820 Electronics Technology Xi

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1. Introduction
After successfully completing the two years of Senior Secondary Skill Course the student would have
acquired relevant appropriate and adequate technical knowledge together with professional skills and
competencies in the field of Electrical Technology so that he/she is properly equipped to take up gainful
employment in this vocation.

2. Course Objectives
A. Understanding of:
1. The relevant basic concept sand principles in basic science subjects (Physics, Chemistry
and Mathematics) so that he/she is able to understand the different vocational subjects.
2. The basic concepts in engineering drawing.
3. The concepts, principles of working of basic electronic devices and circuits.
4. The knowledge of testing procedure of components and circuits by making use of different
test instruments.
5. The procedure of making P.C.B.
6. The concepts and principles used in Radio/Audio/Video Systems and Communication devices
and its maintenance.

B. Adequate Professional Skills and Competencies in:

(a) Testing different electronic components.
(b) Testing the performance of electronic circuits.
(c) Locating the fault at component level and at the stage level.

C. A Healthy and Professional Attitude so that he/she has:

(a) An analytical approach while working on a job.
(b) An open mind while locating /rectifying faults.
(c) Respect for working with his / her own hands.
(d) Respect for honesty, punctuality and truthfulness.

3. Curriculum
This course is a planned sequence of instructions consisting of Units meant for developing employability
and Skills competencies of students of Class XI opting for Skills subject along with general education
Theory 60 marks
Practical 40 marks
Total Marks 100 marks
The unit-wise distribution of Periods and marks for Class XI is as given on the next page:

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CLASS – XI (SESSION 2022-2023)
Total Marks: 100 (Theory-60 + Practical-40)


UNITS for Theory and for Theory and
Practical Practical

Employability Skills
Unit 1 : Communication Skills-III 10 2

Unit 2 : Self-Management Skills- III 10 2

Unit 3 : ICT Skills- III 10 2
Unit 4 : Entrepreneurial Skills- III 15 2
Unit 5 : Green Skills- III 05 2
Total 50 10
Subject Specific Skills Theory Practical Marks
Unit 1: Overview of Atom, Sub-Atomic Particles
16 10 05
and CRO

Unit 2: Voltage and Current 24 20 10

Unit 3: Basics of Semiconductor 32 20 15

Unit 4: Bipolar Junction Transistor 24 20 10

Unit 5: Transistor Amplifier and Applications 24 20 10

Total 120 90 50
Practical Work

Practical Examination 15

Written Test 10

Viva Voce 05
Total 30

Project Work/Field Visit / Practical File/

Student Portfolio

Total 10


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S. No. Units Duration in Hours

1. Unit 1: Communication Skills-III 10
2. Unit 2: Self-management Skills-III 10
3. Unit 3: Information and Communication Technology Skills-III 10
4. Unit 4: Entrepreneurial Skills-III 15
5. Unit 5: Green Skills-III 05

NOTE: Detailed Curriculum/ Topics to be covered under Part A: Employability Skills

can be downloaded from CBSE website.


1. Overview of Atom, Sub-Atomic Particles and CRO

1) Brief History of Electronics.
2) Atom andits elements, Bohr Atomic model, Atomic energy level.
3) Electron, Force, Field intensity, Potential, Energy, current, current density, Ionization
4) Electric field, Magnetic field, Motion of charged particles in electric and magnetic field.
5) Overview of CRO, Electronic and Magnetic deflection in CRO, Applications.
2. Voltage and Current
1) Resistance, Ohm’s law, V-I Characteristics, Resistors, Capacitors, Inductors.
2) Voltage and Current sources, Symbols and Graphical representation, Conversion of
current and voltage sources.
3) Overview of AC, DC, Cells and Batteries, Energy and Power.
3. Basics of Semiconductor
1) Semiconductor materials, Energy band structure of Insulators, Metals and
Semiconductors, Energy gap, Field and Photo-electric emission.
2) Intrinsic & Extrinsic semiconductor, N-type and P-type semiconductor, Drift current,
Diffusion current and Total current, Mobility of charges, Effects of temperature on
Conductivity of semiconductor.
3) PN junction diode, depletion layer, potential barrier, Forward & Reverse bias, V-I
Characteristic, Effects of temperature, Resistance levels, Breakdown in Junction diode,
Zener diode, Photo diode, LED, Types and applications of diode.
4) Diode as a rectifier, Half wave and full wave rectification, Voltage multipliers, Zener diode
5) Special information – (Introduction to Filters, Clippers, Clampers).

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4. Bipolar Junction Transistor
1) Construction and operation of NPN and PNP transistors, Biasing of BJT.
2) CB, CE and CC configuration, Characteristics and transistor parameters for CB, CE, CC
3) Introduction to FET, JFET, MOSFET, CMOS and VMOS, Characteristics of various
transistors, Comparison of various transistors.
5. Transistor Amplifier and Applications
1) Introduction, Single and Multi stage amplifiers, General amplifier characteristics,
Feedbacks in amplifier.
2) Introduction to Oscillators, Multi-Vibrators and Signal generator.
3) Special information - (Introduction to Thyristors, PNPN diode, SCR, LASCR, DIAC,

The teaching and training activities have to be conducted in classroom, laboratory/ workshops and field
visits. Students should be taken to field visits for interaction with experts and to expose them to the various
tools, equipment, materials, procedures and operations in the workplace. Special emphasis should be laid
on the occupational safety, health and hygiene during the training and field visits.

Classroom activities are an integral part of this course and interactive lecture sessions, followed by
discussions should be conducted by trained vocational teachers. Vocational teachers should make effective
use of a variety of instructional or teaching aids, such as audio-video materials, colour slides, charts,
diagrams, models, exhibits, hand-outs, online teaching materials, etc. to transmit knowledge and impart
training to the students.


Practical work may include but not limited to hands-on-training, simulated training, role play, case based
studies, exercises, etc. Equipment and supplies should be provided to enhance hands-on learning
experience of students. Only trained personnel should teach specialized techniques. A training plan that
reflects tools, equipment, materials, skills and activities to be performed by the students should be
submitted by the vocational teacher to the Head of the Institution.


In field visits, children will go outside the classroom to obtain specific information from experts or to make
observations of the activities. A checklist of observations to be made by the students during the field visits
should be developed by the Vocational Teachers for systematic collection of information by the students on
the various aspects. Principals and Teachers should identify the different opportunities for field visits within
a short distance from the school and make necessary arrangements for the visits. At least three field visits
should be conducted in a year.

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1. Resistance - various values/sizes
2. Condensers - various values/sizes
3. Transformer such as Battery Eliminator mains and Battery charger
4. Side cutting insulated pliers – 15 cm
5. Long Nose insulated pliers 15 cm
6. Wire cutter, spring type
7. Screw driver set – 10 cm, 15 cm, 20 cm
8. Soldering Iron – 35 W/220 V, Solder Wire – 60, 40 and soldering Iron Stand
9. Tinned Copper Wire
10. VARIAC Single Phase
11. Wire Stripper
12. Steel Scale
13. Combination Pliers
14. Crimping Tools
15. Electronic Tool Kit
16. Analog Oscilloscope: Oscilloscope 30 Mhz Dual Trace
17. Digital Multimeter 4 & ½ Digits
18. Function Generator 0.3 Mhz To 3 Mhz
19. DC regulated Power Supply (30 V/5A)
20. Frequency Counter 0.1 Hz to 1 GHz
21. Universal IC Tester, Digital IC upto 40 pins
22. Three Terminal Voltage Regulator Trainer Board
23. Diode &Zener diode Characteristics Trainer Board
24. Rectifier and Filter Trainer Board
25. Transistors Characteristics Trainer Board (CE,CB,CC)
26. TV pattern Generators
27. Telephone Trainer Kit
28. Mobile Communication Training System
29. Communication Simulation Software
30. Fax machine trainer
31. Mobile Phone Trainer
32. Single Phase Half Wave Control Rectifier Using SCR Board
33. UPS Trainer
34. Temperature Oven (0-200 DegreeC)
35. Different Microphones & Loudspeaker (for study of frequency response of microphone)
36. Microwave Oven
37. Colored Television Demonstration kit
38. CD/DVD Player Trainer Kit
39. Stereo Cassette player demonstration cum trainer
40. Facsimile Machine
41. DTH System
42. 8 bit digital multiplexer
43. 1:8 line de-multiplexer

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44. Multiplex two BCD numbers to seven segment display
45. 3 bit asynchronous up-counter3 bit synchronous down counter
46. Universal Shift Registers having SISO, SIPO, PIPO, PISO
47. Encoder/decoder trainer
48. Digital IC Testers
49. Digital IC Power Supplies (+/- 5V/1A, +/-12V/1A/+-15V, 1A)
50. GSM trainer kit
51. CDMA trainer kit
52. Digital Trainer Kit with following on board facility:
i. Breadboard,
ii. 16 Nos. of input toggle switches,
iii. Sixteen nos. of LED output provision,
iv. Fixed +5V@1A and variable ±15V@500mA power supply,
v. Pulser switch for clock input,
vi. Variable frequency clock signal (1Hz to1KHz),
vii. Digital voltmeter
viii. Seven segment display
53. TTL IC 7400(NAND), 7402 (NOR), 7404(NOT), 7408(AND), 7432(OR), 7486(XOR)
TTL IC 7446 (Common anode decoder driver),
IC 7448 (Common cathode decoder driver),
Seven segment display (both common anode:
MAN 3910 or equivalent and common cathode:
MAN 3940 or equivalent).
54. 8085 microprocessor based microprocessor trainer kit.

1. Study of current and voltage measurement using Ammeter and Voltmeter.
2. Study of current and voltage measurement using Galvanometer.
3. Study of current, voltage and resistance measurement using of Multi-meter
4. Study of voltage amplifier.
5. Study of power amplifier.
6. Study of working principle of Signal Generator and measurement of amplitude, time period and
frequency of signal using Oscilloscope.
7. Study of V-I Characteristic of Diode.
8. Study of V-I Characteristic of Zener Diode. And use of Zener Diode as voltage regulator.
9. Study of Half wave rectifier with and without filter circuit.
10. Study of Full wave rectifier with and without filter circuit.
11. Study CE configuration for NPN and PNP transistors and measurement of voltage and current gain.
12. Study CB configuration for NPN and PNP transistors and measurement of voltage and current gain.
13. Study CC configuration for NPN and PNP transistors and measurement of voltage and current gain.
14. Study of working of single layer PCB manufacturing
15. Study of working of double layer PCB manufacturing.
16. Design of 7 segment display using LED and bread board.

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