Amul Report
Amul Report
Amul Report
I undersigned, hereby declare that the project titled“A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF JOB
TO DELHI ZONE”submitted in partial fulfilment for the award of Degree of Master of
Business Administration of Dr APJ AbdulKalam Technical University is a bonafide record of
work done by me under the guidanceof Dr. Tanushree Gupta of Department of
Management Studies &GL Bajaj Group of Institutions. This report has not been
previously published for the award of any degree, diploma, or similar title of any University.
This is to certify that the report titled“A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF JOB SATISFACTION
being submitted by Saloni, 2205110700028, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the
award of the Degree of Master of Business Administration, is a bonafide record of the project
work done by Saloni of Department of Management Studies &GL Bajaj Group of
Through this acknowledgement I express my sincere gratitude towards all those people who
helped me in this project,which has been a learning experience.
This space wouldn’t be enough to extend my warm gratitude towards my project guide Dr.
Tanushree Gupta for her efforts in coordinating with my work and
Guiding in right direction.
I escalate a heart felt regards to our Head of Department Dr. Shashi Shekhar for giving me the
essential hand in concluding this work.
It would be in justice to proceed without acknowledging those vital supports I received from my
beloved classmates and friends, without whom I would have been half done.
I also use this space to offer my sincere love to my parents and all others who had been there,
helping me walk through this work.
The world's biggest dairy producing country is growing fast and looking to become an
export power house despite major quality problems. India is the world's largest milk
producing country and is growing fast, with an eye toward becoming a major dairy exporter.
Indiandairy is emerging as sunrise industry. India represents one of the world’s largest and
fast-growing markets for milk and other products due to increasing disposable incomes
among275 million middle class. The country is been changed after the end of 2000 A.D. as
the world's number one in milk production. The reason being that, it is rural based, land
saving and gender natural composed to the drop production to offers more favourable
opportunities of employment. Dairy farming provides substantial source of the landless
labour as well as marginal farmer. During the last 25 years, we have moved from a situation
of scarcity and rationing of milk to a scenario in which milk has been increasing at a rate
faster than the rate of increasing of population. There is large and rising domestic demand
both for milk and milk products with an expanding middle income group, there exist a market
for value added products, especially in the cities and towns. There is also the possibility and
covering surplus into conventional milk products like casein is not only import to developed
countries. into conventional milk products like casein is not only import to developed
countries. The world's biggest dairy producing country is growing fast and looking to become
an export power house despite major quality problems. India is the world's largest milk
producing country and is growing fast, with an eye toward becoming a major dairy exporter.
Beginning in organized milk handling was made in India with the establishment of Military
Dairy Farms. Handling of milk in Co-operative Milk Unions established all over the country
on a small scale in the early stages. Long distance refrigerated rail-transport of milk from
Anand to Bombay since 1945.Pasteurization and bottling of milk on a large scale for
organized distribution was started at Aare (1950), Calcutta (Harighata, 1959), Delhi (1959),
Worli (1961), Madras (1963) etc. Establishment of Milk Plants under the Five-Year Plans for
Dairy Development all over India. These were taken up with the dual object of increasing the
national level of milk consumption and ensuing better returns to the primarymilk producer.
Their main aim was to produce more, better and cheaper milk. Dairy cultivating is worried
about the creation spread and comprise. Dairy innovation is thelogical premise of keeping up
the knew about bovines and collection and safeguarding of hugeamount of milk and
delivering the side-effects to meet the requests of consumers. The milkcreation in India has
duplicated since the approach of 5 years plan. Later National DairyCorporation (NDC) and
the Indian Veterinary Research Institute (IVRI) were built up for theimprovement of dairy
innovation to boost milk creation through logical techniques. In1970, thelegislature of India
propelled a gigantic dairy improvement venture called ³operation flood'which
broughtwhiterevolutioninIndia. Industry the Indian food industry is ready for huge growth,
increasing its contribution in worldfood trade every year. In India, the food sector has
emerged as a high-profit sector on the back of the scope it offers for value addition,
particularly with the food getting recognised as a high-priority area.Accounting for about 32
per cent of the country’s total food market, the food processing industry is one of the largest
industries in India and is ranked fifth in termsof production, consumption, export and
expected growth.Food processing is the transformation of raw ingredients, by physical or
chemical means into food, or of food into other forms. Food processing combines raw food
ingredients to produce marketable food products that can be easily prepared and served by the
consumer. Food processing typically involves activities such as mincing, liquefaction,
emulsification, and cooking (such as boiling, broiling, frying, or grilling); pickling,
pasteurization, and many other kinds of preservation; and canning or other packaging.
(Primary-processing such as dicing or slicing, freezing or drying when leading to secondary
products are also included.)Food being perishable in nature has to be sometimes processed in
order to increase its shelf life. Benefits of food processing include toxin removal,
preservation, ease in marketing and distribution tasks, and increasing food consistency. In
addition, it increases yearly availability of many foods, enables transportation of delicate
perishable foods across long distances and makes many kinds of foods safe to eat by de-
activating spoilage and pathogenic micro-organisms. Modern supermarkets would not exist
without modern food processing techniques, and long voyages would not be
possible.Processed foods are usually less susceptible to early spoilage than fresh foods and
are better suited for long distance transportation from the source to the consumer. When they
were first introduced, some processed foods helped to alleviate food shortages and improved
the overall nutrition of populations as it made many new foods available to the
masses.Processing can be done in dairy products, fruits, vegetables, cereals, pulses etc. The
whole of industry is so huge, so this paper only covers one part of food processing that is the
dairy industryIndian dairy industry. The dairy industry in India has been on a steady path of
progression since Indian independence. India the world's largest milk producer, accounts for
around 20 percent of global milk production, with most of it consumed domestically. In India,
about 60 percent of milk is consumed in liquid form, while the remaining 40 per cent is used
in the form of butter, clarified butter (desi ghee), cheese, curd, paneer, ice cream, dairy
whiteners and traditional sweets. Since 90’s India is the largest producer of milk in the world,
the fact remains even in 2014-2015. It also has the largest milk-producing animal population
of over 118 million. The Indian dairy industry mainly got its boost after the ‘operation flood’,
launched in 1970 which is a project of the national dairy development board (nddb), which
was the world's biggest dairy development program. Both the companies, Amul and Mother
Dairy being big brands in the dairy industry in India, and are also food processing companies
with different products that are processed by them. Through the project we get to know what
are the products offered, what are the marketing strategies of the companies, enabled by a
comparative study between the two. This structure allows various functions to be delegated
across the three tiers. For example, milk collection is carried out at the Village Dairy Society
level, milk procurement and processing takes place at the District Milk Producers' Union
level and milk and milk products marketing occurs at the State Milk Federation tier.
Designating the functions in such a way avoids the problems of internal competition and
ensures that the economies of scale are achieved. The Amul model has been very successful
in meeting its aim to increase India's production of milk and milk products. The cooperative
has had a huge impact on the country's economy and spurred the White Revolution. Amul
goals statement are 'To provide a good transparency among the farmers towards cooperative
society'. Amul objective statement are to provide more customer satisfaction, Capture
maximum share of the market, reduce cost. After critically analysing the Amul products are
good than other products. Amul objective statement is to provide more customer satisfaction,
capture maximum share of the market, reduce cost. After critically analysing the Amul
products are good than other products. industrial products are those purchased for further
processing or for use in conducting a business. Thus, the distinction between a consumer
product and an industrial product is based on the purpose for which the product is purchased.
If a consumer buys a lawn mower for use around home, the lawn mower is a consumer
product. If the same consumer buys the same lawn mower for use in a landscaping business,
the lawn mower is an industrial product.
1. To identity various attributes that has an impact on the purchase of milk.
2. To examine the best practices of the competitors.
3. To identify the products awareness of amul icecream and motherdairy icecream.
4. To study the employees perception towards Organisation.
5. To study the attitude of the employees towards their work.
6. To identify the factors that motivates the employees.
7. To give suggestion for the growth and perspective of the company.
8. To measure the employee job satisfaction level in Organisation.
9. To check the degree of satisfaction of employees.
The term Job Satisfaction figures prominently in any discussions on management of human
resources. Job Satisfaction refers to a person’s feeling of satisfaction on the job, which acts as
a motivation to work. It is not the self-satisfaction, happiness or self- contentment but the
satisfaction. Job satisfaction is an attitude which results from balancing and summation of
many specific likes and dislikes experienced in connection with the job their evaluation may
rest largely upon one’s success or failure in the achievement of personal objective and upon
perceived combination of the job and combination towards these ends.Mother Dairy source
significant part of its prerequisite of fluid milk from dairy cooperatives and town level
rancher driven associations. The org. in the Delhi nor based things to know the power to
create the quality things under it to know the past experience to have the things under it.
Promoting technique is a very high things they permit there things through adds to know the
various platforms to understand the vertical limited to understand the market under it to know
the equal and opposite things to mind it. Amul goals statement are 'To provide a good
transparency among the farmers towards cooperative society'. Every organization is setup with
some objectives to fulfil.Mother Dairy is a wholly owned subsidiary of the National Dairy
Development Board which is a statutory body under the ownership of the Ministry of Fisheries.
Amul is a co-operative which collects milk only from farmers while Mother Dairy is a company
which collects milk from farmers as well as from other aggregators. The objectives may be
social,economic,national and human. Amul was also setup with some basic objectives to fulfil
including all social, economic, national and human objectives.
Following are the objectives of amul:
Social objectives:
Amul has an objective to supply goods with the best of quality and purity at very
reasonable rates. It helped to reduce malpractices carried out by merchants and milk
National objectives:
Amul has helped india to increase its production of milk by 40 million metric tonnes and
become the country with the most milk production all over the world. To increase the
foreign exchange of the country by exporting the milk products. To produce products
according to national priorities. To help improve the health and nutrition of many within
the country.
Human objectives:
Tohelpthevillagersassociatedwithamultoselltheirmilk products.
Economic objectives:
Expansionofdistribution network.
Creative and unique marketing strategies.
Optimum utilization of available resources.
Creation and expansion of loyal customer base.
The main objectives of mother dairy are to promote suitable measures to give power to
farmers and milk producers through methods that are equitable and also to make sure that
famers and milk producers receive fair market prices for their products. Mother dairy has
ensure that the quality of its products is of high standards for it has adopted world class
standard microprocessor technology for the processing of milk. Mother dairy in delhi has
ensure that the quality of its products is of high standards for it has adoptedprocessing of
milk.Motherdairyindelhi hasreceivedmanycertificationssuchasISO9001:2000and2002 food
safety management system. Mother dairy markets over 2.2 million litres of milk each day inn
Mumbai, Hyderabad, delhi, parts of Haryana and uttar Pradesh. The company has a market
share of around 66% in the region of delhi where it takes up marketing operations through
over 10000 retail outlets and sells around 2 million liters of milk each day.
Amul grew from strength to strength thanks to the inspired leadership of Tribhuvandas Patel,
the founder Chairman and the committed professionalism of Dr Verghese Kurien, who was
entrusted the task of running the dairy from 1950. The company launched mother dairy ice
creams in 1995 and they are available in the markets of delhi, NCR, mumbai, Kolkata,
rajasthan, Panjab and uttar Pradesh. Mother dairy has a wide range of dhara edible oils that
are marketed all over the country in more than 200000 outlets.
The company also markets under the brand name safal, a wide range of frozen and fresh
vegetables and fruits through cover 20000 outlets different part of the county.
MotherDairyis committed to deliver productswhich meet all regulatory, industrial, consumer
Quality and Food safety requirements to our valued consumers. Our continuous efforts
focused on building a sustainable “Quality and Food Safety Program” across food chain,
using state of the art processes and innovative technologies towards Our systems are designed
to have process monitoring and controls at each stage of food chain towards
ContinualImprovements.We, assure that our valued consumers are satisfied, each time they
experience our product. Indian dairy industry The dairy industry in India has been on a steady
path of progression since Indian independence. India the world's largest milk producer,
accounts for around 20 percent of global milk production, with most of it consumed
domestically. In India, about 60 percent of milk is consumed in liquid form, while the
remaining 40 per cent is used in the form of butter, clarified butter (desi ghee), cheese, curd,
paneer, ice cream, dairy whiteners and traditional sweets. Since 90’s India is the largest
producer of milk in the world, the fact remains even in 2014-2015. It also has the largest
milk-producing animal population of over 118 million. The Indian dairy industry mainly got
its boost after the ‘operation flood’, launched in 1970 which is a project of the national dairy
development board (nddb), which was the world's biggest dairy development program. It is
our endeavor to create a culture of “Total Quality” where continuous improvement of our
people, processes and products becomes a way of life. t is the Apex organization of the Dairy
Cooperatives of Gujarat, popularly known as 'AMUL',which aims to provide remunerative
returns to the farmers and serve the interest of consumers by providing quality products
which are good value for money.
The objective also contains:
To determine the consumer preferences of mother and amul dairy products with the
help of some parameters quality, taste, price, packing style etc.
To identify various factors which motivates people to use mother and amul dairy
To discover the main reason beyond shifting of customers from mother dairy to amul
dairy products.
Scope of the study:
To ascertain the problem faced by the company while increasing retail outlets.
To increase the outlets by analyzing feedback given by interviewer.
Analyzing the pricing strategies followed by rivals.
The study will help company in providing information about current competitive of
Amul ice cream in markets.
The scope of the study is very limited as it deals with milk market of Indore city only.
The study helps out in having retailer view, consumer quality service.
The project work done will definitely prove to be a helping hand for the firm as well.
To Understand the terminologies used in market by retailers.
Develop the usefulness in enhancing the usability of the product.
1. The sample size was restricted to hundred customers.
2. Resources like time and cost was a constraint.
3. The methods used for analysis and interpretation purpose may have some limitations of
their own and some errors can always creep in.
Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation (GCMMF) is India's largest food products
marketing organization. It is a state level apex body of milk cooperatives in Gujarat which
aims to provide remunerative returns to the farmers and also serve the interest of consumers
by providing quality products which are good value for money. In the year 1955, AMUL was
established. In the year 1946, the union was known as Kaira district co-operative milk
producers’ union. This union selected the brand name AMUL in 1955.The brand name Amul
means “AMULYA”. This word derived from the Sanskrit word “AMULYA”. A quality
control expert in Anand had suggested the brand name “AMUL”. Amul products have been
in use in millions of homes since 1946. Amul Butter, Amul Milk Powder, Amul Ghee, Amul
spray, Amul Cheese, Amul Munch Times, Amul Srichand, Amul Ice Cream, Amul Milk,
Amul Milk Drinks and Amulya have made Amul a leading food brand in India. Today Amul
is a symbol of many things like of the high-quality products sold at reasonable prices, of the
genesis of a vast cooperative network, of the triumph of indigenous technology of the
marketing savvy of a farmer’s organization. And have a proven model for dairy development.
In the year 1946 the first milk union was established. This union was started with 250 liters of
milk per day. In the year 1955 AMUL was established. In the year 1946 the union was known
the brand name AMUL in 1955. The brand name Amul means “AMULYA.” This word
derived from the Sanskrit word “AMULYA” which means “PRICELESS”. A quality control
expert in Anand had suggested the brand name “AMUL”. Amul products have been in use in
millions of homes since 1946. Amul Butter, Amul Milk Powder, Amul Ghee, Amul spray,
Amul Cheese, Amul Chocolates, Amul Srichand, Amul Ice cream, Nuarimol, Amul Milk and
Amulya have made Amul a leading food brand in India. (The total sale is Rs. 6 billion in
2005). Today Amul is a symbol of many things like of the high-quality products sold at
reasonable prices, of the genesis of Avast co-operative network, of the triumph of indigenous
technology, of the marketing savvy of a farmers' organization. And have a proven model for
dairy development.
Amul means “priceless” in Sanskrit. A quality control expert in Anand suggested the brand
name “Amul” from the Sanskrit word “arolia” variants, all meaning “priceless” are found in
several Indian languages. Amul products have been used in millions of home since 1946.
Amul butter
Amul milk powder
Amul ghee
Amul cheese
Amul chocolates
Amul ice cream
Amul cake
Amul biscuits
Amul lassi
Amul paneer
Amul gold
Amul day
Today Amul is a symbol of many things of high-quality products sold at reasonable prices.
Amul is an Indian cooperative dairy company, based at Anand in the state of Gujarat. Formed
in 1956, it is a cooperative brand managed by a cooperative body, the Gujarat Co-operative
Milk Marketing Federation Ltd. (GCMMF), which today is jointly owned by 3.6million milk
producers in Gujarat. Amul spurred India’s White Revolution, which made the country the
world's largest producer of milk and milk products. Amul was spearheaded by Tribhuvan
DasPatel under the guidance of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel. As a result, Kaira District Milk
Union Limited was born in1946. Amul is an acronym (Anand Milk Union Limited) of the
Indian Multinational cooperative society named Gujarat Milk Marketing Federation based in
Anand, Gujarat. It is under the ownership of Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation
Limited, Department of Cooperation, Government of Gujarat.Tribhuvan Das became the
founding chairman of the organization and led it until his death. He hired Dr VergesKorean in
1949. He convinced Dr. Kurien to stay and help with the mission. Kurien, founder-chairman
of the GCMMF for more than 30 years (1973– 2006), is credited with the success of Amul's
marketing. Amul has ventured into markets overseas. Amul products have been in use in
millions of homes since 1946. Amul Butter, Amul Milk Powder, Amul Ghee, Amul spray,
Amul Cheese, Amul Munch Times, Amul Srichand, Amul Ice Cream, Amul Milk, Amul
Milk Drinks and Amulya have made Amul a leading food brand in India. Today Amul is a
symbol of many things like of the high quality products sold at reasonable prices, of the
genesis of a vast co-operative network, of the triumph of indigenous technology of the
marketing savvy of a farmer’s organization. Andhave a proven model for dairy development.
On 17 October 2016, the Amul Butter Girl celebrated 50 years since she first appeared in the
topical ad, titled "Thoroughbred". The ad showed a jockey holding a slice of bread during the
horse race season in 1966. The impish Amul girl had appeared for the first time even before
that, with Eustace Fernandez showing her offering bedtime prayers with a wink and a lick of
lips, saying "Give us this day our daily bread: with Amul butter". Their ad on AgeyBadham
Hai India had an excellent response from the audience. It spoke about how their milk is seen
as a household product, with a catchy tune associated with it.
Amul History:
The famous milk brand, AMUL's full form is “Anand Milk Union Limited,” was formed in
1946, and is now a cooperative brand led by Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation
Limited. Over seven decades ago the life of a farmer in Kaira was very much like that of
farmers anywhere else in India. His income was derived almost entirely from seasonal crops.
Many poor farmers faced starvation during off-seasons. Their income from milch buffaloes
was undependable. The milk marketing system was controlled by contractors and middlemen.
As milk is perishable, farmers were compelled to sell their milk for whatever they were
offered. Often they had to sell cream and ghee at a throwaway price. They were in general
illiterate. But they could see that the system under which contractors could buy their produce
at a low price and arrange to sell it at huge profits was just not fair. This became more notice
able when the Government of Bombay started the Bombay Milk Scheme in 1945. Milk had to
be transported 427 kilometers, from Anand to Bombay. This could be done only if milk was
pasteurized in Anand. After preliminary trials, the Government of Bombay entered into an
agreement with Polson’s Limited to supply milk from Anand to Bombay on a regular basis.
The arrangement was highly satisfactory to all concerned except the farmers. The
Government found it profitable; Polson’s kept a good margin. Milk contractors took the
biggest cut. No one had taken the trouble to fix the price of milk to be paid to the producers.
Thus under the Bombay Milk Scheme the farmers of Kaira District were no better off ever
before. They were still at the mercy of milk contractors. They had to sell their milk at a price
the contractors fixed. The discontent of the farmers grew. Chairman managing chairman
general manager. They went in deputation to Sardar Patel, who had advocated farmers’ co-
operatives as early as 1942 Sardar Patel reiterated his advice that they should market their
milk through a co-operative society of their own. This co-operative should have its own
pasteurization plant. His advice was that the farmers should demand permission to set up
such a co-operative. If their demand was rejected, they should refuse to sell their milk to
middlemen. Sardar Patel pointed out that in undertaking such astrike there should be some
losses to the farmers as they would not be able to sell their milk for some time. If they were
prepared to put up with the loss, he was prepared to lead them. At the initial stage only 250
liters of milk was collected every day. But with the growing awareness of the benefits of the
co-operative-ness the collection of milk increased. Today Amul collects 50,00,000 liters of
milk every day. As the milk is perishable commodity it became difficult to preserve milk for
a longer period. Besides when the milk was to be collected from the far places there was a
fear of spoiling of milk. Thus, today Amul has more than 168 chilling centers in various
villages. Milk is collected from almost 1097 societies. With the financial help from UNICEF,
assistance from the government of New Zealand under the Colombo plan, of Rs. 50 million
for factory to manufactory milk powder and butter. Dr. Rajendra Prasad, the president of
India laid the foundation on November 50, 1954. Shri Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, the prime
minister of India declared it open at Amul dairy on November 20, 1955.38. The farmers’
deputation readily accepted his proposal. GCMMF has also made a beginning in branding of
other traditional milk products with the launch of packaged Paneer under the Amul brand. It
has also created a new umbrella brand "Amul Mithai", for a range of ethnic Indian sweets that
are proposed to be launched the first new product Amul Mithai Gulab jamun has already been
launched in major Indian markets.Chairmanmanaging chairmangeneral manager.GCMMF is
India's largest exporter of Dairy Products. It has been accorded a "Trading House" status.
Many of our products are available in USA, Gulf Countries, Singapore, The Philippines,
Japan, China and Australia. GCMMF has received the APEDA Award from Government of
India for Excellence in Dairy Product Exports for the last 13 years. For the year 2009-10,
GCMMF has been awarded "Golden Trophy' for its outstanding export performance and
contribution in dairy products sector by APEDA.
Board of director
Managing chairman
General manager
Assistant general manager
Deputy manager
Assistant manager
Senior excutive
Senior officer
Senior assitant
Vision of Amul is to provide and vanish the problem of farmers (milk producers). The Amul
apparition was to run the organization with co-operative of four main parties, the farmers, the
representatives, the marketers, and the consumers.
Quality policy:
We the motivated and devoted work force of Amul are committed to produce whole some and
safe foods of excellent quality to remain market leaders through deployment of quality
management system, state of art technology innovation and eco-friendly benightment of
customers and betterment of milk producer.
Products of Amul:
Some of the most popular Amul products are Amul Milk, Amul Ghee, Amul Butter, Amul
Cheese, as well as the range of beverages that come under this brand are Amul Masti Chas,
Amul Lassi, Amul Milk, etc.
Western milk products such as butter, cheese, yogurt have gained popularity in the Indian
market only during the last few years. However, consumption has been expanding within
creasing urbanization.
Cute Amul Butter Girl has been a part of Indian Consumers since 1950. Amul Butter topical
is recognized as one of the longest running advertisement campaign in the world. Spread: On
Bread, Paratha, Roti, Nans, Sandwiches. Topping: Pav Bhaji, Dals, Soups, Salads, Dal, Rice.
Ingredient: Biscuits, Cakes, Breads Most Indians prefer to use homemadewhite butter
(Makhan) for reasons of taste and affordability. Most of the branded butter is sold in the
towns and cities. The major brand sari Amul, Vijaya, Sagar, Nandini and Airey. Amul is the
leading national brand while the other players have greater shares in their local markets.
The present market for cheese in India is estimated at about 9,000 tones and is growing at the
rate of about 15% per annum. Cheese is mainly consumed in the urban areas. The four metro
cities alone account for more than 50% of consumption. Mumbai is the largest market
(accounting for 30% of cheese sold in the country), followed by Delhi (20%). Calcutta (7%)
and Chennai (6%). Mumbai has a larger number of domestic consumers, compared to Delhi
where the bulk institutional segment (mainly hotels) is larger. Cheese: It is the main
ingredient in Amul cheese, which gives it its distinct flavor and texture.
It is made from graded cow or buffalo milk using microbial rennet, a type of enzyme that
helps in the cheese- making process. Emulsifying salts: These are added to improve the
texture and consistency of the cheese.
Cheese range:
Amul Ice Cream was launched on 10th March, 1996 in Gujarat. The portfolio consisted of
impulse products like sticks, cones, cups as well as take home packs and institutional/catering
packs. Amul ice cream was launched on the platform of ‘Real Milk. Real Ice Cream’ given
that it is a milk company and the wholesomeness of its products gives it a competitive
advantage. Amul ice cream, a beloved treat in India, has been delighting ice cream enthusiasts
for decades with its wide array of Flavors and uncompromising quality. how to choose the
best Amul ice cream based on your preferences, as well as a guide on usage, maintenance,
and care to ensure that you get the most out of your ice cream experience. Whether you’re a
long-time fan of Amul ice cream or a curious newcomer, this blog will help you navigate the
delicious world of Amul ice cream and discover your new favourite treat.
Amul chocolate meaning in Urdu is Amul chocolate and is a tropical Dairy Products
celebrated for its unique flavour and colour. This delicious Dairy Products is cherished for its
nutritional value and versatility in culinary delights. A favourite amongst kids, Amul
chocolates have been a part of Indian confectionary since ages. It is made from chocolate
mass, milk solids, cocoa butter and sugar. Many variations have come under this brand like
Amul milk chocolate, Fruit and nut, Almond Bar, Bendazac and Fun doo. Amul chocolates
are made with goodness of rich creamy milk & delicious cocoa.
Pure ghee.
Amul pure ghee.
Sagar pure ghee.
Amul cow ghee.
Amul is an acronym (Anand Milk Union Limited) of the Indian Multinational cooperative
society named Gujarat Milk Marketing Federation based in Anand, Gujarat. It is under the
ownership of Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation Limited, Department of
Cooperation, Government of Gujarat. It is controlled by 3.6 million milk producers. Amul
Milk is the most hygienic liquid milk available in the market. It is pasteurised in state-of-the-
art processing plants and pouch-packed to make it conveniently available to consumers.
Direct consumption, Making of: Tea or Coffee, Sweets, Khoa, Curd, Buttermilk, Ghee.Milk
powder is mainly of 2 types:
Product portfolio:
Mother Dairy’ is the largest liquid milk brand in Asia. It started its operations in 1974under
the Operation Flood programme of the National Dairy Development Board. Operation Flood
is one of the largest dairy development papers in the world. Mother Diary, Delhi is IS/ISO-
9002 & IS-15000 (HACCP) certified organization. ‘Mother Dairy’ is the single largest brand
of milk in Delhi, India as well as in Asia, marketing about 2.8 million litters of milk per day.
Mother Dairy commands 66% market share in the organized sector in and around Delhi,
primarily because of consistent quality and service reliability. In addition to toned milk
through Bulk vending, Mother Dairy also markets full cream milk, standardized milk, toned
milk, double toned milk and Skimmed milk (light) in poly bags. Mother Dairy, Delhi is an
IS/ISO-9001:2000 and Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP) and IS-14001:1996
Environment Management System (EMS) Certified organization. Mother Dairy was the first
industry in country to implement ISO-14031(Environment Performance Evaluation) paper.
This provides assurance to the consumer in respect of Quality and Safety of products
manufactured and marketed by Mother Dairy. The National Dairy Development Board
(NDDB) commissioned Mother Dairy in the first phase of Operation Flood in 1974.
Considering the success of Dairy industry NDDB established Fruit & Vegetable Paper in
Delhi in 1988 with "SAFAL" as its umbrella brand. With a view to separating the commercial
activities from developmental activities, the NDDB merged Mother Dairy and the Fruit &
Vegetable paper into a wholly owned company named Mother Dairy Fruit &Vegetable Ltd
(MDFVL) in April 2000. This becomes the holding company of Mother Dairy India Ltd
(MDIL)- a marketing company and Mother Dairy Foods Processing Ltd (MDFPL) a
processing company. The company is a highly trusted house hold name for its wide range of
milk products like Milk, Flavoured Milk, Ice-Cream, Dahi, Lassi, Table Butter, Dairy
Whitener, Ghee etc.
Mother dairy was set up in 1974 under the operation flood programming. It is known a
wholly owned company of the National Dairy Development Board (NDDB). Mother markets
and sells dairy products under the mother dairy brand like liquid milk, dashi, ice cream,
cheese, and butter. It is one of the largest liquid plants in Asia. Completely automate all
function of the milk processing area ensures high quality, reliability, and safety. Mother Dairy
sources its entire requirement of liquid milk from dairy cooperatives. Similarly, Mother Dairy
sources fruits, vegetables from farmers/growers associations. Mother Dairy markets
approximately 2.8 million litters of milk daily in the markets of Delhi, Mumbai, Saurashtra,
and Hyderabad. Mother Dairy Milk has a market share of 66% in the branded sector in Delhi
where it sells 2.3 million litters of milk daily and undertakes its marketing operations through
around 14,000 retail outlets and 845 exclusive outlets of Mother Dairy.
Vision: Provide quality food and beverages to consumers at affordable prices while ensuring
fair returns to the producers.
Flavored milk.
Mishti Doi.
Mother Dairy is committed deliver products which meet all regulatory, industrial, consumer
Quality and Food safety requirements to our valued consumers. Our continuous
effortsfocused on building a sustainable “Quality and Food Safety Program” across food
chain, using state of the art processes and innovative technologies towards delivering wide
range of “Dairy and Food” products. Our systems are designed to have process monitoring
and controls at each stage of food chain towards Continual Improvements. We, assure that our
valued consumers are satisfied, each time they experience our product. We achieve this by,
Implementing robust Mother Dairy Management System, which is an Internal System,
developed to meet the all Process Requirements based on National &International Standards.
Implementing International Management System Standards (ISO) Bench Marking, Best-In-
Class requirements Process Optimization: Constantly working on latest innovative
Technologies Capability Development across the Organization Auditing & Assessments:
Mother Dairy has established a frame work for Auditing &Assessments of Complete Food
Chain Consumer Satisfaction. It is our endeavour to create a culture of “Total Quality” where
continuous improvement of our people, processes and products becomes a way of life. At
Mother Dairy Innovation Centre, we have a dedicated team of Scientists who are constantly
collaborating international standards and best practices for Quality & Food Safety in its
Row material
Storage area
Dispatch in insulated
1. Raw Material Receiving Dock:
(The Process Flow of the Mother Dairy Raw): Raw Milk Reception: Raw milk received
through insulated road/rail tankers at a very low temperature thus retaining the freshness of
milk. The milk goes for more than 15 stringent quality tests before it is accepted for the
processing of milk. Milk achieved from individual producers is checked for all basic quality
parameters meeting the company specification and required norms at respective collection
and chilling centres. Milk is then supplied to the dairy units through insulated milk tankers at
4degree C.
2. Storage area:
For milk storage tanks the main objective of storage tank is to provide an improved form and
operation of an interim milk cooling storage; to provide an improved form and arrangement
of milk cooling storage tank within an insulated housing; to provide an improved
arrangement and operation of means for spraying ice water over the exterior wall soft the
milk storage tank.
3. Clarification:
The chilled milk from the silos goes to the clarifier after pre-heating. The clarifier spins the
milk at very high speed, removing all the dust particles that are invisible to naked eyes.
5. Storage area:
For milk storage tanks the main objective of storage tank is to provide an improved form and
operation of an interim milk cooling storage; to provide an improved form and arrangement
of milk cooling storage tank within an insulated housing; to provide an improved
arrangement and operation of means for spraying ice water over the exterior wall soft the
milk storage tank.
6. Standardization:
Milk from different breeds of cow and buffalo may vary in its composition. Hence, to make
Milk uniform in composition, before supply to the market, it is standardized by raising or
lowering its fat and SNF percentage present in the milk to a desired level, so as to deliver the
milk to consumers as per prescribed norms of FSSAI.
7. Homogenization:
In this process, the milk is processed at very high pressure during which the large fat globules
presently in milk are broken down into tiny droplets. The milk fat gets evenly distributed in
the milk and milk become whiter and thicker. Milk is homogenized for consumers who do not
like cream layer on top. Homogenization improves Palatability of milk and is easily
8. Pasteurization:
The milk is then pasteurized, named after Louis Pasteur, a French Scientist who invented the
process to use in wine. Pasteurization was first applied by Rd.Soxhlet of Germany. This
involves heating of milk to 72degree Celsius for 15 second and then cooling it down to
4degree Celsius. The process kills all pathogenic bacteria present in the milk making. It
makes milk safe for consumption. Pasteurization, unlike boiling does not affect the nutritional
value of the milk.
Product evolution:
Mother Dairy is a wholly owned subsidiary of the National Dairy Development Board which
is a statutory body under the ownership of the Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and
Dairying of the Government of India that manufactures, markets, and sells milk and dairy
products. In this booming period Mother Dairy is looking to take advantage of the
opportunities which are in galore available for all milk manufacturers. Mother Dairy- Delhi
was set up in 1974under the Operation Flood Program. It is now a subsidiary company of
National Dairy Development Board (NDDB). Mother Dairy sources its entire requirement of
liquid milk from dairy cooperatives. Mother Dairy milk (bulk vended) is fortified with
vitamin A with 2000 IU per litre asocial accountability. This program started with the Mother
Dairy, Delhi, in February 1980. Mother Dairy maintains stringent measures to ensure the
quality and purity of the milk provided to its consumers. Each batch of incoming and
outgoing milk is subjected to 21quality tests including presence of foreign matter and
bacteriological tests. The quality of milk accepted and dispatched meets certain
predetermined standards. The milk goes through various processes such as Clarification,
Homogenization, Standardization and Pasteurization, to ensure that it is safe for human
Varieties in milk:
Flavored Milk Bottles
Dairy Whitener
Ice cream
Juice and fruit & vegetables
Quality of “Safal” Produce starts from the field itself. Mother Dairy Quality Assurance
professionals constantly provide technical support to Farmers during all stages of Supply
chain (e.g. harvesting, handling, transportation and storage). We, at Mother Dairy Monitor
and Control the produce quality during material receiving, processing and finished product
stage against Company Standards & Specifications. Our state of the art is Manufacturing is
Operations are certified for Quality Management System (ISO 9001:2008) and Food Safety
Management System (ISO 22000: 2005). The Core purpose of “Safal” is to bring Fresh,
Frozen and Processed Fruit & Vegetable Quality products that form daily diet of the people.
This shall be applied to a food which complies with the description “ice cream” to a food
where the fat content is a minimum of 5% and consists exclusively of milk fat and contains
no other fats other than milk fat. Ice cream, frozen dairy food made from cream or butterfat,
milk, sugar, and flavourings. Frozen custard and French-type ice creams also contain eggs.
Mother Dairy sells milk and milk products (Milk, cultured products, Ice creams, Paneer and
Ghee) at a national level through its sales and distribution networks for marketing food items.
Mother Dairy sources significant part of its requirement of liquid milk from dairy
Mother Dairy Butter is produced under totally hygienic conditions using Mother Dairy's
wholesome milk. Mother Butter is creamier, tastier and spreads easily. It has the right amount
of salt which is liked by all. It is creamy. Mother Butter is creamier, tastier and spreads easily.
It has the right amount of salt which is liked by all. It's delicious.Nutritional information (per
100 g):-Energy 723 kcal, protein 0.3g, carbohydrate 0.4g, sugar 0g, fat 80g, sodium 875mg.
Ghee is clarified butter that is traditionally prepared from milk. Ghee is a good source of
energy and provides vitality to the human body. Mother Dairy Cow Ghee is made from pure
fresh Cow Milk Cream so provide your strong mind and good body health also to be use in
Ayurveda Medicine. Mother Dairy Cow ghee has rich yellow colour, due to the goodness of
beta carotene which acts as a powerful and potent antioxidant which neutralizes free radicals
in our body. Ghee is clarified butter that is traditionally prepared from milk. Ghee is a good
source of energy and provides vitality to the human body. Provides a wide range of essential
nutrients. Improves brain and body functions and boosts immunity. A highly clarified butter
that is used traditionally in Indian cuisines. It is considered to be a healthy fat and a
powerhouse of nutrients. It adds much-needed taste and health to your diet. Ghee has a great
nutritive value and is a must-have to develop bone strength.
Mother Dairy Cheese is made from Cow milk. Mother Dairy Cheese with its great taste and
creamy, soft texture lends itself well to be used in a variety of foods be it your Burger or
Sandwich. This is a Vegetarian product. Mother Dairy Cheese offers approximately 20% of a
growing child's everyday Calcium requirement. It is made with calcium rich milk and each
slice of Mother Dairy Cheese offers approximately 20% of a growing child's everyday
Calcium requirement.
Mother Dairy Malai paneer is made from 100% cow's milk and serves as a rich source of
protein and calcium. Paneer is also known as cottage cheese and is used to prepare a variety
of Indian appetizers and main course dishes including salads, takes, and gravies. It is a
preferred choice of vegetarians. Only Mother Dairy paneer could pass all microbiological
There are 232 calories in 100 g of Mother Dairy Brown Bread. Bread, both white and brown,
is very high in carbohydrates, which are essential for keeping you full and building muscles
(in collaboration with protein). However, it also happens to be low in protein and good fats.
The importance of job satisfaction specially emerges to surface if had in mind the many
negative consequences of job dissatisfaction such a lack of loyalty, increased absenteeism,
increase number of accidents etc. Spector lists three important features of job satisfaction.
First, organizations should be guided by human values. Such organizations will be oriented
towards treating workers fairly and with respect [34]. In such cases the assessment of job
satisfaction may serve as a good indicator of employee effectiveness. High levels of job
satisfaction may be sign of a good emotional and mental state of employees. Second, the
behaviour of workers depending on their level of job satisfaction will affect the functioning
and activities of the organization's business. From this it can be concluded that job
satisfaction will result in positive behaviour and vice versa, dissatisfaction from the work will
result in negative behaviour of employees. Third, job satisfaction may serve as indicators of
organizational activities. Through job satisfaction evaluation different levels of satisfaction in
different organizational units can be defined, but in turn can serve as a good indication
regarding in which organizational unit changes that would boost performance should be
made. Christen, Iyer and Soberman [35] provide a model of job satisfaction presented in
Figure 9 in which the following elements are included:
Job related factors,
Role perceptions,
Job performance and
Firm performance.
Consequences of Job Satisfaction:
For every employee higher job satisfaction increases productivity, turnover of the company,
progressin attendance, reduce accidents and causes less job stress.
The relation between productivity and job satisfaction is not definitely is not
definitelyestablished. Employees are satisfied with their job leads to increase the productivity.
Productivityperformance and job satisfaction may not be related with each other and may be
affected indirectly byabsenteeism which is negative to job satisfaction of the employees.
According to Arnold and Feldman in every organizational unit with lowest
averagesatisfaction level gives the highest turnover rates for the company.
Absenteeism mostly related with job satisfaction according to Breagh J.A. found atthe less
satisfied employee are more likely to absent from their work due to certain avoidable
reasonsthis is called as voluntary absenteeism as against involuntary absenteeism because of
otheremergency reason for illness which are also unavoidable and it is not related to the
Employees job satisfaction.
In every institution safety is important because it is directly related to the employees, so
lesssafety practices are the negative effect which produces low job satisfaction level due to
thisdiscouragement in the employees work and this leads to directly by accidents,
Job stress:
Due to overwork for the employee and more timing causes job stress is created, so
thatexperiencing stress in the employee’s mind causes this dissatisfaction.
The FAIDA paper of the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) and McKinsey and Company
shows that there is great scope and potential for development of food processing and agro
industries in India. However, there are various major constraints to the rapid development
and growth of agro-industries in the country. Nisa (2007) argued that India is one of the
largest emerging markets, with a population of over one billion. India is one of the largest
economies in the world in terms of purchasing power and has a strong middle class base of
300 million. Around 70 per cent of the total households in India (188 million) reside in the
rural areas. The Indian economy was liberalized in the 1990’s, which triggered a total
metamorphosis in the Indian economy and gave a new lease of life to organized retailing
(Yadav & Siraj, 2014). The literature indicates that agro-industrial growth in India has
historically been constrained by both supply of raw material and slow growth in consumer
demand for agro industrial products (see Srivastava and Patel (1989), Boer and Pandey
(1997)). Srivastava and Patel (1989), Kejriwal (1989) and Gulati (1994) indicate that
beside the quantity of raw material, the quality of the raw material is also a major constraint.
Available raw material is often of unsuitable quality, processing varieties are frequently not
available, and the period of availability of the raw material is too short and unreliable. Gulati (1994) indicate that only about 5 per cent of the fruits and vegetables grown in India are
commercially processed. Both quantity and quality supply constraints indicate that there is a
great need to improve the linkages between small farmer suppliers (which constitute the
majority of raw material producers) and agro-industries. Effective and innovative institutional
arrangements that would address multiple objectives are required. Srivastava and Patel (1989)
indicate that another major constraint is the obsolete technology used in processing, resulting
in low efficiency and poor quality of the output. According to Boer and Pandey (Op. cit.) a
major problem in improving technology is the very small size of the average agro-processing
unit, suggesting a clear need to integrate in order to achieve a larger scale of operation.
However, Goyal (Op. cit.) and others have shown that private sector industrial concentration
is often associated with delinking with small farmer suppliers and losses in rural employment.
The sector, however, faces several challenges and bottlenecks to its growth including raw
material sourcing difficulties, rural market imperfections, supply-chain inefficiencies,
investment constraints, and product marketing challenges (for example see Srivastava and
Patel (1989), Goyal (1994), CII McKinsey (1997), Gandhi, Kumar, and Marsh (2001)) agro-
industries require relatively less fixed capital and more working capital as compared to other
industries (43 percent vs 30 percent). Agro-industries, on an average, are able to generate
employment for 31 persons per fixed investment of Rs. hundred thousand where the figure
for other industries, this is much lower at 11 persons. These figures do not include added
employment generated in agriculture and input supply chain through backward linkages. On
an average, agro industries generate 47 percent value added (income) over invested fixed
capital annually, as compared with 53 percent value added for other industries. Agro
industries are also able to absorb more inputs from other sectors (e.g. agriculture) as a
percentage of the value of output compared to other industries. These features indicate that
the agro-industrial sector deserves the priority given to it in the national strategy of
development with employment. Srivastava and Patel (1989) show evidence of two additional
major constraints to Indian agro-industrial development, mainly: small market size for many
processed products and difficulties in obtaining adequate financing. The financial institutions
in India are mainly geared to lending for fixed capital requirements, while agro-industries, as
shown in the analysis above, have a large requirement of working capital. Banks lend
working capital, if at all, at higher interest rates that other capital loans. Furthermore, the
government of India typically considers processed and packaged goods as luxury items and
as a result their production is heavily taxed. There are also myriad special regulations and
licensing requirements for specific agro-industries, such as the Milk Product Order for the
dairy industry. These policies create disincentives for investment in higher value-added agro
processing. National Dairy Development Board (will stop selling Amul milk products in its
Mother Dairy milk booths). Asia Africa Intelligence Wire April30,2003 Business Today.
This material is published under license from the publisher through the Gale Group,
Farmington Hills, Michigan. National Dairy Development Board (NDDB) will stop selling
Amul milk products in its Mother Dairy milk booths. This decision was taken as NDDB has
its own brand of milk products that are similar to Amul milk products like butter, cheese,
ghee, paneer and ice cream. Recommended Levels of Dairy Product Intake by Gregory D.
Miller, PhD, Douglas D. DiRienzo, PhD, Molly E. Reusser, BA and David A. McCarron,
MD. The quantity of dairy products necessary to reduce blood pressure or hypertension risk
is consistent with the recent National Academy of Sciences recommendations for adults:
three to four servings per day of dairy products. 58% consumers demand for Mother dairy
products & 36% consumer preferred Amul dairy products and lastly 6% percent consumer
preferred other dairy products. Three or four servings of dairy products have been specifically
recommended by at least two national health agencies as the range for adequate or
optimalintake. The first of these, the National Institutes of Health Consensus Conference on
Optimal Calcium Intake [13], states that the “preferred approach to attaining optimal calcium
intake is through dietary sources” and specifically identifies dairy products as the ideal source
of calcium in the diet. Delhi National Capital Region (NCR), among the biggest milk markets
in the country, is dominated by Mother Dairy currently. Delhi ‘s estimated 40 lakh liters per
day (LLPD) organized liquid milk is dominated by Mother Dairy (23 LLPD) and Gujarat
Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation (GCMMF or ‗Amul ‘, which sells 10 LLPD).
Besides these two, there is the public sector Delhi Milk Scheme (three LLPD) and private
brands such as Paras ‘and Gopal jeep’ (1.5-2 LLPD each). Amul and NDDB's non-compete
agreement has prevented the former from launching its liquid milk in the Delhi market till
2003.With the non-compete agreement having run out, Amul launched its fresh milk in Delhi
in two variants full cream and toned priced at par with that of Mother Dairy .Amul, to its
delight, has seen the demand for its milk going up by leaps and bounds in the city and is now
planning to enter into alliances with dairies located around Delhi such as Indian Potash and
Modern Dairy to cater to the demand. The data of literature review is to be collected from the
secondary sources like magazines, articles, reports, budgets, newspaper etc. to highlight the
problems and findings of the study done by many research and business professionals to
understand the supply chain process and product of the Amul India limited. The objectives of
the proposed topic have to be formulated based on the previous study by the many research
professionals. Approximately ten reviews have to be collected and presented in my project
“According to Dr. S.P. Savitha,” A study on consumer preference towards ‘Amul
product’in Coimbatore city.” AMUL (Anand milk produced union limited)formed in 1946, is
a dairy co-operative movement in India. India largest foodbrand trusted Amul product for its
quality and product available at adorable price. Amul product enjoying No.1 position in dairy
industry this stand tofurther strength its position. This research is pertaining to and out the
presentconsumer satisfaction of Amul product. Amul product has a good reputing among the
consumers in Madurai. So, it can be extended to supply rural areaalso.
“According toAchalGupta,”Amul is a co-operative which collects milk only from farmers
while Mother Dairy is a company which collects milk from farmers as well as from other
aggregators.Though Mother Dairy follows stringent norms in milk procurement from
aggregators but it's no match of milk quality with farmer level collection done by Amul.But
Mother Dairy model do have some merits. In a country which is highest milk producer in
world but still has very low per capita consumption, there is lot of work to be done.Amul
can't collect milk from aggregators owing to their own policies and co-operative structure.
This does not give them the advantage of private aggregators efficiencies and cost reduction
in collection.So Mother Dairy can leverage this and also scale fast. Which helps both
producers and consumers.
“According to Amitabh Srivastava,”Penetration wise Amul has no match, also it is more
economical. Having said that, quality wise mother dairy is miles ahead of Amul. Be it milk or
curd or other dairy products, the quality of mother dairy products is unbeatable. For example,
you can buy 400gm of Amul for 25rs, whereas 400gm or Mother dairy curd will fetch you
rs40/. however, Mother dairy's curd is way thicker and more sumptuous, while Amul curd
seems adulterated with tap water. Personally (as a consumer) I'd choose Mother dairy
products any time of the day.
“According to Jahnavi,” "The purpose of this study is to conduct a comparative analysis of
the products offered by Amul and Mother Dairy, two leading dairy brands in India. The study
aims to identify similarities and differences between the product offerings of the two brands,
and to evaluate their respective strengths and weaknesses. The findings of the study will
provide valuable insights into the competitive landscape of the dairy industry in India and
help consumers make informed choices."
“According to Prakash,” The distribution channel of effectiveness off ice cream market
(Amul Quality Walls) in Hyderabad. Ice cream, a most palatable and nourishing food, which
was once considered to be a sophisticated item, is becoming more and more popular among
all sections of the people in recent times. As the mercury rises nobody is happier than the ice-
cream manufacturers who are already filling their iceboxes with dollops new, mouthwatering
flavors. Amul is the largest food brand in India, which has a turnover of Rs 3800 crores per
annum. They are manufacturing and marketing perishable dairy products by using most
modern plants and effective distribution channels. The primary objective of the study was to
ascertain the major factors that are influencing the effective distribution of Amul ice cream
manufactured by Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation Limited by comparing with
the Quality Walls, the leading player in the Hyderabad market.
“According to Venkata Krishna V. Saraswathi P. and Adhara Chaganti,” The most
notable feature of a developing country is that it witnesses the birth of several organizations
geared to meet the demands of, and opportunities presented by that development. Success of
the development process, indeed, hinges on how well those new organizations grow and
mature and serve the needs of the society at large. However, not all new organizations grow
and mature. Some face an early decline.
Current scenario:
Mother dairy has a market share of around 33 % in the branded sector in West Bengal where
it sells 3.4 lakh liters of milk daily on an average and undertake sits marketing operations
through around 51 distributors and around 600 retailers in Delhi itself. It has a huge is
advantage over its competitors as it is the only player when it comes to sale of loose milk
through token. Before the entrance of competitors like Amul, sale of loose milk through
Mother Dairy booths was around 35% of the entire sale in branded segment, when the Mother
dairy was the only player in the market. however, since last five years the sale is
continuously. Declining and presently it is just 8-9%.
Job satisfaction represents the constellations of person’s attitude towards or about the job. In
general, job satisfaction is the attitude towards the job. Job satisfaction is a function of
satisfaction with different aspects of job, i.e. supervision, pay, works itself, co- workers,
promotion, etc., and of the particular weighting or importance one attaches to these respective
components. The study of job satisfaction is a relatively recent phenomenon.
Research methodology is the specific procedures or techniques used to identify, select,
process, and analyze information about a topic. In a research paper, the methodology section
allows the reader to critically evaluate a study's overall validity and reliability.
Objectives Of Research:
• clarity
• specificity
• measurability
• realisitic
• time-bond
• relevance
Advantage Measurability
A. Focus:
Research objectives help to focus the research effort on specific areas of inquiry. By
identifying clear research questions, the researcher can narrow down the scope of the study
and avoid getting sidetracked by irrelevant information. A focus group discussion is an ideal
research method for collecting data in a social setting. In this section, we'll discuss the focus
group method, compare it to interview research, and explore what researchers can do with
focus group data.
B. Clarity:
Clearly stated research objectives provide a roadmap for the research study. They provide a
clear direction for the research, making it easier for the researcher to stay on track and
achieve their goals. Although the lack of clarity may not matter much when concepts are used
in everyday conversations, conceptual clarity is essential when the aim is to apply these
concepts in a systematic way—in other words, to do research.
C. Measurability:
Well-defined research objectives provide measurable outcomes that can be used to evaluate
the success of the research project. This helps to ensure that the research is effective and that
the research goals are achieved.
D. Feasibility:
Research objectives help to ensure that the research project is feasible. By clearly defining
the research goals, the researcher can identify the resources required to achieve those goals an
and determine whether those resources are available.
Research Design
Research design:
Research design is the arrangement of the condition for collection and analysis of data in the
manner that aims to combine relevant to the research purpose with the economy in the
procedure. Research design of the study is Exploratory research design major emphasis is on
the discovery of ideas and insights. In this research problem is transformed into one with
more precise meaning.
Methods of explorative research design -:
1. Depth interview
2. case study
3. survey
1. depth interview:
In-depth interviewing is a qualitative research technique that involves conducting intensive
individual interviews with a small number of respondents to explore their perspectives on a
particular idea, program, or situation. Companies employ market research firms to employ In-
depth interviews to understand consumer behavior for a new product or to expand sales of
existing products.
Advantages of In-depth interviews:
Comparatively much more detailed information than other data collection methods like
surveys and focused group discussions.Provide much more relaxed information to collect
information- people feel more comfortable in having a personal conversations rather than
filling surveys.
Limitations of In-depth interviews:
Responses are prone to bias. Responses are affected by the community members and other
participants of the program.Interviews can be time intensive. Interviewer has to match with
the availability of the interviewee.
2. Survey:
When experts or individuals having significant information on the concerned topic are
approached for collecting relevant information it is called survey. Individuals from within or
outside the research organization who are familiar with research problem may be involved
insurvey. This is the reason experience surveys are also called expert opinion surveys. The
only purpose is to utilize the experience of these experts in gaining valuable insight of the
problem. Survey Research is defined as the process of conducting research using surveys that
researchers send to survey respondents. The data collected from surveys is then statistically
analyzed to draw meaningful research conclusions.
3. Case study:
A case study is an in depth, detailed examination of a particular case within a real world
context. Conducting an exhaustive and detailed analysis of the similar events occurred in
different organization is called case study. Identical problems are faced by organization which
are taken under case analysis. This method assists in gaining comprehensive knowledge of
the situation and provides multifaceted view point to the problem. A case study is a detailed
study of a specific subject, such as a person, group, place, event, organization, or
phenomenon. Case studies are commonly used in social, educational, clinical, and business
Types of research design:
Sample selection
Types of data
Primary data
• Survey
• Interview
• Observation
• Experimentation
Secondary data
• Internal data
• External data
1) Primary data:
Primary data is the data that is collected for the first time through personal experience or
evidence, particularly for research. It is also described as raw data or firsthand information.
The made of assembling the information is costly, as the analysis is done by an agency or an
external organization, and needs human resources and investment. The investigator
supervises and controls the data collection process directly. The data is mostly collected
through observations, physical testing, mailed questionnaires, surveys, personal interviews,
telephonic interviews, case studies, and focus groups etc.
Survey: this technique is one of the most common and widely used techniques for
collection primary data. Survey can be conducted using various methods such as
using mails, telephones, internet, face to face. The selection of survey method relies
upon various factors such as the nature of population to be studied, size of sample,
allotted time, allocated budget etc.
Interview: interview is the exchange of ideas which takes place between two more
people with the purpose of getting information from the respondent. Interview can be
conducted through various methods such as personal interview, telephonic interview,
panel interview, etc.
Observation: another technique for gathering primary data is observation.When the
is researcher records information about a person organization or situation without
making any personal contract, it is known as observation method.
Experimentation: an important method to collect primary data is experimentation the
casual relationship is determined and analyzed between variables.
2) Secondary data:
Secondary data is a second hand data that is already collected and recorded by some
researchers for their purpose and not for the current research problem. It is accessible in the
form of data collected from different sources such as government publications, censuses,
internal records of the organization, books, journal articles, websites and reports etc. this
method of collecting data is affordable, readily available, and saves cost and time. However
the one disadvantage is that the information assembled is for some other purpose and may not
meet the present research purpose or may not be accurate.
Internal data: secondary data generated within the research conducting organization
is known as internal secondary data. Data generated within the organization can be
either formal or informal. Formal data are generated periodically in a structured
layout such as reports of various departments half yearly reports etc. on the other
hand, informal data are not periodically generated such as conceptual booklets, new
policy frameworks, etc. formal internal data can be collected from following major
Sales analysis
Invoice analysis
Financial data
Transportation data
Storage data
External data: sometimes, important secondary data is not found within the
organization. The secondary data derived from different sources outside the
organization is known as external secondary data. Some important sources of
secondary data as follows:
Libraries Literature
Census and registration data
Trade association
Governments departments
Private sources
Commercial research institutions
International organizations
secondary data are used in this project.
Sample: We define sample as a finite part or subset of participants drawn from the target
population. In turn, the target population corresponds to the entire set of subjects whose
characteristics are of interest to the research team.
Sample Design: A sampling design is a definite plan for obtaining a sample from a given
population. It refers to the technique or the procedure the researcher would adopt in selecting
items for the sample. Sample design may as well lay down the number of items to be
included in the sample i.e., the size of the sample.
Sampling Method:
In Statistics, the sampling method or sampling technique is the process of studying the
population by gathering information and analyzing that data. It is the basis of the data where
the sample space is enormous.
There are several different sampling techniques available, and they can be subdivided into
two groups. All these methods of sampling may involve specifically targeting hard or
approach to reach groups.
Types of Sampling Method
In Statistics, there are different sampling techniques available to get relevant results from the
population. The two different types of sampling methods are::
Probability Sampling
Non-probability Sampling
Probability Sampling
The probability sampling method utilizes some form of random selection. In this method, all
the eligible individuals have a chance of selecting the sample from the whole sample space.
This method is more time consuming and expensive than the non-probability sampling
method. The benefit of using probability sampling is that it guarantees the sample that should
be the representative of the population.
Probability Sampling Types
Probability Sampling methods are further classified into different types, such as simple
random sampling, systematic sampling, stratified sampling, and clustered sampling. Let us
discuss the different types of probability sampling methods along with illustrative
examples here in detail.
Simple Random Sampling
In simple random sampling technique, every item in the population has an equal and likely
chance of being selected in the sample. Since the item selection entirely depends on the
chance, this method is known as “Method of chance Selection”. As the sample size is large,
and the item is chosen randomly, it is known as “Representative Sampling”.
Suppose we want to select a simple random sample of 200 students from a school. Here, we
can assign a number to every student in the school database from 1 to 500 and use a random
number generator to select a sample of 200 numbers.
Systematic Sampling
In the systematic sampling method, the items are selected from the target population by
selecting the random selection point and selecting the other methods after a fixed sample
interval. It is calculated by dividing the total population size by the desired population size.
Suppose the names of 300 students of a school are sorted in the reverse alphabetical order. To
select a sample in a systematic sampling method, we have to choose some 15 students by
randomly selecting a starting number, say 5. From number 5 onwards, will select every 15th
person from the sorted list. Finally, we can end up with a sample of some students.
Stratified Sampling
In a stratified sampling method, the total population is divided into smaller groups to
complete the sampling process. The small group is formed based on a few characteristics in
the population. After separating the population into a smaller group, the statisticians
randomly select the sample.
For example, there are three bags (A, B and C), each with different balls. Bag A has 50 balls,
bag B has 100 balls, and bag C has 200 balls. We have to choose a sample of balls from each
bag proportionally. Suppose 5 balls from bag A, 10 balls from bag B and 20 balls from bag
Clustered Sampling
In the clustered sampling method, the cluster or group of people are formed from the
population set. The group has similar significatory characteristics. Also, they have an equal
chance of being a part of the sample. This method uses simple random sampling for the
cluster of population.
An educational institution has ten branches across the country with almost the number of
students. If we want to collect some data regarding facilities and other things, we can’t travel
to every unit to collect the required data. Hence, we can use random sampling to select three
or four branches as clusters.
All these four methods can be understood in a better manner with the help of the figure given
below. The figure contains various examples of how samples will be taken from the
population using different techniques.
Non-Probability Sampling
The non-probability sampling method is a technique in which the researcher selects the
sample based on subjective judgment rather than the random selection. In this method, not all
the members of the population have a chance to participate in the study.
Non-Probability Sampling Types
Non-probability Sampling methods are further classified into different types, such as
convenience sampling, consecutive sampling, quota sampling, judgmental sampling,
snowball sampling. Here, let us discuss all these types of non-probability sampling in detail.
Convenience Sampling
In a convenience sampling method, the samples are selected from the population directly
because they are conveniently available for the researcher. The samples are easy to select,
and the researcher did not choose the sample that outlines the entire population.
In researching customer support services in a particular region, we ask your few customers to
complete a survey on the products after the purchase. This is a convenient way to collect data.
Still, as we only surveyed customers taking the same product. At the same time, the sample is
not representative of all the customers in that area.
Consecutive Sampling
Consecutive sampling is similar to convenience sampling with a slight variation. The
researcher picks a single person or a group of people for sampling. Then the researcher
researches for a period of time to analyze the result and move to another group if needed.
Quota Sampling
In the quota sampling method, the researcher forms a sample that involves the individuals to
represent the population based on specific traits or qualities. The researcher chooses the
sample subsets that bring the useful collection of data that generalizes the entire population.
Purposive or Judgmental Sampling
In purposive sampling, the samples are selected only based on the researcher’s knowledge.
As their knowledge is instrumental in creating the samples, there are the chances of obtaining
highly accurate answers with a minimum marginal error. It is also known as judgmental
sampling or authoritative sampling.
Snowball Sampling
Snowball sampling is also known as a chain-referral sampling technique. In this method, the
samples have traits that are difficult to find. So, each identified member of a population is
asked to find the other sampling units. Those sampling units also belong to the same targeted
Data analysis:
Data analysis can be define as the process of gathering, modelling and transforming data so
as to get useful information, suggestions and conclusions in decision making. Some statistical
methods such as mean, median, mode, percentage and standard deviation should be used as
per requirement. Tests of signification, factor analysis, multiple discrimination analysis, and
regression analysis can also be used as advanced statistical tools.
Univariate analysis
Multivariate analysis
Inferential analysis
Hypotheses testing
1) Descriptive analysis:
The descriptive analysis is mainly employed for the purpose of elaborating the data (taken
from the population) which is under the sampling observation either graphically or is often
numerically. It is possible to carry out the analysis of one, two or more than two variables at
the same time.
Univariate analysis:
It is one of the simplest forms of data analysis. In this method summarization of the data
depends on the separate variables of a data set. The use of this technique is mainly related to
those cases when the investigator likes to take individual measurement of the sample, or in
case when there are many measurements but the researcher studies only one variable at a
Bi-variate analysis:
This analysis is used for the measurement when there is some relationship between two
variables. The results are obtained in the form of percentage, scatter plot, histogram table,
correlation coefficient, etc. this analysis also identifies that weather the variables which are
under the study is dependent or independent.
Multivariate analysis:
Due to the complexity of the research problem in present days, the data analysis has both
multiple independent and dependent variables.
2) Inferential analysis.
It is used by the investigators when they have acquired the data from the sample through a
random procedure and with a high response rate. the two main group of the problems which
the statistical deduction are as follows:
Estimation is a procedure which is employed in the case of the statistics for the purpose of
estimating the ‘unknown parameter’ of the population under study.
Hypotheses testing:
Hypotheses testing is the procedure to examine the hypothesis of the main population from
where the sample has been drawn.
1. Regression Analysis:
Regression analysis is a powerful method for understanding the relationship between a
dependent and one or more independent variables. It is applied in economics, finance, and
social sciences. By fitting a regression model, you can make predictions, analyse cause-and-
effect relationships, and uncover trends within your data.
2. Statistical Analysis:
Statistical analysis encompasses a broad range of techniques for summarizing and
interpreting data. It involves descriptive statistics (mean, median, standard deviation),
inferential statistics (hypothesis testing, confidence intervals), and multivariate analysis.
Statistical methods help make inferences about populations from sample data, draw
conclusions, and assess the significance of results.
3. Cohort Analysis:
Cohort analysis focuses on understanding the behaviour of specific groups or cohorts over
time. It can reveal patterns, retention rates, and customer lifetime value, helping businesses
tailor their strategies.
4. Content Analysis:
It is a qualitative data analysis method used to study the content of textual, visual, or
multimedia data. Social sciences, journalism, and marketing often employ it to analyse
themes, sentiments, or patterns within documents or media. Content analysis can help
researchers gain insights from large volumes of unstructured data.
5. Factor Analysis:
Factor analysis is a technique for uncovering underlying latent factors that explain the
variance in observed variables. It is commonly used in psychology and the social sciences to
reduce the dimensionality of data and identify underlying constructs.
Process of data analysis:
Collect data
Data cleaning
Data visualization
Mother dairy Amul
Strongly agree 34 24
Agree 32 22
Neither agree nor disagree 18 18
Disagree 13 25
Strongly disagree 3 11
Total 100 100
Mother dairy
15 Amul
Strongly Agree Neither Disagree Strongly
agree agree nor disagree
From the above chart and table it is clearly evident that 34% of the respondents strongly
agree that working hours are convenient from them and 32% agree with that and 18% neither
agree nor disagree and 13% disagree with the working hours and 3% are strongly against
working. And in Amul 24% of the respondents strongly agree that working hours are
convenient from them and 22% agree with that and 18% neither agree nor disagree and 25%
disagree with the working hours and 11% are strongly against working hours.
Q.2. Safety measures provided by the company.
Mother dairy
Strongly Agree Neither Disagree Strongly
agree agree nor disagree
From the above table it is evident that the safety measures provided by the organizations are
good as 28 and 31% of the respondents agree with that and only 11& 6% disagreed and 24%
neither agreed nor disagreed. And in Amul 52% strongly agree and 28% agree with that and
3% strongly disagree and 8% disagree & 9% neither agreed nor disagreed.
Q.3. My relationship with my supervisor is cordial.
Options %
Mother dairy Amul
Strongly agree 30 34
Agree 41 20
Neither agree nor disagree 16 22
Disagree 6 15
Strongly disagree 7 9
Total 100 100
20 Mother dairy
Strongly Agree Neither Disagree Strongly
agree agree nor disagree
From the above table it is clear that relationship between employees and their supervisors are
cordial because 30% of respondents strongly agreed to it and 41% agreed to it and only 13%
disagreed and16% of respondents have neither agreed nor disagreed.
In Amul table shows that relationship between employees and their supervisors are cordial
because 34% of respondents strongly agreed to it and 20% agreed to it and only 15%
disagree, 9% strongly disagree and 22% of respondents have neither agreed nor disagreed.
Q.4. My supervisor considers my idea too while taking decision.
Options %
Mother dairy Amul
Strongly agree 26 26
Agree 43 41
Neither agree nor disagree 26 19
Disagree 2 9
Strongly disagree 3 5
Total 100 100
Mother dairy
Strongly Agree Neither Disagree Strongly
agree agree nor disagree
From the above table in Mother dairy 26 and 42% of the respondents agree that supervisors
consider their employees ideas also and only 5% disagreed and 26% neither agreed nor
disagreedandfrom the above table inAmul people have concern over each other as 26%
strongly agreed and 41% agreed and only 14% disagreed and 19% neither agreed nor
Q.5. I feel I have too much work to do:
Options %
Mother dairy Amul
Strongly agree 7 15
Agree 9 6
Neither agree nor disagree 25 35
Disagree 37 17
Strongly disagree 22 19
Total 100 100
Mother dairy
Strongly Agree Neither Disagree Strongly
agree agree nor disagree
From the above table it is quite clear that the work load is not high, 37% of the respondents
disagreed with the question” I feel I have too much work” and another 22% strongly
disagreed, 18% admits they have too much work and 23% have no idea towards this question.
And in Amul From the above table it is quite clear that the work load is not high, 17% of the
respondents disagreed with the question” I feel I have too much work” and another 19%
strongly disagreed, 21% admits they have too much work .
Q.6. I'm satisfied with the support from my co-workers.
Options %
Mother dairy
20 Amul
Strongly Agree Neither Disagree Strongly
agree agree nor disagree
From the above table it is clear that relation with co-workers is quite good as nearly 68% of
the respondents agree that they are satisfied with support from co-workers and only 16%
disagreed and 16% have no answer to this and in Amul it is clear that relation with co-
workers is quite good as nearly 38% of the respondents agree that they are satisfied with
support from co-workers and only 50% disagreed and 12% have no answer to this.
Q.7. Do you think that the job promotion in this organization is impartial?
Job promotion is impartial % of respondent
Mother dairy Amul
Strongly agree 36 52
somewhat agree 56 8
Somewhat disagree 2 8
Strongly disagree 2 8
Mother dairy
Strongly somewhat Neither Somewhat Strongly
agree agree agree nor disagree disagree
From the analysis, majority of employees are somewhat agree that the job promotion in
Mother dairy and Amul is impartial.
Q.8. Long term benefits offered by employees.
Sr.No Benefits No of % No. Of %
offered Respondents Respondents
Mother dairy Amul
1 Gratuity 17 34 23 12
2 Pension 34 28 52 42
3 Insurance 29 20 15 38
4 Others 20 18 10 8
1 Gratuity
30 2 Pension
3 Insurance
4 Others
Mother dairy Amul
The above table shows that 34% of the employees receive gratuity from the organization.
In Amul shows that 42% of the employees receive Pension from the organization.
Q.9. People here have concern from one another and tend to help one another
Options %
Strongly agree 26 35
Agree 41 29
Disagree 9 20
Strongly disagree 5 3
20 Mother dairy
Strongly Agree Neither Disagree Strongly
agree agree nor disagree
From the above table it is clear that in mother dairy people have concern over each other as
26% strongly agreed and 41% agreed and only 14% disagreed and 19% neither agreed nor
disagreed. And it is clear that in Amul people have concern over each other as 35% strongly
agreed and 29% agreed and only 23% disagreed and 13% neither agreed nor disagreed.
Q.10. I'm satisfied with the refreshment facilities
Options %
Mother dairy Amul
Strongly agree 26 35
Agree 20 43
Neither agree nor disagree 30 12
Disagree 15 8
Strongly disagree 9 2
Total 100 100
Mother dairy
Strongly Agree Neither Disagree Strongly
agree agree nor disagree
From the above table it is clear that 26% employees are strongly satisfied with the
refreshment facilities offered by the company as 15% of respondents disagreed and 9%
strongly disagreed and 30% neither agreed nor disagreed and only 20% agreed and in Amul it
is clear that 35% employees are strongly satisfied with the refreshment facilities offered by
the company as 8% of respondents disagreed and 2% strongly disagreed and 12% neither
agreed nor disagreed and 43% agreed.
1. 31% respondents replied that Amul Milk has excellent quality however
25%respondents replied that Mother Dairy Milk excellent quality, 44% respondents
replied that Amul Milk is good in terms of quality however 43% respondents replied
that Mother Dairy Milk is good in terms of quality
2. 64% respondents replied that Amul Milk is more demanding by the customer however
36% respondents replied that Mother Dairy Milk is more demanding by the customer
30% respondents replied that Amul Milk has excellent packaging in terms of safety
and attractiveness.
3. however 33% respondents replied that Mother Dairy Milk has excellent packaging in
terms of safety and attractiveness. 42% respondents replied that Amul Milk has good
packaging in terms of safety and attractiveness however 46% respondents replied that
Mother Dairy Milk has good packaging in terms of safety and attractiveness.
4. 34% respondents replied that Amul Milk is excellent in terms of nutritive values
however 30% respondents replied that Mother Dairy Milk is excellent in terms of
nutritive values. 40% respondents replied that Amul Milk is good in terms of nutritive
values however 49% respondents replied that Mother Dairy Milk is good in terms of
nutritive values.
5. 24% respondents replied that Amul Milk is excellent in terms of taste however 31%
respondents replied that Mother Dairy Milk is excellent in terms of taste. 43%
respondents replied that Amul Milk is good in terms of taste however 45%
respondents replied that Mother Dairy Milk is good in terms of taste.
Both companies can cut costs for some period of time followed immediately by
strong advertising. As we have seen during the research that most of institutions
give most preference to the margin provided to them on milk (except coffee outlets).
As the quality and taste and availability of mother dairy milk are best in market and
local milk companies’ good margin to them, Price remains the main criteria of
institutional milk sales.
Can start schemes like cash prizes or foreign trips on scratching the barcode on the
Locate the institutions using competitor’s milk and provide them attractive offers to
increase the market share so that at least the big competitors will not try to expand.
Mergers and Acquisition in the milk industry with local players help the company in
increasing its distribution network and Market share. Following this both companies
can buy the milk from local dairies taking over their business which is substantial in
terms of market share.
Both companies should introduce a mascot for the milk. This will help in easy
Brand differentiation and recognition.
a) Strongly agree
b) Agree
c) Strongly disagree
d) Disagree
Q.3. My relationship with my supervisor is cordial:
a) Strongly agree
b) Agree
c) Neither agree nor disagree
d) Disagree
Q.4. my supervisor considers my idea too while taking decision:
a) Strongly agree
b) Agree
c) Disagree
d) Strongly disagree
Q.5. I feel I have too much work to do:
a) Strongly agree
b) Disagree
c) Agree
d) Strongly disagree
Q.6. I’m satisfied with the support from my co- workers
a) Strongly agree
b) Strongly disagree
c) Agree
d) Disagree
Q.7. do you think that the job promotion in this organization is impartial?
a) Strongly agree
b) agree
c) disagree
d) strongly disagree
Q.8. long term benefits offered by employees.
a) Gratuity
b) Pension
c) Insurance
d) Others
Q.9. people here have concern from one another and trend to help one another.
a) Strongly agree
b) Agree
c) Disagree
d) Strongly disagree
Q.10. I’m satisfied with the refreshment facilities.
a) Strongly agree
b) Agree
c) Disagree
d) Strongly disagree.
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