Evolving Cyber Risk in A Covid 19 World
Evolving Cyber Risk in A Covid 19 World
Evolving Cyber Risk in A Covid 19 World
INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................ 2
CONCLUSION ................................................................................................................................................ 9
Toby DeRoche, CIA, CCSA, CRMA, CICA, CFE, is a solution consultant at Wolters Kluwer. His
professional background includes identification and documentation of weaknesses that result in
heightened business risk, while recommending solutions to such situations. Throughout his career,
Toby has assisted numerous internal audit departments create, perform, and supervise financial,
operational, and compliance audits to evaluate control frameworks, financial systems, and
operating procedures.
The COVID-19 pandemic unleashed a perfect storm of events that exposed organizations to increased cyber
risk vulnerability with both emerging and atypical cyber risks. Employees are juggling job responsibilities with
concern for the safety of themselves and their families. The workforce has transitioned to remote work with
little or no preparation and training. Organizations are focused on surviving with massive revenue reductions
and global economic upheaval. With this much chaos, hackers and other cyber criminals have an opportunity
to capitalize on our vulnerability. The increased risk is so significant that even the U.S. Federal Bureau of
Investigation (FBI) and Department of Defense (DoD) have issued warnings for remote workers.
To help internal auditors remain vigilant regarding cyber risk both during and after the COVID-19 pandemic,
this paper examines many of the situations that require heightened awareness. By no means is this an
exhaustive list, but rather an effort to prompt your evaluation of cyber risks in today’s environment and start
thinking ahead for the post-pandemic world.
Organizations spend enormous effort creating a secure IT environment to protect their network and data. The
moment employees relocate from the office to their homes for work, much of the secure environment is
bypassed and a host of new exposure points opens. A typical home for a family of three can have an amazingly
complex network with multiple desktop computers, laptops, printers, tablets, phones and other mobile devices,
gaming systems, home alarms, thermostats, smart speakers, and other devices. By introducing remote work,
the situation expands with additional laptops and company phones. “With the increased telework capability
comes an increased attack surface for our adversaries. They are already taking advantage of the situation
and the environment that we have on hand,” said Essye Miller, deputy CIO for the Department of Defense. 1
From an organizational point of view, your digital footprint just expanded exponentially, and so did your cyber
Network Security
As a first step, all employees must secure their home network. By securing their Wi-Fi, it is more difficult for
anyone with malicious intent to spy on network traffic. The network password should be revisited to ensure it
meets complexity guidelines. Many network passwords were established by internet service provider
technicians as phone numbers or addresses and never changed. With basic home networks, remote workers
will still be cut off from the firewalls, security patches, and backups that come from being in the office.
To access any organizational data, employees should be required to use a VPN with multifactor authentication.
If you use a remote desktop to access organizational data, only specific IP addresses should be whitelisted
by your IT department.
One of the threats to network security comes from downloading third-party software. Remote employees often
struggle when they feel cut off from the tools and access they had in the office. They may even try to find ways
around these limitations with free software options. For example, they want to have face-to-face conversations
like they had in the office, so they might download web conferencing tools, like Zoom or Bluejeans.
Unfortunately, some of these platforms can be hacked,2 exposing your organization to cyber criminals.
Communication tools should be restricted to only those approved by your IT department.
Personal Devices
In some cases, the decision to move to remote work must be made quickly. Either by design or by necessity,
employees may need to use personal devices to complete their work. Those devices may not meet your
security measures, especially when handling confidential data or personally identifiable information (PII) from
DOD Warns of Cyber Risks as Employees Work From Home
Zoom Meetings Keep Getting Hacked. Here’s How to Prevent ‘Zoom Bombing’ on Your Video Chats
employees and customers. If your organization does not have a bring your own device (BYOD) policy, 3 one
should be established immediately. The policy should address approved device types, use of VPN, end point
controls, mobile wiping of data, support expectations, password rules, and encryption. Many employees are
surprised to learn that companies often reserve the right to perform a remote data wipe on their personal
mobile device if they used that device for work and then end their employment. Make sure the policy is very
clear and everyone understands it.
Phishing Schemes
When employees use personal equipment or cannot gain access to the network with a work laptop, there may
be limitations with pushing out security patches or updates. If this is the case, work with your IT security team
to discuss disallowing personal equipment and other methods for pushing out updates to organization-
managed devices.
To make matters worse, there is a significant increase in phishing schemes targeting remote workers. Many
of these are emails claiming to have personal protective equipment, such as masks and face shields. If your
home-based employees are checking personal email on their work laptops, they could easily expose your
network to malicious code from a phishing attack. All laptops sent home with employees should have firewalls
and strong antivirus protections to prevent threats from entering your system and to detect, and hopefully
remove, the ones that ultimately do get through.
Recent phishing attacks use COVID-19 fears to lure unsuspecting victims.4 One group, calling themselves
Mustang Panda, used phishing that contained a compressed Windows archive file that they claimed had
statements on the pandemic from the prime minister of Vietnam. When the file was opened, it was an innocent
looking Word document that was actually running macros in the background to initiate a command-and-control
attack. Since the computer could sit behind the network firewall, the criminal now has access to network data
or could choose to shut down the network entirely.
Create a Mobile BYOD Policy for the Coronavirus Pandemic
Nation-State Hackers Using COVID-19 Fears to Spread Malware
The increased exposure from remote working also puts your organization at risk for noncompliance to privacy
laws, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) or the Health Insurance Portability and
Accountability Act (HIPAA). Again, thinking through a common scenario, an employee may not have a
dedicated workspace in the home for working remotely. In this case, he or she may work in a dining room or
living room with other family members. If this individual routinely handles confidential data, especially if the
job requires discussing confidential information on calls, the risk of violating the physical safeguards section
of HIPAA is extremely high.5
Risk exposure with confidential data is even more complicated if your remote workforce includes IT support
staff who may be accessing client systems for troubleshooting. Troubleshooting often requires remote viewing
of the client’s desktop or sharing screen prints. These activities can easily cause unintentional data breaches,
and if the remote worker is using a personal device, the data exposure can be even more significant.
With regulations like HIPAA, internal audit has an obligation to perform both routine and incident-based audits.
We need to be prepared to act quickly to review the working environment for our remote workers to ensure an
appropriate level of security is in place.
Meeting HIPAA Requirements When Working Remotely
Outside our own organizations, we may also face increased third-party cyber risks. For software as a service
(SaaS) solutions, we typically depend on service organization controls (SOC) reports to validate our
technology vendor’s control framework. If our vendors are also moving their workforce to a remote
environment, we need to ensure their control environment is up to standard if we are going to rely on those
The service provider should have developed security policies and procedures that cover:
Securing of physical access to and within the facility by employees, vendors, and visitors
Standards for reception areas, perimeters, surveillance, security guards, and security patrols
Movement of assets
The control could be perfectly designed for the vendor’s facility, but when employees are working remotely,
you simply cannot guarantee the same level of control. Friends, family, repairmen, and others will come in
and out of the worker’s home.
We should look for best practices,6 such as:
The goal is to ensure vendors have mitigated risks on their end so we can continue to rely on their control
Source: OnRisk 2020: A Guide to Understanding, Aligning, and Optimizing Risk. Lake Mary, FL: The
Institute of Internal Auditors, 2019.
SOC 2 Academy: Access Controls for Remote Employees
Decreased Focus on Cyber Risks
Remote workers are doing their best to stay engaged with work, but the health and well-being of their families
and themselves will always take precedence. When parents are anxious about finding groceries, working with
their children on their remote schoolwork, and dealing with the increased stress in life, following good cyber
practices may not be their highest priority.
Businesses, in turn, are dealing with drastically reduced revenue and trying to remain viable. Many have shut
down all support functions, furloughed all but a handful of employees, and reduced the pay for those who
remain. All hiring and spending is frozen for the foreseeable future. When financial risk is at its highest, cyber
risk ranks lower in a relative assessment. IT security teams are often working with absolute minimum staff
levels, so they are prioritizing where their time will be spent, and this will be stretched thinner by having to
secure a newly remote workforce.
If you do allow the use of personal devices, make sure the hardware has appropriate security
controls, and these controls should be supported by a BYOD policy.
Require training on common security measures, like protecting devices and password complexity.
Require training for handling personal information from both employees and customers.
Review policies for using only approved web meeting and data exchange sites.
Review with vendor risk management the critical SaaS vendors to ensure SOC reports are still valid
in the updated work environment.
Review the business continuity plan in case of a data breach caused by internal or external remote
Check with your risk management team to ensure you have cybersecurity liability insurance in case
there is an exposure.
Review the level of staffing and decisions made regarding staffing for IT security and support
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ABOUT TeamMate
As part of the Tax and Accounting Division of Wolters Kluwer, TeamMate helps professionals in all industries at organizations around the
world manage audit and compliance risks and business issues by providing targeted, configurable, and efficient software solutions.
Solutions include TeamMate+ Audit, TeamMate+ Audit Public Sector, TeamMate+ Controls, and TeamMate Analytics. Together, this
ecosystem of solutions provides organizations with the combined assurance they need to manage all aspects of risk identification and
assessment, electronic working paper creation and management, controls framework management, and data analysis. For more
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The Internal Audit Foundation and The Institute of Internal Auditors publish this document for informational and educational purposes. This
material is not intended to provide definitive answers to specific individual circumstances and as such is only intended to be used as a
guide. The Foundation and The IIA recommend seeking independent expert advice relating directly to any specific situation. The
Foundation and The IIA accept no responsibility for anyone placing sole reliance on this material.
Copyright © 2020 by the Internal Audit Foundation, formerly The Institute of Internal Auditors Research Foundation (IIARF). All rights
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