Pablo Pedregal - Functional Analysis, Sobolev Spaces, and Calculus of Variations (UNITEXT, 157) - Springer (2024)
Pablo Pedregal - Functional Analysis, Sobolev Spaces, and Calculus of Variations (UNITEXT, 157) - Springer (2024)
Pablo Pedregal - Functional Analysis, Sobolev Spaces, and Calculus of Variations (UNITEXT, 157) - Springer (2024)
Pablo Pedregal
Sobolev Spaces,
and Calculus
of Variations
Volume 157
Alfio Quarteroni, Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy
École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Lausanne, Switzerland
Series Editors
Luigi Ambrosio, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, Italy
Paolo Biscari, Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy
Ciro Ciliberto, Università di Roma “Tor Vergata”, Rome, Italy
Camillo De Lellis, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, USA
Victor Panaretos, Institute of Mathematics, École Polytechnique Fédérale de
Lausanne (EPFL), Lausanne, Switzerland
Lorenzo Rosasco, DIBRIS, Università degli Studi di Genova, Genova, Italy
Center for Brains Mind and Machines, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Cambridge, Massachusetts, US
Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Genova, Italy
The UNITEXT - La Matematica per il 3+2 series is designed for undergraduate
and graduate academic courses, and also includes books addressed to PhD students
in mathematics, presented at a sufficiently general and advanced level so that the
student or scholar interested in a more specific theme would get the necessary
background to explore it.
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addressed to students in mathematics worldwide.
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editions, adapting to the evolution of teaching curricula.
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Pablo Pedregal
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This is a textbook that is born with the objective of providing a first, basic reference
for three important areas of Applied Analysis that are difficult to separate because
of their many interconnections; yet they have their own personality, and each has
grown to become an independent area of very live research. Those three areas
occur in the title of the book. There is, at least, a fourth one, Partial Differential
Equations (PDEs), which is also quite close to those other three but has such a
strong temperament, and attract so much attention, that there are many popular and
fundamental references to cover this field in connection with the others. Though
there is no reasonable way to avoid talking about PDEs in this text, our intention is to
focus on variational methods and techniques, since there are many more references
to cover PDEs. In particular, the popular textbook [Br11] has been an inspiration for
We should also warn readers from the very beginning that our variational
techniques are more oriented towards the direct method rather than to other
techniques that could be placed under the umbrella of indirect methods, meaning
by this all fundamental results related to optimality. We will of course cover too the
Euler-Lagrange equation, but we will not elaborate on this in any special manner.
As a matter of fact, some of these ideas are very hard to extend to the higher
dimensional situation. On the other hand, the material on Sobolev spaces covered is
also oriented and motivated by the needs of variational problems, and hence some
basic facts about these important spaces of functions are not proved or treated here,
though they can be very easily shown once readers mature the basics.
As such, this book can serve several purposes according to where emphasis is
placed. Ideally, and this is how it was conceived, it is to be used as a first course
in the Calculus of Variations without assuming that students have been previously
exposed to Functional Analysis or Sobolev spaces. It is therefore developed with no
prerequisites on those basic areas of Analysis. But it can also serve for a first contact
with Functional Analysis and one of its main applications to variational problems.
It may also be used for a first approach to weak derivatives and Sobolev spaces, and
its main application to variational problems and PDEs. More specifically:
viii Preface
xii Contents
Most likely, our readers will already have some experience with optimization
problems of some kind, either from Advanced Calculus courses or even from
some exposure to Mathematical Programming. The following are some typical
1. Minimizing the distance to a set. Let
ρ(x, y) =
. (x − x0 )2 + (y − y0 )2
P = (x0 , y0 ) ∈ R2 .
The police, looking after him, gets into the park and organizes the search
according to the function
ρ(x1 , x2 ) = x1 − 3x2 + 10
indicating density of surveillance. Recommend the thief the best point through
which he can escape, or the best point where he can stay hidden.
4. Divide a positive number a into n parts in such a way that the sum of the
corresponding squares be minimal. Use this fact to prove the inequality
⎛ n ⎞2
Σ xi Σ
. ≤ i
n n
i=1 i=1
x = (x1 , ..., xn ) ∈ Rn .
. xk yk
in the .xk ’s for fixed, given .yk ’s, under the constraint
. xk = b,
If a consumer has resources given by .x i for commodity .Xi , and their respective
prices are .pi , formulate and solve the problem of maximizing satisfaction
measured through such utility function.
7. Find the best parabola through the four points .(−1, 4), .(0, 1), .(1, 1) and .(1, −1)
by minimizing the least square error.
1.2 Basic Examples 3
Many more examples could be stated. Readers should already know how to solve
these problems.
After examining with some care all of these problems, we can draw some
• Important ingredients of every optimization problem are the cost function, the
function to be minimized or maximized, and the constraints that feasible vectors
need to comply with to be even considered. The collection of these vectors is the
feasible set of the problem.
• It is important, before starting to look for optimal solutions, to be sure that those
are somewhere within the feasible set of the problem. This is the issue of the
existence of optimal solutions. Some times optimization problems may not be
well-posed, and may lack optimal solutions.
• In all of these examples, we deal with functions and vectors, no matter how
many components they may have. The set of important techniques to treat this
kind of optimization problems lie in the area universally known as Mathematical
Programming and Operations Research.
The class of optimization problems we would like to consider in this text share
some fundamental ingredients with those above: objective or cost functions, and
constraints. But they differ fundamentally in the last feature: we would like to
explore optimization problems for infinite dimensional vectors. Vectors are no
longer vectors in the usual sense, but they become functions; and objective functions
become functionals; and Mathematical Programming, as the discipline to deal with
finite-dimensional optimization problems, becomes Calculus of Variations, one of
the main areas of Analysis in charge of infinite dimensional optimization problems.
Independent variables in problems, instead of being vectors, are, as already pointed
out, functions. This passage from finite to infinite dimension is so big a change that
it is not surprising that methods and techniques are so different from those at the
heart of Mathematical Programming.
Let us start looking at some examples.
2. The length of the graph of the function .u(x) between two values a and b:
b √
. 1 + u' (x)2 dx.
3. The volume of the solid of revolution generated by the graph of the function .u(x)
around the X-axis between the two values a and b:
V =π
. u(x)2 dx.
4. The surface of revolution of the same piece of graph around the X-axis
b √
S = 2π
. u(x) 1 + u' (x)2 dx.
5. The area of a piece of graph of a function .u(x, y) of two variables over a subset
.Ω ⊂ R where the variables .(x, y) move, is given by the integral
. S= 1 + |∇u(x, y)|2 dx dy. (1.1)
where .n(x) is the normal to .S, and dS represents the element of surface area.
3. Moments of inertia. If a body of density .ρ(x) occupies a certain region .Ω in
space, given a certain axis .r, the moment of inertia with respect to .r, is given by
1.2 Basic Examples 5
the integral
. r(x)ρ(x) dx,
There are essentially two ingredients in this formula: the two integration limits, and
the function .u(x). We can therefore regard quantity A as a function of the upper
limit b, maintaining the other ingredients fixed
A(b) =
. u(x) dx.
This is actually the viewpoint adopted when dealing with the Fundamental Theorem
of Calculus to conclude that if .u(x) is continuous, then the “function” .A(b) is
differentiable and .A' (b) = u(b). We can then think about the problem of finding
the extreme values of .A(b) when b runs freely in .R, or in some preassigned interval
.[α, β].
But we can also think of A in (1.2) as a “function” of .u(x), keeping the two
end-points a and b fixed, and compare the corresponding integrals for different
choices of functions .u(x). If we clearly determine a collection .A of such competing
functions .u(x), we could ask ourselves which one of those functions realizes the
minimum or the maximum of A. It is important to select in a sensible way the
class .A for otherwise the optimization may be pointless. Suppose we accept every
function .u(x) one could think of, and try to figure out the one providing the
maximum of the integral. It is pretty clear that there is no such function because
the maximum is infinite: we can always find a function .u(x) for which the integral
A is bigger than any preassigned number, no matter how big this is. This problem is
useless. Assume, instead, that we only admit to compete for the minimum those
functions .u(x) defined on the interval .[a, b], such that .u(a) = u(b) = 0, and
whose graph measures less than or equal to a positive number .L > b − a. After
a bit of experimentation, one realizes that the problem looks non-trivial and quite
interesting, and that the function realizing this minimum, if there is one such
function, must enjoy some interesting geometric property related to area and length
of the graph.
We hope this short discussion may have helped in understanding the kind of
situations that we would like to address in this text. We are interested in considering
sets of functions; a way to assign a number to each one of those, a functional; decide
6 1 Motivation and Perspective
if there is one such function which realizes the minimum or maximum possible; and
if there is one, find it, or derive interesting properties of it. This sort of optimization
problems are identified as variational problems for reasons that will be understood
Almost as important as studying variational problems is to propose interesting,
meaningful problems or cases. As we have seen with the above discussion, it is not
always easy to make a proposal of a relevant variational problem. We are going
to see next a bunch of those that have had a historical impact on Science and
The previous section has served to make us understand the kind of optimization
problems we would like to examine in this text. We will describe next some of the
paradigmatic examples that have played a special role historically, or that are among
the distinguished set of examples that are used in most of the existing textbooks
about the Calculus of Variations.
1. Transit problems.
2. Geodesics.
3. Dirichlet’s principle.
4. Minimal surfaces.
5. Isoperimetric problems.
6. Hamiltonian mechanics.
We will see through these examples how important it is to be able to formulate
a problem in precise mathematical terms that may enable to compare different
alternatives, and decide which one is better; to argue if there are optimal solutions,
and, eventually, find them. It is an initial, preliminary step that requires quite a good
deal of practice, and which students usually find difficulties with.
The very particular example that is universally accepted as marking the birth of the
Calculus of Variations as a discipline on its own is the brachistochrone. We will talk
about its relevance in the development of this field later in the final section of this
Given two points in a plane at different height, find the profile of the curve
through which a unit mass under the action of gravity, and without slipping, employs
the shortest time to go from the highest point to the lowest. Let .u(x) be one such
1.3 More Advanced Examples 7
u(0) = 0,
. u(a) = A,
with .a, A > 0, and consider curves joining the two points .(0, 0), .(a, A) in the
plane. It is easy to realize that we can restrict attention to graphs of functions like
the one represented by .u(x) because curves joining the two points which are not
graphs cannot provide a minimum transit time under the given conditions. We need
to express, for such a function .u(x), the time spent by the unit mass in going from
the highest point to the lowest. From elementary kinematics, we know that
ds ds
dt = √
. , T = dt = √ ,
2gh 2gh
and can identify h with .u(x). Altogether we find that the total transit time T is given
by the integral
1 a 1 + u' (x)2
.T = √ √ dx.
2g 0 u(x)
subject to
. u(0) = 0, u(A) = a.
Notice that this new function u is the inverse of the old one, and that positive,
multiplicative constants do not interfere with the optimization process.
To stress the meaning of our problem, suppose, for the sake of definiteness, that
we take .a = A = 1. In this particular situation, we have three easy possibilities of a
8 1 Motivation and Perspective
function passing through the two points .(0, 0), .(1, 1), namely
u1 (x) = x,
. u2 (x) = x 2 , u3 (x) = 1 − 1 − x2,
a straight line, a parabola, and an arc of a circle, respectively. Let us compare the
transit time for the three, and decide which of the three yields a smaller value.
According to (1.3), we have to compute (approximate) the value of the three
√ 1√
1 2 1 + 4x 2
T1 =
. √ dx, T2 = √ dx,
0 x 0 x
T3 = √ dx.
0 x(1 − x 2 )
Note that the three are improper integrals because the three integrands do have, at
least, an asymptote at zero. Yet the value of the three integrals is finite. The smaller
of the three is the one corresponding to the parabola .u2 . But still the important issue
is to find the best of all such admissible profiles.
1.3.2 Geodesics
It is well-known that geodesics in free, plane euclidean space are straight lines.
However, when distances are distorted because of the action of some agent, then
the closest curves joining two given points, the so-called geodesics, may not be the
same straight lines. More specifically, if locally at a point .x ∈ RN distances are
measured by the formula
||v||2 = vT A(x)v
where .v ∈ RN , and the symmetric, positive-definite matrix .A(x) changes with the
point .x, then the total length of a curve
x(t) : [0, 1] → RN
Hence, shortest paths between two points .P0 and .P1 would correspond to curves .X
realizing the minimum of such a problem
1⎛ ⎞1/2
Minimize in x(t) :
. x' (t)T A(x(t))x' (t) dt
subject to
x(0) = P0 ,
. x(1) = P1 .
The classical euclidean case corresponds to .A = 1, the identity matrix; but even for
a situation in the plane .R2 with
⎛ ⎞
is not clear if geodesics would again be straight lines. What do you think?
Another problem that played a major role in the development of the Calculus of
Variations is the Dirichlet’s principle in which we pretend to find the function
u(x) : Ω ⊂ RN → R,
among all such functions .u(x) complying with .u = u0 around the boundary .∂Ω of
Ω , and the function .u0 is given a priori. We are hence forcing functions to take some
given values on around .∂Ω . Note that .u(x) is a function of several variables, and
⎛ ⎞ Σ
∂u ∂u ∂u
. ∇u(x) = (x), . . . , (x) , |∇u(x)|2 = (x)2 .
∂x1 ∂xN ∂xi
possible under such circumstances, and so it would yield the shape adopted by the
membrane naturally.
One of the most fascinating variational examples is the one trying to minimize the
area functional S in (1.1)
.S(u) = 1 + |∇u(x, y)|2 dx dy.
It is one of the main functionals that has stirred and is stirring a lot of research,
both in Analysis and Geometry. Typically, the underlying variational problem tries
to minimize the area .S(u) among those functions sharing the same values on the
boundary .∂Ω of a given domain .Ω ⊂ R2 . The graph of a given function .u(x) is
a minimal-area surface if it is a minimizer of .S(u) among those functions sharing
with u its boundary values around some .Ω .
Because surface area is closely related to surface tension, minimal surfaces
represent shapes adopted, for instance, by soap films as these are looking for
surfaces minimizing surface tension.
We know from Calculus, and has been reminded above, that many quantities
associated with geometric objects can be expressed through integrals. The graph
of a certain function .u(x) for .x ∈ [x0 , x1 ] determines some important geometric
quantities, except for positive multiplicative constants, like the area enclosed by it
. u(x) dx;
Typically, the optimization problem that consists in minimizing (or maximizing) one
of these integrals under fixed end-point conditions is meaningless either because the
optimal answer can be easily found, and the problem becomes trivial; or because the
corresponding extreme value is not finite. For instance, finding the minimum of the
length of a graph passing through two given points in the plane is trivially found to
be the straight line through those two points, while the maximum length is infinite.
It is a much more interesting situation to use two of those functionals to setup
interesting and important variational problems. The classical one is the following:
Find the optimal function .u(x) for .x ∈ [−1, 1] that minimizes the integral
. u(x) dx
u(−1) = u(1) = 0,
and having a given length .L > 2 of its graph, i.e. among those respecting the
1 √
. 1 + u' (x)2 dx.
u(a) = u(b) = 0,
. v(a) = v(b) = 0.
Minimize in σ :
. L(σ ) under A(σ ) = α, σ (a) = σ (b) = (0, 0).
2. The hanging cable. This time we have a uniform, homogeneous cable of total
length L that is to be suspended from its two end-points between two points
at the same height, and separated a distance H apart. We will necessarily have
.L > H . We would like to figure out the shape that the hanging cable will adopt
under the action of its own weight. If we assume that such a profile will be the
result of minimizing the potential energy associated with any such admissible
profile represented by the graph of a function .u(x), then we know that potential
energy is propotional to height, and so
dP = u(x) ds,
. ds = 1 + u' (x)2 dx.
The full potential energy contained in such feasible profile will then be
H √
P =
. u(x) 1 + u' (x)2 dx.
Constraints now should acount for the fact that the cable has total length L, in
addition to demanding
u(0) = 0,
. u(H ) = 0.
coming from integrating in the full interval .[0, H ] arc-length ds. We then seek
to find the optimal shape corresponding to the problem
H √
Minimize in u(x) :
. u(x) 1 + u' (u)2 dx
L(x, y) : RN × RN → R
is called the lagrangian of the system. The hamiltonian .H (x, y) is defined through
the formula
H , defined through this formula, is called the conjugate function of L with respect
to the variable .y, as variable .x here plays the role of a vector of parameters. It is
interesting to note that, under hypotheses that we do not bother to specify,
as well.
We will learn later to write the Euler-Lagrange (E-L) system that critical paths of
the functional with integrand .L(x, y) above ought to verify. It reads
. − Ly (x(t), x' (t)) + Lx (x(t), x' (t)) = 0. (1.5)
Paths which are solutions of this system will also evolve according to the hamilto-
nian equations
∂H ∂H
y' (t) = −
. (x(t), y(t)), x' (t) = (x(t), y(t)).
∂x ∂y
where this .z is the optimal vector .z (depending on .x and .y) in the definition of the
hamiltonian. Then it is easy to check that
Ly (x, z) = y,
. z = Hy (x, y), Hx (x, y) = −Lx (x, z),
If we put
x' = z,
. y = Ly (x, x' ),
it is immediate to check, through these identities, the equivalence between the E-L
system and Hamilton’s equations. Note that system (1.5) is
We have emphasized in the preceding sections the interest, both from a purely
analytical but also from a more applied standpoint, of studying variational problems
of the general form
I (u) =
. F (x, u(x), ∇u(x)) dx
under typical additional conditions like limiting the value of competing fields .u(x)
around .∂Ω . Here we have:
• .Ω ⊂ RN is a typical subset, which cannot be too weird;
• feasible fields
.u(x) : Ω → Rn
∇u(x) : Ω → Rn×N ;
• the integrand
. F (x, u, z) : Ω × RN × Rn×N → R
Dimensions N and n make the problem quite different ranging from understandable
to pretty hard. We will refer to:
1. .N = n = 1: scalar (.n = 1), variational problems in dimension .N = 1;
2. .N = 1, .n > 1: vector problems in dimension one;
3. .N > 1, .n = 1: scalar, multidimensional problems;
In general terms we will refer to the scalar case when either of the two dimensions
N or n is 1, while we will simply classify a problem as vectorial if both dimensions
are greater than unity. We will focus mainly in the scalar case in this text, while the
vector case in left for another book. Note how all of the examples examined earlier
in the chapter fall into the category of scalar problems.
To stress how variational problems of the above class are just a first step to more
general situations of indisputable interest in Science and Engineering, consider a
scalar, uni-dimensional variational problem
Minimize in u(t) :
. F (t, u(t), u' (t)) dt
u(0) = u0 ,
. u(T ) = uT .
u(0) = u0 ,
. u(T ) = uT , u' (t) = v(t).
Notice how we are regarding the function .v(t) as our “variable” for the optimization
problem, while .u(t) would be obtained from .v(t) through integration. In particular,
there is the integral constraint
. v(t) dt = uT − u0
f (t, u, v) : (0, T ) × R × R → R.
This is not just a more general situation for the sake of it, since it gives rise to a
new class of optimization problems of a tremendous impact in Engineering that are
identified as optimal control problems (of ODEs).
There is another important generalization that our readers should keep in mind.
So far integrands in functionals have been assumed to depend explicitly on the first
derivative .u' or gradient .∇u of competing functions. This does not have to be so.
In fact, the highest derivative occurring explicitly in a variational problem indicates
the order of the problem. Usually, first-order problems are the ones studied because
these families of problems are the most common. However, one can consider zero-
order, and higher-order problems. A functional of the form
. F (t, u(t)) dt
What are the main concerns when facing any of the examples we have just
examined, or any other such problem for that matter? The first and fundamental
issue is to know if there is a particular feasible function realizing the minimum. If
there is such a function (there might be several of them), it will be quite special in
some sense. How can one go about showing whether there is a minimizer for one of
our variational problems? Let us just backup to a finite dimensional situation to see
what we can learn from there.
Suppose we have a function
F (x) : RN → R,
1.5 The Fundamental Issues for a Variational Problem 17
and we would like to convince ourselves that there is at least one vector .x0 ∈ RN
with the property
∇F (x) = 0.
. (1.6)
That is not a bad idea. However, we are well aware that, even if .x0 must be a
solution of this non-linear system, provided F is differentiable, there might be other
solutions for (1.6). On the other hand, we do not have the slightest idea about what
the equivalent to the critical point system (1.6) would be for a functional like the
one in the previous section. In case F is not differentiable, then we would feel at a
There are some precautions one should always take before moving on. Let us put
m = inf F (x).
it means that the problem is not well-posed in the sense that the values of F can
decrease indefinitely, and moreover, if F is continuous,
These situations are not interesting as we could not have minimizers. How can one
avoid them? A standard condition is known as coercivity: such a function F is said
to be coercive if, on the contrary,
This is nothing but the definition itself of the infimum of a collection of numbers.
Another matter is how to find in practice, for specific functions F , such a sequence.
18 1 Motivation and Perspective
In some sense that minimizing sequence should be telling us where to look for
minimizers. What is sure, under the coerciveness condition (1.7), is that .{xj } is a
bounded, collection of vectors. As such, it admits some converging subsequence
(Heine-Borel theorem) .{xjk }:
xjk → x0 as k → ∞.
and .x0 becomes one desired minimizer. Once we are sure that there are vectors
where the function F achieves its minimum value, then we know that those must be
solutions for the system of critical points (1.6), and we can start from here to look
for those minimum points.
Let us mimic this process with a typical integral functional of the form
.I (u) = F (u(x), u' (x)) dx (1.8)
F (x, z) : R × R → R,
. u(x) : [0, 1] → R,
and there could be further conditions, most probably in the form of end-point
restrictions, for admissible functions. The density F is assumed to be, to begin
with, just continuous, and for the sake of definiteness we have taken the interval
of integration to be the unit interval .[0, 1] ⊂ R. The functional I is supposed not to
be identically .+∞, i.e. there is a least one admissible function u with .I (u) ∈ R. Set
m = inf I (u),
where .A stands for the class of functions that we would allow in the minimization
process, essentially .C1 -functions (in order to have a derivative) complying with
additional restrictions. The first concern is to guarantee that .m ∈ R, i.e. .m > −∞.
In the case of a function of several variables .F (x), we discussed above that the
coercivity condition (1.7) suffices to ensure this property. What would the substitute
be for a functional like .I (u)? Note how this requires to determine in a precise way
what it means for a function
u(x) : [0, 1] → R
1.5 The Fundamental Issues for a Variational Problem 19
|x|2 =
. xi2 → ∞, x ∈ RN , x = (x1 , x2 , . . . , xN ).
One can think of the condition, which is possibly the most straightforward general-
ization of this finite-dimensional case,
. sup |u(x)| → ∞.
What is pretty clear is that a certain “measure” of the overall size of the function
must tend to infinity, and as the size of a feasible function .u ∈ A tends to infinity,
the numbers .I (u) ought to go to infinity as well.
Assume that we have somehow solved this problem, determined clearly how to
calculate the global size .|u| ∈ R+ of a function .u ∈ A, and checked that the
functional .I (u) is coercive in the sense
in such a way that minimizing sequences .{uj } ⊂ A enjoy the compactness property
{|uj |} ⊂ R,
way that this process could lead anywhere. Unless we find a way, or additional
requirements in the situation, to tune the subsequence .jk for all points .x ∈ [0, 1]
at once so that
It is not difficult to design variational problem like (1.8) for which sequences similar
to .uj are minimizing. For each .x ∈ [0, 1], .{uj (x)} is obviously a sequence of
number in the interval .[−1, 1], and so bounded. But there is no way to tune a single
subsequence .jk to have that .{sin(2jk π x)} is convergent for all x at once. Note that
the set of numbers
.{sin(2j π x) : j ∈ N}
is dense in .[−1, 1] for every .x ∈ (0, 1). In this case, there does not seem to be
a reasonable way to define a limit function for this sequence. The solution to this
apparent dead-end is surprising and profound.
To summarize our troubles, we need to address the following three main issues:
1. we need to find a coherent way to define the size of a function; there might be
various ways to do so;
2. we need some compactness principle capable of determining a function from a
sequence of functions whose sizes form a bounded sequence of positive numbers;
3. limit functions of bounded-in-size sequences should enjoy similar properties to
the members of the sequences.
Before we can even talk about how to tackle variational problems like (1.8), there
is no way out but to address these three fundamental issues. This is the core of our
initial exposure to Functional Analysis.
Let us start making some explicit calculations to gain some familiarity with simple
variational principles.
1.6 Additional Reasons to Care About Classes of Functions 21
Ω = (x0 , x1 ),
. x ∈ (x0 , x1 ),
u(x) : (x0 , x1 ) → R, u' (x) : (x0 , x1 ) → R,
and additional standard conditions will most likely limit the values of u or its
derivative at one or both end-points
x = x0 ,
. x = x1 .
F (x, u, z) : (x0 , x1 ) × R × R → R.
To compute an integral like the one in (1.9), for a given function .u(x), we clearly
need to ensure that u is differentiable in .(x0 , x1 ), and plug its derivative .z = u' (x)
as the third argument in F ; hence, we must restrict ourselves to look for the infimum
of I in (1.9) among differentiable functions.
Let us explore the following two examples:
1. the variational problem
Minimize in u(x) :
. u(x)2 (2 − u' (x))2 dx
subjected to
u(0) = 0,
. u(1) = 1;
subjected to
u(−1) = −1,
. u(1) = 1.
22 1 Motivation and Perspective
Concerning the first, we notice that the integrand is non-negative, being a square,
and so it would vanish for functions .u(x) so that
for every point .x ∈ (0, 1). Hence, either .u(x) = 0, or else .u' (x) = 2. Given the
end-point conditions
u(0) = 0,
. u(1) = 1,
is one possible optimal solution of the problem. But .u is not differentiable !! The
same problem pops up for any minimizer. If we insist in restricting attention to
differentiable functions, .m = 0 is the unattainable infimum of the problem: .u can
be approximated by .C1 -functions in an arbitrary way by rounding the corner of the
graph of .u, but the value .m = 0 can never be reached. The situation is like solving
the equation .x 2 = 2 in the field of rational numbers.
The second example is more sophisticated. It is a typical situation of the
phenomenon discovered by Lavrentiev in the 1920s. As in the first example, the
integrand is non-negative, and the only way to lead integrals to zero, under the given
end-point conditions, is by taking
.u(x) = 3
x. (1.10)
The resulting function is not differentiable either at .±h, but those two discontinuities
can be rounded off without any trouble. The most surprising fact is that if we put
I (u) =
. u' (x)6 (u(x)3 − x)2 dx
1.7 Finite Versus Infinite Dimension 23
u(x), −1 ≤ x ≤ −h, h ≤ x ≤ 1,
uh (x) =
. ,
h−2/3 x, −h ≤ x ≤ h,
One of the main points that students must make an effort in understanding is the
crucial distinction between finite and infinite-dimension. Though this is not always
an issue, Functional Analysis focuses on discovering the places where an infinite-
dimensional scenario is different, even drastically different, and what those main
differences are or might be. To master where caution is necessary takes time because
genuine infinite-dimensional events may be some times counter-intuitive, and one
needs to educate intuition in this regard.
To stress this point, let us present two specific examples. We will see that the
first one is identical in finite and infinite dimension, whereas in the second, the
framework of infinite dimension permits new phenomena that need to be tamed.
24 1 Motivation and Perspective
This is part of our objective with this text. For the next statement, it is not
indispensable to know much about metric spaces as the proof is pretty transparent.
We will recall the basic definitions in the next chapter.
Theorem 1.1 (The Contraction Mapping Principle) Let .H be a complete metric
space under the distance function
.d(x, y) : H × H → R+ .
There there is a unique fixed point for .T, i.e. a unique .x ∈ H such that .Tx = x.
Proof Select, in an arbitrary way, .x0 ∈ H, and define recursively the sequence
xk = Txk−1 ,
. k ≥ 1.
We claim that .{xk } is a Cauchy sequence. In fact, if .j < k, by the triangle inequality
and the repeated use of the contraction inequality (1.11),
d(xk , xj ) ≤
. d(xl , xl−1 )
≤ K l d(Tx0 , x0 )
=d(Tx0 , x0 ) Kl
Kj − Kk
=d(Tx0 , x0 ) .
Since .K < 1, we clearly see that .d(xk , xj ) → 0 as .k, j → ∞, and thus, the
sequence converges to a limit element .x. Since
the left-hand side converges to .d(x, Tx), and the right-hand side converges to 0, we
conclude that indeed .x is a fixed point of .T. The same inequality (1.11) exclude the
possibility of having more than one such fixed point.
Note how the statement and the proof of such a result does not make the distinction
between finite and infinite dimension. As a general rule, when a fact can be shown in
1.7 Finite Versus Infinite Dimension 25
a metric space regardless of any other underlying structure, that result will be valid
regardless of dimension.
Possibly, from a more practical viewpoint, one of the main differences between
finite and infinite-dimension refers to compactness. This is always a headache in
Applied Analysis, and the main reason for the introduction and analysis of weak
convergence. In some sense, in an infinite dimension context there are far too many
dimensions where things may hide away or vanish. We refer to Example 1.1. For
the sequence of trigonometric functions
{sin(j x)},
. x ∈ [−π, π ],
there are at least two facts that strikes when compared to a situation in finite
1. there cannot be a subsequence converging in a natural manner to anything;
2. any finite subset (of an arbitrary number of elements) of those .sin-functions is
always linearly independent.
We have already emphasized the first fact earlier. Concerning the second, suppose
we could find that
. λj sin(j x) = 0, x ∈ [−π, π ]
j =1
k π
. λj sin(j x) sin(lx) dx.
j =1 −π
when .j /= l. Hence
.0 = λl sin2 (lx) dx,
which implies .λl = 0 for all l. This clearly means that such an infinite collection
of trigonometric functions is independent: the dimension of any vector space
containing them must be infinite-dimensional.
26 1 Motivation and Perspective
The development and historical interplay between Functional Analysis and the
Calculus of Variations is one of the most fascinating chapters of the History
of Mathematics. It looks, then, appropriate to write a few paragraphs on this
subject addressed to young students, with the sole purpose to ignite the spark of
curiosity. It may be a rather presumptuous attitude on our part, twenty-first century
mathematicians, to look back on History and marvel at the difficulties that our
former colleagues found in understanding concepts and ideas that are so easily
conveyed today in advanced mathematics lectures all over the world. We should
never forget, though, that this easiness in grasping and learning deep and profound
concepts and results is the outcome of a lot of work and dedication by many of
the most brilliant minds of the XIX- and XX-centuries. Modesty, humility, and awe
must be our right attitudes. Our comments in this section are essentially taken from
[BiKr84, Kr94I, Kr94II]. In [FrGi16], there is a much more detailed description
of the early history of the Calculus of Variations, and its interplay with Functional
Analysis and other areas. See also [Go80].
The truth is that concepts that are so much ingrained in our mathematics
mentality today like that of “function” took quite a while until it was recognized and
universally adopted. Great mathematicians like Euler, Lagrange, Fourier, Dirichlet,
Cauchy, among others, but especially Riemann and Weierstrass contributed in a
very fundamental way. The concept of “space” was, however, well behind that of
function. The remarkable rise of non-euclidean geometries (Gauss, Lobachevsky,
Bolyai, Klein) had a profound impact on the idea of what might be a “space”. Some
help came from Mechanics through the work of Lagrange, Liouville, Hamilton,
Jacobi, Poincaré, . . . ; and from Geometry (Cayley, Grassmann, Riemann, etc). It
was Riemann who actually introduced, for the first time in his doctoral thesis in
1851, the idea of a “function space”. There were other pioneers like Dedekind
and Méray, but it was the fundamental work of Cantor with his set theory that
permits the whole building of Functional Analysis as we think about this subject
today. We cannot forget the italian school as it is considered the place where
Functional Analysis started at the end of nineteenth century, and the initial part
of twentieth century. Names like Ascoli, Arzelá, Betti, Beltrami, Cremona, Dini,
Peano, Pincherle, Volterra, should not be forgotten. But also the french school, in
the heart of the twentieth century, contributed immensely to the establishment of
Functional Analysis as a discipline on its own. Here we ought to bring to mind
Baire, Borel, Darboux, Fréchet, Goursat, Hadamard, Hermite, Jordan, Lebesgue,
Picard, among many others.
The Calculus of Variations, and the theory of integral equations for that
matter, provided the appropriate ground for the success of functional analytical
techniques in solving quite impressive problems. Variational problems, formulated
in a somewhat primitive form, started almost simultaneously with the development
of Calculus. Yet the issue of making sure that there was a special curve or surface
furnishing the minimum value possible for a certain quantity (a functional defined
1.8 Brief Historical Background 27
on a space) was out of the question until the second half of the nineteenth century. It
was not at all easy to appreciate the distinction between the unquestionable physical
evidence of the existence of minimizers in Mechanics, and the need for a rigorous
proof that it is so.
There are two fundamental years for the Calculus of Variations: 1696 is
universally accepted as the birth of the discipline with J. Bernoulli’s brachistochrone
problem; while 1744 is regarded as the beginning of its theory with the publication
by Euler of his necessary condition for a minimum. It was Lagrange who pushed
Euler’s ideas beyond, and invented the “method of variations” that gave its name
to the discipline. Later Jacobi and Weierstrass discovered the sufficiency conditions
for an extreme, and Legendre introduced the second variation.
One of the most fundamental chapters of the mutual interplay between the
Calculus of Variations and Functional Analysis was Dirichlet’s principle, or more
generally Partial Differential Equations. It reads:
There exists a function .u(x) that minimizes the funcional
.D(u) = |∇u(x)|2 dx,
.Δu = 0 in Ω , u = f on ∂Ω , u ∈ C2 (Ω ).
1.9 Exercises
Maximize in x = (x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ) :
. x·y
. xk = b
b > 0,
. y = (y1 , y2 , . . . , yn ),
||x||p =
. |xj |p , x = (x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ),
1.9 Exercises 29
x2 + y2 = 1
or in the sphere
x 2 + y 2 + z2 = 1.
Discuss the several possibilities of the mutual position of the initial and final
points in each case.
9. Consider the canonical parametrization (x, y, u(x, y)) of the graph of a smooth
u(x, y),
. (x, y) ∈ Ω ⊂ R2 .
Write the functional with integrand yielding the product of the sizes of the two
generators of the tangent plane at each point of such a graph. Can you figure
out at least one minimizer?
10. Let
u(t) : [0, 1] → RN
F (u, v) : RN × RN → R.
1.9 Exercises 31
Write down the variational problem of finding the minimum of the above
functional over all possible reparametrizations of the given path u preserving
the values u(0) and u(1).
(a) How can the problem be simplified for smooth, bijective parametrizations?
(b) Deduce for which integrands F (u, v) the corresponding functional is
independent of reparametrizations, and check that this is so for the one
yielding the length of the curve {u(t) : t ∈ [0, 1]}.
Part I
Basic Functional Analysis
and Calculus of Variations
Chapter 2
A First Exposure to Functional Analysis
2.1 Overview
We focus on this chapter on the three main basic issues that are indispensable to
tackle variational problems under a solid foundation, namely,
1. define the size of a function;
2. examine a compactness principle valid for bounded (with respect to that size)
sequences of functions;
3. study whether limit functions enjoy similar properties to the members of a
From the very beginning, and as is usual in Mathematics, we will adopt an abstract
viewpoint to gain as much generality as possible with the same effort. Fundamental
spaces of functions and sequences will be explored as examples to illustrate
concepts, fine points in results, counterexamples, etc. Spaces that are fundamental
to Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations (PDE, for short) will
also be introduced as they will play a central role in our discussion. In particular, we
will introduce the concept of weak derivative and weak solution of a PDE, and start
studying the important Sobolev spaces.
From the strict perspective of Functional Analysis, we will introduce Banach
and Hilbert spaces, the dual space of a given Banach space, weak topologies, and
the crucial principle of weak compactness. Some other fundamental concepts of
Functional Analysis will be deferred until later chapters.
Since sets of functions taking values on a vector space (over a certain field .K which
most of the time will be .R if not explicitly claimed otherwise) inherit the structure
of a vector space over the same field, we will assume that an abstract set .E is such a
vector space.
Definition 2.1 A non-negative function
|| · || : E → R+
A norm is always a way to measure the size of vectors, and those three properties
specify how it should behave with respect to linear combinations, the basic operation
in a vector space.
If a set .E is not a vector space, we can still define a distance function
d(x, y) : E × E → R+
to measure how far from each other elements of .E are. Such distance function must
comply with some basic properties to maintain a certain order in .E, namely:
1. .d(x, y) = 0 only when .x = y;
2. symmetry: for every pair .x, y ∈ E, .d(x, y) = d(y, x);
3. triangular inequality:
Conversely, if
d(·, ·) : E × E → R+
||x|| = d(0, x)
is a norm in .E. The topology in .E is determined through this distance function. The
collection of balls
{x ∈ E : ||x|| < r}
Example 2.2 One of the easiest, non-finite-dimensional normed spaces that can be
shown to be complete is
If a sequence
{x(j ) } ⊂ l∞
38 2 A First Exposure to Functional Analysis
(j )
|xn − xn(k) | ≤ ||x(j ) − x(k) ||∞ .
(j )
{xn } ⊂ R
is a Cauchy sequence in .R, and consequently it converges to, say, .xn . It is then easy
to check that
.x = (xn )n∈N
||x(j ) − x||∞ → 0 as j → ∞.
number of sequences.
Example 2.3 This is an extension of Example 2.2. Let .X be a non-empty set, and
and put
lp = {x = (xn )n∈N : ||x||p ≡
. |xn |p < ∞}, p > 0.
is a norm in the vector space of sequences of real numbers without any further
condition. The triangular inequality was checked in an exercise in the last chapter.
The other two conditions are trivial to verify. Hence .lp , for exponent .p ≥ 1,
becomes a normed-vector space. The reason why it is complete is exactly as in
the .l∞ case. Simply note that
(j ) (j )
|xn − xn(k) | ≤ ||x(j ) − x(k) ||p ,
. x(j ) = (xn ), x(k) = (xn(k) ),
for every n. Hence if .{x(j ) } is a Cauchy sequence in .lp , each component is a Cauchy
sequence of real numbers. The case .p = 2 is very special as we will later see. For
exponent .p ∈ (0, 1) the sets .lp are not, in general, vector spaces. See Exercise 26
Every normed space can be densely embedded in a Banach space. Every metric
space can be densely embedded in a complete metric space. The process is similar
to the passage from the rationals to the reals. Recall Example 2.3 above.
Theorem 2.1
1. Let .(E, d) be a metric space. A complete metric space .(Ê, d̂), and an isometry
can be found such that .⏀(E) is dense in .Ê. .(Ê, d̂) is unique modulus isometries.
2. Every normed space .(E, ||·||) can be densely embedded in a Banach space .(Ê, ||·
||) through a linear isometry
and, hence,
where closure is meant in the Banach space .l∞ (E). The uniqueness is straightfor-
ward. In fact, suppose that
⏀ = ⏀2 ◦ ⏀−1
1 : ⏀1 (E) |→ ⏀2 (E)
. ⏀ : (E1 , d1 ) |→ (E2 , d2 )
so that
Θ : (E2 , d2 ) |→ (E1 , d1 ),
. Θ |⏀2 (E) = ⏀1 ◦ ⏀−1
2 .
⏀ ◦ Θ = 1|E2 ,
. Θ ◦ ⏀ = 1|E1 ,
be such an isometry with .⏀(E) densely embedded in .Ê. If .x, .y are elements of .Ê,
one can take Cauchy sequences .{xj }, .{yj } in .E such that
⏀(xj ) → x,
. ⏀(yj ) → y.
This abstract result informs us that every time we have a norm on a vector
space, we can automatically consider its completion with respect to that norm. The
resulting space becomes a Banach space in which the starting one is dense. This is
often the way to tailor new spaces for specific purposes.
42 2 A First Exposure to Functional Analysis
2.4 Lp -Spaces
Let .Ω ⊂ RN be an open subset. .dx will indicate the Lebesgue measure in .RN . We
assume that readers have a sufficient basic background on Measure Theory to know
what it means for a function
f (x) : Ω → R
L1 (Ω ) = {f (x) : Ω → R : f is integrable},
and define
||f ||1 =
. |f (x)| dx.
The main objective of this section is to show that .Lp (Ω ) is a Banach space for every
.p ∈ [1, +∞] with norm
||f ||p =
. |f (x)|p dx, ||f ||∞ = esssupx∈Ω |f (x)|. (2.1)
f + g ∈ Lp (Ω )
2.4 Lp -Spaces 43
as soon as both f and g are functions in .Lp (Ω ). But in fact, this is a direct
consequence of the fact that .|| · ||p is a norm; more in particular, of the triangle
inequality N2 in Definition 2.23. Indeed, given a large vector space .E, if .|| · || is a
norm over .E that can take on the value .+∞ some times, then
is a vector subspace of .E. All we have to care about, then, is that the p-th norm given
above is indeed a norm in the space of measurable functions over .Ω . Both N1 and
N3 are trivial. We focus on N2. This is in turn a direct consequence of an important
inequality for numbers.
Lemma 2.1 (Young’s Inequality) For real numbers a and b, and exponent .p > 1,
we have
1 p 1 q 1 1
|ab| ≤
. |a| + |b| , + = 1.
p q p q
Proof It is elementary to check that the function .log x is concave for x, positive.
This exactly means that
with .1 = 1/p + 1/q, then the product f g is integrable (.f g ∈ L1 (Ω )), and
|f (x)| |g(x)|
.a= , b= ,
||f ||p ||g||q
|||f + g|p−1 ||q = ||f + g||p
. ,
. ||fj − fk ||p → 0 as j, k → ∞.
. lim |Ω ɛ,j,k | = 0.
If, seeking a contradiction, this were not true, then for some .ɛ > 0, we could find
δ > 0, such that
. lim |Ω ɛ,j,k | ≥ δ.
But then
0 < δɛ p ≤ lim
. |fj (x) − fk (x)|p dx
j,k→∞ Ω ɛ,j,k
≤ |fj (x) − fk (x)|p dx
=||fj − fk ||p ,
Hence .{gj } is bounded in .L1 (Ω ). By the classical Fatou’s lemma, we can conclude
. |f (x) − fk (x)|p dx ≤ lim inf ||fj − fk ||p
Ω j →∞
for all such k. Taking limits in k in both sides of this inequality, we deduce that
. lim sup |f (x) − fk (x)|p dx ≤ lim ||fj − fk ||p = 0.
k→∞ Ω j,k→∞
46 2 A First Exposure to Functional Analysis
||f − fk ||p → 0,
Our intention of not loosing sight of variational principles pushes us to move beyond
Lp -spaces, as we need to cope with derivatives as an essential ingredient. To be more
u(x) : [x0 , x1 ] ⊂ R → R,
F (u, z) : R × R → R
is supposed smooth and regular. At first sight, as soon as we write the derivative
u' (x), we seem to have no alternative than to restrict attention to .C 1 -functions.
Otherwise, we do not know what the derivative .u' (x) might mean in those points
where u is not differentiable. The truth is that because the value of the integrals in
(2.4) is determined uniquely when the integrand
is defined except, possibly, in a finite number of points, we realize that we can permit
piecewise, .C 1 functions to enter into the optimization process. Indeed, we can allow
many more functions.
It all starts with the well-known integration-by-parts formula that is taught in
elementary Calculus courses. That formula, in turn, is a direct consequence of the
product rule for differentiation, and the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. It reads
⎛ b ⎛ b
. f (x)g(x) dx = x=b
f (x)g(x)|x=a − f (x)g ' (x) dx. (2.5)
a a
2.5 Weak Derivatives 47
In such basic courses, one is told that this formula is valid whenever both functions
f and g are continuously differentiable in the interval .[a, b]. This is indeed so.
Suppose, however, that f is only continuous in .[a, b] but fails to be differentiable
at some points, and that we could, somehow, find another function F , not even
continuous, just integrable, in such a way that
⎛ b ⎛ b
. F (x)g(x) dx = − f (x)g ' (x) dx (2.6)
a a
a = −1,
. b = 1, f (x) = |x|
g(−1) = g(1) = 0.
Because integrals enjoy the additivity property with respect to intervals of integra-
tion, we can certainly write
⎛ 1 ⎛ 0 ⎛ 1
. F (x)g(x) dx = F (x)g(x) dx + F (x)g(x) dx,
−1 −1 0
and then
⎛ 0 ⎛ 0
. F (x)g(x) dx = − g(x) dx,
−1 −1
⎛ 1 ⎛ 1
F (x)g(x) dx = g(x) dx.
0 0
and a “true” integration by parts in these two integrals separately clearly yields
⎛ 1 ⎛ 0 ⎛ 1 ⎛ 1
. f (x)g (x) dx = g(x) dx − g(x) dx = − F (x)g(x) dx.
−1 −1 0 −1
We therefore see that formula (2.6) is formally correct if we put .f ' (x) = F (x).
Notice that the difficulty at .x = 0 does not have any relevance in these computations
because what happens at a single point (a set of measure zero) is irrelevant for
After this example, we suspect that formula (2.6) hides a more general concept
of derivative.
Definition 2.4 Let
. f (x) : (a, b) → R
F (x) : (a, b) → R
is said to be the weak derivative of f , and we write .f ' = F , if (2.6) holds for every
continuously differentiable function
In this way, we would say that .F (x) = x/|x| is the weak derivative of .f (x) = |x|
even if F is not defined at .x = 0, and f is not differentiable at the same point. We
can conclude that formula (2.6) is always correct as long as the derivative of f is
understood in a weak sense. Of course, if f is continuously differentiable, then its
standard derivative is also its weak derivative.
Example 2.7 Even though the function .f (x) = |x| has a derivative
f ' (x) =
. √ , x /= 0,
2|x| |x|
that is not defined at .x = 0, and, in fact, it blows up at this point, this function .f ' (x)
is also the weak derivative of f in the full interval .[−1, 1]. Indeed, it is easy to check
that the formula of integration by parts
⎛ 1 ⎛ 1
. f ' (x)g(x) dx = − f (x)g ' (x) dx
−1 −1
The first thing to do is to determine the norm in .W 1,p (J ), and ensure that .W 1,p (J )
is indeed a Banach space.
Proposition 2.3 For J and p as above, .W 1,p (J ) is a Banach space under the norm
Proof The fact that .|| · ||1,p is a norm in .W 1,p (J ) is a direct consequence of the
fact that .|| · ||p is in .Lp (Ω ). To show that .W 1,p (J ) is a Banach space is now easy,
given that convergence in the .|| · ||1,p means convergence in .Lp (J ) of functions and
derivatives. In fact,
||fj − fk ||1,p → 0
. as j, k → ∞,
is equivalent to
fj → f,
. fj' → g
in .Lp (J ). It remains to check that .g = f ' . To this end, take an arbitrary, .C 1 -function
φ(x) : J → R,
. φ(a) = φ(b) = 0.
50 2 A First Exposure to Functional Analysis
⎛ ⎛
. fj (x)φ ' (x) dx = − fj' (x)φ(x) dx,
.f ∈ W 1,p (J ), fj → f
If we change the name of the dummy variables of integration to avoid any confusion,
we can also write
⎛ b ⎛ b ⎛ b
. f (x)φ ' (x) dx = g(x)φ ' (s) ds dx,
a a x
and the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus applied to the smooth function .φ (recall
that .φ(b) = 0) yields
⎛ b ⎛ b
. f (x)φ ' (x) dx = − g(x)φ(x) dx.
a a
f ' = g ∈ Lp (J ),
. f ∈ W 1,p (J ).
A funny consequence of this lemma amounts to having the validity of the Funda-
mental Theorem of Calculus for functions in .W 1,p (J ).
Corollary 2.1 Let .f ∈ W 1,p (J ). Then for every point .c ∈ J ,
⎛ x
f (x) − f (c) =
. f ' (s) ds.
u(x0 ) = u0 ,
. u(x1 ) = u1
for given values .u0 , u1 ∈ R can be enforced. Note that such a condition is
meaningless for functions in .Lp (J ), .J = (x0 , x1 ), because functions in .Lp -spaces
are defined except in negligible subsets, and individual points .x0 and .x1 do have
measure zero. As usual J is a bounded interval either .(a, b) or .(x0 , x1 ).
Proposition 2.4 Let .p ∈ [1, ∞]. Every function in .W 1,p (J ) is absolutely continu-
ous. If .p > 1, every bounded set in .W 1,p (J ) is equicontinuous.
52 2 A First Exposure to Functional Analysis
Proof Our starting point is the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus Corollary 2.1
⎛ x ⎛ x
.f (x) − f (y) = f ' (s) ds, |f (x) − f (y)| ≤ |f ' (s)| ds. (2.7)
y y
If we use Hölder’s inequality in the integral in the right-hand side for the factors .|f ' |
and the characteristic function of the interval of integration as before, we deduce that
This inequality clearly implies that every uniformly bounded set (in particular a
single function) in .W 1,p (J ) is equicontinuous, if .p > 1. For the case .p = 1,
the inequality breaks down because the size of .|x − y| is lost on the right-hand
side. However, (2.7) still implies that a single function in .W 1,1 (J ) is absolutely
continuous (why is the argument not valid for an infinite number of functions in a
uniformly bounded set in .W 1,1 (J )?). Inequality (2.8) is referred to as the fact that a
bounded sequence of functions in .W 1,p (J ) with .1 < p < ∞ is uniformly Hölder
continuous with exponent
For .p = ∞, the exponent is .α = 1, and we say that the set is uniformly Lipschitz.
As a consequence of this proposition, we can define the following important
subspace of .W 1,p (J ), because functions in .W 1,p (J ) are continuous, and so its
values at individual points are well-defined.
Definition 2.6 The space .W0 (J ) is the subspace of functions of .W 1,p (J ) whose
end-point values vanish
W0 (J ) = {u ∈ W 1,p (J ) : u(a) = u(b) = 0},
. J = (a, b).
Proposition 2.4, together with the classic Arzelá-Ascoli theorem, implies that
every bounded sequence in .W 1,p (J ), with .p > 1, admits a subsequence converging,
in the .L∞ (J )-norm, to some function in this space. This deserves further closer
Suppose that
. fj → f in L∞ (J ), fj ∈ W 1,p (J ), f ∈ L∞ (J ). (2.9)
2.6 One-Dimensional Sobolev Spaces 53
In this situation, there are two issues that we would like to clarify:
1. Is it true that in fact .f ∈ W 1,p (J ), i.e. there is some .f ' ∈ Lp (J ) so that
⎛ ⎛
. f (x)φ ' (x) dx = − f ' (x)φ(x) dx
Since this is correct for arbitrary functions .φ in .C01 (J ), one can look at .φ as a
functional variable, and regard all those integrals as “linear operations” on .φ. In
particular, Hölder’s inequality implies that
|⎛ |
| | 1 1
| ' | '
| fj (x)φ(x) dx | ≤ ||fj ||p ||φ||q , + = 1.
p q
The boundedness of .{fj } in .W 1,p (J ) indicates that the sequence of linear operations
<Tj , φ> =
. fj' (x)φ(x) dx
is such that
⎛ ⎛
.<Tj , φ> = fj' (x)φ(x) dx → g(x)φ(x) dx.
for all .φ ∈ C01 (J ), and this would precisely imply that indeed
f ∈ W 1,p (J ),
. f ' = g.
Once we know this, the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus Corollary 2.1 leads to
the fact that
⎛ y ⎛ y
. fj' (s) ds = fj (x) − fj (y) → f (x) − f (y) = f ' (s) ds,
x x
for arbitrary points x and y in J . This suggests that the convergence at the level of
derivatives .fj' to .f ' is such that
⎛ y ⎛ y
. fj' (s) ds → f ' (s) ds
x x
for arbitrary points .x, y ∈ J . This is indeed a notion of convergence as good as any
other, but definitely different from the usual point-wise convergence as the following
example shows.
Example 2.8 We recover Example 1.1 where
uj (x) → u(x)
for a.e. .x ∈ [0, 1], not even for arbitrary subsequences. Yet, it is not difficult to
check that
⎛ b ⎛ b
. uj (x) dx → 0 = 0 dx
a a
for every arbitrary pair of points .a < b in .[0, 1] (left as an exercise). What this fact
means is that the trivial, identically vanishing function is, somehow, determined
by the sequence .{uj } by passage to the limit in a special way. This is called weak
convergence or convergence in the mean. Note that what makes this possible is the
persistent cancellation of the positive and negative parts of .uj when computing the
integral. In other words
|⎛ |
| b |
| uj (x) dx || → 0 as j → ∞;
2.7 The Dual Space 55
and put
⎛ x
Uj (x) =
. uj (y) dy.
A simple computation and picture convince us that the sequence .{Uj } is uniformly
bounded in .W 1,1 (0, 1), and yet there cannot be a limit in whatever reasonable sense
we may define it, because it would be sensible to pretend that the function .U ≡ 1
be such limit but then we would have
⎛ 1 ⎛ 1
. U ' (t) dt, lim Uj' (x) dx = 1,
0 j →∞ 0
which would be pretty weird for a limit function U . The phenomenon happening
with the sequence of derivatives .{uj } is informally referred to as a concentration
phenomenon at .x = 0: derivatives concentrate its full finite “mass” in a smaller and
smaller region around .x = 0, as j becomes larger and larger; this concentration of
mass forces a breaking of continuity at that point.
We see that we are forced to look more closely into linear operations on Banach
spaces. This carries us directly into the dual space.
This section is just a first incursion on the relevance of the dual space.
Definition 2.7 Let .E be a Banach space. The dual space .E' is defined to be the
collection of all linear and continuous functionals defined on .E
T :E→R
|T (x)| ≤ C||x||
. (2.12)
for all .x ∈ E.
Proof On the one hand, if .xj → x in .E, then
C = sup |T (x)|,
. (2.13)
and suppose that .C = +∞, so that there is a certain sequence .xj with
||xj || = 1,
. T (xj ) → ∞.
In this case
. xj → 0
T (xj )
and refer to it as the duality pair or product, to stress the symmetric roles played by
T and .x in such an identity. As a matter of fact, if .x' ∈ E' is an arbitrary element,
the duality pair and the corresponding estimate
between .E and its dual .E' immediately yields that .x ∈ E can be interpreted, in a
canonical way, as an element of the bidual .E'' = (E' )' . It is worth to distiguish those
spaces for which there is nothing else in .E'' .
Definition 2.8 A Banach space .E is said to be reflexive, if .E = E'' .
The most important example for us of a dual pair is the following.
Theorem 2.2 (Riesz Representation Theorem) Let .p ∈ [1, ∞), and .Ω ⊂ RN , an
open subset of finite Lebesgue measure. The dual space of .Lp (Ω ) can be identified
with .Lq (Ω ), .1 = 1/p + 1/q (these exponents p and q are called conjugate of each
other), through
Θ : Lq (Ω ) |→ Lp (Ω )' ,
. < Θ (g), f > = f (x)g(x) dx (2.14)
for .g ∈ Lq (Ω ) and .f ∈ Lp (Ω ).
Proof Through Hölder’s inequality, it is elementary to check that the mapping . Θ in
(2.14) is well-defined, linear, and because
|| Θ (g)|| ≤ ||g||q ,
it is also continuous.
We claim that . Θ is onto. To see this, take .T ∈ Lp (Ω )' . For a measurable subset
.A ⊂ Ω , if .χA (x) stands for its characteristic function, given that it belongs to .L (Ω ),
It is immediate to check that the set function m is indeed a measure, and, moreover,
it is absolutely continuous with respect to the Lebesgue measure because if A is
negligible, .χA = 0 in .Lp (Ω ), and so (2.15) yields .m(A) = 0. The Radon-Nykodim
58 2 A First Exposure to Functional Analysis
. En = {|g| ≤ n}, n ∈ N,
⎨ |g(x)| , x ∈ E ,
.fn (x) = g(x)
0, else.
The space .L∞ (Ω ) is very special concerning its dual space. All we can say at this
stage is the it contains .L1 (Ω ), but it is indeed much larger.
Corollary 2.2 .Lp (Ω ) is reflexive in the finite case .1 < p < ∞.
Example 2.10 The precise identification of the dual space of .C 0 (Ω ) is technical and
delicate, though very important. It requires fundamental tools from Measure Theory.
Formally, such dual space can be identified with the space of signed measures with
finite total variation on the .σ -algebra of the Borel subsets of .Ω . It can be generalized
for a compact Hausdorff space, or even for a locally compact such space.
We remind readers that one of our main initial concerns is that of establishing
a suitable compactness principle that may enable us to have a convergent (in
some appropriate sense) subsequence from a uniformly bounded sequence. One
possibility is to study directly the nature of compact sets of functions in a given
Banach space. This is however pretty fruitless, from this perspective, as the topology
associated with the norm in a Banach space is usually too fine, and so conditions on
compact sets are rather demanding. In the case of .Lp -spaces, such compactness
criterium is known and important, yet, as we are saying, pretty inoperable in
practice, at least from the perspective of our need in this text.
On the other hand, we have already anticipated how, thanks to the Arzelá-
Ascoli theorem, bounded sets in .W 1,p (J ) are precompact in .L∞ (J ) (if .p > 1),
and sequences converge to functions which indeed remain in .W 1,p (J ). Moreover,
we have also identified the kind of convergence that takes place at the level of
⎛ ⎛
. χ(x,y) (s)fj' (s) ds → χ(x,y) (s)f ' (s) ds, (2.17)
for arbitrary points .x, y ∈ J , where, as usual, .χ(x,y) (s) designs the characteristic
function of the interval .(x, y) in J . It is easy to realize that (2.17) can be
extended to simple functions (linear combinations of characteristic functions), and
presumably, by some density argument, to more general functions. This short
discussion motivates the following fundamental concept.
Definition 2.9 Let .E be a Banach space, with dual .E' .
1. We say that a sequence .{xj } ⊂ E converges weakly to .x, and write .xj ⥛ x, if
for every individual .x' ∈ E' , we have
as numbers.
60 2 A First Exposure to Functional Analysis
2. We say that a sequene .{x'j } ⊂ E' converges weakly * to .x' , and write .x'j ⥛ x' , if
for every individual .x ∈ E, we have
as numbers.
This may look, at first sight, as a too general or abstract a concept. It starts to be
more promising if we interpret it in our .Lp -spaces. In this setting, we would say,
after the Riesz representation theorem, that .fj ⥛ f in .Lp (Ω ), if
⎛ ⎛
. g(x)fj (x) dx → g(x)f (x) dx
and compare it to
| |
. |g(x)(fj (x) − f (x))| dx → 0,
we see that the place where the absolute value is put, either outside or inside
the integral sign, determines the kind of convergence we are considering (recall
Example 2.8). In the first case, we are talking about weak convergence, while in
the second about strong or norm convergence. In the case of weak convergence,
persistent cancellation phenomenon in the integrals is not excluded; indeed this is
the whole point of weak convergence, whereas cancellation is impossible in the
In the particular case in which .Ω is a finite interval J of .R, and g is the
characteristic function of a subinterval .(x, y), we would find that weak convergence
⎛ y ⎛ y
. fj (s) ds → f (s) ds,
x x
Proof We have already argued why this statement is correct. Such a bounded
sequence .{fj } in .W 1,p (J ) is equicontinuous, and hence, for a suitable subsequence
which we do not care to relabel, it converges to some f in .L∞ (J ). Indeed, we
showed in Sect. 2.6 that .f ∈ W 1,p (J ), and that
⎛ ⎛
. χ (x)fj' (x) dx → χ (s)f ' (x) dx, (2.18)
L(E, K) = KE .
It is clear that .E' ⊂ L(E, K), since .E' is the subset of .L(E, K) of those linear and
continuous mappings. It is also easy to realize that
B(E' ) ⊂ Δ =
. Δx , Δx = {λ ∈ K : |λ| ≤ ||x||},
The set .Δ is compact in the product topology in .KE , because each projection .Δx ,
for all .x ∈ E, is (Tychonoff’s theorem). It suffices to check that .B(E' ) ⊂ Δ is closed
(under the weak * topology).
62 2 A First Exposure to Functional Analysis
To this end, let .x'j → x' with .x'j ∈ B(E' ),3 with
for each individual .x ∈ E. It is straightforward to check the linearity of .x' if each .x'j
is. If .x'j ∈ B(E' ),
Corollary 2.3 Let .E be a reflexive, Banach space, and .{xj }, a bounded sequence in
E. There is always a subsequence converging weakly in .E.
3 Though we argue here through sequences, in full rigor it should be done through nets. But in this
uj → u in L∞ ([0, 1]),
. u(x) ≡ 1.
Example 2.12 Let J be any finite interval in .R of length L, and take .t ∈ (0, 1).
There is always a sequence of characteristic functions .{χj (x)} in J such that
χj (x) ⥛ Lt.
. (2.20)
Note that the limit function is a constant. This weak convergence means that one
can always find a sequence .{Jj } of subintervals of J such that
⎛ ⎛
. g(x) dx → Lt g(x) dx
Jj J
for every integrable function g. Take any characteristic function .χ (x) in the unit
interval .J1 = [0, 1] such that
. χ (x) dx = t.
If .χ is regarded as a 1-periodic function in .R, and we put .χj (x) = χ (2j x), then it
is easy to argue that the sequence of functions
y |→ χj ( (y − a))
enjoys property (2.20).
All we have said in this and previous sections about .W 1,p (J ) is applicable to
Sobolev spaces .W 1,p (J ; Rn ) of paths
u(t) : J → Rn ,
. u = (u1 , u2 , . . . , un ),
with components .ui ∈ W 1,p (J ). We state the main way in which weakly convergent
sequences in one-dimensional Sobolev spaces are manipulated in this more general
context. It will be invoked later in the book.
64 2 A First Exposure to Functional Analysis
Proposition 2.8 Let .{uj } ⊂ W 1,p (J ; Rn ) be such that .u'j ⥛ U in .Lp (J ; Rn ), and
.uj (x0 ) → U0 in .R , for some .x0 ∈ J . Then .uj ⥛ u in .W
n 1,p (J ; Rn ) where
⎛ x
u(x) = U0 +
. U(s) ds.
2.9 Approximation
Note that
⎛ ⎛
. ρj (z) dz = 1, fj (x) = ρj (y)f (x − y) dy.
Either of the two formulas to write .fj (x) is called the product of convolution of .ρj
and f , and is written
fj = ρj ∗ f.
Such a operation between functions enjoys amazing properties. The family .{ρj } is
called a mollifier. We claim the following:
1. each .fj is smooth and
dk dk
fj = ρj ∗ f ;
dx dx k
2. if the support of f is compact, so is the support of .fj , and all of these supports
are contained in a fixed compact;
3. convergence: .fj → f in .L1 (Ω );
Concerning derivatives, it is easy to realize
1 1
. [fj (x + h) − fj (x)] = [ρj (x − y + h) − ρj (x − y)]f (y) dy,
h R h
for arbitrary .x, h ∈ R. Since each .ρj is uniformly bounded (for j fixed), by
dominated convergence, as .h → 0, we find
. [fj (x + h) − fj (x)] =
lim ρj' (x − y)f (y) dy.
h→0 h R
Theorem 2.4. Assume then that .g(x) is a real function, which is continuous and
with compact support. In particular, g is uniformly continuous. If we examine the
difference (bear in mind that the integral of every .ρj is unity)
gj (x) − g(x) =
. ρj (y)(g(x − y) − g(x)) dy,
because the support of .ρj is the interval .[−1/j, 1/j ], and the uniform continuity of
g, given .ɛ > 0, .j0 can be found so that
|g(x − y) − g(x)| ≤ ɛ,
. j ≥ j0
for all .x ∈ R if .j ≥ j0 . If we bring to mind, because of our second claim above about
the supports, that the supports of all .gj ’s and g are contained in a fixed compact, then
the previous uniform estimate implies that .gj → g in .L1 (R).
Proof of Lemma 2.4 In the context of the preceding discussion, consider .f ∈
L1 (R) arbitrary, and let .ɛ > 0 be given. By Theorem 2.4, select a continuous
function g with compact support such that
We write
||fj − f ||L1 (R) ≤ ||fj − gj ||L1 (R) + ||gj − g||L1 (R) + ||g − f ||L1 (R) .
The last term is smaller than .ɛ, while the second one can be made also that small,
provided j is taken sufficiently large. Concerning the first one, we expand
⎛ ⎛ ⎛
. |fj (x) − gj (x)| dx ≤ ρj (x − y)|f (y) − g(y)| dy dx.
4 We leave to the interested readers to check the technical conditions required for the validity of
this fact.
2.9 Approximation 67
would find a sequence of smooth functions .gj with .f ' −gj tending to zero in .L1 (R).
We put
⎛ x
fj (x) =
. gj (y) dy.
and, as usual, the convergence .fj − f to zero takes place, through integration of its
derivative, in .L∞ (R). The restriction of all functions to J yields the result. ⨆
This approximation fact, which is just one example of a whole family of such
results, permits us to generalize results, that are very classical when smoothness
assumptions are guaranteed, to the context of functions in Sobolev spaces. Some
times there is no other way of showing the validity of such results. The following
is the product rule and the generalization of the integration-by-parts formula for
functions in .W 1,1 (R).
Proposition 2.9 Let .J = [α, β] be a finite interval. Assume f and g are functions
belonging to .W 1,1 (J ).
1. The product f g also belongs to the same space, and
2. We have
⎛ ⎛
. f ' (x)g(x) dx = − f (x)g ' (x) dx + f (β)g(β) − f (α)g(α).
Proof Suppose first that the factor g is smooth, and so belonging to .W 1,1 (J ). The
weak derivative of f is such that
⎛ ⎛
. f ' (x)g(x)φ(x) dx = − f (x)(g(x)φ(x))' dx
68 2 A First Exposure to Functional Analysis
for every smooth function .φ with compact support in J , or vanishing at both end-
points .α and .β. Note that these facts at the end-points of J are also correct for the
product .gφ if g is smooth. But we know that the product rule is valid when the
factors are smooth and we are dealing with classical derivatives. Then
⎛ ⎛
. f ' (x)g(x)φ(x) dx = − [f (x)g ' (x)φ(x) + f (x)g(x)φ ' (x)] dx,
We use here Theorem 2.1 to build Lebesgue spaces and Sobolev spaces in dimension
one. The process for Sobolev spaces in higher dimension is similar, as we will check
later in the book.
Consider the vector space .C ∞ (Ω ) of smooth functions in an open set .Ω ⊂ RN .
As in Sect. 2.4, we define the pth- norm of functions in .C ∞ (Ω ) for .1 ≤ p ≤ ∞.
Young’s and Hölder’s inequalities imply that the pth-norm is indeed a norm in
this space of smooth functions, and hence, by Theorem 2.1, we can consider its
completion .Lp (Ω ) with respect to this norm. The only point that deserves some
special comment is the fact that the pth-norm is just a seminorm, not a norm, in this
2.11 Hilbert Spaces 69
Lp (Ω ) = Lp (Ω )/N p
where .N p is the class of functions that vanish except for a negligible set. The
concepts of subnorm and seminorm will be introduced and used in Chap. 4.
To be honest, this process yields a Banach subspace of the true .Lp (Ω ), in which
smooth functions are dense (with respect to the pth-norm). To be sure that such a
subspace is in fact the full Banach space .Lp (Ω ) requires to check that in these spaces
smooth functions are also dense. But this demands some extra work focused on
approximation, which is interesting but technical, as we have seen in the preceding
Concerning Sobolev spaces, the process is similar but the completion procedure
in Theorem 2.1 is performed with respect to the Sobolev norm in Proposition 2.3.
The resulting space is a Banach subspace (again after making the quotient over the
class of a.e. null functions) of the true Sobolev space .W 1,p (J ). They are the same
spaces, but this asks for checking that the space of smooth functions is dense in
1,p (J ), which once more is an important approximation procedure.
The process in higher dimension is not more difficult, though this important
approximation fact of Sobolev functions by smooth functions is more involved. We
will recall these ideas later in Chap. 7 when we come to studying higher-dimensional
Sobolev spaces, and stress how, from the viewpoint of variational problems, one
can work directly with these completions of smooth functions under the appropriate
There is a very special class of Banach spaces which share with finite-dimensional
Euclidean spaces one very fundamental feature: an inner product.
Definition 2.10 Let .H be a vector space.
1. An inner or scalar product in .H is a bilinear, symmetric, positive definite, non-
degenerate form
<·, ·> : H × H → R.
. <·, ·> : H × H → R
<y, ·> : H → R,
. <·, y> : H → R,
<x, x> ≥ 0,
. <x, x> = 0 ⇐⇒ x = 0.
The triangle inequality N 3 for the norm coming form an inner product is a
consequence of the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality that is correct for every scalar
The model Hilbert space is .L2 (Ω ) for an open subset .Ω ⊂ RN . It is, by far, the most
important Hilbert space in Applied Analysis and Mathematical Physics. Similarly,
if J is an interval in .R, the Sobolev space .W 1,2 (J ) is also a Hilbert space.
Proposition 2.10 The mapping
<f, g> =
. f (x)g(x) dx
defines an inner product on the set of measurable functions defined in .Ω , with norm
.||f ||2 =
f (x)2 dx.
All that the proof of this proposition requires, knowing already that .L2 (Ω ) and
1,2 (J ) are Banach spaces under their respective 2-norms, is to check that, in
both cases, the formula determining the inner product is symmetric, bi-linear, and
positive definite. This is elementary.
The fact that a Banach space can be endowed with a inner product under which it
becomes a Hilbert space may look like something accidental, or simply convenient.
But it is not so, as an inner product allows for fundamental and profound facts:
1. In a Hilbert space, one can talk about orthogonal projections onto subspaces, and
even onto convex, closed subsets.
2. Orthogonality also has important consequences as one can consider orthonormal
3. The inner product permits to identify a Hilbert space with its own dual whenever
convenient. In this sense, we can say that .H = H' .
4. The extension of many facts from multivariate Calculus to infinite dimension is
possible thanks to the inner product.
We treat these four important issues successively.
We start with one of the most remarkable and fundamental tools. Recall that a
convex set .K of a vector space .H is such that convex combinations
tx1 + (1 − t)x0 ∈ K
(y − x) · (z − y) ≥ 0
for every .z ∈ K.
72 2 A First Exposure to Functional Analysis
From the usual parallelogram law, which is also valid in a general Hilbert space,
we find that
. (yj + yk )
belongs to .K as well. Hence, by definition of m,
tz + (1 − t)y ∈ K,
. t ∈ [0, 1].
The function
as desired. ⨆
This lemma permits to consider the map
πK : H → K,
πK (x) = y,
the unique vector .y in the statement of the last proposition. The projection .πK is
a continuous map. In fact, by the characterization of the projection in the previous
proposition, we have
.(πK x1 − x1 ) · (πK x2 − πK x1 ) ≥ 0,
(πK x2 − x2 ) · (πK x1 − πK x2 ) ≥ 0.
≤ (x1 − x2 ) · (πK x1 − πK x2 ),
<x − πK x, y> = 0
for every .y ∈ K.
74 2 A First Exposure to Functional Analysis
2.11.2 Orthogonality
. aj2 < ∞,
j =1
2.11 Hilbert Spaces 75
Σ ∞
. aj xj ∈ H, ||x||2 = aj2 , aj = <x, xj >.
j =1 j =1
Proof Let .x ∈ H be given, put .Hj for the subspace spanned by .{xk }k≤j , and
x(j ) =
. <x, xk >xk .
Minimize in z = (zk ) ∈ Rj :
. ||x − zk xk ||2 .
We can actually write, taking into account the orthogonality of .{xk } and the
properties of the inner product,
j Σ
j Σ
||x −
. zk xk ||2 =<x − zk xk , x − zk xk >
k=1 k=1 k=1
=||x||2 − 2 zk <x, xk > + zk2 .
. zk = <x, xk >.
This means that indeed (2.24) holds. In particular, thanks to Corollary 2.5, we can
conclude that
that is to say
. |<x, xk >|2 ≤ ||x||2 ,
. |<x, xk >|2
is convergent. But, again bearing in mind the orghogonality of .{xj }, we can also
conclude for .k < j , that
.||x(j ) − x(k) ||2 = |<x, xl >|2 .
Hence .{x(j ) } is a Cauchy sequence, and it converges to some .x. It remains to show
that in fact .x = x.
The condition
. <x, xk >xk ,
.πHj x = <x, xk >xk = πHj x.
πHj (x − x) = 0,
for all j , and hence the difference .x − x is a vector which is orthogonal to the full
basis .{xj }. This implies that indeed .x−x must be the vanishing vector, for otherwise
the subspace .H spanned by the full basis could not be dense in .H, as it would accept
a non-vanishing orthogonal vector.
The second part of the statement requires exactly the same ideas. ⨆
It is quite instructive to look at some explicit cases of orthonormal bases. The
first one is mandatory.
2.11 Hilbert Spaces 77
If we let .ek ∈ l2 be the trivial sequence except for 1 in the k-th place, then it
is evident that the countable collection .{ek : k ∈ N}, the canonical basis, is an
orthonormal basis of .l2 .
Notice how Proposition 2.13 establishes that every separable real Hilbert space is
isomorphic to .l2 .
The most important and popular example is possibly that of the trigonometric
basis in .L2 (−π, π ).
Example 2.14 Consider the family of trigonometric functions
1 1 1
F = { √ } ∪ { √ cos(kx), √ sin(kx)}
. (2.26)
2π π π
.yk (x) = cos(kx), zk (x) = sin(kx) = − yk' (x), k ∈ N,
it is easy to realize that
yk'' + k 2 yk = 0,
. zk'' + k 2 zk = 0. (2.27)
But then, relying on two integration by parts for which end-point contributions drop
⎛ π ⎛ π
yk (x)yj (x) dx = − yk'' (x)yj (x) dx
−π −π
⎛ π
= yk' (x)yj' (x) dx
⎛ π
=− yk (x)yj'' (x) dx
⎛ π
=j 2 yk (x)yj (x) dx.
If .k /= j , we conclude that .yk (x) and .yj (x) are orthogonal in .L2 (−π, π ), without
the need to compute the definite integrals explicitly. Similar manipulations lead to
the other two orthogonality relations.
Even more is true. The Fourier family of functions (2.26) is indeed a basis for
.L (−π, π ). This can be checked directly by showing that Fourier partial sums of
the form
a0 +
. [ak cos(kx) + bk sin(kx)]
⎛ π ⎛ π
1 1
.ak = √ f (x) cos(kx) dx, a0 = √ f (x) dx,
π −π 2π −π
⎛ π
bk = √ f (x) sin(kx) dx,
π −π
2.11 Hilbert Spaces 79
The inner product in a Hilbert space .H also has profound consequences for the dual
H' .
We are using brackets here for two different things at first sight: the left-hand side
corresponds to the duality between .H' and .H, while in the right-hand side, it is the
inner product in .H.
Proof Let .x' ∈ H' be arbitrary, and put
H0 = {y ∈ H : <x' , y> = 0} ⊂ H,
a closed subspace of .H. If .H0 = H, then .x' = 0, and we can, obviously, take .x = 0
as well. Assume then that .H0 is not the full .H.
Take .x0 ∈ H \ H0 , a non-vanishing vector, and put
x0 − πH0 x0
X0 =
. .
||x0 − πH0 x0 ||
<x' , y>
. X0 (2.28)
<x' , X0 >
belongs to .H0 because .x' applied to it, vanishes. The number in the denominator
does not vanish because, once again .x0 ∈ / H0 . By Corollary 2.5, applied to .x = x0 ,
.K = H0 , and .y, the combination in (2.28), we conclude that
<x' , y>
<X0 , y −
. X0 > = 0,
<x' , X0 >
80 2 A First Exposure to Functional Analysis
as well for all .y ∈ H, and this identity lets us see that it suffices to take
x = <x' , X0 >X0 .
The structure of a Hilbert space through its inner product allows for many similar
facts as in finite dimensional spaces. The following definition refers to a functional
.I : H → R where .H is a Hilbert space.
Definition 2.13
1. Such a functional I is said to be Gateaux-differentiable if every section, for
arbitrary .x, y ∈ H,
ɛ |→ I (x + ɛy)
is continuous in .x, and linear in .y, in such a way that we can write
. ||I (x + y) − I (x) − <I ' (x), y>|| → 0 as y → 0. (2.29)
f (x) : RN → R
g : R → R,
. g(s) = I (x + sy).
where .s0 ∈ (0, 1) will most likely depend on .x and .y. Hence, the quotient Q in
(2.29) becomes
γ ' (s) ∈ H,
. s ∈ (−ɛ, ɛ),
is differentiable and
2. For every .x ∈ H, the vector .I ' (x) is orthogonal to the level set of I through .x.
2.11 Hilbert Spaces 83
is defined for every positive time .t > 0, and, for every such .t > 0,
. I (x(t)) = −||I ' (x(t))||2 .
Moreover, if we write
to stress the dependence of the solution .x on the initial condition .x0 , then the
mapping .x(t; x0 ) is continuous in .x0 .
Given the information we already have on differentiable functionals and how
everything is similar, almost word by word, with the finite-dimensional setting, the
proof of this lemma follows exactly as in that elementary situation. The unique
solution of the gradient differential system (2.31) rests, as in the finite-dimensional
case, on the contraction principle Theorem 1.1.
Finally, in practice, it may not be possible to clearly see the derivative .I ' (x) from
the computation of the directional derivatives .T(x, y) given by its definition
d |
.T(x, y) = I (x + ɛy)|| .
dɛ ɛ=0
1 1 1
. ||y||2 − <T̃x, y> = ||y − T̃x||2 − ||x||2 .
2 2 2
84 2 A First Exposure to Functional Analysis
In this chapter, we have introduced the most important spaces of functions utilized
in Applied Analysis. There are some important variants that are worth mentioning,
and spaces of a different nature. We do not devout more time to study these as they
are the subject of more advanced courses in Functional Analysis. There is additional
important material in the final Appendix.
1. If .(Ω , σ, μ) is an abstract measure space, one can define the corresponding
.L (dμ)-spaces, .1 ≤ p ≤ ∞, as one would anticipate
L (dμ) = {f : Ω → R, σ − measurable :
|f (x)|p dμ(x) < ∞},
Even the spaces .lp may be understood in this context as .Lp -spaces with respect
to the counting measure in .N.
2. So far we have used integration to provide ways to measure the size of functions
in suitable classes of measurable functions. These collection of functions are
rather huge sets including functions with may exhibit rather irregular behavior.
There are ways to restrict attention to regular classes of functions like
with .m ∈ N, and .Ω an open subset of .RN . However, given that such functions, or
some of their derivatives, can blow up as we approach the boundary of .Ω , there
does not seem to be a unified way to measure their size only with derivatives and
without introducing integration in any way. One possibility is to write
for a compact set .K ⊂ Ω . This of course does not give a full measure of f as
it does not provide information on a function outside the set K. The functions
.pK (f ) are not norms, but the full collection .pK (f ) for an increasing sequence
|Ω \ ∪j Kj | → 0,
. j → ∞,
2.13 Exercises 85
and consider the previous ways of measuring the size of f for .K = ∂Ω (if .Ω is
3. Functions of bounded variation. In a finite interval .J = [xl , xr ] ⊂ R, we consider
the class .P of all finite partitions P of the form
and put
V (u) = sup
. |u(xj ) − u(xj −1 )|.
P j
The set of measurable functions u with finite .V (u) is the class .BV (J ) of
functions of bounded variation in J . The quantity .V (u) + u(xl ) turns out to be a
norm in .BV (J ) under which it becomes a Banach space. The interesting point is
that each function .u ∈ BV (J ) determines a linear, continuous functional .Tu in
.C(J ) through the classical Riemann-Stieltjes integral
Tu (v) =
. v du
in such a way that .BV (J ) becomes the dual of .C(J ) under this identification.
4. Complete metric spaces are also a class of objects more general than Banach
spaces as they need not be vector spaces where one can take linear combinations.
Yet complete metric spaces enjoy some fundamental properties because of the
nature of the underlying distance function. As a matter of fact, vector topological
spaces that can be shown to be, even locally, metrizable, i.e. their topology comes
from the balls of a distance function, do share with metric spaces some of these
remarkable properties.
5. Spaces of distributions. We simply mention here the fundamental spaces of
distributions because of their crucial role in modern Analysis. There is more
information in the final Appendix.
2.13 Exercises
1. Show that L1 (Ω ) and L∞ (Ω ) are Banach spaces for every open subset Ω ⊂
RN .
86 2 A First Exposure to Functional Analysis
10. For E, the collection of continuous functions in a fixed interval, say, [0, 1],
consider the two norms
⎛ 1
||f ||1 =
. |f (t)| dt, ||f ||∞ = sup |f (t)|.
0 t∈[0,1]
(a) Show that E1 = (E, || · ||1 ) is not complete, but E∞ = (E, || · ||∞ ) is.
(b) If for each g ∈ E, we put
⎛ 1
. <Tg , f > = g(t)f (t) dt,
||Tg || = ||g||1 .
f |→ δ1/2 (f ) = f (1/2).
/ E'1 .
Show that δ1/2 ∈ E'∞ but δ1/2 ∈
(e) Prove that
⎛ 1
. H = {f ∈ E : f (t) dt = 0}
T : (Rn , || · ||∞ ) → E
is continuous.
(c) Every Cauchy sequence is bounded.
(d) Every norm in Rn is a continuous function, and there is M > 0 with
||x|| ≤ M||x||∞ .
Conclude that every norm in E is equivalent to the sup-norm, and that all
norms in a finite-dimensional vector space are equivalent.
88 2 A First Exposure to Functional Analysis
12. (a) If x ∈ lp for some p > 0, then x ∈ lq for all q > p, and
(b) For every bounded and measurable function f (t) for t ∈ [a, b],
we consider
15. Let
T : L1 (R) → Lp (R),
. 1 < p ≤ ∞,
T(u) = u ∗ w,
. u ∈ L1 (R);
2.13 Exercises 89
16. If {xj } is an orthogonal basis for a separable, Hilbert space H, argue that xj ⥛ 0
in H.
17. Let the kernel
k(x, y) : Ω × Ω → R,
Lj (t) =
. [(t 2 − 1)j ]
dt j
is a orthogonal family.5
(a) Compute the minimum of the set of numbers
⎧⎛ 1 ⎞
. |t − a2 t − a1 t − a0 | dt : a0 , a1 , a2 ∈ R .
3 2 2
(b) There are two sequences of numbers {aj }, {bj }, with bj > 0, such that
where z stands for the conjugate of the complex number z. Check that the
exponential system
. exp(ij t)}j =0,±1,±2,...
for n, m ∈ N. Find conditions on the function ψ in such a way that the family
{ψm,n } is an orthonormal basis of L2 (R).
23. Find the orthogonal complement of H01 (J ) in H 1 (J ), for an interval J .
24. Use the orthogonality mechanism around (2.27), to find another two families of
orthogonal functions in L2 (0, 1).
25. For J = [0, 1], let E be the set of measurable functions defined on J . Set
⎛ 1 |f (t) − g(t)|
d(f, g) =
. dt.
0 1 + |f (t) − g(t)|
is not a norm.
(c) Check that
⎛ 1
d(f, g) =
. |f (x) − g(x)|1/2 dx
27. (Jordan-Von Neumann Theorem) Let E be a normed space. Show that the norm
comes from a inner product if and only if the parallelogram identity
28. Multidimensional Fourier series. Check that the family of functions
. exp(ij · x)}j ∈ZN
subject to u(x) ≤ φ(x), where φ(x) is a continuous function with φ(1), φ(0) <
0. Write explicitly a condition characterizing the minimizer.
30. For the functional
⎛ 1
E : H01 (0, 1) → R,
. E(u) = [ψ(u' (x)) + φ(u(x))] dx
3.1 Overview
Before we start diving into integral functionals, it is important to devout some time
to understand relevant facts for abstract variational problems. Because in such a
situation we do not assume any explicit form of the underlying functional, these
results cannot be as fine as those that can be shown when we materialize functionals
and spaces. However, the general route to existence of minimizers is essentially
the same for all kinds of functionals: it is called the direct method of the Calculus
of Variations. This chapter can be considered then as a brief introduction to the
fundamental field of Convex Analysis.
The classical Hahn-Banach theorem is one of those basic chapters of Functional
Analysis that needs to be known. In particular, it is the basic tool to prove one of
the most important existence results of minimizers under convexity and coercivity
assumptions in an abstract form. There are several versions of this important
theorem: one analytic dealing with the extension of linear functionals; and two
geometric that focus on separation principles for convex sets. There are many
applications of these fundamental results that are beyond the scope of this text.
Some of them will be mentioned in the final Appendix of the book.
We also discuss another two fundamental result that readers ought to know. The
first one is basic for quadratic functionals in an abstract, general format: the Lax-
Milgram theorem. Its importance in variational problems and Partial Differential
Equations cannot be underestimated. The second is also an indispensable tool in
Analysis: Stampacchia’s theorem for variational inequalities.
A(u, v) : H × H → R
the function
a(u) =
. A(u, u)
is identified as its associated quadratic form.
• The bilinear form A is continuous if there is a positive constant .C > 0 with
2a(u) ≤ C||u||2 ,
. u ∈ H.
• The bilinear form A is coercive if there is a positive constant .c > 0 such that
c||u||2 ≤ A(u, u)
c||u||2 ≤ 2a(u),
. u ∈ H.
If .a(u) is the quadratic form coming from a certain bilinear, symmetric form, we
would like to look at the variational problem
for a given .U ∈ H. The following classic result provides a very clear answer to such
quadratic problems.
3.2 The Lax-Milgram Lemma 95
for every .v ∈ H.
Proof We start by making sure that the variational problem (3.1) is well-posed in
the sense that if we put
. ||U||2 .
which shows that .{u(j ) } is uniformly bounded in .H, and hence, for some subse-
quence which we do not care to relabel, we will have .u(j ) ⥛ u for some .u ∈ H.
Again by the coercivity property, we find
1 1
0 ≤ a(u(j ) − u) =
. A(u(j ) , u(j ) ) − A(u(j ) , u) + A(u, u),
2 2
96 3 Introduction to Convex Analysis: The Hahn-Banach and Lax-Milgram Theorems
that is
A(u(j ) , u) − A(u, u) ≤ a(u(j ) ).
If we take limits in j , because .A(·, u) is a linear functional,
A(u, u) − A(u, u) ≤ lim inf a(u(j ) ),
2 j →∞
Again, because .<U, ·> is a linear operation, we can conclude, by the very definition
of m as the infimum for our problem, that
g(∈ ) = I (u + ∈ v),
. I (u) = a(u) − <U, v>.
A(u1 − u2 , v) = 0
. a(u1 − u2 ) = 0.
the inner product itself. In this case the variational problem (3.1) becomes the one
examined in (2.32). There is nothing to be added.
Example 3.2 The prototypical example, in dimension one, that can be treated under
the Lax-Milgram lemma is the following. Let .H be the Hilbert subspace .H01 (J )
of functions in .H 1 (J ) vanishing at the two end-points of J , for a finite interval
.J = (x0 , x1 ) of .R. Consider the bilinear form
.A(u, v) = [α(x)u' (x)v ' (x) + β(x)u(x)v(x)] dx,
where functions .α(x) and .β(x) will be further restricted in the sequel. A is definitely
symmetric. It is bounded if both functions .α, and .β belong to .L∞ (J ). It is coercive
if the same two functions are positive and bounded away from zero. The application
of Theorem 3.1 directly leads to the following result.
Corollary 3.1 Suppose there is a constant .C > 0 such that
.0 < C < min(α(x), β(x)) ≤ max(α(x), β(x)) ≤ .
x∈J x∈J C
98 3 Introduction to Convex Analysis: The Hahn-Banach and Lax-Milgram Theorems
The analytic form of the Hahn-Banach theorem is typically based on Zorn’s lemma,
which is taken for granted here. The relevant concepts to understand Zorn’s lemma
are gathered in the following statement.
Definition 3.2 Let .P be a partially ordered set.
• A subset .Q is totally ordered if for every pair .u, v in .Q, either .u ≤ v or .v ≤ u.
• An element .w ∈ P is an upper bound for a subset .Q ⊂ P if .u ≤ w for every
.u ∈ Q.
. p(x) : E → R
3.3 The Hahn-Banach Theorem: Analytic Form 99
p(λx) = λp(x).
T0 (x) ≤ p(x),
. x ∈ M.
T (x) ≤ p(x),
. x ∈ E. (3.6)
Proof The standard proof of this result proceeds in two steps. The first one deals
with the case in which
E = M ⊕ <x0 >,
where .<x0 > stands for the subspace spanned by some .x0 ∈ E. In this situation, every
x ∈ E can be written in a unique way in the form .m + λx0 , and, by linearity,
for every .m ∈ M and every .λ ∈ R. For .λ > 0, this last inequality becomes
If we let
v = −(1/λ)m,
. u = (1/λ)m,
for every .u, v ∈ M. But for every such arbitrary pair, by hypothesis and the
subadditivity property of p,
(F1 , TF1 ) < (F2 , TF2 ) when F1 ⊂ F2 , TF2 |F = TF1 .
G is non-empty because .(M, T0 ) ∈ G. It is inductive too. To this end, let .(Fi , TFi )
There is no ambiguity in this definition, in case .x belongs to several of the .Fi ’s. By
Zorn’s lemma, there is a maximal element .(H, TH ) in .G. Suppose .H is not all of .E,
and let .x0 ∈ E \ H. For our first step applied to the direct sum
G = H ⊕ <x0 >,
. TG | H = TH , TG (x) ≤ p(x), x ∈ G.
This would contradict the maximality of .(H, TH ) in .G, and, hence .H must be the
full space .E. ⨅
3.3 The Hahn-Banach Theorem: Analytic Form 101
Among the most important consequences of Theorem 3.2 are the following.
Corollary 3.2 Let .E be a Banach space, with dual .E' .
1. Let .F be a linear subspace of .E. If .T0 : F → R is linear and continuous (.T0 ∈ F' ),
there is .T ∈ E' with
2. For every non-vanishing vector .x0 ∈ E, and real .α, there is .T0 ∈ E' with
<T0 , x0 > = α,
. |<T0 , x>| ≤ ||x||, x ∈ E.
||x0 ||
3. For every .x ∈ E,
||x|| =
. sup <T , x> = max <T , x>.
T ∈E' :||T ||=1 T ∈E' :||T ||=1
Proof For the first part, apply directly Theorem 3.2 to the choice
T0 (λx0 ) = λα.
T0 (λx0 ) ≤
. ||λx0 ||.
||x0 ||
p(x) =
. ||x||.
||x0 ||
The third statement is a consequence of the second one, and is left as an exercise.
102 3 Introduction to Convex Analysis: The Hahn-Banach and Lax-Milgram Theorems
A main tool for the study of the geometric form of the Hahn-Banach theorem and its
consequences concerning the separation of convex sets is the Minkowski functional
of an open convex set. Recall the following.
Definition 3.4
1. A convex set .C of a vector space .E is such that convex combinations of elements
of .C stay in .C
tx + (1 − t)y ∈ C,
. x, y ∈ C, t ∈ [0, 1].
0 ≤ pC (x) ≤ M||x||,
. x ∈ E,
||x|| ||x||
. Br ⊂ C,
r r
and, by definition,
0 ≤ pC (x) ≤ M||x||,
. M = 1/r.
3.4 The Hahn-Banach Theorem: Geometric Form 103
pC (x) ≤
. < 1.
1 + ∈
If, on the other hand, .pC (x) < 1, .ρ ∈ (0, 1) can be found so that
x ∈ ρC,
. x ∈ C.
.0, (1/ρ)x ∈ C,
by convexity
x = ρ(1/ρ)x + (1 − ρ)0 ∈ C.
We finally check that .pC complies with N2. We already know that for positive .∈ and
x ∈ E,
. x ∈ C,
pC (x) + ∈
⎛ ⎞
.pC x < 1.
pC (x) + ∈
For every couple .x, y ∈ E, and .∈ > 0, by the convexity of .C, we will have that
t 1−t
. x+ y ∈ C,
pC (x) + ∈ pC (y) + ∈
t 1−t pC (x) + ∈
. = , t= ,
pC (x) + ∈ pC (y) + ∈ pC (x) + pC (y) + 2∈
104 3 Introduction to Convex Analysis: The Hahn-Banach and Lax-Milgram Theorems
we will have
pC (x + y) ≤ pC (x) + pC (y) + 2∈ .
M = {T = α},
. α ∈ R,
separates .F from .G if
<T , x> ≤ α, x ∈ F,
. <T , x> ≥ α, x ∈ G.
<T , x> ≤ α − ∈ , x ∈ F,
. <T , x> ≥ α + ∈ , x ∈ G.
One preliminary step corresponds to the particular case in which one of the sets in
a singleton.
Lemma 3.3 Let .C be a non-empty, open, convex set in .E, and .x0 ∈
/ C. Then a
functional .T ∈ E' can be found with
In this way, the closed hyperplane .{T = <T , x0 >} separates .C from .{x0 }.
Proof Without loss of generality through a translation, we may suppose that .0 ∈ C.
Let .p = pC be the Minkowski functional for .C, and let .G be the one-dimensional
subspace generated by .x0 . Define
because .x0 ∈
/ C; whereas for .t ≤ 0,
The analytic form of the Hahn-Banach theorem implies that .T0 can be extended to
all of .E in such a way that
if .T ∈ E' is such an extension. Note that T is continuous because, for some .M > 0,
p(x) ≤ M||x||,
. x ∈ E.
We are now ready to deal with the first form of the geometric version of the Hahn-
Banach theorem.
Theorem 3.3 Let .F, G be two convex, disjoint subsets of the Banach space .E with
dual .E' . If at least one of the two is open, there is a closed hyperplane separating
them from each other.
Proof Suppose .F is open, and put
C = F − G = {x − y : x ∈ F, y ∈ G} = ∪y∈G (F − y).
z = x − y,
. x ∈ F, y ∈ G,
Asking for a strict separation between .F and .G demands much more restrictive
assumptions on both sets.
Theorem 3.4 Let .F, G be two disjoint, convex sets of .E. Suppose .F is closed, and
G, compact. There is, then, a closed hyperplane that strictly separates them from
each other.
Proof We also consider the difference set .C as in the proof of the first version.
We leave as an exercise to show that .C is, in addition to convex, closed. The more
restrictive hypotheses are to be used in a fundamental way here. Since .0 ∈ / C, there
is some positive r such that the open ball .Br , centered at .0 y radius r, has an empty
intersection with .C. By Theorem 3.3 applied to .C and .Br , we find a non-null .T ∈ E'
so that
. <T , x − y> ≤ −||T ||, x ∈ F, y ∈ G,
that is to say
r||T || r||T ||
<T , x> +
. ≤ <T , y> − , x ∈ F, y ∈ G.
2 2
As before, for .ρ selected to ensure that
r||T || r||T ||
. sup<T , x> + ≤ ρ ≤ inf <T , y> − ,
x∈F 2 y∈G 2
we will have that the hyperplane .{T = ρ} strictly separates .F from .G. ⨆
Our first application is a helpful fact that sometimes may have surprising conse-
quences. Its proof is a direct application of Theorem 3.4 when the closed set is a
closed subspace, and the compact set is a singleton.
Corollary 3.3 Let .M be a subspace of a Banach space .E with dual .E' . If the closure
.M of .M is not the full space .E, then there is a non-null .T ∈ E such that
<T , x> = 0,
. x ∈ M.
3.5 Some Applications 107
F = M,
. G = {x0 }, x0 ∈ E \ M,
.λx ∈ M if x ∈ M,
we realize that the only value of .ρ compatible with the previous left-hand side
inequality is .ρ = 0, and then the inequality must be an equality. ⨆
One of the most appealing applications of this corollary consists in the conclusion
that a subspace .M is dense in .E, .M = E, if the assumption
then .G ⊂ F.
There is even a version of this result in the dual of a Banach space.
Corollary 3.5 Let .F be a convex set of the dual space .E' of a Banach space .E. If a
further subset .G ⊂ E' cannot be separated from .F in the sense
then .G ⊂ F.
108 3 Introduction to Convex Analysis: The Hahn-Banach and Lax-Milgram Theorems
The following form is, however, usually better adapted to practical purposes.
Corollary 3.6 Let .F be a set of the dual space .E' of a Banach space .E. If a further
subset .G ⊂ E' cannot be separated from .F in the following sense: whenever
then .G ⊂ co(F).
A fundamental consequence for variational methods is the following.
Theorem 3.5 Every convex, closed set .C in a Banach space .E is weakly closed.
Proof Let
uj ⥛ u,
. uj ∈ C,
with .C convex and closed in .E. Suppose .u ∈/ C. We can apply Theorem 3.4, and
conclude the existence of an element .T ∈ E' and some .∈ > 0 such that
<T , uj > ≥ ∈ ,
. <T , u> < ∈ ,
which is impossible if
The Lax-Milgram lemma Theorem 3.1 is a very efficient tool to deal with quadratic
functionals and linear boundary-value problems for PDEs. If more general situations
are to be examined, one needs to rely in more general assumptions, and convexity
stands as a major structural property. We gather here the main concepts related to
minimization of abstract functionals.
3.6 Convex Functionals, and the Direct Method 109
for every
u1 , u0 ∈ E,
. t ∈ [0, 1];
u1 = u0 ,
. t (1 − t) = 0;
2. lower semicontinuous if
c ≤ I (u),
. u ∈ E.
It is not difficult to check that under our assumptions in Theorem 3.1, one can
show the strict convexity of the functional
I : H → R,
. I (u) = a(u) − <U, u>. (3.7)
Indeed, let
u1 , u0 ∈ H,
. t ∈ [0, 1].
with equality under the same above circumstances. The elementary properties of the
bilinear form A lead to
Because the quadratic form a is coercive, it is strictly positive (except for the
vanishing vector), and this equality implies the strict convexity of I .
This strict convexity of I , together with its coercivity, has two main consequences
that hold true regardless of the dimension of .H (exercise):
1. I admits a unique (global) minimizer;
2. local and global minimizers are exactly the same vectors.
There is another fundamental property that has been used for the quadratic
functional I in (3.7). It has been explicitly stated in (3.3). It can also be regarded in
a general Banach space. Because it will play a special role for us, we have separated
it from our general definition above.
Definition 3.8 Let .I : E → R be a functional over a Banach space .E. I is said to
enjoy the (sequential) weak lower semicontinuity property if
1. coercivity:
Proof Let .m ∈ R be the infimum of I over .E, and let .{uj } be minimizing
.I (uj ) \ m.
The coercivity condition implies that .{uj } is uniformly bounded in .E, and, hence, by
the weak compactness principle Theorem 2.3, there is a subsequence (not relabeled)
converging weakly to some .u ∈ E: .uj ⥛ u. The weak lower semicontinuity
property leads to
C = {v ∈ E : I (v) ≤ m}
uj ⥛ u,
. lim inf I (uj ) < m
j →∞
and from the strict convexity, we realize that the only alternative is .u1 = u0 . ⨆
Even for more specific classes of functionals like the ones we will consider in the
next chapter, uniqueness is always associated with this last proposition so that strict
convexity of functionals need to be enforced. This is however not so for existence,
since we can have existence results even though the functional I is not convex.
a(u) =
. A(u, u).
1. The direct method would ensure, based on the coercivity and the convexity of
.a(u), that there is a unique minimizer of problem (3.1)
Minimize in u ∈ H :
. a(u) − <U, u> (3.8)
for every .v ∈ H, and assuming that we are able to find, independently of the direct
method, one solution .u, argue, again based on the convexity of the quadratic
functional in (3.8), that such element .u is indeed a minimizer for problem (3.8).
Said differently, the direct method points to a solution, the minimizer, of the
conditions of optimality, under smoothness of the functional. As a matter of fact, a
minimizer of a variational problem, regardless of how it has been obtained, will be a
solution of optimality conditions, under hypotheses guaranteeing smoothness of the
functional. From this perspective, we say that existence of solutions of optimality
conditions are necessary for the existence of minimizers, even in the absence of
convexity. But convexity is required to guarantee that existence of solutions of
optimality conditions are sufficient for (global) minimizers.
Consider the variational problem
Minimize in u ∈ H :
. I (u) (3.9)
for every .U ∈ H.
2. If .u ∈ H is a solution of (3.10), and I is convex, then .u is an optimal solution
for (3.9).
3. If I is strictly convex, then either problem (3.9) or (3.10) has a unique solution.
Proof Though the proof is pretty elementary, its significance goes well beyond
that simplicity: (3.10) is the abstract expression of the fundamental Euler-Lagrange
equation in its weak form. We will review it in more specific frameworks in
subsequent chapters.
If .u is indeed a minimizer for (3.9), then .∈ = 0 has to be a (global) minimizer for
each section
∈ ∈ R |→ I (u + ∈ U).
I (u + U) ≥ I (u)
for every .U, and .u becomes a minimizer. The uniqueness has already been treated
in the last section under strict convexity. This is left as an exercise. ⨆
The relevance of the simple ideas in this section will be better appreciated in some
cases when the direct method for integral functionals is inoperative because of lack
of appropriate coercivity properties. In such a situation, the indirect method may be
explored to see if existence of global minimizers may be reestablished.
v |→
. A(v, v) − <T , v>
over .K.
Proof Through the Riesz-Fréchet representation theorem Proposition 2.14, it is
easy to show the existence of a linear, continuous operator .A : H → H such that
and, moreover,
<Au, u> ≥
. ||u||2 , u ∈ H, (3.12)
for some positive constant C. Similarly, through the same procedure, there is some
t ∈ H with
Note that the left-hand side is the duality pair in the Hilbert space .H, while the
right-hand side is the inner product in .H. There is, we hope, no confusion in using
the same notation. In these new terms, we are searching for a vector .u ∈ H such that
we realize, after Proposition 2.11 concerned with the orthogonal projection onto a
convex set, that the previous inequality is equivalent to the functional equation
We would like to interpret this equation as a fixed point for the mapping
The contraction principle Theorem 1.1 guarantees the existence of a unique fixed
point for such a mapping, provided that it is a contraction. Since the norm
of every projection is less than unity (check the discussion after the proof of
Proposition 2.11), we find that
. ,
we clearly see that .T becomes indeed a contraction, and it admits a unique fixed
point .u which is the vector sought as remarked earlier.
The symmetric case and the minimization property is left as an exercise, though
it takes us back to the Lax-Milgram theorem. ⨆
3.9 Exercises
1. Prove the third part of Corollary 3.2 relying on the other two parts.
2. For a finite set of vectors
{x1 , x2 , . . . , xk } ⊂ E
are identical.
3. Show that a difference set C = F − G is closed if F is closed and G, compact.
3.9 Exercises 117
4. Let
f (x) : RN → R,
be coercive and strictly convex. Prove that f admits a unique local minima
which is also global.
5. (a) Let a function
f (x) : Rn → R
f (x + y) ≥ f (x) + ∇f (x) · y
for arbitrary x, y ∈ Rn .
(b) Suppose the functional I : E → R is differentiable and convex, where E is
a Hilbert space. Prove that
is only valid if U ≡ 0. Based on this, prove the third item of Proposition 3.4.
6. Show that if u is a smooth solution of (3.5), then (3.4) is correct for every
v ∈ H01 (J ).
7. Consider the Hilbert space H = H01 (0, 1).
(a) Argue that
⎛ 1
<u, v> =
. u' (t)v ' (t) dt
and using the orthogonal projection theorem for it. In this same vein, argue that
the solution u is characterized as the unique minimizer of the corresponding
quadratic functional in the statement of Stampachhia’s theorem.
10. Prove the Lax-Milgram lemma from Stampachia’s theorem.
11. For f (x) ∈ L2 (J ), define the functional I : H01 (J ) → R through
I (u) =
. F (v(x)) dx,
vj (x) : X → R,
. 1 ≤ j ≤ N,
. x |→ (vj (x))j ∈ D
(c) Figure out a suitable choice of N , D, u, X and μ, to prove that the geometric
mean of m positive numbers rj is always smaller than the arithmetic mean
λ Σ Σ
⊓j r j j ≤
. λj rj , λj > 0, λj = 1.
j j
.F (u, v) : R2 → R
is convex. J is an interval in R.
14. (a) Consider a functional of the form
⎛ 1 ⎛⎛ 1 ⎞
I (u) =
. ⏀ W (x, y, u(y)) dy dx
0 0
fi (x, u) : (0, 1) × R → R,
. 1 ≤ i ≤ n, f (x, u) = (fi (x, u))i ,
120 3 Introduction to Convex Analysis: The Hahn-Banach and Lax-Milgram Theorems
Explore both the direct and indirect methods for this family of functionals.
16. Let {ui } be an orthonormal basis of L2 (Ω) for a open set Ω ⊂ RN , and consider
.sN : L2 (Ω) → R,
⎛ Σ
N sN (f ) =
f (x) ui (x)ui (y) f (y) dx dy.
Ω×Ω i=1
for a positive constant C, calculate, as explicitly as possible, its derivative E ' (u)
for an arbitrary u ∈ H01 (0, 1).
Chapter 4
The Calculus of Variations for
One-dimensional Problems
4.1 Overview
The goal of this chapter is to study one-dimensional variational problems where one
tries to minimize an integral functional of the form
. I (u) = F (x, u(x), u' (x)) dx (4.1)
among a certain class of functions (paths) .A. Here J is a finite interval in .R, and
the integrand
F (x, u, v) : J × Rn × Rn → R
is a function whose properties are the main object of our concern. Fundamental
ingredients to be examined are function spaces where competing paths
u(x) : J → Rn
are to be taken from. Additional constraints, typically in the form of prescribed end-
point conditions, are also to be taken into account. All of these various requirements
will be hauled into the collection of competing paths .A.
Our goal is to understand these two principal issues for functionals of this integral
1. isolate properties on the integrand F to ensure the existence of at least one
minimizer in a natural function space, under typical sets of constraints; and
2. determine additional properties, the so-called optimality conditions, that such
minimizers should comply with precisely because they are optimal solutions of
a given variational problem.
© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2024 121
P. Pedregal, Functional Analysis, Sobolev Spaces, and Calculus of Variations,
La Matematica per il 3+2 157,
122 4 The Calculus of Variations for One-dimensional Problems
.Minimize in u ∈ A : I (u)
where .I (u) is given in (4.1), and .A is a subset of a suitable Sobolev space usually
determined through fixed, preassigned values at the end-points of J
u(x0 ) = u0 ,
. u(x1 ) = u1 , J = (x0 , x1 ) ⊂ R, u0 , u1 ∈ Rn .
There are many more topics one can look at even for one-dimensional problems:
important issues hardly end with this introductory chapter. As usual, we will indicate
some of these in the final Appendix of the book.
Since convexity will play a central role in this book henceforth, we will remind
readers of the main inequality involving convex functions: Jensen’s inequality. It
has already been examined in Exercise 12 of Chap. 3. Convexity for functionals has
already been treated in the same chapter. We will reserve a more practical look at
convexity until Chap. 8 where functions and integrands depend on several variables.
Though this can be the case for vector, uni-dimensional problems too, we defer a
more systematic discussion until then. Most of the interesting examples examined
in this chapter correspond to uni-dimensional, scalar problems and so convexity is
mainly required for real functions of one variable.
4.2 Convexity
Though often convexity is defined for functions taking on the value .+∞, and this is
quite efficient, we will only consider real functions defined on subsets.
Definition 4.1 A function
φ : D ⊂ RN → R
If there is no mention about the set D, one consider it to be the whole space .RN or
the natural domain of definition of .φ (which must be a convex set). Moreover, such
4.2 Convexity 123
It is obvious that
. CL φ ≤ CC φ ≤ φ,
. φ ≡ CL φ ≡ CC φ.
E = {(x, t) ∈ RN +1 : t ≥ φ(x)}
is, then, a convex set. This is straightforward to check. If we assume that there is a
point .y where .CL φ(y) < φ(y), then the two convex sets
. {(y, CL φ(y)}
are disjoint with the first, closed, and the second, compact. Theorem 3.4 guarantees
that there is a closed hyperplane in .RN +1 separating them. Hyperplanes in .RN +1
are of the form
u · x + uxN +1 = c,
. u, x ∈ RN , u, c ∈ R;
124 4 The Calculus of Variations for One-dimensional Problems
u·x<c <u·y
1 1
Lx = − u · x + c.
u u
then (4.3) for .t = φ(x) would lead to .Lx < φ(x) for every .x, and yet .Ly > CL φ(y),
which is a contradiction with the definition of .CL φ. ⨆
The most fundamental fact involving convexity is Jensen’s inequality. It is almost
an immediate consequence of Proposition (4.1).
Theorem 4.1 If .φ : RN → R is a convex function, and .μ is a probability measure
supported in .RN , then
⎛⎧ ⎞ ⎧
. x dμ(x) ≤ φ(x) dμ(x).
Proof The fact that .μ is a positive measure with total mass 1, implies that if L is a
linear function such that .L ≤ φ, then because integration is a linear operation,
⎛⎧ ⎞ ⎧
. L x dμ(x) = L(x) dμ(x)
≤ φ(x) dμ(x).
4.3 Weak Lower Semicontinuity for Integral Functionals 125
If we take the supremum on the left-hand side among all linear functions with .L ≤
φ, by Proposition 4.1, we have our inequality.
If, in fact, the last inequality turns out to be an equality, then the support of .μ
must be contained where .φ equals .CL φ; but the strict inequality of .φ implies that
the support of .μ must be a singleton. ⨆
It is not difficult to generalize in a suitable way these concepts and results for
functions that can take on the value .+∞, by restricting all operations to the domain
of .φ.
So far, we have been exposed to abstract, general functionals defined over a Banach
or Hilbert space, and have anticipated the central role played by the convexity
property of the functional under consideration. When one restricts attention to
special classes of functionals, finer results can typically be shown. We start now
the study of integral functionals of the type
I (u) =
. F (x, u(x), u' (x)) dx (4.4)
defined over suitable subsets of Sobolev spaces of competing functions or paths .u.
Our model problem will insist on end-point conditions of the form
u(x0 ) = u0 ,
. u(x1 ) = u1
F (x, u, U) : J × Rn × Rn → R
. (4.5)
E = W 1,p (J ; Rn )
be our basic, underlying Banach space where we will consider our variational
problems. For .p /= 2, it is a Banach space, while for .p = 2, .E becomes
126 4 The Calculus of Variations for One-dimensional Problems
Minimize in u ∈ E = W 1,p (J ; Rn ) :
. I (u) = F (x, u(x), u' (x)) dx
subject to
u(x0 ) = u0 ,
. u(x1 ) = u1 .
x − x0 x1 − x
L : J → E,
. L(x) = u1 + u0 ,
x1 − x0 x1 − x0
A = L + W0 (J ; Rn ),
W0 (J ; Rn ) = {u ∈ W 1,p (J ; Rn ) : u(x0 ) = u(x1 ) = 0},
and .W0 (J ; Rn ) is a vector subspace of .E. Competing paths for our model problem
can then be written in the form
.u = L + u, u ∈ W0 (J ; Rn ).
We will not insist in this point any longer, and, without further notice, we will work
with the class .A as if it were a Banach subspace of .E.
The direct method Proposition 3.1 will guide us. In fact, we could already state a
first result through Proposition 4.1. But since we are after a more general existence
result which is specific for our integral functionals and, hence, it can guide us in
other situations, we will follow a different strategy.
Let us focus on functional (4.4) for an integrand as in (4.5). .F (x, u, U) is
assumed to be continuous on pairs .(u, U), but only measurability on the spatial
variable x is assumed. It is clear that if
F (x, ·, ·) : Rn × Rn → R
the fact that only convexity of .F (x, u, U) with respect to variable .U is necessary for
our functional I to be weakly lower semicontinuous in Sobolev spaces. Our main
result on weak lower semicontinuity follows.
Theorem 4.2 Let
F (x, u, U) : J × Rn × Rn → R
be continuous in .(u, U) for a.e. .x ∈ J , and measurable in x for every pair .(u, U).
The associated functional I in (4.4) is weak lower semicontinuous in .W 1,p (J, Rn )
if and only if .F (x, u, ·) is convex for a.e. .x ∈ J and every .u ∈ Rn .
The proof of this main result is our goal in the rest of this section.
The most interesting part for us is the sufficiency. The necessity part is, however,
relevant too because it is informing us that there cannot be surprises concerning
convexity: weak lower semicontinuous functional cannot escape convexity. This is
in deep contrast with the vector case in which one considers competing fields
u ∈ W 1,p (Ω, Rn ),
. Ω ⊂ RN ,
and both dimensions n and N are at least two. This requires, as a preliminary step,
a serious concern about high-dimensional Sobolev spaces. We will treat these in
the third part of the book. For vector problems, the necessity part of Theorem 4.2
dramatically fails, and thus opens the door to more general functionals than those
having a convex dependence on .U.
We begin by arguing the necessity part. Suppose the functional I in (4.4) is weak
lower semicontinuous, and let
a ∈ J,
. u0 , U0 , U1 ∈ Rn . (4.6)
For each j , divide .Ja,δ in 2j equal subintervals of length .δ/(2j ), and let .χj (x) be
the characteristic function of the odd subintervals, so that .1 − χj (x), restricted to
.Ja,δ is the characteristic function of the even subintervals of such family. Define
⎪ x ∈ (x0 , a − δ/2)
⎨u0 , ⎧ ⎧x
.uj (x) = u0 + a−δ/2 χj (s) dsU1 + a−δ/2 (1 − χj (s)) dsU0 , x ∈ Ja,δ ,
⎩u + (δ/2)(U + U ), x ∈ (a + δ/2, x1 ).
0 1 0
128 4 The Calculus of Variations for One-dimensional Problems
We claim that each .uj ∈ W 1,p (J ; Rn ). In fact, it is easy to check that it is continuous
as it is continuous in each subinterval
(x0 , a − δ/2),
. Ja,δ , (a + δ/2, x1 ),
separately, and it matches across common end-points. On the other hand, the
derivative .u'j (x) turns out to be, except in a finite number of points,
⎪ x ∈ (x0 , a − δ/2)
u'j (x) =
. χj (x)U1 + (1 − χj (x))U0 , x ∈ Ja,δ ,
⎩0, x ∈ (a + δ/2, x1 ),
uj ⥛ u in W 1,p (J ; Rn ).
Let us examine the two sides of this inequality. For the left-hand side, we find
⎧ a−δ/2
I (u) =
. F (x, u0 , 0) dx
⎧ a+δ/2
+ F (x, u0 + (x/2)(U1 + U0 ), (1/2)(U1 + U0 )) dx
⎧ x1
+ F (x, u0 + (δ/2)(U1 + U0 ), 0) dx.
4.3 Weak Lower Semicontinuity for Integral Functionals 129
⎧ a−δ/2
I (uj ) =
. F (x, u0 , 0) dx
⎧ a+δ/2
+ F (x, uj (x), χj (x)U1 + (1 − χj (x))U0 ) dx
⎧ x1
+ F (x, u0 + (δ/2)(U1 + U0 ), 0) dx.
and third terms of the above decompositions are identical for both sides in
inequality (4.7), such inequality and the preceding remarks lead to
⎧ a+δ/2
. F (x, u0 + (x/2)(U1 + U0 ), (1/2)(U1 + U0 )) dx
⎧ a+δ/2
≤ lim inf F (x, u0 + (x/2)(U1 + U0 ), χj (x)U1 + (1 − χj (x))U0 ) dx.
j →∞ a−δ/2
But the integral in the limit of the right-hand side of this inequality can be broken
into two parts
. F (x, u0 + (x/2)(U1 + U0 ), U1 ) dx
Ja,δ ∩{χj =1}
+ F (x, u0 + (x/2)(U1 + U0 ), U0 ) dx,
Ja,δ ∩{χj =0}
1 1
. F (a, u0 , U1 ) + F (a, u0 , U0 ),
2 2
130 4 The Calculus of Variations for One-dimensional Problems
1 1
F (a, u0 , (1/2)(U1 + U0 )) ≤
. F (a, u0 , U1 ) + F (a, u0 , U0 ).
2 2
The arbitrariness in (4.6) leads to the claimed convexity. There is however a few
technical steps to be covered for a full proof that are left as exercises.
For the sufficiency part, our main tool is the classical Jensen’s inequality,
Theorem 4.1. It was also treated in Exercise 12 of Chap. 3. Turning back to the
sufficiency part of Theorem 4.2, suppose
uj ⥛ u in W 1,p (J ; Rn ).
. (4.8)
⎧ l ⎧
. F (x, u(x), u' (x)) dx = F (x, u(x), u' (x)) dx
J i=1 Ji
where the full interval of integration J is the disjoint union of the .Ji ’s and the
measure of each .Ji is .1/ l. Then
⎧ Σ
l ⎛ ⎧ ⎧ ⎧ ⎞
' 1 '
. F (x, u(x), u (x)) dx ∼ F l x dx, l u(x) dx, l u (x) dx .
J l Ji Ji Ji
for each i. But for the probability measure .μi,j determined through the formula
<φ, μi,j > = l
. φ(u'j (x)) dx,
⎛ ⎧ ⎧ ⎧ ⎞
F l
. x dx, l uj (x) dx, l u'j (x) dx ≤
Ji Ji Ji
⎧ ⎛ ⎧ ⎧ ⎞
l F l x dx, l uj (x) dx, u'j (x) dx.
Ji Ji Ji
If we put all of our ingredients together, we arrive at the claimed weak lower
semicontinuity result
⎧ ⎧
. F (x, u(x), u' (x)) dx ≤ lim F (x, uj (x), u'j (x)) dx,
J j →∞ J
l ⎛ ⎧ ⎧ ⎧ ⎞
. F l x dx, l u(x) dx, l u' (x) dx
l Ji Ji Ji
l ⎛ ⎧ ⎧ ⎧ ⎞
= lim F l x dx, l uj (x) dx, l u'j (x) dx ,
j →∞ l Ji Ji Ji
l ⎧
Σ ⎛ ⎧ ⎧ ⎞
≤ lim F l x dx, l uj (x) dx, uj (x) dx
j →∞ Ji Ji Ji
l ⎧
Σ ⎛ ⎞
∼ lim F x, uj (x), u'j (x) dx
j →∞ Ji
⎧ ⎛ ⎞
= lim F x, uj (x), u'j (x) dx.
j →∞ J
Based on our main weak lower semicontinuity result Theorem 4.2, we can now
prove a principal result for existence of optimal solutions for variational problems
132 4 The Calculus of Variations for One-dimensional Problems
F (x, u, U) : J × Rn × Rn → R
be continuous in .(u, U) for a.e. .x ∈ J , and measurable in x for every pair .(u, U).
Suppose that the following three main conditions hold:
1. coercivity and growth: there are two positive constant .C− ≤ C+ , and a exponent
.p > 1 with
( ) ( )
C− |U|p − 1 ≤ F (x, u, U) ≤ C+ |U|p + 1 ,
F (x, u, ·) : Rn → R
is convex;
3. the set .A is weakly closed, and for some .x0 ∈ J , the set of numbers
.{u(x0 ) : u ∈ A}
is bounded.
Then there are optimal solutions for the corresponding variational principle (4.9).
Proof At this stage the proof does not show any surprise, and follows the guide of
the direct method Proposition 3.1. If m is the value of the associated infimum, the
coercivity and growth condition implies that .m ∈ R. Let .{uj } be a minimizing
sequence. Through the coercivity condition, we can ensure that, possibly for a
suitable subsequence, the sequence of derivatives .{u'j } is bounded in .Lp (J ; Rn ).
Indeed, for such minimizing sequence we would have, thanks to the coercivity
||u'j ||Lp (J ;RN ) ≤ 1 +
. I (uj ).
4.4 An Existence Result 133
Since .I (uj ) \ m ∈ R, this last inequality implies that the sequence of derivatives
{u'j } is uniformly bounded in .Lp (J ; RN ). If we write
⎧ x
uj (x) = uj (x0 ) +
. u'j (s) ds,
the condition assumed on the point .x0 ∈ J and all feasible paths in .A, together with
the previous uniform bound on derivatives, imply that .{uj } is uniformly bounded in
1,p (J ; Rn ), and hence .u ⥛ u for some .u, which belongs to .A, if this subset is
weakly closed. Our weak lower semicontinuity result Theorem 4.2 guarantees that
is necessary for an existence result. However, since in such a situation the possi-
bility that I may take on the value .+∞ somewhere in the space .W 1,p (J ; Rn ) is
possible, one needs to make sure that the feasible set .A, where I is supposed to
take on finite values, is non-empty, i.e. I is not identically .+∞, and then
m = inf I (u),
is a real number. In this case, we can talk about minimizing sequences .{uj } with
I (uj ) \ m ∈ R, and proceed with the same proof of Theorem 4.3.
2. The coercivity condition in Theorem 4.3 is too rigid in practice. It can be replaced
in the statement of that result by the more flexible one that follows, and the
conclusion is valid in the same way: there is .C > 0 and a exponent .p > 1
such that
( )
C ||u' ||Lp (J ;RN ) − 1 ≤ I (u).
. (4.11)
3. The uniqueness of minimizers can only be achieved under much more restrictive
conditions as it is not sufficient to strengthen the convexity of the integrand
.F (x, u, U) with respect to .U to strict convexity. This was already indicated in
the comments around Proposition 3.3. In fact, the following statement is a direct
consequence of that result.
134 4 The Calculus of Variations for One-dimensional Problems
Proposition 4.2 In addition to all assumptions in Theorem 4.3, suppose that the
integrand .F (x, u, U) is jointly strictly convex with respect to pairs .(u, U). Then
there is a unique minimizer for problem (4.9).
However, just as we have noticed above concerning coercivity, some times the
direct application of Proposition 3.3 may be more flexible than Proposition 4.2.
Convexity and coercivity are the two main ingredients that guarantee the existence
of optimal solutions for standard variational problems according to Theorem 4.3.
We will proceed to cover some examples without further comment on these two
fundamental properties of functions. Later, when dealing with higher-dimensional
problems that are often more involved, we will try to be more systematic.
We examine next several examples with care. In many cases, the convexity
requirement is easier to check than the coercivity.
Example 4.1 An elastic string of unit length is supported on its two end-points
at the same height .y = 0. Its equilibrium profile under the action of a vertical
load of density .g(x) for .x ∈ [0, 1] is the one minimizing internal energy which is
approximated, given that the values of .y ' are assumed to be reasonably small, by the
⎧ 1 1
.E(y) = [ y ' (x)2 + g(x)y(x)] dx.
0 2
y(0) = y(1) = 0,
⎧ 1 ⎧ 1
. y(x)2 dx ≤ y ' (x)2 dx.
0 0
but this better estimate does not mean any real improvement on the coercivity
condition we are seeking. Then for the second term in .E(y), we can write, for
arbitrary .∈ > 0,
⎧ 1 ⎧ 1 ⎧ 1
1 ∈2
. |g(x)| |y(x)| dx ≤ g(x)2 dx + y(x)2 dx
0 2∈ 2 0 2 0
⎧ 1 ⎧ 1
1 ∈2
= 2 g(x)2 dx + y ' (x)2 dx.
2∈ 0 2 0
valid for arbitrary positive numbers .∈, a, b. If we take this estimate to the functional
E(y), we see that
⎧ 1 ⎧ 1
1 '
.E(y) ≥ y (x) dx − |g(x)| |y(x)| dx
2 0 0
⎧ ⎧
1 − ∈2 1
' 1 1
≥ y (x) dx − 2 2
g(x)2 dx
2 0 2∈ 0
1 2
F (x, y, Y ) =
. Y + g(x)y
is not jointly strictly convex with respect to .(y, Y ), and hence we cannot apply
directly Proposition 4.2, it is not difficult to argue, through Proposition 3.3, that
136 4 The Calculus of Variations for One-dimensional Problems
E : H01 (0, 1) → R
is strictly convex.
Example 4.2 A much-studied scalar uni-dimensional problem is of the form
⎧ 1 ┌ ┐
. I (u) = au' (x)2 + g(u(x)) dx, a > 0, (4.13)
under typical end-point conditions, with a real function g which is assumed to be just
continuous. For simplicity, we also take vanishing end-point conditions. Once again
coercivity becomes the main point to be clarified for the application of Theorem 4.3.
Uniqueness is, however, compromised unless convexity conditions are imposed on
the function g. As in the preceding example, we see that
⎛⎧ ⎞1/2
√ 1
|u(x)| ≤
. x u' (s)2 ds ≤ ||u' ||L2 (0,1) .
Suppose that
|g(U )| ≤ b|U | + C,
. b < a, C ∈ R, U ∈ Ju .
and then
Again, this inequality fits better (4.11) than the coercivity condition in Theorem 4.3.
This last theorem ensures that I in (4.13) admits global minimizers.
Example 4.3 In the context of Sect. 1.3.6, the integrand
1 1
L(x, x' ) =
. m|x' |2 − k|x|2 , m, k > 0,
2 2
4.5 Some Examples 137
x(0) = x0 ,
. x' (0) = x'0 ,
for given vectors .x0 , x'0 ∈ RN . We consider then the variational problem
⎧ T
Minimize in x ∈ A :
. A(x) = L(x(t), x' (t)) dt (4.14)
.x0 = x'0 = 0,
If, relying on this estimate, we compare the two terms in the action integral .A(x),
we would find
⎧ T⎛ ⎞ ⎧ T⎛ ⎞
m ' 2 m T 2 − t2
. |x (t)| − |x(t)|2 dt ≥ − |x' (t)|2 dt
0 k 0 k 2
⎛ ⎞⎧ T
m T2
≥ − |x' (t)|2 dt.
k 2 0
then .A(x) is non-negative on .A, and it can only vanish if .x' ≡ 0, i.e. .x ≡ 0 in .[0, T ].
For larger values of T , one can proceed in successive subintervals of length smaller
than the right-hand side in (4.15). This shows that once the pendulum touches the
rest conditions, it needs an external agent to start again the movement.
Example 4.4 The behavior of non-linear, elastic materials (rubber for instance) is
much more complicated to understand and simulate than their linear counterparts.
Suppose that an elastic stick is of length one in its natural rest configuration. When
subjected to an elongation of its right-end point .x = 1 to some other value, say,
.L > 0, maintaining .x = 0 in its position, it will respond seeking its minimum
internal energy under the new end-point conditions. We postulate that each possible
deformation of the bar is described by a function
u(x) : (0, 1) → R,
. u(0) = 0, u(1) = L, u' (x) > 0,
where the second term aims at assigning an infinite energy required to compress
some part of the bar to zero volume, and to avoid interpenetration of matter .u' ≤ 0;
and the third one accounts for a bulk load with density .g(x). The optimal solutions
of the variational problem
u(0) = 0,
. u(1) = L,
4.5 Some Examples 139
will be taken to be as configurations of minimal energy, and they will be the ones that
can be adopted by the bar under the indicated end-point conditions. It is elementary
to check that the integrand
1 2 α
F (x, u, U ) =
. U + + g(x)u
2 U
is strictly convex with respect to U in the positive part .U > 0, linear with respect
to u, while the functional .E(u) is coercive in .H 1 (0, 1), just as one of the examples
above. We can therefore conclude that there is exactly one minimizer of the problem.
Unfortunately, many of the geometrical or physical variational problems, some of
which were introduced in the initial chapter, do not fall under the action of our main
existence theorem because the exponent p for the coercivity in that statement is
assumed greater than 1, and quite often functionals with a geometric meaning have
only linear growth on .u' . The trouble with .p = 1 in our main result Theorem 4.3
is intimately related to the difficulty explained in Example 2.9. The coercivity
condition in the statement of that theorem would lead to a uniform bound of a
minimizing sequence in .W 1,1 (J ; RN ), but this is not sufficient to ensure a limit
function which would be a candidate for minimizer. In such cases, an additional
argument of some kind ought to be invoked for the existence of a minimizer; or
else, one can examine the indirect method (ideas in Sect. 3.7).
Example 4.5 Let us deal with the problem for the brachistochrone described in
Sect. 1.3. The problem is
⎧ √
A 1 + u' (x)2
Minimize in u(x) :
. B(u) = √ dx
0 x
subject to
u(0) = 0,
. u(A) = a.
The factor .1/ x, even though blows up at .x = 0, is not a problem as we would
have a coercivity constant of tremendous force. The difficulty lies with the linear
growth on .u' of the integrand. For some minimizing sequence .{uj }, we need to rule
out the possibility shown in Example 2.9. Unfortunately, there is no general rule for
this since each particular example may require a different idea, if indeed there are
minimizing sequences not concentrating. This would be impossible for a variational
problem for which concentration of derivatives is “essential” to the minimization
process. Quite often, the geometrical or physical meaning of the situation may lead
to a clear argument about the existence of an optimal solution. In this particular
instance, we can interpret the problem as a shortest distance problem with respect
140 4 The Calculus of Variations for One-dimensional Problems
to the measure
dm = √ .
Note that this measure assigns distances in the real line in the form
⎧ √
∈ dx √
. √ = 2( ∈ − δ).
δ x
Therefore our problem consists in finding the shortest path, the geodesic with
respect to this new way of measuring distances, and minimal distance between the
points .(0, 0) and .(A, a). As such, there should be an optimal solution. We will later
calculate it.
Example 4.6 Suppose
F(x) : R3 → R3
⎧ 1
W (x) =
. F(x(t)) · x' (t) dt.
φ(x) : R3 → R,
. F = ∇φ,
and so the work functional .W (x) is independent of the path .x. In the jargon of
variational problems, we would say that W is a null-lagrangian. But if .F is non-
conservative, then .W (x) will depend on .x, and hence one may wonder, in principle,
about the cheapest path in terms of work done through it. We would like, hence, to
consider the variational problem
⎧ 1
Minimize in x(t) :
. W (x) = F(x(t)) · x' (t) dt
4.5 Some Examples 141
under the given end-point conditions. The integrand corresponding to the problem
F (x, X) = F(x) · X
which is linear in the derivative variable .X. The natural functional space for the
problem is then .W 1,1 ((0, 1); RN ). Paths .x(t) in this space are absolutely continuous
and .W (x) is well-defined for them. Can we ensure that there is always paths with
minimal work joining any two points .x0 , .x1 ? Theorem 4.3 cannot be applied, and
there does not seem to be any valid argument available to ensure the existence
of optimal paths. We will look at the problem below from the point of view of
optimality (indirect method).
φ(x) : (0, 1) → R
y(x) ≥ φ(x),
. x ∈ (0, 1).
if we want .A to be non-empty. Theorem 4.3 can be applied. The only new feature,
compared to Example 4.1, is to check if the feasible set of this new situation is
weakly closed. But since weak convergence in .H 1 (0, 1) implies convergence in
.L (0, 1), an inequality not involving derivatives like
yj (x) ≥ φ(x)
is preserved if .yj → y uniformly in .(0, 1). Such problems have been studied quite
a lot in the literature and are referred to as obstacle problems. (See Exercise 29).
Example 4.8 We recover here the problem of the hanging cable introduced in the
first chapter. We are concerned with minimizing the functional
⎧ H √
. u(x) 1 + u' (x)2 dx
and .0 < H < L. Since both integrands involved in the two functionals share linear
growth in the derivative variable, the natural space in which to setup the problem is
1,1 (0, H ). In addition, the global integral constraint must be part of the feasible
There are two main difficulties for the use of Theorem 4.3 in this situation: one is the
coercivity in which the growth exponent .p = 1 for integrands keeps us from using it
directly; the other one is the weakly closeness of .A which is not correct either.
√ Can
readers provide an explicit sequence .{uj } ⊂ A (for .H = 1 and .L = 2/ 2) such
that its weak limit u does not belong to .A? (Exercise 14). Even so, the physical
interpretation of the problem clearly supports the existence of a unique optimal
solution which, after all, would be the profile adopted by the cable in practice.
4.6 Optimality Conditions 143
F (x, u, U) : J × Rn × Rn → R
. (4.16)
be continuous in .(u, U) for a.e. .x ∈ J , and measurable in x for every pair .(u, U).
Suppose that the following three main conditions hold:
1. coercivity and growth: there are positive constants .C− ≤ C+ with
⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞
C− |U|2 − 1 ≤ F (x, u, U) ≤ C+ |U|2 + 1 ,
for .(x, u, U) ∈ J × Rn × Rn ;
2. convexity: for a.e. .x ∈ J , and every .u ∈ Rn , we have that
.F (x, u, ·) : Rn → R
is convex;
3. the set
A ⊂ H 1 (J ; Rn )
144 4 The Calculus of Variations for One-dimensional Problems
{u(x0 ) : u ∈ A}
is bounded.
Then there are optimal solutions for the variational problem
Minimize in u ∈ A :
. I (u) = F (x, u(x), u' (x)) dx. (4.17)
We place the following discussion in the context of Sect. 2.11.4, and assume that the
integrand .F (x, u, U) in (4.16) is, in addition to hypotheses in the previous corollary,
smooth (at least .C1 ) with respect to pairs
(u, U) ∈ Rn × Rn
A = {u ∈ H 1 (J ; Rn ) : u(x0 ) = u0 , u(x1 ) = u1 }
. (4.18)
for two fixed vectors .u0 , u1 ∈ Rn . Note how the third main condition in
Theorem 4.3 or Corollary 4.1 is automatically fulfilled. Suppose we have found,
through Corollary 4.1 or otherwise, a minimizer .u ∈ A. The basic idea was stated
in Proposition 3.4. We would like to “make variations” based on .u by perturbing it
with .v in the underlying subspace
that has been introduced earlier in the text. The combination .u + sv for arbitrary real
s is a feasible path for our variational problem, and then we should have
. I (u) ≤ I (u + sv)
s |→ I (u + sv)
. (4.19)
4.6 Optimality Conditions 145
.|Fu (x, u, U)| ≤ C(|U|2 + 1), |FU (x, u, U)| ≤ C(|U| + 1).
v(x0 ) = v(x1 ) = 0,
146 4 The Calculus of Variations for One-dimensional Problems
or by differentiation
Fu (x, u(x), u' (x)) −
. FU (x, u(x), u' (x)) = 0 in J.
We have just proved the following important statement.
Theorem 4.4 Suppose that the integrand .F (x, u, U) is .C1 with respect to pairs
.(u, U) ∈ R × R , and that
n n
⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞
C− |U|2 − 1 ≤ F (x, u, U) ≤ C+ |U|2 + 1 ,
|Fu (x, u, U)| ≤ C+ (|U|2 + 1), |FU (x, u, U)| ≤ C+ (|U| + 1),
Fu (x, u(x), u' (x)) −
. FU (x, u(x), u' (x)) = 0 a.e. x in J. (4.21)
The differential system in this statement is universally known as the Euler-Lagrange
system of optimality. In the scalar case .n = 1, the second-order differential equation
in this result together with the end-point conditions is referred to as a Sturm-
Liouville problem.
One main application of this result stresses the fact that if the minimizer .u is the
outcome of Corollary 4.1, because the suitable hypotheses hold, then .u must be a
solution of the corresponding Euler-Lagrange problem (4.21). This is the variational
method to show existence of solutions of (4.21). However, some times one might be
interested in going the other way, i.e. from solutions of (4.21), assuming that this
is possible, to minimizers for (4.17). The passage from minimizers .u for (4.17)
to solutions of (4.21) does not require convexity, and the process is known as
the necessity of optimality conditions expressed in (4.21) for minimizers; for the
passage from solutions .u of (4.21) to minimizers of (4.17) convexity is unavoidable,
4.6 Optimality Conditions 147
and the process is labeled as sufficiency of the Euler-Lagrange problem (4.21) for
minimizers of the variational problem (4.17). Though this discussion is formally
like the one in Proposition 3.4, in the case of integral functionals the result can be
much more explicit, to the point that we can work in the most general Sobolev space
1,1 (J ; Rn ).
Theorem 4.5 Let the integrand .F (x, u, U), as above, be .C1 - and convex in pairs
.(u, U). Suppose the path
u(x) ∈ W 1,1 (J ; Rn )
Fu (x, u(x), u' (x)) −
. FU (x, u(x), u' (x)) = 0 a.e. x in J, (4.22)
u(x0 ) = u0 ,
. u(x1 ) = u1 ,
Proof Let
v ∈ W01,1 (J ; Rn ),
F (x, u(x) + v(x), u' (x) + v' (x)) ≥F (x, u(x), u' (x))
I (u + v) ≥ I (u).
The use of optimality conditions in specific examples, may serve, among other
important purposes beyond the scope of this text, to two main objectives: one is
to try to find minimizers when the direct method delivers them; another one, is
to explore if existence of minimizers can be shown once we have calculated them
in the context of the indirect method (Sect. 3.7). We will only consider end-point
conditions as additional constraints in the feasible set .A; other kind of constraints
ask for the introduction of multipliers, and are a bit beyond the scope of this text.
See some additional comments below in Example 4.11.
Example 4.9 We start by looking at the first examples of Sect. 4.5. It is very easy
to conclude that the unique minimizer .y(x) for Example 4.1 is the unique solution
of the differential problem
This time is impossible to know, without looking at the functional it is coming from,
if this equation admits solutions. Note that the problem is non-linear as soon as g is
non-quadratic. According to our discussion above, we can certify that this non-linear
differential problem admits solutions (possibly in a non-unique way) whenever
|g(u)| ≤ b|u| + C,
. b < a, C ∈ R.
whose unique solution is the trivial one .x ≡ 0. Finally, for Example 4.4, we find the
non-linear differential problem
α 1
. − u(x)'' + + g(x) = 0 in (0, 1), u(0) = 0, u(1) = L > 0.
2 u (x)u'' (x)
It is not easy to find explicitly the solution .u(x) of this problem even for special
choices of the function .g(x). What we can be sure about, based on strict convexity
arguments as we pointed out earlier, is that there is a unique solution.
Example 4.10 We analyze next the classic problem of the brachistochrone for
which we are interested in finding the optimal solution, if any, of the variational
⎧ √
A 1 + u' (x)2
. Minimize in u(x) : B(u) = √ dx
0 x
subject to
u(0) = 0,
. u(A) = a.
150 4 The Calculus of Variations for One-dimensional Problems
We have already insisted in that the direct method cannot be applied in this case due
to the linear growth of the integrand
1 √
F (x, u, U ) = √
. 1 + U 2,
with respect to the U -variable, though it is strictly convex. We still have the
hope to find and show the unique minimizer of the problem through Theorem 4.5
and Proposition 4.3. This requires first to find the solution of the corresponding
conditions of optimality, and afterwards, check if hypotheses in Theorem 4.5 hold
to conclude.
The Euler-Lagrange equation for this problem reads
⎛ ⎞
d 1 u' (x)
. √ √ = 0 in (0, A),
dx x 1 + u' (x)2
u' (x) 1
. √ = (4.28)
x(1 + u (x) )
2 c
This form of the solution is not particularly appealing. One can find a better
equivalent form by making an attempt to describe the solution in parametric form
with the goal of introducing a good change of variable in the integral defining .u(x),
and calculating it in a more explicit form. Indeed, if we take
s(r) = c2 sin2 (r/2) =
. (1 − cos r),
and perform the corresponding change of variables in the definition of .u(x), we find
⎧ τ r c2
u(τ ) = c2
. sin2 ( ) dr = (τ − sin τ ),
0 2 2
4.7 Some Explicit Examples 151
. (1 − cos τ ).
We, then, see that the parametric form of the optimal profile is
t (1) = A,
. u(1) = a.
for some constant C and .τ ∈ [0, 1], so that it is easy to realize that .u' (τ ) = t (τ ). If
we go back to (4.28), and bear in mind this identity, it is easy to find that indeed
. = c̃, (4.29)
1 + u' (t)2
a constant. Because in the variable .τ the interval of integration for the transit time
is constant .[0, 1], we see that for the optimal profile, the cycloid, the transit time
whose integrand is the inverse of (4.29), is constant independent of the height .uT .
This implies the tautochrone feature.
Example 4.11 Optimality conditions for problems in which additional constraints,
other than end-point conditions, are to be preserved are more involved. A formal
treatment of these is beyond the scope of this text. However, it is not that hard
to learn how to deal with them informally in practice. Constraints are dealt with
through multipliers, which are additional, auxiliary variables to guarantee that
152 4 The Calculus of Variations for One-dimensional Problems
constraints are taken into account in a fundamental way. There is one multiplier
for each restriction, either in the form of equality or inequality. If there are local
constraints to be respected at each point x of an interval, then we will have one (or
more) multipliers that are functions of x. If, on the contrary, we only have global,
integral constraints to be respected then each such constraint will involve just one
(or more) unknown number as multiplier.
To show these ideas in a particular example, let us consider the classical problem
of the hanging cable, introduced in Chap. 1,
⎧ H √
Minimize in u(x) :
. u(x) 1 + u' (x)2 dx
The solution set of this problem will be a one-parameter family .uλ (x) of solutions.
The one we seek is .uλ0 (x) so that
⎧ H /
. 1 + u'λ0 (x)2 dx.
We expect to be able to argue, through Theorem 4.5 and Proposition 4.3, that this
function .uλ0 (x) is the unique minimizer we are searching for.
4.7 Some Explicit Examples 153
Because the integrand in (4.30) does not depend on the independent variable,
the corresponding Euler-Lagrange equation admits an integration in the form
(Exercise 16)
√ u' (x)
(u(x) + λ) 1 + u' (x)2 − u' (x)(u(x) + λ) √
. = c.
1 + u' (x)2
u' (x) =
. (u(x) + λ)2 − c2 ,
and to
du dx
. √ = .
(u(x) + λ) − c
2 2 c
is strictly convex in U . However, as a function of the pair .(u, U ) is not convex, and
hence we cannot apply directly Theorem 4.5. The unique solution is, nonetheless,
the one we have calculated.
Example 4.12 The case in which no boundary condition whatsoever is imposed
in a variational problem is especially interesting. The following corollary is similar
to the results presented earlier in the chapter. The only point that deserves some
comment is the so-called natural boundary condition (4.33) below that requires a
more careful use of the integration-by-parts step. See Exercises 8, 12.
154 4 The Calculus of Variations for One-dimensional Problems
Corollary 4.2
1. Let
F (x, u, U) : J × Rn × Rn → R
. (4.31)
be continuous in .(u, U) for a.e. .x ∈ J , and measurable in x for every pair .(u, U).
Suppose that the following three main conditions hold:
a. coercivity and growth: there are positive constants .C− ≤ C+ with
⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞
C− |U|2 − 1 ≤ F (x, u, U) ≤ C+ |U|2 + 1 ,
for .(x, u, U) ∈ J × Rn × Rn ;
b. convexity: for a.e. .x ∈ J , and every .u ∈ Rn , we have that
F (x, u, ·) : Rn → R
is convex.
Then there are optimal solutions for the variational problem
. Minimize in u ∈ H (J ; R ) :
1 n
I (u) = F (x, u(x), u' (x)) dx. (4.32)
2. If, in addition,
is absolutely continuous in J ,
Fu (x, u(x), u' (x)) −
. FU (x, u(x), u' (x)) = 0 a.e. x in J,
. FU (x, u(x), u' (x))|x=x = 0. (4.33)
0 ,x1
4.8 Non-existence 155
4.8 Non-existence
Readers may have realized that our main existence theorem cannot be applied
to examples of variational problems included in the first chapter, not because
integrands fail to be convex but because they fail to comply with the coercivity
condition for an exponent .p > 1. Indeed, most of those interesting problems
have a linear growth at infinity, so that, at first sight, existence of minimizers is
compromised. Indeed, taken for granted that there are no troubles concerning the
weak closeness of the set of competing functions or paths, we see that there may
be two reasons for the lack of minimizers, depending on whether coercivity or
convexity fail.
The simplest example of a variational problem without minimizer because of
lack of convexity is due to Bolza. Suppose we wish to
⎧ 1 ┌ 1 1
Minimize in u(t) :
. (|u (t)| − 1) + u(t) dt
2 2
0 2 2
under .u(0) = u(1) = 0. The integrand for this problem is the density
1 1
f (u, U ) =
. (|U | − 1)2 + u2 ,
2 2
which is not convex in the variable U . Coercivity is not an issue as f has quadratic
growth in both variables. The reason for lack of minimizers resides in the fact that
the two non-negative contributions to the functional are incompatible with each
other: there is no way to reconcile the vanishing of the two terms since either you
insist in having .|u' | = 1; or else, .u = 0. Both things cannot happen simultaneously.
Yet, one can achieve the infimum value .m = 0 through a minimizing sequence in
which slopes .±1 oscillate faster and faster to lead the term with .u2 to zero. This is
essentially the behavior of minimizing sequences due to lack of convexity, and we
refer to it as a fine oscillatory process.
A more involved, but similar phenomenon, takes place with the problem in which
we try to minimize the functional
⎧ 1⎛ ⎞
I (u) =
. |u'1 (x)| |u'2 (x)| + |u(x) − (x, x)|2 dx, u = (u1 , u2 ),
It should be noted, however, that lack of convexity does not always lead to lack of
minimizers. As a matter of fact, there are some interesting results about existence
without convexity. See the final Appendix.
156 4 The Calculus of Variations for One-dimensional Problems
There is also a classical simple example due to Weierstrass for which the lack of
uniform coercivity is the reason for lack of minimizer.s Let us look at
⎧ 1 1 2 ' 2
Minimize in u(t) :
. t u (t) dt
−1 2
u(−1) = −1,
. u(1) = 1.
We notice that the factor .t 2 accounting for coercivity degenerates in the origen. It
is precisely this lack of coercivity, even in a single point, that is responsible for the
lack of minimizers. If there were some minimizer u, then it would be a solution of
the corresponding Euler-Lagrange equation which it is very easily written down as
u(t) = 1/t
which blows up at .t = 0, and hence it does not belong to any of the spaces
W 1,p (0, 1).
Example 4.13 The work done by a non-conservative force field. Suppose that we
consider the functional
⎧ T
W (x) =
. F(x(t)) · x' (t) dt
furnishing the work performed by a non-conservative force field .F(x) in going from
a point .x0 to .xT in a time interval .[0, T ] through a continuous path
x(t) : [0, T ] → Rn ,
. x(0) = x0 , x(T ) = xT .
It is easy, but surprising, to check that the Euler-Lagrange system is void !! It does
not provide any information. This is so regardless of whether the force field is
conservative. To better comprehend the situation for a non-trivial, non-conservative
force field .F, suppose that the system of ODE
has a periodic solution passing through a given point .xP ∈ Rn with period .P > 0,
so that
X(0) = xP ,
. X(P ) = xP .
is a strictly negative fixed quantity .M < 0. If a fixed time interval .T > 0 is given,
and take .λ = j P /T for an arbitrary positive integer j , then the path
⎛ ⎞
x(t) = X
. t , t ∈ [0, T ],
is such that
x(0) = x(T ) = xP ,
W (x) = j M.
In this way, we see that if m is the infimum of the work functional under the
given conditions, then .m = −∞. It suffices to select a sequence of paths .xj (t)
as indicated, reserving an initial time subinterval to go from .x0 to .xP , and another
final time subinterval to move back from .xP to .x1 , after going around the periodic
solution .X j times. Note that it is imposible for a gradient field to have periodic
integral curves as the above curve .X.
Is there anything else interesting to do with such non-convex examples? Is there
anything else to be learnt from them? We will defer the answer to these appealing
questions until Chap. 8 in the context of multidimensional variational problems.
4.9 Exercises
u(0) = 0, u(1) = α.
F (x, z) : RN × RN → R
only depend upon the starting point xa and the final point xb , and not on the
path itself
x(t) : [a, b] → RN
as long as
x(a) = xa ,
. x(b) = xb .
F(x) : RN → RN ,
the integrand
F (x, z) = F(x) · z
4.9 Exercises 159
over the class of Lipschitz functions (W 1,∞ (0, 1)) with u(0) = 0, u(1) = 1, in
terms of the exponent α ∈ R.
8. Derive optimality conditions for a variational problem like the ones in Sect. 4.6
under periodic boundary conditions
u(x0 ) − u(x1 ) = 0.
under end-point conditions involving the values of u and u' at both end-points
of J .
10. The typical way to proceed in the proof of Theorem 4.4 from (4.20) focuses on
an integration by parts on the second term rather than on the first. Follow this
alternative route, and provide the details to find the same final result.
11. For each positive ∈, consider the problem that consists in minimizing in pairs
(u1 (t), u2 (t)) the functional
⎧ 1 ┌ 1 ∈
. (u1 (t)u2 (t) − 1)2 + (u'1 (t)2 + u'2 (t)2 ) dt
0 2 2
(a) Argue that there is an optimal pair u∈ = (u1,∈ , u2,∈ ) for each ∈.
(b) Examine the corresponding Euler-Lagrange system.
(c) Explore the convergence of such optimal path u∈ as ∈ \ 0.
160 4 The Calculus of Variations for One-dimensional Problems
12. For a regular variational problem for an integral functional of the form
⎧ 1
I (u) =
. F (u(t), u' (t)) dt,
derive optimality conditions for the problem in which only the left-hand side
condition u(0) = u0 is prescribed but the value u(1) is free. Pay special
attention, precisely, to the optimality condition at this free end-point (natural
boundary condition).
13. Explore how to enforce Neumann end-point conditions
for arbitrary numbers u'0 , u'1 in a variational problem of the particular form
⎧ ⎛ ⎞
1 ' 2
. u (x) + F (x, u(x)) dx, J = (x0 , x1 ).
J 2
x(t) ∈ H 1 ([0, T ]; Rn ),
. x(0) = x0 ,
(b) If, in addition, f is C1 , then the unique minimizer X is the unique solution
of the Cauchy problem
f (x, y) : Rn × Rm → Rn
It is not clear if, or under what restrictions, there is a solution of this problem.
(a) Study the surjectivity of the mapping
.y ∈ Rn |→ x(T )
⎧ T
1 '
|x (t) − f (x(t), y)|2 dt
0 2
subjected to
x(0) = x0 ,
. x(T ) = xT .
162 4 The Calculus of Variations for One-dimensional Problems
. (x, y) ∈ H 1 ([0, T ]; Rn );
f (x, y) : Rn × R → Rn ,
. f (x, y) = Ax + by,
Iˆ(ψ) = I (uψ )
. ψ(t) : [0, 1] → [0, 1], ψ(0) = 0, ψ(1) = 1.
fi (x, u, v) : J × R × R → R,
u(x0 ) = u0 ,
. u(xT ) = uT ,
A(x) : RN → RN ×N
x(t) : [0, 1] → RN ,
. x(0) = P, x(1) = Q
164 4 The Calculus of Variations for One-dimensional Problems
joining the two given points. Geodesics are the paths minimizing such
functional. Study the corresponding Euler-Lagrange system, and identify the
Chrystoffel symbols ┌ijk of Differential Geometry when the system is written
in the form
xk'' (t) −
. ┌ijk (xi )' xj' = 0.
i,j =1
Start with the case N = 2, and try to figure out the general case from there.
24. Consider the functional
⎧ 1
I (u) =
. |u' (t)|2 dt, u : [0, 1] |→ RN , u ∈ H 1 (0, 1; RN ),
and define
where ψ runs through all diffeomorphisms of the unit interval preserving its
two-end points.
(a) For each feasible u fixed, define
Iˆ(ψ) = I (uψ ),
. inf Iˆ(ψ),
Though we have insisted in the pivotal rule played historically by the Calculus
of Variations in the initial steps of Functional Analysis as a discipline on its
own, it has grown to be an immense and fruitful field, crucial to many other
areas of Mathematics and Science. In particular, Operator Theory is one of those
fundamental parts of Functional Analysis that we briefly treat in the following
two chapters. We focus on some of the more relevant results that applied analysts
and applied mathematicians should know. Most of the concepts and results in this
chapter are abstract. But they are so important for fundamental applications in
Analysis when spaces become either Lebesgue or Sobolev spaces, as we will see
in later chapters, that they need to be taken into account very seriously.
5.1 Preliminaries
||Tu|| ≤ M||u||,
. u ∈ E.
The proof of this fact is easy and similar to the one in Sect. 2.7. It makes the
following definition sensible.
Definition 5.1 If .T : E → F is continuous, we put
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P. Pedregal, Functional Analysis, Sobolev Spaces, and Calculus of Variations,
La Matematica per il 3+2 157,
170 5 Continuous Operators
The space of linear continuous operators from .E to .F, written .L(E, F), becomes a
Banach space under this norm. This is straightforward to check.
Note that a bijection .T : E → F is an isomorphism if there is a positive constant
M > 0 such that
. ||u|| ≤ ||Tu|| ≤ M||u||, u ∈ E.
In particular, two different norms .|| · ||1 , .|| · ||2 , in the same underlying space .E are
equivalent if there is a constant .M > 0 with
. ||u||1 ≤ ||u||2 ≤ M||u||1 , u ∈ E.
Complete metric spaces enjoy quite remarkable properties. Since Banach spaces are
a subclass of the class of complete metric spaces, we are interested in stressing some
fundamental properties of those spaces related to Baire category methods. There are
various equivalent definitions of Baire spaces. We stick to the following.
Definition 5.2 A topological space .X is a Baire space if the countable intersection
of open and dense subsets of .X is dense in .X. Alternatively, .X is a Baire space if for
every sequence of closed subsets with empty interior, the union of them all still has
empty interior.
The fundamental result we are interested in is the fact that every complete metric
space is a Baire space.
Theorem 5.1 Every complete metric space is a Baire space.
Proof Let .X be a complete metric space with distance function .d(·, ·), and let .Oj
be open and dense. We pretend to show that .O = ∩j Oj is dense too. To this end,
choose an additional arbitrary open, non-empty set .G, and show that .G ∩ O is non-
Take some .x0 ∈ G, and, given that .G is open, .r0 > 0 so that
Since .O1 is open and dense, we can find .x1 and .r1 > 0 with
.d(xj +1 − xj ) ≤ rj ,
k−1 Σ
k−1 Σ
d(xk , xj ) ≤
. d(xi , xi+1 ) ≤ ri ≤ rj 2−i = rj 2j −k+1 .
i=j i=j i=0
The completeness of the space leads to a limit .x. Since the sequence of balls
{Brj (xj )} is a nested, decreasing sequence of subsets of .G ∩ Oj −1 , the limit .x will
It is clear that each .Fi is closed, and .E = ∪i Fi , precisely by (5.1). Since every
Banach space is a complete metric space, by Theorem 5.1 and Definition 5.2, there
must be some .i0 with .Fi0 having a non-empty interior. This means that there is some
.x0 ∈ E and .ρ > 0 with
||Tj || ≤
. (i0 + ||Tj x0 ||)
Proof Directly from Theorem 5.2, we conclude that .T ∈ L(E, F). Since, it is true
||Tj − T|| → 0.
These two are among the classical results in Functional Analysis that ought to be
studied in a first course.
Theorem 5.3 Every surjective, linear operator .T : E → F between two Banach
spaces .E and .F is open, i.e. the image .T(O) of every open set .O in .E is open in .F.
Proof It is easy to argue that it suffices to show that there is some .ρ > 0 such that
Bρ ⊂ T(B1 ),
. (5.2)
where the first ball is a ball in .F centered at .0, while the second ball is the unit ball
in .E (exercise). To show (5.2), put
Fi = iT(B1 ),
. i = 1, 2, . . .
5.3 The Open Mapping and Closed Graph Theorems 173
Since .T is onto, it is true that .F = ∪i Fi . By the Baire category result Theorem 5.1,
there must be some .i0 with .Fi0 not having non-empty interior, for otherwise the
union would have empty interior which is not the case. There are, therefore, .ρ > 0
and .y0 ∈ F with
Due to the symmetry of .T(B1 ) with respect to changes of sign, it is easy to have
||x|| < 1,
. Tx = y.
But this same argument applied to the difference .y − Tz1 , instead of .y, and for
∈ = ρ/4, yields .z2 ∈ E and
xi =
. zk
Tx = y,
as desired. ⨆
There are at least three important consequences of this fundamental result, one of
which is the closed graph theorem which we discuss in the third place.
Corollary 5.2 If .T : E → F is a linear, continuous operator between two Banach
spaces that is a bijection, then .T−1 : F → E is linear, and continuous too.
Proof We investigate the consequences of injectivity together with property (5.2).
Indeed, if .T is one-to-one, and .x is such that .||Tx|| < ρ then necessarily .||x|| < 1.
For an arbitrary .x ∈ E, the vector
. x
||x||2 ≤ C||x||1 ,
. x ∈ E,
then the two norms are equivalent, i.e. there is a further constant .c > 0 with
||x||1 ≤ c||x||2 ,
. x ∈ E.
Proof The proof is hardly in need of any clarification. Simply apply the previous
corollary to the identity as a continuous bijection between the two Banach spaces
.(E, || · ||i ), .i = 1, 2. ⨆
It is of paramount importance that .E is a Banach space under the two norms.
5.4 Adjoint Operators 175
Finally, we have the closed graph theorem. For an operator .T : E → F, its graph
G(T) is the subset of the product space given by
Relying on the assumption of the closedness of the graph, it is easy to check that .E
is also a Banach space under .|| · ||0 (exercise). We trivially have
. ||x||E ≤ ||x||0 , x ∈ E.
||x||0 ≤ c||x||E ,
. x ∈ E,
||Tx||F ≤ c||x||E ,
. x ∈ E,
and .T is continuous. ⨆
T ◦T:E→R
Definition 5.3 Let .T : E → F be linear and continuous. The map .T' : F' → E'
defined through the identity
The duality between a Banach space .E and its dual .E' can be understood as a bilinear
Definition 5.4
1. For a subspace .M of a Banach space .E, we define its orthogonal subspace
N(T) = {x ∈ E : Tx = 0},
. R(T) = {Tx : x ∈ E}.
we have
. T |(M⊥ )⊥ ≡ 0. (5.7)
N(T) = R(T' )⊥ ,
. N(T' ) = R(T)⊥ ,
N(T)⊥ ⊃ R(T' ), N(T' )⊥ = R(T).
If .E is reflexive, then
N(T)⊥ = R(T' ).
Proof The first two identities are essentially a consequence of the definitions.
Concerning the other two, they are implied by the first two if we bear in mind
Proposition 5.2, including the situation when .E is reflexive. ⨆
We wrap this section by commenting briefly on the double adjoint .T'' : E'' → F'' .
If we start with .T : E → F, we know that the adjoint operator .T' : F' → E' is
determined through
Once we have .T' : F' → E' , we can talk about .T'' : E'' → F'' characterized by
This identity yields, again because .F is a closed subspace of .F, that .T'' x = Tx. This
fact can be interpreted by saying that .T'' : E'' → F'' is an extension of .T : E → F.
If .E is reflexive, .T'' and .T is the same operator with a different target space if .F is
not reflexive.
For a Banach space .E, we denote .L(E) the collection of linear, continuous operators
from .E to itself. .1 ∈ L(E) stands for the identity map.
Definition 5.5 Let .T ∈ L(E) for a Banach space .E.
1. The resolvent .ρ(T) of .T is the subset of real numbers .λ such that .T − λ1 is a
bijection from .E onto .E. We put
Rλ = (T − λ1)−1 ,
. λ ∈ ρ(T).
σ (T) = R \ ρ(T).
If .λ is an eigenvalue of .T, the non-trivial subspace .N(T − λ1) is, precisely, its
eigenspace. The set of all eigenvalues of .T is denoted .e(T).
Note that we always have
e(T) ⊂ σ (T).
Some basic properties follow. Let .T ∈ L(E) for a certain Banach space .E.
Proposition 5.4
1. The resolvent .ρ(T) is open in .R.
2. For every pair .λ, μ ∈ ρ(T),
Rλ − Rμ = (λ − μ)Rμ Rλ .
. (5.8)
5.5 Spectral Concepts 179
In particular,
Rλ − Rμ
. lim = R2μ .
λ→μ λ − μ
But if .S ∈ B,
1 − T−1 (T − S)
is an isomorphism. Equation (5.9) shows that so is .S. Since the resolvent of .T is the
pre-image of the class of isomorphisms, an open subset in .L(E) by our argument
above, through the continuous map
ψ(λ) : R → L(E),
. ψ(λ) = T − λ1,
Rλ − Rμ =Rμ (R−1
. μ Rλ − 1)
=Rμ (R−1
μ − Rλ )Rλ
=(λ − μ)Rμ Rλ .
The spectrum is a closed set of .R, given that its complement, the resolvent, has been
shown to be open. Moreover, it is easy to prove that
which, by the way, proves the last statement of the proposition. Equation (5.10) is
a direct consequence of the exercise mentioned above: .||(1/λ)T|| < 1 implies that
.1 − (1/λ)T is an isomorphism, and so is .T − λ1, i.e. .λ ∈ ρ(T). If .|λ| > ||T|| what
Since the dual space .H' of a Hilbert space .H can be identified canonically with itself
' '
.H = H, given an operator .T ∈ L(H), its adjoint operator .T can also be regarded
Definition 5.6 Let .T ∈ L(H) for a Hilbert space .H. .T is self-adjoint if .T' = T, or,
equivalently, if
. <Tx, x> ≥ 0, x ∈ H.
(T − λ1)x = 0,
. Tx = λx,
which can be assumed to have size one .||x|| = 1, we would trivially have
and hence .λ ∈ [m, M]. However, given that .e(T) ⊂ σ (T), what this proposition
ensures is more than that. But it requires the self-adjointness of the operator .T. For
self-adjoint operators .T, it is true that
Proof The main tool for the proof is the Lax-Milgram lemma Theorem 3.1. Assume
that .λ < m. By our above remark that .λ cannot be an eigenvalue, .T − λ1 is injective.
Take .∈ > 0, so that .m − λ ≥ ∈. In this case the bilinear form
Tx − λx = y,
For the last part of the proof, suppose, seeking a contradiction, that .m ∈ ρ(T), so
that .T − m1 is a bijection and .(T − m1)−1 is continuous. By definition of m, there
is a sequence of unit vectors .xj , .||xj || = 1, such that
If we could derive from this convergence that the only way to have it is
Txj − mxj → 0,
. (5.12)
that would be the contradiction with the continuity of .(T − m1)−1 and the fact that
the .xj ’s are unit vectors.
Concluding (5.12) from (5.11) involves the non-negativity of the bilinear,
possibly degenerate, form
This is nothing but the classical Cauchy-Schwarz inequality that does not require
the strict positivity of the underlying bilinear form to be correct. We include it next
for the sake of completeness and clarity. ⨆
182 5 Continuous Operators
Lemma 5.1 Let .A(u, v) a symmetric, bilinear, non-negative form in a Hilbert space
H. Then
Proof The proof is elementary. For an arbitrary pair .u, v ∈ H, consider the
quadratic, non-negative polynomial
and the proof of this item is finished. The case .λ < M is treated in the same way.
Corollary 5.4 The only self-adjoint operator with a spectrum reduced to .{0} is the
trivial operator .T ≡ 0.
Proof By Theorem 5.5, if .σ (T) = {0}, we can conclude that the two numbers
m = M = 0 vanish. Hence
and .T ≡ 0. ⨆
Remark 5.2 In the context of the two previous results, it can be shown that for a
self-adjoint operator .T, it is true that
The utmost importance of the Fourier transform in Analysis can hardly be suitably
estimated. In this section, we look at it from the viewpoint of the theory of
continuous operators. It is just but a timid introduction to this fundamental integral
Definition 5.7 For a function .f (x) ∈ L1 (RN ; C), we define
. Ff (y) = fˆ(y) : RN → C
.fˆ(y) = f (x)e−2π ix·y dx, y ∈ RN .
i is, of course, the imaginary unit. Recall that the inner product in .L2 (RN ; C) is
given by
<f, g> =
. f (x)g(x) dx
and so
However, the full power of the Fourier transform is shown when it is understood as
an isometry in .L2 (RN ; C). To this end, we state several basic tools, whose proof is
deferred until we see how to apply them to our purposes, and are sure they deserve
the effort.
Lemma 5.2 (Riemann-Lebesgue) If .f ∈ L1 (RN ; C), then
. lim f (x)e−2π ix·y dx = 0.
|y|→∞ RN
f (0) =
. fˆ(y) dy.
F(f ) = F−1 (f ),
where .χj stands for the characteristic function of the box .[−j, j ]N . This definition
is legitimate because
To show this, we use the Riemann-Lebesgue lemma for .F(f χj )(y) and all of its
partial derivatives of any order. Indeed, if j is fixed, since .f χj has compact support,
5.7 The Fourier Transform 185
so does the product of it with every complex polynomial .P (x), and hence
f χj P ∈ L1 (RN ; C).
In this case, we can differentiate .F(f χj )(y) with respect to .y any number of times.
For instance,
∂F(f χj )
. = f (y)χj (y)(−2π ixk )e−2π ix·y dy, x = (xk )k , y = (yk )k .
∂yk RN
This implies that .F(f χj )(y) is .C∞ , and, thanks to Lemma 5.2 applied to .f χj P ,
the limit of all partial derivatives of .F(f χj )(y) vanishes as .|y| → ∞. This, in
particular, means that
for all j . This fact means that operators .Fj are well-defined from .L2 (RN ; C) to
We are now ready to show the main fact of the theory of the Fourier transform in
.L (R ; C). We will apply Corollaries 5.1 and 5.2.
2 N
F = lim Fj in L2 (RN ; C)
j →∞
positive integers. By our calculations above redone for the difference .f (χj − χk ),
we can conclude that
i.e. .{Fj f } is a Cauchy sequence in .L2 (RN ; C), and, as such, it converges to an
Ff ∈ L2 (RN ; C).
.||F|| ≤ 1.
as .yk → ∞. Since at least one of the coordinates .yk must tend to infinity, the
claim is correct.
2. By linearity, the conclusion is valid for linear combinations of characteristic
functions of boxes.
3. By density, our claim becomes true for arbitrary functions in the space
.L (R ; C). The argument goes like this. Take
1 N
. f ∈ L1 (RN ; C),
5.7 The Fourier Transform 187
The first term cannot be any greater than .∈, while the second can be made
arbitrarily small by taking .y sufficiently large, according to our previous step.
Proof (Lemma 5.3) We start looking at the Fourier transform of the special function
where its product structure enables us to focus on the one dimensional version
We conclude that .φ̂(y) = cφ(y) for some constant c. If we examine this identity at
y = 0, we see that
c = φ̂(0) =
. φ(x) dx = 1.
g(x) = φN (x/r),
hence we arrive at
⎛ ⎛
. f (x/r)φ̂N (x) dx = fˆ(x)φN (x/r) dx,
for every positive r. If we take r to infinity, the right-hand side converges, because
fˆ ∈ L1 (RN ; C), to the integral of .fˆ, and we obtain our claim.
For a.e. .x, we can apply the previous result translating the origen to the point .x,
and so
⎛ ⎛
.f (x) = f (z + x)e−2π iz·y dz dy.
A natural change of variables in the inner integral leads directly to our formula. ⨆
Proof (Proposition 5.14) Plancherel’s identity is a direct consequence of the more
general fact concerning the behavior of Fourier’s transform with respect to the inner
product in .L2 (RN ; C), namely, if
f, g ∈ L2 (RN ; C),
5.8 Exercises 189
5.8 Exercises
1. Show that the two definitions of a Baire space in Definition 5.2 are indeed
2. Prove that if
Bρ ⊂ T(B1 )
for a linear, continuous map T : E → F between Banach spaces, and for some
ρ > 0, then the image under T of every open subset of E is open in F.
3. Show that if the graph of a linear operator T : E → F is closed in the product
space, then E under the graph norm
4. Let E be a Banach space, and T ∈ L(E) such that ||T|| < 1. Argue that 1 − T
is an isomorphism, by checking that the series
. Ti
is its inverse.
5. Consider the operator
T : L2 (−π, π ) |→ L2 (−π, π ),
. Tf (x) = f (2x),
π 2 = π,
. <π x, y> = <x, π y>,
T : lp → lp ,
. T(x1 , x2 , . . . ) = (0, x1 , x2 , . . . ),
show that
T : lp → lp ,
. T(x1 , x2 , x3 , . . . ) = (x1 , x2 /2, x3 /3, . . . ),
9. Suppose
|Kj (x, y)| ≤
. (x − y)j −1
(j − 1)!
xj +1 = y + Txj .
x = lim xj ,
. xj +1 = y + Txj ,
j →∞
11. In the Banach space E = C[0, 1], endowed with the sup norm, let K be a
subspace of differentiable functions (C1 ). The derivative operator taking each
u ∈ K into its derivative u' ∈ E is continuous if and only if K is finite-
dimensional. In particular, if K ⊂ C1 [0, 1] is closed in E, then it has finite
12. For functions
a(x) ∈ L∞ (Ω),
. b(x) ∈ L2 (Ω), Ω ⊂ RN ,
14. Use the Riesz representation theorem, Proposition 2.14 and the duality rela-
tions 5.3, to prove the non-symmetric version of the Lax-Milgram lemma: Let
A(u, v) be a continuous, coercive bilinear form over a Hilbert space H. For
every U ∈ H, there is a unique u ∈ H such that
for every v ∈ H.
15. For E = C[0, 1] under the sup-norm, consider the operator T taking each y(t) ∈
E into the unique solution x(t) of the differential problem
Check that it is linear, continuous, and find its norm, and its eigenvalues.
Chapter 6
Compact Operators
6.1 Preliminaries
© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2024 193
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La Matematica per il 3+2 157,
194 6 Compact Operators
K(x, y) : Ω × Ω → R,
. |K(x, y) − K(z, y)| ≤ M|x − z|α k(y),
k(y) ∈ L2 ( Ω ),
T is compact. This is easy to see because for a bounded sequence .{uj } in .L2 ( Ω ),
where constant .M̃ incorporates constant M and the uniform bound for the sequence
{uj }. This final inequality shows that the sequence of images .{Tuj } is equicontinu-
ρ(z) : RN → R,
T : L1 (RN ) → L∞ (RN ).
However, it is not compact when considered from .L1 (RN ) to itself, because the
Example 6.5 The kind of integral operators considered in the last examples can be
viewed in a much more general framework, and still retain its compactness feature.
These are called Hilbert-Schmidt operators. Let
K(x, y) : Ω × Ω → R,
. Ω ⊂ RN ,
K(x, y) ∈ L ( Ω × Ω ),
|K(x, y)|2 dx dy < ∞,
Ω × Ω
196 6 Compact Operators
K(x, y) =
. ki,j vi (x)vj (y), |ki,j |2 < ∞,
i,j i,j
⎛ ⎞
Σ Σ ⎛
.Tu(x) = ⎝ ki,j vj (y)u(y) dy⎠ vi (x).
i j Ω
It is clear that .Tk is a finite-rank operator; and, on the other hand, the condition
on the summability of the double series for the coefficients .ki,j (remainders tend to
zero) directly implies that
||Tk − T|| → 0,
. k → ∞.
main assumption, the compactness of .T, implies that .K = T(B) is compact in .F, if
.B is the unit ball of .E. Each .yk is, in particular, continuous in the compact set .K,
and because .||yk || ≤ 1 for all k (.yk ∈ B' ), the whole family .{yk } is equicontinuous
when restricted to .K. By the classical Arzelá-Ascoli theorem, there is a convergent
6.2 The Fredholm Alternative 197
||T' yj − T' yk || → 0
For a Banach space .E, we designate by .K(E) the class of compact operators from
E into itself. A first fundamental result with a couple of basic facts about compact
operators, that is the basis for the Fredholm alternative, follows. Recall that .1 is the
identity map.
Proposition 6.2 Let .T ∈ K(E).
1. If .T(E) is a closed subspace, then it has finite dimension.
2. The subspaces .N(T − 1) and .N(T' − 1) always have finite dimension (and it is
the same for both).
Proof If .T(E) is closed, it is a Banach space itself, and .T : E → T(E) turns out to
be onto. According to the open mapping theorem, .T is open, and so .T(B), the image
under .T of the unit ball .B in .E, is a relatively compact, neighborhood of zero in the
space .T(E). In this way, there is a finite set .{ui } ⊂ T(E) such that
| | ⎛ 1
T(B) ⊂
. ui + T(B) ⊂ M + T(B)
2 2
198 6 Compact Operators
We are ready to deal with one of the most remarkable facts about compact
Theorem 6.2 (Fredholm Alternative) Let .T ∈ K(E), and .λ ∈ R \ {0}. Then
The usual, and useful, interpretation of this statement refers to the solvability of the
.Tx − λx = y, y ∈ E, λ /= 0, (6.1)
in two “alternatives":
1. either there is a unique solution .x for (6.1) for every .y ∈ E, in case .N(T' − 1) is
trivial; or else
2. Equation (6.1) for .y = 0 has a finite number of independent solutions, and the
non-homogeneous equation (for .y /= 0) admits solutions if and only if
y ∈ N(T' − λ1)⊥ :
. <y, x' > = 0 whenever T' x' − λx' = 0.
Proof By Proposition 5.3, it suffices to show that .R(T − λ1) is closed. Since .T is
compact if and only if .(1/λ)T is compact for non-zero .λ, we can, without loss of
generality, concentrate in showing that .R(T − 1) is closed.
Assume then that
Txj − xj → X,
. X ∈ E. (6.2)
Tx − x = X.
zj ∈ N(T − 1),
1 1
. T(xj + zj ) − (xj + zj ) → 0. (6.4)
αj αj
But if, after extracting a subsequence not relabeled, due again to the compactness
of .T,
. T(xj + zj ) → z,
. (xj + zj ) → z
as well, so that .Tz = z, and .z ∈ N(T − 1). But because .N(T − 1) is a subspace
and .zj belongs to it, on the one hand,
because this last minimum was attained at .zj ; but on the other, by taking .u = −z
on the minimum on the left-hand side, we see that such an minimum must be
smaller than
T(xj + zj ) → Y,
. some Y ∈ E.
By (6.3),
xj + zj → Y − X,
and, then,
Putting these last two convergences together, and bearing in mind (6.2),
T(Y − X) − (Y − X) = X,
Lemma 6.1 (Riesz) Let .E be a Banach space, and .M, a proper, closed subspace.
For every .∈ > 0, there is .x ∈ E with .||x|| = 1 and such that
d(x, M) ≥ 1 − ∈.
||T || = 1,
. T |M = 0.
This lemma will be an indispensable tool for yet an intermediate step for our main
theorem which is a revision of some spectral concepts for compact operators. It very
clearly expresses the remarkable and surprising consequences of compactness.
Proposition 6.3 Let .T ∈ K(E). .N(T − 1) is the trivial subspace if and only if
R(T − 1) the full space, i.e. .T − 1 is injective if and only if it is surjective.
Proof Suppose first that .N(T − 1) is trivial but .R(T − 1) is not the full .E. By
Theorem 6.2, the proper subspace .M ≡ R(T − 1) is closed, and so .M is a Banach
space on its own. Moreover, it is evident that .T(M) ⊂ M, but .T(M) cannot fill up
all of .M, precisely because .N(T − 1) is trivial and .R(T − 1) is not the full .E (this is
exactly as in Linear Algebra in finite dimension). In addition,
. T|M ∈ K(M).
We therefore see that we can define recursively the following sequence of subspaces
Mj = (T − 1)j E,
. j ≥ 0,
xj ∈ Mj ,
. ||xj || = 1, dist(xj , Mj +1 ) ≥ . (6.6)
If for .j < k, we look at the difference
we realize that
(Txj − xj ) − (Txk − xk ) − xk ∈ Mj +1 ,
and hence
Txj − Txk = xj + z,
. z ∈ Mj +1 .
||Txj − Txk || ≥
for all .j, k, which is impossible for a compact operator. This contradiction leads us
to conclude that, indeed, .R(T − 1) is the full space.
202 6 Compact Operators
The converse can be argued through the adjoint .T' , the dual .E' and the relations
in Proposition 5.3. It is left as an exercise. ⨆
We are now ready for our main result concerning important spectral facts for
compact operators.
Theorem 6.3 Let .E be a (non-trivial) Banach space, and .T ∈ K(E).
1. .0 ∈ σ (T);
2. every non-vanishing .λ in .σ (T) is an eigenvalue of .T:
Er = {λ ∈ σ (T) : |λ| ≥ r}
is empty or finite;
4. the spectrum .σ (T) is a non-empty, countable, compact set of numbers with 0 as
the only possible accumulation point.
Proof If .0 ∈ ρ(T), then .T should be a bijection but this is impossible for a compact
operator on an infinite-dimensional Banach space.
Suppose a non-vanishing .λ is not an eigenvalue, so that .T − λ1 is injective. By
Proposition 6.3, it is also surjective, and so .λ ∈ ρ(T).
For the third item, we follow a proof similar to that of Proposition 6.3. Let, for
some fixed, positive .r > 0, the set .Er be infinite: .{λi } ⊂ Er . By the previous item,
each .λi is an eigenvalue of .T with some eigenvector .ei in such a way that the set .{ei }
is a linearly independent set. Put .Mn for the finite-dimensional subspace spanned by
.{ei }i=1,2,...,n so that
M1 ⊆ M2 ⊆ · · · ⊆ Mn ⊆ . . .
with proper inclusions. By Lemma 6.1, we can find a sequence .{xi } with
||xi || = 1,
. xi ∈ Mi , ||xi − y|| ≥
for every .y ∈ Mi−1 . We claim, then, that the sequence .{Txi } cannot possess a
convergent subsequence, which is impossible due to the compactness of .T. Indeed,
we can write for .j < k,
Because .(T − λk 1)xk cannot have a non-vanishing component along .ek , precisely
because .ek is an eigenvector associated with the eigenvalue .λk , we see that (.j < k)
1 1
. (Txj − (T − λk 1)xk ) − xk || ≥ ,
λk 2
|λk | r
||Txj − Txk || = ||Txj − (T − λk 1)xk − λk xk || ≥
. ≥ .
2 2
This is impossible for a compact operator .T, and this contradiction implies that each
Er must be finite (or empty).
We would like to explore a main fact that is a consequence of putting together these
two fundamental properties, self-adjointness and compactness, in a given operator
.T from a Hilbert space into itself. It is the most fundamental property that we would
H0 = N(T),
. Hj = N(T − λj 1), j ≥ 1.
We will show that .H is the closure of the union of all the .Hj ’s, and they are mutually
orthogonal. Indeed, if .x ∈ Hj and .y ∈ Hk with .j /= k, then
.Tx = λj x, Ty = λk y.
item of Theorem 6.3, the only possibility left is for .M⊥ to be trivial. Conclude then
that .M = H by Corollary 3.3.
If we organize over each .Hj orthonormal bases, the union of them all will be an
orthonormal basis for the full space .H, according to our proof here. The existence of
orthonormal bases for .H0 are guaranteed by Proposition 2.12 in case it is an infinite-
dimensional subspace, while the .Hj ’s, for .j ≥ 1, are finite dimensional. ⨆
As in the finite-dimensional setting, this fundamental result is informing us that
there is a special basis for .H, in which the compact, self-adjoint operator .T admits
a especially convenient representation: if
. xj ej , Tej = λj ej ,
However, the image of .T is contained in the subspace .L20 (−π, π ) with vanishing
⎛ π
. f (x) dx = 0.
This is very easily checked because this integral condition is correct for function
U ∈ H01 (−π, π ). Restricted to this subspace .H = L20 (π, π ), .T is also compact. .T
According to Theorem 6.4, the full collection of, suitably normalized, eigenfunc-
tions for .T furnish an orthonormal basis for .L2 (−π, π ). Such eigenfunctions, and
their respective eigenvalues, are the posible non-trivial solutions of the problem
.λ = j 2 /4, j = 1, 2, . . . ,
⎛ ⎞
1 1 1
.Uj (x) = √ sin jx + jπ .
π 2 2
206 6 Compact Operators
This family of trigonometric functions is an orthonormal basis for .L2 (−π, π ). Note
how different it is from the one in Example 2.14, in spite of both being orthonormal
basis of the same space.
Example 6.7 A typical Hilbert-Schmidt operator. In the context of Example 6.5,
K(x, y) : Ω × Ω → R,
. Ω ⊂ RN ,
K(x, y) ∈ L2 ( Ω × Ω ),
. |K(x, y)|2 dx dy < ∞,
Ω × Ω
Tx =
. λj xj ej .
. f (λ) : R → R, f (0) = 0,
6.5 Exercises 207
we can define the operator .f (T) which is a linear, compact, self-adjoint operator
uniquely determined by putting
f (T)x =
. f (λj )xj ej
6.5 Exercises
U ⊂ M + U,
then U ⊂ M.
3. Let T ∈ L(H) with H, a Hilbert space. Show that σ (T) = σ (T' ), and that
N(T) = R(T' )⊥ ,
. N(T' ) = R(T)⊥ .
2 1 2
E = ∪i Ei ,
. Ei ⊂ Ei+1 ,
πi⊥ x → 0
for every x, and yet it is not true that ||πi⊥ || → 0. Does this fact contradict the
Banach-Steinhaus principle?
7. Let E be a separable Hilbert space with
E = ∪i Ei ,
. Ei ⊂ Ei+1 ,
||πi T − T|| → 0,
. i → ∞.
Ki = ker(T − ai 1).
9. Let T : l2 → l2 be defined by
T(x1 , x2 , x3 , . . . ) = (2x1 , x3 , x2 , 0, 0, . . . ).
(T − λ1)u = v
T(x) = (tj xj )j ,
. x = (x1 , x2 , . . . ),
210 6 Compact Operators
such that
. ||Tej ||2 = ∞, ej = χ{j } .
15. Let T be a compact operator in a reflexive Banach space E. Argue that the image
of the unit ball B of E under T is closed. For the particular case E = C([−1, 1])
and the Volterra operator
⎛ x
T(u)(x) =
. u(y) dy,
ι : W 1,p (J ) → Lp (J ),
. ι(u) = u
is a compact operator.
17. Use the Riesz lemma Lemma 6.1 to argue that if E is a normed space such that
the unit ball B(0, 1) is compact, then E is finite-dimensional.
18. Let H = L2 (0, 1), and
. T : H → H, Tf (s) = sf (s).
is not compact.
Part III
Multidimensional Sobolev Spaces
and Scalar Variational Problems
Chapter 7
Multidimensional Sobolev Spaces
7.1 Overview
u(x) : Ω → R
should, typically, comply with further conditions like having preassigned boundary
values around .∂Ω; and the integrand
F (x, u, u) : Ω × R × RN → R
© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2024 215
P. Pedregal, Functional Analysis, Sobolev Spaces, and Calculus of Variations,
La Matematica per il 3+2 157,
216 7 Multidimensional Sobolev Spaces
that takes the place of the variable .u ∈ RN in the integrand .F (x, u, u) when
computing the cost .I (u) of every competing function u. Sobolev spaces will then
be the class of all those functions whose weak derivates, i.e. weak gradient, enjoy
certain integrability conditions. This chapter concentrates on setting the foundations
for such Banach spaces, while the next chapter builds on Sobolev spaces to explore
scalar, multidimensional, variational problems.
One of the main reasons why multidimensional Sobolev spaces are much more
sophisticated than their one-dimensional counterpart, is that the class of domains
in .RN where Sobolev spaces can be considered is infinitely more varied than in .R.
On the other hand, there is no genuine multidimensional version of a fundamental
theorem of Calculus as such, but every such result is based one way or another in the
classical fundamental theorem of Calculus which is essentially one-dimensional.
The study of Sobolev spaces in the multidimensional setting is a quite reach
and fascinating subject. Though in this chapter we focus our attention on those
fundamental facts necessary for their use in minimization problems for standard
variational problems, we will come back to them in the final chapter to explore
some other crucial properties of functions belonging to these spaces to enlarge their
use in variational problems and other important situations.
u(x), φ(x) : Ω → R
are two smooth functions, with .φ having compact support within .Ω. By the classical
divergence theorem, we have
⎛ ⎛
. div[φ(x)u(x)ei ] dx = φ(x)u(x)ei · n(x) dS(x), (7.1)
Ω ∂Ω
where .n(x) stands for the outer, unit normal to .∂Ω, and .{ei }i=1,2,...,N is the canonical
basis of .RN . The right-hand side of (7.1) vanishes because .φ, having compact
support contained in .Ω, vanishes over .∂Ω, while the left-hand side can be written,
through the product rule, as
. [u(x)∇φ(x) · ei + φ(x)∇u(x) · ei ] dx = 0,
∂φ ∂u
. [u(x) (x) + φ(x) (x)] dx = 0,
Ω ∂xi ∂xi
7.2 Weak Derivatives and Sobolev Spaces 217
for every smooth, compactly supported .φ. The coherence of such a concept is clear,
for if u is indeed smooth with a gradient (in the usual sense) .∇u(x) then
∇u(x) = u(x),
. u = (u1 , u2 , . . . , uN ).
But there are non-differentiable functions u in the classical sense which admit weak
gradients. We write .∇u(x) to designate the vector of weak, partial derivatives .u(x)
of u, and then we recover the formula of integration by parts
⎛ ⎛
. u(x)∇φ(x) dx = − φ(x)∇u(x) dx (7.2)
which is valid for every smooth function .φ with compact support in .Ω.
Mimicking the one-dimensional situation, we introduce the multidimensional
Sobolev spaces.
Definition 7.1 Let .Ω be an open subset of .RN , and let exponent .p ∈ [1, +∞]
be given. The Sobolev space .W 1,p (Ω) is defined as the collection of functions of
.L (Ω) admitting a weak gradient .∇u, in the above sense, which is a vector with
Our first statement asserts that these spaces are Banach spaces. In addition, .H 1 (Ω)
is a Hilbert space.
Proposition 7.1 .W 1,p (Ω) is a Banach space for every exponent .p ∈ [1, +∞].
.H (Ω) is a separable Hilbert space.
The proof of this fact is exactly like the one for Proposition 2.3.
Remark 7.1 Most of the basic properties of multi-dimensional Sobolev spaces are
inherited from the corresponding Lebesgue spaces. Features like reflexivity and
separability hold for .W 1,p (Ω) if .p ∈ (1, +∞), while .W 1,1 (Ω) is also separable.
When one works with weak derivatives, duality is not that important. In fact, there is
no standard way to identify the dual of .W 1,p (Ω). It is more important to identify the
dual spaces of certain subspaces of .W 1,p (Ω) as we will see. On the other hand, we
have not paid much attention to the separability property except for Hilbert spaces.
Since even just measurable functions are nearly continuous according to Luzin’s
theorem, when deciding in practice if a given function belongs to a certain Sobolev
space, one would differentiate such function paying attention to places where such
differentiation is not legitimate, and proceed from there. However, it may be not so
easy to finally decide if a given function belongs to a Sobolev space in the multi-
dimensional scenario because the set of singularities of derivatives may be quite
intricate and its size, and integrability properties, at various dimensions may be
crucial in the final decision. This may be a quite delicate and specialized issue well
beyond the scope of this text. There are however easier situations in which one can
decide in a more direct way.
Proposition 7.2 Let .u(x) be a function in .L∞ (Ω) that is continuous and differen-
tiable except in a singular subset .ω of .Ω of measure zero that admits a family of
regular subsets .Ωɛ (in the sense that the divergence theorem is valid in .Ω \ Ωɛ ) with
.ω ⊂ Ωɛ , |∂Ωɛ |, |Ωɛ | → 0
7.2 Weak Derivatives and Sobolev Spaces 219
as .ɛ \ 0, and its gradient .∇u(x) ∈ Lp (Ω) for some .p ∈ [1, ∞]. Then .u ∈
W 1,p (Ω), and its weak gradient is .∇u(x).
Proof Let .φ(x) be a smooth, compactly-supported function in .Ω, and take the
family of subsets .Ωɛ indicated in the statement such that u is continuous and
differentiable in .Ω\Ωɛ and .|∂Ωɛ |, |Ωɛ | \ 0 . By our hypotheses, the three integrals
⎛ ⎛
. φ(x)∇u(x) dx, φ(x)u(x)n(x) dS(x),
Ωɛ ∂Ωɛ
∇φ(x)u(x) dx,
converge to zero as .ɛ \ 0. The first one because it can be bounded from above by
⎛ ⎛ ⎞1/q ⎛ ⎛ ⎞1/p
. |φ(x)| dxq
|∇u(x)| dx
Ωɛ Ωɛ
and this integral converges to zero if .|∇u|p is integrable and .|Ωɛ | \ 0 (this is
even so if .p = 1). The second and third ones are straightforward if .u ∈ L∞ (Ω) is
On the other hand, by the regularity properties assumed on u and on .Ω \ Ωɛ , we
can apply the divergence theorem in .Ω \ Ωɛ , and find
⎛ ⎛
. ∇φ(x)u(x) dx = − φ(x)∇u(x) dx
Ω\Ωɛ Ω\Ωɛ
+ φ(x)u(x)n(x) dS(x),
⎛ ⎛ ⎛ ⎞
= − lim φ(x)∇u(x) dx + φ(x)∇u(x) dx
ɛ →0 Ω\Ωɛ Ωɛ
=− φ(x)∇u(x) dx.
They are differentiable except at the origin. Off this point, the functions are smooth,
and their gradients are easily calculated as
1 1
∇u(x) =
. 1− x ⊗ x, (x ⊗ x)ij = xi xj , x = (xi )i ,
|x| |x|3
where, as usual, .1 is the identity matrix of the appropriate dimension (.N × N). It is
then elementary to realize that
|∇u(x)| ≤
. ,
for some positive constant C. We therefore see, according to Proposition 7.2 where
Ωɛ is the ball .Bɛ of radius .ɛ around the origen, that the Sobolev space to which these
u(x) =
. .
Example 7.2 For a bounded domain .Ω ⊂ R2 with non-empty intersection with the
Y -axis, consider the function
u(x1 , x2 ) =
. .
|x1 |
It is clear that the second partial derivative vanishes; however, the first one has a
jump all along the part J of the Y -axis within .Ω. The point is that this set J cannot
be covered by a sequence like the one in Proposition 7.2. Indeed, it is impossible
to have that .∂Ωɛ be made arbitrarily small; after all, the length, the 1-dimensional
measure, of J does not vanish. This function u does not belong to any Sobolev
space, but to some more general space whose study goes beyond the goal of this
As in Sect. 2.10, we can talk about the vector space .C∞ (Ω) of smooth functions in
a open subset .Ω ⊂ RN . Endowed with the integral norm
( ┐
||u|| =
|u(x)|p + |∇u(x)|p ), dx, u ∈ C∞ (Ω), p ≥ 1,
K(x, y) : Ω × Ω → R
K0 (x, y),
. K1 (x, y)
turn out to be bounded in .Ω (they belong to .L∞ (Ω)). For a given measurable
function .f (y), define
u(x) =
. K(x, y)f (y) dy, x ∈ Ω, (7.4)
Proof We first check that .u(x) defined through (7.4) belongs to .Lp (Ω). We first
⎛ ⎛
.|u(x)| ≤ |K(x, y)| |f (y)| dy ≤ K0 (x, y) |f (y)| dy.
Since .μ0 (x) is finite for a.e. .x ∈ Ω, according to (7.3), the measure
K0 (x, y)
dνx (y) =
. dy
μ0 (x)
7.4 Some Important Examples 223
|u(x)| ≤ μ0 (x)
p p−1
K0 (x, y) |f (y)|p dy.
If we integrate in .x ∈ Ω, we arrive at
⎛ ⎛
p p−1
||u||Lp (Ω) ≤ ||μ0 ||L∞ (Ω)
. K0 (x, y) |f (y)|p dy dx.
N (2−N )ωN |x − y|
1 2−N , N > 2,
Θ(x − y) = Θ(|x − y|) =
2π log |x − y|, N = 2.
The positive number .ωN is the measure of the unit ball in .RN , and .N ωN the surface
measure of the unit sphere. Note that w in (7.6) is defined for every .x ∈ RN , though
224 7 Multidimensional Sobolev Spaces
f (y) is only defined for .y ∈ Ω. It is true however that we can also rewrite (7.6) in
the form
.w(x) = Θ(x − y)χΩ (y)f (y) dy
for the characteristic function .χΩ (y) defined as 1 for points .y ∈ Ω, and vanishing
off .Ω.
According to our general discussion above, we need to check that
. Θ(x − y) dy
and this last integral is finite according to Lemma 7.1, and independent of .x ∈ Ω.
The case .N = 2 can also be checked separately. Consequently, if .f ∈ Lp (Ω), so
does .w(x) in (7.6). But more is true.
Lemma 7.3 If .f ∈ Lp (Ω) with .Ω, bounded, and .p ≥ 1, then its newtonian
potential .w(x) given by (7.6) belongs to .W 1,p (Ω).
Proof After our previous calculations, all we need to find is a symmetric, upper
bound .K1 (x, y)
. K1 (x, y) dy
∇x Θ(x − y) =
. |x − y|−N (x − y),
N ωN
7.4 Some Important Examples 225
K1 (x, y) =
. |x − y|1−N .
N ωN
where .1N is the identity matrix of size .N × N, and, as already introduced earlier,
u ⊗ v = (ui vj )ij ,
. u = (ui ) ∈ RN , v = (vj ) ∈ RN
is no longer finite according to Lemma 7.1. We can easily check, though, that
for every .y except when .x = y. We will come back to these facts in the final chapter.
Another interesting example is the generalization of the results in Sect. 2.29 to a
higher dimensional situation. Specifically, take a smooth function .ρ(x) : RN → R,
supported in the unit ball .B, and with
. ρ(x) dx = 1.
226 7 Multidimensional Sobolev Spaces
u(x) =
. ρ(x − y)f (y) dy (7.7)
Corollary 7.1
1. For .f ∈ Lp (RN ), the function u in (7.7) belongs to the space .W 1,p (RN ) ∩
C∞ (RN ).
2. Moreover if
ρj (z) =
. ρ(j z), fj (x) = ρj (x − y)f (y) dy
j RN
Sobolev spaces can be defined for any open set .Ω ⊂ RN . Yet, from the viewpoint of
variational problems, fundamental properties of Sobolev functions, that one cannot
be dispensed with, can only be shown under some reasonable properties of the
sets were Sobolev functions are defined and considered. There are three main facts
that Sobolev functions should comply with to be of use in variational problems of
interest with sufficient generality:
1. Sobolev functions in .W 1,p (Ω) should have traces on the boundary .∂Ω, i.e.
typical variational problems demand preassigned boundary values for competing
2. coercivity often asks, under boundary conditions, for the .Lp (Ω)-norm of a
function in .W 1,p (Ω) to be included in the .Lp (Ω)-norm of its gradient (Poincaré’s
7.5 Domains for Sobolev Spaces 227
is an open subset (a cylinder with .eN -axis and variable vertical fibers) of .RN . If
.u ∈ W
1,p (Ω), the function of one variable
belongs to .W 1,p (Jx ' ) for a.e. .x ' ∈ ┌ , and hence it is absolutely continuous (as a
function of one variable).
228 7 Multidimensional Sobolev Spaces
for every test function .φ(x), smooth and compactly-supported in .Ω. In particular,
we can take test functions of the product form
If we put
⎛ ┌ ┐
∂φN ' ∂u '
⏀(x ' ) ≡
. u(x ' , xN ) (x , xN ) + φN (x ' , xN ) (x , xN ) dxN ,
Jx ' ∂xN ∂xN
vanishes for a.e. .x ' ∈ ┌ . The arbitrariness of .φN implies our result. Note that for
fixed .x ' ∈ ┌ , the test function .φN (x ' , xN ) can be taken to be of the product form
too (Exercise 1). ⨆
All we need for this proof to be valid is that the last partial derivative .∂u/∂xN belong
to .Lp (Ω).
We expect our definition below will be clearly sensed after the preceding result.
We designate by .{ei }, the canonical basis of .RN and by .πi , the i-th coordinate
projection of .RN onto .RN −1 , .i = 1, 2, . . . , N .
Definition 7.2 We will say that an open subset .Ω ⊂ RN is a domain if it enjoys the
following “cylinder” property:
There is a finite number n, independent of i, such that for every .i = 1, 2, . . . , N , and for
every .x ' ∈ πi Ω, there is .Ji,x ' ⊂ R which is a finite union of at most n open intervals (some
of which could share end-points), with
for every .i = 1, 2, . . . , N .
7.5 Domains for Sobolev Spaces 229
Any reasonable set will fall under the action of this definition. Singular sets
violating this condition are related to not having the finiteness of n.
Proposition 7.3 can be strengthened in the sense that partial derivatives can be
measured along any orthogonal system of coordinates. Once functions posses weak
partial derivatives with respect to one such system, then they have weak partial
derivatives with respect to every other such system too.
Proposition 7.4 Let .Ω ⊂ RN be a domain, and .u ∈ W 1,p (Ω). For a.e. pair of
points .x, y ∈ Ω, the one-dimensional section
f (t) : Jx,y ⊂ R → R,
. Jx,y = {t ∈ R : tx + (1 − t)y ∈ Ω},
f (t) = u(tx + (1 − t)y),
uR (z) : RT Ω → R,
. uR (z) = u(Rz).
It is easy to check that this new function .uR belongs to .W 1,p (RT Ω) (Exercise 3),
and that
Proposition 7.3 can then be applied to .uR to conclude, due to the arbitrariness of .R,
that u is also absolutely continuous along a.e. (one-dimensional) line intersecting
.Ω. ⨆
In practice, quite often domains are usually defined through functions in such a
way that the regularity or smoothness of such functions determined the regularity of
their associated domains.
Definition 7.3 We will say that a domain .Ω ⊂ RN is a .C1 -domain if there is a
.C -function .φ(x) : R
1 N → R such that
Ωɛ = {−ɛ < φ}
230 7 Multidimensional Sobolev Spaces
is an extension of .Ω. The normal direction to .∂Ω is given by the gradient .∇φ,
which, by hypothesis, is non-singular over .∂Ω. Every regular domain according to
Definition 7.3 is a domain according to Definition 7.2.
If .Ω is a .C1 -domain, the signed-distance function to .∂Ω is one standard choice
for .φ
P (y) = 3y 2 − 2y 3 .
Extend it by putting
The resulting function is .C1 in all of .R. For a positive integer j , put
Pj (y) = P (jy),
. ηj (x) = Pj (φ(x)).
{Pj = 0} = RN \ (Ω ∪ ∂Ω),
. {Pj = 1} = {φ ≥ 1/j },
7.6 Traces of Sobolev Functions: The Space W0 (Ω) 231
at least for large j . In this way, by the standard co-area formula or Cavalieri’s
The smoothness of .φ and the boundedness of .∂Ω imply that indeed .ωj \ 0. Finally,
This last product vanishes except when .0 < φ < 1/j . For points .x in this region,
we find
7.6 Traces of Sobolev Functions: The Space W0 (Ω)
One vital ingredient in variational problems is the boundary condition around .∂Ω
imposed on competing functions. This forces us to examine in what sense functions
in Sobolev spaces can take on boundary values. It is another important consequence
of Proposition 7.3, and our definition of a feasible domain Definition 7.2. Note that
232 7 Multidimensional Sobolev Spaces
functions in .Lp (Ω) cannot have, in general, traces over .N − 1 dimensional sets in
.R , as these have a vanishing N -dimensional Lebesgue measure.
x = πi x + tei ,
. t ∈ Ji,πi x . (7.12)
covers the part of .∂Ω that is projected onto .πi Ω, and hence our result is proved once
we realize that the set
⎛ ⎞
.∂Ω \ ∪i π (π i Ω) ∩ ∂Ω
is negligible in .∂Ω. ⨆
Our main result in this section follows.
Proposition 7.5 Let .Ω ⊂ RN be a domain, and .u ∈ W 1,p (Ω). Then the restriction
. u|∂Ω : ∂Ω → R
┌ = ┌ N ,
. x ' = πN x, Jx ' , a connected subinterval of JN,πN x .
7.6 Traces of Sobolev Functions: The Space W0 (Ω) 233
We can write through Proposition 7.3, for every pair of numbers y and z in .Jx ' ,
⎛ y ∂u '
u(x ' , y) − u(x ' , z) =
. (x , x) dx
z ∂xN
∂u '
= χ[z,y] (x) (x , x) dx,
Jx ' ∂xN
are finite for a.e. .x ' ∈ Ω' (because the integral of its p-th power is finite), we
conclude that u is absolutely continuous along a.e. such fiber, and hence it is well-
defined on a.e. point of the form
x ' + teN ,
. t ∈ Jx ' .
This implies our conclusion over .┌ = ┌ N since points in this set are exactly of
this form. The case .p = 1 is argued in the same way, though the above Hölder’s
inequality is not valid. ⨆
Once we have shown that Sobolev functions in .W 1,p (Ω), for a certain domain .Ω,
have traces on the boundary .∂Ω, one can isolate the following important subspace.
Definition 7.4 For a domain .Ω ⊂ RN , the subspace
W0 (Ω) ⊂ W 1,p (Ω)
Proof It consists in the realization that the proof above of Proposition 7.5 is valid
line by line for a full sequence .{uj } converging in .W 1,p (Ω), in such a way that we
conclude that there is a point-wise convergence of their traces around .∂Ω. If these
vanish for a sequence of compactly supported functions, so does the trace of the
limit function. ⨆
There still remains the issue of whether every function in .W 1,p (Ω) with a vanishing
trace on .∂Ω belongs, as a matter of fact, to .W0 (Ω). This amounts to showing
that such functions can be approximated, in the norm of .W 1,p (Ω), by a sequence
of smooth functions with compact support contained in .Ω. This issue is technical
and requires some smoothness on .∂Ω, as in other situations. Though we treat
below some other similar points, we will take for granted, under the appropriate
smoothness on .Ω, that .W0 (Ω) is exactly the subspace of .W 1,p (Ω) with a
vanishing trace on .∂Ω. Under this equivalence, we find that (7.2) is correct for
.u ∈ W
1,p (Ω) and .φ ∈ W 1,q (Ω). In particular, it is correct for .u, φ ∈ H 1 (Ω)
and one of the two in .H01 (Ω).
The most important point is that .W0 (Ω) is a Banach space on its own right,
under the same norm. .H01 (Ω) is a Hilbert space with the same inner product of
1 1,p 1,p (Ω).
.H (Ω). It suffices to check that .W
0 (Ω) is a closed subspace in .W
Proposition 7.7 .W0 (Ω) is closed in .W 1,p (Ω).
Proof Suppose we are facing a situation where
uj → u in W 1,p (Ω),
. uj ∈ W0 (Ω),
and we would like to conclude that necessarily .u ∈ W0 (Ω).
By Definition 7.4, we know that there is a sequence .{φj } of smooth functions
with compact support contained in .Ω and such that
and .u ∈ W0 (Ω), again by Definition 7.4. ⨆
Another natural and relevant question is what functions, defined in the boundary
∂Ω of a domain .Ω ⊂ RN , can be attained as the trace of a Sobolev function in .Ω.
There is a very precise answer to this question that is a bit beyond this first course
7.6 Traces of Sobolev Functions: The Space W0 (Ω) 235
about Sobolev spaces. A practical answer that is sufficient in practice most of the
time, is that such traces functions are, of course, of the form
In this way, fixed boundary values around .∂Ω for a certain variational problem are
given by providing a specific Sobolev function .u0 ∈ W 1,p (Ω), and then feasible
functions .u ∈ W 1,p (Ω) are asked to comply with the requirement
u − u0 ∈ W0 (Ω).
Remark 7.3 Note that .W0 (RN ) = W 1,p (RN ).
The following is another remarkable but natural result.
Proposition 7.8
1. If .u ∈ W0 (Ω), then its extension by zero, indicated by the operator .·,
u(x), x ∈ Ω,
. u(x) =
0, x∈
/ Ω,
Hence .u ∈ W 1,p (RN ). This part does not require any smoothness on .Ω.
236 7 Multidimensional Sobolev Spaces
Conversely, assume that .u ∈ W 1,p (RN ). By Remark 7.3, there is a sequence .{uj }
of smooth functions with compact support such that
But since
we conclude that .uj → 0 in .W 1,p (RN \ Ω). If .Ω is regular and .φ is its defining
function, by Lemma 7.6 (or rather its .C∞ -version) there is a sequence .{ηj } with
those stated properties. Then the sequence .{vj = uj ηj } ⊂ C∞
c (Ω) and
||u − vj ||W 1,p (Ω) ≤||u − uj ||W 1,p (Ω) + ||uj − vj ||W 1,p (Ω)
and .u ∈ W0 (Ω). ⨆
Our manipulations in the proof of Proposition 7.5 lead in a natural way to the
following remarkable fact. Recall that .πi , .i = 1, 2, . . . , N, is the i-th canonical
coordinate projection so that .1 − πi is the projection onto the i-th axis.
Proposition 7.9 Suppose .Ω ⊂ RN is a domain such that at least one of the N
projections .(1 − πi )Ω is a bounded set of .R. Then there is a constant .C > 0
(depending on p and on the size of this projection in .R) such that, for every
.u ∈ W
0 (Ω), we have
Proof Suppose, without loss of generality, that the index i is the last one N , so
that the diameter of the projection .(1 − πN )Ω onto the last axis is not greater than
.L > 0. We can write, with the notation in the proof of Proposition 7.5 above, for
a.e. .x ' ∈ πN Ω,
⎛ y ⎛
∂u ' ∂u '
u(x ' , y) =
. (x , x) dx = χ[z,y] (x) (x , x) dx,
z ∂xN Jx ' ∂xN
7.7 Poincaré’s Inequality 237
if the point .(x ' , z) ∈ ∂Ω, and hence .u(x ' , z) = 0. The diameter of the set .Jx ' is not
greater than L for a.e. .x ' ∈ πN Ω. Again by Hölder’s inequality,
⎛ ⎛ | | ⎞ 1/p
| ∂u ' |p 1 1
|u(x ' , y)| ≤ | | |y − z|1/q , + = 1,
| ∂x (x , x)| dx p q
Jx ' N
that is to say
⎛ ⎛ | | ⎞ 1/p
| ∂u ' |p
|u(x , y)| ≤ | | L1/q ,
| ∂x (x , x)| dx
Jx ' N
Notice that . pq + 1 = p. The case .p = 1 is also correct, and the proof requires some
very minor adjustments. ⨆
This result indicates that when boundary values around .Ω are preassigned, the size
of functions is somehow incorporated in the norm of the gradient. In particular, we
see that the p-th norm of the gradient
||∇u||Lp (Ω) =
. |∇u(x)|p dx
238 7 Multidimensional Sobolev Spaces
is truly a norm in the space .W0 (Ω), and
. ∇u(x) · ∇v(x) dx
is a genuine inner product in .H01 (Ω). Poincaré’s inequality is the second main point
that we set to ourselves before proceeding to examining scalar, multidimensional
variational problems.
{∂uj /∂xi },
. i = 1, 2, . . . , N,
are bounded in .Lp (Ω). By the first part of Corollary 2.4, there are functions
u(i) ∈ Lp (Ω),
. i = 0, 1, 2, . . . , N,
. ⥛ u(i) , i = 1, 2, . . . , N, uj ⥛ u(0) .
We first claim that .u ≡ u(0) belongs to .W 1,p (Ω), and its i-th weak, partial derivative
is precisely .u(i) . To this end, take a test function .φ, and write for each j and i, since
.uj ∈ W
1,p (Ω),
∂φ ∂uj
. [uj (x) (x) + φ(x) (x)] dx = 0.
Ω ∂xi ∂xi
7.8 Weak and Strong Convergence 239
This identity, valid for arbitrary test functions .φ, exactly means, given that each .u(i)
belongs to .Lp (Ω), that .u ∈ W 1,p (Ω), .u(i) is the i-th partial derivative of u, and
hence, .uj ⥛ u in .W 1,p (Ω).
It remains to show the fundamental additional fact that .uj → u (strong) in
.L (Ω). We know that
⎛ ⎛ | |p || ||
| ∂uj ' | || ∂uj ||p
| | ' || ||
| ∂x (x , xN )| dxN dx = || ∂x || ≤ M < ∞,
Ω' Jx ' N N
∂uj ∂u
⥛ ,
∂xN ∂xN
to find
⎛ ⎛ ⎛ ⎛ ⎞ ⎞
' ∂uj ' ∂u '
. ψ(x ) (x , xN ) − (x , xN ) φ(xN ) dxN dx ' → 0.
Ω' Jx ' ∂xN ∂xN
Due to the arbitrariness of .ψ, thanks to Lemma 7.4, we can conclude that, for a.e.
x ' ∈ Ω' ,
From Proposition 2.7 and the observations before its statement, we can conclude
for certain measurable functions .vj , independent of .xN , and for a.e. .x ' ∈ Ω' . For this
fact to be precisely true, one would have to partition the domain .Ω in subsets where
the transversal sets .Jx ' of .R are single intervals (Exercise 2 below). Our conclusion
exactly means that we have the point-wise convergence
for a.e. .x ∈ Ω, and a.e. .x ' ∈ Ω' . There is nothing keeping us from going over this
argument with a different partial derivative
∂/∂xi ,
. i = 1, 2, . . . , N − 1,
so that we would conclude that in fact the functions .vj (x ' ) can be taken as constants
.vj independent of .x. Since, on the other hand, we indeed know that .uj ⥛ u in
.L (Ω), by uniqueness of limits, we conclude that .vj → 0, because weak and strong
convergence for constants is the same, and .uj → u strongly in .Lp (Ω). ⨆
With this result we complete our initial analysis of first-order, multidimensional
Sobolev spaces that permits us to deal with the most pertinent issues about scalar
variational problems. We will do so in the next chapter. We include a final section to
briefly describe how to set up, in an inductive manner, higher-order Sobolev spaces.
These will allow to deal with higher-order variational problems.
. ∈ Lp (Ω), i = 1, 2, . . . , N,
7.9 Higher-Order Sobolev Spaces 241
As in the smooth case, the full collection of weak second partial derivatives can be
arranged in the weak hessian
⎛ ⎞
∂ 2u
∇ 2u =
∂xi ∂xj i,j =1,2,...,N
⎛ ⎛ ⎞
||u||p =
. |u(x)|p + |∇u(x)|p + |∇ 2 u(x)|p dx,
or, equivalently,
The space .H 2 (Ω) = W 2,2 (Ω) is a separable, Hilbert space with the inner product
⎛ ⎛ ⎞
<u, v> =
. u(x)v(x) + ∇u(x) · ∇v(x) + ∇ 2 u(x) : ∇ 2 v(x) dx.
In a similar, inductive way, one can define Sobolev spaces .W m,p (Ω) for .m ≥ 1,
by demanding that derivatives of order .m − 1 belong to .W 1,p (Ω). Recall that the
product .A : B of two .N × N-matrices is, as usual,
A : B = tr(AT B).
The fact that the weak hessian is a symmetric matrix, because of the equality of
mixed partial derivatives, is also a direct consequence of the same fact for smooth
functions through the integration-by-parts formula.
Most of the important facts for functions in .W 2,p (Ω) can be deduced from
parallel facts for functions in .W 1,p (Ω), applied to each partial derivative. Possibly,
one of the points worth highlighting, from the viewpoint of variational problems,
is the fact that functions in .W 2,p (Ω) admit traces for functions and all their partial
derivatives. In particular, if .Ω has a smooth boundary with outer, unit normal .n, then
242 7 Multidimensional Sobolev Spaces
u = ∇u = 0 on ∂Ω,
or equivalently
. u= = 0 on ∂Ω.
From this standpoint, it is important to understand the distinction between the two
2,p 1,p
W0 (Ω),
. W0 (Ω) ∩ W 2,p (Ω).
W0 (Ω) ⊂ W 2,p (Ω)
is the closure in .W 2,p (Ω) of the subspace of smooth functions with compact
support in .Ω.
2. The subspace
W0 (Ω) ∩ W 2,p (Ω) ⊂ W 2,p (Ω)
is the closure in .W 2,p (Ω) of the subspace of smooth functions vanishing at .∂Ω.
We will come back to these spaces in the final part of the next chapter, when dealing
with second-order variational problems.
7.10 Exercises
{(x '0 , t) : t ∈ J } ⊂ Ω
7.10 Exercises 243
for some fixed x '0 and compact interval J ⊂ R. Show that if φ(xN ) is a test
function with support contained in J , then there is another test function ψ(x ' )
such that
uR (z) : RT Ω → R,
. uR (z) = u(Rz),
if Ω ⊂ RN is a domain, and u ∈ W 1,p (Ω). Prove that uR ∈ W 1,p (RT Ω), and
4. In the field of PDEs, spaces of functions where not all partial derivatives have
the same integrability properties need to be considered. To be specific, consider
the space
{u ∈ L2 (Ω) :
. ∈ L2 (Ω)}, x = (x1 , x2 ), Ω ⊂ R2 ,
but nothing is required about ∂u/∂x2 . Show that it is a Hilbert space under the
inner product
∂u ∂v
.<u, v> = [u(x)v(x) + (x) (x)] dx, x = (x1 , x2 ).
Ω ∂x1 ∂x1
∇(uψ) = ∇u ψ + u∇ψ in Ω;
(a) Define the subspace L2div (Ω) of fields in L2 (Ω; RN ) with a weak diver-
gence in L2 (Ω).
(b) Consider the further subspace
and check that it is the orthogonal complement of the image, under the
gradiente operator, of H01 (Ω).
8. Take Ω = (0, 1)2 ⊂ R2 . Declare a measurable function
u(x1 , x2 ) : Ω → R,
Argue that it is a subspace of H 1 (B) that is not closed (under the norm of
H 1 (B)).
Chapter 8
Scalar, Multidimensional Variational
8.1 Preliminaries
among a given set .A of competing functions. The main situation we will explore
is that in which feasible functions in .A are determined through their preassigned
values around .∂Ω.
We will start with the particular, fundamental case of quadratic functionals which
builds upon the Lax-Milgram theorem of Chap. 3. This is rather natural and does not
require any new fundamental fact. After that, we will focus on the three important
aspects as in Chap. 4, namely,
1. weak lower semicontinuity, the direct method, and one main existence result;
2. optimality conditions in the Hilbert-space scenario, and weak solutions of PDEs;
3. explicit examples.
We will wrap the chapter with a look at the most important example of a second-
order problem that is important in applications: the bi-harmonic operator. We will
cover, in such a case, much more rapidly the two issues of existence of optimal
solutions and optimality.
Since at this point we already have a non-negligible training on most of the
abstract, underlying issues, proofs dwell in more technical facts, and, sometimes,
they are shorter than the ones for previous similar results.
© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2024 245
P. Pedregal, Functional Analysis, Sobolev Spaces, and Calculus of Variations,
La Matematica per il 3+2 157,
246 8 Variational Problems
Our abstract discussion on the Lax-Milgram lemma in Sect. 3.2 can be applied
directly to quadratic, multi-dimensional variational problems of the form
⎛ ⎡ ⎤
Minimize in u ∈
. H01 (Ω) : ∇u(x) A(x)∇u(x) + f (x)u(x) dx
Ω 2
under vanishing Dirichlet boundary conditions around .∂Ω. The important ingredi-
ents to ensure the appropriate hypotheses in Theorem 3.1 are
A(x), symmetric,
. |A(x)| ≤ C, C > 0, x ∈ Ω,
c|u|2 ≤ uT A(x)u, c > 0, x ∈ Ω, u ∈ RN .
. [∇v(x)T A(x)∇u(x) + f (x)v(x)] dx = 0 (8.1)
A(x) = 1,
. f (x) ≡ 0,
which is obviously covered by Theorem 3.1 and Corollary 8.1. Due to its signifi-
cance, we state it separately as a corollary.
Corollary 8.2 (Dirichlet’s Principle) For every domain .Ω, there is a unique
function .u(x) ∈ H01 (Ω) which is a minimizer for the problem
Minimize in v(x) ∈ H 1 (Ω) :
. |∇v(x)|2 dx
2 Ω
under .u − u0 ∈ H01 (Ω) for a given .u0 ∈ H 1 (Ω). This unique function u is
determined as a (weak) solution of Laplace’s equation
Δ u(x) = 0 in Ω,
. u = u0 on ∂Ω.
8.2 Abstract, Quadratic Variational Problems 247
As we comment below, much more regularity for the harmonic function u can be
derived if one can count on further regularity of the domain .Ω, and the boundary
datum .u0 .
Several variations can be adapted to this model problem. We name a few, some of
which are proposed as exercises in the final section. We would have a corresponding
corollary for all of them.
• The linear term
. f (x)u(x) dx
for a field
F(x) ∈ L2 (Ω; RN ),
<f, u>,
. f ∈ H −1 (Ω),
if we declare the space .H −1 (Ω) as the dual of .H01 (Ω). More on this in the final
• Boundary conditions can be easily changed to a non-vanishing situation, as in
the Dirichlet’s principle, by selecting some appropriate specific function .u0 ∈
H 1 (Ω), and defining the bilinear form over functions of the kind .u + u0 for
.u ∈ H (Ω).
• The bilinear form, i.e. the integral functional, can also incorporate a quadratic
term in u
⎛ ⎡ ⎤
1 1
. ∇u(x) A(x)∇u(x) + a(x)u(x) + f (x)u(x) dx
T 2
Ω 2 2
. Minimize in u ∈ H 1 (Ω) :
⎛ ⎡ ⎤
1 1
∇u(x) A(x)∇u(x) + u(x) + f (x)u(x) dx.
T 2
Ω 2 2
248 8 Variational Problems
The minimization process in this situation leads to the so-called natural boundary
condition, as it is found as a result of the optimization process itself, and not
imposed in any way.
• Boundary conditions may come in the Neumann form for the normal derivative
. Minimize in u ∈ H 1 (Ω) :
⎛ ⎡ ⎤
1 1
∇u(x) A(x)∇u(x) + u(x) + f (x)u(x) dx.
T 2
Ω 2 2
for a function h defined on .∂Ω, and .n(x), the unit, outer normal to .∂Ω. .Ω is
supposed to have a boundary which is a smooth .N −1 compact hypersurface. This
problem would require, however, a much more detailed analysis to determine
Lebesgue spaces defined on manifolds for functions h.
• The matrix field .A(x) might not be symmetric.
There are two important issues to explore, once one has shown existence of optimal
solutions for a certain variational principle.
1. In the first place, it is most crucial to establish optimality conditions. These are
additional fundamental requirements that optimal solutions must comply with
precisely because they are optimal solutions for a given variational problem; they
typically involved, in the multidimensional case, partial differential equations
(PDEs). These are initially formulated in a weak form; in the case of quadratic
functionals, such optimality conditions are given as a fundamental part of the
application of the Lax-Milgram lemma. In Corollary 8.1, it is (8.1). We say that
(8.1) is the weak form of the linear, elliptic PDE
of fine work.
We will be using these quadratic model problem for a more general integral
functional. However, when one is off the quadratic framework, the existence of
optimal solution is much more involved as there is no general result as neat as the
Lax-Milgram lemma.
8.3 Scalar, Multidimensional Variational Problems 249
u = u0 on ∂Ω
. (8.3)
for a fixed, given function .u0 . Since such variational problems will be setup in
Sobolev spaces .W 1,p (Ω) for exponent .p > 1, the underlying set .Ω will always be
taken to be a bounded domain according to Definition 7.2. Moreover the function
.u0 will belong to the same space .W
1,p (Ω) and competing functions .u ∈ W 1,p (Ω)
u − u0 ∈ W0 (Ω).
This is our formal way to enforce (8.3). More specifically, we will be concerned
with the variational problem
Minimize in u ∈ A :
. I (u) = F (x, u(x), ∇u(x)) dx
F (x, u, u) : Ω × R × RN → R,
. (8.4)
F (u, v) : Rm × Rn → R
be continuous, and bounded from below. Consider the associated integral functional
E(u, v) =
. F (u(x), v(x)) dx
250 8 Variational Problems
for pairs
(u, v) ∈ Lp (Ω; Rm × Rn ).
uj → u in Lp (Ω; Rm ),
. vj ⥛ v in Lp (Ω; Rn ), (8.5)
we will have
Σ ⎛ ⎛ ⎞ Σ⎛
. |Ωi |F ũ(i) , vj (x) dx ≤ F (ũ(i)
j , vj (x)) dx
|Ωi | Ωi Ω i
i i
≤ F (uj (x), vj (x)) dx + Rj ,
Σ ⎛
Rj =
. Rj,i , Rj,i = |F (uj (x), vj (x)) − F (ũj , vj (x))| dx.
i Ωi
8.3 Scalar, Multidimensional Variational Problems 251
⎛ ⎛
. F (u(x), v(x)) dx ≤ lim inf F (uj (x), vj (x)) dx.
E j →∞ E
and the arbitrariness of E filling out all of .Ω, leads to the sufficienty.
For the necessity, we invoke a generalization of Example 2.12 in the higher
dimensional setting. Given a domain .Ω ⊂ RN and a positive volume fraction
.t ∈ (0, 1), there is always a sequence of characteristic functions .{χj (x)} of subsets
of .Ω such that .χj ⥛ t|Ω|. This is left as an exercise. If we now consider the
sequence of pairs
Proof The sufficiency part of this corollary is a direct consequence of the previous
theorem if we identify
in such a way that the strong convergence of .{Uj } in .Lp (Ω; RN +m ) is equivalent to
the convergence of .{uj } in .Lp (Ω; Rm ). The necessity is a bit more involved than the
property shown in Theorem 8.1 precisely by the remark made right after the proof
of it. But it is a clear indication that it should be correct; and indeed it is. Its proof
would require finer calculations as in the proof of Theorem 4.2. We do not insist on
this point because our main interest is in the sufficiency part. ⨆
Corollary 8.3 is the cornerstone of a general existence theorem for optimal solutions
for variational problems with an integral functional of type (8.2)
I (u) =
. F (x, u(x), ∇u(x)) dx
under boundary values around .∂Ω for admissible u’s, and additional assumptions
ensuring coercivity in appropriate Sobolev spaces.
Theorem 8.2 Let
F (x, u, u) : Ω × R × RN → R
8.4 A Main Existence Theorem 253
be measurable with respect to .x, and continuous with respect to pairs .(u, u).
Suppose in addition that.
1. there is .p > 1 and .C > 0 with
C(|u|p − 1) ≤ F (x, u, u)
. (8.6)
u |→ F (x, u, u)
u − u0 ∈ W0 (Ω)
{uj } ⊂ W0 (Ω),
p 1
. ||∇u0 + ∇uj ||Lp (Ω) ≤ 1 + I (u0 + uj ),
if I is the corresponding integral functional. Thus, if .{u0 +uj } is truly minimizing
with a value .m ∈ R for the infimum,
⎛ ⎞
m + 1 1/p
||∇u0 + ∇uj ||Lp (Ω)
. ≤ 1+ ,
254 8 Variational Problems
||∇uj ||Lp (Ω) ≤||∇u0 + ∇uj ||Lp (Ω) + ||∇u0 ||Lp (Ω)
⎛ ⎞
m + 1 1/p
≤ 1+ + ||∇u0 ||Lp (Ω) ,
We now come to the last of the main issues concerning variational problems, that
of deriving optimality conditions that optimal solutions of problems must comply
with precisely because they are optimal. As usual, the natural scenario to derive
optimality is that of Hilbert spaces, though it can be generalized to Banach spaces.
8.5 Optimality Conditions: Weak Solutions for PDEs 255
For this reason, we restrict attention in this section to the case .p = 2, and so we will
be working in the space .H 1 (Ω). For the sake of simplicity, we avoid the irrelevant
dependence of the integrand .F (x, u, u) on .x. We are not writing the most general
conditions possible, but will be contented with understanding the nature of such
optimality conditions. Note that no convexity is assumed on the next statement of
optimality conditions. It is a necessary statement.
Theorem 8.3 Suppose the integrand
F (u, u) : R × RN → R
Fu (u, u),
. Fu (u, u),
|Fu (u, u)| ≤ C(|u| + |u|), |Fu (u, u)| ≤ C(|u| + |u|).
u − u0 ∈ H01 (Ω),
. u0 ∈ H 1 (Ω), given,
. [Fu (v(x), ∇v(x))V (x) + Fu (v(x), ∇v(x)) · ∇V (x)] dx = 0 (8.7)
Note how (8.7) is precisely what you find when, formally, multiply in this
differential equation by an arbitrary .V ∈ H01 (Ω), and perform an integration by
parts, as usual. Solutions v of (8.7) are called critical functions (of the corresponding
256 8 Variational Problems
Proof Note that under the bounds assumed on the sizes of .F (u, u) and its partial
derivatives .Fu (u, u) and .Fu (u, u), the integral in (8.7) is well-defined for every .V ∈
H01 (Ω).
The proof of (8.7) is very classical. It follows the basic strategy in the corre-
sponding abstract result Proposition 3.4. Let .v ∈ H01 (Ω) be a true minimizer for the
variational problem in the statement, and let .V ∈ H01 (Ω) be an arbitrary element.
For every real .s ∈ R, the section
g(s) = E(v + sV )
Since the integrand .F (u, u) is continuously differentiable, and the result of the
formal differentiation with respect to s
. Fu (v(x) + sV (x),∇v(x) + s∇V (x))V (x)
is well-defined because of our upper bounds on the size of F and its partial
derivatives, it is easy to argue that indeed g is differentiable, and its derivative
is given by the last integral. The condition for global minimum .g ' (0) = 0 then
becomes exactly (8.7). ⨆
A final fundamental issue is that of the sufficiency of optimality conditions.
Suppose we have a function .v ∈ H 1 (Ω) for which (8.7) holds for every .V ∈ H01 (Ω).
Under what conditions on the integrand .F (u, u) can we be sure that v is in fact a
minimizer of the corresponding variational problem? This again involves convexity.
One main point of research, that we will barely touch upon in the next chapter,
is to derive results of existence of critical functions which are not minimizers for
different families of integral functionals.
Theorem 8.4 Suppose the integrand
F (u, u) : R × RN → R
is like has been indicated in Theorem 8.3, and it is jointly convex in pairs .(u, u).
Suppose that a certain function .v ∈ H 1 (Ω), with .v−u0 ∈ H01 (Ω) and .u0 prescribed,
is such that (8.7) holds for every .V ∈ H01 (Ω). Then v is a minimizer for the problem
Minimize in u ∈ H 1 (Ω) :
. I (u) = F (u(x), ∇u(x)) dx
8.6 Variational Problems in Action 257
u − u0 ∈ H01 (Ω).
Proof The proof is essentially the one for Theorem 4.5 adapted to a multidimen-
sional situation. Suppose the feasible function v is such that (8.7) holds for every
.V ∈ H (Ω). The sum .v +V is also feasible for the variational problem, and because
of the convexity assumed on F , for a.e. .x ∈ Ω,
Upon integration on .x, taking into account (8.7), we see that .I (v + V ) ≥ I (v), for
arbitrary .V ∈ H01 (Ω), and v is indeed a minimizer of the problem. ⨆
We have seen that the two main ingredients that ensure existence of optimal
solutions for a typical variational problem associated with an integral functional
. F (x, u(x), ∇u(x)) dx, F (x, u, u) : Ω × R × RN → R
is the convexity and coercivity of the integrand .F (x, u, u) with respect to the
gradient variable .u. Though readers may think that once understood this, one can
be reputed to know a lot about variational problems, the truth is that the application
of Theorem 8.2 to concrete examples might turned out to be more challenging than
One needs to deal with convexity in the most efficient way, and this implies to
know the main operations among functions that preserve convexity in order to have a
clear picture of how to build more sophisticated convex functions from simple ones.
We assume that readers are familiar with the use of the positivity of the hessian to
check convexity for smooth cases. This is taught in Multivariate Calculus courses.
Often times, however, the application of such criterium, though clear as a procedure,
may be not so easy to implement. For instance, the function
1 2 1
.F (u) = |u| + |u|u · v, v ∈ RN , |v| ≤ ,
2 2
is convex, but it is not so straightforward to check it. Same comments apply to
coercivity. At times, convexity may be quite straightforward, and it is coercivity
258 8 Variational Problems
that turns out to be more involved. We aim at giving some practical hints that may
help in dealing with examples.
Recall again (Definition 4.1) that a function
φ : D ⊂ RN → R
If there is no mention about the set D, one consider it to be the whole space .RN or
the natural domain of definition of .φ (which must be a convex set).
The following is elementary, but they are the principles to build new convex
functions from old ones. We have already mentioned it in Sect. 4.1.
Proposition 8.2
1. Every linear (affine) function is convex (and concave).
2. A linear combination of convex functions with positive scalars is convex. In
particular, the sum of convex functions is convex, and so is the product by a
positive number.
3. The composition of a convex function with an increasing, convex function of one
variable is convex.
4. The supremum of convex functions is convex.
We already know (Proposition 4.1) that, when .φ is convex, then
CL φ = sup{ψ : ψ ≤ φ, ψ, linear} ≡ φ.
CL φ ≡ CC φ ≡ Cφ
as its convexification. It is the largest convex function, not bigger than .φ itself.
Concerning coercivity, we just want to mention a main principle that plays an
important role in many different contexts when contributions in inequalities are
desired to be absorbed by other terms. It is just a simple generalization of inequality
Lemma 8.1 For .∈ > 0, and .u, v ∈ RN ,
∈2 2 1
. |u| + 2 |v|2 .
2 2∈
Some examples follow.
8.7 Some Examples 259
.|u| = sup v · u,
it is the supremum of linear functions. Hence, all functions of the form .φ(u) =
f (|u|) for a non-decreasing, convex function f of a single variable, are convex. In
|u|p , p ≥ 1,
. 1 + |u|q , q ≥ 2.
Example 8.2 If .ψ(u) is convex, then .φ(u) = ψ(Au) is convex as well for every
matrix .A. In this way the functions
.|Au| , p ≥ 1, 1 + |Au|q , q ≥ 2,
1 2 1
F (u) =
. |u| + |u|u · v, v ∈ RN , |v| ≤ . (8.8)
2 2
One first realizes that for an additional constant vector .w ∈ RN , we have that the
quadratic function
⎛ ⎞
1 2 1
.u |→ |u| + u · w u · v = u 1+w⊗v u
2 2
1 2
F (x, u, u) =
. |u| + |u| u · F(x)
260 8 Variational Problems
|F(x)| ≤ 1/2,
. x ∈ Ω.
(u ⊗ v)ij = ui vj .
Note that the existence of a unique minimizer for the integral functional with one
of these two integrands immediately yields the existence of (weak) solutions of,
for example, this last non-linear PDE.
2. Our second example is of the form
F (x, u, u) =
. (|u| + f (x))2 + u(x)g(x),
1 2 1
f (u) =
. u , f (u) = (|u| − 1)2 .
2 2
4. For exponent p greater than 1, but different from 2, the parallel functional for the
pth-Dirichlet problem is
Minimize in u(x) ∈ W 1,p (Ω) :
. |∇u(x)|p dx
Ω p
under prescribed boundary conditions .u − u0 ∈ W0 (Ω) for a given .u0 ∈
W 1,p (Ω). The associated Euler-Lagrange equation reads
. div(|∇u|p−2 ∇u) = 0 in Ω.
This non-linear PDE is known as the pth-laplacian equation for obvious reasons,
and it probably is the best studied one after Laplaces’. Even for the case .p = 1, a
lot of things are known though the analysis is much more delicate. The existence
of a unique minimizer for the underlying variational problem is, however, a direct
consequence of our analysis in this chapter.
5. The functional for non-parametric minimal surfaces
⎛ /
. 1 + |∇u(x)|2 dx
faces the same delicate issue of the linear growth so that .W 1,1 (Ω) is the natural
space. It is also a problem that requires a lot of expertise. One can always try a
small regularization of the form
⎛ ⎛ / ⎞
. |∇u|2 + 1 + |∇u(x)|2 dx
Ω 2
The form of this integrand has been adjusted for the zone .|u| ≥ ∈ −1 in such way
that it has quadratic growth, and the overall resulting integrand .F∈ turns out to be
at least .C1 . The variational problem for .F∈ has a unique minimizer .u∈ . This is the
easy part. The whole point of such regularization is to investigate the behavior of
such minimizers as .∈ tends to zero. This is typically reserved for a much more
specialized analysis.
262 8 Variational Problems
a(u) 2
F (u, u) =
. |u| , F (u, u) = uT A(u)u,
where the respective matrices involved
A(u) =
. a(u)1, A(u),
need to be, regardless of its dependence on u, uniformly bounded and positive
definite. The existence of minimizers can then be derived directly from our
Once we have spaces .W 2,p (Ω) to our disposal we can treat variational problems of
second-order, whose model problem is of the form
Minimize in u ∈ W
(Ω) : I (u) = F (x, u(x), ∇u(x), ∇ 2 u(x)) dx,
F (x, u, u, U) : Ω × R × RN × RN ×N → R
. (8.9)
We could certainly cover similar facts for second-order problems as the ones
stated and proved in Sects. 8.3, 8.4, and 8.5 for first-order problem, but we trust, just
as we have done with higher-order Sobolev spaces, that the experience and maturity
gained with first-order problems may be sufficient to clearly see the validity of the
following results which is a way to summarize the main points about one problem
like our model problem above. It is by no means the most such general result. There
might be several variants concerning constraints to be respected either as boundary
conditions around .∂Ω, or otherwise. Though, it is a long statement, we believe it is
a good way to sum up the fundamental facts.
We are given a density like F in (8.9) which is measurable in the variable .x, and
continuous in .(u, u, U). We consider the corresponding variational problem
Minimize in u ∈ A ⊂ W 2,p (Ω) :
. I (u) = F (x, u(x), ∇u(x), ∇ 2 u(x)) dx,
8.8 Higher-Order Variational Principles 263
where we have added the restriction set .A, typically incorporating boundary
conditions for feasible functions.
Theorem 8.5
1. Suppose that
(a) there is a constant .c > 0 and exponent .p > 1 such that
or more in general
( )
c ||u||W 2,p (Ω) − 1 ≤ I (u);
U → F (x, u, u, U)
F (u, u, U) : R × RN × RN ×N → R
.|F (u, u, U)| ≤ C(|U|2 + |u|2 + |u|2 ), |Fu (u, u, U)| ≤ C(|U| + |u| + |u|),
|Fu (u, u, U)| ≤ C(|U| + |u| + |u|), |FU (u, u, U)| ≤ C(|U| + |u| + |u|).
If a function .v ∈ H02 (Ω), with .v − u0 ∈ H02 (Ω), is a minimizer for the problem
.Minimize in u ∈ H 2 (Ω) : I (u) = F (u(x), ∇u(x), ∇ 2 u(x)) dx
u − u0 ∈ H02 (Ω),
. u0 ∈ H 2 (Ω), given,
264 8 Variational Problems
⎛ ⎡
. Fu (v(x), ∇v(x), ∇ 2 v(x))V (x) + Fu (v(x), ∇v(x), ∇ 2 v(x)) · ∇V (x)
+FU (v(x), ∇v(x), ∇ 2 v(x)) : ∇ 2 V (x) dx = 0
for every .V ∈ H01 (Ω), i.e. v is a weak solution of the fourth-order problem
Fu (u, u, U),
. Fu (u, u, U), FU (u, u, U)
enjoy the properties of the previous item, and, in addition, it is convex with
respect to triplets .(u, u, U). If a certain function .v ∈ H 2 (Ω), complying with
.v − u0 ∈ H (Ω) and .u0 , prescribed, is a weak solution of the corresponding
fourth-order Euler-Lagrange equation just indicated in the previous item, then v
is a minimizer of the associated variational problem.
4. If in addition to all of the hypotheses indicated in each particular situation, the
integrand F is strictly convex in .(u, u, U), there is a unique minimizer and a
unique weak solution to the Euler-Lagrange equation, and they are the same
We will be contented with explicitly looking at the most important such example:
the bi-laplacian.
Example 8.4 For a regular, bounded domain .Ω ⊂ RN , and a given function .u0 ∈
H 2 (Ω), we want to briefly study the second-order variational problem
.Minimize in u ∈ H 2 (Ω) : I (u) = |Δ u(x)|2 dx
2 Ω
u − u0 ∈ H02 (Ω).
Recall that
∂ 2u
Δ u(x) =
. (x),
8.8 Higher-Order Variational Principles 265
.F (x, u, u, U) = (tr U)2 .
It is elementary to realize that the associated Euler-Lagrange problem is concerned
with the bi-laplacian or bi-harmonic operator
∂u ∂u0
.Δ 2 u = 0 in Ω, u = u0 , = on ∂Ω. (8.10)
∂n ∂n
F (x, u, u, U) =
. (tr U)2 + a(x) tr U + F0 (x, u(x), ∇u(x)) (8.11)
but vanishing boundary conditions .u ∈ H02 (Ω). For the sake of simplicity, we will
simply take .F0 ≡ 0, and will take .a(x) ∈ L2 (Ω). We will, therefore, focus on the
optimization problem
⎛ ⎛ ⎞
Minimize in u(x) ∈ H02 (Ω) :
. I (u) = |Δ u(x)|2 + a(x)Δ u(x) dx.
Ω 2
We will take advantage of this special example to stress the following general fact.
If the integrand F of an integral functional I is coercive and (strictly) convex,
then I inherit these properties from F . But an integral functional I may be coercive
and strictly convex in its domain of definition while none of these properties be
correct for the integrand of I pointwise.
It is clear that the integrand F in (8.11) is not coercive on the variable .U nor
strictly convex because some of the entries of the hessian of u do not occur in F .
Yet we check below that the functional itself I is both coercive and strictly convex
in .H02 (Ω).
Proposition 8.3 The functional .I : H02 (Ω) → R in (8.12) is coercive, smooth
and strictly convex. Consequently, there is a unique minimizer for (8.12) and for its
corresponding Euler-Lagrange problem (i.e. for (8.10)).
Proof The proof only require one important, but elementary fact: for every .u ∈
H02 (Ω), it is true that
⎛ ⎛
. |∇ 2 u(x)|2 dx = Δ u(x)2 dx. (8.13)
266 8 Variational Problems
A more general form of this equality is proved in the next chapter. This identity
implies that we can also represent our functional in (8.12) by
⎛ ⎛ ⎞
1 2
I (u) =
. |∇ u(x)|2 + a(x)Δ u(x) dx.
Ω 2
1 2
F̃ (x, u, u, U) =
. |U| + a(x) tr U,
which is point-wise coercive and strictly convex in the variable .U. We would
conclude by Theorem 8.5.
To show (8.13), notice that through a standard density argument, given that
.Cc (Ω) is, by definition (Definition 7.6), dense in .H (Ω), it suffices to check that
for every pair .i, j , and for every .u ∈ Cc (Ω), it is true that
⎛ ⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞ ⎛
∂ ∂u ∂ ∂u ∂ 2u ∂ 2u
. dx = dx.
Ω ∂xi ∂xj ∂xj ∂xi Ω ∂xj2 ∂xi2
This identity is checked immediately after two integration by parts (or just by using
the product rule for smooth functions) bearing in mind that boundary values for u
and .∇u vanish around .∂Ω. ⨆
We can, of course, consider variational problems of order higher than two.
under .u = 1 on .∂B. .B is the unit ball in .RN . Though the form of this problem may
look a bit artificial, it is designed to convey the concentration effect. We claim that
the infimum of the problem vanishes. If this is indeed so, then it is clear that there
cannot be a function u realizing it, because of the incompatibility of the functional
with the boundary datum. Minimizing sequence then should jump abruptly from
zero to meet the boundary datum in small boundary layers around .∂B. Indeed, the
following is a minimizing sequence of the problem
0, x ∈ [0, 1 − 1/j ],
. uj (x) = fj (|x|), fj (x) =
j (x − 1) + 1, x ∈ [1 − 1/j, 1].
.Cφ ≤ φ # ≤ φ.
2. If .φ is convex, then .φ = φ # .
Proof The inequality .φ # ≤ φ is trivial because the linear function .u(x) = u · x is,
of course, a valid function to compete for .φ # (u).
Let u be one of the competing functions in the definition of .φ # so that .u(x) = u·x
on .∂B. Define a measure through the formula
.<ψ, μu > = ψ(∇u(x)) dx.
|Ω| Ω
268 8 Variational Problems
It is clear that every such .μu is a probability measure, compactly supported in .RN
and barycenter .u. By Jensen’s inequality, since .Cφ is convex and .μu , a probability
measure with first moment .u,
⎛ ⎛
1 1
.Cφ(u) ≤ Cφ(∇u(x)) dx ≤ φ(∇u(x)) dx.
|B| B |B| B
and .G, the set of all probability measures with first moment .u and compact support
in .RN . It is therefore clear that .F ⊂ G. We will use Corollary 3.6 to show that in
fact .G ⊂ co(F) in the Banach space .C0 (B) and its dual, which was identified in
Example 7.3 of Chap. 2. Though we did not prove this fact, it is however clear that
both sets .F and .G, being subsets of probability measures, are subsets of the dual
of .C0 (B). Let then suppose that for a continuous function .ψ, a probability measure
.μ ∈ G, and a real number .ρ, we have that
This implies that .ψ must be less than .−ρ somewhere in .B, for otherwise the previous
inequality would be impossible. By continuity, this same inequality .ψ < −ρ still
holds in a certain ball .Br (u). In this case we can find, for instance, a continuous
radial function
u(x) = u(|x|),
. ∇u(x) = u' (|x|) ,
u(t) : [0, 1] → R,
. u(1) = 0, u' ≤ r,
u · x + u(x) ∈ F,
. supp(∇u) ⊂ Br (u).
8.9 Non-existence and Relaxation 269
It is then elementary to realize that for such u, the corresponding .μu is an element
of .F and, by construction,
⌠ ⎛ ⎫
. inf φ(∇u(x)) dx : u ∈ C (B), u(x) = u · x on ∂B ,
are equal because both numbers are equal to .|B|Cφ(u). This is the simplest example
of what in the jargon of the Calculus of Variations is called a relaxation theorem.
Since this is a more advanced topic, we just state here a more general such fact for
the scalar case, and leave a more complete discussion for a more specialized treatise.
F (x, u, u) : Ω × R × RN → R
be measurable with respect to .x, and continuous with respect to pairs .(u, u) and
such that there is .p > 1 and .C > c > 0 with
Let .CF (x, u, u) stand for the convexification of .F (x, u, ·) for each fixed pair .(x, u).
Then Theorem 8.2 can be applied to the (convexified) functional
CI (u) =
. CF (x, u(x), ∇u(x)) dx,
and for given .u0 ∈ W 1,p (Ω) there is, at least, one minimizer v of the problem.
Theorem 8.7 Under the indicated hypotheses, we have
.CI (v) = min{CI (u) : u − u0 ∈ W 1,p (Ω)} = inf{I (u) : u − u0 ∈ W 1,p (Ω)}.
270 8 Variational Problems
What this statement is claiming is that the problem for the non-convex integrand
F may not admit a minimizer for lack of convexity, but if we replace it by
its convexification, we recover minimizers and the value of the infimum has not
There are several other important ways to show the convexity of .φ # . These are
important for the proof of the previous statement even in a vector situation. As
such, they need to be known by anyone interested in deepening his insight into the
Calculus of Variation. Since this is a primer on variational techniques, we do not
treat them, but just mention them.
The first one is based on the classical Carathéodory theorem, and a funny
construction of a Lipschitz function whose graph is some sort of pyramid. Recall
the concept of the convexification of a set in Definition 3.4.
Theorem 8.8 For every set .C ⊂ RN , we always have
⌠ ⎫
. co(C) = ti ui : ti ≥ 0, ti = 1, ui ∈ C .
i=0 i=0
The important point here is that in spite of limiting, to .N + 1, the number of terms
in convex combinations with elements of .C, yet one does not loose any vector in
. ti ui : ti ≥ 0, ti = 1, ui ∈ RN .
i=0 i=0
u(x) = u · x on ∂X,
|{∇u ∈
. / {ui : i = 0, 1, . . . , N}}| = 0.
By putting together these two results, one can show, much more explicitly than we
have done above, Theorem 8.6.
The second one involves a fundamental construction whose interest goes well
beyond our scalar problems here.
1 We are using the same letter .C for two different things: a set in .RN and to indicate the
convexification of a function. We hope not to lead to any confusion as the context makes clear,
we believe, we are referring to in each case
8.10 Exercises 271
8.10 Exercises
F(x) : Ω ⊂ RN → RN ,
. F ∈ L2 (Ω; RN ),
under the boundary condition v − u0 ∈ H01 (Ω). Write with care the associated
Euler-Lagrange equation.
3. Study the problem
. Minimize in u ∈ H 1 (Ω) :
⎛ ⎡ ⎤
1 1
∇u(x) A(x)∇u(x) + u(x) + f (x)u(x) dx
T 2
Ω 2 2
to write down a variational problem that formally would yield a (weak) solution
of the problem
Δ u = 0 in Ω,
. = h on ∂Ω,
where n is the unit, outer normal to ∂Ω.
4. Consider the variational problem associated with the functional
⎛ ⎛ ⎞
. |∇u|2 + ∇u · F ∇u · G dx
Ω 2
under usual Dirichlet boundary conditions. Give conditions on the two fields
F(x), G(x) : Ω ⊂ RN → RN ,
so that the problem admits a unique solution. Explore the form of the Euler-
Lagrange equation.
5. Argue if the non-linear PDE
. − div(a∇u + b|∇u|F) = 0
F (u) = f (|u|)
u(x) ≥ φ(x) in Ω
under a typical Dirichlet condition around ∂Ω, where the field F is divergence-
free div F = 0 in Ω. Explore the corresponding Euler-Lagrange equation, and
try to understand such behavior.
9. Let A(x) be a matrix-field in Ω, not necessarily symmetric. Argue that the two
quadratic variational problems with identical linear and zero-th order parts but
with quadratic parts
uT A(x)u,
. uT (A(x) + A(x)T )u
are exactly the same. Conclude that the Euler-Lagrange equation of such a
quadratic problem always yield a symmetric problem.
10. Let Ω ⊂ RN be a bounded, regular domain with a unit, outer normal field n on
∂Ω, and consider the space H ≡ L2div (Ω) of Exercise 7 of the last chapter.
(a) Use the Lax-Milgram theorem for the bilinear form
. F(x)T A(x)F(x) dx, F ∈ H,
a ∈ L2 (Ω),
. Ω ⊂ R2 , x = (x1 , x2 ).
274 8 Variational Problems
(a) Explore if one can apply directly the fundamental existence theorem of this
chapter under standard Dirichlet conditions on ∂Ω.
(b) Perturb the previous functional in the form
⎛ ⎡ ⎤
1 ∈
. |ux1 (x) + a(x)ux2 (x)|2 + ux2 (x)2 dx
Ω 2 2
for a small positive, parameter ∈. Show that this time there is a unique
minimizer u∈ of the problem.
(c) What are the changes if we start instead with a functional
. |ux (x) + a(u(x))ux2 (x)|2 dx
Ω 2 1
. u(x) dx = |Ω|u0 ,
u(x, y) : Ω → R,
. Ω ⊂ R2 ,
F(x, y, z) : R3 → R3
F (A) =
. det A2 , A ∈ R2×2 ,
is not convex, and therefore, our main result for second-order problems
Theorem 8.5 cannot, in principle, be applied.
(b) Calculate, nonetheless, the corresponding Euler-Lagrange equation.
16. Consider the functional
α1 χ (x) + α0 (1 − χ (x))
. |∇u(x)|2 dx
Ω 2
a∈ ⥛ a0 in Ω,
. 0 < c ≤ a∈ , a0 ≤ C.
(a) Show that there is a unique solution u∈ under a typical Dirichlet boundary
condition around ∂Ω.
(b) Show that there is a function u0 ∈ H 1 (Ω) such that u∈ ⥛ u0 in H 1 (Ω) as
∈ → 0.
276 8 Variational Problems
(c) Suppose that for each v ∈ H01 (Ω) one could find a sequence {v∈ } ⊂ H01 (Ω)
such that
a∈ ∇v∈ → a0 ∇v in L2 (Ω).
Show that the limit function u0 is the minimizer of the limit quadratic
a0 (x)
. |∇u(x)|2 dx.
Ω 2
U ∈ W 1,p (RN ),
. U = u in Ω.
If û∈ is the unique minimizer for each ∈, what behavior would you expect
for û∈ as ∈ → 0?
19. This exercise is similar to the previous one for the particular case p = 2. Let Ω
be an open subset of RN and u ∈ H 1 (Ω). Consider the variational problem
⎛ ⎡ ⎤
1 1
.I∈ (v) = χRN \Ω (x)|∇v(x)| + χΩ (x)|∇v(x) − ∇u(x)| dx,
2 2
2 RN ∈
(b) Write down the weak formulation of the underlying Euler-Lagrange equa-
tion of optimality, and interpret it as a linear operation
E∈ : H 1 (Ω) → H 1 (RN ),
. u |→ v∈ = E∈ u.
(c) Let m∈ be the value of the minimum, and suppose that it is a uniformly
bounded sequence of numbers. Use the Banach-Steinhauss principle to
show that there is limit operator E : H 1 (Ω) → H 1 (RN ) which is linear
and continuous.
(d) Interpret the operation E : H 1 (Ω) → H 1 (RN ) as an extension operator.
20. Let F(x) be a tangent vector field to ∂Ω that can be assumed as smooth as
necessary. Explore how to deal with the variational problem
Minimize in u :
. |∇u(x)|2 dx
Ω 2
subject to
.F · ∇u = 0 on ∂Ω.
⎡⎛ ⎤
⎛ ⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞ ⎞1/2 ⎛⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞ ⎞1/2
1⎣ ∂u 4 ∂u 2 ∂u 2 ∂u 4 ⎦ dx1 dx2 ,
+ + +
Ω 2 ∂x1 ∂x2 ∂x1 ∂x2
⎛ ⎡ ⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎛ ⎞4 ⎛ ⎞ ⎞⎤
1 ∂u 2 1 ∂u 2 ∂u ∂u 2
+ + 7 exp − −1 − dx1 dx2 ,
Ω 2 ∂x1 2 ∂x2 ∂x1 ∂x2
⎛ | || |
| ∂u | | ∂u |
| || |
| | | ∂x | dx1 dx2 ,
Ω ∂x1 2
⎛ ⎛ ⎛ ⎞ ⎞1/2 ⎛ ⎛ ⎞ ⎞1/2
∂u 2 ∂u 2
1+ 1+ dx1 dx2 ,
Ω ∂x1 ∂x2
⎛ ⎛ ⎛ ⎞2 ⎛ ⎞2 ⎞1/2
∂u ∂u
1+ + dx1 dx2 .
Ω ∂x1 ∂x2
22. Other boundary conditions. In the following three situations, investigate the
interplay between the functional and the boundary condition. For the sake of
simplicity, take in all three cases the usual quadratic functional
. |∇u(x)|2 dx.
2 Ω
∇u · n = γ u on ∂Ω,
where the function w and the field F are given so that the gradient ∇w of w and
F are parallel at every point x ∈ Ω
∇w(x) || F(x),
. x ∈ Ω.
9.1 Overview
This chapter focuses on some important issues which arise when one keeps working
with Sobolev spaces in variational problems and PDEs. We can hardly cover all of
the important topics, but have tried to select those which, we believe, are among
the ones that might make up a second round on Sobolev spaces and variational
The first situation we will be dealing with is that of variational problems under
additional constraints, other than boundary values, in the form of global, integral
conditions. In general terms, we are talking about problems of the form
Minimize in u ∈ A :
. F (x, u(x), ∇u(x)) dx
where the set .A of competing functions is a subset of some .W 1,p (Ω), which, in
addition to boundary conditions around .∂Ω, incorporates some integral constraints
given in the form
. F(x, u(x), ∇u(x)) dx ≤ (=)f
F(x, u, u) : Ω × R × RN → Rd ,
. f ∈ Rd .
© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2024 281
P. Pedregal, Functional Analysis, Sobolev Spaces, and Calculus of Variations,
La Matematica per il 3+2 157,
282 9 Finer Results in Sobolev Spaces and the Calculus of Variations
1 2
F =
. |u| , A = {u ∈ H01 (Ω) : u ≥ ψ in Ω},
where the continuous function .ψ represents the obstacle. Another fundamental
problem is that in which we limit the size of feasible u’s in some suitable Lebesgue
space. The existence of minimizers for such problems is essentially covered by our
results in the previous chapter. We will also look at optimality conditions.
A second important point is that of better understanding the quantitative rela-
tionship between the norm of a function u in .W 1,p (Ω) and its norm in the Lebesgue
space .Lq (Ω), for a domain .Ω ⊂ RN . This is directly related to variational problems
of the form
⎛ ┐ ┌
1 1 1
. |∇u(x)| + |u(x)| − λ |u(x)| dx
p p q
Ω p p q
for different exponents p, q, and positive constant .λ. Note that if .λ ≤ 0, the unique
minimizer of the previous functional in .W0 (Ω) is the trivial function. However,
the problem becomes meaningful (non-trivial) if .λ > 0. Indeed, the functional in
(9.1) is closely related to the constrained variational problem
Minimize in u ∈ W 1,p (Ω) :
. ||u||W 1,p (Ω)
||u||Lq (Ω) = C,
. C > 0, given.
To better realize what is at stake in such situation, suppose we take .Ω all of space
Ω = RN . For real, positive r, we put
ur (x) = u(rx),
. u ∈ W 1,p (RN ).
for each such r, and exponents p and q. This identities show that .ur ∈ W 1,p (RN )
for all such r; and, moreover, if the norms of .∇u in .Lp (RN ) and u in .Lq (RN ) are to
be comparable for every function u in .W 1,p (RN ), then we need to necessarily have
1 1 1
. = + , (9.2)
N p q
9.1 Overview 283
for otherwise, the limits for .r → 0 or .r → ∞ would make invalid the comparison.
The condition (9.2) yields the relationship between exponent p for the Sobolev
space, exponent q for the Lebesgue space, and the dimension N of the domain.
The situation for a different (in particular bounded) domain is much more involved
and technical. Indeed, the usual way of looking at the issue is by resorting to the
case of the whole space .RN through the use of an appropriate extension operator .ϒ
defined as
for a constant .CΩ depending exclusively in the domain .Ω (and dimension N ). If this
is the case, and assuming that we establish first an inequality
.||u||Lq (Ω) ≤ ||ϒu||Lq (RN ) ≤ CN,p,q ||ϒu||W 1,p (RN ) ≤ CN,p,q CΩ ||u||W 1,p (Ω) ,
for every .u ∈ W 1,p (Ω). Though there is, apparently, no full characterization of
those domains that admit such extension operators with the fundamental property
in (9.3), there are various ways to construct them based on additional smoothness
of their boundaries. Most of them require a good deal of technicalities. One way
relies on the use of partitions of unity, as well as other more intuitive extension
techniques like reflection. This process typically requires .C1 -smoothness. Other
techniques only demand Lipschitzianity of .∂Ω. In fact, there is a particular case
in which such extension procedure is especially easy: from Proposition 7.8, we
already know that for functions in .W0 (Ω) the extension by zero off .Ω makes the
function an element of .W (R ), or of .W 1,p (Ω̃) for any bigger domain .Ω̃ for that
1,p N
matter. We will therefore start with the study of the relationship between the norms
in .Lq (Ω) and .W 1,p (Ω) for functions in .W0 (Ω). We will also briefly describe a
different technique that is sufficient to deal with most of the regular domains, and is
based on Definition 7.3 and ODEs techniques.
One of the most studied scalar variational problems corresponds to the integrand
1 2
F (u, u) =
. |u| + f (u)
where the continuous function .f (u) is placed into varying sets of assumptions. One
could even allow for an explicit .x-dependence, though for simplicity we will stick
to the above model problem. To fix ideas, we could think of f as a polynomial
of a certain degree. If .f (u) is strictly convex and bounded from below by some
constant, then our results in the previous chapter cover the situation, and we can
conclude that there is a unique critical function (a unique solution of the underlying
284 9 Finer Results in Sobolev Spaces and the Calculus of Variations
2. the coercivity condition in that same result (for .p = 2) might not hold true if
.f (u) is not bounded from below.
Therefore, there are two main issues to be considered for a functional like
⎛ ⎛ ⎞
.I (u) = |∇u(x)|2 + f (u(x)) dx. (9.4)
Ω 2
One is to understand more general coercivity conditions than those in Theorem 8.2
that still may guarantee the existence of minimizers. The second is to explore
under what circumstances this last functional may admit critical functions other
than minimizers. Note that the Euler-Lagrange equation for such a functional is
. − Δ u + f ' (u) = 0 in Ω.
Δ u ∈ L2 (Ω) ⇐⇒ u ∈ H 2 (Ω).
Their nature depends in a very fundamental way on the boundary conditions that are
enforced in concrete variational problems.
9.2 Variational Problems Under Integral Constraints 285
F (x, u, u) : Ω × R × RN → R,
F(x, u, u) : Ω × R × RN → Rd ,
the definition of the admissible set .A with inequalities turn out to be weakly closed.
For the case of linearity, note that both .F and .−F are convex in .u.
As indicated above, the particular case for an obstacle problem
A = {u ∈ H01 (Ω) : u ≥ ψ in Ω}
for a fixed positive constant k. In both cases, there are unique minimizers for the
minimization of the .L2 (Ω)-norm and the .Lp (Ω)-norm of the gradient, respectively
(if .p > 1).
Optimality for such constrained problems involves the use of multipliers. This
can be setup in full generality, but since the most studied examples correspond to
very specific situations, we will be contented with looking at the following example.
Example 9.1 Let us investigate the problem
Minimize in u ∈
. H01 (Ω) : |∇u(x)|2 dx
2 Ω
It is easy to see how the combination of Theorem 9.1 and Proposition 9.1 yields
immediately the existence of a unique global minimizer .u0 for this constrained
9.2 Variational Problems Under Integral Constraints 287
that is
⎛ ┐ ┌
. |∇u(x)|2 − mu(x)2 dx ≥ 0.
Ω 2
This inequality exactly means that .u0 is also a global minimizer for the augmented
⎛ ┐ ┌
.I˜(u) = |∇u(x)|2 − mu(x)2 dx,
Ω 2
because .I˜(u0 ) = 0. The function .u0 is, then, a solution of the corresponding Euler-
Lagrange equation
. − Δ u = 2mu in Ω, u = 0 on ∂Ω.
. − Δ u = λu in Ω, u = 0 on ∂Ω (9.5)
is the optimality condition for the initial constrained problem for a certain value
for the multiplier .λ(= 2m). Note how Eq. (9.5) can be interpreted by saying that
.u = u0 is an eigenfunction of the (negative) Laplace operator corresponding to the
eigenvalue .λ.
The obstacle problem is different because constraints are enforced in a point-wise
manner, and so multipliers would not be vectors but functions. We will not treat this
kind of situations here.
288 9 Finer Results in Sobolev Spaces and the Calculus of Variations
basic tool is again the fundamental theorem of Calculus used as in the proofs of
Propositions 7.3, 7.5 and 7.9. Once again we can write
⎛ x ∂u '
u(x ' , x) = u(x ' , y) +
. (x , z) dz (9.6)
y ∂xN
At this initial stage, we are not especially interested in measuring the effect of the
term .|u(x ' , y(x ' ))| at the boundary, which will take us to introducing spaces of
functions over boundaries of sets, so that we will assume, to begin with, that .u ∈
W0 (Ω). If this is so, then
⎛ | |
| ∂u ' |
|u(x)| = |u(x ' , x)| ≤ | (x , z) | dz. (9.7)
| ∂x |
Jx ' N
We define the function .uN (x ' ) as the right-hand side in this inequality
⎛ | |
| ∂u ' |
uN (x ) =' | |
| ∂x (x , z)| dz,
Jx ' N
9.3 Sobolev Inequalities 289
and realize that we could redo all of the above computation along any of the
coordinate axes .ei to find
|u(x)| ≤ ui (x 'i ),
. i = 1, 2, . . . , N, (9.8)
⎛ | |
| ∂u ' |
.ui (x i ) ≡ | |
| ∂x (x i , z)| dz.
Jx ' i
We would like to profit inequalities (9.8) as much as possible. We know that each
right-hand side in (9.8) belongs to .L1 of its domain
|| ||
|| ∂u ||
.ui (x i ) : πi Ω → R, ||ui ||L1 (πi Ω) ||
= || || ,
∂xi ||L1 (Ω)
f (x) =
. fi (πi x).
Proof The first case .N = 2 does not require any comment. Take .N = 3, and put,
to better see the structure of the situation,
with the three factors on the right being functions in .L2 of the corresponding
domains. For a.e. pair .(x2 , x3 ) ∈ π1 Ω, we see that
. |f (x1 , x2 , x3 )| dx1 ≤
Jπ 1 x
⎛⎛ ⎞1/2 ⎛⎛ ⎞1/2
|f1 (x2 , x3 )| |f2 (x1 , x3 )| dx1 2
|f3 (x1 , x2 )| dx1
Jπ 1 x Jπ 1 x
N/(N −1)
||u||LN/(N−1) (Ω) = |||u|N/(N −1) ||L1 (Ω)
we arrive at
|| ||
N/(N −1)
⨅ || ∂u ||1/(N −1)
.||u|| N/(N−1) ≤ || || ,
L (Ω) || ∂x || 1
i i L (Ω)
Finally, because
|| ||
|| ∂u ||
|| || ≤ ||∇u||L1 (Ω;RN ) ,
|| ∂x || 1
i L (Ω)
we find
Lemma 9.2 Let .Ω ⊂ RN be a domain, and .u ∈ W01,1 (Ω). Then .u ∈ LN/(N −1) (Ω),
This is the kind of result we are looking for. It asserts that functions in .W01,1 (Ω)
enjoy much better integrability properties since they belong to the more restrictive
class of functions .LN/(N −1) (Ω).
9.3 Sobolev Inequalities 291
Assume that .Ω ⊂ RN is a domain, and .u ∈ W0 (Ω). We will divide our discussion
in three cases depending on the relationship between the exponent p of integrability
of derivatives, and the dimension N of the domain, according to the following
1. The subcritical case .1 ≤ p < N.
2. The critical case .p = N.
3. The supercritical case .p > N.
We will treat the three cases successively.
and suppose that .γ is such that .U ∈ W01,1 (Ω). It is easy to calculate that
If we want this gradient to be integrable (.U ∈ W01,1 (Ω)), since .∇u belongs to
.L (Ω), we need, according to Hölder’s inequality, that .|u|
p γ −1 ∈ Lp/(p−1) (Ω).
Lemma 9.2, implies that in fact .U = |u|γ −1 u belongs to .LN/(N −1) (Ω), that is,
.u ∈ L
pN/(N −1) (Ω). Once we know this, we can play the same game with a different
p pN
. (γ − 1) = .
p−1 N −1
p γN
(γ − 1)
. = ,
p−1 N −1
292 9 Finer Results in Sobolev Spaces and the Calculus of Variations
and, in such a case, .u ∈ Lγ N/(N −1) (Ω). Some elementary arithmetic yields
p(N − 1)
γ =
. , u ∈ LNp/(N −p) (Ω).
N −p
Theorem 9.2 If .u ∈ W0 (Ω), and .1 ≤ p < N, then .u ∈ LNp/(N −p) (Ω), and
p∗ =
. , 1 ≤ p < N,
N −p
q ∈ [1, p∗ ],
W0 (Ω) ⊂ Lq (Ω),
When .p = N, notice that the critical exponent .p∗ = ∞. As a matter of fact, in this
situation the recursive process above corresponding to the proof of Theorem 9.2
never ends (exercise), and we can conclude that .u ∈ Lq (Ω) for every q, in case .Ω
is bounded. This is however different to saying that .u ∈ L∞ (Ω). In fact, for .N > 1,
there are functions in .W 1,N (RN ) which do not belong to .L∞ (Ω).
Theorem 9.4 Every function .u ∈ W01,N (Ω) belongs to every .Lq (Ω) for all finite q.
9.3 Sobolev Inequalities 293
Let us now deal with the supercritical case .p > N. To better understand and
appreciate the relevance that the power of integrability be strictly larger than
dimension, let us recall first the case .N = 1. The conclusion in this case is exactly
inequality (2.8) where we showed easily that
If we interchange the order of integration in the last integral, we can also write
⎛ ⎛ 1⎛
. u(x) dx − |Q|u(0) = ∇u(rx) · x dx dr.
Q 0 Q
y = rx,
. dy = r N dx,
in the inner integral, for each .r ∈ (0, 1) fixed, and find that
⎛ ⎛ 1 ⎛
. u(x) dx − |Q|u(0) = ∇u(y) · y dy dr.
Q 0 r N +1 rQ
For the inner integral, after using the classic Cauchy-Schwarz inequality and
Hölder’s inequality, bearing in mind that .rQ ⊂ Q for .r ∈ (0, 1),
. ∇u(y) · y dy ≤ ||∇u||Lp (Q;RN ) r 1+N (p−1)/p s 1+N (p−1)/p
294 9 Finer Results in Sobolev Spaces and the Calculus of Variations
Step 3. Because in the previous step the cube .Q was simply assumed to contain
the origen .0, and the two sides on the last inequality are translation invariant, we can
conclude that
| ⎛ |
| 1 | 1−N/p
| − |≤ s
| |Q| u(x) dx u(y)| 1 − N/p ||∇u||Lp (Q;RN )
is also correct for any such cube .Q, and any .y ∈ Q. In particular, if .y and .z are two
given, arbitrary points, and .Q is a cube containing them with side, say, .s = 2|y − z|,
| ⎛ | | ⎛ |
| 1 | | 1 |
.|u(y) − u(z)| ≤ | u(x) dx − u(z) |+| u(x) dx − u(y) |
| |Q| | | |Q| |
W0 (Ω) ⊂ L∞ (Ω).
1 Thisis understood in the sense that u can be redefined in a negligible set in such a way that the
modified function complies with this statement.
9.3 Sobolev Inequalities 295
Ω = πN Ω × JN,x ' eN ,
and the same can be done for every coordinate direction .ei , .i = 1, 2, . . . N.
If we integrate this inequality in the variable y in the two subsets
.Ix ' = Jx ' ∩ (inf Jx ' , x), Dx ' = Jx ' ∩ (x, sup Jx ' ),
we arrive at
⎛ ⎛ ⎛ | |
x| ∂u ' |
|Ix ' | |u(x , x)| ≤ '
|u(x , y)| dy + | |
| ∂x (x , z)| dz dy,
Ix ' Ix ' y N
⎛ ⎛ ⎛ y| |
| ∂u ' |
|Dx ' | |u(x ' , x)| ≤ |u(x ' , y)| dy + | |
| ∂x (x , z)| dz dy.
Dx ' Dx ' x N
If we use Fubini’s theorem in the two double integrals (assuming the partial
derivative extended by zero when necessary), we find that
⎛ ⎛ | |
| ∂u ' |
|Ix ' | |u(x ' , x)| ≤
. |u(x ' , y)| dy + (z − inf Jx ' ) || (x , z)|| dz,
Ix ' Ix ' ∂xN
⎛ ⎛ | |
| ∂u ' |
|Dx ' | |u(x ' , x)| ≤ |u(x ' , y)| dy + (sup Jx ' − z) || (x , z)|| dz,
Dx ' Dx ' ∂xN
296 9 Finer Results in Sobolev Spaces and the Calculus of Variations
or even
⎛ ⎛ | |
| ∂u ' |
.|Ix ' | |u(x , x)| ≤
|u(x , y)| dy + |
(z − inf Jx ' ) | (x , z)|| dz,
Ix ' Jx ' ∂xN
⎛ ⎛ | |
| ∂u ' |
|Dx ' | |u(x , x)| ≤ '
|u(x , y)| dy + (sup Jx ' − z) | | (x , z)|| dz.
Dx ' Jx ' ∂xN
is the diameter of .Jx ' . Dividing through by this positive number .d(Jx ' ), we are led
to the inequality
⎛ ⎛ | |
1 | ∂u ' |
.|u(x , x)| ≤
|u(x , z)| dz + | |
d(Jx ' ) | ∂x (x , z)| dz.
Jx ' Jx ' N
If we now define
⎛ ⎛ | |
| ∂u ' |
ui (x 'i ) = |Q|−1/N |u(x 'i , z)| dz + | |
| ∂x i | dz
(x , z)
Jx ' Jx ' i
i i
It does not seem possible to extend this inequality for more general domains than
just cubes.
9.3 Sobolev Inequalities 297
∗ 1 1 1
W 1,p (Ω) ⊂ Lp (Ω),
= − .
p p N
2. Critical case .p = N:
1. if .Ω is bounded, and .p < N, then
valid for every .u ∈ W 1,p (Ω) and every couple .x, y ∈ Ω, with a constant C
depending only on .Ω, p and dimension N ; in particular, u admits a continuous
representative in .Ω.
It is also important to highlight how these results, together with the ideas in the
proof of Proposition 7.10 also yield the following fine point.
Theorem 9.7 For a bounded and .C1 domain .Ω ⊂ RN , the following are compact
Proof The supercritical case is a direct consequence of (9.11) and the classical
Arzelá-Ascoli theorem based on equicontinuity. Both the subcritical and critical
cases, are a consequence of the same proof of Proposition 7.10. Note that this
explains why the limit exponent .p∗ can be included in the subcritical case .p < N ,
while it is not so for the critical case .p = N. ⨆
One can definitely apply Sobolev inequalities to first partial derivatives of functions
in .W 2,p (Ω), thus leading to better properties of functions in this space. We simply
state here one main general result which does not deserve any further comment as it
can be deduced inductively on the order of derivation.
Theorem 9.8 Suppose .Ω ⊂ RN is a .C1 -, bounded domain. Let .u ∈ W k,p (Ω).
1. If .k < N/p and .1/q = 1/p − k/N, then .u ∈ Lq (Ω), and
where .uγ is any derivative of u of order .k − [N/p] − 1, .x, .y are two arbitrary
points in .Ω, and the constant C only depends on k, p, N, .α, and .Ω.
Suppose .Ω is a .C1 -domain according to Definition 7.3 with .φ its defining .C1 -
function, and .∈ > 0 the strip parameter around .∂Ω.
We learn from ODEs courses, that the flow
⏀(t, x) : [0, T ) × RN → RN ,
. ⏀' (t, x) = ∇φ(⏀(t, x)), ⏀(0, x) = x,
is a continuous mapping in the variable .x. Moreover, we also define the function
t (x) through the following condition
⎪ x ∈ Ω,
⎛ ⎞
.U (x) = 1 − ∈ φ(⏀(t (x), x)) u(⏀(t (x), x)), x ∈ {−∈ < φ < 0},
0, x ∈ RN \ Ω∈ .
With the help of the extension operation, it is easy to show the density of smooth
functions in Sobolev spaces. The proof utilizes the ideas of Sect. 2.29 in a high-
dimensional framework in the spirit of Corollary 7.1.
Corollary 9.1 The restrictions of functions in .C∞ (RN ) with compact support make
up a dense subspace of .W 1,p (Ω) if .Ω is .C1 .
Though more general examples could be dealt with, we will restrict attention to
functionals of type (9.4)
⎛ ⎛ ⎞
I (u) =
. |∇u(x)|2 + f (u(x)) dx (9.13)
Ω 2
u − u0 ∈ H01 (Ω),
. u0 ∈ H 1 (Ω), given.
Our goal is then to find more general conditions on function .f (u) that still allow to
retain existence of minimizers. In particular, some of these conditions permit non-
linearities .f (u) not bounded from below. In all cases, the main concern is to recover
the necessary coercivity. The basic idea is to arrange things so that the contribution
coming from the function f can be absorbed by the term involving the square of the
gradient. Some of the techniques utilized are typical in this kind of calculations.
Theorem 9.9
1. Suppose .f (u) : R → R is a continuous, bounded-from-below function. Then
there are minimizers for (9.14).
2. Let .f (u) be such that
|f (u)| ≤ λu2 + C,
. 0≤λ< ,
9.5 An Existence Theorem Under More General Coercivity Conditions 301
where .CP > 0 is the best constant for Poincaré’s inequality in .H01 (Ω). Then
there are minimizers for (9.14).
3. If the function .f (u) is such that
1 2 1
. |u| + C ≤ |u|2 + f (u).
2 2
The existence of minimizers is then a direct consequence of Theorem 8.2.
The second possibility is also easy. Note that, by Poincaré’s inequality applied to
the difference .u − u0 ∈ H01 (Ω),
. |f (u(x))| dx ≤λ||u||2L2 (Ω) + C|Ω|
. − 4λCP2 > 0.
This is the coercivity required to recover existence of minimizers through the direct
For the third case, by Young’s inequality Lemma 2.1, applied to the factors, for
an arbitrary .δ > 0 and .x ∈ Ω,
a = δ|u(x)|r ,
. b= ,
302 9 Finer Results in Sobolev Spaces and the Calculus of Variations
2 r
. > 1, q= ,
r 2−r
we see that
1 p 1 1
|u(x)|r = |ab| ≤
. δ |u(x)|2 + .
p q δq
An integration in .Ω leads to
δp |Ω|
. |u(x)|r dx ≤ ||u||2L2 (Ω) + q .
Ω p qδ
From this inequality, and following along the calculations of the previous case, we
find that
⎛ ⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞
1 1 4cδ p 2
. |∇u(x)|2 + f (u(x)) dx ≥ − CP ||∇u||2L2 (Ω;RN ) + C̃(δ),
Ω 2 2 p
Since we still have the parameter .δ to our disposal, it suffices to select it in such a
way that
⎛ ⎞1/p
. ,
norms in different spaces, various easy estimates and inequalities with numbers and
functions, etc. In particular, we will have an opportunity to see the relevance of
Poincaré’s and Sobolev inequalities. The basic relevant concepts are exactly as in
the finite-dimensional case.
Definition 9.1 Let .E : H → R be a .C1 -functional defined in a Hilbert space .H.
1. A vector .u ∈ H is critical for E if .E ' (u) = 0.
2. A number c is a critical value for E if there is .u ∈ H such that
E(u) = c,
. E ' (u) = 0.
The basic heuristic principle to detect critical points which are not minimizers is
the following. When one is seeking a minimizer, one is led to minimize “in every
possible direction or way”. If, on the other hand, we look for critical points (where
the derivative or gradient must vanish) of a function or functional that may not
be minimizers, the first attempt would be to minimize “in all but one direction or
dimension”. This is the simplest version of a primitive min-max principle: minimize
the maximum across a family of objects of a finite dimension. It can be made specific
in the following intuitive way.
Let .E : H → R be a .C1 -functional over a Hilbert space .H. Take two vectors .u0 ,
.u1 in .H, and consider the class .┌ of smooth curves, regarded as one-dimensional
For each such curve .γ ∈ ┌, we would like to detect the maximum of the composition
with E
which is obviously attained at some .tM that will, most likely, depend on .γ . Then, we
take the minimum (infimum) of all these maximum values across the set of curves
in .┌
and trust that this value ought to be critical. There are three main concerns:
1. c is a finite value (it suffices that E is bounded from below, though this is not
always the case);
2. c is indeed a true critical value so that there some .u ∈ H with .E ' (u) = 0 and
.E(u) = c;
The subtle issue is to ensure that c is a critical value. This would be almost
immediate in a finite-dimensional setting. But it requires some caution in an infinite
dimensional situation that, as in the case of weak convergence, is related to lack of
compactness. The nature of the functional E needs to be strengthened, but we will
see exactly in which step and what that reinforcement should be.
Imagine that a certain .c ∈ R is not a critical value for the functional E. This
means that the derivative cannot vanish in the region
at least for some small positive .∈. If we are working in finite dimension, this implies
that the derivative .E ' is uniformly away from zero in such a region, i.e. there is some
.δ > 0 (depending on .∈), such that
Such sequence could even be uniformly bounded in .H, but only converge in a weak
sense to some .u. The point is that because the convergence is only weak, we loose
all information concerning .E(u) and .E ' (u). There is no way to ensure whether .u
is a critical point for E. This is precisely what needs to be adjusted for functionals
defined in infinite-dimensional spaces.
Definition 9.2 A .C1 -functional .E : H → R defined on a Hilbert space .H is said to
enjoy the Palais-Smale property if for every sequence .{uj } ⊂ H such that .{E(uj )}
is a bounded sequence of numbers and .E ' (uj ) → 0 (strongly) in .H, we can always
find some subsequence converging in .H. Sequences .{uj } with
|E(uj )| ≤ M,
. E ' (uj ) → 0,
strongly. ⨆
We now focus on the most studied situation in which we take .H = H01 (Ω) for a
bounded domain .Ω ⊂ RN , and .E : H → R defined by
⎛ ⎛ ⎞
.E(u) = |∇u(x)|2 + f (u(x)) dx (9.15)
Ω 2
with f a .C1 -function. Most of the statements of the technical assumptions for the
non-linearity .f (u) would require the distinction between dimension .N = 1, 2 and
.N > 2. As a rule, we will assume in what follows that .N > 2, and will leave the
N +2
|f ' (u)| ≤ c|u|r + C,
. c > 0, r < , (9.16)
N −2
then the functional E in (9.15) is .C1 , and .E ' = 1 + K with .K, compact.
2. If, in addition to (9.16),
|f (u)| ≤ λ|u|2 + C,
. ,
where .CP is the best constant in Poincaré’s inequality in .H01 (Ω), then Palais-
Smale sequences are uniformly bounded in .H01 (Ω), and by Proposition 9.3,
functional E in (9.15) complies with the Palais-Smale condition.
3. If, in addition to (9.16),
f (u) − λf ' (u)u ≥ C,
. λ< , (9.17)
306 9 Finer Results in Sobolev Spaces and the Calculus of Variations
then Palais-Smale sequences are uniformly bounded in .H01 (Ω) (though this time
the funcional might not be coercive), and again by Proposition 9.3, functional E
in (9.15) complies with the Palais-Smale condition.
Proof In order to apply Proposition 9.3 to functional (9.15), we need to check three
1. E is .C1 ;
2. .E ' = 1 + K with .K, compact;
3. Palais-Smale sequences are uniformly bounded in .H.
For the first point, and according to Definitions 2.13 and 2.14, we need to calculate
the directional derivative
d |
. I (u + ∈U )||
d∈ ∈=0
and make sure that it is a continuous operation in u and linear in U . Based on the
differentiability of f , it is easy to conclude that
⎛ ⎛ ⎞ |
d 1 |
. |∇u(x) + ∈∇U (x)|2 + f (u(x) + ∈U (x)) dx ||
d∈ Ω 2 ∈=0
The unique solution U of this problem is furnished, for instance, by the versions of
the Lax-Milgram lemma in Sect. 8.2, and can be identified with the unique solution
.U (= I (u)) (for given u) of the linear PDE problem
We clearly see that .U = I ' (u) = u plus the operation .K taking u into the solution
.v ∈ H (Ω) of the problem
By writing its weak formulation, using as a test function v itself, we see that
⎛ ⎛
. |∇v(x)|2 dx = f ' (u(x))v(x) dx.
Using Hölder’s inequality on the integral on the right-hand side for exponents
2N 2N
. , q= ,
N −2 N +2
we arrive at
and the bound on the size of .f ' (u) leads us to conclude that
for new constants .c > 0 and C. Due to the compact embedding of .H01 (Ω) into
.L (Ω), we see that indeed .K is compact.
E(uj ) ≤ M,
. E ' (uj ) → 0,
that is
⎛ ⎛ ⎞
. |∇uj (x)|2 + f (uj (x)) dx ≤ M,
Ω 2
( )
∇uj (x) · ∇U (x) + f ' (uj (x))U (x) dx → 0,
. uj ,
||∇uj ||L2 (Ω)
308 9 Finer Results in Sobolev Spaces and the Calculus of Variations
for j sufficiently large. From all this information, we conclude that for the
⎛ ⎛ ⎞
.Q ≡ |∇uj (x)|2 + f (uj (x)) dx
Ω 2
⎛ ⎛ ⎞
−λ |∇uj (x)|2 + f ' (uj (x))uj (x) dx
( − λ)||∇uj ||2L2 (Ω) + C ≤ Q ≤ M + λ||∇uj ||L2 (Ω) .
Since the coefficient in front of the square is strictly positive, this inequality implies
the uniform boundedness of the sequence of numbers .{||∇uj ||}, as claimed. ⨆
We finally need to face the min-max principle announced above. It is universally
known as the mountain-pass lemma, as this term intuitively describes the situation.
Recall the definition of the class of paths .┌ when the two vectors .u0 and .u1 are
Theorem 9.10 Let .H be a Hilbert space and E, a .C1 -functional defined on .H that
satisfies the Palais-Smale condition. If there are .u0 , .u1 in .H, and
such that
. (mr − max{E(u0 ), E(u1 )}), δ > 0,
with the property
Suppose this were not the case, so that we could find .uj with .E(uj ) − c → 0, and
yet .E ' (uj ) → 0. These conditions exactly mean that .{uj } would be a Palais-Smale
sequence, and therefore, we would be able to find an accumulation vector .u which,
by continuity of E and .E ' , would be a critical point at level c. If this situation is
impossible, we could certainly find some such .∈ and .δ for which (9.18) is correct.
By definition of c, there should be a path .γ ∈ ┌ such that
The idea is to use the flow of E to produce a new feasible path .γ̃ such that
. E(γ̃ (t)) ≤ c − ∈.
This would be the contradiction, since again the definition of c makes this
impossible. But calculations need to be performed quantitatively in a very precise
For each fixed .t ∈ [0, 1] for which
We will assume that .E ' is locally Lipschitz continuous to avoid some more
technicalities. This requirement is not necessary, but if .E ' does not comply with this
local lipschitzianity condition one needs to modify it appropriately. By Lemma 2.6,
the previous gradient system is defined for all s positive, and its solution .σ (s; γ (t))
depends continuously on the initial datum .γ (t). Furthermore, again by Lemma 2.6,
310 9 Finer Results in Sobolev Spaces and the Calculus of Variations
for .r > 0,
⎛ r
E(σ (r)) − E(γ (t)) =
. <E ' (σ (s)), σ ' (s)> ds
⎛ r
=− ||E ' (σ (s))||2 ds
≤ − rδ 2 ,
while .σ (s) stays in the region .{E ∈ [c − ∈, c + ∈]}. Thus, while this is correct,
as soon as
E(γ (t)) − ∈ − c
. ≤ r.
If we let .r(t) be the (continuous) minimum of the these values for which (9.19)
holds, we find a new continuous path
E(γ̃ (t)) ≤ c − ∈,
. t ∈ [0, 1].
N +2
|f ' (u)| ≤ c|u|r + C,
. c > 0, 1 < r < ,. (9.20)
N −2
f (u)
lim = 0, . (9.21)
u→0 u2
9.6 Critical Point Theory 311
0 < f (u) ≤ λf ' (u)u, 0<λ< , |u| ≥ R, (9.22)
for some positive R. Then there is some non-trivial critical function for the problem.
Proof Since condition (9.22) clearly implies (9.16), and, thus, by Proposition 9.3
and Lemma 9.3, the functional enjoys the Palais-Smale property, all that is left to
do, to be able to apply Theorem 9.10, is to detect the two functions .u0 , .u1 for which
the situation in that theorem holds. We will show that .u0 ≡ 0 with .E(0) = 0 is a
strict local minimizer, and for every .v ∈ H01 (Ω), there is always t with .E(tv) ≤ 0.
Hence if we take .u1 = tv, the condition of the trivial function being a strict local
minimum clearly indicates that we are in the situation of Theorem 9.10, and we can
conclude our result by Theorem 9.10.
It is clear that .E(0) = 0. We want to show that for some positive .ρ, .E(u) > 0,
whenever .0 < ||u|| ≤ ρ. Recall that
Let .∈ > 0 be arbitrary. From (9.21), there is some .δ = δ(∈) > 0 with the property
∈ 2
|f (u)| ≤
. u , |u| ≤ δ.
On the other hand, from (9.20) by integration, we find, for some constant .C = C(∈),
|f (u)| ≤ C|u|r+1 ,
. |u| ≥ δ.
Altogether, we have
∈ 2
|f (u)| ≤
. u + C|u|r+1
for all u. We bear in mind this estimate, and go to estimating .E(u). Indeed,
1 ∈
E(u) ≥
. ||∇u||2L2 (Ω) − ||u||2L2 (Ω) − C||u||r+1
Lr+1 (Ω)
2 2
We now invoke two facts. First, Poincaré’s inequality
for some constant. Note that .r + 1 < (2N )/(N − 2). We can hence estimate
⎛ ⎞
1 ∈ 2
. E(u) ≥ − C ||∇u||2L2 (Ω) − CCSr+1 ||∇u||L
2 (Ω) .
2 2 P
If we take .∈ sufficiently small so that the coefficient in front on .||u||2 is positive, and
realizing that .r + 1 > 2, we can certainly conclude that .E(u) > 0 for all non-trivial
u in a certain ball around the trivial function. This is exactly what is meant by saying
that .u ≡ 0 is a strict local minimum.
Finally, it is elementary to check (Exercise 4) that (9.22) implies
f (u) ≥ a|u|p + b,
. a > 0, b ∈ R, p = > 2.
By using this estimate in our functional, we arrive at the upper bound
1 p
E(u) ≤
. ||∇u||2L2 (Ω) − a||u||Lp (Ω) − b|Ω|.
But replacing tu by u and letting t move, we find that the right-hand side converges
to .−∞, because .p > 2, as .t → ∞. Consequently, the same is correct for .E(tu).
In particular, for each u given, there is some t sufficiently large so that .E(tu) < 0.
This was the other necessary ingredient. ⨆
We will see more specific examples in the exercises.
∇u(x) · n(x) = 0
9.7 Regularity. Strong Solutions for PDEs 313
⎛ ⎛ ⎛ ⎛ ⎞
. |∇ u(x)| dx =
2 2
| Δ u(x)| dx +
∇ |∇u| · n dS(x).
Ω Ω ∂Ω 2
We can use the divergence theorem for smooth functions and domains twice in each
of the terms of the last sum to write, keeping track of boundary contributions and
putting .n = (ni ),
⎛ ⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎛
∂u ∂ ∂u ∂ ∂u ∂
. ∇ · (∇u) dx = − ( Δ u) dx + ∇u · n dS(x)
Ω ∂xi ∂xi Ω ∂xi ∂xi ∂Ω ∂xi ∂xi
⎛ 2 ⎛
∂ u ∂u
= 2
Δ u dx − ni Δ u dS(x)
Ω ∂xi ∂Ω ∂xi
∂u ∂
+ ∇u · n dS(x).
∂Ω ∂xi ∂xi
The sum in the index i carries us, through the first identity above, to
⎛ ⎛
. |∇ 2 u(x)|2 dx = | Δ u(x)|2 dx (9.23)
⎛ ⎛ ⎞
+ ∇u ∇ 2 u n − ∇u · n Δ u dS(x).
If .u = 0 on .∂Ω, then
|∇u|n = ∇u,
. ∇u · n = |∇u|,
314 9 Finer Results in Sobolev Spaces and the Calculus of Variations
on .∂Ω because this boundary becomes a part of the level set .{u = 0}, and then
⎛ ⎛
. |∇ 2 u(x)|2 dx = | Δ u(x)|2 dx
⎛ ⎛ ⎞
+ |∇u| n ∇ 2 u n − Δ u dS(x).
n ∇ 2 u n − Δ u = − Δ |∂Ω u + H ∇u · n
. (9.24)
at .∂Ω where
. Δ |∂Ω
. Δ |∂Ω u = 0,
In both cases, a standard density argument yields the claimed formulas for functions
in the respective Sobolev spaces. ⨆
For .f (x) ∈ L2 (Ω), with .Ω a .C2 -domain as in the previous lemma, we would
like to consider the second-order problem
⎛ ⎛ ⎞
.Minimize in u(x) ∈ H 2
(Ω) ∩ H01 (Ω) : |∇ 2 u(x)|2 + 2f (x) Δ u(x) dx.
This is a standard second-order variational problem that does not require any special
Proposition 9.4 The previous variational problem admits a unique minimizer .ũ ∈
H 2 (Ω) ∩ H01 (Ω).
Proof The functional is well-defined; it is coercive in its feasible set, and strictly
convex. Theorem 8.5 applies. Note that indeed it is a quadratic, strictly convex
functional on its admissible set. ⨆
9.7 Regularity. Strong Solutions for PDEs 315
The point is that, due to Lemma 9.4, our second-order, variational problem above
is exactly the same, except for the constant term
. |f (x)|2 dx,
Minimize in u(x) ∈ H 2 (Ω) ∩ H01 (Ω) :
. | Δ u(x) + f (x)|2 dx
+ H (x)|∇u(x) · n(x)|2 dS(x).
This variational problem is a bit special in that the functional incorporates a term
which is a surface integral, and we have not explored how to deal with such. Some
examples have been considered in connection with Neumman boundary conditions.
Yet, because of the equivalence of these two variational problems, as indicated, we
do know that the minimizer .ũ in Proposition 9.4 must also be a minimizer for the
same variational problem in the second form. In particular, the surface integral
. H (x)|∇ ũ(x) · n(x)|2 dS(x) (9.25)
because .ũ+u, for a feasible .u ∈ H02 (Ω), does not change the boundary value of .ũ or
of its normal derivative involved in the surface integral (1.2), we conclude that the
trivial function .u ≡ 0 is a minimizer of this last problem. As such, we can examine
optimality conditions as derived in Sect. 8.8, to argue that
. ( Δ ũ(x) + f (x)) Δ v(x) dx = 0 (9.26)
for every feasible .v ∈ H02 (Ω). Since we know that the classical problem
. Δ v = g in B, v = 0 on ∂B
for arbitrary smooth functions g and any ball .B has a unique smooth solution v, we
realize that (9.26) implies that indeed
Δ ũ(x) + f (x) = 0
. (9.27)
Δ u(x) + f (x) = 0
for a.e. .x ∈ Ω.
Note how different the definition of weak and strong solutions for the same PDE
are. This definition can, of course, be generalized to many more families of PDEs.
Our arguments above (9.27) show that .ũ is a strong solution of . Δ u + f = 0, and,
hence, it is also the weak solution of the problem.
Theorem 9.12 Let .u ∈ H01 (Ω) be the unique minimizer of the problem
⎛ ┐ ┌
Minimize in v ∈
. H01 (Ω) : |∇v(x)| − f (x)v(x) dx
Ω 2
Δ ũ(x) + f (x) = 0
The arbitrariness of .v ∈ H01 (Ω) in this equality implies that .ũ must be the weak
solutions of our problem, which belongs, then, to .H 2 (Ω). ⨆
This result is the basis of the regularity theory for PDEs: under suitable smoothness
assumptions on .Ω and the right-hand side .f ∈ L2 (Ω) of the PDE, the unique weak
solution .u ∈ H01 (Ω) turns out to belong to .H 2 (Ω). From here one can translate
further regularity on f and on .Ω into more regularity for the weak solution u. The
smoothness of .∂Ω is unavoidable.
9.8 Eigenvalues and Eigenfunctions 317
Possibly, the most important case and application of Theorems 6.4 and 6.3 (see also
Example 6.6) is that of the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of the Laplace operator
under vanishing Dirichlet boundary conditions. Consider the operator, for a given
bounded domain .Ω ⊂ RN ,
T : L2 (Ω) |→ L2 (Ω),
. U = Tu, − Δ U = u in Ω, U ∈ H01 (Ω).
In other words, for each .u ∈ L2 (Ω), U is the unique minimizer in .H01 (Ω) of the
⎛ ┐ ┌
. |∇U (x)| − U (x)u(x) dx.
Ω 2
=<U, v>,
by (9.28);
2. compactness: this is a direct consequence of the fact that the operation
||U ||2H 1 (Ω) ≤ ||uU ||L1 (Ω) ≤ ||u||L2 (Ω) ||U ||L2 (Ω) ,
318 9 Finer Results in Sobolev Spaces and the Calculus of Variations
the compactness of the injection .H01 (Ω) into .L2 (Ω) yields the compactness of
the operator .T.
As a direct consequence of those theorems recalled above, we conclude the
following classic result.
Theorem 9.13 There exist a sequence of positive numbers .{λj }, .λj → ∞, and a
sequence of functions
. − Δ uj = λj uj in Ω. (9.29)
Proof We have already checked that the operator .T is compact and self-adjoint. It
is, in addition, positive which means that
for every .u ∈ L2 (Ω). By Theorems 6.4 and 6.3, we can conclude the existence of a
sequence of non-vanishing eigenvalues .{1/λj }, which are positive because so is .T,
converging to zero, and a sequence of corresponding eigenfunctions .{uj }, i.e. (9.29)
holds. Finally, from the regularity results from the previous section, which may be
restricted to arbitrary compact, smooth subdomains of .Ω, utilized in a recursive way
through (9.29), we conclude the (interior) smoothness of each eigenfunction .uj . ⨅
For obvious reasons, the numbers .λj in (9.29) are called eigenvalues of the
Laplace operator (under vanishing Dirichlet boundary conditions) in .Ω, while the
corresponding .uj are the associated eigenfunctions.
It is interesting to realize, as we described in the Introduction to this chapter, that
solutions for the problem
. − Δ u = λu in Ω, u = 0 on ∂Ω,
1 2 1
(u, u) |→
. |u| − λ u2
2 2
is convex, or even strictly convex if .λ < 0, and hence the unique critical function
would be the unique minimizer which is the trivial function. For .λ > 0, this is no
longer true. However, the associated variational principle might not be well-posed in
the sense that the infimum might decrease to .−∞. To recover a meaningful problem,
one needs to limit the size of the competing functions u
Minimize in u ∈ H01 (Ω) :
. |∇u(x)|2 dx
2 Ω
subject to
. u(x)2 dx = 1.
Because of the compact injection of .H01 (Ω) into .L2 (Ω), the set .A is weakly closed,
and hence there is a unique global minimizer .u1 ∈ H01 (Ω) for such a problem.
Recall our discussion in Sect. 9.2. Indeed, Theorem 9.13 ensures that there is a
whole sequence of such values.
Even though duality is quite well-known and useful for Lebesgue spaces, it not so
for Sobolev spaces. The main reason is that Sobolev spaces are the fundamental
function spaces for variational problems and PDEs involving weak derivatives, and
in this context duality does not play such a prominent role.
Possibly, the most used dual for a Sobolev space is the dual space of .H01 (Ω),
which is designated by .H −1 (Ω) to stress that functions in this space have one
“negative” weak derivative in the sense that they can be identified with derivatives
of functions in .L2 (Ω) (which do not admit, in general, weak derivatives).
320 9 Finer Results in Sobolev Spaces and the Calculus of Variations
i.e. the function .v ∈ H01 (Ω) representing the element .div F ∈ H −1 (Ω) is the unique
minimizer v of the quadratic problem
Minimize in u ∈ H01 (Ω) :
. |F(x) − ∇u(x)|2 dx.
2 Ω
Even more generally, for a given .T ∈ H −1 (Ω), it is identified as the unique solution
of the quadratic problem (recall Lemma 2.7)
Minimize in u ∈ H01 (Ω) :
. ||u||2 − <T , u>.
9.10 Exercises 321
The optimality condition for the minimizer v of this problem becomes exactly
(9.31). In practice, elements T of the dual space .H −1 (Ω) are manipulated via its
unique representative .v ∈ H01 (Ω) given by these conditions.
There are analogous identifications for elements of dual spaces .W −1,q (Ω) for
0 (Ω) and conjugate exponent q, although the identification cannot go as far as
with the Hilbert space .H01 (Ω).
9.10 Exercises
. u|∂Ω ≡ 0.
∂ 2U ∂U
∇ 2u =
(X, XN )∇XN ⊗ ∇XN + (X, XN )∇ 2 XN
over U.
(b) Proceed by density to prove (9.24).
2. Show that the best constant in the Poincaré’s inequality in H01 (Ω) is the inverse
of the first positive eigenvalue of the operator − Δ by examining the constrained
variational problem
Minimize in u(x) ∈
. H01 (Ω) : |∇u(x)|2 dx
3. Examine the various results in Sect. 9.6 and how they should be adapted for
dimensions N = 1 and N = 2.
322 9 Finer Results in Sobolev Spaces and the Calculus of Variations
f (x) ≥ a|x|p + b
subject to
. |∇u(x)|2 dx = 1.
subject to
. |∇u(x)|2 dx ≤ 1.
. div F = 0 in Ω, F · n = 0 on ∂Ω.
(a) Define in a suitable way the space where a weak null-divergence can be
enforced, together with the normal component on the boundary.
(b) Apply the direct method to the proposed problem.
(c) Derive the form of optimality conditions in this case.
Appendix A
Hints and Solutions to Exercises
A.1 Chapter 1
. (x, u) = 0 for x ∈ o.
As soon as there are global conditions to be preserved, this process can
hardly yield the optimal solution. Even a condition like
. u(x) dx = u0
© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2024 325
P. Pedregal, Functional Analysis, Sobolev Spaces, and Calculus of Variations,
La Matematica per il 3+2 157,
326 A Hints and Solutions to Exercises
4. If
h(x) : [0, L] → R+ ,
. h(0) = h(L) = 0
is an arbitrary path joining the departure point (0, 0) and the arrival point (L, 0),
its cost will be given by the integral
f L √
. e−ah(x) 1 + h' (x)2 dx
. 1 + h' (x)2 dx
y(0) = y0 ,
. y(L) = yL .
x2 + y2 = 1
P |→ t = 0, z(0) = 0,
. Q |→ t = θ, z(θ ) = L ∈ R,
if the points P and Q are, respectively, the initial and final points and L can be
positive or negative. The functional providing the length of such a curve is then
f θ √
. 1 + z' (t)2 dt.
For the sphere, one can use spherical coordinates and write
F (u, v) = |v|
A.2 Chapter 2
1. That these two sets are vector spaces is a direct consequence of the triangular
inequality. As in other initial examples in the chapter, L∞ (o) is seen to be
complete. The case of L1 (o) is included in the proof of Proposition 2.2. It is a
good idea to review that proof for the case p = 1.
2. This is clear if we notice that every continuous function g in o always belong
to Lq (o), even if q = ∞. More directly, simply use Hölder’s inequality for
q < ∞.
3. This kind of examples is easy to design once the underlying difficulty is
understood. For instance, take
f x
.uj (x) = j χ(0,1/j ) (y) dy, u'j (x) = j χ(0,1/j ) (x), uj (0) = 0,
where χ(0,1/j ) is the characteristic function of the interval (0, 1/j ) in the unit
interval (0, 1). It is easy to check that {uj } is uniformly bounded in W 1,1 (0, 1)
but it is not equicontinuous because the limit of any subsequence cannot be
4. (a) This is elementary.
(b) By using the double-angle formula, it is not difficult to conclude that
f b b−a
. u2j (x) dx → .
a 2
A Hints and Solutions to Exercises 329
uj - 0,
. u2j - ,
which is a clear indication of the unexpected behavior of weak convergence
with respect to non-linearities.
5. Under the hypotheses assumed on {fj }, we know that there is some subse-
quence jk and f ∈ Lp (J ) with
fjk - f in Lp (J ).
. ||x||2 ≤ aj2 < ∞,
then the other conclusions are a consequence of the first part of the proposition.
Based on the summability of the series of the aj ’s, it is easy to check that the
330 A Hints and Solutions to Exercises
. aj xj }N
j =1
is convergent.
10. (a) The same example in Exercise 3 is valid to show that E1 is not complete.
(b) It is not difficult to realize that ||Tg || = ||g||∞ . In fact, if we regard E1 as a
(dense) subspace of L1 (0, 1), then it is clear that ||Tg || = ||g||∞ .
(c) It suffices to take f = g/|g| on the subset of (0, 1) where g does not vanish.
(d) It is obvious that δ1/2 is a linear, continuous functional on E∞ . However, it
does not belong to E'1 because functions can take on arbitrarily large values
off {1/2} without changing its value at this point.
(e) The subspace H is the zero-set of the linear, continuous functional Tg for
g ≡ 1. Since by the previous items, T1 belongs both to E'1 and E'∞ , we
have our conclusion.
11. (a) This is a direct consequence of the triangular inequality and works as in
any vector space; namely
(b) Let
. zi ei , {ei : i} ⊂ Rn , the canonical basis.
Then, by linearity,
. Tz = zi Tei ,
||Tz|| ≤
. |zi |||Tei || ≤ ||z||∞ ||Tei ||.
i i
(c) This is immediate: for every k, j larger than some j0 , we will have
||xj − xk || ≤ 1
A Hints and Solutions to Exercises 331
||x|| ≤
. |xi |||ei || ≤ ||ei ||||x||∞ = M||x||∞ .
i i
12. (a) It is clear that if x ∈ lp for some positive p, i.e. the series
. |xj |p < ∞, x = (x1 , x2 , . . . ),
then all the terms, except a finite number, must be less than 1, and hence
||x||∞ = |xk |,
. |xj | ≤ |xk |,
. #(K)1/q → 1, as q → ∞.
.||x||∞ ≤ ||x||1 .
332 A Hints and Solutions to Exercises
||xk ||1 = k,
. ||xk ||∞ = 1.
(b) The index set I is infinite (because E has infinite dimension), and select a
copy of N within I . Define a linear functional T over E by defining it on
the basis {ei } and putting
is the trivial function. The other conditions are inherited from the similar
properties of the absolute value. In particular,
for all v. {ρj } is called an approximation of the identity in L1 (R). On the other
hand, show that some subsequence of {T(ρj )} converges weakly in Lp (R) to
some w.
A Hints and Solutions to Exercises 333
implies that
. <xj , x> → 0,
for all x ∈ H.
17. All conditions of an inner product are fine, except for the last one. Note that if
a non-null function f (x) is orthogonal (in L2 (o)) to the full set {wi }, then the
inner-product with a double integral would vanish.
18. Integrate by parts in the product
f 1
. Lj (t)Lk (t) dt, j > k,
<t 3 , Li >
πt3 =
. Li (t).
<Li , Li >
. (t 3 − π t 3 ).
||t 3 − π t 3 ||
19. (a) It suffices to realize that the leading coefficient of all the Pj ’s is unity,
as a consequence of the Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization process, and so
tPj −1 (t) − Pj (t) has, at most, degree j − 1.
(b) One must show that
The inner product with Pj −2 , after the use of the previous item, yields the
sign of bj .
(c) Argue first that Pj ought to have at least one real root in J because
<Pj , 1> = 0. If we let
. · · · ⊂ H−2 ⊂ H−1 ⊂ H0 ⊂ H1 ⊂ H2 ⊂ . . . ,
and that
. ∩j Hj = {0}.
k l
. − a1 , b= + b1 , a1 , b1 < 2−n ,
2n 2n
g(x) = χ[k/2n ,l/2n ] (x) ∈ H, ||f − g|| ≤ 21−n .
A Hints and Solutions to Exercises 335
for arbitrary functions p(x) > 0 and q(x) are valid for these computations to
hold (Sturm-Liouville eigenvalue problems).
25. For the triangle inequality, note that the function φ(r) = r/(1 + r) is strictly
increasing for positive r. Then
|f − h| + |h − g|
1 + |f − h| + |h − g|
≤φ(|f − h|) + φ(|h − g|).
(b) However || · ||1/2 is not a norm because it does not respect the triangular
inequality. To check this, consider the situation for χ , the characteristic
function of the interval (0, 1/2) in (0, 1), and 2 − χ .
(c) As in the first item above, it is easy to check that d(f, g) is indeed a
distance. The completeness reduces to the same issue in Lp (0, 1) for p ≥ 1.
27. Define
. <x, y> = (||x + y||2 − ||x − y||2 )
1 1 1
= ||x||2 + ||y||2 − ||x − y||2 ,
2 2 2
and prove that it is an inner-product whose associated norm is || · ||, through the
following steps:
(a) Check through the parallelogram identity that
(b) By writing
<x + z, y> =
. (<x + z + w, y> + <x + z − w, y>) ,
and choosing w in an appropriate way, conclude that
28. If we rely on the similar result for the one-dimensional situation, one can
deduce the same result for the closure of the subspace of L2 ([−π, π]N ; C)
made up of linear combinations of the form
. nk fkl (xk ), fkl ∈ L2 ([−π, π]; C).
for every u ∈ K.
30. The upper bounds given in the statement ensure that the functional E is well-
defined in H01 (0, 1). According to Definition 2.13, we need to calculate the
derivative of the section
f 1
t |→ E(u+tv) =
. [ψ(u' (t)+tv ' (x))+φ(u(x)+tv(x))] dx, v ∈ H01 (0, 1),
338 A Hints and Solutions to Exercises
Lemma 2.7 informs us that the derivative E ' (u) will be the unique minimizer
of the problem
f 1 [1 ]
' ' ' ' '
. H01 (0, 1) |→ v (x) − ψ (u (x))v (x) − φ (u(x))v(x) dx.
0 2
31. This is a typical situation for the application of Theorem 2.1 of Chap. 2, in a
similar way as in Sect. 2.10 of the same chapter.
A.3 Chapter 3
(b) This is easily seen through the approximation procedure of the previous
item, and the definition of convexity.
(c) It suffices to use the convexity of the function u(r) = − log r.
13. In general terms, convexity of the functional I can be written in the form
. f (t1 u1 (x) + t2 u2 (x), t1 u1 (y) + t2 u2 (y)) dx dy ≤
J ×J
f f
t1 f (u1 (x), u1 (y)) dx dy + t2 f (u2 (x), u2 (y)) dx dy
J ×J J ×J
.u |→ f (u, u)
must be convex, but this is far from being sufficient because it does not provide
any information on f off the diagonal. A bit of experimentation with simple
functions can help us realize that there is no simple answer.
14. (a) It suffices to take W (x, y, ·) convex for every pair (x, y) ∈ (0, 1)2 , and 0,
(b) If there is an explicit dependence of W (x, y, u, v) on the variable u, then
there is no way to derive any information of the behavior on the integrals
f 1
. W (x, y, uj (x), uj (y)) dy
F (x) ≤ F (y),
. (−1)i xi ≤ (−1)i yi .
N (f
Σ )2
N sN (f )2 =
. f (x)ui (x) dx
i=1 o
= <f, ui >2 .
(b) From the last identity and the classical Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, it is
clear that
sN (f ) ≤ ||f ||,
A.4 Chapter 4
a 2 a2 2
φa'' (u) = 12[(u +
. ) + (a − 1)].
4 16
342 A Hints and Solutions to Exercises
where Ju and JU are specific compact sets for the variables u and U,
respectively. Use the dominated convergence theorem to conclude that such
difference of integrals tend to zero.
5. (a) This is an elementary Multivariate Calculus exercise.
(b) This has already been shown in the final section of the chapter.
6. Missing technical details refer to the justification of differentiation under the
integral sign. This is correct under the bound assumed on the integrand F and
its partial derivatives.
7. It is not difficult to conclude that if m(α) is the value of the infimum, then
m(α) = 1 for α = 0 and α ≥ 1, while m(α) = 0, else.
8. Consider perturbations in the subspace
. (J ; Rn ) = {v ∈ H 1 (J ; Rn ) : v(x0 ) − v(x1 ) = 0},
to conclude that (4.20) is valid for all v in this subspace. Proceed in two
successive steps:
(a) take first, in particular, v ∈ H01 (J ; RN ) to conclude (4.21) as in Theo-
rem (4.4);
(b) for v ∈ Hper
1 (J ; Rn ) such that the constant vector
v0 = v(x0 ) = v(x1 )
This final condition, together with differential system (4.21) (and the periodicity
conditions for u), make up the optimality problem.
9. Mimicking the process around the proof of Theorem 4.21, one finds that
Fu (x, u(x), u' (x), u'' (x)) −
. FU (x, u(x), u' (x), u'' (x))
+ FZ (x, u(x), u' (x), u'' (x)) = 0 a.e. x in J,
d 2x
minimized among all feasible u’s in the appropriate space without any end-
point conditions.
14. This is the typical situation with a saw-tooth sequence of functions where only
slopes ±1 are used, and they alternate in smaller and smaller scales, while
preserving the given end-point conditions. All this functions belong to A, and
yet its weak limit, which is the trivial function,√does not belong to A because
the integral condition would yield 1 instead of 2.
15. Checking that (4.27) is a solution of (4.26) is an interesting Calculus exercise.
On the other hand, it is elementary to argue that problem (4.26) can admit at
most one solution.
16. This exercise involves an interesting manipulations to find a way to perform a
first integration in the Euler-Lagrange system. The statement itself yields the
17. (a) In order to apply our main existence theorem for such a variational problem,
the main point to discuss is the coercivity. Note that the strict convexity of
f in the derivative is very easily checked. If we put f = f (y),
( )2
1 1
. |z| − |f | ≤ |z|2 − |z| |f | + |f |2 ,
2 4
1 2
|z| |f | ≤
. |z| + |f |2 .
In this way, since
1 1
. |z − f |2 ≥ |z|2 − |z| |f |,
2 2
we can conclude that
1 1
. |z − f |2 ≥ |z|2 − |f (y)|2 . (A.1)
2 4
This is not exactly the coercivity condition required because our lower
bound incorporates an explicit dependence on the variable y. However, for
arbitrary t ∈ J = [0, T ], we have
f t
|x(t) − x0 | ≤ t
|x' (s)|2 ds,
A Hints and Solutions to Exercises 345
Then, by (A.1),
f t
|x(t) − x0 | ≤t
|x' (s)|2 ds
f t
≤4T E(x) + 4T |f (x(s))|2 ds.
Altogether, we obtain
|x(t) − x0 |2 ≤ 4T E(x)
f t
+ 8M 2 T |x(s) − x0 |2 ds
+ 8T |f (x0 )|2 .2
for a certain, fixed compact set K. Once we can count on this piece of
information, (A.1) implies
f f
. |x'j (s)|2 ds ≤E(xj ) + max |f (y)|2 ds
≤E(xj )
+ [2M 2 max |y − x0 |2 + 2|f (x0 )|2 ] ds < ∞,
is the residual associated with such minimizer. Conclude that the only
solution for the previous linear problem for e is the trivial one.
18. The situation for a constant vector y or a variable path y(t) is the same. The
existence of an optimal path is shown, under the conditions given for the map
f (x, y), by checking how the uniformity of the Lipschitz constant M permits
to exactly reproduce the proof in Exercise 17, both in the constant and variable
cases. Note that the problem is first-order in x, but zero-order in y. Optimality
conditions become a differential-algebraic system of the form
is the residual vector. One would like to be able to conclude, from these
optimality conditions, that e ≡ 0. However, it is not easy to give an explicit
answer unless we assume a more explicit form of f . In the case of a linear
f (x, y) = Ax + by,
A Hints and Solutions to Exercises 347
e' + AT e = 0,
. bT e = 0.
From here one can deduce that e ≡ 0 if and only if the rank condition of Kalman
( )
. rank b Ab A2 b . . . An−1 b = n
is verified.
19. In this case, one considers apparently more general variations as indicated in
the statement. Consider the real function
f 1
s ∈ (−ε, ε) |→ g(s) ≡
. F (t, u(s, t), ut (s, t)) dt,
and impose the condition that g ' (0) = 0. Though one is considering more
general variations, optimality is reduced to the usual Euler-Lagrange system
of optimality.
20. Regarding the path u as fixed, we perform a change of variables setting
φ(0) = 0, φ(1) = 1,
. φ ' > 0.
It is with respect to this integral as a functional of φ, for fixed u, that one should
write optimality conditions.
21. This is a continuation of the previous exercise to stress how inner-variations are
especially well-suited to study optimality under point-wise constraints. Note
how paths of the form
uψ (t) = u(ψ(t))
348 A Hints and Solutions to Exercises
which is not a local integral functional. The calculation for the second situation
are trivial and one finds that I = Ii .
25. The application of basic results in this chapter to the problem proposed for fixed
ε is straightforward (though it requires some care in calculations). The basic
property to define the limit problem is to write the weak limit of the quotiens
1/aε (x) in the same quotient form
1 1
. - .
aε (x) a(x)
A Hints and Solutions to Exercises 349
A.5 Chapter 5
(1 − T)S = S(1 − T)
is the identity.
5. (a) This is straightforward.
(b) This amounts to checking that T is injective but not onto.
(c) T' f (x) = f (x/2).
6. (a) To show that π is linear, argue as follows. For x, y ∈ H arbitrary, and a
scalar α, we have
and then
and so ||π || = 1.
(b) Identify the four statements as (a), (b), (c), and (d), respectively. Then (a)
means that
<x − π x, π x> = 0,
. <x, π x> = ||π x||2 ≥ 0,
To show the equality, for arbitrary λ with |λ| ≤ 1 prove that (T − λ1) is not
onto by trying to find the inverse image of, for instance, (1, 0, . . . ).
8. It is clear that e(T) = {1/j : j ∈ N}. Since ||T|| = 1,
If λ has size not greater than unity, it is non-zero, and not one of the 1/n, then
(T − λ1)x = y,
. xj = yj .
1/j − λ
For j large, ||λ − 1/j | ≥ |λ|/2, and then vector x given by the above formula
belongs to lp . Operator T − λ1 is bijective, and by the open-mapping theorem
is isomorphism. This implies that (A.2) is an equality.
9. (a) The linearity and continuity is straightforward. For the composition, use
Fubini’s theorem to show that
f x
.T u(x) =
K2 (x, y)u(y) dy
f x
K 2 (x, y) =
. K(x, z)K(z, y) dz.
f x
T(Su)(x) =
. K(x, y)u(y) dy
f x
K(x, y) =
. K(x, z)L(z, y) dz.
(b) There is no special difficulty with induction based on the previous calcula-
A Hints and Solutions to Exercises 351
(c) A constant kernel have a trivial kernel for the corresponding operator. The
(π )
.K(x, y) = x cos y
has a constant function in the kernel of the corresponding operator.
(d) In the case K(x, y) = 1, the rule found in the first item leads to
Kj (x, y) =
. (x − y)j , j ≥ 0.
j −1
Σ ∞
xj =
. Tk y + Tj x0 , x= Tk y.
k=0 k=0
Σ ( )
. Tk y − Tj x0 = Tj (1 − T)−1 y − x0 .
352 A Hints and Solutions to Exercises
. ∈ L∞ (o).
a(x) − λ
. lim L(u)(s) = 0.
Through the mean-value theorem for the exponential, and the same change of
variables prove that Lu is a continuous function, and that L is continuous. The
property of the derivative of Lu is standard.
14. Define a linear operator T and its adjoint T' , through the Riesz representation
theorem, by putting
The duality relations imply that the closure of R(T) is the full space H.
Conclude by checking that T is closed.
15. This is the same operator of the two final items of Exercise 9. It does not have
eigenvalues, and its norm is e − 1.
A Hints and Solutions to Exercises 353
A.6 Chapter 6
u = m + (1/2)u1 ,
. m ∈ M, u1 ∈ U.
m1 ∈ M, u2 ∈ U,
. u1 = m1 + u2
1 1 1 1
u = m + (m1 + u2 ) = m + m1 + 2 u2 .
2 2 2 2
Proceed in a similar manner to find that
1 1
mi + n+1 un+1 , m = m0 ,
2 2
<x, (T − λ1)y> = 0
A = PDP−1 ,
. D = diag(λj ), P, non-singular.
⎛ ⎞⎛ ⎞⎛ ⎞
1 0 1 00 0 −1 −1 −1
. log A = ⎝−1 1 −2⎠ ⎝0 0 0 ⎠⎝ 3 2 1 ⎠,
−1 −1 1 0 0 log 2 2 1 1
⎞ ⎛
2 1 1
. log A = log 2 ⎝−4 −2 −2⎠ .
2 1 1
defined through
. − U '' (x) + U (x) = u(x) in (0, 1), U ' (0) = U ' (1) = 0, (A.4)
A Hints and Solutions to Exercises 355
is compact, self-adjoint, and positive, just as in the second part of the previous
exercise. There is no explicit formula for T though.
(a) In the first place T is well-defined. Note that problem A.4 admits a unique
solution for u ∈ L2 (0, 1) as it is the minimizer of the quadratic functional
f 1 1 1
. [ U ' (x)2 + U (x)2 − u(x)U (x)] dx
0 2 2
1 = πi + πi⊥ ,
. πi → 1
we should have the given statement. However, if it were true that ||πi⊥ || →
0, that would imply that the identity operator 1 would be compact, which is
impossible in an infinite-dimensional Hilbert space. There is no contradiction
with the Banach-Steinhaus principle.
7. Because πi → 1 point-wise, if T is compact then T(B) is a compact set and
Conversely if the norm in the statement tends to zero, T turns out to be a limit,
in the operator norm, of a sequence of finite-rank operator, and hence, compact.
8. The arguments are much in the spirit of Proposition 2.13. Bear in mind that
under the given hypotheses πi πj = 0 for i /= j . For the compactness use the
fact that a limit of finite-rank operators is compact.
356 A Hints and Solutions to Exercises
(c) For integral operators of this kind, the adjoint is the integral operator
corresponding to the symmetric kernel
' (1 − y)x, 0 ≤ x ≤ y ≤ 1,
K (x, y) = K(y, x) =
. = K(x, y).
(1 − x)y, 0 ≤ y ≤ x ≤ 1,
(T − (j π )−2 1)u = v
(T − (j π )−2 1)w = 0,
13. Since T is compact and self-adjoint, the Fredholm alternative ensures the result
if the unique solution u(x) of the homogeneous equation
f π
u(x) −
. sin(x + y)u(y) dy = 0
=a sin x + b cos x,
to conclude that a = b = 0.
14. It is very natural to argue that such a T is a limit of a sequence of finite-
rank operators. For a counterexample, check examples of the form given in
Exercise 8 of Chap. 5 that has been discussed in Exercise 11 above.
15. In a reflexive Banach space, the unit ball B is weakly compact. This suffices
to prove the claim easily. In the explicit situation given, the sequence Tuj
converges, in the sup norm, to the function 0 for x ≤ 0; x for x ≥ 0, whose
derivative is discontinuous, and hence, it cannot belong to the image of T.
16. This property has sufficiently emphasized earlier.
17. This proof is a very typical application of Riesz lemma. If the space is not finite-
dimensional, a sequence can be found inductively in the unit sphere that cannot
converge to anything. The argument is similar to the proof of Proposition 6.3.
18. (a) To calculate ||T||, evaluate T(fr ) for
fr = χ[r,1] ,
. 0 ≤ r ≤ 1.
(b) For any λ ∈ [0, 1], it is easy to realize that the equation
is, however, not compact because the first term is just the identity, but the
second contribution is compact.
A.7 Chapter 7
1. This is elementary. Take the open set πN o, and select a test function ψ for such
an open set in RN −1 with ψ(x '0 ) = 1.
2. This is also a geometric property which is, at least, easy to visualize.
3. This is just a change-of-variables issue.
4. There is nothing surprising in this exercise.
5. (a) If ψ ∈ C∞ ∞
c (R ) and φ ∈ Cc (o), the product ψφ is a smooth function
χ (x) = χt (x · n)
where χt is the 1-periodic function of one variable of that example, and n is any
unit normal vector.
A Hints and Solutions to Exercises 359
7. (a) Just as in the case of the standard Sobolev spaces, one can define the Hilbert
where the weak divergence div F is defined through the usual integration-
by-parts formula
f f
. div Fφ dx = − F · ∇φ dx
o o
f 1 /
||u||2L2 (B) = 2
. u(x1 )2 1 − x12 dx1 .
In this way, one can define the Sobolev space with weight
f 1
L2w (−1, 1) = {u(x), measurable :
. u(x)2 w(x) dx < ∞},
Hw1 (−1, 1) = {u(x) ∈ L2w (−1, 1) : u' (x) ∈ L2w (−1, 1)},
360 A Hints and Solutions to Exercises
For a general domain the procedure is formally the same for the weight function
is a good candidate.
A.8 Chapter 8
1. By looking with care at the integration by parts involved in deriving the weak
form of the Euler-Lagrange equation in 8.7, one can conclude that
. div(∇v − F) = f in o, u = u0 on ∂o.
3. The first part is a consequence of the first exercise of this chapter. It amounts to
writing the natural boundary condition
Au · n = 0 on ∂o.
A Hints and Solutions to Exercises 361
It is relevant to note the presence of the quadratic term in u to avoid the situation
in which minimizing sequences do not remain bounded in H 1 (o) by adding an
arbitrary constant to u. If one is interested in adjusting a non-vanishing normal
derivative, then the functional should be formally changed to
f f
. |∇u(x)|2 dx + h(x)u(x) dS(x).
o 2 ∂o
a 2 b
u |→
. |u| + |u|F · u
2 2
has the given Euler-Lagrange equation. The condition
f (r) p
. lim = α > 0, p > 1.
r→∞ r
In fact, it suffices
f (r)
. lim = +∞.
r→∞ r
7. This is similar to Exercise 29 of Chap. 2.
362 A Hints and Solutions to Exercises
8. If the field F is divergence-free, then it this term does not affect the underlying
Euler-Lagrange equation. On the one hand, by the divergence theorem
f f
. ∇u(x) · F(x) dx = u(x)F(x) · n(x) dS(x),
o ∂o
. curl(AF + G) = 0.
over H 1 (o).
11. (a) The standard theorem cannot be applied because the matrix
( )
1 1 a
2 a a2
This time the theorem can be applied and there is a unique solution.
A Hints and Solutions to Exercises 363
(c) The situation is exactly the same. The main change for this new problem
would affect the form of the Euler-Lagrange equation that it would be non-
12. This is a straightforward generalization of Exercise 1. The corresponding
optimality problem would read
13. This is a zeroth-order problem. A typical existence theorem would require the
convexity of the integrand F (x, ·) for a.e. x ∈ o, and the coercivity
14. It is well-known from Vector Calculus courses that the flux of a vector field F
across a given surface S is given by the surface integral
. F(x) · n(x) dS(x),
where n(x) is the unit normal vector field to S (one of the possible two options).
If surface S is given by the graph of a certain function u(x, y) over o, then the
flux is
. F(x, y, u(x, y)) · (−ux (x, y), −uy (x, y), 1) dx dy.
F(x, y, u(x, y)) = (F1 (x, y, u(x, y)), F2 (x, y, u(x, y)), F3 (x, y, u(x, y))),
364 A Hints and Solutions to Exercises
which forces optimal surfaces to have their image on the set where the
divergence of the vector field F vanishes. This is clearly impossible if this
possibility is forbidden by the function u0 furnishing the boundary values for
u. If F is divergence-free, the Euler-Lagrange equation becomes void, and the
integrand becomes a null-lagrangian.
15. (a) It is easy to check that the square of the determinant is not convex. For
instance, the section
(( ) ( ))
01 10
t |→ F
. +t .
10 01
is not convex.
(b) With a bit of care the equation becomes
for all v ∈ H01 (o). Use successively test functions v with support in o1
and o0 to conclude that u must be harmonic separately in both sets. Once
this information is available, for a general v with arbitrary values on r, use
the divergence theorem and deduce the transmission condition
(α1 − α0 )∇u · n = 0 on r.
17. (a) Once again, it is immediate to show existence of a unique solution for each
ε fixed, either through the Lax-Milgram lemma or our main existence result
for variational problems.
(b) Argue that the sequence of minimizers {uε } is uniformly bounded in
H 1 (o), and, hence, possibly for a subsequence (not relabeled) it converges
weakly to some limit u.
(c) Under the hypothesis suggested one would find that
f f
. aε ∇vε · ∇uε dx → a0 ∇v · ∇u dx.
o o
. a0 ∇v · ∇u dx = 0
for all v ∈ H01 (o), and this implies that u0 is the minimizer of the limit
18. (a) This is again a consequence of our main existence theorem for convex,
coercive variational problems.
(b) As in the mentioned exercise, the transmission condition would be
(c) Because the value of the functional for U is finite (it is important that U = u
in o), independently of ε, we can deduce that ûε → u in o.
19. (a) This is standard after main results in this chapter.
(b) This is a particular case of the same question in the previous exercise.
The main difference is the linearity of the operation taking each u to the
corresponding minimizer vε .
(c) Note that
1 1
mε =
. ||∇vε ||2 2 N + ||∇vε − ∇u||2L2 (o) , (A.6)
2 L (R \o) 2ε
||vε ||2
. = ||∇vε ||2 2 , ||vε ||2 = ||∇vε ||2 2 .
H 1 (R \o) L (R \o) H 1 (R ) L (R )
||vε ||2
. = ||vε ||2 + ||∇vε ||2L2 (o) ,
H 1 (R ) H 1 (R \o)
366 A Hints and Solutions to Exercises
||vε ||2
. ≤ 2mε ,
H 1 (R \o)
H = {u ∈ C∞ (o) : F · ∇u = 0 on ∂o},
of H 1 (o), and its closure in H 1 (o), which we designate by the same letter H.
However, it is not difficult to realize that H becomes the full H 1 (o) because
one can modify a given function u ∈ H 1 (o) in a small amount (in the H 1 (o)-
norm) near de boundary to make it comply with the given boundary condition.
This is similar to the situation of the L2 (o)-closure of the set C∞
c (o) of smooth
functions with compact support in o, which is the full L2 (o). The problem is
not well-posed. It is ill-posed.
21. This is a practice exercise with typical integrands in the quadratic case. It
amounts to checking (strict) convexity and coercivity in each particular case, as
well as smoothness conditions to write the underlying Euler-Lagrange equation,
at least formally. We briefly comment on each case.
(a) The integrand is
F (u1 , u2 ) =
. (|u1 | + |u2 |)2 .
It is strictly convex and coercive.
(b) The integrand is quadratic corresponding to the symmetric, positive definite
( )
2 −1
.A = .
−1 1
A Hints and Solutions to Exercises 367
1 4
F (u1 , u2 ) =
. (u + u42 )1/2 .
2 1
It is strictly convex and coercive. Note that
F (u) =
. ||u||24 , u = (u1 , u2 ), ||u||44 = u41 + u42 .
All norms are equivalent in R2 , and the p-th norm is strictly convex for
p > 1.
(e) The integrand is
( ) ( 2 )1/2
1 ( 2 2 ) 2 −1 u1
F (u1 , u2 ) =
. u u .
2 1 2 −1 1 u22
1( 4 )
F (u1 , u2 ) =
. (u1 + u22 )1/2 + u22 .
It is strictly convex and coercive.
(g) Slight variation of the previous one.
(h) The integrand is
1 2
F (u1 , u2 ) =
. (u + u22 ) + 7 exp(−(u1 − 1)4 − u22 ).
2 1
It is coercive but not convex.
(i) This time
{u ∈ H 1 (o) : u = u0 on r0 }.
{u ∈ H 1 (o) : u = 0 on r0 },
A.9 Chapter 9
1. Almost all main ingredients of the computations have been given in the
statement. The formula in the first part is just a careful use of the chain rule.
Note that, unless we differentiate twice with respect to the normal to ∂o, i.e.
with respect to XN , at least one derivative has to be computed tangentially,
and so it must vanish. In order to conclude (9.24), recall that we learn from
Differential Geometry that the quantity
∇XN ∇ 2 XN ∇XN
A Hints and Solutions to Exercises 369
Au = λu in o,
. u = 0 on ∂o,
for a positive multiplier λ. The smallest possible such λ is the first eigenvalue
of the Laplacian. From this equation one concludes that
f f
. u(x)2 dx = |∇u(x)|2 dx.
o o
On the other hand, the best constant C in Poincaré’s inequality will be such that
f f
. u(x)2 dx ≤ C |∇u(x)|2 dx.
o o
3. For the case N = 2, the exponent p = (N +2)/(N −2) cannot be taken directly,
so one needs to work with an arbitrary p, apply the corresponding inequalities,
and then take p to ∞.
4. This is an elementary Calculus exercise. For x ≥ R, write
f ' (x) =
. f (x) + g(x), g(x) ≥ 0.
Use the explicit formula
(f x )[ f x ( f y ) ]
p p
f (x) = exp
. ds f (R) + exp − ds g(y) dy
R s R R s
for the solution of such a linear, first-order ODE to conclude, based on the fact
g(x) ≥ 0, that
f (R) p
f (x) ≥
. x , x ≥ R.
From here, it is easy to deduce the final result.
5. The main point is to define the operator T in this new setting appropriately. Put
U = Tu for the unique minimizer of the functional
f [ ]
. |∇U (x)| − U (x)u(x) dx
o 2
over the space H 1 (o) ∩ L20 (o) This constraint on the mean value of functions
is necessary to have a substitute for Poincaré’s inequality through Wirtinger’s
370 A Hints and Solutions to Exercises
inequality, and to have that the L2 -norm of the gradient is again a norm in
H 1 (o) ∩ L20 (o). Everything else is like in the Dirichlet case.
6. (a) This variational problem may not have solutions. Note that if {uj } is a
minimizing sequence, their gradients are uniformly bounded in L2 , and
there is a weak limit u. But this weak limit may not comply with the
constraint (being an equality constraint). In dimension 1, a simple example
may help us in realizing the difficulty. The function
h− √x , 0 ≤ x ≤ h1 ,
uh (x) =
. h
0, 1
h ≤ x ≤ 1,
is such that
f 1 f 1 h2
. u'h (x)2 dx = 1, uh (x)2 dx = .
0 0 3
subject to
. |∇u(x)|2 dx ≤ 1.
and define
f (A)u =
. <u, uj >f (λj )uj .
for all such 0. After rewriting this integral and using an integration by parts,
we have
f [ ]
.0 = [ ∇u(x)∇ 2 u(x)0(x) − div[∇u(x) ⊗ ∇u(x)]0(x) dx.
for all smooth functions φ in o. Note how this definition forces both
conditions div F = 0 in o and F · n = 0 on ∂o. The norm in this space
is just the norm of the ambient space L2 (o; RN ). It is easy to check that
Hdiv (o) is a closed subspace of L2 (o; RN ), and consequently it is also
weakly closed. Recall Theorem 3.5.
(b) If the matrix field A(x) is symmetric and uniformly positive-definite in the
FT A(x)F ≥ C|F|2 ,
. C > 0, F ∈ RN ,
372 A Hints and Solutions to Exercises
and the vector field A ∈ L∞ (o; RN ), then the given functional in the
statement is coercive, and strictly convex, and the direct method yields a
unique minimizer F̂ ∈ Hdiv (o) of the problem.
(c) To derive the corresponding optimality conditions, we perform variations
of the form
F̂ + εF,
. F ∈ Hdiv (o).
The computation
d ||
E(F̂ + εF)
dε |ε=0
. (F̂AF + A · F) dx = 0
for all such F ∈ Hdiv (o). According to the definition of Hdiv (o), as the
orthogonal complement of gradients of functions in H 1 (o) in L2 (o; RN ),
we deduce that
AF̂ + A = ∇φ,
. φ ∈ H 1 (o).
. curl(AF̂ + A) = 0 in o.
Appendix B
So Much to Learn
There is so much material one can look at after having covered the material in this
course, depending on preferences and level of understanding, that we have tried
to organize it according to the four main areas involved in this textbook: the three
occurring in the title, and PDEs. Seeking that these comments may be helpful to
students, we have tried to avoid dispersion, and so we highlight a few sources, at
most, for each mentioned subject. In some of these, we also provide some clues at
our discretion. There is no aim at completeness or relevance on the selection that
follows. On the other hand, we have tried to include general references accessible
to students; this explains why some more specialized material is not included.
This is the broader section in this Appendix, as the Calculus of Variations has been
our main interest. Readers will see that, even so, we have left out far too many
interesting topics.
© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2024 373
P. Pedregal, Functional Analysis, Sobolev Spaces, and Calculus of Variations,
La Matematica per il 3+2 157,
374 B So Much to Learn
One can feel some curiosity at how variational methods can be introduced even at
a more elementary level; or how it is presented to other scientists and/or engineers.
We just mention some [BuGiHil98, Da15, Ki18, Ko14, Kot14, Tr96].
Historically, a lot of effort has been devoted to topics within the indirect method.
On the other hand, there is a rich tradition on variational methods in Mechanics.
Our main reference for this field is [GiHil96], where most of the knowledge in this
B So Much to Learn 375
area is gathered. This is also a good source for everything related to variations in
the independent variable, and Noether’s conservation law theorems, as has already
been indicated above.
These deal with optimality conditions in optimization problems where the set of
competing objects is a convex set of functions or fields but they do not support an
underlying linear structure. Two basic references are: [KiSt00, Ul11].
Ever since the pioneering work of Young, Young measures has been a main tool to
tame non-convexity and non-existence. Our basic references are [CRV04, FlGo12,
Pe97, Yo69].
B.1.9 r-Convergence
The area of .r-convergence deals with sequences of functionals and how its limit
behavior can be explored in an orderly manner. There are not yet many textbooks in
the subject [AtBuMi14, Br02, DM93].
376 B So Much to Learn
There are a number of important topics that are part of more general fields but they
have a character on their own. There are not yet textbooks as they are being intensely
explored these days. Some of those are:
• Existence without convexity
• Regularity in variational problems
• Second-order optimality conditions
• Non-local functionals
• Constrained variational problems and multipliers
• Stochastic Calculus of Variations
• Variational problems in .L∞
The two references [Ul11, Is16] treat some of these.
The interconnection between the Calculus of Variations and PDEs is so deep that
it is impossible to tell them apart. Variational methods are utilized constantly in
problems in Analysis where the main interest is the underlying PDEs themselves;
and, viceversa, fundamental motivation and techniques in variational problems
are constantly borrowed from the field of PDEs. We refer here to additional
sources where variational methods are at the background of viewpoints on prob-
lems [ACM18, Br13, Br11, CaVi15, CDR18, Cr18, Ev10, GiTr01, Kr08, MaOc19,
SVZZ13, Sa16, SBH19, Ta15].
Non-linear PDEs are sometimes quite different from their linear counterparts, and
typically much more difficult. This is almost always true in every part of Analysis.
In particular, quite often non-linear PDEs pose quite challenging problems to
researchers. Most of the references in the previous item have chapters dealing one
way or another with non-linear problems. Some other interesting resources are
[AmAr11, Co07].
B So Much to Learn 377
The theory of regularity either for variational problems or PDEs is quite delicate
and technical, but it should be known to a certain extent by every Applied Analyst.
Our basic reference here is [Gr11].
The theory of Sobolev spaces is fundamental for Applied Analysis. In this text we
have but covered the most basic facts, but a much deeper knowledge is required for a
finer treatment of variational problems and PDEs. Some additional references where
readers can keep on learning on this area are [Ad03, Ag15, Le17, Ma11, Ta07, Zi89].
As we have tried to stress in the initial chapters of this text, the role played on
Functional Analysis by problems in the Calculus of Variations has been, historically,
crucial. Nowadays there is also a clear and important interaction in the other
378 B So Much to Learn
direction to the extent that one cannot be dispensed with a solid foundation in
Functional Analysis to understand the modern Calculus of Variations or the modern
theory of PDEs. We name a few additional references for Functional Analysis,
in addition to some other more specialized texts in the subsequent subsections
[Bo14, Ce10, Ci13, Fa16, LeCl03, Li16, Ov18, Sa17, Si18].
It is again important to stress that Functional Analysis is a very large and
fundamental area of Mathematical Analysis that we cannot cover in a few lines,
or with a few references.
Nevertheless, we include a few more important subareas of Functional Analysis
with some other resources.
• Distributions. The theory of distributions was a fundamental success for Applied
Analysis, hardly overestimated ever since [HaTr08, Mi18].
• Unbounded operators and Quantum Mechanics [Sch12].
• Topological vector spaces. Locally convex topological vector spaces [Vo20].
• Orlicz spaces. These spaces are a generalization of Lebesgue spaces that are built
by retaining the fundamental properties of the pth-power function that permit that
Lebesgue spaces become Banach spaces [HaHa19].
• Non-linear Analysis [AuEk84, Pa18, Ta09].
© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2024 379
P. Pedregal, Functional Analysis, Sobolev Spaces, and Calculus of Variations,
La Matematica per il 3+2 157,
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© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2024 385
P. Pedregal, Functional Analysis, Sobolev Spaces, and Calculus of Variations,
La Matematica per il 3+2 157,
386 Index
Failure of convexity, 127 K
Fine oscillations, 155 Kalman’s rank condition, 347
Finite-rank operator, 194
First moment, 268
Flow of a dynamical system, 299 L
Flux, 4 Lack of coercivity, 156
Fréchet differentiability, 81 Lack of convexity, 155
Fréchet-Riesz representation theorem, 79 Laplace operator on a hyper-surface, 314
Free boundary, 272 Laplace’s equation, 246
Fubini’s theorem, 137, 223 Lavrentiev’s phenomenon, 22
Function of a compact operator, 206 Lebesgue spaces, 42
Fundamental Lemma of the Calculus of Lipschitz continuity, 52
Variations, 227 Local lipschitzianity, 82
Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, 51 Logarithm of an operator, 207
Luzin’s theorem, 218
Gateaux differentiability, 80
Mathematical Programming, 1, 3
Generalized cylinder, 227
Mechanics, 137
Geodesics, 8, 30, 164
Method of variations, 27
Gram-Schmidt process, 74
Mild derivative, 244
Graph length, 4
Minimal surfaces, 10, 27, 30, 261
Graph of an operator, 175
Minkowski functional, 102
Min-max principle, 303
Mixed-boundary condition, 278
H Mollifier, 64
Haar system, 90 Moment of inertia, 4
Hamiltonian mechanics, 13 Morse theory, 27
Hanging cable, 12, 142, 152 Mountain-pass lemma, 308
Harmonic function, 247 Multipliers, 148, 151, 286
Hessian, 257
Hilbert-Schmidt operator, 195, 206, 222
Hölder continuity, 52 N
Hölder’s inequality, 2, 43 Natural boundary condition, 153, 160, 248
Neumann boundary condition, 160, 248, 272
Newtonian potential, 223
I Non-conservative field, 156
Ill-posed problem, 277 Norm, 36
Indirect method, 374 Null-lagrangian, 140, 362
Inner product, 69
Inner-variations, 163, 374
Integral equation, 26, 27, 209 O
Integral functional, 121 Obstacle problem, 92, 142, 272, 286
Integral operator, 196 One-dimensional fibers, 227
Integration-by-parts formula, 46, 67 Operations Research, 3
Internal energy, 134 Optimal control problems, 16
Isomorphism, 170 Order of a variational problem, 16
Isoperimetric problem, 10 Orthogonal projection, 71
Index 387
P Taytochrone, 151
Palais-Smale condition, 304 Topological vector space, 85
Partitions of unity, 283 Total variation, 59
Periodic boundary conditions, 159 Transit problems, 6
Persistent cancellation, 54 Transmission condition, 275
Plancherel’s identity, 184, 185 Trigonometric basis, 77, 204
Plateau’s problem, 27 Tychonoff’s theorem, 61
Projection onto a convex set, 71, 73
Propagation of light, 29
Uniqueness, 133
R Utility function, 2
Radon-Nykodim theorem, 58
Reflexive spaces, 57
Relaxation theorem, 269 V
Riemann-Lebesgue lemma, 183 Variations, 144
Riemann-Stieltjes integral, 85 Vector, one-dimensional Sobolev spaces, 63
Riesz representation theorem, 57 Vector problems, 15
Riesz’s lemma, 200 Volterra operator, 191
Robin boundary condition, 278 Volume of revolution, 4
Scalar problems, 15 Wavelet, 91
Second-order problem, 159 Weak convergence, 52
Semicontinuity, 27 Weak divergence, 244
Seminorm, 98 Weak lower semicontinuity, 110
Separability, 74 Weight function, 84
Separation of sets, 104 Well-posed problem, 277
Sequence of cut-off functions, 229 Wirtinger’s inequality, 322
Signed distance function, 230 Work, 4
Singularly-perturbed problem, 343
Size of a function, 20
Sobolev spaces with weights, 359 Y
Solid of minimal resistance, 30 Young’s inequality, 43
Square root of an operator, 207
Strict convexity, 112
Strong solution, 316 Z
Strong-weak lower semicontinuity, 250 Zorn’s lemma, 98
Sturm-Liouville problem, 98, 146, 336