Crosh Commands

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1 What Is The List Of Commands In Crosh?

2 What Are Evil Crosh Commands 2024?
3 What Are Crosh Commands?
4 How Does Crosh Work?
5 How To Use Crosh Commands On Chromebook OS?
6 What Are Some Cool Commands for Crosh 2023?
6.1 1. Ping The Website.
6.2 2. Top Command For Task Manager.
6.3 3. Battery Test Command For Battery Health.
6.4 4. Memory Test Command.
7 Frequently Asked Questions.
7.1 Share this:
7.2 Related

What Is The List Of Commands In Crosh?

Crosh Commands Result

battery_test [< test length>] To test battery status and discharge rate.

bt_console <agent> Bluetooth debugging console.

It will show the connectivity status. For more

chaps_debug [start|stop|<log_level>]
details “connectivity help”.

connectivity To check connectivity status.

enterprise_ca_approve –allow-self-signed Accept self-signed an SSL certificate.

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Crosh Commands | 57 Crosh Terminal Commands, All Chromebook Us...

exit To exit crosh shell terminal

experimental_storage < status | enable | Used to enable or disable experimental storage

disable > features.

ff_debug [<tag_expr>] [–help]

Used to add and remove flimflam debugging tags.
[–list_valid_tags] [–reset]

It will show general help or details of specific


help <command> To check what commands do.

This command interacts with the 3G, and 4G

help connectivity
modem. Follow “modem help” for detailed help.

Shows more advanced crosh commands, mainly

these are used for debugging.

Memory_test On available free memory, test extensive memory.

This command performs a network suite

modem < command > [args…] diagnostics and saves the copy of the output into
your download directory.

Configure the modem for the specific carrier

modem_set_carrier carrier-name

Enables or disables the peer-to-peer (P2P) sharing

of updates over the local network. To see the
network_diag [–date] [–link] [–show-macs] current state without any argument run this
[–wifi] [–help] [–wifi-mon] < host > command because this, gets updates from other
peers in the network and share the download files
with them.

network_logging < wifi | cellular | ethernet Enables a predefined set of tags and it is useful for
> debugging the specific device.

Debug the network connection of wifi, cellular, and

network_logging wifi
ethernet, etc.

This will attempt to roll back to the previous

updates from saved cached on your system. Make
p2p_update [enable | disable]
sure this will powerwash your device after rolling
the previous updates. Available on non-stable

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Crosh Commands | 57 Crosh Terminal Commands, All Chromebook Us...

channels and non-enterprise enrolled devices.

Save packets while troubleshooting network


[-4] [-6] [-c count] [-i interval] [-n] [-s packetsize]

[-W waittime] < destination > Send ICMP
ECHO_REQUEST packets to a network host. If <
destination > is “gw” then the next hop gateway
for the default route is used. Press Ctrl + C to STOP
the ping process.

rlz < status | enable | disable > To enable or disable RLZ

Set the PPP username and password for

connecting the cellular network. If none of them
are provided, it shows the PPP username for the
available cellular network.

route [-n] [-6] This will display the routing tables.

This will clear the previously used APN so that the

set_apn – c
default APN will be used.

set_apn [-n < network-id >] [-u < Set APN to use cellular data with the specific
username >] [-p < password >] < apn > device and their usage.

set_arpgw < true | false > To check default gateway is reachable.

This will clear the existing PPP username and

set_cellular_ppp -c
password on the available cellular network.

set_cellular_ppp [-u < username >] [-p < To make the system file writable to remote rootfs
password >] verification on Chromebook OS.

set_time Set time manually.

shell /usr/share/vboot Used to configure sound settings. This will also be

/bin/ used to sound beamforming, sound recording, and
–remove_rootfs_verification sound play.

To see the previous list of run commands you have

run on your Chromebook OS.

To start SSH without entering into the subsystem.

sound < command > < argument > If ssh subsystem if invoked without any arguments.
“ssh < user > < host >”, “ssh < user > < host > <

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Crosh Commands | 57 Crosh Terminal Commands, All Chromebook Us...

port >”, “ssh < user >@< host >”. or “ssh < user
>@< host > < port >”.

To see the Chrome OS version running on your


This command is used to remove the host from

ssh_forget_host known ssh. This display is known as hosts and
prompts the host to forget.

See storage health, vendor attributes, and error


storage_test_1 Performs short offline smart test.

storage_test_2 Performs extensive readability tests.

To see the Vital Product Data, or configuration

sudo /opt/google/chrome/chrome information such as UUID, time zone, IMEI,
–version language, region, model, keyboard layout, and
serial number

sudo /usr/sbin/chromeos-firmwareupdate
See the bios of Chrome OS.

sudo dump_vpd_log –full –stdout To see the Linux command working IP address.

sudo ifconfig eth0 Configure advanced touchpad.

sudo systrace Save logs for debugging

syslog < message > Saved message to syslog.

top To run task manager.

tpcontrol {status | taptoclick [on|off]

sensitivity [1-5] | set < property > Track the path of the network host.
<value>} tpcontrol {syntp [on|off]}

tracepath [-n] < destination >[/port] To see Chromebook OS name.

uname -a To see chromebook OS name.

update_engine_client -update Used to update the OS version.

Configure the auto updates without any

update_over_cellular [enable|disable]

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