1. The term ‘educational technology’ was used as a synonym to audio-visual aids meant for
i. Direct teaching- learning ()
ii. Indirect teaching- learning ( )
iii. Both (i) and (ii) ( )
iv. All of the above ( )
2. The earliest concept of educational technology was linked with
i. The use of gadgets and mechanical devices like projectors, radio etc ( )
ii. The use of audio-visual aids like charts, maps etc ()
iii. The use of programmed learning and programmed instruction ( )
iv. None of the above ( )
3. ____________ comes from the Greek word “techne” which means an art or craft.
i. Technique ( )
ii. Technology ()
iii. Technician ( )
iv. Telepathy ( )
4. The word “Technology” is derived from the Greek word
i. ‘techno’ ( )
ii. ‘techne’ ()
iii. ‘tactic’ ( )
iv. ‘tech’ ( )
5. Educational technology is derived from
i. Latin word ( )
ii. Greek word ()
iii. Persian word ( )
iv. None of the above ( )
6. The objective of educational technology is
i. To teach moral values to students ( )
ii. To identify the potential of learners ( )
iii. To develop teaching and learning method ()
iv. All of the above ( )
7. Hardware and Software technologies are functionally
i. Different ( )
ii. Same ( )
iii. Related ()
iv. Not related ( )
8. Technology which has its origin in behavioral sciences and their applied aspects
concerning psychology of learning is
i. Hardware approach ( )
ii. Software approach ()
iii. Both (i) and (ii) ( )
iv. None of the above ( )
9. According to Shiv K. Mitra, educational technology is a/ an
i. Art ( )
ii. Art and science ( )
iii. Science ()
iv. Philosophy ( )
10. Communication is derived from
i. Greek word ( )
ii. Latin word ()
iii. German word ( )
iv. Persian word ( )
11. Who defined, “Communication as the sharing of ideas and feelings in a mood of
i. Aristotle ( )
ii. John Dewey ( )
iii. Edgar Dale ()
iv. D. Berlo ( )
12. The main communication channel is
i. Writing- reading ( )
ii. Speaking- listening ( )
iii. Visual-observing ( )
iv. All of the above ()
13. Which of the following is the external sound presents in the channels of communication?
i. Noise ()
ii. Language ( )
iii. Culture ( )
iv. Over communication ( )
14. In the communication process, to encode means to
i. Interpret a code ( )
ii. Translate ideas into a code ()
iii. Speak to large groups of people ( )
iv. Block a pathway between the sender and receiver of a message ( )
15. Which of the following is an example of non-verbal communication?
i. Facial expression ()
ii. Mumbling ( )
iii. Yelling ( )
iv. None of the above ( )
16. Non-verbal communication does not involve
i. Gestures ( )
ii. Space ( )
iii. Words ()
iv. Silence ( )
17. In the communication process, a receiver is
i. The person who decodes a message ()
ii. The person who encodes an idea ( )
iii. A message pathway ( )
iv. Message interference ( )
18. What is ‘context’?
i. An interference with message reception ( )
ii. Verbal and nonverbal responses to messages ( )
iii. Effective communication ( )
iv. A physical and psychological environment for conversation ()
19. Which of the following arrangements is correct?
i. Sender, encoding, message, channel, receiver ( )
ii. Sender, message, encoding, channel, receiver ()
iii. Message, sender, encoding, channel, receiver ( )
iv. Sender, encoding, message, receiver, channel ( )
20. There are__________ major steps involved in a system approach
i. Three ()
ii. Five ( )
iii. Two ( )
iv. Four ( )
21. A teacher in a system approach first does which of the following?
i. Analysis his objectives into well-defined learning tasks ()
ii. Activates the system by putting the plan into action ( )
iii. None of the above ( )
iv. Both (a) and (b) ( )
22. The instructional systems design process includes
i. Implementation ( )
ii. Development ( )
iii. Analysis ( )
iv. All of the above ()
23. The main approach of instructional design is
i. System analysis ( )
ii. Training psychology ( )
iii. Cybernetics ( )
iv. All of the above ()
24. System approach helps in
i. Designing ( )
ii. Implementing ( )
iii. Evaluating learning systems ( )
iv. All of the above ()
25. The exponent of training psychology is
i. Frank O. Banghart ( )
ii. Norbert Wiener ( )
iii. Gulebod Smith ( )
iv. L. Carter and Robert Gagne ()
26. Instructional technology was given by
i. Ned A Flanders ( )
ii. Herbart ( )
iii. Hunt and Davison ( )
iv. Bruner and Skinner ()
27. A system of interaction analysis essentially consists of the process of
i. Encoding ( )
ii. Decoding ( )
iii. Encoding and decoding ()
iv. None of the above ( )
28. Who defined ‘system’ as interrelated and interdependent elements?
i. Robert Davis ( )
ii. John Davis ( )
iii. William James ( )
iv. R. L. Ackoof ()
29. “System is a systematic organization of the elements that operates in a unique way”. Who
said this?
i. Crawford Reep ()
ii. William James ( )
iii. John Davis ( )
iv. R.L. Ackoff ( )
30. The systems approach integrates the analytic and the synthetic method, encompassing
i. Psychological and behaviourism ( )
ii. Holism and reductionalism ()
iii. Pedagogy and teaching ( )
iv. Teaching and learning ( )
31. “Micro- teaching is scaled down teaching encounter in class size and time”. Who defined
i. R. N. Bush ( )
ii. Allen and Eve ( )
iii. D. W. Allen ()
iv. McAleese ( )
32. Macro teaching is often done in
i. Lecture format ()
ii. Training format ( )
iii. Learning format ( )
iv. Teaching format ( )
33. Micro teaching as a training technique involves
i. One phase ( )
ii. Two phases ( )
iii. Three phases ()
iv. Four phases ( )
34. ____________ is a scaled- down teaching encounter.
i. Macro teaching ( )
ii. Microteaching ()
iii. Team teaching ( )
iv. None of the above ( )
35. When is microteaching more effective?
i. Always ( )
ii. After the teaching practice ( )
iii. During the teaching practice ()
iv. During the preparation for teaching practice ( )
36. Programmed learning is related with the “Law of Effect” as explained by
i. Thrustone ( )
ii. Skinner ( )
iii. Thorndike ()
iv. Pavlov ( )
37. Who said, “Programmed learning is related with the law of effect”?
i. Sidney L. Pressey ( )
ii. Robert M. Gagne ( )
iii. B.F. Skinner ( )
iv. E. L Thorndike ()
38. The credit for developing branching programme goes to American psychologist
i. Norman A. Crowder ()
ii. Henry K. Williams ( )
iii. John K. Phillips ( )
iv. None of them ( )
39. Programmed instruction is a carefully specified, systematically planned, skillfully
analyzed technique which is
i. For evaluation by teacher ( )
ii. A self- instructional technique providing individualized instruction ()
iii. Used for teaching in a class ( )
iv. Only (a) and (b) ( )
40. Programmed instruction is associated with
i. Operant conditioning ()
ii. Classical conditioning ( )
iii. Trial and error theory ( )
iv. None of the above ( )
41. Programmed learning provides
i. General learning ( )
ii. Self-paced learning ()
iii. Both (i) and (ii) ( )
iv. None of the above ( )
42. Personalized System of Instruction (PSI) owes its origin to
i. Green ( )
ii. Abbe Rene Graffin ( )
iii. Fred S. Keller ()
iv. Henry K. Williams ( )
43. A system is a set of
i. Interrelated elements ( )
ii. Interdependent elements ( )
iii. Interrelated and interdependent elements ()
iv. None of the above ( )
44. Programmed instruction owes its origin to the ____________ of learning
i. Philosophy ( )
ii. Psychology ()
iii. Sociology ( )
iv. Humanities ( )
45. In ‘behavioural technology’, the teaching- learning technique includes
i. Microteaching ()
ii. Programmed instructions ( )
iii. Self- instruction ( )
iv. Correspondence education ( )
46. Flanders interaction analysis was developed in the form of
i. Teachers training technique ()
ii. Students training technique ( )
iii. Both (i) and (ii) ( )
iv. None of the above ( )
47. The linear programming was propagated by
i. B.F. Skinner ()
ii. E. L. Thorndike ( )
iii. Norman A. Crowder ( )
iv. Thomas F. Gilbert ( )
48. Keller plan is also known as
i. Task analysis ( )
ii. Personalized system of instruction (PSI) ()
iii. Instrumental design ( )
iv. LCI ( )
49. Computer- assisted instruction is used for facilitating
i. Instructional purpose ( )
ii. Teaching purpose ( )
iii. Individual variation ()
iv. All of the above ( )
50. Computer assisted instruction is based on _____________ principle
i. Classical conditioning ( )
ii. Operant conditioning ()
iii. Pavlovian conditioning ( )
iv. Sender conditioning ( )
51. Why is computer- assisted learning beneficial for teacher?
i. It helps the teacher to evaluate their own performance ( )
ii. It helps the teacher to save time ( )
iii. It helps the teacher to convey more information ( )
iv. Both (ii) and (iii) ()
52. Team teaching is also known as
i. Collaborative teaching ()
ii. Special teaching ( )
iii. Group teaching ( )
iv. Single teaching ( )
53. The technique of team teaching originated from
i. UK ( )
ii. USA ()
iii. Germany ( )
iv. None of the above ( )
54. Role playing is developed by using
i. Micro teaching ( )
ii. Simulated teaching ()
iii. Interaction analysis ( )
iv. All of the above ( )
55. Role-playing in the process of teaching in an artificial situation is known as
i. Simulated teaching ()
ii. Development teaching ( )
iii. Capitalized teaching ( )
iv. Team teaching ( )
56. Simulated teaching is related with
i. Role playing ( )
ii. Training technique ( )
iii. Problem solving ( )
iv. All of the above ()
57. The use of technology to enhance learning process is called__________ in education?
i. IT ( )
ii. ICT ()
iii. Information technology ( )
iv. Communication technology ( )
58. Who is known as the father of modern media education.
i. Edgar Dale ()
ii. Flanders ( )
iii. Erikson ( )
iv. Charles Babbage ( )
59. Method used to transfer information to far off places instantly is called
i. Data ( )
ii. Information technology ( )
iii. Language ( )
iv. Tele communication ()
60. Medium which sends information from source to receiver is called
i. Transmission channel ()
ii. Optic fiber ( )
iii. Transmitter ( )
iv. Receiver ( )
61. Audio visual aids helps_________ students in the class
i. Slow learning ()
ii. Playful ( )
iii. Intelligent ( )
iv. Curious ( )
62. ICT stands for
i. Information and computer technology ( )
ii. Instruction and communication technology ( )
iii. Innovation and computer technology ( )
iv. Information and communication technology ()