Daily Report 1
Daily Report 1
Daily Report 1
7-9 CIP
9-11 FRM
12 IGW
13-14 RME
14-16 SDT
16-18 WSU
IWM Global Work Experience and Alliances
About IWM
Institute of Water Modelling (IWM) provides world–class services in the field of Water Modelling, Computational
Hydraulics & Allied Sciences for improved integrated Water Resources Management. The applications of IWM
modelling tools cover a wide range of water related areas such as: flood control, flood forecasting, irrigation and
drainage, river morphology, salinity and sediment transport, coastal hydraulics, port, coast and estuary
management, environmental impact assessment, bridge hydraulics and related infrastructure.
IWM owes its genesis to the Surface Water Simulation Modelling Programme (SWSMP launched in 1986 by the
Ministry of Water Resources under the Master Planning Organization to develop a high level of analytical
capabilities by use of state-of-the-art mathematical water modelling.With an added impetus generated by the two
disastrous floods of 1987 and 1988, for developing a sustainable professional institution in carrying out all the
mathematical water modelling tasks in Bangladesh, including hosting of all Flood Action Plan models the SWSMP
continued in its 2nd and 3rd phases with the technical guidance DHI by forming a new project organisation Surface
Water Modelling Centre (SWMC). By the end of 1996, SWMC was transformed into an independent organisation
under the Trust Act. From the 1st of August, 2002 Surface Water Modelling Centre (SWMC) has been renamed as
Institute of Water Modelling (IWM) in matching with its research and learning status created in its user
Vision and Mission
IWM aims at becoming a world-class institute of learning and research in the field of Water Modelling,
Computational Hydraulics and Allied Sciences in enhancing the quality of planning and implementation activities in
the relevant fields and providing solutions to water problem in holistic approach.
IWM functions as a centre of excellence and research in the field of Water Modelling, Computational Hydraulics
and allied Sciences, and provides services in this field on a cost recovery basis in enhancing the quality of planning
and implementation.
Services of IWM
Decision support services in a holistic approach with the application of water modelling, computational hydraulics
and allied sciences in enhancing the quality of planning and implementation activities in the following fields:
Research, Innovation & Development
Climate Change and Environment
Quality Management
Strategic Planning and Business Development
Human Resource Development
Finance & Accounts
Coast, Port and Inland Water Ways Management Division
Recent work :
1. Feasibility Study for Protection and Development of Cox’s Bazar Sea Beach :
The main objective of the study is to investigate the coastal erosion processes along the Cox’s Bazar sea-
beach, revisiting the existing erosion protection measures and devising immediate and long-term erosion
mitigation measures considering technical, environmental, and social aspects to safeguard the coastline
and develop the beach as a world-class tourist spot. The erosion vulnerability of the study area was
assessed considering the severity of erosion in the past, present, and future, longshore sediment
transport characteristics, wave dynamics, and places of importance based on model results, field visits,
satellite image analysis, and consultation with various stakeholders. Two locations were found as
vulnerable to erosion, among which Baily Hatchery to Kolatoli Point and Laboni Point to Diabetics Point
were identified as the most vulnerable locations.
Several potential erosion protection measures such as breakwaters, revetment, beach nourishment, and
groynes were considered and analysed to select the best suited nature-based protective measures in the
perspective of a long-term solution. The revetment with sand cover (sleeping defense) was finally selected
as the erosion mitigation measure, which is a nature-based solution with less environmental and social
impact. For future beach development, the existing condition of beach facilities was assessed and found
to have a few deficiencies, which are the main barriers for the tourist attractions. Finally, eight
development components Multifunctional Dyke, Bus Parking, Cycle Bay, Walking Bay, Lifeguard Station,
Outside Restaurant Facilities, Space for Exhibition and Aquarium were also proposed. These will turn the
beach area into a world-class tourist spot.
One of the major components of this study is about innovations of the material of regulator gate as MS gate is
heavy and corrosive to saline environment. However, Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP) can be a good alternative
which is anti-corrosive and lightweight. Innovation in regulator gates using FRP in place of MS and increasing the
vent size has a significant impact on drainage improvement. At present, the typical gate height is 1.8m. However,
this study shows that the increase of gate height to 2.2m can reduce the inundation of Polder-40/1 to 38% from
52.95% in 2050.
The larger composite gates and the improved regulator management will reduce the velocity during part of the
period the gates are open. Hence the window of opportunity for the fishes to cross the regulator will be larger and
more fishes will be able to swim from the river to the khal and vice versa. The extent to which the migration of fish
will be enhanced by the composite gate and regulator management can be partly computed based on the velocity
during the entire opening of the regulator.
Feasibility study for the enhancement of agricultural production through surface water management and
utilization in Sylhet Division :
Bangladesh Agricultural Development Corporation (BADC) has been pioneering in utilisation, expansion,
and development of minor irrigation activities throughout the country for over five decades and has
mastered experience in relevant fields. BADC has undertaken several projects to store and manage
surface water. Most of the projects explored the scope of assessment of existing water management
status and command area development (CAD) for increasing irrigated area and crop production by
utilising surface water available in the re-excavated khals pumped through LLPs. Institute of Water
Modelling (IWM) has been assigned to carry out a feasibility study for incremental agricultural production
using surface water in Sylhet division through a contract agreement. The study area is spread over 40
upazilas of Sylhet, Sunamganj, Habiganj and Moulabhibazar districts. The study focuses on feasibility of
expansion of command area with associated minor irrigation equipment, sustainable use of surface water
and eco friendly development of infrastructures and economic viability of the proposed interventions. The
study has been carried out based on the primary data surveyed under this study and the secondary data
collected from different sources. The study team has carried out Focus Group Discussion (FGD) and Key
Informant Interviews (KII) using pre-designed questionnaire at 27 representative locations. There is a
huge potential for surface water irrigation expansion in the study area. It is possible to introduce modern
irrigation facilities based on surface water and groundwater in 78,851 hectares of land through re
excavation/renovation/rehabilitation of canals, khals, drains, hill slopes and construction of other
necessary irrigation infrastructures and operation of irrigation systems in the project area. After the
implementation of the project additional 19,08,360 MT of crops will be produced every year. To increase
surface water for use in irrigation, the study suggested re-excavation of 800 km khal/small rivers, to install
400 nos. power pumps (5-cusec, 2-cusec and 1-cusec), and construct 650 km of buried pipeline. It has also
proposed the installation of 300 nos. irrigation infrastructures (regulators, submerged weirs, siphons,
aqueducts, flumes, box culverts, footbridges etc.). For groundwater irrigation, it has proposed installation
of 105 Force Mood tube well with a capacity of 1.5-cusec, 260 nos. Force Mood tube well with 2-cusec
and 150 nos. Artesian well.
River Morphology and Engineering Division
Recent work :
The 4.8km long Bangabandhu Multipurpose Bridge is a megastructure over the Jamuna River in Bangladesh which
is providing facilities for continued communication between Dhaka Division and the resourceful North-west region
by road as well as by rail track. To provide a faster and secure rail communication over the Jamuna River, a
separate rail bridge is very much needed to be constructed. For this purpose, Bangladesh Railway has planned to
build another 4.8 km long bridge over the Jamuna River, in parallel with the existing road bridge at 300m upstream
location that would rely on the continued functionality of the present system of River Training Works (RTW) of the
existing bridge to provide protection against possible outflanking and scouring at the structures. The Jamuna is one
of the world’s great rivers which have been constricted significantly to 4.8km from more than 12km of width in the
upstream for construction purposes of the existing bridge. On top of the constriction at the bridge site, variable
flows, and sediment as well as the upstream condition play major role in governing the morphological processes,
which can endanger the stability of the river training structures and these two bridges. Bangladesh Railway (BR)
has engaged two contractors to start construction works on two sides of the river under separate contracts. For
smooth execution of the construction works of the contractors as well as safety of the existing bridge and its
ancillary structures, detailed hydro-morphological analysis of the Jamuna River is very much essential. Being
entrusted by the contractors (WD1 and WD2), Institute of Water Modelling (IWM) is providing hydrological and
morphological survey and numerical modelling services as a sub-contractor nominated by Bangladesh Railway. The
period of the contract is from November 2020 to December 2025 and within this period, IWM will provide
technical support to the contractors in assessing the present and probable hydro-morphological conditions that
may take place in the vicinity of the bridge area. To facilitate the two contractors engaged with their schedules of
construction activities, a hydro-morphological forecast of the Jamuna River is very much required. Forecast of the
morphological behaviour in the vicinity of the bridge areas that are needed to be addressed, including maximum
flow thrust, bank erosion at immediate upstream and downstream of guide bunds, and probable scour and period
of occurrence, are being provided by IWM during this construction work. IWM has prepared a 2D morphological
model of the Jamuna River based on recently collected surveyed data and information to provide the forecast
services from hydro-morphological point of view during the construction of the proposed rail bridge. Continuous
supervision of any small or large scale construction on the Jamuna Riverbed is being conducted by IWM to ensure
the sustainability and safety of the proposed rail bridge as well as the existing Bangabandhu Bridge. Besides this,
IWM also contributed to the detail design task with hydraulic design variables of the proposed rail bridge at pre-
construction phase. Outputs of the 2D model prepared by IWM such as flow velocity, discharge, water level,
riverbed scour level, etc. have been determined by well calibrated model of the Jamuna River and these variables
are important keys to the design of this mega hydraulic structure. IWM has been providing similar technical
assistance to the contractors and the consultants working for this project since 2017.
1. Detailed Topographic Survey for construction of Dual Gauge Railway Line from Bogura to Shahid M.
Mansur Ali Station of Bangladesh Railway :
For modernization of Bangladesh’s railway infrastructure, and to further enhance railway connectivity
within Bangladesh, a new direct Rail Link from Bogra to Sirajganj will be established. An agreement
between Bangladesh Railway and Indian consultant (JV of RITES Ltd. and Aarvee Associates) was signed in
September 2021 for updating the project feasibility study, detailed engineering design and drawings of all
infrastructure including bridges, embankments, railway tracks, stations, signalling and all other facilities,
route alignment, mathematical modelling, tendering services, and construction supervision services. In
this regard, the main consultant of Bangladesh Railway engaged Institute of Water Modelling to carry out
the detailed topography survey along the newly 90 Km proposed alignment from Bogra to Shahid Mansur
Ali Station.
The data collection campaign was conducted from April 2022 to mid of August 2022. The important
features included in the survey establishment are eight Master Control Points (MCP) of 20-25km base
length covering the whole project area through GNSS observation, installing 33 permanent control point
(PCP) of a smaller network of triangles of around 5 Km intervals following the alignment through GNSS
observation, a photogrammetric survey by Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) along 200m corridor width of
the whole alignment, 20m interval cross-sections survey along 200m corridor along the alignment by Real
Time RTK GNSS, drone videography along total alignment, 2D and 3D feature extraction from
photogrammetric data, casting and erection of pillar along with the centreline of the alignment. The data
collection campaign was conducted successfully and submitted the report and other deliverables as per
schedule to the main consultant.
Water Supply Sanitation and Urban Water Management Division
Recent work :
1. Updating Environmental & Social Impact Assessment and Preparing a Resettlement Action Plan of BSEZ
(Japanese Economic Zone) :
Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority (BEZA) with support of Japan International Cooperation Agency
(JICA) and Sumitomo Corporation, Japan is developing a Japanese Economic Zone under Araihazar Upazila
of Narayanganj district, located adjacent to the Dhaka Sylhet Highway. The total land area of Bangladesh
Special Economic Zone (BSEZ) is approximately 218.84 ha or 540.77 acres for the first phase (Phase-I).
BEZA appointed IWM on February 2021 to update the already conducted two EIAs (which were already
approved by BEZA and DoE) using International Finance Corporations (IFC) Performance Standards along
with World Bank Group’s Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS) Guideline document. Specific objectives
of the study were:
Detailed gap analysis of previous EIA studies.
To undertake field assessments to fill the gaps .
To identify and assess environmental and social impacts associated with the Japanese EZ and
associated infrastructures.
To determine measures to prevent or minimize and mitigate the adverse impacts
To identify potential environmental and social opportunities .
To identify scopes of improvement for environmental and social sustainability.
To upgrade/revise the assessments and documents in the form of ESIA & RAP as per applicable
reference framework requirements.
BSEZ is in Araihazar Upazila of Narayanganj district adjacent to Dhaka-Sylhet highway (N2) and the power plant and
substation nearby. The existing gas transmission line from Haripur TBS to Dighi Barabo CGS is also included in this
study. There were two parts in the study: ESIA & RAP. The ESIA part of the study comprised of following additional
assessments for better management of environment in the project area:
In the RAP part, other than standard components, compensation and entitlement matrix, Income and Livelihood
Restoration Plan (ILRP), Income Generating Activities, Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM), Land Acquisition
Budget etc. were included.
2. Design of Water Supply Network for Jahurul Islam City (Aftabnagar) Considering District Metered Area
(DMA) Concept :
the area is estimated as 60 MLD at the fully developed phase. Groundwater is considered the only water
supply source until surface water from the Gandharbpur Surface Water Treatment Plant (SWTP) becomes
available. Total length of distribution network in the JIC area is around 85 Km ranging from DN100 mm to
DN450 mm diameter. The network is designed to cope up the peak daily demand. Several scenarios have
been analysed considering different water supply sources and to reflect all the probable situations in the
water supply system is going to face. To enhance the robustness of the design, different types of analyses
like criticality analysis, flushing analysis and water hammer analysis has been conducted. The design and
analysis of the water supply network has been finalised through extensive use of sophisticated hydraulic
modelling tools. The construction of pipelines and other ancillary facilities will start after getting approval
from Dhaka WASA with close supervision from the same.
With an area of 787 acres, the Jahurul Islam City (Aftabnagar) is a fast-growing area situated in Badda
having 8,470 plots of different sizes. The area contains well-planned road networks of 66.2 Km and there
are provisions for modern living amenities. The western part of Jahurul Islam City (JIC) has water supply
network with 3 deep tube-wells as a supply sources. In recent years the city expended significantly
towards east and north. The necessity for development of water supply facilities in the newly developed
areas is an obvious need. The JIC authorities have appointed the Institute of Water Modelling (IWM) for
designing the water supply network in the extended part of the JIC area considering the DMA concept.
IWM started the design work for water supply network in June 2022. The primary objective of the design
of the distribution system of the extended portion of Jahurul Islam City (JIC) area is to meet consumer
needs by supplying reliable, continuous, and 24 hour pressurized drinking water.
ICT, GIS & Remote Sensing Division
Recent work :
1. Development of Upazila Land Suitability Assessment and Crop Zoning System of Bangladesh :
Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council (BARC) under the Ministry of Agriculture has been
conducting a research project from June 2017 to January 2025 entitled ‘Development of Upazila
Land Suitability Assessment and Crop Zoning System of Bangladesh’ funded by ‘Krishi Gobeshona
Foundation (KGF).’ IWM is a partner organisation in this study having the responsibilities of GIS
and ICT Solution development.
Another partner SRDI is providing data on soil resources. The objective of the project is to
provide crop suitability information to different stakeholders including farmers on the choice of
rotation of their crops that ensure the increase of food production and maximizes the farmer’s
The major activities accomplished by IWM are outlined below:
Development of an online GIS based software for cropland suitability assessment
Development of a web based Agri-Advisory Portal, an ICT enabled bi-lingual platform for
demand-driven technology information and advisory services in agriculture
Development of a mobile app titled ‘Khamari’ specially for farmers The ‘Khamari’ mobile
app, is mainly focused on providing scientific guidance for best cropping. Through this
app, the agricultural manager or officer will be able to know union-based Suitable Crop
list, Profitable Crop list and Fertilizer Recommendations. The farmers will be able to get
this information on their farmland (by GPS location) from his smartphone. Crop
Suitability is analysed based on nine edaphic parameters and four agri-climatic
parameters. Fertilizer Recommendation is calculated based on soil nutrient values and
fertilizer recommendation guidelines. Profitable Crops are calculated based on
suitability and crop economic data.
Recently The ‘Khamari’ app was presented to the relevant parliamentary committee
where it was appreciated and recommended for its further development and
implementation. Hopefully, this app will make revolutionary changes in the field of
agriculture in Bangladesh.
2. Mouza & Plot Based National Digital Land Zoning Project :