Assessment Workbook - Module 3
Assessment Workbook - Module 3
Assessment Workbook - Module 3
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Assessment Workbook
Module 3
Module 3 3
Task 1 – Knowledge Questionnaire 10
Question 1 10
Question 2 10
Question 3 10
Question 4 10
Question 5 11
Task 2-6 Scenario 12
Task 2 – Embed diversity into team plans and operations 15
Task 2.1 Work plans 15
Task 2.1.1 Team Charter 15
Task 2.1.2 Action Plans 16
Task 2.1.3 Individual work plans 17
Task 2.1.4 Processes to accommodate diversity 18
Task 2.1.5 Communication plan 19
Task 2.2 Peer Review 19
Task 2.3 Team analysis 21
Task 3– Support development of a diverse workforce 21
Task 3.1 Reflection, evaluation and action 21
Task 3.1.1 Communication 21
Task 3.1.2 Biases and assumptions 22
Task 3.1.3 Provide support and access to diversity services 22
Task 4– Establish benefits of workforce diversity 22
Task 5– Final presentation 23
Task 6– Wrap Up 25
The assessment for the above unit has been contextualised to prepare project
managers to create a highly effective and productive work environment using the
diversity of talent, abilities, backgrounds and mindsets as a canvas.
● legislation, regulation and business policies and procedures relevant to diversity in the
● types of diverse individuals and groups in the workplace
● strategies, tools and techniques for integrating and engaging a diverse workforce
● potential impacts of gender, race, age, disability, sexual orientation, form of work
engagement and flexible work arrangements on workforce engagement
● benefits of having a diverse workforce and barriers to inclusive engagement.
You must demonstrate the ability to complete the tasks outlined in the following elements
and performance criteria:
The language, literacy, numeracy and employment skills that are essential to
performance but not explicit in the performance criteria, and which you must demonstrate
the ability to complete, are:
● Develops texts dealing with complex ideas and concepts using specialised and detailed
language to convey explicit information
● Analyses the implications of legislation, policy and other organisational responsibilities in
carrying out own role
● Implements communication strategies and behaviours for a diverse range of colleagues to
build rapport and foster strong relationships
● Identifies strengths and limitations of own interpersonal skills and attitudes and addresses
areas that would benefit from further development
You must demonstrate evidence of the ability to complete the tasks outlined in the elements,
performance criteria and foundation skills of this unit, and to:
Assessment Conditions
Skills in this unit must be demonstrated in a workplace or simulated environment where the
conditions are typical of those in a working environment in this industry.
Assessors of this unit must satisfy the requirements for assessors in applicable vocational
education and training legislation, frameworks and/or standards.
This is an open book task – you can use your learning materials as
The trainer and assessor (coach) will provide a project scenario to the
class at the beginning of the term.
● Final presentation
o Prepare, deliver and evaluate a presentation about project work
● Wrap Up
o Provide feedback on teamwork
o Provide evidence of teamwork
Task 5
o Prepare presentation for week 8
Week 8 Task 5
o Deliver the final presentation
o Reflect on the presentation
Task 6
o Provide feedback about team members' work
o Evaluate own work
o Provide evidence of teamwork
Evidence You must ensure that you have completed and submitted all the
Summary following:
● References
● Self-evaluation in Task 6
Question 1
● Two (2) organisational policies and procedures that are relevant to diversity in the workplace
(40-80 words)
Work Health and Safety Work health and safety is the management of risks to the
health and safety of everyone in your workplace. This
includes the health and safety of anyone who does work for
you as well as your customers, visitors, and suppliers.
Racial discrimination act It promotes equality between people of different backgrounds
and protects people from unfair treatment or denigration
based on their race, colour, descent, or national or ethnic
Workplace gender equality The goal of gender equality is to offer equal opportunities and
outcomes to people from different gender. Workplace gender
equality will be achieved when people are able to access and
enjoy equal rewards, resources, and opportunities regardless
of gender.
Disability Discrimination Act It makes disability discrimination unlawful and promotes
equal rights, equal opportunity, and equal access for people
with disabilities. In the workplace, the act covers all areas of
employment and makes it unlawful for a person to be
discriminated against because of their disability
Question 2
Identify and describe three (3) types of diverse individuals and groups in the workplace.
Question 3
Identify a positive and/or negative impact of gender, race, age, disability, sexual orientation,
employee engagement and flexible work arrangements on the workforce.
Gender Creating a diverse gender workforce will impact positively how
stakeholders perceive the inclusiveness of the company.
Race Will improve competitiveness, taking into account different points of
views and skills.
Age It will impact the experience of the company by having a diverse
range of age workforce. Perfect balance between performance and
Disability It helps the company reach a wider market of customers and clients.
And make the company facilities, procedures, products, and services
greatly accessible for everyone.
Sexual Orientation This is an aspect shouldn´t be asked, however it is important to train
workforce about it to create a diver and inclusive workplace.
Employee engagement It is important to engage the workforce equally and accordingly
different skills so the company can be more productive.
Flexible work This is important to create a work-life balance, crucially important
arrangements when different religions are involve in the company.
Question 4
Identify four (4) benefits and four (4) barriers to inclusive engagement.
Benefits Barriers
New perspectives and innovation. Bias in the workforce.
Increased employee engagement and trust Bullying from managers and colleagues
Stronger business results and profits Selective talent pipeline
Leadership involvement Tolerance in the team
Question 5
Outline three (3) strategies, tools and/or techniques for integrating and engaging a diverse
You have been engaged as a Project Manager by XYZ Pty Ltd trading as InnoStar Business
Incubator Centre (IBI).
The Project Manager will lead a team of 3-5 individuals to develop information and promotional
material about diversity in the workplace.
You will work in simulated work conditions and use appropriate management and leadership
techniques to bring the project to completion in a diverse work environment.
You will work in a team of 3-5 students, playing the project manager's role (PM) in turns so that all
students in the group will have the opportunity to manage and lead the group.
The coach will play the CEO's role, project sponsor, in the simulated work environment.
Marketing and
IT Administration HR
Duties include:
● Brand management
● Media liaison
● Communication management
Duties include:
2 x Admin Officers
Duties include:
● Administration
● Customer Service
● Front Desk
● Website maintenance
● Cybersecurity
(3-5 minutes)
Business proposal A business proposal document (1-2 pages) to present to the CEO
document about how to improve workplace support and access to diversity
Please liaise with your coach to ensure you use free tools to complete the work above.
Form a team of 4-5 students who will work in collaboration during this term.
Please note that, although the assessment requires collaborative work to simulate real work
conditions, assessment submission is individual, and it will be marked as such.
Please take turns in covering the role of Project Manager in the team.
Harpreet Na
The coach will validate that the students listed above are all part of the team (Refer to the Marking
Team Charter
<Team Name/Department>
Project Title Project 4Diversity P4D
Project Create consciousness in the company about diversity at the workplace and its
Purpose and benefits. Through this project there are going to be create a collaborative and
Vision inclusive environment so it can be excel all the benefits of diversity. Each area
in the company will be prepare to embrace new team members with no
Why are we
delivering this conditions.
Project Everyone benefits from this project, both the employees and the company.
Benefits When an employee feels good in the company, that his opinion counts and that
he is valued, his productivity increases, bringing with it better performance.
Who benefits from Increasing performance within each area will lead to a greater company
the project? How?
Project As members of this team we want to achieve all the goals proposed for the
success project, with outstanding quality in the work done and professionalism. Once
all stakeholders have accomplished all their expectations, we as a team, will
What does project consider all our efforts to be successful.
success look like?
The project will be successful when all company directors include in their
procedures and operations diversity and inclusive techniques to maximise the
performance of the diverse team.
Teamwork One of the main challenges in the teamwork is the time, each person has
different projects and totally changing schedules, however, all team members
What are the are committed to give their best and have enough time to dedicate to this
challenges of
teamwork? project.
How can we All team members have different backgrounds, this does not mean that this is
successfully work
a bad thing, however, we all have different perspectives which allows us to see
the project from different points of view.
With proper communication, all challenges can be resolved, respecting the
opinions of others and always reaching the best possible agreement.
Team Values Responsibility to the team
4-5 team values Organisation
Ground rules Be punctual with the progress of the project
Respect other members of the group
4-5 ground rules Be clear about the role of each person in the team
Give and receive recommendations from other team members.
Ground 1. Effective communication
norms 2. Active listening
3. Commitment
4-5 ground norms 4. Punctuality
5. Ability teamwork
Design the type of Juan Garcia 3 days Laptop set the time for design
banner Internet banner
Canva calculate all the hours
Search for the Harpreet Na 2 day Laptop must be done with in
information to be Internet the planned hours
displayed Phone
Decide what we Darshan 2 days Laptop what using for
want to make Jayawardane Internet promotion.
known with this Phone create a certain time
promotion period
Review the final Diego Perez 2 days Laptop compare with planned
banner Internet hours vs Actual hours
Phone On-time completion %
2. Develop an action plan to support, promote and champion diversity in the team.Consider how
you can create an inclusive and engaging work environment.
Ensure that the plan incorporates contributions from all team members and aligns with relevant
diversity legislation and organisational policies and procedures.
Meet with the individual team members and help them develop individual work plans:
● One key goal focused on supporting the creation of an inclusive work environment in the project
● Two training needs to be based based on the operational needs of the project
● One training need related to knowledge and skills to champion, enhance and support diversity in
the work environment
Please assume that you have been given an overall budget of $8,000 for the team's professional
Participating 2500 Try to participate
Multicultural every one
Introducing 1000 Need to little bit
teamwork targets higher standard
internal platforms
Date: 20/06/2022
Develop two processes to incorporate and maximise the benefits of diversity in the project team.
Process 1
During the meeting with the team and stakeholders, there is going to be recorded what we called
an “idea-keeper” where the idea is to consider and discuss each member’s idea regarding the
project. So, the team member will feel included and heard, and will encourage them to nurture
the project planning and execution. Then, as long as each member is collaborating with the
project there will be a more understanding of skills, knowledge and commitment that will
eventually help to delegate efficiently several tasks.
Process 2
During all communications, each has to be reviewed in order to include the usability of Common
language, so the team will have easy access and understanding of the process. Then when
delegating activities it is important to allow and consider some time flexibility aligned with cultural
Develop a communication plan to support work plans and ensure that all involved in the process
feel included and respected.
Ask another project team to review your work in Task 2.1 and evaluate it based on the following
● Effectiveness of the work plans to guide project work and ensure successful completion of the
● Efficacy of communication plan
● Alignment of the work plans with relevant diversity legislation and policy and procedures
● Effectiveness of processes to incorporate and maximise the benefits of diversity in the project
Provide the other project team with the peer-review form below (Template 5) to document their
evaluation. Provide a copy of the completed peer-review form with your submission.
Effectiveness of the work Strongly agree Juan oversaw the videos, he effectively
plans to guide project work Agree followed the work plan and attached to
and ensure successful Neutral the lineaments.
completion of the project Disagree
Strongly disagree
Strongly disagree
Further comments.
He did an excellent job during the course of the project. He managed properly the team when he
was a Project manager in charge, showing up some great leadership skills.
Individual task
Provide an analysis and evaluation of the quality and quantity of source of workforce diversity in the
project team.
● Type of diversity
● Work arrangements
● Attributes
(100-150 words)
Certainly, the team was formed by members form diverse background. Two form South America
and the other two form Asia. At the beginning the communication was an issue mainly because of
the domain of the language. However, there was created an organized way to bring together the
team and start planning the project, delegating tasks according to skills, experience, and
workload. Later in the team we had an issue of commitment and accountability with one of the
members, where if there was developed a stronger communications strategy, it would not have
affected the team.
Individual Task
Reflect on the communication processes and behaviours in the project team. Evaluate how they
met diversity work plans and needs:
(80-120 words)
The communication strategy was effective at the beginning of the project, it was enough to make
the activities completed and work smoothly through the planning and executing of the project.
However, there was a lack fo commitment from one of the members, where made difficult flow
up and check out the progress of some tasks. Certainly, in this case que communication strategy
was insufficient to avoid and impact in the final project, where it would have delivered with
greater quality otherwise.
Reflect on your work and the work of others in the project team. Identify biases and assumptions in
communication and behaviours of yourself and others. Determine how you can improve by
adjusting behaviour and communication.
When I was project leader, I made sure all the documents where available for all members and
were written in a way that was easy to understand. Opened new communication channels to
share experiences and concerns. These strategies were kept during the whole project and widely
used by the menbers.
Evidence can be copied and pasted in this document or provided as a separate document with your
Deliverable Evidence
All team members must assist with the preparation of the presentation, and all team members must
● Lessons learned
● 6-10 Slides
● Q& A: 15 minutes
You will present to an audience comprised of your classmates, the coach, as well as other
stakeholders such as the expert (client).
They will ask you questions about any of the topics listed for the presentation. Ensure that you are
ready to engage with the audience and answer questions.
The coach will evaluate your performance during the presentation and provide feedback in the
marking sheet.
If you are absent from class, it is your responsibility to make alternative arrangements with the
trainer and assessor to present. You can reschedule only once.
● Present
Individual task
● Reflect on the final presentation:
o Was the presentation engaging?
o How did the audience respond?
o How did you engage the audience? Provide an example.
o What did you do well? What could you improve?
(50-100 words)
It was an exceptionally smooth presentation considering the videos were not uploaded
directly to the slides. At the end we need more engagement and participation from the team
Task 6– Wrap Up
Individual task
● Complete the feedback forms below, providing qualitative feedback against each evaluation
● Consider what each team member did well and what they could improve,
Active participation in group work. He participated actively during the group
Contribution to planning, organisation and Well contribution to planning, when he was
strategising of group work. project leader he organised and lead the
group work.
Leadership, communication, conflict He was a good leader, however didn’t have
resolution and feedback. any chance to validate his conflict resolutions
Decision-making, problem-solving, issue During the course of the activities he faced a
resolution. couple of situations where he was creative
and showed up his skills.
Ability to support and enhance an inclusive He had all the ability to help the team to be
work environment. more inclusive.
Harpreet Na
Factors Qualitative feedback
(30-50 words/factor)
Commitment, reliability and punctuality. He was punctual during most of the
meetings, he missed a couple but with
justification. He needed more commitment.
Active participation in group work. Evident lack of participation.
Contribution to planning, organisation and
strategising of group work.
Leadership, communication, conflict
resolution and feedback.
Decision-making, problem-solving, issue
Ability to support and enhance an inclusive
work environment.
2. Self-evaluation
Individual task
Your performance as a Project Manager. When I was project leader, I made sure all
Provide two examples of when you played the documents where available for all
the Project Manager in simulated work members and were written in a way that was
conditions in your self-feedback. easy to understand. Opened new
(50-100 words) communication channels to share experiences
and concerns. These strategies were kept
during the whole project and widely used by
the members.
3. Evidence