4th Pre Quarterly in English
4th Pre Quarterly in English
4th Pre Quarterly in English
NAME:________________________________________________ SCORE:_________________
2. They describe the number of persons, places or things discussed in a sentence and it answers the question, "How many?"
5. What was called to the sounds that joined together that forms a word?
7. These are the group of words that does not have a complete thought or meaning.
10. What do you call to the words that tell something about the subject?
II. Write the correct spelling of the following cardinal and ordinal adjectives.
IV. Write S if sentence and NS if a non-sentence. V. Write S if the underline word is a subject and P if
______1. a small dog
______1. The girl is walking her dog.
______2. the first day of the week
______2. The children are playing.
______3. I love to swim.
______3. My mom and dad are eating pizza.
______4. I want to go to the park.
______4. Leni swims in the pool.
______5. playing at the park
______5. My dog barks to the cat.
NAME:________________________________________________ SCORE:_________________
1. It is the important way of saying your need or sharing what you feel.
A. When you forgot to pray B. When you are sad C. When you have faith in Christ
3. What is the communication addressed to the Father, in the name of Christ, and the power of the Holy Spirit?
A. 4 B. 5 C. 2
15. For people who is ready and willing to talk to God candidly will be?
Write / check mark if the following sentences shows communication and X cross mark if not.
______16. Today is Mother's day and Jake hugs her mother and said I love you.
______17. You have project to do tomorrow in school but you forgot to tell your mother to buy the materials you needed.
______21. There is a divine blueprint for those who have faith in God.
NAME:________________________________________________ SCORE:_________________
1. What is the Aryan root word of art that means "to put together"?
A. Rt B. Ar C. Yan
2. The word ART means "everything that is artificially made by man or human" came from?
4. The single curved, S line, wavy and spiral are an example of?
5. The vertical, horizontal, diagonal, zigzag, parallel and intersecting are examples of?
A. 3 B. 7 C. 4
11. These are the color combination of primary and secondary colors.
12. What color can you get from combining red and blue?
14. If you combined red and violet, what color will you get?
18. It is when we feel the object and tell the quality of the surface.
19. The texture that can be found in nature and not a homemade.
_______21. a. intersecting
b. horizontal
c. zigzag
_______23. d. parallel
_______24. e. diagonal
f. vertical
III. Write the letter of each curved line.
_______27. S a. wavy
_______28. b. curved
c. spiral
_______30. d. S line