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Revista Chilena de Historia Natural 86: 501-504, 2013 © Sociedad de Biología de Chile


Güiña (Leopardus guigna) preys on cavity-nesting nestlings

Güiña (Leopardus guigna) depreda polluelos de aves que nidifican en cavidades


1Fauna Australis Wildlife Laboratory, Department of Ecosystem and Environment, School of Agricultural and Forests Sciences,
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. CP 7820436, Chile
2The Peregrine Fund, 5668 W Flying Hawk Lane, ID 83709, Boise, Idaho, USA
3Department of Wildlife Ecology and Conservation, University of Florida, 110 Newins-Ziegler Hall, Gainesville,

FL 32611-0430, USA
4National Forestry Service (CONAF), Protected Areas Management, Department of Biodiversity Conservation.

CP 8330407, Chile
*Corresponding author: [email protected]

Predation has been a leading cause of nesting Thorn-tailed rayadito Aphrastura spinicauda
failur e among diverse species of bir ds, Gmelin 1789) have been documented as
accounting for up to 90 % of nest failure in some secondar y prey items within güiña’s diet (24
endangered populations (e.g., Cain et al. 2003). %, Sanderson et al. 2002, Freer 2004). Even
Different types of predators, such as small/ though güiña has been suggested as primarily
medium-sized mammals and birds, are able terrestrial, its ability to prey on birds inhabiting
to impact the reproductive success of birds the overstory or large-trees coincides with the
by preying on their nest contents (Rogers & well-developed tree climbing abilities displayed
Caro 1998, Söderström et al. 1998, Purcell & by the species (Sanderson et al. 2002). Previous
Verner 1999). Nevertheless, direct evidences of güiña diet studies have been focused mainly
predation events has been poorly documented, on the identification of bird remains to species
highlighting the relevance to obtain original level (Sanderson et al. 2002, Freer 2004), not
and reliable data about an ecological interaction dif ferentiating between age classes (e.g.,
that may strongly impact bird populations and adults/nestlings birds). The latter could
community structure, par ticularly in highly shed light into the effects of predation on the
perturbed ecosystems. reproductive biology of temperate forest bird
The vulnerable güiña (Leopardus guigna assemblages.
Molina 1782), or kodkod cat, is one of the In this article, we report the first records
smallest (1.2-2.2 kg) felids in the world (Nowell of güiña attempting to prey upon cavity-nesting
& Jackson 1996). It has a limited distribution, bird nestlings in the temperate forest of South
restricted to a narrow strip within the temperate America. The study was conducted in an
forests in south-central Chile and Argentina Andean landscape in the Araucanía district,
(30-50 °S, 70-75 °W) (Redford & Eisenberg South-Central Chile (39º16’ S, 71º48’ W).
1992), inhabiting continuous and fragmented We identified study sites in six independent
forests (Gálvez et al. 2013). The güiña has been forests across an elevation gradient, from 271
described as a nocturnal carnivore (Hernández meters above sea level (masl) to 1063 masl.
et al. Unpublished data), suggesting daily Sites were separated by a minimum linear
activity synchronization with small rodents, distance of 1.6 km. Four sites represent early
its primary prey item (up to 82 %; Dunstone et successional stages of forests at lowlands
al. 2002, Correa & Roa 2005). Flightless (e.g., dominated by broadleaf species such as Roble
Chucao tapaculo Scelorchilus rubecola Kittlitz beech Nothofagus obliqua (Mirb.) Oerst.,
1830, Huet-huet Pteroptochos tarnii King 1831) Coigüe Nothofagus dombeyi (Mirb.) Oerst.,
and occasionally flying birds (e.g., Austral and Chilean laurel Laurelia sempervirens (Ruiz
thrush Turdus falklandii Quoy & Gaimard 1824, & Pav.) Tul. The remaining two sites are old-

growth, conifer-broadleaf mixed forests at within seven independent photo sequences,

higher altitudes dominated by Prince Albert’s two of them involving spotted güiñas (black-
yew Saxegothaea conspicua Lindl., Chilean Tepa spots over buff or gray-brown coat) and a single
Laureliopsis philippiana (Looser) Schodde, and melanistic individual (black coat) (Fig. 1).
Coigüe. Seventy one percent of the predation attempts
In winter 2010, 240 nest boxes (40 per site) were concentrated at night (i.e., 2100 to 0600
were installed in order to assess nest box use h), whereas only 29 % were registered at dawn
by small cavity-nesting birds and mammals and dusk periods. This behaviour parallels
(i.e., depth 17.1 cm; entrance hole diameter the species’ activity pattern described in other
3.1 cm). The nest boxes were systematically studies (Hernández et al. Unpublished data),
placed in a grid, by hanging them from a which may correspond with the heightened
tree branch 1.5 meters above ground and 25 activity of smalls mammals.
meters apar t. During two breeding seasons Previous studies investigating güiña diet
(2010-2011 and 2011-2012), nest boxes were suggest the species’ preference to depredate
monitored by direct obser vation and through flightless avian species that predominantly
the use of camera traps to monitor the activity nest and forage close to the ground (e.g., S.
of cavity users and identify potential nest rubecula) (Sanderson et al. 2002, Freer 2004).
predators. Passive digital camera traps (i.e., However, we show evidence for güiña preying
Reconyx®) were used to monitor activity at on nestlings of a “large-tree user” birds (as
the 49 nest boxes. Cameras were set at each Thor n-tailed Rayadito, Díaz et al. 2005),
box for 22 days resulting in 1,078 camera-trap suppor ting an oppor tunistic felid behaviour.
days. Cameras were placed in front or beside Trees climbed by individual güiñas within this
each box, programmed to operate 24 hours a study had a diameter at breast height (dbh)
day, and visited for maintenance every 10 days. ranging from 5.4 to 7.5 cm. This differs from
An independent predation attempt at a site was previous observations that report güiñas easily
defined as a photo capturing the presence of a climbing trees with dbh > 8 cm (Sanderson et
predator with at least one hour interval between al. 2002).
sequences (Di Bitetti et al. 2006). Most predation attempts lasted less than
Two secondary cavity nesting bird species two minutes (86 %, mean ± SD = 00:47 ± 0:41
used the nest boxes, mainly Thor n-tailed minutes, n = 6), except one (36:11 minutes).
Rayadito and occasionally Southern House Theses attempts mainly af fected nests in
Wr en (Tr oglodytes aedon V ieillot 1809). nestling stages, and only one occurred in the
Additionally, three small mammal species post fledging stage (empty nest box), possibly
were recorded as nest box users: Monito del attracted by the fecal odor. Only the longest
monte (Dromiciops gliroides Thomas 1894), güiña predation attempt was successful (14
Chilean Arboreal-rat (Irenomys tarsalis Philippi %), resulting in the capture of a single nestling
1900), and Long-tailed Rice Mice (Oligoryzomys from the box (Fig. 1). The individual güiña then
longicaudatus Bennett 1832). Monito del attempted to capture another Rayadito nestling
monte also was registered as a cavity-nesting from the same nest box but was unsuccessful.
bird predator, along with Milvago chimango The limited predation success and time
Vieillot 1816, Glaucidium nana King 1828, allocated to güiña predation attempts could
Rattus rattus Linnaeus 1758 among others 1. be explained by the depth dimension of nest
We registered güiña activity in three of the boxes and their restricted entrance holes,
study sites, with predation attempts only on which likely hampered the nestling captures.
Thorn-tailed Rayadito nestlings. We detected In fact, the entrances of natural cavities used
at least three dif ferent individuals of güiña for nesting -excluding fissures- in temperate
forest are normally larger and/or less deep
than nest boxes (TA Altamirano & JT Ibarra
unpublished data), suggesting that real güiña
1 ALTAMIRANO TA, M DE LA MAZA & C BONACIC predation success may be underestimated
(2011) Depredación de nidos de rayadito (Aphrastura as a result of the restricted artificial cavity/
spinicauda) en el bosque templado andino de Chile.
X Congreso Chileno de Ornitología, Santiago, Chile. nest box dimensions. To estimate the real
Boletín Chileno de Ornitología 17: 26. cavity-nesting predation success, it would be

Fig. 1: Images of güiña predation attempts on nest boxes occupied by cavity-nesting birds. Spotted güiña trying
to prey on a nest box (A); melanistic güiña attempting to capture a nestling (B); spotted güiña climbing a tree to
approach a nest box; trying to catch a nestling; and capturing it (C-F).
Imágenes de intentos de depredación de güiña sobre aves que utilizan cajas-nido. Güiña moteada tratando de depredar una
caja-nido (A); güiña melánica intentando capturar un polluelo (B); güiña moteada escalando el árbol de la caja-nido; tratando de
capturar un polluelo; y capturándolo (C-F).

necessar y to conduct experimental nest box are the implications for avian reproductive
designs comparing different entrance size and biology and conservation?
box depth, or even better, assessing directly
the predation success of natural cavities
showing different dimensions. Finally, as güiña ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS:We thank the Chilean Ministry
of the Environment (FPA Projects 09-083-08, 09-078-
predation events do not leave any distinct sign 2010, 9-I-009-12), The Peregrine Fund, Centre of Local
on the nest box, at least with these dimension Development (CEDEL - Sede Villarrica PUC), Chilean
Forest Service (CONAF). We especially thank J. Tomás
and entrance diameter, studies using this Ibar ra, Nicolás Gálvez, Alber to Dittbor n, Gonzalo
technique in temperate forest of South America Valdivieso, Antonio Hargreaves, Jerr y Laker (Kodkod:
should be cautious as not to overestimate Lugar de Encuentros), M. Venegas and R. Sanhueza (Guías-
Cañe), Ricardo Timmerman, Mónica Sabugal, Cristina
breeding success when counting missing Délano, Lahuen Foundation, Kawellucó Private Sanctuary,
nestlings without predation evidence. Tamara Tüchelmann, Gonzalo Fuster, Matías Acevedo, Lina
Our data provide the first evidences of güiña Forero, Alejandra Vermehren, Antonia Barraeu, Rowena
Cortés, Isabel Mujica, Andrew Satterlee, and F. Hernán
predation behaviour on cavity-nesting birds of Vargas. Numerous friends, local inhabitants and students
the temperate forest of South-Central Chile, provided priceless assistance in the field. TAA, FH and
contributing to improve the natural histor y MDM are supported by a grant from Comisión Nacional de
Investigación Científica y Tecnológica (CONICYT).
knowledge of this vulnerable felid. However,
many interesting questions remain regarding
the güiña diet and the influence of its predatory
behaviour on different temperate forest bird CAIN III JW, ML MORRISON & HL BOMBAY (2003)
populations. How does the predation success Predator activity and nest success of willow
flycatchers and yellow warblers. Jour nal of
compare between open vs. cavity-nesting birds? Wildlife Management 67: 600-610.
Are nestlings more common prey than adult CORREA P & A ROA (2005) Relaciones tróficas entre
birds? How much does the güiña contribute to Oncifelis guigna, Lycalopex culpaeus, Lycalopex
griseus y Tyto alba en un ambiente fragmentado
predation pressure on bird species? How are de la zona central de Chile. Mastozoología
güiña impacting breeding site selection? What Neotropical (Argentina) 12: 57-60.

DÍAZ IA, JJ ARMESTO, S REID, KE SIEVING & MF conser vation of the vulnerable güiña Leopardus
WILLSON (2005) Linking forest structure and guigna. Oryx 47: 251-258.
composition: avian diversity in successional NOWELL K & P JACKSON (eds) (1996) Wild cats:
forests of Chiloé island, Chile. Biological status survey and conservation action plan. The
Conservation 123: 91-101. Burlington Press, Cambridge, U.K.
DI BITETTI MS, A PAVIOLO & CD ANGELO (2006) PURCELL KL & J VERNER (1999) Nest predators of
Density, habitat use and activity patter ns of open and cavity nesting birds in oak woodlands.
ocelots (Leopardus pardalis) in the Atlantic Forest Wilson Bulletin (United States) 111: 251-256.
of Misiones, Argentina. Journal of Zoology 270: REDFORD KH & JF EISENBERG (1992) Mammals of
153-163. the Neotropics. Vol. 2, The southern cone: Chile,
DUNSTONE N, R FREER, G ACOSTA-JAMETT, L Argentina, Ur uguay, Paraguay. University of
DURBIN, I WYLLIE, M MAZZOLLI & D SCOTT Chicago Press, Chicago, United States.
(2002) Uso del hábitat, actividad y dieta de la ROGERS CM & MJ CARO (1998) Song spar rows,
güiña (Oncifelis guigna) en el Parque Nacional top carnivores and nest predation: a test of the
Laguna San Rafael, XI Región, Chile. Boletín del mesopredator release hypothesis. Oecologia 116:
Museo Nacional de Historia Natural (Chile) 51: 227-233.
FREER R (2004) The spatial ecology of the güiña Natural histor y and landscape-use of guignas
(Oncifelis guigna) in Southern Chile. PhD Thesis, (Oncifelis guigna) on Isla Grande de Chiloé, Chile.
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Durham, U.K. SÖDERSTRÖM B, T PÄRT & J RYDÉN (1998) Different
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protected areas plays an important role in the experiment and a review. Oecologia 117: 108-118.

Editorial responsibility: Juan Carlos Torres-Mura

Received August 12, 2013; accepted October 10, 2013

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