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DET ER~ ll'.\.H IO'.' i OF FRE E FAT TY

AnR1' sis of Free Fett: Acids (FFA) in coco

nut oil (VCO or Copra Oil) is !mpo~ant for
che.:~ing the qualit~ of the oil. before it can be
used or mark~ted. FF~ ~uildup in the
.:oconut oil is due to , arious factors. some relate
d to processing conditions. others to natural
breskdown of the oil molecule and other facto
The major objective of this lab practical is to
compare the oil sample provided with the
international standard for coconut oil used in
the food industry. for both industrial and
edible purposes. The oil sample provide for the
analysis is deriv ed from white copra which
is a food grade raw material, that can be used
to produce Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO).
Therefore, students will compare the FFA of
purposes. the sample to that of VCO standard for edib

1. Definition
The acid value is the number of milligrams of
neutralize the free acids in 1 gram of oil samp potassium or sodium hydroxide requ ired to
The acidity is the content of free fatty acid conv
of !auric acid. entionally expressed as a percentage (m m)

2. Principle
To determine the free fatty acid present in the
coconut oil, a samp le of oil is dissolved in
95% ethanol and titrate with 0.1 M or 0.5M of
phenolphthalein indicator. aque ous sodium hydroxide using

3. Reagents
3.1. Standard Potassium or Sodium Hyd
roxide, 0.1 N (Note 1).
3.2. Phen olphthalein indicator solution, 1.0%
solution of phenolohthale in in 95% v v
~than e!. To prepare this solution, weigh 1 gram
of phenolphthalein, add 95 ml
1so-propanol and 5 ml distilled water. Filter
measurement. if necessary. Use I 00 ml burene fo r
3.3. Ethanol. 95% v/v (Note 2).

4. Apparatus
4.1. Burette, 25 ml with graduation of 0. 5 ml
4.2. Conical flask 250 ml divisions.
4.3. Hot plate with temperature control

5. Procedure
5.1. Weigh out 5 ~ 0.5 g of coconut oil into
_ fla:k an~ bring to boil to boiling point. a con ical flask. Plac e 50 ml of etha I ·
no m a
:i.2. While s_t1II ove_r_70°C, neutralize the
ethanol using 0.5 ml of indicator solution
d~okp -w1 se a~d1t1on_ of o. b.
pm ' co1our 1s obtamed. L'v! potassium Hydroxide solution till a faint but perm,an~nt
5.3. Pour the neutralized ethan ol on the weig
hed coconut in the flask and mix the
5.4. Bring to boil and while still hot, titrate with the 0.1 M Sodium or Potassium
Hydroxide solution. Shaking vigorous ly during the titration. The end-point of the
titration is reached when the addition of a single drop of alkali produces a slight
but definite colour change persisting fo r at least 15 seconds.

6. Calculation
_ ,i.AP\~ ~ ~ C>--\"" ,f\on c_ G-..UC\
Calculate as follow:
D · l , ¼.c\.O"""
V )'
FFA, as !auric ac id, (%) 200 X N X V x l 00
1000 X W
N = normality (Molar) of the Potassium hydroxide solution in four decimal places.
V = volume in ml of the potassium hydroxide solution used and
W = weight in grams of the extracted oil
Note 1.
Potassium or sodium hydroxide of approximately 0.1 N should be standardized with
potassium hydrogen phthalate as follows :
Dry potassium hydrogen phthalate' in an oven at l 20°C for 2 hours and allow to cool in a
desiccator before use. Weigh out 0.4 ± 0.2 g to 1.0 g of the potassium hydrogen phtha\ate
directly into a conical flask . Add 30 ml water and phenolphthalein indicator.
Place on a hot plate and swirl till the salt has completely dissolved and titrate with
potassium hydroxide to the first appearance of a permanent pink colour.

Normality of the alkali = W x 1o·3

t X 204.2

where W = the weight of phthalate taken

t = the volume of potassium hydroxide in ml
Express the results to four decimal places.
Carry out dupl icate determinations. The titre of the hydroxide should be checked prior to it
being used.

Note 2.
Isopropanol may also be used

Laboratory Practical Write Up

For the lab Report Writeup, students must report using the standard Lab writeup procedure .
This will include,
Abstract, Introduction, Aims/Objectives, Materials used, Methods Used, Results, Discussion,
Conclusion and References.
In the discussion, students are to compare the FF A of the tested sample with that of
international market standard for VCO.
Questions to answer.
(1) Why is FFA important in vegetable or edible oil trade?
,(2) How can FFA be reduced in copra oil after oil extraction? .
(~) /J(;...r.J.<- On~ fv{t::.~ 6'¼--cJ l~l rr~ \-u,tl.\\~ Gr ~T,\-)~i\-~ ~u.t(\J..~~ .

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