Asking and Giving Directions
Asking and Giving Directions
Asking and Giving Directions
Sebelum menanyakan arah (asking directions) kepada orang lain, sebaiknya kalian
menyampaikan ucapan greetings atau salam terlebih dahulu. Hal ini untuk memberikan kesan
sopan sehingga orang yang kalian ajak berbicara akan merespon dengan baik.
Excuse me! / Excuse me sir or mom!
Good morning / Good afternoon / Good evening
Pardon sir or mom!
Excuse me, could you help me, please?
Excuse me madam, I seemed to be lost.
May I ask you a minute sir / mom?
Sorry for bothering you sir / mom !
Sorry, I am not from around here.
I’m lost.
I am sorry.
Asking Direction
Setelah menyampaikan greetings, kalian bisa memulai menanyakan arah (asking directions)
dengan menggunakan modal auxiliary (could, would, dll), information questions (where, what,
which, how), atau interrogative sentence (is it…, do I…).
I am sorry, I don’t know the road of … (mohon maaf, saya tidak tahu jalan ke …)
I couldn’t show you the way to ... (saya tidak bisa menunjukkan jalan ke …)
I couldn’t help you to get … because I live here just now. (saya tidak bisa membantu
anda untuk menemukan … karena saya baru tinggal di sini)
I am stranger here. (saya orang asing di sini)
Sita : I am trying to find a bookshop sir. Could you show me the way to get that?
Mr. Alex : Yes, of course! Start from this, you have to go straight until you find T junction.
Then turn right and follow the street. The bookshop is on your left side, in front of the bank.