ensure that these children have a voice and receive adequate protection during their transition
process, as the decisions and procedures involved have a profound impact on their identity,
Transgender people make this tough decision for several reasons, the first of these is
that even at a young age they feel they were born with the wrong gender, one of the cases
that show it is "It was then that his mother, Kerry McFadyen, realized that Daniel was,
definitely, Danni, born with the wrong sex." (BBC, 2016) This minor questioned the reason
for his gender and has tried 3 times to cut his penis with scissors. The second reason is
gender dysphoria which refers to “A strong desire of having the sex characteristics of the
other gender” (Olson-Kennedy,2019), which means that some minors may want to have
some of the characteristics of the other genre. The third reason is related to “A strong desire
people do not feel appropriate to be treated for their gender of birth, also has to do with
of our commission is “protecting children’s rights in more than 190 countries and territories
around the world” (UNICEF, n.d.). It is a non-political and impartial organism whose
mission is to “save children's lives, to defend their rights, and to help them fulfil their
potential, from early childhood through adolescence” (UNICEF, n.d.). Let us also remember
that we fear principles "The first is Child Protection which refers to all children must develop
in a safe and inclusive environment regardless of their age, gender, and physical disabilities.
The second is Child survival, which refers to UNICEF, tackles all factors related to the
increase in child mortality. The third is Education, which refers to the organization focusing
on guaranteeing education for all children, including those in emergencies. The fourth is
children like disease, malnutrition, and violence. The fifth is social policy, which this
objective refers to the equitable chances of life for all children, in other words, preventing
child poverty and tackling the consequences of wars and natural disasters. The sixth is
gender, meaning that girls and women have the right to participate in political, social, and
economic scopes. The seventh is Innovation for Children which refers to UNICEF’s “Office
innovative solutions for current children’s issues and crises. The eighth is supply and
logistics which refers to Children affected by various global receiving emergency supplies
like vaccines, medicines, personal hygiene kits, clean water, nutrition, and temporal
education spaces. Last but not least is Research, evidence, and analysis which refers to
developing pertinent plans and programs, UNICEF researches and analyzes in-depth
that children go through can affect them physically and mentally, and it is important to
remember that the goal of Unicef is that all children can grow and move in a healthy and fair
environment. And if we find solutions to this situation, we will not only help the Cambodian
because, although it has not taken measures such as laws to prevent discrimination against
LGBTQ communities and transgender people, neither it has declared it illegal to belong to
This problem affects the Cambodian delegation because citizens are affected, the first
reason is unemployment since there are some people or companies that do not agree with
transgender people, and this would cause them not to provide work. The second reason is for
possible deaths because if during surgery there are difficulties, the patient could die. The
third reason is related to psychology as they may suffer various types of mocking or
completely important to address and solve this problem in committee, recalling that it is
essential to guarantee respect for their rights and the existence of protection mechanisms
because these young people face risks of discrimination, harassment, and violence. In
addition, the gender transition process involves significant physical and mental challenges,
so the commission must guarantee their access to comprehensive health services. Also with
the above information we can understand why the Cambodian delegation is involved in this
problem, but before we begin we have to remember that the delegation of Cambodia is not
completely involved historically because it has not taken positive or negative measures, but
they still protect and support them because after all they protect the rights of any human
being despite any decision taken there, and are planning to start formally protecting LGBT
delegation might have difficulty in creating treaties or doing economic business with
countries that were against such situations. The last one is related to geography because cities
are affected. After all, citizens who present these situations can be directly affected.
We can re-emphasize that the position of Cambodia in the face of the problem
presented, which is in favor of youth consent for transgender procedures, even though it has
not taken drastic measures, we first show it considering that "the law does not recognize
LGBT people and is silent on discrimination against LGBT people" (Human Rights, 2014),
this shows that they have not taken the necessary measures. The second argument is that "but
same-sex partners are not prohibited from adopting children." (Human Rights, 2014) shows
that transgender people have the right to adopt a child like any other human being in
Cambodia. The third argument is very important already been reported that "Cambodia is
poised to make strides towards the full social integration of gay, bisexual, and transgender
(LGBT) people, protecting them from violence and discrimination" (The United Nations
Office at Geneva, 2023) this is very important as it shows that the Cambodian delegation is
already initiating procedures to protect these communities. The fourth and possibly most
important argument is that it was reported that “Recognizing the need to bridge the
healthcare gap and build trust within the LGBTQ+ community over time, the Reproductive
stigma and improving access to clinical services for the LGBTQ+ community, especially
education, advocacy, counseling, and specialized care” (IPPF, 2023), this is the most
important argument because it shows that the delegation of Cambodia understands how these
communities can be affected and is taking the necessary measures to stop discrimination,
Thailand and China, which have come a long way in protecting the rights of
transgender people, would be countries that could become economic allies of Cambodia,
China has a great economy "The Chinese economic growth of the last ten years is largely due
to investment and not so much to its exports"(BBC, 2015), this economy would help
unemployment by discrimination in Cambodia. Italy and the United States are recognized for
their commitment to human rights and gender equality. In the case of Italy, they have a law in
which they recognize their gender change "develop fast, transparent and accessible
procedures, based on self-determination, to change both the name and the registered sex of
trans persons in their birth certificates, identity documents, passports, academic certificates,
and other similar documents".(Newtral, 2021) , these countries have policies and laws that
can help Cambodia promote consent for young people who want to be subject to transgender
It is important to state two solutions that could have great results against youth
consent for transgender procedures, the first solution would be to increase the areas of
physiology since many of the people who are subject to transgender processes are affected by
discrimination by other citizens. The second solution would be to create campaigns against
discrimination against transgender people to normalize transgender people since they can go
so far as to kill transgender people. “Transgender Europe reported in 2012 that 1083
transgender people became victims of homicide from 2008 to 2012.” (Human Rights, 2014).
These solutions are completely viable to have great results, not only results in Cambodia but
also in other delegations that present this problem, and in this way the minors who submit to
these processes to all delegations can live a fair and normal life so that all children have the
same possibilities.
The solutions can be implemented since the Cambodian delegation has the minimum
resources to be able to elaborate on these solutions, because if we take into account, that
agriculture is able to support 85% of Cambodians living in the countryside, and the part of
agriculture that is possibly the main source is fishing, as Cambodia is connected to the Gulf
of Thailand. It is also important to consider that when the problem is solved, Cambodia will
have several economic advantages due to tourism and politicians, since they will have a
better international image. If additional resources were needed, the Cambodian delegation
would ask its allies for resources; if the allies provided resources, the solutions would have a