DINGS OH Self Clean Model Permanent Magnet Product Sheet
DINGS OH Self Clean Model Permanent Magnet Product Sheet
DINGS OH Self Clean Model Permanent Magnet Product Sheet
Powerful Magnetic Products Since 1899 (414) 672-7830
Dings Co. Magnetic Group Overhead Self-Cleaning Permanent Magnets continuously and automatically remove ferrous
metals from your product stream with a heavy-duty rubber belt. An armored rubber belt with stainless steel plates and
cleats is available.
Unique construction allows a smaller, lighter magnet for a given strength than any other in the industry!
Non-magnetic laser cut stainless steel frame that prevents ferrous metal from collecting on the frame.
Removable crossbelt deflector reduces wear, minimizes cleaning and extends belt life
Inline Mounting Position: Magnet is installed over the conveyor head pulley so the magnet face is parallel to the travel
direction of material falling off conveyor
Crossbelt Mounting: Position: Magnet is installed over the conveyor such that magnet is at a right angle to the travel
direction of the material on the conveyor.
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