National Guidelinesfor Greenhouse Rainwater Harvesting Systemsinthe Agriculture Sector
National Guidelinesfor Greenhouse Rainwater Harvesting Systemsinthe Agriculture Sector
National Guidelinesfor Greenhouse Rainwater Harvesting Systemsinthe Agriculture Sector
Empowered lives.
Resilient nations.
Empowered lives.
Resilient nations.
This document should be referenced as:
MoE/UNDP (2016). National guidelines for greenhouse rainwater harvesting systems in the
agriculture sector. Beirut, Lebanon.
The contents of this document are the sole responsibility of its authors, and do not necessarily
reflect the opinion of the Ministry of Environment or the United Nations Development
Programme, who will not accept any liability derived from its use.
This study can be used for research, teaching and private study purposes. Please give credit
where it is due.
Reference Project:
National Action Programme to Mainstream Climate Change into Lebanon’s Development
Executed by:
Ministry of Environment
Funded by:
Financed by the Lebanon Recovery Fund, a Lebanese Government led programme established
on the occasion of the Stockholm Conference
Implemented by:
United Nations Development Programme, Lebanon
Main author:
Dominique Choueiter
Contributing author:
Dr. Nadim Farajalla
Lead reviewer:
Vahakn Kabakian
I. Introduction 1
1 Types of greenhouses 3
1.1 Low technology greenhouses 4
1.2 Medium technology greenhouses 4
1.3 High technology greenhouses 4
2 System Components 12
2.1 Catchment Area 12
2.2 Collection and conveyance system 15
2.3 Rainwater Quality & Pre-Treatment 21
2.4 Storage 25
2.5 Pump and Distribution Systems 31
IV. References 37
V. Appendix 41
Appendix A 42
Appendix B 43
Appendix C 46
Appendix D 47
Appendix E 48
Appendix F 52
National guidelines for greenhouse
VI rainwater harvesting systems
in the agriculture sector
Unit Conversion
1 dunum = 1,000 square meters
1 mm of rain = 1 liter per square meter
Greenhouse types depend much on the greenhouse or not. These equipments include heating
structure, construction method and equipment, ventilation and cooling, screens, carbon dioxide
material, facilities and equipment made (CO2) enrichment and supplementary lighting.
for the greenhouse. In central and
northern Europe most greenhouses are The expansion of greenhouse cultivation worldwide had led to
glass covered where else in warmer the need for reliable crop evapotranspiration (ETc) estimation to
climates the majority of the greenhouses encounter better yield and crop quality, water scarcity and
are covered with plastic film. Globally, the environmental aspects.
plastic film greenhouses constitute the
majority of adopted greenhouse systems, Greenhouses are a technology based investment. The higher
in particular, in the Mediterranean region. the level of technology used the greater potential for achieving
controlled growing conditions. To find the best estimation of ET
The common greenhouse types are method or model in a greenhouse, three categories of
Venlo-type, wide-span, plastic, and greenhouse types are define here according to their technology.
arched greenhouses. The shape of the
greenhouse structure influences the
internal climate of the greenhouse
environment especially the temperature,
humidity and light transmission. The
shapes that appear most frequently are
gable roof or pitched roof, saw tooth or
shed roof, round arched tunnel, round
arch with vertical side wall, pointed arch
with sloping side wall and pointed arch B.
Medium technology greenhouses are better in structure, compared Air movement (ventilation), temperature
to the low technology greenhouses, since the supporting structure and incident light in the greenhouse can
is made of galvanized iron and aluminum. They are typically be controlled by various facilities and
characterized by vertical walls more than 2m but less than 4 meters equipments. These equipments are
tall and a total height usually less than 5.5 meters. Medium level normally controlled and regulated by an
greenhouses are usually clad with either single or double skin plastic information system.
film or glass and use varying degrees of automation.
Due to the sophisticated structures and
This type of greenhouse is closer to the low technology greenhouse facilities, the greenhouse cultivation is
in terms of the internal technology, but closer to the high only profitable under high productivity.
technology greenhouse in terms of internal climate control. They are normally limited to industrial
areas where production is high. However,
1.3 High technology greenhouses with the use of high level technology
greenhouses, the dependency on labor
The most sophisticated structures belong to this category. They work can be reduced, thus reduce the
contain galvanized iron support structures, aluminum glass cost for production.
Water is a scarce resource in areas with low actual outdoor ET using outdoor remote sensing, the actual ET
annual precipitation and a dry season for in the greenhouse was found to be 65% of actual ET outdoor.
more than 4 months (summer). Irrigation
must be carried out with high efficiency to For all crops, the irrigation water requirements are determined
minimize percolation losses and as follows:
environmental pollution, and increase The most common way of estimating crop water requirements, as
water productivity, especially in areas that recommended by the United Nations Food and Agriculture
fall under the Mediterranean climate. Organization (FAO), consists of the so-called “two-step” approach:
firstly, a reference crop evapotranspiration (ET0), defined under
Current irrigation practices are generally optimal conditions, is calculated from weather data measured at a
based on local farmers’ experience and reference height; secondly, evapotranspiration from any other well-
most of them irrigate without monitoring watered crop (ETc) is obtained by multiplying the reference
the soil-or plant-water status. evapotranspiration by an empirical crop coefficient: Kc.
Table 1. CLIMWAT long-term (for at least 15 years) monthly mean ET0 values (in mm/month) observed agroclimatic data over the Lebanon.
in the agriculture sector
National guideline for greenhouse
rainwater harvesting systems
Station Bhamdoun Beirut Beirut Ksara Alma- Merjayoun Ain-Ebel Tell- Tyr Rayack Tripoli Abde Tripoli Chlifa Al-Arz Qlaiaat
(AUB) (Airport) Chaab Amara (Les Cèdres) (Airpot)
JAN 49.91 53.63 64.17 40.61 63.55 48.36 50.84 39.06 76.88 39.06 62.93 43.71 62.93 47.12 31 56.73
FEB 50.68 56.84 63.56 46.76 62.16 51.8 59.08 45.64 74.76 45.64 64.96 50.12 64.96 53.2 35.56 61.04
MAR 73.47 79.98 91.76 79.98 97.03 80.29 86.49 74.4 103.54 74.4 90.21 69.75 90.21 86.18 55.8 83.08
APR 105 102.9 107.4 120 114 101.7 122.4 103.2 124.2 103.2 105 94.2 105 122.1 81 99.6
MAY 142.91 138.57 135.16 164.61 158.41 142.29 157.17 143.53 144.77 143.53 133.61 115.94 133.61 163.37 112.84 116.87
JUN 168.9 166.8 161.1 206.1 171 164.4 185.4 182.4 169.8 182.4 152.7 134.7 152.7 207 132.9 138.9
JUL 181.04 181.97 173.6 232.81 165.85 158.72 186.93 204.29 182.59 204.29 171.43 142.6 171.43 243.35 154.69 156.86
AUG 177.32 171.74 168.33 215.45 169.57 154.69 176.08 190.34 172.98 190.34 161.82 138.88 161.82 224.75 148.8 153.45
SEP 134.7 131.7 129.9 160.5 142.5 136.2 134.1 147 141 147 131.4 114.3 131.4 162.9 108.3 131.4
OCT 98.58 102.61 101.99 109.74 101.68 123.07 110.36 106.33 108.81 106.33 98.27 88.04 98.27 110.98 81.22 110.05
NOV 67.2 68.1 74.7 63.6 88.5 84.6 73.8 66.6 81 66.6 72.9 65.7 72.9 64.2 50.7 75
DEC 54.25 53.94 67.27 42.47 77.19 58.28 58.28 39.68 73.47 39.68 63.55 52.7 63.55 48.36 36.27 60.76
Mean 108.66 109.07 111.58 123.55 117.62 108.70 116.74 111.87 121.15 111.87 109.07 92.55 109.07 127.79 85.76 103.65
For the month of January, estimate the monthly crop water
demand of tomatoes grown in a 332 m2 greenhouse in
Damour. The following steps are taken:
Crop Kc ini Kc mid Kc end Height (h) Init. Dev. Mid Late Field Crop
(m) (Lini) (Ldev) (Lmid) (Llate) cycle
a. Small Vegetables 0.7 1.05 0.95
Broccoli 1.05 0.95 0.3 35 45 40 15 135
Lettuce 1.00 0.95 0.3 20 30 15 10 75
Spinach 1.00 0.95 0.3 20 20 15/25 5 60/70
b. Vegetables - Solanum
Family (Solanaceae) 0.6 1.15 0.80
Egg Plant 1.05 0.90 0.8 30 45 40 25 40
Sweet Peppers (bell) 1.05 0.90 0.7 25/30 35 40 20 125
Tomato 1.15 0.70-0.90 0.6 30 40 45 30 145
c. Vegetables - Cucumber
Family (Cucurbitaceae) 0.5 1.00 0.80
Cucumber 0.6 1.00 0.75 0.3 20 30 40 15 105
Squash, Zucchini 0.95 0.75 0.3 20 30 25 15 90
Sweet Melons 1.05 0.75 0.4 25 35 40 20 120
d. Legumes (Leguminosae) 0.4 1.15 0.55
Beans, green 0.5 1.05 0.90 0.4 15 25 25 10 75
Peas 0.5 1.15 1.10 0.5 20 30 35 15 100
e. Perennial Vegetables (with
winter dormancy and initially 0.5 1.00 0.80
bare or mulched soil)
Strawberries 0.40 0.85 0.75 0.2
National guideline for greenhouse
Advantages Disadvantages
If the pump fails then water is still supplied via the Water is delivered at low pressure (may be solved by
mains top-up function. using a hybrid system).
Low cost pumps. Requires a header tank which can add to the overall cost.
Simple controls. Need for sufficient roof space, or high tank mounting.
Energy efficient as the pump runs at full flow. Issues with high, structural loads.
Advantage Disadvantages
Water is provided at pressure. If the pump fails then no water can be supplied.
No header tank is required. The use of mains top-up controls are more
Advantages Disadvantages
Does not require a pump. Low water pressure – pumps may be required to
boost the pressure.
No electrical supply required.
Issues with high, structural loads.
No risk of pump-associated failure.
Water quality issues, due to fluctuating
temperatures in the stored water.
National guideline for greenhouse
0.7% 6.8% 11.8% 19.9% 22.4% 17.1% 12.9% 6.4% 1.6% 0.3% 0.1% 0.1%
Rainfall varies geographically as well with than the inland areas. Table 4 shows average annual rainfall in
most of the rain falling along the coast select cities and towns throughout Lebanon along the various
and on the Mount Lebanon’s western regions derived from CLIMWAT, a joint publication of the Water
facing slopes. The eastern slopes of Development and Management Unit and the Climate Change
Mount Lebanon are drier but still wetter and Bioenergy Unit of FAO.
Table 4. CLIMWAT long-term (for at least 15 years) monthly mean rainfall values
(in mm/month) observed agroclimatic data over the Lebanon
Qlaiaat (Airpot)
Beirut (Airport)
Beirut (AUB)
JAN 302 195 185 141 186 193 195 150 212 140 169 185 96 239 208
FEB 262 116 132 112 158 181 175 107 109 108 122 130 80 207 124
MAR 194 107 105 94 70 129 102 84 80 93 108 114 53 145 110
APR 95 48 47 42 32 73 53 41 42 49 48 55 31 68 48
MAY 40 18 19 10 10 26 6 17 5 16 15 15 14 32 18
JUN 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 2 3 1 1 5 1
JUL 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1
AUG 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1
SEP 3 9 6 1 4 3 4 1 6 1 7 9 1 5 13
OCT 54 35 48 34 31 24 32 23 40 31 66 84 7 32 25
DEC 239 148 147 134 184 162 181 134 200 115 167 219 74 158 157
Total 302 195 185 141 186 193 195 150 212 140 169 185 96 239 208
National guideline for greenhouse Determination of catchment area The runoff coefficient is the amount of water
The catchment area on which the rain is falling and from which that actually drains free of the surface relative
rainwater is harvested must be determined. For all structures to the amount of rain that falls on the surface.
this area is the vertical projection of the roof or the footprint of It is used to reflect how much of the rainfall
the greenhouse rooftop. This is illustrated in Figure 5. is lost to infiltration and other abstractions. In
the case of greenhouses the materials
typically used are various forms of plastic
(polyethylene film (PE)) which have little to
no infiltration capacity and thus nearly all the
water runs off. However, there are losses to
evaporation and splashing as well as
detention such that the general runoff
coefficient for the polyethylene greenhouse
film is estimated to be 0.8. This means that of
the total volume of rain that falls on the
catchment surface, 80% drains off the
surface; the other 20% stays on the surface.
Figure 5: Footprint of greenhouse roofs - used to determine catchment areas
2.1.3 Design & Installation Guidelines b. If contaminants are present, these should be removed by
cleaning the catchment surface by garden hose or sweeping, When selecting the catchment(s) and if applicable trimming overhanging tree branches/foliage.
for collecting rainwater:
a. Only roof surfaces are recommended;
b. Avoid sections of the roof with 2.2 Collection and conveyance system
overhanging foliage, or trim where
possible. 2.2.1 Introduction and definitions To maximize the volume of The collection and conveyance system consists of the gutters,
rainwater collected by the RWH system: downspouts and pipes that channel storm water runoff into
a. The catchment surface should be as storage tanks. Gutters and downspouts should be designed as
large as possible; they would for a building without a rainwater harvesting system.
b. The roof catchment material used for Aluminum, round-bottom gutters and round downspouts are
greenhouses is commonly generally recommended for rainwater harvesting. Minimum
polyethylene film (PE); slopes of gutters should be specified. Pipes (connecting
c. Convey rainwater using appropriately downspouts to the cistern tank) should be at a minimum slope
sized and sloped components, of 1.5% and sized/designed to convey the intended design
including gutters, downspouts, and/or storm. In some cases, a steeper slope and larger sizes may be
conveyance drainage piping; and recommended and/or necessary to convey the required runoff,
d. Where possible, in the case of multiple depending on the design objective and design storm intensity.
gutter connected greenhouses, the Gutters and downspouts should be kept clean and free of debris
roof catchments can be connected to and rust.
a central rainwater storage tank;
e. In cases where a single greenhouse Each of these system components is discussed below.
roof catchment is utilized, catchment
area can be determined using 2.2.2 Issues for consideration
equation (2);
f. In cases where multiple connected Selection of a typical storm or design storm
greenhouses roofs are utilized as The collection gutters and conveyance pipes must be able to
catchment surfaces, the catchment convey the flow of water from a typical storm event. The
area can be determined by summing selection of a typical storm or design storm is typically set by
the multiple smaller areas. national standards and norms. There is no such published
standard and most engineers rely on experience in other
2.1.4 Management Guidelines countries or on non-Lebanese norms to select the design storm
when designing stormwater drainage networks whose sizing is
The catchment surface should be extremely dependent on such a selection. The practice in
inspected once every six months, to: Lebanon is to select the 5-yr 1-hr storm for the design of
a. Identify any sources of contamination, stormwater drainage networks in urban areas. That is, it is a
including accumulated dirt and debris, storm that lasts one hour and has a chance of occurrence of 1/5
presence of overhanging tree branches or 20%. Intensity-Duration-Frequency (IDF) curves are typically
or other foliage, and/or signs of animal used to determine the rainfall intensity from such design
activity (i.e., bird droppings); and storms. Figure 6 shows the IDF curves determined for Lebanon.
National guideline for greenhouse
Figure 6: IDF Curves for Lebanon (Provided by Dr. Nadim Farajalla)
Once the rainfall intensity is determined then the Rational Upon determining the flow generated in
Method is used to determine the runoff from the rooftop. the previous equation, the gutter can
then be sized. This is done by using the
The Rational Method equation which relates runoff to rainfall Manning Equation:
intensity and area along with a runoff coefficient as follows: 2 1
Q= 1 AR S
3 2
(Equation 4)
(Equation 5)
where, Q = runoff; m /hr
C = runoff coefficient (unitless) where, Q is discharge, m3/s
I = Rainfall intensity; m/hr n is the Manning roughness
A = Area drained by one gutter; m2 coefficient of the gutter
A is the cross-sectional flow Sizing of Gutters area, m2
Galvanized steel are commonly used for gutters given their low R is the hydraulic radius, m
maintenance requirements. Gutters must slope toward the S is the slope of the conduit
direction of the storage tank and the gradient should be equal m/m
to or more than 1 centimeter per meter. Gutters need to be
regularly cleaned to reduce debris collection to catch the most The K-style gutters usually used in
rain, and ensure that leakage is kept to a minimum. greenhouse industry are similar to a
rectangular or triangular open channel.
yz yz yz
l y
Ȝ z
For a typical greenhouse in Damour to determine greenhouse served by one U shape gutter from
the gutter size to convey the flow from the design each side: Q = CIA = 0.85 × 0.025m/hr × 166m =
storm the following steps are taken: 3.53 m3/hr or 0.001m3/s.
Table 5. Generated flow calculated by Manning Equation for the different readily
available HDPE pipes for a typical greenhouse rooftop size
Generated flow,
Manning Equation
(m3/s) 0.0001 0.0001 0.0002 0.0004 0.0007 0.0014 0.0022 0.0036 0.0061
For a typical greenhouse in Damour to 2. Determine runoff using the Rational Method for the
determine the pipe size to convey the flow from rooftop of the greenhouse served by one
the design storm the following steps are taken: downspout from each side: Q = CIA = 0.85 ×
0.025m/hr × 332m = 7.05 m3/hr or 0.002m3/s.
1. From the IDF curves select the rainfall 3. Use Manning’s Equation to size the pipe. The n
intensity corresponding to a 5yr-1hr storm: is selected to be 0.012 for HDPE material; the
Storm duration from the x-axis is 120 min. slope for the pipe running along the
Then moving vertically from the 120min greenhouse roof is set at 0.005 m/m and the
mark until the 5-yr frequency curve is pipe is estimated to be flowing at 75% full. After
intersected. Then moving horizontally across an iterative process, the pipe diameter is
until the y-axis is intersected the intensity is determined to be 75 mm. To remain on the safe
then identified. In this case it is approximately side, we select one higher size pipe diameter
25 mm/hr. available in the market which is 90 mm.
2.2.3 Design and Installation Guidelines 1. Choose the 5-year frequency 1 hr rainfall. Record
the corresponding intensity. Gutters and downspouts:
2. Calculate the area of roof draining into the gutter: Plan the layout of the conveyance network: Ensure that there are no means
a. For rainwater tanks located above ground: of entry for small animals or insects into
i. Determine the location of the tank (refer to Section 2.4 the rainwater storage tank from the
Rainwater Storage and Tank Sizing for guidance), conveyance network by:
a. Properly installing all sections of the
ii. Route downspout(s) and/or conveyance drainage piping
conveyance network, such that they do
to the tank.
not have any holes or other points of
entry other than those required for
b. For rainwater tanks located below ground:
water flow; and
i. Determine the location of the tank (refer to Section 2.4
b. Installing downspout-to-pipe
Rainwater Storage and Tank Sizing for guidance),
transition fittings.
ii. Plan route of conveyance drainage piping from the
downspout(s) to the tank, Install pre-storage treatment
iii. For additional guidance on planning the layout of devices as required (refer to Section 2.3
conveyance drainage piping for below ground tanks, refer Rainwater Quality & Pre-Treatment for
to Appendix B, Step 4. details).
d. Tank connection:
Rainwater conveyance drainage piping should enter the tank at
a height no lower than that of the overflow drainage piping, or
ideally, at a height 50 mm above the bottom of the overflow
drainage pipe(s) entering the tank.
From roof
To tank
End with
drain hole
A first-flush diverter is a simple installation that is part of the 2.3.2 Baffle tanks
downpipe, configured to remove the initial wash off the roof so
it does not enter the tank. The first flush diverter works by A baffle tank can also be installed ahead
channeling the first flow down the downpipe to its base where of the main storage to filter out debris
it encounters a cap with a small drain hole (the drain hole will (Figure 10). These tanks have two
allow for gradually drainage else, the system will need to be screens; the first screen, called the flow
drained manually). This permits the first flow of water baffle, filters out the more coarse
containing the roof debris to settle at the bottom of the material while the second with a finer
downpipe, with the cleaner ‘later’ water settling on top, mesh grade, filters the smaller particles.
permitting relatively clean water to enter the tank.
The filtered residue will settle to the base
There are a few simple maintenance procedures that are of the tank while the cleaner water
needed for first-flush diverters. The cap at the end of the first (upper layer) is allowed to flow into the
flush pipe needs to be easily removable to facilitate cleaning. main storage. The sediment build-up in
the baffle tank needs to be removed from
Regular inspection of the pipe is required to ensure no leaves or time to time. This configuration will assist
other materials have become lodged in the pipe and that the in reducing sediment/sludge build-up in
system is draining properly. An inappropriately maintained filter the main storage.
is worse than no filter at all.
c. Settling tank or a settling chamber: i. The following components may be included as part of the
Size the settling tank or settling filtering system:
chamber based on the temporary • High quality gutter guards, available from gutter
storage of a prescribed volume of contractors,
runoff, • Leaf screens placed on the downspout, available from
i. Where the prescribed volume can gutter contractors, and/or
be based on rainwater height (i.e., • Commercially supplied rainwater filter installed in-line
1.5 mm of rain), as given by: with conveyance drainage pipe or inside tank.
Settling Tank Volume (L) = Rainwater e. Pre-storage treatment devices shall be installed such that they
Height (mm) × Catchment Area (m2) are readily accessible. Access openings to facilitate entry into
(Equation 9) the device and/or tank.
ii. Where the prescribed volume can be
based on a percentage of the capacity 2.3.4 Management Guidelines
of the rainwater storage tank (i.e., 1. Identify the factors that can impact the quality of rainwater in the
settling chambers within two- RWH system, and take steps to mitigate the risks posed by these
compartment tanks typically have 1/3 factors by implementing the following maintenance activities:
the capacity of the storage chamber).
d. Pre-storage treatment filtration devices: a. Consult the maintenance best practices provided in Table 6.
National guideline for greenhouse
Component of
RWH System Risk Factors Maintenance Best Practices
b. Consider other site specific risk factor(s) and adapt the i. Accumulated dirt and debris
maintenance of the RWH system as appropriate to mitigate blocking flow through filter,
the risks posed to rainwater quality. ii. Loose fittings or other problems
with the treatment device(s) such
2. Pre-storage treatment device(s) should be inspected at least that rainwater is passing through
twice per year, or more frequently as required by without treatment taking place, or
manufacturer’s instructions and site conditions: iii. Other problems with the
a. Observe rainwater passing through the device(s) during a treatment device(s).
rainfall event, or simulate a rainfall event by discharging water b. Clean the filtration device(s) according
from a hose onto the catchment surface. Look for potential to the manufacturer’s maintenance
problems such as: instructions, repair as required.
2.4 Storage
Advantages Disadvantages
Advantages Disadvantages
Table 7. Large-capacity one layer tanks specifications available in the Lebanese market
While many of the graphics and photos • Aboveground storage tanks should be UV and impact
in this specification depict cisterns with a resistant.
cylindrical shape, the tanks can be made
• Underground storage tanks must be designed to support the
of many materials and configured in
overlying sediment and any other anticipated loads (e.g.,
various shapes, depending on the type
vehicles, pedestrian traffic, etc.).
used and the site conditions where the
tanks will be installed. • Underground rainwater harvesting systems should have a
standard size manhole or equivalent opening to allow access
The following factors should be for cleaning, inspection, and maintenance purposes. This
considered when designing rainwater access point should be secured/locked to prevent unwanted
harvesting system and selecting a storage access.
tank: • Storage tanks should be opaque or otherwise protected from
direct sunlight to inhibit algal growth and should be screened
to discourage mosquito breeding and reproduction.
• Dead storage below the outlet to the distribution system and
an air gap at the top of the tank should be added to the total
volume. For systems using a pump, the dead storage depth
will be based on the pump specifications.
• Any hookup to a municipal backup water supply should have
a backflow prevention device to keep municipal water
separate from stored rainwater; this may include
incorporating an air gap to separate the two supplies.
National guideline for greenhouse
Fiberglass Commercially available, alterable and Must be installed on smooth, solid, level
moveable; durable with little footing; pressure proof for below-
maintenance; light weight; integral ground installation; expensive in smaller
fittings (no leaks); broad application sizes
Modular Storage Can modify to topography; can alter Longevity may be less than other materials;
footprint and create various shapes to higher risk of puncturing of water tight
fit site; relatively inexpensive membrane during construction
Plastic Barrels Commercially available; inexpensive Low storage capacity (75 to 190 L);
limited application
Galvanized Steel Commercially available, alterable and Possible external corrosion and rust;
moveable; available in a range of sizes; must be lined for potable use; can only
film develops inside to prevent install above ground; soil pH may limit
corrosion underground applications
Steel Drums Commercially available, alterable and Small storage capacity; prone to
moveable corrosion, and rust can lead to leaching
of metals; verify prior to reuse for toxics;
water pH and soil pH may also limit
FerroConcrete Durable and immoveable; suitable for Potential to crack and leak; expensive
above or below ground installations;
neutralizes acid rain
Cast in Place Durable, immoveable, versatile; Potential to crack and leak; permanent;
Concrete suitable for above or below ground will need to provide adequate platform
installations; neutralizes acid rain and design for placement in clay soils
Stone or concrete Durable and immoveable; keeps water Difficult to maintain; expensive to build
Block cool in summer months
29 Storage Tanks sizing 2. Estimate the volume captured off the roof based on the area
of the roof and the runoff coefficient.
The size of the storage facility depends on 3. Estimate the monthly irrigation demand on the basis of the
the rainfall regime, the roof material and Evapotranspiration of reference for the area, the crop grown
area, the expected water demand, the under this greenhouse (Kc and ETc).
cost of construction/installation and the 4. Use the monthly volume capture and demand estimates to
degree of reliability the farmer desires. An calculate the minimum storage required. This information is
undersized storage system will not satisfy assembled in a tabular format that tracks the changes in the
demands while an oversized one might cumulative volume captured and stored, the cumulative
never be fully utilized. demand and the total amount that is stored in any given
month. The difference between the highest volume stored
As a rule-of-thumb, it is advised that the and the amount left in the tank at the end of the year
system be ‘over-designed’ to provide at represents the minimum storage volume.
least 20% more than the estimated
demand. A worked example is provided in Appendix E.
There are several methods that can be 2.4.3 Design and Installation Guidelines
used to estimate the size of the storage
tank. In this guideline, we will only 1. Determine the rainwater storage tank capacity:
provide example of the simple tabular a. For storage tanks used for rainwater harvesting purposes: Use
method. the method provided in the Rainwater Storage Tank Sizing
section of Appendix E.
This method is used in the estimation of b. If sizing the tank without reference to the Tank Sizing method,
tank size based on rainfall variability and consider:
demand over the course of a year. The i. The unused volume (typically referred to as the dead
process comprises of four key steps. space‘) when selecting tank size. If unknown, assume 20%
of tank capacity will be dead space,
1. Obtain monthly rainfall data for a year ii. The collection losses from pre-storage treatment devices
that was particularly dry or the rainfall (refer to Section 2.3 Rainwater Quality & Pre-Treatment
erratic. These data will be gathered for details).
from CLIMWAT, a joint publication of
2. Determine the type of material utilized for the rainwater tank,
the Water Development and
based on:
Management Unit and the Climate
a. Placement (above- or below-ground);
Change and Bioenergy Unit of FAO.
b. Storage volume requirements;
CLIMWAT is a reliable source which
provides long-term (for at least 15 3. Determine the location of the rainwater storage tank:
years) monthly mean values a. For all rainwater storage tank locations:
observed agroclimatic data of over i. Ensure the location allows for:
5000 stations worldwide. • Proper drainage of rainwater through the conveyance
Agrometeorological data could also network (refer to Section 2.2 Rainwater Collection and
be collected from the Lebanese Conveyance for details),
Agricultural Research Institute (LARI) • Proper drainage of rainwater from the storage tank to an
stations. appropriate discharge location.
National guideline for greenhouse
b. Accumulation of debris: A drain plug or cleanout sump, also draining to a pervious area,
i. Sediment may accumulate on the should be installed to allow the system to be completely
bottom of the tank and, depending on emptied, if needed.
the treatment provided, appear at the
point of use. In such cases, the 2.5.2 Issues for Consideration
location (height) of the pump intake The fact that the storage facility has to be placed below the level
may need adjustment. Adjust the of the catchment surface pumping will be required to lift the
location of the pump intake such that water from storage and maintain pressure in the water
it is located 100-150 mm above the distribution network if the water is to be used for drip irrigation
bottom of the tank; or sprinklers.
For less than 20 outlets: Once the head of the pump, TDH, is
determined, the required power can be
HL= 1135000 × Q1.852 × D -4.871 × L calculated
(Equation 10)
Suction lift
Where, HL is the head loss in the pipe (m) HL piping (lateral, manifold, mainline)
Q is the flow rate (L/s) HL control head
D is the internal pipe diameter (mm) Emitter operating pressure
L is the length of the pipe (m)
For more than 20 outlets: 10% for fitting
Difference in elevation
HL= 398000 × Q 1.852 × D -4.871× L
Total Dynamic Head (TDH)
(Equation 11)
For water the specific gravity is 1.0 while the Assuming a derating of 20%, the power requirement would be:
efficiency of the pump may be determined
from a pump performance curve which Final Power requirements in
relates the total head, discharge (or flow to kW = Power requirements in kW × 1.2
be pumped), and efficiency. These
performance curves are typically provided by Final Power requirements in
pump manufacturers. BHP = Power requirements in BHP × 1.2
The storage tanks for the greenhouse in Damour will 2. The flow rate,
be above ground level. The water will be pumped to Q = number of lateral lines × number of emitters per
irrigate a greenhouse around 10 m away and 2 m line × Q emitters = 9 × 166 × 4 = 5976 l/hr = 59.76
higher than the pump level. The required operating m3/hr
head for the dripper irrigation system is 10 m (1 bar).
3. Efficiency, e = 77% = 0.77
The greenhouse size is L = 41.5 m & l = 8 m. The
irrigation system within this greenhouse consists of 9 4. The pump’s power is then determined as:
later lines with 166 emitters per line and 41.5 m each,
Q × TDH × Sg 59.76 × 24.9 × 1
one manifold installed at the entrance of the P (kW) = = = 5.3 kW
360 × e 360 × 0.77
greenhouse of 8 m length and connects the lateral lines
Q × TDH × Sg 59.76 × 24.9 × 1
to the pumping unit situated at 10 meters away from P (BHP) = = = 7.1 BHP
273 × e 360 × 0.77
greenhouse. The emitters’ flow rate is 4 l/hr.
And according to the pump manufacturer, the Assuming a derating of 20%, the power requirement
efficiency is 77%. would be:
Final Power requirements in kW = 5.3 × 1.2 = 6.4 kW
Final Power requirements in BHP = 7.1 × 1.2 = 8.5
To properly size the pump, the following steps need to
be completed:
5. Thus the needed pump has to have a lift capacity
1. The first step is to determining the Total Dynamic of 25 m and a power of 7 kW.
Head TDH,
TDH= hs + hp + hc + ho + hf + he Tank inlet and outlet configurations Drip Irrigation System
The covered high tunnel creates a desert-like
The quality of water resident in the tank generally improves with environment that requires regular irrigation.
time since suspended particles fall to the bottom and sediment. Drip irrigation is an efficient and accurate way
Incoming rainwater is often turbid. To ensure the separation of to water crops in a high tunnel. It uses a low
these different water qualities, the outflow of the down-pipe flow rate and supplies water only to the root
should be placed at the near-bottom of the tank so that the older zone of the plants. Drip irrigation is often used
clear water is forced to the top layer. A low-rise pipe surrounding with plastic mulch for transplanted crops to
the down pipe called the ‘break ring’ helps break the force of the conserve moisture and create a more
outflow preventing it from disturbing any sediment that may have consistent moisture level in the soil.
accumulated on the tank bottom (Figure 13a). To extract the
The drip tape requires a low pressure, 1 bar, at
cleaner top layer of water, a flexible intake hose attached to a float
the main line. The water pressure can be
is recommended (as shown in Figure 13b).
maintained with a low flow pressure regulator
after the pump and before the header line. A
pressure regulator reduces incoming water
pressure to a set pressure usable by a drip
system. It is used when the incoming pressure
is too high for the emitters or fittings. The flow
rate of the regulator should be matched with
the system.
Figure 14: Design configurations for tank overflows Figure 15: Drip irrigation system main components
b. Pipe size:
THE FLOW RATE OF i. Pipe shall be sized to handle the maximum flow rate of the pump
Activity Frequency
Keep gutters and downspouts free of leaves and other debris Twice a year
Inspect and clean pre-screening devices and first flush diverters Four times a year
Inspect and clean storage tank lids, paying special attention to vents Once a year
and screens on inflow and outflow spigots. Check mosquito screens
and patch holes or gaps immediately
Inspect condition of overflow pipes, overflow filter path and/or Once a year
secondary runoff reduction practices
Inspect structural integrity of tank, pump, pipe and electrical system Every third year
Bonachela S., Maria Gonzalez A, & Dolores Fernandez M, 2006. Irrigation scheduling
of plastic greenhouse vegetable crops based on historical weather data. Irrigation
Science. Vol 25: 53–62
Chimonidou D., Polycarpou P., Vassiliou L. Rational use of water resources in Cyprus.
In : El Moujabber M., Mandi L., Trisorio-Liuzzi G., Martín I., Rabi A., and R. Rodríguez
(eds.). Technological perspectives for rational use of water resources in the
Mediterranean region. Bari: CIHEAM, 2009. p. 109-118 (Options Méditerranéennes :
Série A. Séminaires Méditerranéens; n.88)
Council for Development and Reconstruction, 2005. National Physical Master Plan for
the Lebanese Territory. Council for Development and Reconstruction
Despins, C. 2010. The Alberta Guidelines for Residential Rainwater Harvesting Systems.
Georgia, USA.
Despins, C. 2010. The Alberta Handbook for Residential Rainwater Harvesting Systems.
Georgia, USA.
El Moujabber M., Atallah T., Darwish T and B. Bou Samra. 2004. Monitoring of
groundwater salination by seawater intrusion on the Lebanese coast. Lebanese
Science Journal Vol. 5, No. 2.
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, 1993. CLIMWAT for
CROPWAT: a climatic database for irrigation planning and management / developed
by Martin Smith in collaboration with the Agrometeorological Group Research and
Technology Development Division.
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, 2002. Irrigation
Manual. Planning, Development, Monitoring and Evaluation of Irrigated Agriculture
with Farmers Participation. Volume IV.
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations. 2009. Irrigation in the
Middle East region in figures – AQUASTAT Survey 2008. Rome, Italy.
Korfali, S.I. and M. Jurdi, 2010. Deterioration of Coastal Water Aquifers: Causes and
Impacts. European Water 29: 3 - 10
Kowalsky G. and Thomason K.,2010. Rainwater Harvesting and Re-Use: A Tool for
Stormwater Runoff Reduction. Professional Development Series.
Ministry of Energy and Water (MoEW), 2010. National Water Sector Strategy: Ministry
of Energy and Water, Beirut, Lebanon.
Oweis, Theib Yousef, and Dieter Prinz. Water Harvesting for Agriculture in the Dry
Areas. Leiden, the Netherlands: CRC Press/Balkema, 2012. Print.
Sample, D. and L. Doumar. 2013. Best Management Practice Fact Sheet 6: Rainwater
Harvesting. Virginia Tech, Virginia State University, USA.
Shouse, S. and L. Naeve. 2012. Rainwater Catchment from a High Tunnel for Irrigation
Use. Iowa State University of Science and Technology, US Department of Agriculture,
Iowa, USA.
Singapore Public Utilities Board (PUB), 2014. Water Saving Habits. Accessed on August
30, 2014 URL:
National guideline for greenhouse
Texas Water Development Board, 2005. The Texas Manual on Rainwater Harvesting
3rd Edition, Autin, Texas, USA. Available:
The Water Channel TV: Azores: a hundred years of greenhouse water harvesting,
August 2014. Accessed on August 5, 2014. URL:
The Water Channel TV: Greenhouse Innovations in Spain, May 2013. Accessed on
August 5, 2014. URL:
Vita Nuova LLC, 2009. Rainwater Harvesting System Design. Report prepared for U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency.
Waterwise Organization, 2014. Which activities are most water intensive? Accessed on
August 31, 2014. URL:
World Bank, 2009. Lebanon Social Impact Analysis- Electricity and Water Sectors.
World Bank, 2010. Republic of Lebanon Water Sector: Public Expenditure Review.
National guideline for greenhouse
Using the Rational Method to calculate the volume of rainwater which could be captured
For the amount of water you can capture in one year you will need to estimate the area
of your greenhouse roof, the average annual rainfall at your location and the runoff
coefficient for the surface.
Supply (liters per year) = rainfall (mm/year) × area (m2) × runoff coefficient
Note that since the greenhouse roof is an arc, you will need to ‘project’ the surface to the
horizontal to correctly estimate the amount of rain that falls on the roof.
Roof surface area (m2) = greenhouse roof length (m) × greenhouse roof width (m)
The runoff coefficients for the polyethylene plastic film covering the greenhouse, is estimated
at 0.8.
A worked example:
· Mean annual rainfall = 800 mm per year
· Greenhouse Roof area = 40 m (length) × 8 m (width) = 320 m2
· Roof surface is smooth polyethylene plastic film. This surface is assumed to have a runoff
coefficient of 0.8
The following is the formula to estimate the areas of each roof section for a greenhouse
Area = l × w
The collection gutters and conveyance pipes must be able to convey the flow of water
from a typical storm event.
Lacking standards, the practice in Lebanon is to select the 5-yr 1-hr storm for the design
of stormwater drainage networks in urban areas. That is, it is a storm that lasts one hour
and has a chance of occurrence of 1/5 or 20%. Intensity-Duration-Frequency (IDF) curves
are typically used to determine the rainfall intensity from such design storms.
From the IDF curves select the rainfall intensity corresponding to a 5yr-1hr storm:
Storm duration from the x-axis is 120 min. Then moving vertically from the 120 min
mark until the 5-yr frequency curve is intersected. Then moving horizontally across
until the y-axis is intersected the intensity is then identified. In this case it is
approximately 25 mm/hr.
National guideline for greenhouse
STEP 2: Runoff determination using the Rational Method equation
DOWNSPOUT Once the rainfall intensity is determined then the Rational Method is used to determine
the runoff from the rooftop.
The Rational Method equation which relates runoff to rainfall intensity and area along
with a runoff coefficient as follows:
STEP 3: Gutters sizing
DOWNSPOUT Usually greenhouse gutters are readily available in the market with a standard size
suitable for most structures.
But if we still need to determine the gutter size to convey the flow from the design
storm the following steps are taken:
Q= 1 AR S
3 2
where, Q is discharge, m3/s
n is the Manning roughness coefficient of the gutter
A is the cross-sectional flow area, m2
R is the hydraulic radius, m
S is the slope of the conduit m/m
The K-style gutters usually used in greenhouse industry are similar to a rectangular or
triangular open channel.
The Manning roughness coefficient, n, for use in the Manning equation, for the
galvanised steel gutters is 0.016.
A worked example:
For a typical greenhouse in Damour to determine the downspout size:
3. Use Manning’s Equation to size the gutter. The n is selected to be 0.016 for galvanized steel
material; the slope for the gutter running along the greenhouse roof is set at 0.005m/m and
the pipe is estimated to be flowing at 75% full. After an iterative process, the gutter
dimensions to be adopted are 10 cm × 12 cm × 10 cm. for this size Q generated is 0.0037
m3/s which is below the runoff generated by the rooftop (Q = 0.001 m3/s).
National guideline for greenhouse
STEP 4: Downspout sizing
DOWNSPOUT In order to determine the downspout size to convey the flow from the gutters to the
RWHS, the same steps as for the gutter sizing should be followed as well:
1. Rainfall determination using IDF curves in step 1.
2. Runoff Determination using the Rational Method for the rooftop in step 2.
3. Upon determining the flow generated in the previous equation, the downspout can
then be sized using the Manning Equation as for the gutter.
The Manning roughness coefficient, n, for use in the Manning equation, for the HDPE
pipes is 0.012.
A worked example:
For a typical greenhouse in Damour to determine the downspout size:
2. Determine runoff using the Rational Method for the rooftop of the greenhouse
served by one downspout from each side:
3. Use Manning’s Equation to size the pipe. The n is selected to be 0.012 for HDPE
material; the slope for the pipe running along the greenhouse roof is set at
0.005m/m and the pipe is estimated to be flowing at 75% full. After an iterative
process, the pipe diameter is determined to be 75 mm. To remain on the safe side,
we select one higher size pipe diameter available in the market which is 90 mm.
Minimizing contamination from the catchment
The first flush diverter works by channeling the first flow down the downpipe to its
base where it encounters a cap with a small drain hole (the drain hole will allow for
gradually drainage else, the system will need to be drained manually).
This permits the first flow of water containing the roof debris to settle at the bottom
of the downpipe, with the cleaner ‘later’ water settling on top permitting relatively
clean water to enter the tank.
From roof
To tank
End with
drain hole
How to calculate the volume of water you need to divert using a first flush system
Volume of diverted water (litres) = roof length (m) × roof width (m) × 0.5 (mm)
A worked example:
Greenhouse Roof length = 40 meters
Greenhouse Roof width = 8 meters
Volume of diverted water (liters): 40 × 8 × 0.5 = 160 liters
National guideline for greenhouse
Minimizing contamination from the catchment
The settlement tank works by slowing down the flow of the water collected promoting
the settlement of particulates (mainly sand) before moving to the storage tanks.
Sizing the settling tank or settling chamber is based on the temporary storage of a
prescribed volume of runoff,
• Where the prescribed volume can be based on rainwater height (i.e., 1.5 mm of
rain), as given by:
Settling Tank Volume (L) = Rainwater Height (mm) × Catchment Area (m2)
• Where the prescribed volume can be based on a percentage of the capacity of the
rainwater storage tank (i.e., settling chambers within two-compartment tanks typically
have 1/3 the capacity of the storage chamber).
Volume of diverted water (litres) = roof length (m) × roof width (m) × 1.5 (mm)
A worked example:
Greenhouse Roof length = 40 meters
Greenhouse Roof width = 8 meters
Volume of diverted water (liters): 40 × 8 × 1.5 = 480 liters
STEP 1: Obtain rainfall data for your area
These data will be gathered from CLIMWAT, a joint publication of the Water
Development and Management Unit and the Climate Change and Bioenergy Unit
of FAO. CLIMWAT is a reliable source which provides long-term (for at least
15 years) monthly mean values observed agroclimatic data of over 5,000 stations
It is recommended that you use data from a notably dry year so as to better ensure
considerations are made for prolonged dry spells.
National guideline for greenhouse
APPENDIX E STEP 2: Estimate the potential volume of water that can be harvested from your
ESTIMATING greenhouse rooftop
In order to estimate the potential volume of water that can be harvested from a
REQUIREMENTS; given greenhouse, we determine for each month the average rainfall of the closest
SIMPLE station the location of the greenhouse (using Table 4 or any close meteorological
TABULAR station).
A worked example:
Assume the following:
A standard greenhouse in Damour
Roof area: 332 m2
Runoff coefficient: 0.8 (for a polyethylene plastic film roof)
Using LARI stations, the closest station to Damour is Tyr and the average January
Rainfall I is 191.3 mm/month
Volume captured (litres) = rainfall (mm) × roof area (m2) × runoff coefficient
4. Determine the total monthly irrigation demand (liters) for the greenhouse:
Total monthly demand (liters) = ETCG (mm/month) × Greenhouse surface area (m2)
A worked example:
Assume the following:
For each month, the following steps are executed, here for January:
1. Determine the reference crop evapotranspiration: ET0. Using Table 1, the closest
station to Damour is Beirut and the average January ET0 is 64.17 mm/month
2. Determine the crop factors: Kc. Using Table 2, Crop coefficient for tomatoes during
January: Kc = 1.15
4. Calculate the actual crop water need inside the greenhouse: ETCG = 0.65 × ETC
ETCG = 0.65 × 73.8 = 48 mm/month = 48 L/m2/month
5. Determine the total monthly irrigation demand (liters) for the greenhouse:
STEP 4: Use the volume capture and demand estimates to calculate the minimum
storage needed (steps above)
The minimum storage required is the maximum value in column G minus the surplus water
left at the end of the year. The surplus water in the tank is the final value in column G.
REQUIREMENTS; Total Amount Deficit/Surplus
Volume Cumulative Volume Stored (column per month
SIMPLE Mean Rainfall Captured volume demanded in Cumulative D minus (column C minus
TABULAR Month (mm/month) (L/month) captured month Demand column F) column E)
Mean 893 237,181 55,681
NOTE: if when constructing the table (as was the case in this example), column G contains
some negative values, then it means the correct month was not chosen to begin the
calculations. The minimum storage volume can still be found by finding the largest negative
number, changing it to a positive figure and adding it to the largest positive number in
column G. in this case, the figures in column G denoted by asterisks were changed from
-10,719 to 10,719 and from 83,719 to 94,438 respectively.
National guideline for greenhouse
The head loss is calculated in all the piping using William-Hazen equations as below:
1.852 -4.871
HL= 398000 × Q × D ×L
The pumping unit is sized according to both total head requirement and power
The total head requirement is composed of the head losses in all pipes that has to be
calculated earlier plus the sum total of the following: the suction lift, the difference in
elevation between the level of the water tank and the position of the greenhouse, the
head losses in fitting, the head requirement of the control head and the irrigation
system (dripper) operating pressure.
The control head, which is composed of the filtering system and the water meter, is
considered to be 7 m.
The head losses in fitting are estimated to be 10% of all piping head losses.
HL= hs + hp + hc + ho + hf + he
Suction lift
HL piping (lateral, manifold, mainline)
HL control head
Emitter operating pressure
10% for fitting
Difference in elevation
Power requirement
Once the head of the pump, TDH, is determined, the required power can be calculated
The following equations can be applied to calculate the power requirements of the
pump in KW and BHP respectively.
Q × TDH × Sg
Power requirements in kW =
360 × e
Q × TDH × Sg
Power requirements in BHP =
273 × e
The efficiency of the pump may be determined from a pump performance curve
which relates the total head, discharge (or flow to be pumped), and efficiency. These
performance curves are typically provided by pump manufacturers.
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