Barger - Rotational Grazing For Control of Gastrointestinal Nematodes
Barger - Rotational Grazing For Control of Gastrointestinal Nematodes
Barger - Rotational Grazing For Control of Gastrointestinal Nematodes
ELSEVIER Veterinary Parasitology 53 (1994) 109-116
*Corresponding author.
1. Introduction
2.1. Site
The island of Tongatapu (21 ° 10' S, 175 ° 10'W) in Tonga has an mean annual
rainfall of around 1800 mm. Rain can be expected in any month of the year, but
there is a well-defined wet season from October to May. Mean monthly maxi-
m u m air temperatures range from 24 ° C in August to 30 ° C in January, with mean
monthly minima in the same months of 16°C and 20°C, respectively. Experi-
mental plots were situated at the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Experi-
mental Farm at Vaini, about 8 km southeast of the capital, Nuku'alofa. Pastures
consisted mainly of Guinea grass (Panicum maximum).
LA. Barger et al. / Veterinary Parasitology 53 (1994) 109-116 111
Thirteen plots, each 5 m × 2 m were laid out in March 1989 on pasture that had
not been grazed by goats for the previous 6 months. Drainage ditches were dug
between plots to avoid cross-contamination during heavy rain, and the array of
plots was fenced to prevent the entry of animals. From April 1989 to March 1990,
one plot was randomly selected and uniformly contaminated in the first week of
each month with faeces from naturally infected goats. The weight of faeces used
to contaminate each plot was calculated from the current faecal egg count of the
donor goats to contain a total of one million eggs, with known proportions of
Haemonchus, Trichostrongylus and Oesophagostomum as determined on each
occasion by faecal culture. The thirteenth plot was not contaminated, but was
sampled each month to detect any extraneous infection. Plots were sampled at
weekly intervals after contamination by collecting 60 uniformly distributed plucks
of herbage per plot taken at ground level. Infective larvae were recovered from
these samples using the technique of Heath and Major (1968). Sampling was
avoided within 1 day after heavy rain, and was continued until no larvae were
recovered from 2 consecutive weekly samples. Plots were slashed when required
to maintain a similar pasture height to that of an adjacent continuously grazed
goat pasture; clippings remained on the plot.
3. Results
Geometric mean faecal egg counts of the rotationally grazed and set-stocked
flocks over the 52 weeks of the trial are shown in Fig. 2. Mean counts over the
full period were higher in the set-stocked flock ( P < 0 . 0 0 1 ) and there was a sig-
nificant time by flock interaction ( P = 0.001 ), indicating that the difference in
egg count between flocks varied with time. The set-stocked flock required three
LA. Barger et al. / Veterinary Parasitology 53 (1994) 109-116 113
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additional anthelmintic treatments when mean egg counts exceeded 2000 EPG;
the times of these treatments are shown by the arrows in Fig. 1. Nine of the 20
goats in this flock also required single treatments in Weeks 42-50 for welfare
reasons; these animals were losing condition and scouring. Rotationally grazed
goats required no additional treatments beyond their planned treatment at kid-
ding, and their mean egg count only exceeded 1000 EPG on one occasion (Week
114 I.A. Barger et al. / VeterinaryParasitology 53 (1994) 109-116
3.5 - [ i
u 2.5
~ 2.o
~.c 1.0
E 0.5
(5 0.0
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52
lira S e t - s t o c k e d ~ Rotation
Fig. 2. Geometricmean faecal egg counts of set-stocked or rotationallygrazed goats from October
1991 to October 1992. Anthelmintictreatmentswere givento all goats in the set-stockedflockat the
times indicatedby the arrows. Rotationallygrazed goats receivedone treatment each followingthe
birth of kids.
4. Discussion
The results of the larval development and survival experiment confirm results
obtained in the hotter climate of Fiji by Banks et al. (1990), and suggest that
similar results would be obtained in other tropical and possibly sub-tropical re-
gions provided that rainfall throughout the year was sufficient to allow develop-
ment to L 3. The survival times observed in the present study, ranging from 3 to 7
weeks, were even shorter than those observed in Fiji, particularly during the cooler
period from April to August. This may be attributable to the more evenly distrib-
uted rainfall in Tongatapu in 199 l-1992 in comparison with that in Koronivia
and Sigatoka in 1986-1987, when the observations of Banks et al. (1990) were
recorded. At both Fijian sites there was a marked dry season at that time, and
there is evidence that dry weather enhances the survival of nematode L 3 in faeces
LA. Barger et al. / Veterinary Parasitology 53 (1994) 109-116 115
by limiting their opportunities to migrate to pasture, where death rates are higher
(Barger et al., 1984).
The results of the rotational grazing trial, while encouraging, must be regarded
with caution. Because the experiment was not replicated, it was not possible to
reach a firm conclusion about the cause of the lower egg counts in the rotationally
grazed flock. While we believe that they were a result of the rotation of paddocks
at 3.5 day intervals, the lack of replication means that differences between the
grazing areas occupied by the two flocks cannot be excluded as an explanation.
However, both areas carried a similar pasture cover at the beginning of the ex-
periment, were adjacent and had a similar prior grazing history with goats. In
addition, the two ivermectin treatments given to all goats on Days 1 and 15 of
the trial meant that neither area was contaminated with nematode eggs for a pe-
riod of around 5 weeks at the beginning of the trial, by which time residual larval
populations must have declined to very low levels.
Individual anthelmintic treatment of rotationally grazed does following partu-
rition was instituted because of concern about the possible loss of acquired im-
munity of periparturient does to nematode infection. This phenomenon is well-
known in ewes (Connan, 1976 ) but there was no indication in the present study
in either the set-stocked or rotationally grazed does that unusually elevated egg
counts were associated with parturition or lactation. Rahman and Collins ( 1992 )
recently published evidence of a periparturient rise in faecal egg counts in goats;
in contrast to sheep the rise was mild and reached a peak several weeks before
parturition followed by a decline through lactation.
The lower egg counts of the rotationally grazed goats are consistent with results
of the larval survival experiment, and with unpublished observations by D.J.D.
Banks ( 1988 ) in Fiji that nematode parasitism was rarely a problem in tradition-
ally managed village goats, despite the lack of anthelmintic treatment. Under tra-
ditional management, goats were tethered and moved to a new grazing area every
1 or 2 days. Fencing of rotationaUy grazed pastures, as practised in the present
study, is therefore not essential, although subdivisional electric fencing is less ex-
pensive than traditional permanent perimeter fencing. Management systems em-
ploying goatherds to move the flock to new grazing areas every few days should
be equally successful provided that the flock does not return to any area within 4
or 5 weeks of its last grazing. Rotational grazing systems for small ruminants in
wet tropical climates, whether implemented through fencing, tethering or herd-
ing, therefore warrant further investigation as a low-cost means of reducing reli-
ance on anthelmintics.
5. Acknowledgements
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