Animal Nutrition With Key To Correction
Animal Nutrition With Key To Correction
Animal Nutrition With Key To Correction
2nd SEMESTER; S.Y. 2022-2023
Test I. MULTIPLE CHOICE - Select the correct answer for each of the following questions
by encircling the letter.
1. The science deals with the type and quantity of feeds, nutrient composition,
desirable animal performance, and nutrient digestion and metabolism.
a. Health
b. Nutrition
c. Diseases
d. Metabolism
2. Refers to the minimum energy expenditure to maintain essential life processes
a. Basal metabolism
b. Fasting catabolism
c. b only
d. both a and b
3. A substance that contains nutrients which support animals’ life ________.
a. Feed
b. Nutrition
c. Elements
d. Supplements
4. The energy-giving nutrients are
a. Vitamins and minerals
b. Fats and proteins
c. Carbohydrates, proteins, and fats
d. All of the above
5. Any feed constituent or a group of feed constituent that aids in the support of life
a. Nutrient
b. Food
c. Feed
d. Diet
6. This refers to the physical and physiological well-being of the animal.
a. Animal nutrition
b. Animal genetics
c. Animal health
d. Animal diseases
7. The total heat energy of combustion on materials is ________________
a. Gross Energy
b. Digestible Energy
c. Net Energy
d. None of these
8. The portion of Metabolizable energy (M.E.) which may be used as needed by
animals for work, growth fattening, fetal development with heat production.
a. Digestible energy
b. Gross Energy
c. Net Energy
d. None of these
9. Portion of Gross Energy consumed which is utilized by the animal for
accomplishing work, growth, fattening development, and heat production.
a. Digestible Energy
b. Metabolizable Energy
c. Gross Energy
d. All of them
10. Elements found in the animal’s body without known biological function(s).
a. Essential nutrients
b. Adventitious elements
c. Both a & b
d. None of them
11. Which of these amino acids is not essential?
a. Lysine
b. Leucine
c. Cystine
d. Isoleucine
12. The cheapest and most abundant nutrient
a. Carbohydrate
b. Proteins
c. Water
d. Fats
13. The following are the functions of carbohydrates in the animal’s body except
a. Source of heat
b. Stored in the animal body by converting to fats
c. Source of energy
d. Serve as a carrier for absorption of fat-soluble vitamins
14. Which of the following minerals are responsible for protein synthesis
a. P, S, Zn
b. Ca, P, Mg
c. Na, Cl, K
d. Ca, P, Co
15. Amino acids that should be in the diet, animal body could not synthesize ______.
a. Non- essential
b. Essential
c. Partial
d. Confidential
16. These are involved in glucose metabolism.
a. Fluorine and Zinc
b. Nickel and Chromium
c. Manganese and Magnesium
d. Iron and Cobalt
17. This macro mineral is required for bone formation, needed for muscle and nerve
a. S
b. Na
c. Ca
d. Mg
18. The correlated increase in the mass of the body to reach the size at maturity
fixed by heredity
a. Body weight
b. Size
c. Growth
d. None of them
19. Protein requirement for growth and maintenance is important to the following,
a. Feathers
b. Hoofs
c. Nails
d. Hairs
e. None of these
20. Amino acids need not to supplied in the diet, animal body can synthesize.
a. Essential
b. Partial
c. Non- essential
d. Critical
21. Vitamin B12 Cyanocobalamin is mostly found in
a. Skimmed milk powder
b. Fish meals
c. Meat meals
d. All of the above
22. Most of the chemical digestion and absorption occur here.
a. Duodenum
b. Jejunum
c. Ileum
d. None of them
23. The breakdown of food
a. Absorption
b. Digestion
c. Assimilation
d. Excretion
24. A broiler starter and pig starter mashes may require more than how many
percent of protein?
a. 15%
b. 20%
c. 25%
d. 30%
25. The following are examples of roughages, except
a. Cassava meal
b. Guinea grass
c. Ipil-ipil
d. Napier grass
e. None of these
26. Which of the following is not an example of concentrates?
a. Banana meal
b. Corn grain
c. Fish meal
d. Rice straw
27. The following macro minerals are required for bone formation, except
a. Ca
b. P
c. Mg
d. S
28. The cholesterol in egg can be found in its component(s) namely:
a. Yolk
b. Shell
c. Albumen
d. a and b only
29. Which of the following is not a micromineral?
a. Phosphorus
b. Cobalt
c. Iodine
d. Nickel
30. This micromineral is required for absorption of iron from the intestine.
a. Ca
b. Co
c. Cu
d. Cr
31. Milk composed the following except
a. Water
b. Fat
c. Protein
d. Lactose
e. None of these
32. Milk is a rich source of calcium, vitamin C, vitamin B12, iodine and phosphorus
a. True
b. False
c. Maybe true
d. Maybe false
33. The first secretion of the mammary gland
a. Skim milk
b. Colostrum
c. Condensed milk
d. Evaporated milk
34. This mineral increases the hardness of bones and teeth.
a. Nickel
b. Manganese
c. Fluorine
d. Copper
35. This involved in bone and cartilage formation.
a. Mg
b. Mn
c. Se
d. Zn
36. This involved in uric acid formation in poultry.
a. Mn
b. Mg
c. Mo
d. K
37. A rough measure of the portion of carbohydrates poorly used by monogastric
a. Crude fiber
b. Crude protein
c. Crude fat
d. None of them
38. Hog or finisher mash may contain only _______ protein.
a. 12%
b. 14%
c. 16%
d. 18%
39. Growth means
a. Increased in weight
b. Increased in size
c. Increased in the number of cells
d. All of them