Mec Diesel Dados Banc

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Dear Customer,

Please kindly transfer your payment to the following bank account:

Corso Roma 13bis/1

10024 Moncalieri (TO) Italy

IBAN IT60S0200820000000004918454


Please ensure that either your Company name, Customer number and Proforma / Invoice
Number (s) are included in the reference field to enable us to identify your payment.

For security reasons, if you receive other bank account details from suspicious e-mail
address, please contact us. Thank you!

Best regards

Dubhe S.r.l.

C.F. e P.IVA / VAT: IT07089160019 Sede legale / Registered office:

R.E.A.: 838549 ITREXIT07089160019 Corso Sommeiller 32, 10128 Torino Italia
Sede operativa / Headquarter:
Registro Imprese di Torino: 07089160019
Via Sestriere 3, 10060 Candiolo (TO) Italia
Capitale Sociale / Share capital: . TEL: +39 011 397 21 32 | FAX: +39 011 397 13 42
Società a socio unico / Single shareholder Company WEB:

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