Indian Standard
© BIS 2019
This Indian Standard (Third Revision) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the draft finalized by
the Cement Matrix Products Sectional Committee had been approved by the Civil Engineering Division Council.
This standard was first published in 1959 and subsequently revised in 1978 and 2001. In the first revision in 1978,
the major modifications included introduction of prestressed concrete cylinder pipes, requirements of fittings,
provision of more details on design criteria for the pipes, etc. In the second revision in 2001, the changes incorporated
included modification in design and other aspects, inclusion of typical worked out example of design, inclusion of
detailed inspection procedure, and inclusion of additional tests on pipes.
This standard lays down the requirements of prestressed concrete pipes primarily used for the conveyance of
water and sewerage and specials for use with them. Two types of prestressed concrete pipes are covered by this
specification, namely, prestressed concrete cylinder pipes and prestressed concrete non-cylinder pipes.
While reviewing this standard, in the light of experience gained since its last revision, the Committee decided to
revise it also considering the present practices being followed by concrete pressure pipe industry. The Committee
further decided to update the standard considering the tests on finished product followed in other countries/
This revision incorporates number of modifications, the most significant of them being:
a) Modification in design and other related aspects,
b) Inclusion of detailed specifications of cylinder type pipe,
c) Inclusion of typical worked out example of design of cylinder type pipe, and
d) Inclusion of additional tests on pipes.
In the formulation of this standard, assistance has been derived for EN 642 : 1994 ‘Prestressed concrete pressure
pipes, cylinder and non-cylinder’, European Committee for Standardization (CEN).
The composition of the Committee responsible for formulation of this standard is given at Annex M.
For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with, the final value,
observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in accordance with IS 2 : 1960
‘Rules for rounding off numerical values (revised)’. The number of significant places retained in the rounded off
value should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard.
IS 784 : 2019
Indian Standard
( Third Revision )
1 SCOPE within 25 percent of pump head in case of pumping
This standard covers the requirements of prestressed main).
concrete pipes (including specials) with nominal 3.6 Factory Test Pressure
internal diameter in the range of 200 mm to 2 500 mm
( see Table 1, Notes ), in which permanent internal a) Site test pressure + 0.1 N/mm2, for working
stresses are deliberately introduced by tensioned steel pressure up to 1 N/mm2, and
to the desired degree to counteract the stresses caused b) Site test pressure + 0.2 N/mm2, for working
in pipe under service. pressure above 1 N/mm2.
IS 784 : 2019
4.7.1 Rubber sealing rings shall comply with IS 5382. xxi) 1 900 100
The manufacturer of pipe shall examine each sealing xxii) 2 000 105
ring visually for defects, particularly at the joints. xxiii) 2 100 110
4.7.2 Every sealing ring shall be clearly marked. The xxiv) 2 200 115
marking shall indicate the chord diameter, internal xxv) 2 300 120
diameter of the ring and name of the manufacturer of xxvi) 2 400 125
rubber sealing rings. xxvii) 2 500 130
4.7.3 In case of splices, each splice shall be thoroughly NOTES
visually checked by twisting the ring through 360°. 1 The internal diameter of pipes other than those mentioned in
Splices showing visible separation or cracks shall be this table may be supplied by mutual agreement between the
purchaser and the manufacturer. For higher pressure, the core
rejected. Not more than two splices in each ring shall thicknesses have to be increased. In such cases,
be permitted. All sealing rings shall be protected from a) the diameter will be correspondingly reduced (this is to
direct rays of the sun and stored in dry place. enable use of same moulds); and
b) multiple layers of circumferential prestressing wire shall
4.8 Bitumen or Other Protective Coating be adopted.
2 This standard includes provision up to 2 500 mm diameter pipes.
The purchaser may specify the application of an external Pipes of diameter beyond 2 500 mm may be supplied in special
or internal bituminous epoxy or other approved coating cases by mutual agreement between the purchaser and the
manufacturer subject to additional precautions taken in design,
to be applied. When the pipes are to be used for carrying manufacture, testing and construction of the pipe.
potable water, the inside coating shall not contain any 3 For internal diameter of pipes in between those mentioned
constituents soluble in such water or any ingredient which above, minimum core thickness shall be arrived at by linear
could impart any taste or odour to the potable water. interpolation.
IS 784 : 2019
However, for pipes of diameter up to and including 300 7.4.1 Longitudinal Prestressing Requirements
mm, the effective length shall not exceed 3 m.
The permissible stresses for various load combinations
5.3 Tolerance shall be as follows:
5.3.1 Length Sl Description of Permissible Stresses
Tolerance on length for non-cylinder pipe shall be ±1 No. Loading
percent of the specified length. For cylinder pipe Combination
tolerances on length shall be ± 2.5 percent of the Tension Compression
specified length. N/mm2 N/mm2
5.3.2 Internal Diameter (1) (2) (3) (4) Pipes of length up to 3 m i) Longitudinal — Minimum residual
prestress compression of 2.5
The tolerance on diameter shall be ±5 mm (over entire (after losses) in N/mm2 for upto and
length) for diameter up to 300 mm. For diameter above barrel including pipe dia
300 mm, the tolerance shall be ±10 mm (over entire length). 600 mm and 1.0 Pipes of length above 3 m N/mm2 for dia above
For pipes of length above 3 m, the tolerance on 600 mm
diameter shall be as given below: ii) Longitudinal 0.56 fp 0.5 fp
prestress During
Internal Diameter Tolerances circumferential
In Areas Within Over Rest of prestressing
600 mm from the Pipe (temporary)
End of the Pipe
mm mm iii) Longitudinal 0.34 fck0.5 0 . 5 fck
Up to 900 mm ± 6 ± 9 prestress after
losses plus beam
Over 900 mm and ± 9 ± 12
up to 1 600 mm
iv) Handling 0.67 0.5 fp
Over 1 600 mm ± 12 ± 12
v) Transport and 0.56 fck0.5 0.5 fck
5.3.3 Core Thickness unloading
The core thickness shall not be less than the design where
thickness by more than 5 percent. The manufacturer fp = characteristic compressive strength of concrete
shall declare the core thickness and the above tolerance at p days in N/mm2, and
shall be applicable to that core thickness. fck = characteristic compressive design strength of
concrete in N/mm2.
1 Longitudinal stresses induced in the core during circumferential
Joint dimensions with tolerances for socket and spigot prestressing shall be treated as temporary and shall be equal to 0.284
diameters shall be furnished by the manufacturer for times initial compressive stress induced in core.
inspection. The indicative dimensions of socket and 2 For longitudinal stress due to beam action, a pipe shall be assumed
to span its full length and support a total load per metre in Newtons
spigot are given in Annex B. equal to the self weight, the weight of the water in the pipe and earth
load equivalent to 2.2 times the outside diameter of pipe (in mm).
7 DESIGN 3 For calculation of number of longitudinals for transport and
7.1 Information to be supplied by the purchaser is given unloading conditions; following bending moment shall be considered
in Annex C. for effective length of pipes up to 5 m and diameter up to 600 mm:
Dia Bending Moment
7.2 All pipes shall be designed to withstand the combined mm N mm
effects of internal water pressure and external loads. 200 3.04 × 107
250 3.78× 107
7.3 The design of the prestressed concrete pipes shall cover 300 4.59 × 107
all such stages, which may induce stresses in any section 350 5.45 × 107
400 6.37 × 107
of the pipe. For investigation of these design stages, the 450 7.36 × 107
likely extreme conditions of stresses shall be considered 500 8.44 × 107
in the order of their occurrence, during the process of 600 11.08 × 107
manufacture, handling, erection and under service. For pipes having effective length more than 5 m, the bending moment
shall be multiplied by a factor (L/5)2, where L is the effective length of
7.4 Design Criteria for Non-Cylinder Pressure Pipes pipe. For pipes above 600 mm diameter, no special consideration is
necessary. The minimum number of longitudinals for 4 m and 5 m
The pipes shall be designed to meet the requirements long pipes shall be 12 and 16, respectively.
given in subsequent clauses.
IS 784 : 2019
7.4.2 Typical calculation for the design of longitudinal type pipe, with winding by process of counter weight/
for pipe diameter 600 mm and below is given in break is given in Annex G.
Annex D.
7.7 Typical design of prestressed concrete pipe for
7.4.3 Circumferential Prestressing Requirements drainage, sewerage and culverts is given in Annex J.
The permissible stresses for various loading
7.8 Design Criteria for Cylinder Pipes
combinations shall be as given below:
The pipes shall be designed to meet the following
Sl Description of Loading Permissible Stresses condition:
No. Combination
Sl Description of Loading Permissible Stresses
Tension Compression No. Combination
N/mm2 N/mm2 Tension Compression
(1) (2) (3) (4) N/mm2 N/mm2
i) Circumferential 0 0.55 fp (1) (2) (3) (4)
prestressing condition i) Circumferential 0 0.55fp
(Self weight + Initial Prestressing condition
prestress) (Self weight + Initial
ii) Site test condition 0.13 fck().67 0.45 fck prestress)
(Site test pressure + ii) Site test condition 0.38 fck 0.67 0.45 fck
Self weight + Weight (Site test pressure +
of water + Earth fill+ Self weight + Weight of
Final prestress) water + Earth fill +
iii) Factory test condition 0.13 fck0.67 0.45 fck Final prestress)
(Factory test pressure + iii) Operating condition 0 0.45 fck
Self weight + Weight (Working pressure +
of water + Prestress at
Self weight + Weight
factory test)
of water + Earth fill +
iv) Operating condition 0 0.45 fck Final prestress)
(Working pressure +
Self weight + iv) Operating conditions + 0.38 fck0.67 0.45fck
Weight of water + Live load (with impact)
Earth fill + where
Final prestress) fp = characteristic compressive strength of
v) Operating condition + 0.13 fck0.67. 0.45 fck concrete at p days, in N/mm2.
Live load (with fck = characteristic compressive design strength
impact) of concrete, in N/mm2.
fp = characteristic compressive strength of concrete at 7.8.1 Typical design of prestressed concrete cylinder
p days, in N/mm2. pipe with winding by process of counter weight/ break
fck = characteristic compressive design strength of is given in Annex H.
concrete, in N/mm2.
1 The total tensile stress in the core shall be considered as the sum of
the hoop stress and flexural stresses, without the application of any
reduction factor. 8.1 Core
2 When calculating hoop stress, only core thickness should be
considered. When calculating ovalization flexural stress, the sum of 8.1.1 Moulds
the core and coating thickness should be considered.
3 For calculating bending moments and thrusts for external loads, The moulds and method of manufacture of pipe shall
Olander's coefficients are to be used. The values for bedding angles from be such that the form and dimensions of the finished
30° to 180° are given in Annex E. pipe conform to the requirements given in 5 and 12
4 When submitted to factory test, the mortar or concrete coated pipe
shall not have cracks in the coating wider than 0.1 mm for more than and the surface and edges are clean and true.
300 mm length.
8.1.2 Concrete Mix
7.5 Loss of prestress in circumferential and longitudinal
The proportions of cement, fine aggregate, coarse
wires shall be calculated as per Annex F.
aggregate and water used in concrete for pipe core shall
7.6 Typical design of prestressed concrete non-cylinder be determined and controlled as the work proceeds to
IS 784 : 2019
obtain homogeneous, dense, workable, durable including the socket, by means of high tensile steel wires
concrete of specified strength in the pipe, and minimum or strands, which shall be provided with permanent
defects on the surface of the pipe. The proportions shall anchorages embedded in the concrete, within the joint
be those that will give the best overall results with the portion at each end. The centreline spacing between the
particular materials and the methods of placing used longitudinal wires measured along the barrel shall not
for the work. A minimum of 450 kg/m3 of cement shall exceed twice the core thickness or 150 mm, whichever
be used for concrete. The water cement ratio shall be is greater, subject to the provision of 7.4.1, Sl No. (iii).
such, as to ensure that the concrete will meet the strength
The clear cover of concrete over all steel reinforcement
requirements, but in no case it shall exceed 0.45. The
including the ends of the longitudinal prestressing wires,
soluble chloride ion content of the concrete or mortar
shall be such that in any finished pipe it is nowhere less
mix, expressed as a percentage of the mass of cement
than 12 mm.
shall not exceed 0.20 percent. For spun concrete, initial
water cement ratio at the time of mixing is high for 8.3.1 The longitudinal wires shall be stressed to the
workability and final water cement ratio after designed tension, taking into account the loss of stress
compaction is lower than initial water cement ratio. in wire. The tension shall be maintained by positive
Hence, the requirements for concrete given in 9.2.1 of means till detensioning.
IS 456 which are for constant water cement ratio are
8.3.2 The tensioned wires shall not be released until
not applicable. However, manufacturer has to do the
the concrete in the core has attained a compressive
mix design for designed strength.
strength of at least two times the initial longitudinal
Unless the design calls for higher concrete strength, prestress or 15 N/mm2, whichever is greater.
the minimum compressive strength of concrete in the
8.3.3 Wire diameter for longitudinal prestressing shall
core shall not be less than 40 N/mm2 at 28 days.
not be less 4 mm.
8.1.3 Placing of Concrete
8.4 Circumferential Prestressing
The concrete in the cores may be placed either by the
centrifugal method, vertical casting method, or by other 8.4.1 Circumferential prestressing shall not take place
approved methods. For centrifugal spinning method, until the concrete in the core has reached a minimum
concrete shall be deposited in the mould and the speed of compressive strength of 25 N/mm2, or as per the design
rotation during placing shall be such, that concrete will requirements, whichever is greater.
be evenly distributed. The same is sufficiently compacted 8.4.2 The initial stress in the wire during circumferential
at the specified thickness throughout the length of the pipe. winding shall not be more than 75 percent of the
After the concrete has been deposited, the rotation shall minimum ultimate tensile strength of wire, when
be continued at an increased speed, for a length of time counter-weight or break system is used for developing
sufficient to provide the specified strength, sufficient tension.
compaction and bond; to permit handling of the mould
from the spinning machine, without damage to the pipe 8.4.3 The initial compressive stress induced in the core
core. Excess water and laitance shall be removed from concrete shall not exceed 55 percent of the compressive
the interior surface of the pipe in anapproved manner so strength of the concrete in the pipe at the time of
that the surface is solid, straight and true. transfer.
8.4.4 Methods and equipments for wrapping the wire
8.2 Curing of Core and Cover Coat shall be such that wire shall be wound around the core
The curing of the concrete core and that of cover coat in a helical form at the predetermined design spacing
shall be in two separate operations. The curing for core and capable of controlling the tension. Wire splicing
shall be for a period, till it attains the required strength. shall be capable of withstanding a force equal to the
full strength of wire. At the ends of core pipe, the wire
Curing shall be either by steam or by water or by a shall continue for at least one extra circumferential turn
combination of steam and water, or by use of approved before being anchored.
curing compounds. Coating shall be cured for a
minimum period of 7 days, if water curing is used. If 8.4.5 The clear spacing between the successive turns
steam curing is used for coating, after that it should be of the circumferential prestressing wires shall be not
water cured for at least 3 days. less than 6 mm, except at ends or at joints and shall be
not more than 50 mm.
8.3 Pretensioning and Release of Longitudinal Wires
8.4.6 Wire diameter for circumferential winding shall
The concrete core shall be longitudinally prestressed, not be less than 4 mm.
IS 784 : 2019
IS 784 : 2019
9.1.2 Fabrication of Steel Cylinders with steel joint rings embedded at ends for site welding.
In case of pipes for culverts, joints may be spigot and
The cylinder shall be accurately shaped to the size
socket, roll on gasket joint, confined gasket joint or
required and steel socket and spigot rings welded
flush joint. The joint shall be designed such that it will
thereto after being jigged square with the longitudinal
be water tight under all service conditions. Joint design
axis (except for bevel). The minimum wall thickness of
shall be furnished by manufacturer before undertaking
steel cylinders shall be 1.6 mm.
manufacture. The rubber ring joint design, shall take Testing into consideration the tolerance for rubber cord,
tolerance for socket and spigot diameters, allowable
Before it is subjected to any further manufacturing
deflection at joint and permanent set in the rubber ring.
process, each steel cylinder with steel socket and spigot
rings welded on it, shall be subjected to water pressure 11.2 The sealing rings shall be of such size that when
which stresses the steel to at least 140 N/mm2, but not jointed, in accordance with the manufacturer’s
more than 175 N/mm2. The test pressure shall be held instructions, it shall provide a positive seal within the
for 1 min. While under stress, the assembly especially manufacturer’s recommended range of maximum joint
welds, shall be inspected and any parts showing leakage deflection. Not more than two splices in each ring shall
shall be repaired and the whole assembly retested. be permitted.
The steel for fabricated steel plate specials is cut, shaped When measured by means of a 1 m straight edge the
and welded so that the finished special has the required deviation from straight per metre length shall not exceed
shape and internal dimensions. Adjacent segments are 5 mm.
joined by butt welding. Before lining and coating, the 12.2 Finish
welding of specials shall be tested by use of hot oil or dye
penetrate according to IS 3658 and defects, if any shall Pipe shall be free from local depressions or bulges
be rectified. The steel plate thickness for specials shall be greater than 5 mm extending over a length, in any
as given in IS 1916. In die penetration test, a white wash direction, greater than twice the thickness of barrel.
is applied over the weld on one side of the cylinder; on The external surface of the pipe may be sand faced,
other side when colored paraffin or similar product is when coating of cement mortar is applied.
applied over the weld, no colored spot shall appear on the 13 TEST
white wash before 4 h. If any coloured spots appear before
4 h, weld shall be repaired and retested. 13.1 Design Proving and Manufacturing Process
Approval Test in Factory
This test is applicable for pipes with rubber ring joint
Steel plate specials are lined and coated with concrete only. As soon as 4 to 5 pipes are made, at least 2 to 3
or cement mortar or other approved materials, as agreed pipes shall be installed and site pressure test shall be
to between the manufacturer and the purchaser. The conducted, to prove and finalize pipe and joint design
proportion of cement to total aggregate shall not be and joint dimension tolerances, etc. For one diameter
leaner than 1:3 by mass. and different pressure, only the test for highest pressure
shall be done. For this test no external load should be
10.3 Reinforcement
applied. See the typical sketch as shown in Annex L.
For concrete or cement mortar coating, reinforcement
shall be suitably tack welded to the shell. The 13.2 Hydrostatic Factory Test
reinforcement shall be wire rods and spirals or wire mesh 13.2.1 Non-Cylinder Pipes
or wire fabric. The pipe shall be tested in accordance with IS 3597.
10.4 Jointing Between Special and Pipe The pipe shall not show leakage. Damp or wet patches
shall be accepted. If the pipe fails to pass the test, it
The specials shall be jointed to the pipe by rubber ring can be cured or repaired to improve its water tightness
joint or by welding or by caulking as the case may before and then retested. In case the pipe does not stand the
pipe joints only. rated internal pressure, it shall be accepted for lower
pressure, purchaser at his own discretion may accept
the pipes for lower pressure to which it withstands,
11.1 Unless otherwise specified, joints between pipes provided all other requirements are conforming to this
shall be of spigot and socket type with rubber ring or standard.
IS 784 : 2019
NOTE — For explanation of NP2, NP3 and NP4, see IS 458. 13.4 Three Edge Bearing Test (for Pipes for
Drainage, Sewerage and Culverts)
13.3 Permeability Test on Coating
Pipes designed for drainage, sewerage and culverts when
The permeability test when conducted in accordance subjected to three edge bearing test in accordance with
with the method described in IS 3597 shall meet the IS 3597 shall meet the requirement as given in Table 2.
Table 2 Three Edge Bearing Test Loads for Pipes for Drainage, Sewerage and Culverts
( Clause13.4 )
Sl Nominal Internal NP2 Class NP3 Class NP4 Class
No. Dia of Pipe Load to Produce Maximum Load to Produce Maximum Load to Produce Maximum
mm 0.25 mm Crack 0.25 mm Crack 0.25 mm Crack
kN/m kN/m kN/ m
IS 784 : 2019
13.5 Dimensional Characteristic periods either 240, 300, 360, 420 or 480 min until the
requirement is met.
The pipe selected shall be checked for conformity to
the dimensional requirements as given below: If the requirement has not been met at 480 min, the
pipe has failed to the test, and in such case further 2
a) Socket and spigot diameters of the pipes as pipes from the batch shall be tested. If both pipes
given by manufacturer. passed for the test, the batch shall be accepted.
b) Dimensional requirements as given in 5.
The test shall be applied to one pipe in batch up to 500
13.6 Repair of Core and Coat pipes.
Pipes not satisfying any of the tests, which may be 14 SAMPLING AND CRITERIA FOR
arising due to occasional imperfection in manufacture ACCEPTANCE
or damages during handling may be treated/repaired
and shall be accepted, if they satisfy the tests. The curing 14.1 Pressure Pipes for Water Supply and Sewerage
of the repaired concrete or mortar may be done using Basic requirement, unless the design proving and
curing compound. manufacturing process test given in 13.1 is satisfactorily
carried out, no acceptance tests shall be undertaken.
13.7 Boiling Absorption Test on Coating Mortar
This has to be done for every new diameter of pipe and
Coating mortar samples shall be drawn and tested for for one pressure.
boiling absorption test according to method described All the pipes manufactured under relatively similar
in IS 3597. Test value shall consist of the average of a conditions in respect of raw-materials and processing
minimum of three samples taken on same day from the operation shall be grouped together to constitute a lot.
same working shift. The average absorption shall not
exceed 9 percent and no individual sample shall have Each lot shall be taken separately for sampling and
an absorption exceeding 11 percent. Testing shall be evaluation, for conformity to the requirements of this
performed on a weekly basis. standard, if the conditions mentioned in 5.1, 5.2, 5.3,
11.1, 11.2 and 12.2 are satisfied (even after repairs).
13.8 Pressure Permeability Test on Coating Scale of sampling shall be as given in Table 3.
The test is to determine the water permeability of the 14.2 For non-pressure pipes for drainage, sewerage and
mortar cover coat on the finished pipe under a constant culvert, only permeability test from Table 3 besides
pressure on water column by non destructive means. dimensions and three edge load bearing test is necessary.
Test is to be conducted as per procedure specified in 14.3 After the lot is accepted, each pipe shall be marked
IS 3597. with a colour band at ends. Different colours to be used
The ratio of cumulative absorption per hour to area of for different pressure heads.
cup orifice in contact with the pipe surface is to be 15 PROCEDURES FOR INSPECTION
calculated. The ratio shall not exceed 0.15 per hour for
the period between 121 and 180 min into the test. 15.1 Dimensional Checks
If this requirement has not been attained in the above 15.1.1 Internal Diameter
stipulated period, the test is to be continued for further The internal diameter shall be measured at each end
*Number of samples.
**Number of defective acceptable.
IS 784 : 2019
IS 784 : 2019
The clearance between gauge points = Any deviation from straightness of the bore of pipe
1 200 + 1 + 1 = 1 202 mm. shall be assessed by the use of a gauge as shown in
Fig. 3. When edge Y is used and both ends are not in
For checking spigot, the gauge is held in the positionas
contact with the pipe bore, it shall be deemed not to
shown in Fig. 2. Then by keeping point ‘X’ fixed, other
comply with this standard.
end ‘Y’ of gauge is moved over thecircumference of spigot,
where the gap between spigot surface and gauge is
maximum, a strip 2.5 mm thick and 25 mm wide (straight
side) (1 201 × 1 199 = 2.0 mm) is inserted. It should not
go. Two checks shall be done at 90° to each other.
FIG. 2 A RRANGMENT FOR CHECKING S PIGOT DIAMETER 16.2.1 The use of the Standard Mark is governed by
the provisions of the Bureau of Indian Standards Act,
15.1.4 Straightness 2016 and the Rules and Regulations made thereunder.
The details of conditions under which a licence for the
The straightness shall be measured by a 1 m long gauge. use of Standard Mark may be granted to manufacturer
The deviation from straight line taken between two and producers may be obtained from the Bureau of
points one metre apart, along the pipe barrel shall not Indian Standards.
exceed 5 mm (see Fig. 3).
(Clause 2)
IS No. Title IS No. Title
269 : 2015 Specification for ordinary Portland (Part 1) : 1982 Mild steel and medium tensile steel
cement (sixth revision) bars (third revision)
383 : 2016 Specification for coarse and fine (Part 2) : 1982 Hard-drawn steel wire (third revision)
aggregate for concrete (third 455 : 2015 Specification for Portland slag
revision) cement (fifth revision)
432 Specification for mild steel and 456 : 2000 Code of Practice for plain and
medium tensile steel bars and hard- reinforced concrete (fourth revision)
drawn steel wire for concrete 458 : 2003 Precast concrete pipes (with and
reinforcement: without reinforcement — Specification
(fourth revision)
IS 784 : 2019
(Clause 6)
B-1 The indicative dimensions of socket and spigot of prestressed concrete pipe are given below (see also Fig. 4):
IS 784 : 2019
IS 784 : 2019
(Clause 7 .1)
C-1 The following information shall be supplied: 2) The width of the trench at the crown of
the pipe (normally outside diameter of
a) The type of cement to be used in the core and
pipe + 600 mm). If the pipes are to be
the cover coat (see 4.1);
laid above ground in case of partial trench,
b) Whether or not a bituminous or other full details including L-section should be
approved coating is required internally and supplied.
externally (see 4.8);
3) Whether more than one pipeline is to be
c) The maximum working pressure (see 3.4); laid in the trench and if so, what will be
d) The maximum site test pressure (see 3.5); the trench width at the crown of the pipe.
e) Factory test pressure (see 3.6); 4) Details of the backfill material, that is,
f) Pressure in addition to (c) to which the pipeline sand, gravel, etc.
will be subjected due to surge (water hammer) 5) Density of filling material.
(see 3.7), if any; 6) Type of bedding intended.
g) Following pipe installation details: 7) Anticipated superimposed loading on
1) The maximum and minimum depths of ground surface.
cover over the crown of the pipe. h) Site soil investigation and soil data.
(Clause 7.4.2)
D-1 Explanation of various symbols used in subsequent Initial compressive stressinduced in core, fci
clauses is given in Annex K. = 10.657 5 N/mm2 (Assumed)
Diameter of pipe, D = 500 mm LONGITUDINAL DIRECTION
Effective length of pipe, L = 5 000 mm D-3.1 Centre Line Spacing Between Longitudinal
Core thickness, Tc = 35 mm Wires
Coat thickness, Tb = 22 mm
Centreline spacing between longitudinal wires shall not
Minimum compressive strength of core concrete (spun) exceed twice the core thickness or 150 mm, whichever
at various stages:
is greater ( see 8.3 )
a) Characteristic compressive design strength, fck
= 2 × Tc or 150 mm, whichever is greater
= 40 N/mm2
b) At winding (see 8.4.1), fp2 = 25 N/mm2 = 2 × 35 = 70 or 150 mm, whichever is
greater that is, 150 mm.
c) At detensioning longitudinals (see 8.3.2), fp1
= 15 N/mm2 Number of longitudinals considered in design = 16
Diameter of longitudinal wire = 4 mm Centreline spacing between longitudinal wire
Ultimate tensile strength of wire (see 4.5.1) = 3.1416 ×(D+Tc)/N
= 1 715 N/mm2
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IS 784 : 2019
D-3.7 Stress Due to Self Weight of Core Stress due to transport and handling
Self weight of core, Wc = 1 411.84 N/m Bending moment 8.44 × 10 7
= = = ± 6.629 1 N/mm2
Modulus of circular section of core, Z2 Z1 12 731728
3.141 6 570 4 – 500 4 D-3.9 Summary of Stresses in Longitudinal Direction
= × = 7 416 520 mm3
32 570
B.M. due to mass of core, BM Stress Due to Compressive Tensile
N/mm2 N/mm2
= 1 411.84 × 5 × 5 × 1000 = 4 412 000 Nmm Maximum local — – 3.026 7
8 longitudinal tensile stress
Stress due to self weight of core due to bending
during winding
= = ± 0.594 9 N/mm 2 Beam action + 1.376 9 – 1.376 9
Self weight of core + 0.594 9 – 0.594 9
D-3.8 Stress Due to Transport and Handling Transport and unloading + 6.6291 – 6.629 1
Bending moment (see Note 3 under 7.4.1) Initial precompression + 4.397 5 —
= 8.44 × 107 Precompression at winding + 3.743 2 —
Final precompression + 3.670 5 —
Modulus of circular section of pipe, Z1
3.141 6 614 4 – 500 4 D-3.10 Load Combination of Longitudinal Stresses
= × = 12 731 728 mm3
32 614 Under Different Condition (see 7.4.1)
See Table 4.
IS 784 : 2019
(Clause 7.4.3)
E-1 The coefficients at control sections for bedding angles from 30° to 180° developed by use of Olander’s
Equations are as given below:
IS 784 : 2019
(Clause 7.5)
F-1 Explanation of various symbols used in subsequent F-2 CALCULATION FOR LOSS OF PRESTRESS
clause is given in Annex K.
F IG. 1 AR
(Clause 7.6 )
G-1 Explanation of various symbols used in subsequent Working pressure , Pw (see 3.4) = 0.700 N/mm2
clauses is given in Annex K. Site test pressure, Ps = 1.050 N/mm2
Factory test pressure,Pt = 1.150 N/mm2
Height of fill, H = 1.00 m
Diameter of pipe, D = 1 200 mm Density of fill material , ke = 15 700 N/m3
Effective length of pipe, L = 5.0 m Live load = Class AA (IRC)
IS 784 : 2019
Width of trench (D + 2Tc + 2Tb +600), Bt Initial stress in wire during winding ( see 8.4.2 ), fsi
= 0.75 × 1 715
= 1.984 m = 1 286.25 N/mm2
Diameter of circumferential wire, ds
= 4 mm G-4.2 Initial Compressive Stress Induced in Core, fci
Diameter of longitudinal wire, d1 1 286.25 × 0.623
= 4 mm 70
= 11.447 6 N/mm2
Number of longitudinals, N = 28
G-4.3 Loss of Stress in Wire ( see Annex F )
Ultimate tensile strength of circumferential wire
(see 4.5.1) = 1 715 N/mm2 a) Elastic deformation
Ultimate tensile strength of longitudinal wire (see 4.5.1) = 3.2 ×fci = 3.2 × 11.447 6
= 1 715 N/mm2 = 36.63 N/mm2
Area of circumferential wire, As = 0.623 mm2/mm b) Relaxation of wire
= 0.08 ×fsi = 0.08 × 1 286.25
Modulus of elasticity of steel, ES = 20 × 104 N/mm2
= 102.90 N/mm2
Modulus of elasticity of concrete, Ec
= 4× 104 N/mm2 c) Deformation due to creep
= 2.5 × 11.447 6
Modular ratio, n =5
= 28.62 N/mm2
Minimum compressive strengthof core concrete (spun)
d) Deformation due to shrinkage
at various stages:
= 0.000 1 × Es= 0.000 1×20 × 104
a) Characteristic compressive design strength, fck = 20.00 N/mm2
= 40 N/mm2
Total losses = 36.63+102.90+28.62+20.00
b) At winding, fp2 ( see 8.4.1 ) = 188.15 N/mm2
= 25 N/mm2
Losses of factory test
c) At detensioning longitudinal, fp1 ( see 8.3.2 ) = 0.9 × Total loss = 0.9 × 188.15
= 15 N/mm2 = 169.34 N/mm2
G-4 CALCULATION OF PRESTRESS IN CORE Stress in wire at factory test, fsf
G-4.1 Spacing of Circumferential Wire = 1 116.91 N/mm2
Stress in wire at site test, fs
Allowable clear spacing ( see 8.4.5 )
=1 286.25 × 188.15
Maximum clear spacing of wire = 50 mm = 1 098.10 N/mm2
Minimum clear spacing of wire = 6 mm
G-4.4 Compressive Stress Induced in Core at
Area of spiral considered indesign, As Factory Test, fcf
= 0.623 mm2 /mm
Number of turns permetre length 1 116.91 × 0.623
0.623 × 1 000 = +9.940 5 N/mm2
0.785 4 × ( 4 )
IS 784 : 2019
IS 784 : 2019
IS 784 : 2019
IS 784 : 2019
IS 784 : 2019
At site test BM
= Z1
Stress in longitudinal wire after losses, fsl
= 1 286.25 × 205.69
= 0.637 6N /mm2
= 1 080.56 N/mm2
Final precompression, fcl G-6.7 Stress Due to Self Weight of Core
IS 784 : 2019
(Clause 7.8.1)
IS 784 : 2019
Steel cylinder thickness, Ty = 1.6 mm Initial Compressive Stress Induced in Core, fci
Coat thickness, Tb = 22 mm = fsi×As / ( Tc+ n Ty )
Width of trench, Bt = (D+2Tc+2Ty +
2Tb + 600) = 1 286.25 × 0.656/ (75 +
5 × 1.6)
= 1 997.20 mm
Diameter of circumferential wire, ds = 10.166 0 N/mm2
= 4 mm
H-4.3 LOSS OF STRESS IN WIRE (see Annex F)
Ultimate tensile strength of circumferential wire
= 1 715 N/mm2 a) Elastic deformation
Area of circumferential wire, As = 0.656 mm2/mm = 3.2 ×fci= 3.2 × 10.166 0
Area of steel cylinder, Ay = 1.6 mm2/mm = 32.53 N/mm2
Modulus of elasticity of steel, Es = 200 000 N/mm2 b) Relaxation of wire
Modulus of elasticity of concrete, Ec = 0.08 ×fsi = 0.08 × 1 286.25
= 40 000 N/mm2 = 102.90 N/mm2
Modular ratio (Es /Ec) = 5 c) Deformation due to creep
Minimum compressive strength of core concrete (spun) = 2.5 ×fci = 2.5 × 10.166 0
at various stages = 25.42 N/mm2
Characteristic compressive design strength, fck d) Deformation due to shrinkage
= 0.000 1 × Es = 0.000 1 ×
= 40 N/mm2 200 000
At winding, fp2 = 28 N/mm2
= 20.00 N/mm2
H-4 CALCULATION OF PRESTRESS IN CORE Total losses = 32.53 + 102.90 + 25.42 +
= 180.85 N/mm2
H-4.1 Spacing of Circumferential Wire
Losses at factory test = 0.9 × Total losses = 0.9 ×
Allowable Clear Spacing (see 8.4.5) 180.85
Maximum clear spacing of wire = 50 mm = 162.77 N/mm2
Stress in wire at factory test, fsf = Initial stress in wire
Minimum clear spacing of wire = 6 mm
during winding – loss in stress at factory test
Area of spiral considered in design, As
= 1 286.25 – 162.77
= 0.656 mm2/mm = 1 123.48 N/mm2
Number of turn per meter length Stress in wire at site test, fs = Initial stress in wire during
winding – Total loss of stress in wire
= As× 1 000 / (0.785 4 × ds2)
= 1 286.25 – 180.85
= 52.20 = 1 105.40 N/mm2
Centre to centre spacing of spiral wire H-4.4 Compressive Stress Induced in Core at
Factory Test, fcf = fsf×As / [Tc+ n ( As+Ay) ]
= 1 000 /Number of turns
= 1 123.48 × 0.656 / [75 +
= 19.16 mm
5 (0.656 +1.6) ]
Clear spacing of spiral wire
= 8.542 0 N/mm2
centre to centre distance = 15.16 mm Compressive stress induced in core at site test, fct
15.16 is in between 50 mm and 6 mm. Hence, the area
= fs×As / [ Tc+ n ( As + Ay) ]
of spiral (As) considered satisfies 8.4.5.
= 1 105.40 × 0.656 / (75 +
H-4.2 Initial Stress in Wire During Winding, fsi 5 (0.656 + 1.6)
(see 8.4.2) = 8.404 5 N/mm2
= 0.75 × 1 715 (UTS of H-4.5 Section Constant
circumferential wire) a) Outside diameter of pipe, ODP
= 1 286.25 N/ mm2 = D+2Tc+2Ty+2Tb
= 1 397.2 mm
IS 784 : 2019
IS 784 : 2019
H-4.11.2 Stress Due to Weight of Water H-4.12 Calculation of Stresses in Pipe Core Due to
Internal Pressure
Moment, M = 0.121×11 309.76× 649.30
= 888 554.69 Nmm (Coating thickness is not considered for calculating
Thrust, T = -0.270 × 11 309.76 hoop stress)
= -3 053.64 N/m a) At factory test, fwf
Stress due to moment = M /Z = 888 554.69/1 620 = (-Pt ×D)/[2 ×(Tc+ nAs+ nAy)]
326.67 = 0.548 4 N/mm2 = (-1.15×1 200)/[2 × (75 + 5 ×
Stress due to thrust = T / A= -3 053.64 /105 000 0.656 + 5 × 1.6)]
= -0.029 1 N/mm2 = -7.997 2 N/mm2
Net tensile stress = (-0.548 4) + (-0.029 1) b) At site test, fws
= -0.577 5 N/mm2 = (-Ps ×D)/[2 × (Tc+ nAs+ nAy)]
Net compressive stress = (+0.548 4) + (-0.029 1) = (-1.05 × 1 200)/[2 × (75 + 5 ×
= 0.519 3 N/mm2 0.656 + 5 × 1.6)]
= -7.301 8 N/mm2
H-4.11.3 Stress Due to Weight of Earth Fill
c) At working pressure, fww
Moment, M = 0.125×29 558.66 × 649.30
= (-Pw ×D)/[2 × (Tc+ nAs+ nAy)]
= 2 399 054.74 Nmm
= (-0.70×1200)/[2×(75
Thrust, T = 0.326 × 29 558.66 +5×0.656 +5× 1.6)]
= 9 636.12 N/m = -4.867 9 N/mm2
Stress due to moment = M/Z =2 399 054.74/1 620 Summary of Circumferential Stresses
= 1.480 6 N/mm2 Stresses Due To Tensile Compressive
N/mm 2 N/mm 2
Stress due to thrust = T / A = 9 636.12/105 000
a) External Loads
= 0.091 8 N/mm2
Self weight of pipe -0.455 2 + 0.493 8
Net tensile stress = (–1.480 6) + (+0.091 8) Weight of water -0.577 5 + 0.519 3
= 1.3888 N/mm
Weight of earth fill -1.388 8 + 1.572 4
Net compressive stress = (+1.480 6) + (+0.091 8) Live load -0.488 5 + 0.553 1
= 1.572 4 N/mm2 b) Internal Pressure
H-4.11.4 Stress Due to Live Load Factory test pressure -7.997 2
Site test pressure -7.301 8
Moment, M = 0.125×10 396.94× 649.30
Working pressure -4.867 9
= 843 841.64 Nmm
c) Compressive Stress in Core Due to
Thrust, T = 0.326 × 10 396.94 Circumferential Winding
= 3 389.4 N/m Initial compressive + 10.166 0
Stress due to moment = M /Z = 843 841.64/ stress
1 620 326.67 Prestress at factory + 8.542 0
= 0.520 8 N/mm2 test
Stress due to thrust = T / A = 3 389.4/105 000 Prestress at site + 8.404 5
= 0.032 3 N/mm2 test
Net tensile stress = (-0.520 8) + (+0.032 3)
REQUIREMENTS ( see 7.9 )
Net compressive stress = (+0.520 8) + (+0.032 3)
= 0.553 1 N/mm2 See Table 7.
IS 784 : 2019
IS 784 : 2019
(Clause 7.7)
J-1 Explanation of various symbols used in subsequent Final prestress, fct = ( Stress due to three edge required
clauses is given in Annex K. bearing load ) – ( Flexural Strength of concrete)
IS 784 : 2019
(Clauses D-1, F-1, G-1, H-1 and J-1)
IS 784 : 2019
(Clause 13.1)
L-1 The typical test set up shall be as shown in Fig. 5 After jacking each pipe, the rubber ring position at 4
by laying 3 pipes in the trench. points from the face of the socket to be checked with
Barrel of the pipes shall be supported on the sand the filler gauge to ensure final position of rubber ring
bed. Socket pits to be provided to observe leakage and perfect assembly of each pipe joint.
through joint. On both ends, there shall be mild steel Sequence of operation for approval test:
testing plates with rubber ring joint and concrete
a) Roll pipe No.1 on runners and lower down in
thrust block abutments to be designed and provided
trench with chain block.
as per the end thrust, soil bearing capacity of the
soil etc. It is a good practice to fill sand filled gunny b) Jack pipe No. 1 with rubber ring mounted in
bags on booth thrust blocks at the ends, when the spigot groove after lubricating rubber ring and
design of the thrust block is inadequate to resist the joint surfaces with soap solution. Jack all the
end thrust. screws simultaneously to maintain uniform joint
gap. check rubber ring position at 4 places.
Necessary arrangements with centrifugal pump for c) Roll pipe No. 2 on runners and lower down
filling water in the pipeline and reciprocating pump for with chain block.
racing pressure gradually shall be provided with gate
d) Jack pipe No. 2 with rubber ring mounted in
valves and non-return valves, pressure gauges, Air
spigot groove after lubricating rubber ring and
escape valves at top on both the testing plate.
joint surfaces with soap solution. Jacks all the
The pipes are to be laid in perfect alignment and level. screws simultaneously to maintain uniform joint
While jacking the pipes, jacks are to be operated by gap. Check rubber ring position at 4 places.
screwing opposite jacks gradually maintaining uniform e) Similarly assemble pipe No. 3 and check
gap between testing plates and pipe by maintaining rubber ring position at 4 places.
verticality of testing plates. Capacity and number of
f) Jack testing plate with dummy by screwing
jacks are to be provided as per end thrust.
gradually and simultaneously all jacks.
IS 784 : 2019
g) Fill the pipes with water and allow air to k) Start reciprocating pump to raise required
escape. pressure and stop reciprocating pump.
h) Allow to flow the water from air escape at the m) Observe all joints for leakage. If there is no
both testing plates. leakage from any joints and damp patches on
j) Stop centrifugal pump, close inlet valve and the body of the pipe, the design is approved.
air vent valve.
IS 784 : 2019
Cement Matrix Products Sectional Committee, CED 53
Organization Representative(s)
National Council for Cement and Building Materials, Ballabgarh SHRI V. V. ARORA (Chairman)
All India A.C. Pipe Manufacturers’ Association, Secunderabad SHRI N. KISHAN REDDY
SHRI P. S. KALANI (Alternate)
Ambuja Cements Ltd, Ahmedabad SHRI J. P. DESAI
SHRI B. K. JAGETIAYA (Alternate)
Asbestos Information Centre, New Delhi SHRI AAROON K. SETHI
Central Building Research Institute, Roorkee DR B. K. RAO
SHRI S. K. AGARWAL (Alternate)
Central Pollution control board, Delhi DR J. S. KAMYOTRA
SHRI P. K. GUPTA (Alternate)
Central Public Health & Environmental Engineering Organization, REPRESENTATIVE
New Delhi
Central Public Works Department, New Delhi SHRI B. B. DHAR
CSIR-Structural Engineering Research Centre, Chennai SHRI P. SRINIVASAN
DR B. H. BHARAT KUMAR (Alternate)
Delhi Development Authority, New Delhi REPRESENTATIVE
Director General of Factory Advise Services and Labour Institute, DR CHAMPAK BHATTACHARYA
Engineer-in-Chief’s Branch, New Delhi SHRI V. K. MANGLIK
SHRI P. K. GUPTA (Alternate)
Engineers India Limited, New Delhi SHRI RAJANJI SRIVASTAVA
Everest Industries Limited, New Delhi SHRI Y. SRINIVASA RAO
SHRI S. P. BOLAR (Alternate)
Gammon India Ltd, Mumbai, Maharashtra SHRI MANISH MOKAL
HIL Limited, Hyderabad, Hyderabad SHRI R PRADEEP KUMAR
Housing & Urban Development Corporation Ltd, New Delhi CHAIRMAN AND MANAGING DIRECTOR
Ministry of Science & Technology, New Delhi SHRI CHANDER MOHAN
Ministry of Environment and Forest, New Delhi REPRESENTATIVE
Municipal Corporation of Delhi, New Delhi SUPERINTENDENT ENGINEER (PLANNING)
National Test House, Ghaziabad, UP SHRI B. R. MEENA
SHRI ALOKE DE (Alternate)
Rural Electrification Corporation, New Delhi SHRI DINESH KUMAR
SHRI P. K. SINGHAL (Alternate)
Spun Pipes Manufacturer’s Association Nanded, Maharashtra SHRI C. Y. GAVHANE
SHRI D. N. JOSHI (Alternate)
Tamil Nadu Water Supply & Drainage, Chennai SHRI S. HARIRAMASAMY
The Indian Hume Pipe Company, Mumbai, Maharashtra SHRI P. R. BHAT
SHRI S. J. SHAH (Alternate)
BIS Directorate General SHRI SANJAY PANT, Scientist F and Head (Civil Engg)
[Representing Director General (Ex-officio)]
Member Secretary
Scientist ‘C’ (Civil Engg), BIS
IS 784 : 2019
Organization Representative(s)
In Personal Capacity (Vikas Complex, L.B.S. Road, Thane (W), SHRI N. G. JOSHI (Convener)
Maharashtra )
Central Building Research Institute Roorkee, Uttaranchal SHRI S. K. SINGH
SHRI A. K. PANDEY (Alternate)
Central Public Works Department, New Delhi SHRI B. B. DHAR
CSIR- Structural Engineering Research Centre Chennai, Tamil Nadu MS P. S. AMBILY
Director General of Supplies & Disposals, Hyderabad ADDITIONAL DIRECTOR GENERAL (QA)
Essar Steel Ltd, Mumbai REPRESENTATIVE (Alternate)
Federation of U.P Pipe Manufacturers, Lucknow SHRI S. P URI
SHRI S. P. RASTOGI (Alternate)
Haryana Public Works Department, Chandigarh SHRI MAHESH KUMAR
In Personal Capacity (2nd floor, Saket, 5 Manisha Housing Society, SHRI P. D. KHELKAR
Kavi Nagar, Pune)
Indian Water Works Association, Raipur, Chhattisgarh SHRI R. N. GUPTA
Larsen & Toubro Limited, Manapakkam SHRI P. BALAKUMAR
SHRI T. S. S. PRASAD (Alternate)
Maharashtra Engg. Research Institute, Mumbai SHRI S. D. KULKARNI
SHRI R. M. RANGNEKAR (Alternate)
Millars Concrete Technologies Pvt Ltd, Mumbai SHRI NILESH KAUL
SHRI N. B. JOSHI (Alternate)
Ministry of Science& Technology, New Delhi SHRI CHANDER MOHAN
Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, Mumbai REPRESENTATIVE
National Council for Cement & Building, Ballabgarh SHRI SATISH SHARMA
National Environmental Engg Research Institute, Nagpur DR TAPAN CHAKRABARTI
DR T. NANDY (Alternate)
National Highway Authority of India, New Delhi CHAIRMAN
Pakona Engineers (I) Pvt Ltd, Vadodara SHRI ROHIT J. SHAH
Public Health & Municipal Engineering Department, Hyderabad REPRESENTATIVE
Public Health Engineering Department, Chattisgarh REPRESENTATIVE
Public Health Engineering Department, Jaipur REPRESENTATIVE
Shah Technical Consultancy Pvt Ltd, Mumbai SHRI MAHAVEER K. TONE
Spun Concrete Pipe Manufacturers Karnataka, Bengaluru SHRI K. V. SAKHAR RAJU
Spun Pipe Manufacturers Association of Maharashtra, Nanded SHRI C. Y. GAVHANE
SHRI D. N. JOSHI (Alternate)
Tamil Nadu Water Supply & Drainage Board, Chennai SHRI K. N AGARAJAN
Tata Consultancy Services, Mumbai REPRESENTATIVE
The Indian Hume Pipe Company Ltd, Maharashtra SHRI P. R. BHAT
SHRI S. J. SHAH (Alternate)
The Tata Iron and Steel Company Ltd (Wire Division), Mumbai SHRI S. G. JOSHI
Waste and Land Management Institute, Aurangabad REPRESENTATIVE
Bureau of Indian Standards
BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 2016 to promote
harmonious development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods
and attending to connected matters in the country.
BIS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in any form
without the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in the course of
implementing the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade designations.
Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Director (Publications), BIS.
Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are also reviewed
periodically; a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates that no changes are
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should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or edition by referring to the latest issue of
‘BIS Catalogue’ and ‘Standards : Monthly Additions’.
This Indian Standard has been developed from Doc No.: CED 53 (8008).