Adobe Scan 16 Jun 2024
Adobe Scan 16 Jun 2024
Adobe Scan 16 Jun 2024
DET ER~ ll'.\.H IO'.' i OF FRE E FAT TY
1. Definition
The acid value is the number of milligrams of
neutralize the free acids in 1 gram of oil samp potassium or sodium hydroxide requ ired to
The acidity is the content of free fatty acid conv
of !auric acid. entionally expressed as a percentage (m m)
2. Principle
To determine the free fatty acid present in the
coconut oil, a samp le of oil is dissolved in
95% ethanol and titrate with 0.1 M or 0.5M of
phenolphthalein indicator. aque ous sodium hydroxide using
3. Reagents
3.1. Standard Potassium or Sodium Hyd
roxide, 0.1 N (Note 1).
3.2. Phen olphthalein indicator solution, 1.0%
solution of phenolohthale in in 95% v v
~than e!. To prepare this solution, weigh 1 gram
of phenolphthalein, add 95 ml
1so-propanol and 5 ml distilled water. Filter
measurement. if necessary. Use I 00 ml burene fo r
3.3. Ethanol. 95% v/v (Note 2).
4. Apparatus
4.1. Burette, 25 ml with graduation of 0. 5 ml
4.2. Conical flask 250 ml divisions.
4.3. Hot plate with temperature control
5. Procedure
5.1. Weigh out 5 ~ 0.5 g of coconut oil into
_ fla:k an~ bring to boil to boiling point. a con ical flask. Plac e 50 ml of etha I ·
no m a
:i.2. While s_t1II ove_r_70°C, neutralize the
ethanol using 0.5 ml of indicator solution
d~okp -w1 se a~d1t1on_ of o. b.
pm ' co1our 1s obtamed. L'v! potassium Hydroxide solution till a faint but perm,an~nt
5.3. Pour the neutralized ethan ol on the weig
hed coconut in the flask and mix the
5.4. Bring to boil and while still hot, titrate with the 0.1 M Sodium or Potassium
Hydroxide solution. Shaking vigorous ly during the titration. The end-point of the
titration is reached when the addition of a single drop of alkali produces a slight
but definite colour change persisting fo r at least 15 seconds.
6. Calculation
_ ,i.AP\~ ~ ~ C>--\"" ,f\on c_ G-..UC\
Calculate as follow:
D · l , ¼.c\.O"""
V )'
FFA, as !auric ac id, (%) 200 X N X V x l 00
1000 X W
N = normality (Molar) of the Potassium hydroxide solution in four decimal places.
V = volume in ml of the potassium hydroxide solution used and
W = weight in grams of the extracted oil
Note 1.
Potassium or sodium hydroxide of approximately 0.1 N should be standardized with
potassium hydrogen phthalate as follows :
Dry potassium hydrogen phthalate' in an oven at l 20°C for 2 hours and allow to cool in a
desiccator before use. Weigh out 0.4 ± 0.2 g to 1.0 g of the potassium hydrogen phtha\ate
directly into a conical flask . Add 30 ml water and phenolphthalein indicator.
Place on a hot plate and swirl till the salt has completely dissolved and titrate with
potassium hydroxide to the first appearance of a permanent pink colour.
Note 2.
Isopropanol may also be used