Prelim Lab Exam

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Home / My courses / UGRD-CS6203-2313T / PRELIM EXAM / Prelim Lab Exam

Started on Monday, 16 October 2023, 8:55 PM

State Finished
Completed on Monday, 16 October 2023, 9:14 PM
Time taken 19 mins 7 secs
Marks 50.00/50.00
Grade 100.00 out of 100.00

Question 1


Mark 10.00 out of 10.00

Check the program and find out if it will run properly?

class A

void msg()

System.out.println("Hello Java");

class B

void msg()

System.out.println("Welcome you");

class C extends A, B

public static void main(String args[])

C obj = new C();

obj.msg();//Now which msg() method would be called?

a. Got syntax error

b. Was able to run properly

c. Displayed the final output

d. Got compile time error 

Your answer is correct.

Question 2


Mark 10.00 out of 10.00

Which among the following is correct for the following code?

class A

public : class B

public : B(int i): data(i)


int data;


class C: public A

class D:public A::B{ };


a. Single level inheritance is used, with both enclosing and nested classes

b. Multi-level inheritance is used, with nested classes

c. Single level inheritance is used, with nested classes

d. Multi-level inheritance is used, with nested classes

Your answer is correct.

Question 3


Mark 10.00 out of 10.00

Find the order of execution of constructors in Java Inheritance in the following bellow -

class Animal{

public Animal(){
System.out.println("Base Constructor");


class Cat extends Animal{

public Cat(){
System.out.println("Derived Constructor");


public class Program {

public static void main(String[] args) {

Cat c = new Cat();


a. Derived to base class

b. Base to derived class

c. Random order

d. None

Your answer is correct.

Question 4


Mark 10.00 out of 10.00

What is the output of the following Java code?

class Person

private int age;

private Person()

age = 24;


public class Test

public static void main(String[] args)

Person p = new Person();



a. Syntax Error

b. Compilation error

c. Run Time Error

d. 24

Your answer is correct.

Question 5


Mark 10.00 out of 10.00

Find the correct answer from the following two program -

The private members can’t be accessed only in its own class

b. getter and setter methods of super class are not shown in the example 

The private members can only be accessed using public

d. The derived class inherits all the members and methods

Your answer is correct.

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