2021-Scheme-6th Sem ECE - OE

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Institute of Technology
An Autonomous Institution under VTU
B.E. (Electronics and Communication Engineering)
Choice Based Credit System (CBCS and Outcome Based Education (OBE)

Semester: VI
Course Name: Nanotechnology Course Code: 21ECE1671
L: T: P: J 3:0:0:0 CIA Marks: 50
Credits: 3 SEA Marks: 50
Hours/Week (Total) 3 (40) SEA Duration: 03 Hours
Course Learning Objectives: The students will be able to
1 Understand basics of nanomaterials and their properties.

2 Describe synthesis of nanomaterials by chemical techniques.

3 Learn to analyze and assess parameters involved in synthesis and characterization.
4 Compare models involved in synthesis of nanostructures.
No. of Blooms
Hours Cognitive
Module-1: Introduction

Introduction: introduction to nanoscience and nanotechno logies, import a nce

and scope of nanotechnology, Development milestones in
microfabrication and electronic industry. Moore’s law and continued Understand
miniaturization, natural nanomaterials, properties at nanoscale (physical, CO1
chemical, surface, electrical. magnetic, optical, mechanical),
Classification of Nanostructures, Kinetics in Nanostructured Materials.
Module-2: Types of Nanomaterials and synthesis
Types of Nanomaterials (Quantum dots, Nanoparticles, Nanocrystals,
Dendrimers, Buckyballs, Nanotubes); Synthesis of Nanomaterials- top
down and bottom up approach, Ball Milling , Gas, liquid, and solid –phase Apply
synthesis of nanomaterials; Lithography techniques (Photolithogra phy, 8
Dip-pen and Electron beam lithography); Thin film deposition;
Electrospinning. Bio-synthesis of nanomaterials.
Module-3: Characterization of Nano materials
Microscopy-Scanning tunnelling microscope, Atomic force microscope,
scanning electron microscopy, Field Emission Scanning Electron
Microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, Environmental
Scanning Electron Microscopy (ESEM) High Apply
Resolutio n Transmission Electron Microscope (HRTEM), Surface enhanced CO3
Raman Spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction technique, X ray Photoelectron
Spectroscopy Surface area analysis, particle size analysis, gravimetric
Module-4: Nano Structures
Carbon Nanotubes, Fullerenes, Nanowires, Quantum Dots. Applications
of nanostructures. Reinforcement in Ceramics, Drug delivery, Giant Apply
magnetoresistance, etc. Cells response to Nanostructures. CO4

Module-5: Application of Nanotechnology

Nano electronics, Nano sensors, Nanotechnology in Diagnostics Understand
applications, Environmental and Agricultural Applications of 8 CO5
nanotechnology, Nano technology for energy systems.

Course Outcomes: After completing the course, the students will be able to

21ECE1671.1 Identify various nano materials and describe the basic science behind the properties
of materials.
21ECE1671.2 Explain the types and methods of nanomaterial synthesis.

21ECE1671.3 Interpret the creation and characterization of nanoscale materials.

21ECE1671.4 Apply principles of nano materials in describing nanostructures.

21ECE1671.5 Comprehend the applications of nanotechnology at the leading edge of scientific

21ECE1671.6 Apply their knowledge of nanotechnology to identify how they can be exploited for
new applications.

Reference Books
1. Textbook of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Pradeep T, 2012, Tata McGraw Hill
Education Pvt. Ltd. ISBN: 9781259007323.
2. Nano-structured Materials and Nanotechnology, Hari Singh Nalwa, 2002, Gulf Professional
Publishing, Academic Press, ISBN:0-12-513920-9
3. Nanomaterials, Nanotechnologies and Design: An Introduction to Engineers and Architects,
D. Michael Ashby, Paulo Ferreira, Daniel L. Schodek, Butterworth-Heinemann, 2009.
4 . Handbook of Nanotechnology by Bharat Bhushan 2004.

Marks Distribution for Assessment:

CIA (50) Conduction: 100 M
Reduced to: 50 M
30 30 30 Five questions with
Written Test each of 20 marks
Average of three tests – 30 (with internal

Marks choice). Student

50 50 Assignment 10 should answer one
full question from
AAT 10
each module
Total – 50
Total – 50 marks
i) CIA: 50%

IA Test: 3 IA tests - Each of 30 Marks Average of 3 tests – 30 M

Assignment 10 Marks
Additional Assessment Tools (AAT) – Quiz, Presentations, Term
Paper, Open ended experiments, Mini Projects, Two-minute video on 10 Marks
latest topic, Short MOOC courses
Total 50 M

ii) SEA : 50%

5 questions to answer each of 20 Marks
Theory 2 questions from each module with internal choice 20 M x 5 = 100 M
Exam Student should answer one full question from each reduced to 50 M
Total 50 Marks

Additional Assessment Tools (AAT) – Quiz, Presentations, Term Paper, Open ended experiments,
Mini Projects, Two-minute video on latest topic, Short MOOC courses
B.N.M. Institute of Technology
An Autonomous Institution under VTU
B.E. (Electronics and Communication Engineering)
Choice Based Credit System (CBCS and Outcome Based Education (OBE)

Semester: VI
Course Name: Wearable Devices Course Code: 21ECE1672
L: T: P: J 3 :0 :0 :0 CIA Marks: 50
Credits: 3 SEA Marks: 50
Hours/Week (Total) 3 (40) SEA Duration: 03 Hours

Course Learning Objectives: The students will be able to

1 Understand and Identify the need for development of wearable devices and its influence on
various sectors.
2 To provide the basic understanding of measurement and instrumentation systems and the
insight of the resistive sensors and its applications in real life.
3 To familiarize the characteristics, working principle and application of special purpose
4 Acquaint the usage of wearable devices as assistive devices, diagnostic devices and other
modern applications.
5 To impart the importance of smart sensors, sensor interface standards for wearable device
applications and to provide a brief overview of the wearable technology and its impact on
social life

No. of Blooms
Module-1: Wearables: Fundamentals, advancements, and roadmap
Hours Cognitive
for the future
World of Wearables, Role of Wearables, Attributes of Wearables, Textiles
and clothing: The meta-wearable, Challenges and opportunities. Understand
Wearing sensors for disease detection: introduction, cardiovascular CO1
diseases, neurological diseases, gastrointestinal diseases
Module-2: Sensors, Actuators and low-power electronics
Mechanical sensors, Biochemical sensors, tears, saliva, wound and
interstitial fluids. Biopotential signals and their characteristics, electrode- Understand
body interface and electrode noise, Low-power ADCs for biomedical 08
applications, architectural design for low power biopotential acquisition.
Module-3: Pressure and Flow Sensors
Concepts of Pressure, Units of Pressure, Mercury Pressure sensors,
Bellows, membranes and thin plates, Piezoresistive sensors, capacitance
sensors, VRP sensors, optoelectronic pressure sensors, indirect pressure
sensor, vacuum sensors. 08
Basics of flow dynamics, thermal transport sensors, ultrasonic sensors, CO3
electromagnetic sensors, breeze sensor, Dust and smoke detectors

Module-4: Smart Fabrics

Introduction. Sensor design, physiological basis and sensor placement,
electrical contacts and interconnections for smart garments. Textile
integration and design of functional garments, functional evaluation, 08
Woven electronic textile applications

Module-5: Wearables to THINKables: Data Analytics and Machine Learning

Remote health monitoring using wearable sensors, AI enabled sensors,
challenges of AI-enabled sensors in health, future directions Understand
Data analytics for wearable IoT based telemedicine: introduction, need and 08 CO5
demand of wearables technologies in the society, smart glove design,
signal processing pipeline: from sensor signals to classifications

Course Outcomes: After completing the course, the students will be able to

21ECE1672.1 Identify and understand the need for development of wearable devices and its
influence on various sectors.
21ECE1672.2 Gain the basic idea of measurements, characteristics and the errors associated with
21ECE1672.3 Understand the working principle of special purpose sensors and the need for
developing smart sensors
21ECE1672.4 Acquaint the usage of wearable devices as assistive devices, diagnostic devices
and other modern applications.
Design and develop various wearable devices for detection of biochemical and
21ECE1672.5 physiological body signals, environmental monitoring, safety and navigational
assistive devices.
21ECE1672.6 Able to design and perform experiments on the sensors and develop the projects
based on the customer needs.

Reference Books
1. Jacob Fraden, “Hand Book of Modern Sensors: physics, Designs and Applications”, 3rd ed.,
Springer, 2010.
2. Edward Sazonov, Michael R Neuman, “Wearable Sensors: Fundamentals, Implementation and
Applications” Elsevier, 2014
3. Toshiyo Tamura, Wenxi Chen, “Seamless Healthcare Monitoring Advancements in Wearable,
Attachable, and Invisible Devices”. Springer International Publishing, 2017. “Wearable
Electronics Sensors - For Safe and Healthy Living”, Subhas Chandra Mukhopadhyay, Springer
2015 ECE(BSW) Page 37
4. “Environmental, Chemical and Medical Sensors”, by Shantanu Bhattacharya, A K Agarwal,
Nripen Chanda, Ashok Pandey and Ashis Kumar Sen, Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2018
5. M. Mardonova and Y. Choi, "Review of Wearable Device Technology and Its Applications to
the Mining Industry," Energies, vol. 11, p. 547, 2018.
6. N. Luo, W. Dai, C. Li, Z. Zhou, L. Lu, C. C. Y. Poon, et al., "Flexible Piezoresistive Sensor Patch
Enabling Ultralow Power Cuffless Blood Pressure Measurement," Advanced Functional
Materials, vol. 26, pp. 1178-1187, 2016.
Marks Distribution for Assessment:

CIA (50) Conduction: 100 M
Reduced to: 50 M
30 30 30 Five questions with
Written Test each of 20 marks
Average of three tests – 30 (with internal

Marks choice). Student

50 50 Assignment 10 should answer one
full question from
AAT 10 each module
Total – 50
Total – 50 marks

i) CIA: 50%

IA Test: 3 IA tests - Each of 30 Marks Average of 3 tests – 30 M

Assignment 10 Marks
Additional Assessment Tools (AAT) – Quiz, Presentations, Term
Paper, Open ended experiments, Mini Projects, Two-minute video on 10 Marks
latest topic, Short MOOC courses
Total 50 M

ii) SEA : 50%

5 questions to answer each of 20 Marks
Theory 2 questions from each module with internal choice 20 M x 5 = 100 M
Exam Student should answer one full question from each reduced to 50 M
Total 50 Marks

Additional Assessment Tools (AAT) – Quiz, Presentations, Term Paper, Open ended experiments,
Mini Projects, Two-minute video on latest topic, Short MOOC courses
B.N.M. Institute of Technology
An Autonomous Institution under VTU
B.E. (Electronics and Communication Engineering)
Choice Based Credit System (CBCS and Outcome Based Education (OBE)

Semester: VI
Course Name: Robotics and Automation Course Code: 21ECE1673
L: T: P: J 3:0:0:0 CIA Marks: 50
Credits: 3 SEA Marks: 50
Hours/Week (Total) 3 (40) SEA Duration: 03 Hours

Course Learning Objectives: The students will be able to

1 To study the various parts of robots and fields of robotics
2 To study the electronics circuits used in robotic applications
3 To study sensors used in robotics
4 To study the programming aspects of robots for specific applications
5 To study the control of robots for some specific applications

No. of Blooms
Hours Cognitive
Module-1: Introduction

History, Robots, Robot Usage, Robot Subsystems, Classification of Robots, Understand

Industrial Applications CO1

Module-2: Actuators and Grippers

Electric Actuators, Hydraulic Actuators, Pneumatic Actuators, Selection of Understand

Motors, Grippers CO2

Module-3: Sensors, Vision and Signal Conditioning

Sensor Classification, Internal Sensors, External Sensors, Vision, Signal Understand

Conditioning, Sensor Selection CO3

Module-4: Programming of Robots

Robot Programming using MATLAB: robot programming workflow,
Sensing and Perception, Path Planning and Decision, Control, Programming
an Arduino Robot in Simulink, Line Follower Application for Arduino Apply

Module-5: Hardware interfacing of Robots

Introduction to Arduino Uno, driver circuits, interfaces used in robotic
applications, programming the Arduino for robotic applications.
Case studies: Design and Implementation of:
1. Human Following Robot Using Arduino and Ultrasonic Sensor Apply
8 CO5
2. Obstacle Avoiding Robot using Arduino, Servo Motors and Ultrasonic
3. Bluetooth based Smart Phone Controlled Robot Car
4. WiFi Controlled Robot
Course Outcomes: After completing the course, the students will be able to

21ECE1673.1 Understand evolution and basics of robotic system.

21ECE1673.2 Understand various actuators used in robotic applications.

21ECE1673.3 Understand the working of various sensors used in robotic applications

21ECE1673.4 Understand the Robot programming and its languages

21ECE1673.5 Interface hardware and software for building robots

21ECE1673.6 Develop robots for societal applications

Reference Books
1. 'Industrial Robotics Technology, Programming and Applications', Mikell P. Groover, Mitchell
Weiss, Roger N. Nagel and Nicholas G. Odrey, Mc Graw Hill Book company, 1986
2. 'Industrial Robotics', Bernard Hodges, Jaico Publishing House, 1993
3. ‘Introduction to Robotics’, 2e, S K Saha, Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited, 2008

Marks Distribution for Assessment:

CIA (50) Conduction: 100 M
Reduced to: 50 M
30 30 30 Five questions with
Written Test each of 20 marks
Average of three tests – 30 (with internal

Marks choice). Student

50 50 Assignment 10 should answer one
full question from
AAT 10 each module
Total – 50
Total – 50 marks

i) CIA: 50%

IA Test: 3 IA tests - Each of 30 Marks Average of 3 tests – 30 M

Assignment 10 Marks
Additional Assessment Tools (AAT) – Quiz, Presentations, Term
Paper, Open ended experiments, Mini Projects, Two-minute video on 10 Marks
latest topic, Short MOOC courses
Total 50 M
ii) SEA : 50%
5 questions to answer each of 20 Marks
Theory 2 questions from each module with internal choice 20 M x 5 = 100 M
Exam Student should answer one full question from each reduced to 50 M
Total 50 Marks

Additional Assessment Tools (AAT) – Quiz, Presentations, Term Paper, Open ended experiments,
Mini Projects, Two-minute video on latest topic, Short MOOC courses
B.N.M. Institute of Technology
An Autonomous Institution under VTU

B.E. (Electronics and Communication Engineering)

Choice Based Credit System (CBCS and Outcome Based Education (OBE)

Semester: VI
Course Name: Automotive Electronics Course Code: 21ECE1674
L: T: P: J 3 : 0 :0 :0 CIA Marks: 50
Credits: 3 SEA Marks: 50
Hours/Week (Total) 3 (40) SEA Duration: 03 Hours
Pre-Requisites: Control Systems, Internet of Things, Electronic Circuits, Digital System Design
Course Learning Objectives: The students will be able to
1 Understand the basics of automobile dynamics and design electronics to complement those
features. ·

2 Understand principle of working of sensors and actuators used in automobiles for control

3 Design and implement the electronics that attribute the reliability, safety, and smartness to the
automobiles, providing add-on comforts.

No. of Blooms
Hours Cognitive
Module-1: Automotive Fundamentals Overview
Automotive Fundamentals Overview
Evolution of Automotive Electronics, Automobile Physical Configuration,
Survey of Major Automotive Systems, The Engine - Engine Block,
Cylinder Head, Four Stroke Cycle, Engine Control, Ignition System- Spark
plug, High voltage circuit and distribution, Spark pulse generation, Ignition
Timing, Diesel Engine, Drive Train - Transmission, Drive Shaft,
Differential, Suspension, Brakes, Steering System, Starter Battery-
Operating principle. 8
The Basics of Electronic Engine Control-
Motivation for Electronic Engine Control- Exhaust Emissions, Fuel
Economy, Concept of an Electronic Engine control system, Definition of
General terms, Definition of Engine performance terms, Engine mapping,
Effect of Air/Fuel ratio, spark timing and EGR on performance, Control
Strategy, Electronic Fuel control system, Analysis of intake manifold
pressure, Electronic Ignition.
Module-2: Automotive Sensors
Automotive Sensors
Automotive Control System applications of Sensors and Actuators -
Variables to be measured, Airflow rate sensor, Strain Gauge MAP sensor, 8 CO2
Engine Crankshaft Angular Position Sensor, Magnetic Reluctance Position
Sensor, Hall effect Position Sensor, Shielded Field Sensor, Optical
Crankshaft Position Sensor, Throttle Angle Sensor (TAS), Engine Coolant
Temperature (ECT) Sensor, Exhaust Gas Oxygen (02/EGO) Lambda
Sensors, Piezoelectric Knock Sensor.
Module-3: Digital Engine Control Systems
Digital Engine Control Systems
Digital Engine control features, Control modes for fuel Control (Seven
Modes), EGR Control, Electronic Ignition Control -Closed loop Ignition
timing, Spark Advance Correction Scheme, Integrated Engine Control Understand
System- Secondary Air Management, Evaporative Emissions Canister
Purge, Automatic System Adjustment, System Diagnostics.

Module-4: Automotive Networking

Automotive Networking -
Bus Systems- Classification, Applications in the vehicle, Coupling of Understand
networks, Examples of networked vehicles Buses - CAN Bus, UN Bus, 8
MOST Bus, Bluetooth, Flex Ray, Diagnostic Interfaces.
Module-5: Automotive Diagnostics
Automotive Diagnostics -
Timing Light, Engine Analyser, On-board diagnostics, Off-board
diagnostics, Expert Systems, Occupant Protection Systems -
Accelerometer based Air Bag systems.
Future Automotive Electronic Systems - Understand
Alternative Fuel Engines, Electric and Hybrid vehicles, Fuel cell powered 8 CO5
cars, Collision Avoidance Radar warning Systems, Low tire pressure
warning system, Heads Up display, Speech Synthesis, Navigation -
Navigation Sensors - Radio Navigation, Signpost navigation, dead
reckoning navigation, Voice Recognition Cell Phone dialling, Advanced
Cruise Control, Stability Augmentation, Automatic driving Control

Course Outcomes: After completing the course, the students will be able to
21ECE1674.1 Acquire an overview of automotive components, subsystems, and basics of
Electronic Engine Control in today’s automotive industry
21ECE1674.2 Understand the automotive sensors and actuators for interfacing with
microcontrollers / microprocessors during automotive system design.
21ECE1674.3 Understand the fundamentals of digital engine control systems in today‘s
automotive industry.
21ECE1674.4 Understand the networking of various modules in automotive systems,
communication protocols and diagnostics of the sub systems.
21ECE1674.5 Understand the importance of automotive diagnostics and get fair idea on future
Automotive Electronic Systems

21ECE1674.6 Understanding the design of the electronics that attribute the reliability, safety, and
smartness to the automobiles, providing add-on comforts.
Reference Books
1. Understanding Automotive Electronics_ William B. Ribbens_ Elsevier Publishing_6th
2. Bosch Automotive Electrics and Automotive Electronics Systems and Components,
Networking and Hybrid Drive_ Robert Bosch Gmbh (Ed.)_ John Wiley& Sons Inc_5th

Marks Distribution for Assessment:

CIA (50) Conduction: 100 M
Reduced to: 50 M
30 30 30 Five questions with
Written Test Average of three tests – 30 each of 20 marks (with

Marks internal choice).

Student should answer
50 50 Assignment 10
one full question from
AAT 10 each module

Total – 50
Total – 50 marks

i) CIA: 50%

IA Test: 3 IA tests - Each of 30 Marks Average of 3 tests – 30 M

Assignment 10 Marks
Additional Assessment Tools (AAT) – Quiz, Presentations, Term
Paper, Open ended experiments, Mini Projects, Two-minute video on 10 Marks
latest topic, Short MOOC courses
Total 50 M

ii) SEA : 50%

5 questions to answer each of 20 Marks
Theory 2 questions from each module with internal choice 20 M x 5 = 100 M
Exam Student should answer one full question from each reduced to 50 M
Total 50 Marks

Additional Assessment Tools (AAT) – Quiz, Presentations,Term Paper, Open ended experiments, Mini
Projects, Two-minute video on latest topic, Short MOOC courses

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