Miniature Wargames - Issue 485 September 2023
Miniature Wargames - Issue 485 September 2023
Miniature Wargames - Issue 485 September 2023
With the latest news items.
his issue has somewhat of an English Civil
War focus but other gamers haven’t 07 SEND THREE AND
been ignored. With my ECW hat FOURPENCE
on (geddit?) we have a triumvirate The Abyssinian Army of the 1860-80s for
from Arthur Harman (although his The Men who would be Kings.
thoughts on Jelly Baby Casualties
are only tangential), and we have a
painting guide from Paul Mackay. 13 PORTABLE MIDDLETON
But – in other gaming news – we have A small portable wargame scenario: the Battle of
that ‘alternative’ American Civil War Middleton Cheney, 1643.
as a counterpoint to the English one; a
colonial outing in Abyssinia; both WWI
and WWII desert action plus a scratch 18 FIVE ROUNDS RAPID
build completion with Mr Harwood A long and winding road in World War II gaming
finishing off his chapel. So – as ever – using Rapid Fire 2 rules.
there’s still a little something for everyone!
So – with that in mind – as Phil Lynott
sang “Now some men like the fishin’ 22 DEFENCE IN DEPTH
and some men like the fowlin’ and With the latest figure and rules reviews.
some men like to hear the cannon
ball a-roarin’”. Have fun!
Command decision ACW with James Island, 1863.
Get in touch
Developing Battles of the English Civil War:
John Treadaway MiniatureWargames A Solitaire Wargame.
MINIATURE WARGAMES Painting Pike & Shotte: Armour and more.
EDITOR John Treadaway
[email protected]
01778 395092 | [email protected]
The Senussi Campaign in Egypt & The Western
PUBLISHER Claire Ingram Desert: The Senussi Campaign 1915 to 1917.
[email protected] Part Two.
DESIGN Mike Carr
Warners Group Publications PLC The Maltings, West Street,
COVER: Conversions of Wargames Foundry ECW Bourne, Lincolnshire PE10 9PH | 01778 391000
ACCOUNT MANAGER Charlotte Lewis Warners Group Publications Plc 01778 391150
01778 391129 | [email protected]
wargamer’s book shelves.
Fantasy resin from Black
Pyramid Games
Black Pyramid have
some new releases
spanning a
number of
different ranges and
all cast in a fine, dark
WE’RE grey resin. Sculpted by
Martin Baker these
include the Dragon
Apocalyptic horror Lord (£5) who
hunting – wearing
The Doomed is a new chain mail –
hard back set of Osprey has a separate
rules aimed at fighting round shield and a
unspeakable creatures. handsome dragon
You run a small band of hunters with a helmet (and
bold leader seeking fame and success. would make a
This narrative skirmish game for up splendid Turin
to eight figures a side has players Turumbar for all those Tolkien fans).
competing over conflicting objectives. And – for enthusiasts of the shambling
There’s simple rules with no measuring Turn, they can make up to three Actions historical undead – there’s two figure
of distances with games lasting under selecting from Move, Fight, Shoot, and pairs: Dick and Fanny, who are a
an hour and in a figure agnostic Recover. The book is over 170 pages Victorian couple, and Meg and Harry
environment. It promises no stacking or and comes with a full list of Warbands, are a loathsome Regency pairing with
tracking with a focus on the miniatures Horrors, Scenarios and a campaign to ideas way above their fairly decrepit
on a 2’ by 3’ battlefield, rather than lists, play a fully fleshed out game system. station (and no doubt demanding
tokens, or off-board resources. Play There are PDF options but the hardback privacy...) They are each £9 for a
involves rolling one or more six-sided is £25and is stuffed full of excellent matched pair. While on the subject
dice d6 and attempting to equal or artwork and model photography. Go to of twin figures, The Djinn is a cutlass
beat quality scores. When it is a unit’s for more info. wielding chap that (with an alternative
sculpt for a non corporeal option) and
with housing shortages) and – perhaps The Needle is two versions of the same
– even on far flung planets. Six new Spanish Guerrilla (with a ‘Sharpe’
6mm buildings called Agri Colony has feel): either a traditional marksman
three homesteads on raised platforms, with a rifle or a vampire hunter out
and three assorted utility buildings of with a cross for a stake dinner... All
various sizes. They are £1 to £3 each of those are £5 each. Go to
but there’s also a pack with two of each for more
homestead and one each of the utility info.
buildings for £16. Sci-Fi trailer trash just
got a upgrade. Go to
More Brigade releases
Brigade Models had some new 6mm
buildings for their SF range. As anyone
who has any experience of prefabricated
housing can attest, this sort of thing was
important in the recent past and may
well be so in the immediate future (what
FANTASTIC PLASTIC Sunday 3rd September
The Cresset,
Coming soon across the Atlantic Bretton Centre,
Wargames Atlantic have a raft of new 28mm Peterborough, PE3 8DX
wargames gold coming soon in both hard
styrene and print-yourself resin. First up are
some WWI British infantry in styrene. Out COLOURS
by the time you read this at £25 for a box of 30 Saturday 9th September
there’s a selection of hat and helmet types for Newbury & Reading Racecourse
all theatres and time periods from early war RG14 7PN
to the desert and with officers, and gasmask
options thrown in. They are carrying Lee
Enfield rifles, Webley pistols, Lewis guns,
grenades, and trench clubs and the box gives
you a wide range of kit to choose from. Some
of them might even help out with early WWII
figures. As ever, multiple boxes get a discount.
For the fantasy minded, coming in the future FIRST BATTLE OF
in hard plastic will be Grognard Cavalry.
Converted from their Atlantic Digital line,
these are mounted versions of the French SF 20TH SEPTEMBER 1643
infantry. They were apparently so popular First Empires range are Trojan Fought between King
they will be produced in styrene War Infantry. For £14.21 Charles’ Royalist army, and a
But talking of the digital options, for you can print and field some Parliamentarian force led by the
those with a resin printer in doors Wargames opponents for their Sea Peoples Earl of Essex, this engagement
Atlantic’s recent move into stretching their digital set (which is already followed a year of Royalist
ranges with digital options makes for some available). This is a six figure range successes in the ECW meaning
titillating opportunities. Out now in their (with and without in-built bases) that the Parliamentarians were left
come with appropriate weapons, without an effective army in the
shields, and many head options. west of England. Parliament’s hand
If your tastes are from the other end of the was forced and – after a long march
Old World, for £12.64 you could also print – Essex surprised the Royalists and
some Picts. This is a four figure set (again, dual forced them away from Gloucester
base options) and it includes enough heads, before beginning a retreat to
weapons, and shields to outfit a convincing unit London. Charles rallied his forces
of Pictish warriors! and pursued Essex, overtaking the
But – if you need a proper raiding option – Parliamentarian army at Newbury
how about a Norse Ship? £19.74 buys a 28mm and forcing them to march past
multi-part ship model is ready to transport the Royalist force to continue
your Danes, Norse, or Saxons over the briny to their retreat. Although casualties
other countries’ ever welcoming shores. With a were small (1,300 Royalists and
three part hull and separate mast, sail, rigging, 1,200 Parliamentarians), it is
oars and shields it could be waterlined to sit on considered to be a crucial of battle
a table top and stuffed full of Vikings looking of the war marking the high
for opportunities in a new land... Check out point of the Royalist advance
the reviews of their latest releases in Defence leading (eventually) to Scottish
in Depth and then go to go for more info to Covenanters siding with the Parliamentarian cause.
The Abyssinian Army of the 1860-80s for The Men who would be Kings
ABOVE: Sudanese Mahdists storm an Abyssinian
held fort. Miniatures from The Man with the
Miniature Men.
ark Fastoso has a lot to answer that I had already collected for the a state religion since then. The state was
until the 1940s and I will be using it TEWODROS II who had been warring with him to
interchangeably with Ethiopia. Tewodros was a mercurial fella, but protect their supply lines. Foremost
19th century Ethiopia is about five strived to unite his divided country. amongst this was Kasa, a Tigrayan, who
times the size of the UK and was He instituted reforms, imported sought British assistance in securing
divided up into independent territories Western technology and instructors and the Empire for himself. Direct military
ruled by feudal magnates called Ras attempted to replace the hereditary Ras action was not forthcoming, as Napier
(roughly equivalent to a European with salaried appointees. He attempted wished to withdraw from the country,
Duke). These were only loosely united to create a standing army rather than but approximately half a million pounds
during the 19th century and the relying on feudal levies and imported in equipment was supplied. These
Abyssinian army spent a lot of time large amounts of modern weaponry. included mortars, howitzers, percussion
quelling internal revolts and uprisings Tewodros was concerned with rifles and a substantial amount of
as well as expanding its borders. Ottoman encroachments and his ammunition. This coupled with British
The period between the mid 18th rebellious Muslim subjects in the advisers left Kasa well placed to take
century and the mid 19th century was south of the Empire, which led him the throne. He did so in after defeating
known as Zemene Mesafint or the rule to seek an alliance with the British the previous incumbent Emperor Tekle
of princes. The Ras’s made war on Empire. After repeated letters to Queen Giyorgis II at the battle of Adwa in 1871.
each other and competed to “protect” Victoria did not get the answer he He was crowned Yohannes II in 1872.
the Emperor in the Imperial capital sought, he unwisely seized a number
of Gondar. The Emperor was pretty of missionaries and two British YOHANNES II
much a figure head mainly kept safe government officials as hostages. Sir Yohannes took a more conciliatory
by the sacred character of his descent Robert Napier led the subsequent approach than Tewodros, appointing
from King Solomon, though warring expedition which led to the freeing former foes to the governorship of
magnates would swap Emperors on of the hostages and the taking of the provinces. He continued Tewodros’s
occasion. This came to an end with fortress of Magdala. Tewodros took his attempts to centralise the Abyssinian
the rise of Tewodros II (rendered in own life, rather than be captured. state, appointing sub-kings like Tekle
European sources as Theodore II) who Tewodros had been a brutal ruler, with Haymanot and Menelik (who would
conquered most of north Abyssinian and the results that Sir Robert Napier had eventually become his successor),
took the Imperial throne in 1855. little difficulty recruiting local chieftains though with mixed success. Haymanot
marked the end of Yohannes reign. After The most significant figures from the ammunition was beyond Ethiopian
successfully breaching the Mahdist skirmish wargaming perspective are industrial capabilities to mass produce.
defences around the town and just as the Shalek’a (commander of a 1000, but Much such ammunition was imported,
victory seemed certain, the Emperor realistically a couple of hundred) and usually through Eritrea, though this was
was hit by a stray bullet and died in his the Asiralek’a (commander of ten). complicated when Eritrea fell under
tent later that day. The Abyssinian army Egyptian and later Italian influence.
lost heart and a Mahdist counter attack INFANTRY While modern ammunition could not
turned their retreat into a slaughter. The Abyssinian infantry or Ashkar be manufactured, towards the end of
But that’s quite enough potted history (retainers) did train together and were the 1870s, it could be reloaded, though
for now. separated into separate units, depending the end product was not as effective as
on the weapons that they had to hand. imported stuff.
ABYSSINIAN ARMIES: Traditional weapons were the broad
1860 ONWARDS bladed spear, the hooked Shotel sword, CAVALRY
As the Abyssinian state centralised the Gashan or thick hide shield and The Oromo people of the centre and south
and became more efficient both at javelins. These were heavily used, of the Empire were (and are) famous
gathering agricultural surpluses and tax particularly during internecine conflicts horsemen. I’ve also heard them referred to
revenues, the size of Abyssinian armies within the Empire, but firearms were as the Galla in some sources, though I’m
increased substantially. Soldiers had highly sought after and were brought not entirely sure if that is a slur or not.
been compared to locusts, due to their into the country in bulk. Ownership of a While Ethiopian armies made use of
rapacity and looting, in the early 19th gun conferred status and both Menelik barded heavy cavalry (of the sort still seen
century. This was ameliorated, but not and Tewodros imported modern in the Mahdi’s army) in the 17th and 18th
September 2023 Miniature Wargames 9
century, they seem to have disappeared reliable modern artillery in Ethiopian INFANTRY
from the battlefield by the 19th century. service. They were of small calibre, but Mixed infantry units (1860s-1870s). Rated
Light cavalry were used extensively could be more easily transported in the as Mounted Irregular Infantry (poor shots,
however and were armed with spears, mountainous regions of the north of the poorly armed, enthusiastic). Traditional
javelins, guns and swords. These were Empire. A small gun that can get there is armed units should be rated as Tribal
deployed in large numbers, but were far more useful than a big gun that can’t. Infantry, but Matchlock men should be
limited by the Abyssinian practice of The Abyssinians also used rocket tubes, rated as Irregular Infantry (poorly armed).
fielding mixed cavalry and infantry units. which provided portable firepower Percussion armed infantry should be
This limited the mobility of the former and where it was needed. rated as Irregular Infantry, while infantry
reduced the firepower of the latter. Victories over the Egyptians at Gura with modern Remington breachloaders
This practice was discontinued in the and Gundet also gave the Abyssinians (or similar weapons) should be Irregular
1870s, which substantially increased the an injection of new artillery, including Infantry (Well Armed). Units armed with
effectiveness of the Abyssinian cavalry, mountain howitzers as well as modern shotguns and other modern smoothbore
and by the early 1880s the Empire could Krupp artillery. There are also records of weapons should be treated as Irregular
put 40,000 horsemen in the field. Sadly, Menelik importing French Mitrailleurses Infantry but may not fire at long range,
a rinderpest epidemic devastated the in 1885, though I haven’t been able to though they fire with +1.
Abyssinian horse population in 1890, find any mention of their use. Royal bodyguard infantry should be
which reduced the number of cavalry While Abyssinian armies were aware of rated as Veteran.
that could be mustered, though this falls the value of modern artillery and knew to All Abyssinian units may be
outside the time covered by this article. take cover appropriately, building a corps upgraded with Fieldcraft to reflect their
of gunners took longer. Sgt Kirkham ability to make good use of ground.
ARTILLERY trained local gunners in the 1860s.
Tewodros II was keenly aware of the Captured Egyptian gunners were pressed CAVALRY
power of artillery and made attempts to into service after the victories of the 1870s Oromo Light Cavalry should be treated
both import modern artillery and foster and had trained Ethiopian crews by the as Tribal Cavalry. Royal Troops should
indigenous cannon production. The end of the decade. The effectiveness of be rated as Irregular Cavalry (Well
star of his collection – a mortar called the Abyssinian artillery arm was a great Armed). .
Sebastapol – burst during the siege of surprise to the Italians in the battles of the
Magdala. However the battle did impress 1890s, who had to contend with machine ARTILLERY
upon Abyssinian military leaders the guns and smaller quick firing cannon like Depending on the period, gun crews
necessity of a powerful artillery arm. the 57mm Hotchkiss. may be well drilled or poorly drilled.
In the aftermath of the Magdala Guns which are manned by pressed
campaign, Yohannes was given SKIRMISH KINGS Egyptian crews may be classed as well
mountain howitzers by Sir Robert Wargaming with the Abyssinian Army drilled, but cost points as per a poorly
Napier. These were the first really in The Men who would be Kings: drilled crew. Pressed men will not act on
by Bill Brewer.
between unequal, asymmetric forces is ideal for which lay close to the presumed site of the battlefield.
recreating as a tabletop wargame to familiarise The map that accompanies this scenario shows
oneself with either of the two sets of rules in the presumed site of the battle and the surrounding
The Portable Pike & Shot Wargame. Gently sloping, area. Moreover, the fact that the contemporary
open-field farmland and meadow are easy to portray sources are not in agreement regarding the reasons for
as a gridded surface, either by putting a cloth marked the Parliamentary advance on Banbury, or the exact
with a hexagonal or square grid over suitable items composition of the opposing armies, allows the game
to create the lay of the land; using Hexon II terrain; or organiser to ‘pick ‘n mix’ as he or she sees fit to create
by placing pieces representing higher ground on top a variety of subtly different versions of the same
of a gridded board or cloth. A small stream, a model scenario, some of which may allow the players
church and a few other buildings – even the veteran to change the course of history, but only very
Airfix Tudor house, if you are an elderly wargamer slightly, as the engagement was quite unimportant,
who still possess one! – can represent the two villages strategically speaking.
September 2023 Miniature Wargames 13
9th September
Doors 10am – 5pm
At Newbury Racecourse, Newbury, RG14 7NZ
• Free parking and close to Railway Station
Admission £5
Thousands of models, dozens of trade stands,
Bring and Buy, participation games, action
packed displays, refreshment facilities and bar
y biggest collection, at least in terms of 2000’s, Rapid Fire! 2 came out along with Blitzkrieg
boxes full of stuff has got to be World War II. A Panzer III Commander and Iron Cross. We skipped between these
drives past a
I’ve got forces for France 1940, the Western deployed 88mm sets, seeing both strengths and weaknesses in all of
Desert campaigns, and the Eastern Front. Anti Tank gun. them. One set required a lot of referencing to charts,
Unfortunately, they have not been used as often as I whilst another required rather more pre-game set up
would have liked. This is due – as with so many things time and they all dealt with friction in different ways.
related to the hobby – to the Rules! We weren’t happy with any one set, so... the period
stopped being played.
ONE RULE TO RULE THEM ALL A brief flirtation with Flames of War soon hit the
My early dabble with the period was using a set Richard buffers and we put the Second World War into storage.
Marsh (of Rapid Fire fame) and I, developed from the Until now!
book by John Sanders An Introduction to Wargaming,
published in 1975. An article by us both was published RELOAD & GO AGAIN
in Don Featherstone’s long defunct Wargamers The Rapid Fire! team recently released their new fast
Newsletter. We used these with modifications until the play Rapid Fire! Reloaded rules. These are in a cheap,
1990’s. Then in a golden period for us, Colin Rumford A5 format. They are a simple to play rule set where all
and Richard – who both gamed with us at Grimsby – the decisions are based on a D6 and there are no time-
decided to develop Rapid Fire! rules. consuming chart consultations. They also allow you to
I helped with the playtesting of these and got an play big games in a reasonable time. They are designed
acknowledgement in the introduction. We used these as an entry level rule set and they also work brilliantly
quite happily for a number of years, and then, in the for this. A second rule book was later released covering
the many less used rules such as Engineering, Parachute The map shows the initial Axis deployment zone
Drops, Minefields, Air power and Glider troops. and British entry points. The Axis infantry can deploy
We recently played a late Western Desert game with above line C, with their armour starting above line B.
six players, one new to wargaming, and two of whom The British deployment area is marked as below line D.
had never used the rules and three who had only
played a handful of games each. FORCES
The forces were chosen from the Rapid Fire Monty’s
FIRST SCENARIO Desert Battles book, which covers the game
The German and Italian forces are retreating and organisation for forces from August 1942 to January
buying time for their rear echelons to consolidate after 1943. These were as follows:
their recent defeat at Second battle of El Alamein. To LEFT
do this they have amassed a force of German troops Afrika Corps
and the best of their Italian allied troops and decided infantry
to make a stand around El Tuki (this is a a made up
location so don’t try to look it up on map!). BELOW LEFT
The British and Commonwealth forces are pushing El Tuki
on trying to disrupt their opponents and hit the supply
columns as they retreat. The British win by driving
a force of at least two tanks and two companies of
infantry off the German board edge and any other
result is a German victory.
We use the variable length time clock (see later) and
a delay of over six hours is a major victory.
◗ A Bersaglieri battalion of three companies each with
an MMG, plus two Portee 47mm Anti-Tank guns and
a Breda 20mm Anti-Aircraft gun.
◗ A depleted Armoured battalion of five M13/40 tanks.
◗ A depleted Self-Propelled Artillery group of two
Semovente 75/18 SP guns.
◗ A Panzer-Grenadier battalion from 90th Light Afrika
Division of three companies and a HQ and support
company of infantry with a mortar an MMG, two
Pak 50 Anti-Tank guns and a Pak36 Anti-Tank gun.
All of which are mounted in or towed by lorries.
◗ A depleted Panzer battalion of four Panzer III’s (2
long barrelled and 2 short), one Panzer IV f2(long
barrelled) and one Panzer II.
This magazine has recently published a set of scenarios
for actions in Sicily, written by Richard Marsh, and I
know he has some more in the offing. I hope this article
has inspired other World War Two players to try out
different rule sets. I am glad I did and at last the
squeal of tracks can again be heard in our gaming
Outpost so – if you want to follow our adventures
or see more photos from the above battles – we are information/downloads
on Facebook at Wargaming at the GY. ■
◗ £14.39
◗ £25
James Island, 1863
Words and pictures by Jon Sutherland
ach Command Decision aims to offer a series of
playable options in timeless military scenarios.
Command Decision is designed so you can read the
situation and figure out your own command decisions if you
were leading the troops on the ground. You can either work
through the various options or use the mechanics to create
the precise circumstances of the table top engagement. The
scenarios may have particular historical themes and settings,
but you can easily adapt the mechanics to suit your own
preferences and collections.
The 54th Massachusetts was organized in March 1863 ABOVE ROLE & COMMAND
at Camp Meigs, Readville, Massachusetts. As one of Col James You are Robert Gould Shaw: 26 years old, son of a
the first African American regiments to be formally takes a keen prominent Boston abolitionist family and you have
organized in the northern Union states, the 54th interest in the already served in the 7th New York National Guard
would be a constant source of interest to the press progress of his and with the 2nd Massachusetts Infantry. You first
and the public. The regiment has been assigned to the saw combat at the battle of Antietam (September 17th
Department of the South, where it disembarked at 1862) and have now been appointed as commander of
Hilton Head, South Carolina on June 3rd 1863. the regiment in February 1863 by the Massachusetts
If you have gone to the trouble of laying out the
battlefield for this 1863 engagement, all you need to
fight a later engagement in 1865 is the addition of two
or three rifle pits. The action took place around the
areas where the 10th Connecticut was deployed in
1863. Just beyond them was Grimball’s landing itself
and the Stono River. Union forces under Brigadier
General Alexander Schimmelfennig (Northern District
The 2nd South Carolina can reinforce the 54th on of the Department of the South) faced a small force of
turn 2, the 10th Connecticut can begin moving on turn Confederates manning rifle pits (under Major Edward
2, and on each turn afterwards. Allow one of the 1st Manigault of the South Carolina Siege Train). In the
Brigade’s other regiments to enter the table either from early light of February 10, four Union gunboats shelled
the turnpike causeway, where the 10th Connecticut the pits and Schimmelfennig’s troops made their
were stationed, or on the road directly behind the 54th landing. The 144th New York charged up the causeway
and the 2nd South Carolina. In this sector, the game to engage the centre of the Confederate line, the 54th
starts with Colquitt’s brigade on the table in column New York hit their right. The frontal charge failed, but
marching towards the 54th; they may deploy as they the 54th drove the Confederates out of their positions.
see fit on the first turn. Way’s command enters the table
on turn 4. It can reinforce either Colquitt or Radcliffe.
If the player decides to split Way’s two regiments and
send one to each other commander, then he must stop
for one turn to simulate this reorganisation. Unknown
to the Confederate player(s), the 10th Pennsylvania
is on its own until turn 8. After that, one of the Union
2nd Brigade regiments appear each turn from the end
of turn 8. If Radcliffe breaks through, he must move
immediately to cut off the road directly behind the
RIGHT 54th. If he achieves this then the game terminates with
These are a major Confederate win.
times as the
edge closer to The ground was very unsuitable for artillery. To
the defensive
line. simulate this, once the artillery has unlimbered it
cannot move again for the rest of the game. This means
that if the Confederates want to use their artillery
to fend off Union counterattacks later in the game,
then they will need to make their initial attacks with
infantry only.
September 2023 Miniature Wargames 29
To play this version of the battle using the same table, you will only need:
(ABOUT 1200 MEN)
54th New York Infantry: Colonel Eugene Kolzay 2nd South Carolina Heavy Artillery: Major Edward Manigault
144th New York Infantry: Colonel James Lewis Palmetto Guard: Captain Benjamin C. Webb
32nd U.S. Colored Infantry: Colonel George W. Baird 1st South Carolina Cavalry, dismounted detachment: Lieutenant William G. Roberts
33rd U.S. Colored Infantry (1st South Carolina Infantry): Colonel Thomas Wentworth
55th Massachusetts Colored Infantry: Colonel Alfred S. Hartwell
BAPTISM OF FIRE: FACT CHECK ABOVE “We have just completed our successful retreat from James
On July 8th the 54th was assigned to General Somewhere Island; we fought a desperate battle there Thursday morning.
on the island,
Terry’s expedition to James Island near Charleston, a small group Three companies of us, B, H, and K, were out on picket about
South Carolina and made for Stono Inlet. On July of Confederate a good mile in advance of the regiment. We were attacked
16th Confederate forces under General Colquitt cavalry try early in the morning. Our company was in the reserve when
and catch a
attacked the expedition near Secession Ville and in Connecticut the outposts were attacked by rebel infantry and cavalry.”
the ensuing skirmish the 54th lost 14 killed, 18 regiment in the First Sergeant Robert John Simmons, 54th
wounded and 3 missing. This was a part of the open. (he later died from his wounds in
bigger Battle of Grimball’s Landing. When the the attack on Fort Wagner).
Confederate force of over 3,200 men hit the 54th’s
picket line, held by 3 companies guarding one of The regiment was then ordered, on July 18th, to Morris
the two causeways connecting Sol Legare Island Island to engage in operations against Fort Wagner
with the mainland, the untested African American under General Strong. Fort Wagner was one of the key
troops fought bravely and were determined not to Confederate defensive positions protecting Charleston.
give ground. The fortification had been under Union naval and land-
There was vicious hand-to-hand fighting at the based artillery fire for a number of days and the 54th,
causeway as the Confederate infantry attempted to led by Shaw, offered to lead the assault on Wagner that
secure the crossing to allow its cavalry to break across evening. It was a disastrous and glorious action, during
the island and cut off the Union retreat. The rest which Shaw, Captains Russell and Simpkins and over 20
of the 54th rapidly fell into line and – in the face men were killed. Lieutenant Colonel E N Hallowell and
of continued Confederate pressure – held their DOWNLOAD 125 men were wounded. Some 100 of the regiment
positions, allowing most of the Union forces to THE SCENARIO MAPS were missing in action, many of whom were said to
retreat. have been massacred by the Confederates. ■
y review of Mike Lambo’s book issue (see
Developing Battles of the
English Civil War: A Solitaire
M the Recce section in last month’s edition. Ed.)
criticised its portrayal of ECW battles but
concluded “these games may inspire youngsters
or novices to develop a greater understanding of Civil War
battles, and to play more historical wargames – perhaps by
Words by Arthur Harman. Photos by The Editor adapting its rules and AI systems?” In this article I will
offer suggestions for doing just that.
“By God, Sir, it is very fine on the paper, but there is no SOURCES
such thing in the field.” The main sources I have consulted and from which I
Lord Eythin’s reported comment upon Prince quote are: Edgehill: The Battle Reinterpreted, Dr Eric
Rupert’s plan of his dispositions for Marston Moor, Gruber von Arni, Christopher L. Scott & Alan Turton,
1644. Leo Cooper Ltd., 2004 [hereinafter EBR];
The player has several options:
1. He can deploy both sides historically; thereafter the The splendid
12mm Epic ECW
AI system will control the enemy.
game put on by
2. He can choose his own battle plan but deploy the Warlord Games
enemy historically. at Salute 2023.
September 2023 Miniature Wargames 35
in the top or bottom hex of the column, as appropriate. Artillery bombardments should precede the advance
Even if the royalist horse had returned sooner of Horse and/or Foot to contact the enemy. Guns
to Edgehill or Naseby, the thrill of the chase, and cannot move but can adjust their aim to shoot down a
the capture of rapine, broke all unit cohesion. A column of hexes to the immediate left or right of their
contemporary wrote ‘the soldiers were so dispersed that original facing, provided there is a clear line of sight to
there was not ten of any one troop together’. [GttW, p.145] the intended target. Unlike modern troops, those who
Such a Horse unit must, therefore, Rally - by throwing waited to go into action during the civil wars rarely did
6 on a d6 - during the next turn before it can take any so under fire. [GttW, p. 128] I have therefore reduced the
offensive action. maximum range of artillery so that units on their rear
row of hexes should not be vulnerable to artillery fire.
THE DRAGOONS In practice artillery fire seldom broke and scattered
For some battles it will be necessary to add Regiments lines of infantry: by and large the practical effect of
of Dragoons, which move as Horse, taking one hex of artillery in pitched battles was far less than one would
movement to mount/dismount ready to fire next turn. expect. [GttW, p. 140] However, there is no doubt that
They fire and fight on foot as Musketeer units in the civil war artillery badly scared its targets: mention of
original rules. See the table, below. ripped bodies and flying limbs was a commonplace in
THE ARTILLERY contemporary descriptions of the effect of cannon fire. ABOVE LEFT
Overall command of the artillery lay with the General [GttW, p.139] Therefore, although Artillery fire is not An ECW
game by The
of the Ordnance at army level, and how he delegated so effective as musketry or close combat between Foot Sealed Knot at
and deployed the field artillery was unclear. It may well and Horse, Raw troops are more likely to be Shaken Warfare 2017.
be that he dispersed it across the frontage, in between by it, so a special Situation Factor will apply. See the
regimental gaps, giving the appearance of regimental Terrain/Situation table, below. ECW at
guns. To ease resupply and to fit in with the deployment Warfare 2022.
of the rest of the army, guns tended to be deployed in THE ARMY COMMANDERS
groups or, more likely, pairs of guns. The heavier guns Add a Captain-General figure and figures portraying
tended to be on the flanks and slightly set back, although the commanders of the Foot in the centre and the Wings
the European approach was to have a large battery of of Horse. The Captain-General can Rally a Shaken unit or
heavier guns in front of the infantry. [Atlas, p.34] give a new Order to a unit by visiting it in person.
The model guns should be deployed accordingly.
One heavy artillery piece can be placed on each flank; COMBAT
or both can be deployed as a large battery in the In the original rules, a unit rolls two d6, modified by a
European manner. Pairs of guns in the intervals in the few Situation Factors, against a To Hit score for both
front line of Foot, if present historically, can either be Shooting and Close Quarter combat; if it succeeds, the
represented by models of smaller pieces, if available, enemy unit becomes Demoralised and starts to Flee,
or assumed to be present, giving their parent Tertias though it may Rally.
or Brigades additional, long-range firepower in the
preliminary bombardment. “They [guns] had a far greater MORALE
reach than the infantry and were accordingly brought to Normally, the more experience troops had, the longer
bear early in the battle, in order to disrupt and demoralise they could fight before losing unit cohesion. [GttW,
the tightly packed enemy formations. It was hoped that this p.141] Veteran troops have been given a Situation Factor
bombardment would provoke the enemy to attack and/or to that reduces enemy die rolls against them; Raw troops,
move his troops out of effective range.” [Atlas, pp. 34-35] a Situation Factor that increases the total of the dice.
September 2023 Miniature Wargames 37
Paul sent in this ‘how to’ masterclass on BASECOAT Wash: I used thinned Liquitex Carbon
ECW horsemen and armour. Ed. Black. The ink can be very strong so take
care with this. Any thinned black paint
INTRODUCTION will also work. However I find the ink
While the article is primarily aimed at will not dull the sheen of the metallic
painting ECW cavalry the methods I have paint.
used will obviously work with infantry
and cavalry for not only this period but
also the 30 Years War. So why have I just
focused on armour and buff coats, boots,
pistol holsters, powder flasks? Well if you
can get a method that you like sorted you
are more than half way there with these
troops as basically all you will now need
to paint is the trousers (or sleeves and Basecoat: Vallejo Model Colour
hats if they have them) and you are done. Gunmetal. A little black added to GW
Leadbelcher (or any silver metallic) will
ARMOUR work just as well.
I have gone for a variety of different
finishes here. This even at the distance
you normally view figures on the
tabletop will make your units look less Highlight: I used Vallejo Metal
uniform and add a bit of visual interest. Airbrush Colour (used with a brush)
I have used a black undercoat before the Duraluminium but any ‘silver’ will work
metallic paints are applied. here as long as it is not too bright.
Basecoat: Vallejo Model Colour Basecoat: Any Silver. This was done as with russeting to also
Gunmetal WASH prevent rusting on campaign.
September 2023 Miniature Wargames 43
LEATHER is ‘painted’ on not washed. Different and boots. Indeed you may decide
Here a quick and highly effective leather effects are achieved by how they work fine without any additional
method is to use GW Contrast Paints. diluted your original basecoat is. This shading and highlighting at all.
For the buff coats I have used Nazdreg can vary from a very light to an almost The eagle eyed among you may
Yellow. Two thinned coats work better dark brown effect. The result is (as with have noticed the variety of different
than one. Snakebite Leather is used for the the armour) a more interesting and horse colours in the finished unit shots
boots, pistol holsters, and powder flasks. varied look to your completed units of that accompany this article, so Editor
Highlights are then applied with the horse. permitting; in my next article I will
Contrast mixed with Yellow Ochre (I explore painting horses. (That’ll be
used Vallejo) or the Yellow Ochre applied CONCLUSION coming soon! Ed.)
directly depending on how light you I have tried to write this article in a way
want the material to be. that is not overly prescriptive in the ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
Further shading can then be added to ‘paints you have to use’. However the Andy at The Friends of General Haig has
further define the recessed areas of the GW Contrast Paints listed are a good been a huge help in assisting me with
cloth with either the original contrast investment for giving you a starting several aspects of ECW uniforms and
colour or Burnt or Raw ink. Here this basecoat to work from for your coats equipment. ■
Website updated
◗ Imperial Cavalry (including Australian Light Horse) ◗ Any Tribal Infantry or Cavalry unit or any artillery
are classed as Regular Cavalry with the Disciplined, piece or machine gun with a tribal crew which is
Brave and Resolute Traits and are armed with Bolt attacked by an attack plane must take a Courage test
Action Carbines and swords. They may also shoot or even if the attack resulted in no hits being scored on
fight dismounted. the target unit.
September 2023 Miniature Wargames 47
The Imperial and Turkish crews of Light Machine
Guns, Machine Guns and Artillery have both the
Disciplined and Hard to Hit Traits, although if crewed
by Senussi the crew loses the Disciplined Trait.
In addition, my most recent set of rules Fighting the
Dragon, contains pregenerated forces for a number of
early 20th Century conflicts including this campaign.
Whilst I would use my own rules, note that the
game can be played with any “small unit” rules for
the late 19th Century or early 20th century period,
including those designed for the First World War if
they allow for cavalry charges, irregular forces and
motor vehicles. A GAME
For this article I have also adapted Black Powder as At the Broadside Wargames Convention in June 2022
they allow for many of the factors and tactics of what we played out a raid by Imperial forces on a Senussi
was really a colonial conflict using early 20th century supply depot located at an oasis. The table was 6” x 6”
weapons. My interpretation of the various troop types with the Oasis of G’hil- IG’ham (a pun on the location
using the profiles for Black Powder plus the extra of the convention) set up roughly 24 inches in from the
rules necessary for extending Black Powder into the top right hand quarter of the table.
early part of the 20th Century can be found on the The oasis had palm trees, a well and a ruined and
Magazine’s Web site and may be downloaded. crumbling desert fort which had once protected it. The
The Senussi forces also had some reinforcements ◗ 1 Open topped Armoured Car
available in the form of a mounted column which ◗ 1 Armed Patrol Car
◗ 1 Unit of Imperial Infantry carried in a lorry
◗ 1 Unit of Egyptian Infantry carried in a lorry
◗ 1 RFC Attack plane.
We used my 28mm figures for the game many of
which have been converted for the conflict as well my
adapted vehicles. (Empress Miniatures make some nice
Light Patrol Cars but mine are all converted from toy
cars found at boot fairs and from Charity shops.)
September 2023 Miniature Wargames 49
them to break off the fight and flee off of the table
although by then the Imperial Infantry unit was a
spent force.
Then one of the Senussi cavalry units which had
arrived was targeted by the armoured car’s machine
gun which scored multiple hits on the unit. Then it was
the Senussi player’s turn to roll for the effect on his
unit. Now in Beyond the Empire, rolling high is good
and rolling low is bad – so you cannot get worse then
rolling 1s. The player controlling the Senussi cavalry
managed to roll 4 x 1’s on 4 D10s meaning his unit
was destroyed in just one move! He then managed to
roll a succession of low dice rolls meaning that his last
tribal cavalry unit failed to do anything allowing them
to be targeted by the advancing Egyptian Infantry
This is a relatively orthodox account of This is clearly a multi-faceted author, This is very much a book by
the Battle of Leyte Gulf despite its claim because my other book by him is set wargamers, for wargamers. Its key
to dismantling misconceptions. There well over two millennia later at Kursk is ‘tinkerability’: a basic set of rules,
are some different interpretations and in 1943… amended to suit different periods
increased criticism of US commanders This is a good mix of broadly 50% and – through the medium of Bob’s
but it is not controversial. It has history of the Assyrian Empire(s) and fellow contributors – the freedom to
insightful analysis and perceptive 50% a description of the army and make changes/additions to suit your
evaluations of performance. It examines its weaponry, tactics, etc. It is well own desired depth and breadth of
the respective strategic and operational written and illustrated, with those battlefield factors. It encourages you
level plans and discusses the various delightful Angus McBride colour to be creative, rather than slavishly
mistakes made by commanders along plates drawn from earlier Ospreys. following a ruleset and feeling you
the way. There are some exciting The author seems to use well the can’t adapt it.
accounts of the surface actions. necessary mix of archives, archaeology, The basic rules are perhaps not to
The book stresses that it was the and ‘Inherent Military Probability’ – everyone’s taste. A nearly-destroyed
swan song of the Imperial Japanese the latter usually being an essential unit seems to fight at full strength until
Navy and that after the battle it was ingredient in virtually all studies of wiped out; morale rules are absent; and
incapable of materially affecting the war. ancient warfare. There is a lot of detail luck appears to play an overzealous
Whereas Midway brought the Japanese here: for example, the way in which part. However, the contributors appear
expansion to a halt, Leyte destroyed the horsemanship would have affected the to make sensible changes (albeit some
Imperial Japanese Navy for the rest of fighting style. rules are far from clear), covering
the war. This book explains why. Battle accounts tend to be brief, different periods, skirmish versus main-
The book sparks the imagination and purely because the sources are sparse. battle, campaigns, and some quirky and
would be of interest to the naval and air A particular strength of this book thought-provoking ideas on terrain and
wargamer providing sufficient detail for is the way in which he blends the figures that will definitely please your
the construction of scenarios and ‘what political, strategic, operational and wallet. It ain’t a ‘glossy’: the photos
ifs’ or a campaign. It is well supported tactical aspects – along with improved are a tad grainy at times, and the good
by photographs. understanding of the effects of climate idea of using commercial coloured felt
It is a thought-provoking book, well change, where prolonged periods results in some truly hideous bright
written and referenced and with a wealth of drought eventually crippled the terrain colours...
of information and critical analysis into Assyrian state’s ability to feed itself However, it is good to see an
all aspects of the Battle of Leyte. It is and support its army. Highly encouragement to experiment with
strongly recommended for all readers. recommended. your wargaming.
Martin S. Pike Chris Jarvis Chris Jarvis
September 2023 Miniature Wargames 53
A ruinous build. Part 2:
the Painting
Words and images by Tony Harwood
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Tired of trying to find period specific in a toy soldier battle at the end of markers be used in the game? Light
casualty markers: all that painting injured which the players will be allowed to eat casualties could be indicated by one
figures stuff or sorting out skull tokens? the casualties they have inflicted upon jelly bean; moderate by two beans,
Mr Harman may have the answer (if your the enemy! and heavy or severe losses by three
waistline can stand it...) Ed. Such casualty markers are rules and beans. Alternatively – to prevent the
period agnostic so it does not matter victorious commanders becoming
istorical wargamers sometimes whether losses from fire or close combat. hyperactive and charging out of control
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