16 Pre 1
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Levels I , I I , a n d I I I
Pressure Change Measurement
Supplement to
Recommended Practice
Book H B MF
The American Society
for Nondestructive Testing, Inc.
Compiled by the Pressure Change Measurement Testing Supplement Committee of the Personnel Qualification
Division, Education and Qualification Council of The American Society for Nondestructive Testing.
This publication contains suggested questions and answers in the Pressure Change Testing Method for use in
conjunction with Recommended Practice No. SNT-TC-lAfor Personnel and Qualification Certification in
Nondestructive Testing, available from ASNT.
Published by
The American Society for Nondestructive Testing, Inc.
1711 Arlingate Lane
PO Box 28518
Columbus, OH 43228-0518
Copyright © 1994 by The American Society for Nondestructive Testing, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this
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ASNT is not responsible for the authenticity or accuracy of information herein. Published opinions and statements
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IRRSP, Level HI Study Guide, Materials Evaluation, NDTHandbook, Nondestructive Testing Handbook, The NDT
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ASNT exists to create a safer world by promoting the profession and technologies of nondestructive testing.
ISBN 1-57117-112-6
Table of Contents
Level I
Level II
Level III
Sample Specification
Sample Specification Questions
Sample Specification Answers
Recommended Training References
Pressure Change Measurement Testing Method
The following references were used in formulating the questions contained in this book.
A. * McMaster, R.C., ed. Nondestructive Testing Handbook, second edition: Volume I , Leak
Testing, The American Society for Nondestructive Testing, Inc., Columbus, OH: 1982.
B. * Jackson, Charles N., Jr., and Charles N . Sherlock, technical editors, Patrick O. Moore,
editor, Nondestructive Testing Handbook, third edition, Volume 1, Leak Testing, The
American Society for Nondestructive Testing, Inc., Columbus, OH: 1998.
C. Leakage Testing Handbook, revised edition, prepared by General Electric and NASA under
contracts CR-952, NAS 7-396 and NASA CR 06139. NASA Report #N69-38843 is
available from NTIS as report #IST-295. U.S. Department of Commerce, National
Technical Information Service (NTIS), Springfield, VA: 1969.
D. Guthrie, Andrew, Vacuum Technology, John Wiley & Sons, New York, NY: 1965.
Each question found in this book is followed by letter(s) and page number(s) indicating the
specific recommended reference where the answer may be found. For example:
a. absolute pressure.
b. atmospheric pressure.
c. differential pressure.
d. partial pressure.
In this example, the letter "A" refers to Reference A in the list above and "193, 275" are the
pages in that edition of Reference A where the answer to the question is located.
Reference Usage List
Reference B: Total = 26
Level I (20)
Level I I (4)
Level III (2)
Reference C: Total = 13
Level I (6)
Level I I (5)
Level I I I (2)
Reference D: Total = 1
Level I (0)
Level I I (1)
Level I I I (0)
Level I Questions
Pressure Change Measurement Testing Method
A pressure change measurement test performed at a 5. When reading an ordinary pressure gage, the value
pressure above atmospheric pressure is also referred indicated will be the:
to as a:
a. partial pressure.
a. pressure hold test. b. incremental pressure.
b. pressure decay test. c. gage pressure.
c. pressure loss test. d. absolute pressure.
d. any of the above. A.203,211
B.185 B. 187,607
Gage pressure plus barometric pressure is: 6. A pressure change measurement test of a very large
volume structure, such as a nuclear containment
a. absolute pressure. system, is usually referred to as a:
b. atmospheric pressure.
c. differential pressure. a. leakage rate test.
d. partial pressure. b. verification test.
A. 193,275 c. mass flow test.
d. structural integrity test.
A .255,735
Standard atmospheric or barometric pressure at sea
level is equivalent to: B.608
a. 29.96 in. Hg. 7. Which of the following gases is most practical as the
b. 14.7 psia. pressurizing medium for a pressure change
c. 760 mm Hg. measurement test?
d. all of the above.
A.192, 205, 276 a. Argon.
B.170 b. Hydrogen.
c. Air.
d. All of the above.
A pressure of 66 psig, in terms of absolute pressure A.191,243,741
at sea level and standard temperature, would be about: B.185,186
a. 96 psia.
b. 80.7 psia. 8
- Surface thermometers for a pressure change
c. 51.3 psia. measurement test may be held on the test surface
d. 36 psia. with:
B. 169,187
a. tape.
b. magnets.
c. coupling adhesive.
d. any of the above.
Pressure Change Measurement Testing Method, Level I
9. The pascal (Pa) is the: 14. Extending the length of a pressure change test
will normally cause an increase in the:
a. minimum size volume required for the test.
b. basic unit of mass flow. a. system leakage rate.
c. International System of Units (SI) unit of b. reliability of the test results.
pressure. c. deviation of the test results.
d. metric equivalent of standard barometric d. moisture content of the test gas.
pressure. A. 287
A. 191 B. 174
15. For a pressure change measurement test, the
10. As the elevation above sea level increases, the allowable pressure loss for a test system with a
barometric pressure: maximum allowable leakage rate must be for a
a. decreases.
b. remains the same. a. test pressure.
c. increases. b. test volume.
d. none of the above. c. period of time.
A.275, 318 d. all of the above.
B. 605 A.255, 287
11. What are the parameters that can or do change
during a pressure change measurement test? 16. Indicating dial and recording pressure gages used
in pressure change measurement testing should
a. Pressure. preferably have dials graduated over a range of
b. Temperature. about double the intended maximum test
c. Time. pressure, but the range should not be less than
d. All of the above. one and one half or more than four times the test
A.224,258 pressure because:
B. 187
C. ll-2 a. these bourdon tube or diaphragm type gages
are usually less accurate in the upper and
lower ends of their range.
12. When conducting a long duration pressure
b. these gages always have larger more readable
change measurement test, it is necessary to either
pressure increments in the middle of their
measure absolute pressure or measure gage
pressure plus barometric pressure, since the
c. it provides the operator with a means of
barometric pressure will:
reading the pressure when the system is
a. always fall.
d. all of the above.
b. always rise.
c. remain constant.
d. tend to vary.
A .205,747 17. Pressure change measurement testing is
B.163 performed for which of the following reasons?
13. The term used to indicate pressure above the zero a. To determine that total leakage rate is
value corresponding to a perfect vacuum is: acceptable after performing nonquantitative
preliminary leak testing methods.
a. gage pressure. b. To prevent material loss by leakage, prevent
b. air pressure. contamination, creation of hazardous
c. absolute pressure. conditions or disfigurement caused by product
d. water pressure. leakage.
A.193, 275 c. To detect faulty components and control the
B.604 reliability of the product.
d. All of the above.
Pressure Change Measurement Testing Method, Level I
18. The "psi" abbreviation for pressure means the 22. A pressure change measurement test performed
same as the abbreviation: at a pressure below atmospheric pressure is also
referred to as a:
a. psia.
b. psid. a. pressure rise test.
c. psig. b. vacuum retention test.
d. none of the above. c. pressure gain test.
A.191-193 d. any of the above.
B. 198
19. Absolute temperature in degrees rankine (°R) is
determined by adding temperatures in degrees C. ll-2
fahrenheit (°F) to a value of:
23. Assuming no leakage, which of the following
a. 460. will cause a pressure decrease to be observed
b. 273. shortly after pressurizing and isolating a rigid
c. 212. volume container?
d. 32.
A.208 a. Internal gas temperature decrease.
b. Barometric pressure decrease.
c. Atmospheric air temperature decrease.
20. Assuming no leakage, if the temperature
increases during a pressure change measurement d. Internal gas dewpoint temperature increase.
test, the absolute pressure in the system will: A.258,749-750
a. remain the same. 24. Which one of the following should not be used
b. increase. as a preliminary test method prior to performing
c. decrease. a pressure change measurement test?
d. oscillate.
A.219-220,258 a. Halogen sniffer test.
b. Hydrostatic test.
c. Visual test.
21. The purpose of a mirror reflector on the face of a
d. Helium sniffer test.
dial pressure gage is to:
a. make it possible to read the gage indicator B.186
needle from any angle of reflection. C.6-22
b. increase the light gathering capability of the
gage to make it easier to read the indicator 25. Assuming no leakage and uniform temperatures
needle. during a pressure change measurement test, as
c. magnify the graduations on the face of the barometric pressure increases, gage pressure will:
gage to make them more visible and easier to
read. a. increase.
d. reduce human reading error by providing a b. remain the same.
method in which the reading is taken by lining c. decrease.
up the indicator needle over the reflection of d. tend to vary.
the indicator needle in the mirror. A.205,220
B. 162
26. Absolute temperature in degrees kelvin (K) is
determined by adding temperature in degrees
Celsius (°C) to a value of:
a. 460.
b. 273.
c. 212.
d. 180.
Pressure Change Measurement Testing Method, Level I
27. For a given time period, pressure change 30. When a very short duration pressure change
measurement testing sensitivity is greater for measurement test of a small volume interspace
systems with: requires measuring gage pressure p and time t,
which one of these equations should be used to
a. larger contained volumes at test pressure. determine the rate of pressure change for the
b. larger surface areas. time of the test?
c. fewer number of penetrations or fittings.
d. smaller contained volumes at test pressure. a. Ap = ( -p )
Pl 2
C . ll-1 At At
(t + 460)
28. The purpose of measuring the internal gas
dewpoint temperature during a pressure change Ap (/ +460)
Pressure Change Measurement Testing Method, Level I
33. As soon as an evacuated system is isolated from 37. For a pressure change leakage rate test of a large
the vacuum pumps for a pressure change volume system, use of an absolute pressure gage
measurement test, there is an initial rapid rise of provides test pressure data that is independent of
pressure that eventually slows to a much smaller variations in:
steady pressure rise value. This initial rapid
pressure rise is caused mostly by: a. system internal gas temperature.
b. system internal dewpoint temperature.
a. cooling of the backstreamed diffusion pump c. contained mass or volume in the system.
oil within the system. d. barometric pressure.
b. large torturous path leakage in the system. A.193, 202,738
c. outgassing of adsorbed gases from the system
d. the nature of numerous virtual leaks inherent 38. Dewpoint temperature is that temperature at
in all vacuum systems. which the gas in a test system would:
a. contain no water vapor.
B. 193 b. be capable of holding no more water vapor
C. ll-2 and condensation in the form of dew would
34. Pressure change measurement test techniques can c. be capable of evaporating free standing water
be used for: in the system.
d. be sufficiently stabilized after pressurization to
a. leakage measurement or monitoring. meet the criteria required for starting a
b. leak location and measurement. pressure change leakage rate test.
c. leakage monitoring and leak location. A.208,212,749
d. either b or c.
A.256 39. For the pressure change leakage rate test of a
large volume system, the water vapor partial
35. The flow measurement technique of pressure pressure of the internal gas is usually determined
change measurement testing is performed on with the system:
rigid volume systems by:
a. dewpoint temperature and percent relative
a. heating or cooling the system to maintain a humidity.
constant system absolute pressure and b. dry bulb temperature and steam tables.
measuring the resulting or cooling rates as a c. dewpoint temperature and steam tables.
factor of the system total volume. d. drybulb temperature and percent relative
b. measuring the gas quantities added to or humidity.
removed from the system in order to hold the A.194
system absolute pressure constant.
c. measuring the tracer gas leaking from the
40. For pressure change measurement tests of large
system using a residual gas analyzer. volume evacuated systems exposed to ambient
d. connecting flow meters to the sources of temperature and weather variations during
leakage in the system and totaling the testing, it is difficult to determine a true leakage
monitored flow readings. rate because of the:
a. effect of outgassing vapors that do not obey
36. When the flow measurement technique of the general gas laws for ideal gases.
pressure change measurement testing is b. trapped air pockets behind welds inherent in
performed on a variable volume system, such as most vacuum systems.
a tank with a flexible diaphragm, the test factor c. large physical change in volume caused by the
that remains constant is the: expansion and contraction of the system.
d. the effect of the backstreamed pump oil and
a. system gage pressure other numerous hydrocarbons present in
b. system internal gas temperature. vacuum systems.
c. flow measurement into or out of the system. A .286
d. contained volume in the system at test pressure.
Pressure Change Measurement Testing Method, Level I
41. When a liquid U tube manometer is used to 45. For pressure change measurement tests of
measure gage pressure for a pressure change evacuated systems, the measurement of pressure
measurement test, the pressure should be read at in units of torr is equivalent to measuring the
the difference in the liquid level in both columns pressure in which of the following units?
of the manometer. The pressure should never be
read as double the reading of the liquid height in a. mm Hg.
one column for which of the following reasons? b. microns Hg.
c. cm Hg.
a. At zero gage pressure, the manometer liquid d. pascals.
may not have been adjusted to zero on the A.275-276
b. On a hot day, the manometer fluid
(particularly water) may evaporate during a 46. When the test results for a pressure change
long duration test, changing the original zero measurement test are on the borderline of being
scale reading at zero gage pressure. within the specified allowable, the most
c. Any zero error is doubled. economical next step would be to:
d. Any of the above.
a. immediately vent the system, perform another
leak location test and repeat the pressure
change test.
42. In lieu of air, which one of the following gases b. continue the test since the more reliable and
would be the best choice as the pressurizing more accurate results of a longer test may be
medium for a pressure change measurement test? within the allowable.
c. sell the test to the customer.
a. Oxygen. d. perform the pressure change test again the
b. Nitrogen. following day using a different pressure gage.
c. Hydrogen. A.255,257-258
d. Carbon monoxide.
47. When using thermocouples to measure the
system temperature during a pressure change
43. After pressurizing a system for a pressure change measurement test, the thermocouple
measurement test, before starting the test the electromagnetic field output measured with a
pressurizing line should be disconnected from the potentiometer is read either directly as a
system isolation valve in order to: temperature or as:
Pressure Change Measurement Testing Method, Level I
49. When a very short duration pressure change 52. Which one of the following is the correct
measurement test of a small system is conducted relationship for converting temperature in
under varying temperature conditions and degrees Celsius (°C) to temperatures in degrees
requires measurement of both gage pressure and kelvin (K)?
temperature, but does not require measurement of
barometric pressure, which one of the following a. K = (5/9) °C.
equations should be used to determine the b. K = 460 + °C.
pressure change for the time of the test? c K = 273 + °C.
d. K = (5/9) (°C) + 273.
a. Ap = (p -p )
l 2 A.208
Ap__{p ~p ) x 2
53. Which one of the following is the correct
At At relationship for converting temperature in
degrees rankine (°R) to temperature in degrees
+460) kelvin (K)?
Ap (t + 460)
a. K = (5/9) °R.
At At b. K = 5/9 (°R) + 273.
c. K = 460 + °R.
, . , . (/, + 460) d. K = 273 °R.
d. AP.
At At
54. When initial system temperature and pressure are
60 °F and 80 psia and final system temperature is
A.222 86 °F, if there was no measurable pressure
change caused by leakage, what would be the
final system pressure?
50. The pressurizing gas used for pressure change
measurement tests of pressurized systems should a. 67 psig.
always: b. 84 psia.
c. 95 psig.
a. be capable of supporting human life. d. 115 psia.
b. obey the laws for ideal gases. A.219
c. be capable of supporting combustion.
d. contain a small amount of water vapor in
order to validate dewpoint sensor readings. 55. A rigid constant volume system contains 100 ft
A.256 of air mass (quantity) at atmospheric pressure.
Assuming uniform standard temperature and
standard atmospheric pressure as 15 psia, how
51. Which one of the following is the correct much air mass would the system contain at
relationship for converting temperature in 30 psig?
degrees fahrenheit (°F) to temperature in degrees
rankine (°R)? a. 100 f t 3
b. 200 ft .
a. °R = (5/9) °F. c. 300 f t 3
b. °R = 460 + °F. d. 400 f t 3
c. °R = 273 + °F. A.258
d. °R = (5/9) ( ° F - 3 2 ) .
Level I Answers
Pressure Change Measurement Testing Method
1 d -
15 d 29 a 43 d
2 a 16 a 30 b 44 c
3 d 17 d 31 d 45 a
4 b 18 c 32 c 46 b
5 c 19 a 33 c 47 c
6 a 20 b 34 a 48 a
7 c 21 d 35 b 49 d
8 d 22 d 36 a 50 b
9 c 23 a 37 d 51 b
10 a 24 b 38 b 52 c
11 d 25 c 39 c 53 a
12 d 26 b 40 a 54 b
13 c 27 d 41 d 55 c
14 b 28 c — 42 b
Level II Questions
Pressure Change Measurement Testing Method
1. While conducting a pressure change leakage rate test 4. A pressure change measurement test of a system is
using a barometer and an ordinary pressure gage to conducted using a pressure gage that indicates
measure the system pressure, a decrease in pressure with a consistent small error. The
barometric pressure is observed. If there is no temperature during the test is constant. The effect on
measurable leakage and the system temperature is the results of the test is:
unchanged, the system gage pressure will:
a. to show a greater pressure loss than the actual
a. increase by the amount of the barometric pressure amount.
decrease. b. negligible because of cancellation of repeating
b. decrease by the amount of the barometric pressure error.
decrease. c. to show less pressure loss than the actual amount.
c. remain the same. d. none of the above.
d. vary the same as the system absolute pressure. A.218
5. A temperature of 60 °F would be about the same as
2. While conducting a reference system pressure an absolute temperature of:
change measurement test, an increase in barometric
pressure is observed. If there is no measurable test a. 329 K.
system leakage, the differential pressure between the b. 15 °C.
reference system and the test system will: c. 520 °R.
d. 285 °F.
a. increase by the amount of the barometric pressure A.208
b. decrease by the amount of the barometric pressure
increase. When a system's drybulb temperature and, in turn,
c. remain the same. total pressure, increases during a pressure change
d. vary the same as the system absolute pressure. leakage rate test, the water vapor pressure in the
system under test would normally:
a. increase.
3. Zero degrees kelvin (K) is about equal to: b. remain the same.
c. decrease.
a. -360 °R. d. oscillate.
b. -170 °F. A.216, 218, 749
c. 0 °C.
d. -273 °C.
7 The purpose of performing a pressure change
A207-208 -
measurement test is to determine:
Pressure Change Measurement Testing Method, Level II
8. In a rigid volume pressure change measurement 11. Assuming uniform temperature, the amount of
test system, if the system internal drybulb pressure change per unit of time at test pressure
temperature reaches the system internal dewpoint for a given constant volume system is dependent
temperature, how can this affect the system on the total system:
leakage rate test results?
a. barometric pressure and leakage rate.
a. It will have absolutely no effect. b. volume and leakage rate.
b. Moisture condensed into the system reduces c. partial pressure and volume.
the system volume, causing an increase in d. leakage rate and partial pressure.
system pressure not attributable to temperature A.287
c. When dewpoint sensors become saturated, the
dewpoint temperature readings can be very 12. When the pressure change per unit of time at test
inaccurate. If the situation is not accounted for pressure for a system is known, to determine the
leakage rate for that system, it is necessary to
in the data analysis, the leakage rate test
know the:
results can be very inaccurate.
d. The system will be saturated minimizing
a. contained volume of the system.
pressure variations caused by temperature
b. number of leaks in the system.
changes. This reduces deviation of the data
and increases the reliability of the test results. c. size of the largest leak in the system.
A.754 d. surface area of the system.
B. 187
9. The general gas law showing the relationship of C. ll-5
pressure, temperature and volume of an ideal gas
is expressed by which one of the following
relationships? 13. For a pneumatically pressurized constant volume
system at an internal temperature of 27 °C, what
a. E L = constant or P T = P T (when Vj = V ). approximate percentage change in the system
1 1 2 2 2
V a. 3%.
c PV = nRT or PjT = P T (when Vj = V ).
2 2 1 2
b. 6%.
c. 0.3%.
d.PV=nRor PjV = P Vj (when Tj = T ).
2 2 2
d. 10%.
Pressure Change Measurement Testing Method, Level II
15. To obtain reliable results when pressure change 19. While a system is being pressurized with air for a
measurement testing very large volumes, the pressure change measurement test, the contained
reference chamber technique is less dependent system gas volume in standard volume units
than the absolute pressure technique on the increases by the amount of the system free
accuracy of the: volume for every increase in system pressure of:
18. When the percent relative humidity is measured 21. Where Q is leakage rate, V is system volume at
instead of the dewpoint temperature for the test pressure, AP is pressure change during test
pressure change leakage rate test for a large and t is the duration of the test, which of the
volume system, the water vapor partial pressure following is the fundamental pressure change
of the internal gas can be determined in equation for determining leakage rates of rigid
conjunction with the: volume systems?
Q A.255,287
Pressure Change Measurement Testing Method, Level II
22. Which one of the following pressure change 26. For pressure change measurement tests of
measurement test allowables is different from the evacuated systems in the absolute pressure range
4 -6
other three when they are all converted to a of lO^ to 10 torr, which one of the following
common time base? • gages would be the best to use?
23. The weighting factor for each drybulb 27. For the flow measurement technique of pressure
temperature sensor and each dewpoint change measurement testing, the type of flow
temperature sensor for a pressure change leakage measurement usually encountered that directly
rate test of a very large volume system will: represents a leakage rate is:
Pressure Change Measurement Testing Method, Level II
30. When pressure change measurement testing 34. When pressure change measurement testing an
evacuated systems, outgassing is a major factor evacuated system in the pressure range of 10 to
that must be considered in determining the 10~ torr, a factor that must be considered to
system leakage rate. Outgassing rates in a determine the leakage rate is the:
vacuum system are influenced by:
a. total outgassing load.
a. the amount of surface area inside the system. b. water vapor condensation.
b. the type of material exposed to the system. c. ionization of molecules.
c. the cleanliness of the surface inside the d. vacuum pump system speed.
system. A.278,291-292
d. all of the above.
35. Volume change caused by thermal expansion or
contraction of a constant volume system during a
31. A pressure change measurement test is conducted pressure change measurement test:
on a system at operating pressure using a
different ideal gas than the ideal gas to be used a. does not affect leakage rate calculations.
when the system is in service. To determine the b. is automatically accounted for by the
in service leakage rate, the leakage rate measured corrections for difference in temperature.
during the test must be adjusted for which one of c. is not normally significant.
the following property differences between the d. has a very significant error impact on the
two gases? leakage rate results.
a. Vapor density.
b. Gaseous viscosity.
c. Specific weight. 36. In an evacuated system, the sensitivity of a
pressure change measurement test is dependent
d. Vapor pressure.
not only on the pressure change caused by
A.75 leakage but also on the degree of outgassing.
C.6-13 Pressure change caused by outgassing is:
32. Which of the following is an advantage of the a. the result of the viscosity of gas.
pressure change measurement test method? b. caused by the evaporation or boiling of
absorbed materials and gases from the walls of
a. It requires no special tracer gas. the container.
b. It can be used for measuring total leakage rate c. directly proportional to the temperature of the
on either evacuated or pressurized systems. gas.
c. It can be used to measure total leakage rate for d. caused by leakage from the vacuum manifold.
any size system. A.278,291,333-334
d. All of the above apply.
A.256 37. For a large evacuated system exposed to the
C.ll-1 weather and the accompanying wide temperature
variations, determination of the leakage rate by
33. For the pressure rise technique of pressure the pressure change measurement test method
change measurement testing an evacuated requires:
system, the system sensitivity increases as test
time increases and: a. comparison of test data when the temperature
is in a down trend.
a. volume increases and pressure decreases. b. comparison of test data during stable
b. volume increases and pressure increases. temperature periods or during comparable
c. volume decreases and pressure decreases. temperature trends or cycles.
d. none of the above apply. c. longer evacuation time before the test to
A.287 eliminate all outgassing.
d. use of extreme cleaning procedures before the
test to eliminate the outgassing.
Pressure Change Measurement Testing Method, Level II
38. If a system to be pressure change measurement 42. A pressure change measurement test system is
tested is so small that internal temperature considered to be a constant volume system when
sensors cannot be used, then: the:
a. use surface thermometers to measure the a. temperature variation anticipated during test is
system temperature. so small that it can be ignored.
b. maintain a stable external temperature around b. temperature variation during test is so small
the system. that it has little or no effect on the results.
c. test the system using a mass flow c. pressure variation is so small that it can be
measurement technique. considered as constant.
d. use any of the above alternatives. d. physical change in the size of the system
A.209 caused by temperature variation is so small
that it can be ignored.
39. For pressure change measurement test systems
pressurized above atmospheric pressure, the most
sensitive and accurate type of absolute pressure 43. The sensitivity of the flow measurement
measuring gage or instrument available is which technique of the pressure change test method is
one of the following? very dependent on the:
a. A pressure gage with very small minor a. accuracy of the system volume.
graduations. b. system dewpoint temperature.
b. A quartz bourdon tube pressure gage. c. number of temperature sensors in the system.
c. A compound pressure/vacuum gage. d. accuracy of the flow measuring instrument.
d. A pressure sensing cell with a diaphragm A.294
which acts to unbalance a capacitive bridge
44. The test technique used to confirm the accuracy
of the leakage rate test results and the
instrumentation used in conducting a pressure
40. A sensor that can be used to measure drybulb change measurement test of a large system is
temperature in pressure change measurement test commonly called a:
systems which consists of a bimetallic junction
that produces an electromotive force that varies a. confirmation test.
with temperature is known as a: b. reliability test.
c. verification test.
a. thermocouple. d. controlled test.
b. resistance bridge. A.240,744
c. dewpoint sensor.
d. balanced junction thermopile.
45. As pressure change measurement test systems get
smaller in size, the accuracy of the volume or
mass leakage rate becomes more dependent on
41. The number of drybulb temperature sensors the:
selected for a pressure change measurement test
is a function of many factors, one of which is a. accuracy of the system volume.
the: b. accuracy of the starting test pressure.
c. level of the test temperature.
a. type of sensors selected. d. dewpoint temperature in the system.
b. surface area of the system. A.287
c. contained free air volume of the system.
d. anticipated internal air temperature during the
Pressure Change Measurement Testing Method, Level II
A sensor used to measure drybulb temperature in 49. For pressure change measurement tests of large
pressure change measurement test systems which volume systems, the number of temperature
consists of a metal tube containing a metallic sensors selected and their location within the
core wound with wire whose ohm rating with system shall be:
temperature is known as:
a. determined by calculations only.
a dewpoint resistance detector, b. confirmed or corrected by a prior survey of
a resistance temperature detector, the system to reveal the actual temperature
a thermocouple temperature detector, pattern.
an electromotive force sensor. c. double the actual requirement to provide a
A.208 safe level of redundancy.
d. based on the combined results of past tests on
similar size systems.
Where Q is leakage rate, V is system volume, P
is system absolute pressure and t is time, which
of the following is the fundamental pressure
change equation for determining leakage rates of 50. For pressure change measurement tests of large
variable volume systems? volume systems, the number of temperature
sensors selected is a function of:
below an absolute pressure level of about
18 mm Hg. The problem is most likely: For each of these four sections of this system, the
respective weighting factor is 0.27, 0.18, 0.22
a. a faulty gage or a gage applied to the wrong and 0.33. The mean absolute drybulb temperature
absolute pressure gage. of system air for this test data point is:
b. nonexistent since all evacuated systems cannot
be pumped below this level without the use of a. 532.53 °R.
special high speed diffusion pumps. b. 345.53 K.
c. excessive moisture boiling or outgassing into c. 532.48 °R.
the system. d. 532.48 K.
d. excessive amounts of leakage caused by A.208,739-740
improper preliminary leak testing techniques
or methods. 52. Which one of the following is the correct
D.135 relationship for converting temperature in
degrees fahrenheit (°F) to temperature in degrees
Celsius (°C)?
a. °C = (9/5) °F.
b. °C = 273° + °F.
c °C = (5/9) (°F - 32).
d. °C = 460 °F (5/9) °F.
Pressure Change Measurement Testing Method, Level II
53. A rigid constant volume vessel contains 3 ft of
air mass (quantity) at standard atmospheric
pressure. Assuming uniform standard temperature
and standard atmospheric pressure as 15 psia,
what would be the system pressure if 9 ft of air
were added to the system?
a. 30 psig.
b. 45 psia.
c. 60 psig.
d. 60 psia.
55. If a system contains an air mass of 30 000 cm at
standard atmospheric pressure, how much air
mass does it contain in standard cubic feet when
it is evacuated to an absolute pressure of 1 psia?
Assume uniform standard temperature and
standard pressure of 15 psia.
a. 500 ft .
b. 1000 f t .
c. 2000 f t .
d. 10 000 ft .
Level II Answers
Pressure Change Measurement Testing Method
1 a 15 a 29 c 43 d
2 c 16 b 30 d 44 c
3 d 17 d 31 b 45 a
4 b 18 b 32 d 46 b
5 c 19 c 33 c 47 d
6 a 20 c 34 a 48 c
7 b 21 c 35 c 49 b
8 c 22 d 36 b 50 d
9 c 23 a 37 b 51 a
10 b 24 d 38 d 52 c
11 b 25 a 39 b 53 d
12 a 26 c 40 a 54 a
13 c 27 a 41 c 55 c
14 c 28 b 42 d
Level in Questions
Pressure Change Measurement Testing Method
1. The general gas law showing the relationship of 3. A large volume nuclear containment system has an
pressure, temperature and volume of a gas is allowable total leakage rate L given as a percent per
expressed by which one of the following time of the total contained system mass at test
relationships? pressure. To ensure that small volume system
components leak no more than their respective share
PT of the system total allowable L , where realistic or
a. _ = constant or P T = P T (when V = V ).
X X 2 2 x 2
possible, a specification should assign each
component an allowable leakage rate that is:
b. ~ =nR or T V = T V (when P = P ).
2 2 2 2 x 2
Pressure Change Measurement Testing Method, Level III
6. One way to increase the accuracy and reliability 11. Two of the short duration pressure change
of the results of a pressure change measurement measurement test techniques that may be used
test is to: for Type B and Type C tests of containment
component systems, such as gasket interspaces,
a. extend the time period of the test. seal interspaces, valve interspaces, etc., are the
b. use a reliable person to record the gage constant pressure flow measurement technique
readings. and the:
c. use a reliable dewpoint sensor.
d. shorten the time period of the test. a. variable temperature technique.
A.272,287 b. constant humidity technique.
c. pressure decay technique.
d. flow verification technique.
7. For very short duration pressure change A.762
measurement tests of systems such as gasket
interspaces and leak chase (test channel) zones, it
is always necessary to measure which two of the 12. The two acceptable test methods for performing
following variables? an integrated leakage rate test of a primary
nuclear reactor containment system are known as
a. Volume and temperature. the:
b. Absolute pressure and skill factor.
c. Barometric pressure and dewpoint. a. absolute method and reference vessel method.
d. Time and gage pressure. b. constant pressure flow method and verification
A.227 method.
c. constant flow method and reference vessel
8. For a primary nuclear reactor containment d. temperature correction method and partial
system, after pressurizing for a Type A integrated pressure method.
leakage rate test, the system must stabilize for a A.748
period of at least:
a. least squares.
10. An ordinary pressure dial gage of adequate size, b. average distribution.
range and readability is available for a pressure c. transposed average.
change measurement test. For this type of leak d. statistical average.
test, as a general rule, this gage should have a A.232-233, 752
typical accuracy in the range of:
Pressure Change Measurement Testing Method, Level III
15. The purpose in measuring dewpoint temperature 19. For a Type A leakage rate test of a primary
for a pressure change measurement leakage rate nuclear reactor containment system, the least
test is to determine: number of operating dewpoint temperature
sensors during a test shall be:
a. percent relative humidity factor.
b. correction for variation of partial pressure of a. 1.
water vapor. b. 2.
c. partial pressure of total pressure. c. 3.
d. how supersaturation affects the leakage rate d. based on the system volume tested.
test equipment in the system. A.746
A.212, 750
20. A method for verification of Type A leakage rate
16. The method of determining the reliability of test result accuracy is the mass step change
calculated results for Type A leakage rate tests is verification test. This involves the metered
the performance of: removal or injection of a quantity of air from or
into the containment. The metered mass change
a. an instrument accuracy error analysis. of air shall be:
b. a verification test.
c. an instrument repeatability error analysis. a. at a rate less than the daily allowable leakage.
d. a linear regression deviation analysis. b. between 75% and 125% of the daily allowable
A.744 leakage.
c. at 25% of the daily allowable leakage.
d. exactly the same as the daily allowable
17. A preoperational Type A leakage rate test of a leakage.
primary nuclear reactor containment system shall
be conducted:
a. after the preoperational structural integrity test 21. During a Type A leakage rate test, the test
and before Type B and Type C tests. pressure shall not be permitted to fall below the
b. before the preoperational structural integrity accident design pressure P by more than:
18. The upper confidence limit for the measured 22. After successfully completing a Type A leakage
leakage rate value for a primary nuclear rate test, it is discovered that a Type B leakage
containment system is calculated at a probability path must be isolated to complete the Type A
of: test. The Type B test:
Pressure Change Measurement Testing Method, Level III
23. When the leakage rate test follows the structural 27. For the purpose of instrumentation selection for a
integrity test of a nuclear containment system, Type A integrated leakage rate test of a nuclear
the test pressure for the structural integrity test: containment system, the instrumentation
selection guide prior to the test shall not exceed
a. may be reduced to P and the leakage test
ac the maximum allowable leakage rate L at peaka
for the leakage rate test. 28. In addition to serving as a guide for
instrumentation selection prior to a Type A
integrated leakage rate test of a nuclear
containment system, the instrumentation
24. After stabilization, the duration of a Type A selection guide provides guidelines at the end of
leakage rate test for a nuclear containment the integrated leakage rate test for the:
system shall be a minimum of 8 h and shall have:
a. determination of the upper confidence limit.
a. a set of data points taken every hour. b. loss of sensor criteria.
b. not less than ten sets of data points at about c. rate of verification flow.
equal time intervals. d. flow meter accuracy.
c. not less than twenty sets of data points at A.748
about equal time intervals.
d. no minimum number of data points as long as
they are taken at about equal time intervals. 29. When performing a pressure change
measurement test of a small volume system using
the makeup flow rate technique to measure the
leakage rate, the system test pressure:
25. The mass change calculated from the test
instrumentation during a verification test of a a. remains constant.
Type A leakage rate test must agree with the b. decays at a fixed rate.
metered mass change within: c. rises in proportion to the level of absolute
a. 0.1%. d. decreases with temperature per the general gas
b. 1%. law for ideal gases.
c. 10%. A.763
d. 25%.
30. For a primary nuclear reactor containment
system Type A test, the upper confidence limit
26. The selection of instrumentation for a Type A plus required local leakage rate additions, as
integrated leakage rate test of a nuclear related to the allowable leakage rate L , shall be
Pressure Change Measurement Testing Method, Level III
31. To measure the pressure change of an evacuated 35. A rigid structure can be considered to be a
altitude chamber at an absolute pressure in the constant volume system for a pressure change
-7 5
10 to 10~ torr range requires which one of the measurement test when the:
following types of gages?
a. physical change in the size of the system
a. Ionization gage. caused by temperature variation is sufficiently
b. Thermal conductivity gage. small relative to the total contained volume
c. Quartz manometer. that it can be ignored.
d. Pirani gage. b. decrease in system pressure caused by the
A349-350 growth in the size of the structure when
pressurizing is less than the allowable pressure
change during the test.
32. To determine the total leakage rate of a vacuum c. physical change in the size of the system
system by the pressure change measurement test during pressurization is less than 10% of the
method with that system at an absolute pressure system allowable percentage leakage rate.
-6 5
in the 1 0 to 10~ mm Hg range, which one of d. growth in the size of the structure caused by
the following system factors must be considered? temperature variation is measured with
displacement gages and is accounted for in the
a. Vacuum pump system conductances. analysis of the system test data.
b. Water vapor condensation.
c. Vacuum pump system speeds.
d. Total outgassing loads.
A.287,291-292 36. The pressure change measurement test of a high
vacuum system resulted in the following pressure
rise versus elapsed time curve plotted on semilog
33. For an evacuated system at an absolute pressure paper. For this curve, the equivalent mass flow
3 J
in the 10~ to 10~ torr range, to determine the rate from point A to B is 2.0 x std cm s-'; 3
which of the following group of variables? these values, the leakage rate for this system is:
a. Time, gage pressure, dewpoint and volume.
b. Absolute pressure, time, temperature and
c. Gage pressure, absolute pressure, dewpoint
and volume.
d. Temperature, absolute pressure, time and
surface area.
Pressure Change Measurement Testing Method, Level III
37. For primary nuclear containment system Type A, 40. When designing a vacuum system, which of the
Type B and Type C leakage rate tests, the least following are major considerations for achieving
discernible unit on the measuring equipment final performance specification evacuation time
readout or display mechanism is called: limit(s) and pressure change measurement test
a. resolution.
b. accuracy. a. Weld joint designs which avoid potential
c. minimum range. virtual leakage volumes.
d. sensitivity. b. Outgassing rates of material exposed to the
A.743 system vacuum.
c. Cleaning requirements for the system surfaces
exposed to the vacuum.
38. A Type A integrated leakage rate test of a d. All of the above.
primary nuclear containment system is performed A 219, 286
by the absolute method and the leakage rate is
computed by the mass point analysis technique.
The estimate of percent leakage rate, L , is
a m
41. For pressure change measurement testing,
expressed as the ratio of the rate of change of resistance temperature detector bulbs are more
mass to the mass in the containment. Which one desirable than thermocouples as temperature
of the following is the contained mass to be used measuring devices from the standpoint of:
as the denominator of this ratio?
a. response time to change.
a. W , the measured mass at the initial time = 0.
D b. stability and accuracy.
b. W, the average of the measured mass of the c. availability and cost.
contained air during the test. d. all of the above.
c. (Wj + W )/2, the average of the initial and final
f A .209
measured mass of contained air during the
d. B, the intercept of the least squares mass slope 42. When an isolation valve cannot be closed by
line at fj = 0 . normal methods for a Type A leakage rate test of
a primary nuclear containment system, then for
A.233, 752
the Type A test the:
39. For primary nuclear containment system leakage a. method used to close the valve shall be
rate test calculations, which one of the following documented and a local leakage rate test
is the least squares fit line equation relating performed after repair and installation and/or
measured masses to corresponding measurement closure by normal means and results added to
data points? the upper confidence limit for the system.
b. valve may be adjusted or tightened after
„ „ -2400A closure as long as the degree of tightening or
B adjusting is documented and, after repair and
closure by normal means, it is determined by a
144V P-P- local leakage rate test to be satisfactory.
b. W:
R c. method used to close the valve shall be an
engineer approved acceptable repeatable
- W; =Al: +B alternate that is documented with the upper
confidence limit for the system.
PV d. valve may be exercised manually until its
d. W = ^ -
RT, performance is satisfactory and the manual
A.227,752 technique used is documented.
Pressure Change Measurement Testing Method, Level III
43. A system has a specified maximum allowable 46. A sudden change in the rate of trend variation of
pressure loss per unit of time at design pressure. the average internal dewpoint temperature during
To increase the probability that the system will a pressure change measurement leakage rate test
meet this performance requirement, which one of of a large system could indicate the:
the following would be the most important
reason to want to know the system contained a. presence of excessive system leakage.
mass or volume at design pressure? b. failure of all the dewpoint sensors.
c. occurrence of a water leak in the system.
a. Calculation of the system allowable leakage d. moisture content in the system has decreased
rate in order to determine which, if any, below a measurable level.
preliminary leak testing method would be A.218
b. Determination of the compressor requirements
for pressurizing the system. 47. For a Type A integrated leakage rate test of a
c. Selection of the critical areas that must be nuclear containment system, the duration of the
preliminary leak tested. superimposed leakage verification test depends
d. To enable the preliminary leak testing soak on the leakage rate involved and generally
time to be determined. requires:
a. at least 8 h minimum.
b. at least 4 h with a minimum of ten data points.
44. Two of the short duration pressure change c. no more than 4 h.
measurement test techniques that may be used d. sufficient time and enough data points to
for Type B and Type C tests of containment obtain reliable results.
component systems such as gasket interspaces, A.241
seal interspaces, valve interspaces, etc. are the
water collection technique and the:
48. During the mass step verification test of a Type A
a. constant humidity technique. integrated leakage rate test, the metered removal
b. variable temperature technique. or injection of air from or into the containment
c. flow verification technique. system in any one hour period shall be:
d. vacuum retention technique.
a. no more than 25% of the daily allowable
leakage rate L . a
45. At the end of a Type A integrated leakage rate c. no more than 50% of the upper confidence
test of a nuclear containment system, the limit.
instrumentation selection guide, including any d. no more than 25% of the composite leakage
increase caused by the loss of a sensor(s), shall rate L . c
more than:
49. After pressurization of a nuclear containment
a. 0.15 L . system, the temperature is considered to be
Level III Answers
Pressure Change Measurement Testing Method
1 c 14 a 27 c 40 d
2 b 15 b 28 b 41 b
3 c 16 b 29 a 42 a
4 b 17 c 30 c 43 a
5 d 18 d 31 a 44 d
6 a 19 c 32 d 45 b
7 d 20 b 33 b 46 c
8 a II 21 a 34 c 47 b
9 a 22 c 35 a 48 a
10 d 23 c 36 b 49 d
11 c 24 c 37 a
12 a 25 d 38 d
13 c 26 a 39 c
Sample Specification
Pressure Change Measurement Testing Method
Pressure Change Measurement Testing Method, Sample Specification
Pressure Change Measurement Testing Method, Sample Specification
Pressure Change Measurement Testing Method, Sample Specification Liner weld joints shall 8.1 Perform pneumatic proof testing in
show no indication of accordance with all applicable
leakage by the requirements of this sample specification,
formation of bubbles and in accordance with requirements
while being observed hereinafter specified; where requirements
for a minimum of 10 s differ between parts of this sample
at a pressure specification and the Codes or Standards
differential of at least referenced, the most restrictive
5 psig during a bubble requirements shall apply in each:
vacuum box test. Any
8.1.1 ANSI/ANS-56.8-1981
indication of leaking,
"American National Standard
by the formation of
Containment System Leakage
bubbles, or the
Testing Requirements."
breaking of continuous
detector film by large 8.2 Contractor shall furnish and install all
leaks, shall be temporary blind flanges, blanking off
evidence of an plates and gasketing required to properly
unacceptable condition. seal all work being tested, and shall
remove such material following After installation of successful performance of tests. Ends of
the leak chase test penetrations and nozzles shall then be
channels over liner properly prepared for later connections by
welds, the leak chase others.
channels shall be
pressurized to 8.3 Proof Testing of Personnel Airlock and
containment design Emergency Personnel Airlock: Shop test
pressure and all as follows, after completion of airlock:
channel to liner welds
and channel to channel 8.3.1 Initial Bubble Test: Pressurize
welds shall be bubble interior of airlock to 5 psig, and
tested and observed bubble test all welded joints,
for indications of penetrations and nozzles, and all
leakage for at least double compression seals around
10 s. Any indications doors.
of leakage, by the
formation of bubbles, 8.3.2 Overpressure Tests: After any
or the breaking of the defective work has been
continuous detector replaced or remedied and
film by large leaks, retested, pressurize to 57.5 psig
shall be evidence of an and hold for 1 h.
unacceptable condition.
Pressure Change Measurement Testing Method, Sample Specification
8.3.3 Second Bubble Test: Reduce 9.4 Contractor shall provide the following:
pressure to 50 psig and perform
second bubble test. 9.4.1 Supervision of installation and
proper setup of test equipment.
8.4 Airlock Leakage Rate Test:
9.4.2 Supervision and labor to inspect
8.4.1 After successful completion of the test equipment prior to test.
the overpressure test, perform
the leakage rate test of each 9.4.3 Supervision and labor to operate
airlock at 50 psig (+2 psig; and maintain test equipment
-1 psig) for a minimum of 8 h during test.
to demonstrate that maximum
leakage does not exceed 1 % in 9.4.4 Supervision and labor to record
24 h of the total air mass at the test data.
design pressure in the airlock.
9.4.5 Analysis of data and furnishing a
8.4.2 The Absolute Method, as written report of the test.
specified in ANSI/ANS 56.8¬
9.5 All necessary equipment for the test as
1981, shall be used. Contractor
shall state for approval in the
Bid Proposal, all equipment 9.5.1 Twenty resistance temperature
proposed for use, analysis detector drybulb temperature
method and times of taking sensors with an accuracy of
measurements, etc. ±0.1 °F and repeatability of
±0.01 °F.
9.0 Integrated Leakage Rate Test of
Containment System: 9.5.2 Ten dewpoint sensors with an
accuracy of ±1 °F and
repeatability of ±0.05 °F.
The Integrated Leakage Rate Test of the complete
Containment System shall be performed after the 9.5.3 Conditioning circuitry for
Structural Integrity Test by Others. dewpoint and drybulb
temperature sensors with remote
9.1 After the Structural Integrity Test (by display resolution of 0.01 °F for
Others), the system pressure shall be drybulb temperatures and
reduced to 40 psig for a 48 h stabilization 0.05 °F for dewpoint
period before repressurizing to the temperatures.
pressure required for the integrated
leakage rate test. 9.5.4 Two absolute pressure quartz
manometer gages with a range
9.2 The integrated leakage rate test will be of 0 to 100 psia, an accuracy of
performed for a minimum elapsed time of ±0.01% of reading, display
8 h after stabilization in accordance with repeatability of 0.001% of full
ANSI/ANS 56.8-1981, using the absolute scale and resolution of
method. 0.001 psia. One sensor shall be a
standby for use in the event of
9.3 Perform the integrated leakage rate test at failure of the other.
50 psig (±1 psig), to demonstrate that the
maximum allowable leakage rate, L , a 9.5.5 Flow meter verification system
does not exceed 0.1% in 24 h of the total with a flow capacity of
air mass at design pressure in the 10 standard cubic feet per
containment system. The upper minute, an accuracy of ±1% of
confidence limit, plus required local full scale, display repeatability
leakage rate additions, shall be less than and resolution of 0.1 standard
0.075% in 24 h. The requirements of cubic feet per minute.
8.4.2 also apply.
9.5.6 Data acquisition system with
interface for computer or tape
Pressure Change Measurement Testing Method, Sample Specifications
10.0 Documentation:
Sample Specification Questions
Pressure Change Measurement Testing Method
The following questions, answers and references are 4. The leakage rate test of the personnel and emergency
based on the preceding sample specification. airlocks outlined in this sample specification are
classified as a:
1. To comply with this sample specification for the
integrated leakage rate test of the containment a. verification test.
system, the minimum number of dewpoint sensors b. Type A test.
that shall be used for the test is: c. Type B test.
d. Type C test.
a. 3. Para. 8.4.2
b. 6.
c. 10.
5. Following the completion of the structural integrity
d. such that no one sensor represents a volume
test of the containment system in this sample
fraction greater than 20%.
specification, before performing the integrated
Para. 8.1 and 952 leakage rate test the pressure shall be:
2. The instrumentation selection guide for the test a. reduced to less than 42.5 psig.
instrumentation for the integrated leakage rate test of b. reduced to 40 psig.
the containment system in this sample specification c. vented to atmosphere.
shall not exceed: d. stabilized at the existing pressure for at least 24 h
before starting the integrated leakage rate test.
a. 0.0187%/24h. Para. 8.1 and 9.1
b. 0.025%/24 h.
c. 0.0125%/24 h.
6. During the integrated leakage rate test for the
d. 0.0375%/24 h.
containment system in this sample specification, the
Para. 92 and 93
test pressure shall not be permitted to fall below:
Pressure Change Measurement Testing Method, Sample Specification Questions
8. For the integrated leakage rate test of the 12. For the sample specification containment system
containment system in this sample specification, integrated leakage rate test test, if data is
the number of pressure sensors that must be in recorded every 0.25 h after stabilization, the test
operation on the system during the test shall be: shall last a minimum of:
10. For the sample specification containment system, a. ±0.01 standard cubic feet per minute.
pressure stabilization for the integrated leakage b. ±0.1 standard cubic feet per minute.
rate test shall be considered achieved when the: c. ±2% of full scale.
d. ±1% of full scale.
a. pressure change in the previous 1 h does not Para. 8.1 and 955
exceed 0.01% P . ac
Sample Specification Answers
Pressure Change Measurement Testing Method
1 c 6 d 11 a
2 b 7 d 12 b
3 a 8 a 13 c
4 c 9 c 14 d
5 b 10 d 15 d