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1. The term ‘educational technology’ was used as a synonym to audio-visual aids meant for
i. Direct teaching- learning ()
ii. Indirect teaching- learning ( )
iii. Both (i) and (ii) ( )
iv. All of the above ( )
2. The earliest concept of educational technology was linked with
i. The use of gadgets and mechanical devices like projectors, radio etc ( )
ii. The use of audio-visual aids like charts, maps etc ()
iii. The use of programmed learning and programmed instruction ( )
iv. None of the above ( )
3. ____________ comes from the Greek word “techne” which means an art or craft.
i. Technique ( )
ii. Technology ()
iii. Technician ( )
iv. Telepathy ( )
4. The word “Technology” is derived from the Greek word
i. ‘techno’ ( )
ii. ‘techne’ ()
iii. ‘tactic’ ( )
iv. ‘tech’ ( )
5. Educational technology is derived from
i. Latin word ( )
ii. Greek word ()
iii. Persian word ( )
iv. None of the above ( )
6. The objective of educational technology is
i. To teach moral values to students ( )
ii. To identify the potential of learners ( )
iii. To develop teaching and learning method ()
iv. All of the above ( )
7. Hardware and Software technologies are functionally
i. Different ( )
ii. Same ( )
iii. Related ()
iv. Not related ( )
8. Technology which has its origin in behavioral sciences and their applied aspects
concerning psychology of learning is
i. Hardware approach ( )
ii. Software approach ()
iii. Both (i) and (ii) ( )
iv. None of the above ( )
9. According to Shiv K. Mitra, educational technology is a/ an
i. Art ( )
ii. Art and science ( )
iii. Science ()
iv. Philosophy ( )
10. Communication is derived from
i. Greek word ( )
ii. Latin word ()
iii. German word ( )
iv. Persian word ( )
11. Who defined, “Communication as the sharing of ideas and feelings in a mood of
i. Aristotle ( )
ii. John Dewey ( )
iii. Edgar Dale ()
iv. D. Berlo ( )
12. The main communication channel is
i. Writing- reading ( )
ii. Speaking- listening ( )
iii. Visual-observing ( )
iv. All of the above ()
13. Which of the following is the external sound presents in the channels of communication?
i. Noise ()
ii. Language ( )
iii. Culture ( )
iv. Over communication ( )
14. In the communication process, to encode means to
i. Interpret a code ( )
ii. Translate ideas into a code ()
iii. Speak to large groups of people ( )
iv. Block a pathway between the sender and receiver of a message ( )
15. Which of the following is an example of non-verbal communication?
i. Facial expression ()
ii. Mumbling ( )
iii. Yelling ( )
iv. None of the above ( )
16. Non-verbal communication does not involve
i. Gestures ( )
ii. Space ( )
iii. Words ()
iv. Silence ( )
17. In the communication process, a receiver is
i. The person who decodes a message ()
ii. The person who encodes an idea ( )
iii. A message pathway ( )
iv. Message interference ( )
18. What is ‘context’?
i. An interference with message reception ( )
ii. Verbal and nonverbal responses to messages ( )
iii. Effective communication ( )
iv. A physical and psychological environment for conversation ()
19. Which of the following arrangements is correct?
i. Sender, encoding, message, channel, receiver ( )
ii. Sender, message, encoding, channel, receiver ()
iii. Message, sender, encoding, channel, receiver ( )
iv. Sender, encoding, message, receiver, channel ( )
20. There are__________ major steps involved in a system approach
i. Three ()
ii. Five ( )
iii. Two ( )
iv. Four ( )
21. A teacher in a system approach first does which of the following?
i. Analysis his objectives into well-defined learning tasks ()
ii. Activates the system by putting the plan into action ( )
iii. None of the above ( )
iv. Both (a) and (b) ( )
22. The instructional systems design process includes
i. Implementation ( )
ii. Development ( )
iii. Analysis ( )
iv. All of the above ()
23. The main approach of instructional design is
i. System analysis ( )
ii. Training psychology ( )
iii. Cybernetics ( )
iv. All of the above ()
24. System approach helps in
i. Designing ( )
ii. Implementing ( )
iii. Evaluating learning systems ( )
iv. All of the above ()
25. The exponent of training psychology is
i. Frank O. Banghart ( )
ii. Norbert Wiener ( )
iii. Gulebod Smith ( )
iv. L. Carter and Robert Gagne ()
26. Instructional technology was given by
i. Ned A Flanders ( )
ii. Herbart ( )
iii. Hunt and Davison ( )
iv. Bruner and Skinner ()
27. A system of interaction analysis essentially consists of the process of
i. Encoding ( )
ii. Decoding ( )
iii. Encoding and decoding ()
iv. None of the above ( )
28. Who defined ‘system’ as interrelated and interdependent elements?
i. Robert Davis ( )
ii. John Davis ( )
iii. William James ( )
iv. R. L. Ackoof ()
29. “System is a systematic organization of the elements that operates in a unique way”. Who
said this?
i. Crawford Reep ()
ii. William James ( )
iii. John Davis ( )
iv. R.L. Ackoff ( )
30. The systems approach integrates the analytic and the synthetic method, encompassing
i. Psychological and behaviourism ( )
ii. Holism and reductionalism ()
iii. Pedagogy and teaching ( )
iv. Teaching and learning ( )
31. “Micro- teaching is scaled down teaching encounter in class size and time”. Who defined
i. R. N. Bush ( )
ii. Allen and Eve ( )
iii. D. W. Allen ()
iv. McAleese ( )
32. Macro teaching is often done in
i. Lecture format ()
ii. Training format ( )
iii. Learning format ( )
iv. Teaching format ( )
33. Micro teaching as a training technique involves
i. One phase ( )
ii. Two phases ( )
iii. Three phases ()
iv. Four phases ( )
34. ____________ is a scaled- down teaching encounter.
i. Macro teaching ( )
ii. Microteaching ()
iii. Team teaching ( )
iv. None of the above ( )
35. When is microteaching more effective?
i. Always ( )
ii. After the teaching practice ( )
iii. During the teaching practice ()
iv. During the preparation for teaching practice ( )
36. Programmed learning is related with the “Law of Effect” as explained by
i. Thrustone ( )
ii. Skinner ( )
iii. Thorndike ()
iv. Pavlov ( )
37. Who said, “Programmed learning is related with the law of effect”?
i. Sidney L. Pressey ( )
ii. Robert M. Gagne ( )
iii. B.F. Skinner ( )
iv. E. L Thorndike ()
38. The credit for developing branching programme goes to American psychologist
i. Norman A. Crowder ()
ii. Henry K. Williams ( )
iii. John K. Phillips ( )
iv. None of them ( )
39. Programmed instruction is a carefully specified, systematically planned, skillfully
analyzed technique which is
i. For evaluation by teacher ( )
ii. A self- instructional technique providing individualized instruction ()
iii. Used for teaching in a class ( )
iv. Only (a) and (b) ( )
40. Programmed instruction is associated with
i. Operant conditioning ()
ii. Classical conditioning ( )
iii. Trial and error theory ( )
iv. None of the above ( )
41. Programmed learning provides
i. General learning ( )
ii. Self-paced learning ()
iii. Both (i) and (ii) ( )
iv. None of the above ( )
42. Personalized System of Instruction (PSI) owes its origin to
i. Green ( )
ii. Abbe Rene Graffin ( )
iii. Fred S. Keller ()
iv. Henry K. Williams ( )
43. A system is a set of
i. Interrelated elements ( )
ii. Interdependent elements ( )
iii. Interrelated and interdependent elements ()
iv. None of the above ( )
44. Programmed instruction owes its origin to the ____________ of learning
i. Philosophy ( )
ii. Psychology ()
iii. Sociology ( )
iv. Humanities ( )
45. In ‘behavioural technology’, the teaching- learning technique includes
i. Microteaching ()
ii. Programmed instructions ( )
iii. Self- instruction ( )
iv. Correspondence education ( )
46. Flanders interaction analysis was developed in the form of
i. Teachers training technique ()
ii. Students training technique ( )
iii. Both (i) and (ii) ( )
iv. None of the above ( )
47. The linear programming was propagated by
i. B.F. Skinner ()
ii. E. L. Thorndike ( )
iii. Norman A. Crowder ( )
iv. Thomas F. Gilbert ( )
48. Keller plan is also known as
i. Task analysis ( )
ii. Personalized system of instruction (PSI) ()
iii. Instrumental design ( )
iv. LCI ( )
49. Computer- assisted instruction is used for facilitating
i. Instructional purpose ( )
ii. Teaching purpose ( )
iii. Individual variation ()
iv. All of the above ( )
50. Computer assisted instruction is based on _____________ principle
i. Classical conditioning ( )
ii. Operant conditioning ()
iii. Pavlovian conditioning ( )
iv. Sender conditioning ( )
51. Why is computer- assisted learning beneficial for teacher?
i. It helps the teacher to evaluate their own performance ( )
ii. It helps the teacher to save time ( )
iii. It helps the teacher to convey more information ( )
iv. Both (ii) and (iii) ()
52. Team teaching is also known as
i. Collaborative teaching ()
ii. Special teaching ( )
iii. Group teaching ( )
iv. Single teaching ( )
53. The technique of team teaching originated from
i. UK ( )
ii. USA ()
iii. Germany ( )
iv. None of the above ( )
54. Role playing is developed by using
i. Micro teaching ( )
ii. Simulated teaching ()
iii. Interaction analysis ( )
iv. All of the above ( )
55. Role-playing in the process of teaching in an artificial situation is known as
i. Simulated teaching ()
ii. Development teaching ( )
iii. Capitalized teaching ( )
iv. Team teaching ( )
56. Simulated teaching is related with
i. Role playing ( )
ii. Training technique ( )
iii. Problem solving ( )
iv. All of the above ()
57. The use of technology to enhance learning process is called__________ in education?
i. IT ( )
ii. ICT ()
iii. Information technology ( )
iv. Communication technology ( )
58. Who is known as the father of modern media education.
i. Edgar Dale ()
ii. Flanders ( )
iii. Erikson ( )
iv. Charles Babbage ( )
59. Method used to transfer information to far off places instantly is called
i. Data ( )
ii. Information technology ( )
iii. Language ( )
iv. Tele communication ()
60. Medium which sends information from source to receiver is called
i. Transmission channel ()
ii. Optic fiber ( )
iii. Transmitter ( )
iv. Receiver ( )
61. Audio visual aids helps_________ students in the class
i. Slow learning ()
ii. Playful ( )
iii. Intelligent ( )
iv. Curious ( )
62. ICT stands for
i. Information and computer technology ( )
ii. Instruction and communication technology ( )
iii. Innovation and computer technology ( )
iv. Information and communication technology ()

63. The method for the acquisition of teaching skill is

i. Inquiry learning
ii. Team teaching
iii. Discovery learning
iv. Micro teaching 
True or False
1) Educational technology helps to identify the available teaching- learning material and
resources. True
2) The term ‘technology’ has been derived from Greek word ‘techno’. False
3) Software approach owes its origin to the behavioural science True
4) Any media through which communication is not achieved can be termed as the
communication process. False
5) System is a self-governing, self-maintaining and self-regulated structure. True
6) Communication is a bipolar process True
7) Programmed learning is not highly individualized. False
8) Macro-teaching is a scaled down teaching. False
9) Microteaching is for developing skills of learning False
10) In simulated teaching, the participant is introduced to the situation by film strips. True
11) CAI is an individualized technique of teaching True
12) Heuristic is oral communication strategy of teaching. True
13) Programmed instruction does not facilitate individual variation of learners False
14) The external barriers of communication lie in the sender and receiver of the message.
15) Simulated teaching is also called as simulated social skill training True
16) Micro teaching is a training technique. True
17) Team teaching refers to a situation where two or more teachers teach one student. False
18) Microteaching is a skill- oriented programme. True
19) Programmed learning is a self- instructional learning device. True
20) Linear programming represents a multiple line arrangement composed of a single- track
programme. False
21) Identification of problem is the last step in systems approach False
22) In CAI, the teacher plays a pivotal role in the instructional process. False
23) Communication is a bipolar process True
24) Personalized system of instruction (PSI) owes its origin to professor Fred S. Keller True
Fill in the blanks
1) Computer- assisted instruction stands for instruction carried out with the help of
Computer as a machine.
2) System denotes interrelationships between the parts or elements.
3) Hardware technology approach is based on the application of Physical sciences
4) Programmed learning is related to the law of effect given by E. L. Thorndike
5) The word ‘technic’ in technology stands for art or skill

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