Quay Walls

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quay walls

quay walls

Clockwise from above: Felixstowe container terminal, UK; Humber Sea Terminal, UK; Fendering system, Trinity III Extension, Port of Felixstowe, UK; Finger Jetty, Humber Sea Terminal UK;
Multi-purpose jetty cross-section, Lahad Datu, Sabah, Malaysia; Port expansion, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia.

a focus on your operational needs

Quay walls play a crucial role in the operational capacity We tailor our approach to quay wall design or rehabilitation

of ports, shipyards and other waterside facilities. However, to meet our client’s operational objectives; both now

in many cases, due to the growing number and size of and in the future. A requirement to accommodate larger

vessels, there is increasing pressure to provide more vessels may be solved by direct works, such as quay wall

efficient new infrastructure or improve the existing facilities deepening, or by operational improvements with, for

through quay wall deepening and rehabilitation. instance, the quay wall strengthened to allow for heavier,

Whether there is a need for new build, development, repair more efficient wider outreach cranes. This approach

or refurbishment, Royal Haskoning’s quay wall specialists is equally applicable to container and wet and dry bulk

use their worldwide expertise and experience to find the terminals as well as more traditional break bulk facilities.

right solutions.
Clockwise from above: General cargo berths, Turkmenbashi, Turkmenistan; Refurbishment of bauxite loading quay, Kamsar, Guinea; Balikpapan Coal Terminal, Indonesia; Combi-wall type
quay, Port of Felixstowe, UK; Combi-wall, Port of Felixstowe, Trinity III Development, UK; Trinity III Development, Port of Felixstowe, UK.

choosing the right solution

Whether for the provision of new infrastructure or the rehabilitation and upgrading works. For quay wall

rehabilitation and upgrading of existing quay wall, our deepening solutions range from toe reinforcement through

approach to selecting the right solution begins with an stress relieving, ground improvements and anchoring to

overall feasibility assessment. For new infrastructure, construction seaward of the existing berthing line. All

our designers will evaluate the operational requirements options have their particular merits for a given set of

and site conditions (marine climate, soil capacity and circumstances and each require to be considered carefully

environment considerations) to determine the most within the evaluation process.

appropriate solution is selected. Typically the solutions will The final selection of the preferred alternative is based on

range from gravity structures, (blockwork or caissons type) a multi-criteria process that recognizes both the short term

through suspended decks on piles to sheet piled or combi- and whole life costs and maintenance requirements as

type constructions. well as key factors such as disruption to existing operations

The nature and condition of existing facilities has an during construction and the potential impact on sensitive

important influence on the approach adopted for receivers in the environment.

Clockwise from above: Container berths, Thamesport, UK; International container terminal, Thamesport, UK. Photo courtesy of Thamesport (London) Ltd.; Loading platform hazardous
cargo jetty, Jahor Port, Malaysia; Quay furniture, Port of Felixstowe, UK; Liquid bulk terminals, Sapangar Bay, Malaysia; Cross-section, Thamesport, UK; Construction supervision, Barge
berths, River Danube, Rousse, Bulgaria.

ensuring maximum durability and flexibility

It is well recognised that marine structures, and in The harsh natural environment places considerable

particular quay walls, have to endure and support emphasis on the need for effective corrosion control and

operations is a very harsh physical and natural protection systems. The designs are developed around the

environment. A ship has a large moving mass, with selection of the most appropriate materials, specification of

considerable inertia, and does not always operate to protection features and establishing appropriate inspection

the prescribed berthing plan. Robustness to respond and maintenance schedules.

to these variations, cost effectively, draws heavily on the Our engineers apply the above considerations against the

experience of our designers. Equally, it is essential that underlying principle of evaluating the whole life costs of

flexibility of use is built into the structure for any new the structure; their initial investment costs as well as the

designs or rehabilitation works. Quay walls represent a longer term maintenance implications. The objective is

major infrastructure investment with a design life of several to provide our client’s with the data to make informed

decades that needs to accommodate today’s needs as well choices throughout the design process that best suits their

as tomorrows. particular cash flow and operational requirements.

Clockwise from above: Backfilling behind quay, Hidd, Bahrain; Extension to riverside berths, Tilbury, UK; Block wall cross-section, Hidd, Bahrain; Breakwater, berths and reclamation, Hidd,
Bahrain. Photo courtesy of Great Lakes Dock and Dredge; Placing cope unit to block type wall, Hidd Bahrain.

a world leader in quay wall projects

Royal Haskoning provides a wide range of services for the l A detailed design service for both traditional and

construction, rehabilitation and upgrading of quay walls design & construct contracts, including drawings and

and complementary facilities including: specifications

l Inspections above and below water as well as complete l Project management for complete projects or individual

structural appraisals and condition assessments aspects for which you require specialist support

l A range of specialist site investigations including l Site supervision and support during construction to

geotechnical, topographic and hydrographic studies. control quality, costs and programme

l Environmental impact assessments on development or One of the benefits gained from working with

new-build projects Royal Haskoning is our multi-disciplinary capability. Thanks

l Advice on the selection of appropriate procurement to our substantial resources, international presence and

methods experience, we are able to bring together the necessary

l Preparation of contract and tender documentation and expertise for each new project, no matter how large or

an involvement in appointing suitable contractors challenging it might be.

Royal Haskoning is an independent, worldwide operating professionals in a variety of disciplines allow us to

consultancy firm that has its origins in a firm established consider all technical, logistical, architectural, legal,

in 1881 in the Netherlands. The consultancy now has organisational, social, environmental and economic

a staff of 2,900 who together combine a wide range aspects of your project, in order to develop sustainable

of knowledge and experience. Rooted in a technical and practical solutions. Royal Haskoning has subsidiaries

background, our consultancy services focus on the and partners throughout the world.

broad field of the interaction between people and Through our branch and project offices in Europe and

their environment in the fields of spatial development, overseas, we have access to all major international

infrastructure & transport, architecture & building, markets. This way, Royal Haskoning offers

mechanical & electrical services, environment, water, multidisciplinary and integrated services locally, based

coastal & rivers and maritime. on experience built globally. With our personal service in

We are committed to working enthusiastically with our consultancy, we contribute effectively to the successful

clients to achieve sustainable solutions in an increasingly planning, design, implementation, commissioning and

complex society. The expertise and experience of our operation of your projects and programmes.

Royal Haskoning is a member of: Royal Haskoning is registered with: African Development Bank, Asian
ACE The Association of Consulting Engineers Development Bank, Caribbean Development Bank, European Bank
BCCB British Consultants & Construction Bureau for Reconstruction and Development, European Development Fund,
PIANC Permanent International Association of Navigation Congresses International Development Bank, Islamic Development Bank, Kuwait Fund
ICHCA International Cargo Handling Co-ordination Association for Arab Economic Development, Overseas Development Administration,
CIRIA Construction Industry Research Information Association United Nations Development Programme World Bank, and many other
British Section Funds and National Authorities.
ICID International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage
IEMA Institute of Environmental and Management Assessment
FIDIC International Federation of Consulting Engineers

thinking in all dimensions RHS 062 E/11-05  © Royal Haskoning, 2005

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