Grinding of Alumina Aluminum Composites
Grinding of Alumina Aluminum Composites
Grinding of Alumina Aluminum Composites
With the anticipated widespread usage of metal matrix composites (MMCs) in the near future, the machinability of high performance
MMCs needs to be understood. This paper reports research results obtained from the grinding of aluminum-based MMCs reinforced with
Al2O3 particles using grinding wheels having SiC in a vitri®ed matrix and diamond in a resin-bonded matrix. The issues discussed are surface
roughness, grinding force, type and size of the abrasives, grinding conditions, and the consequential sub-surface integrity. The study used
grinding speeds of 1100±2200 m/min, a grinding depth of 15 mm for rough grinding and 1 mm for ®ne grinding, and cross-feeds of 3 and 1 mm
for rough and ®ne grinding respectively, while maintaining a constant table feed-rate of 20.8 m/min. The surface integrity of the ground
surfaces and sub-surfaces were analyzed using a scanning electron microscope (SEM) and a pro®lometer. The surface ®nish values, Ra, were
scattered in the range 0.15±0.70 mm for the rough-ground samples, whilst a narrower range of 0.20±0.35 mm was achieved for the ®ne-ground
samples. Smearing of aluminum on the ground surfaces was seen for rough grinding, but was negligible for ®ne grinding because all the Al2O3
particles of the ground surfaces were clearly visible when observed with the SEM. Grinding using a 3000-grit diamond wheel at depth of cut of
1 mm produced many ductile streaks on the Al2O3 particles. Both the Al2O3 particles and aluminum matrix were removed by micro
machining. There were no cracks and defects found on the ground surfaces. There was almost no sub-surface damage, except for a rare
cracked particle being found. Rough grinding with a SiC wheel followed by ®ne grinding with a ®ne-grit diamond wheel is recommended for
the grinding of alumina/aluminum composites. # 2002 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.
Table 1
MMC workpieces used for the grinding experiments
Fig. 2. Roughness values of ground MMC surfaces. Fine grinding Fig. 5. An SEM micrograph of a ground MMC surface (2618/Al2O3/20p).
(3000-grit resin-bond diamond wheel; depth of cut: 1 mm; cross-feed: Rough grinding (80-grit vitrified-bond SiC wheel; grinding speed: 2200 m/
1 mm; feed-rate: 20.8 m/min). min; depth of cut: 15 mm, cross-feed: 3 mm; feed-rate: 20.8 m/min).
16 Z. Zhong, N.P. Hung / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 123 (2002) 13±17
Some of the aluminum chips were back-transferred on to the ground surfaces were clearly visible when observed with
top of the surfaces. an SEM.
SiC wheels are much cheaper than diamond wheels, the Grinding using the 3,000-grit diamond wheel at depth of
cost ratio being roughly 1:10±20. Because the depth of cut cut of 1 mm produced many ductile streaks on the Al2O3
and cross-feed used were 15 and 3 times those for ®ne particles. Both the Al2O3 particles and aluminum matrix
grinding respectively, the stock removal was substantial and were removed by micro machining. There were no cracks
the grinding time was much shorter as compared to that for and defects found on the ground surfaces. There was almost
®ne grinding. Hence, the potential of using SiC wheels at no sub-surface damage except for a rare cracked particle
least for rough grinding is high. Rough grinding parameters being found.
and dressing frequency should be optimized to make rough The potential of using SiC wheels at least for the rough
grinding using SiC wheels more attractive. grinding of alumina/aluminum composites is high, because
As shown in Fig. 7, grinding of the alumina/aluminum SiC grains are harder than Al2O3 reinforcing particles and
composite 2618/Al2O3/20p (20 vol.% Al2O3) using the ®ne- much less expensive than diamond grains. Rough grinding
grit diamond wheel at 1 mm in-feed (depth of grinding) with a SiC wheel followed by ®ne grinding with a ®ne-grit
produced visible ductile streaks on the Al2O3 particles. Both diamond wheel is recommended for the grinding of alumina/
the matrix and the Al2O3 particles were removed by micro aluminum composites.
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