L-1 Art of Indus Valley Civilization
L-1 Art of Indus Valley Civilization
L-1 Art of Indus Valley Civilization
The first discoveries of the Indus Valley Civilization were made at the site ofHarappa
near Sindh province (Now in Pakistan). Thus it is also known as Harappa Civilization.
Later excavations prove that the civilization had far greater extention to Mohanjo-Daro
and other cities.
Lot of art and craft objects have been discovered from these sites during excavations.
These include statuettes, toys, seals, jewellery, pottery and tools. Most scholars believe
this civilization had flourished between 2500 B.c. to 1750 B.C.
An attempt will be made to impart knowledge about the arts and crafts of this period
by selecting four art .works for the lessons.
• describe the site of finding, size, style, colour, and place of collection
of the enlisted art objects; .
General Description
This statue is made of clay and then baked in fire as per the terra cotta process. This
figurine is one of the finest example of terra cotta. The baking is perfectly done to
achieve an unblemished red colour. Some scholars have identified it as "mother
The headgear of this statue, interestingly, comprises of two small bowl-like forms on
both sides of the head. These were probably used as lamps. These are again balanced
by another form in the middle of the head which is supposed to be an elaborate hair-
style. The figure is wearing a miniskirt with a broad belt to hold it in place. The figure
is adorned with all kinds of jeweUery.
General De cription
The seal is made of steatite and has an elaborate intaglio design of a bull as a symbol
of power and strength, which has been achieved by exaggerating the size of the hump
and the horns. The diagonal linear motif of the neck express the youthful energy of the
There are some writings on the upper part of the seal, which are not yet deciphered.
(iii) Chanho-Daro
6:: Painting (Theory)
Painted Pottery
j Art ofIndus ValleyCivilization :: 7
en rat De crlption
This jar is made on a Potters wheel with clay. The shape was manipulated by the
pressure of the crafty fmgers of the Potter. After baking the clay model, it was painted
with black colour. The motifs are of vegetals and geometric forms. Designs are simple
but with a tendency towards abstraction. High polished is used as a finishing touch.
General Delcriptlon
Jewellery was found in great abundance and variety at Indus Valley sites. Lot of Gold,
Silver or Jade Necklace, ear rings, pendants, belts and bangles were found.
The artists and craftmen ofHarappa culture were extremely skilled in handling all kinds
of material like metal, stone carving terra cotta and painting pottery. These artists
preferred to use simplified motifs of animals, birds and plants. It is very clear that they
were influenced and motivated by their religious beliefs and the cult of Siva and Shakti
is very prominent in all their artworks.
Steatite Soapstone
Intaglio incised carving
Diagonal going from comer to other comer.
Motif form, shape, figures in a design
Deciphered To read a new script
Baking To give permanency to clay by the heat of fire
Jade Dark green precious stone
Terracotta Hard fired clay
Cult Religious belief