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Intended Learning Outcomes (1LOs}: At the end of the lesson, students are expected to: 1. Discuss the origin of the different indigenous games in the Philippines; 2. Explain the objectives and setting of the indigenous games or pinoy games. 3. Classify the different materials /equipment of every indigenous game 4. Apply the different indigenous games/ pinoy games following the correct procedures and ules of the game; and 5S. Appreciate indigenous games for the preservation of Filipino culture and traditions. ‘This module is easy to understand, Mt makes use of some native words which are defined simply for all readers to understand. Go over the module and follow these instructions: 1. Read carefully the text of each page. 2. Study the indigenous games described. 3. Complete all necessary materials, equipment and preparations including marked ares before starting to introduce the game. 4. Know the games thoroughly before conducting a trial game Indigenous Games *LARO® is the Pilipino generic term for all forms of recreational play. Filipinos say “Laro tayo" meaning *Let’s play whether they wish to play for fun without concern for consequence or ‘engage in a highly competitive contest. Indigenous games widely known as “Laro ng Lahi" are Hispanic in origin. These local games have existed as part of the Filipino culture and ft is not only played by youngsters but also by anybody who love childish humor. While these games are recreational in nature, they re also used to test an individual or group's strength, endurance and dexterity. Laro ng Lahi can be categorized as single or individual games, dual games, and group games. Individual games are those played by a single player while dual games are games played by two players. All games are started by @ procedure undertaken by the players themselves. ‘The procedures may differ but all of them are called *manuhan”. *Manuhan* may be done in different ways. Here are some of them: 1, Tihaya © Taob - (top or bottom side up) wherein a clam shell, wooden shoe, leaf or coin is used. 2. “Bunotan ng Patpat” - (Drawing Sticks) the one who draws the short one becomes the first to play. The one who draws the longest one is the last player or becomes the “It* (Taya). 3, Gansal 0 Pares - One player picks up in one hand as many tokens (seeds, shells, pebbles) he can hold. He then asks his opponent to guess whether the total number is odd or even. If the opponent guesses correctly, he wins and has the right to play first. 4. Toe-line - Each player throws his “pamato” from a certain point agreed upon at the beginning of the game towards the toe-line. Whoever is the nearest to the toe-line plays first. S. Lukeong Tintk and Inksong tubid- involves leaping over hands and fingers or ropes 6. Luksong baka. involves leap-frogging ever someone who is in varying positions, from a PE 3- GAMES AND SPORTS: iyo, 1; Lewdngon, A; Nezeara, M Scanned with CamScanner 4cta0, T; Salocuit, C; & Urbiztondo, D. iprone fetal position to a standing bent over position, with the object of the game as going over that person. Indigenous games are played either indoor or outdoor. In an unoppesed game, the contender only aims to hit the target while in an opposed game, the player uses offensive or defensive atrategies to goal. Here are examples of single and dual indigenous games. Study the instructions carefully before you attempt to play the game. PIKO Piko is a popular game piayed in yards or alleys. A geometric figure Is drawn on the ground and Provided with divisions or compartments. Piko is Unbelievably old. When ancient Roman cites were ug up. drawings of hopscotch lines were found on the stone floors. Everywhere, it is played for one am to win a place to call one’s own. in the Philippines the game is also known as “kipkip’, “pikuba’, “laban’ and *segking”. Preparations Piko Draw the playing court on the ground with a sharp stick. (Five rectangles arranged vertically with rectangles 3 and 5 divided equally (3a and 3b) and (Sa and Sb) and (a half moon for no. 6) A horizontal line is also drawn on the 4th rectangle to be used for manuhan Purposes. A piece of chalk, charcoal or a roll of masking tape may be used if the court will be drawn on a stone or cemented floor. Make available flat pieces of stones which may be used How to play the game? 1, Stand in front of rectang 2. Take turns in tossing your *pamato” to the dividing line in rectangle no. 4. The player who tosses his pamato closest to this line, playa firat. This is called ‘manohan”, 3. Ifyou are the first player. toss your pamato to rectangle no. 1. Neither the player nor the pamato must touch the line otherwise you lose your turn, 4. Start hopping or skipping through the compartments. Avoid stepping on the part where your “pamato” is. Module No. 1 Propagate Philippine Indigenous Games 6 Sa Sb 43a 3b 216 PE 3- GAMES AND SPORTS: Hi > Biya! WE Lawanger, Ae Narcad, M: chia, 'T:"Bclacuit, C:& Urbiztondo, D. Scanned with CamScannerS. Land on both feet when you reach compartment no. 6. Landing in both feet is only allowed in this compartment and in other areas which you may cam after successfully finishing the game. These areas will be called your home or “bahay”. No other player can step on this are. 6. Pick your “pamato” on your way home starting from rectangle no. 5. 7. After you have played in the entire rectangle, toss your pamato strong enough from compartment no. 6 to pass over rectangle no. 1. Hop again passing no. 5 to no. 1 them jump ‘over your “pamato". 8. Pick up your pamato and with your back turned against the rectangle play area, toss your pamato towards the direction of the play area. The compartment where the pamato lands becomes your home or “bahay”. You may write your name on your “bahay”. 9, Start the game all over again without passing through the homes won by players. The owner of the home or “bahay” is the only privileged player to land on his home or “bahay”. 10, Play the game all over again until all compartments have been won as homes. The player with the most number of homes, wins. ‘TATSING TE “Tatsing” Is a game enjoyed by youngsters s NG in the backyard. “Tatsing® comes from the G English word touching. 1B The objective of the game isto hit the bottle aM NS 0 caps out of the square with one’s stone or —— a oe “pamato™ from the tow line. The player, who. Tee hits the most number of bottle caps out of SSeS te opeares ins Pee st ‘The bottle caps may be substituted with : : marbles, rubber bands and coins. ‘TEAM GAMES Filipinos are festive people. They love doing things with friends, relatives and neighbors, in a joyful mood. This is the reason why Philippine traditional games are enjoyed not only by young people but also by adults. This lesson discusses the most common team games played by Filipinos from among the regions in the Philippines. The title of the game may differ from one region to another but the same mechanics are used. cULLIOT This game is similar to tug of war in principle. ‘The purpose of a team is to pull the other team over tt ‘sometimes called “Hatakang Lubi borderline. _., PE 3- GAMES AND SPORTS: HH > Towner, AGN arcard, ta: Matta, T; Bélacuit, C; & Urbirtondo, D. Scanned with CamScannerPreparation OT Look for safe place where the players can play Draw a centerline and two borderlines which should be one meter centerline. Make available a 15 meter long rope with a diameter of 3.81 centimeters. from the How to Play the Game Have equal number of players for each team. The head player is the team’s captain. Separate the two teams who should be facing each other about five meters apart with the centerline in the middle of both teams. Let each member of each team hold on the rope. The end of the rope should be tied on the waist of the last player. Tie a piece of ribbon or handkerchiefs on the center of the rope which should fall on the centerline, On signal, cach team pulls each other until one's team captain crosses the middle line. The team that pulls the other over the borderline is declared as the winner. PATINTERO Patintero or “Harang Taga* is the most popular among the Philippine games. It is played everywhere, anytime of the day most especially at night during full moon. ‘A team is composed of five (S) players and a coach. The officials of the game are the referee, scorer, timekeeper and five (5) linesmen. Two teams compete (the offensive and the defensive teams) to accumulate as many points by passing the linea without being tagged. The defensive team is called the line guards while the offensive team is called the “passers”. The objective of a team is to accumulate as many points by passing the lines without being tagged. PE 3- GAMES AND SPORTS: S Bio Di aang, AGN accord, © Matra, T; Belacuit, C; & Urbirtondo, D. Scanned with CamScannerS Be) Preparation Draw a patintero court with a length of 13.5 and a width of 7 meters. Divide the court into six courts by dividing the length into three and the width into two. How to play the game - Start the game by tossing a coin. Whoever wins becomes the passer. - A time limit of two minutes is given to each team to score. Originally, the game was started thru “jack en poy” Each team was represented by a leader and the winner in the “jack en poy” becomes the offensive team. There was no time limit. At the whistle of the referee, all offensive players enter the court and advance to the next line of the court until they reach home without being tagged. On. the other hand, the defensive players guard their lines so that nobody can cross their lines Boing to the next box. Tagging was legal then even if one foot only had contact with the line on the ground. Any player of the offensive team, who reaches home without being tagged, scored a point. Wf the offensive team continues to carn a score for some time, the defensive team is, shouted at "bagoong” by the offensive players. The game continues until a turnover is called, How to play the game ‘+ The game is started with @ tots of a coin. Whoever wins, becomes the offensive team. ‘© Atime limit of two minutes is given to each team to score. A turnover is called if the time lapses. - ‘+ At the whistle of the referee, players enter the court with a risk of being tagged. Passers cross the lines from the starting point and back Line guards who are positioned on the vertical lines keep their feet on the line while trying to tag the passers. The guard on the horizontal line (patotot) does the same. ‘* any of the passers is tagged, a turnover is called even if the 2 minute limit has not elapsed. The line guards assume the position of passers while the passers become line guards. ‘+ Tagging is legal only when both feet of the line guards have contact with the ground. No tag is allowed when the players have already passed a preceding ‘box. The horizontal line guard (patotot guard) is the only guard privileged to tag anywhere. ‘+ Arun is scored every time a player enters a new box. The equivalent point for each run is shown below. Any player who reaches home scores 20 points for his team. «The game is played in three innings - * The team with the highest score after the third inning wins the game. PE 3- GAMES AND SPORTS: Mavnnigeh, AENarcord, ba: atta, 1; Bilacuit, C; & Urbirtondo, D. Scanned with CamScannerScoring 1, Each width line will have corresponding points as follows: Going up back to home ground SANGRAYAW Sangkayaw ia popularly known a2 coconut shell race. It is commonly played in the Tagalog and Central Luzon provinces. This game makes use of a coconut shell tied to a string under each foot. The string is placed : between the toe and the next one. The loose end of the string is being held by the hands Preparation ¢ Draw a starting line and finish line with a distance of twenty (20) meters. ¢ Make available a pair of cadang in front of each team. A team may be composed of ten (10) to twelve (12) players. © On signal, the first player of each team walks with his coconut shell (hush) towards his goal line. ‘Upon reaching the goal line, be tums sround with his starting line. «The next player gets the pair of cadang and does the same. «The third, fourth, up to the last player repeat the procedure. © The first team to finish the race, wins. A team whose player walks for more than two (2) steps after a fall will be disqualified. and returns to the = TIYAKAD i ‘This is a Philippine game with the use of debs bamboo stits. Two bamboo poles of equal length if are used with a foot size tongue in each pole to serve as platform for the player's fect. The eae principle of the game is to walk on stilt from a th starting line to the finish line. The length to be e traveled is 100 meters. Preparation * Draw two (2) parallel tines with a distance of 100 meters apart to serve as starting line and finish line. © Markevery25th meter PE 3- GAMES AND SPORTS: |s tao 6 8 Urbans 2 Scanned with CamScannerRules of the Game * Have four players in each team. © Arrange the players in such a way that the first player stands behind the starting line, the second player behind the 25th mark. the third player behind the SOth mark and the fourth and last player behind the 75th mark. «On the signal “GO” the first player mounts on his stilts and starts walking to the 25th mark. He gets off from the stilts, hand then down to the second player who does the same while going to the SOth mark. + The third and fourth players repeat the pattern until all players have experienced the bamboo stilt race. + The first team that reaches the finish line without getting off the stilts, wins. * Ateam will be disqualified if: ‘a. a player falls twice from the bamboo stilts. b. a player walks for more than two steps after a fall Variati Each player walk on stilt from the starting line to the finish line. The length to be traveled is one hundred (100) meters. The first player that reaches the finish line without getting off the stilts, wins. ‘TUMBANG PRESO (Knock the Can Down) ‘This is a very common game played in the backyard of even in streets with leas vehicular traffic. it started during the Spanish regime in the Tagalog region. it was handed down in the different parts of the country and was given different names. The equipment needed are empty milk can. slipper or a piece of flat stone used as “pamato* Any number of players may participate although it is recommended that players should not be more than nine (9). ‘The object of the game is to hit and knock down the milk can with the pamato and for the “It” to put back the can inside a small circle, a few meters away from the toe-line. When a player is tag while recovering his pamato, he becomes, the new “It”, + Make available an empty milk can, some ‘used as “pamato”. * Draw tarting line or a toe-line about five (5) meters away from a small circle where the empty milk can will be placed to be guarded by the “It” iippers or pieces of flat stones which may be PE 3- GAMES AND SPORTS: El ) Bisa LA Lawanigen 1G Nareara, Ma: Udtia, |; Balacuit, C; & Urbiztondo, D. Scanned with CamScannerHow to play the game «Select an “It”. From the small circle where the empty milk can is standing, throw your “pamato™ to the starting line. Whoever has the farthest pamato from the toe-line ‘becomes the “It”. © Let the “It” guard the empty milk can in the small circle - Line up at the back of the starting line. When the “ht” shouts "Game", each of you should hit the can trying to topple it down. © The toe-line serves as your home base. You are safe once you stay in the home base with your slippers or stones with you. If the can topples down, you can retrieve your pamato and run immediately to your home base. The “It” will try to return the can to an upright position inside the circle. He then runs after the players who try to retrieve their stones. Any player tagged becomes the next “It*. - If the can is hit and goes off the circle but remains standing, the “It” has the right to tag the hitter once the hitter leaves the toetine. In this ease, you may kick or knock down the can to save other players who have not retrieved their stones. Activity 4: EVALUATION Name:, Score:, Year & Course:, Date & Time:, 1. MATCHING TYPE. Match column A with column B by connecting a line between the title of the game and its description. Do this activity in your note pads. to be able to pull one's opponent ‘A popular game aim to accumulating as many points as possible by the lines without being tagged n IDENTIFICATION. Identify the name of the Indigenous Games on each picture. Write your answer on the space provided. A B 1. Culliot o (DF) Acame fun using acan and slippers 2. Patintero ] LA game using a* pamato” in a geometric figure 3.Sanglayaw = [] (DA croup game using a pair of coconut stilts 4. Tiyakad o Oo A group game using a pair of bamboo atilts S. Tumbang preso [“] LL) A waditional game which requires strength Fun te we, ge Rin Ets “ret dat Snf ok ORR a. A AY 1 4 __. PE 3- GAMES AND SPORTS: > Biol), Winigen, AGN accarG, M4: Maria, T; Belacuit, C; & Urbittondo, D. Scanned with CamScanner
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