Manganese Removal From Groundwater: Characterization of Filter Media Coating
Manganese Removal From Groundwater: Characterization of Filter Media Coating
Manganese Removal From Groundwater: Characterization of Filter Media Coating
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To cite this article: Jantinus H. Bruins, Branislav Petrusevski, Yness M. Slokar, Joop C. Kruithof & Maria D. Kennedy (2014):
Manganese removal from groundwater: characterization of filter media coating, Desalination and Water Treatment, DOI:
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Desalination and Water Treatment (2014) 1–13
doi: 10.1080/19443994.2014.927802
Tel. +31 (0)6 53165153; email: [email protected] (J.C. Kruithof), Tel. +31 (0)15 2151774; Fax: +31 (0)15 21222921;
email: [email protected] (M.D. Kennedy)
Technical University Delft, Stevinweg 1, 2628 CN, Delft, The Netherlands
Wetsus, Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Water Technology, P.O. Box 1113, 8900 CC, Leeuwarden, The Netherlands
Received 6 February 2014; Accepted 20 May 2014
*Corresponding author.
ening period of virgin filter media. The ripening time to achieve manganese removal. This process is also
can last from several weeks to more than a year, associated with high costs and environmental risks,
before effective manganese removal is achieved [2–4]. and requires accurate oxidant dosage: under dosing
Although extensive research has been carried out causes incomplete manganese oxidation, and conse-
on manganese removal by aeration-rapid sand filtra- quently a poor manganese removal, while overdosing
tion, the mechanisms controlling the ripening period, with permanganate gives the water a pinkish colour.
including the formation of a manganese oxide coating Therefore in Western European countries, such as The
on virgin filter media, are still not well understood. Netherlands, manganese removal by conventional
Several researchers have suggested that the use of groundwater treatment with aeration-filtration is
(pre)coated or (“bio”) aged filter media can shorten preferred.
the ripening period [5–15]. Aged filter media in man- Based on thermodynamic considerations, the fol-
ganese removal filters typically consists of manganese lowing pathway for manganese oxidation in water is
oxide-coated sand (MOCS) and/or manganese oxide- proposed: (Pyrochroite)—Hausmannite—Manganite—
coated anthracite (MOCA). Autocatalytic properties Pyrolusite [21,22]. However, based on the pε/pH dia-
that are attributed to the coating of these filter media gram shown in Fig. 2 [16], chemical formation of Pyro-
enhance the adsorption of dissolved manganese and chroite (Mn(OH)2) under common groundwater
its subsequent oxidation. The ripening time of filter conditions (pH 6–8) is unlikely. Without a catalyst, the
media is controlled by the type and amount of manga- pH must be at least 8.6 to achieve Hausmannite
nese oxide(s) present in the coating. As proposed by (Mn3O4 formation), which is subsequently removed by
Stumm and Morgan [16], oxidation of manganese in filtration [21]. Formation of Pyrochroite requires an
homogeneous aqueous solution follows different path- even higher pH, of at least 11.
ways, as shown in a simplified scheme (Fig. 1). The exact pathway by which manganese oxidation
The propensity of manganese present in filter occurs under conditions commonly applied in ground-
media coating heavily depends on the valence of man- water treatment, is not known. Besides chemical oxi-
ganese in the oxide [17]. A higher valence restricts the dation, “biology” may play an important role.
Fig. 1. Simplified scheme of Mn2+ oxidation pathways according to Stumm and Morgan [16].
J.H. Bruins et al. / Desalination and Water Treatment 3
Pyrochroite 2 [16]
Hausmannite ~2.7 [17] 2. Materials and methods
Manganite/Feitknechtite 3 [17]
Buserite/Birnessite 3.5–3.9 [18] MOCS and MOCA characterized in this study
Nsutite ~4 [17] were collected from two GWTPs of two water compa-
Pyrolusite 4 [17] nies as follows.
Table 2
Feed water quality, process design parameters and operational conditions of full scale GWTP De Punt and GWTP Grob-
CoKα1 radiation (λ = 0.179026 nm). The 2θ scan was EPR analyses were carried out with a Bruker
made in the range 10–110˚2θ, using a step size of instrument operating at 9.46 GHz (W-waveband). The
0.038˚2θ. To check some of the analyses and to enhance analyses were carried out at two different tempera-
their performance, some XRD measurements were also tures, i.e. at 77 K (cooled with nitrogen) and 298 K
carried out with a Bruker-AXS D5005 diffractometer in (room temperature).
Bragg-Brentano focusing geometry, equipped with a
graphite monochromator in the diffracted beam. Before
analysis, the samples were dried at room temperature 3. Results and discussion
and then pulverized to a size of 10–50 μm. The sample 3.1. Raman spectroscopy
powder (for MOCS only the coating and for MOCA
the coating including the anthracite grain) was put in 3.1.1. Selection Raman spectroscopy settings
an aluminium sample holder. The 2θ scan was made in As explained in Section 2.1, the structure of
the range 10–110˚2θ, using a step size of 0.025˚2θ and a almost all manganese (oxide) compounds (except
counting time of 2 s per step. The radiation was CuKα1 Hausmannite) is subjected to Raman spectroscopic
(0.15406 nm). Results obtained by both the XRD instru- changes when exposed to a high current [24,25].
ments were evaluated with the internal Bruker EVA Laser irradiation in excess of 5 mA for longer than
software. 120 s causes structural changes of the exposed com-
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2.4. EPR
Once the MnOx is characterized as “a type of 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Raman shift (cm-1)
Birnessite”, EPR can be employed to identify the exact
type of Birnessite and additionally also to determine
the origin of the Birnessite. For EPR the whole grain Fig. 3. Raman spectra at 532 nm of MOCS (Onnen),
was always used. exposed to low (grey line) and high laser radiation (black
6 J.H. Bruins et al. / Desalination and Water Treatment
MOCS De Punt
MOCA Grobbendonk
MOCS Wierden
MOCS Onnen
Fig. 6. (A) Raman spectra of synthetically produced Birnessite at 514 nm [28]. (B) Raman spectra of samples from this
study (grey lines) compared to the spectrum of the Birnessite reference (bold black line).
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Table 4
SEM-EDX analysis of counter (trace) elements in weight (%)
Pyrochroite (RUFF)
Hausmannite (RUFF)
200 400 600 800 1000 1200 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Raman shift (cm-1) Raman shift (cm-1)
(C) (D)
Manganite (RUFF) Pyrolusite (Alfa Aeser)
200 400 600 800 1000 1200 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Raman shift (cm-1) Raman shift (cm-1)
Fig. 7. Raman spectra at low power and 532 nm of MOCS De Punt and MOCA Grobbendonk, compared to (A) Pyrochro-
ite, (B) Hausmannite, (C) Manganite and (D) Pyrolusite.
8 J.H. Bruins et al. / Desalination and Water Treatment
coating of MOCS (De Punt) manganese oxide(s) in the MOCS and MOCA samples
MOCA (Grobbendonk)
were not crystalline manganese oxides (i.e. MnO2,
Mn2O3 or MnO).
3.3. SEM-EDX
In Fig. 10a SEM image of virgin quartz (sand) filter
media is shown. Fig. 10 shows that the surface of
20 30 40 50 60 70 80 virgin sand was not completely smooth, indicating a
2-theta high porosity and specific surface area, and therefore
probably contained many sites for attachment of bac-
Fig. 8. XRD spectra (conducted with a Bruker D8), of pul- teria and/or manganese, which could shorten the rip-
verized MOCS coating and MOCA (the latter including ening time.
crushed anthracite core). In Fig. 11 SEM images of MOCS and MOCA sam-
ples are shown.
silica originating from the filter media. Additional Images A and B in Fig. 11 confirm the Raman
spectroscopy results and the XRD analysis that the
Downloaded by [Jantinus H. Bruins] at 06:05 21 June 2014
20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Fig. 9. XRD spectra of reference manganese oxides: MnO, Fig. 10. SEM image of virgin quartz media (sand); 500×
Mn2O3 and MnO2 (Alfa Aesar). magnification.
J.H. Bruins et al. / Desalination and Water Treatment 9
Fig. 11. SEM images of filter media coating. (A) MOCS De Punt; 10,000×. (B) MOCA Grobbendonk; 5,000×.
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and 77 K) are shown. Due to the analytical interfer- possible to obtain a complete EPR spectrum for
ence of carbon (originating from anthracite), it was not MOCA Grobbendonk.
10 J.H. Bruins et al. / Desalination and Water Treatment
The detailed EPR pattern (Fig. 12, the bottom half) 3.5. The importance of Birnessite formation on MOCA/
shows the “6 line hyperfine structure of manganese”. MOCS for manganese removal
This pattern is typical for oxides containing manganese
The mineral Birnessite was found in 1956 in a
ions with a different valence, including Mn2+ [30].
small hamlet called Birness, Scotland, UK [32]. At that
Birnessite has a valence between 3.5 and 3.9 [18,27,31],
time it was a new mineral to which the name Birnes-
due to the presence of Mn3+ and Mn4+ in the lattice.
site, after the locality, was given. Its molecular struc-
This pattern is an additional indication that the pre-
ture was given as (Na0.7Ca0.3)Mn7O14.2.8H2O. In time,
dominant manganese component of the MOCS coating
different formulas were proposed for Birnessite, indi-
is a manganese oxide, containing manganese ions with
cating there is no single structure, but different com-
different oxidation numbers, such as Birnessite.
positions exist (“minerals of the Birnessite type”).
Generally, EPR spectra are characterized by two
From this study, it can be observed that Birnessite was
parameters: (i) the line width: ΔH in gauss and (ii) the
the manganese compound formed during filter ripen-
spectroscopic splitting factor: g (g-factor). EPR was
ing, and predominantly present in all manganese
used to investigate the origin of different types of
oxide coatings extracted from the four GWTPs that
Birnessite [31]. These values of ΔH measured at 77
showed complete manganese removal. Consequently,
and 298 K and the g-factor calculated at 298 K are
Birnessite appears to be of particular importance for
characteristic of Birnessite.
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Several researchers have suggested that manganese Science and Engineering from the Technical University
removal is influenced by bacteria (e.g. Pseudomons sp., of Delft for their help with the analyses of samples
Leptothrix sp.), which are able to oxidize Mn2+ [31,42–52]. and interpretation of the results. The authors would
Therefore, the ripening of the filter media probably also like to thank the Belgian water company Pidpa
starts with the biological formation of Birnessite. In and the Dutch water company Vitens for providing fil-
time very fast physicochemical auto-catalytic adsorp- ter media for this study and their willingness to dis-
tion/oxidation reactions may become more important close their groundwater treatment plant data. Finally,
and result in production of Birnessite of physicochem- we would like to thank Dr Thomas Witzke
ical origin, whose presence is shown in this study. (mineralogist) for donating a naturally formed
However, further research is required to support this Birnessite reference sample.
4. Conclusions
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