8540970763.1 en-US RRA Client 3.4

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RRA Client 3.


Original Instructions
2018-08-23 | No: 8540970763.1 en-US
RRA Client 3.4 Table of Contents

Table of Contents
1 Introduction ........................................................................................................... 5

2 System Requirements .......................................................................................... 7

2.1 Essential Software ..................................................................................................................... 7
2.2 Supported Operating Systems ................................................................................................. 7

3 Installing RRA Server ........................................................................................... 9

4 Installing RRA Client........................................................................................... 15

5 Using RRA Server ............................................................................................... 21

5.1 Version ...................................................................................................................................... 21
5.2 Server Folder Structure ........................................................................................................... 21
5.2.1 Transferring Folders and Files to Drill Rig .............................................................................. 22
5.2.2 Recovering Files from Drill Rig ............................................................................................... 22

6 Using RRA Client ................................................................................................ 23

6.1 Starting the Program ............................................................................................................... 23
6.1.1 Firewall and Security Software ............................................................................................... 23
6.1.2 Minimize to System Tray ........................................................................................................ 24
6.2 User Modes............................................................................................................................... 24
6.2.1 Default User............................................................................................................................ 24
6.3 Stopping the Program ............................................................................................................. 25
6.4 About the Program................................................................................................................... 25

7 Default User ......................................................................................................... 27

7.1 User Interface ........................................................................................................................... 27
7.1.1 New Rig .................................................................................................................................. 28
7.1.2 Normal Use............................................................................................................................. 28
7.1.3 Rig Not Connected ................................................................................................................. 28
7.2 Settings ..................................................................................................................................... 29

8 Administrator....................................................................................................... 31
8.1 Logging In................................................................................................................................. 31
8.2 Adding New Drill Rig................................................................................................................ 31
8.3 User Interface ........................................................................................................................... 32
8.4 Settings Menu........................................................................................................................... 33

9 RRA Network Status ........................................................................................... 35

9.1 Purpose of Network Status Tool............................................................................................. 35
9.2 Network Status ......................................................................................................................... 35
9.2.1 Preparation ............................................................................................................................. 35
9.2.2 Starting Network Status.......................................................................................................... 35
9.2.3 Server and Client.................................................................................................................... 36
9.2.4 Round-Trip Time..................................................................................................................... 36
9.2.5 Output..................................................................................................................................... 36
9.2.6 Start Port Search .................................................................................................................... 36
9.3 Interpreting Errors ................................................................................................................... 37

10 Synchronisation .................................................................................................. 39
10.1 Triggers..................................................................................................................................... 39

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RRA Client 3.4 Table of Contents

10.2 Synchronization Procedure .................................................................................................... 39

11 Logs...................................................................................................................... 41
11.1 Machine Log ............................................................................................................................. 41
11.2 System Log............................................................................................................................... 41

12 Advanced Settings RRA Server......................................................................... 43

13 Advanced Settings RRA Client .......................................................................... 45

14 Drill Rig Website.................................................................................................. 47

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RRA Client 3.4 1 Introduction

1 Introduction

RRA stands for Rig Remote Access, remote access to the drill rig. RRA is a generic
name for functions that use the network connection of a drill rig for the transfer of files.
RRA server is a program for personal computers which automates the transfer of files be-
tween Epiroc RRA equipped drill rigs and a computer running RRA server.
• RRA server is a Windows service for a server computer
– That accepts connection of rigs.
– That makes it possible to transfer files to and from the connected rigs.
• RRA server can handle several rigs and RRA clients.
• RRA client is a PC program.
– That shows the status for the connected rigs.
– That monitors the transfer of folders and files between Epiroc rigs that are
equipped with RRA and a computer running RRA server.
• RRA client can be run on several computers within the same network to one single
RRA Server.
To benefit from the content of this manual, you must have an understanding of the RRA
concept and the windows operating system.

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RRA Client 3.4 1 Introduction

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RRA Client 3.4 2 System Requirements

2 System Requirements

The computer that RRA Server runs on must be connected to the same network or network
group as the drill rig you want to exchange information with.
RRA server uses port 5000 to listen to the clients and ports 5289 and 5290 to communi-
cate with the drill rigs.
The computer that RRA client runs on must be connected to the same network or network
group as RRA server.
RRA client uses port 7006 to listen to replies from RRA server.

NOTE: A computer that only runs RRA server does not need to have port 7006 open.
! A computer that only runs RRA client does not need to have ports 5000, 5289 and
5290 open.

If any of these ports are blocked or used by any other process, there could be problems
with communication.
Communication takes place via UDP.
All ports can be configured in the file with advanced settings.

2.1 Essential Software

• Microsoft Windows Installer 3.1 or later.
• Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5.
– Included in the installation file.
– Must be enabled manually on Windows 2012 Server.

2.2 Supported Operating Systems

• Windows 7
• Windows 8
• Windows 10
• Windows 2003 Server
• Windows 2008 R2
• Windows 2012 Server.

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RRA Client 3.4 2 System Requirements

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RRA Client 3.4 3 Installing RRA Server

3 Installing RRA Server

! NOTE: Administrator privileges for the computer are required to install this program.

1. Insert the USB memory stick with the installation program RRA Server 9106 9745 15
in to the USB port of the computer.
è The installation program starts automatically.

2. Locate and run the file RRA_Server_Setup.exe from the USB memory stick, if the in-
stallation program does not start automatically when memory stick is inserted.

3. Select Next.

4. Select the components to be installed and select Install.

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RRA Client 3.4 3 Installing RRA Server

5. Installation of RRA server is now ready to start. Select Next.

6. Read and accept the license agreement. Select Next.

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RRA Client 3.4 3 Installing RRA Server

7. Specify the installation folder.

è A suitable folder is suggested by the installation program.

8. Select Next.

9. Select Install to start the installation.

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RRA Client 3.4 3 Installing RRA Server

è Installation is complete

10. Click Finish twice.

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RRA Client 3.4 3 Installing RRA Server

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RRA Client 3.4 3 Installing RRA Server

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RRA Client 3.4 4 Installing RRA Client

4 Installing RRA Client

! NOTE: Administrator privileges for the computer are required to install this program.

1. Insert the USB memory stick with the installation program RRA Server 9106 9745 18
in to the USB port of the computer.
è The installation program starts automatically.

2. Locate and run the file RRA_Client_Setup.exe from the USB memory stick, if the in-
stallation program does not start automatically when USB memory stick is inserted.

3. Select Next once the installation program has started.

4. Select the components to be installed and select Install.

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RRA Client 3.4 4 Installing RRA Client

5. Installation of RRA server is now ready to start. Select Next to start installation.

6. Read and accept the license agreement. Select Next.

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RRA Client 3.4 4 Installing RRA Client

7. Specify the installation folder.

è A suitable folder is suggested by the installation program.

8. Select Next.

9. Select Install to start the installation.

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RRA Client 3.4 4 Installing RRA Client

è Installation is complete.

10. Click Finish twice.

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RRA Client 3.4 4 Installing RRA Client

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RRA Client 3.4 4 Installing RRA Client

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RRA Client 3.4 5 Using RRA Server

5 Using RRA Server

5.1 Version

Right-click on RRA server in the list of Services and select Properties to find the version
of RRA server.

5.2 Server Folder Structure

Every drill rig that connects to the server is given its own folder where data from and to the
drill are handled.
The location of the parent folder, which contains the folders for each drill rig, is determined
by the IT department. The default is C:\ServerDataRoot.
The following folders exist for each connected drill rig:
• From Machine: Folders and files that come from the drill rig. The rig saves data about
drill rigs, profile scanning logs, and statistics about the rig in sub folders.
• To Machine: Folders and files that are to be transferred to the drill rig. Contour files,
drilling plans, fixing points, laser data, and tunnel lines are put in the sub folders.
• On Machine: Recreation of the folders and files available on the drill rig.

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RRA Client 3.4 5 Using RRA Server

NOTE: The folders and files in the subfolders for On Machine comprise a mirror im-
! age of what is on the rig. You can delete folders and files from these folders to make
them disappear from the rig. However, you cannot add folders and files in On Ma-
chine. Folders and files added manually in On Machine are ignored.

5.2.1 Transferring Folders and Files to Drill Rig

n Place the folders and files to be sent to the drill rig in a suitable subfolder in the To
Machine folder for the drill rig to which the files should be sent. Or rather, use Under-
ground Manager or Surface Manager products. See the manual for the appropriate

5.2.2 Recovering Files from Drill Rig

n Log file is created on the drill rig.

n The file is transferred to From machine at the next synchronization point and then
erased from the drill rig.

n Accordingly the log file is placed in the equivalent subfolder in the From machine
folder for the drill rig in question.

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RRA Client 3.4 6 Using RRA Client

6 Using RRA Client

6.1 Starting the Program

n Start the RRA client from the start menu.

n Select C:\Program Files (x86)\Epiroc\RRA Client to start RRA client if the program
location is not changed during installation.

Starting from the Start Menu

n RRA client starts with Searching for server text.

RRA Client Starting

n The Searching for server text is replaced by Connected to server when the con-
nection is established with the server.

6.1.1 Firewall and Security Software

Firewall and security show a warning when RRA client starts. Select Unblock or equivalent
to run the RRA client.

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RRA Client 3.4 6 Using RRA Client

Example of a Warning From a Firewall

6.1.2 Minimize to System Tray

RRA client minimizes to the system tray. The program window is then only visible as an
icon in the system tray in the bottom right of the computer screen. Double-click the icon to
reset the window.

6.2 User Modes

RRA Client can be used in two separate modes that are suited to different users:
• Default user has the facility to follow the status of rigs and transfers.
• Administrator has the facility to add, remove, and manage rigs.

6.2.1 Default User

The Main menu has the following functions:
• Settings: A default user can adjust settings when instructed by the IT department, oth-
erwise settings should not be touched.
• Administrative mode: Can only be used by someone who has received authorization
from the IT department.
• Network status
• Exit
The Help menu has the following functions:
• About
• Manuals
– Open the user manual.

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RRA Client 3.4 6 Using RRA Client

– Select language.

6.3 Stopping the Program

n Select Main at the top left of the program window and then Exit to stop the program.

6.4 About the Program

Select Help from the About menu and a window appears containing the version of the pro-
gram installed.

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RRA Client 3.4 6 Using RRA Client

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RRA Client 3.4 7 Default User

7 Default User

7.1 User Interface

When RRA Server has found a rig and the administrator has identified it, the rig is reported
to RRA Client. All rigs within the range of the network are displayed in a list.

RRA Client
The rigs are represented with the following colors:

Icon Color Description

Green A known drill rig that is online and with which communication is working

Yellow A known drill rig that is offline.

Blue An unknown drill rig that is online and waiting to be added. This is a
task for the administrator.

Red A drill rig that is online but some error has occurred.

The following is shown under the rig icon:

• The search path to the folder which stores the data that are both retrieved from and
sent to the drill rig.
– Defined by the administrator
• The rig production number.
– Sent by the rig

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RRA Client 3.4 7 Default User

The following is shown at the bottom of the window:

• Status for RRA Client (Online)
• Which user Mode is activated. Viewer (default user) or Administrator.
• Whether RRA Client is connected to or searching for its server.

7.1.1 New Rig

When a new unknown rig comes within range of the network, it appears in accordance with
the figure. The administrator must identify the rig.

7.1.2 Normal Use

During normal use RRA Client interface appears as shown.

The icon is green and at the same time indicates the action occurring. The image shows
that synchronization is in progress, the bottom three rows show which files have been
transferred from and to the rig.

7.1.3 Rig Not Connected

If the rig is not due to be connected to the network, then the user interface shows the fol-
lowing image:

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RRA Client 3.4 7 Default User

If a rig icon turns red, then an error has occurred and the IT department has to be con-

7.2 Settings
The Settings menu indicates where (at which IP address) RRA Server is installed so that
the RRA Client can connect.
Usually RRA Client and RRA Server automatically find each other so no need to specify
any IP address.

If RRA Server and RRA Client are installed on the same computer which is normally the
case, then the IP address must be It needs not to be changed.
The details in the Data root path window are for information purposes only.
If the IT department has installed RRA Server on another computer, then the IP that the IT
department specifies address has to be entered. Check with the IT department where the
RRA server is installed.

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RRA Client 3.4 7 Default User

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RRA Client 3.4 8 Administrator

8 Administrator

8.1 Logging In
Username name and password that is provided by the IT is required to log in as an admin-

1. Go to Main menu.

2. Select Administrative mode menu.

3. Enter username and password that is provided by the IT department.

4. Select Login.

8.2 Adding New Drill Rig

When you start RRA Client for the first time, the program window is empty. When the first
drill rig contact the server that a blue node appears with the text Unknown machine

NOTE: Depending on the security settings in the network, the drill rig "broadcast" may
! be prevented from reaching the server. Therefore it is recommended that a fixed IP ad-
dress is specified in the drill rig, one which corresponds to the computer where RRA
Server is being run. The settings are made by maintenance personnel, see the drill rig
maintenance manual.

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RRA Client 3.4 8 Administrator

NOTE: The initial connection of a drill rig to RRA Server works by the drill rig sending
! out a "broadcast" on the network that is recognized by the server (computer with RRA
Server). When this "broadcast" has been received an unknown drill rig is identified.

1. Enter the username and password for the drill rig to authorize the RRA Server for file

NOTE: Username and password are obtained with the installation

! and start-up of a new drill rig. The information is set on the drill rig
and can be changed on the drill rig web interface.

2. Right-click on the blue node and select Add to machine list option

è A dialogue box for logging in appears.

3. Enter the drill rig network login information. Next time that the drill contacts the server
(provided that the correct log-in information is entered) the blue node becomes green
and this indicates the drill rig is known.

4. If you entered the wrong username or password, the rig symbol first turns green at the
first attempt at synchronization and turns red if no files are transferred. Remove the
rig and add it again with the correct information if this happens.

! NOTE: The same problem occurs if your computer does not

have .NET Framework installed.

8.3 User Interface

During normal use, the administrator interface looks like a standard user. Except that the
right-click menu contains more options.

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RRA Client 3.4 8 Administrator

8.4 Settings Menu

During normal use, it is possible to change settings for added drill rigs. This is carried out
via the settings menu which is obtained by right-clicking on a rig node.
• Force synchronization forces the server to synchronize with the drill rig. See Syn-
chronization. When Force synchronization is selected the text Force Synchronization
is added after the drill rig name, which indicates that it must be synchronized as soon
as possible.
• Remove from machine list removes the current drill rig from the list of added drill
rigs. This means that the next time drill rig contacts the server that its node will be blue
and the drill rig will wait to be added when the drill rig data can be synchronized.
• Rename data directory is selected if operator wants to rename the drill rig data folder.

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RRA Client 3.4 8 Administrator

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RRA Client 3.4 9 RRA Network Status

9 RRA Network Status

9.1 Purpose of Network Status Tool

The Network Status tool is designed to check the network connections to and from the
computer on which the RRA Server is to run.
This makes sure that the RRA Server is correctly configured and runs correctly before the
machine is connected to it.

9.2 Network Status

9.2.1 Preparation
1. Install RRA Server on the computer on which it is intended to run.

2. Edit the configuration in RRA Server.exe.config, located in C:\Program Files

(x86)\Epiroc\RRA Service.

! NOTE: Changes to the configuration must be done before begin-

ning tests with NetworkStatus.

3. Install RRA Client on a separate computer.

4. Edit the configuration in RRA Server.exe.config, located in C:\Program Files

(x86)\Epiroc\RRA Service.

! NOTE: Changes to the configuration must be done before begin-

ning tests with NetworkStatus.

! NOTE: If RRA Client is installed on the same computer as RRA

Server, the ports are not properly tested.

5. Make sure that ASXPServerPort is configured to the same port on both configura-
tions, and that ASXPServerIPAddress is correct.

6. Make sure that the client is connected to the same network as the server.

9.2.2 Starting Network Status

1. Start RRA Client.

2. Navigate to Main and NetworkStatus when the client is connected to the server.

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RRA Client 3.4 9 RRA Network Status

9.2.3 Server and Client

The Server and Client parts show which ports are configured and which processes are
used in the present case. To the right, is an icon which helps the user determine whether
everything is running as it must be.

9.2.4 Round-Trip Time

Below the Server and Client parts is a text line which shows the transfer time to the server

9.2.5 Output
The text window below Round trip time shows the output from the port scan. The user
can monitor the Output window to see what is happening during the port scan.

9.2.6 Start Port Search

n When the Network Status window opens, a port search begins automatically. When
scanning is active, the Output message is shown continuously, informing the user of
what is happening.

n As the sequence proceeds, the port number, processes, and icons change depending
on the result.

n When scanning is complete, Scan is finished appears in the Output window.

n A new scan can be started by clicking Start Scan.

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RRA Client 3.4 9 RRA Network Status

n The scan can be stopped at any time by clicking Cancel Scan. If a scan is stopped,
the client rejects any port test messages from the server.

9.3 Interpreting Errors

When scanning begins, the port (7006) which the client is configured to monitor is scanned
first. This scan checks only if the port is being used by RRA Client. It cannot check whether
the port is open in the network.
If any other process is using the port, this is seen in the Client window and the icon turns
red. This type of error means that the client cannot receive messages via the port. The test
is interrupted here.
The next step is to check ASXPServerPort (5000). Network Status cannot discover the ex-
act cause of the problem if the scan of this port has failed. The cause may be one of the
following errors:
• ASXPServerPort (5000) is blocked by the network.
• ASXPClientPort (7006) is blocked by the network.
• No connection to the server is created.
To discover which of these errors has caused the problem:
• Check the ping result. If the client cannot ping the server, this probably means that the
problem lies in the contact between the computers. This can also mean that the ICMP
protocol is blocked on one of the computers. Test by pinging a few times in the net-
work from both computers.
• If the network is working, it is OK. Then change system_log_level to Debug and start
scanning again. Open the log. If the server has received the test message, the log
lines show:
Reading process names for ports XXXX and XXXX.
Process names are XXXX and XXXX.
This means that the server port (5000) is probably functioning OK and the problem lies with
the client port (7006).
If the lines do not appear in the log, the server is probably blocked.
If the scan of ASXPServer succeeds, the scan starts on the other two ports DiscoveryA-
gent (5289) and DynamicAddressAgent (5290).
If the port is being used by another process, this is shown in the Server window. If the
client does not receive a response message, the port is blocked by the network.
If all icons are green, all must work as intended.

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RRA Client 3.4 9 RRA Network Status

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RRA Client 3.4 10 Synchronisation

10 Synchronisation

The way in which file synchronisation with drill rigs works is described in more detail below.

10.1 Triggers
File synchronization is not run each time that a drill rig is in contact with the server. Instead
it takes place by so-called triggers, which start the synchronization when certain conditions
have been fulfilled. The following changes in status trigger file synchronization.
• A drill rig changes its status from offline to online.
• Changes have taken place in the server input data folder. For example, a drill plan file
has been added into its folder under the To Machine folder for a certain drill rig.
• A user has forced synchronization for a drill rig from the context menu.

10.2 Synchronization Procedure

The following steps describe how file synchronization between drill rig and server works.

n All files in the drill rig output data folders are sent to their respective subfolders in the
From Machine folder.
è The files are deleted from the rig.

n All folders and files that have been deleted in the On Machine folder are deleted from
their equivalent folders on the drill rig.

n All folders and files in the subfolders in the To Machine folder are sent to the equiva-
lent folder on the drill rig and are moved on the server to the respective subfolder un-
der On Machine.

n All folders and files that have been deleted from the drill rig manually (for example,
with FTP programs) are deleted from the equivalent On Machine subfolder.

n All folders and files that have been added to the drill rig manually are copied to the
equivalent On Machine subfolder.

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RRA Client 3.4 10 Synchronisation

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RRA Client 3.4 11 Logs

11 Logs

To be able to track what takes place in the server and with the machines a system log and
a machine log are created on the server for each drill rig. The system log can be found in
the server data folder and a machine log in each drill rig data folder.

11.1 Machine Log

The machine log logs events that are connected with the machine and the RRA server
contact with it.
Recurring events in the machine log are found in the five bottom rows on the screen.

• Machine IP-Address: Drill rig network address.

• Machine went online: The drill rig has made contact with the server.
• Synchronizing machine input: Transfer of files from the server to the drill rig.
• Synchronizing machine output: Retrieval of files from the drill rig to the server.
• Machine went offline: The drill rig has lost contact with the server.

11.2 System Log

The system log logs events on the RRA server.

• ASXPServer started: The RRA server has been started.

• ASXP discovery UDP Server Thread successfully started
ASXP discovery thread listening on
pushClientMessages Thread successfully started

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RRA Client 3.4 11 Logs

Communication with RRA client tested and started.

• Discovery Thread successfully started
DiscoveryAgent listening on
Dynamic Address Thread successfully started
DynamicAddressAgent listening on
The access to the network has been tested and started.
• Unknown machine added to system, serial:8899000098: A new machine has re-
ported itself to the RRA server.
• Unknown machine removed from system, serial:8899000098: The new machine is
no longer unknown and has been identified in the RRA Server and logged in.
• Known machine added to system, serial:8899000098: The new machine is appear-
ing as a known machine.

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RRA Client 3.4 12 Advanced Settings RRA Server

12 Advanced Settings RRA Server

RRA Server.exe.config in C:\Program Files (x86)\Epiroc\RRA Service contains various

settings that are not normally changed.
If the network contains firewalls or routers, and IT department has set restrictions on com-
munication between different computers, then IT department adjusts the enclosed settings.

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RRA Client 3.4 12 Advanced Settings RRA Server

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RRA Client 3.4 13 Advanced Settings RRA Client

13 Advanced Settings RRA Client

RRA Client.exe.config in C:\Program Files (x86)\Epiroc\RRA Service contains various

settings that are not normally changed.
If the network contains firewalls or routers, and IT department has set restrictions on com-
munication between different computers, then IT department adjusts the enclosed settings.

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RRA Client 3.4 13 Advanced Settings RRA Client

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RRA Client 3.4 14 Drill Rig Website

14 Drill Rig Website

The drill rig website is reached by entering the drill rig IP address in the address field in In-
ternet Explorer. The website provides access to several advanced functions.

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