Supp Material CH 9
Supp Material CH 9
Supp Material CH 9
Chapter 9
9.8 Understanding aggregate Desired consumption and desired
demand and the multiplier in investment spending
terms of the Keynesian cross It is assumed that desired consumption, consisting
of expenditures consumers desire to make in order to
model (supplementary material, buy final goods and services, depends on consumers’
recommended for higher level) real income. There is a positive, causal relationship
between real income and consumption, shown in
This material is included for the interested reader Figure 1(a), where the vertical axis measures desired
as a continuation of Chapter 9, section 9.8 spending (the dependent variable), and the horizontal
(textbook page 264). axis measures real income (Y, the independent
John Maynard Keynes was a famous British variable).1 The higher the income, the greater is
economist who lived in the twentieth century, desired consumption spending. Note that the area
and whose work laid the foundations for modern between the two axes is cut by a line making a
macroeconomics. The model presented here is 45-degree angle with the horizontal axis. This line
attributed to him, though it is a simplification of his represents all points of equality between the variables
highly technical work. This model is very helpful measured on the two axes, and therefore equality
for understanding some important macroeconomic between desired spending and income. Therefore at
concepts, including the relationship between point b, desired consumption spending is exactly
aggregate demand and aggregate output (real GDP); equal to income; at a, desired consumption is greater
the Keynesian idea of less than full employment than income, while at c, desired consumption is less
equilibrium; and the multiplier effect. than income.
The C line, representing consumption spending,
Consumption and investment spending is called a consumption function, because C is a
We have defined both aggregate demand and real function of national income, Y. Since it is a straight
GDP to consist of C + I + G + (X − M), yet the two are ΔC
line, it has a constant slope, given by (the change
not the same. How is this possible? To understand ΔY
this, we must begin by making a distinction between in the dependent variable divided by the change in
actual expenditure, and desired expenditure. Aggregate the independent variable, between any two points2).
output, or real GDP, is measured by adding up all The slope of the C function has a special meaning. It
actual expenditures, C + I + G + (X−M), for the purchase is the marginal propensity to consume (MPC),
of output (in the expenditure approach). Aggregate representing the change in desired consumption that
demand, on the other hand, is concerned with all results when there is a change in income. For example,
desired aggregate expenditures, which adds up desired suppose that income increases by $1000 million and
C + I + G + (X − M) for the purchase of output. consumption spending increase by $750 million. The
With this distinction in mind, we begin with 750 3
slope, or MPC, is = .
a simple version of the model that includes only 1000 4
consumers and firms, and therefore only desired You may be wondering why the consumption
consumption (C) and desired investment (I) spending. function shown in Figure 1(a) has the particular shape
1 Note that income, the independent variable, is plotted on the horizontal axis, following correct mathematical convention; see ‘Quantitative techniques’
chapter, on the CD-ROM, page 11.
2 In the chapter ‘Quantitative techniques’ on the CD-ROM, page 18, the slope was defined as the change in the dependent variable divided by the change
in the independent variable, between any two points on a straight line. Here, because of the use of the correct mathematical practice of plotting the
dependent variable on the vertical axis, the slope is the vertical change divided by the horizontal change. This differs from the slope in demand and supply
functions because of the reversal of the axes (see ‘Quantitative techniques’ chapter, pages 19 and 21).
(b) Consumption plus investment spending Equilibrium level of income and output
Now remember from the circular flow model that
45° line national income is equal to the value of aggregate
output, or real GDP. This means we can re-label the
desired spending (C + I)
3 Actually, only a portion of consumption spending is induced. When income is zero, there is a positive level of consumption spending (given by the
vertical-intercept of the consumption function); this is autonomous consumption. All consumption above this level is induced, as it is ‘caused’ by income.
too much spending exports) are independent of national income, and are
C + I > GDP e d therefore autonomous. It is thus a simple matter to
too little spending add them into our model. We do so simply by
C + I < GDP
a adding G + (X − M) to the C + I function, as shown in
Figure 2(b).
b It may be noted that adding X, which is an
equilibrium GDP
Injections = leakages injection into spending, works to increase total desired
spending, while adding M, a leakage, works to decrease
45° it. Therefore, whether the addition of (X − M) will
0 Y1 Ye Y2 increase or decrease total desired spending depends on
income the relative size of exports and imports. If X > M, then
= real GDP (X − M) > 0, and desired spending increases. However
(Y) if X < M, then (X − M) < 0, and desired spending
decreases. It should also be noted that the addition of
(b) Equilibrium in the Keynesian cross model with C, I, G, and (X − M)
government spending G is actually more complicated
45° line than shown in Figure 2(b) because of the role of taxes,
which are ignored here for simplicity.
desired spending [C + I + G + (x – m)]
C + I + G + Xn > C + I + G + Xn
C + I + G + Xn, representing total desired spending,
real GDP
are referred to as aggregate expenditure. When
C + I + G + Xn < aggregate expenditure is equal to real GDP, the
real GDP economy is in equilibrium, as seen in Figure 2(b). At
this equilibrium, the sum of leakages is equal to the
C + I + G + Xn =
sum of injections, so that:
real GDP
S+T+M = I+G+X
We can now return to our initial question: how 0 Ye3 Ye2 Ye1
is it that aggregate demand and real GDP, two real GDP (Y)
very different concepts, are both defined in terms
of C + I + G + (X − M)? The answer is that real GDP, Figure 3 Relating aggregate demand to aggregate expenditure
4Actually, the MPC is the slope of the consumption function, as we saw earlier. However, since the aggregate expenditure function is a parallel upward
shift of the consumption function, the slope does not change.