Torsion Ovarian
Torsion Ovarian
Torsion Ovarian
Background: This article discusses the management of an adolescent woman with a delayed diagnosis of adnexal
torsion (AT) whose ovaries were successfully preserved.
Case presentation: The patient was a 14-year-old female teen admitted with the chief complaint of lower abdomi‑
nal pain for 3 days and worsening pain for 2 days. Magnetic resonance imaging suggested a high possibility of torsion
in the anterosuperior uterine mass and was accompanied by severe ovarian edema, bleeding, and enlargement.
Intraoperatively, the left fallopian tube was characterized by thickening and torsion and appeared blackish purple.
The left fallopian tube paraovarian cyst was about 20 cm in size, and the left adnexa was twisted 1080° along the left
infundibulopelvic ligament (suspensory ligament of the left ovary). The left ovary appeared blackish purple, with an
enlarged diameter of about 10 cm. At the request and with the informed consent of the patient’s parents, we pre‑
served the left ovary and removed the left fallopian tube. The results of the endocrine, ultrasound, and tumor marker
tests were normal 1 month after surgery. Follicles and blood flow signals seen in ultrasound examinations indirectly
proved the successful preservation of the left ovary in the follow-up.
Conclusions: Our attempt to preserve the ovaries in an adolescent with a delayed diagnosis of AT was successful.
Keywords: Ovary preservation, Delayed diagnosis, Adnexal torsion, Adolescent, Case report
Background < 20 years, and 46% of cases in adolescents only had tor-
Adnexal torsion (AT) is an anatomical translocation of sion of the ovary, without ovarian cysts [2]. The most
the ovaries and/or fallopian tubes along the axis of the common clinical presentation of AT is the sudden onset
infundibulopelvic ligament and the suspensory liga- of localized lower abdominal pain with or without nau-
ments of the ovaries, resulting in partial or total obstruc- sea and vomiting. Ultrasonography, computed tomogra-
tion of the blood supply to the ovary. It is ranked as the phy (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and other
fifth most common acute abdomen in gynecological examinations have auxiliary significance in diagnosing
practice [1, 2]. AT can occur in women of any age, but AT.
it mostly occurs in women of childbearing age, followed With improvements in the understanding of AT, sev-
by children and adolescents, with 30% being girls aged eral studies have shown that recovery of ovarian function
is possible after torsion release, regardless of the visual
appearance of the AT [1, 3]. Therefore, once AT is sus-
*Correspondence: [email protected] pected, prompt diagnostic surgery should be performed
Department of Gynecological Oncology, Beijing Obstetrics and Gynecology
to release the torsion and preserve ovarian function and
Hospital, Capital Medical University. Beijing Maternal and Child Health Care fertility as much as possible. At present, there is a new
Hospital, Dongcheng District, 17 Qihelou Street, Beijing 100006, China understanding of the early diagnosis of AT and the choice
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He et al. BMC Women’s Health (2022) 22:421 Page 2 of 6
of surgical approach. This article discusses the manage- anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH), 6.39 [0.24–11.78]
ment of an adolescent woman with a delayed diagnosis of ng/mL.
AT who had successful ovarian preservation. 4. Enhanced MRI: The left uterine horn was stretched
upward, the uterine fundus was approximately
4.3 × 3.0 × 5.1 cm in size, and a solid mass was
Case presentation seen in the anterosuperior uterus, approximately
The patient was a 14-year-old female teen admitted with 10.3 × 6.4 × 11.5 cm in size, showing iso-T1, a short
a chief complaint of lower abdominal pain for 3 days, T2 predominantly mixed signal, a flocculent long T2
which exacerbated for 2 days. Menarche had occurred signal, and a low signal on DWI, with small cystic foci
at 10 years of age, the patient had regular menstruation, scattered in the periphery, non-enhanced or mildly
and her last menstrual period was on January 10, 2022. heterogeneous, strengthening on enhanced MRI,
Three days before admission, she experienced sponta- and another larger cystic foci with long T1 and long
neous, dull pain in the lower abdomen after changing T2 signals that were connected with the above solid
posture. Ultrasonography conducted in another hospital mass, measuring approximately 19.2 × 9.9 × 14.2 cm,
showed a large cyst on the right side of the pelvis meas- with a thick and enhanced cystic wall on enhanced
uring 19.6 × 9.6 cm. Moderate to low echogenicity with MRI, and pelvic effusion. No abnormally enlarged
an area of about 11.5 × 6.3 cm was observed in the mid- lymph nodes were seen in the pelvis and bilateral
upper pelvic cavity; she sought medical attention at our inguinal regions. Diagnostic conclusions included
hospital. Two days before admission (the date of admis- a solid mass in the anterosuperior uterus and an
sion was January 10, 2022), she experienced increased enlarged left ovary; the right upper cystic mass was
abdominal pain with hypothermia and vomiting, but diz- considered a left ovarian cystic mass, and the possi-
ziness, headache, palpitations, and shortness of breath bility of torsion in the left ovary and its cystic mass
were absent. She did not undergo diagnosis or treatment was high and accompanied by severe ovarian edema,
for personal reasons and underwent consultation at our bleeding, enlargement, and pelvic effusion.
department for further pelvic examination. A gynecologi-
cal examination showed abdominal distension, a palpable The intraoperative condition (Fig. 1) was as follows:
mass, positive tenderness, and rebound tenderness. She small amounts of cool yellowish fluid were found in
denied any history of chronic diseases, drug allergies, the pelvis, the left fallopian tube was characterized by
surgery, or blood transfusions.
At the time of admission, her temperature, blood pres-
sure, and pulse rate were 37.7 °C, 140–145/80–90 mmHg,
and 80–90 beats/minute, respectively. On physical exam-
ination, abdominal distension, fixed lower abdominal
tenderness, rebound tenderness, and shifting dullness
were negative. Gynecological examination (anal examina-
tion) revealed a mass that could be palpated at the pel-
vis, positive and rebound tenderness, and smooth rectal
The ancillary examinations were as follows:
summary norms and guidelines on AT regarding clinical of AT more accurate and prompt [11]. However, it is
presentation, differential diagnosis, treatment, and fol- unknown whether the reduced ovary is congested, edem-
low-up. Two expert consensuses emphasize that age is a atous, or even necrotic due to ischemia, which will have
critical factor for selecting torsional reduction or adnexal more serious consequences if there is secondary infec-
resection and that premenopausal patients should tion or rejection.
undergo routine AT reduction with preservation of the Another concern is that the preserved ovaries still have
affected adnexa, even if the ovary is purplish black and the potential for future re-torsion. In addition, whether
necrosis is suspected when observed intraoperatively by or not to perform ovarian fixation still needs to be deter-
the naked eye. In some cases, the ovary’s color does not mined in a study with a large sample size. In our patient,
return to normal immediately after reduction but takes we unfortunately removed a unilateral fallopian tube that
36 h to do so after torsion release [2]. Adnexal resection was edematous, severely deformed, and possibly severely
should be considered for postmenopausal patients whose impaired in function; however, fortunately, the ovary was
ovarian function has severely reduced and whose adnexal preserved. We observed normal ovarian structures and
masses have a relatively high chance of malignancy. ovulation under ultrasonography during the follow-up
The guidelines of the Royal College of Obstetri- monitoring, indirectly proving the feasibility that even
cians and Gynecologists suggest that in premenopau- purplish-black ovaries should be preserved. Moreover,
sal women, adnexal masses > 7 cm in diameter have an we realized that based on the pathological findings, it was
increased risk of rupture and therefore require elective not difficult to guess that this young patient could have
surgical management [6]. Moreover, the mean diameter had a comorbid paraovarian cyst that had twisted after
of the adnexa (encapsulated mass) was 6.2 cm higher in activity, resulting in ovarian congestion, edema, and even
patients with AT than the mean diameter (4.2 cm) of the ischemic necrosis, but the ovary itself did not have any
adnexa (including the mass) in those without torsion lesion. The function of the twisted ovary could be pre-
[OR 95% CI 2.88 (1.15–7.21)]; hence, the diameter of the served if we performed reduction alone, but postopera-
adnexa (including the mass) being > 6 cm was considered tive clot absorption would increase the risk of fever or
the surgery threshold [6]. even infection, and the enlarged appendage would lead to
re-torsion. The follow-up results proved that this method
Concerns regarding preserved ovaries after ovarian torsion could increase the success of ovary preservation while
Most scholars view that the intraoperative finding of a partially retaining the function of the left ovary. In the lit-
darkened ovary means that it is necrotic, AT reduction erature, the overall incidence of recurrence of AT (rAT)
increases the incidence of thromboembolic events, and in female teens was reported to be low, approximately
surgical treatment is mostly performed by resection of 2–12% [8]. A study reported [12] that three risk factors
the affected adnexa, which has led to many unnecessary are associated with AT: enlarged adnexa, preservation of
adnexal resections. The reported incidence of pulmonary the ovaries in the previous surgery, and in vitro fertiliza-
embolism after AT was only 0.2%, and AT reduction did tion (IVF) treatment. Cohort studies have shown that the
not increase the incidence of thromboembolic events incidence of adnexal re-torsion without the combination
[7]. The intraoperative coloration of the ovaries under of these high-risk factors, with one, two, or three high-
the naked eye is also not a reliable basis for determin- risk factors, was 44.4, 67.9, 82.9, and 100%, respectively.
ing whether the ovary is necrotic [8, 9]. Several studies Women who are at high risk for these factors should be
have shown that an ovary that was found to be severely closely monitored, especially if they require IVF, and, if
ischemic during surgery can return to normal function necessary, laparoscopic exploration should be performed.
after reduction [10]. However, in clinical practice, when In our patient, the adnexal cyst was seen intraopera-
we see the black and purple appendages after torsion and tively to be a paraovarian cyst and was large enough to
the infundibulopelvic ligament is filled with a purplish cause overall torsion of the left adnexa, and the ovary was
blood clot, any doctor may find it difficult to reduce and edematous, congested, and even necrotic due to progres-
preserve the appendage. Although the risk of thrombosis sive ischemia. We did not see a solid mass during intra-
is very low, it will seriously endanger the lives of young operative dissection of the ovary; hence, we removed
women if it occurs. Further validation is required to see the left ovarian necrosis and clots, and a drainage tube
if the ovarian function is retained after preservation. was inserted into the pelvis, which reduced the probabil-
The only thing that can help determine the recovery of ity of postoperative infection and fever, reduced the size
the ovaries is their size and ovulation under ultrasound of the ovary, and reduced the likelihood of recurrence
monitoring—absent Doppler flow is a sign of ovarian of adnexal re-torsion. If the female teen had undergone
necrosis. Clinical correlation between ultrasonography early detection and treatment of the paraovarian cyst,
findings and the patient’s symptoms makes the diagnosis she might not have been in such a passive situation, with
He et al. BMC Women’s Health (2022) 22:421 Page 5 of 6
the left fallopian tube necrotic and severely twisted, lead- scientific knowledge should be imparted so that girls will
ing to its removal and the left ovarian function being not be embarrassed if they develop abdominal pain and
severely affected. Therefore, we recommend performing discomfort and will instead seek timely medical attention.
laparoscopic exploration in female teens who are found
to have adnexal cysts, if the adnexal diameter (including Possible surgical method of ovarian torsion
the mass) is > 6 cm, and persists for 3 months (excluding Regarding the choice of surgical approach in the consen-
physiological ones), or if it is accompanied by discom- sus, laparoscopic exploratory surgery was suggested to be
fort such as dull pain in the lower abdomen with adnexal used as the first choice. However, the ovary and cyst will
cysts persistence. Although the incidence is extremely increase dramatically after adnexal mass necrosis and
low, it indirectly suggests that paraovarian cysts should torsion. Often, the adnexal mass is about 20 cm in diam-
not be ignored. Periovarian cysts and surgery should be eter, and the thickening of the infundibulopelvic is often
recommended if there is intraoperative or imaging evi- accompanied by thrombosis, which might cause signifi-
dence of persistent and enlarged masses. cant difficulties for laparoscopic surgery. The surround-
The following reasons are summarized in the case of ing structures cannot be seen clearly, and it is easy to
our adolescent female teen who successfully preserved cause collateral damage. Whether laparoscopic surgery
her ovaries: (1) The time to torsion was about 72 h, and has absolute advantages over small-incision open sur-
we found that the AT was quickly treated surgically to gery needs to be examined, but laparoscopic surgery is
give adequate time for the recovery of the torsioned a good option if used only as an experimental procedure
adnexa. The longer the interval between the onset of AT to provide an opportunity for adnexal reduction. Even
and surgical treatment, the greater the likelihood of ovar- if adnexal masses with diameters > 10 cm have a higher
ian damage. Therefore, emergency surgical intervention chance of intraoperative spillage, this does not implicate
is required once AT is diagnosed. The time between the an a priori need for proceeding with open surgery, par-
disruption of the adnexal blood supply and irreversible ticularly when the risk of malignancy is low. The presence
ovarian damage is unclear; however, some studies have of ascites and the size of the lesion associated with a high
suggested that ovarian function may still be restored level of CA 125 affected the correct assessment of the
beyond 72 h of AT, but most believe that ovarian func- risk of malignancy, exposing the patient to overtreatment
tion begins to decline dramatically after 48–72 h [9]. [13]. Considering the confirmed advantage in operative
Early and rapid surgical intervention can better protect time and intraoperative blood loss [14], current evidence
ovarian function and fertility. (2) The patient was young suggests performing laparoscopic ovarian detorsion;
in good physical condition, had an abundant blood sup- although this procedure is acceptable, we must keep in
ply to the ovaries, and recovered quickly. (3) The patient’s mind that ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) injury can extend
family cooperated, and the patient received follow-up and worsen ischemic and necrotic damage [15].
and a second surgery, giving the surgeon confidence and Our patient underwent emergency surgery, and the
creating a chance to preserve the ovary successfully. (4) preoperative investigation of the adnexal mass revealed
We administered anti-inflammatory and anti-thrombotic that the size of the mass reached the level of the umbili-
treatment before and after the surgery to prevent infec- cus, the mass was huge, and the patient was considered
tion and thromboembolism. to have a true cyst present with an unknown multi-com-
Currently, there are no guidelines on the prevention of partment-like nature; hence, a longitudinal small-incision
AT for female teens in the expert AT consensus. For ado- open surgery was performed. However, in retrospect, it
lescent women who have had their menarche before aged may have been feasible if laparoscopic exploration had
< 20 years, parents and schools often neglect gynecologi- been performed at that time, the left fallopian tube was
cal examinations during routine physical examinations resected after reduction, and the left ovary was pre-
because they have not yet started becoming sexually served. Ovarian function can be observed after waiting
active, and because there are more activities and sports at 6–8 weeks to decide on the follow-up treatment.
this age. Cysts also grow gradually with age; hence, they
are often detected only when they are huge and affect Conclusions
patients’ lives or when they are found to have reached We experienced several cases of ovarian cyst torsion in
an acute stage such as torsion or rupture. The symp- adolescent women in the last year. After the reduction in
toms are also atypical and are easily missed and misdi- adolescents and children, the symptoms are not typical,
agnosed. Therefore, prevention is more important than and many patients are found to have purplish-black ova-
the treatment of children and female teens, and it is rec- ries. Some of these affected girls lose unilateral adnexa,
ommended to increase gynecological ultrasound screen- which is deplorable. Our attempt to preserve the ova-
ings every year. Moreover, physiological health-related ries in adolescents with delayed diagnosis of AT was
He et al. BMC Women’s Health (2022) 22:421 Page 6 of 6
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