.7 MHz and adjust TC6 to 8.620 MHz, rotate the band
SW to 3.5 MHz and adjust TC5 to 6.420 MHz for SX-190.
(2) Connect the VTVM and 8 ohms dummy load to SPK jack.
(3) Connect the signal generator to the antenna jack and adjust the frequency to 14 MHz.
(5) Rotate the Band SW to 27 MHz Band, the preselector dial to just on marked "27" and
main dial to marked "500".
(7) Adjust TC1, TC2, and TC3 on the 3 gangs preselector variable capacitor to maximum
(8) Rotate the Band SW to 3.5 MHz, the preselector dial to just on marked "3.5" and main
dial to marked "0".
(11) Repeat steps (3) thru (10) until no interaction is obtained and all transformers and
trimmers are turned for maximum output.
(4) Turn the main dial to 15.000 MHz to receive the WWV signal.
(5) Push the 100 KHz CAL knob listen for beat sound.
(6) Adjust the TC17, on the CAL PCB, to get zero beat sound.
7) Reject and Select Alignment
(3) Q-multiplier SW to Reject position and set the tune knob to the center.
(7) Adjust VR16 on the IF PCB to maximum reading on the S-meter but no oscillation
when rotating the tuning knob.
(4) The activity of the LSB and USB crystals (X11 and X12) should be approximately the
same for both positions of the Function switch.
(3) Connect the signal generator to the ANT jack and adjust the frequency to 2.920 MHz.
(8) Band SW rotate to 29.5 MHz, preselector dial to 30 MHz and main dial to "500"
-10 -
The SX-190 SHORTWAVE RECEIVER is fully transistorized and offers a new high in reliabil-
ity, selectivity, and drift free operation. It covers the 49 thru 16-meter international broadcasting
bands plus the 11-meter CB band and WWV at 10 and 15 MHz. Two blank positions are left for
the owner who may by the addition of the proper crystal, cover any 500 KHz wide segment of
frequency between 3.5 thru 10 MHz and 10.0 thru 30.0 MHz. These bands are selectable with the
front panel band selector switch.
Its circuitry uses 4 FETS, 22 transistors, 13 diodes, 2 thermistors and 2 zener regulators. Dual
conversion and mechanical filters enhance the excellent image and spurious rejection plus sharp
selectivity of this receiver.
The use of a PRESELECTOR assures maximum sensitivity and a high signal to noise ratio for
outstanding reception of weak signals. The tuning dial features anti-backlash construction. It is
direct reading to 1 KHz. Precise tuning of all signals including SSB is assured by the large easy
to read dial. Superior stability is obtained by the use of a crystal controlled 1st local oscillator
and a VFO 2nd oscillator. A dual frequency calibrator (25 and 100 KHz), crystal controlled, is
used for calibrating the dial readout to an accuracy of better than ±200Hz.
The SX-190 is equipped with a crystal controlled Beat Frequency Oscillator (BFO) for the recep-
tion of USB, LSB and CW signals.
Incorporated in its circuitry are AGC, ANL and S-meter functions. The AGC (Automatic Gain
Control) has been tailored to produce minimum audio output changes even with large variations
of input signal levels. ANL (Automatic Noise Limiter) operation is achieved through the use of a
diode. When pulse type interference accompanies an incoming signal, the diode in the ANL cir-
cuit operates in a cutoff mode for very brief time intervals, thus it effectively acts as a gate to
shut out undesirable noise peaks. The S-METER indicates incoming signal strength and also acts
as a tuning aid by indicating peak signal.
A dual power supply operates from a source of 110-120 volts 60 Hz AC or 12 volts DC. On AC,
a 1-ampere fuse in the secondary of the power transformer is used for protection of the equip-
ment. The B+ power supply uses a full wave rectifier and a stabilized regulator.
The antenna input is designed to operate with a wide variety of 50-75 ohm antennas. Both
speaker and headphone jacks are provided (8 ohm). For use with a companion transmitter, mut-
ing connections are available at the rear panel along with both HFO and VFO outputs.
Rugged mechanical construction plus modularized design provide for maximum mechanical sta-
bility and ready access to either the top or bottom of the SX-190. This allows for maximum ease
of maintenance or alignment should either become necessary.
Immediately after receipt of the receiver it should be removed from the shipping carton and visu-
ally inspected to insure that it has not been damaged in shipment. If it is determined that the re-
ceiver has been damaged in transit the shipping carton and packing material should be saved and
the transportation company notified immediately.
As part of the initial inspection, all of the front panel controls should be checked to insure their
proper mechanical operation. It is advisable to generally, look the receiver over and verify that
nothing has been shaken loose and that everything appears to be normal.
4. Additional feet.
If the SX-190 Receiver is to be used for receiving only and not as part of a system with intercon-
nections to an associated transmitter there are only a few required connections. These connec-
tions are easily accessible at the rear of the receiver and their design permits permanent connec-
tions to be made in a neat manner. Figure 1-2 (page 5) illustrates the connections points at the
rear of the receiver.
The SX-190 Receiver has been designed to operate from a 50-75 ohm unbalanced antenna input.
To obtain the best results from the receiver the antenna that most nearly suits your needs should
be selected. The illustrations shown in Figure 1-5 (page 7) are typical antenna installations. All
that is required is to install a PL-259 connector on the feed line and connect it to the antenna in-
Instructions for installing the phones plug on the speaker cable are illustrated in Figure 1-3 (page
6). After wiring the connector, insert in Phones/SPK jack.
A good external earth ground connection to the chassis is a must to eliminate a potential shock
hazard. It is possible that a voltage may exist between the chassis and ground as a result of the
power line bypass capacitor that is connected between chassis and the power line. A method of
connecting a ground is illustrated in Figure 1-4 (page 6).
As added protection it is also desirable to install a lightning arrestor. This would provide protec-
tion for the receiver as well as the operator. Figure 1-5 (page 7) illustrates the method of install-
ing lightning arrestors.
Before inserting the power cable it should first be determined that the power source is of the
proper voltage and frequency. For use on 12 VDC insert the plug which is part of the DC power
cable into DC jack and connect the red cable to positive side, the black to negative. It is impor-
tant to observe the polarity when using the receiver on 12 VDC.
Figure 1-1 (page 5) illustrates the interconnections required for using SX-190 Receiver with a
The following paragraphs describe the required interconnections to use the receiver in this man-
ner. The receiver and transmitter require a common ground and the antenna input to the receiver
may be controlled by an internal antenna changeover relay in the transmitter or an external an-
tenna changeover relay. Consult your transmitter manual for interconnection instructions.
In order to mute the receiver internally, the function switch should be placed in STD BY. All
other positions of the function switch allow the transmitter to control the muting of the receiver
when interconnected properly. Remove the jumper wire from STD BY plug and connect to the
relay in the transmitter. Consult your transmitter manual for interconnection instructions.
The single wire or inverted "L" type of antenna will provide satisfactory performance over the
entire tuning range. Simply connect one end of the antenna wire to center pin of a PL-259 Con-
nector and attach to Antenna Jack. For good reception the antenna wire should he 30 to 100 feet
long and placed as high as possible (see Fig. 1-5-1). Generally, this type of antenna provides
maximum pick-up at right angles to its entire length. This should be borne in mind when install-
ing the antenna. In some locations, reception may be improved by connecting a ground wire
from the GND terminal to a cold water-pipe or outside ground rod. For protection against light-
ning, a lightning arrestor should be included in any outdoor antenna system.
A doublet antenna will give excellent results, especially on amateur bands. A 75 ohms balanced
transmission line should be used (as shown in Fig. 1-5-2). Since the doublet antenna provides
optimum performance only at a given frequency, it should be cut to the length for the most often
used band of frequencies. The overall length of a doublet antenna can be determined by using the
following formula:
Since the doublet antenna displays directional properties broadside to its length, it should be ori-
ented in such a manner that maximum signal pickup can be realized.
More elaborate antenna systems may be installed to provide better performance. Information on
a number of different types can be obtained by referring to the Radio Amateur’s Handbook or the
A.R.R.L. Antenna Book, both published by the American Radio Relay League, West Hartford,
A- Power switch I - 25 kHz Calibrator switch
B- Function switch J - 100 kHz Calibrator switch
C- Band switch K- AF gain control
D- Main tuning knob L - RF gain control
E - Dial skirt M- "S" meter
F - Main dial N- Q-multiplier switch
G- Preselector O- Rejection tuning
H- Preselector dial P - Phones jack
Stand by
This position cuts off the B supply voltage, making the receiver temporarily inoperative during
transmission periods.
This position provides for normal reception of amplitude-modulated signals using diode detec-
This position provides for reception of amplitude-modulated signals under conditions of exces-
sive external interference. ANL stands for Automatic Noise Limiter.
Band (C)
This an 11-position Band Change Switch to cover the international broadcasting bands from 3.5
to 18.0 MHz, the 15 MHz standard frequency signal (WWV) and the 27 MHz CB band.
CAL (I) (J)
The calibrator circuit is crystal controlled and supplies 2 calibration frequencies. By pushing
knob (I) to it's "in" position you activate the 25 kHz calibrator, which will provide marker signals
every 25 KHz from 3.5 to 30.0 MHz. By pushing knob (J) to it's "in" position you activate the
100 KHz calibrator, which will provide marker signals every 100 KHz from 3.5 to 30.00 MHz.
Phones (P)
The Phones jack (J7) provides audio output from the final audio stage. The Phones Jack has an
output impedance of 8 ohms. When using the Phones Jack the speaker jack is disabled.
- 10-
TABLE 1 indicates the initial settings of the various controls for each type of operation. There-
fore, the degree of strength and clarity with which signal will be received will depend upon
proper readjustment of the various controls.
Switch to SSB upper or lower for reception of SSB and CW. and to AM for AM reception. When
pulse type interference hampers AM reception, switch FUNCTION to AM-ANL.
Set this switch to the desired band.
RF Gain
Set this control for maximum sensitivity (Full clock-wise position).
AF Gain
Adjust this control for desired volume level.
Pre Selector
Turn this control and set the indicator near the desired band. Adjust for maximum receiver sensi-
Set the dial indicator to zero. Then push the outer dial lightly and turn it so that it also is set at
zero. Now the indications on the outer dial can be directly read down to 1 KHz. The 15 MHz
standard signal WWV can be received when the dial reading is at 0 mark.
AM Operation
For the reception of stations place all controls in the positions indicated in the Initial Control Set-
tings chart. Tune in a station, using Main tuning controls as indicated in the section under
"TUNING". Adjust Preselector for highest "S" meter reading. This control setting is satisfactory
while operating over a limited frequency range. If excessive spurious noises such as those caused
by auto ignition make reception difficult, place the FUNCTION switch in the AM ANL position.
The automatic noise limiter should be used only when necessary, since it tends to reduce the
overall efficiency of the receiver.
CW Operation
The control setting required for the reception of code signals are indicated in the chart. Tune sig-
nal to zero beat. The main tuning dial control should then be adjusted on either side of the center
for desired pitch.
Control settings for sideband reception are virtually the same as for CW. Note, however, that
two positions of the function control are provided to permit selection of either the upper or lower
sideband, as necessary. The sideband that must be selected will depend upon the band in use. As
indicated in the sideband selection chart (TABLE 2), the lower sideband is usually required for
SSB reception on 80 and 40 meters, the upper sideband for SSB reception on 20, 15 and 10 me-
- 12 -
49 meter band 5.95 to 6.20 Winter nights
41 meter band 7.10 to 7.30 Winter nights
31 meter band 9.50 to 9.775 Nights, all year
25 meter band 11.70 to 11.975 Nights, all year
19 meter band 15.10 to 15.45 Days, all year and
Summer nights
16 meter band 17.70 to 17.90 Days, all year and
Summer nights
11 meter band 26.95 to 27.50 Days, all year
*These are separate and distinct from the Amateur Shortwave bands, which operate
over different groups of frequencies.
On the short wave frequencies there will be found radio stations transmitting from all over the
world. Many of these stations provide English-language broadcasts. The frequencies on which
most shortwave broadcast stations operate are found in the two upper bands of your receiver. The
majority of shortwave broadcast stations operate within certain internationally assigned groups
of frequencies, or "bands". For your convenience, a list of the shortwave bands which offer best
reception has been provided (TABLE 3). Since shortwave reception varies with the time of day,
season of the year and with weather conditions, recommended listening times have also been
shown along with each shortwave band.
In order for the receiver to be used properly it is important that the dial calibration be checked
and set for each band of the receiver. The controls should be set as follows for calibration:
- 13-
This control is used to set the dial skirt to exact center frequency of calibration signal. For first
setting rotate tuning knob nearest to the 100 KHz maker signal until the tone is in the zero beat.
Hold the tuning knob firmly at this point and rotate the dial skirt to zero position. The skirt dial is
just behind the tuning knob and is held in position by a friction-locking device. This dial is easily
moved by hand but will remain in position after adjustment. In the AM position no calibration
tone can be heard, however, accurate frequency location can be determined by observing the "S"
meter for maximum indication when tuning thru the calibration signals.
With the controls set as described above, a marker signal should be heard from the speaker. Ro-
tate the main tuning knob until the tone reaches zero beat. When the tone is at zero beat, turn the
“0” marking on the dial skirt to the line marked LSB. This zero beat signal can be heard every
100 KHz. If 25KHz knob is pushed, signal can be heard every 25 KHz. When the function
switch is set to USB, tune the “0” marking on the dial skirt to the line marked USB in the same
manner. The dial is now calibrated. This same procedure must be followed for dial accuracy
when switching to other bands.
The Q-multiplier operates in all modes, CW, AM and SSB, to null unwanted signals with a deep
40 dB notch, or peak the desired signal while sharpening receiver selectivity to help you pick the
signal you want out of the noise. The selector switch has off, reject and select positions. A tune
control allows you to move the "peak" or "null" throughout the receiver bandpass. When cen-
tered, the notch or peak will be in the middle of the bandpass, and moving the control to either
side will shift the notch or peak towards either side of the bandpass.
For coverage other than the International Broadcasting Band, two extra crystal sockets are pro-
vided on the RF printed circuit board. Their receiving range is any 500 KHz bandwidth between
3.5-10 MHz and 10.0-30 MHz.
- 14-
This section will aid in understanding the operation of the various circuits in this receiver as well
as an aid in servicing and diagnosing troubles. The SX-190 is a dual conversion receiver using a
crystal-controlled oscillator to provide the first mixing. The first and second mixers are coupled
by a band-pass IF circuit 500 kHz wide. The second conversion occurs with the mixing of the 1st
IF and the VFO. The low or 2nd IF is amplified and then detected by three different detectors
The first detector provides the necessary AGC voltages, the second detector is used for AM re-
ception and the third detector is used for CW and SSB reception. The detected signal is then am-
plified and applied to the audio output.
The complete circuit of the SX- 190 is shown in the schematic diagram at the rear of the manual.
A block diagram is also provided to aid in understanding this receiver. While reading the text it
is suggested that both diagrams be followed. The block diagram will reveal the overall scheme,
whereas the schematic diagram will provide the detailed circuitry.
The RF signal received at the antenna is applied to the gate of Q1 (cascode RF Amplifier) thru
the antenna input connector J1. The PRESELECTOR control is a 3-section air variable capacitor
that tunes the gate and drain of the RF amplifier as well as the gate of the first mixer (Q4). The
required tuning range of these circuits is obtained by switching an appropriate value of induc-
tance in parallel with the PRESELECTOR tuning capacitor and its associated coils (T1, T2, &
T3). The complete range of 3.5 - 30 MHz is covered by 2 tuning ranges of the PRESELECTOR
and by 11 ranges of the crystal controlled high frequency oscillator (Q5). The output of the high
frequency oscillator (HFO) is coupled to the source of the 1st mixer as well as the base of an
emitter follower (Q6), which is coupled to J2 on the rear panel of the receiver. The emitter fol-
lower allows the output of the HFO to be used without any loading effect being placed on the
HFO. The RF GAIN control (VR1, 2) varies the AGC voltage fed to the base of the AGC Ampli-
fier Q2, and also attenuates the coupling between T1 and T2. As the setting is changed in a coun-
terclockwise direction, the bias decreases causing a reduction in gain of the RF amplifier stage.
The same condition exists when the strength of the incoming signal increases. The output of the
RF Amplifier is coupled by T2 and tuned by the PRESELECTOR tuning capacitor to the gate of
Q4, the first mixer.
The output of the HFO is always 2.920 MHz higher than the lower edge of the selected band. On
frequencies below 17.920 MHz the oscillator collector circuit is tuned to the fundamental crystal
frequency; at frequencies above 20.420 MHz the collector circuit is tuned to the third overtone of
the crystal.
The output of the RF Amplifier is applied to the gate of the first mixer Q4. At the same time the
output of the HFO coupled thru T4 is applied to the source of the first mixer. The two signals are
mixed and their products are selected in the drain circuit of Q4. The circuit in the drain of Q3 is
tuned as a bandpass circuit passing all frequencies between 2.920 MHz and 2.420 MHz. This is
the frequency range of the 500 KHz bandpass IF. The transformers L8, 9 and Ll0 and their asso-
ciated components comprise the bandpass IF. The output of this IF is applied to the base of Q8,
the second mixer.
The second mixer combines the output of the bandpass IF with the output of the variable fre-
quency oscillator (VFO) to produce the 455 KHz IF.
The VFO produces the required frequencies for tuning LSB, USB, CW and AM signals. Inductor
T7 parallels capacitor VC6, in the frequency-determining network. The output frequency is low-
ered causing the VFO to tune from 3.375-2.875 MHz.
The mixing products of the bandpass IF and VFO are selected in the collector circuit of Q8 (sec-
ond mixer). The output of the VFO is provided at the rear panel at J4. Here the VFO is isolated
by emitter follower (Q10).
Immediately following the 2nd mixer (Q8) are the mechanical Filters (MF1, MF2). Output from
the MF1 is amplified by Q13 and connects to MF2 and is tuned by the three transformers T9,
T10 and T11. The signal is taken from the secondary of T11 to be detected and used as the AGC
The AM detector, diode D5, also gets its signal from the secondary of T11 and is coupled to the
noise limiter (D4). This noise limiter only functions in the AM mode when its output is delivered
through the function switch, on to the AF GAIN and to the 1st audio amplifier.
The detection of CW & SSB signals is accomplished by D8, D9. Dl0 and D11. These four diodes
comprise a balanced demodulator circuit. The audio is developed from the product detection of
the incoming 455 KHz signal and the output of the BFO, which may come from the crystal con-
trolled SSB oscillator, and its output is delivered to AM preamplifier (Q17). The output of the
AM preamplifier is coupled thru C79 to Function switch (SW3-d) to the AF gain control, VR3,
and on to the 1st audio amplifier.
As stated earlier the audio voltage developed by a particular detector is coupled through the
Function switch (SW3-d) to the AF Gain control (VR3). The audio voltage is amplified in three
separate stages. The first audio amplifier Q23 feeds the second audio amplifier Q24 that drives
the final audio output stage, which is operating push-pull, and consists of transistors Q25 and
The audio system has been designed to provide three different audio outputs. J6 is an 8-ohm
phone output for a head-phone. Jack J7 is also an 8-ohm speaker jack. The third audio output J8
is a 600-ohm output jack, which can be used for tape out and/or line out operation.
BFO circuitry consists of the transistor Q16 and it associated circuitry. In the reception of LSB
and USB signals the Function switch will place either X12 or X13 (USB or LSB) in the base cir-
cuit of Q16. Q16 now functions as an oscillator providing the necessary frequency to the bal-
anced demodulator for the beat between the 455 KHz IF signal. In the LSB position of the Func-
tion switch X13 is in the circuit producing a frequency of 456.5 KHz. In the USB position, X12
produces a frequency of 453.5 KHz.
(X: Crystal)
Signal voltage is coupled from the primary of T11 to AGC detector D6 and D7. The AGC ampli-
fier Q15 amplifies the rectified signal voltage.
The collector voltage of Q15 is divided by R65 and VR2, and it is applied to the IF and RF am-
plifier stages. Emitter voltage of Q15 is used for "S" meter circuit.
The AGC time constant is controlled by C65 and thru C64. In the USB and LSB position the
parallel combination of C64 present a larger time constant resulting in a slower AGC discharge
The RF GAIN control VR2 provides a manual control of the gain in the RF, 1st, 2nd mixer and
IF stages. The RF Gain control is in series with the bases and controls static bias to these stages
As the control is rotated counter-clockwise the bias voltage decreases, reducing the bias and
therefore the gain of the stages.
The Rejection Filter consists of transistors Q11, Q12 and their associated components. The fre-
quency of the notch is controlled by VC7, REJECTION TUNING. This control allows the notch
to be moved across the passband of the 455 KHz IF. Resistor, VR15, is used to adjust the depth
of the notch.
This notch circuit is an inverted "Q" multiplier. The circuitry around Q12 multiplies the "Q" of
coil T7. By multiplying its "Q", the circuit provides a narrower notch. This circuit shapes the
notch and VR15 sets the depth. The output of this circuit is actually a peak rather than a notch
until it is inverted by Q11, then it appears as a notch when tuned through the IF passband.
Calibration circuitry consists of transistors Ql8 thru Q21. 100 KHz signal is produced by Q21
and connected to buffer amplifier transistor Q18. And every 100 KHz harmonic is supplied thru
C80. Q19 and Q20 are multivibrators to oscillate at 25 kHz. It is also connected to buffer ampli-
fier and to C80.
The power supply of the SX-190 has the advantage of operating from 120 VAC 60 Hertz or 12
VDC without any internal wiring changes.
Transformer T13 steps down the voltage from the source to a nominal voltage of approximately
10 Volts. This voltage is then rectified by the diode consisting of diodes D12 and Dl3. This recti-
fied voltage is then fed to the collector Q22. In the base circuit of Q22, a 10V Zener regulator is
used to regulate the base potential. Transistor Q22 is used as an emitter follower regulator. From
here the 9.5V supply line is taken, and also the 7V supply line originates thru a dropping resistor
R82. The 7V supply line is regulated by a 7V Zener Diode D3.
There is no DC power supply as such. The receiver merely regulates and fuses the 12 VDC
- 20 -
- 26 -
D l 1S188 Overload Protector
D2 1S188 Overload Protector
D3 SZ7 7V Voltage Regulator
D4 1S188 ANL
D5 1S188 AM Detector
D6 1S188 AGC Detector
D7 1S188 AGC Detector
D8 18188 Product Detector
D9 18188 Product Detector
D10 1S188 Product Detector
D11 1S188 Product Detector
D12 FR-2 Rectifier
D13 FR-2 Rectifier
D14 ZB1-10 10V Voltage Regulator
D15 FR-2 Temperature Compensator
TH 1 M-10K Temperature Compensator
TH 2 M-10K Temperature Compensator
- 27 -