Miniature Wargames - Issue 485 September 2023

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With the latest news items.

his issue has somewhat of an English Civil
War focus but other gamers haven’t 07 SEND THREE AND
been ignored. With my ECW hat FOURPENCE
on (geddit?) we have a triumvirate The Abyssinian Army of the 1860-80s for
from Arthur Harman (although his The Men who would be Kings.
thoughts on Jelly Baby Casualties
are only tangential), and we have a
painting guide from Paul Mackay. 13 PORTABLE MIDDLETON
But – in other gaming news – we have A small portable wargame scenario: the Battle of
that ‘alternative’ American Civil War Middleton Cheney, 1643.
as a counterpoint to the English one; a
colonial outing in Abyssinia; both WWI
and WWII desert action plus a scratch 18 FIVE ROUNDS RAPID
build completion with Mr Harwood A long and winding road in World War II gaming
finishing off his chapel. So – as ever – using Rapid Fire 2 rules.
there’s still a little something for everyone!
So – with that in mind – as Phil Lynott
sang “Now some men like the fishin’ 22 DEFENCE IN DEPTH
and some men like the fowlin’ and With the latest figure and rules reviews.
some men like to hear the cannon
ball a-roarin’”. Have fun!
Command decision ACW with James Island, 1863.
Get in touch
Developing Battles of the English Civil War:
John Treadaway MiniatureWargames A Solitaire Wargame.
MINIATURE WARGAMES Painting Pike & Shotte: Armour and more.
EDITOR John Treadaway
[email protected]
01778 395092 | [email protected]
The Senussi Campaign in Egypt & The Western
PUBLISHER Claire Ingram Desert: The Senussi Campaign 1915 to 1917.
[email protected] Part Two.
DESIGN Mike Carr
Warners Group Publications PLC The Maltings, West Street,
COVER: Conversions of Wargames Foundry ECW Bourne, Lincolnshire PE10 9PH | 01778 391000
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September 2023 Miniature Wargames 3

News, previews and community submissions from the wargaming world

Fantasy resin from Black
Pyramid Games
Black Pyramid have
some new releases
spanning a
number of
different ranges and
all cast in a fine, dark
WE’RE grey resin. Sculpted by

Martin Baker these
include the Dragon
Apocalyptic horror Lord (£5) who
hunting – wearing
The Doomed is a new chain mail –
hard back set of Osprey has a separate
rules aimed at fighting round shield and a
unspeakable creatures. handsome dragon
You run a small band of hunters with a helmet (and
bold leader seeking fame and success. would make a
This narrative skirmish game for up splendid Turin
to eight figures a side has players Turumbar for all those Tolkien fans).
competing over conflicting objectives. And – for enthusiasts of the shambling
There’s simple rules with no measuring Turn, they can make up to three Actions historical undead – there’s two figure
of distances with games lasting under selecting from Move, Fight, Shoot, and pairs: Dick and Fanny, who are a
an hour and in a figure agnostic Recover. The book is over 170 pages Victorian couple, and Meg and Harry
environment. It promises no stacking or and comes with a full list of Warbands, are a loathsome Regency pairing with
tracking with a focus on the miniatures Horrors, Scenarios and a campaign to ideas way above their fairly decrepit
on a 2’ by 3’ battlefield, rather than lists, play a fully fleshed out game system. station (and no doubt demanding
tokens, or off-board resources. Play There are PDF options but the hardback privacy...) They are each £9 for a
involves rolling one or more six-sided is £25and is stuffed full of excellent matched pair. While on the subject
dice d6 and attempting to equal or artwork and model photography. Go to of twin figures, The Djinn is a cutlass
beat quality scores. When it is a unit’s for more info. wielding chap that (with an alternative
sculpt for a non corporeal option) and
with housing shortages) and – perhaps The Needle is two versions of the same
– even on far flung planets. Six new Spanish Guerrilla (with a ‘Sharpe’
6mm buildings called Agri Colony has feel): either a traditional marksman
three homesteads on raised platforms, with a rifle or a vampire hunter out
and three assorted utility buildings of with a cross for a stake dinner... All
various sizes. They are £1 to £3 each of those are £5 each. Go to
but there’s also a pack with two of each for more
homestead and one each of the utility info.

buildings for £16. Sci-Fi trailer trash just
got a upgrade. Go to
More Brigade releases
Brigade Models had some new 6mm
buildings for their SF range. As anyone
who has any experience of prefabricated
housing can attest, this sort of thing was
important in the recent past and may
well be so in the immediate future (what

4 Miniature Wargames September 2023

Saturday 2nd September
Westerhope Community Centre
Hillhead Road,

FANTASTIC PLASTIC Sunday 3rd September
The Cresset,
Coming soon across the Atlantic Bretton Centre,
Wargames Atlantic have a raft of new 28mm Peterborough, PE3 8DX
wargames gold coming soon in both hard
styrene and print-yourself resin. First up are
some WWI British infantry in styrene. Out COLOURS
by the time you read this at £25 for a box of 30 Saturday 9th September
there’s a selection of hat and helmet types for Newbury & Reading Racecourse
all theatres and time periods from early war RG14 7PN
to the desert and with officers, and gasmask
options thrown in. They are carrying Lee
Enfield rifles, Webley pistols, Lewis guns,

grenades, and trench clubs and the box gives
you a wide range of kit to choose from. Some
of them might even help out with early WWII
figures. As ever, multiple boxes get a discount.
For the fantasy minded, coming in the future FIRST BATTLE OF
in hard plastic will be Grognard Cavalry.
Converted from their Atlantic Digital line,
these are mounted versions of the French SF 20TH SEPTEMBER 1643
infantry. They were apparently so popular First Empires range are Trojan Fought between King
they will be produced in styrene War Infantry. For £14.21 Charles’ Royalist army, and a
But talking of the digital options, for you can print and field some Parliamentarian force led by the
those with a resin printer in doors Wargames opponents for their Sea Peoples Earl of Essex, this engagement
Atlantic’s recent move into stretching their digital set (which is already followed a year of Royalist
ranges with digital options makes for some available). This is a six figure range successes in the ECW meaning
titillating opportunities. Out now in their (with and without in-built bases) that the Parliamentarians were left
come with appropriate weapons, without an effective army in the
shields, and many head options. west of England. Parliament’s hand
If your tastes are from the other end of the was forced and – after a long march
Old World, for £12.64 you could also print – Essex surprised the Royalists and
some Picts. This is a four figure set (again, dual forced them away from Gloucester
base options) and it includes enough heads, before beginning a retreat to
weapons, and shields to outfit a convincing unit London. Charles rallied his forces
of Pictish warriors! and pursued Essex, overtaking the
But – if you need a proper raiding option – Parliamentarian army at Newbury
how about a Norse Ship? £19.74 buys a 28mm and forcing them to march past
multi-part ship model is ready to transport the Royalist force to continue
your Danes, Norse, or Saxons over the briny to their retreat. Although casualties
other countries’ ever welcoming shores. With a were small (1,300 Royalists and
three part hull and separate mast, sail, rigging, 1,200 Parliamentarians), it is
oars and shields it could be waterlined to sit on considered to be a crucial of battle
a table top and stuffed full of Vikings looking of the war marking the high
for opportunities in a new land... Check out point of the Royalist advance
the reviews of their latest releases in Defence leading (eventually) to Scottish
in Depth and then go to go for more info to Covenanters siding with the Parliamentarian cause.

September 2023 Miniature Wargames 5


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The Abyssinian Army of the 1860-80s for The Men who would be Kings
ABOVE: Sudanese Mahdists storm an Abyssinian
held fort. Miniatures from The Man with the
Miniature Men.

Words and pictures by Conrad Kinch

ark Fastoso has a lot to answer that I had already collected for the a state religion since then. The state was

M for. A while ago Mrs Kinch got

me his book on wargaming
the Ethiopian campaigns of
the 19th century and it sparked an itch
that I’ve had to scratch. Before I knew
Sudan. With this in mind, I’ve been
slowly painting up forces for this. While
I do intend to do the whole battle, I’m
concentrating here on large skirmish
forces who did most of the raiding,
founded by Yekuno Amlak in 1285AD
who overthrew the previous dynasty
and established a line claiming descent
from the Biblical King Solomon, which
would last until the Emperor Haile
it, I had ordered a ton of 20mm figures ambush and petit guerre that makes up Selassie’s overthrow in a Communist
from Huw Williams, owner of The Man the majority of warfare in between the coup in 1974.
with the Miniature Men and dreaming big battles. While this isn’t the place for a history
dreams of the battle of Gallabat and the of Abyssinia, as you can find plenty
siege of Magdala. A BIT OF BACKGROUND of that online (though I recommend
Of particular interest to me was the Abyssinian was a multi-ethnic, land- A History of Ethiopia by Harold
battle of Gallabat, the end of the short locked Empire in the Horn of Africa. G. Marcus if you’re looking for a
Abyssinian-Mahdist war, because Unlike it’s neighbours, it was a majority single volume history), I will give a
it would allow me to use my new Christian state, having converted in brief overview to give some context.
Abyssinians against the Mahdist forces 330AD and having had Christianity as Abyssinia was the name of the state

September 2023 Miniature Wargames 7

ABOVE: An Egyptian column ambushed by

Abyssinian warriors in the Northern highlands.
Miniatures from The Man with the Miniature Men.

until the 1940s and I will be using it TEWODROS II who had been warring with him to
interchangeably with Ethiopia. Tewodros was a mercurial fella, but protect their supply lines. Foremost
19th century Ethiopia is about five strived to unite his divided country. amongst this was Kasa, a Tigrayan, who
times the size of the UK and was He instituted reforms, imported sought British assistance in securing
divided up into independent territories Western technology and instructors and the Empire for himself. Direct military
ruled by feudal magnates called Ras attempted to replace the hereditary Ras action was not forthcoming, as Napier
(roughly equivalent to a European with salaried appointees. He attempted wished to withdraw from the country,
Duke). These were only loosely united to create a standing army rather than but approximately half a million pounds
during the 19th century and the relying on feudal levies and imported in equipment was supplied. These
Abyssinian army spent a lot of time large amounts of modern weaponry. included mortars, howitzers, percussion
quelling internal revolts and uprisings Tewodros was concerned with rifles and a substantial amount of
as well as expanding its borders. Ottoman encroachments and his ammunition. This coupled with British
The period between the mid 18th rebellious Muslim subjects in the advisers left Kasa well placed to take
century and the mid 19th century was south of the Empire, which led him the throne. He did so in after defeating
known as Zemene Mesafint or the rule to seek an alliance with the British the previous incumbent Emperor Tekle
of princes. The Ras’s made war on Empire. After repeated letters to Queen Giyorgis II at the battle of Adwa in 1871.
each other and competed to “protect” Victoria did not get the answer he He was crowned Yohannes II in 1872.
the Emperor in the Imperial capital sought, he unwisely seized a number
of Gondar. The Emperor was pretty of missionaries and two British YOHANNES II
much a figure head mainly kept safe government officials as hostages. Sir Yohannes took a more conciliatory
by the sacred character of his descent Robert Napier led the subsequent approach than Tewodros, appointing
from King Solomon, though warring expedition which led to the freeing former foes to the governorship of
magnates would swap Emperors on of the hostages and the taking of the provinces. He continued Tewodros’s
occasion. This came to an end with fortress of Magdala. Tewodros took his attempts to centralise the Abyssinian
the rise of Tewodros II (rendered in own life, rather than be captured. state, appointing sub-kings like Tekle
European sources as Theodore II) who Tewodros had been a brutal ruler, with Haymanot and Menelik (who would
conquered most of north Abyssinian and the results that Sir Robert Napier had eventually become his successor),
took the Imperial throne in 1855. little difficulty recruiting local chieftains though with mixed success. Haymanot

8 Miniature Wargames September 2023

and Menelik were reprimanded by extinguished by the more consistent firearms. Gunmen were referred to as
Yohannes for going to war with each logistical structure. But it meant that Neftegna (“He who has a rifle”).
other at Embabao in 1882. Arbyssinian armies were larger and Matchlocks were part of Abyssinian
Yohannes faced multiple threats: could stay in the field longer. Things warfare from the 16th century and were
fractious nobles within his own changed substantially between the still in use until the 1870s and were
Empire, raids from Mahdist Sudan and Siege of Magdala where Tewodros produced en masse in country. Flintlocks
concerted attempts by Khedive Ismail was outnumbered by Napier at his needed to be imported and the delicate
of Egypt to annex parts of Abyssinia, own capital to the battle of Adwa in lock couldn’t be produced in the
which Yohannes soundly defeated at the 1896, where Menelik II managed to numbers needed. Percussion weapons
battles of Gunet (1875) and Gura (1876). outnumber the Italians five to one. replaced the matchlocks in the 1860s,
Gundet in particular was a battle of Abyssinian armies were generally shotguns were particularly popular.
annihilation where drilled troops armed led by local magnates or minor Kings The Showan army of the 1870s was
with Remington rifles, Gatling Guns with the sub commanders being part described as having 4000 modern rifles,
and Krupp cannon were defeated by of their retinue or recruited from local 3000 flintlocks and 15,000 matchlocks.
superior generalship, morale, tactics and princelings. Warriors served out of a Ammunition was a perennial problem
numbers. An internal revolt, distracted mixture of personal loyalty and local for the Abyssinian forces. Blackpowder
Yohannes from an invasion by Mahdist patriotism, but there were also powerful cartridges could be manufactured en
Sudan which lead to the sack of Gondar financial incentives. Grants of land masse which meant that smoothbore
(the Imperial seat and an important or slaves could be either temporary matchlocks and shotguns could be
religious site) in 1887. The later 1889 (Maderiya) or permanent. Recruiting kept supplied without too much
battle of Gallabat (also called Metemma) was still based off of feudal obligations. difficult. Percussion and centre fire

BELOW: An Egyptian Pasha and his command

staff in Abyssinian circa 1875. Strelets

ABOVE: Abyssinian warriors skirmish with

Mahdist tribesmen. Miniatures from The Man
with the Miniature Men.

marked the end of Yohannes reign. After The most significant figures from the ammunition was beyond Ethiopian
successfully breaching the Mahdist skirmish wargaming perspective are industrial capabilities to mass produce.
defences around the town and just as the Shalek’a (commander of a 1000, but Much such ammunition was imported,
victory seemed certain, the Emperor realistically a couple of hundred) and usually through Eritrea, though this was
was hit by a stray bullet and died in his the Asiralek’a (commander of ten). complicated when Eritrea fell under
tent later that day. The Abyssinian army Egyptian and later Italian influence.
lost heart and a Mahdist counter attack INFANTRY While modern ammunition could not
turned their retreat into a slaughter. The Abyssinian infantry or Ashkar be manufactured, towards the end of
But that’s quite enough potted history (retainers) did train together and were the 1870s, it could be reloaded, though
for now. separated into separate units, depending the end product was not as effective as
on the weapons that they had to hand. imported stuff.
ABYSSINIAN ARMIES: Traditional weapons were the broad
1860 ONWARDS bladed spear, the hooked Shotel sword, CAVALRY
As the Abyssinian state centralised the Gashan or thick hide shield and The Oromo people of the centre and south
and became more efficient both at javelins. These were heavily used, of the Empire were (and are) famous
gathering agricultural surpluses and tax particularly during internecine conflicts horsemen. I’ve also heard them referred to
revenues, the size of Abyssinian armies within the Empire, but firearms were as the Galla in some sources, though I’m
increased substantially. Soldiers had highly sought after and were brought not entirely sure if that is a slur or not.
been compared to locusts, due to their into the country in bulk. Ownership of a While Ethiopian armies made use of
rapacity and looting, in the early 19th gun conferred status and both Menelik barded heavy cavalry (of the sort still seen
century. This was ameliorated, but not and Tewodros imported modern in the Mahdi’s army) in the 17th and 18th

September 2023 Miniature Wargames 9

century, they seem to have disappeared reliable modern artillery in Ethiopian INFANTRY
from the battlefield by the 19th century. service. They were of small calibre, but Mixed infantry units (1860s-1870s). Rated
Light cavalry were used extensively could be more easily transported in the as Mounted Irregular Infantry (poor shots,
however and were armed with spears, mountainous regions of the north of the poorly armed, enthusiastic). Traditional
javelins, guns and swords. These were Empire. A small gun that can get there is armed units should be rated as Tribal
deployed in large numbers, but were far more useful than a big gun that can’t. Infantry, but Matchlock men should be
limited by the Abyssinian practice of The Abyssinians also used rocket tubes, rated as Irregular Infantry (poorly armed).
fielding mixed cavalry and infantry units. which provided portable firepower Percussion armed infantry should be
This limited the mobility of the former and where it was needed. rated as Irregular Infantry, while infantry
reduced the firepower of the latter. Victories over the Egyptians at Gura with modern Remington breachloaders
This practice was discontinued in the and Gundet also gave the Abyssinians (or similar weapons) should be Irregular
1870s, which substantially increased the an injection of new artillery, including Infantry (Well Armed). Units armed with
effectiveness of the Abyssinian cavalry, mountain howitzers as well as modern shotguns and other modern smoothbore
and by the early 1880s the Empire could Krupp artillery. There are also records of weapons should be treated as Irregular
put 40,000 horsemen in the field. Sadly, Menelik importing French Mitrailleurses Infantry but may not fire at long range,
a rinderpest epidemic devastated the in 1885, though I haven’t been able to though they fire with +1.
Abyssinian horse population in 1890, find any mention of their use. Royal bodyguard infantry should be
which reduced the number of cavalry While Abyssinian armies were aware of rated as Veteran.
that could be mustered, though this falls the value of modern artillery and knew to All Abyssinian units may be
outside the time covered by this article. take cover appropriately, building a corps upgraded with Fieldcraft to reflect their
of gunners took longer. Sgt Kirkham ability to make good use of ground.
ARTILLERY trained local gunners in the 1860s.
Tewodros II was keenly aware of the Captured Egyptian gunners were pressed CAVALRY
power of artillery and made attempts to into service after the victories of the 1870s Oromo Light Cavalry should be treated
both import modern artillery and foster and had trained Ethiopian crews by the as Tribal Cavalry. Royal Troops should
indigenous cannon production. The end of the decade. The effectiveness of be rated as Irregular Cavalry (Well
star of his collection – a mortar called the Abyssinian artillery arm was a great Armed). .
Sebastapol – burst during the siege of surprise to the Italians in the battles of the
Magdala. However the battle did impress 1890s, who had to contend with machine ARTILLERY
upon Abyssinian military leaders the guns and smaller quick firing cannon like Depending on the period, gun crews
necessity of a powerful artillery arm. the 57mm Hotchkiss. may be well drilled or poorly drilled.
In the aftermath of the Magdala Guns which are manned by pressed
campaign, Yohannes was given SKIRMISH KINGS Egyptian crews may be classed as well
mountain howitzers by Sir Robert Wargaming with the Abyssinian Army drilled, but cost points as per a poorly
Napier. These were the first really in The Men who would be Kings: drilled crew. Pressed men will not act on

10 Miniature Wargames September 2023

referred to as Abba (meaning father) of and cavalry. There’s no artillery, but you
X, where X is the man’s warhorse. An could easily convert something from
example of this is Emperor Yohannes existing colonial ranges. Unfortunately,
II who died at the battle of Gallabat they are based in Australia, which means
was known by his horsename of Abba that for UK or European wargamers
Bezibiz, meaning “Father of Plunder”. ordering from them can get a bit pricey.
However my favourite has to be Abba
Gersa, the horsename of Darge Sahle Irregular Miniatures. Ian Kay is a
Selassie a controversial figure because machine, frankly, and has a mail order
of his brutal measures in establishing service that is second to none. It should
the power of central government in the surprise no-one that he has Abyssinian
Oromo highlands. His horse man means figures in 25mm, 20mm, 15mm and
“Father of Recurring Impediment” (i.e. to 6mm.
the enemy), which is frankly a brilliant
name for a horse (or a politician... Ed.). BIBLIOGRAPHY
◗ ‘For God, Emperor, and Country!’ The
MINIATURES Evolution of Ethiopia’s Nineteenth-
The Man with the Miniature Men: Century Army Author(s): John Dunn
Ethiopian Range, all available from War in History , November 1994, Vol.
ABOVE: A mixed unit of Abyssinian warriors
and cavalry charge the egyptian command post. [email protected]. These are 1, No. 3 (November 1994), pp. 278-299.
Miniatures from The Man with the Miniature Men. a lovely range of 1/72 figures mainly ◗ “6 - Military Training in Sports,
aimed the Italian wars of the 1890s. They Horsemanship and Hunting”.
any Leadership roll of doubles, should are slim, well proportioned and have Berhane-Selassie, Tsehai (2018).
the Leadership roll be failed and doubles very little flash. The infantry range is Ethiopian Warriorhood: Defence, Land
are rolled, remove one figure. relatively complete, while the artillery and Society 1800-1941.
and cavalry need a little filling out. My ◗ Egyptian Invasion of Ethiopia Czeslaw
◗ Special Rule: Looting Abyssian army is made up of these and I Jesman African Affairs , Jan., 1959, Vol.
Loot was a major source of combat recommend them unreservedly. 58, No. 230 (Jan., 1959), pp. 75-81
motivation for Abyssinian armies as Early War Miniatures: Abyssinian ◗ The Unification of Ethiopia (1880-
described above. A unit which wins a Range. These figures are designed 1935) Wälläga Terrefe Woldetsadik
melee combat must make a Leadership for the Italian-Abyssinian war in the Journal of Ethiopian Studies , January
check. On a pass, it may act as normal. 1930s, but the Tribal and Levy Troops 1968, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 73-86.
On a fail, it may not act on its next turn section has four packs of infantry ◗ Armies of the Adawa Campaign
(it does not count as pinned), but the that would work very well for the 1896: The Italian disaster in Ethiopia
owning player gains one victory point. 19th century. They are available from MacLachan, Sean Osprey Publishing. ◗ A History of Ethiopia by Harold G.
◗ Special Rule: Limited Ammunition Empress Miniatures: Abyssinian Marcus, UNiversity of California Press
I would strongly recommend using the Range. These are exquisite 28mm figures 1996 (but also available in cheaper
Limited Ammunition rule. The player cast in metal. Virtually no flash, the only electronic editions: I got mine on
should decide (on a per unit basis) before drawback is that the range only includes Kindle).
the game begins whether he wishes to infantry and most of that is aimed at the ◗ YouTube Channel: Hidden History
roll for ammunition or allow the unit to Italian conquest of the 1930s. However, - @hiddenhist on Youtube. This is a
take three rounds of ammunition. Apply the Tribal Levy figures would work channel devoted to African history
the following modifiers: very well for 19th century projects and and has a couple of short (around the
they are tip top. They are available from ten minute mark) videos on Ethiopian
+1 Royal Units history, particularly military history.
+1 Shotgun or Matchlock armed units. Askari Miniatures: Ethiopian army. Definitely worth a look, if you want to
These are 28mm figures aimed at the get up to speed in a short time.
HORSE NAMES Italian war of the 1930s. While they lack ◗ YouTube Channel: Da’Mon Stith
While I was doing some research of panache of the Empress range, they’d - @DaMonStith on Youtube. This
for these article , I came across the certainly bulk out a collection and add is a channel devoted to HAMA
wonderful Ethiopian custom of “Horse some much needed variation. Available (Historical African Martial Arts)
Names”. These are a secondary title for from and if you’ve ever wondered how
Ethiopian royalty or nobility, in much Castaway Arts. These are probably have the shotel, the classic Ethopian
the same way as we might refer to the best range I’ve seen for 19th century sickle shaped sword is used, he has
William I as “The Conquerer” or Richard Abyssinians in 28mm. Finely sculpted a number of videos on it as well as
I as “The Lionheart”. The noble will be with good detail, they include infantry other African weapons. ■

September 2023 Miniature Wargames 11

A small portable wargame ABOVE
scenario: the Battle of Foundry ECW
troops. Painted
by Matthew
Middleton Cheney, 1643 Fletcher.

Words by Arthur Harman. Photos by Kevin Dallimore RIGHT

Foundry ECW
Cornet. Painted
his small, almost insignificant encounter of Middleton Cheney and Lower Middleton Cheney

by Bill Brewer.
between unequal, asymmetric forces is ideal for which lay close to the presumed site of the battlefield.
recreating as a tabletop wargame to familiarise The map that accompanies this scenario shows
oneself with either of the two sets of rules in the presumed site of the battle and the surrounding
The Portable Pike & Shot Wargame. Gently sloping, area. Moreover, the fact that the contemporary
open-field farmland and meadow are easy to portray sources are not in agreement regarding the reasons for
as a gridded surface, either by putting a cloth marked the Parliamentary advance on Banbury, or the exact
with a hexagonal or square grid over suitable items composition of the opposing armies, allows the game
to create the lay of the land; using Hexon II terrain; or organiser to ‘pick ‘n mix’ as he or she sees fit to create
by placing pieces representing higher ground on top a variety of subtly different versions of the same
of a gridded board or cloth. A small stream, a model scenario, some of which may allow the players
church and a few other buildings – even the veteran to change the course of history, but only very
Airfix Tudor house, if you are an elderly wargamer slightly, as the engagement was quite unimportant,
who still possess one! – can represent the two villages strategically speaking.

September 2023 Miniature Wargames 13

GENERAL BRIEFING number of troops, also according to the principles

This is to be for all players. below] troops of Horse, under the command of Captains
The War between King Charles I and the Parliament Thomas Atkyns, Richard Roe, and Henry Potter and
began last year. A major battle at Edgehill in October a six-pounder drake. Your force has advanced along
was indecisive and a Royalist advance to the outskirts Banbury Lane by way of Cold Higham, Culworth [if
of the capital was thwarted by the London Trained the D6 die score for Horse was 6, insert where you were
Bands, forcing the King to retire and establish his joined by four troops of Horse under Captain Sawyer],
capital at Oxford. Although the population of Banbury, and Middleton Cheney, where the column turned down
a small market town of about sixteen hundred souls, the Parsontide Way and headed towards a ford across
support the cause of the Parliament, the castle and the River Cherwell, opposite the village of Bodicote,
town were captured by the Royalists on 27th October which lies about two miles south of Banbury.
1642, and it now has a strong garrison as it is an On the rising ground in front of Bodicote, you observe
essential trading centre and helps to protect Oxford. a strong force of Royalist Horse. Decide whether to
The Royal garrison at Banbury and the nearby order your troops of Horse and the crew of the drake to
Parliamentary garrison at Northampton frequently advance to the riverbank to deny the ford to the enemy,
raid each other’s territory. or to withdraw – either by way of Warkworth, home


Wargames The game organiser may either choose which
Foundry ECW/
TYW Sedan. of the three paragraphs below to include in the
Painted by Paul Parliamentary briefing, or throw a die, referring to the
Baker. scores given below:

◗ A (1 or 2): Word has been received in Northampton

that part of the town of Banbury has been set
afire. It is not clear whether this was an accident
or the Royalist garrison of Banbury Castle seeking
to punish its inhabitants for favouring the cause
of Parliament, but it may offer an opportunity to
occupy the town and, perhaps, seize the castle, as the of Philip Holman, a London merchant who sits on the
garrison is reported to be withdrawing. Parliamentarian Committee for Northampton, or back
up the Parsontide Way to take up a defensive position
◗ B (3): The Governor of Northampton, Nathaniel on the rising ground immediately to the south of the
Whetham, has received a message from the Earl of village of Middleton Cheney.
Essex, ordering the five hundred Foot there to march to
join the Earl’s army in the vicinity of Banbury. [Sending PARLIAMENTARY FORCES & PLAYER ROLES
such false orders was a stratagem previously employed Note: As the names of the Parliamentary officers are unknown,
by the Royalists; the 2nd Earl of Northampton had sent I have given fictitious ones; feel free to change them!
a forged letter to the garrison of Banbury before he
seized the magazine in August 1642, so his son might Major John Doe, Berkley’s Regiment of Foot
well have resorted to a similar ruse.] If Briefing Option B (above) is selected, then the
Parliamentary force must include 500 Foot of Colonel
◗ C (4, 5 or 6): Repeated Royalist raids on farms and David Berkley’s Regiment; if any other option is
villages close to Northampton have caused great selected, first dice [D6] to determine the strength of the
hardship to the inhabitants, who are demanding Foot: 1: 300; 2, 3 or 4: 500; 5: 600; 6: 700.
the Parliamentary troops take action to prevent the Whichever option is selected, then dice to determine
recurrence of such hostile activity. The Governor of the strength of the Horse, adding 1 to the score if
Northampton, Nathaniel Whetham, has sent part of the Foot numbers 600 or 700. If sufficient players are
the garrison to retaliate by advancing against Banbury. available, the captains of Horse can each be played; if
there are only two Parliamentary players, one should
Insert whichever option has been selected or chosen command the Foot and the other the Horse. Next,
by die roll as the first paragraph of the following bowl a D6 die score strength of Horse: 1: 2 troops (c.
briefing, also adjusting the names of the Captains of 80-100 men) Captains Atkyns and Roe (1 troop each); 2
Horse when necessary: or 3: 3 troops (c.120-150 men) Captains Atkyns, Roe and
You are Major John Doe of Colonel David Berkley’s Potter (1 troop each); 4 or 5: 4 troops (c. 200 men) Captain
Regiment of Foot, [insert strength, according to the Atkyns (2 troops), Captains Roe and Potter (1 troop
principles below] strong, accompanied by [insert the each); 6: 8 troops (c. 400 men) Captain Atkyns (2 troops),

14 Miniature Wargames September 2023

Captains Roe and Potter (1 troop each), and; then manoeuvre against the Rebels’ right flank, whilst ABOVE
Captain Sawyer (4 troops that were actually leaving sufficient men to deny them the ford. Wargames
Foundry ECW
routed near Bicester by a party of 40 Horse of Sir John troops. Painted
Byron’s Regiment, but might have intended to join the ROYALIST FORCES & PLAYER ROLES by Matthew
Northamptonshire forces about Banbury) Earl of Northampton Fletcher.
The Parliamentary force will always include one ◗ Four troops of the Earl of Northampton’s Regiment
6-pounder drake and artillerymen to man it. of Horse, c.300 men
◗ The Earl of Northampton’s Regiment of Foot, c.400
ROYALIST BRIEFING men, the garrison of Banbury Castle
You are James Compton, 3rd Earl of Northampton,
having succeeded to the title after your father’s death Major Thomas Daniel
at the battle of Hopton Heath on 19th March 1643, ◗ Three troops of the Prince of Wales’s Horse, c.150 men
where he was unhorsed and killed after scorning to
beg quarter of such base rogues and Rebels. Captain James Trist
You now command a brigade of Horse, comprised of ◗ Three troops of the Prince of Wales’s Horse, c.150 men
four troops of your own regiment under your personal
command and six troops of the Prince of Wales’s GAME ORGANISER’S NOTES
Regiment, divided into two equal parties, under the If the Parliamentary commander decides to advance to
command of Captain James Trist and Major Thomas contest the ford, create Battlefield A on the table top. If
Daniel, both of whom are experienced officers upon the Royalist commander decides to send some of his
whose tactical skill you may rely, and your own regiment Horse to cross the River Cherwell by Banbury Bridge,
of Foot, to garrison Banbury and ensure the safe arrival in use the map of Middleton Cheney and Enivrons to
Oxford of a munitions convoy expected to arrive soon. calculate how many turns will elapse before they appear
About twelve of the clock today, you received news on the right flank or rear of the Parliamentary forces.
that the Rebels were in Culworth, whereupon you drew Should the Parliamentary forces succeed in
up your brigade of Horse on the high ground between leaving Battlefield A by its northern edge, they have
Bodicote and Banbury, where you would be able to cover withdrawn via Warkworth; create Battlefield B for the
the ford across the River Cherwell and also react to any next phase of the game, on which the Parliamentary
attack upon the bridge into the town. Your Regiment of forces should deploy as shown by W on the Possible
Foot remains in Banbury to garrison the castle. Sites of Battle map.
From your vantage point you have observed a Should the Parliamentary forces leave Battlefield
body of Rebel Foot, accompanied by several troops A by its eastern edge, they have withdrawn along
of Horse and a gun, advancing from Parsontide Way the Parsontide Way: create Battlefield C for the next
upon the ford. There is boggy ground, not suitable for phase of the game, on which the Parliamentary forces
a cavalry engagement, on either side of the Cherwell should deploy as shown by P on the Possible Sites of
at this point. If the enemy should manage to reach the Battle map.
riverbank first and place their gun to command the If, on the other hand, the Parliamentary commander
ford, your troops will find it very difficult to cross in decides not to contest the ford, ask him to choose
column under fire and you would be forced to lead his preferred line of withdrawal – by Warkworth or
them back through Banbury to cross at the bridge and by the Parsontide Way – and lay out the appropriate

September 2023 Miniature Wargames 15

Parliamentary Horse at the beginning of the First Civil

War of attacking the enemy by performing a caracole
and of receiving charges at the halt with carbine or
pistol fire. The six-pounder drake and its crew will
be rated Average or Trained, as it seems to have been
responsible for many of the Royalist casualties.
The Royalist Prince of Wales’s Horse, on the other
hand, had participated in several actions, was under
the command of experienced officers, the Earl of
Northampton, Captain Trist and Major Daniel, and
so might be rated Elite, otherwise definitely Average
or Trained. It seems highly likely that it adopted the
Swedish style of charging with the sword, as favoured
by Prince Rupert, rather than performing a caracole
with pistols or carbines.
battlefield on the tabletop. Do not tell the Royalist
commander what his opponent has decided, just
that the Parliamentary forces seem to have started
to withdraw, but ask him whether he will push his
entire force across the ford, which will take some time,
or send part of it back to Banbury to cross the River
Cherwell there. Determine how many turns should
pass before the entire Royalist Horse arrives near
Middleton Cheney to deploy for battle.
Alternatively, the game organiser may decide to
dispense with any pre-battle choices and manoeuvres,
and simply impose either Battlefield B or C on the
players and begin the wargame with both sides
deployed as shown on the Possible Sites of Battle map.
Whichever Battlefield layout is selected, if the
Parliamentary commander can succeed in getting
the majority of his force off the battlefield by way of
Middleton Cheney he has won the game; if his force
is unable to exit through the village, it must surrender Three of the four troops of The Earl of
and he has lost. Northampton’s Horse were probably newly raised in
Banbury, so could be rated Poor or Raw, but the gallant
RULES leadership of the Earl could perhaps raise their quality
There are two sets of rules for the English Civil War in to Average or Trained.
The Portable Pike & Shot Wargame, one by Antoine The stream/river should be regarded as fordable
Bouguilleau; the other by Alan Saunders. Where the anywhere along its course.
two authors employ different terms, such as in the
rating of troops, the first term quoted refers to the USING OTHER SETS OF RULES
former set of rules, the second to the latter. The game organiser and players are, of course, free to
Colonel David Berkley’s Regiment of Foot from use any other wargame rules for the period of their
Northampton was probably made up of garrison choice and this should not be difficult, following the
troops, with no actual experience of battle, so should suggestions given above, provided that the rules are
be rated as Poor or Raw. It had a higher proportion designed for fighting small battles.
of musketeers to pikemen than was the norm, so the Adaptations of Neil Thomas’s One Hour Wargame
game organiser might care to modify its Shooting rules may, for example, be found at the Grid Based
(musketry) die roll by +1, and its Close Combat with Wargaming ( and at
Horse die roll by -1. When a Close Combat die roll Alan Saunders’ The Stronghold Rebuilt blog (click on “Free
offers the choice of suffering an SP loss or retreating a Stuff” and “One Hour Wargames”). The
grid area, the Foot will always retreat. rules by Andy Callan in Wargame the
The troops of Horse from Northampton would English Civil War 1642-1651 by Peter
have taken part in the raids and skirmishes in the Dennis (Helion) are another simple
county and should be rated as Average or Trained. set that would be eminently suitable,
They probably followed the general practice of as is Peter Pig’s Regiment of Foote. ■ information/downloads

16 Miniature Wargames September 2023

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y biggest collection, at least in terms of 2000’s, Rapid Fire! 2 came out along with Blitzkrieg

boxes full of stuff has got to be World War II. A Panzer III Commander and Iron Cross. We skipped between these
drives past a
I’ve got forces for France 1940, the Western deployed 88mm sets, seeing both strengths and weaknesses in all of
Desert campaigns, and the Eastern Front. Anti Tank gun. them. One set required a lot of referencing to charts,
Unfortunately, they have not been used as often as I whilst another required rather more pre-game set up
would have liked. This is due – as with so many things time and they all dealt with friction in different ways.
related to the hobby – to the Rules! We weren’t happy with any one set, so... the period
stopped being played.
ONE RULE TO RULE THEM ALL A brief flirtation with Flames of War soon hit the
My early dabble with the period was using a set Richard buffers and we put the Second World War into storage.
Marsh (of Rapid Fire fame) and I, developed from the Until now!
book by John Sanders An Introduction to Wargaming,
published in 1975. An article by us both was published RELOAD & GO AGAIN
in Don Featherstone’s long defunct Wargamers The Rapid Fire! team recently released their new fast
Newsletter. We used these with modifications until the play Rapid Fire! Reloaded rules. These are in a cheap,
1990’s. Then in a golden period for us, Colin Rumford A5 format. They are a simple to play rule set where all
and Richard – who both gamed with us at Grimsby – the decisions are based on a D6 and there are no time-
decided to develop Rapid Fire! rules. consuming chart consultations. They also allow you to
I helped with the playtesting of these and got an play big games in a reasonable time. They are designed
acknowledgement in the introduction. We used these as an entry level rule set and they also work brilliantly
quite happily for a number of years, and then, in the for this. A second rule book was later released covering

18 Miniature Wargames September 2023

A long and winding road in
World War II gaming
Words by Dave Tuck. Photos by Malc Johnston

the many less used rules such as Engineering, Parachute The map shows the initial Axis deployment zone
Drops, Minefields, Air power and Glider troops. and British entry points. The Axis infantry can deploy
We recently played a late Western Desert game with above line C, with their armour starting above line B.
six players, one new to wargaming, and two of whom The British deployment area is marked as below line D.
had never used the rules and three who had only
played a handful of games each. FORCES
The forces were chosen from the Rapid Fire Monty’s
FIRST SCENARIO Desert Battles book, which covers the game
The German and Italian forces are retreating and organisation for forces from August 1942 to January
buying time for their rear echelons to consolidate after 1943. These were as follows:
their recent defeat at Second battle of El Alamein. To LEFT
do this they have amassed a force of German troops Afrika Corps
and the best of their Italian allied troops and decided infantry
to make a stand around El Tuki (this is a a made up
location so don’t try to look it up on map!). BELOW LEFT
The British and Commonwealth forces are pushing El Tuki
on trying to disrupt their opponents and hit the supply
columns as they retreat. The British win by driving
a force of at least two tanks and two companies of
infantry off the German board edge and any other
result is a German victory.
We use the variable length time clock (see later) and
a delay of over six hours is a major victory.

◗ A Bersaglieri battalion of three companies each with
an MMG, plus two Portee 47mm Anti-Tank guns and
a Breda 20mm Anti-Aircraft gun.
◗ A depleted Armoured battalion of five M13/40 tanks.
◗ A depleted Self-Propelled Artillery group of two
Semovente 75/18 SP guns.

◗ A Panzer-Grenadier battalion from 90th Light Afrika
Division of three companies and a HQ and support
company of infantry with a mortar an MMG, two
Pak 50 Anti-Tank guns and a Pak36 Anti-Tank gun.
All of which are mounted in or towed by lorries.
◗ A depleted Panzer battalion of four Panzer III’s (2
long barrelled and 2 short), one Panzer IV f2(long
barrelled) and one Panzer II.

Facing these were the British and Commonwealth

forces made up as follows:
◗ 3rd RTR made up of four Grant Tanks, Two Sherman
II Tanks, two Crusader II ( 2pdr) and one Crusader
III (6pdr)
◗ 4th/8th Hussars of ten Stuart (Honey’s) Tanks.
◗ An Infantry Tank squadron of three Valentines (2pdr)

September 2023 Miniature Wargames 19

RIGHT degrade the enemy using their artillery superiority. We

A British Humber found this a fascinating and well- balanced game.
command car.


The Fort Capuzzo The rules work well for smaller historical refights.
Our second game is based on real events around Fort
Capuzzo in June 1941. Operation Battle-axe started on
15th June and had not gone well. The attack on Halfaya
pass had been stopped and the attack on Hafid ridge
had not been successful. Only the attack by 7th RTR,
equipped with Matilda infantry tanks, had done well,
taking Fort Capuzzo and holding off the attacks by
15th Panzer division. On day two the Axis forces have
◗ A Motor Battalion of three companies each with an had time to plan their counter-attack. This is where our
MMG and a HQ company with a 3” mortar and two action starts.
6 pdr portee Anti-Tank guns
◗ A Lorried Infantry Battalion as above but with the
6pdr portees replaced with 2 pdr equivalents.
◗ The support of a battery of three off table 25pdr
Artillery batteries and an on-table observer.


The British outnumber their opponents approximately
two to one but have some time pressure on them. We
made two amendments to the rules.
◗ In RFR individual casualties on infantry are ignored
unless they amount to a complete base (two figures in
their basing system). We use different basing so chose
to mark off each casualty. Team weapons, MMG’s and
Anti-Tank guns are different and are only destroyed
when the complete team of Two to four are casualties
within a turn. If not, they are ignored.
◗ RFR is a straightforward UGO-IGO system which
we don’t like, so we roll for initiative each turn.
This also fits in with our variable length bound time
clock. The winner of the initiative rolls two D6, with
each pip representing five minutes. They choose one
of the Dice and move the clock on accordingly. They
can then choose whether to go first or second. In this
battle the Germans want time to go quickly so will
choose high scores whereas the British will need time
to get their troops off the Axis table edge. This has
added another level to our games: no longer do you FORCES
have, say, fourteen turns to achieve the objective and The British have:
a predictable pattern can be planned for. Now – if ◗ Four Infantry Companies of the Coldstream Guards,
you lose the initiative and the opponent rolls well – each with an MMG and Anti-Tank rifle and a HQ
an hour can pass in two turns. On average an hour company with a 3” Mortar. Attached to them are
lasts three or four turns, But not always! ◗ Three 2pdr Anti-Tank guns and their portee lorries.
All of these forces can be defending Sangars which
TACTICS count as hard cover, as does the fort.
This game requires the Axis to try to delay the enemy ◗ The British Armour from 7th RTR consists of two
which outnumbers them and has artillery support: they squadrons of two Matilda tanks and a HQ company
will need to hit and run and allow the Italian troops to of one 3” armed CS Matilda Tank.
defend available strong-points, such as the village and ◗ They have the support of a battery of two off table
its dugouts. 25pounder guns attached to the Tank unit which
The British have a choice of rushing on and simply has an observer. They can deploy anywhere south of
using weight of numbers or bide their time and try to (below) the line on the map.

20 Miniature Wargames September 2023

Axis forces consist of:
◗ 1st Battalion of two Panzer II, two Panzer III and a
short barrelled Panzer IV.
◗ 2nd Battalion of two Panzer II, four Panzer III and
a short-barrelled Panzer IV. All the Panzer III’s are
short barrelled 50mm guns.
◗ 8th Panzer Regiment which is made up of four
companies of Motorcycle troops each with an MMG.
◗ An 88mm Anti-Tank battery.
◗ Three rifle companies each with an MMG and a HQ
company with an 81mm Mortar and a 50mm Anti-
tank gun and 75mm Infantry gun and an Anti-Tank
Company with a 50mm and a 37mm Anti-Tank gun.
◗ They have the support of three batteries of off table ARMOUR: OPEN FIRE! ABOVE
105mm artillery, one is attached to each of the tank In the RFR rules Anti-Tank fire works by comparing Captured
Russian 76.2 mm
units and the third can be allocated by the player at the gun class of the firer with the armour class of the guns, a long way
the start of the game. target and amending the score for various factors such from home!
as range, whether either party moved or adjustment
DEPLOYMENT for a flank or rear attack. A score of 4,5 or 6 is the
A Scammel
The Axis deploy from the North entering the table on starting point for a hit. Matilda tanks have armour 2 Wrecker on its
Turn 1. They have five hours to defeat the British or and German 50mm guns have a value of 4 so it is an way to a repair.
Scratch built
clear a pathway through to the Southern table edge. immediate minus 2 with any adjustment for range from an Airfix kit.
In the real battle the British were heavily attacked or movement making it impossible for the Germans
by the Panzer force, and in a reversal of normal desert to penetrate until they get to close range or remain
tactics the Panzer III’s and IV’s attacked the British stationery at medium range. If they remain stationery
Anti-Tank screen which was well supported by the at medium range a 6 will generate a hit. A subsequent
Matildas. By 11 am the attack had been driven off and dice is then rolled with 1,2 resulting in no effect, 3,4
the British had won the day. But it counted for naught damaged and 5,6 destroyed. It’s easy to calculate and –
as they were soon moving East again! after a few games – it’s easy to remember.
This battle is a very finely balanced affair, the British
being in hard cover makes their infantry quite resilient SUPPORT
and the Panzer III and IV tanks do not have a powerful All the stat sheets showing Movement Rates, Armour
enough gun to penetrate the armour of the Matildas Class, Weapon Class (or classes) and a Points Value (for
unless they are stationery or at short range or attacked those who use such things...) are available free on the
side on. They do have an 88mm Anti-Tank gun that Rapid Fire Reloaded facebook page, files section. Also
suffers none of these disadvantages, but it needs to available are several scenarios again free, with additional
be well placed and becomes a beacon for the British PDF downloads to purchase if players want them.
artillery and Mortar. The free stat sheets are comprehensive, as well as
covering the big five nations lists are there for Hungarians
and Slovaks as well as those taking part in the Blitzkrieg
battles in Poland and France and the Low Countries.
I particularly liked that all the data needed to
play are free of charge, once the rule book has been
purchased. My bookcases are full of additional
“theatre” books which I have had to buy when playing
some other Second World War rule sets.

This magazine has recently published a set of scenarios
for actions in Sicily, written by Richard Marsh, and I
know he has some more in the offing. I hope this article
has inspired other World War Two players to try out
different rule sets. I am glad I did and at last the
squeal of tracks can again be heard in our gaming
Outpost so – if you want to follow our adventures
or see more photos from the above battles – we are information/downloads
on Facebook at Wargaming at the GY. ■

September 2023 Miniature Wargames 21


◗ £14.39

Amberly recently released a book on

(as the title would suggest) Military
Camouflage. The author – Bernard
Lowry – has attempted to give an over

all introduction, I guess, to the whole,


very broad, eponymous subject matter.

As it’s a concept that is of great interest
to wargamers (myself included) who
SENUSSI ABLAZE wish to paint their toys as accurately as
◗ possible, I thought I’d give the tome a
◗ £35 read through.
In a little under 100 pages this
The trouble with the Senussi war is that colour softback covers a lot but – as
– when you’ve just seen two – you know one might expect – it lies a little thin
there’ll be another along in a minute... on that ground. When you are trying
With Chris Swan’s two part article on to detail the
this subject in this and the previous paint schemes
issue of Miniature Wargames, this is of vehicles,
obviously a more popular period than I
had previously given credit. With that in
mind, Caliver Books have just released
a title (Senussi’s Little Miniature
War 1915-1917) to accompany their
previously published ruleset Setting the
East Ablaze (2nd Edition).
Written by Robert Giglio (not one of
the original rules authors) this 190 page,
A4, full colour softback is an impressive
body of work. It has 15 scenarios, with (land, sea and air) plus
accompanying maps, organisational buildings and fortifications as well as
charts etc along with chapters on uniforms on fighting troops then – as
wargaming the German and Ottoman one might reasonably expect – each can
supported Arab campaign against the only be given just so much space.
British and Italian forces during the First Some of the photos are generally
World War. intriguing rather than detailed (the shot
There’s a lot of inspirational of a beach side fortification disguised
photography of 28mm games which as a seaside tea kiosk is a fine example)
is always fairly good quality and is and – in other circumstances – a
occasionally really very nice indeed. The number (perhaps a few too many) are
maps and layout are all informative and in black and white (or in one case is
easy on the eye. After the 15 scenarios admittedly ‘colourised’) and so are of
(all historically based) there are seven perhaps only of limited use to painters
appendices covering the different forces who need attributable references,
and other elements. One I particularly however there’s still some helpful
liked was Steel Chariots in the Desert material within the pages.
which goes into some detail regarding I guess – if the gamer requires a detailed
vehicles used in the conflict (armoured painters reference – they might already
cars and light patrol cars, specifically) have a specific tome for their period and
with special rules (reliability being theatre (it keeps Osprey in business!) so
a big factor) and even a piece on an perhaps this is more of a general ‘taster’: a
exponent of said vehicles: The Duke of coffee table book, if you will, albeit a small
Westminster. Recommended. one. A ‘side table’ book, perhaps...

◗ £25

Osprey have sent in their latest

supplement for Bolt Action focusing on
the later Italian Campaign, following
on from the previously published Soft
Underbelly, and it adds new units,
scenarios, plus special rules.
This supplement for BA2 focuses on FALLOUT
the battles ranging from the Gustav Line ◗
in 1944 all the way to those of the Gothic ◗ £24 - £43
Line in 1945, with the breakouts at
Anzio and Monte Cassino of particular Modiphius have a slew of new Fallout
focus. It has an ongoing set of scenarios releases (and some Elder Scrolls but
to refight these famous battles, along they’ll have to wait for next month). All
with new units, special rules, and are in their customary grey resin (some
Theatre Selectors. As ever with their in multiple parts) with scenic bases in
publications, production vales are top 32mm mm, proportionate physiques
notch. Along with lots of inspirational and highly detailed sculpting. All come Enclave Combat Armour and three in
photography of very pretty models in spiffing boxes for the Fallout ‘post Recon Armour (open face helmets and
and figures there also a wealth of apocalypse’ game but suitable for any less body covering). All are individual
illustrations from the Osprey catalogue similar genre. sculpts, though, with weapon choices
showing painting details for uniforms Leaping in first we have two sets of and varied poses.
and much more. three figures each: Survivors: Washington Next are Survivors: Reilly’s Rangers.
All of the ten Personalities and Capital Companions £39 buys five models of Mercenaries:
different scenarios (both at £24 a box). The first box has Reilly; Butcher; Donovan; Brick; and Theo.
have colourful Three Dog; Lucas Simms (two armed These models have an ‘Aliens Marines’
maps attached. civilians) and Moira Brown (in overalls feel, armour and weapon wise. They
There are also with a gun and a flaming torch). The have two (or three – it’s hard to say)
new units for Companions box has Fawkes; Charon and females and field a variety of weaponry:
the British and Butch (a punk in a leather jacket) and a a pistol, sub-gun rifle and huge gatling
Commonwealth huge super mutant with a vast gun. mini-gun. One of the party is in rather
forces, German, At £40 for the next two sets are less military attire and seems to be
Brotherhood of Steel: Citadel Command running with a pistol while carrying
and the Enclave: Assault Force. Starting a large box (or perhaps he’s stealing a
with the Citadel Command we have five portable TV...).
figures Elder Lyons; Madison Li; Sarah Finally there’s a creature: the
Italian, plus US Lyons; Scribe Rothchild; and Star Paladin Domesticated Deathclaw (£25) is lashed
and French. In Cross. Two of these are in full power into being an unwilling war-beasts
amongst the armour. All are armed and – though for The Enclave. This huge, lizard-like
extra material one of the ladies is in a lab coat – she biped is a mass of teeth, claws and
are elements as has a pistol behind her back. The Assault tail and stands about 65mm when
diverse as the Force has six figures: three in assembled (to the tip of his spiky
effects of Trench shoulders anyway) and comes with his
Foot, to the structural nature of heavy own 60mm base. A real horror.
stone buildings (and their robustness These are all part of the Capital
when being shot at) and rules for ad-hoc Wave release for the for Fallout
units. Wasteland Warfare game and
As ever, this over 170 page softback – as ever – these are excellently
is an informative ‘one stop shop’ for the produced and evocative miniatures.
campaign or casual gamer, even if you At an average of £7 a figure, or
don’t actually play the rule system but so, they seem to be about
– maybe – use something else for your in line with market costs.
WWII games. Highly Recommended. Recommended.

September 2023 Miniature Wargames 23

ATLANTIC CONVEYOR (helmets, bush hats and ‘covers’) are

◗ included and there are packs and
◗ £25 - £30 other extras with six different bodies
(including a chap on one knee) spread
Wargames Atlantic sent some of over four identical sprues. Physique
their latest four releases: SpaceNam; wise, the figures are slightly more
Landsknecht Ogres; Ooh Rah; and ‘normal’ than the SpaceNam set and the
Harvesters. All are, of course, hard weapons – though still quite large – are
plastic boxed sets (all supplied without a fraction less gravity defying.
bases) and – although they have been
eagerly anticipated – they were all well
worth the wait.
Starting with the most expensive set,
SpaceNam (£30), this is a five-identical
sprue box to build 20 models with lots
of variation. They have a strong, Sci-Fi
‘Nam feel to them (obviously) and there shotguns, and grenades. There’s also
have separate front and back torsos loads of heads, floppy hats (that fit
plus paired legs (all in vastly ‘heroic’ onto some of their noggins), helmets Last in this release are the Harvesters.
stances, it has to be said) to stick on, (both modern or trad) feathers, bags, a Alien Bugs and a great name (if you
plus 22 different heads. Weapons are tankard and all sorts of bits and pieces. can slide away from their association
all attached to very, very muscular arms When assembled they are a good 45mm – in the UK at least – with a chain of
(think Arnie in his Predator days and tall and built like... well Ogres. They pub restaurants) for creatures that
you get a real feel for these models) and are dressed in the obligatory slashed really invoke a mish-mash of horrible
they comprise rifles, blast pistols, edged Landsknecht style of clothing which I cinematic creatures: they are a sort
weapons, grenades, flame throwers, assume they purchased from the Big of collusion between the bugs from
grenade launchers, sniper rifles, plasma Ogre shop... If they are your fantasy Starship Troopers and the Alien
and heat weapons. You’re just aching jam you’ll enjoy them, I’m sure, but – in Xenomorph. £25 buys a box which
to shout “I ain’t got time to bleed!” as their SF guise – they would also work builds into 20 large bugs and 10 different
you deploy these on the table. Detail very well for the likes of Star Grave. small ones along with options for
and sculpting is excellent, the guns The Ooh Rah (£25) are another ranged bio-weapons that seem to be
are pneumatic and they certainly give new team for Wargames Atlantic’s built in to the front limbs. The small
off a vibe. As ever, multiple boxes get (putative) Death Fields game, having bugs are one-piece models and are very
reductions in bulk prices. been sucked involuntarily through small but the big ones have separate
Next were Landsknecht Ogres (£25 time and space (originating as a arms and legs (well they are all sort of
for 9). I will confess that these were Marine Expeditionary Unit from New legs but they can rise up on the rear
the figures I was looking forward to Florida) to participate. This box has pair and flail about with the front ones).
the least: I was never a fan of any of enough parts to build 24 hard figures These are great looking models and have
the previous incarnations of this sort equipped with standard infantry rifles a spindly, sharp demeanour that you can
of figure (Foundry and others have with underslung shotgun/grenade really only achieve with plastic kits and
made them in the past in metal) but I launcher, carbines, sniper rifle, pistols, – when assembled – the ‘adults’ stand at
was actually surprised by these. Each shotgun, flame unit, and squad support about human height.
box has six sprues split between two weapons. Five headgear choices These are all highly recommended.
different types. The main sprues have
three bodies in various standing/
attacking poses and – spread across
both of the frames – are a selection of
weapons including halberds, spears,
hand cannons, knives, clubs, great
swords, pistols plus (and this is the
bit that surprised me) auto-guns,

24 Miniature Wargames September 2023


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James Island, 1863
Words and pictures by Jon Sutherland

ach Command Decision aims to offer a series of
playable options in timeless military scenarios.
Command Decision is designed so you can read the
situation and figure out your own command decisions if you
were leading the troops on the ground. You can either work
through the various options or use the mechanics to create
the precise circumstances of the table top engagement. The
scenarios may have particular historical themes and settings,
but you can easily adapt the mechanics to suit your own
preferences and collections.

The 54th Massachusetts was organized in March 1863 ABOVE ROLE & COMMAND
at Camp Meigs, Readville, Massachusetts. As one of Col James You are Robert Gould Shaw: 26 years old, son of a
the first African American regiments to be formally takes a keen prominent Boston abolitionist family and you have
organized in the northern Union states, the 54th interest in the already served in the 7th New York National Guard
would be a constant source of interest to the press progress of his and with the 2nd Massachusetts Infantry. You first
and the public. The regiment has been assigned to the saw combat at the battle of Antietam (September 17th
Department of the South, where it disembarked at 1862) and have now been appointed as commander of
Hilton Head, South Carolina on June 3rd 1863. the regiment in February 1863 by the Massachusetts

26 Miniature Wargames September 2023

Confederate Order of Battle,
Grimballs landing, July 16, 1863
(25TH SC).
Left Column. 6th Georgia Col. John T. Lofton
Brig.Gen. Alfred Colquitt 19th Georgia Col. A.J. Hutchins
1400 Infantry 25th South Carolina Lt.Col. John. G. Presley
Marion South Carolina Artillery 4 x Napoleon Capt.
E.L. Parker*
Middle Column. 54th Georgia Lt.Col. Morgan Rawls,
Col. Charleton H.Way 32nd Georgia Col. George B.Harrison II
(54th GA) 800 Infantry 2nd South Carolina Artillery 4 x Napoleon*
Right Column. Col. James 61st NC
D. Radcliffe 400 Infantry Arty Btn. Col. Delaware B.Kemper*
1 Battery 4 x 12 pdr Rifles (18th South Carolina)
1 Battery 4 x Napoleon (Chatham Georgia)

* Note that there is no mention that artillery was actually

used. The attack was uncoordinated and confused and the
terrain did not offer great lines of sight for the artillery.

Union Order of Battle,

Grimballs landing, July 16, 1863
This is a 1st Brigade BG Thomas G. 4th New Hampshire: Colonel Louis Bell
Confederate Stevenson 10th Connecticut: Major Edwin S. Greely
24th Massachusetts: Colonel Thomas G. Stevenson
firing line 97th Pennsylvania: Colonel Henry Ruhl Guss
forming up as
other companies 2nd Brigade Col William 52nd Pennsylvania: Colonel John C. Dodge, Jr.
Watts Hart Davis 104th Pennsylvania: Colonel William V. H. Davis
move closer to 56th New York: Colonel Charles Henry Van Wyck
engage. 100th New York: Colonel James M. Brown
Governor, John A Andrew. You are determined to
prove the fighting value of your regiment and embrace * Note It is probable that the Union had artillery, but none
the opportunity to blood them in real warfare. are mentioned in the engagement. They may have come to
the conclusion that the ground was not suitable or they had
ARMY LISTS & ORGANISATION outpaced them in their advance.
This is a great opportunity to do some American
Civil War smaller scale skirmish fighting. In which The full orders of battle do not reflect the fact that
case, you could limit your game to include just the only a limited number of Union regiments were
54th Massachusetts against the 6th and 19th Georgia engaged in the fight and that the Confederate attack
and their action around the causeway. For this scale did not develop to the extent that all of the regiments
I would use Glory: 1861 or Sharp Practice. In the were needed to fend it off.
54th’s engagement, it is estimated that around 250 of
the regiment was involved (three companies), against
around 900 Confederates (perhaps a handful of cavalry
and the rest infantry). It would be relatively easy to
set up a smaller table and focus on the smaller scale
action between the two swamps in the centre of the
battlefield. The 54th would have to hold off Colquitt
and then be reinforced by the 2nd South Carolina
before they are hit by Way and his troops. In this way,
you could recycle the Confederate units to reduce the
number of figures needed for the engagement.
You could use a slightly larger scale game with Black
Powder or other general rule sets and attempt the whole
MAP NOTES: No units may enter Deep Water for any reason during the
battle. We know that the whole point of the Confederate game. The stretch of creek marked “shallow” can be forded. There is a
attack was to disrupt the Union build up aimed at narrow gap between the deep water and the swamp on the left flank of
the 104th. Swamp should halve movement and disorganise the unit. Units
taking Fort Wagner. These following orders of battle cannot fire from one side of a turnpike to the other side as they are all
on raised causeways. All other unmarked terrain should be considered to
have been pieced together from fragments as there is no be open, rough woodland.
clear indication as to the forces actually deployed.

September 2023 Miniature Wargames 27


This varies for the scale of the game. The 54th have
two companies
forward and
SMALL SCALE ACTION another two in
If you are planning to play the smaller skirmish version reserve.
of the game, then the key is to get the three companies of ABOVE RIGHT
the 54th into position before they are overwhelmed by These are men
the Confederate attack. Use the mini-map to see where of the 2nd
South Carolina,
the 54th’s companies start and the entry points for the another African-
Confederates. Refer to the Objectives and Winning American
section for game objectives. The main point of the game regiment in the
is for the Union forces to hold off a disorganised and
fragmented attack by Confederate units. RIGHT
Set up the table with half of the 54th in line across a fork Confederates
spot movement
where two tracks on causeways intersect. Allow a little in the distance
sloping ground either side of the causeway and then have and stand ready
swamp either side of that. In 28mm you should not really to fire. LARGER SCALE ENGAGEMENT
need much more than three feet of frontage including all This can be played on a larger table and is, in fact,
of the key terrain features. You can throw Colquitt’s three two separate engagements going on at the same time.
regiments at the 54th one at a time, leaving a gap of three The key part of the fight is the one involving the
turns between each arrival. From the end of turn 2, the 54th supported initially by their sister unit the 2nd
54th should be at full strength. On turn 5 allow half of the South Carolina and then elements of the 1st Brigade
2nd South Carolina to reinforce them with the remainder beginning with the 10th Connecticut. At no point
arriving on turn 6. The 54th can withdraw from its should the Union line fall back beyond the second
forward and exposed position, but it must not allow any turnpike junction to the rear of the 54th, this would
Confederate unit to get beyond (behind) them. Play out mean that the Confederates have broken through to
the game until the end of turn 10. the mainland.

28 Miniature Wargames September 2023

The Confederates are attempting to overwhelm (or
break through) the Union line and seize the causeways
connecting Sol Legare Island with the mainland. If you
are playing the 54th Massachusetts skirmish game,
then the Confederates must break through and take the
causeway to the rear of the regiment.
If you are playing the larger game, the objectives
are still the same, but the Confederates will have to
be quick before the Union line stabilises and they are
able to mount counterattacks. The Union player needs
to hold both of the diagonal causeways down which
the Confederates are attacking and have a regiment
astride both of them at the end of turn 12. If at any time
the Confederates manage to sever one or more of the
turnpike causeways within 6” of the Union baseline
then they have won the game.

If you have gone to the trouble of laying out the
battlefield for this 1863 engagement, all you need to
fight a later engagement in 1865 is the addition of two
or three rifle pits. The action took place around the
areas where the 10th Connecticut was deployed in
1863. Just beyond them was Grimball’s landing itself
and the Stono River. Union forces under Brigadier
General Alexander Schimmelfennig (Northern District
The 2nd South Carolina can reinforce the 54th on of the Department of the South) faced a small force of
turn 2, the 10th Connecticut can begin moving on turn Confederates manning rifle pits (under Major Edward
2, and on each turn afterwards. Allow one of the 1st Manigault of the South Carolina Siege Train). In the
Brigade’s other regiments to enter the table either from early light of February 10, four Union gunboats shelled
the turnpike causeway, where the 10th Connecticut the pits and Schimmelfennig’s troops made their
were stationed, or on the road directly behind the 54th landing. The 144th New York charged up the causeway
and the 2nd South Carolina. In this sector, the game to engage the centre of the Confederate line, the 54th
starts with Colquitt’s brigade on the table in column New York hit their right. The frontal charge failed, but
marching towards the 54th; they may deploy as they the 54th drove the Confederates out of their positions.
see fit on the first turn. Way’s command enters the table
on turn 4. It can reinforce either Colquitt or Radcliffe.
If the player decides to split Way’s two regiments and
send one to each other commander, then he must stop
for one turn to simulate this reorganisation. Unknown
to the Confederate player(s), the 10th Pennsylvania
is on its own until turn 8. After that, one of the Union
2nd Brigade regiments appear each turn from the end
of turn 8. If Radcliffe breaks through, he must move
immediately to cut off the road directly behind the
RIGHT 54th. If he achieves this then the game terminates with
These are a major Confederate win.
times as the
edge closer to The ground was very unsuitable for artillery. To
the defensive
line. simulate this, once the artillery has unlimbered it
cannot move again for the rest of the game. This means
that if the Confederates want to use their artillery
to fend off Union counterattacks later in the game,
then they will need to make their initial attacks with
infantry only.

September 2023 Miniature Wargames 29

To play this version of the battle using the same table, you will only need:
(ABOUT 1200 MEN)
54th New York Infantry: Colonel Eugene Kolzay 2nd South Carolina Heavy Artillery: Major Edward Manigault
144th New York Infantry: Colonel James Lewis Palmetto Guard: Captain Benjamin C. Webb
32nd U.S. Colored Infantry: Colonel George W. Baird 1st South Carolina Cavalry, dismounted detachment: Lieutenant William G. Roberts
33rd U.S. Colored Infantry (1st South Carolina Infantry): Colonel Thomas Wentworth
55th Massachusetts Colored Infantry: Colonel Alfred S. Hartwell

BAPTISM OF FIRE: FACT CHECK ABOVE “We have just completed our successful retreat from James
On July 8th the 54th was assigned to General Somewhere Island; we fought a desperate battle there Thursday morning.
on the island,
Terry’s expedition to James Island near Charleston, a small group Three companies of us, B, H, and K, were out on picket about
South Carolina and made for Stono Inlet. On July of Confederate a good mile in advance of the regiment. We were attacked
16th Confederate forces under General Colquitt cavalry try early in the morning. Our company was in the reserve when
and catch a
attacked the expedition near Secession Ville and in Connecticut the outposts were attacked by rebel infantry and cavalry.”
the ensuing skirmish the 54th lost 14 killed, 18 regiment in the First Sergeant Robert John Simmons, 54th
wounded and 3 missing. This was a part of the open. (he later died from his wounds in
bigger Battle of Grimball’s Landing. When the the attack on Fort Wagner).
Confederate force of over 3,200 men hit the 54th’s
picket line, held by 3 companies guarding one of The regiment was then ordered, on July 18th, to Morris
the two causeways connecting Sol Legare Island Island to engage in operations against Fort Wagner
with the mainland, the untested African American under General Strong. Fort Wagner was one of the key
troops fought bravely and were determined not to Confederate defensive positions protecting Charleston.
give ground. The fortification had been under Union naval and land-
There was vicious hand-to-hand fighting at the based artillery fire for a number of days and the 54th,
causeway as the Confederate infantry attempted to led by Shaw, offered to lead the assault on Wagner that
secure the crossing to allow its cavalry to break across evening. It was a disastrous and glorious action, during
the island and cut off the Union retreat. The rest which Shaw, Captains Russell and Simpkins and over 20
of the 54th rapidly fell into line and – in the face men were killed. Lieutenant Colonel E N Hallowell and
of continued Confederate pressure – held their DOWNLOAD 125 men were wounded. Some 100 of the regiment
positions, allowing most of the Union forces to THE SCENARIO MAPS were missing in action, many of whom were said to
retreat. have been massacred by the Confederates. ■

30 Miniature Wargames September 2023

11th & 12th November 50+ Traders
Farnborough International Exhibition Bring & Buy
& Conference Centre Demo & Participation games
GU14 6TQ 30+ Tournaments
y review of Mike Lambo’s book issue (see
Developing Battles of the
English Civil War: A Solitaire
M the Recce section in last month’s edition. Ed.)
criticised its portrayal of ECW battles but
concluded “these games may inspire youngsters
or novices to develop a greater understanding of Civil War
battles, and to play more historical wargames – perhaps by
Words by Arthur Harman. Photos by The Editor adapting its rules and AI systems?” In this article I will
offer suggestions for doing just that.

“By God, Sir, it is very fine on the paper, but there is no SOURCES
such thing in the field.” The main sources I have consulted and from which I
Lord Eythin’s reported comment upon Prince quote are: Edgehill: The Battle Reinterpreted, Dr Eric
Rupert’s plan of his dispositions for Marston Moor, Gruber von Arni, Christopher L. Scott & Alan Turton,
1644. Leo Cooper Ltd., 2004 [hereinafter EBR];

32 Miniature Wargames September 2023

Going to the Wars: The Experience of the English
Civil Wars, 1638-1651, Charles Carlton, Routledge,
1992 [hereinafter GttW]; The English Civil War: An
Atlas and Concise History of the Wars of the Three
Kingdoms 1639–51, Colonel Nick Lipscombe, Osprey
Publishing, 2020 [hereinafter Atlas]; and
The English Civil War 1642-1651: An Illustrated
Military History, Philip Haythornthwaite, Blandford
Press Ltd., 1983 [hereinafter ECW].


The ‘armies’ given in the original scenarios are far too
small: at Naseby, for example, the Royalist player has
but seven units (2 Horse, 4 Foot and 1 Cannon); the
AI-controlled Parliamentarians, ten units (4 Horse, 5
Foot and 1 Cannon). I suggest that for small battles, each
regiment of Foot or Horse is represented by one unit; for
large battles, each Tertia (Brigade) of Foot and each line of
Horse on a wing becomes one unit for game purposes. If
one wants to refight historical battles, the wargame forces
must be more closely based upon those actually engaged.

The player has several options:
1. He can deploy both sides historically; thereafter the The splendid
12mm Epic ECW
AI system will control the enemy.
game put on by
2. He can choose his own battle plan but deploy the Warlord Games
enemy historically. at Salute 2023.

3. He can choose his own battle plan before seeing the

enemy’s dispositions, which will be chosen from a
selection of possible battle plans by a die roll. This
selection may be tailored beforehand to suit the
particular scenario and battlefield.


Commanding officers of armies usually drew up
battle plans as part of general military planning at
the commencement of each campaign… Most battle
plans… had the main body of the infantry positioned
in the centre of the army’s line with guns dispersed
along its length and protecting wings of cavalry on
either flank. [EBR, p.50]

September 2023 Miniature Wargames 33

An army would normally deploy in the same

manner according to a pre-arranged plan. [EBR, p.51]
If one desires to refight an historical battle, then
both the played and AI-controlled armies should be
deployed as they did in reality. Historical deployments
for ECW battles can be found in books such as the
Atlas or on the Battlefields Trust website. Alternatively,
the player can devise his own battle plan, based upon
the historical forces at his disposal, before seeing the
battle plan ‘chosen’ for the AI-controlled enemy from a
selection of such plans by a die roll.
Under the Anglified Dutch system this would mean
in a checkerboard pattern with several battalia forming
a front line with others placed in a second line to
provide mutual support, alternating one up and one
back. This gave both a degree of manoeuvre flexibility
and ‘refused protection’ against Horse. It also broke

be protected by the Pikemen, but army commanders ABOVE

did not have to concern themselves with such things. An ECW
game by The
In general, a regiment would form with its ‘stand’ of Sealed Knot at
pikes in the centre and two equal bodies of musketeers Warfare 2017.
on either flank. [ECW, p.45]
A Foot unit, therefore, will now be comprised of The Sealed
both pikemen and musketeers and will have the ability Knot - again at
to shoot at the enemy and to engage in close-quarter Warfare 2017.
combat. Foot that start their turn within musketry
range of the enemy might be permitted to Shoot first
and then Attack, so that there is a – admittedly small –
chance that the enemy might be Shaken before coming
up the massed artillery target, as well as allowing to ‘push of pike’.
room for units to be advanced into the fighting line, The Dutch system called for the line of battle to be
or withdrawn from it, without disorganising their formed in Battalia, with each one being approximately
neighbours..’ [EBR, p.51] 550 men strong. Large regiments deployed in the field in
One can simply incorporate this checkerboard two Grand Divisions, forming two battalia, while under
pattern into the battle plans from which the AI strength regiments were usually amalgamated to form
opponent will ‘choose’ by putting the possible one. [EBR p.50] For very small engagements, infantry
deployments onto a hex grid so they can be transferred units should be Battalia or Grand Divisions of Foot;
easily onto the original maps or onto hexed terrains for small battles, Regiments of Foot; for large battles,
based upon the maps. Tertias (Brigades) of Foot. and Lines of wings of Horse.
Smoke was such a problem that armies would Pikemen and Musketeers should Move and Attack
manoeuvre to get up wind of each other. [GttW p.133] together in Battalia or as a Grand Division of a large
The wind direction, if known, could be specified for regiment, though separate units of musketeers – such as
each scenario/battle. Alternatively, one could dice for Firelock Guards for the Artillery Train – can be formed.
the wind direction in hypothetical engagements. Units In a civil war battle there was a virtual absence of
downwind of those Shooting could suffer a reduction inter-arm co-operation, save for the company-level
to their dice score when firing back. dependence between pikemen and musketeers. This
was rigidly fixed by their deployment before fighting
THE ARMIES started, and hardly ever changed once it had begun.
Let’s start with: [GttW p.131]
Foot Units can only move up/down the columns
THE FOOT but can oblique one hex left/right (dice odd/even)
In the original rules, units of Foot are composed to avoid artillery fire after they have been hit as an
entirely of either Pikemen or Musketeers, which is involuntary reaction.
simply not historical. It is, of course, possible in the When infantry attacked infantry one line would
original game for the player to deploy a Musketeer tend to stand their ground as the other advanced. Each
unit so it can give covering fire to a Pikemen unit and would fire one volley, perhaps two if they had time,

34 Miniature Wargames September 2023

before colliding into each other. The impact of these BELOW the first or second Line of a Wing of Horse consisting of
volleys was limited… it is hard to envisage more than Haselrig's more than one regiment.
Lobsters on
one man in fifteen on each side being hit. [GttW, p.132] the To the The tactics of horse were based on two styles: Dutch
So, Foot should be unlikely to break before they strongest ECW and Swedish. The former, or Reiter tactic, consisted of
come to ‘push of pike’, nor suffer Panic Fear and Flee game at Colours a regiment advancing in about six ranks towards the
Wargames Show
quickly (unless they are inexperienced, raw recruits). 2022 enemy and each successive rank halting to fire their
Musketry alone against other Foot has been given a pistols or carbines, then retiring for the next rank to
negative factor in the Terrain/Situation Table, below, the same and so on until the enemy was sufficiently
so it is unlikely to cause the enemy to become Shaken. broken for a final charge with the sword. The Swedish
So long as they did not break ranks, infantry were fashion consisted of charging home with the sword in
comparatively safe from cavalry attacks. [GttW, p.137] about three ranks, reserving fire for the pursuit, as was
It was not the impact of charging cavalry, but the the style used increasingly throughout the war under
sight of their fearsome approach that broke infantry, the influence of Rupert and others. Later experience
particularly those neophytes who had not been trained altered the tactic of receiving a charge with fire to
to stand and fight. [GttW, p.138] countercharging. [ECW, p. 51]
I have made a deduction from the Shooting and Horse that fights in ‘Reiter’ style, by performing the
Attack of raw or inexperienced troops. See the Terrain/ caracole, must be distinguished from those that adopt
Situation Factors table, below. The only time horse the ‘Swedish style’. ‘Reiter’ that move into pistol range
soldiers could expect to break resolute infantry was of the enemy might be permitted to Shoot first and then
when they suddenly attacked the rear or flanks of Attack, should their fire succeed in rendering the enemy
tired men already engaged in fighting other infantry. Shaken. Mixed up and horrible as the melee between
[GttW, p.139] Appropriate modifiers are included in the cavalry might have been, it was not a particularly fatal
Terrain/Situation Factors table, again, below. time. The killing fields came later. [GttW, p.137]
Once troops have dissolved in Panic Fear, they will
THE HORSE Flee off the battlefield and cannot Rally. Troops that
In theory both royalist and parliamentary cavalry were Attacking them will pursue, as described below.
regiments were commanded by a colonel or lieutenant- Horse units that defeat enemy Horse which Flees
colonel, with six troops of seventy men. Each troop off the game board are likely to pursue and not
consisted of a major, a captain or lieutenant, one cornet, reappear until much later – possibly after the battle
three corporals, two trumpeters and sixty troopers. is over. Throw 1 d6 die to determine how many turns
In practice most troops were lucky to have forty must elapse before they reappear. On that turn (and
members. [GttW, p. 97] subsequent turns if necessary) throw 1 d6 and score 4+
Therefore, for very small engagements, cavalry units for the unit of Horse to reappear. The column in which
should be Troops of Horse; for small battles, Regiments it reappears is determined by 1 d6 + 1, counting from
of Horse, between 240 and 400 strong; for large battles, the left-hand side of the game board; it will appear

September 2023 Miniature Wargames 35

in the top or bottom hex of the column, as appropriate. Artillery bombardments should precede the advance
Even if the royalist horse had returned sooner of Horse and/or Foot to contact the enemy. Guns
to Edgehill or Naseby, the thrill of the chase, and cannot move but can adjust their aim to shoot down a
the capture of rapine, broke all unit cohesion. A column of hexes to the immediate left or right of their
contemporary wrote ‘the soldiers were so dispersed that original facing, provided there is a clear line of sight to
there was not ten of any one troop together’. [GttW, p.145] the intended target. Unlike modern troops, those who
Such a Horse unit must, therefore, Rally - by throwing waited to go into action during the civil wars rarely did
6 on a d6 - during the next turn before it can take any so under fire. [GttW, p. 128] I have therefore reduced the
offensive action. maximum range of artillery so that units on their rear
row of hexes should not be vulnerable to artillery fire.
THE DRAGOONS In practice artillery fire seldom broke and scattered
For some battles it will be necessary to add Regiments lines of infantry: by and large the practical effect of
of Dragoons, which move as Horse, taking one hex of artillery in pitched battles was far less than one would
movement to mount/dismount ready to fire next turn. expect. [GttW, p. 140] However, there is no doubt that
They fire and fight on foot as Musketeer units in the civil war artillery badly scared its targets: mention of
original rules. See the table, below. ripped bodies and flying limbs was a commonplace in

THE ARTILLERY contemporary descriptions of the effect of cannon fire. ABOVE LEFT
Overall command of the artillery lay with the General [GttW, p.139] Therefore, although Artillery fire is not An ECW
game by The
of the Ordnance at army level, and how he delegated so effective as musketry or close combat between Foot Sealed Knot at
and deployed the field artillery was unclear. It may well and Horse, Raw troops are more likely to be Shaken Warfare 2017.
be that he dispersed it across the frontage, in between by it, so a special Situation Factor will apply. See the
regimental gaps, giving the appearance of regimental Terrain/Situation table, below. ECW at
guns. To ease resupply and to fit in with the deployment Warfare 2022.
of the rest of the army, guns tended to be deployed in THE ARMY COMMANDERS
groups or, more likely, pairs of guns. The heavier guns Add a Captain-General figure and figures portraying
tended to be on the flanks and slightly set back, although the commanders of the Foot in the centre and the Wings
the European approach was to have a large battery of of Horse. The Captain-General can Rally a Shaken unit or
heavier guns in front of the infantry. [Atlas, p.34] give a new Order to a unit by visiting it in person.
The model guns should be deployed accordingly.
One heavy artillery piece can be placed on each flank; COMBAT
or both can be deployed as a large battery in the In the original rules, a unit rolls two d6, modified by a
European manner. Pairs of guns in the intervals in the few Situation Factors, against a To Hit score for both
front line of Foot, if present historically, can either be Shooting and Close Quarter combat; if it succeeds, the
represented by models of smaller pieces, if available, enemy unit becomes Demoralised and starts to Flee,
or assumed to be present, giving their parent Tertias though it may Rally.
or Brigades additional, long-range firepower in the
preliminary bombardment. “They [guns] had a far greater MORALE
reach than the infantry and were accordingly brought to Normally, the more experience troops had, the longer
bear early in the battle, in order to disrupt and demoralise they could fight before losing unit cohesion. [GttW,
the tightly packed enemy formations. It was hoped that this p.141] Veteran troops have been given a Situation Factor
bombardment would provoke the enemy to attack and/or to that reduces enemy die rolls against them; Raw troops,
move his troops out of effective range.” [Atlas, pp. 34-35] a Situation Factor that increases the total of the dice.

36 Miniature Wargames September 2023

Victory went to the side which destroyed the integrity
of its opponents, thus turning a unit into a crowd. And
when that took place, the killing of one man by another
began in bloody earnest. [GttW, p.129]
Making units break in Panic Fear and Flee off the
battlefield is the key to gaining a victory. In the
seventeenth century this process of disintegration was
called ‘a panic fear’ [GttW, p.140] and I shall, therefore,
use this term instead of ‘Demoralised’. When the total
of the Attack die rolls equals or exceeds the number
To Hit, the target unit is Shaken but holds its ground;
if a Shaken unit is hit again, it suffers Panic Fear and
immediately Flees the number of hexes shown in
the table. “...disintegration of their units rendered men by wasting that die, but remain inactive, his ability ABOVE
incapable of further resistance”. [GttW, p. 144] So, a Shaken to give units the orders he wishes is, in my opinion, Colours 2022:
the To The
unit that suffers another hit before it can Rally will too dependent on chance and he also ends up micro- Strongest ECW
dissolve in Panic Fear. Shaken troops add +1 Situation managing the manoeuvres of pikemen and musketeers game.
Factor to the die roll of troops attacking them and in a way no army commander did.
subtract 1 from their own Shooting dice. Each type of AI-controlled enemy unit has to be The Last Chance
Experienced troops, who were able to negotiate at the activated in the following order: Cannons, Cavalry, Wargamers
informal, face-to-face level, could have their surrenders Musketeers, Pikemen. Units which are Demoralised Cheriton 1644 at
Warfare 2017.
accepted with comparatively little loss. Such took place dice to see whether they can Rally and Flee if they
at Naseby, where – after the king’s infantry gave up – cannot. Other units will firstly try to Attack, following
hardly any of them lost their lives. [GttW, p. 145] the instructions in the AI Chart; if they cannot, they will
Troops that have not succumbed to Panic Fear but are move by following any mandatory instructions or, if
unable to retreat may succeed in having their surrender there are none or it is impossible to perform that order,
accepted. Throw 1 d6 and score 5 or 6 to surrender their movement will be determined by a die roll. Much
successfully. Add 2 to the die roll of Veterans; 1 to of the complexity results from Pikemen and Musketeers
that of trained, experienced troops. Those who do not operating as separate, independent units. The player, who
succeed in surrendering will be massacred. of course has to administer the AI-control himself, has
quite a lot to remember and do: too much, in my opinion.
ORDERS I believe both played and AI-controlled units should
Those who went into a civil war battle rarely did so simply try to carry out Orders until they receive new
with a clearly defined set of objectives. Orders might orders from the Captain-General, become Shaken, or
be discussed in a rudimentary fashion just before battle suffer Panic Fear and Flee or are Destroyed.
commenced. [GttW, p.126] The original rules require A simple roll of 2d6 can determine the enemy’s plan
the player to roll a number of d6 equal to the number and tactics – Hold and receive, Right/Left Wing Horse
of his units and then allocate a die to each unit, which attack, Foot Attack, One Wing of Horse and Foot both
will then move for 1, 2 or 3, attack for 4, 5 or 6 or, if a advance, General Advance etc. The chances can be
Demoralised unit, rally for 6, otherwise Flee. Although adjusted to suit the particular battle being fought and
the player can reroll two or more matching dice once, if the forces available, with the historical tactics being
desired, and choose that a unit will not follow its order, more likely to be followed.

September 2023 Miniature Wargames 37


Artillery bombardment to provoke the enemy; Horse and
Foot hold position to receive attacks
Deliberately Artillery bombardment, followed by a general advance by
left blank the entire army
Artillery Bombardment, followed by advances by both wings
of Horse
Artillery Bombardment, followed by advance by right wing
of Horse
Artillery Bombardment, followed by advance of left wing
of Horse
Artillery Bombardment, followed by advance of right wing of
Horse and Foot in centre
Artillery Bombardment, followed by advance of left wing of
Horse and Foot in centre

This is not an exhaustive list of tactics; add others if

you wish. I have deliberately left the die scores required
for each option blank, as these will have to be adjusted
to suit the forces available and the battlefield terrain.
Below is a revision of the original Unit Statistics Table,
expanded to include Dragoons. The scores required ‘To
Hit’ have been adjusted in some cases. When troops are
Shooting or Attacking, consult the Terrain/Situation
Table which will be found afterwards to discover the
appropriate modifiers for the dice scores.


Foot in battalia 1/2 2 8 9 8/10 (foot/mtd) 8
Foot in Stand of Pikes 0/2 2 10 11 10/11(foot/mtd) 10
‘Reiter’ Horse 2/3 1 8 10 8/10 (foot/mtd) 9
‘Swedish’ Horse* 2/3* N/A 6 9 7/9 (foot/mtd) 5
Dragoons on Foot 1/2 2 9 10 8/10 (foot/mtd) 9
Dragoons Mounted 2#/3 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Cannon 0^/2^^ 6 9 10 9/10 (foot/mtd) 11

Notes from the Unit Statistics Table

The first Move number is the unit’s Normal Movement; the second, the distance it moves in Panic Fear.
Two figures are quoted when the target is a Dragoon unit: the first, when it is fighting on foot; the second, when it is mounted.
^ Guns cannot move but can adjust their aim to shoot down a column of hexes to the immediate left or right of their original
facing, provided there is a clear line of sight to the intended target.
^^ If an Artillery crew Flees in Panic Fear, it will abandon its guns, which will be taken by the enemy if they are not themselves
defeated by the end of the battle.
* ‘Swedish’ Horse can charge over 3 hexes to contact an enemy unit of any type or Pursue or Flee 3 hexes in Panic Fear
# Dragoons take 1 hex to mount or dismount. Dragoons may dismount and shoot, ride 1 hex then dismount and be ready to
shoot next turn or, if on foot, mount instead of moving and move as mounted next turn.

38 Miniature Wargames September 2023

SITUATION & TERRAIN FACTOR FAR LEFT One ‘Hit’ renders unit Shaken, unable to advance,
Rather than follow the original alteration of the To Hit Colours 2022: attack or do more than hold its position and defend
the To The
values in the Unit Statistics Table, I suggest modifying Strongest ECW itself if attacked; another ‘Hit’ on a Shaken unit will
the die rolls is easier for players to remember and game. cause it to dissolve in Panic Fear.
administer. Apply all the appropriate factors. Units Fleeing in Panic Fear cannot defend themselves
The Last Chance by fighting or shooting. They cannot rally but will Flee
SITUATION/TERRAIN FACTOR TABLE Wargamers off the battlefield. Foot that were attacking other Foot
SITUATION/TERRAIN EFFECT Cheriton 1644 at will pursue automatically for one turn, unless they
FACTORS Warfare 2017.
have become Shaken themselves.
Veteran Troops Add 1 to their Shooting or Attack dice; Subtract 1
from the dice of those Attacking or Shooting at BELOW
Veteran Troops. The 12mm Epic
ECW game by
Raw Troops Subtract 1 from their Shooting or Attack dice. Add A Shaken unit – whether player or AI controlled - may
1 to the dice of Foot or ‘Reiter’ Horse Attacking or Warlord Games
Shooting at them; add 2 to the dice of ‘Swedish’ at Salute 2023. attempt to rally by scoring 5 or 6 if Veteran, 6 if Trained
Horse Attacking or Artillery Shooting at them.
or Raw, provided that it is not being attacked or shot
Foot Shooting only Subtract 2 from their dice.
at that turn. A unit that rallies from Shaken can then
Horse Attacking a Stand ‘Swedish’ Horse cannot charge home unless their
of Pikes Attack succeeds in causing the Foot to break in perform all its normal actions in the next turn.
Panic Fear, when they will pursue automatically.
‘Reiter’ Horse can shoot pistols at the Foot and
pursue if they break in Panic Fear and Flee. THE REPRESENTATION OF TROOPS
Horse Attacking Foot not Subtract 1 from their dice. The original troop counters would need to be
in Stand of Pikes in front
replaced by 2 mm troops from Irregular Miniatures’
Horse Attacking Foot in Add 1 to the dice of ‘Reiter’ Horse; 2 to the dice of
Flank or Rear ‘Swedish’ Horse. Renaissance range or 3 mm figures by Osmy Oddzial,
‘Swedish’ Horse Add 2 to their dice. if it is desired to use the original battlefield maps from
Attacking ‘Reiter’ Horse
the book. If one is prepared to recreate the battlefields
‘Reiter’ Horse Attacking Add 1 to Shooting dice only.
‘Swedish’ Horse with larger hexes, either by enlarging the maps,
Artillery Shooting at Foot Subtract 2 from Artillery’s dice as a Stand of drawing them oneself or by using Kallistra’s Hexon
in Stand of Pikes Pikes (like the later square) is a smaller target II terrain, one can use larger figures: 6 mm troops by
than Foot in battalia.
Irregular Miniatures or Baccus Miniatures; 10 mm
Shaken Troops Subtract 1 from their dice. Add 1 to the total score
of their attacker’s dice if Foot or Dragoons; 2 if figures by Newline Designs or Pendraken, or even
Horse attacking or Artillery shooting at them.
the 15 mm or 25 mm ECW figures produced by many
For each unit that could Add 1 to the total score of the attacker’s dice.
attack the target unit manufacturers.
Trees Attacking into or directly through a hex with
Trees: subtract 1 from the total score of the
attacker’s dice. CONCLUSION
Directly through means that the Tree hex is If you already possess Mr Lambo’s book, I hope you
between the two units and is on the same line of
hexes as both of them. will find these suggestions useful in adapting the rules
Higher Ground Attacking from Higher Ground adds 1 to the to create a game that is still “clear, accessible and quick to
attacker’s dice if the target is on lower ground.
learn” and “does not pretend to be entirely realistic” but is
Clear (no terrain) None.
Bridges and fords are also deemed to be ‘Clear’ a somewhat better portrayal of that English Civil War
hexes. battles. Although his book was devised for solo play,
River No unit can enter River hexes, unless crossing by there is no reason why my suggested amendments
a Bridge or Ford. All units can attack on/across
Bridges and Fords. could not also be used to control a wargame between
Cannons and Foot can shoot across a River.
two players. ■

September 2023 Miniature Wargames 39

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Painting Pike & Shotte: Armour and more Words and Photos Paul Mackay

Paul sent in this ‘how to’ masterclass on BASECOAT Wash: I used thinned Liquitex Carbon
ECW horsemen and armour. Ed. Black. The ink can be very strong so take
care with this. Any thinned black paint
INTRODUCTION will also work. However I find the ink
While the article is primarily aimed at will not dull the sheen of the metallic
painting ECW cavalry the methods I have paint.
used will obviously work with infantry
and cavalry for not only this period but
also the 30 Years War. So why have I just
focused on armour and buff coats, boots,
pistol holsters, powder flasks? Well if you
can get a method that you like sorted you
are more than half way there with these
troops as basically all you will now need
to paint is the trousers (or sleeves and Basecoat: Vallejo Model Colour
hats if they have them) and you are done. Gunmetal. A little black added to GW
Leadbelcher (or any silver metallic) will
ARMOUR work just as well.
I have gone for a variety of different
finishes here. This even at the distance
you normally view figures on the
tabletop will make your units look less Highlight: I used Vallejo Metal
uniform and add a bit of visual interest. Airbrush Colour (used with a brush)
I have used a black undercoat before the Duraluminium but any ‘silver’ will work
metallic paints are applied. here as long as it is not too bright.


The effect here is for cheaper mass The brown look to the armour was a
produced armour perhaps distributed to method used to rustproof helmets and
troops from central arsenals. body armour.

September 2023 Miniature Wargames 41

BASECOAT BASECOAT highlights to the upper and more

reflective surfaces of the armour. An
undiluted edge highlight to any armour
plate or ridges of the helmets is then
I always paint all of the cloth, skin
etc first on my figures and then varnish
them before undercoating metallic
areas with black (for ‘silver’, brown for
yellow metals). I then do not varnish the
finished metallic paints as to do so you
will ruin the paint’s finish.

Basecoat: Vallejo Model Colour Basecoat: Any Silver. This was done as with russeting to also
Gunmetal WASH prevent rusting on campaign.

Wash: Heavily diluted wash of Blue and

Wash: Liquitex Burnt Umber Ink. Black ink (I used Scale 75 and Liquitex Basecoat: Any Black
Although this settled nicely in the respectively). I used slightly more blue HIGHLIGHT
recesses adding definition a further than black ink and thinned them with
wash using GW Agrax Earthshade water with a little matt medium added
‘stained’ the armour giving a more and a little flow improver. Once this
realistic effect. is dry a pin wash will help give better
HIGHLIGHT definition to the armour detail.

Highlight: The raised areas of the

helmet and armour where the light
would reflect the strongest is painted
with Army Painter Ultramarines Blue
(any similar blue will do). Glaze the
Highlight: Vallejo Duraluminium. edge of the blue with Vallejo Model
Highlight: Silver Colour Dark Sea Blue.
Here the aim is to represent the finest Note that the final highlights in the Final highlight: Add a dot highlight in
armour that is well cared for and has three examples above are all applied the centre of the blue and add an edge
been highly polished worn by the richer to the large surfaces using a glaze of highlight with any white. The armour
(or better equipped) troopers and officers. the highlight colour which will add and helmet is then coated with a satin

42 Miniature Wargames September 2023

FINAL HIGHLIGHT Although rare, Haselrig’s Regiment HELMETS
and a couple of Bodyguard units and
individuals were so equipped in the
Civil War. These examples have been
painted using the blackened and ‘silver’
methods shown above. A final extra
highlight on the officer figure using
GW Stormhost Silver (any bright silver
will do) which was applied to make the
armour really shine.

Lobster three barred and – to a lesser

varnish as this contrasts nicely with the extent – Dutch single barred pots can
matt finish of the rest of the miniature. make faces very difficult to paint on the
Perry figures that mainly illustrate this
CUIRASSIER ARMOUR article. These Empress figures come
with separate bars that I attach after
painting the face. These are tiny and
I find it easier to apply the superglue
to the bars with a cocktail stick and to
then turn the figure upside down using
gravity to aid their placement using a
pair of tweezers.

September 2023 Miniature Wargames 43

LEATHER is ‘painted’ on not washed. Different and boots. Indeed you may decide
Here a quick and highly effective leather effects are achieved by how they work fine without any additional
method is to use GW Contrast Paints. diluted your original basecoat is. This shading and highlighting at all.
For the buff coats I have used Nazdreg can vary from a very light to an almost The eagle eyed among you may
Yellow. Two thinned coats work better dark brown effect. The result is (as with have noticed the variety of different
than one. Snakebite Leather is used for the the armour) a more interesting and horse colours in the finished unit shots
boots, pistol holsters, and powder flasks. varied look to your completed units of that accompany this article, so Editor
Highlights are then applied with the horse. permitting; in my next article I will
Contrast mixed with Yellow Ochre (I explore painting horses. (That’ll be
used Vallejo) or the Yellow Ochre applied CONCLUSION coming soon! Ed.)
directly depending on how light you I have tried to write this article in a way
want the material to be. that is not overly prescriptive in the ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
Further shading can then be added to ‘paints you have to use’. However the Andy at The Friends of General Haig has
further define the recessed areas of the GW Contrast Paints listed are a good been a huge help in assisting me with
cloth with either the original contrast investment for giving you a starting several aspects of ECW uniforms and
colour or Burnt or Raw ink. Here this basecoat to work from for your coats equipment. ■

44 Miniature Wargames September 2023

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The Senussi Campaign in Egypt & The Western Desert: The Senussi
Campaign 1915 to 1917. Part Two. Words by Chris Swan. Photos by The Editor at Broadside 2022
As readers will have learnt from Part 1 of this TYPE ABILITIES
article last month, this little campaign offers many Experienced Infantry Disciplined troops who are capable of soaking up damage
opportunities for players. Inexperienced Infantry Troops who tend to become bogged down in the face of fire enemy
Yeomanry Cavalry and Disciplined and aggressive troops with a high level of morale
◗ The initial engagements with Imperial Infantry Australian Light Horse They choose close combat over ranged attacks.
attacking Senussi positions and hoping that their They have limited but effective firepower
cavalry arrive. Camel Mounted Infantry Can cover great distances but they have only limited but effective
firepower when mounted: need to dismount to shoot and fight
◗ The attacks on Senussi camps both by foot and effectively
mounted units or by a force of armoured cars Crewed Weapons Disciplined troops who know how to use their weapons
◗ The motorised columns venturing into the Western Armoured Cars and Armed Disciplined and aggressive troops with a high level of morale
motor vehicle crews
Desert to attack Senussi held oases.
Armoured Cars and Armed Potentially fast and mobile but subject to reliability problems.
motor vehicles
In setting up games players will need to consider Aircraft Useful for reconnaissance work but less effective when attacking
the qualities of the various combats. These can be Senussi positions and encampments
summarised as follows:

46 Miniature Wargames September 2023

ABOVE THE SENUSSI ◗ Egyptian Infantry are classed as European Trained
A Light Patrol Car Infantry with the Disciplined Trait and are armed
advances under
fire. The Muhafiziya Disciplined troops who are capable of soaking up with Bolt Action Rifles.
Drilled Infantry damage ◗ The crews of the patrol cars, armoured car and
LEFT The Senussi They make good use of defensive terrain lorries have the Disciplined and Steady Traits.
The Imperial Irregulars/ They are capable of moving through broken terrain or
armoured Bedouins – both bad going at no penalty ◗ Patrol Cars with a Vehicle Defence Value of 1 and
mounted and They have reasonable firepower but with reduced
car advances Dismounted range as some are armed with mixed firearms carry 1or 2 Light Machine Guns.
on the oasis. They are willing to attack the enemy but are also willing
to disengage and withdraw in the face of attacks ◗ Armoured Car with a Vehicle Defence Value of 2
The vehicle is
converted from Crewed Weapons Able to use them but really need “advisors” to use them with a Machine gun. If the vehicle is open- topped it
an old Matchbox including artillery effectively may be affected by small arms fire.
toy and crew
converted from
various 28mm RULES OF COMBAT Note: the vehicles all count as Poorly Maintained,
plastic figures. I use my Beyond the Empire rules published by not due to their actual maintenance but due to adverse
Partizan Press to refight this campaign as, although terrain– dust and sand get everywhere! – as well as
they are intended for Interwar conflicts, they are adverse weather which turned the ground to mud
also suitable for games set during the Great War. during the campaign.
My interpretation of the troop types involved in the
conflict based on the rules are shown below. ◗ The RFC Plane counts as an Attack Plane with a
Vehicle Defence Value of 1 with a Machine Gun and
Due to their performance during the campaign all
Imperial Infantry irrespective of their country of origin Optional Rule: Terror from Above
are classed as Veteran Infantry with the Disciplined Given the reported terror many Bedouins had for
and Steady Traits and are armed with Bolt Action aircraft, players may want to adopt the following rule
Rifles. in games where Imperial forces use one.

◗ Imperial Cavalry (including Australian Light Horse) ◗ Any Tribal Infantry or Cavalry unit or any artillery
are classed as Regular Cavalry with the Disciplined, piece or machine gun with a tribal crew which is
Brave and Resolute Traits and are armed with Bolt attacked by an attack plane must take a Courage test
Action Carbines and swords. They may also shoot or even if the attack resulted in no hits being scored on
fight dismounted. the target unit.

September 2023 Miniature Wargames 47


British and
Note the following: Egyptian
◗ Muhafiziya Infantry are classed as European Trained regulars fight
Infantry with the Disciplined Trait and are armed off the Turkish
Cavalry. The
with Bolt Action Rifles. figures are
◗ Senussi Bedouin Infantry are classed as Tribal converted from
Infantry with the Surefooted and Stealthy Traits various sources.
but are classed as Poor Shots. They are armed with
Mixed Firearms.
◗ Senussi Bedouin Cavalry are classed as Tribal
Cavalry with the Aggressive and Born in the Saddle
Traits armed with Mixed Carbines and swords.
◗ Turkish Cavalry are classed as Regular Cavalry with
the Disciplined and Brave Traits and are armed with
Sabres and Bolt Action Carbines. Some might be
armed with Lances.

The Imperial and Turkish crews of Light Machine
Guns, Machine Guns and Artillery have both the
Disciplined and Hard to Hit Traits, although if crewed
by Senussi the crew loses the Disciplined Trait.
In addition, my most recent set of rules Fighting the
Dragon, contains pregenerated forces for a number of
early 20th Century conflicts including this campaign.

Whilst I would use my own rules, note that the
game can be played with any “small unit” rules for
the late 19th Century or early 20th century period,
including those designed for the First World War if
they allow for cavalry charges, irregular forces and
motor vehicles. A GAME
For this article I have also adapted Black Powder as At the Broadside Wargames Convention in June 2022
they allow for many of the factors and tactics of what we played out a raid by Imperial forces on a Senussi
was really a colonial conflict using early 20th century supply depot located at an oasis. The table was 6” x 6”
weapons. My interpretation of the various troop types with the Oasis of G’hil- IG’ham (a pun on the location
using the profiles for Black Powder plus the extra of the convention) set up roughly 24 inches in from the
rules necessary for extending Black Powder into the top right hand quarter of the table.
early part of the 20th Century can be found on the The oasis had palm trees, a well and a ruined and
Magazine’s Web site and may be downloaded. crumbling desert fort which had once protected it. The

48 Miniature Wargames September 2023

Senussi had set up their camp with a few Bedouin tents began off table and had to dice for the arrival of its ABOVE
and had built two sandbagged positions to defend it. units. This force consisted of: The battle in full
They then deployed before the British Imperial forces ◗ 1 unit of Turkish Cavalry
deployed. The rest of the table had a number of sand ◗ 2 units of Bedouin Tribal Cavalry BELOW LEFT
dunes, areas of broken ground and areas of scrub Senussi
reflecting the type of terrain found in the Western Desert. Their objective was to defend the oasis and the vital defending
The Senussi forces defending the oasis consisted of: supplies it held. the oasis. The
The Imperial force was then placed along the figures are
converted from
◗ 1 unit of Muhafiziya Infantry whole length of the bottom table edge in two groups Wargames
◗ 2 units of Bedouin Tribal Infantry representing separate commands. Atlantic Italian
◗ A Machine Gun with a Turkish crew Infantry.
◗ A Light Machine Gun with a Bedouin crew. Ist Command consisted of:

The Senussi forces also had some reinforcements ◗ 1 Open topped Armoured Car
available in the form of a mounted column which ◗ 1 Armed Patrol Car
◗ 1 Unit of Imperial Infantry carried in a lorry
◗ 1 Unit of Egyptian Infantry carried in a lorry
◗ 1 RFC Attack plane.

2nd Command consisted of:

◗ 2 Armed Patrol Cars

◗ 2 Units of Imperial Infantry carried each carried in a

Their objective was to drive the Senussi from the

oasis and capture the supplies.

We used my 28mm figures for the game many of
which have been converted for the conflict as well my
adapted vehicles. (Empress Miniatures make some nice
Light Patrol Cars but mine are all converted from toy
cars found at boot fairs and from Charity shops.)

September 2023 Miniature Wargames 49

them to break off the fight and flee off of the table
although by then the Imperial Infantry unit was a
spent force.
Then one of the Senussi cavalry units which had
arrived was targeted by the armoured car’s machine
gun which scored multiple hits on the unit. Then it was
the Senussi player’s turn to roll for the effect on his
unit. Now in Beyond the Empire, rolling high is good
and rolling low is bad – so you cannot get worse then
rolling 1s. The player controlling the Senussi cavalry
managed to roll 4 x 1’s on 4 D10s meaning his unit
was destroyed in just one move! He then managed to
roll a succession of low dice rolls meaning that his last
tribal cavalry unit failed to do anything allowing them
to be targeted by the advancing Egyptian Infantry


Well, it was a hard fought game which saw highs and
lows for both sides.
The RFC plane flew over the oasis and strafed the
Senussi garrison but ran out of ammunition and
having dropped its two bombs to little effect flew off. TOP and the cavalry unit and, to make things worse, his
The Turkish machine gun managed to immobilise The lorries stand commander died in a hail of rifle fire.
abandoned on
the two patrol cars in the 2nd Imperial column so the desert heat. On the other flank, the 2 units of Imperial Infantry
the player controlling them dismounted the crews. had finally managed to close in on the Oasis and a
Normally under Beyond the Empire dismounted ABOVE LEFT combination of shooting and close combat followed.
A Senussi
vehicle crews are armed with pistols and rifles and crewed Lewis Having caused heavy casualties on the attacking
are classed as small units but as the Light Machine gun on top of the Imperial forces and with the remaining Senussi units
Guns on the two vehicles were undamaged he was forts tower. weakened the player controlling them decided to
allowed to form two light machine gun teams from ABOVE retreat from the Oasis leaving it in Imperial hands
them instead. Meanwhile, the Senussi light machine The RFC pays although given the casualties they had taken it was
gun damaged the patrol car in the 1st Column so that it a visit to the somewhat of a Pyrrhic victory.
could only move at half speed.
As a result of the damage to three of their fighting CONCLUSIONS
vehicles the two players controlling the Imperial force All in all it was a fun game which captured the flavour
decided to halt their Lorries and debus all of their of the period and the type of incidents which did crop
infantry units who began an advance on the Oasis up during the Senussi invasion of Egypt
whilst the armoured car tried to suppress the Senussi and the subsequent raids on the
units defending it. oases in the Western Desert.
When the Turkish Cavalry appeared they So, it’s over to you: will the THE RULES & MAP
immediately charged the unit of the Imperial Infantry Imperial forces win or will those
from the 1st command inflicting heavy casualties and of the Senussi drive them off? Only information/downloads
forcing it back. Their advance was only halted when the players and the Gods of the
the Egyptian Infantry charged into the melee forcing Dice will decide! Happy Gaming. ■

50 Miniature Wargames September 2023

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Most of these sections are profusely

illustrated in colour. Many of the pages
have at least one illustration; a few have
several. All the pictures are public domain,
by a variety of artists and so are of
differing sizes and styles. I can recognise
several Knotel plates but in most cases
the artist and date of first publication are
not given. Inevitably, not all units or arms
of service are depicted for every army, so
readers will frequently have to rely upon
verbal descriptions alone.
The sections on two armies, those of the
Kingdom of Sicily and the Central Italian
League, have no illustrations but the
ARMIES OF THE ITALIAN descriptions of their uniforms in the text
RISORGIMENTO, 1848-1870: explains their similarities to the uniforms
◗ Gabriele Esposito of armies of other Italian states.
◗ MMP Books (2022) The last two sections, however, the
◗ £20.00 Italian Army of 1861-1870 and after 1870,
◗ 110 pages (large format softback) have no illustrations, but rely entirely
◗ ISBN:9788366549951 upon verbal descriptions. A short Select
◗ Bibliography of Italian language books
concludes the book; there is no index.
This is Number 2 (Number 1 was Armies This book offers an excellent, concise
of the Crimean War, by the same author) overview of the various armies of the
in MMP’s Armies Across History series. Italian Risorgimento at a very reasonable
It’s subtitle is History, Organization And price, which should provide perfectly
Uniforms. satisfactory information for wargamers
The Risorgimento may be divided raising and painting miniature armies for
into several phases: the First Italian the period using smaller figures.
War of Independence in the 1840s; the The sheer variety of colourful uniforms,
Second Italian War of Unification or the ranging in style from shakos and tailcoats
Franco-Austrian War of 1859; Garibaldi’s reminiscent of the Napoleonic Wars to
expedition in 1860; the Third Unification the kepis, pickelhaubes and tunics that
War in 1866 between the new Kingdom would be worn in the Franco-Prussian
of Italy and Austria. A seven-page War, also means that Italian armies can be
Chronology of the Italian Risorgimento, portrayed easily on the tabletop by ‘proxy’
from 12 January 1848 to 20 September figures from other campaigns if one
1870, necessarily mentions many Italian does not insist upon absolute accuracy.
states and place names, so it is unfortunate To give but a few examples, red-coated
that no map of Italy during the period is Danish infantry in the 1842 uniform and
provided. shako resemble the Swiss infantry of the
Separate sections cover the armies of Neapolitan Army, blue-coated Prussian
Piedmont, the Papal States, the Grand infantry in pickelhaubes can portray the
Duchy of Tuscany, the Duchy of Modena, line infantry of the Duchy of Parma, and
the Duchy of Parma, the Kingdom French infantry in Crimean War uniforms
of Sicily, the Lombard Provisional or Mexican infantry from the campaigns
Government, the San Marco Republic, of 1845-6 can represent line infantrymen of
the Roman Republic, the Central Italian Modena or Piedmont.
League and Garibaldi’s Volunteers. All that is necessary to make these
Each section offers information on both hitherto neglected historical campaigns
the uniforms of the particular army and more appealing subjects for tabletop
on the events in which it participated, wargame battles is a companion volume
effectively providing readers with a on the Austrian Army! Perhaps Gabriele
narrative of the Risorgimento as well as Esposito will oblige?
details of military organization. Arthur Harman
◗ Mark E. Stille ◗ Mark Healy ◗ Edited by Bob Cordery
◗ Osprey Publishing (2023) ◗ Osprey (2023) ◗ Eglinton Books (2023)
◗ £25.00 ◗ £35 ◗ £20
◗ 320 pages (hardback) ◗ 320 pages (hardback) ◗ 132 pages (softback)
◗ ISBN:9781472851758 ◗ ISBN:9781472848093 ◗ ISBN:9798392988945
◗ ◗ ◗

This is a relatively orthodox account of This is clearly a multi-faceted author, This is very much a book by
the Battle of Leyte Gulf despite its claim because my other book by him is set wargamers, for wargamers. Its key
to dismantling misconceptions. There well over two millennia later at Kursk is ‘tinkerability’: a basic set of rules,
are some different interpretations and in 1943… amended to suit different periods
increased criticism of US commanders This is a good mix of broadly 50% and – through the medium of Bob’s
but it is not controversial. It has history of the Assyrian Empire(s) and fellow contributors – the freedom to
insightful analysis and perceptive 50% a description of the army and make changes/additions to suit your
evaluations of performance. It examines its weaponry, tactics, etc. It is well own desired depth and breadth of
the respective strategic and operational written and illustrated, with those battlefield factors. It encourages you
level plans and discusses the various delightful Angus McBride colour to be creative, rather than slavishly
mistakes made by commanders along plates drawn from earlier Ospreys. following a ruleset and feeling you
the way. There are some exciting The author seems to use well the can’t adapt it.
accounts of the surface actions. necessary mix of archives, archaeology, The basic rules are perhaps not to
The book stresses that it was the and ‘Inherent Military Probability’ – everyone’s taste. A nearly-destroyed
swan song of the Imperial Japanese the latter usually being an essential unit seems to fight at full strength until
Navy and that after the battle it was ingredient in virtually all studies of wiped out; morale rules are absent; and
incapable of materially affecting the war. ancient warfare. There is a lot of detail luck appears to play an overzealous
Whereas Midway brought the Japanese here: for example, the way in which part. However, the contributors appear
expansion to a halt, Leyte destroyed the horsemanship would have affected the to make sensible changes (albeit some
Imperial Japanese Navy for the rest of fighting style. rules are far from clear), covering
the war. This book explains why. Battle accounts tend to be brief, different periods, skirmish versus main-
The book sparks the imagination and purely because the sources are sparse. battle, campaigns, and some quirky and
would be of interest to the naval and air A particular strength of this book thought-provoking ideas on terrain and
wargamer providing sufficient detail for is the way in which he blends the figures that will definitely please your
the construction of scenarios and ‘what political, strategic, operational and wallet. It ain’t a ‘glossy’: the photos
ifs’ or a campaign. It is well supported tactical aspects – along with improved are a tad grainy at times, and the good
by photographs. understanding of the effects of climate idea of using commercial coloured felt
It is a thought-provoking book, well change, where prolonged periods results in some truly hideous bright
written and referenced and with a wealth of drought eventually crippled the terrain colours...
of information and critical analysis into Assyrian state’s ability to feed itself However, it is good to see an
all aspects of the Battle of Leyte. It is and support its army. Highly encouragement to experiment with
strongly recommended for all readers. recommended. your wargaming.
Martin S. Pike Chris Jarvis Chris Jarvis

September 2023 Miniature Wargames 53

The book then considers the Fifth

Cape Frontier War, the development
and deployment of colonial forces after
the war in response to the so-called
‘Fetcani alarm’, and the British Umtata
Campaign that culminated in the Battle
of Mbolompo, involving the 55th Foot,
Cape Mounted Rifles, two ox-drawn six
pounders guns of the Royal Artillery,
and two Boer commando units.
Three full-page, black and white maps
show the Cape eastern frontier at the
time of the Fourth and Fifth Frontier
Wars, 1811-1812 and 1818-1819; the
Thembu and Mpondo kingdoms c.1820s;
and the ‘Fetcani’ raids of 1825-1828.
HITLERJUGEND SOUTHERN AFRICA 1806-1828 illustrations, distributed throughout the
◗ Massimiliano Afiero ◗ Hugh Driver book, reproduce portraits of persons and
◗ Casemate (2023) ◗ Helion & Company (2023) views of places mentioned in the text;
◗ £24.95 ◗ £25.00 soldiers of the Cape Regiment and the
◗ 128 pages (softback) ◗ 134 pages (softback) Cape Corps Cavalry; Xhosa warriors,
◗ ISBN:9781636243146 ◗ ISBN:9781915113788 and some scenes of fighting. A four-
◗ ◗ page Bibliography and a six page index
conclude the book.
Given the title (and subtitle: From Number 30 in Helion’s From Musket to This book offers wargamers some
Operation Goodwood To April Maxim 1815-1914 series examines the interesting, unfamiliar early nineteenth
1945), I would have expected to see a struggle to determine and stabilise the century colonial campaigns and
breakdown of the division, at least as it frontier of Cape Colony after the British skirmishes to recreate, though few will
was on 6th June 1944. Then I discovered occupation of 1806. wish to recreate the ‘Battle’ of Mbolompo
that this book appears to be a Volume The author considers the suitability on 27th August 1828, which resulted in a
2 of a book with the same main title of units raised in the colony itself – the massacre of women and children by the
described as Volume 1. Nowhere is that Cape Regiment; the Cape Corps of native allies of the British.
mentioned in this book. So – Volume 1 Infantry and Cavalry; and the Cape Perry Miniatures’ metal 28mm
notwithstanding – I would still expect Mounted Rifles – and British Army figures for Xhosa warriors and Boers,
to see an organisational chart in this units, such as the 60th Foot and the intended for the 6th, 7th and 8th Cape
book. About halfway through there Royal African Corps, for bush fighting Frontier Wars, will be equally suitable
is a text description of the division’s and peace-keeping duties and discusses for the earlier campaigns; Napoleonic
reorganisation in Germany but it is Colonel John Graham’s method of 95th Rifles may be painted to portray
vague. frontier control implemented following the Cape Regiment; Napoleonic British
The text lacks focus and is superficial the Fourth Cape Frontier War of 1811- Light Dragoons in the later uniform
attempting to cover too much ground 1812 with bell-top shako may be painted as
and often moves away from discussing The Battle of Grahamstown on 22 the Cape Mounted Rifles; while British
the division in favour of a broader April 1819, fought between about 350 regular units can be portrayed using
strategic context of the war or of the defenders and 6,000 Xhosa warriors, figures from Foundry’s 1st China War
battles rather than the division’s part. many of whom broke ‘their assegais range. In smaller scales, Napoleonic
It is more successful when it focusses to make use of them as close-combat troops, Alamo period Texicans and
on the division and the part played by stabbing (as opposed to throwing) American Civil War Confederates,
some of the combat elements which, spears’, could be regarded as a suitably painted, can portray British and
with a bit of imagination, may spark Napoleonic era Rorke’s Drift, fought colonial forces; Zulus will pass muster
ideas for scenario development. with flintlock muskets and two six as Xhosa warriors on the tabletop.
The production quality is high and, pounder smoothbore artillery pieces A concise introduction to a period of
on a positive note, there are some very instead of Martini Henry rifles. It would South African history that contains much
good photographs but the maps are less thus make an interesting wargame useful information for wargamers seeking
useful. I found this book disappointing scenario to contrast with the more alternative early nineteenth century
and an opportunity missed. famous action in 1879. scenarios for their miniature troops.
Martin S. Pike Arthur Harman

54 Miniature Wargames September 2023

John Colborne, the brigade commander; Part III Spanish Accounts contains
Captains Arthur Gordon and William Captain General Franciso Xavier
Stephens, Assistant Surgeon John Castanos’s Dispatch and includes
Morrison and an unidentified Private of accounts by Adjutant General Antonio
the 3rd Foot; Major William Brooke, and Burriel, Mariscal de Campo Jose
Lieutenants Edward Close and William de Lardizabal, Lieutenant General
Wood and an unidentified Officer of the Francisiso Ballasteros, Mariscal de
48th Foot; Captain James Girdlestone and Campo Jose de Zayas, Brigadier Carlos
Lieutenants Charles Bayley, John Clarke, de Espana, Cavalry Brigadier Casimiro
Robert Dobbin and George Crompton of Loy, Louis, Count of Penne-Villemure,
the 66th Foot. Colonel Jose Miranda and Lieutenant
From Abercromby’s (2nd) Brigade: General Joaquin Blake.
Lieutenants Moyle Sherer and S. Part IV, French Accounts, contains
Dickens 34th Foot; Captain Hardress both Marshal Soult’s Report in Le
Saunderson 39th Foot and details of the Moniteur Universel on 13 June 1811, and
court martial of Lieutenant Alexander an unpublished version in the French
ALBUERA EYEWITNESS: Morrow of that regiment. Army Archives, together with accounts by
CONTEMPORARY ACCOUNTS OF From Hoghton’s (3rd) Brigade: Captain Edouard Lapene, General Jean-
THE BATTLE OF ALBUERA Captain James Wilson 1/48th Foot; Baptiste Girard, surgeon Jean-Baptiste
◗ Guy Dempsey Lieutenant Colonel William Inglis and D’Heralde, General Jean Pierre Maransin,
◗ Frontline Books (2023) Ensign Benjamin Hobhouse 57th Foot; Second Lieutenant Perrin de Solliers,
◗ £25.00 Lieutenant Charles Leslie and Ensign Sergeant Francois Lavaux, Captain
◗ 312 pages (hardback) Thomas Hamilton 29th Foot. Jean Vivien, Cavalry General Latour-
◗ ISBN:9781399066402 From the Fourth Division, accounts Maubourg, Captain Jakub Kierzkowski,
◗ include: staff officer Major Charles Broke; Second Lieutenant Kajetan Wojciechowski,
Lieutenant Colonel Henry Hardinge; Trooper Louis-Antoine Gougeat, Second
This new book is in many respects a ADC Captain Alexander de Roverea Lieutenat Theophile de Bremond d’Ars,
companion to Albuera 1811: The Bloodiest Sicilian Regiment; Major Sir Edward and Artillery Captain Pernet.
Battle of the Peninsular War by the same Blakeney and Sergeant John Cooper The ten modern maps that accompany
author, and consists mainly of accounts 2/7th Foot; Captain John Hill and the text are repeated from Albuera
and narratives written by participants. Lieutenants John Harrison and Grismond 1811, but a selection of historical maps,
In his Introduction, Guy Dempsey Philipps 23rd Foot; and Captain Friedrich showing different interpretations of
states that his purpose is to ‘present all von Wachholtz, Brunswick Oels Corps. the battlefield topography, is included
the currently known significant eyewitness King’s German Legion accounts in the illustrations section of the book.
and first-hand accounts of the Battle of are by Major General Charles Alten, That section also includes maps drawn
Albuera’. He advises readers that ‘most commanding the 1st and 2nd Light by two of the eyewitnesses, Second
of the accounts in this volume are actually Battalions, and Friedrich Lindau, 2nd Lieutenant William Unger, KGL Artillery,
both of these at the same time’. He poses a Light Battalion. and Colonel Robert B. Long, together
list of thirteen ‘big questions’ about the The Cavalry accounts include letters with a Portuguese map, a plan of the
battle, such as ‘Did Soult know that he was by Colonel Robert Long and Lieutenant battle drawn in 1851 by Captains Felipe
seriously outnumbered when he launched Colonel Lord Edward Somerset; diary Solis and Juan Burriel of the Spanish
his attack?’ and ‘What circumstances led to entries by Lieutenant Charles Madden 4th Army, a map by William Faden and a
the destruction of Colborne’s brigade by the Dragoons; and an observation by Trooper Spanish map of 1811. An alphabetical list
French cavalry?’. Thomas Bennett 13th Light Dragoons. of eyewitnesses, a bibliography and an
Part I offers a short description of the The Artillery is represented by index conclude the book.
Strategic Context, a Chronology of Events, accounts from Major Alexander Dickson, Will many wargamers actually read so
Early 1811 and a Chronology of Events, commanding the Portuguese Artillery; many contemporary accounts to devise
Thursday, 16 May with approximate Major Julius Hartmann, commanding their own narratives of Albuera? Would
timings. Part II presents Anglo- the British and KGL Artillery; Captain they not prefer to buy a book written
Portuguese accounts, presented by arm Andrew Cleeves and Second Lieutenant by a historian who has already done that
of service so that first there are Command William Unger, KGL Artillery; and Second research – as has Guy Dempsey – read his
and Staff accounts by Marshal William Captain Edward Whinyates RHA. conclusions about the battle, then design
Carr Beresford, his chief of staff Benjamin There are accounts by Portuguese their wargame scenarios? A wonderful
D’Urban, and Major-General William officers and British officers in Portuguese compilation of evidence that would
Stewart, commanding 2nd Division. service. Miscellaneous Accounts includes surely be most appreciated by a PhD
There follow accounts by members the Legend for the Battlefield Panorama student researching Albuera.
of the 1st Brigade: Lieutenant Colonel reproduced in the illustrations. Arthur Harman

55 September 2023 Miniature Wargames 55
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A ruinous build. Part 2:
the Painting
Words and images by Tony Harwood

This is the conclusion of a two-parter by Mr

Harwood. Ed.

n part one I explained how a visit to the

I National Trust property of Brockhampton and

a chance encounter at Worcester Wargames
inspired this scratch built model of a ruined
Norman chapel. The model was constructed
from a used Gothic plastic window, some
colours, as I have yet to see any real stone
structure as just one colour.
I particularly wanted a reddish or iron oxide
◗ Various acrylic paints
◗ Homemade and shop bought
scrap plywood and spare blue foam with DAS colour for this chapel and searched out any
◗ Railway scatter (dyed
modelling clay acting as both filler and helping suitable reference photos. The inspiration sawdust)
to define the stones. In part two I will describe for this colour scheme came from a book of ◗ Ground foam
how I painted and finished this model for use regional French Architecture which had just ◗ Static grass and static grass
on my wargame table with games of Burrows & the colour scheme I was looking for. Although tufts
◗ Mod Podge
Badgers and The Silver Bayonet. the initial painting went a little too dark, this
◗ Galleria matt varnish
With all the construction completed my first was brought back with lighter drybrushing ◗ Weathering powders
priority was to apply a dark brown/black and some extreme highlighting.
undercoat which was a mix of acrylic paints I should apologise at this stage for not giving
and Mod Podge (an acrylic glue/medium used exact colour mixes or paint references: I’m old
for crafting). This basecoat was applied with school and tend to mix my colours by eye. I
a large stiff brush in a stippling motion which very rarely use any paint straight from the
helps to add even more fine texture to the foam pot, preferring to mix my own colours on a
and much needed strength. It also had one paper palette (actually a glossy brochure that
more benefit. I had started basecoating before I regularly pick up for free at either Waitrose
the earlier PVA sealer had fully dried and while or my local DIY superstore: search in the paint
basecoating I managed to dislodge some of aisle for paint brochures which have just the
the finer sand of the base and reapply it back right glossy paper finish to use as throw away
onto the models surface creating a fine surface palettes). Similarly my choice of brushes is
texture that would ‘pop’ when drybrushed and also quite random although I would always
particularly when drybrushed and ‘washed’. recommend keeping your best Sable brushes
Painting followed my tried and tested routine for detail painting or figure painting.
with a well applied first colour (applied in two The finished ruin was designed for use with
or three watered-down coats), drybrushing and my Burrows & Badgers or Silver Bayonet
then washes. This process is repeated many figures which are around – or slightly larger
times and with a wide variety of different than – 28mm scale.

September 2023 Miniature Wargames 57


The first step is to undercoat After a number of drybrushing and
or basecoat the whole model washes, the stonework was treated
with a mix of dark chocolate to a session of extreme highlighting,
brown and black acrylic paint to where the upper edges of the
which I have added some Mod stones have been highlighted with
Podge (a mix of glue and acrylic a fine brush and some watered-
medium used by crafters and down cream paint. In addition the
easily obtainable from art stores final drybrush was done with a
or craft stores). light dusting of mid grey paint (Wolf
Grey from Vallejo) to vary the
I have applied this basecoat predominantly red brown colour.
in thin watered-down layers The water drips on the walls were
to which I have added a done with watered-down pale grey,
flow improver (or a drop of highlighter with white and again
washing-up liquid) which applied with a fine brush.
helps to improve the flow
and break the surface tension Lichen or bird dropping spots
of acrylic paint. Before this were painted on the upper areas
image was taken, I have also of the wall to add some ‘colour’.
‘washed’ the surface with a
homemade black wash.


The whole model was then As seen in this and the earlier
drybrushed with Ochre or image, the groundwork was painted
mid brown acrylic paint which in my own mix of the old Snakebite
was later mixed with lighter or Leather colour from Games
cream coloured paint. Workshop. I tend to paint all of my
terrain in a similar colour as well
This was done in stages and as my gaming or display boards as
with the lighter drybrushed this helps to unify the terrain and
colour being concentrated gaming board.
on the upper levels of the
walls – keeping the lower wall The Snakebite colour is then
sections dark to represent lightened with cream or white
damp and contrast. and drybrushed over the surface
to pick out the texture. Individual
In the first instance I used stones on the base were picked
a large stiff hogshair brush out on an even lighter mix or with
in a stippling motion, but grey acrylic paint which was
later shop bought makeup then highlighted with white. This
brushes were employed in process helps to add variation to
a traditional drybrushing an otherwise plain base.


Once the drybrushing was I’ve included this image, not
fully dry, I ‘washed’ the whole to show the finish or colour
model with various bought but to talk about drybrushing.
and homemade washes. Drybrushing should be done
in subtle layers and never too
I used red, blue, green and heavy handed. In fact if you can
black based washes in a see a difference when applying
random manner to add both a layer of drybrushing you
interest and variation to the probably have too much paint
stonework. This was done on your brush.
in several sessions and in a
haphazard manner as I was When drybrushing I like to use
purposely looking for a non- large ‘fluffy’ makeup brushes
uniform colour finish. which can be bought very
reasonably from discount
One of my most used tools chemists or bargain stores. They
on the paint table is a are a real game changer and
hairdryer which was utilised something I would recommend
throughout this project. to all figure and terrain painters.
Top tip: Apply the drybrushing lightly
and with a large makeup brush.

58 Miniature Wargames September 2023

I ‘spattered’ the walls with some
watered-down pale grey and tan
colours with a large stiff bristled
brush and a cocktail stick. The
model and base were then painted
with Galleria matt varnish.

This varnish can sometimes be

a little difficult to apply. I tend
to use the minimum amount
of varnish that I can and spread
the varnish as far as possible.
If you apply this acrylic varnish
too thickly you can get a
glossy effect – or even worse
– ‘blooming’ This is where the
varnish can turn cloudy, neither
of which you want on your
terrain pieces or your figures.


With the varnishing complete,
I decorated the base with died
sawdust or Railway Modelling
scatter material applied over PVA
glue. This is a touchy subject to
many but I’ve been using the same
scatter material for all my terrain
pieces and gaming board and it
seems to work – well at least for
me. I have in recent years also
included some fine ground foam
to the mix which helps to break up
the overall green blanket effect.

Ground foam clumps and static

grass tufts were glued in place
with superglue. I like to add
a variety of different effect to
my terrain pieces and regularly
update older pieces with a fresh
scatter and clumps.


The finished ruin on my gaming
table with a 28mm Flintloque/
Silver Bayonet figure alongside
to give an idea of the scale and size
of this model.

Painting took about 6 hours of

fun over a weekend and I think
I have successfully produced a
naturally coloured and finished
piece of reddish brown stone
built wall which looks much
better than the usual dark grey
drybrushed, white so often seen
on the tabletop and although
the stages above may seem
daunting the process was really
quite simple, plus it was fun to
do and very satisfying.

September 2023 Miniature Wargames 59


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Edible Casualty Markers Words by Arthur Harman. Photos by Charlotte Harman

Tired of trying to find period specific in a toy soldier battle at the end of markers be used in the game? Light
casualty markers: all that painting injured which the players will be allowed to eat casualties could be indicated by one
figures stuff or sorting out skull tokens? the casualties they have inflicted upon jelly bean; moderate by two beans,
Mr Harman may have the answer (if your the enemy! and heavy or severe losses by three
waistline can stand it...) Ed. Such casualty markers are rules and beans. Alternatively – to prevent the
period agnostic so it does not matter victorious commanders becoming
istorical wargamers sometimes whether losses from fire or close combat. hyperactive and charging out of control

H bemoan the fact that the hobby

is becoming an increasingly
‘greying’ past time: that
youngsters are not enlisting in sufficient
numbers to reinforce their dwindling
This idea will not require the game
organiser to slave over a hot stove!
The casualty markers can either be
sweets, such as jelly beans, jelly babies,
chocolate buttons or small mints, or – to
from over-consumption of sugar – the
game organiser could indicate the
severity of losses and the consequent
damage to unit cohesion and morale
by the colour of the jelly beans. Say a
ranks, as ill-health and old age take their appease today’s more health-conscious green jelly bean could indicate light
inevitable toll of the grizzled veterans of parents – grapes, raisins or sultanas, casualties, an orange or yellow for
many a tabletop battle. but avoid nuts (allergies etc). These moderate casualties, and a red for
My daughter Charlotte, whose tokens are placed on or behind the unit heavy casualties.
culinary skill as a baker of delicious bases upon which the toy soldiers are If, on the other hand, one decides
chocolate cake enabled me to realise mounted to indicate the severity of the (say) chocolate buttons that cannot be
my original, idiosyncratic idea of an casualties the unit has suffered. distinguished by their colour, use their
edible Vauban-style fortress for party position relative to the commander and
siege games in which the besiegers SCALE APPROPRIATENESS colour party of the unit. So, a chocolate
could devoir the ‘soil’ excavated to It is important that the casualty markers button placed to the left flank for
dig their saps and parallels, and the are so not so large as to be out of all light casualties; to the right flank for
‘rubble’ of walls breached by artillery proportion to the units of toy soldiers. moderate; and immediately behind the
fire (see Gateaux de Guerre, in issue 448 of Whilst it might be good to use jelly babies colours for heavy casualties.
Miniature Wargames), recently came up to remind the youthful generals that
with another equally ingenious idea for historical victories in battle came at a price BIG BEANS
making historical wargaming with toy in human lives, they are simply too large In a Skirmish wargame with 54 mm
soldiers more appealing and ‘palatable’ to be used with wargame figures smaller figures, in which each model represents
to today’s children. than 25/28mm, whereas jelly beans will an individual soldier or warrior, each
not look out of place next to 15mm or time a player’s own personality figure
SET THE TABLE 10mm figures. They have the advantage in kills an enemy, the player receives and
The idea is to stage a light-hearted coming in a variety of colours. can eat one jelly baby.
tabletop wargame with very simple After the party, all the young players
rules as the conclusion of a children’s RALLYING COMESTIBLE FORCES are sure to agree the wargame was in the
party and use edible casualty markers How could such edible casualty best possible taste! ■

62 Miniature Wargames September 2023

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