Veterinary Field Epidemiology in Action
Veterinary Field Epidemiology in Action
Veterinary Field Epidemiology in Action
Course Notes
4 to 29 January 2010
Bangkok, Thailand
Table of Contents
4.1 Presenting descriptive data in oral and written formats and making
Selected References
Course Instructors
Field Activities
The purpose of this international short course in veterinary field epidemiology is to introduce you
to concepts that will be useful for you to apply in your work to prevent and control the presence
of disease agents that have an effect on the health of animals, humans and the environment they
live in. Every day veterinarians working for governments and private industry use the principles
of epidemiology in some way in their work and this course is intended to expand capacity and
capability in this area.
Field epidemiologists form the front line against emerging infectious diseases including highly
pathogenic avian influenza virus. The ultimate goal of field epidemiology is to provide practical
and useful information that can protect the lives, businesses and the quality of life of people.
Veterinary Field Epidemiology in Action introduces basic concepts and methods of epidemiology
in a practical way and so the course provides trainees with an opportunity to apply
epidemiological concepts through both classroom instruction and field exercises. Your active
participation is needed so that you can apply and use what you have learned when you return to
your place of work. Many opportunities will be presented for you to practice, exercise, discuss
and explore the ideas and methods you are presented with so you are greatly encouraged to take
full advantage through active participation.
This training course is meant to be practical and at the end of this course you should be able to do
the following:
Last but certainly not least, this course is intended to promote the formation of a network of
veterinary field epidemiologists learning and working together. The relationships you form at
this course are vital to the success of this training since field epidemiology requires teamwork.
Together all will continue learning following this course.
We hope that you are challenged and enjoy learning about field epidemiology and that you will
continue to grow in knowledge and experience over time as part of a network of like-minded
The training curriculum for this course is based upon the results of a Regional Needs Assessment
conducted during 2008. Every effort has been made to provide relevant and accurate information for
trainees including carefully referenced examples. Acknowledgement is extended to the many
epidemiologists from animal health and human health fields that have contributed to this important effort.
Module 1.1
Subhash Morzaria
Regional Manager
Emergency Center for Transboundary Animal Diseases (ECTAD)
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
The concept of one health seeks to integrate the goals and activities of human health, animal
health and environmental health within a multi-disciplinary framework. The one health, one
world concept is not new but it is receiving renewed attention by the international community in
light of the emergence of diseases such as HPAI H5N1 Eurasian subtype, SARS (Severe Acure
Respiratory Syndrome) and Nipah virus during the past decade.
One world, one health is of importance to field epidemiologists since they represent the front line
force that will deal with emerging infectious diseases or EID. In recent years, approximately one
new EID is occurring each year. Greater than 70% of all known EID are zoonotic. The
challenge remains and the need for competent veterinary field epidemiologists is even greater in
order to address this issue.
FAO held meetings in 2005 and 2007 in Beijing and New Delhi, respectively in order to channel
funding for HPAI including capacity building. The focus of international efforts is now
broadened to all EID and not just HPAI as a result of the recommendations of the New Delhi
meeting. This course represents one outcome from these recent investments.
Although HPAI remains entrenched in some countries such as Bangladesh, PR China, Egypt,
Indonesia and Viet Nam, many lessons have been learned including the following:
Focus of EID
EID occur at the interface of humans, animals and the environment, are transboundary in nature
and result in wide ranging impacts. It is estimated that the global cost of pandemic influenza
would be US$2 trillion USD making prevention a very cost-effective option for countries to
consider. The cost of SARS alone is estimated to have been between US$30 and US$50 billion
while the cost of FMD in the UK was estimated to have cost USD$25 to $30 billion. The impacts
are very severe at the local level as well.
The following factors are related to the emergence, spread and entrenchment of EID.
Human Factors
o Over 90% of the world’s population growth is occurring in Africa, Asia and
Latin America
o Poverty is rising
o Rapid economic development is occurring
o The demand for livestock products is increasing in huge amounts
In 2007 21 billion food animals were produced for over 6 billion people
By 2020 the demand for animal protein will increase by 50%
o Farming systems are evolving very rapidly
Wildlife Factors
o Forest encroachment
o Consumption of bush meat (HIV and chimpanzees)
o Exotic animal farming (SARS)
o Trade in exotic animals (Monkey Pox and Psitticosis)
37.8 million counted animals were imported into the USA from 163
countries from 200 to 2004
Climate Change
Spread of Pathogens
Pathogen Factors
o Although most pathogens isolated from humans are bacteria, viruses are the
major form of EID
The goal of current strategies is to decrease the threat and minimize the impacts of epidemics and
pandemics due to highly infectious and pathogenic diseases of humans and animals. The broader
vision is to improve public health and food safety, ensure food security and protect the
livelihoods of poor and vulnerable people.
Country level activities in the long term are focused on improving disease control capacity and
governance. Country and regional activities in the short to medium term are focused risk-based
surveillance to identify “hotspots”. International efforts are medium to long term and focus on
support countries and control infectious diseases (e.g. Global Early Warning System).
The strategy for EID must also consider the following cross-cutting issues for the sectors
Institutional issues are essential to implementation of a strategy to deal with EID including
collaboration through a multi-sectoral approach. Financing and funding of prevention, evaluation
and emergency response activities is also needed and the cost for supporting one world one health
approach is far less than the alternative in allowing disease outbreaks to occur.
The local, national, and regional perspectives support the global recognition that HPAI and EID
are complex problems requiring multi-disciplinary and multi-sectoral approach as well as strong
partnerships. FAO, OIE, WHO, UNICEF, UNSIC and World Bank are cooperating and
collaborating to develop strategies for EID that promote improved capacity at the national and
local levels.
Lesson Summary:
5. Rapid economic growth, poverty and increased demand for livestock products have
contributed to the spread of EID.
6. Most of the EID discovered occur in developing countries where poverty is at higher
levels than in developed countries.
7. Both natural and human factors are responsible for emergence of EID.
Module 1.2
David Castellan,
FAO Regional Veterinary Epidemiologist
Definition of Epidemiology
Epidemiology is focused on the health and disease status of a population of animals, humans,
plants or other living things. While clinical medicine focuses on the individual animal or person,
epidemiology also considers the individual as one part of the population it belongs to.
Epidemiology can be defined using the following key words:
is a scientific discipline…
that involves the study of…
the frequency…
and distribution…
of health and disease…
in populations…
in order to find risk factors…
for prevention and control.
Epidemiology plays a leading role in promoting and protecting the health of animal and human
Field Epidemiology
When there is a health emergency or an immediate need to understand the health status of a
population, Field Epidemiology is the “front line” that can best deal with emerging infectious
diseases (EID). Field responses are challenging because when they are discovered there is very
limited or no information, especially when dealing with an EID. Consider the following
description of the importance of field epidemiology:
“…the early investigative activities surrounding the identification of a possibly emergent disease
must be carried out in the field and not the laboratory. This is the world of shoe-leather
epidemiology…molecular microbiology and virology.” (Murphy, 1998)
Application of basic epidemiologic principles under field conditions has very practical benefits.
Consider how field epidemiology gives a practical working definition of the theoretical definition
of epidemiology stated above using the following key words:
Discipline: the general approach is to creating order and structure from incomplete knowledge;
Study: combines learning about epidemiology theory with on-the-job field application;
Frequency: means that we count characteristics in a population of people or animals;
Distribution: describes the patterns of disease in a population, in a particular place during a
period of time;
Health: refers to measures of optimum productivity due to lack of disease – for example,
measuring output of meat, eggs or milk;
Disease: refers generally to an imbalance in the health status of individuals or populations that
result in decreased productivity, illness or death;
Populations: refers to the group of individual animals or people that are considered or affected;
Risk Factor: risk is the probability that a factor the population is exposed to be associated with
the occurrence of disease – for example, recent introduction of animals into a herd or flock;
Prevent: means not providing the opportunity for a disease to occur – for example by applying
bio-exclusion or biosecurity principles;
Control: methods to reduce the extent of disease in a population or area (see below) – for
example culling, disposal, movement controls (quarantine, road closures), vaccination.
Field epidemiology is really a type of applied field research since we are trying to uncover what
exists in an uncontrolled situation. The field epidemiologist attempts to gather and organize data
to bring order and meaning to it when there is an urgent need for it. Field epidemiology can be
applied to disease outbreaks, situation assessments and policy evaluation. Field epidemiology
relies on a systematic approach to gather and organize data in a way that will support a better
understanding of a disease situation. Once a disease agent(s) is/are identified a positive “case” is
defined by establishing “case definition”. Even if the agent is not yet identified the following
basic disease methods of disease control methods can be effectively to control the disease:
Movement controls
Stamping out
Applying bio-exclusion and biosecurity principles
Risk communication
Vaccination may not likely be used for a new disease agent
Learning from history is important. While control measures can be taken in the short term to
control the disease, the field epidemiologist’s job is not only to help control the disease but to
understand the how the disease occurred in order to prevent it from happening again in the future.
This is a challenging task that uses both information and data. Obtaining information from
animal owners is the process that provides data. For data to be useful, it must be collected,
organized, summarized and reported in a systematic way. What data needs to be collected?
Three initial questions need to be asked by the field epidemiologist so that the appropriate data is
collected (Gregg, 2008):
1. How large is the disease problem? Where does it exist and where does it not exist? First we
seek and describe what we observe. Case finding and surveillance are key activities.
2. How did the situation arise and what led to its presence? A thorough investigation is required
followed by preliminary analysis.
3. What can we do to better prevent and control the disease in the future? Further analysis of
the findings of investigations and studies is needed.
Epidemiology addresses the three questions above using both descriptive and analytical
Firstly, it is important to fully describe what we can discover and observe. Descriptive
epidemiology involves describing what is known as fully as possible in order to find patterns of
the disease among individuals in the population. In order to review what is known we combine
unstructured information to create order in the data (adapted from Gregg, 2008):
By describing events as fully as possible it is possible to identify initial clues that will be a guide
the next steps of a disease assessment. It is important to include additional information needed to
more fully describe events. The results of gathering descriptive information should lead to
formation of hypotheses (theories) of what factors led to the events that we can then test further.
Descriptive epidemiology data can be used for the following purposes (MMWR, 2004):
Analytical epidemiology analyzes the results from descriptive epidemiology to address the
following questions (adapted from Gregg, 2008):
In order to conduct successful investigations and assessments we need to understand the disease
in question, apply basic epidemiological principles and tools. More complex analyses including
observational studies can be conducted to test hypotheses further (more on this later).
Epidemiology is a quantitative science that strongly relies on data, biostatistics and data
management. Since epidemiology works at the population level, it is essential to keep track of
individuals within groups by counting and organizing them into sub-groups or categories. This
implies that we are measuring according to some unit of measure by the type of animal, human,
time, or location. It is important to describe events as specifically as possible. For example, in
the table below there were 18,000 cattle located in District A sometime in the year 2005.
Planning what data is needed is essential in order to obtain useful data. Data should be collected,
counted and organized to answer specific questions that are planned in advance of collection.
Consider the following example of an animal census conducted in 10 districts during the year
2005 and how it might be useful:
Example 1:
District Cattle Sheep Swine Poultry TOTAL
A 18,000 4,224 4,581 1,556 28,361
B 15,000 6,336 120 133 21,589
C 12,000 71 27 379 12,477
D 60,000 6,722 2,362 764 69,848
E 55,000 3,601 1,561 1,552 61,714
F 7,000 1,607 1,128 6,133 15,868
G 44,000 4,138 913 459 49,510
H 32,000 11,146 358 43,504
I 18,000 9,418 2,408 4,961 34,787
J 67,000 7,055 143 359 74,557
TOTAL 328,000 54,318 13,243 16,654 412,215
(Source: Castellan, DM)
From a census, data for each animal species can be divided into subgroups according to the
production type ONLY IF care is taken to plan to collect the data at that level from the start.
Address the following issues BEFORE considering collection of field data:
Key Message: Planning which data to collect is the first and most important step in making
sure that it will be useful in the end.
Total Beef Dairy Egg
District Cattle Cattle Cows Sheep Swine Broilers Layers TOTAL
A 18,000 8,000 500 4,224 4,581 1,556 28361
B 15,000 10,000 6,336 120 133 21,589
C 12,000 1,000 3,300 71 27 150 229 12,477
D 60,000 16,000 17,900 6,722 2,362 764 69,848
E 55,000 20,000 16,200 3,601 1,561 1,552 61,714
F 7,000 4,000 1,607 1,128 6,133 15,868
G 44,000 25,000 4,138 913 459 49,510
H 32,000 9,000 10,200 11,146 358 43,504
I 18,000 10,000 9,418 2,408 510 4,451 34,787
J 67,000 46,000 7,055 143 359 74,557
TOTAL 328,000 149,000 48,100 54,318 13,243 660 15,994 412,215
This slightly more detailed data can be used as part of the basis for disease surveillance for
particular diseases. Basic counts are useful but they are not able to reveal all the important
information about what the numbers really mean. In order to get more meaning from numbers we
must compare with other numbers.
When disease cases are counted it is essential to define exactly what is meant by a positive case
by creating a case definition. At the very beginning of a disease outbreak it is THE ESSENTIAL
INITIAL STEP for the field epidemiologist to define a positive case in a practical way. In
dealing with uncertainties about the disease status of a group of animals different case definitions
can be applied as follows:
The index case in an area must be confirmed using the gold standard test;
Clinical signs are consistent with the suspect disease;
Rapid screening test properly applied is consistent with the suspect disease;
Gross pathology is consistent with the suspect disease;
Results of the gold standard test are positive.
Animals that may have had direct or indirect contact with a confirmed positive case
(dangerous contacts);
Animals at high risk of exposure to the disease agent from confirmed positive cases;
Cases that are not yet assessed.
Case definitions for the same disease may also vary in detail for each production system. For
example, commercial poultry mortality records can also be used to define a presumptive case
since the level of information available is usually much better. In addition case definitions can be
adjusted for each outbreak depending on the level of risk posed to animals in an area. Once a
positive case is confirmed in a densely populated area, the criteria for defining a case may
become broader to include more possible cases (e.g. clinical signs and rapid test positive).
Key Message: Case definitions must be clearly established at the beginning of a disease event
and they should be reviewed and modified when it is necessary to do so.
Example 2: Consider the number of cases of HPAI H5N1 over a 13 week period in the following
outbreak. What is your assessment?
It appears that the number of cases is declining but is always important to put case counts into
some sort of context. For example how many samples were collected during each week of the
outbreak? Did the number of cases counted decline because there were fewer cases or fewer
samples were submitted? When we calculate the percentage (or proportion) of all samples
submitted to the laboratory that were positive during the same time period (2 extra weeks are also
included), here are the results:
Example 3:
In conclusion, even as the number of positive cases dropped, the percentage of all laboratory
samples submitted that were positive remained very high and remained greater than 50% most of
the time. The percentage of positive samples the laboratory received includes voluntary samples
through passive and active surveillance. Passive surveillance means samples are voluntarily
submitted through existing systems. Active surveillance is actively looking for cases such as
going from house to house looking for diseases animals. For this example, the percentage of
positive cases is as follows:
The lesson of this example is that all frequency counts can be misleading if they are used alone.
Another reason for expressing counts as a percentage or proportion is to be able to compare
disease in two different populations.
We also need to consider how to count positive cases in time. If we are counting the number of
new cases over a period of time (there were 297 new positive cases during week 5) then these
cases are called incident cases. If instead, we are counting the number of existing cases at one
point (No. Positive cases right now) or during a period of time (a total of 949 cases existed
between week 1 and week 13) these cases are called prevalent cases. The previous example
demonstrates the need to carefully define which cases (incident versus prevalent) we are counting
and over what time period. In order to compare the number of incident cases or prevalent cases
of a disease in two locations or populations then it is important to only compare the same type of
case during the same time period. More information on incidence and prevalence will be
presented in the module on basic measures and tools of epidemiology.
In a disease outbreak or when conducting disease surveys it is essential to count cases and
describe them according to the person/animal involved, the place where the cases occurred and
the time period in which they occurred. This approach in epidemiology is called “person-place-
Example 4: Outbreak histogram of virulent Newcastle disease according to place (premises) and
time (week):
The outbreak shows two patterns including propagated and point source. In this case it is
important to ask what happened in week 7 that might be related to the surge in new cases
observed during weeks 9 and 10. It turns out that the case during week 7 was a poultry farm that
was also an egg processor and marketer. The virus likely spread through marketing channels
once it occurred at that farm where marketing also occurred.
Example 6: According to person and time. The following example describes the number of ill
slaughter plant workers who had positive fecal samples for Salmonella spp. using standard
bacteriological methods over a 20 week (5 month) period (Kotova, 1988). The slaughter plant
had 250 employees. 100 people were initially positive so one can conclude that 5 of 100 people
still carry Salmonella (carriers) at 20 weeks following exposure. This is a very simple and
practical application of counting cases that assists in understanding the disease in the population.
Example 7: According to person, place and time. The following example shows how poultry
workers can spread avian influenza virus (McCapes et al., 1986).
In Example 7, poultry workers moving from farm to farm were spreading the virus. Due to the
long time period of cases between cases, this epidemic was spread slowly over time in a
propagated manner. Other modules in this course will deal with ways that we compare groups
using biological, statistical and scientific reasoning.
Epidemiology is used to assess both the health and disease status of a population. Epidemiology
can be used to maximize the health of animals in order to increase milk, meat or egg production
which will benefit human health as well. Alternatively, epidemiology is commonly used to
prevention and control animal diseases affecting either animals or humans requiring close
collaboration between government and animal producers.
Key Message: The health and disease status of animals, humans and the environment are
closely related to each other and must be considered together.
Diseases at the individual animal level are commonly grouped into the following categories
according to their origin using the following memory tool:
Degenerative (arthritis)
Anomalies (genetic), Autoimmune
Neoplasia, Nutritional
Infectious, inflammatory, immune-mediated, iatrogenic (caused by humans), idiopathic
Toxic, traumatic
At the population level disease can occur at different levels including sporadic, epidemic or
endemic patterns. These patterns may suggest some possible types of sources of the disease to
investigate more fully.
Epidemic patterns of disease can be sub-divided into at least 4 different types which can also be
combined together:
Epidemiology uses a framework to explain why diseases occur in a population. It is called the
epidemiological triad. The triad (3 points) is a changing relationship between disease agent, host
and environment which determines the ecology of a disease.
Host Environment
Biological disease agents assure their survival by living in balance with their hosts. Therefore it
is a disadvantage for the disease agent to be able to survive if it kills all of the host animals. Host
factors that are associated with the occurrence of disease events follow:
o Age
o Sex
o Species
o Breed
o Production type
o Production level
o Density
o Genetics (physiology, anatomy)
o Behavior
o Intensive (housing) versus extensive (free roaming) rearing system
o Nutrition
o Hygiene
o Husbandry
o Mobility
o Health including use of vaccination and medication
o Profitability related to prices (economics)
o Distance from market
Herd Immunity
o Innate (genetic capability)
o Acquired through vaccination or deliberate exposure
o Proportion of total population that is resistant to a disease agent
o Lack of resistance to the disease agent
Key Message: Epidemics are driven by the introduction of a disease agent into a susceptible
population. The size and extent of an epidemic depends on the number of susceptible
individuals and the effective rate of contact between infected and susceptible individuals
(related to density of the animal population).
A natural host is a host where the agent has adapted itself and co-exists in balance in the host. An
example includes wild waterfowl which are the natural host of avian influenza virus. An atypical
host is an unusual host where the disease agent is not normally encountered;
The environment may include natural and human aspects and it is a critical part of understanding
the ecology and survival of disease agents. Some examples of both follow:
Natural Human-Related
Geography Animal management systems
Climate Marketing systems and economics
Season Government policies
Ammonia concentration
Water activity
Ultraviolet light
Organic matter
The more we know about the population at risk before an emergency occurs it is possible to use
this information to prevent disease and contain disease rapidly rather than using only disease
control methods. The most complete way to define the PAR is by conducting regular census.
Often it is not possible to conduct a census or test all animals so scientifically valid sampling
must be conducted instead (refer to lectures on surveys and surveillance).
The case definition specifies what is considered a positive case but the unit of interest (also
called the “unit of concern”) focuses of what we are counting. For example, unit of interest could
be an individual animal or person, herd or flock, or it could be a village or location. The herd or
flock level is the most important and commonly used “unit of interest” when sampling to detect
evidence of disease agents. It is critical to define the unit of interest when planning to conduct
any survey, surveillance or disease investigation.
What is risk? Risk is defined as the probability that an event will occur. Risk can be assessed
either subjectively (qualitatively) or objectively (quantitatively). In the early stage of an animal
disease outbreak we often assess risk qualitatively but the goal of the field epidemiologist is
always to gather count data that will allow for quantitative assessment of risk.
To assess risk quantitatively we must move the discussion from counts to fractions. The simplest
example of probability is the experiment of tossing a coin. Assuming the coin is balanced and
since there are only two sides, the probability that a coin flipped 100 times will land on either
heads or tails will be approximating 50% (100 coin flips divided by 2 equal choices). When there
are only two clear choices, the distribution of results is called binomial (bi - means two; - nomial
refers to number). Results that are binomial are “either-or” situations. Examples of binomial
data used in animal health work include the following choices: yes/no; alive/dead;
positive/negative; sick/healthy.
In order to assess risk quantitatively for one population and to compare the risk of a disease to
another population it is necessary to interpret count data in relation to a denominator, the
populations (PAR) where they come from. More attention will be given to quantitative risk later
during the course but a basic formula is given below:
In Example 6, the risk of becoming a positive case according to the case definition (fecal culture
positive) is as follows:
R = .67
Conclusion: The proportion of the population at risk (PAR) that became Salmonellosis cases is
What is the risk of being a Salmonella carrier? There were 5 persons of 100 positive persons with
a positive stool culture for Salmonella 20 weeks after an outbreak. In this case:
Conclusion: The proportion of persons exposed and positive for Salmonella at the beginning of
an outbreak who were culture positive 20 weeks following exposure was 0.05. Five percent of the
population remained Salmonella carriers at 20 weeks following exposure.
Key Message: Count data must have a reference point in order to be able to compare two
populations and the denominator MUST be considered in order to correctly interpret counts.
In order to prevent and control a disease agent we must understand the disease agent, its ecology
(how it survives) and how it is transmitted among host populations.
Understanding the type of disease agent we are dealing with assists in developing a strategy to
effectively deal with it. Infectious disease agents can be categorized as follows:
When production drops, animals become ill or die the effect of a disease in individuals and in the
population may become evident if they are carefully observed. Although an infectious disease
agent may be present the effects may not be visible in some animals as illustrated by the Iceberg
Principle. To apply the iceberg principle it is important to ask why disease may not appear to be
evident. Here are some possible answers why we fail to detect disease:
2. The disease agent has just been introduced and is present at a low level;
3. The disease agent is present subclinically in many individuals within the population;
4. Our methods to detect the disease are limited.
The methods used to define a case determine how large we think the iceberg is. The test used
may also exaggerate the extent of the disease agent in a population. For example PCR can detect
nucleic acids from both viable and dead organisms in the environment.
Clinical “Case”
Assumed “Negative”
The case definition will determine how much of the true disease is apparent or detected in the
population. The number of prevalent cases could be described in 3 different ways depending on
how a case is defined. Consider for example, a chronic disease such as tuberculosis.
The way that a disease agent is introduced into a population can often be different from the way a
disease agent is transmitted afterwards within the population. For example, the initial
introduction of HPAI by wild birds followed by secondary spread through poultry marketing
channels or human movement.
The timing of exposure is a critical piece of information that must understood in order to define
disease events. Certain time periods in the infectious process are as follows:
Recovery period
Carrier period
(or death)
Moving animals during the incubation period while a virus is replicating in host tissues can result
in a high level of virus exposure and transmission. To counteract this possibility quarantine is
applied for at least the maximum known incubation period of a disease.
Note that individuals in a population with subclinical infections contribute to the presence of the
disease agent as “inapparent” carriers and disease are managed based on this information.
The effects of a disease agent in a host population may include either one of or a combination of
mild, moderate or severe. Morbidity refers to illness in a population while mortality refers to
Basic measures (indices) used to assess health and disease outcomes include productivity,
morbidity and mortality. Important data that can be used in production systems include
production records, treatment records, and mortality records. Outcomes can only be assessed if
we collect these data.
In quantitative terms we can also assess the effect of an infectious disease agent upon a host
population using the following proportions:
Measuring these effects quantitatively obviously depends on collecting both numerator and
denominator data over a certain time period for a certain population at risk.
Causal Reasoning
In order to prevent and control disease it is necessary to understand which factors are associated
with the presence of the disease agent. It is not possible to prove cause and effect with absolute
certainty using epidemiology but it is possible to calculate the risk or probability of disease
associated with various risk factors. Koch’s Postulates and Hills Criteria of Causation are general
conditions use the following reasoning to establish whether a factor is a cause of disease:
The agent
o Is present when the disease exists
o Is absent when the disease does not exist
o The agent can be isolated in pure culture and results in disease when it is given to
exposed animals
o Occurs before the disease occurs
o The disease is reproducible in different populations at different times
Strength of statistical association
o The results are not due to chance
o Increase in exposure leads to increase in disease
Removal or change in the factor
o Decrease in exposure leads to less disease
Consistent with current knowledge
Some factors must be present in order for the disease to occur and are called necessary causes.
The presence of the disease agent is a necessary cause and for example, the bacterium Brucella
abortus is a necessary cause for the disease Brucellosis to occur in cattle.
Sufficient causes are factors that either may or may not be present in order for disease to occur.
Immune-suppressive viruses such as Gumboro virus (infectious bursal disease), chicken anemia
virus, virulent Newcastle virus in chickens can be a sufficient causes for observing clinical signs
and production drops associated with infectious bronchitis virus.
Infectious diseases seldom occur due to one factor alone. Instead, many factors are associated
with the occurrence of infectious diseases and they are considered as a web of causation as seen
in the following example of Salmonella transmission on a poultry farm.
Factors and outcomes that may be associated with disease are called variables. In the example
provided above, we can group possible causal factors according to two categories called exposure
variables and outcome variables:
In field investigations, the investigator cannot conduct a controlled experiment and so must rely
on developing a hypothesis based observations and patterns observed from the field using counts
and comparing counts and calculate proportions from positive cases and negative cases.
The null hypothesis is the scientifically accepted way to test the relationship between exposure
variable and outcome variable. It must be simple, clear and stated in the negative sense.
Example 9:
80 poultry farms were observed over a 5 month period and were regularly tested for vND.
Owners were asked whether they observed loose chickens from the area on the farm during that
period and data was collected. The results are presented in a 2 x 2 table below.
HO: Free roaming (loose) chickens within 2 km of positive poultry farm are NOT associated
with the risk of being positive for vND over a 5 month period of time.
HA: Free roaming (loose) chickens within 2 km of positive poultry farm ARE associated with
the risk of being positive for vND over a 5 month period of time.
Step 2: Compare the risk of an exposure variable (loose chickens) in for the outcome variable by
comparing the proportion of farms that are positive or negative for the outcome variable.
What is the risk of vND positive farms observing loose chickens (exposed) over a 5 month
Risk Exp = R Exp = # vND cases with loose chickens in a 5 month period
Total # vND cases observing loose chickens (Exposed)
What is the risk of vND positive farms not observing loose chickens (unexposed) over a 5 month
Risk Unexp = R Unexp = # vND cases with loose chickens in a 5 month period
Total # vND cases with no loose chickens (unexposed)
It appears at first glance that the risk of being positive for vND may be associated with vND
positive farms where free roaming chickens were observed.
How do we interpret the findings? It is necessary to systematically evaluate every result in order
to have confidence that the differences observed are real or if there may be other reasons for the
differences observed. Initial results may be misleading and can be assessed using the approach
presented below:
1. The differences observed could be due to chance and may not be real differences.
This must be addressed by performing statistical tests to determine whether the results are
due to chance. In this case a Chi-square (Fisher’s Exact) test of association is done.
Conclusion: The proportion of vND positive farms observing loose chickens was not
significantly different from the proportion of vND positive farms not observing loose
chickens and so any differences observed are due to chance (p = 0.4449,two-tailed test).
Therefore we accept the null hypothesis in this case.
2. The sample size (80 farms) could be too small to measure a difference between both
exposure groups.
3. The results must make sense biologically (plausible). In this case, it seems reasonable
that infected free roaming chickens could transfer vND virus to susceptible poultry on
farms either directly (contact) or indirectly (contaminated feces transferred to poultry).
5. The farms we selected for our comparison were not representative of the overall
population and could have given biased results. Bias is a systematic error that affects
our ability to objectively relate exposure variable with the outcome variable and there are
many kinds of bias to consider. In the example given above, Selection bias is the
systematic error of including or excluding farms used to evaluate the exposure factor and
the outcome variable.
6. It could be that confounding is involved. The age of farm flocks or free ranging
chickens may be more highly associated with being a positive case of vND. In this
situation age is associated with the outcome but it may not be the cause of vND in these
flocks. A confounder is a factor that is independently associated with a disease outcome
variable (vND) and a risk factor but is not a cause of the disease. Confounders are
variables that are distributed unevenly in different exposure groups (farms observing
loose chickens and farms not observing loose chickens). Confounders can be dealt with
in several ways and will be discussed in future lectures.
Confounding Example: Older people may be at a higher risk for cancer than younger
people since they have long exposure period to risk factors for cancer, but they do not get
cancer due to their age alone. Age is associated with both the exposure factors (smoking,
genetics, pollution etc.) and outcome (cancer).
7. Results from the questionnaire may be biased. The question in the questionnaire may
create bias by being too unclear. It might be better to ask the question in a different way
or assess the exposure in a different way. This is measurement bias when a test is
measuring something we did not intend to measure. A test may not be very precise and
still give incorrect (biased) results.
8. More study is needed. Advanced observational studies and methods can also be used to
assess the association between exposure factors (variables) and outcome variables and
will be discussed in later lectures.
Lesson Summary:
1. Epidemiology is a scientific discipline that deals with the prevention and control of
disease in populations using both qualitative and quantitative methods;
2. Field epidemiology is a practical science that begins with collecting important field data,
describing patterns in the data with respect to person/animal, place and time for further
analysis. The field epidemiologist assesses the health status of the population and
responds to disease emergencies in order to provide practical recommendations to
decision makers;
4. Both measures of health and disease can be used to assess the health status of a
population. Epidemiologists seek to understand the relationship between the disease
agent, its hosts and the environment in order to describe the history and ecology of the
5. Proving that a factor causes a disease is not possible. Disease most often occurs due to
the presence of many exposure factors and epidemiology relies on measuring the
strength of association between each possible factor and the disease outcome measure.
Biostatistics and application biological and scientific reasoning provide evidence that
may support a causal association. The importance of a factor in causing disease is
established carefully over time by conducting scientific studies including many
disciplines as well as epidemiology.
6. Question results and understand the limitations of each field study. One study alone
can never provide enough data to make a conclusion with complete certainty.
7. A 2 X 2 contingency table is the most common way in field epidemiology to measure the
association between a risk factor (present/absent) and the disease outcome
(positive/negative). A general form of the contingency table is presented below:
8. Bias means errors in accuracy including how subjects or samples are selected, exposures
or outcomes are measured and errors due to confounding.
9. The field epidemiologist uses each disease outbreak and health assessment is an
opportunity to collect data that will increase understanding of the way the disease
interacts with a population in order to support science-based policies.
Module 1.3
David Castellan,
FAO Regional Veterinary Epidemiologist
Accurate data measures exactly what is meant to be measured. If a laboratory test is accurate
then it will demonstrate no cross-reactivity or inappropriate response. Tests for brucellosis often
cross-react with Yersinia spp. and so it is not very accurate nor is it very specific to detection of
brucella bacteria. A question in a questionnaire is able to provide the appropriate answer to the
question that is asked.
Precise data results when a test produces consistent results each time the test is repeated on the
same animals.
Quantitative laboratory test data such as fecal coliform count, rabies antigen titer, Hemagglutinin
(HI) titer produce a ratio that is based on the number of dilutions. A quantitative question on a
questionnaire would be to ask how many cattle are younger than 18 months of age.
Semi-quantitative data include numbers or scores where things are ranked in some order. Semi-
quantitative laboratory tests such as the enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) are
measured subjectively using optical density and color change to estimate the amount of antigen
Qualitative laboratory tests include subjective assessment. An example of qualitative data in a
questionnaire would be to assess muscle mass in a carcass (gross pathology) or ask an animal
owner to give an opinion on the level of herd health at a point in time as being better or worse
than a previous time period.
Data Collection
Field data must go through a process in order to be useful and can be shown as follows:
Design > Pre-Test > Collect > Record > Store > Retrieve > Validate > Describe >
Analyze > Report > Publish
In order to collect useful data it is important to collect the right data in the right format. Data
must be collected for a specific reason in terms of the hypotheses you intend to test. Data may
originate from the field or from laboratory results. Most field data is collected in real time and in
a future direction (prospective) while laboratory data can also be assessed in the past in a
retrospective way. Interviewing an animal owner too long following an event will result in poor
memory of the event that can result in recall bias. Can you think of other examples where the
method of data collection could create a bias of our interpretation of the data?
Usefulness of Data
In order to make sure that data is useful, the following issues should be carefully considered
BEFORE collecting any data:
o Why do you need the data?
o Why have you selected this disease and population at this time?
o What data is needed to achieve your purpose?
o What data can you realistically collect?
o What are the costs involved?
o What are the practical limitations in terms of manpower and resources
o How will the data be processed and used?
o How will funding and community support be obtained?
o Are the animal and human populations being included?
o Who will coordinate field and laboratory activities?
o Who will need to support the effort?
o Who will receive the results?
o Who will support field activities?
o Will a plan be developed with timelines and target dates?
o Is the project targeted in time/season?
o Will the results be made available?
o Will the location of field activities provide challenges and opportunities for
collecting data?
Data Types
Recall that data can be in the form of numbers (Excel spreadsheets), in writing (reports), maps
(paper/electronic), images (diagrams) and graphic symbols.
Interval data
This includes data that covers a specific period of measure in time or space as follows:
o Chronological time in a general sense - hour, day, week, month, year or longer
can be analyzed to look for short, medium term and long term trends (Time
Series Analysis)
o Biological time – production cycle (open period for breeding cows), age range
o Linear distances, radius, diameter, polygons
o Geographic coordinates – latitude and longitude
Counts are collections of individual numbers related to a disease or condition of interest within a
population. A census or survey is an example of useful counts to describe a population however
as seen an Example 2 of module 1.2, counts can be very misleading when describing the level of
disease in a population.
Continuous Data
Continuous data form part of a set of data that can take any value within a series of numbers that
run together. Unlike data that is group into categories, continuous data values are unique
although some values may be duplicated. Some examples of continuous data include temperature
and exact distance from a positive village with a disease. After recording continuous data,
various data can be assessed and compared using measures of central tendency, including mean,
median, and mode. Many variables found in nature are distributed according to and can be
described by a normal distribution as shown below:
1. µ is the mean of a standard normal population;
2. Observations are independent of each other;
3. 68% of the values lie within one standard deviation (unit of variation) from the mean;
4. 95% of the values lie within two standard deviations from the mean.
The normal distribution is used extensively in biostatistics to describe variability of a set of data
distributed according to a standard normal distribution.
If we select subjects randomly, the measurements we take should also approach the true normal
distribution (some assumptions also apply) and the samples should represent of the population as
a whole. This is possible because of the statistical principle called the Central Limit Theorem.
The central limit theorem allows us to make conclusions by selecting subjects randomly from a
population that will represent the whole population (assuming we control for bias and other
sources of error). The goal is to select a “representative” sample of the population as a whole.
This principle is applied every time animals are randomly selected for surveillance purposes.
Subjects can either be selected only once (without replacing them) or repeatedly (with
Consider the following set of data describing the age distribution of 11 cows:
Arithmetic Mean
Is average measurement taken and is used when the data is distributed normally with a moderate
amount of variability. It is calculated as follows:
= 66 = 6.6
Geometric Mean
The mean can also be calculated to compare ratios such as antibody titers (geometric mean titers)
that change exponentially. The geometric mean is the average of the logarithmic values
converted back to base 10 numbers:
Is the value that occurs most frequently and it is used to highlight a common data point. In the
examples above, there is no mode value.
Various statistical tests can be applied to compare whether the null hypothesis that the means or
medians from two populations are not the same and this will be covered later in the course.
A ratio is a way to compare two counts and is expressed as a fraction where the numerator is
separate from and not included in the denominator.
Ratio = a/b
1. The numerator is not included in the denominator
Application: A field epidemiologist counts 1020 ducks and 310 geese in one village. There are
many more ducks than geese present and it can be expressed clearly using numbers in the form of
a ratio. The ratio of ducks to geese is as follows:
There are 3.3 many times more ducks as there are geese in this village.
A proportion is used to compare one part to a larger population from which it comes where the
numerator is also included in the denominator. Note that proportions do not consider time in the
equation so we must specify using words what time period the proportion is applicable to.
Using the same village count data a field epidemiologist may want to know what proportion of all
waterfowl in a village are geese.
Proportion = a / a+b
Approximately 23% of the waterfowl in the village are geese at this time. Therefore the
percentage (proportion) of remaining waterfowl that are ducks is 77% (0.77).
In addition to these simple use for counts, a proportion can also be applied to calculate and
compare probabilities for two different exposure groups within a population (as seen in the two
by two table presented in the previous lecture). To review:
Combined Probabilities
Recall that risk is measured in terms of probabilities that are expressed as a proportion. When it
is necessary to consider risks together and combine them, there are two mathematical rules for
combining risks, the additive rule and the multiplicative rule to consider.
The additive rule is used when we use several probabilities in an “either/or” situation. Here is an
What is the probability that observing loose chickens are associated with either vND disease
positive farms or vND disease negative farms?
The multiplicative rule is used when we combine several probabilities using the word “and”.
What is the probability that observing loose chickens is associated with both vND disease
positive farms and vND disease negative farms?
These calculations agree with what you would expect using common sense reasoning.
A rate is a risk (probability) that is calculated over a given time period. A rate describes how
quickly cases are developing over time. We can use either an approximate method or an exact
method to calculate an Incident Rate (Dohoo et al, 2003).
For the approximate method used to calculate incident rate the denominator is the size of the
population at risk (PAR) at the midpoint in the time period. This method is convenient and used
often when we have a population that is changing frequently (open population) over a period of
time. Because the incidence is considered over a longer time period it is also called a
Cumulative Incidence Rate (disease incidence that builds up over time).
Application: There were 40 new cases of rabies diagnosed in cattle in a district over a one year
period. The cattle population was estimated to be 1,000 in January at the beginning of the year
but many cattle were marketed in May of that year leaving 660 cattle remaining by the end of
The result can be difficult to interpret by itself so it is most useful when we compare one IR with
another. If we multiply the incident rate by some standard population size then we can compare
incident rates in two different populations by creating a very basic type of standardized rate.
Standardized rates will also be discussed below but it is important to note that we can only
compare incident rates from two populations if they are standardized using the same method. The
simplest way to standardize the example given above is to multiply the incidence rate (IR) by
either 100, 1000 or 10,000 or some other number (human health incidence rates are often
compared per 100,000 population).
There were 60 cases of rabies in cattle per 1,000 head of cattle in a one year period in this
district (IR per 1,000 = .06 X 1000 = 60).
A more exact method for defining Incident Rate the denominator is given in “animal count-time”
units, which is the product of the count and the time period:
In Module 1.2, Example 6 the risk of becoming a positive case according to the case definition
(fecal culture positive) without animal-time units was calculated as seen below:
R = .67
Using the exact method, the rate of risk for developing Salmonellosis in workers is given by the
following risk rate:
IR = 167 cases
(250 persons X 4mo)
The meaning of the values obtained is made useful by comparing the risk of two or more
Disease Incidence means the number of NEW cases that develop over a certain time period.
Incident cases and time at risk can be shown using either a graph or a spreadsheet table. The unit
of “animal-time” is very similar meaning to the human resource measure of “person-years” (or
PY) that a manager might use to calculate workload demand among several workers.
Incident-time calculations can take some time to calculate when the population changes a great
0 +
8 Disappeare
Sentine +
l 6 Stole
s n
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1
The time at risk data from the graph can be summarized in the form of a table as shown:
Time at Risk
Chickens Animal-Time (chicken-week)
Healthy 40
Lost 4
HPAI+ 27
Another way to express this result is that there are 6 cases per 100 chicken-weeks at risk. The
meaning of the values obtained is appreciated by comparing the risk of two or more populations.
If another population has an IR = 0.12 cases per chicken week at risk, then it can be said that the
incident rate is twice as great as for the population above.
Disease Prevalence means the number of existing cases including old and new cases that have
developed at some point during a time period. Counting the existing cases at one brief point in
time gives an estimate of the point prevalence. When counting cases over a longer period of
time, this is called the period prevalence.
P = # existing cases
Point Prevalence of HPAI on the first day of week 5 = 1/8 = 0.125 = 12.5%
Period Prevalence of HPAI during the 10 week period = 4/10 = 0.40 = 40%
> Recovery
> Carrier
> Re-emergence
> Death
In quantitative way, prevalence relates to incidence of new cases in the following way:
P = I X D
I X D+1
Where: P is prevalence
I is incidence
D is duration of time
1. The population is stable
2. The incidence of disease remains constant
Unless these two assumptions can be met, then it is difficult to estimate disease prevalence from
incidence data.
Example: The sub-clinical incidence rate of udder infection in a goat herd was 0.07/goat-year (7
new cases/100 goats). The mean duration of udder infection is 1.5 months (0.125 years) and the
population is stable.
At any time, 11% of the goats in this herd can be expected to have sub-clinical udder infection.
In a highly susceptible population, as the incidence of a disease increases, the disease prevalence
increases greatly to the point that eventually there are very few susceptible animals remaining and
the incidence also decreases for this reason. The extreme case is when the disease is fatal for a
high percentage of the population.
Whether to measure incidence or prevalence will depend on the disease and how it exists in the
population over time.
For a disease that may develop quickly (e.g. HPAI) it would be better to measure either
disease incidence (cumulative or incidence density) or point prevalence. Period
prevalence could under-estimate the amount of disease present in the population
depending on how it is applied;
For a disease where the animal recovers and can become re-infected, it is important to
identify and separate new incident cases from repeat incident cases (e.g. mastitis in
For a disease that takes a long time to develop (e.g. BSE, TB), prevalence estimates or
incidence could both be appropriate to use depending on what question you are trying to
1. Crude Morbidity Rate: Describes the number of cases that are clinically affected of the
population at risk over some identified time period.
2. Crude Mortality Rate: Describes the number of deaths in the PAR over some identified
time period.
3. Infection Rate: Describes the number of infected individuals in the PAR over some
identified time period.
4. Secondary Attack Rate: Describes how much the disease agent spreads to other animals
(secondary cases) over a certain period of time.
5. Case Fatality Rate: Describes the number of deaths among all infected cases over a
certain period of time.
6. Specific Rates: Describes the number of clinical cases or deaths within a certain part of
the population being considered based on sex, age, breed, production level, etc.
Example: The crude mortality rate in a flock of pekin ducks was 50 / 1100 = 4.5%. The farmer
is sure that more ducklings died than adult ducks. Before the disease occurred, 20% of the
population was ducklings and 30 of 50 deaths occurred in ducklings (a duckling is defined as a
duck less than 20 weeks of age). The age-specific rate in this case is as follows:
7. Other Rates and Measures: Depending on the purpose and target group there are many
other rates can be calculated using a 2 X 2 table. Several other commonly used measures
of risk are presented below:
Relative Risk
What is the risk of being a positive case if exposed to a risk factor or not exposed to a risk
factor? This is measured by calculating the relative risk:
Attributable Risk
How much of the risk of being a positive case is due to exposure to the risk factor? This
risk is measured by calculating the attributable risk:
The relative risk for vND positive cases is 1.3 times higher when loose chickens are observed
than when loose chickens are NOT observed.
The proportion of vND positive cases attributed or associated with observing loose chickens is
These basic calculations have allowed a clearer understanding of the importance of the risk
(exposure) factor in quantitative terms. The result can still be considered for further discussion.
As noted previously it may be necessary to change the type of data or the way we collect the data
in order to more fully assess the risk factor. Gathering useful data can be a trial and error process
but the work of the field epidemiologist is to collect the best data possible to address the Null
Hypotheses under field conditions.
Previously we compared the rate of disease in two age groups of ducks in order to determine if
they were different. This is a way of comparing of the data that will provide meaning to
organized data. Many risk associations are hidden when the population is considered as a whole
and so it is necessary to separate or stratify the data into layers or levels as we did for different
age groups. The most important assumption is that the population at risk (PAR) is well defined (a
census to provide a population estimate for an area). Consider the following example of stratified
2. By separating out risk factors, stratification allows us to control for confounding factors
such as age. There is no way to test for confounding but stratification will allow is to see
whether confounding may be present and to control confounding. (Recall: A
confounder is a factor that is independently associated with a disease outcome variable
and a risk factor but is not itself a cause of the disease).
Standardized Rates
In order to compare the rate of disease in two areas the first step is to stratify both populations as
done in the example above.
Area 1 Area 2
Total # Specific Total # No. Specific
Species Farms No Cases Rates Species Farms Cases Rates
Cattle 100 45 45% Cattle 1,000 100 10%
Sheep 40 22 55% Sheep 80 50 63%
Pigs 200 33 17% Pigs 10 2 20%
Goats 4,000 80 2% Goats 50 40 80%
TOTAL 5,240 180 4% TOTAL 1,140 192 17%
Note that Area 2 has five times more animals than Area 1 but they have roughly the same number
of cases. There are two ways to standardize the incidence rates for Area 1 with Area 2 so that
they can be compared.
1. Direct Standardization: Use a standard (reference) populations of 10,000 farms for each
species and multiply by species specific rates above:
Area 1 Area 2
Total Specific Total # No. Specific
Species No. No Cases Rates Species Farms Cases Rates
Cattle 10,000 4,500 45% Cattle 10,000 1,000 10%
Sheep 10,000 5,500 55% Sheep 10,000 6,250 63%
Pigs 10,000 1,650 17% Pigs 10,000 2,000 20%
Goats 10,000 200 2% Goats 10,000 8,000 80%
TOTAL 40,000 11,850 30% TOTAL 40,000 17,250 43%
Adjusted Crude Incidence Rate = 30% Adjusted Crude Incidence Rate = 43%
Note that the unadjusted crude rates are different from the adjusted crude incidence rates.
2. Indirect Standardization: The specific rates from one area are used as the standard
reference rates and are applied to the other area so that the number of outbreaks is
adjusted so that they can be compared on the same number of cases for each species.
Area 1
Total # No Specific
Species Farms Cases Rates
Cattle 100 45 45%
Sheep 40 22 55%
Pigs 200 33 17%
Goats 4,000 80 2%
TOTAL 5,240 180 4%
Area 2 is adjusted using specific rates from Area 1 and the expected number of cases is
Area 2
Total Specific Expected
# Rates No.
Species Farms Area 1 Cases
Cattle 1,000 45% 450
Sheep 80 55% 44
Pigs 10 17% 2
Goats 50 2% 1
TOTAL 1,140 497
1. The expected adjusted rate for Area 2 (44%) is very similar to the adjusted result using
direct standardization (43%).
The original crude incidence rate compared with the expected incident rates for Area 2 can be
expressed as a ratio called the Comparative Incidence Ratio:
1. The crude IR for Area 2 is under one half (0.4) the value of the expected adjusted rate.
2 X 2 Contingency Table:
Risk Ratio
Risk Ratio (RR) is another name for the Relative Risk measure of association presented in the
2X2 table above. It is important to note that RR can only be calculated when we know the
denominators a+b (total exposed) and c+d (total unexposed).
Odds Ratio
When the true number of exposed and unexposed populations is not known an odds ratio can be
calculated to give an approximate estimate of the relative risk. The formula is:
Example: For the example of loose chickens and vND the odds ratio is:
Note that the relative risk (RR) gave a similar value of 1.3 as the odds ratio value of 1.5.
Lesson Summary:
2. Data can originate from field, laboratory and other sources and can be used to describe
events with respect to time, animal/human and place;
4. The Normal Distribution and the Central Limit Theorem are key concepts that form the
scientific basis for sampling and making conclusions;
5. Disease Incidence and Prevalence are closely related concepts that help to describe the
relationship between time, person/animal and place. Incidence measures the number of
new cases over time and allows for the calculation of incident risk rates. Prevalence
measures the number of existing cases at some point or period in time. Comparisons
between populations can only be made when we compare the same type of incidence or
prevalence measure across populations;
6. Incidence Rates and Risk Rates are specific tools that allow comparison of risks for
different populations. Risk rates are stratified and adjusted directly or indirectly
according to specific characteristics such as age, sex, etc. Stratified and adjusted rates
reveal hidden associations and deal with confounding;
7. Measuring the association between exposure (risk) factors and outcomes is commonly
assessed by the field epidemiologist using a 2 X 2 Contingency Table. The 2 X 2 table
allows for the calculation of Risk Ratios and/or Odds Ratios. These ratios provide
initial risk estimates for the exposure factors and their association with disease
Module 1.4
Wantanee Kalpravidh
FAO Regional Project Coordinator for HPAI
Workshop Notes:
Module 2.1
Suwicha Kasemsuwan
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Kasetsart University
Surveillance is the systematic ongoing collection, collation and analysis of data and the timely
dissemination of information to those who need to know so that action can be taken (OIE
Terrestrial Animal Health Code - 2007). In this sense, surveillance is very practical and results-
oriented. The goals of animal health surveillance are presented below:
An animal health surveillance system involves one or more activities that produce information on
the health, disease or zoonosis status of animal population.
While surveillance uses targeted data collection and analysis that leads to specific actions,
monitoring is the ongoing effort to collect data to detect changes or trends in the occurrence of a
disease that is of interest.
Surveys are used to evaluate the health status of a population or to evaluate policies related to
disease control and prevention. The purpose of surveillance is to assess and manage risk
effectively in order to minimize negative impact on public health, trade in animals and animal
products and animal health and welfare (Pfeiffer, 2008).
Clinical signs
Export control
Diagnostic laboratories
A surveillance system component (SCC) is a method of surveillance that includes one or more
activities that produces information on the health, disease or zoonotic status of animal populations
(OIE Terrestrial Animal Health Code - 2007). The SCC has the ability to detect new disease, can
demonstrate disease freedom and includes either active or passive surveillance.
*An epidemiological unit (unit of interest) can be animals or groups of animals affected by a
hazard that data will be collected from.
Recall that a case can be an animal with or without clinical signs that the disease agent can be
isolated from. An outbreak is an occurrence of at least one case of disease or infection within the
unit of concern (epidemiological unit).
Surveillance Data
Data used to develop surveillance programs should describe the epidemiology of infection (agent-
host-environmental interactions), animal movements and trading patterns, national animal health
regulations, history of imports and biosecurity measures taken. A flow chart can be constructed
to identify the points in the food chain where the hazard may occur between the farm and the
human consumer. Sources of data may include the following:
In order for a surveillance system to be successful all persons having an interest in the outcomes
must be willing to cooperate and comply with requirements for testing, etc. This requires an
inter-disciplinary approach. Technical aspects (tests) must be transferable and useful under field
Bias can arise in passive surveillance by the level of case reporting and the diagnostic tests used.
Bias can arise in conducting active surveillance in how subjects are selected, the diagnostic tests
used and how data is collected.
Selection Bias
Cause: Systematically choosing subjects that do not represent the population.
Solution: Select subjects randomly from a complete sampling frame of a representative sample.
Result: Misclassification of positive and negative animals due to poor sensitivity or specificity.
Types of Surveillance
Surveys can be structured so that subjects are chosen randomly such as systematic sampling at
slaughter houses and random surveys. Surveys can also be structured where subjects are chosen
non-randomly including the following examples:
Data may be collected actively by seeking samples or passively by waiting for volunteered
samples to arrive. Data may also be collected for a specific disease or to profile the occurrence of
more than one disease in the population (e.g. serological profiles).
In order to get up to date, unbiased and representative data, both passive (scanning) and active
(targeted) methods can be used. Active surveillance can be based on probability based sampling,
purposive sampling and expert opinion.
Strategic/Targeted (active)
o probability-based
observational and intervention studies
o purposive
sentinel surveillance
risk-based surveillance
targeted surveillance
participatory surveillance
o expert opinion
Sentinel Surveillance
A sentinel herd or flock is a cohort (group) of animals selected at selected locations either
randomly for endemic disease or purposefully for risk based surveillance of exotic disease.
Sentinels are monitored at intervals over a certain time period in order to target surveillance using
a risk-based strategy.
The objectives of sentinel surveillance for endemic diseases are to monitor temporal (over time)
occurrence, to assess the impact of the control efforts and the risk of exposure. For exotic
diseases, the objective is to detect the disease agent when it first arrives and to detect the presence
of the vector that may be involved.
Sentinel animals must be unexposed to the disease agent and are placed in areas where the risk is
considered to be greatest. Examples of sentinel surveillance include Bluetongue in Germany and
Arbovirus in Australia.
Syndromic Surveillance
Syndromic surveillance is part of an early warning system that permits faster detection of
outbreaks based on symptoms. Use of cold medication is monitored by human health officials to
assess for the presence of Influenza season. When animals are sick, producers and veterinarians
may use more antibiotics or vaccines to treat animals.
Syndromic surveillance relies on the availability of data for drug sales outlets, hospitals, and
laboratories. Although it is a sensitive method, it is important to verify the true cause through
further investigation and analysis including application of statistics.
911 calls
Drug sales
Absent from work
Emergency admissions
Emergency discharge records
Managed care records
The U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has developed a BioSense System
and Molecular Surveillance Systems (e.g. FoodNet).
These are community based health systems that are developed at the local level that includes
active case searching by local residents. The approach takes into account local concerns, culture
and includes informal interviews with local residents. Several different methods are used to
verify the accuracy and reliability of the data including follow-up with traditional epidemiological
investigations. PDS uses mapping to trace interactions between animal owners.
Data processing systems are developed to enter, store and retrieve data for further analysis that
can be applied at national, regional and global levels. Data can also be shared among human and
animal health agencies at these levels. Examples include GLEWS and OFFLU.
Lesson Summary:
1. Surveillance is the systematic ongoing collection, collation and analysis of data and
the timely dissemination of information to those who need to know so that action
can be taken (OIE Terrestrial Animal Health Code - 2007).
4. A surveillance system can gather data from the following sources: clinical signs,
export control, slaughterhouse, diagnostic laboratories, and surveys.
6. Surveys can be structured so that subjects are chosen randomly such as systematic
sampling at slaughter houses and random surveys. Surveys can also be structured
where subjects are chosen non-randomly.
7. Sources of error that must be considered include random error (chance) and
systematic error (bias).
8. Data can be collected either passively (scanning) or actively (targeted). Sentinel and
syndromic surveillance are two examples of targeted surveillance.
9. Participatory approaches are culturally adapted and developed at the local level to
provide active case searching by local residents.
Module 2.2
How the test give consistent results when the test is performed more than once on the
same individual under the same conditions.
How the test give consistent results when the test is performed more than once under the
different conditions.
The validity of a test measures how well the given test reflects the true status of an
animal (or another test of known greater accuracy).
The indication of which the test is capable of differentiating the presence or absence of a
disease concerned
2 x 2 table
Disease status
D+ D-
Test status
‘D+’: Disease present
‘D-’: Disease absent
‘T+’: Positive test result
‘T-’: Negative test result
TP: True positive
o FP: False positive
TN: True negative
FN: False negative
The ability of a test to detect individual who actually has the disease
Know that individual is diseased See if the test will correctly identify as diseased
Disease status
D+ D-
Test status T+ TP FP
Sensitivity (Se) = Probability that infected animals are correctly identified as positive by a
= P(T+ | D+)
= TP/(TP+FN)
The ability of a test to correctly identify individual who actually does not have the
Know that individual is healthy see if the test will correctly identify as healthy
Disease status
D+ D-
Test status
Specificity (Sp) = Probability that non-infected animals are correctly identified as negative
by a test
= P(T- | D-)
= TN/(TN+FP)
Sensitivity and specificity are inversely related and in the case of test results measured on
a continuous scale they can be varied by changing the cut off value
In doing so an increase in sensitivity will often result in a decrease in specificity
Increasing the cutoff
o More difficult to classify as test positive
o Increase test specificity, Decrease test sensitivity
Decreasing the cutoff
o More animals are classified as test positive
o Increase test sensitivity, Decrease test specificity
Choice of a cutoff depends on several factors
o Purpose of testing e.g. screening
o Relative impact of FP, FN
Social or political
Depends on the diagnostic strategy
To find the diseased animal: FALSE NEGATIVE are to be minimized and a limit
number of false positive is acceptable (a test with high sensitivity and good
specificity is required)
To make sure that every test positive is “truly disease” : minimized FALSE
POSITIVE and limited number of false negative is acceptable (a high specificity
and good sensitivity is required)
Biological factors affecting Se
Stages of infection
Johne’s disease
Predictive Value
Sensitivity & specificity
o Know true status of animals See how a test is performed
Predictive values
o Know a test results want to know the probability of that animal being truly
= TP/(TP+FP)
= TN/(TN+FN)
Two tests at the same time
One test after the other
Test dependency
Testing in Series
Testing in Parallel
Lesson Summary:
1. Reliability refers to consistent results when the test is performed more than once on
the same individual under the same conditions.
2. Repeatability is when the test gives consistent results when the test is performed
more than once under the different conditions.
3. Validity of a test measures how well the given test reflects the true status of an
animal (or another test of known greater accuracy).
4. Sensitivity is the ability of a test to detect individual who actually has the disease.
5. Specificity is the ability of a test to correctly identify an individual who actually does
not have the disease.
6. Predictive value is the probability of that animal being either truly infected or truly
not infected.
Module 2.3
Use of Questionnaires
Questionnaires are used to assess outcomes from studies and investigations, for quality assurance,
to determine health care needs (needs assessment) and to assure client satisfaction with services
Ideally questionnaires help to answer research questions and define exposure (independent)
variables associated with a health outcome. Useful questionnaires are valid (measure what we
intend to measure) and reliable (consistent) and should be cost and time effective (practical) to
deliver. Questionnaires can also be use to assess effect modification which measures the effect
of exposure variables on outcome variables among various subgroups of a population (e.g. age,
breed, etc.)
The method used to deliver a questionnaire should achieve the highest response rate possible in
order to avoid obtaining biased results.
A useful questionnaire should collect unbiased information to address the research question (null
hypothesis) by assessing exposure (independent) variables, the outcome (dependent) variables,
confounding factors related to both and effect modification.
Design of Questionnaires
Design and delivery of questionnaires is very challenging and takes practice to improve over
time. The goals and objectives of the questionnaire should first be clearly defined. The initial
step in designing the questionnaire itself is to make a list of exposure variables and outcome
variables you want to assess when deciding which questions and how many questions to include.
A brief and targeted questionnaire is far more useful than a long and vague questionnaire. In
addition, note that the responders may develop “survey fatigue” or tiredness in answering too
many unnecessary questions.
Delivery Modes
Self Administered
Questionnaires may be delivered where persons provide answers using either mail out
questionnaire or internet based “self-administered” types. Response rates for successful self-
administered questionnaires commonly achieve a 65% response rate (No. returned/No. mailed
Questionnaires may be delivered in person either using a face to face or telephone interviews.
The non-response rate for each may differ.
Answer Formats
Answers can be obtained by structuring responses as either closed formatted or open formatted
Closed Format
Closed formatted questions are formatted by the researcher before the questionnaire is presented
to the responder. Closed formatted questions force the responder to choose from a selected
number of responses that may either be presented as nominal or ordinal coded data that is coded
before the questionnaire is delivered. The data may be considered as categorical data or as
simple count data depending on the question asked.
They can be answered quickly;
Easy to code data;
Does not depend on ability of responder to express themselves;
Collection of data categories instead of specific numbers helps to ensure the privacy and
confidentiality of data collected.
Conclusions are limited based on the initial choices (options) provided in the
Some responses may require qualification or explanation.
Open Format
An open ended question is asked of the responder and this method allows for gathering
information as free text. Responses are coded after the responses are received by the researcher.
Answers are not restricted by the researcher
Greater freedom of expression
Reduced bias due to unlimited response range
Answers can be qualified and explained
Responses may be difficult to code, categorize and analyze quantitatively;
The researcher may misclassify the responses when coding creating misclassification
It is time intensive and expensive to enter data.
Structuring Questionnaires
Questionnaires require that the responder volunteer their time to provide responses. A thank you
(sometimes as a note) should be provided to all responders for taking the time and care to
complete the questionnaire.
Begin the questionnaire with interesting, easy and non-threatening questions in order to engage
the responder and encourage cooperation. You may group questions under various headings to
make the questionnaire easier to answer.
Avoid the use of “leading questions” that influence people to provide a particular answer that is
biased by the way the question is asked. Study the examples below and provide alternative
Bringing animals from outside your farm into your herd can introduce disease. How many
animals have you brought onto your farm during the past 12 months?
Useful questionnaires are ones that give truthful, clear and accurate information when they are
given to all responders. The way that the questionnaire is designed and delivered determines the
usefulness of the data generated. Standardization and quality control are necessary to ensure the
results are accurate and valid related to their intended purpose.
Field testing the questionnaire for the purpose of pre-testing can be done using expert reviews,
structured cognitive interviews or a full pre-test.
Expert Reviews:
Include experts in that field;
Is structured and systematic;
Assesses wording, format, omissions, clarity;
Can be done rapidly but lacks the extensive review of a full pre-test
Can be used in addition to a full pre-test
Cognitive Interview:
Used extensively in social science interviews that measure health behaviors and
Is structured and systematic;
Explores the way that respondents answer each question;
Difficult to maintain flow of the interview due to probing questions to understand how
the person responded the way they did;
The responders reaction is important in assessing the effectiveness of the questionnaire.
Full Pre-Test:
The sample frame represents the population as a whole;
The pre-test occurs as the responders agree to participate (at the same time);
Behavior and responses can be coded beforehand;
Structured follow up at the end of the interview;
Interviewers are interviewed for feedback as well.
Failure to Pre-Test a questionnaire can result in the results being unreliable, invalid and not
representative of the target population and may not give truthful responses.
Interviewing Method
Face to Face
When it is essential to obtain owner trust and establish working relationships such as when
conducting an outbreak investigation, this is the only method to use. It establishes rapport with
the responder, creates trust, allows for more complex questions, allows the interviewer to
illustrate, clarify and explain and allows for longer interviews. Face to face interviews are
expensive and may be difficult to obtain truthful answers especially when regulatory action may
be taken (e.g. culling birds).
The advantages of telephone interviews are as follows:
Establish faster contact with participants;
Better to obtain sensitive information;
Results are immediately available;
Telephone numbers can be randomly selected from existing databases
Many people are converting to mobile cell phones and may not be selected for that
More expensive than mail surveys;
Difficulty in reaching participants during work days.
Mail Survey
Cheap and easy to send out
Requires addresses of participants
People can respond when it is convenient;
Less intrusive;
Eliminates interviewer bias.
Low response rate;
Difficult to detect skip bias (omitting to answer questions);
Responder may not be the same as the intended targeted person;
Assumes the population has a basic level of literacy.
Assumes the responders have computers;
Must possess E-mail addresses;
Lower response rate;
May only partially complete the questionnaire.
People may not respond to questionnaires for unavoidable reasons due to personal unavailability
or health reasons. People may also not respond to a questionnaire because it is difficult to
complete (too long, complicated or distressing), vague or may not consider it as being important
or relevant to them. Non response is a major cause of bias and must be addressed in the design,
implementation and analysis of surveys.
The results of not response include reduced sample size, reduced statistical power of the study
and lack of precision of the final results.
Despite one’s best efforts, participation will usually fall below what you intended to collect.
Successful questionnaires occur when issues are relevant to the target group and the researcher
understands the target well enough to construct a questionnaire that will give clear and useful
results. It is important to describe which groups in the population did not respond in order to
understand the usefulness of the survey.
Lesson Summary:
3. The method used to deliver a questionnaire should achieve the highest response rate
possible in order to avoid obtaining biased results due to non-response.
5. A cover letter/handout and thank you are essential supports to encourage current
and future cooperation from responders.
7. Standardization and quality control are necessary to ensure the results are accurate
and valid related to their intended purpose.
8. Field testing the questionnaire for the purpose of pre-testing can be done using
expert reviews, structured cognitive interviews or a full pre-test.
9. Failure to Pre-Test a questionnaire can result in the results being unreliable, invalid
and not representative of the target population.
10. Questionnaires can be given face to face, by telephone or by internet and each
method with its advantages and disadvantages.
11. The result of non-response includes reduced sample size, reduced statistical power
of the study and lack of precision of the final results.
12. Despite one’s best efforts, participation will usually fall below what you intended to
collect. Successful questionnaires occur when issues are to relevant to the target
group and the researcher understands the target well enough to construct a
questionnaire that will give clear and useful results.
Module 2.4
Sampling Techniques
Sampling Considerations
Sampling Strategies
Probability Sampling
Sample designs based on planned randomness are called probability samples.
The 'classic' formula for variance (and the related standard deviation and standard error)
that has been presented to you in various courses and that is 'inside' your computer
assumes that your observations were collected using simple random sampling technique.
You should be aware that if you use another sampling technique, and plan to provide
estimates of population characteristics (mean and standard error) then the formula used to
calculate standard error may be different! Check with your local epidemiologist,
statistician or sampling text.
Sampling Techniques
random number tables (consult the back of any statistical text)
spreadsheet programs (e.g. Excel)
computer programs (e.g. Minitab, SigmaStat, StatView, others)
Simple to set up...
Useful for certain situations e.g. selecting a sample of 10% of records of canine hospital
admissions over the last 10 years
Some knowledge of all the members of the population is required - for instance,
identification numbers must be known in advance, so that the random selection may be
made from those numbers.
May be impractical, particularly in field situations: e.g. selecting 5% of dairy cows
milked on one shift for milk culture - it would be easy to lose count of the animals; or, if
referring to a list of ear tags, it's sometimes hard to keep up, or numbers are misread, or
eartags invisible, or ...
Stratified Sampling
The population is divided into strata according to factors expected to influence the
outcome of interest.
If a stratified sampling technique has been used, and a population estimate is of interest,
then appropriate formulae for calculation of population mean and standard error must be
used. It is NOT appropriate to plug the data into the 'regular' formulae for mean and
standard error. Please, refer to your local epidemiologist, statistician or sampling text for
As listed under reasons for using the procedure.
The status of the elements of the populations must be known in advance, in order to place
them into strata from which samples may be selected.
Multiple factors may affect the outcome of interest yet it is rarely practical to stratify on
more than one or two factors.
Poor choice of factors for stratification may lead to erroneous conclusions, and a decrease
in precision of estimates.
Cluster Sampling
A cluster sample is a probability sample in which each sampling unit is a collection, or
cluster, of elements. The initial sampling unit (cluster) is therefore larger than the element
of concern, which is usually an individual. Once the cluster is selected, all individuals in
each cluster are evaluated.
o If the unit of concern is the group, then this is not considered a cluster. For
instance, one might wish to categorize herds as positive or negative for the
disease of interest. The individual status of herd members is not the issue.
Examples of naturally occurring clusters include litters (of puppies), pens of sheep, and
herds of cows.
'Artificial' clusters include geographic regions, administrative units (counties, territories).
The following may be used for selecting the clusters :
o Simple random sampling
o Stratified random sampling
o Systematic random sampling
Once selected, all members of the cluster are evaluated.
If a cluster sampling technique has been used, and a population estimate is of interest,
then appropriate formulae for calculation of population mean and standard error must be
used. It is NOT appropriate to plug the data into the 'regular' formulae for mean and
standard error. Please, refer to your local epidemiologist, statistician or sampling text for
This strategy may be very cost-effective
The effect of clustering must be accounted for in the analyses.
The appropriate analytical techniques are not trivial - ask for help.
Systematic Sampling
A 1-in-k systematic sample with a random start is obtained by randomly selecting one
element from the first k elements, then every kth element thereafter.
Sampling in this manner is a form of probability sampling if the starting point of the
selection process is chosen at random.
Systematic sampling is widely used because it simplifies the selection of samples.
o It is easier to perform in the field than simple random sampling.
It is often cheaper to perform than simple random sampling.
The sampling structure guarantees that the selection is spread over the population
(whereas this may not always occur with simple random sampling) so may provide better
overall population information than simple random sampling.
Less information in advance is required about the members of the population from which
the sample is to be selected.
If the characteristic being estimated is related to the interval selected (even though that
interval was selected at random), a biased result will be obtained.
o Suppose Mondays were randomly selected as the day on which spot checks of
hospital cleaning procedures are to be performed. This will only provide an
accurate overall assessment if the cleanliness status of Mondays is representative
of the other days. It may not be, if the identify of the cleaning crew over the
weekend is different than during the week, or if the decreased person and animal
presence over the weekend allowed the crew to do a better job.
Strictly speaking, it is not possible to accurately estimate the variance using only one
systematic sample. However, the standard formula for variance used for simple random
sampling is used. Be aware that if the members of the population are not randomly
presented (but instead are ordered or fluctuate periodically) then the estimate of the
variance given by the formula for simple random sampling will likely provide an under-
or over-estimate of the population variance.
Multistage Sampling
Multistage sampling is similar to cluster sampling except that, instead of all individuals in
a cluster (primary unit) being sampled, a random selection of individuals (secondary
units) is taken from each cluster.
Multistage sampling can be extended to 3 or even more stages. The sampling units within
each stage should be selected with probability proportional to the number of individuals
This can be a very cost-effective technique. The relative numbers of primary and
secondary units selected can be varied to minimize overall costs (and increase
information acquired per unit cost) and, if desired, to minimize overall variability.
In order to achieve the same precision for a population estimate that could be achieved
with simple random sampling, it may be necessary to sample a larger number of total
individuals using multistage sampling.
Non-Probability Sampling
If a formal randomization process was not used in the process of sample selection, then the
sample cannot be considered a probability sample. The laws of probability cannot be
assumed to apply, and statistical inferences cannot be extended to the whole population.
Judgment Sampling
Sample units are selected by the investigator. Investigators may believe they are capable
of selecting representative samples, but this should be questioned.
Results are often biased.
Convenience Sampling
Sample units are selected according to convenience.
o Consider sampling 10 from 100 horses. If you take the first 10 you catch, do you
think they are likely representative of the rest?
Results are often biased.
Purposive Sampling
Sample units are selected according to presence or absence of some characteristic of
interest (i.e. exposure or disease status).
This is the basis by which subjects are selected for analytic observational studies such as
case-control and cohort studies.
o It is not appropriate to estimate population characteristics when purposive
sampling was used.
Summary Table:
This page is filled with formulae. We apologize in advance if your page loads slowly, or if any of
the images are fuzzy. In addition, although every effort has been made to reproduce the formulae
correctly, it is possible that human error has allowed some gremlins to creep in. In some cases,
there are slight variations in formulae between sources, and that might explain some
differences.... If you find an error, however, assume it is ours and let us know! Please note: you
are NOT expected to memorize any of these formulae. You are, however, expected to be able to
choose the appropriate formula, and to be able to apply it.
There are 5 common situations requiring sample size calculation for veterinary field
1. Calculation of the minimum sample size needed to detect disease or a condition in a given
population, at a specified level of significance given a certain disease prevalence or level of
2. Finding the minimum sample size required to estimate the population proportion having a
characteristic of interest at a specified level of significance and within desired limits of error.
3. Finding the minimum sample size required to estimate the population mean of a characteristic
of interest at a specific level of significance and within desired limits of error.
4. Finding the minimum sample size required to detect the difference between two population
proportions that one regards as important to detect, at a stated level of significance and
desired power.
5. Finding the minimum sample size required to detect the difference between two population
means that one regards as important at a specified level of significance and desired power.
You are forced to be specific in your objectives. You must state them down to a
statistically-testable level in order that the statistical test to be used can be identified.
You have a stated recruitment goal. If this seems unrealistic (i.e. no way in the world that
that many subjects are going to come your way within the study period) then you may
need to revisit the logistics of the study.
Encourages development of appropriate timetables and budgets:
o Is it possible to perform this many evaluations within the allotted time period?
o Will you need to hire additional helpers?
o Have you allowed sufficient monies for purchase of the animals? For board? )
o Are you going to be able to perform the analyses yourself or will you need to pay
an epidemiologist or statistician to help you?
Discourages the conduct of small, inconclusive trials.
Epidemiologist or statistician.
Computer software - e.g. EpiInfo, Power Pack, Solo.
Fleiss JL. Statistical methods for rates and proportions. 2 ed. New York: John Wiley &
Sons, 1981;1-321.
Norman GR, Streiner DL. Biostatistics: the bare essentials. 1 ed. St. Louis: Mosby-Year
Book, Inc., 1994;1-260.
Examples of Determination Of Sample Size In Comparative Trials
Population size
An investigator wishes to estimate the proportion of cats in Colorado that are infected with
Cryptosporidium spp. From a small pilot study, it is suspected that approximately 10% of the cats
in Colorado are infected. It is decided that a random sample of cats can be obtained. (What do
you think of this assumption??) The investigator will be content if her sample estimate is within
5% of the true population proportion P. How large a sample of cats needs to be examined?
Detection of the Difference Between Two Population Proportions (Equal Sample Sizes)
Please note: Many statistical tests provide tables that do this for you! The answers may not be
exactly the same as that provided by the formula, but will probably be close enough. It's just an
estimate, after all.
This is the Z value corresponding to the alpha error. When looking this up in a table,
you must always use the two-tailed value, unless you have a good reason for choosing a
1-sided test. For example, if alpha is 0.01, 0.05, or 0.10, the corresponding (two-tailed)
Z values are 2.58, 1.96, and 1.65, respectively.
This is the Z value corresponding to the beta error. The Z-value for beta is always
based on a one-tailed test (ask if you are really interested in why!). So, if beta is 0.05,
0.10, 0.20, or 0.30, the corresponding Z values are 1.65, 1.28, 0.85, and 0.52
Note this formula doesn't include what is known as a 'continuity correction'. (The continuity
correction brings normal curve probability in closer agreement with binomial probabilities).
Applying the correction will increase the 'n' slightly. Note that the results are expressed as
number of subjects per group.
To incorporate the continuity correction, let the n we have just calculated become n' (temporary
n) and the final sample size becomes n. Then:
An investigator wants to determine if the mortality rate in calves raised by farmer's wives differs
from the mortality rate in calves raised by hired managers. He/she hypothesizes a calf mortality
rate of 0.25 for calves raised by farmer's wife and 0.40 for calves raised by hired managers. The
level of significance, alpha, is stated to be 0.01, and the desired power of the test is 0.95. How
many calves should be included in the study?
If we apply the continuity correction formula, our final estimate of the n for each group is 357
Detection of the Difference Between Two Population Proportions (Unequal Sample Sizes)
This is the Z value corresponding to the alpha error. When looking this up in a
table, you must always use the two-tailed value, unless you have a good reason for
choosing a 1-sided test. For example, if alpha is 0.01, 0.05, or 0.10, the
corresponding (two-tailed) Z values are 2.58, 1.96, and 1.65, respectively
This is the Z value corresponding to the beta error. The Z-value for beta is always
based on a one-tailed test (ask if you are really interested in why!). So, if beta is
0.05, 0.10, 0.20, or 0.30, the corresponding Z values are 1.65, 1.28, 0.85, and 0.52
To incorporate the continuity correction, let the m we have just calculated become m' (temporary
m) and the final sample size becomes m. Then:
The case-fatality rate among cancer patients undergoing standard therapy is 0.90, and is 0.70 for
cancer patients receiving a new treatment. Find the required sample size to test a hypothesis that
the case-fatality rate differed between groups at the stated level of significance, alpha = 0.05, and
desired power of the test, 0.90. (Remember, beta = 1 - power). For consistency, by using survival
rates rather than case-fatality rates, P2 will be larger than P1.
So, if this calculation is correct, we need 39 patients in group 1, and 78 patients in group 2. What
if we were to use equal sample sizes? We'll leave that as an exercise for you to work out.
It is relatively easy (for those who enjoy algebraic gymnastics) to rearrange any of these sample
size formulae to obtain a estimate of the power of a test, given the sample sizes used and the
effect size observed.
From the previous example, suppose you are limited to 20 patients in each group by cost
considerations. What power would you be working with?
The first step is to locate the formula for sample size, then convert it to provide an estimate of
power. In this case, we need the formula for equal sample sizes:
Remember, this particular equation can ONLY be used to calculate the power of a test of the
difference between two proportions with equal sample sizes.
Putting the information into the table:
n 20
Now, we must refer to a table of normal values to interpret this Z value. Remember, is one-sided.
A value of 0.40 corresponds to an area under (half) the normal curve of 0.1554. This is where it
gets really confusing: the area to the right of this is the value of beta. Here, this is 0.3446. This,
then, corresponds to a power (1 - beta) of 0.6554 or roughly 65%.
This is the Z value corresponding to the alpha error. When looking this up in a
table, you must always use the two-tailed value, unless you have a good reason for
choosing a 1-sided test. For example, if alpha is 0.01, 0.05, or 0.10, the
corresponding (two-tailed) Z values are 2.58, 1.96, and 1.65, respectively
This is the Z value corresponding to the beta error. The Z-value for beta is
always based on a one-tailed test (ask if you are really interested in why!). So, if
beta is 0.05, 0.10, 0.20, or 0.30, the corresponding Z values are 1.65, 1.28, 0.85,
and 0.52 respectively.
Again, note that this provides an estimate of the required number of subjects PER GROUP.
The prevalence of exposure to the factor in the population. In most epidemiologic
F studies of rare diseases, the prevalence of the exposure factor in the control group
provides a good approximation of f.
This is the Z value corresponding to the alpha error. When looking this up in a table,
you must always use the two-tailed value, unless you have a good reason for choosing a
1-sided test. For example, if alpha is 0.01, 0.05, or 0.10, the corresponding (two-tailed)
Z values are 2.58, 1.96, and 1.65, respectively
This is the Z value corresponding to the beta error. The Z-value for beta is always
based on a one-tailed test (ask if you are really interested in why!). So, if beta is 0.05,
0.10, 0.20, or 0.30, the corresponding Z values are 1.65, 1.28, 0.85, and 0.52
Again, note that this provides an estimate of the required number of subjects PER GROUP.
This is the Z value corresponding to the alpha error. When looking this up in a
table, you must always use the two-tailed value, unless you have a good reason for
choosing a 1-sided test. For example, if alpha is 0.01, 0.05, or 0.10, the
corresponding (two-tailed) Z values are 2.58, 1.96, and 1.65, respectively
This is the Z value corresponding to the beta error. The Z-value for beta is always
based on a one-tailed test (ask if you are really interested in why!). So, if beta is
0.05, 0.10, 0.20, or 0.30, the corresponding Z values are 1.65, 1.28, 0.85, and 0.52
From the results of a pilot study, an investigator assumes that the gizzard weights of a certain
strain of turkeys are normally distributed with mean of 30 grams and a variance of 23 grams. A
study is being conducted to examine the effect of a new feed formula on gizzard weight. It is
hypothesized that due to the new feed formula, treated turkeys have gizzard weights greater than
30 grams on the average. We wish to test the following null hypothesis at a 5% level of
HO: The mean gizzard weight of treated turkeys is less than or equal to the mean gizzard weight
of the control group.
HA: The mean gizzard weight of treated turkeys is greater than the mean gizzard weight of the
control group.
1.65 (because this is a one-tailed test. If it were a two-tailed test, it would be 1.96)
1.28 Well, the question told us they wanted a 'high probability' of detecting this
difference, if it is present. So, let's give them a power of 90% (beta of 0.10).
The required number of turkeys needed to have a high probability of detecting the hypothesized 2
gram difference in gizzard weights is 100 per group, making a total of 200 birds. Of course, you'd
want to start with more, so that you end up with at least that many in each group.
Lesson Summary:
2. Sampling frame is essentially a list of all the sampling units in the target population.
4. If a formal randomization process was not used in the process of sample selection, then
the sample cannot be considered a probability sample. The laws of probability cannot
be assumed to apply, and statistical inferences drawn from such a sample are suspect.
5. There are 5 common situations requiring sample size calculation for veterinary field
Module 3.1
Potjaman Siriarayaporn
Medical Epidemiologist, International FETP
Bureau of Epidemiology, Thailand Ministry of Public Health
Principles of outbreak investigation will be elaborated upon using a case study approach.
Case Study
On May 18 2007 the Bureau of Epidemiology (BOE) received notification from Chiang Rai
province that 24 patients with symptoms of nausea, vomiting, palpitations and cyanosis were
treated at Wiangkan hospital. Laboratory tests confirmed methemoglobinemia. The event
occurred during a cooking class in Village A. A local investigation team suspected nitrate
poisoning from cooking ingredients following their initial investigation.
Is this an Outbreak?
The first question to address is how we will respond to this report and whether it is considered a
disease outbreak.
An outbreak can be defined as the occurrence of more cases of disease than expected in a given
area in a particular population over a particular period of time. It can also be considered when
two or more linked cases of the same illness occur.
The number of cases exceeds the median number of cases during the previous 5 year
period. This implies that disease monitoring is in effect;
The number of cases exceeds 2 standard deviation units from the mean value of cases
during the past 5 year period;
A single case of a new disease that has never been detected before (e.g. first case of H5N1
in a small boy in Hong Kong in 1997).
Recall that to investigate disease we ask basic question to describe (what, when, where, who) and
to analyze (why, how) an event. The basic purpose of an investigation is to define how to react or
respond to the event.
Outbreak investigations are challenging since they are unexpected events, there is a need to act
quickly, a need to control the outbreak rapidly and to work under field conditions. Since there are
many uncontrolled aspects to disease outbreak investigations it is important to take a systematic
approach in the investigation.
Routine surveillance
Routine clinical examinations or laboratory submissions
Notifications from the general public;
Media reports.
The time period between the initial case until it is detected and controlled varies depending on
many factors involved with detection, reporting, sample collection, laboratory analysis, laboratory
reporting and initiation of response activities. Generally, the time period will be shorter for
familiar diseases and longer for unknown or rare diseases.
Once an outbreak is confirmed it is important to initiate both immediate control measures and
further investigation simultaneously. Control measures could include prophylaxis (vaccination),
exclusion or isolation, public warning and application of hygienic measures. The decision to
undertake further investigation is dependent upon the following disease related factors:
Unknown etiology;
Severity of cases;
Ongoing, continuing cases are occurring;
Public pressure;
Training opportunity;
Scientific interest.
The investigation team for zoonotic diseases may include the following disciplines:
Environmental specialist;
Government ministries;
Communications officer;
Sometimes one person must play more than one role;
Module 3.2
Implementing the steps in preparing for, conducting and assessing a disease outbreak
Potjaman Siriarayaporn
Medical Epidemiologist, International FETP
Bureau of Epidemiology, Thailand Ministry of Public Health
The first step is to understand the disease(s) under consideration as the most likely causes of the
outbreak. In the example of nitrate poisoning presented in Module 3.1 the following basic facts
are reviewed by the medical team concerning methemoglobinemia:
Agent Indication
sodium nitrite food preservatives
bismuth subnitrate OCT antidiarrheal, astringents
amyl nitrite vasodilator; abused inhalant
butyl nitrite room odorizers; abused inhalant
nitroglycerin coronary vasodilator
silver nitrate topical burn therapy
nitrate salts fertilizer; contaminated water; food
nitrofurantoin, nitrofurazone, antibiotics
Assess situation;
Examine available information;
A person who participated in a cooking class at 9th -10th May 2007 and had at least two
symptoms from these followings:
o Patient with at least two symptoms as above
o Patient with central cyanosis and epidemiological link with other cases
o Patient with concentration level of Met-Hb>15%
For this case the following steps were taken to conduct a descriptive study:
In addition a laboratory study was conducted that involved collection of food samples and salt
powder to be analyzed for nitrite concentration (performed by local SRRT) and fried chicken was
made following the same recipe and sent to the laboratory.
To identify cases were identified using different sources including clinical cases from hospitals,
laboratories, schools and workplace. Identifying information for cases included demographic
information (age, place of residence, etc.) are combined with clinical details and questions are
asked in order to identify risk factors later on in the analysis.
Finally cases are described in terms of person/place/time in order to verify the agent, its source
and possible modes of transmission (point source and continuing common source). Plotting the
outbreak curve can give us useful information concerning the incubation period of the agent as
seen in the outbreak curve below.
One can use the information from literature concerning minimum and median incubation period
for the agent in order to estimate the time of initial exposure to the disease agent.
Food that was prepared at the cooking school includes the following:
Sodium nitrite (NaNo2) were introduced by teacher and used as ingredients of Fried
Chemical powder were purchased from a chemical store in Chiang Rai under instruction
of the teacher, but information about concentration of nitrite powder was wrongly use
(> 100 time higher than the original recipe)
It is also important to compare the hypothesis with known facts and test the hypothesis by
conducting either a case-control study or cohort study.
We can support causation by showing a dose response effect in this case as well from the data
presented below:
There were cluster of 24 persons suffered from methemoglobinemia after attended the
cooking class at Cooperatives A on May 10th 2007;
The cause of the outbreak was the ingestion of fried chicken with high concentration level
of sodium nitrite due to wrongly used formula in the recipe.
All chemical products packs should be labeled clearly and give adequate information
about usage;
It is important to implement control measures even during the outbreak itself by interrupting
transmission or modifying the host response. Control measures should consider the following
Lesson Summary:
Module 3.3
Wandee Kongkaew
Thailand Department of Livestock Development
Lecture Outline
- Outbreak, scope of an outbreak investigation, steps of an outbreak investigation
- Descriptive epidemiology
- Descriptive statistics
An outbreak is an increase in the number of cases over past experience for a given population,
time and place.
1. Epidemiological investigation
1.1 Descriptive epidemiological investigation
1.2 Analytical epidemiological investigation
2. Environmental investigation
3. Laboratory investigation
Descriptive Epidemiology
Once data from outbreak event have been collected, we can begin to characterize (describe) an
outbreak to provide a picture of the outbreak by three important epidemiological parameters;
time, place, and person/animal. Characterizing an outbreak by these variables is called descriptive
epidemiology, because we describe what has occurred in the population under study.
Careful descriptive and characterization of the outbreak is an important first step of any
epidemiological investigation. We can assess description of the outbreak in light of what is
known about the disease e.g. usual source, mode of transmission, risk factors and populations
affected, etc., be able to develop causal hypotheses, and further design analytical epidemiology to
test the hypotheses.
Investigation of a potential outbreak starts with the assessment of all available information; this
should confirm or refute the existence of an outbreak (the diagnosis, the magnitude of the
problem) and allow a working case definition to be established.
Once the outbreak has been confirmed, a group of initial cases should be identified and interview
in order to provide a picture of the clinical and epidemiological features of the affected group. A
case definition is a set of criteria for determining whether a person/animal should be classified as
being affected by an illness or condition under investigation. It is an epidemiological tool for
counting cases, generally it should be simple and practical and include the following components:
1) Clinical and laboratory criteria to assess whether a person/animal has an illness or condition
under investigation. The clinical features should be significant signs of an illness or condition
under investigation;
2) Defined period of time during which cases of illness are considered to be associated with the
3) Restriction by place;
4) Restriction by person/animal’s characteristics.
The cases that prompt an outbreak investigation often represent only a small fraction of the total
number of affected population, an active search for additional cases and unreported cases should
be undertaken.
4. Analyze and Describe the Data by Time, Place, and Characteristics or Pattern of Affected
Person or Animal
With the established facts, determine the following: the type of outbreak whether it is point
source or propagated; the source of outbreak whether it is common source or multiple exposures;
and the possible mode of spread whether it is direct contact, vector, fomite, vehicles, etc. At this
point, we should be able to make recommendations for action and preventive measures.
6. Intensive Follow-up
Share the results of your findings through writing official reports and scientific publications.
Descriptive Statistics
Descriptive statistics are used to describe the basic features of the data gathered from outbreak
sources in various ways. They provide a general summarize about the events and the measures.
Together with simple graphic analysis, they form the basis of virtually quantitative analysis of
data. The techniques include in descriptive analysis are:
2. Graphical display of data in which graph summarize the data or facilitate comparison;
1. Frequency;
Once data has been gathered from outbreak sources; affected population, laboratory, it should be
checked and amended for any needed, missing, or unexpected values. Data should be coded and
edit in line list format. Data quality may be assessed and improved before and during descriptive
Cases may occur irregularly and do not seem to be associated with any other factor. There is no
discernable pattern. Often, the disease agent is common, but the development of clinical disease
is dependent on other factors.
Cases may occur regularly. There are many predictable patterns of diseases. Disease which
occurs regularly is said to be endemic. Regular, predictable patterns of disease occurrence
represent a long term balance between agent and host. Disease can be at a
low, moderate or high rate.
Cases may occur in clusters in time. This pattern is typical of outbreaks or epidemics. A useful
way to represent this pattern of temporal distribution is to construct an epidemic curve. An
epidemic is present when the frequency of cases clearly exceeds the normal level for a given area
and season. If an epidemic takes on international proportions, it is termed a pandemic.
This segment represents the expected level of disease, and should be drawn first.
If transmission is very efficient and the incubation period of disease is short, then this limb (part)
of the curve will be steep compared to diseases with less efficient transmission or longer
incubation periods.
In point source epidemics, where large numbers of animals are exposed all at once to a common
source, the ascending branch of the curve is almost vertical. This is typical of food-borne or
waterborne diseases.
In propagated epidemics, the agent is spread, directly, or indirectly, from one animal
to another, and the slope will be less steep. Slope is dependent on factors like the
agent's ability to survive outside the host, probability of effective contact between
hosts, etc.
The extent of the plateau and the descending branch are dependent on the availability of
susceptible animals, which in turn is dependent on herd immunity, vaccination, quarantine,
therapy, and other interventions to control the epidemic.
The secondary peak is usually due to the introduction of new susceptible into the epidemic area or
the movement of infected animals from the epidemic area and contact with new susceptible
animals. The main peak of an epidemic curve can be preceded by a small peak which could
represent the index case(s), the first cases to occur. The interval from the beginning of the first
peak to the beginning of the main peak could indicate the incubation period.
1. Identify the date of onset for the first case in the curve.
2. Set the time interval.
3. Create X-axis lead and end periods.
4. Draw tick marks and label the time intervals.
To draw an epidemic curve, you first should identify the date of onset of illness for each case. In
addition, for a disease with a very short incubation period, you should also identify the time of
onset to produce an epidemic curve with enough detail to discern patterns in the outbreak. If you
do not know the date of onset, then you can use one of the following dates: date of report, date of
death, or date of diagnosis.
Below is a portion of the line listing from the smallpox outbreak noting date of onset.
Affected Area Date Of Onset
1 Kosovo 3/15/1972
2 Kosovo 3/15/1972
3 Other 3/15/1972
4 Kosovo 3/16/1972
Next, you should set the time interval for the X-axis. The time intervals are preferably based on
the incubation period of the disease, if known. The time interval is critical because intervals that
are too short (e.g., hours, for diseases with long incubation periods) or too long may obscure the
underlying pattern of the outbreak.
As a rule of thumb, you will usually select a unit of about 1/3 or less of the incubation period for
the time interval on the X-axis.
When creating an epidemic curve, it is important to illustrate the time period before and after the
concentration of cases to possibly reveal source cases, secondary transmission, and other outliers
of interest.
The following steps can be used when establishing lead and end periods.
1. From your line listing, find the first and last dates of onset.
2. To create the lead period, extend the scale back two incubation periods from the first date of
3. To create the end period, extend the scale forward two incubation periods after the last case.
As mentioned earlier, time intervals by which onset dates are grouped are shown on the X-axis.
Now draw the tick marks on the X-axis according to the interval you have chosen (1 day). You
may also begin putting labels on the X-axis, such as the interval or date markers (i.e. dates of
For example:
dates of onset: February 16, 1972 to April 11, 1972
lead period: January 23, 1972
end period: May 5, 1972
time interval: 1 day
You may need to draw the graph on paper. In that case, you will need to assign the area that will
be equal to one case on the X-axis, which is usually square or rectangular.( = 1 case).
Now you can plot the cases on the graph. There should be no gaps between adjacent time
intervals, as this is a histogram, not a bar graph.
Step 7: Mark the critical events on the graph and add graph labels
Labels are a useful tool to identify or highlight events and cases of importance. In addition, title,
legend, and axis labels help provide the reader with visual aids to assist them in interpreting the
In the smallpox example, two critical events that occurred during the outbreak are:
1. The period of time the index case was in Iraq (where the exposure occurred)
2. The initial onset of illness for the index case
As a result, the following graph now indicates the critical events that took place, as well as the
title and axes labels.
Unfortunately, we often need to draw an epidemic curve when we do not know the incubation
periods and/or the disease. Step 2 (Setting the Time Interval) and Step 3 (Creating the Lead and
End Periods on the X-axis) will be slightly different in that case.
When the incubation period is unknown, use 1 to 2 weeks for the lead and end periods.
Time Intervals
If the disease is unknown, a good way to set the time interval is to create at least three epidemic
curves, each with a different time interval. For our example, we use: 1 day, 4 days, and 1 week.
Interpretation of the epidemic curve can prove to be very helpful in determining the source of the
outbreak. Through review of the different patterns illustrated in an epidemic curve, it is possible
to hypothesize:
When analyzing an epidemic curve, it is important to consider the following factors to assist in
interpreting an outbreak.
1. Point Source
In a point source epidemic, persons are exposed to the same exposure over a limited, defined
period of time, usually within one incubation period. The shape of this curve commonly rises
rapidly and contains a definite peak at the top, followed by a gradual decline. Sometimes, cases
may also appear as a wave that follows a point source by one incubation period or time interval.
This is called a point source with secondary transmission.
The graph below illustrates an outbreak of gastrointestinal illness from a single exposure. While
there are outliers to this dataset, it is clear that there is an outbreak over a limited period of time,
and the shape of the curve is characteristic of one source of exposure.
In a continuous common source epidemic, exposure to the source is prolonged over an extended
period of time and may occur greater than one incubation period. The down slope of the curve
may be very sharp if the common source is removed or gradual if the outbreak is allowed to
exhaust itself.
The data below is from the well-known outbreak of cholera in London that was investigated by
the "father of epidemiology," John Snow. Cholera spread from a water source for an extended
period of time. Note that the typical incubation period for cholera is 1 to 3 days that the duration
of this outbreak was more than 1 month.
A propagated (progressive source) epidemic occurs when a case of disease serves as a source of
infection for subsequent cases and those subsequent cases, in turn, serve as sources for later
cases. The shape of the curve usually contains a series of successively larger peaks, reflective of
the increasing number of cases caused by person-to-person or animal-to animal contact, until the
pool of susceptible animals/humans is exhausted or control measures are implemented.
The graph below illustrates an outbreak of measles. The graph shows a single common source
(the index case), and the cases appear to increase exponentially. Measles is caused by person-to-
person contact. Its incubation period is typically 10 days but may be 7--18 days.
Most types of outbreaks are affected by geography. Common source epidemics are usually
found in one place or contiguous locations, while a propagated epidemic can be found in
multiple locations, often spread from person-to-person contact.
In the smallpox outbreak, although we have determined the type of epidemic curve, it is
difficult to determine how the outbreak might have spread throughout the population.
Characteristics of a Population
To divide the population into subgroups, you should understand the characteristics of the
population including; number of confirmed, clinical, and suspected cases, number of deaths
associated with the disease or illness, demographic information, e.g., age, gender, and job
classification, geographic information. Of these characteristics, geography is commonly used to
compare populations to determine if an outbreak contains similar or unusual patterns within an
epidemic curve.
Geographic Example:
Below is the smallpox example, this time the epidemic curve has been grouped by geographic
location (Kosovo, Belgrade and Other Areas in Yugoslavia).
Smallpox cases by date of onset--- Yugoslavia, February--May 1972
There are many tools to assist you in interpreting an epidemic curve. The key is to ask the right
questions of the population in order to gather characteristics that can be used in the
interpretation of an epidemic curve.
Time Series Analysis
If an epidemic curve extends over a relatively long period of time, and is based on frequent
observations at short intervals, it may be examined for patterns including seasonal variation,
cyclical trends, or secular trends.
1. Seasonal Variation - Changes in disease frequency with "ups" and "downs" that coincide with
seasons (dry vs. wet season, winter vs. summer, etc.)
2. Cyclical Variation - Cyclical variation occurs when there are regular changes in disease
frequency. These periodic changes can occur as a result of the interplay of many factors. The
intervals are usually longer than seasons, for example, the cyclical variation in fox rabies in
3. Secular Trends - occur over a long period of time. They are superimposed on other temporal
4. Erratic Variations - change in disease frequency with time that occur in totally unpredictable
fashion. The variation left over after cyclical, seasonal and secular trends have been accounted
Cartographic Methods
1. Spot Maps
The size of the region on the map corresponds to the size of the population at risk in the
area as opposed to its physical size
Difficult to draw
Analytic Methods
Sometimes a spot map of cases will indicate clustering, suggesting spread from farm to farm. It is
often difficult to rule out chance in the apparent spatial clustering of disease events. The
clustering may be an artifact due to the distribution of farms, or it may be real.
a) The mean distance between randomly selected non-infected farms and the closest infected farm
b) The mean distance between two randomly selected non-infected farms
If farm to farm spread is important, you would expect the average distance between pairs of
infected farms to be less than the average distance between a non-infected farm and the nearest
infected farm.
Interpretation of Clustering
Once a relationship between disease and a geographic area has been established, then you need to
determine whether animal characteristics (host factors) explain the geographic variation.
Do animals leaving the high risk area develop a lower risk of disease after leaving?
Do healthy animals coming into the high risk area develop a higher risk of disease?
Animals in the suspect area have a higher frequency of disease than animals of the same species,
breed, and age outside the area. Animals with different host characteristics all have a higher risk
of disease inside the suspect area.
Affected persons/animals may be characterize and describe by various variables; age, sex,
occupation, class, species, clinical manifestation, etc.
Lesson Summary:
1. An outbreak is an increase in the number of cases over past experience for a given
population, time and place.
5. Collection of data is very resource demanding. Ensure the quality of data collected.
Module 3.4
Applied Research
Epidemiology must deal with the natural state of the world where many factors cannot be
controlled. Field research involves problem solving and takes place under real world conditions
and usually a clinical or field setting. Case reports and case series studies are limited in their size
and scope and do not support conclusions about the relative efficacy of treatment, cause of
disease or risk factors for the disease. Therefore applied, analytic research will be the focus of
this module.
Experimental Studies
Experimental studies assess treatments and other interventions under controlled or semi-
controlled conditions. Clinical trials and field trials to test new drugs and vaccines are common
examples of experimental studies.
Observational Studies
- un-controlled environment
Definitions: Populations, Samples and Sampling
- survey, cross-sectional, case-control, longitudinal, cohort
Population = External Population = in sampling, the whole collection of units from
which a sample could be drawn;
Study Population = the Target Population = the subjects that are actually available for
sampling, it is desired that they be representative of the population;
Sample = the Study Sample = the subjects chosen for study, it is desired that they be
representative of the study population
Reference Population = group of individuals to which the results of a study can be
With proper sampling inferences can be generalized from the sample to the target population.
Inferences to the external population depend on proper sampling and being biologically
There are 2 basic types of Sampling: probability sampling (e.g. simple random sampling or
stratified random sampling) and non-probability sampling (e.g. systematic or haphazard
sampling, samples of convenience). A probability sample requires a formal random
technique for selection of study subjects at some stage. The random technique assures that
every subject within a block has the same probability of being selected for study. Random
sampling is preferred when possible because it is more likely to be a representative sample.
Analytical Studies
These are designed to identify associations or correlations between independent and dependent
Note that because 2 things are associated (or correlated) does not necessarily mean there is a
cause and effect relationship between them.
Observational Studies
Observations are made of the normal progression of events usually in a “real life” setting
without interfering. It may be the only ethical way to study some disease, treatments or
control measures. Observational studies are more susceptible to bias because randomization
usually cannot be applied, often require more complex analyses and examine both exposure and
disease outcome variables.
examine exposures and disease outcomes
Of these 3 aspects, sample selection criteria give the best characterization of an observational
study and are the most meaningful for describing a type of study.
NOTICE: Prospective Study and Retrospective Study are not meaningful characterizations for a
type of study. Prospective is used to describe a study where all the relevant events (data
collection, exposure, disease) occur after the start of the study and “retrospective” describes a
study where these events occurred prior to the start/design of the study.
Prolective has also been suggested as a term to describe studies in which data is collected after the
start of the study with Retrolective being used to describe studies that rely on existing data
An Historical study is conducted using existing records to reconstruct information about exposure
and/or disease status from the past, prior to the start of the study. A Longitudinal study follows
subjects through time. Exposure and or disease status are measured at various points over time.
*Although they may be used to further characterize a study, by themselves these terms are not
adequate to identify what type of study was conducted!*
1. Surveys
Often descriptive in nature, surveys involve counting members of a population and measuring
their characteristics. They are limited to measuring frequency of disease or exposure and not
analytical in nature. They can be used as a tool for an analytical epidemiological study.
Descriptive only, no formal statistical comparisons are made;
Analysis is usually straightforward;
Can be used as a tool for analytic studies;
Sampling can be very complex;
Do not provide evidence of associations between exposure and disease or efficacy of
Longitudinal Studies
Considered as a series of cross-sectional studies;
Sampling is independent of both exposure and disease;
Disease and exposure are measured at several points in time;
Follow changes over time.
Sampling is independent of both exposure and disease;
Usually conducted at one point in time.
Simple, quick , cheap, usually few animals needed
Good for chronic disease, static disease in static population with exposure factors that do
not change (e.g., breed, gender)
Temporal relationship between exposure and disease may not be clear.
Example: a sample of dogs from the local animal shelter is examined when they are admitted to
the facility to determine their body condition and internal parasite burden.
3. Case-Control Study
Sampling based on disease (outcome) status for cases first then the researcher looks at the
exposure status
Can be historical, prospective, retrospective
Compares exposures between 2 groups: cases and controls
Cases and controls should be examined in the same way to determine exposure status
Can identify associations between multiple exposures and disease
Provide evidence to support preventive recommendations
Sampling is based on disease (outcome)
Relatively inexpensive, quick, few
animals needed;
Good for screening large number of
potential risk factors and single outcome;
Efficient for the study of rare diseases.
cannot measure disease incidence
since the entire population is not
selection of controls can easily introduce
difficult to establish temporal
relationship between exposure and
Example: Dogs with poor body condition are identified at the local animal shelter, the
parasite burden of these dogs is compared with that of dogs of the same age and day of
admission in good body condition.
4. Cohort Study
Sampling is based on exposure status
Measures disease incidence because the entire population is sampled;
Establishes temporal relationship between exposure and disease;
Provides good evidence for causal argument;
Better for confirming specific hypotheses;
Good for evaluating a large number of outcomes related to a single exposure.
relatively expensive, take time;
Not useful for screening a large number of potential risk factors or exposures;
Not efficient for the study of rare diseases so a larger number of animals needed.
Example: the parasite burden of dogs at a local animal shelter is determined when they arrive.
After 6 months they are re-examined to determine body condition, the incidence of poor body
condition is compared between dogs with high and low parasites.
Lesson Summary:
1. Field research involves problem solving and takes place under real world conditions
and usually a clinical or field setting.
Module 4.1
Data Presentation
Presenting data that has been collected is an important process that is part of completing the work
of field epidemiologists. What data is presented and how data is presented are important since
this represents the work of data collection and preliminary analysis.
The first part of presenting data is to explain clear and understandable way the components of
descriptive epidemiology including person, place and time elements using tables, charts, graphs,
maps, symbols and other illustrations of events. Here are some specific areas to take note of
when presenting data:
The second part of presenting data is to draw conclusions and make recommendations for the
prevention and control of the disease in question. Both conclusions and recommendations must
come from the data presented keeping in mind that as more knowledge about the field situation
develops, conclusions and recommendations must be changed. For this reason we can consider
describing conclusions and recommendations as “preliminary” or “final” in nature.
Tables are used to present the frequency of events or when comparing results for two groups. A
well constructed table has the following characteristics:
It is said that “a picture is worth a thousand words” and a graph is a visual picture of data points
which is very powerful and simple for the reader to understand. Here are some characteristics of
a well-constructed graph:
Charts can be bar charts that show frequency distributions and time-series data. They also
include geographic maps including spot maps and shaded density maps that show areas with
varying levels of disease. A pictogram is similar to a bar chart but using symbols and pie charts
divide proportions into wedge shaped pieces of a circle.
Report Writing
For the field epidemiologist, the report is not meant to sit on a shelf but to be used to support
decisions. It is a tool to inform and advise decision makers as to what action to take in response
to a question or significant event. Writing can be a difficult process and it is through a repetitive
and persistent effort field epidemiologists must strive for clear communication of methods used,
results obtained, conclusions drawn and recommendations for follow-up action.
“Write with precision, clarity and economy (to the point). Every sentence should convey the
exact truth as simple as possible. (Instructions to authors, Ecology, 1964)
A field epidemiology report should describe the field research activity, develop conclusions and
recommendations for decision makers. Specifically,
When describing the field research activity define the problem that was studied, why it
was important and how it fits into other related activities in this area;
Describe results for scientific and non-scientific terms;
Draw conclusions from the results;
Make practical recommendations from the conclusions for government reports.
In the beginning stages of writing a report it is critical to just begin writing and capture ideas.
The following steps are very useful to follow:
Start with an abstract that includes a thesis (argument) of what you want to explain;
o Link your work with previous research and findings;
o The argument or thesis should form the main foundation of the report;
Develop an outline of the report under the following headings;
o Introduction;
o Literature review;
o Methodology;
o Results;
o Discussion;
o Conclusions;
o Recommendations for government reports;
Write an initial draft;
Revise, revise, revise and revise!
Title Page:
Should be short and meaningful and should include the disease agent, aspect of the study and the
variables involved.
Include persons who supported the work but who were not authors;
Authors are collaborators who contribute substantively to the content or reasoning of the
Table of Contents:
List of Tables
List of Figures
A 200 to 300 word non-technical summary of the research project using brief statements;
o Purpose of study (central question to address);
o Methods;
o Results:
o Conclusions;
o Make recommendations for government reports;
Introduce the background (literature review or relevant events) and significance (reason
why the report is important) and state the general purpose and significance of the report.
Describe methods and procedures used to collect data in detail so that the reader could
undertake the same steps;
o Reasons for the approach used;
o Hypothesis tested;
o Describe the study in terms of Time (when), Place (where) and Person/Animal
Describe methods and procedures used for epidemiological, environmental or laboratory
o Describe how the population was selected;
o Describe the type and source of data;
o Describe methods for collecting data;
o Describe how data was analyzed;
Justify the methods used when appropriate;
Present and summarize the main findings clearly and include other interesting findings of
Accept or reject the Null Hypothesis (HO);
Explain the significance of the results with other studies or field based findings;
State the limitations of the study including methods used, analyses performed or
challenges in studying the population involved;
Offer solutions to correct limitations in the study to improve the next study of this type;
Restate the main problem to be studied;
Summarize the main findings and their significance and meaning;
Make conclusions based on the data presented that take into account the shortcomings of
the study;
Propose what future approach or studies could be done to further address the problem
Note: Many factors enter into a final decision as to how recommendations from a field study
or report are acted upon by a government or organization including political, social, economic
and cultural reasons. It is the work of field epidemiologists to present science based decisions
to decision makers for their consideration and ultimate action.
Include any extra data that might be relevant.
Include anything that requires further explanation.
Computer software such as Microsoft PowerPoint® are powerful tools for sharing results among
groups of stakeholders. Basic principles for using this type of software to present results form
field activities follows:
Allow enough time to spend 1 to 2 minutes to view each slide and budget time
Present an outline of topics to be covered at the beginning of the presentation;
Include a slide to acknowledge contributors
Use text from word processor software;
Use an easy to read font and double space text, allowing enough space to see everything
Use consistent formatting of the title and body of each slide;
Use the most appropriate tables, diagrams, photos and maps to illustrate key points
without the use of text where possible;
Include a summary slide at the end to review main points.
Oral Presentations
Developing skills in making oral presentations provide opportunities for career growth and
development at work and for further educational opportunities. It is said that the secret to good
public speaking is to talk about something you have earned the right to know and care about
(Anon.). This should be easy work for field epidemiologists!
Lose yourself in your topic – talk about something you know and care about;
Don’t worry about being a bit nervous – it provides good energy for the presentation
when it is under control;
Often you will have 15 minutes to briefly outline the purpose, main methods, findings,
conclusions and recommendations (see below);
Allow some time for questions and discussion;
Inform the audience what you will discuss, discuss it, then review what you just said;
Dress nicely;
Speak slowly and clearly;
Do not fidget (nervous movements);
Move freely and relax;
Use a podium if it is provided;
Check you watch to gage the time remaining – it is considered rude to some audiences to
go over the time allowed.
Oral presentations can be done by reading what is written on a page and seven double spaced
pages may take 15 minutes or so to read. This method requires someone with a good speaking
voice who is able to hold the interest of the audience.
You will know you have engaged your audience if you get good questions!
Lesson Summary:
1. The first step of presenting data is to explain clear and understandable way the
components of descriptive epidemiology including person, place and time elements
using tables, charts, graphs, maps, symbols and other illustrations of events.
3. For government reports, conclusions and recommendations must come from the
data presented keeping in mind that as more knowledge about the field situation
develops, conclusions and recommendations must be changed. For this reason we
can consider describing conclusions and recommendations as “preliminary” or
“final” in nature.
4. “Write with precision, clarity and economy (to the point). Every sentence should
convey the exact truth as simple as possible. (Instructions to authors, Ecology, 1964)
6. The secret to good public speaking is to talk about something you have earned the
right to share and that you care about (Anon).
Individual is one member of a population. Clinical medicine and surgery deal with the health
and disease status of the individual.
Information is the act of transferring a message about something from one person to another.
Measures of central tendency are ways to describe the average value of continuous data
including mean, median and mode.
Mean is the arithmetic average value of a series of numerical results. The geometric mean is the
central measure for values that are ratios (e.g. titer results).
Median is the middle value of a series of numerical results.
Mode is the most commonly repeated value in s series of numerical results.
Necessary causes are factors that must be present in order for disease to occur.
Nominal data is a type of coded data where the numbers only have a meaning in relation to the
result it represents.
Normal distribution is a bell-shaped distribution that describes the way that many biological
characteristics are distributed.
Null hypothesis is a formal scientific statement presented in a negative sense that proposes an
exposure variable is not associated with an outcome variable.
Numerator is the upper half of a fraction.
Ordinal data is a type of coded data where the order of numbers is used to produce a ranked
Outcome variable is a result of a disease event.
Population is a collection of individuals and is the main focus of epidemiology.
Population at Risk (PAR) is a susceptible or at-risk population that is considered according to
its characteristics.
Precision means that test results are consistent when testing the same animal under the same
Premises is a unique geographic location identified by latitude and longitude.
Prevalence means the number of existing cases at some point or period of time.
Prevalent cases are the existing cases detected over a specific time period.
Probability is the likelihood of an event expressed as a proportion or ratio.
Proportion is a fraction where the numerator is part of a combined denominator.
Prospective data is collected from the current time into the future.
Random selection means that every member of a population has an equal and independent
probability of being selected.
Rates is a risk (probability) that is calculated over a given time period.
Ratio is a fraction where the numerator is not part of a combined denominator.
Recall bias means that the accuracy of data is negatively affected by the ability to recall events
due to time passing.
Repeatable means that test results are consistent when testing under similar conditions.
Reservoirs are living sources of disease agents including wild animals, insects and other life that
act as a source of disease agents for the population at risk prior to exposure.
Retrospective data is collected from historical sources.
Selection bias is the systematic error of including or excluding subjects used to evaluate the
exposure factor and the outcome variable.
Sensitivity measures the ability of a test to detect an animal that is truly positive.
Specificity measures the ability of a test to detect an animal that is truly negative.
Sporadic pattern of disease means that the numbers of incident disease cases occur in isolation
over time at few locations very rarely.
Sufficient causes are factors that either may or may not be present in order for disease to occur.
Unit of Measure is an identifying name or scale to describe person/animal, place and time.
Unit of Interest means what is being sampled including individual animal/human level, or
herd/flock level.
Variables are either factors or outcomes that are associated with a disease.
Selected References
Cameron, A. 1999: Survey Toolbox – A Practical Manual and Software Package Active
Surveillance of Livestock Diseases in Developing Countries. ACIAR Monograph No. 54, 330 p.
Claire Lecture. documents/ClaireLectureV4.ppt#329,18,
Advantages/ Disadvantages
Dohoo, I.R., Martin, S.W., Stryhn, H. 2003: Veterinary Epidemiological Research. AVC Inc.
PEI, Canada, 706 p.
FAO References:
The Global Strategy for Prevention and Control of H5N1 Highly Pathogenic Avian
Influenza - October 2008
Wild bird highly pathogenic avian influenza surveillance: sample collection from healthy,
sick and dead birds
Wild birds and avian influenza: an introduction to applied field research and disease
sampling techniques
Fleiss, J.L. 1981. Statistical Methods for Rates and Proportions. 2 ed. New York: John Wiley &
Sons, 321 p.
Gregg, M. (Ed). 2008: Field Epidemiology, Third Edition. Oxford University Press. New York,
572 p.
Kelsey, J.L., Whittemore, A.S., Evans, A.S., Thompson, D.W. 1996: Methods in Observational
Epidemiology, Second Edition. Oxford University Press. New York, 432 p.
Kleinbaum, D.G., Kupper, L.L., Morgenstern, H., Mullen, K.E. Applied Regression Analysis and
other multivariable methods. 2nd ed. Boston: PWS-Kent Publishing Co, 1988.
Kotova A.L., Kondratskaya S.A, Yasutis I.M. Salmonella carrier state and biological
characteristics of the infectious agent. J Hyg Epidemiol Microbiol Immunol 1988;32(1): 71-78.
Martin, S.W., Meek, A.H., Willeberg, P. 1987; Veterinary Epidemiology Principles and
Methods. Iowa State University Press. Ames, Iowa. 343p.
Massey University. Downloads/Education/202-
Mazet, J. “Outbreak Investigation”, (DVM, MPVM, PhD), Wildlife Health Center, School of
Veterinary Medicine, University of California Davis, CA 95616, USA (lecture note)
Norman, G.R., Streiner, D.L. 1994. Biostatistics: The Bare Essentials. 1st ed. St. Louis: Mosby-
Year Book Inc., 260p.
Toma, B., Dufour, B., Sanaa, M., Benet, J-J., Ellis, P., Moutou, F., Louza, A. 1999: Applied
veterinary epidemiology and control of disease in populations. Maisons-Alfort, France: AEEMA,
536 p.
Tulane University. report_presentation.pdf
University of Massachusetts.
AmherstMassachusetts/ReportingandPresentingData. ppt
U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention, “Constructing an Epidemic Curve”,, January
U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention, “Constructing an Epidemic Curve”,, January
U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Updated Guidelines for Evaluating Public Health
Surveillance Systems. 2001.
U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Framework for Program Evaluation in Public
Health. 1999.
United States Department of Agriculture, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service. Animal
Health Monitoring and Surveillance.
Course Instructors
To be provided
To Be Provided
Course Goal: Assess population health and disease status by conducting surveys and
Learning Objective: To experience trainees how to use their surveillance knowledge in the field
Essential Points to Learn: Define objectives and activities for surveillance system
Course Goal: Assess population health and disease status by conducting surveys and
Learning Objective: To experience trainees how to use their surveillance knowledge in the field
Essential Points to Learn: Define data need, data collection, entry and analysis (descriptive
2. Mentoring on analysis of surveillance data and preparing for presentation (Thursday 12th)
2.1. Appropriate data will be provided for analysis
2.2. Summarize and making recommendation from surveillance field activities