HW#2 of Porous Media Course

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Transport in Porous Media

Sharif University of Technology,

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering Department
HW#2: Permeability, Carman-Kozeni Eq., Turbulence Flow, Friction Factor

1. Ideal Soil Model. Consider a porous medium consisting of spheres of distance 1mm in simple-
cubic packing.
a) What is the genus per particle of the pack?
b) What is Z, the void space coordination number?
c) What is Zs, the solid matrix coordination number?
d) What is the porosity, φ?
e) The specific surface area?
f) compute the following "pore diameter" ; the Carman-Kozeny (CK) equivalent tube
diameter, and the diameter ds of the largest sphere which would pass through the pore
g) What is the permeability K in cm 2 and in darcies of the packing as given by CK
equation with constant τkps = 5?
h) If Darcy's law becomes invalid when the Reynold's number exceeds unity, where the
length scale in the Reynold's number is taken to be the CK diameter, what is the highest
pressure gradient in atm/cm for which Darcy's law still holds for this packing, if the fluid
is water?

2. For a porous medium model consisting of a series arrangement of cylindrical capillary tubes
show that the permeability K is given by
d 
K ,
1 2
2 1 1  1 1 
d    6 df (d )    2 df (d ) 

0 d  0 d 
Assume Poiseuille (laminar) flow in each capillary. f(d) is the cumulative pore size distribution

3. Kozeny-Carmen equation for spheroids.

a) Derive the Kozeny-Carmen equation for a porous medium made of oblate spheroids (ellipses
rotated about their minor axes). For these particles the surface area S of the spheroids is
b 1  
S  2a 2   ln 
 1  
And the volume V is
V  a 2 b
In these equations, a and b are the distances from the particle center to the major and minor
vertices, respectively (a>b), and ε is the eccentricity (ε<=1) defined as

a2  b2
b) Show that the permeability of the medium is a weak function of particle shape for ε<0.5 by
plotting k/k0 versus ε (ε = 0 is a sphere), where k0 = k (ε = 0). A valid comparison is possible
only if the spheres and oblate particles have equal volume.

4. Flow through inhomogeneous porous media. Consider a sample of length L of an

inhomogeneous, isotropic porous medium in which permeability varies along the length
according to the relation
k  k 0 1  ax  ,
 L/2  x  L/2
From Darcy's law and the continuity equation for one-dimensional flow of incompressible fluid,
derive formulae for
a) The volumetric average velocity of fluid of viscosity μ under an applied potential difference
b) The effective permeability of the sample.

5. Absolute permeability of a core sample is being measured by water flooding. The core sample
is mounted in a transparent cylindrical tube, as shown in the figure below, and the air-water
surface is monitored as function of time. The tube is placed in a vertical position and the water is
assumed to flow through the whole core sample, evenly distributed over the surface. Calculate
the absolute permeability of the sample when the air–water surface uses 400 seconds to move 18

6. A 2ft3 carbonate reservoir rock sample from the Permian basin, Texas, was analyzed for
different rock properties. It was found that the rock is naturally fractured and contains four
parallel fractures of 0.003-in. width. The matrix has a permeability of 2 mD. If flow through the
sample is maintained in the direction of the fractures, calculate:
a. Permeability of the fractures.
b. Average permeability of the rock.
c. Flow rate through fractures and matrix if pressure gradient through sample is 7.5 psia and the
viscosity of the fluid is 0.85 cP.

7. A consolidated core 3cm in diameter and 8cm long has a permeability of 174 mD and porosity
of 15%. This core sample was subjected to a linear turbulent flow test using air ( 0.023 cP)
a. What is the mass flow rate of air in g/s if the inlet and outlet pressures are 125 psia and 14.7
psia, respectively? Assume ideal gas behavior and a temperature of 75'F.
b. Find the volumetric flow rate at the mean pressure.
c. Repeat (a) using the friction factor plot for porous and permeable
d. Calculate the mass flow rate (qm) using appropriate correlations

8. A linear gas reservoir is pictured below.

The flow rate of the gas from the left side (side A) is 100 Mscf/D (100,000 cu ft/day at standard
conditions) and PA is 3500 psia.

a) Compute the average permeability, k ave, of the reservoir.

b) Compute the normalized pseudopressure for the gas property given on the next page. Use the
following definition of pseudopressure
p 1
p p ( p )   n Bn  dp
p base B

Use pn = 5000 psia in this calculation.

Recall the trapezoidal rule:
x2 n

 f ( x)dx   Ai
i 1

Ai   f ( xi )  f ( xi 1 ) ( xi  xi 1 )

c) Compute pB using the pseudopressure gas flow equation. Note that p p(pB) is the intermediate
result, you must get pB from interpolation technique.

Gas property data

γg = 18.82/28.96 = 0.65, T 2000 F, Tsc = 60 0F, Psc = 14.7 psia
Pressure, psia Viscosity, cp Bg (RB/Mscf)
14.7 0.01351 226.4
500 0.0139 6.393
1000 0.01459 3.094
1500 0.01552 2.013
2000 0.01665 1.490
2500 0.01794 1.19
3000 0.01935 1.001
3500 0.02081 0.8746
4000 0.0223 0.7848
4500 0.02377 0.7187
5000 0.02521 0.6684

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