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St. Arnold’s School, Lalaram Nagar Indore (M.P.

Session 2020-2021
Subject: SCIENCE

Class :V Topic: 4.NERVOUS SYSTEM

Teacher’s name: VANDANA UPADHYAY

Objective 1) To understand the parts of brain.

2) To understand the different types of nerves.
3) To understand the reflex action.
4) To understand the function of sense organ.

Resources Text book, chart of nervous system, chart of reflex action, etc.

Elements 1) Introduction
2) Parts of brain
3) Nerves and types of nerves
4) Spinal cord
5) Reflex action
6) Sense organs
7) Functions and care of sense organs.

Learning Plan

Assessment Summary

Due Date Assessment (Methods and Tools) Elements

Week 1 1) Questioning in oral form. 1-3

2) Explanation through smart class
3) Explanation by using Model of brain.
4) Assessment through recitation.

Week 2 1) Questioning. 4-7

2) Assessment by activity.
3) Pen paper test.

Lesson Plan(Delivery Schedules)

Sessions Elements Topic Resources

1st week 1-3 1) Introduction. Black board

2) Parts of brain.
3) Different types of nerves. Smart class

Model of

2nd week 4-7 4) Spinal cord

5) Reflex action
6) Sense organs
7) Functions and care of sense organs.

Outcome 1) The students will be able to explain the structure of brain.

2) They can explain the types of nerves and how our body response?
3) They will be able to explain the each sense organ.
4) They will be explain what is reflex action?

Applications You should exercise regularly , take adequate rest, eat a balanced diet and
drink plenty of water to keep your nervous system healthy

References: new learn well, our environment


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