This document will be revised when the Society approves the issuance of the
next edition, scheduled for 1996. There will be no Addenda issued to ASME
PTC 40-1991.
This code or standard was developed under procedures accredited as meeting the criteria for
American National Standards. The Consensus Committee that approved the code or standard
was balanced to assure that individuals from competent and concerned interests have had an
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and comment which providesan opportunity for additional public input from industry, academia,
regulatory agencies, and the public-at-large.
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ASME accepts responsibility for only those interpretations issued in accordance with governing
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Copyright O 1992 by
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Printed in U.S.A.
When the twin issues of environmental protection and the need to assure a reliable
supply of energy became important public concerns in the 1970s, the Board on Perform-
ance Test Codes beganto explore the possibility of addressing these concerns within the
test code framework. As a result of these discussions, the PTC 40 Committee on Flue
Gas Desulfurization units was organized in 1978; it held its first meeting in April 1979.
The Committee faced considerableinitial obstacles: there were no ASME PTC documents
in this area, the technology was in the early stages of rapid development, andthe boundary
of the FGD equipment is to some extent amatter of definition. Nevertheless, in the next
several years the PTC 40 Committee gradually evolved a systematic testing procedure for
FGD units. The PTC 40 code draft was approved by the Board on Performance Test Codes
on May 11, 1990. The Code was adopted by the American National Standards Institute
asan American National Standard on March 19, 1991.
All ASME codes are copyrighted, with all rights reserved to the Society. Reproduction
of this or any other ASME code is a violation of Federal law. Legalities aside, the user
should appreciate that the publishing of the high quality codes that have typified ASME
documents requires a substantial commitment by the Society. Thousands of volunteers
work diligently to develop these codes.They participate on their own or with a sponsor’s
assistance and produce documents that meet the requirements of anASME consensus
standard. The codes are very valuable pieces of literature to industry and commerce, and
the effort to improve these ”living documents” and develop additional needed codes
must be continued. The monies spent for research and further code development, ad-
ministrative staff support and publication are essential and constitute a substantial drain
on ASME. The purchase price of these documents helps offset these costs. User repro-
duction undermines this system and representsan added financial drain on ASME. When
extra copies are needed, you are requestedto call or write the ASME Order Department,
22 Law Drive, Box2300,Fairfield, New Jersey07007-2300,and ASME will expedite
delivery of such copiesto you by return mail. Please instruct your people to buy required
test codes rather than copy them. Your cooperation in this matter is greatly appreciated.
(The following is the rosterof the Committee at the time of approval of this Standard.)
R. W. Henry, Chairman
G. W. Tracy, Vice-chairman
G. Osolsobe, Secretary
W. DePriest, Sargent and Lundy Engineers, Inc. (Babcock and Wilcox)
E. R. Dille, Sargent and Lundy Engineers, Inc. (Burns and McDonnell, Inc.) (Past Chairman)
R. W. Henry, Salt River Project
M. G. Klett. GilbertfCommonwealth. Inc.
J. N. Lacey, Utah Power and Light, Inc.
K. W. Malki, CE Combustion Engineering, Inc.
M. L. Meadows, Black and Veatch
J. N. Seibel, Cincinnati Gas and Electric Co.
G. W. Tracy, Joy Technologies, Inc.
P. R. Westlin, U. S. Environmental Protection Agency
B. A. Wrobel, Northern Indiana Public Service Co.
Lee J. Coe
Stephen R. Meyer
David R. Rabb
J. S. Davis, Vice-president
N. R. Deming, Vice-chairman
A. F. Armor
R. L. Bannister
R. J. Biese
J. A. Booth
B. Bornstein
H. G. Crim, Jr.
J. S. Davis, Jr.
N. R. Deming
G. J. Gerber
P. M. Gerhart
R. Jorgensen
D. R. Keyser
W. G. McLean
G. H. Mittendorf, Jr.
R. E. Sommerlad
J. W. Murdock
S. P. Nuspl
R. P. Perkins
R. W. Perry
A. L. Plumley
C. B. Scharp
J. W. Siegmund
J. C. Westcott
Foreword................................................................................ III
Standards Committee Roster .......................................................... V
O Introduction .................................................................... 1
1 Object and
Scope .............................................................. 3
2 Definitions and Descriptions of Terms ........................................ 5
3 Guiding Principles .............................................................. 11
4 Instruments and Methods of Measurement ................................... 15
5 Computation of Results ........................................................ 21
6 Report
of ............................................................... 29
7 References ...................................................................... 31
1.1 FGDS Inputs and Outputs ..................................................... 3
5.1 Typical FGDS ................................................................... 27
2.1 ConstantSymbolsandTerms .................................................. 7
2.2 Variable Terms ................................................................. 8
5.1 Test Measurement Uncertainties and Effects .................................. 27
A Types of Flue Gas Desulfurization (FCD) ..................................... 33
B PTC 40 Test Method ........................................................... 35
C FGD Data Determination Forms ............................................... 55
D Quantity Measurement of SolidWaste ........................................ 63
E Example Application ........................................................... 67
B.l Particulateand SO. Emissions SamplingTrain ................................ 36
B.2 Type S Pitot Tube Manometer Assembly ...................................... 38
B.3 Configurations of a Properly Constructed Type S Pitot Tube ................. 39
B.4 Types of Face-Opening Misalignment ......................................... 40
8.5 Minimum Number of Traverse Points for
Particulate Traverses ......................................................... 43
B.6 Example Showing Circular Stack Cross Section Divided Into
12 EqualAreas. With Location of TraversePoints Indicated ............... 44
B.7 Example Showing Rectangular Stack Cross Section Divided
Into 12 Equal Areas. With a Traverse Point at Centroid of
Area .................................................................... 45
B.l Cross-SectionLayout for RectangularStacks .................................. 45
6.2 Location of Traverse Points in Circular Stacks ................................ 46
B.3 Particulate
Field Data .......................................................... 49
C.l Field Moisture Determination Data Form ..................................... 57
C.2 Field Molecular Weight Determination Data Form ........................... 58
C.3 Field Cas Velocity Determination DataForm ................................. 59
C.4 Field SO, Determination DataForm .......................................... 60
C.5 Field Analysis for SO, Determination Data Form ............................. 61
Reagent Characterization ...................................................... 62
The performance of a flue gas desulfurization sys-
tem (FGDS) is defined to be the characterization of
inputs and outputs (see Fig. 1.1). This may include,
but is not necessarily limited to, the following:
Flue gas 1 FGDS I . Flue gas
(7) electrical: ? 1%
The physical configuration and the FGDprocess (2) thermal: -t 1%
have a large influence on the uncertainty of the test (3) mechanical: +.6%
results and are difficult to quantify. Under favorable (d) water consumption: +2%
conditions and with properly chosen instruments,un- (e) reagent consumption: +8%
certainties can be as low as the following: (0 waste/by-product consumptlon: 2 2 %
(a) percent SO, removal: t 6% In para. 5.6 the Code provides an example of the
(6) reagent ratio: 2 7% calculation of test uncertainty which the user should
(c) energy/power consumption consult prior to running the test.
within the variations permitted by the parties to the 2.2 DESCRIPTIONS OF TERMS
slurry - mixture of liquid and suspended solids 2.2.1 Constant Terms. The terms shown in Table 2.1
standard conditions - defined as 68°F (20°C) for are defined in three different sets of units. The Inter-
temperature and 29.92 in. Hg (760 mm Hg) for at- national Metric System (SI) units are provided where
mospheric pressure applicable; and two systems commonly used by in-
steady state - condition of the system when tran- dustry and testing personnel are also used: metric
sients (e.g.,pressure, temperature,concentration, customary units (MC) and industry customary units
flowrate, etc.) in the system have dampenedout and (IC). These terms are usedin para. 6.1 and elsewhere
the system is in chemical and thermodynamic equi- in this Code. Note that SI units are not provided for
librium some terms where such units are impractical or in-
temperature, adiabatic saturation - for a given mix- appropriate.
ture of gas and vapor, temperature below which no Some of the IC units are seemingly unusual com-
more vaporcanbeadded at specified conditions binations of other sets of units (e.g.,water vaporcon-
(partial pressure of vapor is equal to vapor pressure densation constant K, = 4.707 x IOp2 ft3/ml). These
of the liquid at the gas-vapor mixture temperature) units arise from their use in analytical measurement
temperature, approach to adiabatic saturation - dif- devices and arethe standard units used in the indus-
ference between the actual temperature of a given try.
gas-vapor mixture and the adiabatic saturation tem-
perature of that gas-vapor mixture
test - throughout this Code the word "test" is ap-
plied only to the entire performance evaluation 2.2.2 Variable Terms
waste - material generated in removing SO, from The terms below are defined in three different sets
the FGDS, which has no commercial value,and of units, as described above. The M C or IC units are
which requires disposal most commonly used in testing.
Value and Units
Symbol Description SI MC IC
condensa- 1.33 x lo3m%n’ 1.333 x m’/ml 4.707x ft3/ml
tion constant
Silica water
gelvapor 1335 m’/kg 1.335 x IO-’ mJ/g 4.715 X l o - * ft’/g
Ratio of standardtem- 5.139 x IO’ WN/m2 3.858 x 10” K/mmHg 1.764 x 10’Win.Hg
perature to standard
conver- ... 3.203 x 10’mglmeq 7.061 X Ibm/meq
con- ... 0.003454
(mmHg) (m’)
stant ml-K
fac- ... 1 X ml/mJ 7.48gal/ft3
P,,, Standardabsolutepres- 1 .O13 X IO5 N/m2 7.60 X IO2 mmHg 2.992 X 10’in.Hg
10-J -
T,(<, Standard
tem- 2.932 x 102 K 2.932 x IO2 K 5.277 x lo2 R
P, Densityofwater at stan- 9.982 x lo2kg/m’ 9.982x 10” g/ml 2.201 X 10” Ibm/ml
dard temperature
Value and Units
Symbol Description SI MC IC
A Cross-sectional of mz mz ftz
stack or duct
A,, Cross-sectional
area of m2 m2 fi"
B, Watervapor in the gas percent (volume) percent (volume) percent (volume)
c, Average specific heat of
gas or
liquid at con-
stant pressure
C, Pitot tube coefficient (dimensionless) (dimensionless) (dimensionless)
CSOZ SO, (including SO,) kg/m3 mg/dsm3 Ibddscf
concentration, dry basis
at standard conditions
Gso, Massemission rate of kg/s g/min Ibdmin
AH Average
pressure drop N/mZ mm H,O in. H,O
across orifice meter
I Percent isokinetic sam- percent percent percent
kWh Total kilowatt hours W* kWhr kWhr
used during sample
L, Final level of the mre- m fi
agent tank at the end of
the FGD run
L, Initial level of the m
re- m ft
agent tank at the start
of the FGD run
M. Molecular weight of kg 1 Ibm
gas, wet basis kg-mole g-mole lb-mole
M,, Molecular weight of kg L Ibm
gas, dry basis kg-mole
g-mole lb-mole
M, Molecular weight of re- kg L Ibm
r agent kg-mole g-mole lb-mole
M,, Average total molecular kg L Ibm
weight of the reagent kgmole g-mole lb-mole
m Total average flow rate kg/s kor Ibhr
for the sample time
N Normality of barium . .. meq/ml meq/ml
perchlorate titrant
AP Velocity head of N/m2
gas mm H,O in. Hg
Ph, Barometric pressure (at N/mz mm Hg in. Hg
time of test)
P, Absolute flue gas pres- N/m2 mm Hg in. Hg
sure at sample point
P, Absolute pressure at N/m2 mm Hg in. Hg
P, Absolute gas pressure N/mZ mm Hg in. Hg
(S) Identification of all reagent streams to be mea- however, nine or more runs should be performed.
sured shall be identified More than nine runs may be performed and then, at
(t) Frequency of data acquisition (for variables us- the discretion of the parties to the test, up to three
ing intermittent monitoring) runs may be rejected so long as the total number of
(u) Correction curves for deviation of process pa- runs used to determine performance is at least nine.
rameters from design. The following are examples of The length of the flow measurement and compo-
correction curves which may be necessary: sition sampling runs should be a minimum of eight
( I ) alkalinity vs SO, removal efficiency; hours. The duration of energy/power input runs may
(2) flue gas pressure drops vs flue gas flow rate. be longer to permit time averaging.
The duration of the electrical power runs should
be 24 hours, but never lessthan 12 hours, to account
3.6 SteadyState for those deviceswhich are in intermittent use. Ther-
mal and pressure runs may be considerably shorter
Testing under this Code is to be performed under as large swingsin these measurementsrarely happen.
steady state conditions and determination of these The minimum duration for either a pressure or ther-
conditions is critical to the success of the tests. Pa- mal measurementshallbe two hours. The recom-
rameters that are important in establishing steady mended duration is 24 hours.
state conditions, andthe means by which the parties
will establish whether steadystate conditions have
been achieved, shall bemutually agreed upon in writ-
3.9 Frequency of Readings
ing by the parties to the test, along with minimum
time periods necessary to establishsteady state. Continous monitoring and recording shall be pro-
These parameters include, but are not limited to, gas vided as mutually agreed upon. Intermittent data ac-
flow, inlet SO, concentration, pH, percent solids, quisition will require a minimum ofthree readingsfor
solid and liquid composition, etc. The allowable var- each data point for each run. These readings shallbe
iations in each of these parameters shall also be in- taken in a mutually agreed period of time.
cluded in this agreement. Any test run in which the Flow measurements and composition samples
data falls outside these allowable variations will be should be taken concurrently for the duration of the
declared invalid and will be repeated. A minimum of run. Energy/power inputs may be time-averaged over
three data points within the allowable variation es- longer periods to account for those devices which
tablished for each agreed-upon parameter is neces- have intermittent duty cycles.
sary to establish steady state.
3.12 Uncertainties
This Code does not include consideration of the
uses of uncertainties. These are commercial consid-
erations outside the scope of this Code. The test re-
sultsshallbe reported as computed from the test
observations, only calibrations having been applied.
Some measurements may be subject to appreciable
error. The expected limits are stated, where possible,
in Section 4. These and other allowances for errors
of measurement are permissible, provided they are
clearly statedin the test report. Their combined plus-
or-minus value,¡.e., the uncertainty, shall be taken
as the square root of the sum of the squares of the
percentage effects of the various limits of error on
the results of the test. Whenever allowancesfor pos-
sible errors of measurement are taken into consid-
eration, the reported test results shall bequalified by
the statement that the results may be regarded as
correct within a givenplus-or-minus percentage, this
value having beendetermined in accordance with the
foregoing method for computing uncertainties (see
PTC 19.1 Measurement Uncertainty).
3.13 References
Unless otherwise specified, all references to other
codes refer to ASME Performance Test Codes.
4.1 Results To Be Determined bination of modified EPA Methods 6 and 8 for SO,
removaland Methods 1 through 5 for removal of
The following results are to be determined as a part
particulates. The principle of this method is the si-
of the performance test code:
multaneous collection of particulate matter and the
(a) percent SO, removal (%R)
SO, gaseous sample by extraction of a known quan-
(b) Reagent Ratio (RRI or RRR)
tity of emission gas from the stack or duct gas stream.
The method describes sampling equipment, includ-
Moles of Reagent
RRI = ReagentRatio In = ing an out-of-stack heated filter followed by an im-
Moles of SO, In
pinger SO, and SO, (reported as SO,) collection
system. The method also requires a multipoint tra-
verse of the stack or duct during sampling in order
Moles of Reagent
RRR = Reagent Ratio Removed = to account for particulate matter and SO, stratifica-
Moles of SO, Removed
tion that can occur in FGDS inlet and outlet sampling
(c) energy/power consumption
(d) water consumption and characterization This Code doesnot include a discussionof the role
of SO, in FGDS testing. Thiscompound does not play
(e) reagent consumption and characterization
(0 waste/by-product production and characteriza- a major distinct role because of its reactivity in the
tion presence of waterand the relatively much greater
abundance of SO, under normal testing conditions.
For further discussion, see PTC 19.1O on Flue and
4.2 Methods of Measurement Exhaust Gas Analysis.
(2) AlternateMethods - SO, concentrations
This Subsection is in separate divisions, each ad- may also be determined by EPA Methods 6, 6A, 6B,
dressing the measurement of aspecificprocess or 8.
stream to determine the required component.
(3) Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems
(a) flue gas stream (see para. 4.2.1)
(GEMS) - The continuous emission monitoring sys-
(b) reagent (see para. 4.2.2)
tem for measuring SO, O, and CO, may be used to
(c) energy/power (see para. 4.2.3)
determine SO, concentration or emissionrate in
(d) water (see para. 4.2.4)
pounds of SO, per million Btu. TheCEMS shall be
(el waste/by-product (see para. 4.2.5)
subjected to rigorous quality assurance and quality
4.2.1 Flue Cas. It is possible that FGDS performance control measures, including certification as per EPA
tests may be combined with regulatory compliance Performance Specifications 2 and 3 of 40 CFR Part
tests. In this case, the parties to the test should con- 60, within 90 days prior to the start of the test. Daily,
tact the regulatory agency and determine what test or more frequent instrument drift determinations,
modifications, if any, may be required. and a repeat of the relative accuracy tests following
(a) SO, Removal.Percent SO, removal is defined the evaluation of the FGDS data collection shall be
by Eq. (5.12). done. It is recommended that the averaging time per
(b) SO, Concentration run be not less than 24 hours, and that at least 22 of
(1) Recommended Method - The recom- the 24 hourly averages be available for each run
mended method for determining SO, concentrations based on a minimum of four measurementvalues per
and mass flowrates is Method PTC 40 as described hour.
in Appendix B of this Code. Method PTC 40 is acom- (c) SO, Mass Flowrate. Mass flowrate (Ibm/hr) of
SO, at the inlet to, and outlet from, the FGDS may either a reagenttank level drop or direct flow record-
be determined by application of EPA Methods 1 and ing.
2. Other methods maybe used and maybe beneficial (7) Level Drop. Where the FCDS contains a tank
under certain circumstances. Agreementby parties to for storage or dilution of reagent or reagent liquor/
the test is necessary. slurry, prior to system introduction, this tank should
Mass flowrate (Ibm/hr) of SO, at the inlet and at be isolated during the run and the tank levelrecorded
the outlet may be determined by combining the data at the start and the conclusion of the run. Non-isol-
from paras. 4.2.1 (b), (d), and (e) (see para. 5.1). able seal water dilution is permitted if theliquor/
(d) O, and CO, Measurements. EPA Method 3 or slurry sample is taken before dilution occurs.
ASME M C 19.10 may be used for determination of Level measurement can be done by calibrated in-
O, and CO, where a CEMS is not available. strumentation or by manual techniquesdepending on
(e) Moisture Measurements. EPA Method 4 may be tank configuration and slurry type. Reagent con-
used to determine the moisture content of the flue sumption measurement for FGDS can be accurately
gas at the FGDS inlet and outlet. measured by change in level if and only if the process
(f) Test Timing and Duration. Test measurements at is at steady state. Measurement of change in level
the FGDS inlet and outlet for each run shall be coin- should be a direct physical measurement. The limi-
cident, of equal time duration, and subject to agree- tations of the measurement device(s)should be well-
ment by parties to the test. known before using this method. It is expected that
@ Fuel Analyses. Fuelanalysisdatamay not be the measurement uncertainty will be within 1% for
used as the sole determinant of FGDS inlet SO, con- this method. Mutual agreement by all parties must
centration. Sulfur content analysisand appropriate be secured for the method employed.
combustion calculations can provide valuable back- It is assumed that the tank used for such flow mea-
ground informationfor interpretation of other re- surementcontainsreagent liquor/slurry in its final
quired measurement data, but such results aloneare form. All dilutions should be conducted before the
not adequate for FGDS evaluations as described in tank is isolated for the test run. Where sufficient re-
this Code. agent storage is not available to allow the tank to
(h) Uncertainties. The uncertainties of the recom- operate during the entire run without additional re-
mended PTC 40 Method are as follows (seeRefer- agentmakeup to the tank, quantity measurement
ences, reference 7): shall be by volumetric flow. If isolation of the tank
(7) velocity: 25% cannot be obtained during systemoperation, then
(2) volumetric flowrate: t 5.6% quantity measurement shall be by volumetric flow,
(3) particulate matter: k 12.1% as described in para. 4.2.2 (c)(3), Volumetric Flow.
(4) SO,: +5.8% (2) Dry Mass and Volumetric Flow. Solid reagent
flow measurement mayuse dry mass flow measuring
4.2.2 Reagent(s)
devices, or may be by volumetric flow. It is expected
(a) Items To Be Included as Reagent($ that the measurement uncertainty for dry mass flow
(7) Any alkali or reagent addition introduced measuring deviceswill be within 2%.
separately into the system. Such alkali addition shall The accuracy of dry volumetric flow measurement
be that which is separate from the flue gas stream. will depend on specific conditions such as reagent
(2) Any SO, removalsecondary chemical flow type and degree of aeration. A detailed discussion of
necessary to regenerate the primary reagent($. the difficulties with this method is presented in Ap-
(3) Any SO, removal performance improving pendix D of this Code.
additives. (3) Volumetric flow. Existing flow meters in the
(b) Items Not Included as a Reagent Flow FGDS to monitor flow rates of reagents into the FGDS
(7) Chemicals added to aid in the FGD process may be used if agreed to by all parties involved in
but which do not result in increased SO, removal the test or if the level drop method is impractical.
(such as flocculant as used in a thickener). Differential pressure meters shall be constructed in
(2) Chemicals added to improve process water conformance with PTC19.5 and “Fluid Meters,”
quality but which do not increase SO, removal. SixthEdition. Meters not covered in these docu-
(3) Fly ash alkalinity may be of interest in some ments, and agreed for use by the parties to the test,
processes and may warrant quantification. shall be installed and calibrated in accordance with
(c) Flow Measurement.The quantity of reagent manufacturer’s recommendations.
used during the performance test shall be based on It is expected that the uncertainty for volumetric
or IEEE codes.(See IEEE Standard 120 on Electrical based. Therefore, flowrate-versus-pressure-drop cor-
Measurements). rection curves which are agreeable to all parties to
(c) Principal Thermal EnergylPower Consideration/ the test may be established to permit determination
Devices of compliance at other-than-design flowrates.
( I ) Thermal Energy/Power,also frequently re- (I) Measurement Methods. Cas and liquid flows
ferred to as heatenergy in the context of FGD, is are measuredin accordance with paras. 4.2.1 (b), SO,
defined as the heat added to the FCDS to sustain a Concentration and 4.2.2 (c), Flow Measurement, re-
condition which is required by the process design. spectively.
(2) Typically, thermal energy/power require- All pressuremeasurementsaremade in accord-
ments include, but are not limited to, flue gas reheat ance with ASMEPTC 19.2. Because of flow separa-
and seal or purge air heat. tion and large scale turbulent gas flow conditions in
(3) Sources of thermal energy/powerinclude, large gas ducts, the total pressure should be mea-
but are not limited to, hot air, hot water, steam, hot suredatseveral locations in ducts. These points
fluids, and fuels. should be selectedin accordance with para. 8.4.1 (b),
(d) Measurement Methods Preliminary Determinations of this Code.
(7) If thermal heating is accomplished by direct
4.2.4 Water. Flow measurement and analysis of
fuel firing, thermal energy/power is obtained by mea-
water inputs to the FCDS may be required depending
suring the quantity and heat content of the fuel.
on the boundaries chosen. Effluent from the FCDS
(2) If heating is accomplished by a medium will be considered in para. 4.2.5, WastelBy-product.
other than fuel, thermal energy/power will be deter- Listed below are constituents andcharacteristics
mined by measuring the difference between the heat which may be of interest.
inputs and outputs of the heating media.Theheat
inputs and outputs are based on the measured flow, 0 Calcium 0 Magnesium
temperature,andpressure of the heating media. o Sodium o Potassium
Flows are measured in accordance with para. 4.2.2 O Chloride 0 Sulfate
(c), Flow Measurement. Temperatures and pressures O "P" Alkalinity 0 "M" Alkalinity
are measured in accordance with PTC 19.3 on Tem- 0 Sulfites 0 Thiosulfates
perature Measurementand PTC 19.2 on Pressure Total phosphate e Ortho phosphate
Measurement, respectively. PH 0 Carbonates
The thermal properties of the heating media should O Total
suspended 0 Total dissolved
(b) Flue Gas Molecular Weight. Flue gas molecular weight is determined using Method PTC 40.
(7) Dry flue gas molecular weight
(c) Flue Gas Volumetric Flowrate. Flue gas volumetric flowrate is determined using Method PTC 40. The data
as recorded on Fig. C.3 are used in the following equations:
(7) Average flue gas velocity
(this equation is valid for both metric and industry customary units), then
5.1.2 Calculation of SO, Concentration. SO, concentration is determined using Method PTC 40 or CEMS.
For determination of SO, concentration using Method PTC 40, the data as recorded on Figs. C.4 and C.5 are
used in the following equations:
(a) Samplegas volume - SameasEq. (5.3)
(b) SO, concentration
5.1.3 Calculation of SO, Mass Flowrate. SO, mass flowrate is determined using results of paras. 5.1.1 and 5.1.2
and the following equation:
5.1.4 Calculation of SO, Removal. Percent SO, removal is determined using results for inlet and outlet SO,
mass flowrates as calculated in para. 5.1.3 and the following equation:
5.2.2 Reagent Liquor/SlurryFlowrate. The first step in determining the individual reagent flow rate is to
calculate the reagent liquorlslurry flowrate Q,. For the level drop method, the Q, is calculated as follows:
For mass or volumetric flow measurements, the recorded flowrates should be averaged for the duration of the
5.2.3 Calculation of Individual Reagent Flowrate. Individual reagent flowrate is computed from the average
reagent analysis taken during each run for the individual reagent (r), expressed as a weight percentage by the
following relationship:
For devices which measure mass directly, the average reagent flow is expressed as
5.2.4 Calculation of Total Reagent Flowrate. Total reagent flowrate is the sum of the individual reagent
flowrates. For example, reagent flowrates for reagents rl, r2, and r, can be added together as follows:
The total reagent flowrate G,, represents the total alkali content available to FGDS for chemical reaction.
The inlet and outlet enthalpies of the heating fluid are calculated from reference properties (e.g., ASME Steam
Tables) based on the measured temperature and pressure of the fluid.
(b) Fuel. If a fuel is used to accomplish heating, the calculation used shall be in accordance with PTC 3.1 on
Diesel and Burner Fuels, 3.2 on Solid Fuels, and 3.3 on Gaseous Fuels, as applicable.
5.3.2 Calculation of Mechanical Energy/Power. Mechanical energy/power may be expressed as either pressure
drop at a measured flowrate or in horsepower (HP).
(a)Gas Phase. When dealing with gas flow, mechanical energy/power is calculated in one of the following
manners. In both cases, when multiple total pressure values are measured across the cross section of large
ducts, the total pressure used in the calculation should be the average of the measured values. See PTC 21 on
Particulate Matter Collection Equipment for detailed analysis of gas phase pressure drop measurement.
The gas flowrate used as reference for this pressure drop should be the inlet gas flow.
(2) Horsepower
HP,, = (1/6356) [Gas Flow (acfm) X Total Pressure (in water)]¡, -
[Gas Flow (acfm) x Total Pressure (in water)LUt (5.19)
(b) Liquid Phase. When dealing with liquidflow, mechanical energy/poweris calculated in one of the following
(1) Pressure Drop at a Measured liquid Flowrate
(2) Horsepower
[Liquid Flow (gpm) x Total Pressure (ft water)Ji, -
HP, =
[Liquid Flow (gpm) x Total Pressure (ft water)L,,
I (5.21)
5.3.3 Calculation of Electrical Energy/Power. The total FGD electrical energy consumption shall be measured
by recording the input energy to the FGDS. Energy data (three-phase amps, phase volts, power factor, and
h), to be recorded by a watt-hour meter or a recording watt meter and averaged, should be over 24 hours
but never less than 12 hours.
o RRI (5.22)
0 RRR (5.23)
G,, -
(entering) ,G
, (exiting)
(2) Using Eq. (5.14) to define G,, and Eq. (5.11) to define CSO2,
the following equation results.
(3) Using the tank drop method specified in para. 4.2.2 (c)(7), Level Drop for reagent flow measurement.
(5.1 3)
(4) Using Method PTC 40 to determine the SO, concentration, and flue gas volumetric flowrate.
(b) Example Test Results. Using Fig. 5.1 , the following "sample" test results are given:
tT = Time elapsed = 2 hours
Li= Initial tank level = 20 ft.
L, = Final tank level = 12 ft.
V . = Volume per tank level = 3383.9 gal/ft
ps = Density of reagent = 9.0 Ibm/gal
%r = Concentration of reagent flow = 12.0%
M, = Molecular weight of reagent = 56.0 Ibm/lb-mole
C,, = Inlet concentration of SO2 = 511 mg/l
Qsd = Dry standard volumetric flow rate = 500,000 ft3/min
(7) Table 5.1 illustrates the individual uncertainties of each test measurement, and their effect on the
overall uncertainty of the RRI calculation.
The overall combined uncertainty in the calculation of the Reagent Ratio:
= +m 7.389% =
(2) The above example is for illustration purposes only. Instrument selection, calibration, sample location,
and/or sampling frequency in an actual test may result in different individual uncertainty contributions to the
overall uncertainty. These contributions should be determined prior to testing so changes can be made to
minimize the overall uncertainty to within acceptable values.
5.6.3 Review of Results. The test measurements that effect the overall uncertainty significantly should be
reviewed to insure that minimum uncertainty will be achieved. Instrument selection, calibration, sample loca-
tion, and sampling frequency should be determined during test preparation, keeping the effect on the overall
uncertainty (sensitivity) in mind.
~~~ ~
The report of the results can bepresented in the 6.4 TESTMETHODSAND PROCEDURES
following suggested format. The nature of the infor-
mation gathered should be complete and thorough (a) Detailed object(s) of test
in the judgment of the parties. The information (b) Test procedure
should include all raw data, all calculations, the final (c) Complete detailed description of test (indicat-
tabulated reduced data, and as much general infor- ing test methods and variationsused, and criteria for
mation concerning the facility as is deemed relevant conducting the test)
(7) Unit loads
to the test.
(2) Time durations
(3) Determination of steady-state conditions
(d) Any deviations from Code procedure and other
6.1 INTRODUCTION (one pagel significant agreements by parties to the test shall be
(a) Owner (e) Ancillary equipment (monitoring digital sys-
(b) Designation of unit tems etc.)
(c) Name and location of plant
(d) Brief description of the FGDS
(e) Brief history of unit operation since initial start- 6.5 PRESENTATION (including all runs),
(f) Object of test S ULTS
(g, Date(s) of test
(h) Test personnel
(a) Percent SO, removal (%R)
(b) Reagent ratio (RRI or RRR)
(c) Energy/Power consumption
(2) Thermal
The summary of results should be a brief report of (3) Mechanical
test results and conclusions (one or two pages). A (d) Water consumption and characterization
tabular or graphical presentation may be usedto give (e) Reagent consumption and characterization
a quick picture of the essential findings (f) Waste/By-product production and characteri-
(@ Comparison of measured performance vsde-
6.3 FCDS
DESCRIPTION signed performance
(a) Manufacturer
(b) Date of first commercial operation
(c) Equipment description (including design rat- 6.6 APPENDICES
ings) (a) Fielddata
(d) Process description (b) Analyticaldata
(e) Process flow diagram (c) Detailed calculations
(f) Performance requirements (d) Other pertinent information
[I J Electric Power Research Institute Publication, Flue Gas Desulfurization Chemistry and Analytical Metbods
Handbook, Volumes I and II, CS-3612, (Latest amended revision and supplements).
[2] American Public Health Association, Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater,(Latest
edition), Washington, D.C.
O ASTM DI 888 Standard Test Methods for Particulate and Dissolved Matter, Solids, or Residue in Water.
O ASTM D2458 - Standard Method for Flow Measurement of Water by the Venturi Meter Tube.
0 ASTM D3370 Standard Practices for Sampling Water.
O ASTM D3856 - Standard Guide for Evaluating Laboratories Engaged in Sampling and Analysisof Water and
Waste Water.
[3] United States Environmental Protection Agency, 40 CFR Part 60 Appendix A (Methods 1-8) and Appendix
B (Performance Specification 2).
[4] ASME PTC Flow Measurement
o PTC 19.5 on Application, Part II of Fluid Meters: Interim Supplement on Instruments and Apparatus
o ”Fluid Meters, Their Theory and Application,” Sixth Edition, 1971
FGD process comprised of contacting a flue gas
containing sulfur oxide with an alkalinematerial,
without saturating the flue gas leaving the reactor
with moisture, and thus producing a dry waste prod-
uct or dry by-product.
FCD process comprised of contacting a flue gas
containing sulfur oxide with an SO, sorbent, saturat-
ing the flue gas with moisture and producing a wet
waste product or wet by-product.
Process that regenerates and recyclesthe sorption
B.lPRINCIPLE AND APPLICABILITY increments of 0.16 cm (1/16 in.). Each nozzle shall
B.l.l Principle. Particulate matter (PM) and SO, are be calibrated according to the procedures outlined in
withdrawn isokinetically from the source. PM is col- para. B.5.
lected on a glass fiber filter maintained at a temper- (b) Probe Liner. Borosilicate or quartz glass tubing
ature in the range of 120" & 14°C (248" 3~25°F)or with a heating system capable of maintaining a gas
such other temperature as agreed by parties to the temperature at the exit end during sampling of 120"
test, SO, is measured by the Barium-Thorin titration k 14°C (248" t 25"F), or such other temperature as
method. specified by agreement by the partiesto the test. (The
parties to the test may choose to operate the equip-
B.1.2 Applicability. The method is applicable for the ment at a temperature lower than that specified.)
determination of PM and SO, emissions from inlet Since the actual temperature at the outletof the
and outlet sampling locations of the FGDS. probe is not usually monitored during sampling,
probes constructed according to EPA Document
APTD-0581 and the calibration curves of APTD-0576
B.2 EQUIPMENT (or calibrated according to the procedure outlined in
B.2.1 Sampling Train. A schematic of the sampling APTD-0576) will be considered acceptable.
train used in this method is shown in Fig. B.1. Com- Either borosilicate or quartz glass probe liner may
mercial models of this train are available. Since cor- be used for stack temperatures up to about 480°C
rect usage of the train is important in obtaining valid (900°F). Quartz liners shall be used for temperatures
results, all test personnel should be trained and be between 480" and 900°C (900" and 1,650"F). Both
familiar with the operation andmaintenance prac- types of liners may be used at higher temperatures
ticesassociated with the method. Such training is than specified for short periods of time. The softening
commercially available. The sampling train consists temperature for borosilicate is 820°C (1,508"F), and
of the following components. for quartz it is 1,500"C (2,732"F).
(a) Probe Nozzle. Stainlesssteel (316) or glass with Whenever practical, every effort should be made
sharp, tapered leading edge. The angle of taper shall to use borosilicate or quartz glass probe liners. Al-
be 30" and the taper shall be on the outside to pre- ternatively, metal liners (e.g., stainless steel (3161,
serve a constant internal diameter, The probe nozzle lncoloy 825, or other corrosion-resistant metals)
shall be of the button-hook or elbow design. If made made of seamless tubing may be used.
of stainless steel, the nozzle shallbe constructed (c)Type S Pitot Tube. The Type S pitot tube (Fig.
from seamless tubing. B.2) shall be made of metal tubing (e.g., stainless
A range of nozzle sizes suitable for isokinetic sam- steel). It is recommended that the external tubing di-
pling should be available, eg., 0.32 to 1.27 cm (1/8 ameter (dimension D, of Fig. B.3b) be between 0.48
to 1/2 in.) - or larger if higher volume sampling and 0.95 cm (3/16 and3/8 in.). Thereshallbean
trains areused - inside diameter (ID) nozzles in equal distance from the base of each leg of the pitot
D W gas meter
L Air-tight
By-pass valve
1.W 2.54 cm'
10.75-1.0 in.) I
Aside plane
tube axis 4
-{:.tikt-PA PB P < 1.500,
B-side plane
""""- A or B
Properly constructed Type S pitot, shown in: (a) end view: face opening planes perpendicular
t o transverse axis; (b) top view; face opening planes parallel t o longitudinal axis; (c) side view, both legs of
equal length and canterlines coincident, when viewed from both sides. Baseline coefficient values of 0.84
may be assigned to pitottubes constructed this way.
tube axis
Q zJ”-
p !
& 9+ 0
tube axis
- x B
Types of face-opening misalignment that can result from field use or improper
construction of Type S pitot tubes. These will not affect the baseline valueOf CP (S)
solongascY1and%< 10deg.,(31andP2< 5deg.,z<0.32cm(118in.).and
W 0.08 cm (1/32 in.).
L = length
B.4 PROCEDURE W = width
B.4.1 Sampling. The complexity of this method is (2) Determining the Number of Traverse Points.
such that, in order to obtain reliable results, testers When the eight- and two-diameter criterion can be
should be trained and experienced with the test pro- met, the minimum number of traverse points shall
cedures. be: (1) twelve, for circular or rectangular stacks with
(a) Pretest Preparation.All the components shall be diameters (or equivalent diameters) greaterthan 0.61
maintained and calibrated according to the procedure meter (24 in.); (2) eight, for circular stacks with di-
specified herein. ametersbetween 0.30 and 0.61 meter (12-24 in.);
Weigh several 200 to 300 g portions of silica gel (3) nine, for rectangular stacks with equivalent di-
in airtight containers to the nearest 0.5 g. Record the ameters between 0.30 and 0.61 meter (12-24 in.).
total weight of the silica gel plus container, on each When the eight- and two-diameter criterion cannot
container, As an alternative, the silica gel need not be met, the minimum number of traverse points is
be preweighed, but may be weighed directly in the determined from Fig. 8.5. Before referring to Fig. 8.5,
impinger or sampling holder just priorto train assem- however, determine the distances from the chosen
bly. measurement site to the nearest upstreamand down-
Check filters visually against light for irregularities stream disturbances, and divide each distance by the
and flaws or pinhole leaks. Label filters of the proper stack diameter or equivalent diameter, to determine
diameter on the back side near the edge using num- the distance in terms of the number of duct diame-
bering machine ink. As an alternative, label the ship- ters.
ping containers (glass or plastic petri dishes)and Then, determine from Fig. B.5 the minimum num-
keep the filters in these containers atall times except ber of traverse points that corresponds: (1) to the
during sampling and weighing. number of duct diameters upstream; and (2) to the
Desiccate the filters at 20" k5.6" C (68" +IO" F) number of diameters downstream. Select the higher
and ambient pressure for at least24 hours and weigh of the two minimum number of traverse points, or a
at intervals of at least 6 hours to a constant weight, greater value, so that for circular stacks the number
¡.e., 0.5 mg change from previous weighing; record is a multiple of 4, and for rectangular stacks, the num-
results to the nearest 0.1 mg. During each weighing, ber is one of those shown in Table B.l
the filter must not be exposed either to the laboratory (3) Circular Stacks. Locate the traverse points on
atmosphere for a period greater than 2 minutes or a two perpendicular diameters according to Table B.2
relative humidity above 50%. Alternatively, the filters and the example shown in Fig. B.6. Any equation that
may be oven dried at 105°C (220°F) for 2 to 3 hours, gives the same values as those in Table B.2 may be
desiccated for 2 hours, and weighed. used in lieu of Table B.2.
(b) Preliminary Determinations For particulate traverses, oneof the diameters must
(7) Selection of Measurement Site. Sampling or be in a plane containing the greatest expected con-
velocity measurement is performed at a site located centration variation, e.g., after bends, one diameter
at least eight stack or duct diameters downstream, shall be in the plane of the bend. This requirement
and two diameters upstream from any flow disturb- becomes less critical as the distance from the dis-
ance such as a bend, expansion, or contraction in the turbance increases; therefore, other diameter loca-
stack, or from a visible flame. If necessary, an alter- tions may be used, subject to agreement by parties
native location may be selected, at a position at least to the test.
two stack or duct diameters downstream and a half When any of the traverse points as located in this
diameter upstream from any flow disturbance. For a paragraph, 8.4.1, fall within 2.5 cm (I .O0 in.) of the
rectangular cross section, an equivalent diameter D, stack walls, relocate them away from the stack walls
shall be calculated from the following equation, to to: (1) a distance of 2.5 cm (1.00 in.); or (2) a dis-
determine the upstream and downstream distances: tance equal to the nozzle's inside diameter, which-
'Higher number is for
40 -
8 rectangular
.- site
LC 24 or 25 Disturbance
20 -
16 Stack
diameter > 0.61 m (24
I 12
Traverse Distance
point % of diameter
1 4.4
2 14.7
3 29.5
4 70.5
5 85.3
6 95.6
(Percent of stack diameter from inside wall to traverse point)
1 ......
2 ......
Traverse point L.
number on a
diameter .
3 ......
14.6 6.7 4.4 3.2 2.6
. .
85.4 25.0 14.6 10.5 8.2 6.7 5.7
..... 75.0 29.6 19.4 14.6 11.8 9.9
oints nad meter
14 16
6.0 6.7
4 ...... ..... 93.3 70.4 32.3 22.6 17.7 14.6 12.5 10.9 8.7 7. 9
5 ...... ..... ..... 85.4 67.7 34.2 25.0 20.1 16.9 14.6 10.5 11.6 12.9
6 ...... ..... ..... 95.6 80.6 65.8 35.6 26.9 22.0 14.6 13.2 16.5 18.8
7 ...... ..... ..... ..... 89.5 77.4 64.4 36.6 28.3 16.1 18.0 20.4 23.6
8 ...... ..... ..... ..... 96.8 85.4 75.0 63.4 37.5 29.6 19.4 21.8 25.0
9 ...... , .... ..... ..... ..... 91.8 82.3 73.1 62.5 38.2 23.0 26.2 30.6
10...... ..... ..... ..... ..... 97.4 88.2 79.9 71.7 61.8 27.2
38.8 31.5
1 1 ...... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... 93.3 85.4 78.0 70.4 32.3 39.3 61.2
12 ...... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... 97.9 90.1 83.1 39.8 60.7 69.4 76.4
13 ...... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... 94.3 87.5 75.0 81.2 60.2 68.5
14 ...... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... 98.2 91.5 85.4 67.7 73.8 79.6
15 ...... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... 95.1 83.5 89.1 72.8 78.2
16 ...... , .... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... . . . . . 98.4 77.0 82.0 87.1 92.5
17...... ...... ..... . ..... ..... ..... ..... 95.6 85.4 80.6 90.3
18 ...... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .... 88.4 83.9 93.3 98.6
19 ...... ..... . ...... ..... ..... ..... . . . . . .... .... ..... 91.3 86.896.1
20 ...... , .... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... 89.5 94.0 98.7
21 ...... ...... ..... ..... .....
( ..... ..... ..... ..... ........... 96.5 92.1
22 . . . . . . . . . . . ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... . . . . . ........... 94.5 98.9
23 ...... . . . . . ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .................. 96.8
24 ...... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... . . . . . ..................98.9
I . --
this method are also appropriate for these determi- vent the sample gas stream from circumventing the
nations. Determine the stack gas pressure, tempera- filter. Check the filter fortears after assemblyis com-
ture,andrange of velocity heads. Determine the pleted.
average moisture content and dry gas molecular When glass liners are used, install the selected noz-
weight. zle using a Viton A O-ring when stack temperatures
This method is also appropriate for thesedeter- are less than 260°C (5OO0F), and a ceramic or Nextel
minations. Determine the stackgaspressure, tem- gasket when temperatures are higher. Other con-
perature, and range of velocity heads. Determine the necting systems using either 316 stainless steel or
average moisture content and dry gas molecular Teflon ferrules may be used. When metal liners are
weight. used, install the nozzle as above or by a leak-free
Select a nozzle size based on the range of the ve- direct mechanical connection. Mark the probe with
locity heads, such that it is not necessary to change heat resistant tape or by some other method to de-
the nozzle size in order to maintain isokinetic samp- note the proper distance into the stack or duct for
ling rates. During the run, do not change the nozzle each sampling point.
size. Ensure that the proper differential pressure gage Set up the train as in Fig. B.l, using (if necessary)
is chosen for the rangeof velocity heads encoun- a verylight coat of silicone grease on all ground glass
tered. joints, greasing only the outer portion to avoid pos-
Select a suitableprobe liner and probe length such sibility of contamination by the silicone grease.
that all traverse points canbesampled.Forlarge Place crushed ice around the impingers.
stacks, consider sampling from opposite sides of the (dl leak Check Procedures
stack to reduce the length of probes. (7) PretestLeakCheck. A pretest leak check is
Select a total sampling time greater than or equal recommended, but not required. If the tester opts to
to the minimum total sampling time as agreed by conduct the pretest leak check, the following proce-
parties to the test, such that (1) the sampling time dure shall be used.
per point is not less than 2 minutes and (2) the sam- After the sampling train has been assembled,,turn
ple volume taken (corrected to standard conditions) on and set the filter and probe heating systems at the
will exceed the required minimum total gas sample desired operating temperatures. Allow time for the
volume. The latter is based on an approximate aver- temperatures to stabilize. If a Viton A O-ring orother
age sampling rate. leak free connection is used in assembling the probe
It i s recommended that the number of minutes nozzle to the probe liner, leak check the train at the
sampledateach point bean integer or an integer sampling site by plugging the nozzle and pulling a
plus one-half minute, in order to avoid timekeeping 380 mm Hg (15 in. Hg) vacuum.
errors. The sampling time at each point shall be the NOTE: A lower vacuum may be used provided that it is not ex-
same. ceeded during the test.
(c) Preparation of Collection Train. During prepa-
ration and assembly of the sampling train, keep all If a ceramic or Nextel gasket is used, do not con-
openings where contamination can occur covered nect the probe to the train during the leak check.
until just prior toassembly or until sampling is about Instead, leak checkthe train by first plugging the inlet
to begin. to the filter holder (cyclone, if applicable) and pulling
a 380 mm Hg (15 in. Hg) vacuum (see Note imme-
Place 100 ml of 3% hydrogen peroxide in both the
diately above). Then connect the probe to the train
first andsecondimpingers; retain a portion of the
and leak check at about 25 mm Hg (1 in. Hg) vac-
hydrogen peroxide for use as a blank solution. Place
uum; alternatively, the probe may be leak checked
about 200 g of silica gel in the fourth impinger.
with the rest of the sampling train, in one step,at
NOTE: If moisture content is to be determined by impinger anal- 380 mm Hg ( I 5 in. Hg) vacuum. Leakage rates in
ysis, weigh each of the first three impingers (plus absorbing so- excess of 4% of the average sampling rate or 0.00057
lution) to the nearest 0.5 g and record these weights. The weight
of the silica gel (or silica gel plus container) must also be deter- rrr3/min (0.02 cfm), whichever is less, are unaccept-
mined to the nearest 0.5 g and recorded. able.
Start the pump with the bypass valve fully open
Using atweezer or cleandisposablesurgical and with the coarse-adjust valve completely closed.
gloves, place a labeled(identified) and weighed filter Partiallyopen the coarse-adjustvalveand slowly
in the filter holder. Be sure that the filter is properly close the bypassvalve until the desired vacuum is
centered andthe gasket properly placed so as to pre- reached. Do not reverse direction to bypassvalve;
Plant. ......................................
Location ....................................
Operator. ...................................
Date... ....................................
1 Ambient temperature. ........................
Barometric pressure ..........................
Assumed moisture, %.........................
Probe length, m (ft.) ..........................
Run No..................................... Nozzle identification No. ......................
Sample box No.. ............................ Average calibrated nozzle diameter, cm (in.). .....
Meter box No.. .............................. Probe heater setting ..........................
Meter AH@. ................................ Leak rate, m'/min, (cfm). ......................
C factor .................................... Probe liner material ..........................
Pitot tube coefficient, C p . . .................... Static pressure, mm Hg (in. Hg) ................
Filter No. ...................................
mm Hg (T.) "C
(e). min. (in. Hg) ("F) m3 (W) "C (OF) "C ("F) "C ("F) O C (OF)
the condenser/silicagel outlet. Also, periodically move the umbilical cord from the last impinger and
check the level and zero of the manometer. cap the impinger. If a flexible line is used between
If the pressure drop across the filter becomes too the first impinger or condenser and the filter holder,
high, thereby making isokinetic sampling difficult to disconnect the line at the filter holder and let any
maintain, the filter may be replacedin the midstof a condensed water or liquid drain into the impingers.
sample run. It i s recommended that another com- After wiping off the silicone grease, cap off the filter
plete filter assembly be used rather than attempting holder outlet and impinger inlet. Either ground glass
to change the filter itself. Before anew filter assembly stoppers, plastic caps, or serum caps may be used to
is installed, conduct aleak check (see para. 8.4.1(d(2), close these openings.
Leak ChecksDuringSample Run). The total particulate Transfer the probe and filter-impinger assembly to
weight shall include the summation of all filter as- the cleanup area. This area should be clean and pro-
sembly catches. tected from the wind so that the chances of contam-
A single train shall be used for the entire sample inating or losing the sample will be minimized.
run, except in cases where simultaneous sampling is Save a portion of the acetone used for cleanup as
required in two or more separate ducts or at two or a blank. Take 200 ml of this acetone directly from
more different locations within the same duct or, the wash bottle being used and place it in a glass
where equipment failure necessitatesachange of sample container labeled “acetone blank.”
trains. Inspect the train prior to and during disassembly
Note that when two or more trains are used, sep- and note any abnormal conditions. Treat the samples
arate analyses of the front halfand (if applicable) im- as follows.
pinger catches from each train shall be performed, (a) Container No. 7. Carefully remove the filter
unless identical nozzle sizes were used on all trains, from the filter holder and placeit in its identified petri
in which case the front half catches from the individ- dish container. Use a pair of tweezers and/or clean
ual trains maybe combined (asmay the impinger disposable surgical glovesto handle the filter. If it is
catches) and one analysisof front half catch and one necessary to fold the filter, do so such that the par-
analysis of impinger catch may be performed. ticulate cake is inside the fold. Carefully transfer to
At the end of the sample run, turn off the coarse- the petri dish any particulate matter and/or filter fi-
adjust valve, remove the probe and nozzle from the bers which adhere to the filter holder gasket, by using
stack, turn off the pump, record the final dry gas a dry nylon bristle brush and/or a sharp-edged blade.
meter reading, andconduct a post-test leak check, as Seal the container.
outlined in para. B.4.1 (d)(3), Post-test Leak Check. (b) Container No. 2. Taking care to see that dust
(0 Calculation of Percent lsokinetic. Calculate per- on the outside of the probe or other exterior surfaces
cent isokinetic (see para. B.6) to determine whether does not get into the sample, quantitatively recover
the run was valid or another testrun should be made. particulate matter or any condensate from the probe
nozzle, probe fitting, probe liner, andfront half of the
B.4.2 SampleRecovery.Propercleanup procedure filter holder by washing thesecomponents with ace-
begins as soon as the probe is removed from the tone and placing the wash in a glass container. Per-
stack at the end of the sampling period. Allow the form the acetone rinses in the following manner.
probe to cool. Carefully remove the probe nozzle and clean the
When the probe can be safely handled, wipe off inside surface by rinsing with acetone from a wash
all external particulate matter near the tip of the bottle and brushing with a nylon bristle brush. Brush
probe nozzle, and place a cap over it to prevent losing until the acetone rinse shows no visible particles,
or gaining particulate matter. Do not cap off the after which make a final rinse of the inside surface
probe tip tightly while the sampling train is cooling with acetone.
down as this will create a vacuumin the filter holder, Brush andrinse the inside parts of the compression
thus drawing water from the impingers into the filter fitting with acetone in a similar way until no visible
holder. particles remain.
Before moving the sample train to the cleanup site, Rinse the probe liner with acetone by tilting and
remove the probe from the sample train, wipe off the rotating the probe while squirting acetone into its
silicone grease, and cap the open outlet ofthe probe. upper end so that all inside surfaces will be wetted
Be careful not to lose any condensate that might be with acetone. Let the acetone drain from the lower
present. Wipe off the silicone grease from the filter end into the sample container.A funnel (glass or poly-
inlet where the probe was fastened and cap it. Re- ethylene) may be used to aid in transferring liquid
(2) SO, Blanks. Prepare SO, blanks by pipetting factor. If the calibration has changed by more than
a ?O m l aliquot of the hydrogen peroxide blank so- 5%, recalibrate the meter over the full range of flow
lution into a 250 ml Erlenmeyer flask. Add 40 ml of rates.
isopropanol. Analyze as in para. 8.4.3 (c), Container
No. 3. Note: If the dry gas meter coefficient values obtained before and
after a test series differ by more than 5%, the test series shall either
be voided, or calculations for test series shall be performed using
whichever meter coefficient value (¡.e., before or after) gives the
lower value of total sample volume.
B.5 Calibration. Maintain a laboratory log of all cali-
brations. B.5.5 Temperature Gages. Dial thermometers,
such as are usedfor the dry gas meter and condenser
B.5.1 Probe Nozzle. Probenozzlesshallbe cali-
outlet,shall be calibrated againstmercury-in-glass
brated before their initial use in the field. Using a
micrometer, measure the inside diameter of the noz-
zle to the nearest 0.025 mm (0.001 in.). Make three 8.5.6 leak Check of Metering System. Shown in
separatemeasurements using different diameters Fig. B.1. That portion of the sampling train from the
each time, and obtain the average of the measure- pump to the orifice meter should be leak checked
ments. The difference between the high and low prior to initial use and after each shipment. Leakage
numbers shall not exceed 0.1 mm (0.004 in.). When after the pump will result in less volume being re-
nozzlesbecomenicked, dented, or corroded, they corded than is actually sampled. The following pro-
shall bereshaped, sharpened, and recalibrated before cedure is suggested:Close the main valve onthe
use. Each nozzle shall be permanently and uniquely meter box. Insert a one hole rubber stopper with rub-
identified. ber tubing attached into the orifice exhaust pipe. Dis-
connect and vent the low side of the orifice
B.5.2 Pitot Tube. TheType S pitot tube assembly
manometer. Close off the low side orifice tap. Pres-
need not be calibrated if constructed as described in
surize the system to a 13 to 18 cm (5 to 7 in.) water
para. B.2(c) of this method.
column by blowing into the rubber tubing. Pinch off
B.5.3 Metering System. Before its initial use in the the tubing and observe the manometer for one min-
field, the metering system shall be calibrated at five ute. A loss of pressure on the manometer indicates a
different flow rates (e.g.,0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, and 1.0 leak in the meter box; leaks, if present, must be cor-
scfm) against a wet test meter. Instead of physically rected.
adjusting the dry gas meter dial readings to corre-
B.5.7 Barometer. Calibrate againsta mercury ba-
spond to the wet test meter readings, calibration fac-
tors may be used to mathematically correct the gas
meter dial readings to the proper values. Before cal- B.5.8 Barium Perchlorate Solution. Standardize the
ibrating the metering system, it is suggested that a barium perchlorate solution against 25 ml of standard
leak check be conducted. For metering systems hav- sulfuric acid to which 100 ml of 100 percent isopro-
ing diaphragm pumps, the normal leakcheck pro- panol has been added. Run duplicate analyses. Cal-
cedure will not detect leakages within the pump. For culate the normality using the average of a pair of
these cases, the following leak check procedure is duplicate analyses where the titrations agree within
suggested: Make a 10 minute calibration run at 1 percent or 0.2 ml which ever is larger.
0.0057 m3/min (0.02cfm); at the end of the run, take
the difference of the measured wet test meter and
dry gas meter volumes; divide the difference by 10
to get the leak rate. The leak rate should not exceed B.6CALCULATIONS
0.00057 m3/min (0.02 dm).
Carry out calculations, retaining at least one extra
After each field use, the calibration of the metering decimal figure beyond that of the acquired data.
system shall be checked by performing three calibra- Round off figures after the final calculation. Other
tion runsata single, intermediate orifice setting forms of the equations may be used as long as they
(based on the previous field test), with the vacuum give equivalent results.
set at the maximum value reached during the test See Section 2of this Code for definitions of terms.
series. To adjust the vacuum, insert a valve between
the wet test meter and the inlet of the metering sys- B.6.1 lsokinetic Variations.(Acceptable isokinetic
tem. Calculate the average value of the calibration rate is achieved if 90% C I < 110%).
Traverse Point
Number I Sampling
(e), min.
Stack Tem-
"C ("F)
Gas Sample
m' (ft')
of Gas
Orifice Meter Volume Condenser
(AH), m' ( f i 3 ) Gas Sample Temperature or
mm(in.) H,O Last Im-
Outlet Inlet pinger
TABLE- C.2 l
Molecular Weight
3 Stack Gas
Actual Actual Actual Net (Dry Basis)
Net Reading Net Volume Multiplier M,,, Ib/lb-mole
O,(Net is actual
O, reading minus
actual CO, read-
CO (Net is actual
CO reading mi-
nus actual O,
N, (Net is 100
minus actual
CO reading)
Plant. ...............................................................................
Date .................................... RunNo.....................................
Stack Diameter or Dimensions, m (in.) ...................................................
Barometric Pressure, mm Hg (in. Hg) ....................................................
Cross Sectional Area, mz(ftz)............................................................
Operators ............................................................................
Pitot Tube I.D. No.. ...................................................................
Avg. Coefficient, C, = .................................................................
Last Date
Calibrated.. ................................................................. SCHEMATIC OF STACK
Meter calibration Y.. ..................... Reference Ap ........
Pitot tube C,. ........................... Maximum AH... . . . . . ....
differen- Temperature
tial of gas leav-
Stack Velocity across
tempera- head
Sampling (AP.), meter, sample last im-
Traverse time (B), Clock mm H,O mm H,O volume, Inlet,
point number1 min
time 24 (in. H,O) (in. H,O) m3 (P) "C ("F) "C ("F)
Plant Date
l.-ml Ba(CIO,),
Volume and normality of 2. -ml Ba(CIO,), N =
barium perchlorate Blank -mlBa(CIO,),
Run 1 Run 2
,, - Total volume of solution in which the sulfur
dioxide sample is contained, ml
V, - Volume of sample aliquot, ml
V, - Volume of barium perchlorate 1s t titration
titrant used for sample, ml 2nd titration
1st titration
= 0.99 to 1.O1 or Ilst titration - 2nd titration] 6 0.2 ml
2nd titration
Signature of analyst
1. Volume of blank and sample titrated should be the same; otherwise a volume correction must be made.
Flowrate MeasurementMethod
Reagent Holding Tank Volume per Foot of Tank Height (V,)
Flow Measurement
Tank Time
t= L,=
Wt percent G, = -
(% r) M, M, K,
For the purpose of this Code, solids are assumed
to be measured as weight per unit time. While spe-
cifically addressing the quantity of waste product
generated, this Appendix can be usedto measure the
quantity of any powder generated in an FGDS.
Commercial methods for measuring quantities of
dry, free-flowing powders involve the use of weigh
belts, weigh hoppers, and load cells on storage tanks
or beam gages which measure strain as a function of
stress or load applied. Most FGDS which use dry
powders as reagent have some method of metering FIG. D.l MASSBALANCEAROUNDTHEFGDS
dry products which use one or more of the devices
listed above.
Measuring waste products is a monumental task.
Not only do they include reacted material from the (SOJ, = Percent concentration of SO, out
FGDS but fly ash, bottom ash, stabilizers, or hard- m, = Mass of waste generated per unit time
enersmayalso be present.There is always more
waste to dispose of than of the reactant which was Other more complex systems, which have partic-
used to eliminate the SO, produced in the process. ulate-laden gas streams and/or variable removal rate
In addition, the product may contain waters of hy- devices, complicate the aboveanalysis making it
dration and absorbed or adsorbed moisture. more difficult to accurately calculate the flow of
waste. Most systems to whichthis Code is applicable
unfortunately fall into the second category. For these
D.2 MASS BALANCE METHOD systems, a direct method measuring the quantity of
waste product is needed.
For simple once-through FGD systems- if enough
is known about the compositions of the inlet gas
stream,reagentstream, andexhaust gas stream -
the quantity of waste generated canbe approximated
by a mass balance around the system as demon- An approximation of the weight of waste products
strated in Fig. D.l where based upon apparent bulk density of the solids can
be made using an alternate method. In this method,
the amount of waste product generated can be de-
termined by measuring the amount of time it takes
to filla truck or other larger container of known vol-
where ume. Samples of the material are takento determine
bulk density in accordance with ASME PTC 28. The
m, = Mass of reagent per unit time amount of waste per unit timecan be determined by
m. = Mass of flue gas in per unit time multiplying the volume by the apparent bulk density
(SO*); = Percent concentration of SO, in and dividing by the time it takes to fill the container.
m, = Mass of flue gas out per unit time
m, = Mass of waste generated D.5 OTHERFACTORS
Volume = Volume of container intowhichthe If the waste product is not adry, free-flowing pow-
waste is placed der, quantitative measurement of the amount gen-
t = Time needed to fill the container erated can proceed above, as but qualitative
p = Bulk density of waste material determination of the amount of moisturein the prod-
This method is only arough approximation, but in uct must be made. See paras. 4.2.2(d), ChernicalAna/-
the absence of a weigh scale it can give acceptable ysis and 4.2.2(e),Parameters of lnterest for details.
results if the quantities are sufficiently large.Care Propersamplingtechniquesand analytical tech-
should beexercised in keeping the samples from niques must be used to prevent sample bias. These
compacting in storage for bulkdensity determination. items should be agreed upon prior to thestart of any
In planning strategy to determine the quantities of
dry waste product, existing process instrumentation
should be used whenever possible.
Thebest method for determining waste product Weigh scales and belts, weigh hoppers, and similar
quantities requires the use of available weigh scale devices should be calibrated at the manufacturer’s
or other device capable of weighing a closed con- recommended intervals.
Weigh belt
Wf - Wt
(Wf - Wt/
m, =
In applying this Code to a real system, the drawing the ductwork. Makeup water should be measured at
of the system boundary around the components is a the boundary where possible. Electrical energy can
critical first step. In Fig. E.l is a processschematic be measured for individual components, such as the
for a typical lime/limestone wet scrubbing system. A ID fan, or for the system as a whole depending on
boundary has been drawn around the system in Fig. the requirements of the test.
E.2 and the inputs and outputs labeled. The identification of the boundary line should be
In setting the boundaries, consideration must be formalized in a test plan as developed by the parties
given to measurement provisions and the physical to the test. Such a plan should outline the reasons
characteristics of the system. For instance, when the for choosing the proposed boundary and the inter-
reagent flow must be determined and if the level drop face measuring methods.
method of flow determination is to be used, the In a closed loop system, it is generally more eco-
boundary will be at the reagent tank. If flow meters nomical to calculate reagent ratio based on a waste
are employed, then the boundary will be at the flow composition ratherthan by measuring all the inlet
meters.Thesame holds true for the exit gas mea- streams, compositions, etc. This may reduce cumu-
surements. lative errors. For this purpose, closed loop is defined
In most cases, measurement provisions are in- as when the only water leaving the FGDS is through
cluded in the stack but measurements could occur in the flue gas and the wasteby-product.
Flue gas
Make-up water
D Reheater
Flue gas
Y hnAA
ID fan
Annn Process
water 11
% Spray hold
Sil0 I Water
Thermal energy A
energy f"1 Make-up water
I I -1
Reheater I
I lI Stack
tower I
"""-"J +J I