Differentiation Math
Differentiation Math
Differentiation Math
The gradient of a straight line graph can simply be found by dividing the change in the ‘y’ value
by the change in the ‘x’ value
However, to find the gradient of a point on a curved graph, a tangent must first be drawn at that
point, only after which the change in ‘y’ and ‘x’ can be found and then they must be divided.
To avoid the need to draw in order to find the gradient of a point on a curved graph,
differentiation was created. With the help of differentiation, the gradient can easily be found by
calculation if you know the equation of the curve. This also helps remove graphing inaccuracies
that may occur while drawing the tangent.
Differentiation Basics
Differentiation is based upon the fact that the difference between the x values of any two points
on a graph can eventually become infinitesimally small until it approaches the gradient of the
tangent of one of the points. Take a look at the graph below:
As the chord from P to Q becomes smaller and smaller, so does the difference in their x values
(h) until it tends to 0. Now, if the gradient is calculated as the chord continually becomes smaller,
we will notice that it tends to the gradient of the tangent at P. This is known as the limit as h
tends to 0 and is expressed as:
The derivative of y with respect to x, or dy/dx, is the formula with which differentiation is applied
in order to find the derived function. This formula is called the gradient function and is denoted
as f ’(x). Here is the formula:
f ’(x)=dy/dx= knxn-1
In the formula above, ‘k’ refers to the coefficient of x and ‘n’ refers to the power of x in the
equation of the curve. dy/dx means we’re differentiating ‘y’ in terms of ‘x’.
In the next section, we will see how this formula can be used and what it gives us.
Differentiating a Simple Function
Now, let’s try to differentiate the curve y=3x2
Now, if we substitute any value of x into the expression, we will get the gradient of the tangent at
the point where that value of x is located on the curve. For instance, let’s insert the value of x as
1. So, 6x = 6(1) = 6. This is the gradient of the curve at the point where x = 1. Let us now try the
graphical method by drawing a tangent at x=1:
We have seen and proved that using both methods, the gradient of the curve at the point x=1 is
6. However, the method using differentiation was far less tedious.
Also note that differentiating a constant always gives a value of 0. For example, let f(x)=4.
The result would stay the same for any real number. The reason for this is that the graph of a
constant is perfectly horizontal:
Hence there is no change in the y value for every unit moved on the x axis, meaning that its
gradient is 0.
SImilarly, the gradient for the maximum and minimum points on a graph having an index of ‘x’
more than one will also be 0. This is because their tangens are horizontal to the x-axis.
Maximum Minimum
Differentiating Sums and Differences of Functions
Some functions can be the sums or differences of simpler functions. Take for instance, the
function f(x) = x3 + 4x. This function is the sum of 2 simpler functions: f1(x) = x3 and f2(x) = 4x.
In order to differentiate these types of functions, you must split it into its monomial components
and differentiate them separately. After this, you must add their differentiated forms back
(i) Firstly, separate the two monomials and differentiate them individually
f ‘ (x) = 3x2 + 4
The same process can be done irrespective of the number of terms in the function. For
example, lets now differentiate f(x) = 7x5 - 9x4 + 4x2 - 5:
Similar to the previous section, sometimes a function can be a product or more functions. For
example, f(x)= (x4 - 2)(3x+1) is the product of f1(x) = x4 - 2 and f2(x) = 3x+1. Differentiating a
product of 2 functions requires a few more steps and follows this rule:
Let’s now attempt to differentiate the mentioned example f(x)= (x4 - 2)(3x+1):
u(x) = x4 - 2
v(x) = 3x+1
= 15x4 + 4x3 - 6
Sometimes, it is also possible for a function to be the quotient of 2 simpler functions. Take the
function f(x) = As you would expect, it is the quotient of f1(x) = 6x5 and f2(x) = 4x3-8x.
The quotient rule for differentiating functions is similar to the product rule although there are a
few obvious differences:
u(x) = 6x5
v(x) = 4x3-8x
du/dx: 6 * 5 * x5-1
= 30x4
= 12x2 - 8
= 48x7 - 192x5
x4 + 4 + 4x2
Second Derivatives
Just as the function f ‘ (x) gives the gradient of any point on the curve f(x), f ‘’ (x) gives the
gradient of any point lying on the curve f ‘ (x). f ‘’ (x) is hence the second derivative or “the
derivative of the derivative”.
Now let's try to find the second derivative of the function f(x) = x3+3x2-1.
(i) dy/dx:
= 3x2 + 6x
(i) :
= 6x + 6
(ii) f ‘’ (x) = 6x + 6
The second derivative can also be used to find whether a turning point is a maximum minimum.
The procedure is very simple: FInd the second derivative of the turning point. If this value is <0,
then it is a maximum turning point. If it is >0, it is a minimum turning point.
Let’s now try to find the types of turning points for the curve f(x) = 2x3 - 3x2 - 12x + 4
= 6x2 - 6x -12
(ii) Next, find the roots of f ‘ (x) as they give the x coordinates of the points on f(x) where the
gradient of the tangent is 0, which is essentially the x coordinates of the turning points:
6x2 - 6x -12
= 6(x2 - x - 2)
= 6(x + 1)(x - 2)
= 12x - 6
(iv) Lastly, substitute the x values at each of the turning points into f ‘’ (x) = 12x - 6
Hence at the turning point where x = -1, there is a maximum turning point
For x = 2: 12(2) - 6 = 18
2𝑥 +3
1. (i) Find the gradient of the function f(x) = 2 at x = -2
𝑥 −1
2. A tangent is drawn to the graph of y = 5 + 8x - 3
x3. The gradient of the tangent is -28. Find
the coordinates of the two possible points where this tangent meets the graph.
3. Find the turning points of the curve y = x3 - 12x + 3 and hence sketch its graph.
● The gradient at one point on a curve can be calculated by drawing a tangent at that point
and then finding the gradient of that tangent
● Differentiation is used to find the gradient of any point on a given curve, without the need
for graphing.
● The notation to express the derived function is f ‘ (x) and is found using the formula
knxn-1 where ‘k’ is the coefficient of x and ‘n’ is the power of x in the equation of the
● To differentiate a function with a ‘+’ or ‘-’ sign between the terms, simply separate the
terms, differentiate them individually and add them back together. Their sign must be
carried throughout the process.
● For a function that follows the form f(x) = u(x) * v(x), use the formula dy/dx =
to find its differentiated form.
● For a function that follows the form f(x) = u(x) / v(x), use the formula dy/dx =
to find its differentiated form.
● The second derivative is the same as the derivative of the derivative and is expressed as
● Finding the second derivative of a of a turning point on a curve can help figure out
whether the point is a maximum or a minimum
● On completion of this assignment, I now know much more about a field of mathematics
that I wasn’t completely aware of before.
● This project has helped me deepen my understanding of a simple concept and helped
me come to the realisation that there is much more to it than I initially thought there was.
● Although this seemed like a very theoretical topic at first, during the course of this
project, I also learned that it has many real - world applications as well.
● Later, I pushed myself to dive deeper into the subject and find all the real life applications
this topic has and only then I discovered how I witness it in my day-to-day life with even
realising it
● desmos.com
● mathisfun.com
● derivative-calculator.net
● exam-mate.com
● cambridgeinternational.org
● youtube.com/@pianograd
DIfferentiation Basics
Differentiating a Simple Function
Differentiating Sums and Differences of Function
Differentiating Products of Functions
DIfferentiating Quotients of Functions
Second Derivatives
DIfferentiation Application Questions